Baker Bill Rosa 1973 Mexico PDF

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JUL S 19?

Name in full William A. Baker (Bill)
Date 26, 1973
Complete address on field 26A Brazos SI:, Eagle Pass, Teigas 78852
Complete forwarding address 264 Brazos St, Eagle Fasg', Texas 78852
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
4 Avenue Cliristian Church
Strppt- ^^h Ave> & 6tih Si* Box 1328 Street
CityHavre Zone. Rt-afp Mont. Zone. .State.
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:
Street_ Street,
City Zone State City Zonp.. SfatP
Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and mil help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit In your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)
NTAMF! 3?^ank Bush Name,
Rtrppt. Box 6^6 Street
r.ii.ySOot t Fp1uff ZinnP fftafp NeTrr. flity. Znnp State.
Name and address of hometown npwwppipftr Gering courier
Gering, ITehraska 69343-
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
Soottphluff Stax Herald
Street. Street.
ritv ScottsUuff 2one, Rfnt. Netoaska city.
Zone. State.
Place of PTRTH Scot-fcshluff
Day of hirth 26 MnnfTi Vpnr ^95Q ^
.Whe^e_baptised_? Lakewood Ghrigiian Church
ni+y Lakewood
April 1962
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
Married, XXX Single. Divorced. Widowed.
Date of Au^. 14. 1970 Where married? Nebraska
Who solemnized your wedding? Ken Smyth, Lyman, Ilebragka
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please Indicate.)
Name Place of their birth
William Alberto Baker .(Billy) Soottsbluff
day, month, and year
2nAt Sfiiali. . JS32,
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place Service Dates
Saltlllo, Mexico Helping Northrups on Summer 1Q6Q
Mission Field
Havre, Montana Siudent Ministry
Summer 1971
Eagle Pass, Texas
SCHOOLING (high school and later):
Name of school Location
Gering High School Qering, Nebraska
Construction of Multi^ Summer 1972
Purpose Building
Platte Valley Bi"ble , ScottsBluff. Ne'br.
Number of years Degrees and date granted
4 -High ScKnnl "niplnma I968
A BA, Christian Education
What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
The main factor influencing me to "become a missionary was first visiting tffice
field during Septem'ber of I968. Follcwing a short but inspirational visit to Mexico
I attended the I968 Missionary Convention in San Antonio Texas, It was here that I
dedicated toy life to the mission field. It vras on this same evening tha,t my wife,
Rosa also came to dedicate her life to the mission field. This was i year before
we were formally introduced.
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
I will be v/orking with Colggio Biblico in preparation for ext;ended service in
Mexico and Lord v;illing after 46 years, Ecuador, The first year will be spent
almost entirely in Language study, I will be working in their printing department
on a limited basis. After some orientation v^e will be working with a Spanish speaking
Church in Mexico on a regular basis, Eventxially I hope to get into the teaching
program at Colegio Biblico, I have purchased a56 passenger school bus vjith the
hopes of converting it into a mobile evangelism unit complete with its oi-jn P,A,
System and audio visual equipment, <
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist, Bible College TeacherPublic School Teacher.
Homemaker, Doctor. Nurse, Social worker, Music teacher.
Radio ministry, Radio followup. Christian Service Camp, Linguistics,
Maintenance of mission equipment.Z55_. Benevolence.
Office work. Name other:
Vafhpr'R rtflmP flnH VinmP aHHrpgg- Don 1. Baker T.-ii/inor DPopagoH XXX
CMy Zone_ State
His nneiipatinn Tg he a Christian? yes. nn.
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?
What Christian service does he now do?
Mother's full maiden name: I'largie I* Thomas Living^i22L,Deceased_^____
636 CityZone statP IJehraska
Is she a Christian? Yes.JEi-No. Her occupation if employed outside the hnmp^^^-^ Cook at PVBC
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local ohureh?
N-flmP Evelyn Behit st.rpet. 2015 P St.
Citv.Gering Zone Rtat.p, Nebraska Telephone:, 308 436 2592 _
Where attend nWoh? Gerxng Central Church of ChrislRtrppt 21st and M Sts.
