HSE Directive 6-Hazardous Materials and Waste
HSE Directive 6-Hazardous Materials and Waste
HSE Directive 6-Hazardous Materials and Waste
Radiation Protection Authority
Guidance no 9 industrial control sources
Guidance no 1 industrial radiograpy
Guidance no 13 radioactive pollution and radioactive waste
from the petroleum industry
054 Guidelines for work involving low specific activity
scale and contaminated objects The Norwegian Oil & Gas
Associations recommended guidelines
093 Recommended guidelines for waste management in
the offshore industry The Norwegian Oil & Gas Associations
recommended guidelines
IMDG codes (rules for transport of hazardous goods by sea)
ADR codes (rules for transport of hazardous goods by road)
0.60.016 Working environment manual
0.60.033 Environmental manual
HSE Directive no. 1 Work permits
HSE Directive no. 7 Chemicals
NWEA North West European Area
Norwegian Maritime Directorate regulation for vessels
Definitions and abbreviations
Responsible contractor/operator has authorisation to
perform industrial radiography (NDT), use open sources and
perform well logging using radioactive sources or explosives
Central radiation responsible persons in BP are persons
on Ula, Valhall and Skarv with radiation competency that
shall coordinate all use of radioactive sources and material
on the assets
Authority coordinator is a position onshore that coordinates
all activities towards authorities
Assistant is a person who assists the operator during the
performance of industrial radiography
Portable radioactive sources are instruments containing
control sources and which are normally moved between
different places of use, e.g. for industrial radiography (NDT),
well logging, open source (tracer), etc
EAL - European waste list is a list for classification of waste
in EU/EEA countries
Hazardous waste is waste which cannot be handled
together with consumer waste because it may lead to
serious contamination or harm to people or animals
Permanently installed radioactive sources are
instruments containing control sources which are not
normally moved, e.g. level gauges
HSE evaluation of explosives means evaluations of
o health, safety and the environment in connection with use
o requirements and precautions for storage, transport, use
and possible waste handling
Job Officer is a person located onshore or offshore who
considers the need for and plans the use of radioactive
sources/materials and explosives
Radioactive pollution and radioactive waste are
concentrated natural occuring radioactive substances
in produced water or in used equipment or in waste
that has been cleaned out from process equipment with
activity over the limits.
NORSAS The Norwegian Resource Centre for Waste
Managementand Recycling
Klif The Norwegian Climate and Pollution Control Authority
CCR Central Control Room
Sv/h- mikroSv per hour
mSv/h milliSv per hour
Technical evaluation of explosives includes an evaluation
o the qualities of the explosives in relation to the planned
o the costs of using the explosives and possible handling of
waste products
o the use of alternative technology
Offshore installation manager (BP rep. on contracted
installations) is responsible for
ensuring that all handling, use, logging, transport and
storage of radioactive sources, other radioactive material
and radioactive pollution/waste is carried out safely and in
accordance with the regulations
HSE function (safety officer)
is responsible for
ensuring that all handling, use, logging, transport and
storage of radioactive sources and other radioactive material
is carried out safely and in accordance with the regulations
that the Checklist for permanently installed control sources
is completed and available on request
keeping an overview of all radioactive sources and
permanent and temporarily placed explosives on the
ensuring that the necessary metering equipment for
radioactive pollution/waste is available, calibrated and ready
for use
performing the necessary measurements of radioactivity
before, during and after work with radioactive pollution/
waste, and logging/reporting the measurement result using
the Registration of work with radioactive pollution/waste
Area Authority
is responsible for
keeping an overview of all radioactive sources plus
permanently and temporarily installed explosives on the
ensuring that personnel who are to work with LSA are
familiar with elements of risk and the precautions applying
to such work ensuring that all fractions from the production,
including re-injected LSA, are documented
Job Officer
is responsible for
planning all use of radioactive sources , including evaluating
the required intensity and alternative methods
ensuring that permanently installed control sources are
installed in accordance with the regulations
ensuring that necessary protective equipment and
packaging/containers for storage are available
planning and evaluating the use of explosives based on
a technical evaluation and HSE evaluation of the relevant
planning safe treatment of any hazardous waste when
planning and carrying out work operations
Responsible contractor/operator
is responsible for
ensuring that all handling, use, logging, transport and
storage of own radioactive sources is carried out safely and
in accordance with the regulations
that the performing personnel have the required skills in
accordance with the regulations
ensuring that all handling, storage and use of explosives
take place in a safe manner and in accordance with the
BP drilling supervisor (SIMOP leader if drilling supv. is not
is responsible for
all storage and use of explosives on the installation
ensuring that all personnel handling and using explosives are
qualified to do so in accordance with the regulations
ensuring that the explosives inventory on the installation is
ensuring documentation of all radioactive waste from well
operations which is re-injected
Radiation responsible persons on Ula, Valhall and Skarv
Is responsible for:
ensuring all information on permanent and non-permanent
installed radioactive sources at BPs installations are
performed in accordance to regulations.
