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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH

Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania

The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 5-10
Original article



Purpose. Whey protein is a high-quality dairy protein that contains all the amino acids the body requires for
muscle protein synthesis. Evidence suggests that whey protein, found naturally in milk, increases muscle protein
synthesis that in combination with resistance exercise can improve body composition. The aim of this study was to
determine the effects of a pre- and post-exercise whey protein supplement on protein metabolism and muscular strength
among elite wrestlers.
Methods. Eighteen male wrestlers volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into
supplement pre -exercise (S1; n = 10, 21.3 2.9 y, 175.7 4.9 cm, 86.7 9.8 kg) or supplement post -exercise (S2; n =
8, 20.8 2.03 y, 172.6 5.7 cm, 85.3 7.9 kg). subjects were tested for maximal strength (1-RM) on the squat , chest
and arm exercises. S1and S2were consumed the whey protein (optimum) 1.4 g/kg.bw/day supplements after
immediately following of training session for S1 group and 40 minutes prior to training session for S2 group, all
subjects for a period of twelve week, three days weekly.
Results. There was a significant difference between the two experimental Groups (S1 and S2) in total protein,
albumin, urine and Creatinine and muscular strength for S2 group.
Conclusions. The best way to supplement the whey protein was immediately following the training workout.
Key words: whey protein, protein metabolism, Muscular Strength, wrestlers.

Wrestling is a sport with a long history. It was
first made an Olympic sport by the Greeks in 708
B.C.E., and thereafter became popular in the ancient
Wrestling is a form of combat that uses the body
as a weapon. Using nothing but the body, a wrestler
must use strength, tactics, domination and sheer will to
overcome his opponent. Each competitor wrestles his
opponent, not for life or death, but for the pin, and
glory and fame.
But glory, fame and victory are made possible
by a well-developed and well-balanced skills set that
makes the wrestler effective from all wrestling
positions. Any weakness in your skills set will give
your opponent a competitive advantage that could lead
to your defeat.
At the highest competitive levels, the more
conditioned wrestler will always win. When a
wrestling match extends into the fifth, sixth and even
seventh minute, conditioning will determine victory or
defeat. When your opponent is the only thing standing
between you and glory, you want to make sure that you
make a statement - you want to make sure that you are
To achieve top condition, the wrestler must eat
right, train right and use the best available nutritional
supplements. If even one area of your athletic program
is off, your performance will suffer. Wrestlers train
hard and eat hard, but what about supplementation?
Protein has long been the favored macronutrient
for wrestlers. The logic is simple: if you want big
muscles and muscle is made of protein, then eating
more protein equals more muscle. This simple rationale
is more fiction than fact, but it is difficult to convince
athletes that protein is not the most important nutrient
for sports performance. Flip through the pages of any
health and fitness magazine, and it is easy to see why
athletes worship at the altar of protein- men with
bulging muscles who look like cartoon heroes and
women with perfectly toned bodies without a drop of
cellulite smile from the magazine pages and claim that
the latest protein powder, shake, or supplement is all it
takes to achieve the perfect body. (Rosenbloom, 2009)
Evidence exists to indicate that these types of
athletes have protein needs that are one to two times
that of the Recommended Daily Allowance. Not all
sources of protein are of the same quality, however.
Protein sources that contain all of the essential amino
acids are considered to be complete proteins, while
those that do not contain all of the essential amino
acids are considered to be incomplete. Protein sources
with a higher concentration of the branched-chain
amino acids (BCAAs) (e.g., leucine, isoleucine, valine)
and the other essential amino acids are of a higher
protein quality and are more effective at promoting
protein synthesis (Burke et al. 2001). Recent
improvements in the processing of proteins from food
(e.g., soy protein, egg protein, casein, whey, etc.) in the
form of nutritional supplements have resulted in high
amounts of essential amino acids and low amounts of
dietary fat.
In recent years, milk constituents have become
recognized as functional foods, suggesting their use has
a direct and measurable effect on health outcomes.1
Whey, a by-product of cheese and curd manufacturing,
Faculty of Physical Education, Mansura University, EGYPT
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS Ahmed Sharawy, email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


was once considered a waste product. The recognition
of whey as a functional food with nutritional
applications has elevated whey to a co-product in the
manufacturing of cheese. (Walzem et al. 2006) The
two primary sources of protein in milk are the caseins
and whey. After processing occurs, the caseins are the
proteins responsible for making curds, while whey
remains in an aqueous environment. The components
of whey include beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin,
bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins,
lactoperoxidase enzymes, glycomacropeptides, lactose,
and minerals. (Walzem et al. 2006) Today, whey is a
popular dietary protein supplement purported to
provide antimicrobial activity, immune modulation,
improved muscle strength and body composition, and
prevention of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Whey is a dairy protein that is a by-product of
the cheese making process. In its raw state, whey
contains substantial amounts of fat and lactose (milk
sugar). The primary difference between isolate and
concentrate is that the isolate is more pure. In other
words, isolate contains more protein with less fat and
lactose per serving. Based on whose figures you go by,
whey isolate usually contains between 90-94% proteins
while whey concentrate has a protein ratio of 70-85%. (
Keri, 2004)
Whey protein has long been considered the
"Gold Standard" of protein for serious athletes who
work hard to develop and sustain a lean, strong and
well-defined physique. Research studies support this
belief. Athletes need more protein in their diet, often as
much as twice the recommended daily allowance. The
protein they choose makes a difference and here are
several reasons why whey protein is a preferred choice
for athletes of all types.
Whey protein is a naturally complete protein,
meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids
required in the daily diet. It has the ideal combination
of amino acids to help improve body composition and
enhance athletic performance.
Whey protein is a rich source of branched
chain amino acids (BCAAs), containing the highest
known levels of any natural food source. BCAAs are
important for athletes since unlike the other essential
amino acids, they are metabolized directly into muscle
tissue and are the first ones used during periods of
exercise and resistance training. Whey protein provides
the body with BCAAs to replenish depleted levels and
start repairing and rebuilding lean muscle tissue.
Whey protein is an excellent source of the
essential amino acid, leucine. Leucine is important for
athletes as it plays a key role in promoting muscle
protein synthesis and muscle growth. Research has
shown that individuals who exercise benefit from diets
high in leucine and have more lean muscle tissue and
less body fat compared to individuals whose diet
contains lower levels of leucine. Whey protein isolate
has approximately 50% more leucine than soy protein
Whey protein is a soluble, easy to digest
protein and is efficiently absorbed into the body. It is
often referred to as a "fast" protein for its ability to
quickly provide nourishment to muscles.
Whey protein helps athletes maintain a healthy
immune system by increasing the levels of glutathione
in the body. Glutathione is an anti-oxidant required for
a healthy immune system and exercise and resistance
training may reduce glutathione levels. Whey protein
helps keep athletes healthy and strong to perform their
best. (United States Dairy Export Council, 1999)
Serum protein electrophoresis involves and
placing a serum sample onto a semi-solid gel. An
electrical current is then applied to this gel, causing the
individual proteins within the serum to move along the
length of the gel.
The proteins will settle out on the gel in bands,
according to their size and electrical charge. The
protein bands are then stained with a special dye so that
they can be seen. After the gel has dried, a special
instrument called a densitometer measures the bands.
In general, protein electrophoresis is not
sensitive enough to allow visualization each of the
hundreds of individual proteins that are found in serum.
Instead, broad groups of proteins with similar size and
electrical charge are measured. The major groups, or
fractions, of proteins include alpha, beta, and gamma
globulins. (Cribb et al. 2006)
Although more studies need to be carried out to
make a definitive statement regarding timing of protein
intake relative to exercise and its effect on muscle mass
and/or strength gains, it is likely that an athlete who
consumes protein (plus carbohydrate) sooner and more
often after exercise would provide a better environment
for anabolism based on other evidence showing that the
rate of synthesis of new muscle proteins has a ceiling
and that consumption of protein above a certain level
would not stimulate protein synthesis further. How
much protein would have to be consumed to maximally
stimulate muscle protein synthesis is not known;
however, large protein meals, in excess of the protein
required to maximally stimulate muscle protein
synthesis, would not likely offer any benefit to athletes
if consumed after resistance exercise. In this situation,
amino acids in excess of those used to support protein
synthesis would be directed toward oxidation and
ultimately lead to increased urea production. (Julius,
Hence, the aim of this study was to determine
the effects of a pre- and post-exercise whey protein
supplement on protein metabolism and muscular
strength among elite wrestlers.
Methods. Participants
Eighteen male wrestlers volunteered to
participate in this study. Subjects were randomly
divided into supplement pre -exercise (S1; n = 10, 21.3
2.9 y, 175.7 4.9 cm, 86.7 9.8 kg) or supplement
post -exercise (S2; n = 8, 20.8 2.03 y, 172.6 5.7
cm, 85.3 7.9 kg). subjects were tested for maximal
strength (1-RM) on the squat , chest and arm exercises.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


S1and S2were consumed the whey protein (optimum)
1.4 g/kg.bw/day supplements after immediately
following of training session for S1 group and 40
minutes prior to training session for S2 group, all
subjects for a period of twelve week, three days
weekly. subjects were tested for maximal strength (1-
RM) on the squat , chest and arm exercises.
participation in a training program) current or past
history of anabolic steroid use; any metabolic disorders
or taking any thyroid, hyperlipidemic, hypoglycemic,
antihypertensive, or androgenic medications; 4)
ingested any ergogenic levels of creatine, HMB,
thermogenics, ribose, pro-hormones (i.e., DHEA,
androstendione, etc.) or other purported anabolic or
ergogenic nutritional supplements within 6 months
prior to beginning the study and to not take any
additional nutritional supplement or contraindicated
prescription medication during the protocol.
Participants agreed not to undertake any
physical activity, nor seek any remedy for muscle
soreness, other than the supplement provided, for the
duration of the study. All participants were informed
verbally and in writing, as to the objectives of the
experiments, together with the potential associated
risks. All participants signed an informed consent
document approved by the Human Research Ethics

Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were calculated by the
SPSS.V.16 (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences). The results are reported as means and
standard deviations (SD). ANOVA analysis was used
to compare the variation of the different variables
between the three groups for static strength and
regional bone. Least Significant Difference Test LSD
was used to compare group means in variance analysis
results which were found statistically significant.
Differences in means were considered significant if p,

Table 1. Mean SD and (T)Test between pre tests and post - tests in Protein Metabolism, Dynamic
strength and Static Strength for experimental group 1 .

Experimental group 1
After Before
Sig. 6.760.27 6.440.25 Total protein
Sig. 3.390.39 3.310.33 Albumin
No Sig. 24.732.46 22.522.31 Urea
Sig. 0.780.08 0.700.06 Creatinine
Sig. 46.971.83 43.291.49 Leg extension
Sig. 90.462.68 87.382.42 Barbell Bench Press
Sig. 78.372.76 72.642.42 Barbell front raise
Sig. 86.332.98 83.453.21 LS
Sig. 70.343.91 65.22.56 BS

Table 1 shows that: significant difference between pre tests and post - tests in all variables except urea

Table 2. Mean SD and (T)Test between pre tests and post - tests in Protein Metabolism, Dynamic
strength and Static Strength for Experimental group 2 .

Experimental group 2
After After
Sig. 6.980.22 6.480.27 Total protein
Sig. 3.660.36 3.330.30 Albumin
No Sig. 25.813.51 23.113.48 Urea
Sig. 0.780.06 0.690.05 Creatinine
Sig. 47.671.91 42.782.13 Leg extension
Sig. 93.592.68 88.562.74 Barbell Bench Press
Sig. 79.882.78 72.552.54 Barbell front raise
Sig. 89.092.76 83.333.76 LS
Sig. 72.343.91 64.92.56 BS
Table 2 shows that: no significant difference between pre tests and post - tests in all variables except urea
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Table 3. Mean SD and (T) Test between post - tests in Protein Metabolism, Dynamic strength and
Static Strength for experimental and control groups

Sig. 6.980.22 6.760.27 Total protein
Sig. 3.660.36 3.390.39 Albumin
No Sig. 25.813.51 24.732.46 Urea
No Sig. 0.780.06 0.780.08 Creatinine
No Sig. 47.671.91 46.971.83 Leg extension
Sig. 93.592.68 90.462.68 Barbell Bench Press
No Sig. 79.882.78 78.372.76 Barbell front raise
No Sig. 89.092.76 86.332.98 LS
No Sig. 72.343.91 70.343.91 BS

It is clear from Table (4) significant differences
at 0.05 between post - tests of the two experimental
groups in all the variables, except for Urea, Creatinine,
Leg extension, Barbell front raise, LS and BS

The main findings from this study were the
significant Improvements between the two
experimental groups (pre and after workout) for after
immediately the workout training
In this study of strength-trained men, whey
protein supported positive net protein balance that
created a favorable environment for muscle
hypertrophy. It is also important to note that the
amount of protein needed to stimulate muscle growth is
not large more, is not necessarily better when it comes
to muscle growthV10 g of whey protein was sufficient
to build muscle.
Generally, Whay protein is one of the most
popular (and most advertised) protein supplements to
Researcher believe that when the wrestlers take
the whey protein after immediately the workout
training, this is the most important time to take in a fast
acting protein drink.
If you were to only have one protein drink per
day, this is the time of day to take it. because ingest a
fast acting protein source such as whey protein isolate
which blast of insulin.
Insulin kicks the body's glycogen making
machine into high gear. Glycogen is considered the
principal storage form of glucose and is found mainly
in liver and muscle. Glucose supplies the bodies active
tissues with energy.
Therefore, insulin will speed up the movement
of glucose and amino acids into cells which are what
you definitely want and secondly, it activates a special
enzyme which is essential for glycogen synthesis.
According to Burke et al. 2001, training is work
on the consumption of glycogen muscle to produce the
energy required for performance, shall enter the body
in the use of amino acids to turn it into glucose, and
here comes the role of Whey-protein in the renewal and
the speed of the glycogen muscles, and this is
confirmed by Tipton, et al. 2004, of the Whey-protein
is one of the best supplements that reduce the speed of
demolitions within the muscle tissue, so as to contain a
Beta-lactoglobulin rate ranging from 50-55%, which is
a major source of supply of the muscles during training
acids essential amino and glycogen.
Layman, 2003, indicated that the Whey-protein
is characterized by value of high biological as well as
the speed of digestion and absorption, as it contains
Hydro Whey-purified the best way Hydra in the world
to be the lighter molecules of Whey-peptide, making it
the fastest uptake in muscle.
The findings with the study of (Burke et al.
2001, Buckley et al. 2003, Brinkworth et al. 2004,
Cribb et al. 2006, Kerksick et al. 2006, Julius et al.
2008, Walter et al. 2010) in that supplement of Whey
protein increases the muscle strength and improves the
level of performance skills.
Additional research has shown that ingesting a
protein supplement after exercise triggers the release of
growth hormone. Great news for building muscle.
And the key could be the amino acid leucine,
one of the BCAAs. Whey protein has the highest
amount of BCAAs of any protein. After exercise,
leucine stimulates signaling pathways to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis.
Tipton, et al. 2004 and Nicole & Wayne
reported that leucine serves as a crucial regulator of
protein synthesis and is donor of nitrogen to alanine
and glutamine, important amino acids in muscle
protein synthesis.
Researchers are excited about this leucine
trigger, as it may have important implications not only
for muscle growth for healthy athletes.
Whey protein with Strength training has been
reported to cause muscle fiber hypertrophy, associated
with an increase in contractile protein, which
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


contributes to an increase in maximal contractile force
(Sale et al 1990).
Strength training also reduces mitochondrial
density and suppresses oxidative enzymes activity
which can cause impede endurance capacity, but has
minimal impact on capillary density or in the
conversion of muscle fiber types from fast twitch (type
II fibers) to slow twitch (type I fibers) ( Nelson et al
1990, Sale et al 1990).
In contrast, endurance training usually causes
little or no muscle fiber hypertrophy, but it does induce
increases in mitochondria content, citric acid enzymes,
oxidative capacity and the possibility of muscle fiber
conversion from fast twitch to slow twitch (Nelson et al
Because, skeletal muscle makes up 40% to 45%
of body weight and is the largest storage site for amino
acids.1 However, muscle is more than just protein; it
also contains water, fat, glycogen, and some minerals.
One pound of muscle contains 70 to 105 g of protein,
and to build a pound of muscle, it is estimated that 10
to 14 g of additional protein is needed each day,
although others dispute this claim.
In addition to possible growth of muscle,
protein is a highly versatile nutrient and is involved in
other functions that are crucial to sports performance:
cell regulation, muscle repair, immune function,
neurological function, nutrient transport, and structural
support. (Caleb et al. 2010)
Practitioners most often suggest protein in the
range of 1.2 to 1.4 g/kg per day for endurance athletes
and 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg per day for strength athletes.3
However, most athletes are very likely to be involved
in both endurance and strength activities, so a general
range of 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg per day is frequently the
shorthand recommendation in practice.

Guidelines for protein quantity were derived
from nitrogen balance studies. As (Carol De Nysschen,
et al. 2009) nitrogen balance may be adequate for
establishing protein needs to prevent deficiency, but it
is likely inadequate to quantify optimal intakes for
muscle adaptations needed by endurance or strength-
trained athletes.
Amino acid oxidation, another technique used in
research to determine protein needs during exercise, is
also not the perfect measure. Immediately After A
Workout is the best time to take it because the body
needs raw materials to rebuild and recover with. If the
wrestlers don't supply the raw materials through eating,
the body will break down muscle from elsewhere in
body in order to rebuild the damaged areas.

