Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Reference Document On Best Available Techniques For The Waste Treatments Industries Dated August 2005

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Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Reference Document on
Best Available Techniques for the
Waste Treatments Industries
Dated August 2005
This document is one of a series of foreseen document as below (at the time of writing, not all
documents have been drafted):

Full title BREF code
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs ILF
Reference Document on the General Principles of Monitoring MON
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Tanning of Hides and Skins TAN
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Glass Manufacturing Industry GLS
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry PP
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques on the Production of Iron and Steel I&S
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries CL
Reference Document on the Application of Best Available Techniques to Industrial Cooling Systems CV
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Chlor Alkali Manufacturing Industry CAK
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Ferrous Metals Processing Industry FMP
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries NFM
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Textiles Industry TXT
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refineries REF
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Large Volume Organic Chemical Industry LVOC
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in Common Waste Water and Waste Gas
Treatment/Management Systems in the Chemical Sector
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Food, Drink and Milk Industry FM
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Smitheries and Foundries Industry SF
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques on Emissions from Storage ESB
Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media Effects ECM
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants LCP
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Slaughterhouses and Animals By-products
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and Waste-Rock in
Mining Activities
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Surface Treatment of Metals STM
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Waste Treatments Industries WT
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Large Volume Inorganic
Chemicals (Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers)
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration WI
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Manufacture of Polymers POL
Reference Document on Energy Efficiency Techniques ENE
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Organic Fine Chemicals OFC
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Specialty Inorganic
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Surface Treatment Using Solvents STS
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Large Volume Inorganic
Chemicals (Solids and Others)
Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in Ceramic Manufacturing Industry CER
Executive Summary

The BAT (Best Available Techniques) Reference Document (BREF), entitled Waste
Treatments Industries reflects an information exchange carried out under Article 16(2) of
Council Directive 96/61/EC (IPPC Directive). This executive summary describes the main
findings, a summary of the principal BAT conclusions and the associated emission/consumption
levels. It should be read in conjunction with the preface, which explains this documents
objectives; how it is intended to be used and legal terms.

This executive summary can be read and understood as a standalone document but, as a
summary, it does not present all the complexities of this full document. It is therefore not
intended as a substitute for this full document as a tool in BAT decision making.

Scope of this document
This document, together with other BREFs in the series, is intended to cover the activities
described in Section 5 of Annex I of the IPPC Directive, namely waste management. Another
BREF covers waste incineration and some thermal waste treatments such as pyrolysis and
gasification (point 5.2 of Annex I of the Directive). Although point 5.4 of Annex I includes
waste landfills, this document does not cover BAT for landfills.

The Recovery (R) and Disposal (D) (R/D) codes of Annexes II A and II B of Directive
75/442/EEC which refer to the IPPC Directive changed according to the Commission Decision
96/350/EC. Because this last amendment corresponds to the most recent classification of R/D
operation codes, the following table reflects, in agreement with the view of the IEF and TWG
and following the aim of the IPPC Directive, the type of waste operation codes that are covered
in this document.

Waste treatment activity
R/D code
Use of waste principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy R1
Solvent reclamation/regeneration R2
Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials (excluding metals and metal
compounds covered in other recovery treatments (namely R4)
Regeneration of acids or bases R6
Recovery of components used for pollution abatement R7
Recovery of components from catalysts R8
Oil re-refining or other uses of oil R9
Exchange of wastes for submission to some recovery operations (numbered R1 to R11) R12
Storage of wastes pending some recovery operations (numbered R1 to R12) (excluding
temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where it is produced)
Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in Annex II of 96/350/EC which results in
final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of some of the disposal
operations (numbered D1 to D12)

Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in Annex II of 96/350/EC which
results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of some of the
disposal operation (numbered D1 to D12) (e.g. evaporation, drying, calcination, etc.)

Blending or mixing prior to submission to some disposal operations (numbered D1 to
Repacking prior to submission to some disposal operations (numbered D1 to D13) D14
Storage pending any of the disposal operations (numbered D1 to D14) (excluding
temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where it is produced)
Waste treatment activities covered in this document

Executive Summary
A full life cycle assessment applied to a certain waste can consider all the links in the waste
chain as well as the impact of the final product/waste on the environment. IPPC is not intended
to address these analyses but focuses instead on installations. For example, minimisation of the
amount and/or toxicity of the waste produced at source in industrial installations is intrinsic to
IPPC and is covered by each industrial sector BREF (see list on the reverse of the title page of
this document). Another example shows that waste management also covers strategic decisions
on what type of waste is dealt with in each available waste treatment/process/option or what
treatment is given to such a waste. This decision depends on the waste treatment options
available at local, regional, national or international level, which also depends on the location
where the waste is produced.

There are some views that the scope of this document should cover all waste treatment activities
now available in the waste sector. Their view was based on three rationales: first, the technical
characteristics of such additional treatments are very similar if not equal to some of the
treatments covered in this document; secondly they maintain that such issues may benefit the
competitiveness of some waste treatments not covered by IPPC because such installations may
be allowed to operate at less stringent environmental standards than required by BAT; and third
it may be interpreted that because these treatments are not covered, no BAT can be determined
and that they cannot run under BAT conditions.

Scope of this document should not be interpreted as any attempt to interpret IPPC Directive or
any waste legislation.

General information on the waste treatment sector
The waste sector is highly regulated in the EU. For this reason, many legal definitions of terms
commonly used in this sector are available. Waste treatment installations contain operations for
the recovery or disposal of waste. Waste treatment installations are not typically considered to
produce a product like other industrial sectors. Instead, it is typically considered that they
provide services to society to handle their waste materials. However, it is recognised that some
waste treatments may result in some products. As it is shown in the next table, more than 14000
waste treatment installations exist in the EU. It is clear from the table that the physico-chemical
installations represent the majority of WT installations.

Waste treatment Number of known installations
Physico-chemical treatments 9907
Waste transfer 2905
Biological treatments 615
Preparation and use of waste oil as fuel 274
Waste fuel preparation 266
Inorganic waste treatment (excluding metals) 126
Waste solvent treatment 106
Re-refining of waste oil 35
Activated carbon treatment 20
Recovery of pollution abatement 20
Waste catalyst treatment 20
Waste acid/base treatment 13
TOTAL 14307
Note: Figures in this table may be different to actual numbers mainly due to two reasons: On the one
hand, these figures underestimate the number of installations in Europe because some EU countries have
not reported their number of installations. On the other side, these numbers typically include all
capacities so the number of installations falling under IPPC may be lower.
Reported waste treatment installations in the EU

Executive Summary
Applied techniques, emissions and consumptions in the waste treatment sector
This document provides an updated picture of the technical and environmental situation of the
waste treatment sector covered. It contains a brief technical description of the activities and
processes found in the sector and is complemented by the actual emissions and consumptions
found in the installations. More concretely, the information in this document describes:

commonly applied techniques such as generic management of installations, reception,
acceptance, traceability, quality assurance, storage and handling, energy systems
biological treatments such as anaerobic and aerobic digestion and off-site biotreatment of
physico-chemical treatments applied to waste waters, waste solids and sludges
recovery of materials from waste such as regeneration of acids and bases, catalysts,
activated carbon, solvents and resins as well as re-refining of waste oils
preparation solid/liquid waste fuel from non-hazardous and hazardous waste
emission abatement treatments to air, waste water and residues generated in the WT

This document also identifies the key environmental issues for the waste treatment sector. These
are related with air emissions, emission to water, waste and soil contamination. However, due to
the variety of waste treatments and types of waste involved, not all types of emissions are
relevant for all waste treatments. For example, the emissions from the physico-chemical
treatment of waste water are mainly related to waste water and the regeneration of activated
carbon is mainly related to air emissions. These types of specifities are shown in this document
and can guide the reader to recognise the main environmental issues for each type of

Techniques to consider in the determination of BAT
940 techniques are actually included and considered in the determination of BAT. Some other
techniques may not been included simply because information has not been provided. The
techniques included have been analysed following the same outline. Such an analysis is reported
for each technique with a brief description, the achieved environmental benefits, the cross-
media effects, the operational data, the applicability and economics. In some cases, the driving
force for implementation has been explored and examples of WT installations using such
techniques are reported. The analysis of the techniques ends with the reference literature
supporting the data in Chapter 4. The techniques have been structured in eight sections. The first
one is related to generic techniques and the last three are related to end-of-pipe techniques
applied in the sector. The four middle sections refer to different specific waste treatments.

Due to the high number and variety of techniques considered in the determination of BAT, it is
challenging to provide a short summary. The following table was constructed in order to give a
snapshot of the techniques considered in the determination of BAT within this document. The
table shows for each type of waste treatment identified in this document, the number of different
types of techniques. Four different categories have been identified. The first category relates to
techniques for the improvement of the environmental performance of the waste treatment itself,
or techniques for the prevention of contamination or the management of the waste treatment
facility. The other three categories relate to a) techniques for the abatement of air emissions, b)
techniques for the abatement of water emissions and c) treatment of solid residues generated
during the waste treatment process as well as techniques for the control and prevention of soil
contamination. In many cases, it is difficult to include some techniques in one specific category.
The number of techniques in the next table do not relate with the number of sections within a
section. There are many cases in this document where more than one technique is included in
one section.

Executive Summary
Number of techniques applied to
Type of waste treatment

waste treatment,
prevention and

air emissions



Common techniques 296 26 16 31 369
Biological treatments 41 58 3 4 106
Physico-chemical treatments 133 17 4 6 160
Recovery of materials 44 44 19 7 114
Preparation of waste fuel 39 16 0 0 55
Air abatement treatments 57 57
Waste water treatments 52 52
Residue management 27 27
TOTAL 553 218 94 75 940
Techniques to consider in the determination of BAT

From the table above it can be easily calculated that more than half of the techniques are related
to the improvement of the environmental performance of waste treatments, prevention or
management techniques. The rest of the techniques are mainly devoted to the abatement of air
emissions representing close to a quarter, and the rest more or less equally distributed between
treatment of waste water and treatment of solid residues. From the other perspective, it can be
calculated that more than a third of the techniques are considered common techniques. For the
four different type of specific treatment identified, physico-chemical treatment is the section
which contains the most techniques.

Best available techniques for the waste treatment sector
This document contains the determined Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the waste
treatment sector. These relate to the most relevant environmental issues and typically relate to
emissions from normal operation. In some situations, BAT conclusions on emissions from
incidents and (major) accidents are also reported.

The BAT identified are summarised in the following table. This table cannot be properly
understood if the full BAT section is not read and then cannot be used as a decision making
tool. The main reason is that each BAT conclusion contains numerous details mainly relating to
when the BAT conclusion is applicable. Some facts can be extracted from the BAT chapter:

BAT conclusions for the waste treatment sector are set out at two levels. One level deals
with generic BAT conclusions, i.e. they are generally applicable to the whole sector. The
other level contains more specific BAT conclusions, e.g. those for the various types of
specific processes and activities identified in the scope. So, the BAT for any specific type of
waste treatment installation are a combination of the generic elements generally applied
and the activity specific elements applicable to the particular case. In some cases, other
BREF documents can give guidance and then form part of the list of documents that need to
be considered when analysing a specific installation. As an example, BAT for re-refining
waste oil contains the BAT elements numbered from 1 to 64 plus 95 to 104. On top of that,
it may be considered that other BREF documents related to the issue may give extra
guidance. Another example is that BAT for liquid waste fuels from hazardous waste contain
the BAT elements from 1 to 64, 117 to 121 and 129 to 130
some of the BATs are based on concrete techniques or technologies
some BATs have been identified to be related to hazardous waste. Such techniques have
been highlighted following a similar strategy to that used in the European waste list of the
waste framework Directive
in the determination of BAT in this sector, some associated emission levels following the
use of BAT have been identified. These relate to emissions of volatile organic compounds
and particulate matter to air, and water parameters such as chemical oxygen demand,
biological oxygen demand and heavy metals. Moreover, emissions to air of odour and
ammonia have been identified for mechanical biological treatment and emissions to water
of hydrocarbons and phenols have been identified for waste oil treatment.
Executive Summary
Category Identified BAT elements on
Generic BAT
Environmental management 1. environmental management systems
2. provision of full details of the activities carried out on-site
3. having a good housekeeping procedure in place
4. having a close relationship with the waste producer/customer
5. the availability of qualified staff
Improve the knowledge of
the waste input
6. having a concrete knowledge of the waste input
7. implementing a pre-acceptance procedure
8. implementing an acceptance procedure
9. implementing different sampling procedures
10. having a reception facility
Waste output 11. analysing the waste output
Management systems 12. the traceability in waste treatment
13. mixing/blending rules
14. segregation and compatibility procedures
15. the efficiency of waste treatment
16. accident management plan
17. incident diary
18. noise and vibration management plans
19. decommissioning
Utilities and raw material
20. energy consumption and generation
21. energy efficiency
22. internal benchmarking
23. the use of waste as a raw material
Storage and handling 24. generic storage techniques
25. bunding
26. pipework labelling
27. storage/accumulation of waste
28. generic handling techniques
29. bulking/mixing techniques of packaged waste
30. the segregation guide for storage
31. the techniques to handle containerised waste
Other common techniques
not mentioned before
32. using extractive vents during crushing, shredding and sieving
33. encapsulating the crushing and shredding of special waste
34. washing processes
Air emission treatments 35. the use of open topped tanks, vessels and pits
36. enclosing systems with extraction to suitable abatement plants
37. sized extraction systems for some storage and treatments
38. the operation and maintainance of the abatement equipment
39. scrubber systems for major inorganic gaseous releases
40. leak detection and repair procedures
41. reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds and particulate
matter to the air
Executive Summary
Category Identified BAT elements on
Waste water management 42. water use and the contamination of water
43. effluent specification being suitable for the on-site effluent treatment
system or discharge criteria
44. avoiding the effluent by-passing the treatment plant systems
45. collectioning waste waters
46. segregrating waste waters
47. having a full concrete base in all the treatment areas
48. collecting rainwater
49. re-using treated waste waters and rainwater
50. daily checking on the effluent management system and maintainance
of a log
51. identifing the main hazardous constituents of the treated effluent
52. the appropriate WW treatment techniques for each type of waste
53. increasing the reliability of control and abatement performance to
waste waters
54. the main constituents of treated waste water
55. discharging of the waste water
56. the emission levels on chemical and biological oxygen demand and
heavy metals associated to the use of BAT
Management of the process
generated residues
57. residue management planning
58. using re-usable packaging
59. re-using drums
60. having an inventory of the waste on-site
61. re-using waste
Soil contamination 62. providing and maintaining the surface of operational areas
63. the impermeable base and drainage
64. minimising site and underground equipment
BAT for specific types of waste treatments
Biological treatments 65. the storage and handling in biological systems
66. waste types and separation processes
67. techniques for anaerobic digestion
68. reducing the air emissions of dust, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides,
carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and volatile organic compounds
when using biogas as fuel
69. the techniques for mechanical biological treatments
70. reducing the emissions of odour, ammonia, nitrous oxide and mercury
from mechanical biological treatments
71. reducing the emissions to water of total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate
and nitrite
treatments of waste waters
72. the techniques in physico-chemical reactors
73. additional waste water parameters needing to be identified
74. neutralisation process
75. the precipitation of the metals
76. the break-up of emulsions
77. oxidation/reduction
78. waste waters containing cyanides
79. waste waters containing chromium (VI) compounds
80. waste waters containing nitrites
81. waste waters containing ammonia
82. air abatement during filtration and dewatering processes
83. flocculation and evaporation
84. cleaning of sieving processes
Physico-chemical treatment
of solid wastes
85. the insolubilisation of amphoteric metals
86. the leachability of inorganic compounds
87. restricting the acceptance of wastes to be treated by
88. enclosed systems
89. abatement systems in charging and unloading
90. solid wastes to be landfilled
Executive Summary
Category Identified BAT elements on
Physico-chemical treatment
of contaminated soil
91. the control of excavations
92. determining the suitability of the process to be applied
93. collecting and controlling equipment
94. the efficiency achieved during the processes
Re-refining of waste oils 95. controling of incoming materials
96. checking chlorinated solvents and polychlorinated biphenyls
97. condensation for the gas phase of the flash distillation units
98. abatement during the loading and unloading of vehicles
99. different abatements when chlorinated species are present
100. thermal oxidation
101. vacuum systems
102. using the residues from vacuum distillation or thin film evaporators
103. highly efficient re-refining processes of waste oil
104. waste water emission values for hydrocarbon and phenols
Regeneration of waste
105. controlling of incoming materials
106. evaporating the residue
Regeneration of waste
107. using bag filters
108. using sulphur oxide abatement systems
Regeneration of waste
activated carbons
109. quality control procedures
110. the origin of the waste activated carbons
111. using a kiln for the treatment of industrial carbons
112. using an afterburner for the regeneration of industrial carbons
113. using an afterburner for the regeneration of potable water and food
grade active carbons
114. using a flue-gas treatment train
115. scrubbing systems
116. waste water treatment plants
Preparation of waste to be
used as fuel
117. transferring the knowledge of the waste fuel composition prepared
118. quality assurance systems
119. manufacturing different type of waste fuels
120. waste water treatments
121. safety aspects
Preparation of solid waste
fuels from non-hazardous
122. visually inspecting the incoming wastes
123. using magnetic ferrous and non ferrous metal separators
124. using near-infrared techniques
125. the preparation of the waste fuel at the correct size
Preparation of solid waste
fuels from hazardous waste
126. drying or heating operations
127. mixing and blending operations
128. the abatement of particulates
Preparation of liquid waste
fuels from hazardous waste
129. using heat-exchange units external to the vessel
130. the homogeneity of the liquid fuel
BATs for the waste treatment sector

Emerging techniques
This document also includes the techniques identified by the TWG that have not yet been
commercially applied and are still in the research or development phase. However, because of
the implications they may have in the waste treatment sector, they have been included here to
raise awareness for any future revision of this document.

Concluding remarks
From the beginning of the information exchange process, it has been clear that there are
different conceptions of what waste treatment installations should and should not be in this
document. Moreover, it has been detected that some installations will be only partially affected
by IPPC. Due mainly to these facts, a considerable amount of expert time has been dedicated to
try to solve and understand these issues and, therefore, expert time dedicated to determination of
BAT for the sector was restricted. This issue has probably restricted the amount of conclusions
reached in the information exchange. Additionally, different views on the structure of this
document were also discussed at the two plenary meetings (kick-off meeting and final meeting).
Executive Summary
viii August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
A high level of consensus was reached on the BAT chapter. However, there are some views on
the coverage of this document claiming that the scope of this document needs to be enlarged to
include other waste treatments not covered in this actual document.

In preparation for future reviews of this document, all TWG members and interested parties
should continue to collect data on the current consumption and emission levels and on the
performance of techniques to be considered in the determination of BAT.

The EC is launching and supporting, through its RTD programmes, a series of projects dealing
with clean technologies, emerging effluent treatment and recycling technologies and
management strategies. Potentially these projects could provide a useful contribution to future
reviews of this document. Readers are therefore invited to inform the EIPPCB of any research
results which are relevant to the scope of this document (see also the preface of this document).


1. Status of this document
Unless otherwise stated, references to the Directive in this document means the Council
Directive 96/61/EC on integrated pollution prevention and control. As the Directive applies
without prejudice to Community provisions on health and safety at the workplace, so does this

This document forms part of a series presenting the results of an exchange of information
between EU Member States and industries concerned on best available technique (BAT),
associated monitoring, and developments in them. *[It is published by the European
Commission pursuant to Article 16(2) of the Directive, and must therefore be taken into account
in accordance with Annex IV of the Directive when determining best available techniques].

* Note: bracket will be removed once the procedure of publication by the Commission is

2. Relevant legal obligations of the IPPC Directive and the definition of BAT
In order to help the reader understand the legal context in which this document has been drafted,
some of the most relevant provisions of the IPPC Directive, including the definition of the term
best available techniques, are described in this preface. This description is inevitably
incomplete and is given for information only. It has no legal value and does not in any way alter
or prejudice the actual provisions of the Directive.

The purpose of the Directive is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution arising
from the activities listed in its Annex I, leading to a high level of protection of the environment
as a whole. The legal basis of the Directive relates to environmental protection. Its
implementation should also take account of other Community objectives such as the
competitiveness of the Communitys industry thereby contributing to sustainable development.

More specifically, it provides for a permitting system for certain categories of industrial
installations requiring both operators and regulators to take an integrated, overall look at the
polluting and consuming potential of the installation. The overall aim of such an integrated
approach must be to improve the management and control of industrial processes so as to ensure
a high level of protection for the environment as a whole. Central to this approach is the general
principle given in Article 3 that operators should take all appropriate preventative measures
against pollution, in particular through the application of best available techniques enabling
them to improve their environmental performance.

The term best available techniques is defined in Article 2(11) of the Directive as the most
effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation
which indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the
basis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally
to reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole. Article 2(11) goes on to
clarify further this definition as follows:

techniques includes both the technology used and the way in which the installation is
designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;

available techniques are those developed on a scale which allows implementation in the
relevant industrial sector, under economically and technically viable conditions, taking into
consideration the costs and advantages, whether or not the techniques are used or produced
inside the Member State in question, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;

best means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environment
as a whole.

Furthermore, Annex IV of the Directive contains a list of considerations to be taken into
account generally or in specific cases when determining best available techniques ... bearing in
mind the likely costs and benefits of a measure and the principles of precaution and prevention.
These considerations include the information published by the Commission pursuant to
Article 16(2).

Competent authorities responsible for issuing permits are required to take account of the general
principles set out in Article 3 when determining the conditions of the permit. These conditions
must include emission limit values, supplemented or replaced where appropriate by equivalent
parameters or technical measures. According to Article 9(4) of the Directive, these emission
limit values, equivalent parameters and technical measures must, without prejudice to
compliance with environmental quality standards, be based on the best available techniques,
without prescribing the use of any technique or specific technology, but taking into account the
technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the local
environmental conditions. In all circumstances, the conditions of the permit must include
provisions on the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary pollution and must ensure a
high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

Member States have the obligation, according to Article 11 of the Directive, to ensure that
competent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques.

3. Objective of this Document
Article 16(2) of the Directive requires the Commission to organise an exchange of information
between Member States and the industries concerned on best available techniques, associated
monitoring and developments in them, and to publish the results of the exchange.

The purpose of the information exchange is given in recital 25 of the Directive, which states that
the development and exchange of information at Community level about best available
techniques will help to redress the technological imbalances in the Community, will promote
the worldwide dissemination of limit values and techniques used in the Community and will
help the Member States in the efficient implementation of this Directive.

The Commission (Environment DG) established an information exchange forum (IEF) to assist
the work under Article 16(2) and a number of technical working groups have been established
under the umbrella of the IEF. Both IEF and the technical working groups include
representation from Member States and industry as required in Article 16(2).

The aim of this series of documents is to reflect accurately the exchange of information which
has taken place as required by Article 16(2) and to provide reference information for the
permitting authority to take into account when determining permit conditions. By providing
relevant information concerning best available techniques, these documents should act as
valuable tools to drive environmental performance.

4. Information Sources
This document represents a summary of information collected from a number of sources,
including in particular the expertise of the groups established to assist the Commission in its
work, and verified by the Commission services. All contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

5. How to understand and use this document
The information provided in this document is intended to be used as an input to the
determination of BAT in specific cases. When determining BAT and setting BAT-based permit
conditions, account should always be taken of the overall goal to achieve a high level of
protection for the environment as a whole.

The rest of this section describes the type of information that is provided in each chapter of this

Chapters 1 and 2 provide general information on the industrial sector concerned and on the
applied processes and techniques used within the sector. Chapter 3 provides data and
information concerning current consumption and emission levels reflecting the situation in
existing installations at the time of writing.

Chapter 4 describes in more detail the emission reduction and other techniques that are
considered to be most relevant for determining BAT and BAT-based permit conditions. This
information includes the consumption and emission levels considered achievable by using the
technique, some idea of the costs and the cross-media issues associated with the technique, and
the extent to which the technique is applicable to the range of installations requiring IPPC
permits, for example new, existing, large or small installations. Techniques that are generally
seen as obsolete are not included.

Chapter 5 presents the techniques and the consumption and emission levels that are considered
to be compatible with BAT in a general sense. The purpose is thus to provide general
indications regarding the consumption and emission levels that can be considered as an
appropriate reference point to assist in the determination of BAT-based permit conditions or for
the establishment of general binding rules under Article 9(8). It should be stressed, however,
that this document does not propose emission limit values. The determination of appropriate
permit conditions will involve taking account of local, site-specific factors such as the technical
characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the local
environmental conditions. In the case of existing installations, the economic and technical
viability of upgrading them also needs to be taken into account. Even the single objective of
ensuring a high level of protection for the environment as a whole will often involve making
trade-off judgements between different types of environmental impact, and these judgements
will often be influenced by local considerations.

Although an attempt is made to address some of these issues, it is not possible for them to be
considered fully in this document. The techniques and levels presented in Chapter 5 will
therefore not necessarily be appropriate for all installations. On the other hand, the obligation to
ensure a high level of environmental protection including the minimisation of long-distance or
transboundary pollution implies that permit conditions cannot be set on the basis of purely local
considerations. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the information contained in this
document is fully taken into account by permitting authorities.

Since the best available techniques change over time, this document will be reviewed and
updated as appropriate. All comments and suggestions should be made to the European IPPC
Bureau at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies at the following address:

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MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xiii
Best Available Techniques Reference Document for the
Waste Treatments Industry

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................I
SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................. XXVII
1 GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The purpose of waste treatment................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Installations for the treatment of waste ....................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Waste transfer installations.................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Installations containing a biological treatment of waste ........................................................ 4
1.2.3 Installations for the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters.......................................... 6
1.2.4 Installations for the treatment of combustion ashes and flue-gas cleaning residues.............. 7
1.2.5 Installations for the treatment of waste contaminated with PCBs ......................................... 7
1.2.6 Installations for treatment of waste oil................................................................................... 8
1.2.7 Installations for treatment of waste solvent ......................................................................... 12
1.2.8 Installations for the treatment of waste catalysts, waste from pollution abatement and
other inorganic waste........................................................................................................... 13
1.2.9 Installations for treatment of activated carbon and resins.................................................... 13
1.2.10 Installations for the treatment of waste acids and bases ...................................................... 15
1.2.11 Installations for the treatment of contaminated wood.......................................................... 15
1.2.12 Installations for the treatment of contaminated refractory ceramics.................................... 16
1.2.13 Installations for the preparation of waste to be used as fuel ................................................ 16
1.3 Economic and institutional aspects of the waste treatment sector............................................. 21
1.4 General environmental issues related to installations that treat waste....................................... 23
2 APPLIED PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES ............................................................................ 27
2.1 Common techniques applied in the sector................................................................................. 31
2.1.1 Reception, acceptance, traceability and quality assurance................................................... 31
2.1.2 Management techniques ...................................................................................................... 35
2.1.3 Energy systems .................................................................................................................... 36
2.1.4 Storage and handling ........................................................................................................... 36
2.1.5 Blending and mixing............................................................................................................ 40
2.1.6 Decommissioning ................................................................................................................ 43
2.1.7 Treatment of smalls ............................................................................................................. 43
2.1.8 Size reduction ...................................................................................................................... 44
2.1.9 Other common techniques ................................................................................................... 45
2.1.10 Examples of waste treatment installations where only the common techniques are
applied ................................................................................................................................. 46
2.2 Biological treatments of waste .................................................................................................. 48
2.2.1 Anaerobic digestion............................................................................................................. 48
2.2.2 Mechanical biological treatments ........................................................................................ 50
2.2.3 Biological treatments applied to contaminated soil ............................................................. 53
2.3 Physico-chemical treatments of waste....................................................................................... 55
2.3.1 Physico-chemical treatments of waste waters...................................................................... 55
2.3.2 Unit operations used in Ph-c treatments of waste waters..................................................... 58
2.3.3 Physico-chemical treatments of waste solids and waste sludges ......................................... 62 Extraction and separation............................................................................................... 63 Thermal treatments ........................................................................................................ 63 Mechanical separation.................................................................................................... 64 Conditioning .................................................................................................................. 65 Immobilisation ............................................................................................................... 65 Dewatering..................................................................................................................... 68 High temperature drying ................................................................................................ 69 Thermal distillative drying plants .................................................................................. 70 Thermal desorption ........................................................................................................ 71 Vapour extraction........................................................................................................... 72 Solvent extraction .......................................................................................................... 72 Excavation and removal of contaminated soil ............................................................... 73 Soil washing................................................................................................................... 74
xiv August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Treatment of asbestos .....................................................................................................76 Bottom ash treatment......................................................................................................76
2.3.4 Unit operations used in the physico-chemical processing of waste solids and sludges........78
2.3.5 Physico-chemical treatments of other wastes.......................................................................79
2.4 Treatments applied mainly to recover the materials from waste ...............................................82
2.4.1 The re-refining of waste oils ................................................................................................82 Pretreatment of waste oil ................................................................................................84 Cleaning of waste oil ......................................................................................................85 Fractionation of waste oil ...............................................................................................86 Finishing of waste oil .....................................................................................................86 Technologies used for the re-refining of waste oils........................................................87
2.4.2 Regeneration of waste solvents ............................................................................................92
2.4.3 Regeneration of waste catalysts and recovery of components from abatement
2.4.4 Regeneration of activated carbon.........................................................................................96
2.4.5 Regeneration of resins..........................................................................................................97
2.4.6 Regeneration of waste acids and bases.................................................................................97 Regeneration of spent sulphuric acid..............................................................................98 Regeneration of spent hydrochloric acid ........................................................................99
2.4.7 Treatment of solid photographic waste ................................................................................99
2.4.8 Treatment of liquid photographic waste...............................................................................99
2.5 Treatments primarly aimed at producing material to be used as fuel or for improving its
energy recovery .......................................................................................................................101
2.5.1 Preparation of solid waste fuel mainly from solid waste....................................................102 Preparation of solid waste fuel by mechanical (and biological) treatment from non-
hazardous wastes ..........................................................................................................102 Preparation of solid waste fuel mainly from liquids and semi-liquid hazardous
waste.............................................................................................................................107 Preparation of solid waste fuel by the carbonisation of contaminated wood................108
2.5.2 Preparation of liquid waste fuels ........................................................................................109 Preparation of organic liquid waste fuels by blending mainly hazardous wastes .........109 Preparation of liquid waste fuels by fluidification of hazardous wastes.......................111 Preparation of emulsions from liquid/semi-liquid hazardous waste.............................113 Treatments of waste oil where waste OUT is basically used as a fuel .........................115 Direct burning of waste oils................................................................................116 Mild reprocessing of waste oils ..........................................................................116 Severe reprocessing ............................................................................................118 Thermal cracking................................................................................................120 Hydrotreatment ...................................................................................................122 Production of biodiesel from vegetable waste oils .......................................................122
2.5.3 Preparation of gaseous fuel from waste..............................................................................123
2.6 Techniques for the abatement of emissions .............................................................................123
3 CURRENT CONSUMPTION AND EMISSION LEVELS........................................................125
3.1 Emissions and consumptions from common waste treatment processes/activities..................127
3.1.1 Waste IN in common treatments ........................................................................................127
3.1.2 Consumptions of common treatments ................................................................................128
3.1.3 Emissions from common treatments ..................................................................................128
3.1.4 Waste OUT from common waste treatments .....................................................................140
3.2 Emissions and consumptions from biological treatments ........................................................141
3.2.1 Waste IN in biological treatments ......................................................................................141
3.2.2 Consumptions of biological treatments ..............................................................................143
3.2.3 Emissions from biological treatments ................................................................................145
3.2.4 Waste OUT from biological treatments .............................................................................156
3.3 Emissions and consumptions from physico-chemical treatments............................................161
3.3.1 Waste IN in physico-chemical treatments..........................................................................161
3.3.2 Consumptions of physico-chemical treatments..................................................................167
3.3.3 Emissions from physico-chemical treatments ....................................................................173 Emissions from the physico-chemical treatments of waste waters...............................173 Emissions from the physico-chemical treatment of waste solids and sludges..............180 Emissions from the treatment of specific wastes..........................................................186
3.3.4 Waste OUT from physico-chemical treatments .................................................................187
3.4 Emissions and consumptions from waste treatments applied mainly to recover the
materials from waste ............................................................................................................... 193
3.4.1 Waste IN treated to obtain a recycled material .................................................................. 193
3.4.2 Consumptions of waste treatments to obtain a recycled material ...................................... 201
3.4.3 Emissions from waste treatments to obtain a recycled material ........................................ 207 Emissions from the re-refining of waste oils ............................................................... 207 Emissions from the regeneration of waste solvents ..................................................... 222 Emissions from the regeneration of waste catalysts..................................................... 225 Emissions from the cleaning and regeneration of carbon ............................................ 225 Emissions from the regeneration of ion exchange resins ............................................. 228 Emissions from waste acids and bases treatments ....................................................... 228 Emissions from the treatment of photographic waste .................................................. 228
3.4.4 Waste OUT from re-recycling/regeneration treatments..................................................... 229
3.5 Emissions and consumptions from waste treatments aimed to produce a material to be
used as fuel .............................................................................................................................. 233
3.5.1 Waste IN for the preparation of waste fuels ...................................................................... 233
3.5.2 Consumptions of preparation of waste fuel ....................................................................... 239
3.5.3 Emissions from the preparation of waste fuel.................................................................... 242
3.5.4 Waste fuels (waste OUT)................................................................................................... 251 Solid waste fuel prepared from municipal solid waste................................................. 253 Specifications of waste fuel to be used in cement kilns ............................................... 257 Waste oil used as fuel................................................................................................... 260 Quality assurance systems ........................................................................................... 262
3.6 Emissions and consumptions from end-of-pipe treatments (abatement) ................................. 266
3.7 Monitoring............................................................................................................................... 269
4 TECHNIQUES TO CONSIDER IN THE DETERMINATION OF BAT................................ 277
4.1 Common techniques to consider in the determination of BAT............................................... 279
4.1.1 Techniques to improve knowledge of the waste IN........................................................... 279 Waste composition characterisation............................................................................. 279 Pre-acceptance procedure to assess if waste is suitable to be stored or/and treated
in the installation.......................................................................................................... 283 Acceptance procedures when the waste arrives at the WT installation........................ 286 Sampling ...................................................................................................................... 289 Reception facilities....................................................................................................... 291
4.1.2 Management systems......................................................................................................... 294 Techniques to determine the type of waste treatment applied to each waste ............... 294 Guaranteed supply of waste ......................................................................................... 295 Techniques to increase the traceability of waste .......................................................... 296 Improvement of the efficiency of waste treatments ..................................................... 298 Management techniques............................................................................................... 299 Identification of economies of scale and synergies...................................................... 300 Provision of full details on the activities to be carried out ........................................... 301 Environmental management tools................................................................................ 302 Promote good collaboration between waste producer and holder................................ 309 Utilisation of qualified personnel in the facility........................................................... 310
4.1.3 Utilities and raw material management ............................................................................. 311 Provision of a breakdown of the energy consumption and generation by source ........ 311 Use of cleaner fuels...................................................................................................... 312 Use of waste as fuel ..................................................................................................... 312 Measures to improve energy efficiency ....................................................................... 313 Raw material selection................................................................................................. 316 Techniques to reduce water use and prevent water contamination .............................. 317
4.1.4 Storage and handling ......................................................................................................... 320 Generic techniques applied to waste storage................................................................ 320 Techniques for the storage of drums and other containerised wastes .......................... 323 Techniques to improve the maintenance of storage ..................................................... 324 Bunds for liquid storage............................................................................................... 325 Restricting the use of open topped tanks, vessels or pits ............................................. 325 Generic techniques applied to waste handling ............................................................. 326 Handling of solid waste................................................................................................ 328 Handling activities related to transfers into or from drums and containers.................. 328 Automatic unloading of drums..................................................................................... 329
xvi August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Techniques to improve stock control in storage ...........................................................330 Computer controlled high rack storage area for hazardous wastes...............................331 Tank and process pipework labelling ...........................................................................332 Carrying out a compatibility test prior to transfer ........................................................333 Segregation of storage ..................................................................................................336
4.1.5 Segregation and compatibility testing ................................................................................338
4.1.6 Techniques for the environmental improvement of other common techniques .................342 Techniques to reduce emissions from drum crushing and shredding activities............342 Techniques to reduce emissions from washing processes ............................................344
4.1.7 Techniques to prevent accidents and their consequences...................................................344
4.1.8 Techniques to reduce noise and vibrations.........................................................................348
4.1.9 Techniques for de-commissioning .....................................................................................349
4.2 Techniques to consider in biological treatments......................................................................350
4.2.1 Selection of the appropriate biological treatment...............................................................350
4.2.2 Specific storage and handling techniques for biological treatments...................................351
4.2.3 Selection of feedstock for biological systems ....................................................................353
4.2.4 Generic techniques for anaerobic digestion .......................................................................354
4.2.5 Increase the retention time in the anaerobic digestion processes .......................................356
4.2.6 Techniques for the reduction of emissions when biogas is used as fuel.............................356
4.2.7 Increasing the energy efficiency of the electricity generators and anaerobic digestion
systems ...............................................................................................................................358
4.2.8 Techniques to improve mechanical biological treatments..................................................359
4.2.9 Aerobic digestion of slurries ..............................................................................................361
4.2.10 Aeration control of biological degradation.........................................................................362
4.2.11 Management of exhaust gas in MBTs................................................................................363
4.2.12 Abatement techniques for biological treatments ................................................................364
4.3 Techniques for physico-chemical treatments...........................................................................365
4.3.1 Techniques used in physico-chemical treatment plants of waste waters............................365 Planning the operation of a Ph-c plant..........................................................................365 Techniques for Ph-c reactors ........................................................................................366 Neutralisation ...............................................................................................................367 Precipitation of metals ..................................................................................................368 Break-up of emulsions..................................................................................................370 Oxidation/reduction......................................................................................................371 Techniques for the treatment of wastes containing cyanides........................................371 Techniques for the treatment of wastes containing chromium (VI) compounds ..........372 Techniques when treating waste water contaminated with nitrites...............................373 Treatments of phenolic solutions by oxidation.............................................................373 Techniques for wastes containing ammonia.................................................................374 Filtration .......................................................................................................................374 Flotation........................................................................................................................375 Ion exchange processes ................................................................................................376 Membrane filtration......................................................................................................376 Sedimentation...............................................................................................................378 Sieving..........................................................................................................................379 Solvent extraction.........................................................................................................379 Techniques when treating waste water containing precious metals..............................380 Techniques for the treatment of aqueous marine waste................................................381 Abatement techniques applied in Ph-c treatment plants ...............................................382
4.3.2 Techniques for the physico-chemical treatments of solids and sludges .............................384 Pretreatment before immobilisation .............................................................................384 Laboratory activities .....................................................................................................385 Immobilisation..............................................................................................................386 Cement solidification....................................................................................................389 Use of other reagents in the immobilisation process ....................................................391 Phosphate stabilisation .................................................................................................393 Thermal treatments of solid waste................................................................................394 Recovery of salts by solution/evaporation....................................................................395 Acid extraction .............................................................................................................397 Excavation and removal of contaminated soil ..............................................................398 Thermal desorption of soil............................................................................................399 Vapour extraction .........................................................................................................401 Soil washing .................................................................................................................401
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xvii Solvent extraction ........................................................................................................ 403 Evaporation.................................................................................................................. 403 Purification and recycling of FGT wastes.................................................................... 404
4.3.3 Physico-chemical treatments of specific wastes ................................................................ 406 Treatment of oils contaminated with PCB................................................................... 406 Thermochemical conversion of waste asbestos............................................................ 406 Treatment of waste containing mercury....................................................................... 408
4.4 Techniques to consider for treatments applied mainly to recover the materials from waste... 411
4.4.1 Waste oil ............................................................................................................................ 411 Generic techniques to increase the yield of re-refining................................................ 411 Selection of waste oils to be re-refined ........................................................................ 412 Distillation/clay process............................................................................................... 413 Distillation and chemical treatment or solvent extraction............................................ 413 Solvent extraction process and distillation................................................................... 414 Thin film evaporator and different finishing processes................................................ 414 Thermal de-asphalting process..................................................................................... 415 Recycling in a lubricating oil refinery.......................................................................... 416 Hydrotreatment ............................................................................................................ 416 Direct contact hydrogenation process .......................................................................... 417 Solvent extraction ........................................................................................................ 418 Caustic soda and bleaching earth treatment ................................................................. 419 Treatment in a refinery................................................................................................. 419 Water management in waste oils re-refining installations ........................................... 421 Waste management in waste oils treatment installations ............................................. 424
4.4.2 Waste solvents ................................................................................................................... 424 Selection of waste solvents to be recycled ................................................................... 424 Improvement of regeneration treatment of waste solvents........................................... 425 Waste water treatment in waste solvent facility........................................................... 426 Evaporation of distillation residues.............................................................................. 427 Full automatisation of residue incineration.................................................................. 428
4.4.3 Waste catalysts .................................................................................................................. 428 Generic techniques used in the treatment of waste catalyst ......................................... 428 To improve control of the process ............................................................................... 429 Abatement techniques used in the waste catalyst regeneration sector ......................... 430
4.4.4 Activated carbon................................................................................................................ 430 Choice of furnace used to regenerate the waste activated carbon ................................ 430 Flue-gas treatment........................................................................................................ 431 Waste water treatment plants ....................................................................................... 433 Pollution control techniques applicable to activated carbon regeneration ................... 434
4.4.5 Resin regeneration ............................................................................................................. 434 Techniques for the regeneration of resins .................................................................... 434 Pollution control techniques applicable to activated carbon and for resin
regeneration.................................................................................................................. 435
4.5 Techniques to consider for the preparation of waste to be used as fuel .................................. 436
4.5.1 To improve the knowledge of the waste fuel prepared...................................................... 436
4.5.2 Prepare different types of waste fuel ................................................................................. 437
4.5.3 Techniques for preparation of solid waste fuel .................................................................. 438 Selection of techniques used for the preparation of solid waste fuel ........................... 438 Drying the solid waste fuel .......................................................................................... 439 Magnetic separation of ferrous metals ......................................................................... 440 Separation of non-ferrous metals ................................................................................. 441 All-metal separators ..................................................................................................... 442 Positive and negative sorting ....................................................................................... 442 Use of pneumatic assistance for size reduction............................................................ 443 Drum screens ............................................................................................................... 443 Improvements of the dust filters in the cyclones of air classifiers ............................... 444 Near infrared spectroscopy .......................................................................................... 445 Automatic picking........................................................................................................ 446 Pelletising and agglomeration...................................................................................... 446 Cryogenic grinding ...................................................................................................... 447
4.5.4 Techniques for preparation of liquid waste fuel ................................................................ 448 Generic techniques for preparation of liquid waste fuel .............................................. 448 Thermal cracking of waste oils .................................................................................... 449
xviii August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Membrane filtration as a mild reprocessing of waste oils ............................................450
4.5.5 Preparation of gas fuel from waste.....................................................................................450
4.5.6 Prevention and abatement techniques applied for the preparation of waste fuel from
hazardous waste .................................................................................................................451
4.6 Waste gas treatments ...............................................................................................................452
4.6.1 Generic prevention techniques ...........................................................................................452
4.6.2 Leak detection and repair programme................................................................................454
4.6.3 Cyclones.............................................................................................................................455
4.6.4 Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) ........................................................................................456
4.6.5 Fabric filters .......................................................................................................................456
4.6.6 Lamella separators .............................................................................................................458
4.6.7 Adsorption..........................................................................................................................458
4.6.8 Condensation......................................................................................................................461
4.6.9 Temporary and long term foams ........................................................................................463
4.6.10 Biofilters.............................................................................................................................463
4.6.11 Scrubbing ...........................................................................................................................469
4.6.12 Chemical scrubbing............................................................................................................471
4.6.13 Low oxidative processes ....................................................................................................472
4.6.14 Incineration ........................................................................................................................473
4.6.15 Combined combustion........................................................................................................475
4.6.16 Catalytic combustion..........................................................................................................476
4.6.17 Regenerative catalytic oxidiser ..........................................................................................478
4.6.18 Regenerative thermal oxidiser............................................................................................479
4.6.19 Oxidation treatments ..........................................................................................................481
4.6.20 Non-thermal plasma treatment ...........................................................................................482
4.6.21 NO
abatement techniques .................................................................................................482
4.6.22 Odour reduction techniques ...............................................................................................483
4.6.23 Odour management in biological treatment plants.............................................................484
4.6.24 Some examples of waste gas treatment applied to different waste treatments ...................485
4.6.25 Some examples of combined treatment of exhaust air .......................................................486
4.6.26 Some examples of abatement techniques comparisons applied to the preparation of
waste fuel from hazardous waste........................................................................................487
4.7 Waste water management ........................................................................................................488
4.7.1 Management on the waste water within the waste treatment sector...................................489
4.7.2 Parameters to consider before mixing waste waters...........................................................491
4.7.3 Primary waste water treatments .........................................................................................492
4.7.4 Secondary waste water treatments .....................................................................................493
4.7.5 Tertiary waste water treatments .........................................................................................494
4.7.6 Final waste water treatments ..............................................................................................496 Evaporation...................................................................................................................497 Adsorption....................................................................................................................498 Membrane filtration......................................................................................................498 Ozone/UV treatment.....................................................................................................500
4.7.7 Reporting of the components in the effluent generated in waste treatment facilities .........502
4.7.8 Examples of some waste water treatment plants in the sector............................................504
4.8 Residue management ...............................................................................................................505
4.8.1 Residue management plan..................................................................................................505
4.8.2 Techniques to prevent the contamination of soil................................................................507
4.8.3 Techniques to reduce the accumulation of residues within the installation........................508
4.8.4 Promoting the external residue exchange...........................................................................509
5 BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES ...........................................................................................511
5.1 Generic BAT............................................................................................................................513
5.2 BAT for specific types of waste treatments .............................................................................524
6 EMERGING TECHNIQUES........................................................................................................531
7 CONCLUDING REMARKS.........................................................................................................539
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................543
8 ANNEXES.......................................................................................................................................557
8.1 Annex I. Environmental legislation and emission limit values applied to the waste
treatment sector........................................................................................................................558
8.1.1 Waste Directive ................................................................................................................. 558
8.1.2 EU legislation applicable to waste oils .............................................................................. 559
8.1.3 Other EU waste legislation ................................................................................................ 560
8.1.4 Legislation in some EU countries...................................................................................... 560 France........................................................................................................................... 560 Germany....................................................................................................................... 560 Greece .......................................................................................................................... 561 Italy.............................................................................................................................. 562 Spain ............................................................................................................................ 563 United Kingdom........................................................................................................... 564 Belgium........................................................................................................................ 564 The Netherlands ........................................................................................................... 564 Austria.......................................................................................................................... 565
8.1.5 Waste legislation in some other countries ......................................................................... 565
8.2 Annex II. Questionnaire used to gather environmental information of European waste
treatment plants ....................................................................................................................... 566
8.3 Annex III: Types of waste and waste production in the EU.................................................... 573
8.3.1 Municipal solid waste (MSW) ........................................................................................... 575
8.3.2 Contaminated waters ......................................................................................................... 576
8.3.3 Sewage sludge ................................................................................................................... 577
8.3.4 Waste acids and bases........................................................................................................ 577
8.3.5 Waste adsorbents ............................................................................................................... 578
8.3.6 Waste catalysts .................................................................................................................. 578
8.3.7 Wastes from combustion processes ................................................................................... 579
8.3.8 Waste oil ............................................................................................................................ 581
8.3.9 Waste solvents ................................................................................................................... 584
8.3.10 Waste plastics .................................................................................................................... 584
8.3.11 Waste wood ....................................................................................................................... 585
8.3.12 Cyanide wastes .................................................................................................................. 585
8.3.13 Other inorganic waste ........................................................................................................ 585
8.3.14 Refractory ceramics waste................................................................................................. 586
8.3.15 Hazardous waste from the construction and demolition sector ......................................... 586
8.3.16 Waste contaminated with PCBs......................................................................................... 586
8.4 Annex IV. Quality assurance systems for secondary recovered fuel (SRF)............................ 588
List of figures