Authority Coordinator
is responsible to:
contact with National Radiation Protection Authority
coordinating work/applications to the National Radiation
Protection Authority
Performing personnel
are responsible for :
handling and collecting any hazardous waste on completion
of the job in question as stipulated in the instructions and
Storage supervisor
is responsible for :
storing, packaging/labelling, declaring and sending hazardous
waste to the supply base in accordance with regulations and
Supply base
is responsible for :
receiving and checking all waste hazardous goods to and
from the different installations
sending on hazardous waste to the hazardous waste
Informing the installation prior to shipment of radioactives
and explosives
Hazardous waste contractor
is responsible for :
handling all hazardous waste received in accordance with
the regulations
forwarding such waste to a final receiving station
Health Adviser
is responsible for
keeping and handing out personal dosimeters for
registration of radiation doses
collecting personal dosimeters after use, registering the
results on the Registration of exposure form and sending
the form to the HSE department
In some cases the responsible contractor/operator will be
responsible for these actions
General requirements
All use of radioactive sources must represent a better, more
economical and less risky alternative than use of alternative
When using radioactive sources, the
o extent of use
o exposure time
o radiation level
must be reduced to the extent practically possible
Procedures and emergency response plans
Whenever permanently installed radioactive sources are
used, the radiation responsible person for Ula, Valhall and
Skarv shall make sure that the following is in place:
o emergency response plans for actions and follow-up of
radiation accidents
Whenever permanently installed radioactive sources are
used, the responsible contractor (for Ula) and inspectors (for
Valhall) shall ensure that the following is in place:
o instructions for the person in charge of radiation
protection and the operator
o procedure for use of radioactive sources
Any loss of or accident involving radioactive sources and
other radioactive material shall be reported and handled in
accordance with the installations emergency response plans
Work with radioactive sources requires
o approved work permit level 1
o approved work procedure or Safe Job Analysis (SJA)
Safety precautions for work with radioactive sources
When planning the work, necessary action shall be
taken against radioactive radiation in accordance with the
The work site and necessary adjacent areas where the
radiation may exceed 7.5 Sv/h shall be sealed off/marked
with approved signs indicating radiation danger.
Information of sealed off area due to working with
radioactive sources shall be given over the PA. equipment
The performing technician and assistant shall be familiar
with procedures, risks, safety measures and emergency
response plans for working with radioactive substances
The work must be coordinated with CCR/area technician
The performing technician and assistant must be equipped
with a dosimeter
All work with radioactive sources must be carried out with as
little personnel activity in the area as possible
Required qualifications
Well logging company shall hold a permit issued by the
the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority All users of
portable radioactive sources shall have the competence
specified in the authorisation from the Norwegian Radiation
Protection Authority In order to obtain the competency
required, normally a three-day-course is sufficient
Personnel repairing or performing maintenance on
equipment where there is a danger of exposure to
radioactive radiation shall be certified by the Norwegian
Radiation Protection Authority or an accredited personnel
certification institute for radiation protection
The person offshore responsible for radioactive sources,
shall hold a valid certificate issued by a accreditation
company. The person shall also be able to guide workers on
how radioactive sources shall be handled and what is the
proper PPE and measure equipment.
