Ashraf Osmajurnaln Page 11 Koordinasi
Ashraf Osmajurnaln Page 11 Koordinasi
Ashraf Osmajurnaln Page 11 Koordinasi
12.164 3.615
FFMnir (kg) 57.104 8.225
40.557 5.486
correlated with BFnir, FMnir and FFMnir for males, respectively for
women, when height, weight and age are controlled, p<0.05;
differences between sexes, p<0.05.
BFskf, body fat - skinfolds method; FMskf, fat mass - skinfolds method;
FFMskf, free fat mass - skinfolds method; BFnir, body fat - infrared
method; FMnir, fat mass - infrared method; FFMnir, free fat mass -
infrared method; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; n, number of subjects.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
Conway JM, Norris KH, Bodwell CE. A new approach for the estimation of body composition: infrared interactance.
Am J Clin Nutr, 1984 Dec; 40(6):1123-1130.
Cyrino ES, Okano HA, Glaner FM et al. Impact of the use of different skinfold calipers for the analysis of the body
composition. Rev Bras Med Esporte, 2003; 9(3):150-153.
National Institutes of Health (NIH). Clinical Guidelines On The Identification, Evaluation, And Treatment Of
Overweight And Obesity In Adults. The Evidence Report. Publication No. 98-4083, 1998 Sep: XI-XXX.
Attention!!! First of all, the article is written on a single column until it is finalized. After finalizing it, you select the
whole text after the abstract until the first table or chart and you turn it into two columns. The same operation is done, in
order, for (the whole) texts between charts and/or tables; also, the (whole) text, from the last table or chart until the
bibliography inclusive, will be turn into two columns. The paper must be 5-12 pages.
The tables including data will be done on a single column and they cannot be introduced into the text as photographs.
The counting (consecutive) and the title of the table (conclusive and concise) will be written on the top right hand. The
reference to the table (the quotation in the text) will be found in the text that precedes the table. The number of the table,
the title of the table, the results, the statistical section and the abbreviation section will be a constitutive part of the table.
It is recommended that you merge the data in as few tables as possible. The additional black lines in the tables including
data will be colored in white (Table Tools, Design, Pen Color, White, urmat de Draw Table prin care se traseaz peste
liniile negre suplimentare culoarea alb).
Table 1. Physical characteristics of feminine subjects
Number and title of the table (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
Subjects with dominant upper and
lower right limb(n = 8)
Subjects with dominant upper and
lower left limb (n = 8)
Height (cm.) 163,25 4,95 3,032% 162,5 4,309 2,652%
Weight (kg.) 66,088 7,343 11,111% 67,038 5,352 7,984%
IMC (kg/m
) 24,745 1,827 7,383% 25,368 1,439 5,673%
Percentage of body fat(%) 26,625 2,873 10,791% 26,55 2,964 11,164%
Fat mass (kg.) 17,739 3,56 20,069% 17,91 3,235 18,063%
The values are presented as M DS i CV%.
IMC, index of body mass; M, mean; DS, standard deviation; CV, variability coefficient; n, number of subjects.
Statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
The connection between the data in the table and the statistical section will be done through identification letters
counted in alphabetical order or identification symbols used in the order *, , , , , , **, , , etc.; inside the
table, the letters or the identification symbols will be written in the superscript(Home, Superscript) immediately after
the data, and inside the statistical section, the identification letters will be written before the hyphen and the statistical
comments and the identification symbols immediately before the statistical comments (without a hyphen).
The tables from other publications should be used with the authors (authors) permission, indicating the bibliographic
source where it was taken from.
Example: 0,851 0,044
Statistic data.
The identification letter written in superscript (Home, Superscript).
Example: a significantly different compared to the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side flexion, 0, for
the subjects who practise football, respectively athletics (triple jump), F(2, 12) = 5,5;
Identification letter.
Statistic comment.
