1 Francisco Ethical Application Form NOT Signed

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Project Title: Interpreting The urban revolution: Segregative production of space in Santiago through a
comparative study

Date of Submission: 15 September 2014 Proposed Start Date:

1st November 2014

UCL Ethics Project ID Number: 6168/001 Proposed End Date: 1st August 2015
If this is an application for classroom research as distinct from independent study courses, please provide
the following additional details:
Course Title: Mphil/PhD Development and Planning Course Number: RRDDEVSING01


Principal Researcher
Please note that a student undergraduate, postgraduate or research postgraduate cannot be the Principal
Researcher for Ethics purposes.
Full Name: Dr Camillo Boano Position Held: Senior Lecturer
Address: 34 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9EZ, UK

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: + 44 (0)20 679 1111

Declaration To be Signed by the Principal Researcher
! I have met with and advised the student on the ethical aspects of this project design (applicable only if the
Principal Researcher is not also the Applicant).
! I understand that it is a UCL requirement for both students & staff researchers to undergo Disclosure and
Barring Service (DBS) Checks when working in controlled or regulated activity with children, young people or
vulnerable adults. The required DBS Check Disclosure Number(s) is:

! I have obtained approval from the UCL Data Protection Officer stating that the research project is compliant
with the Data Protection Act 1998. My Data Protection Registration Number is:

! I am satisfied that the research complies with current professional, departmental and university guidelines
including UCLs Risk Assessment Procedures and insurance arrangements.
! I undertake to complete and submit the Continuing Review Approval Form on an annual basis to the UCL
Research Ethics Committee.
! I will ensure that changes in approved research protocols are reported promptly and are not initiated without
approval by the UCL Research Ethics Committee, except when necessary to eliminate apparent immediate
hazards to the participant.
! I will ensure that all adverse or unforeseen problems arising from the research project are reported in a timely
fashion to the UCL Research Ethics Committee.
! I will undertake to provide notification when the study is complete and if it fails to start or is abandoned.

SIGNATURE: DATE: 12/09/2014

Applicant(s) Details (if Applicant is not the Principal Researcher e.g. student details):
Full Name: Jose Francisco Vergara Perucich
Position Held: MPhil/PhD Student Development and Planning
Address: 34 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9EZ,
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +447745968713


Sponsor/ Other Organisations Involved and Funding
a) Sponsor: UCL Other institution
If your project is sponsored by an institution other than UCL please provide details:

b) Other Organisations: If your study involves another organisation, please provide details. Evidence that the relevant authority has
given permission should be attached or confirmation provided that this will be available upon request.
c) Funding: What are the sources of funding for this study and will the study result in financial payment or payment in kind to the
department or College? If study is funded solely by UCL this should be stated, the section should not be left blank. The source
of funding is the Chilean Government through Becas Chile Scholarship


Signature of Head of Department or Chair of the Departmental Ethics Committee
(This must not be the same signature as the Principal Researcher)
I have discussed this project with the principal researcher who is suitably qualified to carry out this
research and I approve it. The project is registered with the UCL Data Protection Officer, a formal
signed risk assessment form has been completed, and appropriate insurance arrangements are in
place. Links to details of UCL's policies on data protection, risk assessment, and insurance arrangements can be found at:
UCL is required by law to ensure that researchers undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Check if their research project puts them in a position of trust with children under 18 or vulnerable

I am satisfied that checks: ( 1 ) have been satisfactorily completed
( 2 ) have been initiated
( 3 ) are not required
If checks are not required please clarify why below.

Chairs Action Recommended: Yes No
A recommendation for Chairs action can be based only on the criteria of minimal risk as defined in the Terms of Reference of the UCL
Research Ethics Committee.






