Basis Question

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What do you mean by Transport domain?

What are the main benefits of Index?

How can i get the currently logged user list.
How can we create a particular tables buffer which are mostly used/ and where we can see them?
How to check Speed & Quality of User Network Connection from SAP
Answer - Using OS01
During client export (scc8), what type of requests are created, customizing or workbench?
What is a profile?
How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no
Background work process available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not
available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
What is the use of tcode PFUD? What is it's advantage?
What is the state of Processes once it is started?
Why do we set Java Path in Environmental variable?
Re: If the server buffer memory reaches 95% of memory what will will be the measure have to take for
solve that issue.
# 1
it depends upon the no.of application servers
u have in ur
prd,you may solve this issue with Logon load
using the tcode smlg. if it repeatedly
accuring and u have
enough memory u may increase the
abap/buffersize parameter
but prefered id do logon load balancing so
that it may not

End user was facing performance problems. how can u trouble shoot this?
# 1
based on situation and error,we have to
check.first we check sm50 for any report is
running for along period of time.check st02
for buffer hit ratio.sm37 background jobs.db13
and db12 for checking backup status running or
fail.sm21 and st22 for system logs and abap
dumps. we have to check all this t-codes.

hi can u tell me the actually where r3 security use?

0 143

what is System tuning ? what are the activities
involved in system tining?
sometimes the system performance decreased gradually.
so we need to find out the reasons and troubleshoot the
st03n is used to monitor the system performance i.e to
check out the response time of the transactions,work
processes etc.

st02&sto4 to tune buffers.
st07 to monitor the user distribution among application
st06 to monitor memory,disk,network,cpu utilization
db02 database space issues, space critical
objects,missing indexes.
sm21 & st22 to analyze runtime errors.
sm50 & sm66 workprocess overview.
sm37 BTC overview. etc.

Fujitsu 1 343

What is the purpose of webdisptcher and Installing and
configuring Web Dispatcher what are the
Fujitsu 1 194

What is the purpose of webdisptcher and Installing and
configuring Web Dispatcher what are the
Fujitsu 0 89

How to import mass transport request ? Expalin me the
procedure and draw backs:?
Fujitsu 1 224

What is Tranport Group & Transport directory in
STMS? Briefiely expalin the functionalities?
Fujitsu 0 125

can we give one check for all vendors in automatic
payment run? how?
Powermec 0 92

how can we set a/r a/p netting for inter company code
transactions? is it possible to do? if yes, give the
ITC-Infotech 0 83

Looking for SAP BASIS Training in Bangalore CALL
@ 9591232001 ???????????????
1 176

How to add sap router entry into sap gui logon pad.
go to tcode--> oss1--> click parameter--
>click techinical
settings --> there u have to specify the ip

1 235

what is the use of Zlayer and saplayer in tms
SAP layer is standard
layer predefined by
0 Arju
HCL 2 640

Zlayer is customizing
layer created by
Correct me if I'm


# 2
on zlayer we
obzets and
on sap
layer we

how can u see the version of the profile in sap
u will
of SAP

2 Deepa
k Patil

Re: how can u see the version of the
profile in sap
# 2
Hi all,

Go to RZ10 click the
profile name
we will get version of
profile in the version

TCS 2 993

Should the user logged off... to assign the missing

what is diff b/n sm50 and sm66 with explanations and screenshots
If I want only transaction data to be copied.What profile should I select, while doing local client copy
within the same apllication server. Else is there any other way to perform above task?
How can I restrict the user from printing? (What authorizations should we disable)
How to Start & Start Java at OS level (Windows) Wipro 4 1076

How to work with Transaction SMLG? How to configure
Logon Groups in Application server?
TCS 3 1228

what are the versions are used in sap? and what is the
current using version? in upcoming version is sap?

2 431

What is check point?? chkpt?? HCL

What is Listner?? How to get the status of the Listner? HCL 2 968

How does portal communicate with the ABAP stack

3 1277

In my portal ABAP + JAVA I get a bootstrap error message
how do I resolve this erroe

1 603

What is the difference between transactional rfc and
regular rfc

2 927

What are the 2 systems in Solution Manager Landscape

2 833

sappfprm is a command to see the profile parameter at os
level, bt how to change the profile parameters at os level
on unix

2 496

what is the function of garbage collector... can any one
IBM 4 1147

how to find the ip address of system on solaries at os level

2 336

hi... 1) i have 100 rfc connections on my target system.
now i am performing system refresh..... do i recover all
these connections using import export method or do i
need to take screen shot of each rfc and create again after
refresh. 2) if i delete any rfc in abap engine, do dis event
writes into log if yes may i know how to check dis log file
IBM 5 277

how to assign a object to 100 roles at a time. Patni 2 1245

what u mean by check point in the database of oracle&
what return code 247 in TMS mean...
IBM 4 922

how to find the modifications or changes which are done
by the particular user with in particular time period?
Oracle 3 1229

not created logical system in client 000 and user sap*

3 456

we are not login in to the newly created client with any of
the following passwords -pass, defalut pass,

3 552

what type of files are created during the export?

Dear All, I have to upgrade the version my SAP server
from ECC 4.6 to ECC 6.0. Can anybody give me details
stepwise, to perform this action. or you can send me on
my email address. [email protected]
i m try to disable multi user login with same user and
password in same cleint for example client 800. so how
can i do it? pls give me in details steps.
What is organization level ? 3
how u apply OSS note how you roll back 2
how to delete the client from os leve l 1
how can we create a particular tables buffer which are
mostly used/ And where we can see them ?
Explain the concept of ?Business Content? in SAP
Business Information Warehouse?
What is TMS, TDC, CTS, STMS and difference among
Infosys 2
What is the difference between Set deletion flag and set
deletion indicator?
Did you use Java stack. My answer was "No". If
somebody's answer is "Yes", please elobrate what did
you do, what is it and usage and etc. You might want to
give some reference to read as well.
Can anyone tell me what is Server and Instance in
sap,wat is exact meaning of that?
Difference between mount point and file system HCL 3

why are creating virtual system +sap 1
what is MCOD ? 2
If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally
then what action will u take ? Plz Post the Answer
What is the tablespace? difference between Offline redolog files and online
redolog files? Datafiles? Resizing table space how wil do?
an user schedules a background job.If you monitor in sm37 that job is shown as
being run by a different do you find out the actual user who is
responsible for it?
just go to job logs there in second line u
find user who triggered

iGate 3
what is logical system ? how to create and why ? 2
Re: How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a
background job immediately but there is no Background work
process available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If
SAP * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do
client copy?
# 5
First OCS patches..
We can apply OCS patches thru SPAM
transaction from client
000 with user having SAP_ALL
authorizations. It is always
advised to use release dependant Support
Package Manager
(Upgrade SPAM first).

If you have too many batch jobs ready and
waiting for
resources, then you need to wait until
your batch job get
its turn. OR we can increase the batch
processes in RZ04
for operation mode and swith the mode with
more batch
processes in RZ03.

It all depends on many factors.. there is
no straignt
forward method. Try to chalk out a
contingency plan to
allocate resources either by increasing
BTCs or assigning
batch job to application server where you
have BTCs
available... like that...
0 Patchipala

Is This Answer Correct ?
3 Yes 2 No

Re: How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a
background job immediately but there is no Background work process
available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is
not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
# 6
Change the parameter
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar =1 in
the Profiles

Then you can able to login to sap*

and you can do the CC with SAP*

Is This Answer Correct ?
3 Yes 8 No

0 Naveen

Re: How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a
background job immediately but there is no Background work process
available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is
not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
# 7
Any one tell me how to unlock
the user OS Level???

Is This Answer Correct ?
0 Yes 0 No

0 Vinoth

Re: How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a
background job immediately but there is no Background work process
available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is
not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
login to oracle and do this

# 8
To unlock all the users who are locked

update sapr3.usr02 set uflag='0' where
mandt='<client number>';

To Unlock particular users:

update SAPR3.USR02 set UFLAG = 0 where
MANDT = <client number> and BNAME !=
<don't lock user 1>
AND BNAME != <don't lock user 2>;

U can unlock all the users locked with
uflag =64 or 128 (locked by admin or wrong
pass attempt)

How to schedule background jobs at OS level? TCS 4
How do you handle the update failures? 3
how can i convert figures into words in sap?pl tell me the function module
ABAP function to convert Number to Words

* Converting Number to Words
* This function comes handy mostly for the Finance module
they need to print out check
* for the vendors. The function allows you to covert
from numbers to words.
* Written by : SAP Basis ABAP Programming and Other IMG




Pfizer 3




where can i get the Dialog response time?

Is This


0 Sudhaka

Re: where can i get the Dialog response time?
# 4
ST03N in ECC6.0

Is This Answer Correct
10 Yes

0 No

0 Deepu
Satyam 5

Re: where can i get the Dialog response time?
# 5
One can Dialog Response Time by
following the Path:

C or
and here one can type DPMON -t
and it will give you Dialog
Response time.

what is client copy? 2

in oracle how to find whether archive mode is enabled or
iGate 4
what is client copy? 2
How to Upload and Downloading of roles? IBM 2
What are the differences between application server and
central instance?
IBM 15
How to import the OSS notes? IBM 3
the end user was facing performance can
u trouble shoot this?
why are creating virtual system +sap 1
sappfprm is a command to see the profile parameter at
os level, bt how to change the profile parameters at os
level on unix
How to determine the authorization a user-required for
executing particular transaction(s)?
Wockhardt 4
why can't we convert spool wp to dialog or background in
operation modes
What is the importance/need of Virtual system? TCS 4
What is the spool request and output request and
difference b/w them?