Figure 1.1: Management of waste oils in the EU in 1999.........................................................................9
Figure 2.1: Structure of the chapters.......................................................................................................28
Figure 2.2: Typical operations in waste treatments and how these have been distributed in this
and subsequent chapters .......................................................................................................28
Figure 2.3: Example of an integrated waste treatment installation.........................................................30
Figure 2.4: Simplified flow chart of an example of checking/inspection in a physico-chemical
treatment plant of waste waters ............................................................................................34
Figure 2.5: Example of waste reception and acceptance at a facility handling bulk liquids and
Figure 2.6: Schematic representation of mechanical/biological treatment inputs and outputs ...............52
Figure 2.7: Treatment of aqueous marine waste.....................................................................................58
Figure 2.8: Example of some mechanical separations used for the treatment of bottom ashes ..............64
Figure 2.9: Representation of an immobilisation process.......................................................................67
Figure 2.10: General flow scheme of a soil washing plant .......................................................................75
Figure 2.11: Treatment of CFCs to generate hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid ............................81
Figure 2.12: Vacuum distillation of waste containing mercury...............................................................82
Figure 2.13: Waste oil treatments and division approach used in this document .....................................83
Figure 2.14: Generic flow diagram of waste oil treatment plant ..............................................................84
Figure 2.15: Example of waste solvent regeneration installation .............................................................93
Figure 2.16: Example of chlorinated solvent regeneration flow diagram.................................................93
Figure 2.17: Treatment of liquid photographic waste.............................................................................100
Figure 2.18: Some current possibilities for the use of waste as a fuel in different sectors .....................101
Figure 2.19: Process scheme of solid waste fuel production ..................................................................104
Figure 2.20: An example of the production of solid fuel from liquid or semi-liquid hazardous
Figure 2.21: An example of the process layout for the preparation of organic liquid waste fuel ...........110
Figure 2.22: An example of the process layout for the production of liquid waste fuel by
Figure 2.23: An example of the process layout out for the preparation of emulsions ............................113
Figure 2.24: An example of a mild reprocessing of waste oil ................................................................116
Figure 3.1: Inputs and outputs in a waste treatment operation .............................................................126
Figure 3.2: Schematic representation of anaerobic digestion inputs and outputs .................................146
Figure 3.3: Main emission flows from the physico-chemical treatments of waste water .....................173
Figure 3.4: Potential emission streams from physico-chemical treatments ..........................................174
Figure 3.5: Inputs and outputs of the re-refining treatment ..................................................................204
Figure 3.6: Example of a waste solvent regeneration scheme and emission points..............................223
Figure 3.7: Schematic flow diagram of a generic carbon regeneration plant .......................................226
Figure 4.1: Blanketing system in a storage system used in a waste oil re-refining facility ..................322
Figure 4.2: Selection of an appropriate biological treatment system as a function of
concentration and the form of waste ..................................................................................350
Figure 4.3: Representation of a precipitation/neutralisation process ....................................................369
Figure 4.4: Classification of membrane technology by the separation task..........................................377
Figure 4.5: Air control and abatement system of a Ph-c plant..............................................................384
Figure 4.6: Achievable levels in a waste water treatment used in a re-refining process.......................421
Figure 4.7: Waste water treatment used in a re-refining process (TFE/clay treatment)........................422
Figure 4.8: Waste water treatment used in a waste oil treatment plant.................................................422
Figure 4.9: Drum screeners...................................................................................................................444
Figure 4.10: Effluent management within a waste treatment installation, which can be classified
as shown in Table 4.75 below............................................................................................489
Figure 4.11: Example of a diagram showing a three-step reverse osmosis plant ...................................500
Figure 4.12: Example of a flow sheet showing ozone/UV treatment of waste water .............................501
Figure 4.13: Example of a flow sheet showing a biological and UV treatment .....................................502
Figure 8.1: Base oils consumed and used oils generated in the EU......................................................582
List of tables

Table 1.1: Waste transfer installations.................................................................................................... 4
Table 1.2: Installations for the biological treatment of waste ................................................................. 5
Table 1.3: Installations for the physico-chemical treatment of waste..................................................... 6
Table 1.4: Installations for re-refining waste oil in European countries ............................................... 10
Table 1.5: Volumes of used oil burned in EU per year......................................................................... 11
Table 1.6: Installations where waste oils are used as fuel or where waste oil is reprocessed to
produce a fuel ...................................................................................................................... 11
Table 1.7: Waste solvent installations in European countries............................................................... 12
Table 1.8: Installations for the treatment of waste catalysts, waste from pollution abatement and
other inorganic waste in European countries ....................................................................... 13
Table 1.9: Activated carbon installations in European countries.......................................................... 14
Table 1.10: Type of GAC reactivation furnaces in use worldwide......................................................... 14
Table 1.11: Installations for the regeneration of waste acids or bases .................................................... 15
Table 1.12: Installations for the preparation of waste to be used as fuel ................................................ 17
Table 1.13: Summary of European solid recovered fuels market in 2000 in Europe.............................. 18
Table 1.14: Forecast/potential for the European solid recovered fuels market in 2005.......................... 19
Table 1.15: Production and site numbers of preparation of waste fuel mainly from hazardous
waste in EU-15 .................................................................................................................... 20
Table 1.16: Fuel consumption by the European cement industry........................................................... 23
Table 1.17: Main air pollutants emitted by waste treatments and their main sources............................. 24
Table 1.18: Main water pollutants (parameters) emitted by waste treatments and their main
sources ................................................................................................................................. 24
Table 2.1: Information contained in the description of each technique included in Chapter 2............. 29
Table 2.2: Examples of operations subsystems and their components ................................................. 30
Table 2.3: Common techniques applied in waste treatment.................................................................. 45
Table 2.4: Biological waste treatments ................................................................................................. 48
Table 2.5: Anaerobic digestion technologies........................................................................................ 50
Table 2.6: Waste types accepted at physico-chemical treatment plants in the UK............................... 56
Table 2.7: Analysis of some representative types of physico-chemical treatment plants ..................... 57
Table 2.8: Unit operations used in physico-chemical treatments.......................................................... 62
Table 2.9: Common unit operations used in physico-chemical treatments........................................... 79
Table 2.10: Some specific treatments for waste containing PCBs and/or POPs..................................... 80
Table 2.11: Finishing techniques used for the treatment of waste oils ................................................... 86
Table 2.12: Waste oil re-refining technologies ....................................................................................... 91
Table 2.13: Commonly regenerated waste solvents................................................................................ 92
Table 2.14: Unit operations used for the regeneration of waste solvents................................................ 94
Table 2.15: Additional processing steps required according to the physical form, to deliver waste
fuel to consumers specifications....................................................................................... 106
Table 2.16: Treatments applied to waste oils before their use as fuel................................................... 115
Table 2.17: Use of mild reprocessed waste oil (WO) as fuel................................................................ 118
Table 2.18: Information on the PDA process ....................................................................................... 120
Table 2.19: An example of outputs under appropriate operating conditions ........................................ 121
Table 3.1: Structure of each section of Chapter 3............................................................................... 125
Table 3.2: Summary of typical releases to the environment generated by waste treatment
activities............................................................................................................................. 126
Table 3.3: Common waste streams processed at hazardous waste transfer stations in the UK........... 127
Table 3.4: Examples of commonly used raw materials in waste treatments....................................... 128
Table 3.5: Summary of data for small boilers using a distillate (gas), a residual oil (fuel oils
5,6) or diesel engines ......................................................................................................... 129
Table 3.6: Potential emissions from transfer stations, bulking processes and storage........................ 132
Table 3.7: Activities/equipment that may lead to emissions from some common waste
treatments........................................................................................................................... 133
Table 3.8: Exhaust air from shredding treatment of solid hazardous waste........................................ 134
Table 3.9: Example of most frequent accidents that may occur in WT installations .......................... 135
Table 3.10: Point source emissions to water......................................................................................... 138
Table 3.11: Example of total estimated emissions from a waste transfer facility................................. 139
Table 3.12: Emissions from specific waste treatment processes .......................................................... 140
Table 3.13: Desired inlet feed characteristics for slurry biodegradation processes for soil
decontamination................................................................................................................. 142
Table 3.14: Applicability of slurry biodegradation for treatment of contaminants in soil,
sediments, and sludges....................................................................................................... 143
xxii August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
Table 3.15: Electricity consumption and production.............................................................................144
Table 3.16: Aeration rates .....................................................................................................................144
Table 3.17: Specific energy consumptions of aerobic digestion processes ...........................................144
Table 3.18: Examples of gaseous emissions from anaerobic plants......................................................147
Table 3.19: Typical waste water characteristics from anaerobic digestion ...........................................148
Table 3.20: Examples of air parameters from some MBT ....................................................................150
Table 3.21: Relevant emissions for MBT operations ............................................................................151
Table 3.22: Organic compounds which were verified within the scope of four screening inquiries
of exhaust air (three aerobic tests with intensive and after-biological degradation,
one anaerobic plant) ...........................................................................................................154
Table 3.23: CFC emissions from MBT (raw gas) .................................................................................154
Table 3.24: Leachate from aerobic digestion ........................................................................................155
Table 3.25: Summary of emission data for ex-situ bioremediation systems .........................................156
Table 3.26: Expected waste OUT (based on the standard composition of waste) from the
Table 3.27: Composition of biogas generated by anaerobic digestion..................................................157
Table 3.28: Net energy production figures from different sources........................................................158
Table 3.29: Composition of the solid waste prepared ...........................................................................158
Table 3.30: Chemical characteristics of anaerobic digestate.................................................................158
Table 3.31: Overview of anaerobic technology for the treatment of biodegradable municipal
Table 3.32: Waste OUT from MBT ......................................................................................................159
Table 3.33: Overview of MBT outputs for the treatment of biodegradable municipal waste ...............160
Table 3.34: Range of organic carbon, nitrogen and chlorine transfer by gas and leachate ...................160
Table 3.35: Performance of a slurry biodegradation process treating wood preserving wastes ............160
Table 3.36: Types of waste that may be treated in a physico-chemical treatment plant........................162
Table 3.37: Acceptance and processing criteria for flocculation/flotation and biological
treatment for aqueous marine waste...................................................................................163
Table 3.38: Characterisation of residues from MSW incinerators ........................................................164
Table 3.39: Main components of slag/bottom ash.................................................................................164
Table 3.40: Chemical composition of bottom ash after the household incineration plant.....................164
Table 3.41: General bottom ash values after the household waste incineration process .......................165
Table 3.42: Metals in bottom and fly ashes of municipal solid waste incinerators ...............................165
Table 3.43: Asbestos composition.........................................................................................................165
Table 3.44: Products and disposal options for the use of solvated electron technique..........................166
Table 3.45: Consumptions of physico-chemical treatment of waste waters..........................................168
Table 3.46: Chemicals consumed and some of its consumption levels for detoxification,
neutralisation and dewatering for the removal of metals from waste waters .....................169
Table 3.47: Theoretical consumption of alkalis in precipitation per 100g metal ..................................169
Table 3.48: Range of precipitation values for various metals ...............................................................170
Table 3.49: Consumption of chemicals for redox reactions ..................................................................171
Table 3.50: Physical data of adsorbents ................................................................................................172
Table 3.51: Overview of types of exchangers and their properties .......................................................172
Table 3.52: Data on consumption of chemicals in the treatment of aqueous marine waste and
similar waste.......................................................................................................................172
Table 3.53: Consumptions of soil washing processes plants.................................................................173
Table 3.54: Consumptions of a installation treating contaminated soil by washing..............................173
Table 3.55: Air emissions from physico-chemical treatment of waste water........................................175
Table 3.56: Process generated waste from physico-chemical treatment plants.....................................176
Table 3.57: Sludge generated in the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters................................177
Table 3.58: Emissions from physico-chemical treatment processes applied to waste water.................179
Table 3.59: Emissions from physico-chemical treatment processes applied to solids and sludges.......180
Table 3.60: Results of emission measurements.....................................................................................181
Table 3.61: Emissions from direct and indirect heating thermal desoption ..........................................182
Table 3.62: Generic emissions from thermal desorption.......................................................................182
Table 3.63: Characteristics of inputs and outputs of asphalt aggregate dryers......................................183
Table 3.64: Estimated emissions of selected compounds for the clean-up of PCB contaminated
soil using a thermal desorption process..............................................................................183
Table 3.65: Emissions from vapour extraction systems ........................................................................184
Table 3.66: Estimated emissions for an in-situ vacuum extraction system...........................................184
Table 3.67: Emissions from an installation treating contaminated soil by washing..............................185
Table 3.68: Reported destruction efficiency of hydrogenation processes .............................................186
Table 3.69: Waste OUT from the physico-chemical treatment of contaminated waters .......................188
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xxiii
Table 3.70: Waste OUT of physico-chemical treatment of contaminated water treating mainly
lacquer coagulum and solvents .......................................................................................... 189
Table 3.71: Emission levels achieved after a polishing step of the effluent, e.g. by sand filtration
or ion exchange filters ....................................................................................................... 189
Table 3.72: Recycling paths of the mineral fraction of treated bottom ash in Germany....................... 190
Table 3.73: Metal composition of treated bottom ash after treatment (solid analyses)......................... 190
Table 3.74: Eluate analysis of bottom ash quality after treatment ........................................................ 191
Table 3.75: Waste OUT of a installation treating contaminated soil by washing................................. 191
Table 3.76: Specification of CFC cracked products ............................................................................. 192
Table 3.77: Types of additives used in lubricants................................................................................. 194
Table 3.78: Type of waste containing waste oils .................................................................................. 195
Table 3.79: Indicative list of components present in used oils ............................................................. 197
Table 3.80: Estimated metal concentrations in industrial waste oils .................................................... 198
Table 3.81: Acceptance criteria for desilvered photographic liquid waste and similar waste
waters (with the same processing path) ............................................................................. 201
Table 3.82: Consumptions of different waste oil re-refining techniques .............................................. 202
Table 3.83: Consumptions of waste oil re-refining activities ............................................................... 203
Table 3.84: Consumption values of the TDA system and the TDA combined with a PDA
processes............................................................................................................................ 205
Table 3.85: Consumptions from different waste oil re-refining plants in the EU................................. 205
Table 3.86: Consumptions of two regeneration treatment of waste solvents........................................ 205
Table 3.87: Mass balance in a commercial regeneration of CoMo catalyst.......................................... 206
Table 3.88: Used amounts of auxiliary materials for desilvering film waste........................................ 206
Table 3.89: Consumption of chemicals for sulphide precipitation/ultrafiltration ................................. 206
Table 3.90: Consumption of chemicals in the treatment of desilvered photographic liquid waste....... 207
Table 3.91: Common emissions from waste oil treatment plants ......................................................... 210
Table 3.92: Matrix for allocating input species to air, oil and water streams for hot and cold
processes............................................................................................................................ 211
Table 3.93: Principal emission sources at oil recycling premises......................................................... 212
Table 3.94: Environmental issues generated by different waste oil re-refining techniques.................. 216
Table 3.95: Air emissions matrix for all common process in oil and solvent regeneration plants........ 217
Table 3.96 Air emissions from several re-refining waste oil installations operating in the EU........... 218
Table 3.97: Waste water parameters from different re-refining processes of waste oil ........................ 219
Table 3.98: Water emissions matrix for all common process in oil and solvent recycling plants ........ 219
Table 3.99: Water emissions from different re-refining installations operating in the EU................... 220
Table 3.100: Types of waste generated in re-refining processes of waste oil ......................................... 220
Table 3.101: Emissions to land matrix for all common process in oil and solvent recycling plants ...... 221
Table 3.102: Evaluation of the environmental performance of several re-use and re-refining
activities............................................................................................................................. 221
Table 3.103: Principal emission sources and emissions matrices of oil and solvent recycling
plants.................................................................................................................................. 224
Table 3.104: Air and water emission from an EU solvent regeneration installation .............................. 224
Table 3.105: Potential emissions found in different catalyst regenerators.............................................. 225
Table 3.106: Potential release routes for prescribed substances and other substances which may
cause harm......................................................................................................................... 226
Table 3.107: Range of emissions found in different carbon regenerators............................................... 227
Table 3.108: Range of emissions found in different ion exchange regenerators .................................... 228
Table 3.109: Emissions from the treatments of waste acids and bases................................................... 228
Table 3.110: Emissions to water from the treatment of photographic liquid waste and other waste
waters................................................................................................................................. 229
Table 3.111: Effect of hydrofinishing on the pollutants of the feed after de-asphalting......................... 230
Table 3.112: Product issues related with different waste oil regeneration techniques............................ 231
Table 3.113: Specification of products for treatment of chloro-organic compounds versus DIN-
Standard............................................................................................................................. 232
Table 3.114: Commercial regeneration of CoMo catalyst ...................................................................... 232
Table 3.115: Some examples of the types of waste used for the preparation of solid and liquid
waste fuels ......................................................................................................................... 234
Table 3.116: Typical heating values of different types of waste ............................................................ 234
Table 3.117: Some types of materials used in some co-incineration processes...................................... 235
Table 3.118: Important characteristics of MSW, and some of its fractions, for use as fuel.................... 236
Table 3.119: The use of waste plastics from different industrial sectors as fuel..................................... 237
Table 3.120: Typical composition of fuel oils and lube oils................................................................... 238
Table 3.121: Fuel characteristics of tyres ............................................................................................... 238
xxiv August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
Table 3.122: Metals content of scrap wood ...........................................................................................239
Table 3.123: Consumptions in the thermal treatment of waste oils.........................................................239
Table 3.124: Consumptions generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils.........................................239
Table 3.125: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils ...........................................................239
Table 3.126: Consumptions in the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel............................240
Table 3.127: Consumption examples for the preparation of fuels from MSW........................................241
Table 3.128: Consumption examples for the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste .................241
Table 3.129: Examples of the emissions from the production of RDF from MSW................................242
Table 3.130: Overview of some solid waste fuel production plants in the EU........................................243
Table 3.131: Examples of air emissions from the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste..........244
Table 3.132: Examples of water emissions from the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste .....244
Table 3.133: Air emissions from the preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste...........................245
Table 3.134: Ranges of values given in permits for some installations...................................................246
Table 3.135: Wastes generated in the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel.......................247
Table 3.136: Emissions generated from the preparation of waste oils to be used as fuel........................248
Table 3.137: Inputs and outputs for waste oil treatment plants producing a material to be used as
fuel .....................................................................................................................................249
Table 3.138: Example of emissions from an oil recycling plant that heats the oil during the
Table 3.139: Emissions generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils ...............................................250
Table 3.140: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils ...........................................................250
Table 3.141: Environmental issues related to the processing of waste oils to be used as fuel ................251
Table 3.142: Ranges from the analyses of solid waste fuel prepared from MSW in Europe ..................253
Table 3.143: Solid waste fuel produced from the high calorific fraction of demolition waste................254
Table 3.144: Recovered fuel produced from source-separated fractions from MSW and other
combustible waste (Finland) ..............................................................................................255
Table 3.145: Recovered fuel produced from monostreams of commercial and industrial waste
(data from one German company)......................................................................................256
Table 3.146: Overview of the different physical forms of the waste fuel (waste OUT)..........................256
Table 3.147: Examples of specifications of a waste to be accepted as fuel in some countries
cement kilns .......................................................................................................................258
Table 3.148: Examples of specifications of different types of waste to be accepted as waste fuel in
the French cement kilns......................................................................................................259
Table 3.149: Standard values for pollutant content of waste used in the cement kilns used in
Table 3.150: Typical specification for recovered fuel oil supplied to UK power stations ......................261
Table 3.151: Components of waste OUT from the thermal cracking of waste oils.................................261
Table 3.152: Outputs generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils ...................................................262
Table 3.153: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils ...........................................................262
Table 3.154: Heavy metal contents which have to be complied with according to BGS/12/..................263
Table 3.155: Quality classes according to SFS 5875/13/ ........................................................................264
Table 3.156: Quality assurance system of RWE Umwelt AG (Germany) ..............................................266
Table 3.157: Emissions from the different steps of a waste water treatment plant .................................267
Table 3.158: Relevant emissions for waste water treatment ...................................................................268
Table 3.159: Monitoring practices applied to waste treatment plants in the EU.....................................271
Table 3.160: Monitoring practices for some waste treatment processes used in the EU.........................272
Table 3.161: Examples of parameters and analysis principles used in sampling ....................................274
Table 4.1: Information breakdown for each technique included in Chapter 4 ....................................277
Table 4.2: Waste composition characterisation techniques .................................................................280
Table 4.3: List of analysis parameters typically considered in the production of fuel from
hazardous waste .................................................................................................................281
Table 4.4: List of analysis parameters typically considered in the treatment of waste oils.................281
Table 4.5: Control procedures identified at physico-chemical treatment plants..................................288
Table 4.6: Economics of laboratory and monitoring equipment in a waste oil treatment facility.......293
Table 4.7: Cost of application of EMAS.............................................................................................308
Table 4.8: Energy consumption reporting ...........................................................................................311
Table 4.9: CO
saving from the integration of different improvement energy efficiency
Table 4.10: Economics of the integration of different improvement energy efficiency techniques......315
Table 4.11: Examples of raw material substitution ...............................................................................317
Table 4.12: Example of a compatibility chart for the storage of hazardous waste ................................335
Table 4.13: Ingredients affecting evaporation.......................................................................................340
Table 4.14: Maximum concentrations allowed for mixing wastes for recovery ...................................341
Table 4.15: Maximum concentrations allowed for mixing for co-firing or co-incineration ................. 341
Table 4.16: Achieved emission values with the use of good engines and abatement techniques ......... 357
Table 4.17: Net energy production figures that can be achieved under optimum operation of
anaerobic digestion processes............................................................................................ 358
Table 4.18: Electricity and heat generated from anaerobic digestion ................................................... 358
Table 4.19: Reported reduction in polycyclic aromatics....................................................................... 361
Table 4.20: Air abatement techniques used in biological treatment plants........................................... 364
Table 4.21: Techniques to consider in membrane technology.............................................................. 377
Table 4.22: Removal efficiencies of flocculation/flotation and biological treatment of waste
water .................................................................................................................................. 382
Table 4.23: Off-gas treatment in large Ph-c installations in Austria..................................................... 383
Table 4.24: Effluent concentration of an Austrian plant before and after tertiary waste water
treatment (on-site sequential batch biological treatment) .................................................. 384
Table 4.25: Cement solidification examples......................................................................................... 391
Table 4.26: Reagent applicability for waste stabilisation ..................................................................... 392
Table 4.27: Thermal treatment plants ................................................................................................... 395
Table 4.28: Acid extraction technologies ............................................................................................. 397
Table 4.29: Comparison of features of thermal desorption and off-gas treatment systems .................. 400
Table 4.30: Summary of the performance data for soil washing .......................................................... 402
Table 4.31: Efficiencies of different components for soil washing ...................................................... 402
Table 4.32: Results of the remediation of API separator sludge by solvent extraction ........................ 403
Table 4.33: Achievable levels of evaporation process carried out to waste waters .............................. 404
Table 4.34: Achieved environmental benefits of TFE technology ....................................................... 415
Table 4.35: Economics of hydrotreatment plants ................................................................................. 417
Table 4.36: Composition of different inputs and outputs from different streams of the WWTP in
a waste oil refinery............................................................................................................. 423
Table 4.37: Achievable levels in the effluent after biological WWTP in waste oil treatment units .... 423
Table 4.38: Characteristics of the effluent of a WWTP in a waste solvent regeneration facility ......... 426
Table 4.39: Abatement techniques applied to waste catalyst regeneration plants ................................ 430
Table 4.40: Air emissions benchmark release to air ............................................................................. 432
Table 4.41: Achievable water emission values ..................................................................................... 433
Table 4.42: Applicability of techniques in the activated carbon regeneration for the treatment of
flue-gases ........................................................................................................................... 434
Table 4.43: Cost and waste oil gate fees for three different capacities of grass-root thermal
cracking plant .................................................................................................................... 449
Table 4.44: Prevention and abatement techniques applied to the production of waste fuel from
hazardous waste................................................................................................................. 451
Table 4.45: Summary of emission control costs for area sources applied to excavation and
removal .............................................................................................................................. 454
Table 4.46: Dust filtration by a fabric filter .......................................................................................... 457
Table 4.47: Techno-economic data for adsorption ............................................................................... 459
Table 4.48: Capital costs to control VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems.................. 460
Table 4.49: Cost of controlling releases to air from a typical oil recycling plant ................................. 461
Table 4.50: Data on liquid nitrogen condensation ................................................................................ 461
Table 4.51: Cost of controlling releases to air from a typical oil recycling plant ................................. 462
Table 4.52: Qualities of biofilter media................................................................................................ 464
Table 4.53: Biofilter efficiency in MBT waste gas treatment............................................................... 465
Table 4.54: Concentration ranges for some parameters of the exhaust air from MBTs, showing
the retention efficiency of the biofilter for these compounds ............................................ 465
Table 4.55: Separation efficiency of organic compounds in the biofilter ............................................. 466
Table 4.56: Raw gas and treated gas by a biofilter in an aerosol can treatment facility ....................... 466
Table 4.57: Consumptions and costs of biofilters................................................................................. 469
Table 4.58: Summary of costs for emission controls for area sources applied to excavation and
removal .............................................................................................................................. 471
Table 4.59: Energy requirements of incineration for different hydrocarbon concentrations in the
gas...................................................................................................................................... 473
Table 4.60: Capital costs for controlling VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems.......... 474
Table 4.61: Cost of controlling releases for air from a typical oil recycling plant using
incineration ........................................................................................................................ 474
Table 4.62: VOC removal using combined combustion....................................................................... 475
Table 4.63: VOC removal using catalytic combustion ......................................................................... 476
Table 4.64: Energy requirements with catalytic combustion for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas.................................................................................................... 477
xxvi August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
Table 4.65: Capital costs for controlling VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems ..........477
Table 4.66: VOC removal using regenerative catalytic oxidation........................................................478
Table 4.67: Energy requirements with regenerative catalytic oxidation for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas ....................................................................................................479
Table 4.68: Air emissions from off-gas thermal destruction plants from several waste oil
treatment plants ..................................................................................................................481
Table 4.69: Thermal treatment of contaminated streams ......................................................................481
Table 4.70: Applicability of waste gas treatments.................................................................................485
Table 4.71: Exhaust air treatment facility of a waste solvent treatment plant .......................................486
Table 4.72: Combined abatement of particulates and VOCs in a hazardous waste treatment plant......486
Table 4.73: Comparison of bag filters and wet scrubbers for the abatement of dust emissions ............487
Table 4.74: Comparison of VOC abatement techniques .......................................................................487
Table 4.75: Effluent management techniques .......................................................................................489
Table 4.76: Effluent concentration of a Ph-c plant before and after tertiary waste water treatment .....495
Table 4.77: Final waste water treatments ..............................................................................................496
Table 4.78: Water parameters monitored in waste treatment facilities .................................................503
Table 6.1: Emerging destruction techniques of POPs .........................................................................535
Table 6.2: Waste oil treatment technologies under development ........................................................536
Table 6.3: Emerging techniques that may be applied to activated carbon regeneration......................536
Table 7.1: Country codes and currencies.............................................................................................555
Table 8.1: Type of waste treatments installations and examples of installations included in each
different category of waste operation.................................................................................559
Table 8.2: EC Directives in force affecting waste oils ........................................................................559
Table 8.3: EU legislation related with waste treatment installations...................................................560
Table 8.4: German emission limit values applied to MBTs ................................................................561
Table 8.5: Air emission limit values for a waste oils refinery.............................................................562
Table 8.6: Water discharge emission limit values from a waste oils refinery .....................................563
Table 8.7: UK related waste legislation and correspondence..............................................................564
Table 8.8: Austrian emission limit values for air emissions in MBTs.................................................565
Table 8.9: Specification of waste oil not to be named as a hazardous waste ......................................565
Table 8.10: European classification of waste ........................................................................................573
Table 8.11: Amount of each type of waste generated by European country .........................................574
Table 8.12: Percentage of each type of waste generated by European country.....................................574
Table 8.13: Estimated waste arisings in selected countries ...................................................................575
Table 8.14: Municipal solid waste composition in the EU and production in different European
countries .............................................................................................................................575
Table 8.15: Metals in municipal solid waste .........................................................................................576
Table 8.16: Amount of polluted water generated in France ..................................................................576
Table 8.17: Waste treated by Ph-c plants in North Rhine Westphalia/Germany in 1990 and
projected quantity for 2005 ................................................................................................576
Table 8.18: Amount of sewage sludge produced in some European countries .....................................577
Table 8.19: Ranges of contamination and content of sewage sludge ....................................................577
Table 8.20: Industrial sector where catalysts are used ..........................................................................578
Table 8.21: Overview of the types of catalysts used for industrial purposes ........................................578
Table 8.22: Waste from coal-fired power plants ...................................................................................579
Table 8.23: Amounts of FGT waste in some European countries .........................................................580
Table 8.24: Main components of the FGT waste ..................................................................................580
Table 8.25: EU lubricant collectable waste oil......................................................................................583
Table 8.26: UK lubricant collectable waste oil estimates (tonnes)........................................................584
Table 8.27: Production of solvents and treatment of waste solvents.....................................................584
Table 8.28: Waste plastics.....................................................................................................................584
Table 8.29: Presence of metals in plastics.............................................................................................585
Table 8.30: Amount of contaminated wood generated..........................................................................585
Table 8.31: Amount of hazardous waste generated from the construction and demolition sectors
in some European countries ...............................................................................................586
Table 8.32: Heavy metal contents which have to be complied with according to BGS........................589
Table 8.33: Quality classes according to SFS 5875/13/ ........................................................................591
Table 8.34: Quality assurance system of RWE Umwelt AG.................................................................592
Table 8.35: Classification system..........................................................................................................592
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xxvii

This document together with other BREFs in the series (see list on the reverse of the title page),
are intended to cover the activities described in Section 5 of Annex I of the Directive, namely
Waste Management. One BREF covers waste incineration and some thermal waste treatments
such as pyrolysis and gasification (point 5.2 of Annex I of the Directive). Although point 5.4 of
Annex I includes waste landfills, this document does not cover BAT for landfills. Thus, the
scope of this document focuses on the following points of Annex I of the Directive:

installations for the disposal or recovery of hazardous waste as defined in the list referred
to in Article 1 (4) of Directive 91/689/EEC, as defined in Annexes II A and II B (operations
R1, R5, R6, R8 and R9) to Directive 75/442/EEC with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per
installations for the disposal of waste oils as defined in Council Directive 75/439/EEC of
16 June 1975 with a capacity exceeding 10 tonnes per day
installations for the disposal of non-hazardous waste as defined in Annex II A to Directive
75/442/EEC under headings D8 and D9, with a capacity exceeding 50 tonnes per day.

The Recovery (R) and Disposal (D) codes of Annexes II A and II B of Directive 75/442/EEC
which refer to IPPC Directive changed according to the Commission Decision 96/350/EC.
Because this last amendment corresponds to the most recent classification of R and D operation
codes, the following table reflects, in agreement with the view of the IEF and TWG and
following the aim of the IPPC Directive, the type of waste operation codes that are covered in
this document.

Waste treatment activity R/D code
Use of waste principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy R1
Solvent reclamation/regeneration R2
Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials (excluding metals and metal
compounds covered in R4)
Regeneration of acids or bases R6
Recovery of components used for pollution abatement R7
Recovery of components from catalysts R8
Oil re-refining or other uses of oil R9
Exchange of wastes for submission of any of the operations numbered R1 to R11 R12
Storage of wastes pending any of the operations numbered R1 to R12 (excluding
temporary storage, pending collection, on the site where it is produced)
Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in Annex II of 96/350/EC which results in
final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations
numbered D1 to D12

Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in Annex II of 96/350/EC which
results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the
operations numbered D1 to D12 (e.g. evaporation, drying, calcination, etc.)

Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the operations numbered D1 to D12 D13
Repacking prior to submission to any of the operations numbered D1 to D13 D14
Storage pending any of the operations numbered D1 to D14 (excluding temporary
storage, pending collection, on the site where it is produced)
Waste treatment activities covered in this document

The remainder of this chapter seeks to clarify what activities of the whole waste management
chain are included in this document.

The waste management sector and the Waste Treatment (WT) document
The chain of activities involved in waste management is long and extends outside the scope of
the IPPC Directive. The following figure tries to summarise what activities from the waste
management sector are covered in the series of BREFs.
xxviii August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
Activities A
Activities B
Activities C
Activities D
Other BREFs
Product X
Waste management and Waste Treatment BREF
Note: crossed out areas means not covered in this document

A full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied to a certain waste can consider all the links in the
waste chain as well as the impact of the final product/waste on the environment. IPPC is not
intended to address these analyses but instead focuses on installations. For example,
minimisation of the amount and/or toxicity of the waste produced at source in industrial
installations is intrinsic to IPPC and is covered by each Industrial Sector BREF (see list in the
reverse of the front page of this document). Another example shows that waste management
also covers strategic decisions on what type of waste is dealt with in each available waste
treatment/process/option or what treatment is given to such a waste. This decision depends on
the waste treatment options available at local, regional, national or international level, which
also depends on the location where the waste is produced.

As shown in the previous figure, the actual combustion of waste is not included in the scope of
this document. It is addressed in each individual BREF, where the different combustion
processes are analysed depending on the industrial sector in which they are applied (e.g. waste
incineration, large combustion plants, cement kilns). By including the processing of waste to be
used as fuel, this document covers the treatments that can be applied to make different types of
waste suitable for the fuel quality required by different combustion processes.

Some materials are categorised according to legislation for example as recovered fuels (REF),
refuse derived fuels (RDF) or solid recovered fuel (SRF). It is not the intention here to enter into
a discussion of the definition of any waste term. For example in the latter issue, some
information can be found in CEN proposals. Also some of those materials can be classified as
hazardous according to legislation.

This document includes those treatments that can make a waste re-usable or recoverable.
However this document does not include re-use or recovery options that go directly from one
industrial sector to another without treatment (e.g. re-use of foundries sand or some compatible
catalysts as a raw material in cement kilns, re-use of waste metals in non-ferrous metal
processing). This issue is shown in the next figure.

As mentioned above, no techniques related to landfills are included in this document. The only
issues covered are those related to the treatment of waste to make it more suitable for

MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xxix
The following figure tries to clarify and summarise the issues covered in the above paragraphs.

Examples of waste treatments not covered in this document
Note: QA: quality assurance

Waste activities covered in this document
Considering all the issues/arguments stated above, Annex I of the IPPC Directive, the other
BREFs produced or under production and, the legal advice of the European Commission, the
following table lists the waste treatment activities that are covered in this document:

Treatment Type of waste or
examples of type of
Additional information
Installations dealing
mainly with treatments
that result in outputs for
The TWG recognised that in many cases there are
installations where it is very difficult to differentiate
between outputs as materials for other uses or for
disposal, e.g. variations due to market reasons, waste
availability or waste composition, which may mean
that depending on conditions at the time the output
might be recycled, disposed of, or in certain
economic conditions, even sold as a product/raw
material for other processes
All types Excavated soil
All types Materials containing
Some HCFC incinerators
All types Materials contaminated
by POPs (e.g. PCBs and
Communication from the Commission to the
Council, the European Parliament and the Economic
and Social Commitee (COM(2001) 593). The
communication refers to IPPC and BAT (pp.
7,15,17) but specifically to the waste treatment
BREF (so-called Waste R&D). It says: In the
context of the BAT Reference document on Waste
R&D activities, to be prepared in 2002 to 2004,
special attention will be given to determining BAT
for the treatment of waste materials contaminated by
PCBs and dioxins. The incineration of such
materials are not covered in this document
Treatment Type of waste or
examples of type of
Additional information
All types Oil/water sludge
All types Plastics containing

All types Sludge from WWTPs
All types Spent catalysts The catalyst treatment sector includes those
treatments that can make a spent catalyst re-usable or
regeneratables. However, this document cannot
include the use options that go directly from one
industrial sector to another without any treatment
being necessary (e.g. re-use of catalysts as raw
material in cement kilns, re-use of waste metals in
non-ferrous metal processing). Those issues are
covered in each industrial sector BREF. This
document will consider and analyse the impact of the
different types of waste to be handled and
transformed so that the waste ends up in a suitable
form to be used in certain processes.
Catalyst regeneration can be carried out on-site or
off-site. This document deals with off-site
installations. Spent catalysts can sometimes be
regenerated in industry in process-integrated plants.
The regeneration of catalysts carried out in industry
in integrated plants as an associated activity is not
going to be covered in this document. For this
reason, this document focuses on standalone
regeneration installations
All types Waste contaminated with

Common treatments
Blending and mixing
Storage of waste and raw
Storage BREF
Intermediate waste storage
Waste reception,
sampling, checking and
Associated activities to waste facilities
Waste transfer and
handling installations

Waste transfer stations
(hazardous or non-

Biological treatments
Excavated contaminated
Ex-situ remediation
Non source-separated
waste (e.g. mixed
municipal waste)
Pretreatment prior to disposal, generating a material
not suitable to be used as a compostable product
Biological treatment Biodegradable aqueous
liquids e.g. food wastes,
methanol and other water
miscible solvents
Bulk liquid wastes tankered into waste water
treatment works
Aerobic and/or anaerobic treatment depending upon
the configuration of the works
Mechanical and
biological treatments

Pretreatment prior to disposal
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 xxxi
Treatment Type of waste or
examples of type of
Additional information
Physico-chemical treatments
Acid neutralisation Hydrochloric, sulphuric,
nitric, hydrofluoric,
phosphoric acids and
acidic salts, such as
aluminium chloride, etc.
Mixing of acids with either waste alkalis or raw
materials, such as lime. Nitric and hydrofluoric acids
are usually dealt with separately
Sodium and potassium
hydroxide, lime,
ammonia solution,
ammonium salts and
amine compounds
Caustic, alkalis and lime neutralised with acids. Air
stripping can treat aqueous ammonia solutions.
Ammonium salts and amines should be maintained at
pH <9 to prevent a gaseous release
Chromic acid treatment Chromium oxide (CrO
is acidic, toxic, water
soluble and an oxidising
Conversion of Cr
to less hazardous Cr
, by the
addition of a reducing agent, such as sodium
metabisulphite followed by precipitation
Cyanide treatment Cyanide salts, e.g.
sodium cyanide from
metal surface treatments
Conversion of cyanide to less hazardous cyanate
maintaining pH >10 using on oxidising agent
Dewatering Sludge created by
Production of a solid filter cake by filtration through
fabric filter cloths/centrifuges or filter presses
Ex-situ treatments Excavated contaminated

Filtration Effluent from
dewatering, also used for
aqueous materials
contaminated with oil
Micro- and ultrafiltration to remove particulates.
Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis can be used to
remove dissolved molecules, but are not currently
utilised for physico-chemical treatments
Harbour reception
Contaminated water
Oil water separation Aqueous materials
contaminated with oil
Tilting plates or coalescing separators utilising
differences in specific gravity
Contaminated wood
Contaminated refractory

Liquid, sludge and solid
wastes (e.g. salts and
solutions containing
cyanides, pesticides,
biocides and
contaminated wood
preserving agents)
Physico-chemical treatments are used in practice in a
very broad sense including all measures to treat
liquid, sludgy and solid wastes.
Phase separation (particulates removal, de-
emulsification, separation of unsoluble liquids,
precipitation, sedimentation), mechanical treatments,
evaporation, dewatering, drying, stabilisation and
solidification of waste, neutralisation, detoxification,
calcination, blending, mixing
Precipitation Metals, for example, Zn,
Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu
Precipitation using acids and alkalis to adjust the pH
to achieve minimum solubilities
Separation of mercury
from waste
Waste contaminated with

Separation, physico-
chemical treatment
Oil/water mixtures and

Settlement Effluent containing
neutralised acids/alkalis,
precipitated metals and
other solid particulates
The particles are allowed to settle out of the effluent.
The particles and the efficiency of settlement can be
assisted by the addition of a flocculant.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) to produce a floating
flocculated solid is used at some installations (mainly
for organic sludges)
xxxii August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL
Treatment Type of waste or
examples of type of
Additional information
Solidification and
Fly and bottom ashes
before landfilling.
In some cases, for liquid
and semi-solid
hydrocarbons. Mineral
industrial solid waste and
Bottom ashes are mostly covered by other BREFs as
part of their processes.
Mixing of wastes with absorbents or binders, e.g.
bentonite, ash, kiln dust, to reduce the environmental
UV and ozone treatments Contaminated water
Treatments to recover mainly the waste material
Re-concentration Acid and bases Plants for the thermal regeneration of HCl and the
reconcentration of spent H
. The rest of the
regeneration processes of sulphuric acid are covered
in the Large Volume Inorganic chemical BREF
Recovery of materials Waste from pollution

Recovery of metals Liquid and solid
photographic waste

Regeneration Organic solvents
Regeneration Spent ion exchange

Regeneration and
Spent activated carbon Includes the regeneration of activated carbon.
Regeneration of spent activated carbon in the
mercury based chlor-alkali production is covered in
the chlor-alkali BREF
Re-refining Oils
Treatments to produce mainly a fuel
Preparation of waste to be
used as fuel
Hazardous and non-
hazardous materials
All types of treatments (e.g regrouping, blending,
mixing, separation) for the preparation of waste to be
used in all types of combustion processes
(incineration, large combustion plants, cement kilns,
chemical works, iron and steel, etc.)
Preparation of solid waste
Non-hazardous waste e.g. from municipal solid waste, commercial waste
Preparation of solid waste
Hazardous waste
Preparation of liquid fuel
from liquid waste, e.g. oil
processing or blending
Waste oils
Oils (including vegetable
Oil contaminated with
Organic solvents
All type of treatments which are applied to waste oils
or waste solvents will be covered within this
document (e.g. cleaning of waste oils and further
processing, refining).
Coarse filtering, heating and/or centrifuging and
blending to produce material to be burned
Waste and waste treatment installations covered in this document

Chapter 1
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [14, Ministry for the
Environment, 2000], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [39, Militon, et al., 2000], [40, Militon and Becaud,
1998], [41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie
Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [100, UNEP, 2000], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [124, Iswa, 2003], [125, Ruiz,
2002], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [128, Ribi, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

1.1 The purpose of waste treatment

Secondary products are inherent to any industrial process and normally cannot be avoided. In
addition, the use of products by society leads to residues. In many cases, these types of materials
(both secondary products and residues) cannot be re-used by other means and may become not
marketable. These materials are typically given to third parties for further treatment.

The reason for treating waste is not always the same and often depends on the type of waste and
the nature of its subsequent fate. Some waste treatments and installations are multipurpose. In
this document, the basic reasons for treating waste are:

to reduce the hazardous nature of the waste
to separate the waste into its individual components, some or all of which can then be put to
further use/treatment
to reduce the amount of waste which has to be finally sent for disposal
to transform the waste into a useful material.

The waste treatment processes may involve the displacement and transfer of substances between
media. For example, some treatment processes results in a liquid effluent sent to sewer and a
solid waste sent to landfill, and others result in emissions to air mainly due to incineration.
Alternatively, the waste may be rendered suitable for another treatment route, such as in the
combustion of recovered fuel oil. There are also a number of important ancillary activities
associated with treatment, such as waste acceptance and storage, either pending treatment on
site or removal off site.

1.2 Installations for the treatment of waste

This section summaries the waste treatment sector in the EU. A short explanation of the
treatments performed is included here.

The waste sector is highly regulated in the EU. For this reason many legal definitions of
common terms used in this sector are available (e.g. waste, hazardous waste). Some definitions
are available in the European Waste Framework Directive and amendments to it.

Ultimately, waste is either recovered or disposed of. Waste treatment installations therefore
carry out operations for the recovery or disposal of waste. Waste treatment installations are not
typically considered to produce a product like other industrial sectors. Instead, it is considered
that they provide services to society to handle their waste materials. A waste treatment facility
typically covers the contiguous land, structures, and other areas used for storing, recovering,
recycling, treating, or disposing of waste.

As in the case with the classification of waste types, waste treatment (WT) activities are legally
classified by Annex II of the Waste Framework Directive. A copy of this classification is
provided in Section 8.1.1 of the Annex of this document, together with examples of their

Chapter 1
The concept of a facility dedicated to the management of waste is not new. Long before the
enactment of waste legislation (hazardous or non-hazardous), companies which produced
waste already recognised the need for the specialised treatment and disposal of their wastes.
Many waste producers constructed and operated their own dedicated facilities, typically on-
site facilities.

Other companies that generated waste, and do not have have suitable site or do not generate
a sufficiently large

volume of waste to justify the investment in an on-site facility,
transported their waste off site to specialised facilities for treatment and disposal. Such
facilities are typically referred to as commercial, off-site facilities. The commercial waste
management industry thus began the development of these off-site facilities in the late
1960s. His role was to collect and transport waste to specialised off-site facilities where
they carried out the treatment and disposal of that waste.

Just as there are many types of waste, there are many ways in which wastes can be
managed. For example, there are at least 50 commercially applied technologies for the
treatment of hazardous waste. A waste facility may function with just one technology, or it
may combine multiple technologies, particularly if it is a commercial facility serving a
number of waste producers.

There are some differences between a typical commercial off-site facility and an on-site
facility typically specializing in the treatment of a particular type of waste. This derives in
part from the fact that an off-site facility accepts waste from outside the local community,
while an on-site facility handles only that waste generated by what could be a long-
standing and important economic activity in the community. From a technical perspective,
the off-site facility generally handles a wider range of waste types and is typically larger
and more complex.

For example, off-site waste facilities may be categorised as follows:

installations focused mainly on recovering material as a saleable product (typically
solvents, oils, acids, or metals). Some use the energy value in the waste
installations focused on changing the physical or chemical characteristics of a waste, or
degrade or destroy the waste constituents, using any of a wide variety of physical,
chemical, thermal, or biological methods
installations focused on permanent emplacement of waste on or below the surface of the
land. Such installations are not covered in this document.

