Research Proposal

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CMPS/CMPE: Fall 2008

Assignment 4
Due Date: November 25, Friday at the beginning of the class
You have to create a two-page research proposal. Two sample drafts, courtesy, Kristal Pollack and Maxim-
iliano Mehech, are posted on the website and were discussed in the class.
How to Write a Research Proposal
Suresh K. Lodha
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Cruz
[email protected]
The objective of this research is to develop a methodology to educate graduate students how to write
a research proposal.
keywords: research proposal, writing, funding.
1 Introduction and Motivation
One of the most important objectives of graduate education in any eld is to learn how to conduct novel
research. Yet there is little information available to the educators how to prepare their graduate students
for cutting-edge research. One of the key components in this endeavor is to learn the ability to create a
well-written research proposal. The objective of this research is to develop a methodology to impart this
much needed education.
We begin by identifying the key components of a good graduate education in Section 3. We discuss the
background and previous work in this area in Section 2.
2 Background and Previous Work
It is amazing how little is known about how to teach how to conduct innovative research. Most of the infor-
mation is available through verbal communication [J2003] and is held by individual faculty and researchers.
Although one can get a glimpse of some of these views during social conversations at conferences, little is
available in the written form that can be used by other educators.
The problem is signicant because several universities such as UCSC has a large inux of graduate
students who lack training in how to conduct any research and have no prior knowledge or information how
and where to begin. To make matters worse, they often lack much-needed skills of eective literature search,
technical writing, verbal communication skills, presentations skills. They also often have limited exposure to
cutting-edge research articles. Most of them have never attended any conference and have formed opinions
about what is valuable and what is not based on media stories rather than well-rooted research. This
sometimes leads to both under-and-over-estimating the quality of some reported research which clouds clear
thinking towards developing a promising research proposal.
3 Proposed Research and Methodology
The key components of a good research proposal are: (i) What is the problem? (ii) Why is the problem
important? (iii) What is the state-of-art about the solutions of the problem? (iv) How is the proposed
research going to improve the state-of-the-art? This part should clearly bring out the enhancements or
advantages the proposed research is claiming over the existing solutions that can be readily understood by
all your colleagues and not just by highly specialized domain experts. (v) Techniques that will be used to
arrive at the solutions. (vi) Prior work by the PI to establish that they have necessary skills and resources to
conduct the research. In particular the PI should have done some prior work (with publications) to establish
this claim.
A good proposal should be able to address all these issues succintly in two pages and perhaps even less.
Similarly, a good presentation should be able to convey these points and the key idea proposed in less than
ten minutes. Although some researchers may believe that the space or time is not enough, I rmly believe
that you should be able to capture the audience within the rst ve minutes or within the rst few pages or
else you have lost already.
In this research, we will begin to develop techniques for answering all of the above questions. Identication
of a promising research problem is perhaps one of the most dicult part of successful research. Such
identication assumes that you have a good knowledge of the problem and have the necessary, interest, skills,
intuition, and experience to attack the problem. The question is how does the ow-chart of identication of
a good problem look? Is this a sequential process or there are feedback loops, and if so, which are the most
important ones, and how to obtain necessary information or training to ll the gaps that one encounters.
4 Schedule and Deliverables
This research will begin on January 1, 2009 for a period of one year. The research is divided into four
phases. During the rst phase (rst three months), we will create a draft of techniques and methodology
by researching the techniques employed by individual researchers and reported in the pedagogical literature.
During the second phase (next three months), we will conduct interviews with researchers in the industry
and academia soliciting and documenting their views regarding dierent methodologies proposed. In the
third phase, we will identify and implement two most promising technique and educate about 20 graduate
students over a period of ten weeks. In the fourth and nal phase, we will create a nal draft of our ndings
and present and disseminate our results through web and conferences.
5 Budget and Justication
We are requesting support for one month of summer salary for the PI ($14,000), one year of graduate student
support with non-resident tuition fees ($55,000), one PC ($2000), travel to one conference by the PI and the
student researcher ($4,500), and supplies ($1,500) for a total of $76,000. Above gures include an overhead
of 49.7%.
6 Impact
Research and techniques developed in this research will have a major impact in preparing graduate students
in several disciplines particularly in the eld of science and engineering. This research will pave the way
to develop curriculum that can impart much needed skills for writing quality time-critical research and
funding proposals to graduate students in ecient ways. We expect that this research will also be helpful in
developing techniques how to begin conducting cutting-edge research.
[J2003] J. Ferguson. Private Communication, 2008.

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