0 16

sap basis training courses @ madiwala bangalore

1 38

hi can u tell me the actually where r3 security use?

0 157

what is System tuning ? what are the activities involved in
system tining?
Fujitsu 1 412

What is the purpose of webdisptcher and Installing and
configuring Web Dispatcher what are the prerequisites?
Fujitsu 1 237

What is the purpose of webdisptcher and Installing and
configuring Web Dispatcher what are the prerequisites?
Fujitsu 0 100

How to import mass transport request ? Expalin me the
procedure and draw backs:?
Fujitsu 1 270

What is Tranport Group & Transport directory in STMS?
Briefiely expalin the functionalities?
Fujitsu 0 138

can we give one check for all vendors in automatic
payment run? how?
Powermec 0 98

how can we set a/r a/p netting for inter company code
transactions? is it possible to do? if yes, give the solution?
ITC-Infotech 0 89

Looking for SAP BASIS Training in Bangalore CALL @
9591232001 ???????????????

1 190

How to add sap router entry into sap gui logon pad.

1 272

what is the use of Zlayer and saplayer in tms HCL 2 684

how can u see the version of the profile in sap TCS 2 1057

Should the user logged off... to assign the missing

3 547

Hi,My name is Saurabh I have done BMS & currently
working in Wipro BPO (1 year). I want to pursue my career
in SAP. As I am totally new in the IT field(no course & no
experience) Please could you suggest whether to do a
certification from Certified institutes or Non Certified
institutes.What is the difference? Also, Is MBA necessary
to do certification from Certified institutes?

0 183

Hi All I am Vamshi I Provide Training on ECC Security, Bi
Security, HR Security, GRC Access Control Suit(RAR SPM
CUP ERM), SRM Security and CRM Security. Duration: 30
days Fees: Rs 7000/- Vamshi Krishna +91-7569362152
email: [email protected]

0 209

What is "Hit Ratio"?

2 762

what is diff b/n sm50 and sm66 with explanations and
IBM 4 1009

I'm getting the following runtime error in IDES
"DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP". GUI is 720 final release and
patch level:0

1 451

I'm getting the below error while trying to import request
into Quality. Please help me. This is tp version 376.01.14
(release 701, unicode enabled) E-

1 232

\\x559\sapmnt\trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_KED.PFL could not
be opened. EXIT Error in
\\x559\sapmnt\trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_KED.PFL: transdir
not set. tp returncode summary: TOOLS: Highest return
code of single steps was: 0 ERRORS: Highest tp internal
error was: 0208
If I want only transaction data to be copied.What profile
should I select, while doing local client copy within the
same apllication server. Else is there any other way to
perform above task?
TCS 1 617

How can I restrict the user from printing? (What
authorizations should we disable)
IBM 2 1098

hi friends, in sap screen with 000 client i unable to
logon,with 001 client i can login but i want to log on with
000 client how i can loggin with 000 client intial screen
,please can u help me

2 559

After applying snote..If something goes wrong is it possible
to deactivate/roll back to last applaid snote....If yes, how?

3 722

i am arun, as of now i am working in a power plant. I did
B.E mech and have completed PGDC in thermal power
plant engineering from NPTI(NATIONAL POWER TRAINING
INSTITUTE). I started my career in software oly , as i dono
any software languages i got failed in conformation exam.
Pls help me , i want to enter software field. in this
powerplant field 6 working days for week and holiday is
also not sunday, i am not able 2 tc of my family... pls help
me how to enter sf fielf. my frds sujjested me 2 try as
functional after 2 years. wats the procedure for that... pls
pls help me in this issue I have 1 year exp in power plant, i
knew mechanical design software. my id :
[email protected]

0 151

What is the Max No of Dialog Process can you assign using
RZ04 ? What are the max No dialog process you can assign
my changing the profile
2 1251

What to do if If Buffer Hit ratio is less than 95%

2 804

How to Start & Start Java at OS level (Windows) Wipro 4 1092

How to work with Transaction SMLG? How to configure
Logon Groups in Application server?
TCS 3 1255

what are the versions are used in sap? and what is the
current using version? in upcoming version is sap?

2 440

What is check point?? chkpt?? HCL 2 788

What is Listner?? How to get the status of the Listner? HCL 2 978

How does portal communicate with the ABAP stack

3 1290

In my portal ABAP + JAVA I get a bootstrap error message
how do I resolve this erroe

1 614

What is the difference between transactional rfc and
regular rfc

2 934

What are the 2 systems in Solution Manager Landscape

2 845

sappfprm is a command to see the profile parameter at os
level, bt how to change the profile parameters at os level
on unix

2 508

what is the function of garbage collector... can any one
IBM 4 1161

how to find the ip address of system on solaries at os level

2 341

hi... 1) i have 100 rfc connections on my target system.
now i am performing system refresh..... do i recover all
these connections using import export method or do i
need to take screen shot of each rfc and create again after
refresh. 2) if i delete any rfc in abap engine, do dis event
writes into log if yes may i know how to check dis log file
IBM 5 290

how to assign a object to 100 roles at a time. Patni 2 1266

what u mean by check point in the database of oracle&
what return code 247 in TMS mean...
IBM 4 936

how to find the modifications or changes which are done
by the particular user with in particular time period?
Oracle 3 1255

not created logical system in client 000 and user sap*

3 460

we are not login in to the newly created client with any of
the following passwords -pass, defalut pass,

3 558

what type of files are created during the export? Accenture 5 1895

When will the table get automatically updated in the
database IN ABAP? a) activating the table b) saving the
IBM 2 823

where i can find the file sapinfo.exe (to check the sap
server is running or not through cmd "sapinfo.exe"). i have
already check all the SAP GUI installation DVD and sap
installation folder, please help, thanks in advance
Accenture 1 569

is it essential to create role name with customer name
space 'Z'? (or)is there any rules to create role name?

7 688


0 107

what is DOCUMENT SPLITTING ? plz breif in detail and also
tell the process and configuration of DOCUMENT

0 116


1 694

IF Import one request from Dev to Qua through
STMS_IMPORT but after some time stms_import is still
running and I dont no what is happening in behind so what
will be my trace point.
IBM 5 1549

A role is assigned to 100 users and for one day only 10
users need to be able to access that role and the other 99
users should not have access. How do you do that?
IBM 2 1230

what is the difference between system copy and system

2 1370

how can u change the location of control files of oracle in

1 769

if a report is running in dialog mode and in background
mode. how the report will be executed in the above two
Reddy-Labs 2 880

what is garbage collector. is there any way to set the time
to gc?
Reddy-Labs 1 359

what is ora-00252 and ora-00272 error represents how can
u prevent this error?how can u trouble shhot this error?
CSC 2 892

what is the use of psapundo tablespace? what is the error
ora -01555 can u prevent this error?
CSC 0 681

what is the use of psaptemp table space?if we delete all
the data files in temporary table space will oracle throws
any error?

2 955

what is ora-28000 error represents.could java engine can
able to start when this error occurs.can we able to open
the config tool when it occurs?

2 291

what is the TEMSE size? Accenture 4 2017

tell me the situation where u involved in memory
management?How can u troubleshoot the situation?
TCS 1 1034

how sap synchronizes the buffers between the instances of
a logon group?
TCS 3 654

how java instance processes starts?or how java startup
and control frame work starts the java instance?
TCS 1 582

the end user was facing performance can u
trouble shoot this?
TCS 1 626

what are the prerequisites to install ecc?what is saps?what
is quick sizer?
TCS 1 537

what is the size of ur oraarchieve directory? how can u
prevent archiver stuck situation?
TCS 3 630

how to send the out put of a background job to only 10
TCS 0 110

how to connect external mail server to sap? TCS 1 466

The Users are not able to save the data, as a BASIS ADMIN
me to not able to save, what is the problem would be..?
Hexaware 4 917

if java instance stop or failed so what action you will take? IBM 1 741

in oracle script @? "?" question mark means what it
L&T 0 131

If you are DEPLOY and UNDEPLOY java patch through SDM
so why you need JSPM?
L&T 2 1346

what is different between SQL AND BRTOOLS in sap? L&T 1 884

what are the activity you have done by using solution
manager? please explain briefly some activity
IBM 1 652

how you can do CCMS monitoring through Solution
IBM 1 383

where can u check the sap errors in windows as the
windows system was down.some have windows admin
make the system up.where u check the error logs ?how to
find the problem is with the os or sap?
Fujitsu 1 649

why sap implemented lock concept seperatly as db
locks(Oracle) are already there?
IBM 2 988

where can u see the dead locks in sap? Accenture 3 1080

how can u do kernal upgrade in dual stack? Fujitsu 4 999

how to configure jco connection from ep to backend(ECC
or bw or crm) systems?
Accenture 1 679

what is the difference between sap lock and data base
Accenture 0 119

how can u connect sap and non sap systems?

0 81

Myself Rahul am MBA(Mkt)having 1.5 years marketing
experience.and in SAP-SD for 1 years
looking for pl anywher opening then pl let me

0 128

how to find out server get down?