Brinkworth G.D., Buckley J.D., Slavotinek J.P. and
Kurmis A.P. Effect of bovine colostrums
supplementation on the composition of
resistance trained and untrained limbs in healthy
young men, European Journal Applied Physiol.
2004: 91, 53-60.
Buckley J.D., Brinkworth G.D. and Abbott M.J. Effect
of bovine colostrums on anaerobic exercise
performance and plasma IGF-I, Journal of
Sports Sciences. 2003:21, 577-588.
Burke DG, Chilibeck PD, Davidson KS, Candow DG,
Farthing J, Smith-Palmer T. The effect of whey
protein supplementation with and without
creatine monohydrate combined with resistance
training on lean tissue mass and muscle
strength, International Journal Sport Nutrition
Exercise and Metabolic, 2001, Sep;11(3):349-
Caleb Woodall1, Jordan Hattaway, Chad Kerksick,
Mike Sedlak, Lem Taylor, Colin WilbornThe
effects of varying types of protein consumption
on measures of strength in collegiate football
players, International Society of Sports
Nutrition; 7th Annual ISSN Conference and
Expo Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 2010, 24-26
Carol A DeNysschen, Harold W Burton, Peter J
Horvath, John J Leddy and Richard W Browne
(2009): Resistance training with soy vs whey
protein supplements in hyperlipidemic males,
Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition, , 6:8
Cribb P, Hayes A. Effects of supplement timing and
resistance exercise on skeletal muscle
hypertrophy, Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, 2006:.;38(11):191825.
Cribb P, Williams A, Carey M, Hayes A. The effect of
whey isolate and resistance training on strength,
body composition, and plasma glutamine,
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and
Exercise Metabolism, 2006:16:494509.
Julius Oben, Shil C Kothari and Mark L Anderson.:An
open label study to determine the effects of an
oral proteolytic enzyme system on whey protein
concentrate metabolism in healthy males ,
Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition , 2008, 5:10
Keri Marshall, Therapeutic Applications of Whey
Protein, Altern Med Rev, 2004, 9(2):136-156
Layman DK. The role of leucine in weight loss diets
and glucose homeostasis, Journal of Nutrition,
2003, 133:261S-267S.
Nelson, A. G., D. A. Arnall, S. F. Loy, L. J. Silvester,
and R. K. ConleeConsequences of Combining
Strength and Endurance Training Regimens.
Physical Therapy .1990, 70: 287-294.
Nicole M, Mullins W, Sinning E. Effects of resistance
training and protein supplementation on bone
turnover in young adult women, Nutrition &
Metabolism , 2005, 2:19
Rosenbloom C. Protein for Athletes: Quantity, Quality,
and Timing Nutrition and Physical Activity .
2009,44 ( 5 ) 204-210.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Sale D. G., MacDougall J.D. Jacobs I, and Garner S.
Interaction Between Concurrent Strength and
Endurance Training. J Appl Physiol , 1990,68:
Tipton K, Elliott T, Cree M, Wolf S, Sanford A, Wolfe
R. Ingestion of casein and whey proteins result
in muscle anabolism after resistance exercise,
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.;
2004, 36(12): 2073-2081.
United States Dairy Export Council. Reference Manual
for U.S. Whey Products 2nd Edition. 1999.
Walter AA, Trent JH, Eric DR , Pablo BC, Katherine
MH, Travis WB, Jeffery RS and Joel TC, Acute
effects of a thermogenic nutritional supplement
on cycling time to exhaustion and muscular
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International Society of Sports Nutrition , 2009,
Walzem RL, Dillard CJ, German JB. Whey
components: millennia of evolution create
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Rev Food Sci Nutr; 2002, 42:353-375.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 11-15
Original article

The aim of this study to identifying a learning program for attaining motor coordination components and
knowing its effect on some compound skills' performance for soccer juniors, the research was applied on 9-10
years old in vertical method on Ahly Club Academy players- Mansoura branch, the researchers used experimental
method with designing two groups: experimental and controlled, the researchers reached to the presence of
statistical differences between pre and subsequent measures in motor coordination measures, they recognized the
effect through compound skill performance for soccer juniors for the benefits of subsequent measure in which the
suggested learning program showed positive effect in attaining compound skills' performance under research. In
the light of the research results, the researchers recommended with the necessity of caring for learning methods
which based upon merging motor coordination components with compound skills' performance when teaching at
soccer junior and caring for compound motor components and setting them in degraded shape to suit individual
differences between learners to be more interesting as what happens in matches to achieve learning principles and
the researchers also recommend with conducting similar studies on a different sport games.
Key words: Complex skills, movement coordination, soccer.

The scientific development of sports in
education and training is a goal sought by the countries
of the world to provide the knowledge and concepts in
a simple for teachers and trainers to prepare well for
sports to reach the upper levels and thus the
educational process of modern is the educational
process planned based on sound science is working on
the access of learners to the target of (integration in
athletic performance), where required to achieve this
goal the teacher planning and organizing abilities of his
players physical, technical, mental, and their attributes
moral, psychological and administrative, in a unified
framework to reach their highest level of athletic
performance, and there was already a clear
improvement in the level of Soccer teams At the global
level in general, which should be taking with him ways
to cope with the scientific development.
There is no doubt that the renderings skill as a
vehicle to yield the final processes of education and
training of interest to many researchers in various
sports activities including Soccer, because they are
popular sport in the world.(Casa, 1997 and Mohamed
2004) motor skills composite represent models for
various forms for a range of skills of individual merge
with each other and overlap the final stages to form the
beginning of the skill of the following, which
performed learner in the position of my game to
achieve a particular goal, learner who does not master
the skill performance composite are forced to focus on
the ball and the way of more than a focus on tactically
in the sense that the learner is focused only on playing
the ball and cannot be observed accurately and
awareness of the movements of his or competition on
the field, which affects negatively in the accuracy of its
implementation, but it can be acquired through the
learning process aimed at performance skills to
properly and quickly and economically solve motor
tasks that appear during play different positions. The
synergy is an important part of the complex motor
skills, so they should be integrated with the motor
skills within the framework of one brings the two
together effectively to improve the composite
performance skills of the learner in Soccer. Therefore,
consistent with (Massad 2005;Amralla, 1994; Bassim,
2000) that the synergy of the components of fitness
important, which is directly related to performance
skills and learn to master the motor skills to bring it to
the stage mechanism It is one of the most important
qualities of athletic performance, especially for
movements of the vehicle, the more complex vehicle
movement has increased the need for compatibility
with a high degree of motion. (Abuela 1997; Jihan
1999) that the synergy associated with much of the
physical attributes such as speed, agility and precision,
shows the correlation compatibility as soon as the
performance requirements of motion in time, as they
appear recipe agility and precision in the requirements
movement in terms of formal and spatial any move the
body and its parts with the required accuracy, and
therefore the synergy in the simplest sense means the
performance of motor sound speed, accuracy and
agility required with economy of effort and fewer
errors, and that it can develop the components of
synergy through the steps of educational and diverse
and scalable in difficulty, as the compatibility of motor
cannot develop and his mastery of the image sound
only after the occurrences of the constant so that the
nervous system to send nerve signals exchanged
between the stop and excitement for more than a
Department of teaching methods, Faculty of Physical Education , Mansura University, IRAQ
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS : Amr Hamza, Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


muscle at the same time, in different parts of the body
and the greater the parts working and moving of the
body the greater the difficult exercise, and so the
development of motor components of the compatibility
exercise is done by the learner exercises odd or even
using the tools or devices with or without this so-called
quality of exercise.
The foregoing opinion researchers, the
implementation of performances skill vehicle that is
characterized by the Soccer require consensus kidneys
to all parts of the body during the performance, so the
development of a synergy for the player especially the
novice, including covered by the different components
has an important role in learning and the acquisition of
those performances skill vehicle in Soccer foot, and the
rise in the degree of perfection of the performances
skill composite only processes of education and
training, but is also associated with the ability to focus
attention and control his skill combined and the greater
the mastery of individual skills skill vehicle, the less
the effort of the learner and it affects the use of all his
thinking and his attention in various other duties, and
master soccer player skills to the vehicle, can the use of
and alternatives to different types of technique against
his rival (solutions), which makes them confused and
distracted to make preparations and the great diversity
of skills. Through the work of researchers in the field
of education and training of Soccer noticed the
Some learners do not have the ability to perform
adequate renderings of vehicle various skills.
Lacking some learners to complete mastery of
the stages of skill renderings of the vehicle.
Lacking in most of the learners to perform skills
in a way that economic effort as making more effort
plus required as a result of the involvement of muscle
groups is required. It is also during follow-up
researchers for research in terms of education and
training, note that the majority of previous studies and
research objectives are not enough to gain synergy and
link composite skill through an educational program
for beginners in Soccer. For but not limited to the goal
of some of these studies identify the impact of
educational programs at the level of performance skills
and tactical such study (Farouk 1993), while aiming at
others to give the learners' performances motor vehicle
such as the study of Mohamed, 2005;Samia, 1989) ,
also aims some studies to analyze the performances
motor vehicle and identified the quantity and quality,
such as the study of ( Amralla, 1994) , while the aim of
some studies to develop batteries for measuring the
performances of integrated and the development of
standard levels have such a study Aburayya 1999,
AbdulBasset& Adel, 2001), as well as the contribution
of skills composite (combined) on the performance of
tactical Soccer, such as studying M. I. Sultan (2004),
the aim of some studies to develop batteries for
measuring the compatibility of its components and the
development of standard levels as studies of(Starousta,
1984, Sharma, 1992, Vladimir, et al. 2001). It here
crystallizes the idea of research in the work of
educational program to acquire the components of the
synergy and knowledge of the impact on some of the
performance skill vehicle for beginners in Soccer,
where the applied research stage Sunni important is the
starting point to young adulthood, where the teacher or
coach interested in this age group teaching learner
more complex motor skills that allow him to further
achievement and excellence. And the belief of the
researchers of the importance of this stage, which
represents the nucleus and the basis in the upbringing
of generations, sports, and based on that junior Soccer
today are the future of the game and the mainstay of
national teams for the attention given to their
upbringing and the upbringing of a sound means to
check on the future of Egyptian soccer.
The research aims to identify: (impact of
educational programs to acquire the components of the
compatibility of motor skill performances of some
vehicle for beginners in Soccer), through:
1.Educational program designed for
compatibility of the components of the motor starters
in Soccer.
2. Identify the impact of the program on some
of the educational components of the compatibility of
motor skill and performances in the vehicle when
junior Soccer.
3. Identify the percentage of improvement in the
compatibility of motor skill and performances under
discussion for beginners in Soccer.
Was selected a sample of (30) junior in Soccer
was born in 1998, (10:9) years in the manner deliberate
of players Academy Ahly Mansoura Branch, and was
the exclusion of certain learners and their number (8)
due to lack of regularity of each, bringing the total
sample 22 novices in Soccer.
Basis for formulating the educational
1. Educational program for the proposed 8
(eight) weeks.
2. The number of modules within the week,
three units.
3. Time module from 70 to 80 minutes.
4. Into account the appropriate frequencies for
each exercise.
5. Into account the inter-breaks to reach
members of the research sample of the natural state.
6. Presentation of a model taking into account
the performance of the motor boat by the researchers.
7. Into account to provide information and
clarify the technical aspects of the correct functioning
of the erosion of falling into the errors.
8. Be consistent with the characteristics of the
educational program age group in question.
9. An educational program that takes into
account the logical sequence of exercises organized in
terms of quality difficult.
10. An educational program that takes into
account individual differences among learners.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


11. To challenge the contents of the educational
program, including the capacity of learners allowed
arousal Motive to learn to achieve the goal of
12. Take into account the needs of learners'
educational program of the movement and activity.
13. The educational program provides the
opportunity to participate and practice for both
educated at the same time.
14. Take into account the educational program
to provide the resources and the right place to
implement the program.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were calculated by the
SPSS statistical package. The results are reported as
means and standard deviations (SD). Differences
between pre and post tests were reported as mean
difference 95% confidence intervals (mean diff
95% CI).
Table 1. The age, Anthropometric Characteristics and Training experience of the Group (Mean SD)
N Age [years] Weight [kg] Height [cm]
30 9.15 1.9 34.54 4.1 134.22 5.2
Table 1 shows the age and anthropometric characteristics of the subjects. There were no significant differences
were observed in the anthropometric characteristics and age for the subjects.
Table 2. Mean SD of Transfer the balls, accuracy of correction, Speed of passing 6 balls, Kicking in circles and
Free Streaming for the control and experimental groups
Experimental Control
change% post pre change% Post Pre
Transfer the balls
Accuracy of
Speed of passing 6
10.85 90.24 2.6
81.14 2.5 Kicking in circles
Free Streaming
Table 2. Shows the mean scores and percentage changes for on Transfer the balls, accuracy of correction, Speed
of passing 6 balls, Kicking in circles and Free Streaming for the control and experimental groups. The t-test showed a
significant change between pre-and post training scores for all variables (P 0.05) for the experimental group .However
no significant differences were shown between pre-and post training scores for all variables inthe control group (P
0.05) .

And condolences to the researchers and the
presence of statistically significant differences between
the measurements pre and post in the components of
synergy and the level of performances skill vehicle for
an emerging football for the benefit of measuring the
post that the tutorial traditional contains the routes and
methods of teaching to improve the performances skill
vehicle with conventional methods used which lead to
an improvement in the renderings skill vehicle by
extension, but a small percentage will take time and
considerable effort compared to the proposed
educational program, which Madt by the proportion of
the improvement in the synergy of the components
(11.49%: 218.18%), and skillful renderings of the
vehicle (9.21%: 56.95%). The results of the study in a
table (2), for comparing the measurements pre and post
experimental group of the existence of statistically
significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the
components of a synergy showed the rates of
improvement increased significantly (27.86% of the
speed of motor - 11.49% Fittness - 45.21% for the
sense of time - 218.18% for accuracy - 210.53% for the
sense of distance) While the results showed in Table
(15), for comparing the measurements pre and post
experimental group of the existence of statistically
significant differences at the level of (0.05) in
performances of complex skills and showed rates of
improvement increased significantly (53.91% for the
receipt with the rotation and then scroll - 48.30% for
the receipt and Running with the ball and then scroll -
9.21% for the receipt and then running and then direct
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


correction of the movement - 56.95% of receipt and
then dribbling and shooting) And condolences to the
researchers and the presence of statistically significant
differences between the measurements pre and post in
the components of synergy and the level of
performances skill vehicle for an emerging football for
the benefit of measuring the post that the tutorial
proposal has helped to raise the efficiency of the
nervous system and the increasing interdependence
between sensory nerves - which affected within the
program - motor nerves, which works on continuous
improvement in the composite skill performances, as
was the reactionary role of nutrition in terms of reform
contributed a great deal from the mistakes of youth and
thus improved outcomes composite skill performances
of the experimental group. And condolences to the
researchers of this progress to the educational program
proposed, which included its contents on the exercises
quality standardized to acquire the components of the
synergy which has contributed to the development of
performances skill of the vehicle and a pop-up
requirements for performance skills in football and the
appropriate age group (sample) to enable the emerging
guidance which aims to movements, that reflected in
the high level of skill performances vehicle (under
discussion).Also consistent with results noted by the
study of (Sharma, 1992) that the training exercises led
to the qualitative improvement of the interoperability
capabilities of different stages of the Sunni, especially
for beginners. Also (Sharkey, 1986) pointed that this
age group is to perform the type of activity exercises a
private practitioner, to acquire the components of
physical fitness. The researchers attributed this
improvement in the complex skills for the players to
take advantage of the positive effects of the educational
program which included types of exercise skill in
progressive difficulty which led to the benefit of
education at From the foregoing we find that the first
hypothesis of the research, which states "There are
significant differences between pre and post
measurements for the experimental group and control
group in the components of the level of synergy and
skill renderings vehicle in question in favor of
dimensional measurement" has been achieved.

AbdulBasset M.A. and Adel I.O., Development of
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Bassim M.A. A proposed program to gain synergy
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technical performance for beginners football,
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Jihan A .I. The effect of the use of the ball to gain
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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 16 -21
Original article



Purpose. Complex training involves the completion of a resistance exercise prior to a plyometric exercise. A
classic example is to perform vertical jumps or depth jumps after the completion of a back squat exercise. The term
complex training is credited to Verkhoshansky et al. (1973). The present study was conducted to assess the outcome
of complex training with low-intensity loading interval on certain physical variables among volleyball infants (10-12
Methods. The sample was twelve volleyball girls at sport Aphrodite club. were classified by two group
(experimental group ten girls and control group ten girls), the experimental group was participated in complex exercises
to nine weeks , three time weekly, the control group participated in the traditional training.
Results. Baseline results showed that: the experimental group had significantly higher than the control group in
physical abilities and Significant improvements were observed in power and strength for the experimental group when
comparative with the control group.
Conclusions. Complex exercises with low-intensity loading interval are safe and benefit for power & speed.
Recent research suggests that it may be necessary to allow three or four minutes rest between the weight training and
Plyometric conditions.
Key words: Complex Training, Volleyball, power.