City, Zone statp Nehraslca 69.341
What duties are performed by the forwarding ag^nt-, Distribute fixnds Carrespondenoe
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?-
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?.
In what form should funds be spnt? '^^eck or Money order j Bill Baker
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
Our addresss will be Box 636 Scottsbluff, Nebraska until late August when we
be located at Colegio Biblico, 264 Brazos St, Eagle Pass, Texas*
JUi- 3
Date Jtme 26, 1973
Name in full Rosa I. Balder
Complete address on field 264 Brazos St Eagle Fasst Texas 7Q852
Complete forwarding address S64 Brazos st. .liag-Ie Pass, Texas 78832
Name and address of Llvinglink church or churches:
Street, Street.
City ,Zone. .State. City 7nne, state
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:
Street-^ Street.
7,nne Rfflte rity 7nne. . State
Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)
NAME. Name.
Strpef Street,
fity Zone Sfafp f^i>y Zone^^ State.
Name and address of hometown newspaper.
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
vSt.rcftt. Street,
Zone_^ SfatP.. rity Zone_^ State.
Place of BTRTH, Eagle Pas a, . Texas
Day of birth^_i_ Month Year
Where.baptised?. In^lesia de Ghrigto Oate ^9^0
r.ity Eagle Pass. fitgtp Texas
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
Mflrripd_^Q^ . fiingrip nivnrppH WidnwpH
Date of marriagp. ^4i 197Q Where married? Lyman; Ne'braBka
Who solemnized your wedding? . Ken Smyth
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth day, month, and year
Killiam Alberto (Billy). Scottabluff, Ngbtr. 2 Sept. ^972
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place Service Dates
V.afr^^o~ ParRj Tartar Piginist 1967-1969
Choir Pianist 1969-1972
SCHOOLING (high school and later):
Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted
Eagle Pass H5 Eagle Pass, Texas 4 HS diploma I969
Flatte Valley EG Scot-bsbluff, Nebr, . 4 B.A, Mtisic 8hrs needed
What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
I lived among missionajy people (Colegio Biblico) most of my life and have
always had their influence over me. I lived with the Harland Gary fa,mily 9yps,
of my life and this was a determining factor, Ky parents have been Christians
as long as I can remember and the^ taught me to do the Eord's work, lly purpose
is to do the Lord*s will and His work in being a pp.rtner to my husband, l-ly goal
is to bring lost soul^ to Christ and others to a closer walk with Him,
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
I believe my duties will be to teach in the Music department of Colegio
Biblico, Also helping vjith a Spanish speaking Church,
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist, Bible College Tpanhpr Public School Teacher^
Homemaker Doctor,^ Nurse Social worker. Music teacher.
Radio miniRtrv. Badin fnllowtip. .nhristian Service Camp, Linguistics
Maintenance of mission equipment.^ Benevolence, Office work Name other:
Father's name and home gr^HrAgg- Martin Ale jandro T.iving XXX Deceased,-^
^116 I-h-iladelphia .Rf-r^pf:. Amprillo . nity Zone.State.^e2cas
His nonupat.inn.^^P^""^^^ Tg he a Christian? y^g nn.
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? Q-nd Supply preaching
What Christian service does he now do? Active in spajiish spea-king church in Amarillo
Mother's full maiden name: Eva Valdez de Alejandro LivlngiE^Deceased.
StrPPt 116 Philadelphia Pify Amgrilln 7nnP StatA Tpvag
Is she a Christian? Vaq XXXMh. Her occupation if employed outside the home.
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church?,
Eihle Schooiy Tee.cher
Name. Street.
City. ZnnA. State. Telephone:
Where attend nhnmh?. streAt
City. ZnnA^ state.
What duties are performed by the forwarding
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?.
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?,
In what form should funds be g^rt?
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
( Copy to introduce the Baker family July 27,1973 by W.E.Mc )
( Picture
The William A. Baker family
Bill tells how they got involved:"" The main factor influencing me
to become a missionary way iHK first visiting the field during September
of 1968* Following a short but inspirational visit to Plexico 1
attended the 1968 Missionary Convention in San Antonio, Texas* It
was here that I dedicated my life to the mission field* Xtf was
on this same evening that ray wife, Rosa also came to dedicate her
life to the mission field* This v;as one year before we were
formally introduced.
