Higher Kinnerton October Newsletter
Higher Kinnerton October Newsletter
Higher Kinnerton October Newsletter
Directory & business.... Kinnerton
Your Monthly Higher Kinnerton Community Newsletter.
Mrs Helen Lloyd.
HCPC Registered
Chiropody @ Home
Telephone 01244 661115
Call Us
01244 382416
Unit 1, Chester Trade Park
Bumpers Lane, Sealand.
CH4 4LT. www.living-floors.co.uk
TTS Tyres, Service and Repair Centre
Dobshill Garage
Chester Road
Tel. 01244 545115
Play and Recreation Update
We had a great response to the Dragon
Sports Play Scheme this summer.
Numbers were low for this first few
weeks while families took their
holidays but attendance grew week by
week to maximum capacity by the end
of the summer.
The leaders had a great time running
the various activities with the children
and one of the suggestions to develop
the programme further would be to
run a few sessions for 4-6 year olds and
we will develop this further next year.
After consultation with children from
the village and leisure services
department at Flintshire County
Council we have ring fenced funds to
provide two new pieces of play
equipment and to upgrade the surface
area under the play equipment at St.
Davids Park off Blantern Road which
Flintshire County Council have agreed
to match fund from their budget.
Superfast Broad Band
We have been keeping a keen eye on the superfast broadband roll
out for the village and have been notified by that we have recently
changed status from Planned Area to Coming Soon which is
described as..
Your area will be enabled within the next six months and well
provide more details nearer the time.
At the moment you cant order Superfast Fibre.
Higher Kinnerton is connected to the BT Exchange in Lower
Kinnerton. This exchange currently provides us with 8mb
broadband which by the time it runs up the road is only 6mb
broadband. The best recorded broadband speed in the village is
around 6mb and some as bad as 2mb.
The new broadband services will bring 30mb speeds to the village
which is much better for watching high definition films, game
playing and accessing all the new internet services currently
enjoyed by over half of Flintshire already. For those broadband
users in fixed or annual deals it may well be worth keeping an eye
on www.superfast-cymru.com/home so you are well informed
when it comes to your renewal.
Kinnerton Village Hall 01244 660907
Castell Alun School 01978 760238
Ysgol Derwen School 01244 660291
HK Community Council
HK Under Fives
01244 660277
07780 117428
PCSO Matthew Gordon 07789272218
Cllr Phil Lightfoot 01244 660884
Flintshire County Council 01352 752121
Flintshire Streetscene
Mark Tami M.P.
01352 701234
01244 819854
Easter Bingo.
Easter Bingo all welcome.
Friday 11
April, 50p admission.
Eyes Down 7.30pm1 per book of
tickets, lots of prizes and
refreshments available. All
proceeds support the village hall
Diwali Dinner Diwali Dinner Diwali Dinner Diwali Dinner
Please join us to celebrate Diwali at
Higher Kinnerton Village Hall on 15th November from 5pm.
All friends and family welcome, tickets are 1 each,
kids are free. Tickets are available from school,
Kinnerton Oaks football team, the Post Office,
Dee Patel (0781 405 1555) or please see one of the
FODS members ([email protected]).
We have an exciting evening of fun and food for everyone.
Soak up the great atmosphere with curry and rice at just 5
with various starters at great prices. We will also have, henna tattoos, music and sparklers all courtesy of
the Patel Family. If you can't stay for the evening take away dishes will be available.
All proceeds will be donated to FODS.
Macmillan Cancer Support
The Afternoon Tea on 5th September was a huge
success and 526 was raised for Macmillan Cancer
Support at the event. Thank you to all who bought
tickets, made donations and gave raffle prizes and
special thanks to everyone who helped on the day.
Grateful thanks to Gareth who donated vouchers
for The Oak and The Swan and to Mandy for her
voucher for Serendipity. Tesco kindly contributed
towards the refreshments. All money raised will
help provide nurses and support for cancer patients
and their families.
