Vol - VI Road Signs and Markings - v1.0 - DraftFinal
Vol - VI Road Signs and Markings - v1.0 - DraftFinal
Vol - VI Road Signs and Markings - v1.0 - DraftFinal
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Federal Ministry of Works
Highway Manual Part 1: Design
Volume VI:
Road Traffic Signs and Road
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PREFACE ............................................................................................................................. 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 1
SUMMARY OF TERMINOLOGY........................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES ................................................................................ 3
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Road Signs and Markings in Nigeria ...................................................................... 3
1.3 International Road Signs and Markings ................................................................. 4
1.4 Requirements and Principles for Traffic Signs and Road Markings ........................ 4
1.5 Classification of Roads, Traffic Signs and Road Markings ..................................... 5
Chapter 2. TRAFFIC SIGNS............................................................................................ 8
2.1 Regulatory Signs (Prohibitory) ............................................................................... 8
2.2 Regulatory Signs (Mandatory) ............................................................................. 15
2.3 Warning Signs ..................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Information Signs ................................................................................................. 31
2.5 Temporary Road Signs ........................................................................................ 37
Chapter 3. ROAD MARKINGS ...................................................................................... 39
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 39
3.2 Regulatory Markings ............................................................................................ 39
3.2.1 Stop Lines .................................................................................................... 39
3.2.2 Yield Line (Give Way Line) ........................................................................... 40
3.2.3 Pedestrian Crossings ................................................................................... 40
3.2.4 No Overtaking Lines .................................................................................... 41
3.2.5 No Crossing Line ......................................................................................... 45
3.2.6 Channelising Line ........................................................................................ 46
3.2.7 Painted Islands ............................................................................................ 47
3.2.8 Left Edge / Right Edge Lines ....................................................................... 50
3.2.9 Parking Bays ................................................................................................ 51
3.2.10 Direction Arrows........................................................................................... 52
3.2.11 Exclusive Use Lane ..................................................................................... 53
3.3 Warning Markings ................................................................................................ 54
3.3.1 Dividing Lines .............................................................................................. 54
3.3.2 Yield Marking ............................................................................................... 55
3.4 Guidance Markings .............................................................................................. 55
3.4.1 Traffic Lane Markings .................................................................................. 56
3.4.2 Continuity Line ............................................................................................. 56
3.4.3 Guide Lines .................................................................................................. 57
3.4.4 Word Markings ............................................................................................. 58
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3.5 Other Delineation Devices ................................................................................... 58
3.5.1 Roadstuds (Cats Eyes) .............................................................................. 58
3.5.2 Guardrail (Crash barrier) Delineators ........................................................... 59
Chapter 4. TRAFFIC SIGNALS ..................................................................................... 60
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 60
4.2 Vehicle Signal Indications .................................................................................... 61
4.2.1 Red Light Signals ......................................................................................... 61
4.2.2 Yellow Light Signals ..................................................................................... 61
4.2.3 Green Light Signals ..................................................................................... 61
4.2.4 Yellow and Red Light Signals Shown Together ............................................ 62
4.2.5 Flashing or other Modes of Operation .......................................................... 62
4.2.6 Arrangement of Light Signals ....................................................................... 62
4.2.7 Pedestrian and Pedal Cyclist Signals ........................................................... 63
4.3 Location and Visibility of Traffic Signals ............................................................... 63
4.3.1 Number and Location of Traffic Signal Faces ............................................... 63
4.3.2 Visibility and Mounting of Traffic Signal Faces ............................................. 64
4.4 Traffic Signal Timings and Phasing ...................................................................... 68
4.5 Warrants for Traffic Signals ................................................................................. 68
5.1 Longitudinal Placement ....................................................................................... 71
5.1.1 Longitudinal Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs ........................... 71
5.1.2 Longitudinal Placement of Information Signs ............................................... 72
5.2 Lateral and Vertical Placement ............................................................................ 79
5.2.1 Lateral Placement ........................................................................................ 79
5.2.2 Vertical Placement ....................................................................................... 83
5.3 Sizes of Regulatory and Warning Signs ............................................................... 84
5.4 Design of Information Signs ................................................................................. 84
5.5 Typical Applications at Intersections .................................................................... 88
5.6 Checklist for Road Design - Traffic Signs and Markings Drawings ....................... 94
Chapter 6. MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION .............................................................. 98
6.1 Traffic Sign Materials ........................................................................................... 98
6.2 Road Marking Materials ....................................................................................... 98
6.3 Installation of Road Signs .................................................................................... 99
Chapter 7. Works Cited ............................................................................................... 101
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Table 1-1: Nigeria Road Classification .................................................................................. 5
Table 3-1: Barrier Sight Distance for No Overtaking Line .................................................... 42
Table 3-2: Recommended Symbol Lengths ........................................................................ 52
Table 3-3: Module Dimension for Dividing Line ................................................................... 54
Table 3-4: Module Dimension for Lane Line ........................................................................ 56
Table 4-1: Sight Distances for Warning Signs ..................................................................... 64
Table 5-1: Sight Distances for Warning Signs ..................................................................... 71
Table 5-2: Distance of Advance Direction Signs from a Road Junction ............................... 73
Table 5-3: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Regulatory and Warning Signs) ......... 81
Table 5-4: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Ground Mounted Information Signs) .. 82
Table 5-5: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Overhead Mounted Information Signs)
........................................................................................................................................... 83
Table 5-6: Sizes of Regulatory Signs .................................................................................. 84
Table 5-7: Sizes of Warning Signs ...................................................................................... 84
Table 5-8: Recommended (Average) Letter Sizes Rural Roads ....................................... 86
Table 5-9: Recommended (Average) Letter Sizes Urban Roads ...................................... 86
Table 5-10: Signs and Markings Check List ........................................................................ 95
Table 6-1: Example Supporting Structure for Signs ........................................................... 100
Figure 1-1: Signs Classification ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 3-1: Stop Line........................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-2: Yield Line .......................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-3: Pedestrian Crossing .......................................................................................... 41
Figure 3-4: No Overtaking Lines for Vertical Curves ........................................................... 43
Figure 3-5: No Overtaking Lines for Horizontal Curves ....................................................... 44
Figure 3-6:No Overtaking Line ............................................................................................ 45
Figure 3-7: No Crossing Line .............................................................................................. 45
Figure 3-8: Channelising Line ............................................................................................. 46
Figure 3-9: Typical Channelising line at an Exit Ramp ........................................................ 47
Figure 3-10: Painted Island ................................................................................................. 48
Figure 3-11: Left Edge / Right Edge Lines ........................................................................... 51
Figure 3-12: Parking Bays ................................................................................................... 52
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Figure 3-13: Arrow Marking Template ................................................................................. 53
Figure 3-14: Exclusive Lane ................................................................................................ 54
Figure 3-15: Dividing Line ................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-16: Yield Marking .................................................................................................. 55
Figure 3-17: Traffic Lane Marking ....................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-18: Continuity Line ................................................................................................ 57
Figure 3-19: Guide Lines ..................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3-20: Template for Word Marking ............................................................................. 58
Figure 4-1: Nigerian Traffic Light System ............................................................................ 61
Figure 4-2: Example of Steady Arrow Signals ..................................................................... 61
Figure 4-3: Standard Signal Face ....................................................................................... 62
Figure 4-4: Signal Face with Arrows .................................................................................... 62
Figure 4-5: Signal Groups ................................................................................................... 63
Figure 4-6: Standard Post Mounting .................................................................................... 65
Figure 4-7: Extended Post Mounting ................................................................................... 66
Figure 4-8: Overhead (Cantilever) Mounting ....................................................................... 66
Figure 4-9: Mounting of a Pedestrian or Pedal Cycle Light Signal ....................................... 67
Figure 4-10: Example of Traffic Signal Layout Plan ............................................................. 67
Figure 5-1: Junction Information Sign Sequence: Class A or F Road .................................. 72
Figure 5-2: Ground Mounted Exit Direction Signs: Class E Road Access Interchange ........ 74
Figure 5-3: Off-Ramp Direction Signing .............................................................................. 75
Figure 5-4: Ground Mounted Cross Direction Sign Sequence Diamond Interchange ....... 76
Figure 5-5: Overhead Exit Direction Sign Sequence Access Interchange ........................ 77
Figure 5-6: Overhead Direction Sign Sequence: Systems Interchange ............................... 78
Figure 5-7: Ground Mounted Cross Road Direction Sign Sequence Parclo Interchange .. 79
Figure 5-8: Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs (Shoulder) ................................... 80
Figure 5-9 Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs (Kerb and Sidewalk) .................... 81
Figure 5-10: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Beyond Usable Shoulder) .. 82
Figure 5-11: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Class E and A Roads) ....... 82
Figure 5-12: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Class A Roads) ................. 82
Figure 5-13: Placement of Overhead Cantilever Signs ........................................................ 83
Figure 5-14: Placement of Overhead Gantry Signs ............................................................. 83
Figure 5-15: Typical UK Highway Network Signage ............................................................ 85
Figure 5-16: Typical Information Sign Designs using Trafsoft .............................................. 87
Figure 5-17: Minor Crossroad Junction ............................................................................... 89
Figure 5-18: Minor T-Junction ............................................................................................. 90
Figure 5-19: Cross Road Junction with Left Turn Lanes ...................................................... 91
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Figure 5-20: Crossroad Junction with 4-Lane Major Road ................................................... 92
Figure 5-21: Traffic Circle .................................................................................................... 93
Figure 5-22: Signalised Multi Lane Road............................................................................. 94
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
Federal Ministry of Works 1
This manual provides a national standard for traffic signs and road markings and sets out a
practical methodology for the application of the Nigeria traffic signs and road markings on
Nigerias highway and road network with the objectives of achieving standardisation between
implementing authorities, the improvement of traffic signage and road markings in Nigeria
and contributing to the reduction of road accidents.
Although technical detail is provided as a general guide, the manual is not intended to
replace available authoritative reference works, but provides guidance as to where additional
information can be obtained if required.
The Authors wish to gratefully thank those who have provided their knowledge, expertise
and advice in the provision of background information on traffic signage and road markings
in Nigeria. In particular the following persons, amongst others who were consulted, are
Engr. Ishaq D. Mohammed -Unit Manager RSDT
Dr Ibitoye A. Biliyamin - Traffic Engineer RSDT
Osita Chidoka - Corps Marshal and Chief Executive, Federal Road Safety Corps
Boboye Oyeyemi Deputy Corps Marshal - (Operations), Federal Road Safety Corps
Abayomi Olukoju Deputy Corps Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps
Engr. Osawe Efose Peter - AgHOD Safety Engineering Dept., Federal Road Safety Corps.
Eng. Ajayi, Muhydeen Adebayo - Senior Officer Traffic Engineering, Federal Road Safety
Regulatory: A regulatory traffic sign or road marking is one that
regulates, controls, restricts or reserves traffic and the
roadway. These signs may be of two main types regulatory
or mandatory.
Prohibitory: A Prohibitory (regulatory) traffic sign or road marking is
one that is intended to control or restrict. The restriction may
be in the form of a limit eg a speed limit that may not be
exceeded, an action such as a turning movement eg no u-
turn or a venicle such as a heavy vehicle of a particular axle
Mandatory: A Prohibitory (regulatory) traffic sign or road marking is
one that indicated that a road used shall or shall not take a
particular action eg proceed right only into a one way road
or pass this side of a median barrier.
Warning: A Warning traffic sign alerts drivers to a particular hazard or
dangerous condition on or next to the road way and indicate
the need to proceed with caution or to reduce speed.
Retroreflective: Retroreflection or Retroreflective material for use in traffic
signs or markings is that from which light is preferentially
reflected in directions close to the opposite of the direction of
incidence, this property being maintained over wide
variations in the direction of incidence. Retroflective material
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
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typically has a smooth surface below which a reflective
material e.g. glass beads or prisms have been placed.
Signal phasing: Signal phasing is that portion of time during which the traffic
signal indicates green in a particular direction. The phase
starts when the signal turns green and ends when that same
signal turns from gren to yellow.
Signal warants: A traffic signal Warrant is a standard or set of standards
above which a traffic signal installation is considered to be
justified in terms of reducing overall delays or improving
traffic safety at an intersection.
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
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1.1 Introduction
The provision of traffic signs and road markings is essential for the efficient and
safe operation of the road network. Roads with poor signage or badly maintained
signs are unsatisfactory roads and cannot operate to their full traffic carrying
potential and capacity. Standardised traffic signage and road markings are a
prerequisite for effective traffic control and law enforcement.
Traffic signs, including road markings, road studs, bollards, traffic signals and other
devices must convey a clear message to the road user. The message must be
easily understood and must be conveyed at the correct time and position on the
road for the driver to be able to react appropriately.