1 589

What is the deference between JSPM and SDM?? ABC 2 1687

Apart from Update WP,which WP can also perform update
in Database?? When we give print request, which WP
comes into the picture??
ABC 4 592

What are the Prerequisite for Refresh?? If there are 100 rfc
before refresh in Quality Systesm, then after
we need to create them manually in Quality sys.???
ABC 2 834

What is SAPCPE.EXE?? ABC 1 1213

What is the start up Sequence of Dual stack(ABAP+ JAVA)
SAP system??
ABC 4 1277

i am working with NBFC- MNC in personal loan dept. I
applied for Internal Job Position in banking Division. My
overall (10 years) experience in sales and People
Management and in Internal Job Posting they require
person for backend activity. There will be not repotees and
its individual performance job. My Question is 1. If they
will ask why you want to change your field form sales to
backend job what should I answer? 2. The opening is in
Chennai and since 10 year I am in Gujarat so if they ask
why you want to change your home town location? Arpan

0 187

How to check how many users have logged in one
perticular system e.g say production with their login timing
and IP address .. If possible Plz also see is there any option
using which we can also find that datewise ?
Patni 5 1311

Difference between adding a data file and resizing the data
Span-Systems 1 867

what is the difference between pfile and spfile Wipro 2 1025

what is the main difference between remote client copy,
and client export and import.
Wipro 7 1220

how to configure JCO Rfc connection and waht is the use
of jco rfc?
TCS 2 1418

Please Beaware From KPIT Cummins for SAP. They won't
have projects but they were hiring .Thay have domestic
clients from Pune and Mumbai only.
KPIT 1 745

What are the frequently used Unix commands in SAP Basis
Administration ?
Intelligroup 1 2434

Why we have to generate the profile again after saving the
authorization data while role creation or modification ?
Infotech 4 902

How to Check From SAP Level and OS level, that your
SAP-Labs 2 2675

i want my company code and controlling area defaut as
'ABC" through out SAP what to do ? and my plantcode also
default to some value

0 144

what is the difference between SAP R/3 and ECC Wipro 2 1539

who is the owner of sap like owner of .net frame work is

1 664

Which type of language use in sap?

7 1107

-which type plate form is use in devlopment of sap
application for example c# language use .Net Frame

1 298

What is sap, sap is company name or product please
describe in breife i m very confuse to take these term that
sap is product or company name?

3 705

i want to uninstall sap s.l and the answer i get is SAP
system YOS is based on AS Java. Cannot remove it. the sys
is empty - way i cant delete it?

2 627

i cant find the user TMSADM in my system after the tms
single system configuration.can any one tell me the reason
IBM 1 756

what is meant by AT and ATX ? Accenture 2 852

How to selftest whether the Sap Application Server is
installed properly or not through command prompt?what

3 405

is the command to selftest ?
What does Sap_All and Sap_New Parameters define for a
user who is granted with permissions?

5 971

what are system defined default users in SAP Application

5 784

How can one start Sap Application Server through
Command prompt and what is the command used to start
SAP Application Server ?

2 1189

what is the Tcode to See Global Logged in Users list?

6 934

What is the state of Processes once it is started?

5 497

If i want to increase Dialog WP in process what is the
procedure to increase the Dialog WP?

1 982

Where can one see Archived files and what is the Tcode?

2 452

What is OSCollector and where can one see whether
OSCollector is running or not what is the path of

3 416

What is the command to see the list of TCodes ?

5 821

How can one send and receive emails in SAP what is the
procedure to send and receive emails through SAP
Application a brief description?

4 696

As per your process, Lets say someone asked you access
for SAP_ALL and you got approval from the business head
to assign but you did not get approval from the Security
head. In this case, what will you do?
Infosys 1 760

sir/mam i m fresher for sap basis i need resume format for
interview i have worked with HCL infosystems Ltd. for Last
4and 1\2 year as a technical suppoert and i know about
logistic process in SAP...please any one help me send it to

1 1468

my E-mail id ([email protected]
friends ..... i hava a question, i have to assign
sm36,3m37,su01 has to assign to a user with only options
(display ,create).how can ia assign this to user? need quick
Wipro 2 574

Why there should be atleast 2 Dialog Wp per instance? Satyam 4 1159

how to check the TRANS directory size and what is its
default value?

2 681

while scheduling backup in background using db13, which
brtool activity runs?

1 551

What is the main difference between sap and erp.
2 499

what is role and authorisation Cognizent 1 694

If sechuduled backup through db13, but it is not triggered? IBM 3 1212

if i want to limit the condition record validity for forst 10
orders how can i do tht plz ans i hve interview in 2/3 days
IBM 0 86

can any send unix admin doc? if u have please send it to
[email protected]

0 137

if saposcol service is not start? how can u troubleshoot? Wipro 4 1295

what is static profiles and dynamic profiles? Wipro 2 907


What is SMTP configration? IBM 4 929

How to change SID? IBM 3 1666

How to Upload and Downloading of roles? IBM 2 663

How to creat Profiels Manually? IBM 3 666

What are the Different types of authorisation tables?

0 110

How to configure web ui in crm 7.when i am trying to
access web ui it gives some error like "Business Server
Page (BSP) error What happened? Calling the BSP page
was terminated due to an error. SAP Note * The following
error text was processed in the system: Die URL enthlt
keine vollstndige Domainangabe (mgpl0001 statt
mgpl0001.<domain>.<ext>). Exception Class CX_FQDN
Error Name Program
CX_FQDN=======================CP Include
CX_FQDN=======================CM002 ABAP Class
CX_FQDN Method CHECK Line 10 Long text -" what i need
to do?.Notify me of follow-up comments via
email id is [email protected] advice if
anybody faced such kind of issue.Could any one help in this
regards. It is very urgent. Thanks in advance RAGHUNATH

1 1513

what is the abap patch format? HCL 2 851

Can anyone forward me EP faqs to the following mail id:
[email protected] Thanks in advance

0 164

Can you tell me installation procedure of SAP on UNIX DELL 0 153

What happens in background when a user logins to a
portal system, what are the three default processes in java
IBM 0 119

what is the query execution process in sap r/3
architecture,if multiple queries are immediate to execute?

0 199

what is the benefit of tms

1 543

how to build index in oracle? how to chk oracle up or not
in sql?
IBM 0 139

patchs can apply CI OR dialog server? IBM 1 334

1.why we configure the domain controle in production
why sap recommended? 2.what is the use of 001 client?
HCL 3 954

what is logical system ? how to create and why ? KPIT 4 998

what is ECC ? what is the main difference between ECC and
other older verssions of SAP ?

5 1035

what is the common storage file for oracle ?

1 626

are any other tools other than SAP used to manage
transport ? if so please provide details .

1 434

what is logical system ? how to create and why ?

2 648

what is logical system ? how to create and why ?

2 506

what is ECC ? what is the main difference between ECC and
other older verssions of SAP ?

1 451

what is the common storage file for oracle ? IBM 0 91

are any other tools other than SAP used to manage
transport ? if so please provide details .

1 243

what is the link between roles profiles and projects ?

1 327

what will you do when you cannot login to a dialog server

2 623

user says yesterday they could use some transaction
where as today they are not what will you do ?

3 451

what is saint update ?

4 481

how many max user's can apply for one application server? last limitation
pls tell me in figure.
tp locksys sid=<sid> client=<xxx> is not working. Please me in solving
this problem.
how to check network among Central Instance, Application Server,
Database Instance?
How will monitor in CCMS

Re: How will monitor in CCMS
# 1
SAP CCMS monitor to monitor the
performance of your SAP R/3 System
landscape in a centralized manner. It
retrieves and reports metrics using
SAP's new centralized monitoring
architecture, Computer Center
Management System (CCMS).
The SAP CCMS Monitor allows you to
monitor the performance data for
various components of your SAP R/3
landscape. You can monitor multiple
parameters or counters with a single
monitor instance. This allows you to
watch server loading for performance,
availability, and capacity planning.

how to find out long running jobs?explain clearly.... HCL 6
How to solve if more swaps are occurred? IBM 4
How to trace the user who moved the transport request from DEV to
Accenture 2
what are the activity you have done by using solution manager? please
explain briefly some activity
What are the frequently used Unix commands in SAP Basis
Administration ?
Intelligroup 1
What is the significance of Virtual system? 2

generally what types of security problem you will get ?

1 367

what is MCOD ?

2 590

what is the default file for TMS ?

3 636

what is the workbench organiser and customizing
organiser in transport ?

2 447

how do you configure transport profile ?

1 422

what are the problems usually occurs during the transport
and return codes ?

2 632

what type of files are created during the export ?

2 511

1.what is the difference between ecc5 and ecc6 ?
workbech request can we import specific clinet only?if 3
or 4 clinets 4.what is the main role domain controler?
HCL 1 286

i'm new for security, pls help if assign the t-code to parent
it wll effect to child role or not. can we assign to t-code
directly to child role? it wll work or not?
HCL 1 314 to retrive corrupt file in back up ? 2.what post
actives of patching increase the file size in unix
HCL 0 91

In TMS we find two roots from dev to quality, from quality
to production only one root why ?
IBM 2 680

Why we execute SGEN, which Tables it modifies,will it
cause DB growth? is it possible to execute SGEN later on
after Golive?
IBM 0 283

what can we do if shadow instance is down and getting up
in prepare phase of upgrade
IBM 0 123

what are the phases in version upgrade from 4.7ee to
IBM 0 263

1 what errors you faced while applying support package in
tcode spam and 2 what is the precaution note that should
be read.....while uploading patches
CTS 4 1075

How to do MS SQL Server upgrade 2005 to 2008 .IF ANY
[email protected]
Wipro 2 516

Is SAP is used as a database or not? BPO 6 2029

If the server buffer memory reaches 95% of memory what
will will be the measure have to take for solve that issue.
Accenture 1 1561

if 100 users are accessing perticular table how to know
the users who are acessing table.
CTS 3 849

I have all the authorizations but still unable to do client
export what may b the cause..............?
CTS 1 1000

what is front-end printing

3 593

why are creating virtual system +sap

1 723

what is the difference between transport layer and
consolidation root
TCS 2 1452

a backroungd job is should have finished in
30min but it is runing for long one day...if you check the
process in sm50 it is running and if you check the pid in
task manager it is is not hanged and job log
does not have error...what will you do to troubleshoot it
and how will you convince the particular job owner for
killing and rescheduling ?
HCL 2 1284

a transport request is imported, it should have finished in
30 min but it is running for one day(it is running in quality
system and it has the transport directory local)you see the
slog and all logs are showing that import is
processing....and it does not show any will you
troubleshoot it?
HCL 2 1158

whats is happening in post import processing in scc7? HCL 1 953

why can't we convert spool wp to dialog or backgrd in
operation modes
TCS 2 1258

What is the difference between Central Instance &
SID(system id)

1 1172

Can anyone help me in educating me in installing SAP 4.6C
over windows server 2000. Please make it a step by step
process, my career depends upon the success and failure
of installation.