The following sections within this section cover more specific information gathered, on the
types of waste installations, classified by the main type of waste treatment carried out. Not all
types of waste treatments covered in this document are covered in this section, possibly because
such a treatment may be considered quite minor.
Chapter 1
1.2.1 Waste transfer installations

Operations carried out in these installations include: reception, bulking, sorting, transferring
pending, prior to submission to a disposal/recovery operation. In some cases, blending and
mixing may also be carried out in these installations. Waste transfer stations may involve
individual operations or may be an integrated part of a treatment process. All sites typically
undertake some kind of bulking operation to agglomerate the solids, where liquids are decanted
from one container to another. The liquid transfer can be from a tanker to a holding tank, or
from fractions of litre up to a more than 200 litre drum. Operations typically carried out are
inspection, sampling, physical sorting and packaging, decanting, blending, drum emptying,
storage, drum/IBC reclamation and in some cases disposal of wiping cloths, solidification and
the crushing of oil filters. Waste transfer stations tend to fall into two categories according to the
objective of the installation:

focus on the output stream. This corresponds to sites that act as a feeder for other
processes: e.g. solvent regeneration, incineration, chemical treatment. These sites target
specific waste streams that can be checked, analysed and bulked up to provide a steady
feedstock for an associated process. They may also take in and process a variety of other
materials in order to provide a full service to their clients. These sites tend to handle a much
higher proportion of certain waste streams and acceptance, storage and control systems are
therefore designed for these wastes
focus on the input waste. These sites are independent transfer stations and generally accept
a full range of materials from the neighbouring area. Typically they also bulk and blend
materials to produce a range of waste streams suitable for disposal through different
treatment, recovery and disposal processes, but they do not usually target any specific waste
group. There may be a bias towards particular waste streams, but this will likely be due to
local patterns of waste arisings and commercial opportunities, rather than the need to
provide a feedstock for a particular downstream process.

The majority of operations linked to waste preparation may be distinguished under two groups:

regrouping/reconditioning. Here the aim is to group together wastes in small or medium
quantities, when they have the same nature and when they are compatible. The resulting
waste though still has to be treated. The purpose of regrouping is to obtain larger and more
homogeneous volumes for waste treatment, to improve safety (e.g. facilitation of handling)
and to rationalise the logistics cost. The combination of processes used in waste preparation
and in pretreatment operations depends on the specifications of final treatment
pretreatment. Here the aim is to adapt the waste to the type of recovery and/or disposal of
the final treatment available. Pretreatment covers several aspects. It can be defined as those
operations that lead to homogenisation of the chemical composition and/or physical
characteristics of the wastes. Pretreatment produces a waste, which may be very different
from the initial waste, although not from a regulatory point of view. This pretreated waste
still has to be treated in a recovery and/or disposal plant. At the end of the pretreatment
process, the pretreated waste should comply with chemical and physical specifications that
are fixed by the end users.

Grouping and pretreatment activities may be located at the same site as the final treatment, on
the waste production site or on a particular dedicated site. Nevertheless, regardless of the
location, the operating processes are the same.

Table 1.1 below shows the number of waste transfer installations and capacity in different
European countries.

Chapter 1
Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Hazardous Non-hazardous Hazardous Non-hazardous
Belgium 10
Denmark 0 0
Germany 125
Greece 6
Spain 68
France 3000
Ireland 12
Italy 0 0
Luxembourg 1
Netherlands 2
Austria 16
Portugal 5 143 3975 m
Finland 5 0
58 0
United Kingdom 439 2073
Iceland 0 0
Norway 0 0
TOTAL 689 2216
No non-hazardous installations, other than facilities where waste is unloaded in order to permit its
preparation for futher treatment.
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.1: Waste transfer installations
[39, Militon, et al., 2000], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004]

1.2.2 Installations containing a biological treatment of waste

Refer to the Scope chapter of this document to see which biological treatments of waste are
covered. However, note that the data contained in Table 1.2 refer to all biological treatments,
including those not covered in the Scope. The reason for this is that available statistics typically
refer to national data and it is difficult to separate information of only those installations
covered in the Scope of this document.
Chapter 1
Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Hazardous Non-hazardous Hazardous Non-hazardous
Belgium 5 Y
Denmark 1 0 0
Germany 57 200
Greece 0 Y 0
Spain 3 Y 140
France 0 Y 0
Ireland 1 Y
Italy 74 3 180
Luxembourg 0 Y 0
Netherlands 7 Y
Austria 8 16
103 706
Portugal 1 9 88 514
Finland 20 41 98 305
Sweden Y
United Kingdom 0 173
Iceland 0 0 0 0
Norway 0 Y 0
TOTAL 177 442 429 1705
Y: exists but no data are available
Data corresponds to MBT only
Data in this table correspond to all types of biological treatments and not only to those related with the ones
inside the scope of this document. Therefore, the number of installations covered by this document will be
less than the figures appearing in this table
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.2: Installations for the biological treatment of waste
[39, Militon, et al., 2000], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004]

In Finland there are 561 waste water treatment installations in which the septic tank sludges are
also treated. There are 41 installations (aerobic 27 and anaerobic 14) for treating non-hazardous
wastes. Besides the non-hazardous waste installations mentioned in Table 1.2, there are also
129 composting facilities, with a total capacity of 542 kt/yr.

In some countries (e.g. UK and Italy), biological treatment is mainly carried out by water
companies, utilising existing capacity on waste water treatment works. It is estimated that there
are potentially around 30 possible installations. The volumes of waste treated are small,
typically less than 1 % of the input of the waste water treatment works, but in some cases this
represents a significant COD load (in one case, 50 % of total COD input to the waste water
treatment works). However, this type of treatment poses questions because there is a possibility
of diluting contaminants as well as contaminating the sewage sludges coming from this kind of
Chapter 1
1.2.3 Installations for the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters

This sector is represented by a large range of processes which are classed as chemical
treatments. These range from blending systems with no actual chemical interactions to complex
plants with a range of treatment options, some custom designed for specific waste streams.

The process is designed to treat waste waters (contaminated with, e.g acid/alkalis, metals, salts,
sludges), but usually accepts a range of organic materials as well, e.g. process plant washings
and rinsings, residues from the oil/water separation, cleaning wastes, interceptor wastes, etc.
These could contain almost any industrial material. It is likely that the treatment process will
have some effect on the organic materials, for example due to some chemical oxidation of COD,
some organics could be adsorbed or entrained in the sludge or, in emulsion treatment, part of the
organic content could become separated from the aqueous phase.

These treatment systems remove and/or detoxify hazardous constituents dissolved or
suspended in water. The selection and sequence of unit processes will be determined by
the characteristics of the incoming wastes and the required effluent quality. An example
of a physico-chemical treatment facility of waste waters typically contains the following
unit processes: cyanide destruction, chromium reduction, two-stage metal precipitation, pH
adjustment (e.g. neutralisation), solid filtration, biological treatment, carbon adsorption, sludge
dewatering, coagulation/flocculation and some others.

Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Hazardous Non-hazardous Hazardous Non-hazardous
Belgium 8 Y
Denmark 4 Y
Germany 249 9000
Greece 0 0 0 0
Spain 49 901
France 19 Y 301
Ireland 4 Y
Italy 147 Y
Luxembourg 1 0 0
Netherlands 30 0 0
Austria 33 Y 515
Portugal 2 Y 22000 m
Finland 36 0
144 0
United Kingdom 32 289
Iceland 0 0 0 0
Norway 4 Y
TOTAL 618 9289 1883
Y: exists but no data are available
No non-hazardous installations with this operation only
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.3: Installations for the physico-chemical treatment of waste
[60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

The physico-chemical (Ph-c) treatment of waste water typically divides the waste into another
type of waste (typically solid) and an aqueous effluent which is not usually considered waste as
it is part of another legislation.

Chapter 1
Ph-c plants are essential to medium and small companies including commercial enterprises.
Waste which must be treated by Ph-c plants will, in future, continue to be produced (in the
course of production); obligatory acceptance of waste by generally accessible Ph-c plants is an
advantage for trade and industry, facilitating correct disposal of waste and easing the economic
burden for industry and trade.

The following principal configurations can be identified:

company in-house Ph-c plants. These are specialised for the treatment of the waste
produced by a company
generally accessible Ph-c plants (service plants). These are suitable for the treatment of
waste produced in certain regions.

1.2.4 Installations for the treatment of combustion ashes and flue-gas
cleaning residues

During combustion processes, solid waste may be generated. Such solid waste is typically called
ashes. Two types are usually present; one called bottom ash, typically recovered at the
bottom of the combustion chamber and another called fly ash that is smaller and flows with
the combustion fumes. This latter one is usually recovered with flue-gas cleaning equipment.
Such flue-gas cleaning equipment is not only applicable to fly ash but also to extract from the
other pollutants flue-gases. In doing so, different types of waste can be generated. This section
contains those installations that treat such a variety of waste generated during combustion
processes as well as other flue-gas cleaning processes.
Combustion ashes and flue-gas cleaning residues are one of the main waste stream treated by
stabilisation and solidification processes, either in the combustion plant (e.g. in some
incinerators), or on waste treatment facilities. Other methods are vitrification, purification and
recycling of some components (e.g. salts). Another method of treating combustion ashes
involves the fusion of ash by plasma at very high temperatures in order to vitrify the structure.
One installation exists in France with a total treatment capacity of 3.5 kt per year.

1.2.5 Installations for the treatment of waste contaminated with PCBs

Incineration, when available, is the most widely available and used technology for PCB
destruction. The complete destruction of PCB by incineration only takes place under well
defined conditions (e.g. high temperature and a higher residence time). Because of the cost of
incineration, however, and its non-availability in many countries, alternative technologies are
sometimes used.

Chapter 1
1.2.6 Installations for treatment of waste oil

Used lubricating oils can be recovered to a quality essentially equal to some groups of base oils
used to produce lubricating oils (some base oil groups III and IV rarely, if ever, contain re-
refined oils). This process is typically referred to as oil re-refining.

The recovery of oil from waste is typically a part of the waste industry. There are licensed sites
that specialise in the recovery of oil from different waste streams. In addition, a number of
chemical treatment plants and transfer stations have oil separation units that undertake a first
separation of oil from water before sending the oil layer through to a specialist plant for further
processing. Some factors that define this sector are:

companies that serve particular industrial sectors tend to offer a general waste service to that
sector, and this may include waste oils
companies that collect used lubricating oils from garages are also likely to collect oil filters,
steering, brake and transmission oils, antifreeze and batteries
companies handling transformer oils are likely to collect oils with some small amounts of
some chemical and biological treatment plants undertake small scale oil recovery operations
as part of their pretreatment processes. These are generally simple gravity separation

There are large numbers of dedicated oil treatment and processing plants in the EU. Some
companies carry out simple purification, removing the sediment and water from waste oil. Two
type of treatments are applied to waste oils. One refers to its use as fuel and the other one
corresponds to the re-refining of it so that part of it (typically 50 60 %) can be re-used as a
base oil for lubricants. Oil processors show a wide range of intrinsic knowledge about their

There are a wide variety of processes and licensors currently offering ways to deal with waste
oils. There are four main processes used for the treatment of waste oils: blending, separation-
chemical treatment, distillation and cracking.

In all waste oil treatment processes, the economic and calorific values of the waste oils are
recovered to varying degrees. The two main techniques used are re-refining and direct burning
(mainly in cement factories), each accounting for about 30 % of the total quantity recovered.
The two other methods which, together, account for the remaining third are reprocessing and
reclaiming, the latter principally being used for hydraulic oils.

The level of knowledge about oils is markedly different between sites. Partly due to the fact that
waste oil is an extremely complex and changing material with a huge potential range of
individual components that are not all categorised at present.

Data currently available regarding waste oil (WO) management in Europe are of very poor
quality, particularly concerning regeneration. Figure 1.1 shows a summary of the percentages of
the types of treatments used for the WO in each EU country. According to data from the sector in
1993, the used oils collected where disposed of by direct burning (32 %), by re-refining to base
oils (32 %), by reprocessing to industrial fuel (25 %) and by reclaiming specific industrial
oils 11 %. These percentages however have since changed considerably, as shown in the
following figure.

Chapter 1
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
United Kingdom
Total EU
Incineration with energy recovery Re-recycling Disposal Unaccounted
Figure 1.1: Management of waste oils in the EU in 1999
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

About 220 kt of re-refined base oil was produced in 2000 according to [7, Monier and Labouze,
2001], which accounts for less than 5 % of the overall base oil demand in Europe.

In recent years, the level of regeneration carried out has noticeable decreased in some EU
countries which were pioneers in its use such as France, Germany, Italy and others such as the
UK. This is tempered by the fact that there are some new projects emerging in several countries:
France, Germany, Italy, Spain.
The known installed feed capacity for re-refining base oil throughout Europe is just over
500 kt/yr, with installation capacities ranging from 35 to 160 kt/yr. Currently, there are
around 400 re-refining facilities worldwide, with an overall capacity of 1800 kt/yr. Although
most of these plants are located in East Asia (India, China and Pakistan), their individual
capacity is mainly low, c.a. 2 kt/yr each, on average. Most of these plants use acid/clay and
there are few which produce good quality re-refined base oils or which take into account
environmental issues.

Chapter 1
Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Belgium 2 45
Denmark 1 40
Germany 8 770
Greece 1 40
Spain 2 69
France 2 200
Ireland 0 0
Italy 7
Luxembourg 0 0
Malta 2 2.4
Netherlands 0 0
Austria 0 0
Poland 1 80
Portugal 0 0
Finland 5 88
Sweden 0 0
United Kingdom 3
Yugoslavia 1
TOTAL 35 1612.4
two installations are currently not working. Capacity of the two installations not working is 25 kt/yr.
A TWG member questionned such figures to not be correct
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.4: Installations for re-refining waste oil in European countries
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [36, Viscolube,
2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [128, Ribi, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Re-refining plants can adjust the quantity of re-refined base oil and fuels produced according to
the international and local situation (crude oil prices, market demand, subsidies, etc.).

Preparation of waste oil to be used mainly as fuel
About 50 % of WOs (i.e. waste oil from ship and tank cleaning, waste oil from oil/water
separator, waste oil from emulsions, etc.) is not waste lubricant oil or cannot be regenerated into
base oil. These WOs can be converted into other oil products (e.g. fuel).

About 50 % of WOs were used as fuel in the EU in 1999. About 400 kt of WO are burned in
cement kilns at the European level, which represents about 17 % of the total WO and 35 % of
the WO burned, with the rate varying greatly between different countries. It represents the major
exploitation route in France, Greece and Sweden, but only one of several alternative routes in
Austria, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom. Some other sectors in the EU using WO as
fuel are:

blast furnaces, as a substitute for coke (e.g. Belgium)
brick kilns (e.g. Spain)
ceramic kilns (e.g. Spain)
large combustion plants (e.g. Spain)
lime kilns (e.g. Spain, Belgium)
cracking plants, to produce new fuels (e.g. in Belgium in accordance with legal standards)
port receiving facilities which convert waste oil into ships fuel (e.g. Malta)
waste incinerators (e.g. 2 kt in 2002 in hazardous waste incinerators in Belgium)
space heaters (e.g. service stations, greenhouses, etc.)
asphalt plants.

Chapter 1
The two latter applications are no longer used in Flanders (Belgium) because of more stringent
environmental regulations brought into force in January 1999. Table 1.5 indicates the amount of
used oil burned in some EU countries

Burning options Amount of waste oil (kt) %
Cement kilns 307 42
Mixed with fuel oil 213 29
Other 120 16
Waste incinerators 52 7
Garage heaters 40 6
Total burned 732 100
Data only correspond to Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain
and the United Kingdom.
Note: Obtaining a complete set of data on volumes of used oil burned in all EU countries in this
study is difficult as details of the burning options are not consistently recorded.
Table 1.5: Volumes of used oil burned in EU per year
[5, Concawe, 1996]

There is also a significant volume of oil contaminated waters collected for recovery. These
wastes have a net negative value but are processed so as to maximise the recovery of the
hydrocarbon for use as a fuel. Table 1.6 shows some installations carrying out this activity.

Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Using waste
oil in direct
waste oil as fuel
Using waste
oil in direct
waste oil as fuel
Belgium 1 10
Denmark 4 Y
Germany 12 1 310 100
Greece 0
Spain 4 Y 1
France 60 725
Ireland Y
Italy 2
Luxembourg 0 0 0 0
Malta 0 1 0 4.7
Netherlands Y
Austria 4 0 0 0 0
Portugal Y Y 1
Finland 3 4 1 155 54.5 0.2
Sweden 2 3
160 Y
TOTAL 252 19 3 1190 159.2 0.2
Y: exists but no data is available
Note: Columns related to non-hazardous oil correspond to the production of biodiesel from used vegetable oil.
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main reasons are that
the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been provided by the TWG at all on
certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been provided.
Table 1.6: Installations where waste oils are used as fuel or where waste oil is reprocessed to
produce a fuel
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86,
TWG, 2003], [128, Ribi, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Under EU legislation, it is illegal to dispose of WO in landfills, storm-water or waste water
drains. In some cases, used oil is applied to unsealed roads as a dust suppressant in some rural
areas. About 25 % of the WO in the EU was unaccounted eliminated for in 1999.

Chapter 1
1.2.7 Installations for treatment of waste solvent

Solvents are extensively used in chemical and biological processes. During these processes,
waste solvent is produced and it is recycled in-house. These treatments are an integral part of
the chemical/biological processes and they are covered in the different BREF documents.
However for economic or technical reasons, sometimes the waste solvents are delivered to a
third party (e.g. waste manager) for treatment. In some cases, the product of the treatment is
returned to the waste producer and in other cases this does not happen.

Waste solvents are also produced in the area of solvent-based surface treatment (such as
cleaning or degreasing in many different industrial sectors and in dry cleaning installations). In
most cases, the contaminated solvents or the bottoms of the distillation columns (solvent content
1 10 % in the case of closed cleaning installations/devices with internal distillation devices)
are delivered to solvent distillation installations and regenerated. The quality of the distillation
products is as good as that of new solvents.

In accordance with the Waste Framework Directive, the first option for waste solvents, as well
as for the rest of waste, is that it should be recycled. This has helped to generate an active
solvent recycling market. Similarly to waste oils, waste solvents which are not suitable for
regeneration because of certain compositions or because of very low purity can also be
recovered as a secondary liquid fuel (SLF), for example, in the cement industry and hazardous
waste incinerators. A fundamental difference with waste oils is that waste solvent qualities
fluctuate much more than the quality of waste oil.

Solvent regeneration facilities separate contaminants from waste solvents and thus restore the
solvent to its original quality or may be to a lower grade product (e.g. in the case of lacquer
thinner). Distillation (batch, continuous, or steam) is used by most commercial solvent
processors, and typically recovers about 75 % of the waste solvent. The residue, known as
distillation bottoms, can be a liquid or a sludge, depending upon a number of conditions, and
typically requires management as a hazardous waste. Other separation technologies used by
solvent processors include: filtration, simple evaporation, centrifugation, and stripping.

Country Number of known
Known capacity
Belgium 5 >8
Denmark 0
Germany 21
Greece 3
Spain 14 64
France 27 90.7
Ireland 2
Italy 2
Luxembourg 0
Netherlands 8
Austria 2
Portugal 1 10000 m
Finland 4 11
United Kingdom 8 >12
Iceland 0
Norway 11
TOTAL 108 185.7
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or
capacity. The main reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change
rapidly and/or because no data have been provided by the TWG at all on certain
topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been provided.
Table 1.7: Waste solvent installations in European countries
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG,
2003], [129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002]
Chapter 1
1.2.8 Installations for the treatment of waste catalysts, waste from
pollution abatement and other inorganic waste

The treatment of waste catalysts depends on the type of catalyst (catalytic active substance and
supporting structure or carrier) as well as the included by-products from the catalytic process.
These treatments include: regeneration of catalysts to be re-used as catalysts again, recycling of
components from catalysts and disposal in landfills. An example installation is an Austrian
facility for the recovery of Ni from food industry catalysts (Fe/Ni alloy).

Hydrometallurgical technology can be used to extract and concentrate metals from liquid
waste. Non-liquid wastes first require dissolution.

In Malta, there are two underground asbestos storage sites and one overground pending
treatment. The asbestos originated from ships being repaired in dock yards and from unused
asbestos pipes.

Treatment of waste
Treatment of other inorganic
waste (excluding metals and
metal compounds)
Recovery of waste from
pollution abatement
Country Number of
Number of
Number of
Belgium 0 0 13 1
Denmark 0 0 3 1
Germany 1 63 2
Greece 5 0 0 0 0
Spain 0 0 6 195 15 3
France 3 4.9 0 0 0 0
Ireland 4 0 0 0 0
Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malta 3
Netherlands 2 17 1
Austria 3 14 0 0
Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9 3 0 0
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Norway 2 1 0 0
TOTAL 20 4.9 129 198 20 3
The treatment of 1 million lamps containing mercury is not included.
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main reasons are
that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been provided by the TWG
at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been provided.
Table 1.8: Installations for the treatment of waste catalysts, waste from pollution abatement and
other inorganic waste in European countries
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [150,
TWG, 2004]

1.2.9 Installations for treatment of activated carbon and resins

Most waste activated carbon and resin is a result of water purification processes. It is very
difficult to estimate the regeneration throughput in Europe, mostly due to the fact that many
operators regenerate their adsorbent on site (often sporadically) rather than sending it to large
centralised reactivation plants.

Activated carbon is used in three principal applications: the treatment of drinking water; in the
food and drink industry, for example for removing colour in the refining of sugar; and in general
industrial applications, e.g. removal of VOCs from process vent streams. These applications
affect the type of contamination on the carbon and the regeneration process that is then required.
Chapter 1
For example, carbon which has been used in industrial applications (industrial carbons), such
as in effluent treatment, requires a more stringent pollution abatement system than that used for
the treatment of potable water or for that from the food industry.

At some point in the lifetime of the process, the carbon will become exhausted with the material
that it is adsorbing. The carbon should then be regenerated or, if this is not possible, disposed of.
The choice of route is naturally determined by economics and scale. In the treatment of potable
water, the carbon is used in large quantities and is contained in large open topped concrete-lined
carbon beds. These have a life expectancy before exhaustion of a few years. When they are
regenerated, they result in large quantities to be treated. It is this application that represents the
most common in the UK in terms of volume and it is regenerated either on site by a purpose
built plant or transported off site for regeneration by a merchant operator. Because of the nature
of the market there is a tendency that more regeneration facilities, once designed purely for in-
house materials, now offer a merchant regeneration service.

There are at least 19 sites in Europe regenerating activated carbons from off site. The estimated
numbers are mentioned in the next Table 1.7.

Country Number of known
Known capacity
Belgium 2
Germany 3
France 1
Italy 5
Netherlands 1
Austria 1
Finland 1
Sweden 1
United Kingdom 4
TOTAL 19 >50
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations
or capacity. The main reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers
change rapidly and/or because no data have been provided by the TWG at all on
certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.9: Activated carbon installations in European countries
[150, TWG, 2004]

The most common reactivation furnaces are direct fired rotary kilns and multiple hearth
furnaces. Indirect fired rotary kilns, fluidised bed, vertical tube type and infrared are sometimes
used. The type of granular activated carbon (GAC) reactivation furnaces in use worldwide in
early 1990 are shown in Table 1.10.

Type of GAC reactivation furnace Number of units
Multiple hearth >100
Fluidised bed <20
Indirect fired rotary kiln >50
Direct fired rotary kiln <30
Vertical tube-type <30
Infrared furnaces (horizontal and vertical) <9
Table 1.10: Type of GAC reactivation furnaces in use worldwide
[42, UK, 1995]

Quantitative figures for ion exchange resin regeneration facilities are not available.

Chapter 1
1.2.10 Installations for the treatment of waste acids and bases

There are several installations in the EU which regenerate HCl. No installations have been
identified to recover HBr. Waste sulphuric acid can be regenerated in the following ways:

thermal decomposition of waste/spent/recovered sulphuric acid, the result then being used
as a primary or supplementary source of SO
feed to a sulphuric acid contact process. This
is covered in the LVIC(AAF) BREF [62, EIPPCB, 2003], as is any process that produces
as a feedstock by decomposition/calcinations
a process based on the reconcentration of weak/spent/waste sulphuric acid, with or without
separation of potential impurities (e.g. salts). This will be included in this document
industrial processes that use sulphuric acid and include a recycling of the spent sulphuric
acid as an integral part of the process. This will be covered in the BREF where the industrial
process is covered (e.g. BREF LVIC-solids and others for titanium dioxide production).

Country Number of known
Known capacity
Belgium 1
Denmark 1
Germany 2
Greece 0
Spain 1 42
France 3 2
Ireland 1
Luxembourg 0
Netherlands 0
Austria 4
Portugal 0
Finland 0
Iceland 0
Norway 0
TOTAL 13 44
Values correspond to regeneration installations covered by this document
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of
installations or capacity. The main reasons are that the market is so dynamic
that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been provided by
the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no
information has been provided.
Table 1.11: Installations for the regeneration of waste acids or bases
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61, Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG,

Acid recovery usually involves the separation of unreacted acid from an acid waste such as
spent pickle liquor generated by the steel industry. One method used in the steel industry,
involves cooling the sulphuric acid to precipitate ferrous compounds. In another method, acid
can be regenerated by injecting it into a spray roaster.

1.2.11 Installations for the treatment of contaminated wood

In some cases, contaminated wood is directly incinerated. In other cases, contaminated wood is
thermally treated by carbonisation/pyrolysis. All these treatments are covered by the WI BREF.
However, in some cases treatments are used focused on the extraction of heavy metals from the
solid residue generated by carbonisation of contaminated wood these processes are covered in
this document. One installation is in operation in France.

Chapter 1
1.2.12 Installations for the treatment of contaminated refractory ceramics

Two installations are in operation in France with a total treatment capacity of 50 kt per year.

1.2.13 Installations for the preparation of waste to be used as fuel

Currently, there are several factors driving the concept of using waste as a fuel in combustion

Waste Framework Directive and its amendments sets a waste management hierarchy. This
gives a preference to recycling and recovery (including the use of waste as a source of
waste sector regulations, such as the packaging waste Directive, end-of-life vehicles
Directive, waste from electrical and electronics, waste incineration Directive, waste
catalogue, dangerous substances Directive and dangerous preparation Directive may
also influence the option
the Landfill Directive prohibits the landfilling of waste with a high content of biodegradable
materials. Therefore, there is a need to establish alternative ways for treating the respective
waste fractions. Co-incineration is one option among others (e.g. incineration, mechanical-
biological treatment)
under the requirement of the Kyoto protocol, greenhouse gas emissions have to be reduced
worldwide. Co-incineration of waste fractions as a replacement for conventional fuels may
be one option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
as liberalisation of the energy market intensifies economic pressure on the energy
producers/consumers. The co-combustion of waste opens a new scope of business for them,
which makes operation of combustion plants more attractive economically
to reduce the cost of fuel used in the combustion processes.

The term waste fuel is used in this document for all types of waste materials that are prepared
to be used as fuel in any combustion process. Waste fuels can be gaseous, liquid or solids. For
instance, liquid waste fuels can be prepared from waste oils, solvents, and distillation
bottoms. The way the liquid waste fuel is going to be used in the combustion process
influences the way the waste fuel is prepared. For example, some liquid waste fuels can
be prepared by blending different wastes that have high calorific values and feed them
independently into the combustion chamber or they can be mixed/blended with
conventional fuels (e.g. waste oil and fuel oils). Some liquid wastes, for instance oils,
normally need pretreatment to remove bottoms, sediments, and water. This may be
achieved through separation and dehydration.

Some combustion processes that may use waste as (part) fuel are the combustion plants for the
production of heat and/or power, marine engines, cement kilns, blast furnaces in iron and steel
production, brick kilns in the production of ceramics, lime kilns and asphalt production. The
type of furnace or boiler used, the combustion conditions (e.g. temperature) that the process
should operate, the impact on the emissions or products and the type of fuel already in use has a
strong influence in which the type of waste(s) may be acceptable and how the waste fuel is

The purpose of those installations is to guarantee the following aspects:

optimise the valorisation of certain waste avoiding its landfilling
the quality of thermal destruction
provide the required physico-chemical properties of the waste fuel to end user.

Chapter 1
The basic principles of waste fuel production are the following:

the chemical and physical quality of the fuel shall meet any specifications or standards
ensuring environmental protection, protection of the kiln/furnace process, and quality of the
material produced, where the combustion process where the waste fuel is used produces a
product (e.g. cement)
energy and mineral contents must remain stable to allow optimal feed in the kiln/furnace
the physical form must allow safe and proper handling, storage and feeding.

Country Number of known installations Known capacity (kt/yr)
Hazardous Non-hazardous Hazardous Non-hazardous
Belgium 12 Y
Denmark 4 13
Germany 16 34
Greece 0 0
Spain 33 5 204
France 54 Y 542 1400
Ireland 2 Y
Italy 27 2080
Luxembourg 0 Y
Netherlands 1 Y
Austria 8 10
Portugal 0 Y 165
Finland 7 37 106 800
Sweden Y Y
United Kingdom Y Y
Iceland 1 Y
Norway 2 Y
TOTAL 140 126 852 4445
Y: exists but no data are available
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.12: Installations for the preparation of waste to be used as fuel
[39, Militon, et al., 2000], [40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [60, Azkona and Tsotsos, 2000], [61,
Weibenbach, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Preparation of municipal solid waste to be used as fuel
The current best estimate of the quantity of solid recovered fuels produced and consumed in
Europe is about 1.4 Mt/yr, as set out below.
Chapter 1
Country Producers Production Consumption - Export/Import + CK
kt/yr toe/yr kt/yr kt/yr toe/yr kt/yr %
Belgium 7 <100 <50000 <100 <50000 n.a. n.a. (100)
Denmark 1 0 0 0 0
Germany 19 500
n.a. n.a. 85
Greece 0 0 0 0
Spain n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
France 3 0 0 0 0
Ireland <200
n.a. n.a.
Italy 25 0 0 0 0
Luxembourg 23 0 0 0 0
Netherlands 250
100000 15 6000 -145 60000 20
Austria 26
160 50000 100 50000 7
Portugal 8 0 0 0 0
Finland 10 170 58000 170 58000 n.a. n.a. 0
Sweden 4
1 1
n.a. n.a.
Iceland 0 0 0 0
Norway 29
1 1
TOTAL 155 1380
toe/yr = tonnes oil equivalent per year (It is assumed that solid recovered fuel has a calorific value of 21 MJ/kg,
although it is lower in Finland and the Netherlands, and oil has a calorific value of 42 MJ/kg)
CK = % of consumption that occurs in cement kilns
The figures in this table are only indicative as they do not correspond to the same harmonised definition used
throughout the European Union
There is no overall statistic for Sweden or Norway because this fuel is used in ordinary heat/power plants and in
waste incinerators without a demand for detailed specifications. Data for Sweden (2001) are: waste incineration
plants for district heating 856000 t/yr and power plants for district heating 455000 t/yr.
No exact figures exist, but approximate figures give 500 kt of waste imported in 1999. 90 % consisted of wood,
paper, plastic and rubber.
A TWG member thinks that this value is too high but has not provided any alternative value.
Table 1.13: Summary of European solid recovered fuels market in 2000 in Europe
[21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Industrys best estimate of solid recovered fuel production in 2005 is about 11 Mt/yr.
(Table 1.14)
Chapter 1
Production Consumption - Export/Import + K 2000 Country
kt/yr toe/yr kt/yr toe/yr kt/yr toe/yr %
Belgium 100 50000 100 50000 n.a. n.a. 0
Denmark 0 0
Germany 3000 1500000 4000 2000000 +1000 +500000
Greece 500 250000 500 250000 n.a. n.a.
Spain 1000 500000 1000 500000 n.a. n.a.
France 1000 500000 0 0 -1000 -500000
Ireland 500 250000 500 250000 n.a. n.a.
Italy 1000 500000 1000 500000 n.a. n.a.
Luxembourg 50 25000 50 25000 n.a. n.a.
Netherlands 1000 400000 600 240000 -400 -160000
Austria 500 250000 500 250000 n.a. n.a. 400
Portugal 500 250000 500 250000 n.a. n.a.
Finland 350 120000 350 120000 n.a. n.a. 100
Sweden 500 250000 1000 4500000 +500 +200000
600 300000 600 300000 n.a. n.a.
Switzerland 0 0 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Norway 150 75000 150 75000 n.a. n.a.
Total 10750 5220000
Notes: toe/yr = tonnes oil equivalent per year (It is assumed that solid recovered fuel has a calorific
value of 21 MJ/kg, although it is lower in Finland and the Netherlands, and oil has a calorific
value of 42 MJ/kg)
W 2000 = Difference from year 2000
It is assumed that no solid recovered fuel (SRF) is exported outside the European Union.
The figures in this table are only indicative as they do not correspond to the same harmonised definition
used t by the European Commission.
Note: Numbers within this table may not reflect the real number of installations or capacity. The main
reasons are that the market is so dynamic that numbers change rapidly and/or because no data have been
provided by the TWG at all on certain topics. Cells without numbers mean that no information has been
Table 1.14: Forecast/potential for the European solid recovered fuels market in 2005
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

The consumption of hard coal and lignite for power production in the EU was 145 Mtoe/yr in
1999 (European Commission 1999 Annual Energy Review). Using this figure, it can be
calculated that the total production of solid recovered fuel as forecast in Table 1.14 for 2005
(i.e. more than 5 Mtoe/yr) represents a substitution rate of 3.5 %.

Preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste
The use of hazardous waste as fuel started in the mid seventies when the petroleum crisis
drastically increased the cost of the fuel oil and also when, in different countries, new
regulations were issued concerning waste disposal. As a large amount of energy rich waste
(mainly solvents) was available, the co-processing of waste in cement kilns was an obvious
answer to the situation on both environmental and economical terms. Later, in order to increase
the energy saving, more and more sophisticated pretreatment processes have been developed,
first to produce liquid waste fuel and more recently, i.e. in the nineties to produce solid waste

Estimated data were provided by some EU companies and are shown below in Table 1.15.
These data are based on the market situation in EU-15.

Chapter 1
Preparation of waste fuel from
hazardous wastes
Number of
2001 Production
Liquid waste fuel from organic liquid 107 650
Liquid waste fuel from fluidification 7 108
Liquid waste fuel from emulsions 3 48
Liquid waste fuel 117 806
Solid waste fuel 26 465
Total 143 1271
Note: The data correspond to estimations established in December 2002
Liquid waste fuel (excluding oils). Data have been established for regrouping and
pretreatment plants from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland,
Spain, Portugal, Ireland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The size and capacity of a liquid waste fuel pretreatment plant varies widely, from 5000 to
100000 tonnes/year. For regrouping facilities, the typical size of a plant ranges from 1000 to
20000 tonnes/year.
Solid waste fuel. Data have been established for pretreatment plant production in 2001 from
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Poland,
Norway and Slovakia. The average size capacity of a solid waste fuel pretreatment plant is
18000 tonnes/year, with capacities ranging from 2000 to 70000 tonnes/year.
Table 1.15: Production and site numbers of preparation of waste fuel mainly from hazardous
waste in EU-15
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 1
1.3 Economic and institutional aspects of the waste treatment

Waste treatment is typically a high volume low return process. A fixed or lowered base price,
either for the incoming waste or for the recycled product, has placed the commercial emphasis
on maximising throughput and reducing cost overheads.

Cost and price of waste treatment is typically established on the basis of investments and
running costs. However, in some cases, prices may be determined by operators at the low end
of the market. In some other cases, the prices are fixed by agreement between the waste
producer and the waste manager, where these may be different for a particular waste depending
on who has produced it. Although there are exceptions, and also particularly for older plants,
investment levels have been low, due to the low returns and competition with the low prices of
landfills. It is expected that high levels of investment will be required to meet the standards set
by the actual regulatory regime.

The industry has generally maximised the constructive use of some waste types to treat other
wastes, this is expected to continue, particularly using waste as a raw material.

Competition exists between regional, national and international companies. One example is in
the collection of waste oil, where national collectors work on large volumes as an economy of
scale while local/regional operators, compete with the advantage of having lower overhead

Hazardous waste management facilities typically, under the duty to tender delivery, accept all
types of hazardous waste for correct disposal without regard to competition. However, some
dedicated facilities which may be in competition for certain types of waste, would only need to
bid for any hazardous waste that they can handle. In this respect, different configurations have
been developed for the designated hazardous waste management facilities and competing

Some WT plants, due to their regionalisation and/or the need for proximity, contribute to a
substantial decrease in waste transportation. However, other WT plants are working on a
supraregional, national or even international basis mainly depending on the specialisation of
certain treatment operations.
Impact of new waste legislation on the waste treatment sector
Waste production is avoided in accordance with Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975
on waste; where waste is produced, it is recovered or, where it is technically and economically
impossible, it is disposed of while avoiding or reducing any impact on the environment. It is
worth mentioning that the IPPC Directive would have a direct impact on the waste treatment
industry as well as on producers of waste.

Regulatory conditions are being put in place, some of them at EU level (e.g. incineration,
landfilling, electrical and electronic waste, end-of-life vehicles), to break the cycle of high
volume, low return and low investment. This is expected to lead to greater investment in the
sector and a move towards developing techniques to treat those wastes which were previously
directly landfilled, or to improving processes which before were not treating the wastes
effectively. This will require the development of dedicated plants and, probably, equipment for
the treatment of specific wastes.

Whilst restrictions on landfilling, which will be introduced by the Landfill Directive, will
require more treatment of waste either prior to or instead of landfill, this may lead to the
continuing development of sites utilising stabilisation and fixation techniques. However, these
techniques are still quite basic and subject to a number of serious problems.

Chapter 1
Waste oil treatment is also likely to increase and change, especially as the implementation of the
Landfill Directive bans the landfilling of oil/water streams from 2002 to 2007.

Regulatory compliance could be thought of as a separate function reacting to external forces, yet
in reality this is essentially the driving force for the entire facility. The market for waste
facilities is heavily influenced by dynamic regulatory programmes that continue to undergo
significant change. The operation of a facility is thus geared around managing waste in a
manner that meets, if not exceeds, environmental regulations. This is no easy matter due to the
large amount of regulation the industry is subject to.

Waste oils
Environmental consciousness in the 1980s has had a number of consequences on the waste oils
treatment sector, in particular:

the shutting down of many acid/clay re-refining plants, mainly in the US, for both economic
and environmental reasons
the use of improved equipment and devices to reduce the potential pollution from burning
used oil
the development of improved re-refining technologies for both environmental and product
quality reasons.

Physico-chemical (Ph-c) treatment plants
There are continuous changes in the production process modifying the type of waste as well as
the auxiliary substances used. In this respect, even the Ph-c plants are subject to constant
adaptation processes, both in terms of the procedures used and the controls. Furthermore,
changes in the regulatory frameworks also lead to plant reconfigurations; in general, these
changed regulations aim at a significant reduction in Ph-c plant emissions. The reconfiguration
can affect all the functional areas of a Ph-c plant, including plant technology, process materials,
laboratory equipment, and even the general and specialist knowledge of the staff.

Preparation of municipal solid waste (MSW) to be used as fuel
The history of use MSW as fuel goes back to the oil crisis of 30 years ago. Then RDF (refuse
derived fuel) was promoted as a substitute low cost fuel, although the fuel was never fully
accepted by the market. However, in the past 10 years there has been a growing interest within
the cement, lime, steel and energy industries in fuels derived from waste, mainly due to
economic reasons. Existing European energy policy targets and waste management policy give
an impetus to the usage of waste derived fuels based on non-hazardous wastes. These fuels, with
an average content of 50 - 60 % on biogenics, may contribute considerably to the reduction of
emissions and the doubling of the share of renewable energy. Moreover, due to market
liberalisation and the need for cost reductions, industry is increasingly becoming more
interested in less expensive homogenous substitute fuels of a specified quality. At present the
main end-users are the cement and lime industries. However, the market potential for the future
is the power generating sector.

Waste management policy aiming at a reduction in landfill disposal of biodegradable waste
directly influenced the development of facilities for the production of waste fuels. Also the
(high) tax system applied to landfilling is a major driving force in some Member States.
Contrary to enforced changes 30 years ago due to the oil crisis, the producers of the waste fuels
took the initiative for a quality system that should guarantee the properties of the solid waste
fuel produced out of MSW and therefore make it a more reliable product. Quality systems exist
in several Member States now. CEN was given a mandate by the Commission to develop
standards for so-called solid recoverd fuel (SRF) based on non hazardous wastes these are
currently underway.

The main outlets of SRF are currently in the cement and lime industries. The use in coal fired
power stations is an emerging sector. Steel mills use SRF as a carbon substitute. In Nordic
countries, SRF is mainly used for the production of heat in industries and district heating.
Chapter 1
The breakdown of the fuel consumption used to produce cement is given in Table 1.16.

Fuel %
Petroleum coke 39
Hard coal 36
Fuel oil 7
Lignite 6
Gas 2
Waste 10
Table 1.16: Fuel consumption by the European cement industry
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

The specific energy consumption for cement is 3 4 MJ/kg clinker. Assuming 0.75 kg
clinker/kg cement, a substitution rate of fuel of 30 50 % and a LHV of SRF of 19 MJ/kg, this
means there is a potential use of 6 11 Mt SRF/yr. Assuming an energy consumption of
4 MJ/kg lime, at the same substitution rate as for cement kilns, this means a potential of 1 2
Mt SRF/yr could be used for an annual production of 20 Mt of lime.

The estimated use of SRF in hard coal and lignite for power production in the EU is 14 29 Mt
SRF/yr (supposing a substitutation rate at a minimum of 5 10 % on heat bases). The total
potential market for SRF may be 21 42 Mt/yr, which is a substantial amount of the SRF that
could be produced from MSW and other combustible wastes. There are large differences
between countries. Germany still has a lot of lignite and coal fired power plants. France, has a
policy geared towards using nuclear power plants, and therefore only has few coal fired power
plants. In the CEN report on Solid Recovered Fuels [21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001] a
potential of SRF use is indicated as between 33 and 50 Mt/yr. The conclusion is that the SRF
production is increasing and can become an essential link in the waste management system.

1.4 General environmental issues related to installations that
treat waste

Waste composition is very variable and the potential range of components that might be present
is enormous. Due to such variance in components and composition, there are very few common
emissions from waste management operations since each site has a slightly different
combination of unit operations, and accepts a different range of wastes based on local

The intention of this section is to give a short overview of the main environmental issues in the
sector. A more precise picture of the environmental issues of the sector is developed in
Chapter 3.

Air emissions
Most waste installations have emissions to air of carbon dioxide, ammonia and particulate
matter. Certain organic substances can be commonly identified at almost every site and it is
worth noting that most sites create some kind of particulate emission simply through handling
products. Issues such as odour and volatile organic compounds are also relevant. Other
contaminants that might be found at some sites are hydrogen chloride, ammonia, amines,
hydrogen sulphide. Other components that may occur are PAHs and dioxins mainly because
they are imported with the waste to be treated. These are a problem from both a health and an
environmental point of view. They are formed during the incomplete combustion of organic
matter (e.g. incineration, co-incineration, combustion of some fuels) and via reformatting during
cooling down of the off-gas. PAHs are relatively difficult to break down. Table 1.17 shows the
main air emissions from waste treatment operations.

Chapter 1
Main air emissions Waste treatment operation
Acids (HCl) Incineration
Physico-chemical treatments
Ammonia Biological treatments
Physico-chemical treatments
Carbon oxides Energy systems
Thermal treatments
Biological treatments
Microbiological pollution Biological treatments
Nitrogen oxides
Energy systems
Thermal treatments
Biological treatments
Sulphur oxides Energy systems
Thermal treatments
(including metals)
Energy systems
Storage and handling of solids
Thermal treatments
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Biological treatments
Waste oil treatments
Waste solvent treatments
Hydrocarbons/water separation systems
Storage and handling of organic substances
Note: Refer to Chapter 3 for specific emissions to different waste treatment operations.
Table 1.17: Main air pollutants emitted by waste treatments and their main sources

Water emissions
Most waste installations declare an emission of total nitrogen, total organic carbon, total
phosphorus and chloride to water. Table 1.18 gives a summary of the main water emissions
from waste treatment operations.

Main water emissions Waste treatment operations
Chlorinated compounds (e.g. AOX) Waste solvents treatments
Metals (e.g. As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Sn,
Biological treatments
Common storage and handling of waste
Physico-chemical treatments of metal
extraction, finishing waste, fine chemicals and
organic manufacture.
Waste oil treatments
Organic chemicals
(e.g. BOD, COD, TOC, hydrocarbons,
phenols, BTEX)
Waste oil treatments
Waste solvent treatments
Energy systems
Total nitrogen Physico-chemical treatments
Biological treatments
Total phosphorus Physico-chemical treatments
Biological treatments
Note: Refer to Chapter 3 for specific emissions to different waste treatment operations.
Table 1.18: Main water pollutants (parameters) emitted by waste treatments and their main

Chapter 1
Waste outputs
Generally, the output from WT installations is a treated waste. However, those outputs can be
differentiated in two types. One type refers to the treated waste (typically representing the main
part of the output) that in some cases can be re-used elsewhere. The other type is represented by
the waste generated by the treatment process itself. The appearance of the latter one does not
only just depend on the type of waste treated, but also on the type of treatment given to the
waste. Indeed, this second type of waste is more dependent on the treatment than on the actual
type of waste treated.

Soil and groundwater contamination
In the past, unprecautionary handling of wastes has been at the origin of land contamination, as
has been the case in almost all industrial sectors. As is the case in many other industries, the
waste treatment industry is not currently an activity which leads to land contamination.
According to the process and the type of wastes used, prevention actions have been developed
such as retention, impermeabilisation, and undergroundwater monitoring, in order to prevent
and control soil and groundwater contamination.

Chapter 2

This section describes those treatments and processes within the waste treatments sector which
are included within the Scope of this document. This chapter is for those interested in gaining a
general understanding of the processes and activities found in the industrial sector, and for those
interested in the interrelationships between the industrial processes and the topics described in
later chapters of this document, i.e. consumptions, emissions and best available techniques.

Therefore, the aim of this chapter is not to replicate published engineering information already
available in general literature. This means that some techniques widely used in the WT sector
will not be described in this chapter because they are simple unit operations widely explained
elsewhere. For those techniques, summary tables will be presented which will highlight as far as
possible the purpose, the principle and the users.