A Note from the Newsletter Team
Entries to the newsletter can be made by emailing us on
[email protected] or you can submit in
person at the Post office. Entries must be made by the 18th
of the month for delivery the first week of the following
month. If you want to advertise and event which takes place
at the beginning of the month we suggest you submit it two
months prior. In the event we think it will not make it we will
advertise you event on our Facebook page. This newsletter is
produced by Higher Kinnerton Community Council on behalf
of the community.
All work is done on a voluntary basis by a small team of
volunteers. The editors reserve the right to make
amendments to submissions to ensure best fit. If your
submission includes photographs please ensure they are of
good clear quality as poor quality photos will not print well.
All content provided in this newsletter is for informational
purposes only. Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC)
makes no representations as to the accuracy or
completeness of any information contained herein or found
by following any link within the newsletter.
All Saints Church, Higher Kinnerton
Are your young children spooked by Halloween?
Theres nothing to be afraid of!
All Saints together
Sunday October 26th at 4pm.
All Saints Together is an opportunity for families with young children
to explore the Christian faith through stories, craft and music.
Higher Kinnerton Cricket Club
Well the season has finally drawn to a close. Since the last
report we have played three games, winning against Dodleston
CC and at Hawarden Park CC but losing our final game at
Northop. We have decided to continue nets at 11am on
Sundays for a few more weeks so anyone wishing to join us will
be most welcome. Anyone interested in joining us next season
please contact Jim on 660548 or Mike on 660974
Saturday 11
Scouts Jumble Sale
Thursday 16
Village Hall AGM
Saturday 25
KU5s Halloween Party
Sunday 26
All Saints Together
Saturday 15
Diwali Dinner
Friday 5
Ysgol Derwen Christmas Fayre
Following a number of concerns raised by residents, members of the Community Council would respectfully request
that home owners cut back any over-hanging hedges or trees on their property.
Higher Kinnerton Indoor Bowls Club
Indoor Bowls has re-commenced and is held
in the Village Hall every Wednesday Evening
from 6.30pm to 9pm. Annual Subscription of
7 and 1 on club night.
We have up to 3 Mats out to play on and
each game consists of 2 pairs. We would love
to see new members even if you have not
played Bowls before come along to a Bowls
Night and have a go and make new friends.
November will be our club members doubles
competition, which will be held on
a Saturday afternoon to be arranged with a
light lunch first. The Tuesday League Team
are all members of the club and we always
need new players.
All you need is flat shoes. We have bowls you
can use and our Members will coach you.
Contact Geoff (660721)
Its never too early to start making
Christmas Decorations
Councillor Anjela Jones has been giving the Willow
tunnel in the park its autumn weave and haircut. A
large quantity of willow rods have been left in the
park for use by members of the community. Willow
is a fantastic natural resource for crafts and has
many uses. The large rods can be cut up and used
to make frames, trees, stars, the list is only limited
by your imagination.
The smaller flexible branches or whips can be soaked in water for 24
hours to make them pliable and can then be woven into a variety of
shapes and uses. Feel free to take as much willow as you think you need
and there will be plenty more in the spring.
1st Kinnerton Scout Group
The Scout Group Autumn Jumble Sale will be on October 11th.
However, theres no need to wait until then to have a sort out.
If you have any items for the Sale now, Julie Jones will happily
collect them from you. Just phone her on 660907.
Alan Sanders
Beryl and Family would like to thank everyone for
their cards and kind thoughts at this sad time.
Advertising Success leads to publishing Error..
In simple terms we messed up the adverts page this month by promising
spaces to 11 local companies when we only had 10 places to fill Needless
to say we want to support our local enterprises so for one month only
unless we mess it up again, Cedar House Flowers get star billing .
Village Hall AGM Thursday 16
October, Blue Room at 7.30pm.
Any person over 18 living within a two mile radius of the hall may attend. Items for the
agenda should be submitted to the secretary prior to 9
October. For further details
contact Richard Cookson 01244 660543.