2 493

what is the definitions oh ROLL IN TIME,ROLL AREA, ROLL
OUT TIME AND WAIT TIME,Please reply needful
Cadence 3 974

how can u connect sap and non sap systems? 81

Hi All I am Vamshi I Provide Training on ECC Security, Bi Security,
HR Security, GRC Access Control Suit(RAR SPM CUP ERM), SRM
Security and CRM Security. Duration: 30 days Fees: Rs 7000/-
Vamshi Krishna +91-7569362152 email: [email protected]
209 to retrive corrupt file in back up ? 2.what post actives of
patching increase the file size in unix
91 HCL

steps to congigure CMS in XI ? 118

How can we transport one or two users in client copy from one
client to another client?

i am working with NBFC- MNC in personal loan dept. I applied
for Internal Job Position in banking Division. My overall (10
years) experience in sales and People Management and in
Internal Job Posting they require person for backend activity.
There will be not repotees and its individual performance job.
My Question is 1. If they will ask why you want to change your
field form sales to backend job what should I answer? 2. The
opening is in Chennai and since 10 year I am in Gujarat so if they
ask why you want to change your home town location? Arpan

Can any one tell me some real time errors you got for support
pack apply, During transport request export-import and for db

If I want only transaction data to be copied.What profile should I
select, while doing local client copy within the same apllication
server. Else is there any other way to perform above task?
617 TCS

What is the procedure involved in doing a system-copy? 2493 IBM

when ever i try to installed sap ecc6.0 sr2 on single system. it
show error on phase import abap "Not all objects are
successfully processed. DIAGNOSIS: for details see output file
with invalid object invalid_objects.txt and log file
object_checker.log . SOLUTION: normally it indicate the data
load error but in some special cases( for example if some object
were created or loaded externally) you can press ok to continue"
here error sentence is complete. pls tell what actual error its? is
it kernel file related?

What happens in background when a user logins to a portal
system, what are the three default processes in java instance
119 IBM

I need to change the Company address parameters of a user.
The path is SU01 -> <Username> -> Change - > Address Tab - >
Display Icon in Company Address section. In the new screen, i
see a preview section icon; on clicking which, I can change the
parameters such as "Sending Country"; "Street/PO Box number"
and number of lines in the resulting pop up. Here though i
change the parameter "Street/PO Box number" field to 'S' (
465 Wipro

Street has priority over PO Box), its changing again to 'P' (PO Box
has priority over street) only. In the help section it is written that
if we set the user parameter (tcode SU3) LND1 to the desired
country we can control the user specific Sending Country with
the desired value else it takes the Sending Country of the
Company defined by default. But no such parameter has been
given for Street/PO Box number so that we could change its
value atleast there. Someone suggest me how to change the
Street/PO Box number of the Address format for a user to the
desired value.

Are you worked on EP? What are the activities are
having related to Sap-basis can any one tell me
what are the roles?and how will work on that one
IBM 2 481

Hi there, Can any one suggest me a good SAP-
BASIS training institute near Koramangala In

4 740

how do you resolve abap short dumps? IBM 2 1904

How will monitor in CCMS IBM 1 1675

where can i get the Dialog response time? Satyam 5 1812

After client copy is table space and database sizes
will be increased or not?

1 1114

What happens if you restart the system, will you
loose the trace file, or can you see?

3 986

Where will you defind logon balancing, how
would define and what strategy will you use?

2 637

I've performed table space adjustment while
doing a client copy in production i need
to do that table space adjustment in my disaster
recovery system as well?
AT&T 2 668

what are the pros and cons of auto extend of
table spaces?
AT&T 0 209

what is the difference between db01 locks and
sm12 locks?
AT&T 3 2743

What do will do in OS level monitoring HCL 3 1491

Difference between mount point and file system HCL 3 1906

I am doing a client copy with sap_user profile in a
cua environment.but the cua doesn't let the user
master data be over written in the target
client.what to do?
iGate 1 1473

I am facing error at the time of background
started (program
SAP&RELOAD_ALL, user ID DDIC) No component
system chosen Job cancelled after system
exception ERROR_MESSAGE Step 001 started
variant SAP&RELOAD_ALL, user ID DDIC) Message
no. 00550 please help me with this
IBM 1 978

Explain layers and instances with explain???

3 712

How to unlock the user in os level?

4 2040

How can i get the currently loggedin user list.

3 719

What is the exact meaning of ASAP? HCL 8 2025

what is the road map of SAP ?
2 1405

What is your organizations security philosophy? What level
of security does your data require? How much risk are you
willing to assume in each application area?

0 149

What is Transport domain and Domain controller? BOC 4 1120

How to apply note in SAP if SNOTE transaction doesn't
IBM 1 1469

As a basis consultant what are the roles and responsibility's
looking in to EP(EP monitoring, and trouble shooting and
how to connect please let me some thing anybody plz help
IBM 3 1641

what is main benefits of Index.. DS-Group 5 1081

what is main benefits of cursor? DS-Group 3 777

what is the table space in ecc5.0 and its size

1 675

Hi all could you please tell me the How to monitor EP and
what type of T-codes are using in this EP please help me,,,
Thanks in Advance.
IBM 3 935

Why dont we apply patche like Transports? (DEV--->QA--
CTS 2 1406

what is use of su10 and how to use this T-code can any one
tell me your knowledge thanks in advance
IBM 8 2656

What are the pre requisites to download patches from
marketplace ?

2 704

how u apply OSS note how you roll back

2 1232

what is the difference between spam /saint , how can you
apply patches through saint ,suppose you applied
sapkb62067 u r manger asked reduce the some 51 level
how u will you do that?
IBM 2 1645

How to configure 5 system landscape? 1 deve 2 quality
and 2 production?

3 1042

How to configure TMS/? Step by step pprocess?

1 1274

When I go to SAP Management Console, the tree is not
appearing ; and i cannot start the console from yesterday.
So I went to "Run" services.msc option to check the SAP
program files appear there or not. I checked there, the
two sap files "SAPC11_00" and SAPOSCOL" are appearing
there but not started. If i double click this for making it
started, it gives the following message. "THE SERVICE DID
suggest any solution to solve this problem. Awaiting for
the reply . Please.

2 884

steps to congigure CMS in XI ?

0 118

diffrences between SDM and JSPM ? can i use jspm in EP
IBM 4 2567

Kernel upgrade steps in dual stack and java stack.

2 2365

What is the difference between Party & Service without
party in XI (ID)?
IBM 0 159

IBM 0 366

What is role and what is profile? Different between both? TCS 6 1115

wat description should be given in creating a
description area wat should be given ??
IBM 1 689

we all know that load balancing is done by logon groups.
can any tell how can we add users to logon groups

3 891

Why do we set Java Path in Environmental Variable.

3 1151

What is the tablespace? difference between Offline
redolog files and online redolog files? Datafiles? Resizing
table space how wil do?

1 1083

Whats is the difference between ORACLE 9i and 10g?

2 734

How do I know what threshold values to set

0 131

Hi, Cansomeone please send the system refresh doc , it's
very urgent for me. Thanks in advance.

0 97

Which report will give you list of parameters available in
Satyam 4 1181

Why we need to configure Develpment system as
Domain controller? and can we transport requests from
PRD to dev ?
IBM 3 1142

How to create RFC CONNECTION between production
server and Global trade system. what prerequsite we
need for this.
IBM 0 295

what is the purpose of Logon groups? expalin me briefly ? Infosys 3 962

How u will assign Logon Groups?where u find logo.ini Infosys 2 829

what is SAPMNT? Infosys 3 2969

who is the owner of system files? Infosys 5 1034

Archive Strcuk Infosys 2 774

How to do the system copy ? can u plz expalin me step by
step process
IBM 2 597

How to apply java stacks ? expalin step by step prcoess IBM 0 144

how to delete the client from os leve l

1 494

What do you mean by Consolidation routes? 3
diff between SM50 and SM66? 8
What SAP tools you use to install SAP
Cap-Gemini 7
how can we create a particular tables buffer
which are mostly used/ And where we can
see them ?
Comparison between SAP with any other ERP
package avialable in the market
What is the use of reference and service user
in sap?
Terrenos 1
what is System tuning ? what are the
activities involved in system tining?
Fujitsu 1
Can SNOTE be deimplemented? 2
What JAVA tools to install JAVA Patches? 5
Explain about system refresh and system
copy ?
Accenture 2
If a tcode is taking too long time to finish and
I wand to end the work process in sm50 how
to find which work process is currently
executing that tcode?
How to check log running support package? AXA 3

SAP Startup process?



What is Hour Glass state? and how does it be



What is enqueue time ?



What happens when there 2 enqueue in R/3


system ?
How the buffers are reset?