Please provide a brief summary of the project in simple prose outlining the intended value of the project, giving necessary
scientific background (max 500 words).
This research addresses the methodological proposals of Henri Lefebvre in his work named "The urban
revolution." In this book, he establishes critical perspectives of urbanism in neoliberal societies.
The urban society expresses its class struggle through spatial distribution. Santiago is the most segregated
city among the OECD members. For Henri Lefebvre, the space is a social and political construction.
However, in Chile this concept contrasts with the last 25 years, where every realm of the society has been
aiming towards the creation of a more inclusive and equitable nation with the exception of urbanism. This
social project has not transformed how urbanism has been producing the city. Considering that Chile was
an experimental field to implement the neoliberal ideals developed by Milton Friedman, separating the
transformation of society from urban design is a mistake and it deserves a critical reflection. In order to
guide this analysis, The urban revolution written by Lefebvre in 1970 provides an appropriated framework
to understand the gaps and to build interpretations of the reasons behind the segregation of Santiago.
To narrow down this theoretical approach there is a case study analysis developed through a fieldwork.
This process will analyse the differences between an urban design projects built in a rich district compared
with a project developed in a poor district. The presentation of wide differences based on spatial
segregation expressed through the quality of the urban life will provide critical insights. The hypothesis is
that this situation implies a catastrophic fail of urbanism in Santiago, reinforcing one of the main arguments
of "The urban revolution": The urbanism conceived like so, aims towards spatial segregation and towards
the lost of an urban experience where the whole society receive benefits.
The research question is:
What contradictions can be detected in the spatial production of scarce resource districts of Santiago that
demonstrate a crisis of urbanism, based on "The urban revolution" as an analytical framework?
Using "The urban Revolution" as a methodological instrument to understand the manner how municipalities
produce urban projects may offer several reflections about the problem of segregation in Santiago, and
also provide a fruitful field to test Lefebvre's arguments. The application of this book as a methodological
approach to understanding urban design failure is an unprecedented approach in Latin America, which
would provide new interpretations to redefine the role of urbanists in the pursuit of just cities. Accordingly
with the methodology proposed by "The Urban Revolution," this research aims to produce a dialectical
analysis of urbanism in Chile, which currently have become a blind field.
The objectives of this research are:
! Produce a methodological tool to analyse the urban life critically, based on "The urban revolution" as
main theoretical resource.
! Advance in the understanding of the spatial segregation of Santiago, following a neo-marxist
approach based on Lefebvre's thought.
! Unveil the logic behind the spatial production leaded by local authorities, mapping the procedures to
implement urban projects.
! Contest the disciplinary division between planning, urban design, architecture, economy, and
sociology; in order to produce a comprehensive reflection of the urban production processes in local



Briefly characterise in simple prose the research protocol, type of procedure and/or research methodology (e.g.
observational, survey research, experimental). Give details of any samples or measurements to be taken (max 500 words).

This research starts with literature review, which aims to build a theoretical framework in order to set a
theory of "The urban revolution" as a source of critical analysis and then apply this analysis in the
fieldwork, then contrasting theory with reality.

The research protocol in the fieldwork has four different stages:
1. Meeting authorities and specialists:
These authorities are urban designers, planners, mayors, NGO heads, and community leaders.
1.1. Semi-structured interview with specialists and authorities
30 minutes
The aim is to present trigger questions that will commit the specialist to talk about some topics that are
relevant to guide the research in the field.
1.2. Questionnaires to specialists
20 minutes
This questionnaire is with alternatives, and the goal is to receive comparable data from authorities about
the problematic in question.
2. Debriefing the data collected
One of the most important concerns of this research is the use the possibility of share the information
collected, discussing it with people that know the study cases.

2.1. Workshop with urbanism students
It aims to present the collected data and preliminary reflections to develop a process of argumentations in
a dialectical manner, getting some direct feedback of the research process and outcomes so far.
2.2. Publishing a reflection of this two first experiences
It attempts to present the reflections of the segregation problem in Santiago after discussing it with
specialists and in the workshop. The idea is published it in Spanish in order to receive feedback and
discussions from the actors involved in the field.
3. Qualifying the study cases
The aim is to produce a bank of data based on primary source collections of the study cases.
3.1. Collecting information:
This is the first process of hard data collection based on pictures, maps, sketches, documentation, news,
newspapers, existent surveys of the area, plans, programmes, and projects.
3.2. Survey to users of study cases:
A short questionnaire of no more than 10 minutes per interviewed. The aim is to create a qualitative
ordination about opinion of users of these spaces, and how they perceive the urban life there.

4. Socializing the results before return to London
As stated above, it will be important to share the information collected, and the preliminary ideas presented
in the field. This is the last part of the fieldwork.
4.1. Lecture of the preliminary outcomes of the research to receive feedback in the fieldwork.
The researcher will develop this lecture, and it will have two anchor discussants, to question the advances
and trigger public discussions of the preliminary outcomes.
4.2. Publishing a reflection of the process as a contestation of the publication made in the stage 2.
The aim of this publication is left a discussion in the field, which remains open after my return to London.
Once in London back, the process will be do data analysis and write the thesis based on the theory and in
the experiences and data collected in the fieldwork.
Attach any questionnaires, psychological tests, etc. (a standardised questionnaire does not need to be attached, but please provide
the name and details of the questionnaire together with a published reference to its prior usage).