" I will be working with Colegio Biblico in preparation for
extended service in Mexico and Lord willing after 4 to 6 years,
Ecuador. The first year will be spent almost entirely in Language
study* I will be working in their printing department on a limited
basis* After some orientation we will be working with a Spanish
speaking church in Mexico on a regular basis. Eventually I hope to
gdt into the teaching program at Colegio Biblico. I have
purchased a 56 passenger school bus with the hopes of cenverting It
into a mobile evangelism unit complete with its own P.A* System and
audio visual equipment* This is a pet project of mine. The ultimate
goal is to equip it with living quarters for an evangelistic team for
months at a time. I hope to use it as a tool for nev/ church evangelism
as home-base for a team. It will have it*s own power supply whereby
we will be able to show
slides and motion pictures in evangelistic
Rosa gives her view:" I lived among missionary people(Colegio
Biblico) most of my life and have always had their influence over roe.
I lived with the Harland Cary family 9 years/ of my life and this was
a determining factor. My parents have been Christians as
( Page 2 - XT STARTED AT THE CONVENTION - July 27t 73 W.E.Mc )
Christians as long as 1 can rem^ober and they taught me to do
the Lord's work* My purpose is to do the turd's will and His work
in being a partner to my husband* My goal is to bring Ipst souls
to Christ and others to a closer walk with Him* I believe my duties
will be to teach in the Music department of Colegio Biblico* Also
helping with a Spanish speaking church**'
William (Bill) A* Baker was born May 26, 1950 at Scottsbludft
Nebraska* Bill was graduated from Gering High SchookCNebraska) 1968*
He then took 4 years at Platte Valley Bible College, Scottsbluff,
Nebraska where he received the B*Ao Christian Education degree in
1972* He did an internship in Mexico the Summer of 1969, a student
ministry at Havre, Montana the Summer of 1971 and construction work
for the Multi-Piirpose building at Eagle Pass, Texas the Summer of
1972* Bill's widowed mother is head cook at Platte Valley Bible
Mrs* Rosa 1* Ali^jandro Baker was born July 4, 1951 at Eagle
Pass, Texas* She was graduated from Eagle Pass High School in
1969* She took 4 years at Platte Valley Bible College and received
the BoA* Music degree* She has served as pianist in Mexico, Texas
and for the Choir at Platte Valley Bible College* Her father is
a preaching elder and her mother teaches in Bible school* She
married Bill on August 14, 1970 at Lyman, Nebraska with Ken Smyth
in charge* They have one son: William (Billy) Alberto Baker bom
September 2, 1972 at Scottsbluff, Nebraska*
The elders give this word:" The Central Ch\irch of Christ at
Gering, Nebraska is happy to be one of the sponsoring churches of
Mr* & Mrs* William A* Baker in their proposed mission work at
Colegio Biblico and related Mexican endeavors* William Baker has
been reared in our acquaintance* We have witnessed his application
to study and preparation in Bible College and recently approved him
( Page 3 XT STARTED AT THE CONVENTION July 27^73 by W,B.M )
in ordination* His character and det:ertaination to serve the; Lord
is highly commended by the congregation and leaders* His wife Rosa,
is also known to us* Her abilities and devotion have made her .j^n
esteemed individual with us in the Lord' s Service* It is a v
pleasxare to commend them both to the churches for their chosen
field of work for Christ*" Frank Bush. President of PVBC. writes:
" It is my distinct privilege to commend William A* Baker as a
servant of our Lord Jesus Christ* I have found him to be a
genuine Christian and a capable9 sacrificial worker* IN
R recommend him as a minister/missionary to our Christian
churches and churches of Christ*"
Their address is: 264 Brazos Street, Eagle Pass, Texas 78852*
ititit dtitifc
II n II If If IT II fi II
Bill and Rosa Baker founded
Latin American Wheels for Evan
gelism, Inc., in August of 1973.