What is Data Dictionary ?



How many type of SAP Logs and where do
they reside?


How many types of log file in Oracle ?



Where the patches are installed (CI or DI or



Minimum number of dialogue work process
to start SAP and why?



Can add-on be revert back?



Can a Patch be rolled back in ABAP or Java?



Can SNOTE be deimplemented?



can i know the relation between sap security
and Grc tools


database is not connected what type of
errors can we expect? trans.log file where its
store? errors format?



When applying a support pack to sap system. Can you tell
me what errors you are faced are?
Terrenos 2 767

How to take a sap backup using BRTOOLS explain the
procedure? When using BRTOOLS, which backup device,
you are used (Drive/tape)?
Terrenos 1 2141

When applying a support pack to sap system. Can you tell
me what are errors you are faced?
Terrenos 4 1263

What is the use of reference and service user in sap? Terrenos 1 1473

how to perform a client import and export at OS level Terrenos 1 1096

For example, I want to transfer 50GB of data from DEV to
Quality. I am using client export and import method; can
you tell me how many hours take for client export and
import? And also How many hours take for remote client
Terrenos 1 286

what is single role and composite role diffrence ? IBM 4 1394

How to increase swap memory without doing any changes
to Parameter value
IBM 2 1431

how do you troubleshoot when user complains that he ii
not getting sap portal
IBM 4 1164

how do you troubleshoot when user complains that he is
not getting login screen?
IBM 1 949

How to change default password of EARLY WATCH STEP

1 997

if any errors comming during transport where it will be
recodred and how will you rectify? transport log and
active log?
iFlex 1 862

How do find the SNOTE?

0 107

House keeping jobs?

3 821

How does SAP connect to Db?

2 1212

how to increase the table space?what are the methods to
do that?
Patni 3 1196

what are the previleages before applying support
Patni 3 958

HI, I'm practicig CRM fuctioal in 6.0 (2007)(Ides) versio the
problem is i'm not able to process any transaction type
due to IPC is not configured.Please any one can help me
to how to config IPC in ides sysetem.Anybody know please
provide me the steps.

1 252

There is a requirement like a user role to be created and
he must have rights to view(read rights) the
transactions.How it will be created in PFCG

2 742

What is the latest version of sap kernel? Can u give me
the list of kernel versions?
Terrenos 4 1765

what are the prerequisite for before applying support
packs? Shall I apply sap basis patch to all the system, like
BW, ABAP, HR, etc.
Terrenos 1 903

What is the use of account id in logon tab? Terrenos 0 134

what is the use of parameter tab, and personalization tab
in user master record?
Terrenos 1 706

For example, my sap system having patch number was 8.I
want to apply patch 9 and 10.Mistakenly I will apply the
patch directly 11 without applying 9 and 10.How sap
system will recognize this problem?
Terrenos 3 1064

Wt is the use of logon group? Wt is the meaning of logon
Terrenos 1 609

Can you tell me the path in service market place for
download support packs and kernel
Terrenos 3 1039

What are the configuration details of ECC6.0? 1. Server
ConfigurationHDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE. 2. System
Configuration HDD, RAM, OS, DATABASE
Terrenos 1 567

Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to
monitor all the application servers. How to configure a
Terrenos 0 183

what is the user group and use in sap? Terrenos 3 681

In CUA, I am unable to changes from DEV to QAS or
PRD.How to troubleshoot this problem?
Terrenos 2 628

we do uncar support packs into trans/eps/in before
applying them through spam to r/3 we need to
uncar support stacks while we do abap and java stack
upgradations through jspm to nw2004?

3 1672

how to know if there are expensive sql statements
running?what will you do then to improve the response
Atos-Origin 3 2287

how to check if your r/3 system is 32bit or 64bit? Atos-Origin 7 2687

Can any one tell me , what is the role of SAP Security
Admin in BW Security and APO Security ?

0 160

how to change the owner of a file in unix iGate 3 1148

after changing some parameters in rz10 and restart,the
system doesn't start up?what to do?
iGate 2 1881

some parameters need to be set whiconnecting EP to R/3
system.what are they?
iGate 1 626

how to find if there are an expensive sql statements
running.if yes,what to do?
iGate 2 950

what do you monitor in st04? iGate 5 2649

a transport is imported into QAS in 2 minutes time.the
same transport when imported into prd is taking more
than 20minutes.why?and what to do?
iGate 4 1407

sm21 shows the system log for the application server
you're currently logged on.I want to see the system logs
of all appliction servers.what to do?
iGate 2 1721

how do you solve oracle archive struck? iGate 5 1662

what are the sap table space names that you see in db02? iGate 3 2522

what are the jspm related logs that you see at os level at
the time of java stack upgradation?
iGate 1 594

what is the name of the xml file that you place along with
support stack at the time of java stack upgradation?
iGate 1 797

what is the procedure for java stack upgradation? iGate 0 176

what are the semaphore numbers you faced in
sm50?what did you do?
iGate 2 787

what are the main issues you faced in the implementation

0 124

what are the current support stack levels at market place? iGate 0 123

when performing client copies what steps you need to
take from CUA point of view?
iGate 2 643

an user schedules a background job.If you monitor in
sm37 that job is shown as being run by a different
iGate 3 1334 do you find out the actual user who is
responsible for it?
Hi i have 2.10 yrs of experience on Sap Basis...been
working as a sap basis consultant.but unable to get
through MNC companies...On what criteria does HR select
the candidate.does my academics matter coz they are not
good thou i am a graduate
Ashok-Leyland 0 159

What is the importance of early watch client?

3 1145

ecc full form

6 3284

how to send an email from EP Portal. IBM 2 1061

I am receiving the warning during the backup BKI1224W:
Unable to initialize connection to Administration
Assistant. there is no problem for backup, it finishes
successfully. does anyone have answer to correct it with
procedure please.
IBM 0 777

how to take database backup in oracle ? how to crate a
table space in oracle database ?

1 1320

how to know the port number of message server?

6 1886

how to check if your R3 system is unicode or non-
Atos-Origin 4 1631

once a request is imported,is there any way to undo it?
how about version management?

1 398

how to uninstall a snote? iGate 2 1973

in oracle how to find whether archive mode is enabled or
iGate 4 1282

describe the procedure for java stack upgradation. iGate 2 621

as a basis consultant,what all tasks you've done on unix? iGate 1 573

how do you register developers? iGate 1 730

a user says he couldn't login.his account isn't locked,not
expired,no network issues.what will you do?
iGate 10 1324

how can the client export files be created at OS level.

0 144

what is the use of tcode SUSHARE in SAP and how the
mass user authorizations compared?

0 193

during client export(scc8),what type of requests are
created,customizing or workbench?

8 1490

how do you lock users if CUA is configured?

1 1067

is a transport route bidirectional?can you transport
requests generated during client copy(scc8)from
production to dev?

6 989

If have 5 years of experience with JD Edwards (ERP),
would it be like starting from scratch to learn SAP (ERP)? I
have been told that my experience with JDE is not relative
to working with SAP.

2 621

where can you do user maintenance for a java engine?

1 886

if somebody changes printer configuration or say,deletes
printer,how do you find who did it?
IBM 1 1406

if a user says he couldn't print more than 312
records,what will you do?
IBM 2 1597

of the two client copy methods remote and export-import
which method lets you copy to different r/3 version?
which method requires both systems to be on same
IBM 3 1448

support pack level?
while installing ecc6 which oracle files need to be
maintained on different disks?
IBM 3 1100

If you don't have authorization for executing suim
tcode,how do you get user reports?can you access usr*
tables in se16 without authorizations for suim?
IBM 2 1986

when user sends su53 report how do you which of his
roles you need to modify?
IBM 1 1423

what is the difference between user buffer and table
IBM 1 1551

what is the use of tcode pfud?what is it's advantage?

2 2869

wha is the purpose of parameters tab in su01? IBM 5 2223

before doing client copy you have to adjust table space at
os level.what is the single command for that?(with out
going through all the menu of brtools)

0 221

what are the pre-requisites for java stack upgradation in
bulk?and which EP components you have to upgrade
iGate 1 1210

what do you do with solution manager in an R/3 support

2 519

how to open remote connections to R/3 system?

2 615

How often u do the SSO Cofiguration... IBM 1 942

Explain about system refresh and system copy ? Accenture 2 2371

what is the monitoring tool you're using? TCS 2 1588

where do you see the transport logs? TCS 6 3881

In ECC6 can we change the number of dialog
workprocesses without restarting the system and with out
using operation modes?
IBM 7 2473

In sm51 screen what are the possibilities for status field?
If the status is active then we can double click on the
instance name to goto it's work process over view
screen(sm50). but if the application server is down,will it
still be displayed in the sm51 screen with status
shutdown?if so,what happens if we double click on an
instance name with status shutdown>will it still goto
sm50 screen?what would be the workprocess status
TCS 3 920

does the Tcode EWZ5 exist in ECC6?I'm using NW2004S
SR2 abap engine and EWZ5 doesn't exist in in that
case what is the alternative to EWZ5?to see the list of
users present in a client but not necessarily logged in and
to to lock or unlock them? Thanks.
IBM 0 383

After Installation of the SAP software, its giving posting
period 2004. I am not able to make it to 2009 financial
year.. how we make it.. what are the activities we have to
do ?

1 565

Hi, This is durga prasad. what is rollout and what are the
activities we have to do in this process.
Accenture 2 1048

Hi Folks from SAP world, My name is herald and working
in a distribution center. i graduated as an engineer so i got
basic knowledge about programming languages. Just basic
and very little in fact i almost forgot them but now i
realize how important it is today. I am very interested to
learn SAP and i actually big fat ZERO on it but i really want
to learn. Does anyone want to give an advice how will i
start? Please send your advice on my email. i really
appreciate you time reading this specially the effort of
giving me tips or advices. Cheers!