Structure of this chapter
The processes and activities found in the WT sector are divided into six sections in this
document. Such structure/classification should not be interpreted as any attempt to interpret
IPPC Directive or any EC waste legislation. These are:

common techniques. This covers those stages found in the waste sector that are generally
applied and that are not specific to any individual type of waste treatment (e.g. reception,
blending, sorting, storage, energy system, management). The unit operations associated
with these treatments are also covered. Figure 2.2 shows a flow diagram for a typical waste
treatment installation. The brown boxes correspond to the parts that will be covered in this
first section
biological treatments and some mechanical-biological treatments (e.g. aerobic/anaerobic
digestions). The unit operations associated to these treatments are also covered
physico-chemical treatments. This covers treatments such as precipitation, decanting and
centrifuging, solvent recovery and any thermal treatments not included in the WI BREF.
The unit operations associated to these treatments are also covered
treatments applied to waste in order to enable the recycling/regeneration of materials (e.g.
catalysts, solvents, waste oils, etc.). The unit operations associated to those treatments are
also covered
treatments applied to turn a waste into a material that can be used as a fuel in different
industrial sectors. The unit operations associated to these treatments are also covered
end-of-pipe techniques used in waste treatment installations for the abatement of emissions.
Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 illustrate the classification mentioned above. This classification is also
repeated in each of the following chapters to maintain coherence and to make it easier for the
reader to cross-reference information.
Chapter 2
Discard or re-use
Preparation of waste to be used as fuel
Product/waste to
be re-used
Re-recycling / regeneration of waste
Biological or physico-chemical treatments
Common techniques (including mechanical treatments)
Abatement techniques
Figure 2.1: Structure of the chapters
Note: This figure only tries to give a snapshot of how information is structured in this document.
Exceptions to any of these categories might be present and sometimes it is difficult to classify a
treatment under certain block.
Within the block preparation of waste to be used as fuel, the combustion process is not included
under the scope of this document. For further information, please refer to Scope section.
Such structure should not be interpreted as any attempt to give guidance if a waste treatment is
Recovery or Disposal under the EC waste legislation.
[150, TWG, 2004]

Storage Storage
Section 2.1 Section 2.1
Sections 2.2 to 2.5
Abatement techniques (Section 2.6)

Figure 2.2: Typical operations in waste treatments and how these have been distributed in this
and subsequent chapters

Chapter 2
Many techniques listed in this chapter are briefly described, with information provided in the
structure shown in Table 2.1. This same structure is used for each technique, to help the reader
to easily assess the information within this document.

Name of the type of information Type of information included
Purpose A brief explanation of what this type of WT is used for
Principle of operation The type of process carried out and a brief explanation of it
Feed and output streams The type of waste that can be treated by the treatment, as well as
details of any products of the operation
Process description A brief description of the process. Where appropriate, figures and
diagrams will be used
Users Reference to the number of plants using the technique in Europe
and worldwide. Also, details of which WT sector uses this type of
Table 2.1: Information contained in the description of each technique included in Chapter 2
[150, TWG, 2004]

Waste treatment installations
While the waste is in storage, a treatment schedule is developed that identifies the waste to be
treated, its storage location, any necessary preparations, the treatment method, and the rate at
which the waste is to be fed. At the start of the waste treatment, the waste is typically fed by
bulk materials handling systems, such as pipelines or conveyors, to the equipment used to
perform the prescribed treatment steps. Treatment operations may be carried out on a batch or
continuous basis.

Different types of approaches are common for waste treatment installations. They can broadly
be classified into three groups:

waste installations included in the same place where the waste is produced. These typically
serve a rather small number of wastes types and can provide only a restricted number of
specific dedicated waste installations, which may provide one or several operations but
which typically treat only a small number of waste types or which produce a relatively small
amount of output
integrated waste treatment installations. Some waste treatment installations are not
standalone installations only containing a single type of treatment. Some of them are
designed to provide a wide variety of services, and they are designed to treat a great variety
of waste types. As mentioned in Section 1.1, waste treatment installations are designed to
produce required waste treatment services. For example, sometimes they are designed to
provide a certain type of treatment to deal with a large amount and variety of different waste
types (e.g. aqueous wastes, municipal solid wastes). Figure 2.3 is one example of such a
complex installation.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.3: Example of an integrated waste treatment installation
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

Table 2.2 matches the operations carried out at WT installations with the components of
the fully integrated facility. It is important to note that all components operate under an
umbrella of a number of special measures. These special precautionary measures include
security, inspections, maintenance, training, incident prevention, emergency planning,
safety, monitoring, and auditing.

Operations subsystems
Facility components Pre-shipment
waste analysis
Waste storage
Analytical laboratory X X
Truck waiting area X
Gatehouse X
Weighbridge X
Drum unloading and
Tank farm X X
Bulk waste and waste
Biological treatment X X
Stabilisation plant X X
Regeneration X
Preparation of waste
to be used as fuel
Incinerator* X X
Landfill cells* X
* Not covered in this document
Table 2.2: Examples of operations subsystems and their components
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

What processes are applied to each type of waste?
In order to select which type of treatment may be given to a certain waste, decision trees have
been developed.
Chapter 2
2.1 Common techniques applied in the sector
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [50, Scori, 2002], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [53, LaGrega, et al.,
1994], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [100, UNEP, 2000], [116, Irish EPA, 2003],
[119, Watco, 2002], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002],
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] [157, UBA,

This section discusses the pretreatments/activities or post-treatments/activities (see the
introduction to Chapter 2 and Figure 2.2) commonly used in the WT sector and included under
the scope of this document. It also includes some treatment activities that are commonly used in
the whole sector. For example, it includes techniques used for repackaging, crushing, sieving,
drying, blending, sorting, homogenisation, scrapping, fluidification, washing, baling, regrouping
and storage, transportation, reception and traceability control, as well as management techniques
used in waste treatment installations. Only those techniques important from an environmental
point of view are described in detail. Other techniques considered to be generic techniques or
very specialised techniques have not been described but have been listed in the two last sections
of this Section 2.1. Those techniques applied for the abatement of emissions (e.g. air filters,
biofilters, waste water treatments) are briefly mentioned in Section 2.6 and are widely analysed
in the last three sections of Chapter 4.

2.1.1 Reception, acceptance, traceability and quality assurance

For most WT plants, the following order is relevant: a) acceptance b) storage c) treatment d)
storage of residues and emissions. Each of the previous steps requires knowledge and control of
the waste as well as specific acceptance and processing management. Knowledge of wastes,
before they are accepted and treated, is a key factor for the management of a WT plant. The aim
of this section is to present the different types of controls and analyses which can be carried out
during the waste treatment process, from the pre-acceptance and arrival of the waste at the site,
to the final dispatch of the waste.

Pre-acceptance and acceptance procedures
Many WT sites (e.g. hazardous waste treatment facilities) require information and/or samples to
be provided prior to the transport of waste to the site, to enable them to ensure that the waste is
within the requirements of the site licence and will not adversely affect their treatment process.
Pre-acceptance includes taking a sample, filling out an identification form, carrying out the
analysis and then assessing whether the waste can be accepted into the installation. If it can be
pre-accepted, the waste is transported into the installation, where a second analysis is carried out
to once again help make the decision of whether to accept or reject the waste. Then the
acceptance procedure contains two stages: First, the pre-acceptance phase; and second the
acceptance phase.
Chapter 2
Pre-acceptance procedures of wastes follow three main steps:

a. information is provided from the waste producer. For example, a specific formula about the
waste identification (main characteristics, health and safety considerations, how they are
produced, etc.)
b. preliminary and complete analyses are carried out in order to characterise the waste
c. on the basis of all the information, the operator makes the final decision on whether to
accept the wastes into the installation or not (bearing in mind the specifications included in
its permit and other process requirements). There are always rules to accept wastes as
complying with the description. Some of these rules are developed at national level and
others are developed at installation level. For example, this can be certain percentages of
differentiation or parameters restricted by the permit. In certain cases, a risk assessment may
be carried out. The waste processor can evaluate the risk of contravention of certain rules in
this way (e.g. national rules). An example of classification of the risk in the pre-acceptance
phase may be:
waste is classified as high risk if the waste or the client are new
waste is classified as low risk if:
it is a known waste from a known client and
the waste is predictable in properties and composition and
there are low risks of contamination or dilution of the waste with other wastes
or material.

In certain cases, part of this procedure (e.g the analysis) may have to be adapted, e.g if
dangerous conditions for sampling occur at the time or when there is a very small quantity of

The purpose of the full characterisation before shipment is to satisfy the following requirements,

determine if the waste is acceptable for receipt at the facility in terms of:
the facilitys permit
the capability of the facility to treat or dispose of the waste
identify the inherent hazards of the waste so that appropriate precautions can be taken
during its handling and storage at the facility to prevent incidents
determine the physical characteristics and chemical constituents of the waste to allow
selection of effective waste processing and disposal methods
select the verification parameters to be tested upon arrival at the facility. These parameters
can ensure that each shipment of waste is the same type as the fully characterised waste
select any treatability parameters to be tested that could vary, so as to influence how waste
processing would be programmed
develop an estimate of the cost of treatment or disposal of the waste.

Upon receipt, a unique code is assigned to the waste containers, or batch, to ensure that the
waste is traceable at all times. Individual containers or specific storage locations are marked
accordingly. Some waste oil recovery companies tend to check the incoming feedstock by
interviewing the truck driver and subjecting top and bottom samples from the truck to visual and
olfactory inspection. A classification of the risk in the acceptance phase may be:

wastes with high risk classification are typically always analysed at delivery
wastes with a low risk classification are occasionally tested on conformity with the data
from the pre-acceptance phase. The process of acceptance is typically guided by receivers
with a role independent from process operators or waste acquirers. The whole procedure
classifying the risks of non conformity with data from the pre-acceptance phase and the
description of roles and responsibilities of the various persons involved in waste acceptance
is typically part of the waste analysis plan.
Chapter 2
Upon accepting the waste, the facility signs a declaration and sends a copy to the waste
producer (originator). At that point, the facility may share liability, in some cases, with the
producer and the transporter. In other cases, the waste producer maintains the responsibility of
the waste treatment until the last treatment is performed. Thus, it is critical that the pre-shipment
waste analysis has already been completed and the shipment scheduled. Without prior
scheduling of the incoming shipment or if the shipment is improperly documented, the
gatehouse will refuse entry to the truck.

Sampling and analysis
A proportion of the waste is screened at the site. The level of screening is a function of the
amount of processing to be carried out, and the size of the container. For example, materials to
be treated in an adjacent plant will be tested to check compatibility, as will drums of material for
bulking and onward transfer. Screening systems vary from site to site according to the type of
waste and its subsequent treatment. For example, screening may involve an initial check of the
pH level, odour and flashpoint as the materials are unloaded, followed by a more detailed
screening against the stated contents on the packing lists for materials that will be decanted at
the site.

The way sampling and any analysis is carried out may vary depending on the purpose of the
checks, for example pre-acceptance, acceptance, reception, process analysis, traceability,
dispatch analysis, reception at the final user site or external analysis. CEN TC 292 work
provides information on sampling and sample preparation. Some more information is also
available in Section 3.7.

Upon collection of the sample, the laboratory typically analyses a portion for the verification
parameters and retain the remainder for subsequent testing of treatability parameters. Upon
verification of the waste shipment, the truck is directed to an unloading area where it is emptied
and then reweighed before it leaves the facility. The essential tasks of the laboratory are:

acceptance and identification
establishing the treatment programme
process control
final inspection.

A waste analysis plan is a critical part of a facility. The plan specifies the parameters for which
each waste will be analysed, the sampling and analytical methods to be used, and the frequency
of analysis. Before a facility treats, stores, or disposes of a waste, it must profile the waste,
including a detailed chemical and physical analysis of a representative sample of the waste.
Commercial facilities require this full characterisation prior to shipment by the waste producer.
Representative sampling of a waste shipment is conducted upon arrival at the facility to verify
that the composition of the shipped waste matches the information given on the fully
characterised waste sheets.

Plant laboratories assume central importance, for example in physico-chemical treatments of
waste waters. Both process simulations to establish treatment programmes and analytical work
is undertaken to determine the sequence of processes in the sense of process controls as well as
emissions (waste water, exhaust air); the treatment programme contains exact instructions
regarding how the waste is to be treated, which chemicals are to be used according to type and
quantity/dosage and which controls and documents are drawn up. One example of these
interrelationships is diagrammatically represented in Figure 2.4.

Chapter 2
Waste acceptance
in law
Process control ok?
Establish treatment programme
Combinations of procedures
Execution of treatment
Final inspection ok?
Fee to external
plants/establishments etc.
regulation with waste
Quality ok?
Guarantee complaint
Raw materials
Figure 2.4: Simplified flow chart of an example of checking/inspection in a physico-chemical
treatment plant of waste waters
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Typically, wastes are physically inspected when they arrive at the site, to check the integrity of
the containers and to visually verify the waste type. Most sites have a regular daily inspection of
containers integrity at the site.

Waste shipments typically arrive by truck at a facilitys gatehouse. Scheduled and properly
documented shipments are directed to the receiving station where any packaging is checked, the
loaded truck is weighed, and representative samples are collected to test the verification
parameters. The waste may arrive as bulk liquids in a tank truck, containerised liquids or
sludges in drums, bulk shipments of contaminated soil in dump trucks, or by a number of other
methods. Collecting a representative sample can pose a difficult task considering that a waste
may be in multiple phases and states or have pockets of high contamination. The receiving
station must use previously established procedures for each situation to ensure the collection of
a representative sample.

The mere emptying of a truck can pose a difficult challenge if the waste has stratified, a
container has leaked, or if a solidification reaction has occurred. For such abnormal
situations, facilities typically plan procedures and are prepared with special equipment to
resolve such problems. Finally, the truck may need to be cleaned to remove any trace
Chapter 2
Contaminated drum
Liquid transfer
Drum storage
Clean drum sold
Figure 2.5: Example of waste reception and acceptance at a facility handling bulk liquids and
[80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994]

Quality assurance systems
One part of the waste management in the installation is the logistical organisation, for example,
of solid waste fuel processing. By choosing and using specific waste materials, solid waste fuel
producers set a kind of quality assurance themselves. Quality assurance systems already exist
and further regulations are in the development phase.

In the past, solid waste fuel was mainly produced from process related wastes as mono-batches
which were easier to handle because of their constant qualities. Nowadays, high calorific
fractions of municipal solid wastes and of other mixed wastes are in the picture as a source for
the production of solid waste fuel. The aim of a quality assurance system is to attain and ensure
constant qualities to increase acceptance by end users and permitting authorities. The
requirements mainly concern product quality.

2.1.2 Management techniques

This section covers operational management and emission management in the installation.
Some special precautionary measures need to be applied regarding:

inspection and maintenance
incident prevention
emergency planning
employee training

Chapter 2
Accident risk is inherent when dealing with waste and in particular hazardous waste. Wastes are
heterogeneous in nature and are often intrinsically aggressive to plant and equipment. Any
failure in the management of the waste, from the process of characterisation and checking of
wastes to the operational control reactions and the mixing of wastes, will significantly increase
the risk from unwanted or runaway reactions.

2.1.3 Energy systems

Energy management issues are discussed in this section. Installations for the generation of
steam and/or power are not covered here because they are covered by other BREF documents
(e.g. large combustion plants, waste incineration).

Heat and power are needed to run an installation. Some common site equipment using fossil
fuels include fork-lift trucks, small boilers, shredders and grinders. These take a mixture of
standard vehicle diesel fuels, and a range of fuel oils. Some of this equipment can be electrically
or even pneumatically powered. Some sites have on site boilers for steam production.

The main uses of energy on a waste treatment facility are:

heating, lighting and power in facility buildings
power for treatment processes and facility equipment, such as pumps, air compressors,
centrifugues, etc.
fuel to power vehicles.

Good design and management of energy systems are important aspects of minimising the
environmental impact of a waste treatment facility.

2.1.4 Storage and handling

The objectives of storage are to:

store the waste safely before its introduction as feed into the treatment
provide adequate accumulation time. For example, during periods when treatment and
disposal process systems are out of service, or when there is to be a time separation between
treatment and dispatch of waste or for the purpose of controls and inspections or to
accumulate enough waste to use the full capacity of the treatment, etc.
uncouple the treatment and dispatch of waste
allow effective use of classifying procedures to be made during storage/accumulation
facilitate continuous treatment processes. Continuous treatment processes are not capable of
reacting to sudden and significant changes in composition and reactions of waste while
guaranteeing a specific treatment result. For this reason, homogenisation of the various
properties and level of treatability of the waste must be achieved and ensured by
intermediate storage/accumulation of the waste to be treated. Storage/reservoirs must
therefore be set up before the actual treatment in Ph-c plants under continuous operation
facilitate mixing, blending, and repackaging of the waste as deemed necessary
allow the staged input of various wastes with reagents to the subsequent unit treatment
collect a reasonable amount of waste prior to sending for certain treatments (e.g. transfer

Chapter 2
From small packages to large scale storage (regrouping)
Wastes can be sorted into different categories depending on the bulk shipment of compatible
materials to specific disposal or treatment sites. For example, small containers may be packed
into 205 litre drums with vermiculite as a packer filler for easier handling and transfer. Larger
containers may simply be sorted into different waste categories and stored on pallets prior to
onward shipment.

Certain wastes are decanted and bulked into larger containers, for example:

laboratory containers or small commercial containers into 205 litre drums or IBCs
drummed waste may be transferred into IBCs
the liquid fraction of drummed waste is decanted into IBCs
the aqueous fraction of two-phase wastes is decanted
part of tanker loads can be stored to await further material to make up a full load.

Decanting the waste reduces the tonnage of packaging materials associated with the onward
transfer; and produces a consistent set of larger units that can be stored more easily at the site
and that are packaged and labelled ready for onward transit. This will be important for the
onward receiving site, that may need a controlled and checked stream of material for their

One role of waste solvent facilities is to regroup and recondition of small volumes (drums, etc.)
to prepare then as fuels or to regenerate a solvent that can be re-used. The goal of a solvent
regroupment/liquid fuel preparation facility is to prepare a tailor-made, stable and homogeneous
waste, which fits the requirements of its final uses (recycling, incineration or co-incineration).

Transfer of materials
The next stage destination for waste may be for reclamation, treatment or disposal, and may be
processed at an adjacent site within the same complex, or it may need to be transferred to other
vehicles for onward transfer.

The choice of transportation for the material depends on the physical form of the material to be
transported. In other words, the transport of gases, liquids and solids all involve different
techniques. Solids are transported by: conveyor belts, fork lift trucks, trucks, pneumatic
conveyors, load shovels, cranes, walking floor, etc. Liquids and semi-liquids are transported by:
pumps, pipes, conveyor belts, screws, elevators, etc., and gases by: compressors and pipes.

Due to consistent efforts to avoid waste arising and the separate collection of any waste arising,
the handling of small quantities up to approx. 1 m, is particularly significant. Systems have
been developed in some countries to separate the collection and transport of waste (e.g. the AS
container system in Germany).

Package acceptance
Physico-chemical treatment plants accept waste, by tanker, truck, pipeline or ship, and generally
store the waste prior to treatment, either in small containers or tanks.

Washing and cleaning of vehicles and receptacles/containers
After delivery and emptying, the vehicles/constructions and receptacles/containers could be
cleaned on site (e.g. under agreement with the transport company) or off site except where the
receptacles/containers are disposed of, the adherent residue is not harmful, or the constructions,
receptacles or containers are used again to transport similar waste.

Chapter 2
Because of the many different kinds of drums/containers/constructions, the cleaning apart
from the exceptions is performed manually using spraying devices, high pressure rinsing
devices, or brushing and brooming techniques. Cleaning can be performed inside or outside, in
order to guarantee the re-use of the drums/containers/constructions. Cleaning inside is important
to prevent substances being carried over. This may be crucial, for example, when the limit of
chlorine-organic adsorbable materials in the waste water of a Ph-c plant (AOX value) is 1 mg/l,
and this concentration can be affected by left over concentration in the refilling (e.g. by residues
with corresponding AOX ingredients). Typically, a separate treatment of cleaning waters is
carried out in order to assure that the sewer is not contaminated by such waters.

A facility for cleaning the containers can be an automatic installation which cleans their exterior
and interior. The cleaning process is computer controlled by means of contact free sensors. The
maximum capacity of the facility is 10 containers per hour. The working movements of the
handling devices are carried out hydraulically. The cleaning devices are supplied with water by
two high pressure pumps with a capacity of 132 kW each. The wash-water is run in a closed
loop over the existing water treatment system.

Reclamation of containments
The majority of incoming containers (glass, metal or plastic) are shredded or crushed prior to
recycling or disposal. Some drums and IBCs are sorted for re-use within the transfer operations
and others are washed (or vented) prior to re-use or sale.

Drum emptying may be a simple bulking operation, and a sensible screening operation to check
the contents of drums prior to landfill, as happens in some countries. The latter mentioned
practice is actually forbidden by the Landfill Directive.

Ways of storage and facilities
Tank farms can be an integral part of a transfer and bulking operation, or can operate as stand
alone activities. Bulk storage is likely to becoming more common as more wastes require
treatment under the Landfill Directive. As this occurs there is likely to be difficulties in
matching the wastes arising to the finite capacity of treatment plants, and consequently more
interim storage units will be needed. Attention is drawn to the Storage BREF, the Seveso II
Directive and to national regulations.

Liquids may be stored in tanks and/or containers (e.g. glass containers, drums, big containers),
storage cells, storage buildings and outside storage (e.g. waste waters). Solids can be stored in
heaps, sacks and bulk bags, silos and bunkers, and packed. Solid waste can be stored in closed
areas, as for example closed building (e.g. with an appropriate filtering system and exhaust gas
treatment to lower odour and air emissions) and handled with a crane, travelling crane or
conveyor belt or silos (e.g. cylindrical or parallelepiped silos with a screw or a walking floor to
extract the solid waste).

Upon unloading, the wastes are moved into storage, which may consist of tanks or
impoundments for bulk liquids, hoppers for solids and sledges, or pads and warehouses
for containers.

Some sites can store blended or raw waste material pending transfer for use in another process.

Storage areas are often the most visible aspects of the installation. The key issues for operators
to address in relation to waste storage on the installation includes the following:

location of storage areas
storage area infrastructure
condition of tanks, drums, vessels and other containers
stock control
segregated storage
containment used to protect the environment and workers health.
Chapter 2
Containers used to store shredded drums or intermediate bulk containers (IBC) are also covered
in this document.

An important safety consideration in storage and handling is fire prevention and protection.

Laboratory smalls essentially consist of substances in containers of less than five litres capacity.
They generally contain pure chemical elements and compounds from laboratories or arise when
laboratory stores are cleared. The majority of operators offer a packing and collection service
for laboratory smalls.

Laboratory smalls are usually sorted and bulked into drums (e.g. 205 litre or other sizes
depending on the further treatment) in either designated enclosed buildings with positive
ventilation and flameproof lighting, or within open-sided roofed areas.

Tanks are also used to store wastes. This may be part of a medium scale bulking operation to
ensure that part tanker loads are bulked to give a full load for onward transfer to the next
process; or a large scale tank farm operation. The former tends to have limited controls, similar
to the storage of fuels on the site. Tanks are typically in the open, on hard-standing and bunded.
The type of storage applied will depend on the need for homogenisation in the storage unit.

Often storage in containers also involves classification processes, the containers used also being
fitted with skimming apparatus to remove floating material and suction apparatus to remove
sediment. If classification procedures are disabled, the waste may instead undergo continuous
agitation to maintain a state of homogeneity.

The storage, treatment and after-treatment functions are not separated but rather take place in
the same container. A batch treatment process is used.

Storage capacity
Storage capacities need to be designed to typically ensure a continuous service. Other issues to
be considered are the re-treatment of the output if its quality does not meet the required
specifications and the dispatch frequency.

Emptying of containers
Fluid wastes are accepted and sedimentation is carried out. The fluid wastes are delivered either
in containers, tank vehicles or suction pressure vehicles. When they are delivered in containers,
they are picked up from the conveying band by a handling device, transported to the pre-
selected receiving basin and there semi-automatically emptied. The contained coarse solids are
removed and collected in containers. The fluid phase follows the downward slope and flows
into the sedimentation basin. The sedimentation basins (8 in total) are selected by a control

When they are delivered in tank or suction pressure vehicles, they drive into the emptying area
and their tanks are connected to the sieve filter via a tube. The fluid wastes flow from the tanks
through the tube to the sieve filter, where coarse impurities (e.g. gloves and cloths) are removed.
Metal elements are removed via a magnet separator. Afterwards, they are transferred via a pipe
system into a basin pre-selected by a control system.

Computer-controlled high rack storage area for hazardous wastes
The high rack storage area serves as a secure storage and control area of wastes which have
been delivered in closed containers. Non-packaged wastes cannot be put in storage. The storage
area has 1680 storage positions in 2 store vessels and is geared to 250 to-bin and from-bin
transfers. For these transfers the high rack area disposes of chain conveyors and bucket
elevators. For fire prevention the reception area has fixed fire extinguishers that are coupled
with acoustic alarm signal systems. Additionally, portable fire extinguishers are installed. From
the high rack storage area, the wastes are transferred to the individual facilities where they are
disposed of, recovered or pretreated for disposal or recovery.
Chapter 2
Handling of materials from a Ph-c plant
The handling of material requires its correct packaging and load safety. Small quantities are
packed in packaging units that are easy to handle, e.g. bottles or boxes. Large quantities in
containers of, e.g. 100 to 12000 litres content volume. Prior to treatment, the units/containers
have to be emptied. For this purpose appropriate devices are necessary, e.g.:

tools for opening
holding and clamping devices
lifting and rotating devices.

In order to limit the variety of technical devices and, in order to ensure handling, the packaging
units/containers are safe and efficient. The units/containers are combined with the systems. The
emptying process requires:

experienced staff
knowledge about material/wastes
safety equipment/devices
measures/facilities for emission control
suitable and easily manageable intercepting tanks
regulation of the destination of the emptied units/containers.

Likewise, the upper bodies of the transport vehicles have to be emptied; this is usually done by
means of pumps or in a free flow along a gradient. Experience shows that residues always
remain inside the units/containers or in the upper bodies of the vehicles. Without regard to the
kind of their subsequent utilisation these enclosures have to be completely emptied and cleaned.
As experience shows, emptying is often hampered by sedimentation of solid, adhesive and
hardening components in the waste. This may make it necessary, e.g. when emptying the upper
bodies of the tank and suction vehicles, to remove the hardened components with tools or
manually. It is advantageous for the process flow if the solid material can be transported in a
lower container (folding plates, slides etc.).

After emptying, the units/containers/upper bodies have to be cleaned independent of their
further utilisation. Exceptions to this rule can be made if:

the units/containers are disposed of as waste and the adhesive residues of the transported
waste do not make a difference
if the subsequent utilisation is identical to the previous one.

The residues resulting from emptying, as well as the washing residues, are treated in the same
way as the waste unless this is not possible due to its consistency. For example, sludge from the
disposal of petrol or oil separators can be processed and recovered partly by simple washing
procedures while the water phase has to be subjected to physico-chemical treatment. Washing is
usually done with water. The effect can be enhanced by pressure (up to 100 bar), temperature
(up to 80 C and vapour) and/or adding of solvents and/or tensides.

2.1.5 Blending and mixing

Wastes, once produced, should in principle be kept separate from other wastes. The reasons for
this are that the re-use/recovery of homogenous streams are generally easier than that for
composite streams. Under certain conditions, however, different waste streams can be processed
just as well, or sometimes even better if they are composite. In this section, it is explored the
different rules that may be applied on whether or not mixing/blending may be allowed and
under what conditions this should be carried out.

Chapter 2
Due to the heterogeneous nature of waste, blending and mixing are required in most waste
treatment operations in order to guarantee a homogeneous and stable feedstock of the wastes
that will be finally processed. The term blending is used more for mixing liquids than for
solids, unless mixing a solid into a liquid. The term mixing is used more for solids and semi
solid materials (e.g. pasty material).

Certain types of wastes will require prior mixing or blending before treatment. For example, the
concentration of waste constituents can vary considerably because of differences in incoming
waste strengths. This is particularly true at most commercial treatment facilities. Mixing can
control such variations to a range that will not upset the performance of the subsequent unit
treatment processes. However, this issue should not be confused with dilution and this is the
reason why these treatments are many times prohibited (e.g. hazardous waste and landfill
Directives) over a wide range of concentrations. Blending and mixing are processes carried out
because it is a technical requirement from the WT facility to guarantee a homogeneous and
stable feedstock and not techniques to facilitate acceptance of waste.

As is prescribed in the Hazardous Waste Directive 91/689/EEC, mixing and blending operations
are not permitted unless this is explicitly established in the licence of a collector or processor.
An exemption from the permit requirement may be applied by the competent authority if
establishments or undertakings carry out waste recovery and if competent authorities have
established general rules for each type of mixing and blending laying down the types and
quantities of waste and the conditions under which the mixing and blending may be applied and
if Art 4 of the Waste Framework Directive is taken into account by establishing these general
rules for the concerning establishments and undertakings. In this exemption case, registration of
the establishments and undertakings is mandatory in order to ensure that the establishments and
undertaking comply with the stated general rules. The following basic principles apply for
granting such a licence:

the mixing of wastes must be prevented from leading to a risk to human health and adverse
effects on the environment
mixing must be prevented from leading to any of the wastes to be mixed being treated or
processed to a lower quality level than is desirable
the mixing of wastes must be prevented from leading to environmental damage by the
diffuse dispersal of environmentally hazardous substances.

The following elaboration of the basic principles for the mixing of waste applies to both
hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Hazardous wastes must be kept separate from one another.
Mixing can only be permitted if it will not result in risks to humans and the environment, and if
there will be no problems with safety due to the mixing for all types of operations (for example
safety risks for workers, neighbours of the plant etc.). Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Hazardous
Waste Directive states that such an operation can only take place if a licence has been granted.
Conditions may be attached to a licence, making it possible for the hazardous wastes referred to
in the licence to be mixed with other (hazardous) wastes, preparations and other products
referred to in the licence. Where the primary function of mixing wastes is to achieve dilution of
a specific species in order to comply with less stringent regulations, this is prohibited. Within
the boundaries of the licence for mixing and blending, the waste treatment manager is
responsible for writing and applying operational guidelines on mixing and blending. Firstly, the
basic principles for granting a licence are elaborated. Secondly, principles and considerations
are given for writing operational guidelines for mixing and blending given these boundaries of a

Principle of operation
Mix two or several wastes in order to typically generate a single output.

Feed and output streams
Applicable to solid and liquid waste. Outputs can also be in solid or liquid phase.
Chapter 2
Process description
The basic principles referred to above in the purpose section (risk prevention, substandard
processing and prevention of diffuse dispersal), have, as their main objective, protection of
human health and of the environment against harmful influences and promotion of the recovery
of wastes within these boundary conditions. For the sake of a high level of protection and
effective supervision, these general basic principles need to be translated, in licensing
procedures, into operational criteria on the basis of which it can be clearly determined if the
mixing/blending of wastes can be allowed. The following elaboration of the basic principles is

the mixing of substances that react strongly with each other (heat, fire, gas formation) or
explosive substances (explosion) must be prevented. Mixing must be prevented from giving
rise to risks to human health and the environment, both during the mixing operation itself,
and during the subsequent treatment process. For licensing purposes, this means that the
acceptance and processing policy of licence-holders is drawn up in such a way that, before
wastes are combined, it is assessed whether this combination can take place safely. This can
be achieved by carrying out compatibility tests before mixing/blending for any purpose for
any type of waste
the mixing of wastes must be prevented from leading to a lower level of processing waste
than the best possible level of waste management or from leading to the application of non-
environmentally sound waste management. This means, for example, that if a recovery
operation is the minimum standard of processing a waste stream mixing of such wastes with
other wastes in order to bring the mixture to any disposal route shall not be accepted. For
instance, the mixing of liquid wastes or clinical wastes with other wastes for the purpose of
landfilling is not permitted. Mixing of wastes with POP content above the low POP content
(as defined under the Basel and Stockholm Treaties) with another material solely for the
purpose of generating a mixture with POP content below the defined low POP content is not
allowed because this is not environmentally sound
the mixing of wastes must be prevented from leading to the undesired diffuse dispersal of
environmentally hazardous substances. The effects of diffuse dispersal are determined by
the type and concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances in combination with
the processing route to be chosen, the emissions occurring and the quality and purpose of
the residual substances released. In combination, it must be assessed what the negative
consequences are of processing the environmentally hazardous substances concerned with
regard to emissions into the soil, water, air or in residual substances and how these negative
consequences compare with the environmental effects of another processing route. This
assessment must also take into consideration the cyclical character of future re-use.

For solid wastes, the waste may be mixed with a crane, a closed mixer or a closed mixer with a
turn-cup and an axis with knives. Blending operations generally involves large volumes, i.e. the
discharge of tankers into tanks.

Blending and mixing is typically applied only when quality and analytical values of the waste
inputs are under or equal to the values of acceptance in the planned output treatment plant.
These operations take place in all waste treatment activities (biological treatment, fuel
preparation, contaminated soils, waste oils, etc.), and sometimes are quite specific to each WT
activity. Some of these issues are also covered in the individual sections for each WT activity.

Chapter 2
2.1.6 Decommissioning

The purpose of decommissioning is to return the facility, on surrender of the waste licence, to a
condition suitable for the selected afteuse. The importance of a proper closure is such that
development of a closure plan is a necessity, since it will provide and document a plan for the
final closure of a site prior to the startup of operation. This also fits in with a life cycle
assessment of a planned site.

Principle of operation
For the decommissioning, the operator typically needs to demonstrate that, following
decommissioning, the condition of the site will not cause, or be likely to cause, environmental

A closure plan needs to provide a clear and orderly set of actions and methods to be followed
upon cessation of all operations at a facility. The steps need to be designed to ensure that the
closed facility (a) poses a minimal risk to human health and the environment, and (b) requires
minimal post-closure maintenance.

Feed and output streams
Not applicable.

Process description
The extent of the decommissioning/restoration will be dependent on the types of materials
accepted, the design of the facility and the selected afteruse.

The cessation of waste acceptance at a facility typically initiates a review of the waste licence.
This review allows the licence to be surrendered or amended to reflect the change in activities
on site.

A closure plan requires assurance that funds are available to close the facility even if the facility
owner starts bankruptcy proceedings. This assurance can be in the form of a bond, corporate
guarantee, or some other financial instrument. The monetary amount is determined based on a
cost estimate prepared as part of the closure plan. For example, the cost estimate may be equal
to the maximum costs of closing all the waste management units ever activated at the facility.

Closure of a storage or treatment facility requires removal of all the remaining waste to another
facility. All equipment and structures that had been in contact with waste must also be
decontaminated. This may entail removal of concrete pads used to hold waste containers, as
well as contaminated soil where leaks have occurred.

Applicable to the whole WT sector.

2.1.7 Treatment of smalls

The aim is to identify different types of wastes for their correct treatment.

Principle of operation
The substances that are to be treated are manually sorted and repackaged, crushed if necessary,
conditioned and transferred to internal and/or external disposal plants.

Chapter 2
Process description
The system is divided into three spatially separated parts:

sorting of chemicals. This is carried out with a sorting cabin and an aspiration device for the
separation of laboratory chemicals for different processing paths (e.g. recycling, disposal
(incineration) and deposit in underground disposal)
packing treatment for emptying fluid containers with a volume of 0.1 to 200 l. The small
volumes are combined for the purpose of creating large batches (solvents or acids). These
are disposed in the downstream high temperature incineration or recovered in the in-house
physico-chemical treatment plant. A downstream facility crushes the emptied containers
treatment of plant protection products, reactive and odour intensive substances in an special

Treatment of hazardous wastes from private households, universities, laboratories and business
2.1.8 Size reduction

Adapt the waste solid granulometry for further treatments or to extract wastes which are
difficult to pump or decant. Reduces the particle size.

Principle of operation
Techniques used in the installations are shredding, sieving, fractionating, conditioning and
confectioning. Slow motion shredders, hammers and dedicated shredders are used.

Feed and output streams
Bins and aerosol cans are fed into the system. The gases are treated in a cleaning facility and the
liquid and solid components are disposed of or sent for recovery.

Process description
Some examples are described below:

Bin shredder
The treatment facility consists of a shredder for the comminution of empty, half empty and full
bins with sizes ranging from 1l to 1000 litres. The feed system works with an electronic wheel
loader. The shredder itself is placed in a pressure surge-proof channel of 12 m high with an
offloading area on top. The bins are transported by the electric wheel loader through the open
door to the shredder. Afterwards, the door closes and the shredding process starts automatically.
In the next step the shredded material falls into a tank, which, after complete filling, is
transported from the channel to further processing steps. The released exhaust gases are treated
in a regenerative post-combustion facility. Other protection devices are a double-layered
vacuum controlled polyethylene high density foil on the bottom and an automatic nitrogen and
water flooding in the closed channel.

Chapter 2
Aerosol can shredder
The treatment facility consists of a shredder for aerosol can crushing, two condensation units
and one collecting tank. The collecting tank has a filling device for condensed and warmed
(outside temperature) gases. This tank has also a nitrogen supply device for cooling the
condenser and for the inertisation facility. Other parts of the facility are a collection tank for
liquid waste solvents and a bin for scrap metal. The shredder crushes the aerosol cans
batch-wise. The shredder works in a nitrogen environment (inert) and is gas-proof. The gases
and other active agents that may still be contained in the aerosol cans are released within the
shredder. These released gases (mostly propellants) are run over the condensation unit and
condensed. The condensate is stored in a gas collection tank. In the next step the gases are filled
into compressed gas cylinders and transported to an incineration facility for hazardous waste.
The uncondensed gases are transported to a regenerative exhaust air cleaning facility, where
they are combusted. The solid residues from crushing (scrap metal) are separated from the
liquid substances. The liquid and the solid components are separately discharged over different
locks. The solid components, e.g. metal fraction, are forwarded to recovery or disposal. The
liquid compounds, e.g. paint and hairspray, are temporarily stored in a tank and then decanted
into 800 litre bins. The 800 litre bins are transported to a combustion plant for hazardous wastes
where the liquid waste is used for auxiliary firing (thermal recycling).

Bin and aerosol can treatment facilities. Preparation of waste to be used as fuel. Applied to
different types of waste as plastic or metal drums, oil filters, municipal solid waste, solid bulk
waste, waste wood, aerosol and glass.

2.1.9 Other common techniques

This section contains generic techniques used in the waste treatment sector. They are mainly
mechanical treatments. They are typically used as pretreatments but some are also used as
post-treatments (e.g. sieves). They are shown in Table 2.3, which also states the purpose of the
treatments and where they are used.

Technique Purpose Users
Cleaning Remove contamination that would otherwise
prohibit waste materials being recovered
PCB capacitators and
(e.g. baling)
Due to the disaggregated nature of some types of
waste, it is sometimes necessary to compact
them to make them easier to use in the following
Pressure machinery is used to pack the waste
into a certain physical form
Used for municipal solid waste
to be used as a fuel and for
plastic, paper and metal bales
The size and form of the bale is
typically optimised for its
transport and re-use
Sedimentation Solid components within the fluid wastes are
separated and the wastes are pretreated for
further processing
Preparation of liquid waste fuel
Sieving Used to separate big particles. Vibrating sieves,
static sieves and rotary sieves are used
Preparation of waste to be used
as fuel
Sorting and

Washing One purpose for washing may be to enable the
re-use of drums into the installation or for
selling to other installations for re-use.
Drum washing operations often include no real
treatment other than washing and settlement.
A number of reprocessors wash the oil filters
and provide a semi-cleaned metal fraction for
Most treatment plants
incorporate a road tanker
washing-out facility to enable the
removal of residues from vehicle
tanker barrels.
May also be applied to storage
tanks and drums.
Ph-c treatment plants
Table 2.3: Common techniques applied in waste treatment
[86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]
Chapter 2
2.1.10 Examples of waste treatment installations where only the common
techniques are applied

Some waste treatment activities are very specific and particularly related to the type of waste
that is processed. Some examples are listed below.

Cleaning transformers containing PCBs
Technologies, for cleaning transformers can be divided into three main categories:

draining of the PCB oil from the transformer, followed by decontamination of this oil, and
reinjection of the cleaned product into the transformer for re-use
extraction of the PCB oil, by solvent washing of the transformer, followed by dismantling
and further decontamination of the components to allow recycling of the metal components
after suitable pretreatment, PCB oils may be treated with hydrogen at elevated temperatures.
Here, the transformers are not recovered as such.

One example of the second case is the following: Carcases of used transformers are cleaned by
means of trichloroethylene (TCE) wash. Here, the carcase is filled with the solvent and allowed
to stand for an extended period before the solvent is replaced with fresh TCE. This operation is
repeated (typically three times) until the carcase passes the requisite swab test. During the
cleaning operation, the transformer carcase is left open to the atmosphere or loosely covered
with a steel plate. As a consequence, the activity results in evaporative losses of TCE to the air.

Typically this activity is carried out at specialist sites, which clean the PCB contaminated
transformers and bulk the PCB contaminated oils. Their wastes: oils, drums, cleaning waters
and cleaning solvent sludge are all sent for off-site incineration.

Cleaned transformer carcases and windings are sent for reclamation after thorough cleaning
with TCE.

Cleaning of capacitors containing PCBs
Capacitors are similar to transformers in that they are made up of an active core, held in a
metallic casing. However, the active core is not copper windings, but instead consists of
interwoven rolls of fine aluminium foil, separated by thin films of paper and/or plastic. The
techniques used for cleaning these capacitors are:

the casing of the capacitor is removed and decontaminated by solvent washing; this is a
straightforward decontamination process since the casing is non-porous. The core is
the possibility of going one step further and treating of the core after its removal from the
casing. This decontamination step usually involves a shredding of the core, and treatment
with a solvent. This allows the level of residual PCBs to be reduced
the technology which allows the largest amount of recycling is similar to the above, but this
also treats the mixed aluminium/plastic/paper residue to separate out these components, by
solvent washing. The aluminium metal can then be re-used; the only component to be
disposed of is the mixed paper/plastic shreds.

Aerosol crushers
The aerosol destructor may take manufacturing rejects or materials from collection banks. The
potential contents are usually known. These can include propellant gases (this could be LPG,
butane, propane, dimethyl ether or HCFC) and the active ingredients. A proportion of the
aerosols are empty whilst others may still retain certain propellant gases, although this number
is not quantified. Other rejects may have failed their pressure tests and will probably loose
propellant on the way to the destructor unit. Any propellant still in the aerosol cylinders
constitutes a risk of accident during the treatment.

At least one installation in France deals with aerosol treatment.
Chapter 2
Glass crushing
Windscreen glass is laminated with polyvinyl butyrate, and this is removed in a preliminary
crushing process and sent to landfill. The glass crushing operation handles municipal and
industry glass. Sites typically do not take coated glass from electronic equipment.

Fluorescent tubes/lamp processing
Separate mercury from lamp tubes. Currently, this is a tiny activity in some countries, but
existing operations are now experiencing an increasing demand for their services. At this time,
most use a crushing process. However, another process recently developed is a process without
crushing with a 99 % recovery of the mercury.

Treatment of wastes containing CFCs
In the EU, it is mandatory to collect CFCs for disposal. It is usual that the lubricating oil
collected from the draining of refrigerants is also treated to remove residual CFC prior to being
recovered. CFCs can later be incinerated. Few incineration plants in the EU have HF recovery.

Chapter 2
2.2 Biological treatments of waste
[31, Greenpeace, 2001], [32, DETR and DTI, 2001], [33, ETSU, 1998], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002] [53,
LaGrega, et al., 1994], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,
2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [86,
TWG, 2003], [114, Hogg, 2001], [117, DG Env, 2001], [132, UBA, 2003], [138, Lanfranchi, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004].

Biological treatment uses living micro-organisms to decompose organic wastes into either
water, CO
and simple inorganics or into simpler organics such as aldehydes and acids. There
are several biological treatments used for the treatment of wastes, however, not all are included
in the Scope of this document. Table 2.4, together with information included in the Scope
section, tries to clarify which treatments are included in this document.

Brief description
Included in this
Activated sludge Decomposes organic wastes in water by
exposing waste to biological growth. Water is
recycled and aerated to facilitate biological
action and a sludge is generated. Two commonly
applied systems: suspended growth systems and
attached growth systems
Included as a waste
water treatment (see
Section 2.6)
Aerated lagoons Large lagoons containing high concentrations of
micro-organisms. The lagoon is aerated to
encourage bacterial growth and decomposition of
Included as a waste water
treatment (see Section
Composting Engineered mounds of waste are built to
encourage the biological breakdown of organic
solids, producing a humic substance valuable as a
soil conditioner
Not included in this
Aerobic digestion Reduction of the organic content of waste.
Applied to solid waste, non-continuous waste
waters, bioremediation and to sludge and soil
contaminated with oil
Mechanical biological
treatment (see Section
2.2.2 and Section 2.2.3)
Only ex-situ
bioremediation covered
in this document
Anaerobic digestion Decomposes organic matter in closed vessels in
the absence of air. Uses two forms of bacteria:
acid-forming and methane- forming. Applied to
solid-liquid wastes, highly contaminated waste
waters (e.g. chlorinated compounds),
bioremediation and in the production of biogas to
be used as a fuel
See Section 2.2.1 and
Section 2.2.3

Only covered the ex-situ
Table 2.4: Biological waste treatments

2.2.1 Anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion is used in industry to handle very high COD wastes and as a treatment
process for sewage sludge after an aerobic treatment of the waste waters. The production of
biogas from controlled anaerobic digestion is one of the principal advantages of the process.

Principle of operation
Anaerobic digestion involves the bacterial decomposition of organic material in the (relative)
absence of oxygen. One of the main limits on the anaerobic digestion process is its inability to
degrade lignin (a major component of wood). This is in contrast with the process of aerobic

Chapter 2
Feed and output streams
Anaerobic processes may be used to directly treat liquid wastes, the biological sludge generated
by an earlier aerobic stage, organic solids and sludges. The inclusion of other feedstocks, such
as sewage sludge, alters the resulting digestate. However, it is important to note that the mixing
of household waste with these feedstocks can improve both the environmental and economic
aspects of the process and has already been adopted in a number of plants (particularly,
co-digestion with slurries and manure at small scale farm-based plants).

In the process, carbon from incoming organics is mostly converted to methane and carbon
dioxide, and then released as biogas, which is capable of being combusted to generate energy or
be used as a fuel to abate VOC emissions for example. The proportion of methane to carbon
dioxide will vary with the waste stream and the temperature of the system. The system needs to
have a balanced feed to maximise methane production. Installations usually target carbon rich
wastes, that will make use of the available nitrogen (and probably the extra required through

The anaerobic digestion process leads to a production of methane, with a theoretical methane
production of 348 Nm
/tonne of COD. In general, anaerobic digestion produces 100 200 Nm
of COD per tonne of biological municipal waste processed. Biogas generation is very sensitive
to the feedstock, one plant found volumes ranging from 80 to 120 Nm
per tonne depending on
the waste input. Biogas can be used to produce electricity (for internal consumption and/or for
export) it can be burned in boilers to produce hot water and steam for industrial purposes, and it
can also be used as an alternative fuel in light and heavy duty vehicles. Biogas has a typical
composition of 55 70 % methane, 30 45 % carbon dioxide and 200 4000 ppm hydrogen

The semi-solid residue, referred to as a digestate, is further treated normally through aerobic
digestion. Some countries allow direct application of the digestate onto farmlands in certain
circumstances (e.g. Sweden, Denmark). The risk of digestate application onto soil, mainly due
to the heavy metals is typically controlled by national legislation in the different EU countries.
As well as the main product from the process, i.e. a solid digestate, small quantities of surplus
liquor are also available which can be dewatered to provide liquid fertiliser or sent to a waste
water treatment plant (often following some separation of the solids).