Where will the study take place (please provide name of institution/department)?
If the study is to be carried out overseas, what steps have been taken to secure research and ethical permission in the study country?
Is the research compliant with Data Protection legislation in the country concerned or is it compliant with the UK Data Protection Act
This research will take place in Santiago, Chile. As Chilean citizen, I do not have legal restrictions or VISA
issues that could impede my research in this country.
Data protection measures are:
-Informed consent: All the interviewees will be previously informed via e-mail and with a printed copy in the
day of the interview. The interviewees will receive information about the use of collected data, and about
their right to withdraw the information provided if they decide it. The consent will be printed, writing by hand
of the interviewee and signed by them too.
-Confidentiality: All the interviewees will be if they prefer to appear anonymously. The collected
documentation and information will be stored in UCL servers, erasing all the material in the recording
- Devolution of transcription and processed data: The processed information will be send to interviewees in
their language; offering them the option to edit, rephrase, include new information or erase.
Data will be collected from public resources. Under the current transparency law it will be possible to obtain
documentation not available in official websites. In case to find confidential documents, it will be request
formally to the authors (person or institutions) about the possibility to use it and how. The approval must be
in writing and signed in a form to agree with the authors.


Have collaborating departments whose resources will be needed been informed and agreed to participate?
Attach any relevant correspondence.


How will the results be disseminated, including communication of results with research participants?
The results of the research will be disseminated through publications in Spanish in order to permit that
every involved participant could read and understand the outcomes. In addition, every participant of this
research will receive an e-mail (or regular mail in case of don't have an e-mail) with these publications.


Please outline any ethical issues that might arise from the proposed study and how they are be addressed. Please note that
all research projects have some ethical considerations so do not leave this section blank.

An ethical issue might arise if the interviewee feels threatened with the questionnaire or with the presence
of the researcher. In that case, the informed consent will be the way to address that issues, preventing it.

- Informed consent: The interviewed will receive a document that clearly and easily explains what is this
research about, which are the goals and scopes of the same.
Every interviewee will receive one copy of this form and the researcher will retain a signed copy too in
order to index it to the research file.
In this form, the interviewee will have the choice to preserve the anonymity if it is desired. Also, in the form
will be clearly stated the right to withdraw his/her contributions of the research, providing the contact
number and e-mail of the researcher.



Participants to be studied
C1a. Number of volunteers: 100
Upper age limit: 75
Lower age limit: 21


C1b. Please justify the age range and sample size:
75 years old maximum as the elderly specialist to interview is 74 right now. 21 years old minimum as the
students to be part of the workshop are 21 and 22. In Chile, people attains the age of majority at 18 years.
The sample size considers: 35 Specialists to interview (15 at Global Level, 20 at Local level); 15 Students
to participate in the workshop;
50 Users of the urban spaces to participate in the survey.


If you are using data or information held by a third party, please explain how you will obtain this. You should confirm that
the information has been obtained in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
The process of data collection will be through public libraries, public entities, and through specialists and
authorities. The whole data will be developed mainly collected from public resources. Maps, pictures, and
sketches will be developed by the researcher.
The data and information collected will be held accordingly with the data protection policies stated on Data
Protection Act UK 1998.


Will the research include children or vulnerable adults such as individuals with
a learning disability or cognitive impairment or individuals in a dependent or unequal relationship? Yes No

How will you ensure that participants in these groups are competent to give consent to take part in this study? If you have relevant
correspondence, please attach it.


Will payment or any other incentive, such as gift service or free services, be made to any research participant?

Yes No

If yes, please specify the level of payment to be made and/or the source of the funds/gift/free service to be used.

Please justify the payment/other incentive you intend to offer.



(i) Describe how potential participants will be identified:
Most of participants are people that know me and that I've met before due to my professional experience.
The other participants are emergent actors that have been developing research or work recently, related
with the case study.
People to be surveyed in the case study locations will be stratified and randomly selected, taking care to
build a diverse sample composed equally by woman and men, and also attempting to gather experiences
from young, middle age, and elderly people.
(ii) Describe how potential participants will be approached:
For interviewees via e-mail and phone call. For surveyed, following the next protocol: Kindly approaching to
them and request some minutes, the researcher identifies himself, he shows the questionnaire in order to
know if person want to participate, if accepts then complete the questionnaire, otherwise the researcher
thanks and retires to find another person.
(iii) Describe how participants will be recruited:

Attach recruitment emails/adverts/webpages. A data protection disclaimer should be included in the text of such literature.


Will the participants participate on a fully voluntary basis? Yes No

Will UCL students be involved as participants in the research project? Yes No

If yes, care must be taken to ensure that they are recruited in such a way that they do not feel any obligation
to a teacher or member of staff to participate.

Please state how you will bring to the attention of the participants their right to withdraw from the study without penalty?
If any participant wants to withdraw their participation in the study, it will be stated in the informed consent


Please describe the process you will use when seeking and obtaining consent.
- Informed consent: The interviewed will receive a document that clearly and easily explains what is this
research about, which are the goals and scopes of the same.
Every interviewee will receive one copy of this form and the researcher will retain a signed copy too in
order to index it to the research file.
In this form, the interviewee will have the choice to preserve the anonymity if it is desired. Also, in the form
will be clearly stated the right to withdraw his/her contributions of the research, providing the contact
number and e-mail of the researcher.
A copy of the participant information sheet and consent form must be attached to this application. For your convenience proformas
are provided in C10 below. These should be filled in and modified as necessary.