The road signs in use in Nigeria are contained in the Highway Code as discussed
below. This manual is intended to supplement this information with technical detail
for use by practitioners engaged in the design of roads to provide a standardised
traffic sign system as an integral part of the design process.
The manual provides a description of regulatory, warning and direction signs, road
markings and traffic signals and provides guidelines for the applications and
positioning of signs. Although technical detail is provided as a general guide, the
manual is not intended to replace authoritative reference works that are generally
available, but provides guidance as to where additional information can be obtained
if required. Furthermore, modern design methods make extensive use of computer
software to carry out designs and there are several packages available that can
provide ready made technical solutions to most signage design problems.
References are thus provided to appropriate software sources.
1.2 Road Signs and Markings in Nigeria
The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Road
Signs and Signals agreed upon by the United Nations Economic and Social Council
at its Conference on Road Traffic in Vienna 7 October 1968 to 8 November 1968
which came into force on 6 June 1978. The convention revised and substantially
extended the earlier 1949 Geneva Protocol on Road Signs and Signals, itself based
in turn on the 1931 Geneva Convention concerning the Unification of Road Signals.
This is an international treaty designed to increase road safety and aid international
road traffic by standardising the signing system for road traffic (road signs, traffic
lights and road markings) in use internationally.
The traffic signs and road markings in use in Nigeria, based on the Convention, are
contained in Schedule 9 of the National Road Traffic Regulations promulgated in
the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Official Gazette No, 79, dated 21 September 2004,
Government Notice No 335, National Road Traffic Regulations 2004. Regulation
26(2)(h), Schedule 9 deals with the following:
Road Markings: Edge and Lane Lines
Traffic Light Signals
Regulatory Road Signs
Prohibitory and Mandatory Road Signs
Traffic Road Signs
Warning Road Signs and
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
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Informative Road Signs
Signs, signals and road markings are published for the road user in the Nigeria
Highway Code published by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Federal Road Safety
Commission (2). It is compulsory in Nigeria for every road user to acquire this
document as a companion and for training purposes.
Nigerias total road network is estimated to be 194 000 km of Federal, State and
local roads and in 2011 Nigeria had the second largest road network in Africa.
Between 1978 and 1987 the motor vehicle fleet is reported to have increased by
183% as a result of increase motor vehicle ownership. Approximately 90% of
passengers and freight rely on the road network for transportation. (3). According to
the Nigeria Road Safety Strategy 2012, the average fatality rate on Nigerias roads
over the last five years is 5 per 100 000 population i.e. an average of 5 000 deaths
and 21 000 injuries per annum.
One of the strategic goals contained in the Nigeria Road Safety Strategy 2012 is to
improve road infrastructure for all users by, inter alia, defining design standards for
all roads and performing safety assessments on roads. This includes the strategic
activities of developing and implementing national standards on traffic signs and
road markings based on the recommendations of the Geneva Convention and
preventing the defacement of road signs and illegal construction of speed bumps on
This manual provides a national standard for traffic signs and road markings and
sets out a practical methodology for the application of the Nigeria traffic signs and
road markings on Nigerias highway and road network with the objectives of
achieving standardisation between implementing authorities, the improvement of
traffic signage and road markings in Nigeria and contributing to the reduction of
road accidents.
1.3 International Road Signs and Markings
The Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals (4) provides the standard
symbols for signs and instructions for their use. The standards describe the colours
of regulatory and prohibitory traffic signs as having a red border with the ground
being either white or yellow. In Nigeria the colour convention adopted is the yellow
Although based on the same convention, the signs used in Nigeria are different to
those used in the United Kingdom, and other European countries, for example,
where a white background is used for warning and regulatory signs as opposed to
the yellow background used in Nigeria. One of the main considerations when
considering the standardisation of traffic signs is the need to harmonize with the
convention adopted in neighbouring states, particularly those with whom a country
has strong economic ties.
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has adopted the signs
convention contained in the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual (5), which are similar
to the United Kingdom standard. Angola, Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Malawi,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and
Zimbabwe comprise the SADC.
1.4 Requirements and Principles for Traffic Signs and Road Markings
The function of traffic Signs and Road Markings is to regulate traffic, warn road
users of hazards and regulations ahead and to guide traffic by indicating direction
and distance. In order to fulfil these functions, signs and markings should be
needed in a particular situation, be clear and be adhered to by the motorist. Signs
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
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and markings should therefore be properly designed and be appropriate for a
particular situation. They should also be well maintained.
Signs and markings must comply with national standards throughout the area or
country where they are implemented so that road users are assured of the same
standards wherever they are. They must also be clear and convey an easily
understood message. They must also be uniform in layout and colour.
It is also important that not too many signs be used and that they are only installed
where they are really effective. However some signs need to be installed at regular
intervals in order to provide continuity e.g. navigational information.
The application of signs and markings should also be uniform and similar situations
must be treated in the same way. Uniformity is also important for law enforcement
and traffic safety.
Traffic signs and road markings must only be erected by an appropriate authority
having official jurisdiction. No advertising should be affixed to a traffic sign or its
The following general principles should be adhered to:
Symbols or diagrams should be used in preference to words
Signs should have the same appearance by day as by night e.g. by the use
of retroreflective material
The amount of information on a sign should be limited to that than can easily
be absorbed by a motorist.
In order for the information (guidance) signing system to be effective, a navigation
system needs to be developed for Nigeria. A navigation system would comprise the
The classification and numbering of the main road network
The preparation of a map indicating the major routes and route numbers
The identification and classification of nodes and destinations to be used on
information signs.
The above would enable local motorists and visitors to plan their routes and to find
their destinations using information signs system based on the route numbering and
destination classification.
The preparation of a navigation system is not within the scope of this document.
1.5 Classification of Roads, Traffic Signs and Road Markings
The Nigerian road network is classified into three categories as indicated in the
following table
Table 1-1: Nigeria Road Classification
Nigerian Road Classification
Category Prefix Known routes Notes
Expressway E E1 Lagos - Ibadan
Currently the only known
'E' route
National road A
A1 Lagos - Niger border (via Ibadan, Ilorin,
A2 Elele - Niger border (via Warri, Benin
City, Kaduna, Kano)
A3 Port Harcourt - Cameroon border (via
Enugu, Jos, Maiduguri)
Highway Manual Part 1: Design Volume IV: Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings
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Nigerian Road Classification
Category Prefix Known routes Notes
A4 Calabar - Cameroon border (via Ikom,
Numan, Maiduguri)
A5 Lagos - Ibadan (via Abeokuta)
Minor road F
No known route numbers
known at present
Source: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Nigeria (6).
The road classification is important because the different classifications have
different requirements in respect of traffic signs and road markings. The positioning
of signs depends on sight distance which is governed by the design speed of the
road e.g. expressways may have a design speed of 100 to 120km/hr whereas minor
roads have a speed limit of 60km/hr.
Higher order roads should have larger signs commensurate with the higher design
speed and information signs (direction and advance direction signs) will be more
complex due to the presence of interchanges.
The following sections will provide guidelines for the positioning and sizing of signs
according to road classification and hence design speed.
Traffic signs are used to control and guide traffic and to promote road safety and
should therefore be used where they can effectively fulfil these functions. The signs
to be used must be appropriate to the situation otherwise they will not be heeded by
road users. Signs should also be provided if they are needed to improve the
situation, otherwise the objectives of serving the public will not be fulfilled.
In Nigeria there are three basic classifications of road signs, based on the Vienna
Convention on Road Signs and Signals, as mentioned in the above sections. These
(i) Regulatory Signs
These include all signs which give notice of requirements, prohibitions or
restrictions. They may be either mandatory or prohibitory. Regulatory signs are
basically circular in shape and may be supplemented by plates beneath them
augmenting the message given by the sign. The exception to this is the STOP sign
which is hexagonal.
(ii) Warning Signs
These signs give warning of a hazard ahead. The design of most warning signs is
based on an equilateral triangle having its apex uppermost. The exception to this is
the YIELD (GIVE WAY) sign which is an inverted triangle (apex lowermost). They
are sometimes supplemented by rectangular plates giving additional information as
may be necessary.
(iii) lnformation Signs
These signs normally give road users information about the route and about places
and facilities of particular value or interest. Most information signs are rectangular
but some direction signs (FINGERBOARDS) have one end pointed to indicate
The following diagram indicates the classification of traffic signs, road markings and
traffic signals in Nigeria.
(iv) Road Markings
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Road markings are paint, other materials applied to the road surface, road studs or
delineators for the purpose of guiding, warning or regulating traffic. Road markings
can be used on their own or in combination with traffic signs.
(v) Traffic Signals
Traffic signals comprise standardised electronic devices of a series of light
indications to regulate the flow of traffic, cyclists and pedestrians.
Figure 1-1: Signs Classification
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2.1 Regulatory Signs (Prohibitory)
The Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs currently adopted for use in Nigeria are
presented below in terms of the sign number (cross referenced to the Convention
on Traffic Signs (4) ), function, requirements, colour and diagrammatic
B, 2a
Border: Yellow retroreflective
Background: Red retroreflective
Legend: Yellow retroreflective
Height not less than one third the height of the panel
The STOP shall be used to notify drivers that, at the intersection where
the sign is placed, they shall stop before entering the intersection and
give way to vehicles on the road they are approaching. Three-way and
four-way stops can be used at a junction provided the stop signs have a
special supplementary plate in the came colours as the stop sign
indicating the figures 3 or 4. All-way stop control can be used in
place of a traffic signal as a temporary measure, but is not
recommended for use on dual carriageway roads.
Stop signs should be positioned as close to the pained stop line as
possible (if one is provided) and should be positioned on the right hand
side of the road. The sign can be repeated on the left hand side if the
roar is a dual carriageway or a one way road with more than one lane,
or if there is channelisation at the intersection.
C, 1b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for all vehicles in the direction
indicated. This sign is used to indicate the incorrect direction on a one-
way road, freeway off ramps and car park exits.
The sign should be positioned at the point where no entry is permitted
and must be placed on the right hand side of the road. For additional
emphasis the sign can be repeated on the left hand side.
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C, 2
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: -
Notification that all vehicular traffic in both directions is prohibited.
This sign is normally used for shopping streets, pedestrian zones and
play streets. A supplementary plate should be used to advise of the
specific time of day or day of the week when the sign is applicable or if
access to local properties is permitted. The sign should be positioned at
the point from where the restriction applies.
C, 3b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (motorcycles).
The sign should be displayed at the beginning of a road, path or
sidewalk where motorcycles are not permitted e.g. for safety reasons.
An advance sign with a supplementary plate indicating the distance to
the point of the prohibition may be required.
C, 3c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (cycles or pedal-cycles).
The sign should be displayed at the beginning of a road, path or
sidewalk where cyclists are not permitted e.g. for safety reasons.
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C, 5
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (overall vehicle width).
The sign should be positioned on or immediately in advance of the
structure to which the height restriction applies. The sign should be
positioned on the right hand side of the road.
C, 6
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (vehicle width).
The sign should be positioned on or immediately in advance of the
structure to which the height restriction applies. The sign should be
positioned on the right hand side of the road.
C, 7
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (laden mass). Vehicles must not proceed beyond the sign.
The sign should be positioned at a point from where the restriction
applies or where vehicles still have the opportunity to turn around or
deviate to another route. The sign should be positioned on the right
hand side of the road and on dual carriageway roads the sign should be
repeated on the left (median) side. On one way roads with more than
one lane, the sign should be repeated on the left had side of the road.
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C, 8
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that entry is prohibited for a certain category of vehicle or
road use (tonnes on one axle).
The sign should be positioned at a point from where the restriction
applies or where vehicles have the opportunity to turn around or deviate
to another route. The sign should be positioned on the right hand side
of the road
C, 11a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that turning is prohibited to the left.
The sign should normally be placed at or in advance of a junction
where left turns are not permitted e.g. to improve safety by restricting
turning movements at a junction or when the cross road is a one way
road. The signs should not be use to replace one way sign on the cross
road. The signs should be placed on the left hand side of the road and
15 to 30 m in advance of the junction.
C, 11b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that turning is prohibited to the right.
The sign should normally be placed at or in advance of a junction
where right turns are not permitted e.g. to improve safety by restricting
turning movements at a junction or when the cross road is a one way
road. The signs should not be use to replace one way sign on the cross
road. The signs should be placed on the right hand side of the road and
15 to 30m in advance of the junction.
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C, 12
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that U-turns are prohibited and is usually applicable at
junctions (including signalised junctions), gaps in the median island of
on a section or roadway for safety or traffic control purposes.
The sign should be placed within 15m ahead of the junction or median
opening. The sign should be placed on the median island if one exists
or in a position where it can easily be seen.
C, 13
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that overtaking, other than by motorcycles or mopeds,
without a sidecar, is prohibited.