Process description
The primary process variables are the methods of contacting the waste with the biomass
(microbes), the moisture content of the waste (e.g. liquid, slurry or solid), and the method and
degree of aeration. Anaerobic digestion generally involves the following stages:

Mechanical pretreatment
In order to improve the digestion process, materials, such as plastics, metals and oversized
components are removed from the waste to be treated. Separation can be carried out under wet
or dry conditions. Following this, a further process of size reduction is used to create a more
homogenous material, which aids fermentation and facilitates processing. The size reduction
could be brought about by screw-cutting, milling, drumming, pulping or shredding machines.

There are a number of different techniques used to effect digestion. They are usually
distinguished on the basis of the operating temperature (thermophilic plants operate at around
55 C (50 65 C), and mesophilic ones at around 35 C (20 45 C)) and the percentage of
dry matter in the feedstock (e.g. dry systems with 30 40 % dry matter, wet systems with
10 - 25 % dry matter). Generally speaking, the higher the temperature, the faster the process, but
the thermophilic process may be harder to control and will need more biogas for heating to keep
them at the required temperature. Some common technologies currently available are listed in
Table 2.5.

Chapter 2
Technique Description Input
Wet single-
Solid waste is slurried with the process water to
provide a diluted feedstock for feeding into a
mixing tank digester
The process can be used for
MSW on its own, but the wet
process lends itself to co-
digestion with diluted feedstocks,
such as animal manure and
organic industrial wastes
Wet multi-
Solid waste is slurried and fermented by hydrolytic
and fermentative bacteria to release volatile fatty
acids which are then converted to biogas in a high
rate industrial waste water anaerobic digester
The system lends itself to the
digestion of MSW and to the wet
organic waste from food
The digestion vessel is continuously fed with a
material with 20 40 % dry matter through batch
loading. In both mixed and plug flow variants, the
heat balance is favourable for thermophilic

Dry batch A batch is inoculated with digestate from another
reactor and left to digest naturally. Leachate is
recirculated to maintain moisture content and to
redistribute methane bacteria throughout the vessel

Essentially a variant of the dry batch process, in
which leachate is exchanged between established
and new batches to facilitate start up, inoculation
and removal of the volatile materials from the active
reactor. After digestion becomes established, the
digester is uncoupled from the established batch and
coupled to a new batch in another vessel


Table 2.5: Anaerobic digestion technologies
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

Anaerobic digesters are currently used for municipal waste (specifically biowaste separated at
source) but have been tested for hazardous waste disposal as well. In some anaerobic digesters
at sewage treatment works, spare capacity is being used for a range of industrial non-hazardous
organic wastes. The anaerobic digestion of MSW has been commercially available for
approximately 10 years and is utilised in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. There are
developments in Spain, Portugal and Belgium, and it is used to a limited extent in other
countries such as Sweden, the UK and France.

2.2.2 Mechanical biological treatments

Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) is usually designed to recover materials for one or more
purposes and to stabilise the organic fraction of the residual waste. The practical advantages of
MBT plants are, above all, the reduction of:

the volumes of waste
the organic matter content of the waste, which are sent to final disposal (landfill or

Another purpose of MBT is material splitting for further processing (e.g. preparation of solid
waste fuels). Biological digestion is intended to reduce the weight, and to render inert any
biologically active organic materials (typically called stabilised residue).Typical values for the
combined loss of water and biodegradable materials may be in the range of between
20 and 35 %, mainly depending on time the treatment occurs. Further reductions of the waste
volume going to landfill may be achieved due to mechanical separation of the output and can
then be finally even higher at 60 %.
Chapter 2
Principle of operation
MBT plants significantly reduce humidity by extracting, reducing and stabilising the organic
content in the waste. These treatments involve a mechanical separation of the waste, biological
treatment (anaerobic and/or aerobic digestion) of the organic fraction, and a further mechanical
separation if required.

MBT has to lead to a reduction of the contents of biodegradable organic substances, volume,
water content, gas formation potential and respiration activity of the waste, as well as having a
significant improvement in leaching and settlement behaviour.

Feed and output streams
In principle, many types of waste materials can be accepted at a MBT plant. The materials
broken down and digested in the biological stage include paper and board, green/kitchen
organics, and the organic content contained within nappies, packaging, textiles, some types of
sewage sludge, etc. Generally, only mixed, unsorted waste enters the plant. However, some EC
legislation and alterations in the treatment processes exclude or restrict some types of waste.
Some examples are hazardous waste, waste for which a special treatment is obligatory because
of EC legislation (e.g. Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 3 October 2002 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not
intended for human consumption), waste for which a biological treatment is not appropriate and
waste causing inhibition of the biological activity.

The output from MBT plants is greatly reduced in weight and stabilised (emission releases from
the product compared with the non treated material could be reduced approximately 90 98 %
under landfill conditions). Such figures are very variable and strongly depend on how reduction
of emissions are calculated (e.g. gas generation and respiration activity) and typically can have
significant variations in quality. In some countries, the waste OUT may be used as landfill cover
if contamination is low enough (low grade compost, grey compost or stabilised biodegradable
waste), or it may be landfilled. The quality of the waste OUT produced is generally not
acceptable for widespread use because of the contaminants within related to both the inert
content (glass, plastic, etc.) and also to the heavy metals content arising from other wastes
entering the stream (batteries, etc). Other outputs are combustable fractions and recyclable
materials (e.g. metals, plastic)

Process description
MBT plants are very flexible and they can be built on a modular basis. The mechanical
treatment phase involves segregating and conditioning the wastes. The processes that may be
involved are:

open waste bags (where necessary) (e.g. shredders)
extraction of undesirable components that might obstruct the subsequent processing (e.g.
metal separators)
optimising the particle size for subsequent processing (e.g. by sieves, or shredders)
segregation of biodegradable materials in the underflows of primary screening, so that they
can be sent to the biological treatment process (e.g. by sieves)
segregation of materials with a high calorific value, such as textiles, paper and plastics, in
the overflows of primary screening, so that they can be sent for use in the production of
fuel. Also, segregation of those materials suitable for further material recovery (e.g. by air
homogenise materials destined for biological treatment.
Apart from these elements, the plant may include equipment for recovery of metals and for
extraction of mineral fractions. The permutations regarding the design of an MBT plant are
many and varied. Some plants are designed to separate and biologically treat the residual waste
from MSW prior to landfill. A scheme of a MBT process is shown in Figure 2.6.

Chapter 2
Magnetic and eddy
current separation of
ferrous and
non-ferrous metals
solid waste
Rejects to landfill
High calorific fraction
(either with or without
densimetric separation)
for RDF, incineration,
pyrolysis, gasification, etc.
- sometimes landfilled
fraction for
stabilisation through
treatment process
(then e.g. to landfill)
Figure 2.6: Schematic representation of mechanical/biological treatment inputs and outputs
Note: Brown arrows represent residual materials
Green arrows represent processed outputs
Mechanical treatment may be carried out before or after the biological treatment
[17, Eunomia Research & Consulting, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Two types of systems exist: encapsulated and housed. Encapsulated systems (container, tunnel)
are usually operated only under pressure with circulating air. Control is exercised through the
parameters of temperature and oxygen content in the circulating air. The heat has to be led off
from the system by cooling the circulating air. The condensate that is created may be used for
watering the heaps or has to be disposed of as waste water.

Housed systems (wandering heap process) are operated both with pressure and with suction, in
some plants both aeration methods are used alternatively. Circulating air systems are only
possible to a limited extent in housed systems. In the suction operation, at least repeated re-use
of the heap exhaust air is feasible. The heat generated can only be led off through water
evaporation and exhaust air. In addition to specific aeration control, the periodic turnover of the
biologically degraded material is of decisive importance for the progress of biological treatment.
It serves the purpose of:

mixing the material and making new surfaces accessible for the micro-organisms
activating the biological degradation
minimising the biological degradation times
watering the heap evenly and compensating evaporation losses
compensating for the volume loss of the biological degradation
leading off heat from the heap.

So the biological process is optimised and the existing biological treatment capacities are cost-
effectively utilised. In MBT plants with quasi-dynamical biological treatments according to the
moving heaps process or the tunnel process, turnover usually occurs in weekly intervals. Some
biological processes require two turnover cycles per week during the first three weeks. After
this period, the material is turned over every five to seven days.

Chapter 2
Mechanical biological treatment is a tool for pretreating wastes prior to landfilling or for
preparing solid waste (typically municipal solid waste) to be used as fuels. Although the
popularity of mixed waste composting is declining, it is currently still carried out in Greece,
Spain, and Portugal, whilst in Italy, Germany and Austria, it is being progressively or totally
converted to MBT of residual waste. These types of treatments are also emerging in the
Netherlands and Belgium. There is currently a lot of interest in this technology in the UK with
some plants currently being constructed and the UK Government sponsoring trials of such new

These plants tend to have large capacities because they treat large volumes of mixed waste. An
average capacity of 50 100 kt/yr is quite normal, but they can be as large as 700 kt/yr, as is
one in Milan in Italy and can be as small as 7 kt/yr. At least four examples exist in Europe with
the purpose of achieving complete recovery of MSW in the form of recycling materials and
energy recovery.

2.2.3 Biological treatments applied to contaminated soil

To reduce the contamination of soil.

Principle of operation
Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of pollutants in the excavated soil.

Feed and output streams
The types of contamination to be treated are biodegradable pollutants, fuels (gasoline, kerosene,
gasoil, heating oils, heavy fuels), mineral oil, waste oils and heavy organic oils. The main
products of this type of treatment are decontaminated excavated soils.

Process description
The lack of oxygen is the most limiting factor of pollutant biodegradation in soil and lots of
different processes have been developed to optimise soil oxygenation. The various biological
treatments differ with the aeration techniques used. Two types of processes exist. In-situ and ex-
In-situ biodegradation
In situ biodegradation is the term for biological treatment processes that are performed in the
original place where the contaminated soil is. Such processes are not covered in this document.

Ex-situ biodegradation
Ex-situ biodegradation is the general term for treatment processes in which the contaminated
soil or sludge is excavated and remediated through biological processes. Ex-situ bioremediation
technology most often involves slurry-phase bioremediation where an aqueous slurry is created
by combining contaminated soil or sludge with water and then the contaminants are
biodegraded in a self-contained reactor or in a lined lagoon. Ex-situ biodegradation also
encompasses solid-phase bioremediation, such as landfarming, composting, and biopiles. In
these processes, the contaminated soil is excavated, and oxygen, nutrients, water, or micro-
organisms are added to enhance the natural biodegradation of the contaminants.

Slurry-phase bioremediation
There are two main objectives behind using slurry-phase bioremediation: (1) to destroy the
organic contaminants in the soil or sludge, and, equally important, (2) to reduce the volume of
contaminated material. Slurry biodegradation has been shown to be effective in treating highly
contaminated soils that have fuel or other organic contaminant concentrations ranging from
2500 to 250000 mg/kg. The slurry process has also shown some potential for treating a wide
range of contaminants, including pesticides, creosote, pentachlorophenol, PCBs, and other
halogenated organics.
Chapter 2
Waste preparation is required before applying slurry biodegradation. The preparation may
include excavation and handling of the waste material, as well as screening to remove debris
and large objects. Particle size reduction, water addition, and pH and temperature adjustment
may also be required to meet feed specifications.

Once biodegradation of the contaminants is completed, the treated slurry is sent to a
separation/dewatering system. A clarifier for gravity separation can be used to remove the water
from the soil.

Solid phase bioremediation
Solid-phase bioremediation involves the excavation and preparation of contaminated soil to
enhance the bioremediation of contaminants in the soil. The techniques typically used for
preparation of the soil to be bioremediated are sifting/riddling, homogeneisation, nutrient
improvement and compost addition. The bioremediation is carried out in biopiles (soil turning
or air injection).

Aerobic digestion involves the storage of biodegradable waste with a bulking agent to increase
the porosity of the soil material. Bioremediation is similar to composting in that the
contaminated soil is piled in large mounds. However, for these processes air is usually provided
by pulling a vacuum through the pile.

Contaminated soils.
Chapter 2
2.3 Physico-chemical treatments of waste
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001],
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [89, Germany, 2003], [100, UNEP, 2000], [101,
Greenpeace, 1998], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002],
[123, Perseo, 2003], [124, Iswa, 2003], [136, Straetmans, 2003], [146, Galambos and McCann, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004].

This section details the physico-chemical (Ph-c) treatments of waste. Treatments such as
precipitation, decanting and centrifuging, and thermal treatments not included in WI BREF are
included here. Due to the fact that many of these treatments are common unit operations, the
description of some operations will only be mentioned briefly in this section. For those
techniques considered less common and that need extra explanations, an independent section
within this section has been created. Techniques for the abatement of emissions are covered in
Section 2.6. Common activities carried out in these plants (e.g. storage, handling) are covered in
Section 2.1.

The structure of this section relates to the physical conditions of the type of waste. Treatments
carried out on liquids and solids differ a lot and it has been suggested that considering these
separately may give a good structure to such a long section. At the end of the section, some
special physico-chemical treatments carried out on special wastes (e.g. destruction of POPs)
have also been included.

Some of the techniques for the treatment of waste may make use, for example, of the acidic
solution from the first scrubber in a wet air pollution control system when air pollution control
waste treatment is being considered. Some techniques involve a return of the treated residues to
the combustion chamber for sintering with bottom ash. These techniques are not included in this
document because they are integrated measures of the combustion technologies. These issues
can be found in other BREF documents.

2.3.1 Physico-chemical treatments of waste waters

Ph-c plants are planned in such a manner that the maximum amount of recyclable materials can
be separated so that a minimum amount of auxiliary materials is used. The purposes of physico-
chemical treatment plants are to:

enable delivery of environmental protection goals, in particular, water quality management.
In Ph-c plants, materials which may be hazardous to water are either treated, withheld
and/or converted to a non-hazardous form
enable the correct disposal of large quantities of, in general, aqueous liquid waste and waste
requiring special controls
separate the oil or the organic fraction to be used as fuel.

The procedures serve the specific application of physico-chemical reactions for material
conversion (e.g. neutralisation, oxidation, reduction) and for material separation (e.g. filtration,
sedimentation, distillation, ion exchange).

Principle of operation
During the physico-chemical treatment of contaminated waste water, water is separated and
processed for discharge to sewerage systems or water bodies. This processed water becomes
subject to various water legislation as soon as it is discharged.

Chapter 2
Feed and output streams
The waste treated in Ph-c plants is aqueous liquid. Ph-c plants generally treat waste liquids or
sludges with a relatively high water content (>80 w/w-%). Regardless of their origin and their
relationship to their material characteristics, the wastes commonly treated by these plants are:

emulsions/cooling lubricants
acids (e.g. picking acids from surface treatments. Some information on STM BREF)
alkaline solutions
concentrates/saline solutions containing metals
waste water containing a gasoline/oil separator
solvent mixtures
aqueous liquid wastes with high concentrations of biodegradable materials
aqueous marine waste.

An indication of the type of wastes accepted at sites in the UK is given in Table 2.6.

Waste stream Percentage of sites accepting
each type of waste (%)
Neutral aqueous inorganics 69
Acids 62
Oils 62
Alkalis 54
Neutral aqueous organics 54
Contaminated containers 23
Cyanides 23
Organic sludges 8
Water reactive chemicals 8
Table 2.6: Waste types accepted at physico-chemical treatment plants in the UK
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Process description
Ph-c plants are configured on a case-by-case basis depending on requirements and/or
application. Each Ph-c plant has a specific individual technological and operational concept; this
is geared to the waste to be treated. For this reason, there is no standard physico-chemical
treatment plant. Although all plants have inspection and process laboratories and tend to have a
neutralisation function, the range of pretreatment processes, sludge handling methods and the
combination of input waste streams makes each a unique operation. The modes of operation of
Ph-c plants are:

continuous operation: particularly suitable for large throughputs, waste of relatively
constant composition and for automated operation
batch operation: particularly well suited to the very variable characteristics/reaction of the
waste to be treated.

Table 2.7 shows some differences between different Ph-c plants.

Chapter 2
Treatment of
and waste
with contents
to be
liquid and
aqueous waste
with some
liquid and
aqueous waste
organic solvents
and tensides
Heating up
Acid splitting
Organic splitting
Membrane filtration
Sulphuric precipitation
Ion exchanger
Note: Dark grey: required process, light grey: Optional process
Table 2.7: Analysis of some representative types of physico-chemical treatment plants
Based on [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

The unit operations typically used are sieving, storage/accumulation, neutralisation,
sedimentation, precipitation/flocculation, ion exchange, oxidation/reduction, sorption
(adsorption/absorption), evaporation/distillation, membrane filtration, stripping, extraction,
filtration/draining, acid splitting of emulsions and the organic splitting of emulsions.

Frequently several unit operations will have to be used to correctly treat a specific waste. The
unit operations procedure combination (type of procedure, sequence of their application,
controls) is specified by the Ph-c plant laboratory, on the basis of the composition of the waste
and its reaction behaviour.

The following equipment is typically available for reactors in order to control reactions:

storage vessels for separate storage, depending on the type of treatment
reaction containers with adjustable agitators and temperature indicators
sedimentation containers
metering equipment
receiver and storage tanks for chemicals
storage tanks and reservoirs for the waste to be treated
dosing equipment
material resistant to acids and alkalis
control of pH value for the chemicals
containers for settling and mixing ancillary agents
measurement and automatic controls
ventilation and filtering of the reaction tanks with facilities for cleaning the exhaust air.

Chapter 2
From 25 to 30 % of all hazardous waste in Germany is disposed of by Ph-c plants. Some
examples of the operations carried out via a Ph-c plant are:

treatment of emulsions
treatment of emulsions and waste with contents to be detoxified
treatment of liquids, aqueous wastes with some organic solvents
treatment of emulsions and oil/water mixtures
treatment of liquids, aqueous wastes containing organic solvents and tensides
detoxification (oxidation/reduction) of waste containing nitrites, Cr(VI), cyanide (as

The wastes processed are usually from various industrial and commercial production processes,
and from maintenance, repair and cleaning activities. Some specific industrial sectors served are
the printing and photographic industries. These are an example of those sites, which provide a
service to a particular industrial sector, taking away a wide range of wastes and transferring
those that cannot be treated or recycled in-house.

Figure 2.7 shows the treatment of aqueous marine waste.

If possible
recovery/re-use Chemical
Re-use as
Figure 2.7: Treatment of aqueous marine waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

2.3.2 Unit operations used in Ph-c treatments of waste waters

Waste can be treated using any of a large number of commercially proven unit operations. The
treatment methods fall into four categories:

phase separation (e.g. sedimentation, steam stripping)
component separation (e.g. ion exchange, electrodialysis)
chemical transformation (e.g. chemical oxidation, incineration)
biological transformation (e.g. fixed film aerobic treatment).

Chapter 2
Table 2.8 summarises units operations used in physico-chemical treatments. Some more
information on this issue can be found in the Common waste water and waste gas treatment

Unit operation Purpose Principle of operation
Separation operations
Acid break-up
of emulsions
The term acid break-up is
understood to be the treatment of
emulsions. The aim of the treatment
is the separation of the emulsion into
waste water, oil/grease and
undissolved metals as hydroxide

Centrifugation Dewatering metal salt sludges from
precipitation techniques
Separates solids and liquids by
rapidly rotating the mixture in a
vessel. Solids either settle at the
bottom (sedimentation - type) or
adhere to the inside wall of the vessel
(filtration - type) through which the
liquid passes
and distillation
Evaporation and distillation are similar
processes with different objectives.
During evaporation the useful material
in a mixture is evaporated through
thermal effects and captured as vapour
and generally condensed. Distillation is
a separation process, which is used for
the separation of mixtures, which
obtains better separation ratios than
The aim of evaporation/distillation is to
separate the oil into a good usable form.
In the Ph-c plants, evaporation is used
as a partition stage in order to separate
vaporisable materials from the waste
water. Depending on the ingredients of
the waste water, evaporation can also be
used as conditioning for a further
preparation stage, such as membrane
filtration. Evaporator technology is of
great importance whenever organic
solvents are to be separated from the
waste to be treated
Extraction Extraction is used for the specific
separation of components from a
mixture of substances. The mixture
of substances is thoroughly mixed
with a selective solvent. During
mixing, the component from the
mixture of substances migrate into
the extracting agent. With the
subsequent separation of the
extracting agent from the substance
mixture, finally the components of
the mixture are also separated
This is the most common operation
applied, e.g. in drinking water
treatment, industrial waste water
Involves passing a mixture of liquid
and solids (or gas and solids) through
a filter medium to trap the solids.
Different kinds of filters exist, such
as gravel filters, sand filters and
mechanical filters (e.g. waste water
screen presses, chamber filter
presses, membrane filter presses)
The sieving of the waste to be treated is
essential for the protection and safety of
functional units, such as pumps, sluice
gates, valves
Sieving is a classifying/separating
procedure with which the filtered
material liquid/solid mixture (slurry)
is separated into two mixtures, one with
an average particle size smaller than the
input, and another larger than the input
Chapter 2
Unit operation Purpose Principle of operation
Filtration (by
Separation of substances/solids from
liquid mixtures. Ultrafiltration can be
used for break-up of emulsions
In membrane procedures the liquids to
be treated are fed under controlled
pressure and current conditions past a
semi-permeable membrane. The
separative power of the membrane is
essentially based on the filtering effect
and thus outputs are neither altered
biologically nor chemically.
Flotation Used by refining, meat packing,
paint, paper milling and baking
Introduction of tiny air bubbles into a
solution containing suspended
particles. Particles attach to air
bubbles and float
Ion exchange
Ion exchange is a process for the
cleaning of liquid waste of dissolved
electrically charged particles (ions) by
means of ion exchanger materials. Can
also be used in water-softening, as Ca
and Mg ions are removed from the
liquid stream. Some of substances
suitable for ion exchangers are liquid
waste from the electroplating industry,
chromium electrolytes/chromating
baths, phosphoric acid pickling,
hydrochloric acid pickling and
sulphuric acid anodising baths. Groups
of material unsuitable for ion
exchangers are: organic compounds as
these can irreversibly block the resins in
the exchanger or whose removal may be
incomplete; strong oxidising agents, as
these may damage the anion exchanger
resins; metal cyanide complexes, as
strong base anion exchangers damage
the resins; aromatic and halogenised
hydrocarbons, as they cause the
exchanger resins to swell at times and
thus can lead to interruptions in the
exchanger availability.
Ion exchange resins have the ability to
exchange their settled groups of ions
(cations or anion) with ions contained in
the water
Oil separation
Gravity settlement without heat to
produce an oil rich layer, that is
skimmed off and sent to oil recyclers
for further processing, and an aqueous
phase plus sludge that is processed
through the main plant. At some plants,
this is a major part of the day-to-day
activities. At others it is an occasional
batch process and only operated when
needed to provide a full service to major
customers but where the company does
not actively seek oil/water streams for
treatment. Some sites add acid to the oil
to assist in the separation process
(emulsion breaking)
Gravity separation of soluble oils and
oil/water mixtures
splitting of
For the destabilisation of the
emulsifying agent, polyelectrolytes
and/or similar products are used.
These allow good splitting of the
emulsion comparable to acid splitting
Chapter 2
Unit operation Purpose Principle of operation
Used to produce drinking water from
brackish groundwater and seawater.
Also for recovery of electroplating
chemicals from plating rinse-water
and sulphate from paper industry
waste water. Used in leachate
Uses a mechanical force, e.g. high
pressure (17 100 atm) to drive
solvent (usually water) through a
membrane. This generate two
fractions one that concentrate the
dissolved components and another
where the solvent is purified
Screening Waste water containing solids, etc. Removes large particles from waste
water. There are three types of
screens, rotating drums, vibrating
and stationary
Sedimentation Sedimentation is used in Ph-c plants
specifically for the thickening of
sludges, and the separation of heavy
particles and suspended matter from
the waste water and concentrate
The forces of gravity cause the
thicker phase of a suspension to
separate. To this extent, the nature of
the force determines the type of
sedimentation: gravity sedimentation
or centrifugal sedimentation
(absorption and
If the waste water shows increased
and/or inadmissibly high values of
TOC, AOX or PCB, the organic
materials generally separated using
Sorption is the uptake of a substance
(gas, vapour, liquid) by another
material, as a result of the contact of
both materials.
Absorption is designated as the
penetration of a gas into a solid or
liquid phase (absorbents) by diffusion.
Adsorption is described as the
accumulation of gases or solute
materials at the surface of a solid or
liquid material (adsorbents) by
molecular forces. Adsorption is a
physical process, and to this extent the
chemical characteristics of the adsorbed
material are unaltered
Stripping (by
air or steam)
Stripping is used in order to be able to
use the following procedures better and
more effectively; or as a final stage to
reduce the concentration of certain
hydrocarbons (AOX). By stripping,
volatile materials, for example
hydrogen sulphide (H
S), ammonia
), low boiling hydrocarbons and
chlorine hydrocarbons (AOX) can be
separated from aqueous solutions
Stripping is the driving out of easily
vaporisable materials from liquid
mixtures. Air or water vapour is used
for stripping, with a simultaneous
increase of the phase-boundary
surfaces. Stripping is thus a separation
process in which the separated material
is in the exhaust air (stripping with air)
or in the distillate (stripping with water
Chemical processes *
Electrolysis The recovery of metals from
solutions (e.g. silver from
photographic waste)
Use of electrical power to reduce
metals from solution
Neutralisation To neutralise the waste water or to
recuperate some components from it by
precipitation at a specific pH(s).
Depending on equipment configuration,
neutralisation and sedimentation can be
carried out in the same container
Neutralisation is the adjustment of the
pH values to a neutral level, for
instance, pH ~ 7. Neutralisation is
achieved by adding acids or alkalis to
the material to be neutralised and/or by
the mixing of acids and alkalis
Chapter 2
Unit operation Purpose Principle of operation
Redox reactions in connection with the
Ph-c treatment of waste activity involve
the detoxicating of nitrite and cyanide
(oxidation) and chromium (VI)
compounds (reduction). Other possible
treatments are the destruction of
sulphides or peroxides. Wastes are
made less toxic, simpler and less
volatile by subtracting or adding
electrons between reactants
Oxidation and reduction are processes
which are generally coupled. Oxidation
is the release of electrons, and reduction
is the uptake of electrons.
The separation of dissolved or
suspended materials (e.g. metals) by the
addition of chemicals
Precipitation is the conversion of a
solute substance to an undissolved
substance, in general by the addition of
chemicals. Flocculation is the
agglomeration of more or less fine
particles (as well as solute substances)
into larger flocs; these are separated by
sedimentation or filtration
Wet air
Sewage sludge Solids solubilised and oxidised under
high pressure
* Some of these treatments induce separations (e.g precipitation)
Table 2.8: Unit operations used in physico-chemical treatments
[80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

2.3.3 Physico-chemical treatments of waste solids and waste sludges

The main goal in the physico-chemical treatments of waste solids and waste sludges is to
minimise the long-term release by leaching out the primarily heavy metals and low
biodegradable compounds. The available treatment options act to prolong the leaching time
period by releasing, for example, heavy metals at lower and more environmentally acceptable
concentrations for an extended period of time.

In principle, all treatment options can be applied to waste solids and waste sludges. However,
the characteristics of the treated material and the effectiveness of a treatment technology can
vary greatly depending on the specific properties of the original waste IN and on the type of
cleaning system applied. The treatment options has been sub-grouped according to the
following types:

extraction and separation
thermal treatment
mechanical separation
immobilisation (this treatment covers solidification and stabilisation)
thermal desorption
vapour extraction from excavated soil
solvent extraction from solid waste (e.g. excavated soil)
excavation and removal of excavated soil
soil washing.

Chapter 2
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 63 Extraction and separation

To extract heavy metals and salts from solid wastes, using acid.

Principle of operation
Solubilises compounds and removes them with water.

Feed and output streams
Treatment options using extraction and separation processes can, in principle, cover all types of
processes extracting specific components from the wastes.

Several techniques have been proposed both in Europe and in Japan for air pollution control
residues. Thermal treatments

Thermal treatment of FGT waste from combustion processes is used extensively in a few
countries, mainly to reduce the volume and to improve their leaching properties.

Principle of operation
High temperature treatments use heat in order to melt waste and initiate vitrification and
ceramisation processes. Thermal treatments can be grouped into three categories: vitrification,
smelting and sintering. The differences between these processes chiefly relate to the
characteristics and properties of the final material:

vitrification is a process where wastes are mixed with glass precursor materials and then
combined at high temperatures into a single-phase amorphous, glassy output. Typical
vitrification temperatures are 1300 to 1500 C. The retention mechanisms are chemical
bonding of inorganic species in the waste with glass-forming materials, such as silica, and
encapsulation of the constituents by a layer of glassy material
melting is similar to vitrifying, but this process does not include the addition of glass
materials and results in a multiple-phased product. Often several molten metal phases are
generated. It is possible to separate specific metal phases from the melted output and recycle
these metals, possibly after refinement. Temperatures are similar to those used in vitrifying
sintering involves heating the waste to a level where a bonding of the particles occurs and
chemical phases in the wastes reconfigure. This leads to a denser output with less porosity
and a higher strength than the original waste. Typical temperatures are around 900 C.
Temperatures for sintering bottom ash from MSW incinerators can be up to 1200 C.

Feed and output streams
Most commonly, FGT wastes are treated thermally in combination with bottom ashes.
Process description
Regardless of the process, the thermal treatment of FGT waste in most cases results in a more
homogeneous, denser product with improved leaching properties. Vitrifying also adds the
benefits of the physical encapsulation of contaminants in the glass matrix.

The thermal treatment of FGT waste requires substantial off gas treatment, thus creating a new
solid residue to be treated. Also the high salts concentrations in FGT waste can cause corrosion
problems in off-gas treatment systems.

Chapter 2
Sintering is not used as a dedicated treatment option for FGT waste, however some combined
treatment methods may involve sintering. Mechanical separation

The aim of the treatment is to generate a material which is inert, does not negatively affect water
bodies, and has the potential for safe recovery, e.g. as a soil substitute or in road construction.
Such treatment reduces the mass of waste for disposal. Furthermore, the clean separated and
collected ferrous and non-ferrous metal fractions can be re-used. In addition, the reduction in the
amount of heavy metals, e.g. arsenic (salt) being emitted in the environment, is also a major

Principle of operation
In the case of bottom ash treatment, the bottom ash is separated into at least three fractions:
mineral compounds, unburned material and scrap metal. A reduction of heavy metals and
soluble compounds is required and is important for re-use of the material after treatment. The
water soluble components are the most water-relevant ingredients of bottom ash.

Feed and output streams
One of the main products of waste incineration is the bottom ash generated through the burning
process. An input of one tonne of household waste generates approximately 250 - 350 kg of
bottom ash. The bottom ash is generally composed of components such as chloride, arsenic,
lead, cadmium, copper, mineral materials and scrap metals.

Process description

Removal of other
Removal of metals
(Ferrous and non-ferrous)
Main treatments
Reception inspection
Figure 2.8: Example of some mechanical separations used for the treatment of bottom ashes
[89, Germany, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Bottom ash and FGT waste.

Chapter 2
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 65 Conditioning

The aim is the treatment of the solid and paste like wastes for recovery/disposal in incineration
plants or for landfilling.

Principle of operation
The substances that can only be incinerated or landfilled are conditioned by means of
aggregates. Depending on the final disposal plant (e.g. incineration or landfill); diatomite,
sawdust or other appropriate aggregates are added to the waste.

Process description
Wastes with certain resource contents may be passed on to the downstream plant for the
recovery of recyclable substances. If necessary, the wastes may be run over a one step crushing,
e.g. in order to crush the metal packaging such as paint cans, and transfer them via a conveyor
system to the facility for recovery of recyclable material.

Wastes that are delivered in large capacity containers are pretreated in a second crushing
facility. For dusty wastes, a third fully encapsulated two-shaft shredder is available. In the free-
falling mixer, the pretreated wastes may be mixed with aggregates to produce a batch of
maximum 10 m
. The free-falling mixer consists mainly of an open cylindrical-conical
container with a volume of 20 m
. This container is filled via the last conveyor of the charging
system. Rotation of the container produces a homogeneous mixture and the abrasive forces in
the mixing drum cause a quasi-dry cleaning of metal and plastic components in the waste. The
free-falling mixer is emptied into the loading facility which conveys the conditioned waste
either to truck loading or to further treatment towards the facility for the recovery of recyclable

Preparation of waste to be used as fuel. Immobilisation

The aim of immobilisation is to minimise the rate of contaminant migration to the environment
and/or to reduce the level of toxicity of contaminants, in order to alter or improve the
characteristics of the waste so that it can be disposed of. The objective encompasses both a
reduction in the waste toxicity and mobility as well as an improvement in the engineering
properties of the stabilised material.

Principle of operation
Immobilisation relies on the properties of the reagent to produce an immobilised waste product,
even where the waste product does not have a solid form. These processes retain substance(s)
adsorbed to, or trapped within, a solid matrix. Some of these processes are reversible (i.e. the
immobilised substances can be released), due to both poor process control and to subsequent
mixing with other waste types. Two types of processes have been developed. These are
commonly referred to as: stabilisation and solidification.

Chapter 2
This is a process by which contaminants (e.g. heavy metals) are fully or partially bound by the
addition of supporting media, binders, or other modifiers. Stabilisation is accomplished by
mixing the waste with a reagent (depending on the type of waste and reaction planned, this can
be, for example, clay particles; humic organic substances, such as peat; activated carbon;
oxidisers; reductors; precipitating reagents) to minimise the rate of contamination migration
from the waste, thereby reducing the toxicity of the waste and improving the handling properties
of the waste at the landfill. To achieve this, a process should include a physico-chemical
interaction between the reagent and waste, rather than just a dilution.
These stabilisation methods make use of both the precipitation of metals in new minerals as well
as the binding of metals to minerals by sorption. The process includes some sort of
solubilisation of the heavy metals in the material and a subsequent precipitation in or sorption to
new minerals.

The physical mechanisms used in stabilisation are: macro-encapsulation, micro-encapsulation,
absorption, adsorption, precipitation and detoxification. There is an extensive range of sorbents
and binders available for such purposes. Some of the most commonly used are: cement,
pozzolans (alumino-silicious material that reacts with lime and water), lime, soluble silicates,
organically modified clays or lime, thermosetting organic polymers, thermoplastic materials and
vitrification (in-situ or in-plant).

In many cases, both types of reagents (chemical reagents as mentioned three paragraphs above)
and sorbents and binders (as mentioned in the above paragraph) are used simultaneously.

Uses additives to change the physical properties of the waste (as measured by its engineering
properties such as strength, compressibility, and/or permeability). The term solidification (and
encapsulation or fixation) relate to the mixing of wastes with a reagent (pulverised fuel ash;
cement, lime; blast furnace slag; cement kiln dust; organic binders such as bitumen/asphalt or
paraffin; and polyethylene) to produce a solid waste form (with low porosity and low
permeability matrix) for landfill disposal. Substances are either adsorbed to the reagent or
trapped within the waste form. The output should possess a high resistance to chemical and
biological degradation processes that could lead to the release of contaminants.

The addition of cement, for example, generally decreases the hydraulic conductivity and
porosity of the material, and in addition increases tortuosity, durability, strength and volume.
However, it usually increases the pH and alkaline capacity of the mixture, therefore improving
the leaching behaviour of the product (e.g amphotheric metals, some organic compounds). In
some cases, depending on the binder, solidification may result in chemical changes of the
material matrix.

In summary, the fixation and insolubilisation of the pollutants is realised by means of four
mechanisms: precipitation, complexation, encapsulation and adsorption.
Chapter 2
Feed and output streams
This technology is applied for many inorganic wastes (typically hazardous waste) present in
industry such as:

pasty waste and slurries containing inorganic components (heavy metals, etc.) and small
amounts of non-soluble organics (policyclic aromatics, fuel waste, etc.) For example,
complex liquid and solid waste contaminated with heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, etc.)
solid and dry waste with inorganic components (in this case hydration water must be
added). For example, contaminated soil and filter cakes; refuse with very few non-soluble
hydrocarbons; bottom ashes and slag; FGT waste
solidification is sometimes used for mixing various viscous liquids, such as glues and
pastes, with sawdust to produce a solid crumb suitable for landfill. Such practice is not
allowed, on landfill sites, in some countries, such as France, Germany and the Benelux
Union. In some cases, such components are mixed with cement and lime or other suitable
binder material.

Wastes that are legally not accepted by the Landfill Directive to be treated by immobilisation on
installations located on landfill sites, are liquid wastes, waste containing toxic components,
volatile compounds, foul smelling components or explosives. Key issues for immobilisation
include: the suitability of the waste, the process control, the emissions generated and the output
specification. Under the Landfill Directive (EC/33/2003) and its annexes, the output
specification needs to be aligned with the acceptance criteria for the receiving landfill, which
are developed by the European Technical Adaptation Committee and which will cover
leachability, physical stability and reaction with other wastes. Their transcription into national
legislation is due by the end of 2005.

The resulting output of solidification can either be landfilled or allowed to solidify in a holding
area prior to landfill. The final stabilised/solidified waste is usually landfilled directly or
sometimes cast into blocks (e.g. at a size of 1 m
) before landfilling.

Process description
The process typically comprises storage of the reagents, a reaction vessel and in some cases the
addition of water. Figure 2.9 shows a representation of a typical immobilisation process.

Figure 2.9: Representation of an immobilisation process
[55, UK EA, 2001]
Chapter 2
Several of the stabilisation methods have an initial washing step, where a major part of soluble
salts and to some extent metals are extracted before chemical binding of the remaining metals.
These methods are finalised by dewatering the stabilised product, which will then be ready for

Two solidification processes are widely used: a) cement solidification (the most prevalent
solidification technique), based on mixing waste with cement, and b) special hydraulic binder
processes, which are chemical processes, aimed at developing bonds between the binder and the
waste. Another technique, also in large-scale use, includes, e.g. the curing of fly ash waste with
aqueous neutral or acidic liquors to give a granular output prior to landfill.

Immobilisation treatments (both stabilisation and solidification) are applied to:

remediation of hazardous waste sites
treatments of waste from other treatment processes (e.g. ash from thermal treatments,
residues from end-of-pipe techniques)
treatment of contaminated land where large quantities of soil containing contaminants are

In several EU countries stabilisation/solidification is not an issue at all due to their national
legislation. In these cases, a lot of wastes do not need any such treatments to respect the
parameters of the annexes of the EU Landfill Directive or national legislation.

Radioactive wastes have been encapsulated using cement/pulverised fuel ash and bottom ash
(slag) for more than 30 years. However, radioactive materials are explicitely excluded from the
IPPC Directive. Dewatering

Sludge dewatering increases the dry solids content of sludge producing a solid waste. It is a
grey area as to when a liquid sludge becomes a solid waste; however, any sludge typically over
10 % dry solids becomes difficult and expensive to pump.

Principle of operation
Dewatering at ratios typically higher than 10 % will first require some form of chemical
conditioning to assist in the separation of the bound and entrained water from within the sludge.
There is a wide range of high molecular weight polymeric flocculants that are particularly
effective at improving dewatering performance.

Feed and output streams
Dewatering produces a sludge cake, which may be between 20 50 % dry solids, and an
aqueous waste stream. Overall disposal costs would be expected to be reduced in cases where
the aqueous waste stream requires no, or minimal, additional processing to remove

Chapter 2
Process description
A number of sludge dewatering processes exist and selection depends upon the nature and
frequency of the solids produced, and the sludge cake required, e.g.

filter (or plate) presses, which are batch processes and can be manually intensive. A filter
press can produce up to 40 % dry solids cake
the belt press, which is a continuous process with the filter cloth continually running
through rollers that forcefully dewater the sludge. A belt press can produce up to 35 % dry
solids cake
centrifuges, also continuous processes that can produce a cake of up to 40 % dry solids for
certain sludges. Because of the shear forces, it can break up the solid particulates
filter drums.

The majority of sites use filter presses on the sludge from the treatment plant and then send the
aqueous fraction through clarification or DAF units prior to sewer discharge. Excess solids are
returned to the treatment tanks. High temperature drying

The aims of the process are the following:

removal of the water content from the wastes; making recycling economically viable
concentration of the waste components (e.g. metal compounds); the heating value is
considerably raised
elimination of the problems with handling paste-like substances, as drying the waste
transforms it into granulate material
use of the waste heat in other processes, e.g. distillation
the dissipated plume gives the necessary moisture to the biofilter.

Principle of operation
The input substances that are to be dried are provided by the gathering chain conveyor and put
into the revolving tube drum in single portions. The residence time of the input substances in the
drier and thus the dryness of the granulated product can be regulated by hydraulic adjustment of
the tube angle. The energy required for the drying process is drawn from the waste heat of the
incinerator. The air needed for cooling the flue-gases is cooled down to 150 C in air-air heat

Up to 30000 m
/h drying air (maximum 100 C) flow through the revolving tube
countercurrently to the moist input. The heat is used for the evaporation of the water. The plume
is extracted by suction via a dust filter and directly transferred to the biofilter. Hereby, a slight
negative pressure is created in the dryer who prevents effectively the leakage of dust into the
environment. The granulated dry product is discharged automatically by the rotation of the
drum and filled into big bags or other containers.

Feed and output streams
Sludges are dried and transformed into granulated material.

Chapter 2
Process description
Drying consists of the following processes:

warm air supply controlled by temperature and differential pressure
hydraulically adjustable revolving tube drum
gathering chain conveyor for charging
dust filter with 300 m
filter area
plume dissipation towards biofilter by means of induced draft fan
measurement technique (e.g. dust, temperature, pressure, volume flow and moisture)
process control system. Thermal distillative drying plants

To process materials which cannot be accepted by hazardous waste incineration plants or
hazardous waste landfill sites without complex prior conditioning.

Principle of operation
The input material is first crushed in the plant under inert conditions and bunkered. The released
propellants are transferred to the high temperature incineration plant or to the biofilter.
Afterwards, treatment is carried out in order to distillate the fluids from the input material.

Feed and output streams
Solid/paste like hazardous wastes which contain considerable amounts of free or bound fluids
are treated. Both the solid and the fluid products that leave this facility may be recycled,
thermally used, incinerated or landfilled.

Process description
The process consists of two parts: materials handling and crushing; and thermal distillation.

Material handling and crushing:
lift-tilt installation for containers
inertable crusher
gathering conveyor
fire extinguisher and inerting facility
discharge of solids with load container and carrying chain conveyor.

Thermal distillation:
reactor and vacuum slider
plume filter and circulation fan
plume superheater
condensers, product coolers, product containers and phase separation
vacuum pump station
vapour, inert gas and cooling water distribution
exhaustive security measures
control system with two work places and one computer for data collection.

The containers are transported from the high rack storage area to the facility and individually
emptied into the feeding hopper of the crusher. After crushing, the input material is stored under
a CO
atmosphere on an inerted gathering conveyor. This is carried out until the quantity
necessary for processing is reached in the mixing reactor (maximum 3 m
) and the reactor is
prepared for take-up of the next load. The waste solvent vapours released at the crusher are
specifically drawn off in order to prevent the production of explosive mixtures in the hall. The
drawn off air is fed to the biofilter as well as the exhaust air from the vacuum pumps.

Chapter 2
If the mixing reactor has been re-inerted after emptying of the previous load, it can be charged
by the gathering conveyor. After charging, the mixing reactor and the pipe system are
pressurised by the vacuum pumps to 400 mbar. Then, the circulation fan is powered up. The
nitrogen from inerting and the created plumes can then be run over the superheater where they
are heated up to 450 C. Afterwards, they flow into the reactor where they heat up and dry the
input material. The heating period may, if necessary, be supported by fresh vapour from a
boiler. Vacuum control keeps the maximum pressure in the facility approximately at 100 mbar,
below that of the ambient air.

At the end of the drying process; i.e. when the maximum temperature of 180 to 200 C is
reached in the reactor, in the plume filter or in the circulation fan; the facility is evacuated to a
pressure of <100 mbar. This is carried out in order to evaporate the remaining solvent residues
and to cool the dried material. To keep the emissions of the dried material low at discharge,
cooling water is added directly to the dried material. Here, it immediately evaporates under
vacuum and thus cools the dry product down to the discharge temperature of 50 to 60 C. The
condensate is recovered by the in-house distillation facility directly after phase separation or
after treatment. Solvent fractions that cannot be recycled may be thermally utilised or
incinerated in the in-house high temperature incineration facility. Thermal desorption

To separate relatively volatile compounds from solid waste.

Principle of operation
In the thermal desorption process, volatile and semi-volatile contaminants are removed from
soils, sediments, slurries, and filter cakes. Typical operating temperatures are between
175 - 370 C, but temperatures from 90 to 650 C may be employed. Thermal desorption
promotes physical separation of the components rather than combustion.

Feed and output streams
Soils contaminated with non-biodegradable organic compounds, soil contaminated with
petroleum fuels, soil contaminated with hazardous wastes and tar containing asphalt or similar
waste are the types of waste processed by this treatment. The contamination is transferred to a
further treatment.

Thermal desorbers effectively treat soils, sludges, and filter cakes and remove volatile and semi-
volatile organic compounds. Some higher boiling point substances such as PCBs and dioxins
may also be removed (if present). Inorganic compounds are not easily removed with this type of
process, although some relatively volatile metals such as mercury may be volatilised. The
temperatures reached in thermal desorbers generally do not oxidise metals.

Process description
After contaminated soil is excavated, the waste material is screened to remove objects greater
than 4 to 8 cm in diameter. Direct or indirect heat exchange vaporises the organic compounds,
producing an off-gas that is typically treated before being vented to the air. In general, any one
of four desorber designs are used: rotary dryer, asphalt plant aggregate dryer, thermal screw,
and the conveyor furnace. The treatment systems include both mobile and stationary process
units designed specifically for treating soil, and asphalt aggregate dryers that can be adapted to
treat soils. Mobile systems are most often used, due to reduced soil transportation costs and to
allow for backfilling of the treated soil. However, stationary systems are also available and it
may be feasible to provide regional services. The desorbed gases may be incinerated.

Treatment of contaminated soils and tar containing asphalt and similar waste.

Chapter 2
72 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Vapour extraction

Vapour extraction can be used as a method for treating solid waste, e.g. excavated contaminated
soil, with volatile hydrocarbons.

Principle of operation
In general terms, vapour extraction removes volatile organic constituents from contaminated
waste by creating a sufficient subsurface airflow to strip contaminants from the vadose
(unsaturated) zone by volatilisation. As the contaminant vapours are removed, they may be
vented directly to the air or controlled in a number of ways.