1 834

Can you import a transport request using STMS_QUEUES

2 1949

if user calls and reports to you that his background job is
taking long time, and which normally does not take so
much time. What will you do?
IBM 5 2752

Hi ,All What is the multi-threading and max connections
for rfc. Actually i am facing problem while send large
amount of idocs to external system using middle ware
tibco r3 adapter. And how to enable these in SAP ?
Ispat 0 385

what all checks will you perform when sap is down IBM 5 3775

What are the post steps after client copy ? Accenture 3 4409

HI , As an SAP BASIS member , Why do we need to
monitor lock entries(SM12) and Update Errors(SM13) ,
wht is the trouble shooting for those ?
IBM 3 3427

What is Remote Transaction Processing?

1 1075

IBM 3 4614

Collabera 4 5913

can we transport requests from production to development for
client copy using scc8?

3 1232

differentiate system refresh,system copy,client refresh.and
client copy.

1 955

What do you know about Default user DDIC?

3 1409

How to set predecessor relationship between two transport

0 307

Can one application server have multiple instances and if yes

4 769

then how many dispatchers we have per application server?
One dispatcher per application server. Is above statement
correct or we can have more than one dispatcher per application

3 592

Name of the ABAP program to delete background jobs?
7 2684

will the work processes other than dialog ever goto priv mode?

1 837

how much time it takes to export(scc8)a client? how much time
it takes for import(can we do this from stms screen or we have
to do this from os level?)? how much time it takes for client
import post process (scc7)? how much time it takes if we do all
this using remote client copy(scc9)? I know it depends on client
size and system performance.But I want a real time scenario
here. Thanks.
TCS 0 440

what is the difference between logon group(tcode-smlg) and rfc

6 2689

If a tcode is taking too long time to finish and I wand to end the
work process in sm50 how to find which work process is
currently executing that tcode?

2 1117

In the context of client copy what is customizing data,master
data, and application data,and transaction data,etc.. which client
copy profile is used for copying each data type? thanks.

1 554

in the stms screen where do you access transport logs
specifically slog,alog,and ulog?

1 644

what is the difference between se16 and sm30?

1 1834

If the sap system is down where will you start trouble shooting? Wipro 3 2509

Describe the transport steps procedure.

2 508

How can a client be locked?

6 1371

Where is the Deletion Flag or Indicator used in archiving

0 444

What is the significance of Virtual system?

2 622

What do you know about current kernel patch level?

2 1171

Describe the various types of transport request.

2 1241

Which java tools can be used for installation of Java patches?

3 1070

How can users be transported between different clients?

2 1336

How can we see system logs os SAP at OS level?

2 1761

there are 500 users logged into the sap system, the system goes
down and one cannot login using sapgui. Whyen check the
workprocess from dpmon the dialog workprocesses are free.
what action does one take as basis consultant
There could be an archival stuck situation in the database.
You need to check oraarch directory usage and then take a
archive backup immediately if it is full. I had this issue
once. However, if the users are not able to login and if Dia
work process are free, in this situation we cant say that
system is down, of course,obviously users will not be able
to login if archives are stuck.
Yes, Sirish is correct. We can't call the system
down in
this situation. Probably, an hour glass symbol
appears for
ever. Look for ora achive and clear them.

IBM 9 1999

HiAll, Could you please tell me the whole process of TMS
configuration,export,import and when to use Tcode se09 in this
process. Thanks in advance, Ravi
IBM 1 415

Hi, I have a question ,suppose all users are unable to login into
(sap system including basis administrator)then what are the
ways to check the system and how to unlock it.
IBM 3 1211

how to do system refresh?not the client copy but the-standard-
iGate 0 161

Is it mandatory to make all the users log off while applying add-
ons and s-notes as it is in the case of support packs?

3 905

can we adjust tablespaces from DB02 or we have to it at os level
using brtools?

1 867

How do set the alert monitors?RZ20. 1
how to delete the client from os leve l 1
what is main benefits of cursor?
What is organization level ? 1
could u explain the transport steps (step by step) procedure? IBM 11
a transport request is imported, it should have finished in 30 min but
it is running for one day(it is running in quality system and it has the
transport directory local)you see the slog and all logs are showing
that import is processing....and it does not show any will
you troubleshoot it?
For example, I want to transfer 50GB of data from DEV to Quality. I
am using client export and import method; can you tell me how
many hours take for client export and import? And also How many
hours take for remote client copy?
Terrenos 1
sappfprm is a command to see the profile parameter at os level, bt
how to change the profile parameters at os level on unix
Shall we have to restart sap system after configuration of operation
Satyam 2
if a user says he couldn't print more than 312 records,what will you
where will you first see if there is a performance problem....
what do you do with solution manager in an R/3 support project?
With help of maintenance
optimizer of solution
manager we
can download support
packages and enhancement
packages. We
can generate Early watch
report for performance

# 2
I agree withe 1st
ans, and also
solution manager is
mandtary for ecc 6.0
, if you want to
install any systems
in land
ecc, bi,ep,grc, these
systems we have to
to regester in the
solution manager in
installation phase.


What are the transport routes?

2 790

How do you configure the TMS?

3 836

I want to install SAP, I have a system with following
configration... > Processor - Intel Dual core 2.5 GHz >
Mother board - Zotak (Nvida 512 MB Graphic card inbuild)
> RAM - 2 GB > Hards disk - 320 GB is the above
mentioned configration is fine for SAP installation ? Kindly
provide your answer.

3 900

I want to find all non executed transaction list (user wise)
for last three months one option is through st03n but in

3 901

that i have to find by each and every t-code there is any
facility to get this list user wise
while installation of sap bi7.0 sr2 ides . it asking to check
DDIC password in client 001 but i try by using master
standard password but it show error popup"unable open
RFC connection". is there any solution for RFC connection
and password for ddic in client 001? pls it urgent for me.

2 1432

when i try to installed SAP CRM 2005 on single sap
system. It stop on phase : "system landscape directory"
for long time min 8 hrs. what actual problem?

1 265

when ever i try to installed sap ecc6.0 sr2 on single
system. it show error on phase import abap "Not all
objects are successfully processed. DIAGNOSIS: for details
see output file with invalid object invalid_objects.txt and
log file object_checker.log . SOLUTION: normally it
indicate the data load error but in some special cases( for
example if some object were created or loaded externally)
you can press ok to continue" here error sentence is
complete. pls tell what actual error its? is it kernel file

0 395

What is GRIR, GRIR effect, why it is imp, How it is
analysed, What is expected out GRIR, What is auto write
off & Manual GRIR write off?

0 446

which is the t- code for system landscape
The T code for System LandScape

ABC 2 1472

why TMSADM user is used for? and can I change the
password of the same if yes how to do that? If not why
shouldnt we?
CSC 5 7741

somebody deleted my TMS configuration unfortunatly
how to restore the same.
CSC 5 2495


5 1212

Hi there, i am a, guy i want to learn sap
application. is it possible? what r the courses i can persue?
is it application or development ? also let me know
institution names in chennai
CTS 1 571

role of RFC connection in project scenarios

6 1053

how can i create multiple user only for ABAP/4 ? once i
create user so it access key for second user also.

1 745

What is the difference between a Transport
Domain and a Transport group.

What is table buffer and single record buffer? IBM
Can I configure STMS on a single system on
windows 2003 server if so what are the
prerequisite. why I am getting the error "tp
distribution failed"

Shall we have to restart sap system after
configuration of operation modes?
What is REMEDY Ticketing tool, how it works?
can any body answer.?
How to delete a table from Database level.
What does Sap_All and Sap_New Parameters
define for a user who is granted with

How do set the alert monitors?RZ20.
what are the versions are used in sap? and
what is the current using version? in upcoming
version is sap?

can i delete any record from table. if yes, what
is Tcode for display table?

what is the difference b/w UNIX systems logs
and Windows sytem logs?


how can i integrate ecc6.0sr3 with bi7 or
netweaver 7 into single sap system.? pls give
me some step. i know installation.

Can we run CIC Webclient without installing
Web Application Server? If Yes, then what are
the basic settings which we have to do to run
webclient. If No, then is it possible to install
Web AS on the same server where our SAP
CRM is installed?
Infosys 2

How to deactivate IPC in standalone CRM.
0 462

Basic configuration/ settings after installation
of SAP Web AS in standalone SAP-CRM system
for web client.
SAP-Labs 2

What settings we have to do in EEWC while
using slandalone SAP-CRM system.

0 382

Hi there, Can any one suggest me a good SAP-
BASIS training institute near Indiranagar In


All the background jobs are in released state
and there is a delay time and the background



work processes are in wait status. What could
be the reason why the jobs are not in ready or
active state and the solution?
What is the different architecture between SAP
4.7EE & ECC5.0
SAP-Labs 0 717

How to find out who has deleted a client in the


i m try to disable multi user login with same
user and password in same cleint for example
client 800. so how can i do it? pls give me in
details steps.


if someone lock standard user such as sap* and
ddic in client 800? and client 000 is working
fine so how can i log in client 800? is there any
other standard user with standard password?



how we can logon on 800 client if user sap*
and ddic is lock by sap admin. but client 000 is
login successful. is there any other way? from
000 client.