Overtaking is normally regulated by a barrier line road marking if there
is a permanent road surface. A no-overtaking sign can be used to
reinforce the restriction or if the road is wide enough so that two
vehicles can overtake without crossing the barrier line. The sign can
also be use on roads where there is a gravel surface. If the length or
road over which the restriction applies, the sign should be repeated
every 500m. The sign is normally displayed on the right hand side of
the road at the position from which the restriction applies.
C, 14
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification of a speed limit and indicates the maximum speed in the
unity normally used
The sign should be positioned on the right hand side of the road at the
point from where the restriction applies and on dual carriageway roads
the sign should be repeated on the left (median) side. On one way
roads with more than one lane, the sign should be repeated on the left
had side of the road. A speed limit sign normally cancels the preceding
speed limit sign and where the speed is reduced, it should be indicated
by a series of signs 150 to 200m apart indicating the speed limit in
20km/hr increments e.g. 120 100 80 km/hr.
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C, 15
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification that the use of audible warning devices is prohibited except
to avoid an accident.
The sign should be placed 50m in advance of the beginning of the area
to which the restriction applies and should have a supplementary plate
indicating the distance over which the restriction applies.
C, 16
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification of the proximity of a Customs House at which a stop is
compulsory. The sign should include the word CUSTOMS preferably
in two languages. The sign can also be used to notify drivers that
passing without stopping is prohibited for other reasons. In that case
the word CUSTOMS can be replaced by another word indicating the
reason for the stop e.g. POLICE CHECK or HIGHWAY SURVEY.
C, 17a
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
The point at which all prohibitions notified by prohibitory signs for
moving vehicles cease to apply.
The signs should be displayed on the right hand side of single
carriageway roads and on the right and left hand side of dual
carriageway roads.
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C, 18
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Indication of places where no parking is permitted. The scope of the
prohibition may be restricted by the provision of an additional plate
below the sign indicating the days of the week, month or times of the
day during which the prohibition applies.
The sign is normally placed perpendicular to the edge of the road or at
a slight angle to it and only applies to the side of the road on which it is
erected. An additional panel may be displayed below the sign indicating
the distance over which the restriction applies, or the distance may be
indicated on the sign itself.
C, 18
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Blue retroreflective
Indication of places where no waiting is permitted. The scope of the
prohibition may be restricted by the provision of an additional plate
below the sign indicating the days of the week, month or times of the
day during which the prohibition applies.
The sign is normally placed perpendicular to the edge of the road or at
a slight angle to it and only applies to the side of the road on which it is
erected. An additional panel may be displayed below the sign indicating
the distance over which the restriction applies, or the distance may be
indicated on the sign itself.
C, 19
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Blue retroreflective
Indication of places where no stopping (standing and parking) is
permitted. The scope of the prohibition may be restricted by the
provision of an additional plate below the sign indicating the days of the
week, month or times of the day during which the prohibition applies.
The sign is normally placed perpendicular to the edge of the road or at
a slight angle to it and only applies to the side of the road on which it is
erected. An additional panel may be displayed below the sign indicating
the distance over which the restriction applies, or the distance may be
indicated on the sign itself.
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C, 21
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification to give way (yield) to traffic passing on the left lane on a
dual carriageway road.
To encourage drivers to drive in the right hand lane and to pass in the
left hand (median) lane. The sign is normally placed where deemed
appropriated to encourage good driving habits.
C, 22
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Notification to drivers that littering is prohibited.
The sign is normally placed where deemed appropriated to encourage
good driving habits.
2.2 Regulatory Signs (Mandatory)
The Regulatory (Mandatory) signs currently adopted for use in Nigeria are
presented below in terms of the sign number (cross referenced to the Convention
on Traffic Signs (4) ), function, requirements, colour and diagrammatic
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign should be placed on the right in advance of a junction.
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D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign should be placed on the far side of a one way roadway facing
traffic entering from the side road at a T-junction so that traffic turns in
front of the sign.
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign should be placed on the far side of a one way roadway facing
traffic entering from the side road at a T-junction so that traffic turns in
front of the sign.
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign should be placed on the right in advance of a junction.
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D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a one way road that
the next cross street carries two way traffic. The sign should be placed
on both sides of the road 60m in advance of the cross road.
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a one way section of
road that the road becomes a two lane two way road ahead or where it
may be unclear to road users that the road they are currently on carries
two way traffic. The sign should be placed on both sides of a one way
road in advance of the point where the two way road begins.
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a one way section of
road that the road becomes a four lane two way ahead or where it may
be unclear to road users that the road they are currently on carries two
way traffic. The sign should be placed on both sides of a one way road
in advance of the point where the two way road begins.
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D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt / Black Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a two way section of
road that the road becomes a divided two lane two way road with a
central median island. The sign should be placed on the right in
advance of the point where the two way divided road begins.
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt / Black Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a two way section of
road that the road becomes a divided four lane two way road with a
central median island. The sign is normally used in combination with a
CARRIAGE WIDENS A, 4a sign. The sign should be placed on the right
in advance of the point where the four lane two way divided road
D, 1a
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt / Black Semi-matt
The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only
direction in which they are permitted to proceed is indicated by means
of an arrow or arrows pointing in the appropriate direction or directions.
The sign is normally used to warn road users on a four lane two way
section of road that the road becomes a two lane two way road. The
sign is normally used in combination with a CARRIAGE NARROWS
A, 4a sign. The sign should be placed on the right in advance of the
point where the four lane two way divided road ends.
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D, 2
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign is normally placed on a median island or obstacle in the
roadway and means that vehicles must pass on the side of the median
island or obstacle indicated by the arrow.
The sign normally indicates by means of a single arrow the side (right
or left) by which a vehicle must pass. The arrow must be positioned at
an angle of 45 degrees downwards and at a height of 750 mm above
the road surface to avoid confusion with the PROCEED RIGHT OR
PROCEED LEFT D, 1a sign.
D, 3
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign notifies drivers that they must follow the direction at a
roundabout indicated by the arrows. If the sign D, 3 is displayed
together with the sign GIVE WAY B, 1 or STOP B, 2, the driver in the
roundabout has priority.
The sign is normally placed on the right hand side of the road at a point
closest to the where the driver would have to stop if yielding to a vehicle
in the roundabout.
D, 4
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign notifies cyclists of a compulsory cycle track that is reserved for
them and that other vehicle are not permitted to use the track. Cyclists
are required to use the track if it is running parallel to a road or
pedestrian footpath.
The sign is normally placed at the beginning of the compulsory cycle
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D, 5
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign notifies pedestrians of a compulsory footpath that is reserved
for them and that other users are not permitted to use the footpath.
Pedestrians are required to use the footpath if it is running parallel to a
road or cycle track.
The sign is normally placed at the beginning of the compulsory
D, 6
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign means that vehicles using the road shall not travel less than
the speed specified on the sign.
The sign is normally used where slow moving traffic will impede the
safe flow of normal traffic on a freeway. The maximum minimum
speed is 80km/hr. The sign should be repeated at 5km/hr intervals if the
sign is not displayed at all entry points to the freeway. The sign can be
displayed below a SPEED LIMIT C, 14 sign.
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign is recommended for use at roadworks to control traffic where
traffic is limited to one lane at a time, drivers visibility is restricted or
there is construction traffic crossing.
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Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign is recommended for use at roadworks to control traffic where
traffic is limited to one lane at a time, drivers visibility is restricted or
there is construction traffic crossing.
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign is recommended for use at roadworks to indicate to traffic the
end of a temporary diversion of the road due to roadworks for example.
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign is recommended for use at the beginning of an expressway to
indicate the special restrictions that apply to traffic in terms of the
classes of vehicle that are permitted to use an expressway.
B, 5
Background: Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt / Red Semi - matt
The sign is normally used on a narrow section of road where passing is
difficult or impossible and where drives can see the whole length of the
narrow road clearly both at night and day, to give priority to traffic
moving in one direction. The sign is erected facing the traffic that does
not have priority.
The sign is normally used on a narrow bridge with only one lane at a
traffic calming pinch point that is only wide enough for one car to
proceed at a time. The sign is erected at the point where the narrow
section begins at a point where a stopped car will not block a vehicle
approaching from the other direction.. The arrow on the sign indicating
the direction having priority is white and the other direction is red.
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2.3 Warning Signs
The Warning signs currently adopted for use in Nigeria are presented below in
terms of the sign number (cross referenced to the Convention on Traffic Signs (4) ),
function, requirements, colour and diagrammatic representation.
A, 1a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a dangerous bends to the left.
The sign should be displayed in advance of an obscured curve that can
only be negotiated safely by reducing speed. The sign should be
located on the right hand side of the road in advance of the hazard.
A, 1b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a dangerous bends to the right.
The sign should be displayed in advance of an obscured curve that can
only be negotiated safely by reducing speed. The sign should be
located on the right hand side of the road in advance of the hazard.
A, 1c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a succession of dangerous bends, the first to the left.
The sign should be displayed where bends of similar severity follow in
close proximity.. The sign should be located on the right hand side of
the road in advance of the hazard.
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A, 1d
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a succession of dangerous bends, the first to the right.
The sign should be displayed where bends of similar severity follow in
close proximity. The sign should be located on the right hand side of
the road in advance of the hazard.
A, 2c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a steep decent.
The sign should be displayed where the gradient is 10% or more. The
sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in advance of
the hazard.
A, 3c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a steep ascent.
The sign should be displayed where the gradient is 15% or more or
where the ascent is longer than 1600m and the gradient is 10% or
more. The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
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A, 4a or A, 4b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that the carriageway ahead narrows abruptly e.g. at a narrow
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
A, 4a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that the carriageway ahead widens e.g. at the end of a dual
carriageway road.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard. In the case of speed bumps, the sign should be
placed within 30m of the first speed bump in a series.
A, 7c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of sections of road that has bumps (speed bumps), dips or is
in a bad condition and motorists should reduce speed.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
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A, 9
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of sections of road that may be particularly slippery and
motorists should reduce speed.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
A, 10a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of sections of road on which gravel may be thrown up e.g. on
a gravel road, after recent road construction or due to poor road
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
A, 11a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of sections of road on which there is a danger from falling
rocks and as a result there may be rocks on the carriageway.
The symbol may be reversed depending on which side the hazard
occurs. The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the hazard.
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A, 12
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a marked pedestrian crossing (in which case the sign
should indicate a marked crossing) or a section of road where is a high
concentration of pedestrian activity..
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the crossing or section of road.
A, 13
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a section of road where is a high concentration of children
e.g. at the entrance to a school or where there may be a special
crossing for blind people.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the section of road.
A, 13
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a section of road where is a particular danger of animals
crossing. The symbol may be reversed.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the section of road.
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A, 16
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that temporary construction work is in progress on a section of
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the section of road. On dual carriage way roads the sign
should be repeated on the left median side.
A, 18a
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that a crossroad is ahead.
The sign may be used where there are no advance direction signs or
where there is a history of accidents. The sign should be located on the
right hand side of the road in advance of the section of road.
A, 18c
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that a junction with joining or leaving traffic to the right or left is
The sign should be used where there are no advance direction signs.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road in
advance of the section of road.
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A, 18d
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that a T-junction is ahead where traffic is required to make a
sharp acute turn to the left or right.
The sign should be used where there are no advance direction signs
and can also be used where the junction is controlled by a STOP or
YIELD sign. The sign should be located on the right hand side of the
road in advance of the section of road.
A, 18e
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning that a T-junction is ahead where traffic is required to make a
sharp acute turn to the left or right.
The sign should be used where there are no advance direction signs
and can also be used where the junction is controlled by a STOP or
YIELD sign. The sign should be located on the right hand side of the
road in advance of the section of road.
A, 19a and A 19b
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
Warning of a junction with a road the users of which have priority
junction with a road the users of which must give way INTERSECTIN
The sign should be used where there are no advance direction signs
and can also be used where the junction is controlled by a STOP or
YIELD sign. The sign should be located on the right hand side of the
road in advance of the section of road.
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A, 22
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
The sign notifies drivers of a roundabout ahead.
The sign is normally placed in advance of a roundabout and on the right
hand side of the road.
A, 25 and A, 29a; A, 29b; A, 29 c (Countdown Markers)
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt / Red retroreflective
The sign provides warning of a level crossing with gates or staggered
half-gates on either side of the railway line. The sign is accompanied by
a series of three COUNTDOWN MARKERS bearing three, two and one
bars. The first marker (3 bars) should co-located with the LEVEL
CROSSING WITH GATE A, 25 sign. The first marker should be located
approximately 250m from the level crossing and the other two markers
should divide the remaining length to the level crossing into equal
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road. The bars
on the markers should slope down towards the carriageway. An
additional sign may be placed on the left hand side of the road for extra
emphasis. In this case the slope of the bars should be reversed.