Since that time, they have been
working with the program of Co-
legio Biblico in Eagle Pass, Texas.
It was at Colegio Biblico that
Bill b^an to see the strong need
for the establishment of a publish
ing company dealing with Spanish
Christian literature.
The Lord has been working on
Bill's heart for some time to begin
such a ministry. His work as the
director of publicity at Colegio
Biblico has served as more than an
ample foundation with which to
launch out into Christian litera
ture in Spanish.
Rosa has a deep interest in
music and will continue to work
in the music program of Colegio
Biblico in the future.
The establishment of Latin American
Publishing Is the result of the great need
present in all of Latin America today.
Bill Baker will work as the coordinator
of the project. He will receive manuscripts
from several different sources and follow
ing an evaluation by a committee, they
will be set to type and advance orders
will be taken on each work. When suffi
cient advance orders are taken, printing
will be done at the lowest possible cost
through commercial printers.
The program is designed to be able to
pay it's own printing costs. Any profit
received from book sales will be reinvest
ed in the production of further works.
It is not the intention of Latin Ameri
can Wheels for Evangelism, Inc. to under
write the printing cost of the program.
Latin American Wheels will provide the
living support for the Bakers and in this
manner aid in the production of Spanish
I. Increased Support
During the five month period beginning with
April. 1977 and ending with August, 1977;
Latin American Wheels for Evangelism, Inc.
received an average of $590.00 per month. Dur
ingthe four years in which the Baker's have been
working with Colegio Biblico, their mission in
come has accumulated a total deficit of over
$9,000.00. This amount reflects the diference
between the salary allowed by the trustees of
Colegio Biblico and the actual support received.
It is hoped that a portion of this deficit may
be realized and used to help fulfill the first two
of the following needs.
II. Housing
Upon leavingColegio Biblico, the Baker's wilt
not be eligible to remain in the house which has
been provided them by the college. Housing will
become a major necessity for the Baker's at the
beginning of 1978. Pray that the Lord will pro
vide the means for them to locate in a suitable
location with office space available to begin.
III. Transportation
This new ministry will invlove an enormous
amount of travel within the ocuntry of Mexico.
Asubstantialsavings could be realized if a Volks
wagen Rabbit diesel were purchased. This car
receives approximately 50 miles per gallon and
the price of diesel in Mexico is currently 11 cents
per gallon. For every penny spent on fuel, one
could travel almost five miles! The Lord needs
that kind of economy!
IV. Type-setting Equipment
While this may not be a major concern during
the initial stages of the operation, the purchase
of suitable equipment for set-up work will soon
becqme a necessity. The initial work will be
set-up by using the equipment of Colegio Biblico
under a special arrangement. This type of spe
cialized equipment is rather expensive, but essen
tial in any publishing venture.
; The first book to be published will be "The
Royal Priesthood", by Carl Ketdierside. This
book is being done through a joint effort with
the Iglesia de Cristo (Church of Christ) in Blue
Island, Illinois. This work should be ready for
printing around the first of 1978.
Additional projects also under way include:
"If You Want to Preach", "Acts Made Actual",
and "The Government of the Church". The
first two mentioned above were originally done
by Don DeWeltand the last one mentioned above
was written by Seth Wilson. The translations to
allof the above works have been done by capable
graduates of Colegio Biblico.
it is impossible to know all of the materials
Latin American Publishing may develop in the
future. We can see the need and plan accordingly.
The following are possibilities for publication:
I Sunday School Materials
II Song Books
III Study Materials
IV Tracts
V Textbooks
VI Tools for Evangelism
Bill & Rosa Baker
264 Brazos St.
Eagle Pass, Texas
Latin American Wheels
For Evangelism (LAW)
2015 P St.
Gering, Negraska 69341
September 15, 1973
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ:
It is our prayer that this letter finds all of its recipients growing in the
grace of our T.ord. May each and everyone of you be continually blessed con
cerning the things of God.
concerning our work, many things need to be
said. To begin with Rdsaahd I are presently on the field and gaining new
responsibilities every day.