Feed and output streams
Vapour extraction has been widely used to treat excavated soil contaminated with gasoline or
chlorinated solvents (e.g. TCE). It is also sometimes used to minimise the migration of vapours
into structures or residential areas during some other in-situ remediation not covered in this

Spills or leaks of fuels typically involve liquids containing dozens of different constituents. For
removal by this treatment to be effective, the contaminants must generally have vapour
pressures greater than 1.0 mm Hg at - 7 C. Complete removal of contaminants may not be
possible with this technique alone.

Process description
The success of the treatment for a given application depends on numerous factors with the twoe
key criteria being: the nature of the contamination and the nature of the waste (e.g. soil). The
tendency of the organic contaminants to partition into water or to be adsorbed onto soil particles
also affects its effectiveness, and hence the compound's water solubility, Henrys Law constant,
and the sorption coefficient to the solid waste are of interest. The temperature affects each of
these variables and hence, the rate of vapour diffusion and transport. Increasing the temperature
is one option commonly considered for enhancing the treatment performance. Solid waste can
be heated in one of three ways: 1) introduction of heated air or steam, 2) input of
electromagnetic energy through the waste, or 3) heat release through a chemical reaction. The
use of heated air or steam appears to be the most widely used approach.

Typical systems include extraction, monitoring, air inlet, vacuum pumps, vapour treatment
devices, vapour/liquid separators, and liquid-phase treatment devices.

Vapour extraction has been used successfully for several years as a combined two-phase
treatment of both groundwater and contaminated soil, and is increasingly being employed.
Although this treatment may be used for a variety of soil types, its effectiveness depends on the
ability of air to flow through the soil. Solvent extraction

Solvent extraction is much more effective for treating organic compounds than inorganic
compounds and metals. It can be used in conjunction with other processes to reduce remediation

Chapter 2
Principle of operation
Solvent extraction differs from soil washing in that it employs organic solvents (e.g. propane,
butane, carbon dioxide, aliphatic amines (e.g. triethylamine)) rather than aqueous solutions to
extract contaminants from the soil. Like soil washing, it is a separation process that does not
destroy the contaminants. It works as the contaminants will have a greater solubility in the
solvent than in the soil.

Feed and output streams
Sediments, sludge, and soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), petroleum
wastes, PCBs, and halogenated solvents can be effectively treated with solvent extraction. The
removal of inorganic compounds such as acids, bases, salts, and heavy metals is limited, but
these types of compounds usually do not hinder the remediation process. Metals may undergo a
chemical change to a less toxic or leachable form, however their presence in the waste streams
may still restrict disposal and recycle options.

Whilst these separation processes may be more effective in treating soils contaminated with
petroleum fuels, they are generally employed to treat soils containing metals or heavy organic

The concentrated contaminants can be analysed and subsequently designated for further
treatment, recycling, or re-use before disposal. While solvent extraction may improve the
condition of the solids, often they may still need dewatering, treatment for residual organic
compounds, additional separation, stabilisation, or some other treatment. The water from the
dewatering process, the solids, and the water from the extractor will need to be analysed to aid
in the choice of the most appropriate treatment and disposal.
Process description
The remediation process begins with excavating the contaminated soil and feeding it through a
screen to remove large objects. In some cases, solvent or water is added to the waste in order to
aid pumping it to the extraction unit. In the extractor, solvent is added and mixed with the waste
to promote the dissolving of the contaminants into the solvent. Laboratory testing can determine
which solvent adequately separates the contaminants from the soil. Generally, the solvent will
have a higher vapour pressure than the contaminants (i.e. a lower boiling point) so that with an
appropriate pressure or temperature change, the solvent may be separated from the
contaminants, compressed, and recycled to the extractor.

Treatment of contaminated soil. Excavation and removal of contaminated soil

Excavation activities may be carried out in isolation but are also typically carried out as part are
of the on-site treatment processes such as incineration, thermal desorption, ex-situ biotreatment,
and certain physico-chemical treatments.

Principle of operation
If removal of the contaminated soil is the selected remedy, the excavated soil is typically
transported off site for subsequent disposal in a landfill.

Feed and output streams
Contaminated soils and decontaminated soil.

Process description
Typical civil engineering machinery is used.

Chapter 2
The excavation and removal of soils contaminated with fuels is a common practice. Soil washing

Soil washing is carried out to separate the decontaminated fractions and pollutants.

Principle of operation
Soil washing is an ex-situ process in which contaminated soil is excavated and fed through a
water-based washing process. It operates on the principle that contaminants are associated with
certain size fractions of soil particles and that these contaminants can be dissolved or suspended
in an aqueous solution or removed by separating out clay and silt particles from the bulk soil.
Additives such as surfactants or chelating agents are sometimes used to improve the separation
efficiency (the treatment using additives may be referred to as chemical extraction). The
aqueous solution containing the contaminants is treated by conventional waste water treatment

The process is a water-based process and removes contaminants from soils in one of two ways:

a. by dissolving or suspending them in the wash solution (which is treated later by
conventional waste water treatment methods)
b. by concentrating them into a smaller volume of soil through particle size separation, gravity
separation, and attrition-scrubbing (similar to the techniques used in the mineral processing
The concept of reducing soil contamination through the use of particle size separation is based
on the finding that most organic and inorganic contaminants tend to bind, either chemically or
physically, to clay, silt, and organic soil particles. The silt and clay are attached to sand and
gravel particles by physical processes, primarily compaction and adhesion. Washing processes
that separate the fine (i.e. clay and silt) particles from the coarser (i.e. sand and gravel) soil
particles effectively separate and concentrate the contaminants into a smaller volume of soil that
can be easier further treated or disposed of.

Feed and output streams
Soil washing is effective for a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants, including
petroleum and fuel residues. Removal efficiencies range from 90 99 % for volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) and from 40 90 % for semi-volatile compounds. Compounds with low
water solubilities such as metals, pesticides or PCBs sometimes require acids or chelating
agents to assist in the removal. Some pilot scale projects on radionuclides pollution treatment
have been reported. The washing process is also applicable for contaminated sand and gravel
from construction and demolition waste.

While these separation processes may be more effective in treating soils contaminated with
petroleum fuels, generally they are employed to treat soils containing metals or heavy organic

Soil washing may can be effective for the remediation of soils with a small amount of clay and
silt particles, but large amounts of clay and silt particles mitigate the effectiveness of soil

Process description
The excavation and removal of debris and large objects precedes the soil washing process.
Sometimes water is added to the soil to form a slurry that can be pumped. After the soil is
prepared for soil washing, it is mixed with wash-water, and extraction agents are sometimes

Chapter 2
After separation from the wash-water, the soil is rinsed with clean water and may be returned to
the site. The suspended soil particles are removed by gravity from the wash-water as sludge.
Sometimes flocculation is used to aid in sludge removal. This sludge is more highly
contaminated than the original soil and undergoes further treatment or secure disposal. The
spent wash-water from which the sludge is removed is treated and recycled. Residual solids
from the recycling process may require further treatment.

Figure 2.10 presents a general flow scheme of a soil washing plant.

Figure 2.10: General flow scheme of a soil washing plant
[123, Perseo, 2003]

Typically, soil washing segregates a soil into a small volume of highly contaminated silt and
clay and a larger volume of cleaned coarser soil.

Chapter 2
Physical separation methods are mechanical methods for separating mixtures of solids to obtain
a concentrated form of some constituents. Physical separations include screening, attrition
scrubbing, or using hydrogravimetric separators as such hydrocyclones, jigs, spiral classifiers.
In addition, in the majority of cases, the processes use water based chemical agents, which
provide both dispersion and extraction. Chemicals (dispersants, collectors, frothers, etc.) may be
added in some cases to enhance the quality of the separation.

The soil washing technique is very well established in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium,
due to the sandy structure of the local soils. In 2003, eight plants in the Netherlands, six in
Germany and six in Belgium were in operation. The technology is starting to become more
developed in Switzerland and in northern Italy. Most plants have a capacity of 30 - 60 tonnes an
hour. Furthermore, numerous on-site remediation projects have been performed with mobile
plants, presenting usually smaller capacities (from 10 to 30 tonnes per hour). Treatment of asbestos

Waste contaminated with asbestos are actually landfilled in the EU, however new techniques are
appearing in order to treat them prior to landfill disposal. Bottom ash treatment

Improves the slag/bottom ash quality and therefore can help to improve its opportunities to be
used as construction material.

Good bottom ash treatment facilities can produce a good quality material mainly scrap metal
and mineral fractions. The residues from the treatment constitute 1 5 %. The residues are
going back to the incineration. In addition, it is reduced the amount of heavy metals and e.g.
arsenic (salt) that is emitted to the environment. Thus, the bottom ash treatment reduces the
mass of waste to be landfilled.

Principle of operation
Bottom ash treatment plants exist in two types: wet and dry process.

Feed and output streams
Bottom ash from incinerators and other combustion processes.
Chapter 2
Process description
The following points describe some general measures which can be taken to help to improve the
quality of slag for re-use after it has been generated (i.e. after the incineration and after the
drying process). These include (no order is suggested with this list):

separating the bottom ash from all other burning products, such as filter and boiler dust,
with the intention to reduce the leaching possibilities of the waste (e.g reducing leaching of
heavy metals)
avoiding mixing bottom ash from different sources
removal of some of the organic material that it has not been entirely incinerated.
Afterwards, incinerating this organic material removed. It is typically applicable when the
waste OUT is used as a building material
dewatering the bottom ash (it is commonly dried by storing it for a period of 2 - 4 weeks);
this process requires a solid base (such as a concrete surface) and a collecting system for the
utilising a preliminary washing process to reduce the easily water soluble fraction of the
bottom ash
separating the scrap metal fraction from the bottom ash
classifying and excluding the fine fraction from the bottom ash (the fine faction is the most
problematic fraction for the environment as it leaches out easily). Excluding the small
fraction from the bottom ash leads to more landfilling, since there are no real alternatives
for such fraction
ageing the bottom ash. This improves the consistency and reduces adverse leaching effects.
A ventilation system and an installed water circulation system can allow a better bottom ash
analysing the eluate and the solids to assess the recovery possibilities of the material.

The ageing processes require a solid base and a collecting system for effluents. The common
aging time is up to 3 months. The end of the ageing process is noticeable by specific
temperature changes. The sieving, separation and wet preparation of the bottom ash are
important steps to achieve a good result.

Two different types of bottom ash analysis are possible. The first method analyses the available
mobile compounds (eluate analysis (i.e. leachate)) of the bottom ash fraction. The second
method analyses the complete compounds of the bottom ash (solid analyses). It is common to
use both methods in parallel to define the environmental effects of the bottom ash. However, the
eluate analysis is more important with assessing the possibility of material recovery.

These techniques are seen by some Authorities as an important step to decrease the use of
landfill. The amount of bottom ash from burning processes will rise, as probably the
incineration of waste in Europe will become more common. Not only is the reduction of waste
to disposal an environmental benefit, but it is also considered the re-use of the metal scrap

The wet process shows advantages concerning chloride-salts and final copper leaching, but is
not compulsory in order to reach a bottom ash quality that allows re-use as a construction
material in e.g. NL and DE.

Chapter 2
2.3.4 Unit operations used in the physico-chemical processing of waste
solids and sludges

This section contains common physico-chemical techniques used in the waste treatment sector.
They are mainly common unit operations. They have been tabulated in Table 2.9, which gives
the purpose and principle of the treatments and their main users.

Technique Purpose and principle of operation Users
Adsorption See Table 2.8
Centrifuging See Table 2.8 Applied to liquid waste. Centrifuging is
typically used together with recovery of the
organic phase
Decanting The principle of operation is the density
difference of the different components to
Applied to liquid waste (e.g. separation of two
inmiscible liquids, recovery of liquid layers
after separation of suspended solids or
biological/chemical flocs)
Drying Thermal drying as evaporation Applied to contaminated soils, sludges
Extraction See Table 2.8
Filtration See Table 2.8
Flotation See Table 2.8 Flotation is used on liquid waste when gravity
settlement is not appropriate. It occurs when:
the density difference between the
suspended particles and water is too low
there is a space constraint at the site
the waste contains oil or grease that needs
to be removed before treatment
recovery of the sludge is required
Metal recovery
Oil separation
See Table 2.8 Gravity separation of soluble oils and
oil/water mixtures
Oxidation See Table 2.8 The chemical oxidation of wastes is a well-
established technology that is capable of
destroying a wide range of organic molecules,
including chlorinated organic carbons, VOCs,
mercaptans, phenols, and inorganics such as
cyanide. The most common oxidising agents
used for hazardous waste treatments are
ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorine.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is usually added along
with ozone and/or hydrogen peroxide to
accelerate the oxidation of chlorinated VOCs.
It is a very common pretreatment operation at
many plants, but has a variety of technologies
Scrubbing Air scrubbing
See Table 2.8 Applied to liquid waste. Sludges liberated
from a settlement stage are typically around
1 % dry solids content
Stripping See Table 2.8 Air stripping is one of the most commonly
used processes for separation of waste water
contaminated with VOCs, such as solvents. It
can be used to remove the halogenated or non-
halogenated hydrocarbons from dilute aqueous
solution. Solutions high in ammonia can also
undergo such pretreatment to reduce the
concentration of ammonia.
Steam stripping is utilised for the removal of
volatile and sometimes semi-volatile
compounds from waste water.
Chapter 2
Technique Purpose and principle of operation Users
Extraction and/or oxidation of pollutants from
contaminated water or sediments. Supercritical
fluids (e.g. carbon dioxide, water, ammonia,
cyclohexane) are materials at elevated
temperature and pressure that have properties
between those of a gas and a liquid. In
extraction, the organics in soils, sediment or
water are dissolved in the fluid at elevated
temperatures and pressure conditions and are
then released from the extraction at lower
temperatures and pressures. In supercritical
water oxidation, air and contaminated water
are brought together above the critical point of
water and the complete oxidation of organic
compounds occurs rapidly
Treatment of POPs
Water reactive
These are scrubbed in a caustic solution and
both treated liquors and scrubber liquors are
treated in the main plant
The pretreatment of materials such as thionyl
chloride, acetyl chloride, silicon tetrachloride
with water to liberate acid gases
* The thermal treatments covered are those not included in the WI BREF
Table 2.9: Common unit operations used in physico-chemical treatments
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

2.3.5 Physico-chemical treatments of other wastes

Physico-chemical treatment of wastes containing POPs
Three ways have been identified for the destruction and irreversible transformation of the POP
content in wastes [154, UNEP, 2004]. One is the incineration on land (not covered in this
document but in the waste incineration BREF that also covers plasma techniques), another is the
use of waste as fuel (e.g. co-incineration in cement kilns not covered in this document) and last
one is the physico-chemical treatment of waste. This section concentrates on those
physico-chemical treatments related to these very specific types of waste (e.g. waste containing
PCBs, dioxins, furans) and they are summarised below in Table 2.10.
Chapter 2
Technique Principle of
Feed and output streams Process description
nation with
Reaction of
metallic alkali
with chlorine
atoms contained
in the
Waste IN: PCB oils

Waste OUT: organic compounds (oil
which may be re-used) and salt
The dispersion is carried out at a
temperature above that of the melting
point of the sodium, i.e. 98 C. Being
liquid, the metal surface can be renewed
continuously. In this way a reasonable
reaction rate can be achieved, thus
decreasing the cost of the
decontamination process.
The process must avoid the formation of
polymer (which occurs in one or two of
the technologies identified) or must take
the formation of this solid into account
and introduce a separation step to yield
the pure re-usable oil
nation of
Hydrogen reacts
with chlorinated
compounds or
such as (PAHs),
at high
Waste IN: transformer fluids; bulk
PCB solids, including electrical
capacitors; and high strength DDT
waste pesticide mixtures

Waste OUT: primarily methane and
hydrogen chloride for PCBs and
methane and minor amounts of light
hydrocarbons for PAHs
Typical process used in mineral oil
refineries and carried out at temperatures
of 850 C and higher. This technique
converts approximately 40 % of the
methane produced to hydrogen, via the
water shift reaction, and the remaining
part to hydrogen in the catalytic steam
reformer. In this way, the process can
operate without an external supply of
hydrogen. For highly concentrated
wastes, the process produces an excess of
methane. It uses draw combustion air
from off-site or ambient air on-site after
first filtering it through active carbon, for
the combustion process
Free electrons in
a solvated
electron solution
contaminants to
substances and
Waste IN: halogenated organic
compounds, including PCBs, dioxins,
pesticides, chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) and chemical warfare agents.

Waste OUT: decontaminated soils are
said to be suitable for returning to the
site, and as an additional benefit
enriched in nitrogen from the trace
amounts of residual ammonia
This technique uses an alkali or alkaline
earth metal dissolved in a solvent such as
ammonia, or certain amines or ethers to
produce a solution containing free
electrons and metal cations. Destruction
efficiencies vary from 86 to 100 %.
Chlorine and other halogens are
selectively stripped from organic halides
by free electrons and captured by the
metal cations to form salts (e.g. CaCl
For example, a PCB molecule can be
converted to biphenyl in a rapid reaction
at ambient temperatures.
cal water
A high
temperature and
technique that
uses the
properties of
water in the
destruction of
Waste IN: wastes containing organic
compounds and toxic wastes

Waste OUT: carbon dioxide;
hydrogen to water; the chlorine atoms
derived from chlorinated organic
compounds to chloride ions; nitro-
compounds to nitrates; sulphur to
sulphates; and phosphorus to
Supercritical conditions
Note: Some other treatments outside the scope of this document are available for the treatment of wastes
contaminated with POPs. These identified are co-incineration in cement kilns, hazardous waste incineration and
plasma treatments
Table 2.10: Some specific treatments for waste containing PCBs and/or POPs
[100, UNEP, 2000], [154, UNEP, 2004]

Physico-chemical treatments of CFCs
The aim is to treat the waste to transform the CFC in hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid.
An example of such plant is shown in Figure 2.11.

Chapter 2
Figure 2.11: Treatment of CFCs to generate hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid
[150, TWG, 2004]

Physico-chemical treatment of waste containing mercury

The aim is to treat the waste to separate the mercury.

Principle of operation
In the process of vacuum distillation, waste containing mercury is evaporated under vacuum
conditions at approximately 300 to 650 C. The liquid components (e.g. mercury, water and oil)
are distilled from the waste and condensed. In the condensation, a separation is established
between the mercury and the distillate. The metallic mercury is drained and possibly refined.
The mercury is recycled as a secondary raw material.

Feed and output streams
Sludge containing mercury from the oil and gas production industry, batteries, catalysts,
activated carbon filters, thermometers, waste from the dental sector, fluorescent tubes, blasting
grit and soil.

The destination of the residue from the vacuum vessel depends on the waste treated. It can be
used as a secondary raw material (e.g. for batteries) or landfilled (e.g. in the case of sludge
containing mercury).

Process description
The process is shown in Figure 2.12.

Chapter 2
Pretreatment Vacuum
Condensation Distillate
Residue Used as a secondary material or
Mercury Recycling
treatment Clean gas
Figure 2.12: Vacuum distillation of waste containing mercury
[156, VROM, 2004]

Used in Sweden, Netherlands and Belgium.

2.4 Treatments applied mainly to recover the materials from

This section includes those treatments and processes mainly designed to recover the materials or
portions of materials contained in waste. Typically these processes are very dependent on the
type of waste treated and the materials that are wanted or that need to be produced. The
materials produced from these treatments are materials that can be re-used for the same purpose
(e.g. lubricant oils) or recovery for other non-energy purposes (e.g. recovery of metals from
catalysts). When the material is treated to be used subsequently as fuel, this is included in the
Section 2.5.

Regeneration is the term used in this document to describe these treatments except in the case
of regeneration of waste oils where the term re-refining is used. This is not an attempt to make
any kind of definition. This should be taken only as a convention to aid reading this document.

2.4.1 The re-refining of waste oils
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [11, Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001], [13, Marshall,
et al., 1999], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [96, Straetmans, 2003], [150, TWG,
2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

There are two main options for the treatment of waste oils. One is the treatment of the waste oil
to produce a material that will be used mainly as fuel or for other uses (e.g. absorbant, mould
release oil, flotation oil). These include treatments as cleaning of waste oil, thermal cracking
and gasification for example and are covered in Section The other way, is to treat the
waste oil to reconvert it to a material that can be used as a base oil to produce lubricants. This
latter way is referred to as re-refining in this document. This section details the different
treatments that are actually applied to waste oils for clean-up and re-refining. As it is the case in
the whole document, this classification has been adopted for this document and it is not
intended to provide any attempt to define any of the R codes from EC waste legislation.

A lot of treatment processes exist (or are currently under development) today in Europe. The
most significant ones are listed below in Figure 2.13. This figure also gives an overview on how
these treatments have been included in this document.

Chapter 2
Waste oil
as fuel
Waste oil
WO Type Process Products
WO +
types of
of WO,
Lubricant base oil
(quality depends
on the treatment)
Hydraulic or cutting oil
-electricity companies
-shipping industry
-major engineering companies
Mould release oil or base oil
for the production of
chain saw oil
Spring oil conversion
Great Northern
processing Inc. process

Distillate gasoil products

-gasoil (also called heating
oil, diesel oil, furnace oil...)
-de-metallised heavy fuel oil
-marine gasoil (MGO)
-re-refined light base oil
De-metallised heavy fuel
oil (or heavy distillate)
-marine diesel oil (MDO)
-fuel for heating plants
then burning
Chemical processes
(with no finishing steps)
-solvent extraction
-propane extraction
Thermal processes
-Texaco process
-Emprotec process
Synthetic gas
Replacement fuel
oil (RFC)
-road stone plants
-cement kilns
-large marine engines
-pulverised coal power
(in Section 2.5.2)
Figure 2.13: Waste oil treatments and division approach used in this document
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Note: (1) Especially hydraulic or cutting oil
(2) Engine oils without chlorine + hydraulic oils without chlorine +
hydraulic mineral oils + mineral diathermic oils (according to the API classification)
(3) Treated oil still containing the heavy metals, halogen and sulphur contained in the original
waste oil (WO)
(4) Substitutes other secondary liquid fuel (SLF) or heavy fuel or coal or petroleum coke
(5) As a furnace start up fuel

To re-use a waste oil to make a lubricant requires cleaning or re-refining in order to make it into a
product suitable to be re-used as a base oil to produce a lubricant. These processes involve the
removal of impurities, defects and any leftover products from its old use. Generally, this type of
process removes all impurities and additives and only base oil then remains. Subsequently,
lubricant producers add substances to attain the specifications of a virgin product.

The main processes used in oil recovery plants are shown in Figure 2.14. This is an
amalgamation of unit operations. Not all operations are applied in every plant. In practice, most
plants only use a few of the processes shown, and usually there are two or more parallel streams
from each process.
Chapter 2
Figure 2.14: Generic flow diagram of waste oil treatment plant
Note: The diagram indicates common treatment elements. Some of these are alternatives and do
not all occur in a single installation. Brown lines correspond to waste or sludges and blue lines to
waste water.
Based on [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Re-refining treatments may differ depending on the technology used for one or several of the
following operations: pretreatment, cleaning, fractionation and finishing. Each of these processes
are briefly described in the following sections. Pretreatment of waste oil

To dewater (removal of water), de-fuel (removal of light ends and fuel traces such as naphtha,
etc.) and remove sediments. This pretreatment process is not compared with the other oil
treatment systems because it does not yield an end-product, nor does it achieve the final aim of

Chapter 2
Principle of operation
Water and sediments are removed from the waste oil by a simple physical/mechanical treatment.
Settling is used in some cases to remove water and sludge from waste oil and in the effluent
treatment systems for removing oil and solids from the effluent. Generally, settling takes place
using the gravity effect in settling tanks, clarifiers or plate separators, but centrifuges or
distillation can also be used.

Feed and output streams
The typical feed is collected waste oil. The product is cleaned waste oil. After this treatment the
cleaned oil can be used in one of the options described below (Sections to

Process description
The main techniques used are settling, sedimentation, filtering and centrifuging.

A tank is filled and left until it settles, the upper oil strata is skimmed off and similarly the water
layer is drawn off. Depending on how dirty the feedstock is, the sludge might be left at the
bottom of the tank to accumulate over several settlement cycles before it is removed. The
settling process is often aided by heating, to reduce the viscosity. In many cases, an interface
layer of an oil/water emulsion remains. This can be encouraged to separate by the addition of
heat and chemicals. Further settling processes applied to the water layer can separate the
oil/water phase even better.

Particulates are removed by strainers, filters or sieves.

Water may be removed by this technique.

Used in many of the waste oil re-refining technologies (see Table 2.12) Cleaning of waste oil

Cleaning includes deasphalting and the removal of asphaltic residues: heavy metals, polymers,
additives, other degradation compounds.

Principle of operation
Distillation and the addition of acids are the most typical ways to achieve the above results.

Feed and output streams

Process description
Acid cleaning: additives, polymers, oxidation and degradation products are removed by contact
with sulphuric acid or precipitated as sulphates (e.g. metals). Clay cleaning is also considered,
where the clarified oil is mixed with clay by absorption to remove any polar and undesirable
compounds still present.

Used in many of the waste oil re-refining technologies (see Table 2.12).

Chapter 2
86 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Fractionation of waste oil

This involves a separation of the base oils using their different boiling temperatures, to produce
two or three cuts (distillation fractions).

Principle of operation
This physical separation process utilises the boiling point differences of components.

Feed and output streams
Typically pretreated waste oil.

Process description
Vacuum distillation units can range in complexity from a simple splitting column to a full
fractional distillation column, as used in mineral oil refineries.

Used in many waste oil re-refining technologies (see Table 2.12). Finishing of waste oil

Final cleaning of the different cuts (distillation fractions) is carried out to achieve specific
product specifications (e.g. improve colour, smell, thermal and oxidation stability, viscosity,
etc.). Finishing may also include the removal of PAHs in the case of a severe (high temperature
and high pressure) hydrofinishing or solvent extraction (low temperature and low pressure).

Principle of operation and feed and output streams

Technique Principle of operation Feed and output streams
Alkali treatment KOH or NaOH is used Colour properties are enhanced.
Bleaching earth This is a tertiary treatment, to remove the
black colour from the oil (caused by the
carbon breakdown from the additives),
so it can visually be compared with
virgin base oil.
The new goals, set up by the implementation
of upcoming specifications for passenger car
motor oils, cannot be achieved. In particular,
the colour of the produced oils is darker than
Clay polishing This is a process similar to the acid/clay
process but acid is not used. Bentonite is
the clay typically used. The clay is then
separated from the oil using a filter press.
Generally, clay polishing does not produce
the high quality base oils of solvent extraction
or hydrotreatment.
Hydrotreatment Chlorine and sulphur are removed from
the waste oil fraction at a high
temperature under a hydrogen
atmosphere and in contact with a
catalyst, being converted into HCl and
S. Phosphorus, lead and zinc are also
removed in this process.
PAHs can be removed by severe
hydrofinishing (high temperature and
with hydrogen under high pressure)
The quality of the distillates is very high and
the petroleum fractions are immediately
Hydrogen is needed for the process.
Hydrogen sulphide is formed, which can
later be reduced to sulphur.

Solvent cleaning PAHs are removed from the base oils by
extracting them into the solvent (into ppb
range). The solvent extraction also
improves the colour and viscosity index.
The feed into the extraction must be a good
quality base oil with all heavy metals etc.
removed and already fractioned into wanted
cuts. The products are a high quality base oil,
the used solvent which is regenerated, and a
small stream of base oil (c. 3 % of the total
base oil stream) with a high PAH
concentration, which is used as a fuel product.
Table 2.11: Finishing techniques used for the treatment of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [139, UBA, 2003]
Chapter 2
Process description
The hydrotreatment process can be found in the Refinery BREF.

Used in many waste oil re-refining technologies (see Table 2.12) Technologies used for the re-refining of waste oils

Table 2.12 summarises the different technologies used for the regeneration of waste oil.

Chapter 2
Process description Technology Feed and output streams
Pretreatment Cleaning Fractionation Finishing
Laundering Transformer oils,
industrial lubricants (e.g.
hydraulic and cutting).
Product: clean industrial
lubricant returned to users
Vacuum dewatering
Reclamation Industrial oils (especially
hydraulic oils).
Product: clean industrial
lubricant returned to users
Centrifugation and/or filtering
Product presents poor
characteristics in terms of
viscosity and volatility. It can
only be employed in the
formulation of a limited type of
industrial lubricant
Pre-flash unit
Atmospheric vacuum stripping
Clay treatment
By contact with a large
quantity of adsorption clay
Acid/clay +
Atmospheric or vacuum flash
Acid or clay treatment
Removal of waste oil
contaminants by acid
treatment (typically
sulphuric acid) or clay
The cleaned oil is then
distilled to recover two or
three cuts, plus an overhead
Neutralisation and filtration
The lubricating oil cuts, along
with the gasoil, are
neutralised with calcium
hydroxide and filtered
Acid surfactant
treatment or
Vacuum distillation
The 1
stage removes the
water, naphtha and light end.
The 2
stage removes the
gasoil, spindle oil or light fuel
Vacuum distillation
The 3
stages separate the different lubricating oil cuts
fromthe residue (in which all the metals, additives and
degradation products are concentrated)
Chemical treatment is carried
out in a blocked operation,
followed by a
distillation/stripper to correct
volatility and the flashpoint.
Alternatively, a solvent
extraction stage can be
supplied to remove the PAHs
Distillation and
Vacuumdistillation Solvent extraction
Chapter 2
Process description Technology Feed and output streams
Pretreatment Cleaning Fractionation Finishing
extraction and
The recovered base oils have a
good quality.
Chemical pretreatment Extraction with propane.
Liquid propane extracts the
base oils and rejects water,
asphalt, additives, and other
non soluble contaminants.
Atmospheric and vacuum
The extracted oil is firstly
distilled in an atmospheric
distillation column to separate
light hydrocarbons and some
propane. The remaining oil is
fractioned in a vacuum
distillation column to recover
lubricant base oils.
The technology produces good
quality base oils and an alphaltic
residue (suitable as bitumen)
In a distillation column
Extraction with propane
Propane deasphalting
Atmospheric vacuum
Hydrofinishing with a NiMo
Distillation and
alkali treatment
(Vaxon - C.F.T.
Motor and industrial waste
oils, all types of synthetic
lubricants except PAG water-
soluble, silicon oils and some
type of esters. Base oils and
asphatic residue are the main
products Impurities and
sediments remain in the final
solid waste, which has an
asphaltic nature.
Throughout the process, pretreatment forms part of the same process, since the first phase
produces a dewatering through whole distillation with all used oil types.
Alkali treatment
Thin film
(TFE) and
processes *
Heavy metals, polymers,
additives and other degradation
products are removed as an
asphaltic residue.
Pre-flash and chemical
treatment (1
Water, light ends and fuel
traces contained in the used oil
are removed. Atmospheric
vacuum stripping + chemical
treatment (optional) to
minimise the corrosion and
fouling of downstream
Performed at very high
temperatures and vacuums.
Distillation (4
The lubricating oil fraction is
separated into different oil
cuts in a vacuumcolumn.
One of the following (3
a) Hydrotreatment
b) Clay treatments
c) Solvent extraction
d) Solvent extraction +
Chapter 2
Process description Technology Feed and output streams
Pretreatment Cleaning Fractionation Finishing
Thermal de-
process (TDA)
Atmospheric vacuum stripping
+ chemical treatment. The last
treatment is used to minimise
the corrosion and fouling of
downstreamequipment and to
facilitate the subsequent
deasphalting step.
Settling + TDA
Deasphalted by settling. Residue removal is achieved by
flashing at the bottomof the distillation column, which
performs the fractionation of the different lubricating oil
b) Hydrotreatment
Direct contact
process (DCH)
Waste oil and hot hydrogen gas
pass the process as a mixture
It produces good quality base
oils (group II)
Not necessary
Guard hydrogenation
reactor (1
Hydrogen and oil vapour is
routed to a two stage fixed
bed catalytic reactor. The
guard reactor removes any
trace metal contaminants,
following by a cracking of
any sulphur, nitrogen,
halogen compounds in the
conversion reactor.
Fractionation (3
The lubricating oil fraction
is separated into different oil
cuts in a vacuum column
Hydrotreatment (2
High pressure flash separator.
Fixed bed catalytic reactor
Caustic soda
and bleaching
earth treatment
Waste oil and caustic soda.
The base oil produced is of
good quality (group II) with
good yields
Dewatering. Feed with the
addition of caustic soda (3 %
referred to dry used oils) and
bleaching earth (2 %referred
to dry used oil)
Tubular reactor
Break-down of the undesired
metallorganic, sulphur,
nitrogen and halogen
compounds takes place. An
advanced control of
temperature and retention
time in a linear tubular
reactor minimises the break-
down of those organic
molecules which are still
viable as lubricating oil
The lubricating oil fraction
is separated into different oil
cuts in the linear tubular
Neutralisation with acid,
clay treatment
Integration in a
base oil
production of a
Oil produced represents a good
quality of re-refined base oil.
a) Pre-flash in a distillation
b) Atmospheric vacuum
TFE Aromatic extraction unit
of the refinery to remove
PAHs and other undesirable
Chapter 2
Process description Technology Feed and output streams
Pretreatment Cleaning Fractionation Finishing
Integration in a
refinery after
Waste oil is reprocessed in a
refinery to allow blending into
fuel products. Contaminants
within waste oils normally
preclude their use as catalytic
cracker feedstock or in lubricant
oil production.
Water and sediments are
removed fromthe waste oil by
a pre-flash step
The pre-flashed waste oil is directly blended with the regular atmospheric residue of a
* 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th stands for the sequence of when the operations are carried out within the process. When no such numbers are present, the sequence is the most common one, i.e.
pretreatment, cleaning, fractionation and finishing.
Table 2.12: Waste oil re-refining technologies
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [139, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 2
2.4.2 Regeneration of waste solvents
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [83, Indaver, 2002], [129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002], [130, UBA, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

Once the waste solvent is passed to a waste manager, there are two main options for its

utilisation of the calorific value by using them directly as a fuel or blended with other fuels.
The use of the waste solvents as fuels is covered in Section
treatment of the waste solvent to reconvert it to a material that can be re-used as solvent.
This treatment is referred to in this document as regeneration. This section details different
treatments that are actually applied to waste solvents for their clean-up and to regenerate
them to produce solvents.

The solvents and organic acids can be treated to a degree such that they can be returned into the
production cycle as secondary raw material.

Principle of operation
Clean-up is achieved by different types of distillations which are the main types of separation
process used.

Feed and output streams
Solvent regeneration is common practice in many industries, with a wide range of solvents
currently being regenerated, the more common of which are shown in Table 2.13.

Hydrocarbon family Chemicals
Alcohols Ethyl, isopropyl
Aliphatics Hexane, heptane
Aromatics Benzene, aromatic naphtha, toluene, xylene, turpentine
Chlorinated Trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, methylene chloride
Esters Ethyl acetate, butyl acetate
Ketones Methyl ethyl ketone, methyl iso-buthyl ketone
Mixtures of solvents Toluene/xylene, ketones, alcohols, phenols, toluene/heptane
Table 2.13: Commonly regenerated waste solvents
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Process description
Figure 2.15 and Figure 2.16 give examples of flow diagrams of waste solvent regeneration
Chapter 2
Figure 2.15: Example of waste solvent regeneration installation
[129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002]

Figure 2.16: Example of chlorinated solvent regeneration flow diagram
[150, TWG, 2004]

Table 2.14 shows the techniques typically used for the regeneration of waste solvents.
Chapter 2
Technique Purpose and principle of operation Users
Absorption Transfer solvent from a gas to a liquid
Adsorption Recover solvent from solvent laden air
Centrifugation Removes suspended solid or separates two
distinct (or insoluble) liquid phases, one
phase is, for instance, the solvent being

Condensation Eliminates solvent vapours from gas streams
Decantation Phase separation due to different densities.
Separation of liquid solvent and water

Distillation Separation of liquid mixtures.
Thin film evaporators.
The distillation of contaminated
solvents for partial subsequent use
as a fuel in boilers is one technique
used (for reducing metal levels in
the solvent), (some plants exist in
Belgium, Italy, Spain)
Evaporation Removal of solvent as a vapour form from a
solution or slurry

Filtration Separation of solid particles from liquid

Applied to liquid solvents
Recovery of solvents from liquid or gas

Neutralisation Applied to liquid solvents
Salting out Applied to liquid solvents
Sedimentation Applied to liquid solvents with a high level
of solids

Storage See Section 2.1.4
Stripping Transfer of solvent from a liquid stream to a
gas stream

Table 2.14: Unit operations used for the regeneration of waste solvents
[129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002], [130, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

This activity is carried out in the chemical, pharmaceutic and painting industries. Five plants are
currently in the Netherlands. An example is described below:

The evaporation capacity depends on the specific evaporation heat of the distilled solvents and
amounts to up to 1.3 t/h. The use of a reflux separator can further improve the separation;
however, the flowrate is then reduced. Multiphase distillates are cooled and then separated in
heavier and lighter phases which are then collected in different containers. Distillation can be
performed both under ambient pressure and under vacuum. Furthermore, the facility can carry
out other processes such as azeotrope solvent drying or azeotropic esterification. Additionally,
organic acids may be treated in a specific ceramics bubble.

The input material containing solvents is pumped into the distillation containers. These
containers are heated indirectly by fresh vapour of maximum 6 bar at approximately 158 C. For
heavily contaminated solvents, distillation bubbles of steel are available which are equipped
with stirrers for homogenising the contents. Waste solvent mixtures containing only small
quantities of residues, or highly corrosive substances such as organic acids, can be distilled
using enamelled bubbles. The resulting plumes are transported through a packed column and
condensed at the pipes of the overhead cooler.

Chapter 2
2.4.3 Regeneration of waste catalysts and recovery of components from
abatement techniques
[86, TWG, 2003], [125, Ruiz, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

As mentioned in the Scope, this section covers the regeneration of waste catalysts and the
recovery of components from abatement techniques. Alternative ways to regenerate spent
catalysts exist, such as the recovery of the metals from catalysts (some precious metals recovery
treatments are already covered with in the Non-Ferrous-Metals BREF), regeneration of catalysts
(covered in this document) and the treatment of spent catalysts as raw materials for other
processes, which are not covered in this document (e.g. the treatment of spent alumina-
supported catalysts in the cement industry which is covered in the Cement and Lime BREF).
This document only includes ex-situ regeneration installations. In-situ regeneration is typically
part of a production process where a catalyst is used, thus is not covered in the scope of this

This section is intended as well to include information on the recovery of components from
waste generated from abatement techniques (see also Section 1.2.8)

Waste catalysts and waste from abatement techniques are typically disposed of. However, most
catalysts used in abatement techniques (e.g. NO
abatement) are regenerated.

Principle of operation
Regeneration of precious, platinum and noble metal catalysts to remove coke deposits can
successfully restore the activity, selectivity, and stability performance of the original fresh
catalyst. Coke deposits are removed by controlled combustion.

Feed and output streams
Catalysts from the refinery industry such as used in hydrotreating, hydrocracking, reforming
and isomerisation are typically regenerated. Noble metal catalysts are also regenerated. The
metals that are typically economically interesting to be recovered are Rh, Cd, Pt, Ir, the Nickel
Raney and some petroleum catalysts with Ni-Co, Co-Mo, Co.

Process description
Ex-situ thermal regeneration is performed in specially designed equipment as well as in
standard equipment, e.g. moving-bed belt calciners or rotary calciners.

The regeneration of precious, platinum and noble metal catalysts to remove coke deposits can
successfully restore the activity, selectivity, and stability performance of the original fresh
catalyst. Coke deposits are removed by controlled combustion.

As an example, after the coke is burned off, a catalyst containing platinum can be regenerated
by chlorine treatment at an elevated temperature. The chlorine treatment causes redispersion of
the platinum by converting it to a volatile platinum chloride, which is then transported through
the gas phase and deposited on the pore walls, where it is treated in H
and reduced. The result
is an increased dispersion of the platinum and a reactivated catalyst.

The common unit operations used in this sector are dryers, furnaces, leaching equipment and
solvent extraction. Some end-of-pipe processes used to control air emissions are dust removal
techniques (e.g. electrostatic precipitators, cyclones, fabric filters, ceramic filters, scrubbers,
flares), gas scrubbing systems (e.g. scrubbers, dioxins capture systems, VOC abatement
systems), and waste water treatments.

Chapter 2
There is a very precise process in France (Eurocat) which is applied to the recycling of one
specific catalyst family (hydrotreatment) coming mainly from refineries. There is only one
moving belt calciner process plant in the EU, which has been located in Luxembourg since

2.4.4 Regeneration of activated carbon
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004]

To treat the spent activated carbon to produce a material with properties and qualities very
similar to the original activated carbon.

Principle of operation
Thermal treatments are the main processes used for regeneration. During the process, drying,
thermal desorption and heat treatment are carried out.

Feed and output streams
Activated carbon is commercially available in three forms: extruded, granular and powder.
Since powdered carbon is extremely difficult to regenerate, this activity is not carried out on
powdered carbon. Only the first two forms are therefore considered in this section.

Process description
Regeneration is normally carried out thermally and is typically composed of the following

Receipt, handling and dewatering
Spent activated carbon is normally received on site as a drained solid in tankers. Water is added
at the regeneration site in order to turn the carbon into slurry, which is fed to a tank where it is
dewatered and charged into a kiln to be regenerated.

Thermal regeneration
After separation from the water, the moist carbon is fed into the furnace for regeneration.
During thermal regeneration, drying, thermal desorption (i.e. removal of the organic chemicals)
and high temperature (650 to 1000 C) heat treatment in a slightly oxidising controlled
atmosphere are carried out.

The types of equipment generally used are multiple hearth furnaces, directly fired rotary kiln
furnaces and indirectly fired rotary kiln furnaces. Fluid bed furnaces and infrared furnaces may
also be used.

Flue-gas treatment
The most common use of these techniques is in the thermal regeneration of activated carbon,
especially in facilities regenerating industrial or potable water/food grade carbons. This is
because of the potential for carbons from a variety of sources to be contaminated with a range of
organics. The other methods, such as steam regeneration, tend to be applied in specific areas and
typically undertaken on-site.

Multiple hearth furnaces are used extensively worldwide. In conjunction with multiple hearth
furnaces, rotary kilns (directly and indirectly fired) are one of the most common types of
furnaces employed. Fluid bed furnaces are mainly used in Europe on potable water applications
and also in North America for waste water and decolourising.

Chapter 2
Other treatments are available as steam, chemical and biological regeneration. However they are
only used for in-situ regeneration on-site and not at separate facilities. Steam regeneration is a
non-destructive technique and is primarily used where the spent carbon contains highly volatile
compounds. The resulting steam/VOC vapours are condensed. Chemical regeneration is a
non-destructive technique that uses a variety of gaseous or liquid desorbants. There are
numerous regenerant materials available, many of them highly specific to the individual

2.4.5 Regeneration of resins
[41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004]

To regenerate ion exchange resins for their re-use.

Principle of operation
Thermal regeneration may be accomplished by using hot water or steam.

Feed and output streams
The feed corresponds to spent resin with the output of the process being regenerated resin. The
attractive forces encountered in resin adsorption are usually weaker than those of granulated
activated carbon adsorption. Due to this, regeneration of resins can be achieved by simple,
nondestructive methods such as solvent washing, and the solute can be recovered. Thermal
regeneration of resin adsorbents is generally not possible due to their temperature sensitivity,
although in recent years some new products are becoming available that can be regenerated by
hot water.

Process description

Steam regeneration
Steam regeneration is only possible if the temperature limits of the resins are within those of the
available steam pressure. For example, styrene based polymeric adsorbents are usually stable to
200 C, whilst acrylic based resins are only stable up to 150 C. The adsorbed solvent and other
organic constituents can cause the resin matrix to swell and weaken. It is important therefore,
that removal of these constituents by steaming does not result in disruption and breakup of the
resin matrix.

Hot water regeneration
This technique is not widely used, but it may be applied to the desalination of brackish water for
a cleaner process water usage. It would not be used for deionised water applications.

2.4.6 Regeneration of waste acids and bases
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [86, TWG, 2003], [144, TWG, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

As described in Section 1.2.10, only waste sulphuric and hydrochloric acids are regenerated.

Chapter 2
98 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Regeneration of spent sulphuric acid

As mentioned in Section 1.2.10, two alternative methods for regenerating spent sulphuric acid
exist. One is the thermal decomposition of spent sulphuric acids to give SO
, achieved in a
furnace at temperatures of around 1000 C. The SO
produced is then used as a feedstock in the
production of H
. Both processes (thermal decomposition and SO
conversion to H
) are
covered in the LVIC-AAF BREF [62, EIPPCB, 2003]. There are some industrial processes
where sulphuric acid is used (e.g. production of titanium dioxide). In such cases, the recycling
of the spent sulphuric acid is an integral part of the process and will be covered in the BREF
where that industrial process is covered. The second alternative process to regenerate spent
sulphuric acid is based on the reconcentration of weak/spent/waste sulphuric acid, with or
without a separation of the potential impurities (e.g. salts). This is also included in this BREF

To re-use the spent sulphuric acid for the same purpose as it was originally used for or for a new

Principle of operation
Reconcentration of the weak sulphuric acid by evaporation.

Feed and output streams
Spent/weak sulphuric acid is concentrated to a stronger acid solution.

Process description
Concentrations close to 70 % H
have been achieved and the process consists of water
evaporation, without too much H
in the vapour phase. The range of temperatures vary with
the processes. There are many processes but the most common are based on the forced
circulation evaporators, which allow a very stable operation; due to the big circulation, any solid
in the acid will remain in the suspension and can be separated out in the concentrated acid, if

Because of the cost of the process is very dependent on energy, (medium pressure steam), a
multiple effect evaporator can reduce the operating costs very much; vacuum operation allows
lower operation temperatures and the use of more standard materials for equipment

Another process for weak acid concentration uses hot gases (from sulphuric acid or any other
process), by contacting hot gases and weak acid, the water will be evaporated towards the water
saturation; the process takes place at atmospheric pressure but, due to the relatively high gas
volume, some acid carry over must be prevented, by demisters or other similar devices.

Submerged combustion processes consist in the production of flue-gases at very high
temperatures, (in excess of 1500 C), directly over the spent acid level; the flue-gas passes
through the spent acid allowing water evaporation from it, suffering an adiabatic cooling down
to 150 250 C; before being to discharged into the air, the gases need to be cooled and
scrubbed out; in general, no especially high SO
emissions will be expected but NO
should be important.

Other processes, such as Chemico, have been used for 70 years for sulphuric acid concentration;
the principle is quite the same, except that the combustion does not take place within the vessel
and the temperature is considerably lower (in the range of 600 C).

The metal industry.

Chapter 2
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 99 Regeneration of spent hydrochloric acid

Most often, HCl is produced as a by-product from chlorination processes. HCl is generally
produced in the gaseous phase and directly re-used in a chemical process. It can also be
dissolved in water and used as a raw material for the production of other chemicals, such as
water treatment product (e.g. FeCl
) in electrolysis or as a neutralisation agent. HCl can be used
in applications such as metal pickling or ion exchange regeneration.

