Hydrophobic Protecton of FRC Boards With Silicon-Based Materials - IIBCC 2010 PDF

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Dow Corning, Rue Jules Bordet, B-7180 Seneffe, Belgium, SILSESQUI, Pty Ltd, Australia,
Universit Libre
de Bruxelles, Belgium
As manufacturers of FRC board move from using Asbestos to Cellulose as the reinforcement fibre in their
products, a technical challenge has emerged that requires some innovative solutions. The KEY CHALLENGE
is to maintain the types of performance expectations that the manufacturer (and the customer) had perceived
as given for the asbestos based fibrous cement technology. Life times can be difficult to predict with
confidence but there is a widely accepted opinion that to achieve the same life in non asbestos boards,
extensive modifications and additives need to be used. This is particularly true for reduction of water
What is required in the market place are systems that ensure the longest term possible performance under all
types of weather conditions. One option to achieve this increased water exclusion performance might be by
the use of silicone technology.
The paper will review the different strategies which can be used to reduced the water absorption of Fibre
boards thanks to the use of silicon-based additives and illustrate them. Data showing the efficiency of
silane/silicone based water repellent as post treatment or admixture are given. Impact of silane/silicone
admixture is shown to be limited on cement hydration.
Silane; silicone; integral water repellent.
How to prevent the long term deterioration of cellulose fibre reinforced board due to water ingress?
Simply stated, cellulose board will generally be more susceptible to problems associated with water
absorption than asbestos reinforced boards; and this can be a major problem to manufacturers of boards, as
they move to replace asbestos by cellulose fibres (Johnston, 2001). Additives such as silica and other
pozzolanic materials can be used to improve early strength build up and improved modulus of rupture. By
their very nature of densifying the board, they will also provide some reduction in water uptake. Similarly
some common additives, such as acrylics binders and metal soaps, will, as well as providing other properties
such as strength and filler wetting, also have some positive benefit in reducing water uptake. BUT regardless
of all these modifications, the cellulose boards can still absorb water at a higher rate than asbestos based
boards. When boards absorb too much moisture, a myriad of potential problems can occur, such as:
Increased warping in high rainfall areas or in very tropical (humid) conditions
Reduced Freeze/thaw resistance

Potential for white efflorescence salts affecting appearance
Reduced protection from weathering even when post painted
Increased unsightly mould and algae growth especially in humid or wet climates
Reduced strength as the boards lose internal integrity (i.e. interlaminar bond)
Weakening of fixings and fasteners long term due to shrinkage and cracking
Although still used in many countries, there is a major global shift away from using asbestos by replacing it
with much safer fibres such as cellulose fibres. Some companies choose to move gradually away from
asbestos by using asbestos/cellulose blends as they grapple with this changeover. Simply stated, if they move
100% to cellulose, then the water resistant properties can be reduced, unless specific precautions are taken.
Formulations for FRC boards vary greatly throughout the world. The fibre source, the cement source and the
type and amount of siliceous extenders vary dramatically from plant to plant. Additional manufacturers use
many different cure processes and post treatments, which all mean that each plant will be different and may
require slightly different solutions.

Possible Solution:
Although a relatively new concept; certain Silicone technologies can be used to significantly reduce the water
absorption of cellulose reinforced FRC mouldings, sheets and boards. There are many long term examples in
non FRC applications of silicones working in a unique way to provide optimized water resistance to building
components. Principal amongst these being wet area gypsum boards where the advantages of using silicones
as water proofing admixtures is well known and is widely practiced amongst key global manufacturers. In
recent years we see many more innovative uses of silicones to reduce water uptake in construction
applications. As example SILICONE Technology these days are being used as:
a) Impregnation or sealer additive to protect structural concrete from de-icing salts ingress and
freeze-thaw damages.
b) Admixtures in Concrete pavers or concrete blockwork to reduce water uptake and hence reduce
efflorescence staining.
c) Additives to improve water/weathering resistance of latex paints such as external acrylics
d) Binders in specialized external acrylic-based renders
e) As pre-priming sealers and also as admixtures for cement based panels such as FRC

Finishing systems for FRC
When FRC siding panels are manufactured, they will either be sold to the end user either raw, pre-primed
or post finished:
Raw: No post treatment in the factory. All coating takes place on site (or not at all).
Pre-primed: Many manufacturers prime boards with universal primers (typically acrylic based)
before they leave the factory. They are then post coated to the desired colour after fixing on site.
Sealed; Silicone based sealers can be used to protect the boards when raw cement appearance is