Children involved in sports should be
encouraged to participate in a variety of activities and
develop in a wide range of skills. The success of young
children can serve as a powerful inducement for others
to follow. Most Olympic sports have selection
processes that attempt to identify future champions and
initiate specialized training at the younger age. This
means that preparation for competition at the highest
level is starting for many sports persons in their early
teens and many of them achieve high standards of
performance reaching finals or even the victory
rostrum. This suggests that growing children can
accept training loads compatible with performances,
required for success at world level (Anderson, 2000).
Power is determined from work per unit of time
and considered to be a fundamental aspect of
successful athletic performance, especially in sports
that require speed, agility, and explosive actions ( Chu,
1998). Volleyball is a dynamic, fast-paced game.
requires a variety of physical attributes (speed, power,
flexibility, strength and balance) and specific playing
skills. Therefore, participants need to train and prepare
to meet at least a minimum set of their requirements to
cope with the demands of play. (Erin2001). At the elite
level, players train for 30+ hours per week. Training
includes skill, strength and conditioning programs. The
purpose of strength training for volleyball is not to
build big muscles, but to develop the physical attributes
necessary to improve a players performance. Strength
training is very important to volleyball and should not
be developed independently from other abilities such as
agility, quickness and endurance. Power refers to the
state of applying force. When quickness (speed) is
integrated with maximum strength, power is the
outcome. Power is a determinant quality that is
required in any type of jumping or quick change of
direction. Consequently the optimal training techniques
to maximize power and the transfer of Power to athletic
performance have received considerable attention from
researchers and sport conditioning coaches. More
recently, a number of researchers and practitioners
have advocated the use of complex training (CT)
techniques, a term credited to Verkhoshansky &
TETYAN, 1973. Although the term has been used to
describe slightly different approaches to training, CT
generally involves the execution of a resistance-
training exercise using a heavy load (15RM) followed
relatively quickly by the execution of a
biomechanically similar Plyometric exercise. The
combination of Plyometric training and weight training
are thought to be useful for developing athletic power.
More specifically, complex training alternates
biomechanically similar high load weight training
exercises with Plyometric exercises, set for set, in the
same workout. An example of complex training would
include performing a set of squats followed by a set of
jump squats. Anecdotal sources have described the
application of complex training (Chu, 1998; Ebben &
Blackard, 1998; Fees, 1997; Fleck &Kontor, 1986;
Reddin, 1999; Roque, 1999). A number of studies
demonstrate the effectiveness of Plyometrics compared
to non-exercising control groups (Blakey & Southard,
1987; Diallo et al. 2001; D.J. Gehri et al. 1998). Other
studies demonstrate an enhancement of motor
performance associated with Plyometric training
Faculty of physical education, Sulaimani University, Kurdistan, IRAQ
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS Amr Hamza, Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


combined with weight training or the superiority of
Plyometrics, compared to other methods of training (
Adams et al.,1992; Delecluse, et al., 1995; Duke & D.
BenEliyahu,1992; Fatourous, et al., 2000; Ford, et al.,
1983; Lyttle, et al.,1996; McLaughlin, 2001; Potteiger,
et al. 1999; and Vossen et al 2000). The evidence
indicates that the combination weight training and
Plyometrics are effective. One way to combine the two
forms of training is complex training or the contrast
Jones, et al. 1999, compared the effects of
maximum concentric acceleration training versus
traditional upper-body training on the development of
strength and power. Power was tested with a seated
medicine ball throw and a force platform plyometric
push-up. While all participants (n = 30), completed the
identical training program, the control group were
required to perform their exercises with routine
concentric velocity. The experimental group
accomplished the concentric phase of each repetition as
fast as possible. Previous studies had shown that as
long as the participants attempted to accelerate the bar
during contraction, training would increase strength
over a wide range of testing velocities.
While no significant group effects were found
for any of the tests in the study of (Jones, et al. 1999)
substantial training by group contact indicated that the
experimental group increased significantly more than
the control group. Their percentage increases were over
two times more in both the 1-RM bench press (+ 9.4
versus + 2.8) and the seated medicine ball throw (+ 8.6
versus + 3.8), than the control. These results confirm
previous research for improving strength and power
was correct and that the intent to maximally accelerate
concentrically with heavy weights may be better than
slower heavy weight training.
Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe
that strength training is an inappropriate and unsafe
activity for youth. Conceptually, this does not make
sense. If strength training is safe and effective for your
frail elderly clients, it is even better for healthy young
people with full movement capacity and plenty of
energy. Indeed, no serious injury has ever been
reported in any prospective study on youth strength
training. Not only is strength training safe for kids, but
it may actually help reduce the number of injuries they
sustain during other physical activities. According to
the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 50
percent of preadolescent sports injuries could be
prevented, in large part, by enrolling kids in youth
strength and conditioning programs (ACSM l993). On
a more anecdotal front, we have personally conducted
regular strength training classes for children 6 to 12
years old for the past 17 years without experiencing a
single injury. however there are still problems with the
list linked to the process of training that require
practical solutions is the responsibility of trainers and
specialists in the game of volleyball as required by the
search for means and methods of modern scientific
enhanced tests help to raise the level of physical
performance and skills of the players, especially
Among novices to receive training in physically
intensive sport-specific, as it found that the training
weights is primarily intended for the development of
muscle strength as well as achieve its advantages have
been confirmed to be effective in achieving this
purpose and then to raise the level of performance
skills, and training Plyometric has been designed also
to achieve the development directly to the ability of
muscle and then to the level of performance in the
various activities.
Fleck & Steven, 2000, observed that extensive
studies are also needed to examine the response of
females, children and men to parodied resistance
training programs and also to parodied models other
than the conventional resistance or power training
model. T. Burger, et al 2000, also reported that
complex training is just as effective if not more
effective as conventional training in a 7 week study.
Faigenbaum, et. al. 1999, revealed that children
can experience similar gains in upper body strength
and endurance within 8 weeks of training using
conventional strength training and complex training.
Here summed up the problem of search in the
possibility of using a vehicle training (weightlifting and
Plyometric) in a manner interval load being one of the
styles characteristic of the development of more than
ability at one time. The present study was conducted to
assess the outcome of complex training with low-
intensity loading interval on certain physical variables
among volleyball infants (10-12 ages).

Materials and Methods
Experimental Approach to the Problem
Two groups (experimental and control),
performed a pre and post- training designed
intervention in which Vertical Jump Test (VJ),Standing
Long Jump Test (SLJ), Seated Medicine Ball Throw
(SMBT), Quadrant Jump Test (QJ) and 30 Second
Endurance Jump(EJ) were recorded. The experimental
group (EG) (10 girls) trained 3 times a week on
complex training for nine weeks. The control group
(CG) (10 girls) continued their normal training, while
the experimental group completed a complex training
program to see whether this type of training modality
would have a positive or negative or no effect on
physical tests.
Samples:The sample was twenty volleyball girls at
sport Aphrodite club were classified by two group
(experimental group ten girls and control group ten
girls ) , (11 1.36 years old; 143 4 cm height; and 41
5 kg weight), Training experience of all the
participants ranged from 1 to 2 years. Subjects were
required to read and complete a health questionnaire
and informed consent document; there was no history
of coronary heart disease, diabetes or recent surgery.
Training Protocol: The 9-weeks in-season training
program consisted of a set of resistance exercises
followed by a series of Plyometric exercises with low -
volume interval . All sets of the weights exercise with a
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


recovery of 100 seconds/set. This is followed by a four
minute rest before performing all sets of the matched
Plyometric exercise with a recovery of 120 second/set.

Testing Procedures
Subjects were assessed before and after an 9-
weeks training program Tests followed a general
warm-up that consisted of running, calisthenics, and
Vertical Jump Test (VJ)
The subject stands side on to a wall and reaches
up with the hand closest to the wall. Keeping the feet
flat on the ground, the point of the fingertips is marked
or recorded. This is called the standing reach height.
The athlete then stands away from the wall, and leaps
vertically as high as possible using both arms and legs
to assist in projecting the body upwards. Attempt to
touch the wall at the highest point of the jump. The
difference in distance between the standing reach
height and the jump height is the score. The best of
three attempts is recorded.
Standing Long Jump Test (SLJ)
The subject stands behind a line marked on the
ground with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and
landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending
of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject
attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet
without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed.
Seated Medicine Ball Throw (SMBT)
The subject sits with their back to a wall, on a
mat facing the area to which the ball is to be thrown,
and with the feet extended and slightly apart. The ball
is held with the hands on the side and slightly behind
the center. The ball is brought to the chest, and then
thrown vigorously out as far as possible. The back
should remain in contact with the wall at all times.
Three attempts are allowed. The distance from the wall
to where the ball lands are recorded. The measurement
is recorded to the nearest 10 cm. The best result of
three throws is used.
Quadrant Jump Test (QJ)
This is a non running type agility test,
measuring the ability to move around in a small space
with maximum speed, while maintaining balance and
control (coordination). A quadrant is marked out on the
floor, as illustrated in the diagram (3 feet is about 90
cm). Mark the starting line and number each quadrants.
The subject stands with both feet together at the
starting line. On the command 'go', they jump ahead
across the line into the first quadrant, then in sequence
successively into quadrants 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, etc. This
pattern is continued as rapidly as possible for 10
seconds. After a rest repeat the trial. The subject's score
is the number of correct jumps less a penalty
deduction. One point is awarded each time the subject
lands with both feet entirely within the correct quadrant
during the 10 second trial, with a penalty of 0.5 point
subtracted each time the subject touches a line and for
each time the subject lands with one or both feet in an
incorrect quadrant.
30 Second Endurance Jump (EJ)
The subject Stand comfortably with both feet
flat on the ground, perpendicular to the hurdle. The
timing starts from the first movement. The athlete
jumps off both feet and lands on both feet on the other
side of the hurdle, then back again. The test continues
for 30 seconds, with the total number of jumps
counted. The total number of completed jumps in the
time period is recorded
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were calculated by the
SPSS statistical package. The results are reported as
means and standard deviations (SD). Differences
between two groups were reported as mean difference
95% confidence intervals (mean-diff 95%
CI).Students t-test for independent samples was used
to determine the differences in fitness parameters
between the two groups. The p<0.05 was considered as
statistically significant.

Table 1. Complex training protocol.
Complex Exercise Reps Rest/Set
Complex 1
Squats 3 12RM 100 sec.
Vertical Jumps 3 10 120 sec.
Complex 2
Bench Press 3 12RM 100 sec.
Medicine ball chest pass 3 10 120 sec.
Complex 3
Barbell Lunge 3 12RM 100 sec.
Step Jumps 3 10 120 sec.
Complex 4
Lat Pull down 3 12RM 100 sec.
Medicine ball overhead pass 3 10 120 sec.
Complex 5
Abdominal crunches 3 12RM 100 sec.
Medicine ball sit up and throw 3 10 120 sec.
Complex 6
Decline press 3 12RM 100 sec.
Zigzag drill 3 10 120 sec.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Table 2. Age, anthropometric characteristics and physical variables of the experimental group (Mean SD)
Variables Mean
coefficient of
Age [years] 11.06
Height [cm]
Weight [kg] 41 32 21 -
Training experience 2.11 .05 0.84
Table 2 shows the age, anthropometric characteristics and physical variables of the subjects. There were no
significant differences were observed in the anthropometric characteristics.

Table 3. Pre Post measurements of physical variables and performance level for control group

Pre measurements Post measurements change% T sign.
Mean SD Mean SD
SMBT 4.21 0.39 4.38 0.47 4.04 No Sign.
SLJ 126.23 3.68 129.11 4.15 2.28 No Sign.
VJ 21.14 3.11 22.77 2.64* 7.71 Sign.
QJ 7.11 0.91 7.59 0.38* 6.75 Sign.
EJ 18.14 2.5 19.15 2.3 5.57 No Sign.
Baseline results showed that: The post tests had significantly higher than the pre tests in VJ and QJ , no
significant differences were observed in high SMBT , SLJ and EJ , adding the high Significant improvements were
observed in VJ 7.71% and less Significant improvements were observed in SLJ 2.28%.

Table 4. Pre Post measurements of physical variables and performance level for experimental Group

Pre measurements Post measurements change% T sign.
Mean SD Mean SD
SMBT 4.23 0.16 4.52 0.54 6.86 Sign.
SLJ 127.65 3.54 133.23 4.32 4.37 Sign.
VJ 22.25 2.31 24.16 2.12 8.58 Sign.
QJ 7.14 0.98 8,07 0.64 13.02 Sign.
EJ 18.41 2.5 21.24 2.6 15.37 Sign.
Baseline results showed that: The post tests had significantly higher than the pre tests in physical abilities and
high significant improvements were observed in EJ 15.37% and QJ 13.02% and less Significant improvements were
observed in SLJ 4.37%.

Table. 5 Mean SD and the significant for (SMBT), (SLJ), (VJ), (QJ) and (EJ) between the
control and experimental groups
Sig. Experimental
Sig. 4.52 0.54 4.38 0.47 SMBT
Sig. 133.23 4.32 129.11 4.15 SLJ
Sig. 24.16 2.12 22.77 2.64 VJ
Sig. 8,07 0.64 7.59 0.38 QJ
Sig. 21.24 2.6 19.15 2.3 EJ

Baseline results showed that: The experimental
group had significantly higher than the control group in
physical abilities and significant improvements were
observed in power and strength for the experimental
group when comparative with the control group.

The present study was conducted to assess the
outcome of complex training with low-intensity
loading interval on certain physical variables among
volleyball kids (10-12 year). In fact that complex
training stimulates the neuromuscular system. That is,
it activates both the muscular fibers and the nervous
system, so that slow-twitch fibers behave like fast-
twitch fibers. (Chu,1998). Furthermore, resistance
training increases motor neuron excitability and reflex
potentiation, which may lead to better training
conditions for subsequent Plyometric exercises , higher
EMG activity was discovered in the hamstring muscles
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


during depth jumping indicates that more fast-twitch
fibres were being recruited, which in time could have
provided more propulsive power. This fact may have
contributed to the increments observed in the present
study. It is postulated that the resistance exercise will
have a performance enhancing effect on the Plyometric
activity. (Ebben & Watts, 1998).These results are
Consistent with previous studies demonstrate an
enhancement of motor performance associated with
Plyometric training combined with weight training or
the superiority of Plyometrics, compared to other
methods of training (Adams, et al.,1992; Clutch, et
al.,1983; Delecluse, et al., 1995; Duke &
BenEliyahu,1992; Fatourous, et al., 2000; H.T. Ford et
al., 1983; Lyttle et al.,1996; McLaughlin, 2001;
Potteiger, et al. 1999; and Vossen et al, 2000). The
evidence indicates that the combination weight training
and Plyometrics are effective. one study compared the
effects of strength training and complex training in
boys and girls (8.1 1.6 years). Results demonstrate
that children attain similar gains in upper-body strength
and endurance using either strength or complex
training programs (Faigenbaum, et al., 1999). In
addition to studies using children as subjects, other
training studies examined the effects of a three-week
complex training program with seven division I college
female basketball players. Pre and post test results
reveal improvement in the 300 m shuttle, 1 mile run,
VO2 max, 20 yd dash, pro agility run and the t-test,
reverse leg press and back squat. The data show that
the complex training program was effective in eliciting
statistically significant improvement in the 300-meter
To explain the relation between leg power and
performance level the previous studies have reported
significant differences in the electromyographic (EMG)
activity of the gastrocnemious and quadriceps muscle
groups between trained and untrained athletes
Schmidtbleicher & Gollhofer, 1985; Neubert, et al.,
1998). The hamstring muscles are activated
immediately after first contact and immediately after
the feet leave the ground (Viitasalo, et al ., 1998).
Duke & BenEliyahu, 1992, conducted similar
study and suggested that it would be logical to combine
resistance training, plyometrics and speed training in
the same session to increase power. Anecdotal
evidence suggests that this is the optimal method for
maximum power conversion. Gemar (1998) reported
that resistance training and plyometric training on high
school children showed significant differences in the
performance of vertical jump, standing broad jump and
30 meters sprint. Zepeda & Gonzalez (2000) reported
that plyometric training enhances speed within 3 to 8
weeks period and resembles the training effect
produces as a result of 30 to 50% of 1RM of three

Finally, complex exercises with low-intensity
loading interval are safe and benefit for power &
speed. Recent research suggests that it may be
necessary to allow four minutes rest between the
weight training and Plyometric conditions. And the
kids should practice the complex training in form of
funny and games not form of competition to avoid the
injury .

Adams K., Oshea, J. P., Oshea K.L. and Climstein,
M.The effect of six weeks of squat,
plyometric and squat-plyometric trianing on
power production. Journal of Applied Sports
Science Research, 1992, 6(1), 36- 41.
Blakey J. B. & Southard D. The combined effect of
weight training and plyometrics on dynamic
leg strength and leg power. Journal of
Applied Sports Science Research, 1997, 1,
Burger T. Boyer-Kendrick T. and Dolny D. Complex
training compared to a combined weight
training and plyometric training program.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research, 2000, 14(3): 360 -361.
Chu D.A. Jumping into plyometrics. 2nd ed. Human
Kinetics, Champaign, Ill. 1998.
Clutch D., Wilton M., Mcgown C. and Bryce, G.R. The
effect of depth jumps and weight training on
leg strength and vertical jump. Research
Quarterly, 1983, 54, 5-10.
Diallo O., Dore E., Duche P. and Van Praagh, E.
Effects of plyometric training followed by a
reduced training programme on physical
performance in pre-pubescent soccer
players. Journal of Sports Medicine and
Physical Fitness, 2001, 41(3), 342-348.
Delecluse C.,Van Coppenoll H., Willems E., Van
Leemputte, M., Diels R. and Goris M.
Influence of high resistance and high
velocity training on sprint performance.
Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,
1994, 27(8), 1203-1209.
Duke S. and Beneliyahu D. Plyometrics: Optimizing
athletic performance through the
development of power as assessed by
vertical leap ability: an observational study.
Chiropractic Sports Medicine, 1992, 6(1),
Ebben W. P., Watts P. B., Jensen R. L.& Blackard, D.
O. EMG and kinetic analysis of complex
training exercise variables. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, 2000,
14(4), 451-456.
Ebben W.P.& Blackard D. Paired for strength: A look
at combined weight training and plyometric
training with an emphasis on increasing the
vertical jump. Training and Conditioning,
1998, 8(3), 55-63.
Ebben W.P. & Watts P.B. A review of combined
weight training and plyometric training
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


modes: Complex training. Strength and
Conditioning, 1998, 20(5),18-27.
Erin C. Spiking injuries out of volleyball: a review of
injury countermeasures, monash university
accident research centre, Report No. 181,
Faigenbaum A.V., Oconnell J., La Rosa R., and
Westcott W. Effects of strength training and
Complex Training on upper-body strength
and endurance development in children.
Journal of Strength Conditioning Research
1999, 13(3), 424.
Faigenbaum A.V., O'connell J., La Rosa R. and
Westcott W. (1999). Effects of strength
training and complex training on upper-body
strength and endurance development in
children. Journal of Strength Conditioning
Research, 13(3): 424.
Fatourous I.G., Jamurtas A.Z., Leontsini D., Taxildaris
K., Aggelousis N., Kostopoulos N. and
Buckenmeyer P. Evaluation of Plyometric
exercise training, weight training, and their
combination on vertical jump and leg
strength. Journal of Strength Conditioning
Research, 2000, 14(4),470-476.
Fees M.A. Complex Training. Athletic Therapy Today
January, 18.1997.
Fleck S. & J. Steven. Periodised strength training a
critical review. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 2000,13: 424.
Fleck S. and Kontor, K. Complex Training. National
Strength Conditioning Association Journal,
1986, 8(5), 66-68.
Ford H.T., Puckett, J.R., Drummond, J.P., Sawyer, K.,
Gnatt K. and Fussell, C. Effects of three
combinations of Plyometric and weight
training programs on selected physical
fitness test items. Perception and Motor
Skills 1983, 56, 919-922.
Gehri D.J., Ricard M.D., Kleiner D.M. and Kirkendall,
D.T. (1998). A comparison of plyometric
training technique for improving vertical
jump ability and energy production. Journal
of Strength Conditioning Research, 1998,
12(2), 85-89.
Gemar J. A. The Effects of Weight Training and
Plyometric Training on Vertical Jump,
Standing Broad Jump and 30 Meters Fly
Run. Physical Education and Sports Journal,
1998, 12(2): 22-26.
Lyttle A.D., Wilson G.J. and Ostrowski, K.J.
Enhancing performance: Maximal power
versus combined weights and plyometric
training. Journal of Strength Conditioning
Research, 1996, 10, 173-179.
Mclaughlin E.J. A comparison between two training
programs and their effects on fatigue rates in
women. Journal of Strength Conditioning
Research, 2001, 15(1), 25-29.
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(SSC): not only maximization but
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Universitatsveralag Konstanz, Germany,
Potteiger J.A., Lockwood R.H., Dolezal M.D,
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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 22-27
Original article