Many of you may already have received word concerning the incorporation of
Latin American Wheels For Evangelism, Inc. This organization was officially
recognized by the state of Nebraska on the sixth day of August, 1973. We
completed the paperwork necessary to file for tax exemprrtatus'with the in
ternal revenue service on the same day in which we left for Eagle Pass,""Augi
TJ purpose of this organization may be summed up by this statement
from the articles of incorporation,". . .to further the Gospel of Christ by
any means necessary to Latin American Nations and their people wherever they
may be." Rosa and I are sponsored by this organization and will be respon-
sible to Its board of trustees. The board is in its infancy and if there
would be anyone interested in becoming a member upon this reading please con
tact me in Eagle Pass for more information.
Rosa and I left-..Scottsbluff in the late evening of August- 27 and arrived in
Eagle Pass in the early evening,of August 28^ We were greeted with a heavy
downpour of rain and an overheating engine on the Opel. The car performed
well during the trip considering the extreme overload, but something went
wrong just as we entered town. I shut the car off that evening and it has
not moved since.^ In examining the car the following morning, I found water
in the oil, no oil pressure and no water in the radiator. I am hoping to
get it fixed in the near future but funds prevent me from doing this at this
time. We have been borrowing a cary from my brother-in-law to get us by,
The Opel as many of you know has served us well for over 93,000 extremely
hard miles. It is due for a replacement vehicle. Anyone interest in helping"^
in this cause with funds other than that of our living expenses may send them/
to^LAW (address above) marked car fund.
We have moved into a house off the campus of Colegio Biblico but within walk
ing distance, which is a blessing. The bus, which we moved down in July,
started with little difficulty and everything came out of the bus in good
condition. Two days after we found the house, I left with the bus for Mexico
City to pick up the belongings of Tom Cary, who is relocating in Eagle Pass
to work with Colegio Biblico as well.
Platte Valley Bible College P.O.Box 636 Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361
Classes have begun and all is busy with Colegio Biblico, I do not have an
exact number to give concerning enrollment;but it looks like this will be
a good year for Colegio Biblico,
I am taking two classes along with the Spanish-speaking students to famil
iarize myself with the Spanish language. These classes are Grammar III and
the Life of Christ, I do not feel that I will do as well grade-wise in
this classes in comparison with work done at Platte Valley as there is no
English speaking done in the classroom, I got a 50% on my first Grammar test
which was not the lowest grade in the class. That grade was rather good con
sidering my understanding of Spanish.
My working with the printing department is just beginning and it does show
possibilities of real service to Colegio Biblico.
Rosa will begin teaching private piano lessons at thejCollege next week. It
looks as though she will be kept quite busy with the students of Colegio Bi
blico and not be able to take on any outside students.
Rosa and I have taken on the responsibility of being youth directors with the
Iglesia de Cristo in Altamira. This is a suburb of Piederas Negras and is
about 10 miles from our house and about 8 miles inside Mexico. This will in
volve all day on Sundays, as well as Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Plans
are to develop a choir among the youth and present programs in other churches
in the area.
Please feel free to write a personal note to us as we would appreciate any
letters here in Eagle Pass.
Yours for the cause of Christ on the Mexican border,
Bill, Rosa and Billy Baker
1. To bring Christ to Latin America
2. To strengthen Christians in their faith
3. To train Christians for better service
The Baker's are the first family to be
sponsored under the organization of LAW. They
are to begin their work in assisting with the
teaching program of Colegio Biblico in Eagle
Pass, Texas. Here they will not only help with
the college program but also gain experience for
future use in the Lord's Spanish speaking kingdom.
Bill's first experience with m.ission work
first-hand was a result of the National Missionary
Convention in San Antonio, Texas during September
01 1968. it was at chis time that Bill along with
three other students of Platte Valley Bible College
visited Saltillo, Mexico and the work of the Rodney
Northrup family. Following this experience he
dedicated his life to the mission field. From that
time until now he has engineered several projects
of service to missionaries on the field in Mexico.
Rosa was born and reared in and around
the Mexican mission field. She lived for nine years
with Harland Gary, the president of Colegio Biblico.