BPNs person responsible for radioactive sources must
hold the following competencies:
o Measurement and classification of radiatioactive scale, ,3
day course and certificate
o In addition a 3-day course covering industrial radiography,
sources for control and logging and other use of sources
All radioactive sources and other radioactive material shall
be stored in safe and clearly marked places when not in use
The radioactive material store shall:
o satisfy the requirements in the Norwegian Radiation
Protection Authoritys regulations
o be kept apart from other stores, such as stores for gas
bottles, chemicals, explosives, corrosive or pyrotechnical
o be locked and the key kept by a responsible person
appointed by the OIM. The key must only be handed
out to personnel with the competence specified in the
regulations relating to radiation protection.
Radioactive sources and other radioactive material
permanently taken out of service must not be stored but
returned to the dealer or an approved storage site
Requirement for information about stored radioactive
The following information shall be registered for all
radioactive sources onboard the installation
o date of arrival
o storage site
o any accidents or problems with the source
o possible date for sending the source ashore
Radioactive sources are to be transported in line with the
applicable Norwegian regulations and the ICAO and IMDG
The sender and supply base shall inform the safety officer
(BP rep. on contracted installations) and the operator before
sending out any radioactive material.
The storesman/inspector on the installation shall inform the
safety officer when:
o radioactive sources are expected on the installation
o radioactive sources have been received on the installation
o radioactive sources have been sent ashore from the
General requirements
Explosives and detonators must be kept in separate
containers approved for this purpose until connected
immediately prior to use
Explosives must not be used under water when there are
divers in the sea
Any loss of, or accident involving, explosive material shall be
reported and handled in accordance with the installations
emergency response plans
All work with explosives requires
an approved work permit level 1
an approved work procedure or Safe Job Analysis (SJA)
Safey precautions for work with radioactive sources
The work site and necessary adjacent areas must be sealed
off/marked with approved signs indicating radiation danger
Information that work with explosives is taking place shall
be given over the PA system
The performing technician must be familiar with procedures,
risks and safety measures relevant for the work
When using explosives in wells, the perforation and
safety procedures shall be described in the relevant well
Required qualifications
Responsible contractor shall have internally documented
training covering the Activity Regulations requirements.
Prior to entering into a contract, the contractors internal
system covering this topic shall undergo a verification
activity. The contractor shall upon request be able to show
records for personnel subject to this type of training
The drilling supervisor/SIMOPS leader must have
documented knowledge of:
o classification of explosives
o current procedures and regulations
o any elements of risk associated with storing and handling
A one day course covering these topics is available in the
Permanent storing of explosives
Permanent storing of explosives must be avoided.
Temporary storage of explosives
The amount of explosives stored shall be limited to the
amount necessary in order to carry out any planned work
Explosives to be stored temporarily onboard (such as
baskets with perforating guns) shall be stored in a place
which meets the following requirements:
o The storage place (tank, container or rack) shall be
designed for that purpose
o lifting above the storage place is not permitted
o In the event of fire in the area, it must be possible to
easily move the storage place or move it above open sea
In case of temporary storage of explosives, the following
must be ensured at the storage place:
flammable material must be kept more than 2 m away
hot work class A - not permitted closer than 15 m away
clearly marked Explosive goods; marking must be visible
from the crane(s) if the container is placed in the lifting area
The responsible contractor and supply base must inform
the safety advisor / OSO always notify about the shipment
before explosives are sent to the installation
Storeman / inspector on the installation shall inform the
safety advisor / OSO when:
o explosives are expected to be received
o explosives are received
o explosives are sent onshore
The recipient of the explosives must ensure sufficient
storage capacity before explosives are sent
All shipment of explosives must be accompanied by the
necessary transport documents
On receipt, the supply base must check that the transport
boxes carrying the explosives are in order and marked in
accordance with the regulations
The supply base must inform the vessel and Coast
Directorate of any shipment of explosives
General requirements
When radioactive scale is proven the dose rate of possible
radioactive radiation shall be checked before the work is
allowed to continue.
All measurement of uncompacted waste and lead must be
carried out in accordance with Measurement of radioactive
External measurement of scale in tubing must be carried out
in accordance with Measurement of g -(gamma) radiation
All work on systems with radioactive scale requires
an approved work permit level 1
an approved work procedure or Safe Job Analysis (SJA)
Classification of area
Areas where the measured dose rate is below 6 millisievert
per year or if the dose to the hands are under 150
milliesievert per year, with a permanent work site are
classified as non-controlled areas
Non-controlled areas must be monitored regularly, and
radioactive radiation from radioactive scale must be checked
regularly and shall not exceed 7,5 Sv/h or over 0.5 Sv/h if
the work site are used as a permanent working site.