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A, 26a and A, 29a; A, 29b; A, 29 c (Countdown Markers)
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt / Red retroreflective
The sign provides warning of a level crossing without gates. The sign is
accompanied by a series of three COUNTDOWN MARKERS bearing
three, two and one bars. The first marker (3 bars) should co-located
with the LEVEL CROSSING WITH GATE A, 25 sign. The first marker
should be located approximately 250m from the level crossing and the
other two markers should divide the remaining length to the level
crossing into equal lengths.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road. The bars
on the markers should slope down towards the carriageway. An
additional sign may be placed on the left hand side of the road for extra
emphasis. In this case the slope of the bars should be reversed.
A, 32
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
The sign notifies drivers that there is a danger of a general nature in the
roadway ahead e.g. fallen tree, subsidence of the road, accident etc.
The sign is normally placed in advance of a danger or hazard in the
A, 32
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
The sign notifies drivers that there is a Ferry at a river crossing ahead.
The sign is normally placed in advance on the right hand side of the
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B, 1
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective
Legend: Black Semi-matt
The YIELD sign imposes a mandatory requirement that the driver must
yield right of way to all traffic on the road that the driver is joining or
traffic on a railway line that is being crossed.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road as close
as possible to the yield line at a junction. On a one way road or on a
dual, carriageway road with a median, the sign may be repeated on the
left hand side of the road.
B, 1 and H, 1 Additional Panel
Border: Red retroreflective
Background: Yellow retroreflective, Blue retroreflective
Legend: White Semi-matt
The sign provides advance warning of a junction controlled by a STOP
or GIVE WAY sign where the sight distance to the junction is limited. A
supplementary plate is provided indicating the distance to the junction.
The sign should be located in advance of the junction on the right hand
side of the road.
2.4 Information Signs
The Information signs currently adopted for use in Nigeria are presented below in
terms of the sign number (cross referenced to the Convention on Traffic Signs (4) ),
function, requirements, colour and diagrammatic representation.
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E, 7d
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The sign indicated the name of a built up area.
The sign should be located on the right hand side of the road at the
beginning of the built up area.
E, 13b
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Red retroreflective
The sign notifies drivers that they should take precautions near a
medical facility (hospital) and they should not make unnecessary
noise (hooting)
The sign should be located in advance of the hospital on the right
hand side of the road. The sign may also be included on an
advance direction sign.
E, 14
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The sign indicates where parking is authorised. The sign may bear
an inscription indicating the direction in which the parking is
permitted or the time period for which parking is permitted. This
information can also be indicated on a separate panel below the
sign. The type of vehicle that is permitted to park and also be
indicated by the appropriate inscription on the sign.
The sign should be located on the side of the road where the
parking is permitted and should be erected at 90 deg to the
direction of travel.
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F, 1a
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Red retroreflective
The sign notifies drivers of the presence of a First Aid Station.
The sign should be located at the entrance to the facility. The sign
may also be included on an advance direction sign.
F, 2
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Black Semi Matt
The sign notifies drivers of the presence of mechanical help or a
breakdown service.
The sign should be located at the entrance to the facility. The sign
may also be included on an advance direction sign.
F, 3
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Black Semi Matt
The sign notifies drivers of the presence of a telephone.
The sign should be located at the facility. The sign may also be
included on an advance direction sign.
F, 4
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Black Semi Matt
The sign notifies drivers of the presence of a filling station.
The sign should be located at the facility. The sign may also be
included on an advance direction sign.
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F, 6
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective, Black Semi Matt
The sign notifies drivers of the presence of a restaurant.
The sign should be located at the facility. The sign may also be
included on an advance direction sign.
G, 1b
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The map type advance direction sign is used to advise drivers of the
layout of a road junction ahead. The arrow diagram represents the
actual layout of the junction. The text on the sign indicates the
destinations that can be reached by following the routes indicated.
Route numbers may also be indicated on the sign before the
destination name. The distance from the sign position to the turn
can also be shown, normally in metros or kilometres.
The sign can be used to indicate the following type of junction: A
high speed exit on an expressway or arterial road, a four legged
junction, a staggered four legged junction, a traffic circle and a
temporary detour.
The advance direction sign should be placed on the right hand side
of the road at a distance of between 500m and 1 km.
The following diagram is an example of a map-type advance
direction sign in use in Southern Africa.
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G, 4b
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The direction sign fingerboard is shaped to form a point that acts
as an arrow pointing towards the destination. The sign is normally
used to direct drivers to minor destinations including facilities such
as airports, railway stations, harbours, tourist destinations etc
The sign is normally displayed on the right hand side of the road
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G, 5
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The stack- type direction sign is used to advise drivers of
destinations that can be reached by following the routes indicated.
Route numbers may also be indicated on the sign before the
destination name. Each destination is indicated on a separate line
or stack. If the layout of a junction is complex then a MAP-TYPE
ADVANCE DIRECTION sign should preferably be used.
The sign should be placed on the right hand side of the road in
advance of a junction at a distance depending on the operating
speed at the junction, or at a junction.
The following diagram is an example of an stack-type direction sign
in use in Southern Africa that can be placed in advance of a
junction. Note that hooked arrows are used for an advance
direction sign and the route number is included before the
destination name.
G,5 (Advance):
The following is an example of a stack-type direction sign in use in
Southern Africa that can be placed at a junction. Straight arrows
are used.
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G, 10
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The sign is normally used to confirm to drivers the distance to
destinations on the current route.
The sign is normally displayed on the right had side of the road
down stream of a junction.
Exit from a Motorway
G, 22a G, 22b and G,22c
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The sign is normally used to notify drivers of an exit from an
expressway. The signs bear respectively one, two and three oblique
The sign is displayed on the right had side of the road at a distance
of 300m, 200m and 100m from the exit from the expressway.
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
Street name signs are placed at intersections.
Background: Green retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
Route signs are placed at intersections and other locations where
confirmation of the route is required.
2.5 Temporary Road Signs
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Temporary road signs should be provided for use on construction sites etc. as
shown below.
Background: Green / red retroreflective
Legend: White retroreflective
The temporary construction sign is normally displayed on the right had
side of the road at the beginning or end of a construction zone.
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3.1 Introduction
Road markings are used to regulate traffic, to warn or guide road-users. They may
be used either alone or in conjunction with other signs or signals to emphasize or
clarify their meaning. Road markings are defined as markings applied to or attached
to the road surface as well as objects embedded in the road surface. The following
are typical types of road markings:
Longitudinal markings
Transverse markings
Arrow markings
Oblique parallel lines (painted islands)
Word markings
Standing and parking regulations
Markings on the carriageway or on adjacent structures
Road markings are usually classified as follows
Regulatory markings
Warning markings
Guidance markings
Other delineation devices
The above is discussed in more detail below.
3.2 Regulatory Markings
Regulatory markings consist of longitudinal markings (no overtaking and no
crossing lines, edge lines) transverse markings (stop lines, pedestrian crossings,
painted islands, standing and parking lines).
The width of continuous lines used for longitudinal markings (e.g. no overtaking)
should be at least 100mm. The distance between two adjacent longitudinal lines
(e.g. double no overtaking) should be between 100mm and 180mm.
3.2.1 Stop Lines
A Stop Line, when used in combination with a stop sign of a red traffic signal,
requires that a driver of a vehicle shall stop immediately behind the Stop Line. The
Stop Line should have the same meaning as a stop sign, if the stop sign is missing
or damaged.
A Stop Line should be a continuous line of a minimum width of 300mm in urban
areas and 500mm in rural areas. The line extends across the full width of the lane
that is being used as the approach to a junction. In the case of a two way roadway,
the Stop Line should extend from the no overtaking or no crossing line that is used
to separate the two directions of travel to the kerb or edge of the carriageway. The
Stop Line should be located not more than 15m or less than 1,2m from the line
representing the continuation of the edge of the intersecting roadway depending on
sight distance. When used with a pedestrian crossing at a junction the Stop Line
should be positioned 1m in advance of the pedestrian crossing line. When used at a
mid-block pedestrian crossing, the Stop Line should be positioned 2m in advance of
the pedestrian crossing line.
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It is recommended that the word STOP be painted on the road surface with a 1m
spacing to the Stop Line.
Figure 3-1: Stop Line
3.2.2 Yield Line (Give Way Line)
A Yield Line (Give Way Line) requires that traffic must yield the right of way at the
point marked by the line to all traffic on the crossing road, rail traffic on a railway line
crossing the road and pedestrians of cyclists crossing the road on a pedestrian
crossing. The Yield Line should have the same significance as a yield sign if the
sign is missing or damaged.
The Yield Line is a broken line with a minimum width of 300mm in urban areas and
500mm in rural areas. The line extends across the full width of the lane that is being
used as the approach to a junction. In the case of a two way roadway, the Yield
Line should extend from the no overtaking or no crossing line that is used to
separate the two directions of travel to the kerb or edge of the carriageway. A line to
gap ration of 2 to 1 should be used with the line being a recommended length of
600mm and a 300mm gap. These could be increased in rural areas to 1000mm and
500mm. The Yield Line should be located 1,2m from the line representing the
continuation of the edge of the intersecting roadway depending on sight distance.
It is recommended that a yield triangle, with the apex facing the motorist, be painted
on the road surface with a 1m spacing to the Stop Line.
Figure 3-2: Yield Line
3.2.3 Pedestrian Crossings
Pedestrian crossing lines or block pedestrian grossing markings (Zebra crossings)
require that motorists slow down and yield or stop to allow a pedestrian that is on
the crossing or waiting, to cross the road. At the same time a pedestrian may only
cross the road at a marked crossing if it is provided.
Pedestrian crossing lines are tow parallel continuous white lines 100mm wide and
spaced at least 2.4m to 3m apart. Pedestrian crossing lines can be used at a traffic
signal or at midblock locations. They should be preceded by a stop line when used
at a traffic signal and a yield line when used at midblock locations controlled by a
road sign. They should be preceded by a pedestrian crossing sign. At midblock
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locations, they may be used in combination with a block pedestrian crossing that is
more visible.
Block pedestrian crossings are more visible than pedestrian crossing lines and
comprise rectangular painted markings of minimum length 2.4m and a minimum
width of 600mm spaced 600mm apart. They extend across the full width of the
roadway. They should be preceded by a stop line when used at a traffic signal and
a yield line when used at midblock locations controlled by a road sign.
Pedestrian crossings should only be marked at locations where there is adequate
sight distance.
Figure 3-3: Pedestrian Crossing
3.2.4 No Overtaking Lines
For traffic safety reasons, the broken centreline road marking at certain
intersections at places where sight distance is restricted e.g. a hill crest or bend in
the road or where the carriageway is narrow, the broken centreline should be
replaced by a continuous line.
A longitudinal marking consisting of a continuous line (no overtaking line) on the
carriageway shall mean that vehicles are not permitted to cross or straddle that line
and, when the line separates the two directions of traffic, that vehicles are not
permitted to travel on that side of the line which, for the driver, is opposite to the
edge of the carriageway appropriate to the direction of traffic. A longitudinal marking
consisting of two continuous lines shall have the same meaning.
The continuous no overtaking line is used to separate traffic on a road that is
travelling in opposite directions. If it is necessary to prevent traffic from changing
lanes on a multi lane road with two or more lanes in one direction, then a
channelization continuous line can be used. The application of the lines in this case
is the same as for a no overtaking line.
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The no overtaking line should be marked where the barrier sight distance between
a point 1.05m high (eye height) and a point 1.3m high (equivalent vehicle height) on
a vertical or horizontal curve is less than the values given in the following table:
Table 3-1: Barrier Sight Distance for No Overtaking Line
Design Speed: km/hr Minimum Barrier Sight Distance (m)
50 150
60 180
80 250
100 300
120 400
The length of the no overtaking line depends on the application of the minimum
barrier sight distance as shown in the following figures for a vertical curve
application and the horizontal curve respectively.
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Figure 3-4: No Overtaking Lines for Vertical Curves
1. Note that the application of a no overtaking line in both directions can result in a section of no
crossing line.
2. The application of the above figure should be carried out for vertical and horizontal curves at the
same time. The recommended minimum distance between successive lengths of no overtaking
or no crossing lines is 120m and is applied irrespective of whether the lines are in the same
direction or opposite directions.
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Figure 3-5: No Overtaking Lines for Horizontal Curves
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Figure 3-6:No Overtaking Line
3.2.5 No Crossing Line
A No Crossing Line requires that a vehicle shall not drive to the left of the line or
physically cross the line, unless there is an obstruction and it is safe to pass.