The purpose of this paper is the presentation of bi-competitive training influence on improving the
performance capacity of junior female gymnasts. With that end in view, we considered that, by providing an optimum
relationship between the means content of bi-competitive training and the requirements of the training category within
the same stage of preparation, we shall influence the performance capacity and the successful participation in the
scheduled competitions.
Methods.The study was organized during five months of training (16 May 2011 - November 5, 2011), applied
to a single gymnast, 10 years old, junior IV category, level 2, with the training objective to participate in the National
Championships junior IV, level 2, Buzau; "Sergiu Popa" Memorial Gymnastics Competition, Junior III, level 3,
Focsani; National Team Championship of Juniors III, level 3, Deva and in Individual National Championship Junior III,
level 3, Focsani. Gymnasts evolutions in the preparatory stages of training sessions and competitions were monitored
by using video methods of technical analysis, statistical - mathematical method and graphical representation method.
Results. The analysis of means content used in the bi-competitive preparation of female gymnasts junior IV
showed that the training sessions aimed at the improvement of technical elements specific to category IV level 2 and at
the learning of higher difficulty technical elements required by category III on every apparatus. To highlight the level
of performance capacity indices within the bi-competitive training, 5 strength tests were applied, also 3 verification
training sessions in each competitive stage and the results obtained on apparatuses in the 4 competitions, as for Score
A1 (difficulty value category requirements ), Score B execution score and FM - final mean
Discussions. The study focused on the physical and technical training programs, monitoring statistically the
development of muscle strength and the dynamics of technical elements learning on different apparatuses. Study results
show that the bi-competitive training refers to the improvement of performance capacity in women's artistic gymnastics
at junior level IV, which during training sessions aimed both at improving the category elements and at learning new
and more difficult elements required for participation in competitions of a higher level than gymnasts age. This training
depends entirely on the competitive calendar, on gymnasts training level and on competitive effort characteristics at
different levels of training; this methodological orientation is rare in artistic gymnastics - only with talented children
and good working conditions. The analysis of physical training level highlights an improvement of abdominal muscle
strength, back and scapular-humeral belt strength, arms and legs strength - spring, all these having a great influence on
learning and perfecting the technical elements at apparatus, as required by Junior III category level 3.As for the results
of performance capacity indices during the 4 competitions, we noticed an increase of exercises difficulty value on
apparatus, an improved execution technique of highly difficult elements and the increase of the final score value on
apparatus. Regarding the correlation of performance capacity indices between competitions, we observed insignificant
differences of difficulty value at p> 0.05 in terms of requirements of the training category; significant differences of the
technical execution score between the first and the second competition at <0.01, while in the contest 3 and 4 the
differences are insignificant at p> 0.05 and significant as for the final score between competitions.
Conclusions. The training optimization by improving the elements of category IV on each apparatus and the
learning of some technical elements necessary for category III in the same training session lead to the bi-competitive
training in womens artistic gymnastics. An optimum relationship provided between the content of means in bi-
competitive training and the requirements of the training category within the same stage of preparation will influence
the performance capacity and the successful participation in the scheduled competitions. For a correct application of this
form of competitive training, its efficient utilization during training sessions is recommended only if we take into
account the specific methodological aspects that allow us to use it.
Keywords: artistic gymnastics, means, performance, planning, bi-competitive training.

Artistic gymnastics is currently experiencing a
new level of development in terms of contents and
assessment of exercises. The new modifications of the
Code of Points addressing the difficulty of technical
elements, granting of bonuses and last, but not least,
the specific requirements of each apparatus, have
determined new directions and trends of the training
(Potop, 2008).
The high level of performances in modern sport
requires continuous improvement of all aspects of
athletes training. This level and further increase of the
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS Potop Vladimir, Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


capacity for performance depend directly on a number
of factors and ways to improve sports training
(Dragnea, 1996).
The contents of sports training summarizes those
structural elements based on functional and
methodological rules and laws that determine sports
performance (Niculescu, 2003).
Because the performance sport field requirements
are continuously increasing and the achievement of
high performances is more and more difficult, we are
witnessing nowadays a transfer and adaptation of new
technologies from other fields to training field (
Grigore, 2001).
The development of the capacity for performance
involves strategies differentiated per stages, determined
by the acquisitions level and by the bio-psycho-
pedagogical rules to be observed. The achievement of
sports performance is determined by several factors,
whose boundary is an important prerequisite for
planning and modeling the training (Dragnea, Mate-
Teodorescu, 2002).
Bi-competitive training in artistic gymnastics
involves the content of the means on two training
levels within the same training session, in pre-
competitive and competitive period, aiming at the
participation in two competitions with different
categories of classification (Potop, 2006).
The goal of competitive preparation during
workouts is to reduce the strain induced by stressing
factors, to develop athletes capacity for cognitive and
lucid analysis of sports situation and to strengthen the
technical answers that can be used in future
competitions (Potop, 2005).
The training optimization by improving the
elements of category IV on each apparatus and the
learning of technical elements necessary for category
III during the same workout lead to bi-competitive
training in womens artistic gymnastics (Potop, 2011).
Competition is considered an activity that
summarizes the results of athletes and coachs work
after a long period of time. Depending on competition
nature, the focus is on compulsory and freely chosen
working program, highlighting the continuity of
training stage and the number of micro-cycles
(.Smolevskij, Gaverdovskij, 1999).
The development of a training program for a
certain period is an important stage involving from the
beginning the modeling of the main quantitative and
qualitative indices of workout content in conformity
with athletes level and duration of the intended
training cycle (Vieru, 1997).
Some specialists believe that competitive means
represent a component of training, called full
component, which is practiced during sessions and
micro-cycles specific to the end of the pre-competitive
stage and of the competitive period. By introducing
competitive means, the mentioned structures are
entirely conceived according to the model of the
competitions in which athletes will participate.
Matveev ,1986, proposed a classification of
competition means according to the motor structure of
sports branches, dividing them into classes, groups,
subgroups and forms of exercises, because gymnastics
is placed in the sets of exercises of polyathlon
competition, with a periodically renewed content,
under the form of sport art (Teodorescu, 2002).

The purpose of this paper is to show the influence
of bi-competitive training on the improvement of
performance capacity of junior female gymnasts. That
is why we have considered that by providing an
optimum relationship between the contents of bi-
competitive training means and the requirements of
preparation category within the same training stage we
shall influence the level of performance capacity and
the successful participation in the scheduled

Methods and procedures
The study was organized throughout 5 months of
training ( from May 16, 2011 to November 5, 2011),
applied to only one gymnast of 10 years old, Junior IV
category, level 2, having as preparation goal the
participation in the National Championship of Junior
IV, level 2, Buzu (19-21.05.2012); Sergiu Popa
Memorial Gymnastics Contest, Juniors III, level 3,
Focani (27-28.05.2012); Teams National
Championship Juniors III, level 3, Deva (16-
18.06.2012) and Individual National Championship
Juniors III, level 3, Focani (2-5.11.2012).
We monitored gymnasts performances during
preparatory stages in training sessions and
competitions, using the video method for technical
analysis, the statistical-mathematical method and the
graphical representation method.
Tests for checking up physical fitness level:
- arms strength, climbing the rope by means of
hands and legs (sec.);
- abdominal strength: hanging leg raise up to
the grip point on rib stall (maximum number of correct
- back strength: torso extensions hands behind
neck (maximum number of reps);
- scapular belt, back and abdominal strength:
strength handstand from legs astride seated support
(maximum number of reps);
- explosive strength: stretched legs up and
down jumps on trampoline edge - 30 sec. (number of
Content of bi-competitive training means
The bi-competitive training was materialized by
verifying the initial training of Junior IV category, then
by turning into good account the learning of highly
difficult elements necessary for Junior III category
during competitions 2 and 3 (Memorial and
Qualifications); the bi-competitive training was
completed by the participation in the Individual
National Championship.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Training objectives: improvement of category IV
performances and learning of technical elements
necessary for category III on each apparatus in various
stages of training throughout the same training mezzo-
Physical training: improvement or maintaining
of development level of muscle strength or specific
joints mobility.
Technical training:
1. Handspring vaults: improvement of front
handspring and learning of Tsukahara vault with
backward tucked / piked salto.
2. Asymmetric bars: preservation of category IV
training level by performing the full exercise;
improvement of free cartwheel and backwards Stalder
on low beam and learning the 360 twist backward
stretched salto dismount and the backward tucked
double salto dismount (with or without help) needed to
category Junior III.
3.Beam: improvement of category IV and III
elements, focusing on the correct execution of full
4.Floor: improvement of acrobatic elements,
learning of the following acrobatic elements: backward
tucked double salto and backward stretched saltos with
540 and 720 twist.
Artistic training: improvement and correction
of mistaken elements and of artistic saltos in full
exercises on beam and on floor.
Training contents on apparatus was made in an
individualized manner, depending on apparatus
sequence during training session; the training was
achieved by number of reps, made with or without
assistance, assessed as successful or unsuccessful

To highlight the level of indices of performance
capacity during bi-competitive training, there were
applied 5 strength tests, 3 verification training sessions
in each pre-competitive stage and the results achieved
on apparatus in 4 competitions in terms of Score A1
(difficulty value requirements of category), Score B
execution score and MF final score.

Table no. 1. Results of physical training
Fitness test Mezzo-cycle 1 Mezzo-cycle 2 Mezzo-cycle 3
Arms strength (sec.) 21 18 16
Abdominal strength (reps. no) 16 18 15
Back strength (reps. no) 26 28 26
Scapular belt strength (reps. no) 4 8 11
Explosive strength (reps. no) 28 30 34
Statistical indices
Mean 19 20.4 20.4
SEM 4.28 3.96 4.2
SD 9.59 8.87 9.39
CV % 5.04 43.5 46.06
In table no.1 are listed the results of physical training level in the three pre-competitive mezzo-cycles, in terms
of arms, abdominal, back, scapular belt and lower limbs strength in NC of Jun..

Table no. 2. Results obtained in verification training sessions
Apparatus Verification training
session - Competition 1
Verification training
session - Competition 2
Verification training
session - Competition 4
Ss 5.100 9.500 14.600 4.000 8.200 12.200 4.000 8.700 12.700
Pi 3.700 9.300 13.000 2.500 8.700 11.200 3.200 8.600 11.800
B 5.100 9.400 14.500 3.400 8.200 11.600 4.400 8.300 12.700
S 5.200 9.350 14.550 3.400 9.400 12.800 4.700 8.200 12.900

Mean 4.775 9.38 14.16 3.33 8.63 11.95 4.07 8.45 12.52
SEM 0.35 0.04 0.38 0.31 0.28 0.35 0.32 0.12 0.25
SD 0.72 0.08 0.77 0.62 0.57 0.7 0.65 0.23 0.49
CV % 15.04 9.09 5.47 18.6 6.58 5.85 15.9 28.1 3.93
Legend: A1 difficulty value (requirements of category); B execution score and FS final score.
Ss- handspring vaults, Pi- asymmetric bars, B- balance beam, S- floor.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Verification training session - Competition 1
Verification training session - Competition 2
Verification training session - Competition 4

Graph 1. Results obtained in verification training sessions

In table no. 2 and graph no. 1 are shown the results achieved in the verification training sessions throughout three
training pre-competitive mezzo-cycles as for score A1(difficulty/ contents), score B (execution, penalties/mistakes) and
final score.

Table no. 3. Results obtained in competitions
No. Competition 1
NC of Jun.IV
Competition 2
S.Popa Memorial
Competition 3
Team NC -qualif.
Competition 4
Indiv.all-around NC
A1 B M A1 B MF A1 B MF A1 B MF
Ss S1 4.000 8.000 12.000 4.000 7.500 11.500 4.000 8.350 12.350
S2 4.000 7.300 11.300 4.000 8.400 12.400
FS 3.700 9.100 12.800 11.500 12.375
Pi 4.900 8.900 13.800 2.500 7.600 11.100 2.500 8.500 11.500 3.200 8.550 11.750
B 5.100 9.300 14.400 3.400 7.800 11.200 3.400 9.200 12.600 4.400 7.100 11.500
AS. 4.400 8.100 12.500
S 5.200 9.300 14.500 4.400 8.500 12.900 4.400 8.000 12.400 4.00 8.050 12.750
AS. 5.200 9.200 14.400

Mean 4.82 9.160 13.98 3.575 7.975 11.800 3.66 8.100 11.86 4.11 8.09 12.23
SEM 0.28 0.07 0.32 0.41 0.19 0.41 0.33 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.21 0.17
SD 0.64 0.17 0.71 0.82 0.38 0.83 0.74 0.77 0.59 0.52 0.52 0.44
CV % 13.23 18.26 5.11 23.10 4.84 7.09 20.22 9.52 5.01 12.71 6.43 3.61
Note: FS Final score, AS Apparatus score

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


A1 B M
Competition 1, NC of Jun.IV Competition 2, "S.Popa Memorial"
Competition 3 Team NC - qualif. Competition 4, Indiv.all-around NC

Graph no. 2. Results achieved in competitions

Table no. 3 and graph no.2 show the results obtained in competitions as for score A1 (difficulty), score B (execution)
and final score.

Table no. 4. Results of performance capacity indices correlation
No. Competition 1
NC of Jun. IV
Competition 2
S.Popa Memorial
Competition 3
Team NC -qualif.
Competition 4
Indiv. all-around NC
t, P A1 B FS A1 B FS A1 B FS A1 B FS





A1 13.51

B 7.86

FS 3.83

Table no. 4 Highlights the results of performance capacity indices correlation of score A1, B and final score between
Competition 1 Competition 2 Competition 3 Competition 4

Graph no. 3. Correlation of performance capacity indices

The research refers to a case study applied to a
single gymnast of category Junior IV, level 2, who was
in bi-competitive training on two levels of preparation
within the same training mezzo-cycle.
The analysis of the means content applied in
gymnasts bi-competitive training proved that the
preparation focused on the improvement of technical
elements of category IV, level 2 and on the learning of
higher difficulty elements on each apparatus, elements
necessary for Junior III category of training.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


The objectives of physical training aimed at
improving or maintaining the level of muscle strength
development and joints mobility, while the artistic
training focused on the improvement and correction of
mistaken elements, vaults and artistic elements of the
full exercises on balance beam and floor.
The analysis of physical training level highlighted
an improvement of abdominal muscles, of back and
scapular-humeral belt strength, of arms and lower
limbs strength the spring, all these having a great
influence on learning and improving apparatus
technical elements necessary for Junior III category,
level 3.
Study results showed the influence of bi-
competitive training on the improvement of the
capacity for performance in womens artistic
gymnastics at Junior IV level. The training content was
intended to ensure the preparation continuity both by
improving category elements and by learning new
elements of greater difficulty needed to participate in
competitions of higher level than gymnasts age. This
preparation depends entirely on competition calendar,
on gymnasts training level and on the features of
competitive effort at different levels of training; this
method is rare in artistic gymnastics and is used with
talented children and good working conditions only.
The contents of training means on each apparatus
was individualized, depending on gymnasts training
level; apparatus sequence during workouts varied and
the training was governed by the number of reps,
performed with or without help, assessed as successful
or unsuccessful attempts.
Regarding the results obtained in the 4 scheduled
competitions, we observe that in the National
Championship Junior IV the score A1 has an average
of 4.82 points, score B- 9.200 points and final score is
13.98 points; as for competitions 2 and 3, which were
held during the same competitive mezzo-cycle, at a
shorter period of time, the results of scores A1, B and
MF do not represent significant differences between
competitions, but the achieved performances allowed
the gymnast to qualify for the Individual National
Championship in which we notice an improvement of
the training level by the increase of difficulty score A1
of 4.11 points, the improvement of execution technique
of 8.09 points and the increase of the final score of
exercises on apparatus, with an average of 12.23 points
(table no. 3).
Regarding the correlation of performance capacity
indices between competitions, we noticed insignificant
differences of difficulty value at p>0.05, in terms of
training category requirements; significant differences
of the technical execution value between the first and
the second competition at <0.01, while in competitions
3 and 4 the differences are insignificant at p>0.05;
there are significant differences of final scores between
competitions (table 4 and graph 3).

The training optimization by improving the
elements of category IV on each apparatus and by
learning the technical elements necessary for category
III during the same training session lead to bi-
competitive training in womens artistic gymnastics.
The results of performance capacity indices during
the 4 competitions highlight the increase of the
difficulty value of exercises on apparatus, the
improvement of execution technique of highly difficult
elements and the increase of final score value on
An optimum relationship provided between the
content of means in bi-competitive training and the
requirements of the training category within the same
stage of preparation will influence the performance
capacity level and the successful participation in the
scheduled competitions.
For a correct application of this form of
competitive training, its efficient utilization during
training sessions is recommended only if we take into
account the specific methodological aspects that allow
us to use it.