Areas where the measured dose rate is over 6 millisievert
per year or if the dose to the hands are more than 150
milliesievert per year at permanent work sites are classified
as controlled areas
Controlled areas include areas at least 1metre from where the
measurement is done
Safety measures for work with radioactive scale
Performing technicians shall be familiar with procedures,
risks and safety precautions for the work
The work must be coordinated with CCR and/or the area
Radioactive scale must be kept moist to avoid inhalation of
Any openings on radioactive contaminated equipment
shall be sealed. The seal shall be verified frequently if the
equipment is temporarily stored until shipped.
When finished with the work, the performing technicians
must take care and wash themselves thoroughly before
eating or drinking
The work site and necessary adjacent areas must be sealed
off/marked with approved signs indicating radiation danger
Information that the area has been blocked off for work with
LSA scale having radiation more than 7,5 mSv/h shall be
given over the PA system
The performing technicians shall be equipped with
a disposable dust mask cl P3
a disposable coverall
chemical gloves
chemical glasses
No other work is permitted in controlled areas
Completion of work
When a job involving radioactive material has been
completed, all scaling and equipment where the measured
dose rate exceeds the normal background value shall be
packed safely and placed in a container to be stored at an
approved place.
The supervisor must inform the store supervisor (material
coordinator) and safety officer of the volume and status of
the radioactive scale to be transported ashore
The personnel must be checked for radioactive radiation.
The controlled area and equipment must be cleaned and
checked for radioactive radiation. The area and equipment
can be released when the dose rate does not exceed the
normal background value
After use
o all used disposable equipment shall be treated as
radioactive waste
o used boots, raingear, gloves, coveralls and other clothing
where the measured dose rate does not exceed the
normal background value can be used again
o used coveralls where the measured dose rate exceeds
the normal background value must be treated as
radioactive waste
o used raingear and boots where the measured dose
rate exceeds the normal background value and which
should be used again must be flushed with water until
the measured dose rate no longer exceeds the normal
background value
Classification of waste offshore
All radioactive scale and equipment where the measured
radiation exceeds 10bq/g for one of the substances
226Ra, 228Ra or 210Pb shall be classified and declared as
radioactive depositduty. Radioactive waste between 1-10
bq/g shall be classified and declared in the same way as
hazardous waste and the measurements shall be written
on the declaration sheet. The classification of waste shall
be done by the safety officer in consultation with the HSE
All radioactive waste and equipment must be sent ashore to
a firm which is approved for cleaning and storing radioactive
equipment and waste, together with a copy of the
measurement results
Any reinjection of radioactive waste must be approved in
advance by the environmental adviser or the HSE manager
Waste not classified as radioactive waste
Any waste not classified as radioactive waste (below
1 bq/g) is to be treated as ordinary waste unless other
circumstances dictate classification as hazardous waste
Intermediate storage of radioactive waste on the
All waste classified as radioactive waste shall be sealed with
plastic and stored intermediately in an appropriate container/
loading equipment marked with a standard sign indicating
ionising radiation
The area around the container must be sealed off at a
distance of minimum one metre from the container. The
dose rate at the barring must not exceed 7.5 mSv/h, or 0.5
mSv/h if the area is a permanent work site
Equipment containing radioactive scale to reparation or
When sending pumps/equipment containing radioactive
scale for reparation or service, the person responsible for
the equipment shall contact the environmental advisor to
make sure that the company that receives the equipment
has a licence to handle radioactive material og have
an agreement with a company with licence from the
Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency.
Transport of radioactive waste to shore
When transported to shore, radioactive waste must be
isolated to the extent possible. This includes:
o wrapping the equipment in plastic
o protective caps mounted on valve and tubing ends
o using primarily a closed container or secondarily if the
equipment is too big, a loading equipment. If a closed
container cant be used, it is important that the equipment
is properly sealed.
