Hunk Havoc!

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GAME TITLE: Hunk Havoc!

Genre: 3rd Person Over-the-Shoulder Brawler

Hunk Rawmeat is either the most lucky or unlucky
Neanderthal ever, depending on how you look at it
Not only did he accidentally discover the secret to
time travel, !ut upon his arrival in our modern age he
immediately saved the li"e o" the !eauti"ul Anya, a
no!le reporter !eing threatened !y a gang o" thugs!
#hough this earned her "riendship, Hunk also drew
the ire o" the thugs$ !oss, Don Acappella, who was
hoping to have %nya !umped o"" "or doing unwanted
investigative &ournalism into his organi'ation
Now, the (on is throwing all his muscle !ehind
sending the !oth o" them to the stone age, enacting a
master scheme) By success"ully capturing and
holding Hunk$s lady"riend within one o" his evil toy
"actories, a perilous trap has !een set "or our hero!
*ill Hunk$s "ormida!le !rawn su""ice to save the
day, or are there some vestigial !rains rattling around in that prodigious head o" his as
Mo"ement !ontrol#) Players control Hunk and can move in all directions along the
ground and "reely look up and down He can run temporarily in any direction !y pressing
,the -un Button. while moving Hunk can &ump or crouch/ crawl at any time, and will
need to do so in order to success"ully traverse the environment 0ertain o!&ects are
clim!a!le, and will !e denoted visually through consistent use o" te1tures as well as a
prompt 2e1) Press % to clim!3 when the player is close enough to interact with/ clim! the
!om$at !ontrol#) Hunk can punch while standing and can chain punches together
into com!os "or increased damage % dou!le-"ooted kick is used while attacking "rom
midair, hurting enemies in an arc in "ront o" Hunk He can also per"orm a tackle move,
which will hurt and da'e any target he attacks while running
Hunk has the a!ility to #hrow weapons or o!&ects #hese include his trusty spear,
which he can use periodically or retrieve a"ter throwing to use again immediately, in
addition to miscellaneous o!&ects "ound within the level 2teddy !ears, &ack-in-the-!o1es3
En"%ronment Interact%on) Several pieces o" the level can !e manipulated to the
player$s advantage #hese include levers to open doors, turn on/ o"" machines or raise/
lower plat"orms
Player Goal#: #he primary o!&ective is to reach the end o" the level in order to save
%nya %long the way, the player may choose to participate in the optional side-4uest,
which involves the collection o" 3 Trea#ure#, hidden throughout the area

, 5tem . pear:
Single use with long recharge time 2thrown3, or can hit several
enemies at once 2melee3 -etrieva!le "or instant throw-cooldown completion
, %!ility . T)row *eapon:
Spear, misc o!&ects around the
, NP0s . Enem%e#)
Basic enemy encountered during the level will !e a!le
to periodically throw small e1plosive teddy!ears at the
7Boss7 enemy) -o!ot #eddy!ear 8oves unerringly
toward the player and will attempt to smash the player
when close enough
#he image !elow is a top-down view o" the entire level, along with the player$s route
2orange arrows3 "rom start to "inish
ROOM + , Entryway
2+3 #he player !egins here, &ust outside the "actory #here are several !reaka!le !o1es
to smash !ut no enemies
2-3 Here the player will access the 6actory !y using the Panel ne1t to this 9levator 5t will
raise the player to a level which is otherwise inaccessi!le
ROOM - , !on"eyor Room
2+3 #he player is presented with three conveyor !elts, all o" which are moving towards
him, making traversal across them di""icult and slow
2-3 Should the player choose to traverse the conveyor closest to the wall, he will !e a!le
to reach the H%..en O$/ect , Hunk0# Hock o1 Meat2 #his item will give Hunk a
temporary damage !oost
233 On the wall opposite "rom the player are panels to control the conveyors By getting
close enough to use them or hitting them with Hunk$s spear "rom a"ar, the conveyors
will stop moving
243 #he "irst o" three Trea#ure# is hidden here !ehind several !reaka!le !o1es
Room 3 , T)e !ru#)er
2+3 :pon entering this room, the player will !ecome aware o" a group o" 9nemies 5t will
!e up to the player to determine how to handle them) #here are a couple o"
e1plosive !arrels that can !e thrown in their direction, or the player can attack them
2-3 %lternatively, the panel "or the Hori'ontal 0rusher the 9nemies are standing inside
can !e triggered with the player$s spear Once the 9nemies are dealt with, the player
will proceed up the steps
ROOM 4 , 'actory 'loor
2+3 #wo 9nemies stand on conveyors and will !egin to attack as soon as the player comes
into view 5" the panel on the wall is triggered with the player$s spear, the conveyors will
activate, sending the enemies into the pit !elow
2-3 % small group o" enemies wait "or the player to drop down into their midst 5" the spear is
ready, a near!y e1plosive !arrel can !e targeted, potentially dealing with them !oth at
233 #he player must traverse a gauntlet o" dangerous devices here, including 6ire 6loors
which occasionally shoot &ets o" "lame up, scorching anyone a!ove, as well as a ;ertical
0rusher #his crusher can !e used as an elevator to reach the second Trea#ure
%nother small group o" enemies wait "or the player around the corner, !ut !ecome
scorched themselves as soon as Hunk comes into view #his is meant to remind the
player that enemies can also !e hurt !y the environment, as "ire "loors must !e used to
the player$s advantage in the impending Boss "ight
243 Here a 4uickly moving conveyor will shuttle the player into the "inal room 5" the player is
"ast enough, Hunk may !e a!le to &ump and gra! a ledge, and pull himsel" up to the
raised area a!ove 6rom there, he may plat"orm over to the third and "inal Trea#ure
ROOM 5 , R6D
2+3 9ntering this room, the player is dumped into an arena with several inactive vertical
crushers and "ire "loors #he player lands on a medkit, which heals Hunk entirely #hen,
"rom a!ove, (on %cappella taunts the player, and unleashes a giant Ro$ot Te..y$ear
to deal with Hunk
%t this time, sections o" the 6ire 6loor will !egin to activate "or a !rie" time !e"ore
temporarily deactivating again, proceeding so in a predicta!le cycle #he !ear can only
!arely !e hurt !y Hunk, and must instead !e lured onto areas o" the "loor which are
a!out to activate, damaging the -o!ot with either "ire or crushing damage
Once the #eddy!ear is destroyed it will e1plode, causing a walkway to collapse #he
player may use this to access the room (on %cappella was in
2-3 #hough the (on is long gone !y the time the player reaches this area, having "led a"ter
seeing his plans ruined, one single crate remains %"ter smashing it open, %nya pops
out unharmed !ut ready "or revenge #he level ends

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