In cases where it is not proposed to obtain the participants informed consent, please explain why below.
If this occurs, might be only in case of a relevant discussion about a vital topic of the research is tackled
through an informal chat between the researcher and an actor. In this case, if that occurs, the research will
need to contact the actor after the chat in order to complete the consent form.


Will any form of deception be used that raises ethical issues? If so, please explain.



Will you provide a full debriefing at the end of the data collection phase? Yes No
If No, please explain why below.


Information Sheets And Consent Forms
A poorly written Information Sheet(s) and Consent Form(s) that lack clarity and simplicity frequently delay ethics approval of
research projects. The wording and content of the Information Sheet and Consent Form must be appropriate to the age and
educational level of the research participants and clearly state in simple non-technical language what the participant is agreeing to.
Use the active voice e.g. we will book rather than bookings will be made. Refer to participants as you and yourself as I or we.
An appropriate translation of the Forms should be provided where the first language of the participants is not English. If you have
different participant groups you should provide Information Sheets and Consent Forms as appropriate (e.g. one for children and one
for parents/guardians) using the templates below. Where children are of a reading age, a written Information Sheet should be
provided. When participants cannot read or the use of forms would be inappropriate, a description of the verbal information to be
provided should be given. Please ensure that you trial the forms on an age-appropriate person before you submit your application.


Participant Information Sheet for Phd Development and Planning in Research Studies

You will be given a copy of this information sheet.
Title of Project: Interpreting The urban revolution: Segregative production of space in Santiago through a comparative study
This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee (Project ID Number): 6168/001
Name Dr Camillo Boano, Jose Francisco Vergara Perucich
Work Address 34 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9EZ, UK
Contact Details [email protected]; [email protected].
Phone of Jose Francisco in the field: +56997421086.
We would like to invite _____________________________________________________ (name of participant) to participate in this
research project.
Details of Study: The study that you are involving on, aims to develop a critical perspective of the reasons of urban segregation in
Santiago, in order to contrast your perspectives with the theoretical framework of this research. Your opinion for us is vital to build a
coherent approach, and anchored to reality.
This is the abstract of this research:
The research addresses the methodological proposals of Henri Lefebvre in his work named "The urban revolution." In this book, he
establishes critical perspectives of urbanism within neoliberal societies. The urban society expresses its class struggle through spatial
distribution, and Santiago is the most segregated city among the OECD members. Considering that Chile was an experimental field to
implement the neoliberal ideals, detach the transformation of society from urban design is a mistake and it deserves a critical reflection.
The urban revolution provides an appropriated framework to understand the gaps, and understand the reasons behind the segregation
of Santiago. To narrow down this theoretical approach there is a case study analysis developed through a fieldwork. This process will
analyse the differences between an urban design project built in a rich district compared with a project developed in a poor district. The
application of this book as a methodological approach to understanding urban design failure is an unprecedented approach in Latin
America. Accordingly with the methodology proposed by "The urban revolution," this research aims to produce a dialectical analysis of
urbanism in Chile, which currently have become a blind field.

If you agree to record your interview, you need to know that the records will be transcribed and translated. You will have full access for
both: Transcriptions and Translations. Just request it to Jose Francisco via the contact details provided above.

Please discuss the information above with others if you wish or ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more

It is up to you to decide whether to take part or not; choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. If you do decide to
take part you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.
In case you decide to withdraw your participation, please contact Jose Francisco to the e-mail: [email protected] or to the
phone number: +56997421086.
If you require anonymous participation it will not be possible for us to withdraw your data once you have returned your questionnaire.

If you decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to sign a consent form.

All data will be collected and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


Ficha de informacin para el participante sobre la Investigacin Doctoral en Desarrollo y

Usted recibir una copia de este documento.
Titulo del Proyecto: Interpretando "La revolucin urbana": Comprendiendo la produccin segregativa del espacio en Santiago a travs de
un caso comparativo.
Este estudio ha sido aprobado por el Comit de tica en Investigacin de la University College London, bajo el numeral (ID Number):