The No Crossing Line is two continuous white lines each of 100mm width. The lines
are separated by a gap of a minimum of 50mm without road studs to 400mm to
accommodate a dividing line and two rows of road studs. The gap between the
dividing line and the No Crossing Line is 50mm.
No Crossing Lines can be used to prevent left turns onto property driveways.
Figure 3-7: No Crossing Line
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3.2.6 Channelising Line
A Channelising Line is a road marking used at junctions to separate multi lane
traffic and prohibits lane changing in the immediate vicinity of a junction.
The Channelising line width can range from 100mm when uses as a stacking lane
marking at and intersection to 200mm when used as an edge lien to a painted traffic
island. The recommended length of a Channelising Line is 30m at an urban
intersection. On roads with a operating speed of 80km/hr or greater, the width
should be increased to 300mm and the length to 60m.
Figure 3-8: Channelising Line
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Figure 3-9: Typical Channelising line at an Exit Ramp
3.2.7 Painted Islands
A painted traffic island consists of painted white lines 100mm in width that forms a
boundary to the painted island. The boundary of the painted island may be formed
by a kerb on one side, in which case a painted line is not necessary. Within the
boundary the area should be painted with yellow bar lines in a diagonal pattern. The
lines should be a minimum of 150mm in width and a maximum of 1000mm on an
Expressway. The ratio of the bar width to the spaces between the bars is 1 to 2.
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The painted bars should slope forward at an angle of 30
to the centreline of the
road in the direction of travel.
Painted islands can be used in the following situations:
in advance of pedestrian refuge islands on two-way roadways;
in advance of the start of a median island;
in advance of channelising kerbed islands;
at freeway off-ramp gores;
at freeway on-ramp gores following 180 to 360 loop ramps;
as a separator island between opposing flows of traffic when there is
insufficient space for a median island or barrier;
as a channelising device to prevent straight through traffic entering a turning
lane which is in line across a junction from a similar lane serving turning
traffic in the opposite direction;
as a "shadow" island next to a kerbed island to control general traffic
movement but allow overrunning by extra-large vehicles.
Figure 3-10: Painted Island
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3.2.8 Left Edge / Right Edge Lines
Left and right edge lines comprise solid white or yellow lines 100mm wide. The
Right Edge Line demarcates the edge of the right hand shoulder that is to be used
for emergency stops. The right hand shoulder shall not be use for overtaking or
The Left Edge Line demarcated the edge of the road where there is no barrier or
kerb protecting the median between two carriageways.
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Figure 3-11: Left Edge / Right Edge Lines
3.2.9 Parking Bays
Parking Bay lines require that a vehicle must be parked within the lines and within
150mm from a kerb if one is provided.
The Parking Bay lines are white lines 100mm wide and the configuration varies
according whether the lines are for parallel parking or angled parking. The minimum
line marking for a parking bay is a 600mm line extending from the outer limit of the
parking bay towards the kerb depending on the angle of the bay with a 600mm line
forming a T with this line. The recommended dimensions of a standard parking
bay are 5m by 2.5m. The length should be extended to 6m for parallel kerbside
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Figure 3-12: Parking Bays
3.2.10 Direction Arrows
Arrow Markings are provided on roads that have more than one lane separating
vehicles on the approach to an intersection and are used to indicate which lane
traffic should used to perform a particular movement (straight, left or right). The
arrows should be white in colour. Arrows can also be use on one way roads to
indicate the direction of traffic.
At a junction the first arrow should be placed 1m before a stop or yield line or if the
word STOP or a Yield sign is uses, 1m before such marking. Subsequent arrows
should be spaced at 30m to 40m. Two or more arrows should be used if there is
sufficient space. The length of the arrows should be in accordance with the
recommendations in the following table.
Table 3-2: Recommended Symbol Lengths
Design Speed:
Typical Applications
Recommended Length for Arrows,
Symbols, Letters (m)
30 - 40 City Centre 1.25 or 2.5
50 - 60 Urban 2.5 or 4.0
70 - 90 Urban Arterial / Rural Expressway 4.0 or 5.0
100 - 120 Rural Roads and Expressways 5.0
Source: (5)
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The recommended shape of the arrows should be in accordance with the following
Figure 3-13: Arrow Marking Template
3.2.11 Exclusive Use Lane
An exclusive use lane indicates that vehicles may not drive or park in a lane that is
reserved for the exclusive use of a particular class of vehicle e.g. cycle, bus etc.
The lane is marked with a broken yellow line with a minimum width of 150mm with a
gap ratio of 1 to 1 with line and gap lengths of 750mm. A specific symbol is usually
marked in the lane indicating the class of vehicle that can use the lane. The length
of the symbol should be in accordance with the table 3-2.
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Figure 3-14: Exclusive Lane
3.3 Warning Markings
3.3.1 Dividing Lines
A Dividing Line is used to demarcate the centreline of a two way road carrying
traffic in opposite directions and should not be confused with a Lane Line that is use
to demarcate traffic lanes on multi lane road. Traffic should only cross the dividing
line when safe to do so. The Dividing Line should be 100mm in width and 150mm
on multi-lane highways.
A Dividing line comprises a broken white line with a line-to-gap ratio as shown in the
following table:
Table 3-3: Module Dimension for Dividing Line
Road Class
Line-to Gap
Module Width
Line Length (m) Gap Length (m)
Rural 1 to 2 12 4 8
Urban 1 to 2 9 3 6
Urban (>80 km/hr) 1 to 2 12 4 8
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Figure 3-15: Dividing Line
3.3.2 Yield Marking
A yield marking is used to warn road users of a yield sign or yield line ahead.
The yield marking is a white triangular symbol painted 1m in advance of a yield line.
The length of the symbol should be in accordance with the table 3-2.
Figure 3-16: Yield Marking
3.4 Guidance Markings
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3.4.1 Traffic Lane Markings
Traffic lane markings normally consist of a broken line with strokes of equal length
separated by uniform gaps. The length of the lines and gaps depends on the class
of the road and the application of the line. The Lane Line is used on multi lane
roads carrying traffic in the same direction.
Lane lines should be parallel to the centreline and should be synchronised across
the carriageway.
The Lane Line comprises a broken white line with a line-to-gap ratio as shown in
the following table:
Table 3-4: Module Dimension for Lane Line
Road Class
Line-to Gap
Width (m)
Line Length
Gap Length
Expressways and
1 to 2 6 2 4
Urban 1 to 2 4.5 1.5 3
Urban (>80 km/hr) 1 to 2 6 2 4
If an increased level of warning is needed a gap to line ratio of 1 to 1 with
dimensions of 1.5m to 1.5m.
Figure 3-17: Traffic Lane Marking
3.4.2 Continuity Line
A Continuity Line indicates that the road will shortly deviate from the through line
e.g. in place of a lane line where the road deviated towards the right to form a
dedicated left turn lane.
The line comprises a broken white line with a thickness of at least 200mm and
300mm on expressways with a gap to line ratio of 1 to 2 with dimension s of 1.5m to
3.0m or if an increased level of warning is needed a gap to line ratio of 1 to 1 with
dimensions of 1.5m to 1.5m.
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Figure 3-18: Continuity Line
3.4.3 Guide Lines
Guide Lines are used to give guidance to motorists within a junction.
A guide line is a broken white line with a width of 100mm with a gap to line ratio of 1
to 3 with dimensions of 500mm to 1.5m.
Guidelines can be used to provide straight through guidance, turning guidance or by
means of parallel lines, guidance to pedestrians where to cross a road.
Figure 3-19: Guide Lines
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3.4.4 Word Markings
Word Markings are intended to give guidance to road users.
Word Markings comprise white letters or numerals the letter height of which is in
accordance with the above table.
Then skid hazard caused by excessive paint on the road surface should be
The following diagram provides guidance as to the shape of the STOP marking.
Figure 3-20: Template for Word Marking
3.5 Other Delineation Devices
3.5.1 Roadstuds (Cats Eyes)
Roadstuds or more commonly known cats eyes are devices incorporating
retroreflective lenses that efficiently reflect the beams of vehicles headlights. The
are commonly used in combination with road markings in situations where there
may be poor visibility.
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Road studs can be applied in different colours, commonly red, yellow and white. In
some countries the following meanings are conveyed:
Red - means Prohibition
Yellow - means Warning
White means Guidance
Situations where road studs may be warranted include:
Areas where there is regular mist, fog or rain resulting in reduced visibility
Heavy traffic volumes resulting in glare and poor visibility due to traffic
density e.g. trucks
Poor road design standards e.g. sharp curves, narrow roads
High accident zones such as intersections, complex road layouts, sharp
Construction zones with temporary deviations.
Road studs are placed centrally in the gaps between broken lines or next to a
continuous line with a 50mm gap between the line and the road stud. Road studs
should be spaced to fall on a common cross section across the road. The
recommended longitudinal spacing is:
Rural roads: 24m
Urban 18m
Temporary: 12m
In abnormal situations the spacing can be reduced to 3m.
3.5.2 Guardrail (Crash barrier) Delineators
Guardrail delineators are retroreflective devices used to warn road users of the
presence of a guardrail.
The delineators should be at least 70 cm
and should be attached to the guardrail at
regular intervals.
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4.1 Introduction
Traffic Signals are standardised devices for the regulation and control of vehicular
traffic, pedestrians and pedal cyclists. They are normally used at the following
Signalised intersections
Signalised pedestrian and cyclist crossings
Control of public transport lanes
Temporary road works
Railway crossings
Traffic signals are complex in terms of their design, installation and operation and
should only be undertaken by qualified persons with a high level of skill and
experience. A typical traffic signal design should comprise of the following
A scale drawing of the intersection to be signalised showing the road layout
and traffic lanes
The number, type and location of the traffic signal faces
Pedestrian and cyclist facilities
Traffic signal phasing, timing plans and offsets (to achieve synchronisation
of traffic signals at consecutive intersections)
Date of implementation and signature of approval of a competent, suitable
qualified person
The main objectives of traffic signals are as follows:
To reduce conflicts between vehicles and other traffic (pedestrians and
To enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road safely
To improve the capacity of an intersection
To improve safety
To reduce delays to side road traffic
To provide for continuity of movement along a route
To warn of hazards
The provision of traffic signals is not always the best solution to a particular situation
and the following alternatives should also be considered:
Redesign the geometry of the intersection to improve traffic flow and safety
e.g. the provision of a dedicated left turn lane for turning traffic
The provision of a traffic circle
The provision of an interchange if there are high volumes of traffic
The introduction of traffic management measures such as one way streets,
road closures and the banning of certain turning movements
The introduction of traffic calming
A possible disadvantage of traffic signals is that they may only be needed during
the peak traffic flow hours. During the off peak when traffic flows are lower, the
signal may create unnecessary delays and lead to driver frustrations and traffic
disobeying or ignoring the traffic signal. The introduction of a traffic signal on a main
route may also lead to delays that did not previously occur. The benefits of traffic
signals must therefore be carefully considered.
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4.2 Vehicle Signal Indications
In Nigeria the following traffic light system is used:
1) A flashing or steady green light signal, followed by:
2) A steady yellow light signal, followed by:
3) A steady red light signal, followed by:
4) A steady yellow and red light signal shown together.
The above sequence is shown in the following diagram.
Figure 4-1: Nigerian Traffic Light System
4.2.1 Red Light Signals
A steady red disc indicates that a driver shall stop behind the stop line and shall
only proceed when a green light is displayed and it is safe to do so.
A steady red arrow indicates that a driver shall stop behind the stop line if the driver
intends to proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow and shall only proceed
when a green light is displayed and it is safe to do so. (See the figure below)
4.2.2 Yellow Light Signals
A steady yellow disc indicates that a driver shall stop behind the stop line and shall
only proceed when a green light is displayed and it is safe to do so, provided that if
the driver is so close to the stop line when the yellow signal is displayed that the
driver cannot stop safely, the driver may then proceed with caution through the
yellow light.
A steady yellow arrow indicates that a driver shall stop behind the stop line if the
driver intends to proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow and shall only
proceed when a green light is displayed and it is safe to do so, provided that if the
driver is so close to the stop line when the yellow signal is displayed that the driver
cannot stop safely, the driver may then proceed with caution through the yellow
light. (See the figure below)
4.2.3 Green Light Signals
A steady green disc indicates to the driver that the driver may proceed straight or
turn to the left or right but shall yield to other vehicles or pedestrians.
A steady green arrow indicates to the driver that the driver may proceed in the
direction of the arrow and that the movement is unopposed by other traffic. (See the
figure below)
Figure 4-2: Example of Steady Arrow Signals
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4.2.4 Yellow and Red Light Signals Shown Together
As steady yellow light shown together with a steady red light is shown immediately
before a steady green light to indicate to drivers that the green phase is about to
commence. This may form part of the all red clearance time at the signal.