Sealed and pre-primed: Before painting, some manufacturers pre-seal with silicone penetrants before
applying the acrylic prime coat, on the basis that the penetrating sealer provides long term protection
to the boards
Completely primed AND topcoated. In this case NO post treatment is required. It is becoming
increasingly common for penetrating silicone based sealers to be used as the initial treatment prior to
priming and coating.
The primary purpose for coating panels is for aesthetics reasons. As long as a coating is fully integral, then the
water absorption of the board will be reduced. Once the coating fails, so does the protection. Coatings provide
little or no protection against penetration of moisture at the edges or the rear surface of the board. By pre-
sealing boards with silicone penetrants on the front and rear surfaces as well as the edges prior to coating,
then far greater long term protection of the boards can be achieved. If treated in this way; the FRC boards and
panels have long term protection against water penetration regardless of the life-time and/or quality of the
paint treatment used.

Silicones Sealers for FRC:
It is relatively easy to demonstrate, that by presealing the boards with certain silicone based penetrating
sealers, the water-uptake of the boards will be reduced. These penetrants work differently to primers. They
can penetrate deeply into the matrix forming a barrier deep within the matrix while primers work at or near
the surface. It is this deep penetrating effect that provides the long term protection for boards and clearly
differentiates their mode of action to paints and paint primers.
While this type of application is the most widely accepted and used practice to date for manufacturers, who
recognize the benefits of using silicone based penetrants, there is interest in other properties and methods of
use of silicones, which may become more widespread in the future. For instance some manufacturers are
looking to penetrating systems that also have the benefits of enhancing the bonding of paint films, and other
again are experimenting with silicones being used as paint additives to improve water tightness of coatings.

The most novel of processes being currently investigated is the use of silicones as admixtures in the wet
matrix. In this process the silicone will become an integral component of the board as it cures and therefore
forms a water barrier throughout the entire board. One advantage of this approach would be that the FRC
products would be protected from water absorption from the time they are initially produced and would not
depend on a post-treatment or protective coating to provide improved water resistance.
Another useful, and valuable advantage of using an admixture to build-in water resistance will be the ability
to cut FRC products at the location where they will be installed, and still maintain protection, that otherwise
could be lost when using a post-treatment or coating. Extending this logic a bit, the FRC products will also
retain protection even if sealers, coatings or edge sealants like caulking are damaged or not applied perfectly
The different application stage of the silicon-based hydrophobic material in the overall FRC production
process is illustrated in the Figure 1.


Figure 1 :schematic description of the process for the making of FRC boards which illustrates the different process
steps where a silane or silicone sealers can be used. Additional potential other silicon-based additives are also

Silane and siloxane.
Siloxane and alkoxysilanes have become a very important class of materials used for water-repellent
treatment of masonry, where durability and minimal impact on substrate appearance are important.
Silicone is a generic term describing polymers encompassing a siloxane backbone (based on the repeating
unit: Si-O-Si). Polydimethylsiloxanes or PDMS (illustrated in Figure 2) are the most common siloxane used
worldwide, both in terms of volume and application.
Polydimethylsiloxane are available as linear fluids, cyclics, viscous polymer and even gums depending on
their degree of polymerization and cross-linking. Terminated by a silanol group (as in Figure 2), they are
reactive and can be anchored on appropriate substrates. The siloxane backbone can be partially functionalized
with organic group like longer alkyl chain. They will be referred in a generic way as organofunctional
siloxane in this document.
Silicones have many interesting properties that make them suitable for a wide range of applications. In the
field of hydrophobic treatment, low surface tension, ability to react with cementitious material, improved UV
resistance vs. organic polymer and high gas permeability are of most interest.


Figure 2 : polydimethyl siloxane and alkyl trialkoxysilane

Silanes are molecules based on one silicon atom which bears four substituents. Alkyl trialkoxy silane (as
described in Figure 2) show a good reactivity towards construction material (reactions during which alcohol is
released as leaving groups). They can be viewed as materials bearing latent silanol groups (Si-OH), yield by
hydrolysis, which can bond covalently to masonry materials through condensation reactions with metal
hydroxyl moieties. Silanol self-condensation also leads to cross-linking of the treatment, which leads to
outstanding durability of water resistance. The R groups (most often, isobutyl or octyl chain) confer the
hydrophobic character to the substrate to which the silane is anchored.
Figure 3 illustrates the need for the waterrepellent material formulation (hydrophobic active + the delivery
system around the hydrophobic active) to be adapted to the type of substrate and the expected incorporation
stage. The water repellent active materials have to match the chemistry of the construction material. Cement-
based materials are not reacting the same way as gypsum or wood. The chemistry of the water repellent has to
be adapted to properly react with the construction material in order to provide the expected protection against