Dragnea A. Sports Training, Didactic and Pedagogic
Publishing House, Bucharest.1996, 73-74
Dragnea A., MATE-TEORDERSCU, S., Theory of
port, FEST Publishing House, 2002, 79-127
Grigore V. Artistic Gymnastics, Theoretical Bases of
Sports Training. Semne Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2001, 92
Niculescu G. Artistic Gymnastics, Theoretical and
Methodical Guidelines, Ervin Press Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2003, 65
Potop V. Motor Learning and Transfer in Performance
Artistic Gymnastics. Bucharest, Bren Publishing
House2005, 44-48.
Potop V. Bi-competition Training Content in Womens
Artistic Gymnastics. Studia Universitatis Babe-
Bolyai, Educatio Artis Gymnasticae, Cluj
University Press, Cluj - Napoca, 2006, 131-136.
Potop V. Womens Artistic Gymnastics, Elements of
Theory and Methods. Bren Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2008,7-9.
Potop V. Content of Bi-competitive Training Means in
an Annual Training Cycle of Junior Female
Gymnasts. Bulletin of the Transilvania University
of Brasov, Series VIII: Art Sport Vol. 4 (53)
No. 2, Braov, 2011, 161- 169
Smolevskij V.M., Gaverdovskij J.K., Sports
Gymnastics. Olimpijskaja literatura Publishing
House, Kiev, 1999, 393
Teodorescu, S. Training and Competition, Moroan
Publishing House, Bucharest, 105-113
Vieru N. Manual of Sports Gymnastics. Driada
Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997, 79.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 28-37
Original article



Objective. The aim of this study as to examine this form of aquatic exercise is the best way to keep the
fitness, through an environment without weight applications on joints and bones, practiced in old age.
Methods. I used old people with age between 60 75 years (8 males and 10 female) and a set of
exercises that were influenced by balance, agility and coordination. The study was conducted in swimming
pools, using water means. Data investigated were recorded in the questionnaires.
Results. People that did not exercised in the one month that I held the experiment, they experienced
some deterioration of neurological components, and those who did participated, they maintened the level of
After analyzing the parameters of physical training was found that the average duration of execution on the
entire group was kept at the initial time duration for the 4 men and 4 women present at final testing.
Conclusions. As a health exercise, Tai Chi helps to improve balance, lower blood pressure and
promote relaxation without impact, practiced in water.
After analyzing the questionnaires have come to the conclusion that people participating in water activities
during the study maintained a higher level of well being, pain relief, and self-confidence.
People who were not involved in any sports activity for a month experienced some illness and anxiety to lack
of socialization, an increase in weight, it reappeared some limitations in mobility, joint pain and inflammation
Key words: balance, agility, coordination, aerobic aquatic.

Aquatic aerobic provides development of
level of fitness and fun in a safe environment for
practice and an opportunity to socialize, important
in old age.
Neurological components: balance, agility
and coordination affect aquatic aerobic activity in
shallow water, and their changes due to aging,
influence the ability to practice physical activity.
Aquatic exercises must be carefully
selected according to the ultimate goal of each
participant. General principles of preparation, when
applied to the aquatic environment will enhance the
final result.
The physical techniques of Tai Chi are
characterized by the use of leverage through the
joints based on coordination in relaxation, rather
than muscular tension.
The slow, repetitive work involved in the
process of learning how that leverage is generated
gently and measurably increases, opening the
internal circulation of chi (life energy) and
increasing circulation. This is beneficial for elderly
trough exactly this kind of exercise, without
Thus, the blood supply to muscles
increases, and more blood flow means there are
more nutrients available to help cells and tissues
regenerate, and speed up healing. This is helpful for
mind and body also.
Tai Chi the solo form - is complete,
natural range of motion over the center of gravity.
Accurate, repeated practice of the solo routine can:
retrain posture, encourage circulation throughout
the body, maintain joint flexibility, promote
balance and coordination, practiced on land and in
water also.
Shallow aquatic aerobics is a combination
of arm movements and rhythmic working and
action of the legs, performed in a vertical position
while the body is submerged, the water level
between the ribs and shoulders.
Because water is denser than air, aquatic
exercise is a great environment. Activities on land
are based on gravity to provide the required load in
the development of fitness. In the aquatic
environment load is carried mainly by the
resistance provided by the water. Although many of
the land exercises are applicable to the aquatic
environment must be combined with better training
methods designed to provide functionality of
movements and improved fitness levels.
Fascination of water, its relationship with
people and with civilization that we went through is
not random. Water gave to people hope, that using
it, will become wiser and more resistant in the face
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Ecological University, Bucharest, Romania
Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


of all life's challenges.
Movement in the water and swimming
have crossed the borders of relaxation, of leisure in
recreation of the medical recovery, people
encountered in this environment spiritual fluid.
This relatively new activity has become an
ideal alternative to traditional land-based programs
that are contraindicated for people with
musculoskeletal problems, like elderly people.
Lord S., Mitchell D, Williams P. and, later, Morris
S., analyzing the balance mechanism, they
proposed a number of recovery programs in aquatic
environment and made therapeutic principles for
the management of balance disorders.
Special considerations for aquatic
aerobics. Additional considerations to aquatic
aerobic include stability of the muscle groups, body
alignment and strengthening the abdomen.
Components of fitness. A well designed
fitness program will consider the following
components: cardiorespiratory resistance, strength
and muscle strength, mobility and body
composition. All have the same importance for
fitness; they must be in balance. The biggest
advantage of any fitness program is a normal
quality of life.
Motor skills is an area managed by
nervous system of the body and in particular the
coordonative capabilities that allow the individual
to learn, organize, control, and transform
movement (Adami, 2002)
Balance, agility and orientation
Balance, or postural stability refers to the
body s ability to control and maintain its position
against an outside force, or the force of gravity, or
in the water buoyancy (Adami, 2002, p.16).
Particularly perspicacity, static or dinamic, it is
based on information received from the
neuromuscular system and the senses (Adami,
2002) and is intermediate by systems like visual,
vestibular and somatosensory. Balance is the most
basic part of coordination because it is intrinsic to
all the other capabilities. Training for balance in
water is both effective and safe. (Adami, 2002,
Agility is based on maintaining balance,
and refers to the body s ability to move quickly in
various direction while maintaining a stable center
of gravity (Adami, 2002, p.16).
Orientation is a skill that is based on
both balance and agility. It refers to the body s
ability to maintain balance while modifying its
position in relation to itself, to objects, and to other
forces (Adami, 2002, p.16).

Tai Chi promote health and self-defence
and has become a popular form of exercise for
balance training (Kisner, Colby, 2007, p.266) in
which one movement flows into the next without
pauses. Water is the ideal medium for thai chi
because it is inherently balancing for chakras
(Katz, 2004, p.65) consisting in a whole body
movements or forms that are performed slow, soft,
relaxed, with an emphasis on awarness of posture
alignament and synchronized breathing (Kisner,
Colby, 2007, p.266).
Older people can benefit from the aquatic
exercises. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of
exercising, they must:
work in a comfort zone;
use perceived exertion to determine the optimal
intensity pace;
drink plenty of water before, during and after
train muscular strength;
include mobility exercises;
maintain a simple exercise program;
out in preparation aquatic and;
sense as a way of socializing.
Although it is unlikely that anyone
drowning during aquatic fitness activities, there are
people who fear into deep water, where they can
not reach the bottom. In this situation may be
limited to exercising in water depth between the
waist and ribs (to protect the lumbar spine), near
the edge of the basin. Over time, becoming
familiar, most people gain confidence and lose the
fear of water.
Low blood pressure is not necessarily a
contraindication for aquatic aerobics, but if
requested too much to practice in water can
enhance the situation.
Aqua aerobics is safe for almost everyone,
with very few exceptions. The most important thing
is to adapt training to the needs and remit and
objectives of each.
The elderly can benefit from the exercise
in water. To ensure an effective medium of
practice, they should:
work in their comfort zone;
use perceived exertion to determine intensity
drink plenty of water before, during and after
perform aquatic training and muscle strength;
include mobility exercises and range of
maintain a simple activity program;
keep a pleasant social work program.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Physical benefits of aquatic activities are
well documented, like aquatic immersion, that is
the ideal environment for imitating the
imponderability. Physiological benefits came from
two different sources: biological effects of water
and physical and therapeutic benefits of
participation in aquatic activities.
Although adapted aquatics activities not
focus on the therapeutic exercise in water, warm
water facilitates therapeutic purposes and is useful
for treating certain diseases and ailments. (Stan,

The subjects were older people, former
swimmers and people who participate in aquatic
activities at the swimming pool into the Faculty of
Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila from
Bucharest because in here the water is maintained
around the 30
The participants in the study choose to
help me in this project - 8 males and 10 female,
from which 4 women and 4 men attended the
acvatic program, the rest choose to stay on the side
during the study. The age of the participants: form
60 to 75.
The study held place on the 03 28.09.2012 (on
a period of 4 weeks, twice a week, with 30 minutes
per session).
The aquatic exercise program included programs
designed to encounter the needs and the lifestyle of
all participants. So, I prepared programs to increase
cardiovascular capacity, relax, strengthen and tone,
or improve flexibility.

Program 1
Warm-up 5 minutes Tai Chi walking forward
Tai Chi walking backward
for seniors
20 minutes Relaxation with
- foot massage
- hand massage
- shoulder shrubs
- seated forward bend
- hip hugs
- neck rolls
Water Tai Chi with
- circle water spray right
- circle water spray left
- roll the ball
- ying yang
Water Pilates
- single leg stretch
- leg circles
Water Yoga
- mountain
- cat
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Relaxation 5 minutes Rhythmic breathing
Rolling down the wall

Program 2
Warm-up 5 minutes Lion
Sun salutation
20 minutes Water Tai Chi with
- tai chi opening
- circle water spray right
- circle water spray left
- tai chi closing
Deep water exercises
- treading
- jogging
- jumping jacks
- walking
Water Pilates
- ballet legs
- tub turn
Water Yoga
- shark circle
- water wheel
- cat
Relaxation 5 minutes Rhythmic breathing
Rolling down the wall

Program 3
Warm-up 5 minutes Sun salutation
20 minutes Water Pilates
- leg circles
- tub turn
- corkscrew
- spinal twist
- clam
- leg kicks
Water Yoga
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


- upward dog
- downward dog
- plank
- toe lock
- water wheel
Relaxation 5 minutes Breath retension

Program 4
Warm-up 5 minutes Breath of fire
Alternate nostril breath
20 minutes Relaxation
- shoulder shrubs
- seated forward bend
- diamond asana
- aqua arms
Water Tai Chi
- tai chi opening
- roll the ball
- full moon
- tai chi closing
Water Yoga
- child
s pose
- cat
- chest expansion
Relaxation 10 minutes Back float

Program 5
Warm-up 5 minutes Breath of fire
Alternate nostril breath
20 minutes Water Tai Chi
- circle water spray right
- circle water spray left
- hands like clouds
- ying yang
- full moon
Water Yoga
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


- mountain
- warrior
- toe lock
- chest expansion
Water Pilates
- spinal twist
- mermaid/merman
- single leg stretch
Relaxation 10 minutes Rolling down the wall
Calming breath

Tabel 1
September / day
4 6 11 13 18 20 25 27
Program 1 x x x
Program 2 x x x
Program 3 x x x x
Program 4 x x x x x
Program 5 x x x x

Tai Chi combining physical movement,
breathing techniques, and cognitive tools to
strengthen the body, relax the mind, and balance
the flow of life force (Vasile, L. 2011).
The complex sense of balance achieves a
complex function, which combines the sensorial
reception with the cortical organization and the
effector programme.
The reverse is that any deterioration of the
body balance has negative effects on all
coordination even determining psychical disorders,
an inability to correctly plan the postural
conditions, etc. In these conditions we consider that
hydrokinesitherapy is the best solution of treatment
in the less severe balance disorders and the postural
control, originating from the idea that water
instability makes the task of stabilizing the body on
the mobile surface of the water more difficult,
which in time provides the improvement of the
labyrinthine function (Vasile, Macovei, 2010).
Any balance disorder is associated with
feeling anxious, which exacerbates the disease
itself. Sometimes even panic attacks can occur and
people with such disorders can experience
extremely unpleasant sensations. (Vasile, L., 2011).
Balance, agility and coordination are
important not only in sports performance. The
balance may be negatively affected by aging cell
loss, changes in synapse morphology,
electrophysiologic alterations, and changes in the
supporting microenvironment have all been noted
in portions of the vestibular systems (Sloane,
Baloh, Honrubia, 1989, pp.462). Balance and its
neuromuscular foundations also deteriorate with
age. Although less predictable than strength,
balance too has been shown to be responsive to
training (Wolfson, et al., 1996, p:498). Because
balancing in a sensitive-sensory-motor adjustment,
it also co-operates with the psychomotor systems,
assuring the coordinations of the movement in
space, the normal body posture in progress, the
maintaining the gravity centre (center of mass) in
the supporting basis, the availability of mobilizing
the segment in any direction, etc.In an attempt to
improve balance and agility to counter the effects
of aging water Tai Chi offers a feel of greatly
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


energized and a higher capacity of relaxation and
also improved form. Level beginner in exercises
for balance include staying in a foot, walking on
toes, walking on heels, standing on the tips. The
intermediate level may include the execution of
movements with eyes closed or practice exercises
standing on one leg.
The level of advanced may include
complex exercise with eyes closed.Measures of
postural steadiness are used to characterize the
dynamics of the postural control system associated
with maintaining balance during quiet standing.
Studies that evaluated the relative sensitivity of
center-of-pressure (COP)-based measures to
changes in postural steadiness related to age.
A variety of time and frequency domain
measures of postural steadiness were compared
between healthy young adults and healthy elderly
adults. (Prieto, Myklebust, Hoffmann, Lovett,
Myklebust, 1996, pp.956)
Balance and coordonation can be incorporated
into each part of the aquatic aerobic. For example,
during the walking warm up, the individual may
begin with forward walking and backward (retro)
walking, followed by step-sliding, tandem walking
forward and backward, side stepping, and braiding.
Exercises such as the mini or hlf squat and the toe
raise, which werw originally performed bilaterally
(bipedal), may be modified to unilateral
(monopedal) squats and toe raises to incorporate
the element of balance.
Activities that requuire changes of
direction or that include a flight stage, such as
cross-country skiing in chest-deep water, hopping,
or jumping jacks, can help improve proprioception
as well as cardiovascular endurance. (Koury,1996,
The workout program that will improve
strenght, flexibility, balance, or aerobic capacity
can consist in exercises that incorporates
techniques from water yoga, tai chi, Pilates
performed in a pool, and swimming or
synchronized swimming fugures.
To meet the individual fitness
requirements and to create a unique workouts the
instructors must know diseases affecting the elderly
because these have a great impact on balance
activities, and also the circular movement in the
joint of the limbs.
Not every kind of balance and agility
exercises may be appropriate. It must known the
characteristics of Tai Chi workout and the
therapeutic recreationale for why Tai Chi may
affect posture and balance include de following
(Wayne, Krebs, Wolf, 2004, pp 226). The slow,
continuous, even rhythm of the movements
facilitates sensorimotor integration and awareness
of the external environment (Kisner, Colby, 2007)
after addressing the underlying musculoskeletal
problems. (see Figure 1)
Degenerative joint changes in the cervical
spine can cause a decrease in the functioning of the
cervical articular mechanoreceptors. This affects
proprioception and postural stability.
The rate of falling in water is much slower
than on land because of the high impedance ratio of
water. The ankle strategy and a stepping response
can be practised at various depths, using shallower
water as a progression. Arm or leg movements can
be done in unipedal stance.
This makes use of turbulence and the
metacentric effect to challenge balance. Continuous
weight shifting from one leg to the other facilitates
anticipatory balance control, motor coordination,
and lower-extremity strength (Kisner, Colby,
2007), and can be done by moving the centre of
gravity first within and later outside the base of
suport (Campion, 2000, pp.323), including
rotation movements. Movement within and
reaching outside the base of support in various
directions are encouraged. Other activities that can
enhances postural alignment and perception of
orientation include turning in a cicle, stepping up
and down, practising timed standing with a narrow
base of support or in unipedal stance, and timed
standing with the eyes closed (Campion, 2000,
The balance exercises can be performed in
lying, sitting and standing position, in shallow or
deep water, for a challenging variation or for less
resistance, without pauses or accelerations in

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Figure 1 Interactions of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and contextual effects for balance control
(Kisner C., Colby L. A.,2007)

Pacients has to be appropriate for these
type of exercises because most of the aspects in
water tai chi are mental, not physical. Instructors
must ensure that this form of difficult practice
based on meditation it is done with constantly focus
on the breath and small movements. Tai chi
performed while standing three times per week
over a 6 month period reduced the number and
risk of falls and improved balance in community
residing, but inactive, elderly individuals ( Li F,
Harmer, Fisher, 2005, p.127). Also, gestures being
sequences of coordinated motor responses, their
improvement suppose the adjusting of the
command program and this can be realized in our
opinion through water rehabilitation (Vasile,
Macovei, 2010).
It can be created many exercise programs
that can develop balance, agility and coordination
as it is known the level of training.