4.2.5 Flashing or other Modes of Operation
When a traffic signal develops a fault it may be switched to a flashing yellow disc
light on all approaches. Drivers should then treat the intersection as a three or four
way stop.
Alternatively the signals may be switched off completely. This can also be done
when the intersection is controlled by a traffic officer on point duty.
4.2.6 Arrangement of Light Signals
Traffic Light Signals on a traffic signal face with red, yellow and green lights must be
arranged in line vertically with the red on top, yellow immediately below the red and
the green immediately below the yellow. If there is a second green arrow, it must be
arranged in line vertically immediately below the first green arrow. A straight ahead
arrow must be above a left or right arrow, and a left arrow must be above a right
The standard signal face and the arrangement with more than one arrow are shown
in the following figures:
Figure 4-3: Standard Signal Face
The standard signal face in the above diagram may be used when traffic is
permitted to move in any direction. The standard signal face may not be used on
the same approach as the signal face with arrows shown in the following diagram
because of the conflicting meaning of the green arrows and the steady green disc.
The signal faces shown in the folowing diagram should be used to signal protected
turning phases and only if there is no traffic opposing this phase.
Figure 4-4: Signal Face with Arrows
The yellow and green light signals that contain two light signals shall be positioned
in line vertically with the yellow above the green (see the figure below).
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When two or more signal faces are mounted in a horizontal group, the lights of the
same colour should be placed on the same horizontal level as light of the same
colour (see the figure below), except as in the example in the above figure (signal
face arrows).
Figure 4-5: Signal Groups
4.2.7 Pedestrian and Pedal Cyclist Signals
Pedestrian and Pedal Cycle Signals are provided in conjunction with vehicle
signals at signalised intersections of at signalised mid-block pedestrian or cyclist
Pedestrian or cycle signals comprise:
A steady green man signal, followed by a flashing green man signal, followed by a
steady red man light. The meaning of the signals is as follows:
A steady green man signal: A pedestrian or cyclist may cross and motorist
have to yield,
A flashing green man signal: a pedestrian or cyclist who has not started
crossing may not cross until the steady green light is shown,
A steady red man light: A pedestrian or cyclist may not cross until the steady
green man light is shown.
4.3 Location and Visibility of Traffic Signals
Traffic signal faces for use at junctions comprise of Principle signal faces that are
required to meet minimum safety standards and legal requirements and
Supplementary signal faces that are required to improve visibility, safety standards
and traffic operations.
4.3.1 Number and Location of Traffic Signal Faces
The following principle traffic signal faces are required at a signalised junction,
slipway or signalised crossing to control traffic on each approach:
At least principle two traffic signal faces on the near side of the junction
positioned approximately on the extension of the stop line, one on the left
and one on the right of the road. If the road is a dual carriageway with a
constructed median island at least 1.2m wide, then the left hand traffic signal
face should be positioned on the median island. The two traffic signal faces
should not be more than 16 to 20m apart.
If a separate left turn signal face is to be provided, at least two principle
traffic signal faces incorporating a left turn arrow must be provided, one on
the near side and one either on the far side or near side of the junction.
When a separate right turn signal face is required, at least one principle
signal face incorporating a right turn arrow should be provided on the near
side of the junction.
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Even if the above minimum requirements are met, additional signal faces
can be provided if required to improve visibility.
It should be noted that if a protected left turn phase is provide using the traffic signal
face shown in Figures 4-4 and 4-5, the left turn phase cannot be provided at the
same time as the main signal phase due to the conflicting meaning of the steady
green arrow and the steady green disc.
On high speed roads the speed limit on the approach to a traffic signal should not
exceed 80km/hr. If the speed limit is higher than 70km/hr, high intensity traffic
signals or overhead gantry traffic signals should be used. High visibility warning
signs, a skid resistant road surface or traffic calming (rumble strips) should be used
on the approach.
4.3.2 Visibility and Mounting of Traffic Signal Faces
Under normal conditions traffic signal faces should be clearly visible. Consideration
should be give to the provision of high intensity traffic lights on high speed roads
(80km/hr) and other locations e.g. where the light may affected by setting sun of
there is a cluttered background caused by other lights or signs.
The traffic signal can also be equipped with black backing boards or protective
cones over the lenses to improve visibility. It is also recommended that the poles on
which the traffic lights are erected should be painted yellow. Reflective strips can
also be placed on the supporting poles.
Traffic signals should comply with minimum sight distances required as indicated in
the table below:
Table 4-1: Sight Distances for Warning Signs
Operating Speed:
Urban Minimum (m)
Urban Preferable and
Rural Minimum (m)
Minimum clear
visibility distance of
sign (m)
40 55 130
50 80 160 60
60 110 190 80
70 140 215 100
80 170 240 120
Source: (5)
The figures in the above table may need to be increased by 10 to 15% for down
grades depending on speed.
Traffic signals should normally be mounted on standard poles, extended poles or on
overhead cantilever supports or gantry. The erection of traffic signals on cables is
not recommended.
Lateral clearances to traffic signals, including backing boards should be a standard
of 500mm. This can be increased to 1 000mm if there is a steep crossfall of the
road towards the traffic light that can cause tipping of vehicles.
The principle traffic signal faces should be mounted on poles at the side of the road
at a position not more than 2m from the continuation of the right or left edge of the
roadway i.e. excluding the turning radius. The traffic signal faces should be not less
than 2.3m and not more than 3m, measured to the centre on the lowest light,
above the adjacent road surface and there should be a minimum clearance of 2.1m
above the sidewalk adjacent to the pole. If there are sight distance problems e.g. a
vertical curve at the intersection, then a supplementary signal may be mounted on
the post at a height exceeding 3m.
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Overhead mounted traffic lights are required if it is not possible to comply with the
requirement that the principle traffic signals on either side of the road be no further
apart than 20m. Overhead traffic lights may also be required if there is a high risk of
accidents. The minimum vertical clearance of an overhead mounted traffic light is
5.2m and the lowest light should not be more than 6.2m above the road level.
The position of traffic lights is shown in the following diagrams:
Figure 4-6: Standard Post Mounting
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Figure 4-7: Extended Post Mounting
Figure 4-8: Overhead (Cantilever) Mounting
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Figure 4-9: Mounting of a Pedestrian or Pedal Cycle Light Signal
For each traffic signal installation a traffic signal plan must be prepared, an example
of which is shown in the following figure:
Figure 4-10: Example of Traffic Signal Layout Plan
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4.4 Traffic Signal Timings and Phasing
The correct design for the timing and phasing of traffic signals is a prerequisite for
the functioning of traffic signals. The incorrect signal settings will lead to the
wastage of time and fuel by road users and can lead to driver frustration and drivers
taking risks, leading to a greater risk of accidents.
Proper design of traffic signals requires careful planning, the collection of data, the
analysis of the data and the calculation of the most efficient signal timings to
minimise delays at the intersection.
Several modes of operation of traffic signals are available depending on the
circumstances, including fixed time signals, vehicle actuated control and traffic
responsive control.
The design of traffic signals and traffic signal timings requires a high level of
expertise and experience and should be carried out by a qualified Traffic Engineer.
The first step in any design is to collect comprehensive information on the current
situation at an intersection. This can range from a scale drawing of the intersection
showing road widths, lanes and any existing signs and street furniture, to a
comprehensive traffic survey of existing traffic volumes per approach and lane. The
traffic count should at least cover the morning and afternoon peak 2 hours as well
as the heaviest off peak 2 hours when traffic flow it its heaviest.
The technical methodology required is beyond the scope of this Guideline. There
are several references that should be consulted if further information is required,
such as the following:
Transport Research Board, 1997, Highway Capacity Manual, Special
Report, National Research Council, Washington.
Webster F.V. 1958, Traffic Signal settings, Road Research Technical Paper
No 39, Road Research Laboratory, U.K.
Webster F.V. and Cobb B.M. 1966, Traffic Signals, Road Research
Technical Paper No 56, Road Research Laboratory, U.K.
Department of Transport, SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual Digitised
Version, May 2012.
In addition excellent software is available that can assist in traffic signal design. One
of the best known is the following:
SIDRA INTERSECTION According to the website SIDRA Intersection is a
powerful software package for timing, capacity, performance and level of
service analysis of signalised intersections (junctions controlled by traffic
lights) including signal coordination effects. It uses an advanced critical
movement analysis method allowing for overlap movements and
movements with two green periods per cycle and determines signal timings
using fixed-time / pre-timed and actuated signal analysis methods for any
intersection geometry allowing for simple as well as complex phasing
arrangements involving overlap movements. The software is available from:
4.5 Warrants for Traffic Signals
The installation of traffic signals should not be carried out unless there has been an
in depth investigation to determine if they are warranted in terms of their ability to
improve traffic operations and safety. It is also essential that there be an ongoing
commitment to the maintenance of the signal installation.
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The signalisation of an intersection should be provided where the existing method
of control, e.g. a stop or yield control, cannot cope with the traffic flows and there
are increasing delays and accidents as a result. Delays are manifested by long
queues of traffic on the side roads waiting to cross or turn into the main road and
waiting to turn left from the main road into the side road. There may also be high
volumes of pedestrians wanting to cross at an intersection. If there are excessive
delays at an intersection this can result in a safety problem because drivers (and
pedestrians) may become frustrated at the delay and then take risks. This may
result in an increase in accidents at an intersection.
It should be realised that the installation of traffic signals may create new delays for
traffic on the main road, because drivers previously did not have to stop, while
reducing delays on a side road. The dis-benefit to the traffic on the main road and
the benefits in reduced delays to traffic on the side road should be carefully
A further factor to be considered is that where an intersection is not isolated and is
located near to other traffic signals, there may be benefits in signalising the
intersection and coordinating the traffic signal settings with the other intersections in
order to improve traffic flow and overall delays on an area-wide basis.
As stated in section 4.1 above, the installation of traffic signals is not always the
best solution and the alternatives (e.g. geometric improvement, mini circles etc)
should first receive consideration.
Many authorities adopt a system of Warrants in terms of which the need for traffic
signals can be assessed, instead of carrying out a detailed engineering analysis.
Experience has shown in many countries that there is a level of traffic activity above
which signals are needed. Above this level delays become unacceptable and an
increase in traffic accidents can result.
The SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual (5) uses the length of traffic queues as the
criteria for establishing if traffic signals are warranted. Queues can be comprised of
vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists stopped or waiting at a junction in a single lane.
The length of a queue is deemed to be proportional to the total delay at the
intersection and is an indication of the accident potential. As queues build up,
delays increase. The following queue length warrants have been adopted in the
SADC manual:
The INSTALLATION of a traffic signal is deemed warranted at a junction or
pedestrian or pedal cyclist crossing when ANY one of the following three queue
length warrants are met.
a) WARRANT 1: The average length of ANY individual queue equals or
exceeds four (4) over any one hour of a normal day.
b) WARRANT 2: The SUM of the average lengths of all queues equals or
exceeds six (6) over any one hour of a normal day.
c) WARRANT 3: The SUM of the average lengths of all queues equals or
exceeds four (4) over each of any eight hours of a normal day (the hours do
not have to be consecutive, but they may not overlap).
The implementation of the above warrants requires extensive surveys of traffic
queues in the field. Queues are measured every 15 to 60 seconds on each
approach lane over the required period and are averaged.
As second method of determining average queue length is by means of traffic
modelling. This is not as accurate as conducting actual on site surveys, but can be
useful if field measurements are not possible or where a new intersection is being
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designed. A variety of computer software is available which can determine average
queue lengths e.g. the SIDRA software mentioned in section 4.4 above.
Other methods typically use a series of empirical graphs on which traffic flows on
the main and minor approaches are plotted to determine a warrant e.g. Traffic
Signal Warrants published by the Texas Transport Institute. (8)
Reference should be made to the above sources should additional technical detail
be required.
It is recommended that the warrants for traffic signal control should be determined
by a suitably qualified and experienced Traffic Engineer.
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5.1 Longitudinal Placement
The longitudinal placement of signs is governed by the speed of the approaching
vehicles and the greater the speed, the further in advance the sign needs to be
positioned. This is necessary to provide the driver with time to react and respond to
the message conveyed by the sign. The longitudinal position of signs also depends
on the point of reference they refer to for example the beginning or end of road
section to which an regulatory control applies, a road hazard e.g. a sharp curve or
an intersection.
It is essential that drivers have an unobstructed view of the sign and the sight line
should be free of obstructions e.g. foliage, other signs etc. The sight line also
depends on speed and the higher the speed the greater the distance needs to be.
Signs should be placed on the right hand side of the road, however some signs may
be placed on the left hand side of the road as well for additional emphasis or if there
is no convenient visible position on the right had side.