Water repellent
Incorporation stage
Dry Mix / Admixture / Post treatment Dry Mix / Admixture / Post treatment
Solvent based

Figure 3 : The hydrophobic tetrahedron.
The way the water repellent active material is formulated can be described as the delivery system. Water
repellent can be used neat (as such), as solvent based solution, as emulsion or yet as powder. The delivery
system has to be adapted to the requirement of the application method. For example, the water repellent can
be added in a cement based wet slurry, after the cure of cementitious material in a post-application step (in
this case, fibre reinforced cement boards) or even added before the addition of water, in what is called
nowadays dry mix. Water repellent can be also used by coating the cellulose fibres with it to avoid their
interaction with the water. Several researches have been carried out on this subject (Telysheva et al., 1999,
Bilba and Arsene, 2008). The delivery system (neat hydrophobing material, emulsion or powder) has then to
be adapted to fit the stage of application of the water repellent.
The objective of this research is to illustrate the efficiency of silane/silicone water repellent on reducing the
water absorption of fiber boards. Different application methods (post-application of neat silane or silane
emulsion or addition of admixture) were used which all leads to effective reduction of water uptake by the
modified boards. Impact of silicone admixture on the cement hydration process was studied as this application
method leads to potential interaction of the silicone with the cement particles before and during the hydration


FRC sample preparation and product application
All the boards were conditioned in a similar manner by drying them in oven at 40C during 24 hours and let 1
day at Room Temperature before application of any sealers. Solid particles, dust at the surface of the sample
were removed by compressed air.
Sealers were applied with a traditional paint brush. FRC samples were weighted before and after each
application to calculate loading rate.
Boards tested for the water uptake immersion were coated on all 6 sides.
Treated boards were left at room temperature during 3 days to give enough time for the hydrolysis and
condensation reaction to take place.

The test procedure included 7 steps:
1- After cure of the sealer, boards were initially weighted.
2- Treated boards were placed in a vat with the rear surface of the treated board down on an absorbent paper
and covered with tap water to reach 2 cm coverage of water over the top surface of the treated board.
3- Periodically, samples were weighted at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 hours immersion time in water. For best
repeatability, as the treated boards were removed from the water, excess water dripped off the surface and the
sample was pat dry with absorbent paper towel. As soon as all visible excess water was removed, the treated
board was weighted and returned immediately to the water to continue test.
4- After results had been obtained for the 4 (or 5) time slots, results were recorded as water absorption:

% water absorption e.g. %WA (x hours) = (Wx Wi)/ Wi X 100%

With Wx= Weight after x hours in water, Wi= Initial weight
Uncertainty on the Water Uptake Immersion results was measured to be +/- 0.6%.

To test the adhesion of a paint layer on the top of the primer, two coats of acrylic were applied on the esthetic
face with a traditional paint brush (sides were also covered in order to avoid discontinuity of the film).
Acryl Lak Indoor/Outdoor Satin WIT001 White manufactured by De Keyn was used in the paint adhesion
Two layers were applied at 7 hours interval. Then, the paint cured during 2 days at Room Temperature.
The adhesion cross-cut test was performed according to the ISO2409 standards.
The cross-cut was made on the sample of lines at right angles 1 mm with a special cross cut comb. The cut
had to reach the substrate. A piece of tape Scotch 2525 was put on the cross (in the same way as it was made)

and a slight pressure with the finger was applied. Then it was pulled off in one firm go. Adhesion was
evaluated according to the quantity of coating missing on the squares (0 being perfect: with no coating gone
and 5 very bad with all the coating removed).

Benefit of treating FRC boards with silane or siloxane hydrophobic materials is illustrated hereafter. As
discussed, there are different ways to apply hydrophobic material and both post application and admixture
will be illustrated hereafter.

Sealing of FRC board by post-application
Octyltriethoxysilane was post added on an autoclaved board as a solvent based solution. This insured even
application of the silane in these lab conditions. The 6 faces of the boards were coated.
After complete cure of the sealer (3 days), water uptake of the boards was assessed by immerging the treated
board and the reference under water. Plot of water uptake (given as % of initial weight) as a function of time
is given hereafter. Figure 4 and figure 5 as well clearly show that sealing of the board has a dramatic impact
on reducing the amount of water absorption.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time (h)


untreated board
treated board. Sealer was
diluted down in solvent to 10%
solid content, and applied at 200
g/m, leading to loading of 20g of
active per square meter.
+ sealer solvent solution

Figure 4 : water uptake (in terms of % of initial weight) of FRC board under immersion. Water uptake of
reference board and board treated with a silane-based sealer (delivered as a solvent based solution of octyl
triethoxysilane). Application condition given in the graph.