Investigadores Dr Camillo Boano, Jose Francisco Vergara Perucich
Direccin 34 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9EZ, UK
Contacto [email protected]; [email protected].
Telefono de Jose Francisco en Chile: +56997421086.
Nos gustara invitar a _____________________________________________________ a participar de este proyecto de investigacin.
Detalles del estudio: El estudio en el que se est involucrando pretender desarrollar una perspectiva critica de las razones que hacen de
Santiago una ciudad segregada. Su visin especialista es fundamental para discutir la construccin terica desarrollada previamente en
esta investigacin. Con su visin, se avanzar hacia un enfoque coherente y anclado en la realidad.
Este es el resumen ejecutivo de la investigacin:
La investigacin utiliza las propuestas metodolgicas desarrolladas por Henri Lefebvre en su obra llamada "La revolucin urbana." En
este libro, el establece perspectivas criticas acerca del urbanismo que se esta desarrollando en sociedades capitalistas. La sociedad
urbana expresa su lucha de clases en la distribucin espacial y Santiago es la ciudad mas segregada dentro de los miembros de la
OCDE. Considerando que Chile fue un campo experimental para implementar las economa neoliberal, separar la transformaciones
sociales que eso conlleva del diseo urbano constituye un error y merece una reflexin critica. "La revolucin urbana" ofrece un marco
apropiado para comprender los vacos en este mbito, acotando la discusin hacia entender las razones detrs de la segregacin en
Para aterrizar esta discusin terica, se realiza un estudio de casos en terreno. Este proceso analizar la diferencia entre un proyecto de
diseo urbano desarrollado en una comuna de altos ingresos con una comuna de bajos ingresos dentro del rea metropolitana de
Santiago. La aplicacin de este libro como un enfoque metodolgico en Latino-Amrica para comprender la segregacin espacial
constituye un aporte nico al conocimiento regional.
Siguiendo lo propuesto en "La revolucin urbana", esta investigacin apunta a producir un anlisis dialectico del urbanismo en Chile, que
actualmente cuenta con campos ciegos que merecen ser develados.

Si usted esta de acuerdo con ser grabado en la entrevista, debe saber que las grabaciones sern transcritas y traducidas al ingles.
Usted tendr acceso completo a las transcripciones y traducciones, solo debe solicitarlas a Jos Francisco Vergara, mediante los datos
entregados anteriormente.

Por favor, si tiene dudas discuta esta informacin con otros si desea o pregntenos si todo esta claro o si requiere mayor informacin.

Depende de usted participar o no en este estudio, no ser parte de l no le generar ningn perjurio. Si decide participar y en el proceso
decide cambiar de parecer, sintase libre de exigir la anulacin de sus contribuciones sin dar razones, si as lo desea. En tal caso, por
favor contctese con Jos Francisco al e-mail: [email protected] o al telfono: +56997421086.

Si usted desea participar de forma completamente annima en este estudio, no ser posible para nosotros anular su participacin
posteriormente, puesto que las respuestas y grabaciones no tendrn asociadas su nombre al momento de realizar la transcripcin.

Si decide participar, usted recibir una copia de esta ficha para que tenga claro lo que ha consentido.

Todos los datos recogidos y guardados se guan por el Acta de Proteccin de Datos de 1998, emitida por el Reino Unido.


Ficha de Consentimiento Informado para la Investigacin Doctoral en Desarrollo y Planificacin
Spanish version.

Por favor complete esta ficha despus de leer la "Ficha de informacin para el participante" y luego de haber escuchado la
explicacin sobre la investigacin.

Titulo del Proyecto: Interpretando "La revolucin urbana": Comprendiendo la produccin segregativa del espacio en Santiago a travs de
un caso comparativo.
Este estudio ha sido aprobado por el Comit de tica en Investigacin de la University College London, bajo el numeral (ID Number):

Gracias por interesarse en ser parte de esta investigacin. Antes de aceptar a ser parte de ella, la persona organizando el evento les
debe explicar el proyecto a usted.
Si usted tiene preguntas de la "Ficha de informacin para el participante", pregunte al investigador antes decidir de unirse a este proceso
de estudio. Usted recibir una copia de esta ficha para que pueda consultarla cuando desee.

Declaracin del participante:

Yo _______________________________________________________ (Nombre)

He ledo las notas escritas en la "Ficha de informacin" , y comprendo lo que el estudio conlleva.
Comprendo que si lo decido puedo dejar de ser parte del estudio, lo cual debe ser notificado al investigador de manera
Consiento de procesar mi informacin entregada nicamente para los propsitos de esta investigacin.
Comprendo que dicha informacin ser tratada de manera estrictamente confidencial y ser manejada de acuerdo a las
regulaciones del Acta de Proteccin de Datos de 1998 emitida por el Reino Unido.
Declaro que el proyecto de investigacin se me ha explicado de manera satisfactoria y estoy de acuerdo de participar en el.
Yo entiendo que mi participacin en esta investigacin ser grabada y consiento que dicho material sea utilizado como parte
de este proyecto.
Yo estoy de acuerdo con ser contactado por los investigadores para invitarme a participar en otras instancias de este estudio.
Yo comprendo que la informacin entregada ser parte de un reporte del cual recibir una copia. Confidencialidad y
anonimato ser mantenida y no ser posible identificarme en ninguna publicacin.
Comprendo que mis aportes pueden ser utilizados por otros en futuras investigaciones. Me he asegurado que mis datos
personales permanezcan confidenciales, exigiendo que sea borrado mi nombre de toda nota si es necesario.
Firma: Fecha:


Informed Consent Form for PhD in Development and Planning in Research Studies
Please complete this form after you have read the Information Sheet and/or listened to an explanation about the research.
Title of Project: Interpreting The urban revolution: Segregative production of space in Santiago through a comparative study
This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee (Project ID Number): 6168/001

Thank you for your interest in taking part in this research. Before you agree to take part, the person organising the research must explain
the project to you.
If you have any questions arising from the Information Sheet or explanation already given to you, please ask the researcher before you to
decide whether to join in. You will be given a copy of this Consent Form to keep and refer to at any time.
Participants Statement

I _______________________________________________________ (Name of participant)

have read the notes written above and the Information Sheet, and understand what the study involves.
understand that if I decide at any time that I no longer wish to take part in this project, I can notify the researchers involved and
withdraw immediately.
consent to the processing of my personal information for the purposes of this research study.
understand that such information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled in accordance with the provisions of the
Data Protection Act 1998.
agree that the research project named above has been explained to me to my satisfaction and I agree to take part in this study.
I understand that my participation will be taped recorded and I consent to use of this material as part of the project.
I agree to be contacted in the future by UCL researchers who would like to invite me to participate in follow-up studies.
I understand that the information I have submitted will be published as a report and I will be sent a copy. Confidentiality and
anonymity will be maintained and it will not be possible to identify me from any publications.
I agree that my non-personal research data may be used by others for future research. I am assured that the confidentiality of
my personal data will be upheld through the removal of identifiers.

Signed: Date:



Have UCLs Risk Assessment Procedures been followed? Yes No

If No, please explain.


Does UCLs insurer need to be notified about your project before insurance cover can be provided? Yes No

The insurance for all UCL studies is provided by a commercial insurer. For the majority of studies the cover is automatic. However, for
a minority of studies, in certain categories, the insurer requires prior notification of the project before cover can be provided.

If Yes, please provide confirmation that the appropriate insurance cover has been agreed. Please attach your UCL insurance
registration form and any related correspondence.


Please state briefly any precautions being taken to protect the health and safety of researchers and others associated with
the project (as distinct from the research participants).
Researchers will have advice of behaviour in public spaces of Santiago. Santiago is a safe city but it is
important to take care of belongings in order to avoid robberies. Hence, the surveys must be developed
without any valuable objects. Also, to take pictures the researcher will be aware of the safe use of the
camera, taking care of always use the strap on the shoulder. The whole fieldwork will be developed in
daylights, between 09.00 AM and 19.30 PM.


Will these participants participate in any activities that may be potentially stressful or harmful in connection with this
research? Yes No

If Yes, please describe the nature of the risk or stress and how you will minimise and monitor it.


Will group or individual interviews/questionnaires raise any topics or issues that might be sensitive, embarrassing or
upsetting for participants?

If Yes, please explain how you will deal with this.


Please describe any expected benefits to the participant.
To engage into an interesting possibility to expose their issues about topics that are relevant to improve
their everyday life in their city.


Specify whether the following procedures are involved:
Any invasive procedure(s) Yes No
Physical contact Yes No
Any procedure(s) that may cause mental distress Yes No

Please state briefly any precautions being taken to protect the health and safety of the research participants.


Does the research involve the use of drugs? Yes No

If Yes, please name the drug/product and its intended use in the research and then complete Appendix I

Does the project involve the use of genetically modified materials? Yes No
If Yes, has approval from the Genetic Modification Safety Committee been obtained for work? Yes No
If Yes, please quote the Genetic Modification Reference Number:


Will any non-ionising radiation be used on the research participant(s)? Yes No
If Yes, please complete Appendix II.


Are you using a medical device in the UK that is CE-marked and is being used within its product indication? Yes No
If Yes, please complete Appendix III.


Please submit ether 12 copies (1 original + 11 double sided photocopies) of your completed application form for full
committee review or 3 copies (1 original + 2 double sided copies) for chairs action, together with the appropriate supporting
documentation from the list below to the UCL Research Ethics Committee Administrator. You should also submit your
application form electronically to the Administrator at: [email protected]

Documents to be Attached to Application Form (if applicable) Ticked if Tick if
attached not relevant
Section B: Details of the Project
Questionnaire(s) / Psychological Tests
Relevant correspondence relating to involvement of collaborating
department/s and agreed participation in the research.
Section C: Details of Participants
Parental/guardian consent form for research involving participants under 18
Participant/s information sheet
Participant/s consent form/s
Section D: Details of Risks and Benefits to the Researcher and the Researched
Insurance registration form and related correspondence
Appendix I: Research Involving the Use of Drugs
Relevant correspondence relating to agreed arrangements for dispensing

with the pharmacy

Written confirmation from the manufacturer that the drug/substance has
has been manufactured to GMP

Proposed volunteer contract
Full declaration of financial or direct interest
Copies of certificates: CTA etc"

Appendix II: Use of Non-Ionising Radiation
Appendix III: Use Medical Devices

Please note that correspondence regarding the application will normally be sent to the Principal Researcher and copied to
other named individuals.