Table 2. Means of results of maximum isometric force ratios for feminine subjects who practise different sports
Force ratio
Handball (n = 5) Football (n = 5)
Athletics (triple
(n = 5)
F130 Flexion/ F110 Extension (30) 0,589 0,109
0,556 0,075 0,565 0,05
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
Statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
The tables which contain figures will be done on a single column. The counting (consecutive) and the title of the figure
(conclusive and concise) will be written on the bottom left side immediately after the figure. The reference to the figure
(the quotation in the text) will be found in the text that precedes the table which contains the figure. The figure, the
number of the figure, the title of the figure, the statistical section (if necessary) and the abbreviation section will be a
constitutive part of the table that contains the figure. When symbols, numbers or letters are used to identify the parts of
the figure, each of them should be explained clearly in the statistical section.It is recommended that you merge the data
in as few figures as possible. The lines of the table that contains the figure will be transparent. (Table Tools, Design,
Borders, No Borders).
Figure 27. The evolution of means of maximum isometric force and the degree of perception at different tests.
Nm, Newton*meter; IT, initial testing; ImedT, intermediary testing; FT, final testing.
Number and title of figure (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
Abbreviations used in the figurewill be mandatory explained after the number and the title of the figure and/or
the statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
The figures will have a resolution of minimum 250 dpi for a better understanding after the print The figures will be
presented in original sizes in the text (sizes chosen by the author(s) of the paper), not to be subsequently modified. The
electronic formats accepted are: Bitmap (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) or GIF (.gif).
The results and the statistical explanations will be presented in one way data in the table, figure in the table or text;
these ways of presenting can be combined but they do not have to repeat themselves.
18,506% 13,489% 8,85%
F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side flexion
0,851 0,044
a b
0,942 0,056
0,919 0,03
5,17% 5,945% 3,264%
F120 Right side rotation/ F120 Left side
rotation (-30)
0,972 0,07
0,825 0,227
1,052 0,019
7,202% 27,515% 1,806%
a significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side
flexion, 0, for subjects who practise football, respectively, athletics (triple jump), F(2, 12) = 5,5;
b significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratioF150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=7,572;
c significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=2,316;
d significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=6,037;
e significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F120 Right side rotation/ F120 Perfectly
ballanced lesft side rotation (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), -30, t=6,12;
The values are presented as M DS and CV%; Significance limit established at p<0,05.
M, mean; DS, standard deviation; CV, variability coefficient; n, number of subjects; t, test t student ; F, test
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,
Length, height, weight and volume will be specified in metrical units (meter, kilogram or litre or their decimal
multiples). Temperature will be specified in degrees Celsius (C). Blood presure will be specified in mm column of
mercury (mmHg). Other clinical measurements will be specified in the International System of Units (International
System of Units (SI)).
Abbreviations and symbols
The standard abbreviations must be used. You should avoid introducing abbreviations into the title or in the abstract.An
abbreviation in parantheses will be preceded by the full description, only the first time the abbreviation is used in the
text and only if the abbreviation is not a standard measure unit .
Example: Body weight, body composition, resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), temperature,
fasting serum glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, and ghrelin were assessed at baseline and after 21 d (12-h fast)
and 22 d (36-h fast) of alternate-day fasting.
Full description of the abbreviation the first time it appears in the text.
Abbreviation written in parentheses the first time it appears in the text.
RMR and RQ did not change significantly from baseline to day 21, but RQ decreased on day 22 (P < 0.001),
which resulted in an average daily increase in fat oxidation of 15 g.
Abbreviations when appears for the second time in the text.
Wuthiekanun V, Chierakul W, Langa S, et al. Development of antibodies to Burkholderia pseudomallei during
childhood in melioidosis-endemic northeast Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2006 Ian 12;74(10):1074-5.
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Bold, Justify, First Line Indent 0,5cm, Two Columns.
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify, First Line Indent 0cm., Hanging Indent 0,5cm, Two Columns.