Questionnaire no. 1
1. Name and surname
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Length of aquatic exercise and swim practice
5. Assess to what extent use physical activity and recreational by placing a * in that column:
Range of motion
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Aspect analyzed Frequency of use
High Medium Low
a. Practice exercise on land
b. Practicing aquatic exercises
c. Completion of laps in swimming pool
d. Participation in organized programs of
relaxing in the pool

e. Participation in recreational activities in the

f. Participation in leisure activities and recovery
on land

6. Indicate how often participate in programs carried out in the basin and for what period of time, by
drawing a * right:
- Daily
- 2-3 days a week
- Weekly
- Monthly
- 15 minutes per session
- 30 minutes per session
- More than 30 minutes per session

Questionnaire no. 2
Analyzed aspect Manifestation intensity
Poor Average Good Very
To what extent do you feel satisfied with aquatic programs?
1. Reduce pain 1 2 3 4 5
2. Increase or maintain range of movement (flexibility) 1 2 3 4 5
3. Improve strenght 1 2 3 4 5
4. Improve cardiovascular fitness 1 2 3 4 5
5. Control body weight 1 2 3 4 5
6. Increase postural awareness 1 2 3 4 5
7. Promote relaxation 1 2 3 4 5
8. Utilize functional patterns that may be very difficult or
impossible to accomplish on land
1 2 3 4 5
9. Improve equilibrium reactions 1 2 3 4 5
10. Improve vital capacity 1 2 3 4 5
11. Provide opportunities for socialization and recreation 1 2 3 4 5
12. Psychological influences in terms of enhance mood,
self-esteem, body image
1 2 3 4 5

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Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 38-45
Original article



The aimof the study is to highlight methodological issues on the back muscle strength development by
combining methodological procedures in masses bodybuilding.
Methods. The study was conducted in three stages over a period of two months (March-April 2011),
performing three workouts per week, monitoring the effective use of strength exercises to develop back muscles in the
same muscle area by means of giant sets during workouts. In this context, we conducted a case study in "Tonik Fitness
Club" in Bucharest, applied to two athletes of 28 and 34 years old. We recorded subjects evolutions during the training
session, using statistical and mathematical method and graphical representation method.
Results. The study content highlights the training programs depending on muscle zone and the specific
methodological aspects, the weekly training program per muscle groups, the stages of study carrying out, the test and
control trials applied in terms of anthropometric measurements and of back muscle strength development, and the
application of the methodical procedure of effort load increase and decrease within the giant sets in a training micro-
Discussion. The study focused on the training programs over two months, monitoring statistically the
development of back muscle strength through the application of the procedure of effort load increase and decrease
during giant sets in bodybuilding for masses. From the analysis of training programs content we noticed that three giant
sets of exercises were used, performed in four series; each exercise within the giant sets was applied by means of the
procedure of increasing and decreasing effort load. Study results emphasize the anthropometric measurement results:
the study subjects have the age mean of 24.75, with a size of 175.2 cm and a weight of 83.75 kg at initial testing and a
decrease by 2.12 kg in final testing. Regarding the chest perimeter, the inspiration is averaging 89.5 in initial testing and
an increase of 2.25 cm in final testing; the expiration is averaging 85.25 cm in initial testing and an increase of 1.75 cm
in final testing, while the amplitude has an average of 4.25 cm at initial testing and an increase of 1.0 cm at final testing.
As for arms perimeter, at the initial testing of the right arm they had an average of 38.25 cm and 0.65 cm increase in
final testing, the left arm - an average of 38.88 cm at initial testing and an increase by 0.12 cm in final testing. From the
analysis of back muscle strength, it was noticed an increase by 4.5 reps in "pull-downs" final testing, an increase by
16kg of the load in " cable machine chest pull-downs ", with an average of 84kg at initial testing and 100 kg in final
testing, performed with 13 reps at initial testing and a decrease by 4 reps in final testing. In "seated rowing at machine"
there is an increase of the average by 16 kg of load, with an average of 92kg at initial testing and an average of 108kg
in final testing, with 11 reps performed in initial testing and a decrease by 2 reps in final testing.
Conclusions. The study results show that the regular exercising leads to a decrease of body weight, an increase
of thoracic amplitude, of arms perimeters and last, but not least, to strength development per different muscle groups.
The study highlights methodological issues on the back muscles strength development by combining
methodological procedures in bodybuilding for masses, by increasing and decreasing effort load during giant sets. And
the effective use of strength exercises for back on the same muscle area by means of giant sets during a training session
helps to improve muscle endurance and to increase strength at different machines. Also the division of back muscles
areas during each training micro-cycle emphasizes the dynamics of muscle strength and the possibility to combine
muscle groups together during a training mezzo-cycle.
Keywords: bodybuilding, strength, giant sets, muscle groups and performance.

Bodybuilding separated as an independent
discipline. It can be practiced as a performance sport, but its
various available means make it very popular and we can
identify it in the lesson of physical education, in the sports
training specific to branches requiring the development of
motor skill, strength, alone and/or in relation with others, in
kinetotherapy too. Bodybuilding is the sport in which

practitioners seek to develop a proportional body,
with massive and symmetrical muscles, but also
trying to reduce as much as possible the fat layer
under the skin (Htru, 2002).
To this end there are used exercises with dumbbells,
barbells, cable machines or other types, but also
aerobic exercising such as cycling, jogging,
swimming, etc. Nutrition also is very important for a
bodybuilder training because it must serve a double
purpose: to provide the necessary basis for the
increase of muscle mass, but in the same time to
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Ecological University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS: PotopVladimir, Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


reduce the fat layer (Voicu, 1995).
Bodybuilding is a very creative sport, in which
athlete and coach decide upon sets, reps and training
speed, in order to get the highest level of exhaustion,
followed by a period of rest and recovery (Muraru,
2008). It is the process of muscle development by a
combination of workouts with weights, increase of the
number of burnt calories and rest. Sports performance
achievement would not be possible if the athlete would
not hold in its genetic code a certain motor quantity
and quality. More than in the other sport branches and
fields, bodybuilding highlights human body aesthetic
aspect and motor skills as well.
By its specific nature, training in bodybuilding
has a deeply formative character, much more as this one
is its very purpose. This character is found mainly at
somatic level, but due to duration and to high effort we
can not neglect the mental aspects that bodybuilding
exerts on its practitioners. Therefore, we shall also find
in bodybuilding workouts some working principles that
we have divided depending on the acting direction, on
the level to which it applies and on their specific
character as well (Chirazi, Ciorba, 2006).
The development of each individuals motor
skills is a progress of biological, morphological,
physiological, biochemical type, which leads to the
improvement of tissue structures and to the increase of
functional capacities of the cardiovascular, enzymatic,
respiratory systems, all carriers of oxygen to muscle
tissues. Human body expresses its power by making
efforts in which the mechanical work is present or not.
This effort is meant to overcome, to maintain or to give
up, depending on the resistance to be defeated. It is
necessary to distinguish between muscle power and
strength. Strength means to overcome resistance without
time condition while power refers to the mechanical
work done per unit time ( Bota, Prodescu, 1997).
Mechanical work is proportional to the size of
the force that performs it and the length of the way on
which this body is moved. Thus, if an athlete lifts a
barbell of 20kg f, he makes a mechanical work twice
bigger than if he lifts a barbell of 10 kg f and vice versa.
At the same time, if the same athlete lifts a barbell 2 m
high, he makes a mechanical work twice bigger than if
he lifts it up to 1 m only (Gavrilescu, 2010).
In the light of the modern biochemistry and physiology
data, the achievement of athletes muscles functional
hypertrophy, during strength workout, requires the
following elements (Demeter, 1981): intense biological
stimulant, proper contribution of proteins and presence
of endogenous anabolic hormones, in necessary
For most sports, the relative importance of
strength related to the other factors is not safe. A certain
sport is based on the continuous observation and
development of strength/power: to one extreme are
placed the sports in which these factors are of major
importance, to the other extreme are placed the sports in
which these factors are not given their importance.
Consequently, these sports can be called sports with
limited power/strength or dependent sports,
associated sports with strength/power and
independent sports in terms of strength / power
(Sports Physiology Collection: Sport of High
Performance, 2006).
In the course of bodybuilding exercises,
different types of effort are made, which tend, as
essential elements, to practitioners modeling in and
on the proper competitive orientation.
As the bodybuilding is a complex sports branch, the
isometric type efforts (isometric contractions in
which the muscle shortens under a passive tension)
are combined with the isotonic efforts (isotonic
contractions in which the muscle does not change
its dimensions, but only its tension status).
The volume, the amount of work done
includes the preparation duration; the number of
kilograms, or tons/weights lifted in a training session
or a preparation stage, as well as the number of reps
and sets per exercise or training session. In the
strength training, the intensity is expressed as a
percentage of the load or of a maximum repetition
(Bompa, 2002).
Strength is human capacity (biological and
psychological) to overcome external resistance
measured in kilograms, using barbells and
dynamometry. From physiological and biochemical
point of view, muscle strength exercise includes:
activating a large number of motor units, frequency
of the associated nervous impulses, the degree of
synchronization of different motor units and the bio-
chemical and structural particularities of the muscles
involved in the effort ( Nicu, 1993).
The strength workout and the static
contractions workout are designed to produce the
maximum possible overload for each muscle or group
of muscles targeted. After years of experiments and
researches, it was found out that the most efficient
method to maximize overload is to use sets of
strength partial exercises. Using the most powerful
set for most exercises means to utilizethe last
centimeters of the grip that you have. Thus, one can
exercise with maximum load without being exposed
to injury (Bodybuilding, 2007)
The bodybuilding workouts focus on the
alternation of muscle efforts with rest, on a strict diet, on a
really hygienic daily life. Thus, the bodybuilding has
established itself as a social reality because its field is well
defined, holding a great variety of exercises, with specific
training methods and principles, and because it has a multiple
utility, as it is accessible to all ages, it can be practiced by men
and women as well and the physical effort can be very
accurately and finely dosed.
In bodybuilding, the main objectives (muscle
development and definition, muscle harmonization and
strength development) are achieved by means of
exercises with weights. When we talk about food intake
(component of training in bodybuilding, subject matter
of a special chapter) we refer to the actual food, to
nutritional supplements, as well as body rebalancing with
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


minerals and vitamins. In other sports activities, food
intake is part of the restoration and recovery means. In
bodybuilding, because of the particular importance that
food intake has in different moments of the competitive
calendar (sometimes it is more important than the effort
made during the training itself) we have considered it as a
distinct side. The matters related to recovery in
bodybuilding refer on rest, massage, restoration. When we
talk about bodybuilding training principles, we shall detail
some aspects of mental preparation.
Methodical procedures for strength
development (Dragnea, Mate-Teodorescu, 2002):
1. Weightlifting procedure: it is achieved by
load progressive increase, by weights increase and
decrease, by load increase step by step and in full swing.
2. Isometric procedure it is the procedure used
for the development of muscular mass, the contraction
duration is 9-12 seconds; the pause between reps is 90-
120 seconds.
3. Circuit procedure it is the most common
methodical procedure of motor skills development,
created for the development of main muscle groups
strength, inclusively for the development of strength
under endurance conditions. The exercises used in circuit
must be known by the athlete, must be accessible in
terms of volume, intensity and complexity of physical
effort; the sequence of exercises must engage in effort
the key muscle groups of human body. It is not
recommended to make 2 successive exercises for the
same muscle group. The difficulty of exercises must
increase progressively. The dosage of physical effort in
this type of exercises must be strictly individualized
individual sheets.
According to the number of exercises used in
circuit we have:
short circuits 6-7 exercises;
average circuits 8-9 exercises;
long circuits 10-12 exercises.
4. Isotonic and rapid contractions procedures used
for explosive strength development, namely for strength
under speed conditions (recommended for vascularity
and muscle definition).
5. Procedure of efforts repeated up to overflowing
it involves a large number of reps with average weights;
the efficiency of this procedure is obvious after the
installation of the real fatigue. It is a very good procedure
for novice bodybuilders, as it is the foundation of muscle
6. Power-training procedure is used to develop
explosive strength; it is recommended for obtaining the
competitive vascularity and muscle definition necessary
for contest. It consists of 3 exercise groups:
- group 1 exercises with average weights;
- group 2 exercises with maximum weights;
- group 3 aerobic exercises.
A work program includes 12 exercises divided into 3
groups, each one including 4 exercises. After running a
group of exercises, the rest is 3-5 minutes.
The main purpose of the study is to emphasize the
methodical issues regarding back muscles strength
development by a combination of the methodical
procedures in bodybuilding for masses.
Study hypotheses:
We believe that an effective use of back
strength exercises for the same muscle group by
means of giant sets during a training session will help
improve muscle strength and will increase strength at
different machines.
Dividing back muscles areas during each
training micro-cycle will highlight the dynamics of
muscle strength and the possibility to combine
muscle groups together throughout a training mezzo-
Place of study conduct, subjects
To address these methodological aspects of
the back muscle strength development, we conducted
a case study in the Sports Club Tonik Fitness Club
of Bucharest.
The subjects of the study were 2 athletes, aged 28 and
34, respectively, practitioners of fitness for masses
till the present moment.
Duration and stages of study conduct
The study was conducted over a 2 months
period (March April 2011), four ties a week.
Stages of study carrying out:
1. Initial stage (6.-11.III.2011), initial testing
of measurements and control trials.
2. Fundamental stage (13.III-20.IV.2011),
applying the training programs.
3. Final stage (23.-27.IV.2011) final testing of
control measurements and trials.

- Bibliographic study - theoretical
documentation of the paper
- Observation method observation of
subjects performances during preparation;
- Method of experimental study method
in which the study hypotheses were confirmed or
- Statistical-mathematical method
meant to calculate the main statistical indices
- Method of graphical representation it
contributed to a more efficient interpretation of study
Control tests and trials applied
To point out subjects evolution regarding the
development of back muscles, we used the control
tests and trials below:
A. Anthropometric measurements: Size (cm); Weight
(kg); Thoracic perimeter (cm): inspiration, expiration
and thoracic amplitude; Arms perimeter (cm): right
and left
B. Control tests applied:
1. Bar pull-downs with large grip, assessed
by maximum number of reps;
2. Cable machine chest pull-downs, assessed
by number of reps with maximum weight;
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


3. Seated row with large grip, assessed by
number of reps with maximum weight.
Content of training program
Back width is one that proclaims you a true
bodybuilder. We believe that referees too notice you
initially on stage, even if you are relaxed, if they see you
have a very broad back. Bodybuilders with broad back
and shoulders and a small waist draw attention wherever
they are (Bodybuilding and Fitness, 2011).
To highlight the methodological aspects of back
muscles strength development by progressive increase
of effort load throughout giant sets in performance
bodybuilding, we shall introduce training programs
depending on muscle area and the specific
methodical aspects. Modern training technique in the
workout with weights involves working with sets of
reps, in which weight is managed so as the muscle
receives continuously the proper request (. Damian,
in Giant sets presents that training methodical
procedure that enables the performance of two or
more different exercises, without any pause between
them, addressing the same muscle group (Oprea,

Weekly training program:
- Monday : back + triceps + abdomen + cardio
- Wednesday: shoulders + legs + abdomen
- Friday: chest + biceps + abdomen + cardio
Example: a training model:

1. Exercise with giant sets: Bar chest pull-downs with large grip + Cable machine pull-downs with large grip

Exercises Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Bar pull-downs no. of reps 10 10 10 10
Cable machine pull-
kg 41 49 57 65
reps 10 10 10 10
2. Exercise with giant sets: Bar chest pull-downs with large grip + Cable machine pull-downs with large grip
+ Machine seated row

Exercises Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Bar pull-downs no. of reps 8 8 8 8
Cable machine pull-
kg 73 81 89 97
reps 10 10 10 6
Seated row kg 40 48 56 64
reps 10 10 10 10
3. Exercise with giant sets: Bar chest pull-downs with large grip + Cable machine pull-downs with large grip
+ Machine seated row + Smith machine pull-downs

Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Bar pull-downs no. of reps 8 8 8 8
Cable machine pull-
kg 89 81 73 65
reps 10 10 10 6
Seated row kg 72 80 88 96
reps 10 8 6 3
Smith machine pull-
kg 64 72 80 88
reps 10 10 10 10

1. Forehead Z bar extensions from supine position on bench + push-ups at parallel bars

Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Forehead Z bar
extensions from supine
position on bench
reps 10 10 10 10
kg 33 41 49 57
Parallel bars push-ups reps 10 10 10 10
2. Forehead Z bar extensions from supine position on bench + push-ups at parallel bars + string extensions at
cable machine

Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Forehead Z bar reps 10 10 10 6
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


extensions from supine
position on bench
kg 65 73 81 89
Parallel bars push-ups reps 10 10 10 10
String extensions at cable
reps 10 10 10 10
kg 20 25 33 41
3. Forehead Z bar extensions from supine position on bench + push-ups at parallel bars + string extensions at
cable machine + Z bar extensions with supine grip

Set I Set II Set III Set IV
Forehead Z bar extensions
from supine position on
reps 10 10 10 6
kg 65 73 81 89
Parallel bars push-ups reps 10 10 10 10
String extensions at cable
reps 10 8 10 10
kg 49 57 49 41
Z bar extensions with
supine grip
reps 33 41 49 56
kg 10 10 10 10

Table no.1. Anthropometric measurements

Full name Age
Weight (kg) Size (cm)
Initial Final
1 C.A. 29 85 83 176
2 P.V. 34 71 69.5 168
Statistical indices
Mean 31.5 78 76.25 172
S.E.M. 2.5 7 6.75 4
S.D. 3.53 9.8 9.54 5.65
Variance 12.5 98 91.12 32
Coef. Var. 0.11 0.12 0.125 0.03
Sum 63 156 152.5 344

Analyzing the results of anthropometric measurements, the subjects of the study have an average age of 24.75 with a
size of 175.2 cm, while the weight at initial testing is 83.75kg and a decrease by 2.12kg at final testing, showing a high
homogeneity and significant differences between tests (table no. 1).

Table no.2. Anthropometric measurements

Full name Thoracic perimeter (cm) Arms perimeter (cm)
Inspiration Expiration Amplitude Right Left
Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
1 C.A. 111 112 108 110 3 4 41 41.5 40.5 41
2 P.V. 112 114 108 110 4 4 42 42.5 42.5 43
Statistical indices
Mean 11.5 113 108 110 3.5 4 41.5 42 41.5 42
S.E.M. 0.5 1.0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0
S.D. 0.71 1.41 0 0 0.71 0 0.71 0.71 1.41 1.41
Variance 0.5 2.0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0
Coef. Var. 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.2 0 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03
Sum 223 226 216 220 7 8 83 84 83 84

The thoracic perimeter, at inspiration shows an average
of 89.5 at initial testing and an increase by 2.25cm at
final testing, at expiration the average is 85.25cm at
initial testing and an increase by 1.75cm at final testing,
while the amplitude is 4.25cm at initial testing and an
increase by 1.0 cm at final testing, having a high
homogeneity in all cases and significant differences
between tests at inspiration and expiration and
insignificant differences between tests in terms of
thoracic amplitude (table no. 2).
Arms perimeter at initial testing, right arm has an
average of 38.25cm and an increase by 0.65cm at
.final testing, left arm has an average of 38.88cm at
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


initial testing and an increase by 0.12cm at final testing,
with high homogeneity at both tests and significant
differences between tests (table no. 2).

Table no.3. Results of control trials


Full name
Bar pull-downs,
reps no.
Cable machine chest pull-
downs, kg/ reps no.
Machine seated row,
kg/ reps no.