Declaration and transport documentation
Declaration sheet: All radioactive waste above 1 Bq/g shall
be declared on a common declaration sheet for hazardous/
radioactive waste.
o Between 1-10 Bq/g You shall use non duty to
depositwastecode: 3022-2
o Over 10 Bq/g You shall use duty to deposit waste
code: 3022-1
o Remember to fill in the measurement result in
information field on the declaration sheet.
o Dangerous goods sheet according to IMDG shall be
Supply base
There shall be performed control measurements of all
radioactive material that arrives the base for excact decision
of specific activity (gammaspectorscopi), oilcontent and
General requirements
All cuttings and production fractions to be reinjected require a
special discharge permit issued by the Norwegian Environment
Agency for the installation concerned.
Chemicals which are part of drilling fluids and production fluids
for cementing and slurrification shall be covered by the fields
frame permit for discharge.
Re-injection of produced water and/or seawater for pressure
support are also covered by the frame permit for discharge.
Transport between installations
Cuttings and other production fractions can be reinjected on
other installations than the one they were extracted from
provided the installation where the reinjection is to take
place has a discharge permit for reinjecting fractions from
other fields
It is not permitted to send offshore and reinject cuttings and
production fractions which have already been sent ashore,
except in cases where the fractions have stayed onboard
the vessel carrying the fractions all the time.
Fractions that can be reinjected
The following fractions can be reinjected:
Cuttings w/used drilling fluid
Drained water from the drilling module
Surplus cement, chemicals and mixing water from
cementing operations
Production fractions such as
o drained water from production modules
o oily chalk, sand, proppant or other tailings from
separators, etc
applies to Valhall
o produced water in the event of problems with the
water treatment plant and backflow of completion and
stimulation fluids
Re-injection of other fractions needs to be clarified with the
HSE department
Documentation and traceability
A log shall be kept of all substances that are reinjected. The log
must, as a minimum, contain:
type of fraction, in accordance with the above list
When reinjecting low specific activity material, the radio
activity measured in Bq/grammes must also be logged
Collection of waste
On each installation, permanent collecting stations must be
set up for each type of hazardous waste
Everyone carrying out waste-generating work shall collect
and store the waste in special areas set up for collection of
different types of waste
Everyone handling hazardous waste shall wear
personal protective equipment as recommended in the
safetydatasheet for the type of waste concerned
Waste must be stored in such a way that it does not
represent any harm to people, the environment or
Different types of hazardous waste must not be mixed with
other waste/other types of waste so as to cause any risk of
pollution or problems in terms of further handling
The storing of waste must be in accordance with the IMDG
code and use appropriate UN-approved drums suitable for
fluids and solid waste.
All waste classified as hazardous waste according to the
Table for completing the declaration form must be handled
as hazardous waste. If in doubt about the classification, the
HSE department must be contacted.
Packaging with residues of products classified as hazardous
waste, or which contains toxic, strongly corrosive or health-
hazardous products must be handled as hazardous waste.
Cuttings and waste from well streams must be handled
in accordance with Re-injection of cuttings and production
Hazardous waste for transport must be packed in a way that
makes it fit for safe storage and transport
Hazardous goods which is classified as hazardous goods
must be handled in accordance with IMDG and ADR Code
and use appropriate UN-approved drums suitable for fluids
and solid waste.
When transporting hazardous waste to a receiving station
for hazardous waste, the store supervisor must fill in a
declaration form in accordance with the Example of a
completed declaration form
The declaration form must refer to the transport document,
manifest, container number and also specify the shipment
A separate declaration form must be filled in for each
type of waste only one waste group to be declared on
one form. Use information field for measured results (ex
H2S measurements)
The declaration form must accompany the shipment when
it leaves the installation until it reaches the receiving station
for hazardous waste
The store supervisor must file a copy of the declaration form
onboard the installation
When transporting hazardous waste, the waste must be
clearly marked with the declaration form number so that the
waste can be easily identified
Hazardous waste which is classified as hazardous goods
must be packed in accordance with the IMDG and ADR
Transport documentation
The transport documentation for transport of hazardous waste
describe the type of hazardous waste concerned
contain the declaration form number
be accompanied by any safetydatasheet
Fill in the analysis results for bulktransportation on the
NWEA sheet.
Adhere to Norwegian Oil & Gas guidelines encompassing
transport of hazardous materials (i.e. when they are issued.
Cf. MARPOOL, Annex II pr. 1.1.2007)
When transporting hazardous waste which is classified as
hazardous goods shall be followed by transport document
, sent together with the manifest and information given to
the captain of the supply vessel.