Questionnaire for Specialists
Guide for Semi-structured interviews

1. Recently Santiago was called as the most segregated city among OECD countries. Based on your expertise, what is your main
reflection about this declaration from the urbanists role in the production of space?
1. Recientemente Santiago fue nombrado como la ciudad mas segregada entre los pases de la OCDE. Basado en tu experiencia
profesional, Cual es tu principal reflexin en relacin a esta declaracin, referido al rol de los urbanistas en la produccin del espacio?

2. Lefebvre talks about blind fields in the urbanism, meaning that there are systematized phases in urbanism that lack critical reflection.
Instead, these phases make that you just need to strictly follow the steps in order to deliver an urban project, which excludes the whole
complexity that should involve the urban production.
Let's land this idea, what is your point of view of this statement of Lefebvre? How can we interpret this affirmation in the production of
space segregated in Santiago?
2. Lefebvre habla sobre campos ciegos en el urbanismo, queriendo decir que existen fases sistematizadas en los procesos propios del
urbanismo que carecen de reflexin critica. Por el contrario, estas fases hacen que urbanistas sigan un estricto paso a paso para lograr
desarrollar un proyecto urbano, lo que deja de lado toda la riqueza y complejidad que debera involucrar un proceso de produccin
Aterricemos esta idea, Cual es su punto de vista en relacin a esta declaracin de Lefebvre?
Como podemos interpretar esta afirmacin en la segregada produccin espacial de Santiago?

3. In "The urban revolution" appear three levels of analysis of the urban: Global, focused on the power structures and the centralized
institutions that decide about the future of the city (Ministries, State Buildings, The congress, Cathedrals); Mixed, referring to public
spaces such as streets, roads, pavements, schools, parks; and finally, a private level referring to the dwelling, which also is
subordinated with the other levels.
In your specialist opinion, how these three levels express the segregation in the city as Santiago?
3. En "La revolucin urbana" aparecen tres niveles de analisis de lo urbano: lo Global, enfocado en las estructuras de poder e
instituciones centralizadas que deciden el futuro de la ciudad, tales como ministerios, edificios estatales, el congreso, las catedrales.
Luego propone un nivel Mixto, referido a los espacios publicos tales como calles, caminos, veredas, escuelas y parques. Finalmente,
plantea un nivel Privado, relacionado al habitar propiamente, el cual ademas se encentra subordinado a los otros niveles.
En tu opinion especializada, Como estos tres niveles expresan la segregacion en la ciudad de Santiago?

4. Let's explore a problematic urban situation linked with the mixed level mentioned before, which is the wide difference of quality
between a public space in a rich district with the quality in a poor district.
Please elaborate an explanation why is this happening in Santiago.
4. Exploremos una problematica urbana vinculada en el nivel mixto antes mencionado, especificamente la enorme diferencia de
calidad que existe entre un espacio publico en una comuna rica con un espacio publico en una comuna pobre.
Elabore una posible explicacion de porque esto ocurre en Santiago?

5. This question has two parts. "The urban revolution" claims for a new urban society as consequence of a disciplinary revolution, where
instead of specialization of disciplines, there is a crosscutting approach to the urban phenomena, where the multidisciplinary reflection
and projection, he says, results to be a better way towards the real urban life, or the good city production. The first question is: How you
think that the urban production in Santiago poses a multidisciplinary approach to develop public spaces?
So secondly: Do you think that this multidisciplinary reflection would be positive or negative and why?
5. Esta pregunta tiene dos partes. "La revolucin urbana" demanda una nueva sociedad urbana como consecuencia de una revolucion
disciplinar, donde en vez de la especializacion disicplinaria, existe un enfoque transversal al fenomeno urbano, donde es la reflexion
multidisciplinaria y su consecuente proyeccion resultan en la creacion una nueva y mejor manera de lograr una verdadera vida urbana,
es decir, una buena ciudad. La primera pregunta es:
Cmo cree usted que la multidisciplinariedad de los procesos de desarrollo de espacios publicos se ve reflejado en Santiago?
Y una segunda pregunta: Cree usted que estos potenciales procesos multidisciplinarios son positivos o negativos?, Por qu?

Questionnaire for Local actors
Guide for Semi-structured Interviews

1. Recently Santiago was called as the most segregated city among OECD countries. Based on your local expertise, what is your main
reflection about this declaration from the urbanists role in the production of space? How is this perceived from your local community?
1. Recientemente Santiago fue nombrado como la ciudad mas segregada entre los pases de la OCDE. Basado en tu experiencia
profesional a nivel local, Cual es tu principal reflexin en relacin a esta declaracin, referido al rol de los urbanistas en la produccin
del espacio? Como esto es percibido desde su comunidad local?

