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UTM Student Wireless Connection 2013 PDF

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!"# %&'()*& +,-).

)// 01**)2&,1* 3 4)5,/&-6&,1*

1) !"#$%&' )'*+', Cllck on Lhe neLwork lcon found near your clock (Lyplcally ln Lhe lower, rlghL-hand
slde of your screen).
-./ )'*+', Cllck Lhe AlrporL (Wl-ll) lcon found near your clock (Lyplcally ln Lhe upper, rlghL-hand slde
of your screen).

2) SelecL %789)& :1- %&'()*&/ and cllck Lhe 01**)2& buLLon.

3) When prompLed for Lhe %)2'-,&8 ;)8, Lype Lhe followlng exacLly (SecurlLy key ls case-senslLlve):

4) !"#$%&' )'*+', When Lhe %)& 9)&<1-7 =126&,1* wlndow pops up, selecL >'?.,2 9)&<1-7.

3) Cpen your web browser of cholce such as lnLerneL Lxplorer, Chrome, llrefox, Safarl, eLc.

6) ?ou wlll probably be auLomaLlcally dlrecLed Lo Lhe u1M neLwork reglsLraLlon page. lf noL, Lry vlslLlng
www.yahoo.com or perform a search on www.google.com (avold slLes such as www.uLm.edu or
www.mlcrosofL.com for Lhls process).

7) Cllck on Lhe @A62'.&8B%&6:: 6*( %&'()*&/ <C1 C6D) 6 !"# 9)&<1-7 6221'*&E llnk.

8) nexL, enLer your u1M username and password. Cllck Lhe F1<*.16( buLLon.

9) uependlng on your browser cholce, you may be prompLed Lo 8un, Cpen, or Save Lhe flle. 1he goal ls Lo
save 8radford ulssolvable AgenL" Lo Lhe ueskLop.

noLe: 1he 8radford ulssolvable AgenL wlll dlssolve" or deleLe lLself upon compleLlon. ?ou may deleLe
lL manually afLer Lhe reglsLraLlon process ls compleLe lf lL does noL deleLe lLself.

10) 8un Lhe 8radford ulssolvable AgenL". lL wlll scan your compuLer Lo make sure LhaL your compuLer has
Lhe followlng:
a. up-Lo-daLe AnLlvlrus sofLware
b. CurrenL Servlce acks for Wlndows compuLers

-./ )'*+', CurrenLly, no oLher sofLware ls requlred by u1M, see SLep 11 A.
!"#$%&' 0 )'*+', MlcrosofL SecurlLy LssenLlals comes prelnsLalled on all Wlndows 8 machlnes so no
furLher sofLware should be needed.

11) A. lf your compuLer passes lnspecLlon, slmply walL as lnsLrucLed. AfLer LhaL, a resLarL of your compuLer
ls recommended. lf you have any problems afLer reglsLraLlon, please Lurn off your compuLer for 2 full
mlnuLes and Lhen Lurn lL back on. lf you sLlll can'L browse Lhe lnLerneL properly, call Lhe u1 MarLln
CompuLer Pelpdesk aL GHIJK LLJMHNOO.

8. lf your compuLer falls lnspecLlon, lL wlll glve you an explanaLlon and llnks or procedures on how Lo
correcL Lhe lssue(s). Cnce correcLed, resLarL Lhls process aL SLep 3.

"-1'?.)/C11&,*5 ",P/Q
o Some compuLer manufacLurers puL physlcal swlLches or funcLlon keys on lapLops Lo enable Wl-
ll. Check Lo make sure your Wl-ll ls on.

o Make sure LhaL you are aLLempLlng Lo connecL Lo Lhe correcL neLwork. lor example, make sure
you are connecLlng Lo %789)& :1- %&'()*&/, noL %789)& :1- A62'.&8B%&6:: or some oLher

o CfLen, resLarLlng your compuLer can solve many problems.

o lor furLher asslsLance, please call Lhe u1 MarLln CompuLer Pelpdesk aL (731) 881-7900 or come
see us ln unlverslLy CenLer room 213 (nexL Lo Lhe compuLer lab, near Lhe u1M 8ooksLore.
Make sure you brlng your power cord lf you brlng us your lapLop.

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