Final Initial Final Initial Final
Kg reps Kg reps Kg reps Kg reps
1 C.A. 14 17 80 12 96 8 88 12 96 10
2 P.V. 16 22 88 14 104 10 96 10 120 8

Mean 15 19,5 84 13 100 9 92 11 108 9
S.E.M. 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 12 1
S.D. 1.41 2.5 5.6 1.4 5.6 1.4 5.65 1,41 16.9 1.4
Variance 2 3.53 32 2 32 2 32 2 288 2
Coeff. Var. 9.42 18.1 6.7 10.8 5.6 15.7 6.14 12,8 15.7 15.7
Sum 30 39 168 26 200 18 184 2 216 18

1. Bar pull-downs, assessed by maximum number of reps, at initial testing - 15 reps, at final testing 19.5 reps (table
no. 3, fig.1a and graph 1).
2. Cable machine chest pull-downs, assessed by number of reps with maximum weight, estimated by maximum
number of reps at initial testing with an average of 84kg with 13.0 reps, and an average of de 100kg with 9.0 reps at
final test (table no. 3, fig.1b and graph no. 2).

a b c
Figure 1. Exercises for back strength development
C.A. P.V.
intial final
Kg reps Kg reps
Iniial Final

Graph no. 1. Bar pull-downs Graph no. 2. Cable machine chest pull-downs
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Kg reps Kg reps
Iniial Final

Graph no. 3. Machine seated row
3. Machine seated row for shoulders strength,
assessed by maximum number of reps at initial testing,
with an average of 92kg with 11.0 reps, while at final
test it was recorded an average of 108kg with 9.0 reps,
(table no. 3, fig.1c and graph no. 3).
The study focused on preparation programs, throughout
two months, monitoring statistically the development
of back muscles strength by applying the procedure of
increase and decrease of effort load during the giant
sets in the bodybuilding for masses.
The analysis of the content of training programs means
showed that three sets of giant exercises were used,
performed in 4 series, each exercise of the giant sets
was applied by means of effort load increase and
decrease procedure.
Study results highlight the results of anthropometric
measurements: the subjects of the study have an
average age of 24.75, a size of 175.2 cm, and the
weight at initial testing was 83.75kg with a decrease by
2.12kg at final testing. In terms of thoracic perimeter,
at inspiration there is an average of 89.5 at initial
testing and an increase by 2.25cm at final testing, at
expiration the average is 85.25cm at initial testing and
an increase by 1.75cm at final testing, while the
amplitude an average of 4.25cm at initial testing and
an increase by 1.0 cm at final testing. As for arms
perimeter, at initial testing the right arm has an average
of 38.25cm and an increase by 0.65cm at final testing,
the left arm an average of 38.88cm at initial testing
and an increase by 0.12cm at final testing.
From the analysis of back muscles strength testing, we
noticed an increase by 4.5 reps at final testing at bar
pull-downs, an increase by 16kg of the load at cable
machine chest pull-downs, with an average of 84kg at
initial testing and 100 kg at final testing, performed
with 13 reps at initial testing and a decrease by 4 reps
at final testing. As for machine seated row we notice
an increase of the load average by 16 kg, with an
average of 92kg at initial testing and an average of
108kg at final testing, performed with 11 reps at initial
testing and a decrease by 2 reps at final testing.

To highlight the methodological aspects of
back muscle strength development in bodybuilding for
masses, we conducted a case study in the Sports Club
Tonik Fitness Club of Bucharest; during this
methodical approach, we have applied control tests and
The study results show that the regular
exercising leads to a decrease of body weight, an
increase of thoracic amplitude, of arms perimeters and
last, but not least, to strength development per different
muscle groups.
In the end of the paper we can conclude the
following matters:
- the study highlights methodological issues
on the back muscles strength development by
combining methodological procedures in bodybuilding,
by increasing and decreasing effort load during giant
- the effective use of strength exercises for
back on the same muscle area by means of giant sets
during a training session helps to improve muscle
endurance and to increase strength at different
- the division of back muscles areas during
each training micro-cycle emphasizes the dynamics of
muscle strength and the possibility to combine muscle
groups together during a training mezzo-cycle.

Bota C, Predescu B. Physiology of Physical Education
and Sport Ergophysiology. Antim Ivireanu
Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997; 176
Bodybuilding. Coach Library, Bucharest, 2007;A Nr.5-
6:18-21Bodybuilding and Fitness, Bucharest,
no.3(212), 2011; www.efintness.ro/downdoad
13.05 2011
Bompa, P.O. Periodization: Theory and Methodology
of Training. Ex Ponto Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2002, 287-289.
Chirazi M., CiorbA, P. Bodybuilding: Maintenance and
Competition, Polirom , 2006; 105-110
Damian . Super FIT- Essential in Fitness and
Bodybuilding. Corint Publishing Group,
Bucharest, Runa Publishing House, 2006; 96
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Demeter A.. Physiological and Biochemical Bases of
Motor Skills. Sport- Tourism Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1981; 86
Dragnea A., Mate-Teodorescu, S. Theory of Sport.
FEST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002; 368-
Gavrilescu D. Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics
of Movement. Didactic and Pedagogic
Publishing House, R.A., Bucharest, 2010, 111-
Htru D. Bodybuilding. Lecture Notes, ANEFS,
Bucharest, 2002; 64
Muraru A. Coachs Handbook. Training Theory and
Methodology, Collection of lessons. Ex Ponto
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008; 201.
Nicu A. Modern Sports Training. Editis Publishing
House, Bucharest, 1993;313
Oprea D. Techniques of Increase of Workout Intensity:
in Bodybuilding, Fitness & Fight , Bucharest,
2009; no.6/ 201.
Sports Physiology Collection: Sport of High
Performance, 2006; Nr.4: 8
Voicu A.V. Bodybuilding, Inter-Tonic Publishing
House, Cluj-Napoca, 1995.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


January 2013, 13 (1): 46-50
Original article



Purpose. This study was conducted with the aim of determining and evaluating respiratory functions of
National Seniors Wrestling teams of Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Senegal.
Methods. Respiratory function tests were taken from voluntary wrestlers entering in the preparation camp
before the International Yasar Dogu Seniors Freestyle Wrestling Tournament. A total of 36 athletes participated in the
study, including 12 from Turkey (T) (25,67 5, 32 years, 169, 17 8,93 cm, 73, 58 11,30 kg), 12 from Kyrgyzstan (K)
(23,17 2,92 years, 167,33 6,41cm, 62,67 7,43 kg) and 12 from Senegal (S) (27,00 4,52 years, 176, 50 8,55 cm, 72,
33 10, 07 kg).
Results were carried out with SPSS 11.0 package software. While international differences were looked at
using One-way ANOVA, the Tukey test was applied on the values yielding significant results, significance at the
p<0.05 level was investigated..While significant differences at the p<0.05 level were detected in FVC and VC values
and at the p<0.01 level in %FVC, %FEV1 and %VC values; no significant differences were observed among teams in
PEF and MVV values (p<0.05) with regard to pulmonary functions among these countries.
Conclusion. As a result, it is considered that the differences detected in respiratory functions of athletes of the
three different countries can stem from external-individual and racial factors/ethnic factors.
Key Words. Wrestling, Spirometer, Respiratory functions, National Athletes

Researching the physical and physiological
features of elite-level athletes holds a gradually
increasing importance for researchers in terms of
performance control and performance increase.
When evaluated physiologically, pulmonary
function tests as well as other physiological tests
are also crucial in order to measure the performance
conditions of individuals (Astrand, 1986). While it
was reported in some studies that there is a positive
correlation among physical activity, physical fitness
and pulmonary capacities (MacAuley,
1999;Mehrotra and Twisk, 1998) it is expressed in
some other studies that there is no such correlation
(Biersteker, 1985). Specific pulmonary function
tests also assist in determining the problems in the
respiratory system as well (Sheety, 2005).
Respiratory function levels are used as a reliable
risk indicator particularly for COPD (Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (Senior, 1998). In
addition, high respiratory function levels facilitate
the maintenance of a healthy life in the upcoming
periods (Wang, 2004). It was stated in a study on
health conducted by Buffalo that respiratory
functions are a long-term determinant of the general
survival rate for both genders as well and they can
be used as an instrument in the general evaluation
of health (Holger, 2000). Respiratory tests are also
used in wrestlers as an indicator for their general
health conditions, performance and give important

information to trainers and athletes about respiratory
system (William, 2004).
Wrestling is a branch of sport that entails the co-
existence of various functional features, the anaerobic
energy system is predominantly employed and factors such
as quickness, strength, agility, flexibility, balance,
muscular and cardiovascular endurance, coordination and a
high aerobic capacity affect performance (William, 2004).
Examining the research performed on wrestlers, it is seen
that determining physical and physiological features of
wrestlers as well as the effects of different training
programs on these features and changes that occur in these
features with weight loss have been investigated (Brown,
2006; Vardar, 2007). Research conducted on the
respiratory functions of wrestlers is considerably limited
(Ghosh, 1985). The need for conducting such a study was
put forward with the aim of using pulmonary function tests
commonly for the purpose of detecting the fitness
conditions of individuals and presenting crucial
information to trainers and athletes as an indicator of the
health conditions of athletes (Astrand, 1986). Moreover,
another reason is the existence of a significant correlation
between Wingate test parameters, which are the
determinant of anaerobic performance, and respiratory
functions (Arslan, 2009) and that being said, anaerobic
traits being dominant and in addition, respiratory functions
also being affected by quite varied factors such as age,
gender, ethnic group, exercise and so on. Due to these
reasons, this study was conducted with the aim of
determining and evaluating some respiratory functions
of athletes of three different seniors free style
wrestling national teams.
Gazi University School of Physical Education and Sports, Ankara/Turkey
Erzincan University Faculty of Education Department of Physical
Education and Sports, Erzincan/Turkey
Email: [email protected]

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


This study was carried out on athletes who
participated in the preparation camp that was held in
Ankara before the International Yasar Dogu Seniors
Freestyle Wrestling Tournament between January 23
February 07, 2008. A total of 36 subjects from the
national teams of Turkey (n=12), Kyrgyzstan (n=12)
and Senegal (n=12) voluntarily participated in the
The heights of the subjects were measured by
the Seca brand instrument that measures height and
their body weights were measured by a digital bascule
with a degree of accuracy of 0.01 kg.
One day before the pulmonary function tests
were carried out, the athletes were warned about not
using any drugs, smoking cigarettes within the last 24
hours, doing vigorous exercise at least 30 minutes
before the test and eating heavy meals 2 hours before
the test. The individuals having had upper or lower
respiratory infection for the last 4 weeks were excluded
from undergoing the test. In addition, individuals tested
were asked to not wear clothes restricting their chest
and abdominal motions. Subjects were informed about
the test maneuvers before the test was conducted.
Before the pulmonary function tests, room
temperature and barometric pressure were recorded and
BTPS was made (Miller, 2005). Pulmonary function
tests were carried out by a portable Cosmed Pony FX
brand Spirometer (Italy) while subjects were standing.
Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS 11.0
package software. Levenes test of homogeneity of
variance was applied to the data after conducting a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and normality test. The One-
Way ANOVA test was performed on the data that
exhibited normal distribution and whose variances
were equal. Tukey multiple comparison test was
implemented to determine the differences among the
countries, significance at the p<0.05 level was

Looking at (Table 1), no significant difference
was found statistically among the physical traits of the
subjects (age, height and body weight). When the
subjects were evaluated in terms of their pulmonary
functions (Table 2), it was observed that there were
significant differences among the countries in FVC and
VC values at the p<0.05 level between Turkey and
Senegal and at the p<0.01 level between
Turkey Senegal and Kyrgyzstan Senegal in %FVC,
%FEV1 and %VC values.
Table 1: Physical Traits and Comparison of Three National Teams










Age (year) 25,67 5,32 20 32 23,17 2,92 20 27 27,00 4,52 23 33 1,191 0,331
73,58 11,30 55 84 62,67 7,43 55 74 72,33 10,07 60 84 2,261 1,139
169,17 8,93 155 180 167,33 6,41 162 176 176,50 8,55 168 191 2,184 0,147
Table 2: Comparison of Respiratory Values of Three National Teams











FVC (lt) 5,07 0,71
4,23 6,03 4,920,66

4,13 5,69 3,760,94
2,38 5,31 5,001 0,022*
FVC% 106 6,99
95 116 104,837,85
91,00 113,00 72,5013,21
50,00 89,00 22,811 0,001**
4,24 0,69 3,42 5,04 4,140,60 3,63 5,05 3,430,90

1,95 4,77 2,109 0,156
FEV1% 103,67 8,26
94 114 103,838,93
92,00 116,00 78,6616,74
48,00 96,00 8,814 0,003**
FEV/FVC% 83,33 6,25 74 92 84,005,32 74,00 88,00 90,336,08

82,00 98,00 2,570 0,110
VC (lt) 4,68 0,56
3,94 5,34 4,590,54 3,95 5,20 3,680,77
2,68 4,74 4,562 0,028*
VC% 94,00 3,69
87 97 95,508,24
83,00 108,00 68,009,54
54,00 79,00 24,919 0,001**
PEF (lt/sn) 8,55 1,77 5,34 10,18 8,012,15 4,47 10,96 7,242,81 4,09 11,21 0,498 0,618
MVV (lt/dk) 158,65 38,58 107,60 214,40 148,6832,82 101,50 193,50 151,4555,77 69,90 223,10 0,084 0,920

*p<0,05 **p<0,01 (a-b)* (i-j)* (c-e)** (d-e)** (f-h)** (g-h)** (k-m)** (l-m)**
FVC: Force Ventilation Capacity, FEV
:Forced Expiratory Volme in one second, VC: Vital Capacity, MVV:
Maximal Voluntary Ventilation PEF: Peak Expiratory Flow
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


In this study conducted with the aim of
determining and evaluating some respiratory functions
of athletes from three different countries, while there
were no significant differences among countries with
regard to their physical traits, significant differences
were detected in FVC and VC values between Turkey
and Senegal, in %FVC, %FEV1 and %VC values
between Turkey and Senegal, and Kyrgyzstan and
Senegal.It is reported in the literature that respiratory
functions are influenced by various factors as internal-
individual and external individual factors (Buist and
Scanlan, 1995, Higgins, 1993).
It is stated that external-individual factors
which affect pulmonary functions are environment,
nutrition, alcohol, body heat and saturation of
barometric pressure with water vapor, drug use,
exercise, infections, air pollution, allergens and
cigarettes, while individual factors are age, gender,
ethnic group (Buist, 1995; Higgins, 1993; Rong,
2008), anthropometry(Scanlan, 1995), waist
circumference (Higgins, 1993), body posture (Haern,
1968) and psychological factors (Buist, 1995).
In cases of the existence of age and height
homogeneity, it is stated that the total pulmonary
capacities and ventilation capacities differ among
ethnic groups.
While it is noted that pulmonary and
ventilation capacities of individuals who live in the
Indian subcontinent are lower compared to Europeans
(Haern, 1968; Miller, 2005), it was reported that the
pulmonary function values of Western Africans are
also slightly higher than Indians (Miller, 1970). It is
considered in this study conducted as well that inter-
athlete difference can stem particularly from extra-
race/ethnic group and individual factors rather than age
and anthropometric factors.
It is stated that as a result of regular sporting
activities, increases were observed in individuals
physical and physiological development in addition to
their respiratory functions (Callaway, 1988; Chandran,
2000; Nourry, 2005; Shivesh, 2007; Thaman, 2010),
accordingly, pulmonary volume and capacities of
trained individuals during exercise and rest are higher
than of sedentaries (Durning, 1977; Ferraro, 1999;
Ghosh, 1985).
Besides, it is also stated that some changes can
occur in the respiratory dynamics of untrained
individuals during exercise, albeit not at as high a level
as top level trained athletes (Brown, 2006). Even
though it is not known to what extent these changes
depend on physical training, anatomical limitations or
gender distinctions, it is logically accepted that the
muscles of respiration of physically trained people are
stronger and more durable (Brown, 2006).
In a study in which Gupta and Guastellan
(Gupta, 2007) evaluated the pulmonary functions of 53
high school students (27 swimmers, 26 wrestlers and a
non-athlete control group of 26), they stated that there
was no significant difference statistically between FVC
and FEV
values of athletes (swimmer-wrestler). On
the other hand, they detected that there was a
significant difference statistically in FVC and FEV1
values at the p<0.05 level between athletes (swimmer-
wrestler) and non-athletes (Gupta, 2007).
As a result, they reported that training
performed in high school students develops pulmonary
functions but there isnt any difference between the
types of training performed (in terms of training
performed by wrestlers and swimmers) in terms of
respiratory parameters.
In another study in which Ghosh et al. (Ghosh,
1985) determined the pulmonary capacities of athletes
in different branches in India, they reported that VC,
MVV and %FEV
values of 21 wrestlers between the
ages of 23-24 with a height of 169,46.1cm and body
weight of 65,98,0kg are 4.02 0,73lt,
138,8 23,20lt/min and 90,8 6,4lt respectively (Ghosh,
The VC, MVV and %FEV
values obtained in
this study, which was carried out on wrestlers, were
detected for Turkey as 4,68 0,56lt,
158,65 38,58lt/min, %103,67 8,26, for Kyrgyzstan as
4,590,54lt, 148,6832,82lt/min, %103,838,93 and
for Senegal as 3,680,77lt, 151,4555,77lt/min,
While the pulmonary function values of
Turkish and Kyrgyz wrestlers were found to be higher
than the values of Indian wrestlers determined by Gosh
et al., the values of Senegalese wrestlers were found to
be lower (Ghosh, 1985).
In another study in which Hearn and Edwards
(Edwards, 1972; Haern, 1968) determined pulmonary
respiratory capacities, it was reported that the
respiratory values of individuals who live in the Indian
subcontinent are lower than Europeans; in Miller et al.
(Miller,1970), pulmonary respiratory values of Western
Africans are slightly higher than Indians (Miller,1970).
It was reported that due to the fact that Turkey is
situated on the European continent, Kyrgyzstan is
situated on the Asian continent but over India, Senegal
is on the Indian subcontinent (Edwards, 1972; Haern,
1968), the pulmonary function values of Western
Africans are also slightly higher compared to Indians
The results attained in this study, in which
respiratory values are compared among ethnics group
or countries, are backed up by the results obtained by
Hearn (Haern,1968) and Edwards et al. (Edwards,
1972) in their studies. Finally, it is considered that
distinctions detected in the respiratory parameters of
athletes who participated in the research could stem
from external-individual and racial factors.
Evaluating respiratory functions together with
performance is suggested in studies to be carried out
hereafter by covering internal and external individual
factors as a whole.
Practical Applicaton: The present study reveals
data resulting in comparative benchmark concerning
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


national wrestlers of different ethnicities and from
various countries for further researches.
The data collected in our study showed that
ethnicity influenced pulmonary functions significantly.
It is therefore suggested that non-individual factors
could be effective in such studies
The authors would like to thank the trainers of the
three national wrestling team and the wrestlers for their
participation in the study.