Afterwards, spent hydrochloric acid is neutralised rather than regenerated. Then, reference to
Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 needs to be made. Some other regeneration treatments exists, for
example, re-use as a picking acid. However, in this use, no treatment is carried out to these
streams, so these are not covered in this BREF document.

2.4.7 Treatment of solid photographic waste

Separate the waste in two main streams: one containing some valuable components (e.g. Ag)
and the other to be used as fuel.

Principle of operation
The silver containing fixer is desilvered by means of electrolysis (see Section 2.4.8 on treatment
of liquid photographic waste). The chemical reaction for dissolving silver from film is:
Ag + Fe
+ Fe
Feed and output streams
Silver and energy.

Process description
The film waste is cut into little pieces by a shredder. The shreds are washed with a desilvering
liquid and rinsed with water. Possible desilvering agents are desilvered bleach-fix (contains
iron) or iron chloride. When desilvered bleach-fix is used, the consumption of raw materials is
reduced. When iron chloride is used, silver chloride is separated and then dissolved again by
means of a fixer. The plastic shreds are dried, after which they can be incinerated with energy
recovery or used as a secondary fuel in a cement kiln.

Photographic industries.

2.4.8 Treatment of liquid photographic waste

Separate the waste stream into valuable components (e.g. Ag).

Principle of operation
Desilvered liquids and photo processing waste with a low silver content, such as developers, are
treated by means of sulphide precipitation and membrane filtration. By adding a sodium
sulphide solution, silver ions and other metals are precipitated. By pressing the solution through
membranes the solid particles are filtered out. The permeate from membrane filtration
undergoes further treatment. The silver contained in the sludge is recovered by means of
pyrometallurgic treatment and refinement. These treatments are described in the Non Ferrous
Metals Industries BREF. Photo processing liquid wastes with a low silver content are treated by
chemical removal. By adding sodium borohydride, metallic silver is precipitated. The silver is
recovered from the containing sediment. The desilvered liquid undergoes further treatment.

Chapter 2
Feed and output streams

Process description
The treatment of the desilvered liquid photo processing waste with a high silver content consists
of the following steps:

silver is removed from photo processing waste with a high silver content (>100 mg/l) by
means of electrolysis. After refining, the silver is re-used
for a concentration of concentration of silver of 5 to 100 mg/l, desilvering by
electroflocculation or sulphide precipitation and membrane filtration is applied. The created
sludge is sent for incineration
colour processing waste water is, prior to further treatment, evaporated in a vacuum
evaporator because of the presence of toxic and not easily degradable organic compounds
treatment in an activated carbon filter, where large organic and metal containing complex
agents are absorbed by the carbon. When the carbon is saturated, it is regenerated and
purification by means of flocculation and flotation
biological treatment
evaporation in a vacuum evaporator. The condensate can be used as processing water or
the sludge from the flocculation/flotation and biological treatment and the residue from the
evaporator are incinerated or landfilled.

& membrane
containing silver
Recovery of silver
Ag (5 100 mg/l)
Evaporation Biological
Evaporation (in case of
colour processing
waste water)
Silver Re-use
Ag > 100 mg/l
Figure 2.17: Treatment of liquid photographic waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

Photographic industries.

Chapter 2
2.5 Treatments primarly aimed at producing material to be
used as fuel or for improving its energy recovery
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [8, Krajenbrink, et al., 1999], [11, Jacobs and
Dijkmans, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001], [40, Militon and
Becaud, 1998], [50, Scori, 2002], [52, Ecodeco, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,
2002], [57, EIPPCB, 2001], [58, CEFIC, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [64, EIPPCB, 2003], [81, VDI
and Dechema, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [114, Hogg, 2001], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al.,
2003], [150, TWG, 2004].

This section covers those treatments and processes which are mainly applied to obtain a
material, prepared from waste, to be used as fuel or to change its physico-chemical properties to
allow a better recovery of its calorific value. Some treatments may produce some outputs that
may be used for other proposes other than as fuel. These processes are very similar and only
depend on the physical properties of the starting waste and the physical properties that the waste
OUT needs to have to be able to be burned in a combustion chamber. Discussion of the actual
combustion of the waste is not in this document as it is covered in the individual sectorial
BREFs (e.g. waste incineration, cement and lime, large combustion plants, iron and steel, etc.).

Waste which has some calorific value is currently used as a fuel in certain combustion
processes, e.g. waste incineration, in cement or lime kilns, large combustion plants, heating
plants, chemical works, industrial boilers, ceramic plants, brick production, iron and steel
production, non-ferrous metal production. Some of the sectors using waste as a fuel are directly
linked to the production of that waste. This implies that some wastes, produced in stable
processes (therefore of a certain consistency), may not need any further preparation for their
onward use in that sector and therefore they are often delivered directly to the plant where they
will be used (e.g. used oils, used solvents). In these cases, no treatment is carried out on the
waste, so consequently this activity is not included in the scope of this document (these ones
represented in the following Figure 2.18 as brown arrows). The type of waste streams that are
technically suitable for use in co-incineration plants is an issue that will be tackled in individual
sectorial BREFs. This document considers and analyses the environmental issues involved in
handling and transforming different types of waste into a material suitable to be used as fuel in
different processes as represented by the blue arrows in Figure 2.18.

Figure 2.18: Some current possibilities for the use of waste as a fuel in different sectors
Note: This figure does not intend to show all the possibilities that may appear. Some options are not
shown in the figure to increase its readability

Chapter 2
To cite a few instances, the use of waste oil as a substitution fuel without any treatment is one
option that is used across Europe, varying in popularity depending on local economic and
legislative circumstances. Most national regulations allow the burning of waste oil in cement
kilns. Waste oils are accepted under special conditions as cement kiln fuel in France, Germany,
Italy, Spain and the UK, but seem to be banned for that use in the Netherlands, for instance. In
other countries they are simply not used.

Common techniques used in the production of these materials for their use as a fuel are
described in Section 2.1.

2.5.1 Preparation of solid waste fuel mainly from solid waste Preparation of solid waste fuel by mechanical (and biological) treatment
from non-hazardous wastes

The main purpose is to prepare a combustible material out of municipal solid waste (MSW).
Other purposes are mentioned in Section 2.2.2. The main function of the fuel preparation is to
upgrade selected materials into a specified fuel. This section also covers the preparation of solid
fuels by blending/mixing. Broadly, it is possible to distinguish two types of MBTs:

separation facilities -which seek to split residual waste into biodegradable (that may be
dried and used as fuel) and high calorific fractions, and
dry stabilisation processes, which are less concerned with the splitting into fractions, and
more aim towards the use of heat from a composting process to dry the residual waste and
increase its calorific value, therefore making it suitable for use as a fuel as well as to
improve the separation of fractions.

Principle of operation
This type of fuel is manufactured by sorting wastes mainly to leave a combustible material, by
mainly removing wet putrescibles and heavy inerts (stones, glass, scrap metals, etc.) from the
wastes. Other operations used are for example sieving, separators, crushers, screening and

Solid fuel preparation technologies vary considerably depending on the source and type of
waste, and on the user requirements of the customer/combustion installation.

It is very important to bear in mind that waste is a heterogeneous mixture of materials,
especially municipal solid wastes. Therefore, in producing the fuel, the producer makes a fuel
more homogeneous by utilising preparation technology and specific waste processing.

Feed and output streams
See Section 2.2.2. This activity is commonly used for the treatment of non-hazardous waste.
Solid fuel can arise from many different sources, such as pre-use of industrial residues, post-use
of industrial waste, selected fractions from commerce and households, and from construction
and demolition activities. The input to the process then may be either direct industrial waste or
mixed waste (typically as the level of mixing increases, the need for waste preparation
increases). Depending on the source, the composition and amount of contamination of the waste
OUT will differ.

MSW, commercial waste, and construction and demolition waste are the most common
sources. The most common waste materials are paper, plastic, wood and textiles. Another type
of waste typically used is the paper fraction (paper + plastic + rubber) from oil filters. This
contains a high calorific value.

Chapter 2
It is possible to distinguish two major fuel types: shredded or fluff-like material and densified
fuels, such as pellets, cubes and briquettes. Densified recovered solid fuel can have lower
heating values (LHV) i.e up to 30 MJ/kg depending on composition. The reported minimum
calorific values vary from 3 to 40 MJ/kg. Other data report that the input, which may typically
have a starting calorific value of c. 8.4 MJ/kg can increase its calorific value to c. 17 MJ/kg
mainly by separating out the non-combustable fractions (e.g. inorganic materials and water).

Waste plastic can be substituted for other solid fuels, such as coal, peat, wood, petroleum coke,
etc. There are a number of developments currently being carried out on fuel substitution, as well
as some demonstration plants currently operating using solid waste plastic.

The treatment to produce solid waste fuel divides the MSW into two fractions. The calorific
value and the composition of these fractions are different and also differs from the MSW
treated. The fraction that remains after the extraction of the solid waste fuel may represent a
high percentage of the MSW treated.

Process description
See Section 2.2.2. Depending on the source and the use, these wastes are shredded, separated,
blended and pelletised. A typical example of a flow sheet is: input (waste), mechanical transport
(e.g. conveyer belt), separation (e.g. by drum sieves, air classifiers, handpicking, magnets,
dryers), size reduction (e.g. by crushing, shredding), size increasing (e.g. baling, pelletising),
and finally output (fuel). Several examples applied in this process are known:
reducing/removing/changing physical and/or chemical contaminants. Figure 2.19 only shows
one main characteristic - automatic picking. Near infrared spectroscopy or metal separation also
influences such properties as for example heavy metal contents. Figure 2.19 presents an
overview of some common process units, which may be applied for solid waste fuel production.
The number and kind of processing steps applied depend on the waste composition and the
desired waste OUT qualities.
Chapter 2
with different
from several
Waste fuel
depend on intended
use or further
Water content
Chlorine content
Heavy metal content
Metal content
Automatic picking
Magnetic separation
Characteristic to
Process used
Size reduction
Figure 2.19: Process scheme of solid waste fuel production
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Source selection may be the first action to take into account for monostreams. Preselection may
be incorporated in the collection system for mixed commercial wastes. The waste receiving area
is the first important facility with regard to the quality assurance management system and this is
where a receiving inspection is carried out. All kinds of disturbance materials which might
cause operational or quality problems, need to be sorted out at this early stage.

Chapter 2
The production of solid waste fuel can be divided into several steps which are listed below.
However, this list only presents an overview of possible techniques; each technique is not
necessarily part of each process:

receiving area/bunker
presorting/contaminants selection
feeding equipment - wheel loaders or cranes are usually applied for the feeding of the
size reduction - comminution can be achieve by hammer mills, shear shredders, single shaft
shredders, rotary cutters, cam shaft shredders and cascade mills
metal separation - to separate, for instance, ferrous metals out of the solid waste, it is
possible to use a number of techniques based on the different properties of the material. The
most important characteristics in waste treatment are density, shape, magnetic susceptibility
and electric conductivity. The type of systems mostly used in this sector are magnetic
separators (overband magnetic separators, magnetic drum separators, magnetic pulleys) or
Eddy current separators (to separate out non-ferrous metals)
classification - classification can be carried out by drum screens, linear and circular
oscillating screens, flip-flop screens, flat screen, tumbler screens and moving grates. A very
important processing step, within classification is the screening step, before and after
grinding. Screens are applied to allow mass and volume division by particle size. It is
noticeable that in small particle size mixtures, the content of hazardous substances
accumulates compared to the amount found in the screen overflow. A classification with
sieves is applied in waste treatment processing when:
materials from an upstream process need to undergo some kind of conversion to make
them suitable for further processing steps, i.e. separation into defined size fractions
a separation of coarse or fine particle sizes is required
a comminution material has a high content of particles of the final particle size and only
oversized particles should be reduced in size again
certain materials need to be concentrated. In this case, the processing is called sorting
classification. This also includes separation of the small size fractions, which often
contains a high content of heavy metals substances
air classification (e.g. by air classifiers or aeroherds)
near infrared spectroscopy
automatic picking
compacting/pelletising can be carried out by flat bed presses, ring die presses, or
storage/storage area/hopper
biological degradation/thermal drying - If the water content has to be reduced to increase
the calorific value, a drying process step is necessary. This can be implemented as a thermal
or biological drying step. It may be necessary to dry the waste in order to achieve higher
sorting/classification ratios of waste
exhaust gas collection and cleaning
waste water treatment
loading and transportation.

After the final processing step, a solid waste fuel is obtained. In some cases additional
processing steps may be required to design the solid waste fuel according to the consumers
wishes. For example, further compacting or further size reduction may be requested. Table 2.15
shows the correlation between different fuel preparation processes and the end application for
different purposes.

Chapter 2
Co-combustion process
Prepared fuel
in form of
Cement kiln Circulated
fluidised bed
Pulverised coal
power plant
Gasification and
pulverised coal
power plant
Bales Shredding (fluff),
covered storage
(fluff), covered
Pelletising, storage,
Shredding (fluff),
covered storage
Soft pellets/fluff Covered storage Covered storage Covered storage Covered storage
Hard pellets Covered storage,
simple crushing
Covered storage Covered storage,
Covered storage
Table 2.15: Additional processing steps required according to the physical form, to deliver waste
fuel to consumers specifications
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Once the combustible material has been separated, it is then shredded and either sent to the
customer, or pelletised before it is sent for combustion (this usually occurs when the material is
burned off-site, as a densified fuel reduces transport costs).

The combustible material is typically incinerated in dedicated facilities or co-incinerated in
plants where a combustion process is carried out. The major fuel application is in
cement/limestone production and power generation. Depending on the end application, there are
different requirements for waste fuels.

This type of installation can be found in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Austria and Belgium,
and constitutes a basic template for some integrated facilities planned in the UK. The blending
of large volumes of solid wastes is common practice in a number of EU states (e.g. Belgium,
France, Germany, Denmark, etc.).

The processing of solid waste fuel is not a standardised process. The extent of processing
carried out depends to a certain degree on the type of waste being received (input) and to the
actual application of the solid waste fuel.

In mechanical biological treatment, the process used in the production of solid waste fuel is a
kind of mechanical upstream facility, because the high calorific wastes are separated out before
the rest of the material is fed into the biological degradation step to lower its organics content.
In some cases, the biological degradation step is part of the production of solid waste fuel, with
the main focus being on lowering the water content. In other cases, the biological degradation
step is also arranged in the production of solid waste fuel, but the main focus may be on
lowering the organics content, to maintain the respective disposal criteria for any material which
is not part of the solid waste fuel and which needs to be disposed of. Depending on the applied
process, different regulations for emissions may apply.

In some cases, the entire waste is dried by physical and biological processes for several days
(e.g. in Germany, 7 days) under high aeration rates in a closed bio-reactor. Within this process,
the organics content is reduced only slightly, and the separation behaviour is improved
significantly. This is followed by a separation into a heavy and light fraction. The light fraction
is used as RDF after further separation of the metals. The heavy fraction (about 15 %) is
separated into metals, glass, batteries and mineral components for re-use.

Chapter 2
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 107 Preparation of solid waste fuel mainly from liquids and semi-liquid
hazardous waste

The goal of the preparation of such fuel is to make a tailor-made, homogeneous, and free
flowing waste fuel, which can be used in combustion processes and this may also make it easier
for it to be traded/used.

Principle of operation
Mechanical preparation of solid waste fuel including, for instance, the impregnation of waste
over a support (e.g. sawdust, crushed paper or cardboard, adsorbents).

Feed and output streams
The types of wastes used are pasty, powders and solid waste, mainly hazardous. In some
specific cases, some liquid wastes may be used.

Process description
An example process of a layout for the production of solid waste fuel is presented in Figure
2.20. The design of the layout, as well as the selected installation, is chosen according to the
type of waste, the availability of the waste, as well as the end specification of the waste fuel.

Unloading/ storage
pasty and Solid
wastes in bulk
Drums and
emptying and
sawdust - absorbents
with shovel or
Drums crushing
Raw material
Pre- sieving
solid extraction
> 200 mm
of sieving
Solid fuel 10 mm
Energy recovery
Rotor sieving
Solid fuel 30 mm
Energy recovery
Figure 2.20: An example of the production of solid fuel from liquid or semi-liquid hazardous waste
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Chapter 2
The main processes and production steps are:

feeding of the waste from the storage to the production units. Pre-homogenisation of the
incoming wastes is based on physico-chemical characteristics. This step is critical for
ensuring the compliance of the waste fuel with the final users specifications
shredding and/or sieving of coarse particles. Wastes that contain big particles need to be
shredded or sieved before introduction into the mixing unit
feeding of the mixing unit
mixing operations. Materials can be fed directly or through a hopper to stabilise, regulate
and control the quantity of waste introduced in the mixing unit. A conveyor belt is used
after the mixing operation to transport the material to the sieve
scrap extraction by magnetic separators or Foucault (Eddy) current systems to remove
non-ferrous metals
sieving operations by rotary or vibrating sieves. The dimensions, as well as the design of the
sieve mesh depend on the granulometry specifications and the off-specification waste fuels
(different fractions are possible on some installations, depending on the re-use possibilities
of the big particles). Off-specification fractions can be reprocessed in the production, treated
in a dedicated shredder, and/or treated in incineration or dedicated co-processing units
storage of waste fuel before loading
dispatch of the waste fuel. Loading of the trucks (or potentially trains or ships) is carried out
by cranes, conveyor belts or bulldozers
cryogenic crushing and separation of used packaging of paint, ink, and similar substances.

Co-incineration plants (e.g. cement kilns). Preparation of solid waste fuel by the carbonisation of contaminated

Carbonisation of contaminated wood can be carried out to obtain a vegetal carbon to be used as

Principle of operation
Carbonisation of wood at a relatively low temperature (300 400 C).

Feed and output streams
Contaminated wood is converted to coal, that can then be used as fuel. The metals are recovered
and valorised in the metallurgic works.

Process description
The process is divided into three types of operations:

a. cutting of the wood in order to obtain a material with homogeneous granulometry and
b. carbonisation of the wood shavings in order to obtain a vegetable coal concentrating all of
the metals. The carbonisation is carried out at temperatures between 300 and 400 C in a
low oxidant atmosphere. In this way, the organic compounds are gasified and the heavy
metals are concentrated in the carboneous residue. This residue is then extracted from the
oven and the gas is treated at 850 C for two seconds
c. extraction of the heavy metals. This is an essential step to obtain pure carbon (with a
calorific value of 27000 kJ/kg). A fine crushing is undertaken in order to separate the metal
crystals of the carbon structure. The metals (3 w/w-%) are separated by centrifugation and
the carbon is aspirated from the centre through a bag filter. The metals are recovered in
metallurgic processes.

Chapter 2
One installation in France.

2.5.2 Preparation of liquid waste fuels

In this section, treatments carried out to prepare liquid fuels from liquid or semi-liquid materials
are covered. The liquid waste fuel produced has properties enabling it to become fluid and move
when a difference of pressure or gravity is applied. Some of the materials produced may be very
viscous and can be very difficult and expensive to pump, however they still maintain fluid
properties. The waste OUT of these treatments are referred to in this section as liquid waste
fuel, regardless whether the fuel is semi-liquid or liquid. Those processes that start from liquid
or semi-liquid waste and end up as a solid waste fuel are included in Section

Typically, the materials prepared by these types of treatments are hazardous wastes. Several
liquid waste fuels can be prepared according to the different wastes and market requirements:

organic liquid preparation by blending
sludges (the preparation of these types of waste is considered as an emerging technique).

The main processes used in the preparation of wastes to be used as fuel are:

knowledge, controls, follow-up and traceability of wastes (a common technique as
described in in Section 2.1)
transport of wastes (a common technique as described in in Section 2.1)
reception of wastes (a common technique as described in in Section 2.1)
unloading of wastes (a common technique as described in in Section 2.1)
storage units used before treatment
homogenisation and blending
phase separation for liquid wastes: settling, centrifugation, extraction,
washing. Preparation of organic liquid waste fuels by blending mainly hazardous

The aim of this operation is to blend and homogenise compatible wastes from several producers
and/or sources. The purpose of this operation is to:

provide a nearby service to producers with only small quantities of organic liquid wastes
rationalise the logistic organisation (transports, etc.)
develop an adapted solution for packed wastes with several phases (liquid/pasty or solid)
separate the different phases (water, organic liquid, sludges or solid) from a composite
waste in order to optimise the recovery
prepare the homogeneous and stable wastes in accordance with specifications.

Chapter 2
Principle of operation
These operations may involve the grouping of small quantities and/or pretreatment activities
such as phase separation or settling. Blending and homogenisation are the main operations.

Feed and output streams
Liquid and semi-liquid waste with a high organic content. The wastes utilised include solvents,
oils, oil sludges, emulsions, distillation residues, tank bottom sludges, oil emulsions from
mechanical and metallurgy industries, wastes and sludges containing oil from petroleum
refining and from the collection and storage of oil materials, waste from oil distillation and
regeneration from production failure; pasty wastes such as grease, ink and adhesives wastes;
pulverulent wastes such as paint powder, washing powder wastes, etc.

Process description
An example of a process layout for the preparation of liquid fuel from waste is presented in
Figure 2.21.

Filtration Storage
Figure 2.21: An example of the process layout for the preparation of organic liquid waste fuel
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Note: Liquid fuel process uses pasty waste to produce other liquid fuels

The main processes and production steps are:

Unloading and grouping
liquid wastes in bulk. After filtration and/or settling, organic liquids are sent with a
centrifuge or membrane pump to metallic cylindro-conical tanks equipped with a blending
device in order to avoid settling or phase separation (consisting of a pendular mixer or
pumping system which blends the top and the bottom of the tank by continuous circulation)
packed wastes (drums, etc.). Before grouping, the packagings are emptied with techniques
adapted to their physico-chemical characteristics. Generally, two phases exist: a liquid one
and a pasty (and sometimes solid) one in the bottom of the drum.

This step consists of operations such as settling, grinding, filtration and blending. A stirring
propeller or a recirculation system is used in order to keep the wastes homogeneous.
Sometimes, a grinding system is used with a recirculation technique in order to decrease the
granulometry of any solid particles which may be in the liquid waste.

Chapter 2
Before loading, the liquid preparation is filtered through a 3 mm filter. The loading of the trucks
is carried out with all the security systems necessary.

Co-incineration plants (e.g. cement kilns). Preparation of liquid waste fuels by fluidification of hazardous wastes

The aim of this operation is to blend and homogenise compatible wastes from several producers
and/or sources.

Principle of operation
Fluidification means processes where liquid, pasty and solid wastes are homogenised and
shredded together in order to produce a liquid fuel which can be used as fuel.

Feed and output streams
Typically hazardous waste such as oil residues, used solvents, residues from organic chemical
synthesis, oil and grease, etc.

Process description

Rejected particles
Step 1
High speed
mixing system
Step 2
Dissolution and screening
Step 3
Grinding and
Step 4
Figure 2.22: An example of the process layout for the production of liquid waste fuel by
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

The main processes and production steps are:

Pre-homogenisation of the incoming wastes is based on the physical-chemical characteristics.
Pre-homogenisation consists of producing a premix with physical characteristics acceptable for
the fluidification process. This step prevents different kinds of problems arising inside the
process, such as blockages in the hoppers/pipes/machinery.

Chapter 2
Feeding of the waste from the upstream storage facilities to the fluidification process
Solid wastes are handled with a mechanical shovel, hydraulic arm, crane bridge or hydraulic
loader. They are transferred to the fluidification process with a screw conveyor or a reddler
conveyor. Sludges are handled with hydraulic shovels, crane bridges and/or hydraulic piston
pumps able to handle high viscosity materials. Liquid wastes are handled by pumps. Pumping
technologies must be able to accept fluctuations in the quality and presence of particles in

Fluidification process
This is composed of four main steps:

Calibration of the pasty part
This step consists of shredding coarse particles, extracting any foreign metallic parts blended
accidentally with chemical wastes and then transfering this pasty material into the mixing tank.
The shredders used are slow motion shredders, used for flammable and low flashpoint wastes
(e.g. mono-rotor or bi-rotor rotary shears) and dedicated shredders for specific wastes (e.g.
cryogenic shredders). Technologies for the extraction of undesired solid portions include ferrous
and non-ferrous metal separators for metals and vibrating sieves and/or static grates for bigger
particles. The transfer of the material is carried out by screws and pumps (e.g. concrete pumps).
A simplified design is also possible for lower investments: this consists of a smaller capacity
unit, which is dedicated to less difficult wastes (i.e. that free of coarse pieces). In this case, the
material may be transferred into the mixing step by shredding. A rotary filter may be installed to
remove large quantities of useless materials

Dissolution and screening
his second step dissolves and emulsifies the pasty parts into a solvent phase, to obtain a
homogeneous material.
The dissolution of solid organic compounds in a liquid phase composed of solvents and/or
waste water is carried out by special mixers, rotary screens and buffer tanks. The mixers must
respond to the constraints of the sticky material containing strong and voluminous solids in
suspension. They pulverise the solids between rotor and stator and blend them into the liquid
phase. Next, the liquid mixture is admitted inside a rotary screen, which extracts the pieces of
plastic lining fragmented by the shreddinig in the previous step. A buffer tank collects the
material in the course of preparation at the end of this step

Grinding and emulsifying
This third step consists of finely grinding any solid particles remaining in suspension in the
liquid phase. It also consists of making a fine emulsion between the aqueous phase and the
hydrocarbons phase constituting the liquid waste fuel. The stability and the quality of
combustion of the waste fuel depends directly on both its homogeneity and the size of
fragmentation of the solids in suspension.
These criteria require high velocity technologies of grinding/emulsifying protected by magnetic
separators and mechanical filters. The equipment must be flexible enough in order to accept
fluctuations in viscosity, density and the nature of the solids in suspension.

The liquid waste fuel is controlled at this step, during the filling of the buffer tank. Some
parameters such as pH and viscosity can be controlled continuously in process. Other
parameters such as LHV, composition and flashpoint, are controlled from samples taken during
the production. If the quality does not meet the specification, the fuel must be reprocessed
before being transferred to the storage unit.

A simpler design is possible for small capacity units: here steps 2 and 3 may be carried out at
the same time. In this case, the mixing and buffer tank will be the same and the grinding line
will run into the mixing tank.
Chapter 2
Storage and dispatching
Once a high level is reached inside the buffer tank, the material can be transferred by pump into
the final storage. During this transfer, a latter adjustment of the quality of the fuel can be carried
out by means of grinders and filters operating on the transfer line. The storage capacity is
generally composed of vertical cylindrical-conical tanks with blending equipment. Two
technologies of blending are appropriate to homogenise the liquid fuel:

a long marine mixer installed on the roof of the tank
a pumping system which blends the top and the bottom of the tank by loop circulation.

Dispatching to the customer is carried out by a truck loading station. This loading station is fed
by the storage unit mentioned above.

Co-incineration plants (e.g. cement kilns). Preparation of emulsions from liquid/semi-liquid hazardous waste

The aim is to produce a homogeneous and stable waste fuel from liquid and semi-liquid waste.

Principle of operation
This process is based on the control of blending by means of the addition of selected chemicals
or tensides.

Feed and output streams
Emulsions are typically produced from hazardous wastes such as oils and emulsions from the
mechanical and metallurgy industries, wastes and sludges containing oil from petroleum
refining, production failure, etc.

Process description
Installations are similar in design and layout to those used for the pasty raw meal preparation for
clinker production in cement kilns.

used oils
oils emulsions
pasty wastes in bulk
pasty wastes in
pulverulent wastes in
big bag
surfactant liquids
others organic liquids
emptying and
and recovery
in pit
Pulverulent waste
Filtration with a
curved sieve
(4 mm)
Storage with agitator
3 mm
Energy recovery
Figure 2.23: An example of the process layout out for the preparation of emulsions
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 2
The main processes and production steps are:

Feeding of the waste from the storage to the production units
Before introduction into the production process, wastes are deconditioned with equipment
adapted to their physical characteristics. Pasty wastes extracted from drums are put in special
pits. They are first handled by mean of a mechanical shovel to a homogenisation pit. Then, they
are transferred to a hopper in order to be introduced to the production process by a screw
conveyor or a concrete pump. Pulverulent wastes, such as paint and washing powder, are
received in big bags. They are directly put into the production process with equipment adapted
to capture dust emissions. Liquid wastes are handled by pump. Pumping technologies
(centrifuge pump, volumetric pump with out-rotor, etc.) must be able to accept a viscosity
fluctuation and the presence of particles in suspension

According to the physical-chemical characteristics of the waste stored, the laboratory defines
the specifications, including the nature and quantities of wastes, which can be put into the
production processes. Compatibility tests are also developed. Such tests are carried out at any
operation, in order to comply with the waste fuel specifications

Production process
The production process which is a batch process is carried out by special mixers (called
delayors), closed in order to prevent VOC emissions. The different components are introduced
in the mixer according to laboratory specifications. An agitator provides for stable emulsion
production. During this step, several parameters are monitored, such as viscosity, pH,
temperature and motor specification. One of the purposes of this monitoring is to detect any
polymerisation reactions, as these could cause production problems

Once the emulsion is achieved, it is circulated again with a centrifuge pump to the mixer and
through a curved screen providing particle retention above 4 mm

Sand extraction
When the mixer is emptied and before being sent to the storage capacity, the material is pumped
to a concrete pit with a sedimentation area. The aim is to separate through density any mineral
solid particles (e.g sand) which may be present in the material

Storage and dispatching
The material is transferred by centrifugal pump to storage. The capacity of the storage is
generally composed of concrete or steel vertical cylindrical tanks with blending equipment.
Three technologies for blending are appropriate to keep the homogeneity:

a submerged agitator
a low agitator with a scraper in order to avoid sedimentation
a pumping system which blends the top and the bottom of the tank with high flow (around
250 m
/h) loop circulation.

The waste fuel quality is controlled in order to be sure that its characteristics comply with
customer specifications. In some specific cases, the addition of waste with a high calorific value
may be made if the calorific value is considered too low.

Dispatching to the co-processing factories is carried out by a truck loading station. A final
screening (through a filter of 3 mm size) is undertaken whilst loading.

Co-incineration plants (e.g. cement kilns).

Chapter 2
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 115 Treatments of waste oil where waste OUT is basically used as a fuel

There are two main options for the treatment of waste oils (see Figure 2.13 in Section 2.4.1).
One way is to treat the waste oil to reconvert it to a material that can be used as a base oil to
produce lubricants. This is referred to as re-refining in this document and it is covered in
Section 2.4.1. The other way is the treatment of the waste oil to produce a material that will be
mainly used as fuel or for other uses (e.g. absorbant, mould release oil, flotation oil). These
treatments are covered in this section. As is the case in the whole document, this classification
has been adopted for this document and it is not intended to provide any attempt to define any
of the R codes from EC waste legislation.

The calorific value of waste oils can be utilised. When used as a substitute fuel, principally for
coal, diesel and light fuel oil, used oil has an economic value. A number of different burning
applications for used oil exist, distinguishable partly by the temperature at which they burn, and
partly by the control technology they use to reduce environmental effects. Before its use as fuel,
several cleaning or transformation treatments may need to be applied. These are summarised in
the Table 2.16.

Type of treatment Changes that occur in the
waste oils after treatment
Fuel use Industrial sector use
No treatment. Used
directly in a
combustion process

(Not covered in this
No change Directly used as fuel in
kilns, furnaces, etc.
Waste incinerators,
Cement kilns,
Space heaters (garages, green
houses, workshops, etc.)
On-board ships (typically
using marine oils),
Quarry stone industries.
Mild re-processing Removal of water and
Waste fuel blend to fuel
oil (replacement of fuel
Cement kilns,
Road stone plants,
Large marine engines,
Pulverised power plants
Severe reprocessing
(chemical or thermal
Demetallised heavy fuel
oil (or heavy distillate)
Waste fuel blend to fuel
oil (replacement of fuel
Marine diesel oil,
Fuel for heating plants
Thermal cracking Demetallised and cracked
Distillate gasoil Gasoil (also called heating
oil, diesel oil, furnace oil,
Demetallised heavy fuel oil,
Marine gasoil,
Rerefined light base oil not
used as fuel
Hydrogenation Reduction of sulphur and
PAH contents

Converted to synthetic gas
+ CO)
Fuel gas Chemical production of
Large combustion plants (e.g.
gas turbines)
Forbidden in some MSs
More information in Section 2.5.3
Table 2.16: Treatments applied to waste oils before their use as fuel
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 2
116 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Direct burning of waste oils

Burning waste oils without any treatment is one disposal/treatment option that is used across
Europe, varying in popularity depending on local economic and legislative circumstances. There
are four sectors identified where waste oils are directly burned: cement kilns (see Cement and
Lime BREF); waste incinerators (see Waste Incineration BREF); as a reducing agent/fuel in
blast furnaces (see Iron and Steel BREF), and in large combustion plants (see Large
Combustion Plant BREF). As these are already covered in other BREFs, they will not be
included under the scope of this document. Mild reprocessing of waste oils

To clean the waste oils to improve the physical properties, so that they can be used as a fuel by a
wider variety of end users.

Principle of operation
The treatments involve the settling of solids and water, chemical demineralisation,
centrifugation and membrane filtration.

Feed and output streams
Waste oils in general. A simple cleaning process is applied to waste oil destined for asphalt
drying or for fuel blending before further use.

Process description

Warm oil
oil from
Figure 2.24: An example of a mild reprocessing of waste oil
[55, UK EA, 2001]

Chapter 2
Water and sediments are settled in a tank after mixing the used oil with a demulsifier. Settling is
facilitated by heating the tank up to 70/80 C. If necessary, the clear oil is decanted and passed
through a series of filters. The waste water and sediments are treated. A simple cleaning process
to remove water and sediments (althought typically, this does not deal with the heavy metals,
halogens and sulphur), is given before the further use of the waste oil as a replacement for fuel

Chemical demineralisation
This process is used to clean metallic contaminants and additives. The chemical process relies
on the precipitation of salts such as phosphates, oxalates and sulphates. The waste fuel is
suitable for burning as black oil and produces less air pollutants because of its pretreatment.
Water is usually removed by demulsification and heating. The precipitate is removed by settling
and filtration. Unfortunately, the chemicals and plant required are quite expensive when
compared to the value added to the waste fuel produced. Also, a concentrated hazardous waste
is generated.

Membrane filtration
Produces high grade recycled oil, a concentrated waste oil, and waste water.

Used oil has been a substitute for light gasoil for several years. It provides a lowering of
operational costs and useful a disposal route for used oil. Details of the extent of this route in
Europe are unclear but it is likely that the combined fuel oil may be sold as bunker fuel, for use
in asphalt plants and power stations. The material, after membrane filtration, is suitable for
power station ignition fuel or as a diesel extender. Concentrated waste oil, after membrane
filtration, can be used as coal spray, where contaminants are bound with silica compounds upon
burning. Table 2.17 summarises some of the uses of waste oil after a mild reprocessing.
Chapter 2
Sector where
treated WOs
is used
Countries where it
is used
Road stone
plants or
asphalt mixing
Reprocessed WOs are burned to dry hard stone for the
manufacture of road surfacing materials. The stones are
dried, then sized, after which they are mixed with bitumen
and filler
Common in Belgium
and the UK.
However, in Italy
some environmental
authorities do not
permit this use
Dry limestone Reprocessed WOs are burned to dry limestone. Some acid
contaminants are likely to be captured by the solid material

Blending into
fuel oil
The processed oil may be blended into fuel oil. In this case,
the maximum amount of processed used oil which may be
blended with other heavy streams is limited by specifications
on the ash content (generally about 0.1 % max.), and sulphur
content and may be subject to meeting a viscosity range

Power stations Reprocessed WO is utilised in pulverised coal power
stations, mainly as a furnace start up fuel, but it is also used
sometimes as an addition to the main fuel where heat input is
restricted. See the LCP BREF [64, EIPPCB, 2003]

Burning used
oil in space
After a separate pretreatment step where water and sediments
are removed, the cleaned waste oil (see Section is
burned in small space heaters in garages, workshops and
greenhouses. Special standalone heaters are manufactured for
this purpose. In this type of burner the exhaust gases are not
usually scrubbed and emissions of harmful and polluting
substances to air are likely. This route is usually carried out
on a small scale (typically <10 MW
). This use provides an
economic heating source and the used oil is disposed of at
the point of generation
Such burning is said
to account for
approximately 40 kt
of used oil in the UK
per year.
In Belgium and
Denmark it is illegal
in most cases to use
it in garages,
workshops and
greenhouses (it is
necessary to have a
permit to dispose of
it as a hazardous
On-board ships Typically this involves used marine oils. The waste oil
originating from shipping and from land sources is mixed in
order to obtain better treatment and separation parameters.
The oil is used as a finished waste fuel or as cutterstock,
which means that different streams are blended in order to
meet a viscosity range specification. The combined fuel oil is
sold as bunker fuel. For the removal of the water the waste
oil is decanted, if necessary demixing can be improved by
adding emulsion breakers and/or raising the temperature. The
oil is then filtered and centrifuged. The resulting oil goes to a
storage tank and is sampled.
Some cleaned waste oils are currently used in marine motors for
electricity production
Some examples are
in Spain
Table 2.17: Use of mild reprocessed waste oil (WO) as fuel
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003] Severe reprocessing

Burning after severe reprocessing aims to separate the combustible WO portion from the less
desirable bottoms fraction which contains the metals, the non-combustible ash, grit and dirt. The
severe reprocessing transforms the used oils into fuels which can be burned with similar
conditions to those for burning other oil fuels.

Chapter 2
Principle of operation
Uses of flash column and (vacuum) distillation columns to produce a cleaner waste fuel suitable
to be used as fuel. Several commercial processes exists (see process description below).

Feed and output streams
The demetallised waste oil produced (also called heavy distillate or heavy fuel oil) is burnt as a
marine diesel oil or as fuel for heating plants.

Waste OUT from the Trailblazer process (see process description below)
light hydrocarbons consisting of gasoline, kerosene, etc.
vacuum distillates. These comprise ash-free hydrocarbons in the diesel range and meet the
fuel oil specification for several applications, including for use as a marine diesel oil
asphalt extender. This material is the residual bottoms from the vacuum tower. The metal,
additives and degradation compounds are contained in the asphalt extender. The metal
encapsulated in the finished asphalt material shows low leachability under a variety of tests.

Waste OUT from the propane de-asphalting process (see description below)
The base oil produced is only suitable as a diesel extender because they produce unfinished lube
basestocks which are not marketable. The bottoms produced are suitable as bitumen. This
process yields more marketable materials than regeneration by chemical treatment or by
hydrogenation. This is the reason why sometimes this process under certain operational
conditions may be seen as a re-refining process because a high percentage of base oils are
produced. More information can be found in Table 2.12.

Process description
Some chemical treatments exist (acid/clay, solvent extraction, propane extraction, etc., with no
finishing step) as do thermal treatments (Trailblazer process, Vaxon process, etc.). A short
description of the processes currently available in the market follows:

Vaxon process
This consists of a series of vacuum cyclone evaporators, followed by a chemical treatment of
the distillates obtained. There are several stages:

the first stage removes water, naphtha and light ends
the second stage removes gasoil, spindle oil or light fuel oil from the bulk of waste oil
the third and fourth stages separate different distillate cuts from the residue (in which all the
metals, additives, sediments, heavy hydrocarbons and degradation compounds are

The resultant distillates are then available as good quality industrial fuel. This process has been
modified to create re-refined base oils (see Table 2.12).

Trailblazer process
In this process the used oil is dehydrated in a flash tower, heat soaked and then processed by
vacuum distillation to produce three output streams. The ash-free distillate oil yield with this
process is 80 % on a dry basis.

Propane de-asphalting process (PDA)
Two types of process exist. These are called single-stage and two-stages. More information can
be found in Table 2.12. Oil is mixed with liquid propane at a high pressure and ambient
temperature in the de-asphalting unit for the separation of the residual asphaltic fraction. The
components of waste oil that are not soluble in propane (i.e. the asphaltic fraction containing
carbon, metallic additives, resins, additives, polymers, degradation compounds and asphalt),
precipitate and can be removed via settling. The process consists of the steps shown in Table

Chapter 2
Dewatering and
Water, light ends and fuel traces contained in the used oil are removed by
atmospheric or mild vacuum stripping; one or two columns may be used for this
De-asphalting PDA, fractionation and hydrotreating.
Asphalt is separated by extracting the recoverable fractions of the used oil with
liquid propane. Two versions exist:
1) single stage: downstream of the PDA extraction unit, the clarified oil is separated
from the propane and fed to the hydrotreating. Finally, fractionation in a vacuum
column produces the desired lubricating oil cuts
2) two-stages: the clarified oil coming from the first PDA unit is distilled and
fractionated in a vacuum column. The bottom fraction, still containing impurities,
is fed to a second PDA unit; the resulting asphaltic fraction is recycled back to the
first PDA unit. The oil fractions coming from the side cuts of the vacuum column,
along with the heavy cut clarified in the second PDA stage, are hydrogenated
separately in the hydrotreatment. The two-stage process, compared to the single
stage, provides an extended life for the hydrotreating catalyst, but has higher
investment and operating costs
Fractionation Vacuum distillation
Finishing Clay or hydrotreatment:
after the subsequent distillation steps, the chlorine content of the distillates is
lowered by treatment with metallic sodium
Yield 74 % in dry basis for IFP process (97 % dewatering de-fueling, 80 % de-
asphalting), 95 % hydrofinishing (medium pressure)
80 % in dry basis for the Snamprogetti. 5 % fuel, 9 % gasoil and 6 % residue
Common plant size
Advantages High yield and good waste fuel quality (if hydrotreated)
Drawbacks More or less expensive according to the number of stages for the PDA.
Significant amount of residues to be disposed of
Comment Single-stage: IFP was the first company to apply this technology in 1968 at Pieve
Fissiraga in Italy (Viscolube plant). One plant in Italy producing 57 kt/yr
Two-stages: Snamprogetti installed this technology in 1982 at the Ceccano plant
(Viscolube) in Italy.
Table 2.18: Information on the PDA process
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003]

A trailblazer process plant with a capacity of 150 kt/yr used oils is in operation in Louisiana,
US. Some of those processes are similar to the ones used within refineries. The waste fuels of
those processes are typically used as marine diesel oil or a fuel for heating plants. Thermal cracking

Purpose and principle of operation
Thermal cracking uses heat to break down long-chain hydrocarbon molecules (e.g. the ones
found in waste oils) into shorter ones thus generating lighter liquid fuels. In this way, larger
molecules of more viscous and less valuable hydrocarbons are converted to less viscous and
more valuable liquid fuels.

Feed and output streams
Thermal cracking can accept various types of hydrocarbon feedstock: waste oils, waste marine
fuels, deep frying oils and, possibly with design considerations, waste plastics (e.g. waste oils
returned in their original container). The strategy of thermal cracking is to crack viscous large
molecules into more valuable shorter molecules ranging from demetallised heavy fuel oil to
re-refined light industrial lube oil, including gasoil products as well as other materials for other
uses. According to this, the thermal cracking can be configured to give the following set of
outputs (Table 2.19).
Chapter 2
Outputs %
Demetallised heavy fuel oil or marine gasoil
Heavy residues
Gasoil (also called diesel fuels, heating oil, furnace oil)
Light lube oil
Heavy residues
Small fraction
Re-refined light lube oil
Heavy residues
Sometimes this configuration is enclosed as a re-refining process because of the high percentage of
re-refined lube oil. Some cracked materials are used as flotation oil, mould release oil or as
naphthalene absorbant in coke oven gas cleaning.
Table 2.19: An example of outputs under appropriate operating conditions
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

If the configuration for gasoil production is desired, this is the most severe cracking mode and
thus heat input is maximised and the throughput is at the design capacity. If demetallised heavy
fuel oil or light lube oil is preferred as the primary output from the plant, the process operating
conditions can be changed to achieve this. Due to these variability facts, thermal cracking offers
a big opportunity to adapt to fluctuations in the market values of products.

Process description
The process operates at very high temperatures (thus evaporating all the water present). After
removal of the water, much of the heavy metal content is removed as a sludge or via an acid
treatment prior to the cracking step. The pretreated waste oil is thermally cracked at 420 C at
low pressure (without a catalyst). The subsequent distillation and stabilising steps yield a
marketable fuel (gasoil). Depending on the intensity of the cracking, the material may either be
a fuel oil, a fuel suitable for blending with diesel (diesel-extender) or materials used as light
lube oil and for other uses. Several processes exist today, such as:

SOC processes
SOC1: dewatering is followed by thermal cracking, performed in fired heater coils with
soaking drums or heated kettles. This process is suitable to small plants, in the 6 to 15 kt/yr
range but it has only a limited feed acceptance
SOC2: dewatering is followed by thermal cracking, performed in an indirectly fired rotary
kiln. This process is suitable for large capacities and can also process more refractory oils
than thermal cracking (such as synthetic oils) and higher carbon residues (bunker fuels,

GNP processes
This thermal cracking of waste oils, utilising refinery calibre systems and equipment, is a
relatively recent development. The process consists of a screening and dewatering stage;
followed by a thermal cracking stage; a separation or distillation stage, depending on the output
mix desired; and finally a purification and stabilisation stage. This technology is characterised
by large operational and output flexibility and adaptability to the changing market values of
materials. It can also be manipulated to maintain output quality even with wide feed variability.
As a matter of fact, the process operational conditions (temperature, pressure, residence time,
etc.) can be varied to produce a primary output (be it heavy fuel oil, gasoil or base oil) that can
be maximised, whilst minimising the secondary output streams (consumed in the process for
calorific value or sold).
Chapter 2
Thermally cracked gasoil is unstable if not further processed. It can discolour rapidly and
precipitate gums and tars. A stabilisation and purification operation supplementing the thermal
cracking can produce a gasoil which is not odorous, meets regulatory and consumer colour
criteria, minimises the formation of gums and tars during storage and which is not highly acidic.
For this, several methods are available:

the Robys
several chemical stabilisation methods (clay absorption, solvent extraction)
hydrotreatment. Except for a standalone WO thermal cracking plant, this treatment might
not be feasible due to the very high capital costs and the requirement for hydrogen gas.

The typical yield for thermal cracking is 71 %, this resulting from the partial yields in the
processes of 95 % dewatering, 90 % thermal cracking, 83 % distillation and 99.5 %

Thermal cracking is a common mineral oil refinery process that is well known and proven. At
least two plants exist in Europe. One is a 40 kt/yr plant in Belgium and another a 20 kt/yr
facility operating in Spain. The latter one mixes all the light and heavy fractions obtained to
feed a thermal engine producing electricity. More than seven plants are in operation in the US,
with a total capacity of more than 160 kt/yr. The plant size for this technology ranges from
7 - 40 kt/yr. Hydrotreatment

Hydrotreatment is a dedicated name for catalytic hydrogenation in the mineral oil industry. For
waste oils, the main purpose is essentially to remove PAHs. It also reduces the sulphur content
in the oil (this is a potentially useful characteristic if diesel and diesel extender is the intended
output). Production of biodiesel from vegetable waste oils

To produce biodiesel from vegetable waste oil.