5.1.1 Longitudinal Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs
Generally, Regulatory signs are placed at or as close as possible to the point to
which they refer e.g. a STOP sign should be placed at the stop line. Other signs
that are placed at the beginning of a section of road that has a restriction e.g.
OVERTAKING PROHIBITED and apply over a specific length of road, following
which they must be repeated.
Warning signs are generally place a specific distance in advance of a hazard. The
distance depends on the speed of the vehicle to provide the driver with reaction
The following table indicates the typical recommendations for the distance a
warning sign should be placed from a hazard and the typical sight (clear visibility)
distance to a sign. A comparison has been made between the recommend
distances contained in the UK Traffic Signs Manual, 2004 (9) and the SADC Road
Traffic Signs Manual (5) and the figures contained in the SADC Road Traffic Signs
Manual are recommended for use due to their simplicity.
Table 5-1: Sight Distances for Warning Signs
Operating Speed:
Distance of sign
from hazard (m)
Distance of sign
from hazard (m)
Gravel Road
Minimum clear
visibility distance of
sign (m)
60 120 160 60
80 160 218 80
100 240 320 100
120 330 400 120
Source: (5)
The above table also indicates the recommended typical sight (clear visibility)
distance for both Regulatory and Warning Signs.
If it is impractical to place the sign within 10% of the recommended distance, then a
position further away from the hazard should be selected.
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5.1.2 Longitudinal Placement of Information Signs
Information signs are usually placed in advance of a junction or another facility such
as a rest area. Information signs placed at a junction should be placed so that traffic
passes in front of the sign, particularly when the junction is controlled by a stop,
yield or traffic signal. This allows the maximum time for the driver to read the sign.
On class A National Roads with an operating speed of up to 100km/hr. the
minimum spacing of information signs should be 80m and a longitudinal spacing of
150m to 300m is recommended. On an expressway, Class E, the recommended
minimum spacing should be 200m.
On local roads, Class F, in dense urban areas, space constraints usually dictate
the placement of information signs and care must be taken not to obscure other
regulatory or warning signs.
When placing signs, care must be taken that the sign in not obscured by vegetation
of street furniture etc.
The following figure indicates the recommended information sign sequence at a
junction between Class A or F roads.
Figure 5-1: Junction Information Sign Sequence: Class A or F Road
1) The above diagram represents the recommended sequence of information signage. The
confirmation sign G,10 is optional.
2) The advance direction sign G,5 (Advance) may be replaced by a warning sign A,18a or another
appropriate warning sign on a non-priority Class A or F approach.
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3) When a warning sign is used in advance, the G,5 sign may be replaced by a composite G,5
(Advance) sign.
The following table indicated the recommended distances that the advance
direction signs should be placed from a road junction.
Table 5-2: Distance of Advance Direction Signs from a Road Junction
Operating Speed on
the Approach km/hr
Operating Speed at Road Junction km/hr
20 40 60 80m
60 120m 90m 65m 65m
80 155 180m 140 165m 80m 80m
100 245 300m 220 275m 155m 130m
120 320 390m 310 360m 275 300m 145m
Source: (5)
1) The longer distances should be use for gravel roads to allow for more gradual deceleration.
The following figure indicates the recommend sequence and placement of signage
at a diamond access interchange where the exit ramps terminate at an at-grade
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Figure 5-2: Ground Mounted Exit Direction Signs: Class E Road Access
Source: (5)
1) The G,1b (Pre-Advance) sign is used at an interchange between two freeway systems (Optional
for an Access Interchange).
2) The G, 1b (Supplementary) sign is used in heavy traffic conditions for additional emphasis.
The following figure shows the recommended signage on an off-ramp.
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Figure 5-3: Off-Ramp Direction Signing
Source: (5)
1) The signs illustrated above may follow ground mounted or overhead signs on an expressway.
2) For sign G,5 (advance), use position ALT2 if the off-ramp widens to two or more lanes.
3) For very high volumes or where two or more lanes are provided, the use of overhead signs should
be considered.
The following figure indicates the recommended information sign sequence for
ground mounted signs at a diamond interchange.
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Figure 5-4: Ground Mounted Cross Direction Sign Sequence Diamond
Source: (5)
The following figure indicates the direction sign sequence for overhead signs at an
access interchange. Overhead signs may be justified in certain situations such as
on multi-lane expressways, arterial roads with at-grade junctions or in busy central
business areas. Overhead signs may be required, inter alia, in the following
On heavily trafficked, multi lane roads where ground mounted signs may be
obscured e.g. three lanes or more or expressways with more than 50 000
vehicles per day,
At busy junctions where all the drivers concentration is likely to be ahead
and not to the side of the road,
When it is uneconomical to mount signs on the side of the road.
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On systems interchanges between freeways
Where there is a high percentage of heavy vehicles
On off ramps with more than three lanes
Figure 5-5: Overhead Exit Direction Sign Sequence Access Interchange
Source: (5)
The following figure indicates the recommended information sign sequence for
overhead information signs at a systems interchange. There are many variations of
sign configuration depending on the interchange geometry. Reference literature
should be consulted to view other possible layouts.
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Figure 5-6: Overhead Direction Sign Sequence: Systems Interchange
Source: (5)
The following figure indicates the recommended information sign sequence for
ground mounted information signs at a parclo interchange.
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Figure 5-7: Ground Mounted Cross Road Direction Sign Sequence Parclo
Source: (5)
5.2 Lateral and Vertical Placement
5.2.1 Lateral Placement
The following diagrams indicate the recommended lateral placement of signs from
the edge of the road way or shoulder. Care should be taken in positioning of signs
that the sign is not obscured by cut slopes.
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Figure 5-8: Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs (Shoulder)
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Figure 5-9 Placement of Regulatory and Warning Signs (Kerb and Sidewalk)
Table 5-3: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Regulatory and Warning
Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions
Dimension Minimum (mm) Preferred (mm) Maximum (mm)
A 1200 1500 2000
B 500 750 -
C 600 2100 2500
D 2100 2500 3000
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Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions
Dimension Minimum (mm) Preferred (mm) Maximum (mm)
E 0 0 200
Figure 5-10: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Beyond Usable
Figure 5-11: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Class E and A
Figure 5-12: Placement of Multiple Support Information Signs (Class A Roads)
Table 5-4: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Ground Mounted
Information Signs)
Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions
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Dimension Minimum (mm) Preferred (mm) Maximum (mm)
H - - 6000
I 1500 2500 -
J 2500 4000 -
K 1600 2000 2400
L 1200 - -
5.2.2 Vertical Placement
Details of recommended vertical mounting heights for road signs are shown in the
following diagrams (5)
Figure 5-13: Placement of Overhead Cantilever Signs
Figure 5-14: Placement of Overhead Gantry Signs
Table 5-5: Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions (Overhead Mounted
Information Signs)
Permanent Sign Placement Dimensions
Dimension Minimum (mm) Preferred (mm) Maximum (mm)
M 5200 5700 6200
N 1500 2000 -
P 50 1000 -
R 4000 4500 -
T 1800 - 4200
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5.3 Sizes of Regulatory and Warning Signs
The size of signs is important in that the information must be read and assimilated
by drivers from a moving vehicle. The size of the sign must therefore be appropriate
to the speed of the vehicle. The following tables indicate the recommended sign
sizes based on vehicle speed for Regulatory and Warning signs as recommended
in the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual (5).
Table 5-6: Sizes of Regulatory Signs
Speed: km/hr
100 or more 70 to 90 0 - 60
Stopping /
Circular Sign
Diameter (mm)
1200 900 600 450 1600
Sign (mm)
H x W
1200 x 900 900 x 675 600 x 450 450 x 340 1600 x 1200
Source: (5)
Table 5-7: Sizes of Warning Signs
Speed: km/hr
120 100 80 60
Height of
warning signs
1500 1500 1200 900
Source: (5)
5.4 Design of Information Signs
The design of information signs is dependant on the standard letter sizes and letter
spacings used and the information content to be included on the sign. Standards
have been adopted by both the United Kingdom Department of Transport Traffic
Signs Manual (for traffic signs in the UK) (9) and the Southern African Development
Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (SADC RTSM) (5) (for traffic signs in South
Africa and surrounding countries).
Both the above references base the design of information signs on a standard
alphanumeric alphabet with variations for different types of sign.
The UK standard has two versions: Transport Medium for white characters on a
green, blue, brown, red or black background and Transport Heavy for black
characters on a white or yellow background. To ensure the correct letter spacing,
the letters are placed on imaginary tiles with a fixed height and a variable width
depending on the character. Measurement s are then taken from the edges of the
tiles and not the characters.
The size of an alphabet is specified in terms of its x-height. This is the height of the
lower case letter x, and is the same for both the Transport Medium and Heavy
alphabets. The unit of measurement when designing a sign is the stroke width (sw)
which is one quarter of the x-height and is not necessarily equivalent to the width of
any given character. The dimensions for signs are then given in stroke widths
unless otherwise stated.
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Section 2 of Chapter 7 of the UK Traffic Signs Manual provides technical guidelines
on the design rules for all rectangular signs and should be used as a reference
when designing signs based on the UK standards.
Figure 3-7 of Chapter 7 of the UK Traffic Signs Manual shows a typical highway
network comprising primary and non-primary routes. The signing of the network
using the colour coding rules used is illustrated by the five advance direction signs.
The figure is reproduced below.
Figure 5-15: Typical UK Highway Network Signage
Source: (Figure 3-7 of UK Traffic Signs Manual) (9)
The design of traffic signs is relatively complex taking into consideration the
variations in letter sizes, colours, layouts etc and thus lends itself to the use of a
computer programme that can greatly simplify the task and aid standardisation of
sign design. An appropriate sign design computer programme has been sourced
from the internet at http://www.buchanancomputing.net/Brochures/SignPlot
According to the website SignPlot is the UKs leading traffic sign software and
includes state-of-the-art structural design. SignPlot is the only system to fully
automate the layout and spacing rules of the Traffic Signs Regulations (TSRGD
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2002) and UK Traffic Signs Manual. SignPlot makes sign design quick and accurate
for both new and experienced designers..
It is therefore recommended that should the UK traffic sign design standard be
adopted in Nigeria, suitable design software be sourced and implemented to
promote standardisation of design.
The Southern African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (SADC
RTSM) bases the layout and sizing of all guidance signs on the dimensional
characteristics of the DIN 1451 Part 2 letter style. DIN uppercase letters have a
height of "7d", where "d" is the stroke width of the letter. All arrows, symbols and
fixed spaces on the sign face are specified as multiples of "d". In this way one
signface layout can serve as a design base for any size of letter.
Chapter 4 of Volume 1 of the Southern African Development Community Road
Traffic Signs Manual (SADC RTSM) (5) provides guidelines for he design of various
types or information sigh including elevated and ground mounted signs.
The choice of letter size is governed by a number of factors including:
the sign mounting position, i.e. ground - or side -mounted, or overhead
the letter style used on the sign face;
legibility factor;
the visual acuity of drivers;
the luminance of the sign face;
whether the text will be displayed in the normal arrangement of upper and
lowercase letters, or in uppercase letters only;
the speed of traffic on the approach to the sign(s);
the amount of information displayed on the sign;
the horizontal and/or vertical displacement of the sign from the direction of
movement of vehicles
Section 4.4 of Chapter 4 of the manual provides the technical methodology for the
selection of the letter sizes for various classes of road and operating speeds. The
recommended letter sizes, for average conditions, are shown in the following
Table 5-8: Recommended (Average) Letter Sizes Rural Roads
Road Class
Operating Speed
120 km/hr 100 km/hr 80 km/hr 60 km/hr
Elevated Ground Elevated Ground Elevated Ground Elevated Ground
490/350 350/250 - - - - - -
B Arterial - 280/200 420/300 280/200 350/200 210/150 - -
C Collector - 280/200 - 280/200 - 210/150 - -
D Local - - 280/200 - 210/150 - -
490/350 = Uppercase/Lowercase
Elevated / Ground refers to the location of the sign
Source: (5)
Table 5-9: Recommended (Average) Letter Sizes Urban Roads
Road Class
Operating Speed
120 km/hr 100 km/hr 80 km/hr 60 km/hr
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Elevated Ground Elevated Ground Elevated Ground Elevated Ground
- - 350/250 350/250 350/250 350/250 - -
B Arterial - - - - 350/200 280/200 280/200 210/150
C Collector - - - - - 280/200 210/150 -
D Local - - - - - - 175/125
490/350 = Uppercase/Lowercase
Elevated / Ground refers to the location of the sign
Source: (5)
The design of traffic signs is relatively complex taking into consideration the
variations in letter sizes, colours, layouts etc and thus lends itself to the use of a
computer programme that can greatly simplify the task and aid standardisation of
sign design. An appropriate sign design computer programme has been sourced
from the internet at http://trafsoft.com/ .