Sealed boards can be used as such but can be painted to provide the desired aesthetic. Paint adhesion cross-cut
test were performed after 2 days of drying of the paint at room temperature, following the procedure as

described. Although the sealing dramatically reduces the water absorption, it is observed that this preliminary
step does not negatively impact paint adhesion (Table 1).

Paint adhesion
Reference board 2.5
Sealed board 2.5
Table 1: Results of paint adhesion testing of un-treated board and board sealed with an octyl triethoxysilane
solvent solution (application condition see Figure 4). Ranking given according to adhesion cross-cut test

In order to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to silane solvent solution, silane emulsion was
tested as well as sealer for FRC board. Sealing of the board with the silane emulsion has the same dramatic
impact on reducing the amount of water absorbed by the board (same testing procedure, see results in Figure

Water uptake (average)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Times (h)


untreated board
treated board. Sealer
emulsion was diluted
down to 5% solid
content, and applied at
100 g/M2, leading to
loading of 5g of active
per square meter.
+ sealer emulsion

Figure 5 : water uptake (in terms of % of initial weight) of FRC board under immersion. Water uptake of
reference board and board treated with a silane-based sealer (delivered as an emulsion of octyltriethoxysilane).
Application condition given in the graph.

Adhesion of paint used as a post coat was assessed as well and no detrimental impact of the silane emulsion
on the paint adhesion was found.

The hydrophobic additive can be also added in the raw material slurry (cement+cellulose fibres). This is
expected to lead to treatment of the bulk of the board, which is very beneficial to avoid any edge effect or to
avoid poorer hydrophobic treatment when boards are cut on the job site.

In order to evaluate the performance benefits of using silicone admixtures in FRC, a joint study was
undertaken in 2007 between Dow Corning Corporation and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. One of the
main objectives in this study was to find a suitable laboratory method for the incorporation and evaluation of
water insoluble organosilicone admixtures. Using this process also enabled the evaluation of performance and
physical properties of FRC boards made with and without these additives.
Boards were prepared in the lab by mixing the different raw materials (cellulose pulp, cement, limestone,
silica fume and PVA fibres) with the water insoluble organosiloxane admixture. The wet slurry was filtered,
compressed, cured in an oven at 65C and further cured for 28 days at room temperature. Samples were then
cut of the boards for testing of the resistance to water penetration.
Water uptake under immersion as a function of time for the reference and admixtured board are illustrated in
Figure 6 .

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
square root of time (hour)


ref erence
0.5% organosiloxane

Figure 6 : water uptake (in terms of % of initial weight) of FRC board under immersion as a function of square
root of time. Water uptake of reference board and board admixtured with 0.5% of an organosiloxane
Figure 6 illustrates that water resistance, as measured by weight gain during 24 hour immersion, was
significantly lowered by using a silicone admixture.
As FRC are composite material, it can be questioned whether the silicone admixture is reacting with the
cellulose reinforcement or with the cement matrix. It is also important to assess if silicone admixture has a
negative impact on cement hydration and final strength of the cement matrix. Therefore, mortar blocks
containing the organosiloxane were prepared and compressive strength were measured.

Effectiveness of hydrophobic admixture in cementitious matrix
The efficiency of the same organofunctional siloxane as hydrophobic admixture was assessed in a simplified
system composed of a cement and mortar. 0.5% vs the weight of the dry mortar was added into the slurry and
properly mixed in order to insure even distribution of the hydrophobing material into the cement matrix.

Mortar blocks were prepared. by mixing 450 g of CEM I 42.5 R cement, 1350 g of sand, 180 g of water and
0.5% of organosiloxane (vs dry composition weight). Mortar blocks (40x40x160mm) were cured for 28 days
and then dried overnight at 40C before testing.
Dry blocks were weighed and then placed in a water basin partially filled with water. Blocks were placed on
rod (to enable free access of water) in a horizontal position. Water level is adjusted to have 3 cm of water
above the top of the mortar blocks. The blocks were reweighed after 1, 3, 6 and 72 hours. Results in Figure 7
are obtained by use of the following equation wherein:-

Percentage Water Pick Up (WPU %)= ((Wwet) - (Wdry))/ (Wdry)x 100
The same dramatic impact of organosiloxane addition on the water absorption is observed in this simplified
system (Figure 7).