2. Lefebvre talks about blind fields in the urbanism, meaning that there are systematized phases in urbanism that lack critical reflection.
Instead, these phases make that you just need to strictly follow the steps in order to deliver an urban project, which excludes the whole
complexity that should involve the urban production.
Let's land this idea, what is your point of view of this statement of Lefebvre? How these blind fields are manifested in the everyday work
that you need to develop in your local dimension?
2. Lefebvre habla sobre campos ciegos en el urbanismo, queriendo decir que existen fases sistematizadas en los procesos propios del
urbanismo que carecen de reflexin critica. Por el contrario, estas fases hacen que urbanistas sigan un estricto paso a paso para lograr
desarrollar un proyecto urbano, lo que deja de lado toda la riqueza y complejidad que debera involucrar un proceso de produccin
Aterricemos esta idea, Cual es su punto de vista en relacin a esta declaracin de Lefebvre?
Como se manifiestan estos campos ciegos en su trabajo diario en la dimensin local?

3. In "The urban revolution" appear three levels of analysis of the urban: Global, focused on the power structures and the centralized
institutions that decide about the future of the city (Ministries, State Buildings, The congress, Cathedrals); Mixed, referring to public
spaces such as streets, roads, pavements, schools, parks; and finally, a private level referring to the dwelling, which also is
subordinated with the other levels.
In your specialist opinion, how these three levels express the segregation in the city as Santiago?
3. En "La revolucin urbana" aparecen tres niveles de anlisis de lo urbano: lo Global, enfocado en las estructuras de poder e
instituciones centralizadas que deciden el futuro de la ciudad, tales como ministerios, edificios estatales, el congreso, las catedrales.
Luego propone un nivel Mixto, referido a los espacios pblicos tales como calles, caminos, veredas, escuelas y parques. Finalmente,
plantea un nivel Privado, relacionado al habitar propiamente, el cual adems se encentra subordinado a los otros niveles.
En tu opinin especializada, Como estos tres niveles expresan la segregacin en la ciudad de Santiago?

4. Let's explore a problematic urban situation linked with the mixed level mentioned before, What are the main aspects positive and
negative in the production of public spaces in your area?
4. Exploremos una problemtica urbana vinculada en el nivel mixto antes mencionado, Cuales son los principales aspectos positivos y
negativos en la produccin de espacios pblicos a nivel local?

5. In "The urban revolution", Lefebvre proposes three concepts that I would like to deepen with you:

Activate the urban problematic as a vital part of political agendas in order to transform social injustices.
Self-management of the space, which must go from private level to global level.
The right to the city, specifically related to allow to every dweller of the urban to have access to the benefits of urban life.

5. En "La revolucin urbana", Lefebvre propone tres conceptos que me gustara profundizar con usted:

Activar la problemtica urbana como parte vital de las agendas polticas hacia una transformacin de las injusticias sociales
Promover la autogestin del espacio, la cual debe ir cambiando de nivel desde el privado, pasando por el mixto, hasta llegar al global,
incidiendo tambin en las economas que se generan en dichos niveles.
El derecho a la ciudad, especficamente relacionado con lograr que todos los habitantes tengan acceso a los beneficios de la vida


Month/Year Survey to measure urban life perception of public space level in users
Encuesta para medir percepcion de vida urbana a nivel del espacio publico en usuarios

Please, rate these statements about this public space, in relation to your agreement or disagreement.
Por favor, evale estas afirmaciones sobre este espacio publico segun su acuerdo o desacuerdo

Strongly Agree
Muy de Acuerdo
De Acuerdo
En Desacuerdo
Strongly Disagree
Muy desacuerdo
5 4 3 2 1
1. Este espacio publico representa lo que espero de vivir en
la ciudad.
1.This public space represents what I expect from live in the

2. Este espacio publico me hace sentir orgulloso/a de mi
2.This public space makes me feel proud of my municipality.

3. Me siento identificado/a con este espacio publico.
3. I feel identified with this public space.

4. Este es el mejor espacio publico de Santiago.
4. This is the best public space in Santiago.

5. Me gustaria realizar muchas modificaciones a este
espacio publico.
5. I would like to do several modifications to this public

6. Este espacio publico mejora mi calidad de vida.
6. This public space improves my quality of life.

7. Venir a este espacio publico me hace sentir enojo.
7. Coming to this public space makes me feel angry.

8. Venir a este espacio publico me hace sentir bien.
8. Coming to this public space makes me feel good.

9. Me gustaria que me inviten a participar para re-disear
este espacio publico.
9. I would like an invitation to participate in re-design this
public space.

10. Siento que tengo el derecho a cambiar este espacio
10. I feel with the right to change this public space.

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