What is RFC. why will use RFC. HP


How many types of Work Process.and types of
roles. how will assign the role to the user.
HP 8

What is the size of oracle redo log file and what
is the use of oraarch directory in oracle?

when i did run cccleaner, i had lost my sapmmc console
tree.i can see sapr/3 system option under console
i am not able to start my can get resolve of
this problem. please any one suggest get rid outoff this.

5 2365

how can we activated profile parameter for disable
multiple logon? i have already tried parameter:
login/disable_multiple_login_gui=1. but its not affect to
sap system. pls give me some step.

3 1681

what is mean by SAP?

30 16187

Explain ECC 6 Installation steps in brief? IBM 2 5242

Explain Client Import in SAP? Cap-Gemini 3 4862

Explain Client Export in SAP? Cap-Gemini 2 5970

How do u Monitor and Troubleshoot client copy in SAP?

1 2321

Explain Local Client Copy ?

3 1158

Explain Client Compare and Maintenance Tools available
in SAP?

1 1857

Dear all, I m looking out a Remote Support Service for SAP
BASIS opperation, my entire database is within my
company only, and we are currently using SAP 4.7, we
also looking for upgratation to ECC 6.0. Can any one
suggest me who the company is beetr for Upgradation as
well as REMOTE BASIS SUPPORT. kindly provide me the
in advance

12 1733

Hi , Can any one tell me , How to take back up to local disk
. And also tell me where i need to change the parameters
to take back up , please give me the list of parameters and
appropriate values. Please provide me the steps to take
back up.......

2 1121

how can we transport customize request? pls give me
some step.
Metropolis 3 2988

hi friends, could you tell me how to login in ecc6 after
creating new client. what will be username and password
for new client in ECC6.0?

11 2601

How to calculate J2EE Ports? IBM 3 2318

What is organization level ?

3 1488

what is the difference between killing a job with core and
killing a job without core......pls
IBM 6 2141

How to delet a table in sap. How to move a table from
one location to another.

0 212

Hi I am new in this forum and in this practice. can anyone
help me out in finding out how to get training material for
SAP CRM 2007.
Infosys 0 188

tp locksys sid=<sid> client=<xxx> is not working. Please
me in solving this problem.

3 1437

How to find Expensive SQL Statements? How to solve? IBM 3 3819

If the data buffer quality, log buffer Quality <95%, then
what should be done by the Basis consultant?
IBM 3 990

If the program buffer Hit Ration is <98%, then what should
be done by the Basis consultant?
IBM 3 2306

How to re-create missing indexes? IBM 4 3612

What is the minimum work processes needed for a SAP
IBM 13 5630

What will u do if a background is running from 2days? IBM 10 3091

What are the prerequisites for adding a data file to a
Table space?
IBM 7 2329

What is the frequency of tapes which you use for
IBM 1 513

What is buffer synchronization?

5 1820

What is the production system configuration in sap
IBM 1 564

3. What are Unicode and non Unicode in sap? IBM 5 4483

How the system log analysis will work(sm21),how
the logs are sended,can anyone explain the behind
Patni 0 756

How to delete a table from Database level.

1 1850

Can any one tell me some real time errors you got
for support pack apply, During transport request
export-import and for db dackup.

0 355

1. In which table support pack store....? 2. wht r
things happing in back ground during DB backup..?
TCS 2 1969

Suppose one A User has tcode SU01.When A try to
execute tcode su01,not able to execute.but next day
User A can able to execute the same tcode SU01.
Which not done user comparision next day too but
how come User A can able to execute tcode SU01?

7 2177

How to check cpu utilization from o/s level,wat is
the command.
Patni 13 4344

Why we need to apply support packages in 000
client ?

3 2239

How to upgrade Tp and R3trans,anyone explain the
step by step pls.

7 5207

Can anyone tell me what is Server and Instance in
sap,wat is exact meaning of that?

6 2640

Did you use Java stack. My answer was "No". If
somebody's answer is "Yes", please elobrate what
did you do, what is it and usage and etc. You might

1 416

want to give some reference to read as well.
What is Java stack? Briefly describe about Java Stack
and its usage!
IBM 4 6489

Can anyone tell me How to lock a single client from
sap level and from o/s level?How to lock users from
o/s level.
IBM 6 2707

how to delete a table in sap? IBM 2 4299

how to apply java stacks? Satyam 3 2346

Hi , Today , while refering about SAPDBA , i came
know about , when we are facing performance issue,
we need to increase Table space and need to add
data files to table space . but i dint understand
about data files and wht it contains ... What is data
files in Table spaces , what it contains actually ?

35.If you see the same parameter value in all instance
profiles what will you do ?
Cap-Gemini 2 2138

What is table buffer and single record buffer? IBM 1 1990

What Is your landscape IBM 1 1402

How extended memory is allocated?

1 624

what to do, if a workprocess is in hold status

2 2320

How to check SAP Memory status?

4 3034

what is the difference b/w UNIX systems logs and
Windows sytem logs?

1 975

what is the difference b/w ECC5.0 & ECC6.0? Logica-CMG 2 3721

what is the difference b/w 4.7EE & ECC5.0?

0 285

what is the difference b/w 4.6c & 4.7EE? IBM 0 244

Wat s SAP? Hw u ll council a person who dont know
anything abt it..
Satyam 2 1038

what is SOLUTION MANAGER? Cap-Gemini 8 3290

Can i lock a particular table.If yes then how Wipro 0 209

HI , Can any one tell me about SM58 transaction code
, Why we use this T-Code ?

3 6412

What are the diffrent types of table buffering ? Is it
"rollin , rollout ".

2 1160

2. What is Kernel dependent and independent in Sap
IBM 2 367

1. Can we change the data file location from existing
IBM 3 1889

What do we mean by Table spaces in BAsis , How
many type of table Table spaces ?

2 1879


3 1853


2 2225


4 1726


4 1824

how u will get help from SNOTES? TCS 0 278

what r errors u faced while appling patches

1 782

what r common transport errors u faced while

1 3074

what u will observe in system logs(sm21)

2 1501

how do u relese chage request? is it possible to
relese change request without relesing task?explain
step by step

1 261

how to find out long running jobs?explain clearly.... HCL 6 1780

how to create list of users available in a client? IBM 6 2117

As a basis consultant what we have to do if a
background job is cancelled?
Satyam 3 1479

How to solve if more swaps are occurred? IBM 4 2001

Shall we have to restart sap system after
configuration of operation modes?
Satyam 2 1886

Which type of Backup and Redo log backup is
performed daily? And which type of Backup and Redo
log backup is performed Weekly in the organization?
Infosys 3 2202

How to find expensive SQL statement, if found, what
should be done?
Wipro 3 2920

What is TMS, TDC, CTS, STMS and difference among
Infosys 2 4241

What is the spool request and output request and
difference b/w them?
IBM 5 3366

What are saplpd and tcp/ip print server and purpose?
And difference b/w saplpd and tcp/ip print server?
HCL 0 569

How can create a bunch of users at the same time
without using SU01?

7 2241

How to apply SNOTE can anyone explain step-by-

2 6522

what is the difference with oracle 9i and 10g? CTS 2 2655

While applying support packages, the error Table
space overflow is occured? What could be done?

3 1959

Why is java Required while installing SAP

6 2586

how to increase table space in brtools?

5 4711

I have created a role for user. Now i want to
unauthorize to user for particular TCODE. Now, what
i'll do for this?

3 1457

How to restrict particular Tcode in Role. while these
not assignsed in role?

3 1865

Is it recomendate by SAP if in Production have many client ? Please give me
refrerence/notes ? Thanks, Agan


How to get a transaction history of a user for a period of 6 months? I also wish
to know if we can take the report month wise by specifying start and end date.


how to install sap help in sap 4.7


best site to download free sap tutorials? TCS 2

What is a profile?


What is a Role?
A role is a grouping of privileges with t_codes,object
class and authorisation objects.A role is secure way of
communication between user and application.
a role is a template which consists


menus,tcodes,reports,urls etc.....

how many versions are there in sap: which are those? Integ 3

How many default clients are available with SAP

is a free
site and
very very


Re: best site to download free sap tutorials?
# 2 this is site not work mr
i think is best for sap basic or sap
basis administration


what is the differ between 4.7EE and ECC5.0?

how will you check whether database active or not from OS level?


Difference between Application Server and Centralinstance?


At OS level in which directory Oracle alerts are stored?


How many transport request types are there? Plz Post the Answer if u know

1 69

thanks & regards Dev 1 41
If a background job runs more than the time it should be completed normally
then what action will u take ? Plz Post the Answer


What SAP tools you use to install SAP patches?
how you can do CCMS monitoring through Solution Manager? IBM 1
Can a Patch be rolled back in ABAP or Java? 4
How to monitor user accessed transactions (Tcode) day wise? IBM 9
what are the problems usually occurs during the transport and
return codes ?
user says yesterday they could use some transaction where as today
they are not what will you do ?
How to kill a background job which is not showing any pid in sm50 AXA 6
What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy
and how you will do that?
Wipro 2
how to open remote connections to R/3 system? 2
Hai Guys, Can any guy tell me the clear view of CTS in transport
management system. i read in SAP R/3 but i not understand so tell
me in your words. >
What is the importance of the clients 000,001 and 006? 3
What is the deference between JSPM and SDM??