Supply base
When receiving hazardous waste, the supply base must
o log the shipment
o check that a declaration form has been filled in for the
waste and file a copy of this
o check that the package is intact
o check that the intermediate storing of the waste is such
that it does not represent any danger to people, the
environment and equipment
forward the waste to the hazardous waste contractor
together with the declaration form
Hazardous waste is not to be re-declared at the supply
base. If the declaration form is missing or the packaging has
been damaged, a non-compliance report must be written in
Hazardous waste contractor
Hazardous waste is to be sent to a hazardous waste
contractor which which has a licence from the Norwegian
Environment Agency for receiving and treating the waste
type concerned
The hazardous waste contractor must sign the declaration
form and give it to the supply base which then ticks off for
this in the log
The hazardous waste contractor must file the declaration
form for at least three years
Environmental accounts and reporting
The hazardous waste contractor must keep their own
environmental accounts for each BPN installation stating
the amount and types of hazardous waste generated and
how the waste has been disposed of. The environmental
accounts must be reported to the HSE department on a
monthly basis and be reported in NEMS accounter.
Each year the amount and type of hazardous waste
generated in BP Norge activities must be reported to the
Norwegian Environment Agency in connection with the
annual reporting
Collection of waste
Designated areas for collation of waste shall be designated
on each installation
Every one generating waste during work shall collate and
dispose subject waste at the designated places, such as:
o Paper
o Wood
o Glass
o Plastics
o EE-waste
o Foodcontaminated/conbustible
o Metal
o Grit *)
o Residual waste
*) Grit shall be sorted separately or as hazardous waste
containing e.g. PCB. Please consult environmental advisor for
support on limit values.
Expedient detailed sorting must be assessed by each instal-
Please consult the installations specific waste disposal
Different fractions of waste shall not be mixed. In particular,
waste after food, EE and hazardous substances
Transport of waste shall be done safely
The container containing waste shall be clearly labelled with
type of waste and its origin
Cargo Manifest
Prior to shipment, the cargo manifest shall as a minimum
contain the following:
Place of origin
Container number
Type of waste therein
Supply Base
Upon receipt of waste, the supply base shall:
o log the shipment
o control the cargo manifest and validity of information
o control that the container / shipment is not damaged
forward the waste to its final destination point for proper
identified shortcomings related to the cargo manifest and/or
the container shall be registered into Traction
Environmental Accounting and Reporting
Contractor for waste handling / disposal shall prepare their
account split into: BPN installation, amount of waste, type
of waste and methodology for disposal. Subject data / report
shall be sent to BPNs Environmental Advisor on a monthly
basis and be reported in NEMS Accounter.
The monthly inputs shall be aggregated into a yearly report
sent to the Norwegian Environment Agency.
Attachment 1:
Work Permit Form Level 1
Attachment 2:
Work Permit Form Level 2
Attachment 3:
Guidelines For Completing And Using Work Permit Form
Attachment 4:
Fire Guards Duties
Attachment 5:
Safety Measures For Working With Hydrocarbon Carrying
Attachment 6:
Safety Measures For Working With Hazardous Chemicals
Attachment 7:
Safety Measures For Jet Water Washing Over 250 Bar
Attachment 8:
Safety Measures For Pressure Testing
Attachment 9:
Form For Approval Of Hot Work Class A In Classified Areas
Attachment 10:
Advance Approval Of Hot Work Class A In Classified Areas
Attachment 11:
Form For Logging Heating Value
Attachment 1:
Registration form for work with radioactive scale
Attachment 2:
Registration form - radiation exposure
Attachment 3:
Measurement of radioactive scale
Attachment 4:
Measuring Gamma () Radiation
Attachment 5:
Declaration form for hazardous waste
Attachment 6:
Table for declaration form for hazardous and radioactive
Attachment 7:
Checklist For Permanently Installed Control Sources
Attachment 1 HSE Directive 6 Hazardous material and waste
Registration form for work with radioactive scale
Measuring instrument:
Sketch with measuring instruments, description of activity
Area checked Yes
Sealed off/marked
Disposable coverall
Dust mask cl. P3
Fresh air mask
Marking of equipment
Waste marking