Fundamentals of Zoology
Fundamentals of Zoology
Fundamentals of Zoology
Zoology- science dealing with animals and all
aspects of animal life
a. structure, function, and embryonic
b. nutrition and health
c. heredity and evolution
According to particular subject matters
I. Anatomy study of structures
ana- to cut
a. Gross anatomy- macroscopic level
1. Comparative anatomy similarities
and differences in species
2. Human anatomy
b. Developmental Anatomy
Embryology development of embryo,
developmental biology, how different
parts develop
c. Microscopic Anatomy (Histology)
microscopic anatomy of cells and
tissues of plants
II. Physiology study of functions
a. Cellular physiology- biological study of
cells mechanism and interaction with
the environment
b. Comparative physiology- diversity of
functional characteristics of organs
c. Endocrinology- deals with ductless
glands and secretions
d. Neurology- nerve cells and activities
III. Genetics genes, heredity, variation in
living systems
IV. Ecology interaction among organisms
and environment
V. Zoogeography- animal distribution
VI. Paleontology- ancient life via fossils
VII. Taxonomy- classification of organisms
VIII. Evolution- change in inherited
characteristics of biological populations
According to groups of animals being studied
I. Mammalogy- mammals
II. Ornithology- birds
III. Herpetology- reptiles and amphibians
IV. Ichthyology- fishes
V. Entomology- insects
VI. Parasitology- parasites
VII. Protozoology- protozoa,onecelled animals
VIII. Helminthology- worms
IX. Malacology- mollusks
X. Conchology- seashells
1. prehistoric man took interest in animals
2. Egyptians learned how to domesticate cattle,
sheep, pigs, cats, geese, ducks
3. Aristotle (384 BC-322BC) Father of zoology
4. Galen (131-201 AD)- function of nervous system
and arteries carrying blood
5. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)- Father of Modern
6. William Harvey (1578- 1657)- circulation of blood
and atrio-ventricular contraction
7. Jansen (1950) and Galileo (1610) development
of compound microscope
8. Robert Hooke (1635- 1703)- presence of cells in
plant tissues
9. Leeuwenhoek- first described bacteria, protozoa,
10. John Ray and Linnaeus- taxonomy
11. Karl Ernst Von Baer- Father of embryology,
origin of three germ layers
12. George Cuvier and John Hunter- comparative
anatomy pioneers
13. Schleiden and Schwann (1838)- cells are the
basic units of structures in plants and
animals..arranged according to definite laws
14. Rudolf Virchow- all cells come from preexisting