According to the website, Road Signs Design Unlimited is a software package
specifically developed for the traffic engineering industry. RSDU offers the user a
simple and comprehensive platform to design road signs. The software has the
following features:
Conforms to SADC guidelines
Exports to HTML, PDF, DXF and WMF
Prints in colour or vector wire frame
All standard SADC symbols included
Ability to use colour in symbols
Uses XML for easy integration
Can be used on local area network (LAN)
Several templates to choose from
Road sign design unlimited is compatible with all versions of Microsoft
The above software package is in use by several manufacturers in South Africa and
is extremely user friendly. The package is suited to the application of the signs
included in the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual. Although it is based on left hand
side driving, it is possible that the software can be modified to right hand side drive.
It is therefore recommended that this software be investigated for possible
application in Nigeria for the design of standard road sign faces in line with the
standards included in the SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual.
The road signs shown in the following diagrams were designed using Trafsoft
software and illustrate the versatility of the product.
Figure 5-16: Typical Information Sign Designs using Trafsoft
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5.5 Typical Applications at Intersections
The following diagrams indicate the typical road signage layouts at road
intersections. Typical layouts at urban, rural and signalised intersections are shown.
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Figure 5-17: Minor Crossroad Junction
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Figure 5-18: Minor T-Junction
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Figure 5-19: Cross Road Junction with Left Turn Lanes
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Figure 5-20: Crossroad Junction with 4-Lane Major Road
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Figure 5-21: Traffic Circle
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Figure 5-22: Signalised Multi Lane Road
5.6 Checklist for Road Design - Traffic Signs and Markings Drawings
The following checklist can be used when checking road design drawings for the
correct application of road signs and markings. The check list is not exhaustive and
is meant to highlight areas that may require further attention in the design process.
It is thus meant as a guide. If further technical detail is required, then the relevant
chapters of this manual should be referred to.
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Table 5-10: Signs and Markings Check List
Traffic Signs, Traffic Signals and Road Markings Check List
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided at
intersections e.g. Stop, Give Way, No -entry?
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided to restrict
vehicle mass and width where these may be required?
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided to restrict
turning movements at intersections should this be required?
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided to prohibit
overtaking where his may be required e.g. on narrow or gravel roads.
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided to provide
notice of the maximum or minimum speed limit?
Have adequate Regulatory (Prohibitory) signs been provided to prohibit or
control parking or stopping?
Are any other special Regulatory signs necessary e.g. Customs?
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to indicate
the direction to be followed e.g. at an intersection?
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to indicate
one way or two way traffic or the beginning of a divided road??
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to indicate
which side of an obstacle traffic should pass e.g. at a median island?
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to advise of
a traffic circle?
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to indicate a
compulsory footpath or cycle track?
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to advise of
a compulsory minimum speed limit e.g. on an expressway
Have adequate Regulatory (Mandatory) signs been provided to advise or
a priority to oncoming traffic lane e.g. at a narrow road?
Warning Signs
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of sharp curves or
dangerous bends?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of steep or
dangerous ascents or descents e.g. a gradient of 10 to 15%
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of a narrow
carriageway e.g. a narrow bridge or narrowing road?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of special
conditions e.g. uneven road (speed bumps), slippery road or loose gravel.
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of pedestrians,
children or animals crossing the road or a marked pedestrian crossing?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of crossroads, tee
or skew junctions?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of intersections
with major of minor roads?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of a roundabout
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of a level crossing
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of a Give Way or
Yield control at an intersection?
Have adequate Warning signs been provided to advise of any special
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Traffic Signs, Traffic Signals and Road Markings Check List
circumstances e.g. a Ferry terminal?
Have adequate Information signs been provided to advise place or street
Have adequate Information signs been provided to special facilities e.g. a
hospital, first aid, filling station etc?
Have adequate Information signs been provided to advise where parking
is authorised?
Have adequate Information signs been provided in advance of an
intersection or interchange to advise of the destination?
Have adequate Information signs been provided to provide direction to
minor facilities e.g. airport, towns, rest areas?
Have adequate count down signs been provided at expressway exits?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to indicate Stop
or yield control at intersections?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to designate
pedestrian crossings?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to indicate No
Overtaking at places where there is inadequate sight distance e.g. a hill
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to indicate no
Crossing or to Channelise traffic e.g. at junctions?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to indicate
painted islands?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to indicate left
or right shoulders?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to designate
parking bays?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to provide
painted arrows to indicate the direction of travel in a particular lane?
Have adequate Regulatory Road Markings been provided to designate
exclusive lanes e.g. a bus lane?
Have adequate Warning Road Markings been provided to indicate the
centreline of a road?
Have adequate Warning Road Markings been provided to indicate a yield
control ahead.
Have adequate Guidance Road Markings been provided to indicate traffic
Have adequate Guidance Road Markings been provided to indicate
Continuity e.g. where a lane deviates in direction?
Have adequate Guidance Road Markings been provided to guide
motorists in a junction?
Have adequate Guidance Road Markings been provided to indicate
advise motorises in the form of words e.g. the word STOP?
Have roadstuds been provided to guide motorists where there is poor
visibility e.g. misty areas, sharp curves
Have reflective devices been provided for Guardrails or Crash barriers
been provided at dangerous locations
Traffic Signals Has a scale drawing of the intersection to be signalised showing the road
layout and traffic lanes been provided?
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Traffic Signs, Traffic Signals and Road Markings Check List
The number, type and location of the traffic signal faces
Have pedestrian and cyclist facilities been provided?
Have traffic signal phasing, timing plans and offsets (to achieve
synchronisation of traffic signals at consecutive intersections) been
Is the signature of approval of a competent, suitably qualified person been
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6.1 Traffic Sign Materials
Traffic signs should generally be retroreflective to aid visibility at night and in poor
weather conditions. This is particularly true for the message on the signs and in
some cases the background of the sign as well: although cost may be a factor.
Retroreflective materials are available in many grades and quality. In the Southern
African Development Community Road Traffic Signs Manual (5), Classes I, II or III
materials are specified according to the South African National Standard SANS
1519. The British Standard No 873, The Construction of Road Traffic Signs and
Internally Illuminated Bollards may also be referenced in this regard. The Classes I,
II or III have an increasing coefficient of retroreflection.
According to SANS Retroreflective sheeting consists of a smooth , flat, transparent
or translucent film that has retroreflective elements below the surface forming an
optical reflecting system that has a non exposed lens. This can be achieved by
incorporating glass beads or prisms.
It is recommended that all signs be retroreflective except as follows:
Prohibitory regulatory signs black symbols may be black semi-matt
Mandatory regulatory signs - the white arrows can be white semi-matt
Direction signs on Expressways should have a higher reflectivity e.g. Class II or III
due to the higher speeds..
The sign board material (metal sheeting) is specified at the discretion of the road
authority. If the sign is to be fully coated with retroreflective materials, then the
material should have a life expectancy of at least the same as the retroreflective
material (normally 7 to 10 years).
Typically an epoxy coated galvanised steel sheeting can be used which is pre-
painted and baked, resulting in a flat, durable, vinyl receptive surface that has UV
resistant properties.
In areas where theft of large direction signs (usually information signs) is a problem,
the signs can be manufactures in panels, as opposed to one large sheet. The
panels can be affixed separately. This discourages the signs from being used for
the construction of informal houses for example. Another example is to perforate
the signs with drill holes. This renders the sheeting useless for any other use.
6.2 Road Marking Materials
Road markings are defined as markings applied to the road surface and can be in
the form of a paint, plastic or sheet.
The application and life of road marking is markedly affected by the texture of the
road surface and how it is prepared. Paints may be applied in a range of
thicknesses and are quick drying. The thickness depends on the amount of traffic
and the required durability (between 0.2 and 0.5 mm thick). Generally paints can be
either suitable for spray application or for general brush application. They can also
be supplied as suitable for the subsequent application of glass beads to improve
reflectivity. The glass beads must be applied before the paint dries and are applied
not less than 0.34 kg/m
of marking.
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Markings in the form of a sheet or tape that is glued to the road surface can be
used. Due to the cost their application is usually limited to small areas or to pre-
formed symbols e.g. a STOP marking.
Factors that can be included in a specification for road marking include:
Luminance factor
Coefficient of reflection
Skid resistance
The durability of new markings is affected by the time a new road surface has had
to cure and the application rate used for the road marking material. Usually the
curing time for a new road surface is catered for by using two applications of the
road markings at closely spaced applications.
6.3 Installation of Road Signs
There are a number of factors that affect the design of a support structure needed
for a traffic sign. These include the following:
Weather and climate e.g. wind, rain
The location e.g. urban, rural
Road class, speed
Road side conditions e.g. cut, fill slopes
Clearances vertical and lateral
Regulatory and Warming signs are considered to be small signs. These signs are
normally ground mounted on a single pole. This can either be a free standing pole
or an existing pole e.g. a light pole. The signs may require horizontal stiffening in
the form of two horizontal struts at the back. Larger signs may require two supports
depending on wind conditions.
Small Information signs (1.5 to 8m
) normally require two or three supports without
diagonal bracing. These signs require back plate and framing to improve stiffness.
This additional weight and wind loads must be planned for.
Large ground mounted Information signs (8.0 to over 20m
) and these normally
require three of four supporting poles with diagonal bracing. These signs require a
back place and extensive framing support. Due to the additional weight these signs
require more extensive foundations and fastening brackets.
The above signs could also be erected on overhead structures on roads carrying
higher volumes of traffic with more than two lanes per direction where higher
visibility or lane specific messages are required. The support structures for these
signs require an extensive back plate, framing and reinforced concrete foundations.
The support structures may comprise simple to heavy portal structures, cantilever
structures or existing bridges.
Supporting structures for signs range from timber poles, steel tubes, rolled sections
or special fabricated supports. For the larger overhead structures a special
structural design may be required and in other applications a standard support
structure design may be used.
The design of sign support structures should take into consideration the following:
Loadings including the effect of wind, live and impact loads in excess of the
structures dead load:
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Signs should be designed to resist vibration in the wind that can lead to metal
fatigue. Live loads should be considered e.g. walkways on large structures. The
effects of a vehicle impact. Signs located close to the carriageway should be
designed to be yielding or of a breakaway design in order to reduce the damage
and injury in a vehicle crash e.g. allow the vehicle to pass over the sign or
underneath the sign.
Ability to withstand vandalism:
Vandalism of sign can be a significant factor in some areas and includes
defacement of signs, gunshots, spray paint, stickers or posters and theft. These can
have serious consequences e.g. the theft of a speed limit sign and should be
corrected as soon as possible. Some measures to combat vandalism include:
Use of easily replaceable materials for signs and supports e.g. wooden
Use of vandalism resistant fasteners e.g. fasteners using Allen keys,
hexagonal nuts, rivets
Use of anchor rods, cleats or locking pins to prevent the removal of the sign
from its supports
Installation of signs high enough to be out of reach,
The placement of signs the maximum distance away from the carriageway,
Use of concrete filled metal tubes and stiffeners to prevent the bending of
Use of a warning sticker on the back of the sign indicating that it is a criminal
offence to interfere with a sign.
The following table indicates some typical support structures for signs. It is however
a requirement that all support structures must receive approval from a registered
Structural Engineer before erection.
Table 6-1: Example Supporting Structure for Signs
Sign Position Support Structure Support Size
Ground mounted, -
small signs
Single support timber
post or steel tube.
76mm dia. 3mm max. Natural ground
Ground mounted,
larger signs
Single support steel
76mm dia.
Mass concrete
Ground mounted,
large signs
Single support steel
150mm dia. 5mm
Ground mounted
Multiple support, (two
to four) braced or
Timber -
100mm dia. or
Steel pipe -
76mm dia.
Mass concrete
Overhead mounted
single cantilever
Tube or other profile >150mm >6mm
Overhead mounted
gantry with two legs
Heavy tube or box
>150mm >6mm
Signs may also be erected on reinforced, precast concrete posts or reinforced
concrete structure as specified by a Structural Engineer.
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Chapter 7. Works Cited
1. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/. [Online]
2. Commission, Federal Road Safety. Nigeria Highway Code. Abuja : Detailwoks,
2008. ISBN 978-978-48272-7-0.
3. Corps, Federal Road Safety. Nigeria Road Safety Strategy. Abuja : s.n., 2012.
4. United-Nations. Convention on Road Signs. 2006. ISBN 978-92-1-116973-7.
5. Department of Transport, South Africa. SADC Road Traffic Signs Manual -
Digitised Version. May 2012.
6. Open-Street-Map. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Nigeria.
7. Institute, Texas Transport. Traffic Signal Warrants - Guidelines for conduction a
traffic signal warrant analysis. March 2008.
8. UK-Department-of-Transport. Traffic Signs Manual. 2004. ISBN