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Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


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Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,














AHMED S. / p. 5
ASHRAF O. / p. 11
CRETU M. / p. 22
KHAZHAL K. S. / p. 16
ZLEM O. / p. 46
POTOP V. / p. 22, 38
STAN A. E. / p. 28
TIMNEA O. / p. 38
ULREANU M. / p. 38
ULVYE B. / p. 46

MERGL . / p. 46

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


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Technical requirements to elaborate the structured informative abstract:

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Objective. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between skinfolds method (accu-measure caliper) and
near-infrared method (FUTREX 1000 Personal Body Fat Tester)
Methods. We used Romanian university students (27 males and 97 females). The body fat percentage was measured
by two methods: the skinfolds measurements...
Results. Body fat estimated with accu-measure caliper was moderate correlated with body fat estimated with
FUTREX for women (r = 0.41)
Conclusions. We cannot consider that one method of body composition analysis (skinfolds method or near-infrared
method) is more accurate than
Key Words:skinfolds method, near-infrared method, percentage of body fat, fat mass, free fat mass, Romanian
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Italic, Justify, First Line Indent 0,5cm., Hanging Indent 0cm.
Technical requirements to elaborate the non-structured indicative or informative abstract:

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Department of Obsetrics, Gynecology and Womens Health, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65212, USA.
CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRINT REQUESTS: Alissa Viollet, NW509 Health Sciences Center, 1 Hospital Dr., Columbia, MO 65212, USA.
[email protected], tel. 573-882-6334, fax. 573-882-6399
Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of So Paulo, CEP So Paulo 05508-900, Brazil.
GRANT SUPPORT: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development HD055231.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between skinfolds method (accu-measure caliper) and near-
infrared method (FUTREX 1000 Personal Body Fat Tester) for body fat percent, fat mass and free fat mass estimations,
in Romanian university students. We used Romanian university students (27 males...
Key Words: skinfolds method, near-infrared method, percentage of body fat, fat mass, free fat mass, Romanian
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify, First Line Indent 0,5cm., Hanging Indent 0cm.

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Layout, Size, A4 - 21cm x 29.7cm).
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Example of laying out the page and arranging the text:

Relationship between skinfolds and near-infrared (FUTREX 1000) methods for body fat estimation in Romanian
university students
Space (Enter, Font Size 10).


Objective. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between skinfolds method (accu-measure caliper)
and near-infrared method (FUTREX 1000 Personal Body Fat Tester) for body fat percent, fat mass and free fat mass
estimations, in Romanian university students.
Methods. We used Romanian university students (27 males and 97 females). The body fat percentage was measured
by two methods: the skinfolds measurements (accu-measure caliper) and near-infrared measurement (Futrex 1000).
Results. Body fat estimated with accu-measure caliper was moderate correlated with body fat estimated with
FUTREX for women (r = 0.41) and for men (r = 0.55). Fat mass (skinfolds method) skinfolds method and free fat mass
(skinfolds method) were moderate correlated with fat mass (near-infrared method), respectively free fat mass (near-
infrared method) for women (r = 0.41, respectively r= 0.41) and correlated for men (r = 0.60, respectively r = 0.60).
Conclusions. We cannot consider that one method of body composition analysis (skinfolds method or near-infrared
method) is more accurate than the other because we dont apply a gold standard method of measurement, for subjects.
However, near-infrared method trends to have higher estimations of body fat, then skinfolds method on Romanian
Key Words: skinfolds method, near-infrared method, percentage of body fat, fat mass, free fat mass, Romanian

The increase in obesity is a global phenomenon that
is even being addressed by the World Health
Organization (World Health Organization, 2003), as
well as by medical and government organizations in
the world.
One of factors that contribute to body composition
changes, respectively to body fat percent grow up is
physical inactivity or sedentary lives (National
Institutes Of Health, 1998).

Factors, such as age, gender, level of adiposity,
physical activity and ethnicity influence the choice of
method and equation. To date, race-specific SKF
(American Indian women, Black men, and Asian
adults), BIA (American Indian women and Asian
adults), and NIR (American Indian women and White
women) equations have been developed (Heyward,

Infrared is not an indicator of body composition in
the pre-adolescent population on an individual basis.
This method continues to be no accurate, cost-effective
means to assess individual body composition by a
rapid, noninvasive methodology (Michael, Jan, Wendy,

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Larger prediction errors have been reported with
the lower cost, hand-held Futrex 1000 model. Because
of these errors, the manufacturer's equations for the
Futrex 1000 are not recommended to assess body
composition (Wagner and Heyward, 1999).

Kamimura et al. cannot consider that one method of
body composition analysis (SKF method, bioelectrical
impedance analysis, or NIR method) is more accurate
than the other because they didnt apply a gold
standard method, for patients on long-term
hemodialysis therapy. However, the most simple, long-
established, and inexpensive method of SKF thickness
seems to be still very useful for assessing body fat
(Kamimura, Jose Dos Santos, Avesani, Fernandes
Canziani, Draibe, Cuppari, 2003).
In a healthy group of 29 subjects examined by Elia
et al., NIR method had little or no advantage over other
simple methods in predicting body composition
measured by classical whole-body densitometry. NIR
method was also found to underestimate body fat
increasingly as the degree of adiposity increased. This
under-estimation was found to be particularly marked
in a small and separate group of grossly obese women,
BMI greater than 50 kg/m
, whose body composition
was assessed by total body potassium as well as by
densitometry (Dumitru, 1997).

Heyward et al. concluded that all three field
methods, respectively SKF, bioelectric impendance
and NIR compared with hydrostatic weighting,
accurately estimate the percent of body fat for
nonobese women; however, none of these three
methods is suitable for estimating the percent of body
fat for obese women (Heyward, Cook, Hicks, Jenkins,
Quatrochi, Wilson, 1992).
One study concluded that, SKF is higher correlated
with under water weighting than did FUTREX 5000
with under water weighting for males (0.95 versus
0.80), females (0.88 versus 0.63), and the whole group
(0.94 versus 0.81) and FUTREX 5000 overestimated
body fat in lean subjects with less than 8% fat and
underestimated it in subjects with greater than 30% fat.
Analyzing this, the authors concluded that, SKF give
more information and more accurately predict body fat,
especially at the extremes of the body fat continuum
(McLean and Skinner, 1992).
The present findings indicate that, the FUTREX
5000 provide more accurate estimates of body fat
percent than the FUTREX 5000A or FUTREX 1000
instruments (Smith, Johnson, Stout, Housh, Housh,
Evetovich, 1997). Continued research with expanded
populations is needed to further demonstrate and
evaluate the utility of FUTREX 5000A device
(Cassady, Nielsen, Janz, Wu, Cook, Hansen, 1993).

Conway et al. concluded that, body composition
(percentage fat) estimated in 53 adults (23 to 65 years
of age) by infrared interactance, is correlated with SKF
(r = 0.90) measurements. They conclusioned that, the
method is safe, noninvasive, rapid, easy to use, and
may prove useful to predict percentage body fat,
especially in the obese (Conway, Norris, Bodwell,
SKF method is still a reliable technique of BF
estimation, but if its not realized with the most
accurately instruments the results trends to have errors
in BF estimation and FM, respectively FFM (Cyrino,
Okano, Glaner et al., 2003). The NIR method is still a
questionable technique for BF estimation (McLean and
Skinner, 1992; Michael, Jan, Wendy, 2003; Wagner
and Heyward, 1999).
The objective of this study is to examine the
relationship between skinfolds (SKF) method (accu-
measure caliper) and near-infrared (NIR) method
(FUTREX 1000 Personal Body Fat Tester) for body fat
percent (BF), fat mass (FM) and free fat mass (FFM)
estimation, in Romanian university students.

The subjects were white Caucasian and students at
faculties of Ovidius University in Constanta. The aims
and methods of the study were explained to the
participants, who chose freely to participate in this
study. As a result, the sample included 127 students
(97 females and 27 males), with age between 18 and 23
years old.
Body height was evaluated with an error of 0.1
centimeters and body weight was evaluated with a
calibrated digital scale, with an error of 0.25 kilograms.
For this measurement the subjects were dressed
summarily. BMI was calculated to estimate the
category of weight for each subject by using the
Quetelet formula (Dimitre, 1997).
Percent of body fat was estimated with two
methods. The first method consisted in calculation of
body fat percent with Jackson and Pollock, (1978),
equation, for male subjects and Jackson, Pollock and
Ward, (1980), equation, for female subjects. The
abdominal (taken vertically with a broad grip, 5cm.
lateral to the omphalion (centre of the umbilicus)),
chest (taken obliquely along the natural cleavage line
of the pectoral between the axilla and nipple) and thigh
(vertical fold taken midway between the inguinal
crease and proximal border of the patella) skinfolds
were measured for


In table 1 the differences between sexes were
significant only for body height (t = 9.838) and body
weight (t = 5.841).
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Table 1. Physical characteristics of the subjects

(n = 27)
(n = 97)
Age (years
) 19

Body height (cm) 1.789 0.078
1.63 0.059
Body weight (kg) 66.074 11.135
52.722 7.842
BMI (kg/m
) 20.598 2.929

19.811 2.485
* differences between sexes, p<0.05.
BMI, body mass index; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; n, number of

In table 2 the differences between sexes were significant for all variables (BFskf, t = 13.278; FMskf, t = 6.346;
FFMskf, t = 11.498; BFnir, t = 7.856; FMnir, t = 2.883; FFMnir, t = 9.861). All variables from SKF method had
significant correlations with their correspondent variable from NIR method, when body height, body weight and age
were controlled. BFskf was moderate correlated with BFnir for women (r = 0.41) and for men (r = 0.55). FMskf and
FFMskf were moderate correlated with FMnir, respectively FFMnir for women (r = 0.41, respectively r = 0.41) and
correlated for men (r = 0.60, respectively r = 0.60).


Compared with the anthropometric reference data 1988 1994 from United States (National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, 2005), body height for our subjects was slightly higher for men and slightly lower for women,
compared with the corresponding values for Americans. The body weight was lower, for both men and women,
compared with the corresponding values for Americans.

I thank all students for participating in this study. No funding was used for this study.

Cassady SL, Nielsen DH, Janz KF, Wu YT, Cook JS, Hansen JR. Validity of near infrared body composition analysis
in children and adolescents, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1993 Oct; 25(10):1185-1191.
Table 2. Differences between SKF method and NIR method

Skinfold method (Accu-measure caliper)
(n = 27)
(n = 97)
BFskf (%) 8.962 4.407
21.886 4.704
FMskf (kg) 6.25 4.006
11.806 4.085
FFMskf (kg) 59.824 8.207
40.915 4.512

Infrared method (Futrex 1000)
(n = 27)
(n = 97)
BFnir (%) 13.074 5.988

22.805 4.475
FMnir (kg) 8.97 5.431

12.164 3.615
FFMnir (kg) 57.104 8.225

40.557 5.486

correlated with BFnir, FMnir and FFMnir for males, respectively for
women, when height, weight and age are controlled, p<0.05;
differences between sexes, p<0.05.
BFskf, body fat - skinfolds method; FMskf, fat mass - skinfolds method;
FFMskf, free fat mass - skinfolds method; BFnir, body fat - infrared
method; FMnir, fat mass - infrared method; FFMnir, free fat mass -
infrared method; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; n, number of subjects.
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Conway JM, Norris KH, Bodwell CE. A new approach for the estimation of body composition: infrared interactance.
Am J Clin Nutr, 1984 Dec; 40(6):1123-1130.
Cyrino ES, Okano HA, Glaner FM et al. Impact of the use of different skinfold calipers for the analysis of the body
composition. Rev Bras Med Esporte, 2003; 9(3):150-153.
National Institutes of Health (NIH). Clinical Guidelines On The Identification, Evaluation, And Treatment Of
Overweight And Obesity In Adults. The Evidence Report. Publication No. 98-4083, 1998 Sep: XI-XXX.

Attention!!! First of all, the article is written on a single column until it is finalized. After finalizing it, you select the
whole text after the abstract until the first table or chart and you turn it into two columns. The same operation is done, in
order, for (the whole) texts between charts and/or tables; also, the (whole) text, from the last table or chart until the
bibliography inclusive, will be turn into two columns. The paper must be 5-12 pages.

The tables including data will be done on a single column and they cannot be introduced into the text as photographs.
The counting (consecutive) and the title of the table (conclusive and concise) will be written on the top right hand. The
reference to the table (the quotation in the text) will be found in the text that precedes the table. The number of the table,
the title of the table, the results, the statistical section and the abbreviation section will be a constitutive part of the table.
It is recommended that you merge the data in as few tables as possible. The additional black lines in the tables including
data will be colored in white (Table Tools, Design, Pen Color, White, urmat de Draw Table prin care se traseaz peste
liniile negre suplimentare culoarea alb).

Table 1. Physical characteristics of feminine subjects
Number and title of the table (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).

Subjects with dominant upper and
lower right limb(n = 8)
Subjects with dominant upper and
lower left limb (n = 8)
Height (cm.) 163,25 4,95 3,032% 162,5 4,309 2,652%
Weight (kg.) 66,088 7,343 11,111% 67,038 5,352 7,984%
IMC (kg/m
) 24,745 1,827 7,383% 25,368 1,439 5,673%
Percentage of body fat(%) 26,625 2,873 10,791% 26,55 2,964 11,164%
Fat mass (kg.) 17,739 3,56 20,069% 17,91 3,235 18,063%
The values are presented as M DS i CV%.
IMC, index of body mass; M, mean; DS, standard deviation; CV, variability coefficient; n, number of subjects.
Statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).

The connection between the data in the table and the statistical section will be done through identification letters
counted in alphabetical order or identification symbols used in the order *, , , , , , **, , , etc.; inside the
table, the letters or the identification symbols will be written in the superscript(Home, Superscript) immediately after
the data, and inside the statistical section, the identification letters will be written before the hyphen and the statistical
comments and the identification symbols immediately before the statistical comments (without a hyphen).
The tables from other publications should be used with the authors (authors) permission, indicating the bibliographic
source where it was taken from.

Example: 0,851 0,044
Statistic data.
The identification letter written in superscript (Home, Superscript).

Example: a significantly different compared to the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side flexion, 0, for
the subjects who practise football, respectively athletics (triple jump), F(2, 12) = 5,5;
Identification letter.
Statistic comment.

Table 2. Means of results of maximum isometric force ratios for feminine subjects who practise different sports

Force ratio
Handball (n = 5) Football (n = 5)
Athletics (triple
(n = 5)
F130 Flexion/ F110 Extension (30) 0,589 0,109

0,556 0,075 0,565 0,05
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
The tables which contain figures will be done on a single column. The counting (consecutive) and the title of the figure
(conclusive and concise) will be written on the bottom left side immediately after the figure. The reference to the figure
(the quotation in the text) will be found in the text that precedes the table which contains the figure. The figure, the
number of the figure, the title of the figure, the statistical section (if necessary) and the abbreviation section will be a
constitutive part of the table that contains the figure. When symbols, numbers or letters are used to identify the parts of
the figure, each of them should be explained clearly in the statistical section.It is recommended that you merge the data
in as few figures as possible. The lines of the table that contains the figure will be transparent. (Table Tools, Design,
Borders, No Borders).

Figure 27. The evolution of means of maximum isometric force and the degree of perception at different tests.
Nm, Newton*meter; IT, initial testing; ImedT, intermediary testing; FT, final testing.
Number and title of figure (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).
Abbreviations used in the figurewill be mandatory explained after the number and the title of the figure and/or
the statistic section (Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify).

The figures will have a resolution of minimum 250 dpi for a better understanding after the print The figures will be
presented in original sizes in the text (sizes chosen by the author(s) of the paper), not to be subsequently modified. The
electronic formats accepted are: Bitmap (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) or GIF (.gif).
The results and the statistical explanations will be presented in one way data in the table, figure in the table or text;
these ways of presenting can be combined but they do not have to repeat themselves.

18,506% 13,489% 8,85%
F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side flexion
0,851 0,044
a b
0,942 0,056
0,919 0,03
5,17% 5,945% 3,264%
F120 Right side rotation/ F120 Left side
rotation (-30)
0,972 0,07

0,825 0,227

1,052 0,019
7,202% 27,515% 1,806%
a significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Left side
flexion, 0, for subjects who practise football, respectively, athletics (triple jump), F(2, 12) = 5,5;
b significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratioF150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=7,572;
c significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=2,316;
d significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F150 Right side flexion/ F150 Perfectly
ballanced left side flexion (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), 0, t=6,037;
e significantly different compared to the mean of the force ratio F120 Right side rotation/ F120 Perfectly
ballanced lesft side rotation (when all the force ratios are equal to 1), -30, t=6,12;
The values are presented as M DS and CV%; Significance limit established at p<0,05.
M, mean; DS, standard deviation; CV, variability coefficient; n, number of subjects; t, test t student ; F, test
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH
Vol. XIII, ISSUE 1, 2013, Romania
The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, INDEX COPERNICUS JOURNAL MASTER LIST,


Length, height, weight and volume will be specified in metrical units (meter, kilogram or litre or their decimal
multiples). Temperature will be specified in degrees Celsius (C). Blood presure will be specified in mm column of
mercury (mmHg). Other clinical measurements will be specified in the International System of Units (International
System of Units (SI)).

Abbreviations and symbols
The standard abbreviations must be used. You should avoid introducing abbreviations into the title or in the abstract.An
abbreviation in parantheses will be preceded by the full description, only the first time the abbreviation is used in the
text and only if the abbreviation is not a standard measure unit .

Example: Body weight, body composition, resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), temperature,
fasting serum glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, and ghrelin were assessed at baseline and after 21 d (12-h fast)
and 22 d (36-h fast) of alternate-day fasting.
Full description of the abbreviation the first time it appears in the text.
Abbreviation written in parentheses the first time it appears in the text.
RMR and RQ did not change significantly from baseline to day 21, but RQ decreased on day 22 (P < 0.001),
which resulted in an average daily increase in fat oxidation of 15 g.
Abbreviations when appears for the second time in the text.
Wuthiekanun V, Chierakul W, Langa S, et al. Development of antibodies to Burkholderia pseudomallei during
childhood in melioidosis-endemic northeast Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2006 Ian 12;74(10):1074-5.
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Bold, Justify, First Line Indent 0,5cm, Two Columns.
Home, Times New Roman, Size 10, Justify, First Line Indent 0cm., Hanging Indent 0,5cm, Two Columns.

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