What is the difference b/w Smoke Testing and Sanity
Testing with Example...
1 129

MOAC Setups 1 147

what are the parameters use to write the test plan
3 557

Is there any special indicator to identify subcontract
item in the material master?
5 436

The Source coloumns are A,B,C with data row1-
10,20,30 row2- 40,50,60 row3-70,80,90 and so on. In
the target I want one coloumn with the following data,
Coloumn-X, row1-10,row2- 20,row3-30,row4-40,row5-
50 and so on. How to achieve this?
2 539

a soure table has 100 records how to load into 3 target
tables in a cumulative order source target1 target2
target3 --------- ------------------------------------- 1-100 1 2 3
4 5 6 - - - 98 99 100
2 552

in a table it has 200 rows the query is select 150 from
tablename.whats the output
1 457

Following questions were asked in Capegemini on 8th
sep,2012 mainframe test 1.)Condition code for dul
recors in VSAM- 2.) Is NULL or =NULL in Select
statement 3.)max size of CI 4.)What happens after CI is
full 5.)Ques on COND parameter 6.)which among
following can not be rolled back a)delete table
b.)droptable c)Update d.)insert 7.)groupby and orderby
sql querries 8.)Max extents in VSAM file 9.)quesn on
DPRTY=(1,10) 10.)range of condition codes in COBOL
11.)occurs clase can not be used at which level?
12.)delimiter in jcl 13.)sort card for file in PGM=SORT
14.)PIC(6) value 120056 possible? 15)question on
BLKSIZE Is (20,20) and (20,10) possible? 16.)number of
bytes in RDF 17.)Can we use index in WS-section or LK-
section 18.)Verify command in IDCAMS used for?
19.)question on Alternate Index 20.)Return code of file
attribute mismatch 21.)In which format COBOL
variables stored? 22.)what is Alternate of HANDLE?
23.)can SUM,AVG,MIN,ROUND used in numeric and
char variable data types? 24.)What is the datatype of
FILE STATUS codes in WS-section?
1 314

what is vendor setup?why it is required in accounts
payable process?
1 263

What are the steps you take to tune(performance
tuning) the code in plsql?
Tcs 1 514

What will be the output of this Query? select
3),mm),mm/dd/yyyy) from dual
3 1150

There is a excel sheet having details of Old account
number and new account number. I need to update
these details in my AS400 files. i.e. all the records
having old account number should be replaced with
new account number. There can be 100 or 200 or 300 fix files known. how can we do this?Solution
should be performance oriented
Ibm 1 623

What is the age of Ramprakash? i. Ramprakash was
born when his father was 26 yrs old ii. Ramprakash's
mothers age is 3yrs less than his father's
1 180

what is the difference between IT2000 and IT2002 2 455

i have a file which contains records like
10,30,90,50,20,40,80,60,70 i want to display these
records in reverse order like
70,60,80,40,20,50,90,30,10 please give me the cobol
code (do not sort the records)

how to find the modifications or changes which are done by the particular user with
in particular time period?
# 1
in the SUIM t-code we have option called
Change document ,

use this option or you can use use trace in
ST01 to trace
user activities.

Is This Answer Correct ?
1 Yes 0 No

0 Raja

Re: how to find the modifications or changes which are done by the particular user
with in particular time period?
# 2
STAT or STAD is the tcode.

What is the relation b/w view and trigger TCS 2
Write a procedure to return the month and the number
of developers joined in each month (cursor )
Tech-Mahindra 1
What is Materialized View? In What Scenario we Use
Materialized View?
Marlabs 2
Write a query to find the employees from EMP table
those who have joined in Monday. (there is a column as
hiredate which is a date column i.e values are like 03-
what is the difference between trigger and constraint? 1
What are the difference between Functions/Stored Procs
and Triggers and where are they used.
What is normalization? dec 2009 Cognizent 3
what is the output of this query selet * from employee
where 1=2 ??
can we call a procedure from a function? Mind-Tree 8
take one table is t1 and in that column name is f1 f1
column values are 200 5000 3000 7000 300 600 100 400
800 400 i want display the values asc and desc in a single
output. sample output is f1.a 100 200 300 400 500 600
etc...... and f1.d is 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 etc...
Zensar 7
i have a table t1 a math 20 b phy 30 cchemisty 10 a math
40 b phy 23 c che 21 a math15 bphy 33 c che 56 write a
quire to find out the max markr of each subject
Give the structure of the function ? 1

What is the relation b/w view and trigger TCS 2
Write a procedure to return the month and the number
of developers joined in each month (cursor )
Tech-Mahindra 1
What is Materialized View? In What Scenario we Use
Materialized View?
Marlabs 2
Write a query to find the employees from EMP table
those who have joined in Monday. (there is a column as
hiredate which is a date column i.e values are like 03-
what is the difference between trigger and constraint? 1
What are the difference between Functions/Stored Procs
and Triggers and where are they used.
What is normalization? dec 2009 Cognizent 3
what is the output of this query selet * from employee
where 1=2 ??
can we call a procedure from a function? Mind-Tree 8
take one table is t1 and in that column name is f1 f1
column values are 200 5000 3000 7000 300 600 100 400
800 400 i want display the values asc and desc in a single
output. sample output is f1.a 100 200 300 400 500 600
etc...... and f1.d is 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 etc...
Zensar 7
i have a table t1 a math 20 b phy 30 cchemisty 10 a math
40 b phy 23 c che 21 a math15 bphy 33 c che 56 write a
quire to find out the max markr of each subject
Give the structure of the function ?

how to assign a object to 100 roles at a time.
Go to se11 T-Code from there go to the table agr_agrs. You will be
asked to provide the Access key. then enter the object that needs to
be added to 100 roles...then Select the range of roles in which the
objects needs to be added and then save or Activate whatever option is

Name some drawbacks of SAP? 2
how can we transport customize request? pls give me
some step.
Metropolis 3
what is the table space in ecc5.0 and its size 1
What are the differences between application server and
central instance?
IBM 15
What will you do when you cannot login to a dialog
There can be two possibilites:

1. usr\sap filesystem is 100% full,in
this case increase
the filesystem from OS level.

2. none of the Dialog work process is
free,in this case
first inspect thru dpmon command and
restart central

1 what errors you faced while applying support package
in tcode spam and 2 what is the precaution note that
should be read.....while uploading patches
how to check if your R3 system is unicode or non-
Atos-Origin 4
Can you create a table with fields not referring to data
For example, I want to transfer 50GB of data from DEV to
Quality. I am using client export and import method; can
you tell me how many hours take for client export and
import? And also How many hours take for remote client
Terrenos 1
What is organization level? 3
How to upgrade Tp and R3trans,anyone explain the step
by step pls.
What is the procedure to delete a client?

Re: What is Listner?? How to get the status of the Listner?
# 2
lsnrctl -status


Start--> Run--> Services.Msc--> check for listner.. If it
shows running then Listner is up & running.

saying it is
used to
between the os &
database i.e.
when user sends
a request it
listens to it
in turn sends it
to database to
The status of
listner can be
seen as fallows
r3trans -R, then
a log file is
created named
as trans.log

there u can see
the status

Re: How to check how many users have logged in one perticular system e.g say
production with their login timing and IP address .. If possible Plz also see is
there any option using which we can also find that datewise ?
We can use sm04 tcode for particular instance user's login
list and if you want to check the total people login list
you can use al08 but here you can't check the IP address
but you can easily identify with Terminal name .

hope its useful for you.


Adding to Raja's answer above we need to use sm19 and sm20.

goto sm19--->dynamicconfiguration--->changemode--->tick all
check boxes for filter and audit classes do that for
filter2 also and cntrl+f3--->yes for configuration change
and distibute to all servers.

then goto sm20--->reread auditlog in application tool bar
push you can observe login time and logout time
and logged users and their used transactions along with the
terminals(sap gui ip address) from which they connected to
sap server will be displayed.

what are the pre-requisites for java stack upgradation in
bulk?and which EP components you have to upgrade
iGate 1
of the two client copy methods remote and export-
import which method lets you copy to different r/3
version? which method requires both systems to be on
same support pack level?
Lets suppose we have 500 users in sap system 250
members are already logged into the system and rest of
the 250 are unable to login along with master users like
sap* etc. How do you troubleshoot this issue ?
Can anyone help me in educating me in installing SAP
4.6C over windows server 2000. Please make it a step by
step process, my career depends upon the success and
failure of installation.
Can anyone tell me How to lock a single client from sap
level and from o/s level?How to lock users from o/s
what is the difference between spam /saint , how can
you apply patches through saint ,suppose you applied
sapkb62067 u r manger asked reduce the some 51 level
how u will you do that?
How to schedule background jobs at OS level? TCS 4
Can you tell me the path in service market place for
download support packs and kernel
Terrenos 3
while using jspm /sdm the user is locked.what will you
how can i create multiple user only for ABAP/4 ? once i
create user so it access key for second user also.
While applying support packages, the error Table space
overflow is occured? What could be done?
How do you configure transport profile?

How can we transport one or two users in client copy from one
client to another client?

how can we set a/r a/p netting for inter company code
transactions? is it possible to do? if yes, give the solution?
90 ITC-Infotech

368 IBM

How to delet a table in sap. How to move a table from one
location to another.

Hi All I am Vamshi I Provide Training on ECC Security, Bi Security,
HR Security, GRC Access Control Suit(RAR SPM CUP ERM), SRM
Security and CRM Security. Duration: 30 days Fees: Rs 7000/-
Vamshi Krishna +91-7569362152 email: [email protected]

Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all
the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?
183 Terrenos

What happens in background when a user logins to a portal
system, what are the three default processes in java instance
119 IBM

what are client settings? 191

in oracle script @? "?" question mark means what it indicate? 131 L&T

Can i lock a particular table.If yes then how 210 Wipro

Hi, Cansomeone please send the system refresh doc , it's very
urgent for me. Thanks in advance.

How to create RFC CONNECTION between production server and
Global trade system. what prerequsite we need for this.
296 IBM

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