During this time she worked with several Spanish
speaking churches, both in Texas and in Mexico.
At the age of nine she began playing the piano for
church services and has been serving the Lord in
this manner with enthusiasm since that time.
1. To work with Colegio Biblico in their college
2. To equip and operate a mobile evangelism
unit in Mexico and Latin America.
3. To use their time at Colegio Biblico as rraining
for future work in Latin Ameiica.
Mrs. Behm is a
fine Christian
woman and a
member of the
0 entral Church
of Christ in Gering,
Nebraska. She
is also an aunt
of Bill and was a
strong influence
in his life as a
Christian during
his growing years.
Mailing addresses;
Funds & Correspondence
2015 P St.
Gering, Nebraska
Field address
Bill & Rosa Baker
264 Brazos
Eagle Pass, Texas
S'F.P 2 1 1973
Bill & Rosa Baker
264 Brazos.
Ea^e Pass. Texas
October. 25, 1973
Forwarding agent:
Evelyn Behm
2015 P St.
Gering, Nebraska
Dear Friends in the Lord;
Another month has gone by and it seems that we arrived only yesterday at our present
work here in Eagle Pass. I trust that the Lord has provided for all of your needs in
the past month as he has ours.
In our last newsletter, I mentioned that the Opel was inoperable. That is still true
as I write this letter, but we do have transportation availiable to us. We have re
cently purchased a 1965 Greenbrier van. This is a Corvair model with a rear mounted
air-cooled engine. This van served us well during the first week in which we had it,
as we were having a revival at the church at Altamira. Each night it was used to
transport people to and from the meetings. One night there were over 25 tightly
packed persons loaded into the small van. Since we have bee^^tjQ^ing to_ljty.e on a
,budget of $130 every two weeks, there had been some mon^ in excess of that come into
Latin American Wheets^ for ^Evangelism. It was.,.-with these funds (I should say a portion
of these funds), that we purchased the van for $250. 'We are hoping to continue to live
on the $135 every two hopes"that we will be able to build up a reserve with
which to purchase a newer car for our use.
The revival which I mentioned above seemed to be a great success! The attendance was
at least double our average Sunday attendanc.e^a^xty every night. On one evening,
the attendanc^reached 220,_ There were. 17 decisions for"ChrXsJUjii^ result""oTthis
Campaign^ As my limited Spanish was of little use in the calling program, I printed a
calling tract which was distributed around the area. It is believed that the tract
was a contributing factor in achieving such good attendance.
g-ot a good trial run in Mexico at the end of last month as it was used in con
nection with the monthly area youth rally. Atot^o^67 persons climbed in and rode
to Rio Escondido for the rally. 1 am planning to use the" busagain~Tomorrow for
another rally in Piedras Negras.
ird to
Rosa's -private giano classes are going well. She teaches a total g^f eleven stu(
She has just completed giving them their six-week exams'; tt^is'TiaL-
believe that the first six-week period is over at Colegio Biblico for this school year
Printing at the Colegio is now in full swing and 1 am spending more time than 1 should
in the print room, preparing copy and running the press.
It looks as if 1 must close for now.
In His Service;
Bill & Rosa Baker!
264 Brazos.
Eagle Pass, Texas
December, 1973
I V. -j'
Forwarding agent:
Evelyn Behm
2015 P St.
Gering, Nebraska
Dear Christians:
Thinking of the past four months that we have been with Colegio Blblico,
we have come to realize what a blessing you have been to us. Without the Lord's
help and yours we would not be able to be here.
Work here has kept us busy and always on the run. With six weeks exams
and then a rush trip to Cookson Hills basketball tournament, we have really
been on the go. It was a wonderful trip made by 20 of us here at Colegio Bi-
blico in Bill's bus. It's doing it's jobi We did not have any difficulties
so we Praise the Lord for that I
Rosa is busy with piano lessons and taking care of Billy. Bill is still
working as many hours as he can in the printing shop. Seems like he does not
know when to quit I
We also want to wish all of you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
the Lord bless and reward you as you have generously helped us.
In His work.
Bill, Rosa & Billy

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