1 3 6 72 96
immersion time (hours)


0.5% organosiloxane

Figure 7 : Rate of water absorption of 196-1 reference mortar and 196-1 mortar admixtured with 0.5%

Impact of the organosiloxane addition on cement matrix strength was assessed by preparing mortar blocks
according to EN 196-1 norm. 450 g of CEM I 42.5 R cement was mixed with 1350 g of normalized DIN sand
with 225 g of water and 0.20% and 0.5% of the same organofunctional siloxane. Mortar blocks
(40x40x160mm) were cured for 28 days before testing for the compressive strength.
Results displayed in Table 2 show that only moderate impact on physical properties of mortar is observed.
This set of experiments strongly suggests that the hydrophobic admixtures interact with the cement matrix of
the FRC boards, protecting the composite boards against water ingress.

Compressive strength Compressive strength

after 7 days
after 28 days
Reference mortar block 32.0 48.9
Block with 0.5% organofunctional siloxane 28.4 43.1
Table 2 : compressive strength of admixtured mortar block prepared according to EN 196-1

Impact of silane or siloxane based admixture on cement hydration reaction.
A more fundamental study was initiated to better understand the impact of silane and siloxane (in this study,
polydimethylsiloxane) based admixture on the cement hydration (Spaeth et al., 2008 and Spaeth et al., 2010).
Detailed thermo-analyses, isotherm conduction calorimetry (ICC), XRD and SEM investigation demonstrated
that the main processes involved in the overall cement hydration are not affected significantly.
Cement hydration reactions are mostly exothermic. Measurements of the heat release by ICC during hydration
give an indication of the rate of hydration of cement which consists in five periods. [Odler, 1998, Taylor,1990
Stutzman, 1999, Chen and Odler, 1992]. Our experiments show that some periods of cement hydration are
slightly accelerated or delayed depending on type of admixtures which leads to slight shifts in the setting time
and workability of materials, while still maintaining final cohesion and mechanical resistance.
Thermal analyses combined with x-ray diffraction analyses were used to better understand the interaction
between cement / admixtures and water. The study showed some impact of the silane and siloxane admixture
on the growth of Ca(OH)
cristals. The presence of polymeric molecules at the solid-liquid interface are
known to inhibit crystal nucleation and growth of hydrate products [Vikan and Hustnes, 2007, Jolicoeur and
Simard, 1998]. Adsorption occurring on a nucleation center may prevent the nucleus from achieving a
minimum critical size [Mailvagnum, 1979].
The polymer/cement ratio (P/C) determines the amount of polymer present in the pore solution and at the
aggregates surface. SEM experiment where carried out to study the impact of Si-based admixture on the
morphology, size and orientation of hydration products. It was concluded that crystalline products precipitate
from the modified pore solution progressively almost as usual. Only the addition of polydimethylsiloxane-
based agent seems to encourage the growth of straight, parallel, sheet and hexagonal plate structures of
portlandite. The fact that only limited impact on hydration production growth is observed can be rationalised
on the basis that the polymer to cement ratio (P/C) is lower than 5%, small which is reported to lead to only
tiny polymer bridges on limited number of spots [Beeldens et al.,2005, Knapen and Van Gemert, 2009].
The conclusion of this study is that despite incorporation of Si-based admixture, development and growth of
usual hydrates were observed. At the same time, only small changes of physical properties were measured.
The structure/microstructure of the modified cement matrix is such that it still provides good mechanical

This paper is intended to review the different incorporation methods of silicone or silane sealers during the
preparation of FRC boards and the impact of the board treatment on the reduction of water absorption by the
treated boards.

Whether post-added on cured boards or incorporated as an admixture into the wet slurry, silicone or silane
sealer addition leads to the same dramatic reduction of water absorption. Knowing that water absorption is a
source of degradation for cellulose based boards, silicone or silane based sealers prove to be a solution of
choice to extend boards lifetime.
Impact of admixture addition on the cement matrix was studied separately which demonstrated that
hydrophobic treatment of the cement matrix provides an effective way to reduce water penetration. Cellulose
fibre treatment will be studied separately in a next phase, in order to reduce even more the board affinity for

The authors would like to thank Lise Boucher, Marie-Jo Sarrazin and Frederick Campeol for providing lab
support to this study and Cindy Kwok-Wong for fruitful discussion and support in some figures. Data on
admixture were obtained in the frame of a cooperative study between Dow Corning and University of Sao
Paulo. The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Vanderley Moacyr John, Prof. Dr. Kai Loh and MSc. Flvio
Leal Maranho for this fruitful collaboration.

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