Principle of operation
Involves cleaning of the waste oils.

Feed and output streams
The types of waste oils treated are collected in waste transfer facilities and from the restaurant
sector. The outputs are mainly biodiesel, which are used for transport and glycerine.

Process description
First the waste oils are filtrated and water is removed. The waste oil is then separated by
distillation to obtain the outputs.

At least two plants exist in the EU (in Spain and Austria) and one is planned to be constructed in

Chapter 2
2.5.3 Preparation of gaseous fuel from waste

To prepare a gaseous fuel from a liquid or solid waste.

Principle of operation
Two ways of producing fuels from waste exists and these are:

gasification of the waste at high temperatures by partial oxidation and then conversion of
materials containing carbon into synthesis gas (mainly H
and CO)
production of biogas (mainly methane) by the anaerobic digestion of waste (covered under
biological treatments in Section 2.2.1).

Feed and output streams
Used oil can be fed, alone or in combination with other feedstocks, to gasification plants for the
conversion of materials containing carbon to synthesis gas (H
and CO). This process can also use
mixed wastes that cannot be economically separated; for example, oil and plastic which may be
found together when used oil is returned in its original container.

Process description
See the Refinery and the WI BREFs.

Gasification technology has been used worldwide for a long time in more than 100 plants and it
provides a well used option for the re-use of waste oil as well as other types of wastes. This option
is typically used when gas fuel has a use on site. In Greve (close to Florence in Italy), a gasifier
operates using the RDF pellets from Florence. Here, they use the gas fuel for two purposes. The
first purpose is to produce electricity in a gas boiler plant for the national grid. The second purpose
is to deliver gas to a cement kiln located close to the gasifier. The synthetic gas can also be used
for the production of methanol.

2.6 Techniques for the abatement of emissions
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

There are many non-production techniques in use in the WT sector. In particular, techniques
used to control and abate emissions to air, water and soil are also relevant for this document.
Descriptions of many of these techniques can be found in the BREF on Waste Gas and Waste
Water in the Chemical Industry and in Chapter 4 of this document (Sections 4.6 to 4.8) as well
as in other BREFs (e.g. Waste Incineration). These techniques are not described in this section
because they are typically techniques that might be considered in the determination of BAT, and
consequently will be described and analysed in Chapter 4.

Chapter 3

This chapter provides data and information about current consumption and emission levels in
existing installations at the time of writing. Because it covers many types and sizes of waste
treatment installations, data is very wide-ranging. The aim of this chapter is to bring together, as
far as possible, consumption and emission levels for different waste treatment installations as a
whole and as far as possible from each specific process/activity. The data quoted should, in
most cases, enable estimates to be made of the concentration and loads of emissions from WT
sites. This will in turn help a competent authority issuing a permit to verify the information
provided by the applicant in the permit application.

The structure of this chapter is similar to that of Chapter 2, with the sections being divided into:

Section 3.1: an overview of the emissions and consumptions from common waste treatment
Sections 3.2 to 3.5: the emissions and consumptions from the different processes/activities
covered by this document. Again, such structure/classification should not be interpreted as
any attempt to interpret IPPC Directive or any EC waste legislation
Section 3.6: the emissions and consumptions generated by the techniques used to abate
Section 3.7: the monitoring systems typically applied in waste treatment installations.

Sections 3.1 to 3.6 follow the order laid out in Chapter 2 so as to make it easier to cross
reference between chapters. In addition, each of these sections have been structured in the same
way following the material flow logical steps, i.e. waste IN (input), consumptions (input),
emissions (output) and finally waste OUT (output). Table 3.1 explains this layout further.

Section Title of the section Information included
3.X.1 Waste IN Description of the type of wastes that may be treated as well as their
physico-chemical properties. This section is important because the type
of waste input is relevant for the determination of eventual emissions,
residual wastes and the composition of the waste outputs
3.X.2 Consumptions Consumption of energy (i.e. fuel, heat, electricity) and chemicals (i.e.
water, air, additives, catalysts)
3.X.3 Emissions This includes emissions to air and water of any component as a result of
the process operation or related to the waste input. Residues (also waste
in many cases) related to the type of process are also covered in this
3.X.4 Waste OUT When the outcome of a certain process is to be used as input into another
process, it is also important to know the physico-chemical properties of
the output. In some cases, this detail is not important and is then omitted
X being from 1 to 6: 1 Common techniques, 2 Biological treatments, 3 Physico-chemical treatments, 4 Regeneration
treatments, 5 Preparation of waste fuel and 6 Abatement techniques.
Table 3.1: Structure of each section of Chapter 3

Figure 3.1 shows a diagram of the mass/energy balance of a typical operation/process/activity.
A waste input (called in this document waste IN) is treated in an installation, producing a
processed/treated output (called in this document waste OUT). To change the physico-chemical
properties of the waste IN, it is necessary to provide to the system, energy and chemicals (e.g.
water, air, acids, etc.) as required to support the particular treatment. Application/operation of
the waste treatment then generates emissions to air and water, as well as a unusable waste and
possibly a usable waste OUT. The unusable waste (e.g. waste lime, bottoms of storage tanks,
sludges) is generated by the process/operations and is different from the target waste OUT. The
reason for differentiating between the wastes is that the waste OUT may be used for different
purposes, but process generated waste/residues is typically not re-used.

Chapter 3
Waste Treatment
Process generated
Figure 3.1: Inputs and outputs in a waste treatment operation
Note: Sections 3.X.1: Analysis of the waste to be treated, brown arrow; Sections 3.X.2: Analysis of
the consumptions, orange arrows; Sections 3.X.3: Analysis of the emissions, blue arrows; Sections
3.X.4: Analysis of the waste treated, green arrow

Table 3.2 shows a summary of the main releases to the environment generated by WT activities.

Substances released
Common activities
Acceptance (sampling/vehicle
Storage of solids (e.g. lime) A,W,L
Drum storage, bulk liquid
storage and treatment vessels
Transfer and storage of wastes A,W,L A A A A,W,L W W
Charging and mixing of
treatment vessels
Removal of solid residues from
Biological A A A A W W W
Precipitation/settlement and
Acid neutralisation A A
Alkali neutralisation A A W W W
Chromic acid neutralisation W
Cyanide treatment A A
Stabilisation A,W,L A A A W W
Waste oil treatment A A A W
Notes: (1) There is a specific problem with the treatment of sulphuric acid that has been used to scrub an
amine release
(2) Conventional treatment of acidic wastes contaminated with solvents
KEY: To air (A) To water (W) To land (L)
Table 3.2: Summary of typical releases to the environment generated by waste treatment
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
In order to complement the information directly provided by the TWG on emissions and
consumptions of WT installations, a questionnaire was prepared and sent to TWG members (see
Annex II). This was then forwarded by TWG members to WT facilities all over Europe. As a
result more than 70 filled-in questionnaires were returned to the EIPPCB. A compilation of the
data arising from this survey has been incorporated in this chapter and it has been referred as
[66, TWG, 2003]. The consolidated analysis of the survey does not identify names, companies
or specific figures or even identify individual comments from any specific company/site
provider. Thus, data have been used in such a way so as to maintain confidentiality of the
providers and preventing identification to any particular source.

3.1 Emissions and consumptions from common waste
treatment processes/activities
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,
2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA,

This section contains emissions and consumptions data for the pretreatments/activities and
post-treatments/activities commonly used in the WT sector. It contains those emissions and
consumptions related to the waste treatment processes described in Section 2.1. This covers
those sites that transfer, bulk and store wastes.

3.1.1 Waste IN in common treatments

The type of wastes that may be involved in these processes is very wide especially for
hazardous waste. Table 3.3 gives the percentages of sites that process a certain type of waste at
hazardous waste transfer stations in the UK. Non-hazardous waste transfer stations cover
municipal solid waste, etc.

Waste streams % of sites processing each waste
Non-chlorinated solvent 67
Scrap metal 53
Scrap metal (drums) 47
Chlorinated solvent 40
General inorganic liquid/sludge 40
General organic 40
Waste for incineration 40
Contaminated waste for landfill 40
Drums/IBCs 33
Non-hazardous waste for landfill 33
Oil 33
Batteries 27
Asbestos 13
Fluorescent tubes 7
Oil filters 7
Oil/water mixtures
Acids and alkalis
Table 3.3: Common waste streams processed at hazardous waste transfer stations in the UK
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Some examples of waste IN for some common techniques are reported below:

Computer-controlled high rack storage areas for hazardous wastes
More than 600 different types (fluid, paste-like and solid hazardous wastes) of waste are treated.
Chapter 3
Treatment of small quantities
This typically includes treatment, sorting and packing of hazardous wastes from private
households, universities, laboratories, business enterprises and other customers. Additionally,
the system can offer the possibility to condition inorganic material for underground disposal.

The treatment is used for hazardous and non-hazardous waste. The wastes treated are solid and
paste-like wastes, non-pumpable wastes like print and lacquer sludge, oil and other machining

3.1.2 Consumptions of common treatments

Although a number of sites run entirely on electricity, some have mobile or stationary plants
that use diesel or fuel oils, or they have their own power plants that use gas (natural or biogas)
or gasoil. Some common equipment that use fossil fuels are fork-lift trucks, small boilers,
shredders and grinders. These take a mixture of standard vehicle diesel, and a range of fuel oils.
Some waste plants in the UK have quantified their fuel use as ~200 tonnes per year. The
proportion of raw materials (i.e. purchased reagents) used is relatively low as, in the first
instance, wastes are used to treat other wastes. However, some new raw materials are used, as
summarised in Table 3.4.

Raw material Application Principal environmental characteristics
Usually purchased in powder form
for acid treatment
hazardous substance
powder difficult to handle
produces large sludge volumes
for example, the treatment of sulphuric
acid results in a large net production of
calcium sulphate sludge
(caustic soda)
Abatement reagent, typically used in
wet scrubbing systems to control acid
gases or as a scrubbing liquor in oil
hazardous substance
very low levels of mercury may be
found in some grades of caustic soda,
and these may be transferred to the
installation effluent (see Section
Ferric chloride
Additive to aid precipitation of metals
and as a conditioning agent for sludge
formation (as it helps with floc
strongly coloured in the event of a
spillage or incident
Used in the treatment and abatement
for cyanide wastes scrubbing and
odour control
strong oxidising agent
stored away from potentially
incompatible substances
De-emulsifiers Used to crack emulsified oil water
mixtures in oil recovery processes
high oxygen demand risk, if released to
water in the event of an accident
Table 3.4: Examples of commonly used raw materials in waste treatments
[55, UK EA, 2001], [150, TWG, 2004]

3.1.3 Emissions from common treatments

Following the same structure as followed in Section 2.1, some individual sections on common
treatments are discussed. At the end, the other common treatments not described before are
covered in a tabulated form.

Chapter 3
Energy systems
The use of fuels is a source of air emissions during combustion, and possibly of emissions to
land as well due to spillage and leaks. The air emissions are predominantly CO
dioxide) and water from the combustion process, but can also include NO
, SO
, PM
, PAHs,
VOCs and CO (carbon monoxide). The emissions are related to the fuel specification and the
age and use of the equipment (e.g. vehicles, biogas engines). Other pollutants that may appear
are halogens (e.g. HCl and HF when waste is used as fuel within the installation) and metals.

The following table suggests a set of data that could be used to estimate the emissions. Data
have been collected for three types of sources:

line sources, including roads and railways (g/km)
area sources, including emissions from agricultural and other land, and low intensity
emissions from sources such as building heating systems
point sources, including emissions from industrial plants.

The type of fuel used to fire in the energy system (e.g. furnaces, boilers, afterburner) will
determine the nature of pollutants present.

Type of fuel
Distillate Residual fuel Diesel
Air emissions
3142 3112 3036 3142
PM 2.564
0.2 2.85 2.83
3.46 7.54 33.9 48.8
O 0.041 1.3
0.17 0.336
0.09 0.12 7.08 10.898
0.06 0.5 15.8 26.548
3.6 47.4 0.8 10.106
19.56 x S
20.42 x S
(g) 0.15 0.151 4.07
Ni (g) Tiny 1.1
Cu (g) 1.7
Zn (g) 1
HCl 0.038
HF 0.038
Water emissions
BOD 0.038
COD 0.038
Suspended solids 0.038
TOC 0.415
Phenol 0.038
Total metals 0.038
Cl 0.038
F 0.038
Units: kg (unless specified) per tonne of fuel
Data sourced from the UK Emission Factors Database; gasoil (other sources) and Fuel Oil (other
sources), from Australian National Pollution Inventory (converted from kg emissions per m
fuel) and
European Environment Agency
S is the % of sulphur in the fuel
as benzo (a) pyrene
Table 3.5: Summary of data for small boilers using a distillate (gas), a residual oil (fuel oils 5,6)
or diesel engines
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [65, EEA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
Storage and handling
The main air emissions from the storage and transfer of waste are VOC emissions. According to
the type of waste, dust may also be important. These comprise the major issues arising from
handling wastes at transfer and treatment sites. The principal emissions arise from transfer and
bulking activities since, in the majority of cases, any remaining residues in containers that may
contain solvents will be vented to the air. General releases of VOCs from tanks due to thermal
effects and releases from pipes and pumping systems can also occur but depend on the system
installed in the plant structure.

Most of the fugitive emissions to air are from the transport, storage and bulking of organic
wastes, primarily solvent wastes. Similar emissions are also expected from the transfer of
ammonia wastes and from strong acid wastes.

The main emissions from decanting and bulking processes are to the air and may be related to
the following although some of the practices mentioned below may be considered bad practices.
If a practice is mentioned here, it does not mean that it occurs at the majority of sites):

caps on the receiving containers, these may be open during the working day and give a
continuous emission, albeit through a small aperture, of volatile components. This emission
is particularly related to the displacement of saturated vapour from within the container with
each new addition of liquid
emissions directly from the liquids being transferred as the transfer takes place
empty containers (drums, or bottles) which contain a measurable amount of waste materials,
which, through rinsing out, is discharged to the on-site treatment process or to the sumps for
disposal later. In some cases, these containers are placed in a skip for disposal to landfill or,
when the contents are volatile, left to evaporate to air either with or without shredding. Such
practice is actually not in accordance with the Landfill directive. Where the sites handle a
large amount of solvents, drum-crushing systems can be used to squeeze and collect
additional waste solvent from the drums
the potential problem of leaks occurs during transfer, during displacement of the product in
the headspace above the liquid layer, and when venting the residues from the original
container. Where the material is held in storage tanks, there is an issue of outbreathing in
response to atmospheric temperature and pressure. The problem is most acute with solvent
transfers, but is also relevant to strong acids and wastes containing ammonia. Such practice
is not considered to be a good environmental practice
the transfer of materials from tankers to storage tanks, which are therefore controlled on a
number of sites, particularly when this involves low boiling point solvent waste. The
weakest link and subsequently the main source of spillage during transfer from the vehicle
to storage arises from the transfer hoses
although the volume lost during routine operations due to ill fitting or damaged hoses may
be relatively small, persistent spillages may have a cumulative effect on the surface of the
area, which in the long term may damage the surface and lead to a fugitive emission
spillages may also be a source of odour
the manual transfer of materials from small containers to 205 litre drums and IBCs.
Typically this transfer has no control on emissions and it is common practice for the empty
containers (containing perhaps 1 %, or up to 0.5 litres, of the original content) to be vented
to the air prior to landfill. Such practice is actually not in accordance with the Landfill

Chapter 3
with regard to monitoring and other activities on site, it is worth noting that:
most sites have little or no monitoring data for calculating emissions to the air and some
kind of rough estimation method is needed to relate potential air emissions to the
number of tankers or containers emptied or filled at the site
discharges to sewer or surface waters tend to have limited monitoring data as well, but
the actual discharges are minimised by operational practices at the sites, such as
transfer stations also undertake a range of other practices that can create emissions.
These include the evaporation of solvents to the air from tank cleaning, from industrial
wipes and from solvent sludges.

The range of emissions is very large and dependent on the type of activity (e.g. differences are
particularly notable between physico-chemical treatment plants and oil re-processing plants).
Each transfer of waste, and processing of the original container can generate liquid and vapour
emissions. Some emissions generated by this activity are:

tank bottoms from storage tanks
air emissions generated by bulking in tanks loading and in unloading tankers due to
displacement to the air (note: some transfer stations have very well equipped systems for
balancing tanker emissions and controlling the discharges from tanks)
evaporation emissions during decanting (e.g. VOCs) and bulking, also evaporation from
wastes left in containers
general spillages during decanting and handling. Spillages are typically retained in the
bunded area or discharged to the interceptor
air emissions generated by wiping cloths impregnated with solvents. In some installations,
these are collected in sealed bin liners and then laid out to dry by evaporation to dryness
prior to landfill. This is considered a bad environmental practice
VOCs from the venting of empty drums being washed out (washings to underground
storage tanks prior to landfill) and, from the evaporation of blanket wash solvents washed to
the underground tanks
emissions caused by bulking laboratory smalls. Emissions only typically occur in the event
of spillages and are recorded in site diaries. General discussions at sites suggest that the
number of substandard containers and badly labelled containers in this category are now
minimal and that spillage and emissions due to poor containers is in fact rare
accidental breakage of waste containers
from storage tanks in the open, on hard-standing and bunded areas, and for which although
the connections are over the bunded area, there is no system to deal with leaks from the
collection/delivery systems and so the whole bunded area can become very contaminated.
Rainwater in the bunded area will also become contaminated. On some sites, there is no
provision to control displacement of air in the tanks during loading and unloading; others
have very good control systems for both tanks and tankers. Air emissions are less well
controlled. Tanks tend to have valve systems to regulate tank pressure and to allow
inbreathing/outbreathing of headspace vapours. Emissions to the air can occur during tank
charging or due to changes in atmospheric conditions. Small emissions will also occur
during sampling and inspections. There is a potential for one-off larger emissions during
tank cleaning
non-evaporated liquids and solids, which may end up being landfilled or drained to sewer.
This is considered a bad environmental practice
fugitive air emissions from transfer operations between processes, especially with non-
pumped systems. Also leaks from containers and from pressure/vacuum relief valves
solid/liquid and gaseous emissions due to a possible container break in handling (accidental
damage), depending on the waste material. Because the accident is reported in the site diary,
the emissions can be estimated when the material is known
in the case of the storage of waste oils, releases to the air come from condenser vents on hot
oil storage tanks. On the storage tank, vents measurements for hydrocarbons are taken using
Draeger tubes and typical values may be 10 to 20 mg/Nm
and peaking at 100 mg/Nm
Chapter 3
investigations into the microbiological pollution of waste sorting plants revealed mould
fungi concentrations in the air at the workplace of up to more than 106 cfu/m
forming units).

Complementary to the information above, next Table 3.6 shows potential emissions from
transfer stations, bulking processes and storage.

Activity Description of release
Release type Release
Displaced air VOCs Air
VOCs Air
Liquids Soil
Filling of bulk storage tanks or IBCs by
road tankers Losses from transfers
Liquids Water
Vented material VOCs Air Storage in bulk tanks
Tank bottoms Waste
VOCs Air
Liquids Water
Releases from pipes and pumping systems All losses
Liquids Soil
Displaced air VOCs Air
VOCs Air
Liquids Soil
Gravity and vacuum emptying of drums,
IBCs and other containers to bulk tanks Losses from transfers
Liquids Water
Washing Liquids Water
Storage VOCs Air
Storage and handling of empty IBCs
Disposal Liquids/solids Landfill
VOCs Air
Liquids/solids Water
Liquids/solids Soil
Washing Liquids/solids Water
Disposal Liquids/solids Landfill
Storage and handling of empty drums and
other similar containers
Storage VOCs Air
Liquid/solid Soil
Liquid/solid Water
Maintenance of equipment Tank cleaning/washing
VOCs Air
Planned evaporation of volatile liquids Evaporation VOCs Air
The wide range of possible emissions to air and sewer/controlled waters has to be estimated in relation to the
range of activities and wastes handled at a particular site.
Table 3.6: Potential emissions from transfer stations, bulking processes and storage
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Emissions from some other common waste treatments
Table 3.7 summarises the most frequent activities/equipment found in common waste treatment
processes and the emissions that may be generated.
Chapter 3
Process/activity Compounds found in WT processes that may lead to emissions
Air stripping columns May cause a discharge of ammonia into the air which can be calculated by
mass balance
Cleaning wastes or aqueous organic
wastes from the chemical industry
These can contain a range of volatile compounds, chlorinated compounds
and phenolic compounds.
The solid and muddy residues produced during cleaning are disposed of as
waste. If necessary, the waste is conditioned according to the acceptance
criteria of the waste disposal facility
Crushing of oil filters Waste contained in oil filters are particulate matter containing combustion
products, including high PAHs/metal fragments, etc. stuck together with
The solids from these operations tend to go into the oil water separation
system for treatment plants, and leave with the bottom sludge.
PAHs escape into the air with the oil mist produced during crushing or may
be retained in the oil, or remain on the solids components of the filter. The
PAH emissions to the air are potentially carcinogenic
Cutting During drum cutting operations, the former contents of the drum and any
residues that may be still present can be a cause of emissions
Washing of containers and vehicles Fugitive emissions occur to air and water. Typically, a contaminated
effluent is generated as well
Crushing and shredding Regardless of the technique employed, there is typically no provision for
environmental control and the emissions depend on the composition of the
waste held within the drum.
In the shredding process, the temperature of the shredded items may reach
several hundred degrees. Shredding will cause emissions to the air,
depending on the efficiency of the scrubber or other kind of air cleaning
equipment. Fluids still present in the waste (e.g. solvents, mercury) may be
released to the interior of the plant and may either evaporate or leak to the
ground or may be collected as sludge. Dust from the plant will be spread to
the surroundings. Other outlets from a shredding plant include a magnetic
metal fraction, non-magnetic metal fractions, sludge from the washing
process, and a fluff fraction which is a mixture of plastics, insulation
materials, paper, soil, etc.
The fluff fraction may be disposed of for incineration but sometimes is
landfilled (not considered a good practice). A quite significant amount of
heavy metals follows the fluff fraction. In the middle of the nineties Danish
shredder plants shredded about 300000 tonnes waste. The fluff from the
operation was estimated to contain about 0.15 tonne mercury, 200 1000
tonnes lead, and 0.5 - 2.5 tonnes of cadmium. The emission of mercury to
air from the operations was estimated at <0.05 tonne
Drum and road tanker cleaning Cleaning operations which specialise in cleaning drums that previously
contained solvent and oil wastes may release large percentages of waste to
the air since the solvent wastes are flushed to the air occasionally and in
certain locations, during the cleaning process. This appears to be a similar
issue to the evaporation of solvents to the air during decanting at certain
transfer stations.
The presence of any former content or any residue in drums may cause
emissions during cleaning/washing operations.
At some sites, unwashed drums might go directly to landfill along with the
associated residues.
A site processing drums contaminated with oil and organic materials
estimated a 40 t/yr solvent discharge to the air. Part of this emission is due
to the standard transfer station practice of venting empty drums to the air.
A site recycling drums from the inorganic sector had a high metals level in
the discharge to sewer, but was able to calculate the discharge from regular
Most treatment plants incorporate a washing out facility to enable the
removal of residues from vehicle tanker barrels. In some cases, vapours
may become trapped within the sludges and appropriate actions need to be
taken to avoid any uncontrolled releases
Table 3.7: Activities/equipment that may lead to emissions from some common waste treatments
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [113, COWI A/S, 2002], [116,
Irish EPA, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Chapter 3
Parameter Concentration Unit
Dust 0.1 mg/Nm
<0.06 mg/Nm
8 mg/Nm
TOC 5 mg/Nm
CO 4 mg/Nm
HCl 13.8 mg/Nm
PCDD/PCDF 0.001 ngTEQ/Nm
Odour 85 GE/m
Cl <0.1 mg/Nm
The flows of the exhaust air are 8028000 and 5628000 m
/yr for
the can shredder and the bin shredder respectively.
Table 3.8: Exhaust air from shredding treatment of solid hazardous waste
[157, UBA, 2004]

Emissions occurring due to accidents
The most significant environmental risks associated with waste treatment operations are the
storage of hazardous wastes. This can involve emissions resulting from wastes reacting
together, either from leaks and spillages or from treatment processes going out of control.

Procedure Hazard Hazardous event Cause/possible initiating event
Toxic vapours Chemical spray
Chemical spillage
Container under pressure
Transfer from sampling vessel and
withdrawal of sample (barrel-sampler)
Waste not as expected
Fire Flammable
materials ignite
Flammable vapour at point of sampling
Toxic gases Incompatible
wastes mixed
Inadequate/incorrect information on wastes General
treatment Waste spillage Operator not working according to safe
No safe operating procedures established
Inadequate facility engineering
Inadequate supervision
Accidental discharge
Direct chemical
Blow-out Contents under pressure
Toxic gases
Spillages Contents spilt during emptying/decanting
Corroding/leaking drum
Manual removal of contents
Toxic gases
Mixing of
Spillages/corroded drums Bulking up
Wastes not conforming to labelling
Wastes not adequately analysed
materials ignited
Unexpected flammable materials present
Spark in taking lid off/flammable
Use of cutting tools to open drum
Fire produces toxic degradation products
Chapter 3
Procedure Hazard Hazardous event Cause/possible initiating event
Toxic gases Release as
liquid/gas spray
Incompatible/reactive wastes mixed
Container under pressure/blow-out
Unloading into wrong storage vessel
Waste materials received hot due to
viscosity solidification/thickening
Gross failure of tanker
Vehicle impact
Spillage on coupling/uncoupling, failure
of coupling
explosive mixture
Flammable atmosphere in empty tanker
Flammable liquid
or vapours ignite
Flammable vapour vented-off
Vapour release from spills
Pipeline failure
Flammable vapour in tank headspace
Reaction Incompatible
wastes mixed
Wastes react in storage vessels pipeline or
conveyor failure
Toxic gases Non-compatible or
reactive waste
mixed in store or
reagent spillage
Inadequate information on waste
Waste does not conform to process

Waste storage
tank farm
Significant levels
of toxic
Inadequate venting of tanks, etc.
Poor materials handling practices
Toxic gases Uncontrolled
release during
Failure of protective systems
Incompatible waste mixed
Wrong reagent added
Too much/too little of reagents added
Failure of pH control
from physico-
Toxic gases Mixing
Reaction not complete
Residual contamination in effluents
Fire Biological degradation processes may cause
self heating and auto-ignition. This does not
only affects the biological treatment system.
Auto-ignition may also occur in the bunker.
In some cases fires can appear in the product
storage area.
A second reason for fires in solid waste fuel
processing plants are particles that are still
Table 3.9: Example of most frequent accidents that may occur in WT installations
[80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
Generic air emissions from common waste treatments
There are no real data available at present on VOC emissions. The vast majority of sites that
undertake air monitoring, undertake it on an irregular basis and are unlikely to take a sample at
the times of maximum discharge. Air emissions are particularly difficult to monitor from these
sites as operations are generally in the open air and gases are not always controlled. VOC
emissions at a site may be due to:

a deliberate process activity at some sites carried out in order to reduce the flammability of
wastes going to landfill. The quantities may be very small per unit of waste, but the
operation takes place across a large number of sites and the accumulated effect may be very
large. This practice is not common in the sector and is considered a bad practice so is now
the agitation or heating of mixed materials left to settle in contact with the atmosphere. Oil
treatment tanks are one obvious example, but chemical treatment tanks or sludge mixing
tanks are also sources
emissions of semi-volatile PAHs from crushing and sieving operations, particularly from
the handling of oil filters at transfer stations
the transfer of liquids to bulking containers, with a subsequent displacement of the product
headspace above the liquid layer
the venting of residues from original storage containers; and also from storage tanks
outbreathing in response to atmospheric temperature changes.

There are example plants in the WT sector with no controls on discharges of volatile
compounds into the air, indeed few processes have ever been designed to discharge pollutants to
the air.

Acid emissions
The most serious air emissions are likely to arise from solvent transfer and storage activities, but
they can also arise from chemicals such as strong acids and ammonia.

Ammonia emissions
Ammonia is detected in some WT sites. There is a general problem with ammonia emissions.
However, this is usually easy to spot on site visits and by operators due to the low threshold
concentration for odour detection, although it is harder to quantify. Locations where ammonia
emissions have been detected are:

in solvent transfer and storage
in the pressing and storage of effluent sludge at several chemical treatment plants. This is an
area that is rarely within the exhaust systems for the site and therefore emissions do not pass
through the plant scrubbers. Furthermore, the scrubbing systems are usually caustic
from strong ammoniacal solutions directly to the air after an air stripping at one site,
although the site monitoring (only annual monitoring carried out) says that background
atmospheric levels are minimal
effluent treatment plants
acid treatment of waste oils
wastes from the photographic industry are an example of a waste stream with a high
concentration of ammonium salts and, although discharges to the air are not identified, this
is a potential problem during transfer processes, giving rise to air emissions and potential
contamination of water discharges.

Chapter 3
Fugitive and diffuse emissions
In many installations, fugitive and diffuse emissions may be more significant than point source
or channelled emissions. Common examples of the sources are:

open vessels (for example, the effluent treatment plant)
sampling activities
storage areas (for example, bays, stockpiles, lagoons, etc.)
the loading and unloading of containers
transferring/bulking up of material from one vessel to another
conveyor systems
pipework and ductwork systems (for example, pumps, valves, flanges, catchpots, drains,
inspection hatches, etc.)
poor building containment and extraction
potential bypass of abatement equipment (to air or water)
accidental loss of containment from failed plant and equipment
tankers and vessels, manhole openings and other access points
displaced vapours in receiving tanks
cleaning or replacing of filters
drum cutting
waste water storage
drum storage
tank cleaning
tanker washing/cleaning.

Particulate emissions
Sites handling powders and wastes giving rise to dusts (e.g. fly ashes) often have particulates to
emit to the air.

Noise and vibration
Noise refers to noise and/or vibration typically detectable beyond the site boundary.

Odour emissions
Emissions to air tend only to be checked subjectively by using the sense of smell. Odour
emissions are associated with point sources as well as fugitive sources. In addition to ammonia
previously discussed, the handling of any substance that is or may contain a VOC (or other
odorous substances, for example, mercaptans or other compounds containing sulphur) will
potentially lead to odour noticeable in and beyond the installation boundary. Odours may arise

the transfer or bulking up of wastes containing VOCs or other odorous substances
a failure to adequately inspect and maintain plant and equipment, which may lead to
fugitive emissions, e.g. leaks from pumps.

Generic water emissions from common waste treatments
A distinction can be made between installations conducting dry or solid phase operations, e.g.
transfer or stabilisation, which do not produce a distinct liquid effluent; and those conducting
liquid phase treatment, e.g. acid neutralisation and oil water separation.

Dry processes typically only produce effluents from activities such as from rainwater
collection and incidents such as spills and leakages. In general terms, the strength of this
effluent in terms of metals and COD levels will be relatively low. Wet processes, in addition
to the general effluent arising from yard drainage, etc., produce an effluent from the reaction,
precipitation, settlement and dewatering processes.

Chapter 3
Waste water may be generated in the installations due to:

unplanned discharges to drain (e.g. emergency control, fire)
spillage from storage
discharge to storm drain
discharge of bund and secondary containment contents
process waste water (each case is covered from Section 3.2 to 3.5).

Many transfer stations are associated with adjacent treatment plants and all run-off goes into
that treatment system where is treated. Others collect the run-off and tanker this to landfill.
Again there is no discharge to receiving waters or sewer. The remainder of the installations
discharge either to surface water (unusual option) or to sewer. In the vast majority of EU
countries, it is not permitted to make direct discharges to sewer or to controlled waters. A
security storage is then needed in order to control or treat the water before discharge. Some
typical emissions are summarised in Table 3.10:

Emission to Unit process or activity
Physico-chemical treatment. Final effluent from acid/alkali
neutralisation and the precipitation of metals
Oil reprocessing. Effluent treatment to remove oil from
condensate and yard drainage
Rainwater collection Watercourse
Yard drainage
Table 3.10: Point source emissions to water
[55, UK EA, 2001]

In principle, there will always be small quantities of every material decanted at the site
discharged to sewer, due to drips and splashes even if there are no spills recorded. The most
common materials to be bulked at transfer stations are dilute acids (often from metal treatment),
caustic solutions, oils, non-halogenated solvents and aqueous organic wastes. The discharge is
almost certain to contain organic carbons, nitrogen compounds (total nitrogen), chloride, some
metals and, when bulking non-halogenated solvents, xylene. Discharges to sewer may reach
COD levels of several thousand milligrams per litre. The nature of the discharge depends on the
wastes being handled at the installation, which invariably involves a wide variety of substances,
thereby resulting in a complex effluent.

Emissions to water also occur from washing containers and tanks if this occurs in the WT plant.
Liquid discharges may arise from the washing and processing of containers prior to their re-
processing, or from the washing of road tankers. One approach of estimating these emissions is
to assume that the residual material in each type of container after emptying is 0.5 % of the
volume, and that all of this material is washed to sewer. In general, volatile residues from
containers of solvent waste are evaporated directly to the air rather than being washed to sewer.

General leaks and spills can occur in waste transfer stations. Most sites are on hard standing and
liquid and solid spills are eventually washed away to the main interceptors and then to sewer or
to an adjacent treatment plant.

Generic releases to soil and process generated waste from common techniques
Most sites will have a continuous, but small, discharge of waste to the site base-ground due to
drips, splashes, crushing residues, pipe connections, oil leaks, etc. and these may be washed to
the surface water collection points by rainwater and site cleaning. Tank bottoms are another
typical waste when storing waste.

Chapter 3
Example of inventory of emissions from a waste transfer station

Operation Emissions to air (kg/yr) Emissions to sewer (kg/yr)
Repacking and
labelling of laboratory
0 0
Breakage/leaks during
loading and storage
VOC as TRI 20.3 Small amounts of oil, but these will be
picked up in weekly monitoring data and
not doubly counted here
Decanting into IBCs Dichloromethane 360
Ethanal 48
Trichloroethylene 60
VOC as TRI 60
VOC 1320
Xylene 360
All solvent species
Total nitrogen
Total phosphorus
Transfer from IBCs to
solvent storage tanks
ethanal 76
VOCs 1330
xylene 570
Fuel use for fork lifts
(Use of 5 tonnes of
diesel per year)
CO 79
NM-VOC 35.4
Sewer discharges 0 TOC 5980
-N 14
Cu 0.5
Ni 0.5
Zn 0.5
Oil 150
Xylene, toluene, TRI, trichloroethylene,
Cl, P trace discharges
Totals CO 79
Dichloromethane 360
Ethanal 124
TRI 80.3
Trichloroethylene 60
VOC 2706
Xylene 930
TOC 5980
-N 14
(assumed cannot reach limit for nitrogen)
Cu 0.5
Ni 0.5
Zn 0.5
Oil 150
Xylene, toluene, TRI, trichloroethylene,
Cl, P
Overview of the installation
The above data correspond to a hazardous waste transfer station fitted with an impermeable base. It has bulking
areas with blind sumps and a roof. The solvent storage tanks are in a separately bunded area with activated
carbon filters on vents. Thermal out-breathings and head space displacement losses due to charging the storage
tanks, are scrubbed prior to be discharged into the air. Loading, unloading and drum storage areas of the site are
in the open and drain to the interceptor, hence to the sewer. There is a continual monitoring of pH and flowrate,
and a weekly monitoring of COD, metals, oil, ammoniacal nitrogen and suspended solids on the sewer discharge.
Packaging materials and old contaminated containers are sent to landfill.
The site handles a very wide range of materials, but mainly the following streams:
halogenated solvents comprising on average 80 % solvent; 20 % solids. Of the solvent fraction, 10 % is
trichloroethylene; 10 % 1,1,1 trichloroethane; and 60 % dichloromethane
non-halogenated solvents, on average 70 % solvent, 30 % solids and water, with the solvents comprising
10 % toluene; 30 % xylenes; 10 % acetone, 20 % others, mainly MEK, ethanol, ethanal, methanol and
aliphatic C10-C12 hydrocarbons
the other major waste streams are dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid from
metal processing, soluble oils, dilute caustic soda, dilute ammonia solutions from photographic processes,
aqueous paint residues, aqueous adhesive residues and ethylene glycol. All of these are bulked prior to
onward transfer or storage.
Waste OUT produced is 120 tonnes of waste fuel and 60 tonnes of halogenated materials per year. The
installation handles 120 tonnes of waste from IBCs filled at the site and a further 260 tonnes of waste that arrives
in IBCs.
Table 3.11: Example of total estimated emissions from a waste transfer facility
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Chapter 3
Emissions from specific waste treatments

Specific waste
Air Water Waste
In some cases, propellants
are discharged to the air via
the exhaust fan
A mass balance suggests
that emissions to water
could be as much as
250 t/yr, but there is
insufficient detail on the
tonnage of liquid waste
produced at present to
make an accurate
Liquids from the
crushing process are
collected and sprayed
onto the adjacent landfill
- crusher
The active ingredients and carrier solvents can include materials such as paint
thinners, alcohols, and possibly some pesticides
CFC recovery
The oil waste will contain
some CFCs that evaporate
in the air. A small
additional discharge will
occur during routine
Discharges can be
CFC refrigerants are
recovered for re-use and
generate a small stream
of oil, that is sent for
further treatment.
A tiny amount of used
dessicant (contaminated
with oil) goes to landfill
each year
Delivery storage
and transfer of
VOCs, acids or ammonia

Glass crushing
There are large problems
with particles, despite the
presence of extractor fans,
with dust settling on
equipment, the plant and on
the finished product.
Abatement equipment is
not fitted

PCB cleaning
A monitoring programme typically covers PCB discharges to the air, to surface
waters and to the land in the vicinity of the installation.
The trichloroethylene (TCE) is distilled on site for re-use, and the residual sludge is
sent for incineration.
Cleaning of
containing PCBs
Decontamination of PCB transformers is never completely applied to all components,
and this means that a residue remains which must be incinerated. In the best case this
will be just the porous parts (wood and paper), unless the solvent technique is applied
for long process times, and a product will finally be obtained which can be sent for
land-filling if the residual PCB levels are legally acceptable.
There is potential for fugitive emissions of PCB via the formation of aerosols.
Table 3.12: Emissions from specific waste treatment processes
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [100, UNEP, 2000], [150, TWG,

3.1.4 Waste OUT from common waste treatments

Depending on the type of operation of the treatment technique, the physical and/or chemical
properties of wastes may change when common techniques are applied. However, it is found
that some common techniques (e.g. storage, acceptance, reception) do not change the chemical
or the physical properties of the waste IN. On the other hand, others such as, for example,
blending, mixing, crushing, shredding, change the properties of the waste IN.

Chapter 3
3.2 Emissions and consumptions from biological treatments
[33, ETSU, 1998], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56,
Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [76, EEA, 2003], [81, VDI and
Dechema, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [113, COWI A/S, 2002], [138, Lanfranchi, 2003], [150, TWG,

This section discusses the emissions and consumptions of the biological treatments mentioned
in Section 2.2. Each section of this Section 3.2 is structured in the same way as Section 2.2,
namely the treatments follow the order of: emissions and consumptions of anaerobic digestion,
mechanical biological treatments and lastly biological treatments applied to contaminated soil.
Emissions associated with an ancillary treatment, e.g. transfer station operation, are covered in
Section 3.1.

3.2.1 Waste IN in biological treatments

Generally successful biotreatment only occurs when the waste is non-toxic (although
micro-organisms can acclimatise to some extent and to certain wastes), within the relatively
narrow pH range of pH 4 8, and with a C:N:P ratio of around 100:5:1. Biological treatment is,
if well prepared, able to be adapted to a great variety of organic compounds which can be found
in wastes or contaminated ground.

Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic digestion may be used to treat liquid or solid wastes directly (e.g. MSW), or to treat
the biological sludge generated by an earlier aerobic stage. There are a number of possible
feedstocks which can be used in anaerobic digestion. These include the following: source
separated food waste, sludge (e.g. sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment),
agro-industrial by-products, manure, slurries, some fractions of the MSW, and yard waste.

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is better suited to waste with a higher moisture content than aerobic
digestion. The process of AD can occur between 60 and 99 % moisture content. Moisture
content is also important. A low value increases both the ammonium inhibition of the AD
process and the salt toxicity. Therefore, kitchen waste and other putrescible wastes, which by
themselves may be too wet and lacking in structure for aerobic digestion, can provide an
excellent feedstock for AD. Liquids are often added to the AD processes (either water or
recycled effluent) to maintain a high moisture content.

The characteristics of the feedstock have very important effects on the AD process. A high
quality feedstock will increase the quality of the digestate. High heavy metal concentrations in
the feedstock can be toxic to methanogenic bacteria, in the following order (of increasing
severity): iron<cadmium<zinc<chromium<lead<copper<nickel. The volatile solids content will
affect the extent to which the process needs to be monitored to avoid the damaging effect of

The type of waste accepted in this type of treatment is, principally, source separated
biodegradable waste, since matter and nutrients are to be recovered with minimal
contamination, composting of residual waste or separated fractions thereof is becoming
increasingly uncommon. Therefore, the types of waste typically used are the wet organic
fractions from kitchen waste and from hotels and restaurants. Garden and park waste and paper
and board are not usually processed. Some waste fractions excluded are metals, plastic, glass,
animal waste, which is undesirable at plants without hygienisation due to the degradation of
lignin which requires post-digestion composting.

Chapter 3
There are two main alternatives for waste separation. The choice between them has an important
bearing on the anaerobic digestion feedstock quality:

source separation (not covered under the scope of this document) this is actively encouraged
in a number of Member States. It includes separation of the putrescible organic fraction
(biowaste). It is generally accepted that source separation provides the best quality feedstock
for both AD and composting, offering both a maximum organic content and a minimum
contamination with heavy metals, glass and plastics. After digestion of this source separated
waste in a reliable process, the end result will be the formation of a quality digestate and a
high volume of biogas
centralised separation this is is the only route for obtaining a digestible fraction from
residual waste. The techniques involved include mechanical processing, optical processing
and hand-picking. The digestible fraction obtained tends to be more contaminated than source
separated biowaste, with inevitable consequences for the digestates ultimate utilisation (there
is some evidence that where pulping is used as a pre-process sorting phase, liquid separation
can lead to the removal of some more hazardous elements). There is also the risk of larger
non-separated components of the waste being carried over and then causing physical damage
to treatment plants further downstream (by abrasion, blockages or tangling).

Mechanical biological treatments
The types of waste that may be accepted by this treatment are non-source separated municipal
waste, sludge (e.g. sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants) and commercial
solid waste. Technically speaking, there is no restriction in also treating a wet organic fraction
(e.g. kitchen wastes), garden and park waste, organic waste from hotels and restaurants or paper
and board. However typically these last types of waste are not usually treated by these

The moisture content of intake waste is extremely variable, but it would be expected that green
wastes and household wastes have a moisture content of at least 40 50 %.

Biological treatments applied to contaminated soil

Characteristic Desired range
Organic content 0.025 25 w/w-%
Solid content 10 40 w/w-%
Water content 60 90 w/w-%
Solids particle size <0.635 cm. diameter
Feed temperature 15 35 C
Feed pH 4.5 8.8
Table 3.13: Desired inlet feed characteristics for slurry biodegradation processes for soil
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]
Chapter 3
The effectiveness of slurry biodegradation for certain general contaminant groups is shown in
Table 3.14.

Contaminant Applicability
Organic contaminants:
Halogenated semivolatiles 2
Non-halogenated semivolatiles 2
Pesticides 2
Halogenated volatiles 1
Non-halogenated volatiles 1
Organic cyanides 1
PCBs 1
Dioxins/furans 0
Organic corrosives 0
Inorganic contaminants:
Inorganic cyanides 1
Asbestos 0
Inorganic corrosives 0
Non-volatile metals 0
Radioactive materials 0
Volatile metals 0
Reactive contaminants:
Oxidisers 0
Reducers 0
0 = No expected effectiveness - expert opinion is that the technology will not work
1 = Potential effectiveness - expert opinion is that the technology will work
2 = Demonstrated effectiveness - successful treatability test at some scale has been completed
Table 3.14: Applicability of slurry biodegradation for treatment of contaminants in soil,
sediments, and sludges
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

3.2.2 Consumptions of biological treatments

Anaerobic digestion
The consumptions of a mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) containing separation and
anaerobic digestion are typically: water, auxiliary materials and energy:

The total water consumption for treatment of 1 tonne of waste is 78 litres. This treatment uses
either tap or groundwater. Water is consumed in the following process steps:

steam production: 22 litres per tonne waste
production of polymer solution: 56 litres per tonne waste.

Auxiliary materials
The following products (delivered by truck) are used as auxiliary materials:

anionic polymeric flocculants (polyacrylamide powder): 60 grams per tonne waste
iron chloride solution (40 w/w-%): 3 kilograms per tonne waste
anti-foaming products (polyalkylene glycol solution in water): 50 grams per tonne waste.

Chapter 3
The only energy source which is used during the normal operation of the installation, is
electricity, which could be generated on-site, and heat, which may be needed for possible drying
processes and for heating the buildings. The electricity use per tonne of waste is 55 kWh
. This
electricity could be generated at the installation itself by the combustion of biogas in a biogas
engine (efficiency: 35 %). The biogas consumption for electricity production is 29.1 Nm biogas
containing 55 vol-% CH
(i.e. 37 kg). The electricity production and the energy use is given in
the Table 3.15.

Energy type kWh per tonne MSW Source
Electricity input 50 55 Own production (biogas engine)
Table 3.15: Electricity consumption and production
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66, TWG, 2003]

Up to one third of the biogas produced is needed to heat the digester itself, since the process
requires warm conditions.

Estimates concerning the utilisation of electricity by the plant vary a great deal. In rural AD
plants, approximately 20 % of the electricity produced in the process is required for the plant
operation, while urban plants may utilise 2/3 of the electricity produced.

Mechanical biological treatments

MBT technique Aeration rate (Nm air/(m of waste.h)
Tunnel: 40 60
Moving heap
after degradation

5 10
1 5
Heap 10
Table 3.16: Aeration rates
[132, UBA, 2003]

In quasi-dynamic biological systems the major part of organic waste contents is degraded within
the first four weeks of biological degradation. During this period, the highest aeration rates are
needed and up to 60 or 70 % of the total heap air supply is consumed. In the case of process
interruptions in the pre-biological degradation, biological degradation is deferred towards the
later biological degradation phases/aeration fields. The same holds for static processes without
turnover. In the case of upstream fermentation, the intensive degradation of the easily
degradable organic components occurs in the closed fermenter. Thus the exhaust gas quantities
from the after-degradation are strongly reduced compared to fully aerobic degradation

Aerobic process Electricity
Diesel oil
Enclosed aerobic digestion 27 65
Windrows 0 15
4 72
5 132
Range contains different types of installations with more or less sophisticated gas
treatments and without gas treatments
Higher end of the range typically corresponds to process with advanced purification
of exhaust gases
Higher diesel consumptions are associated with a lower electricity consumptions
Table 3.17: Specific energy consumptions of aerobic digestion processes
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
MBT plants sometimes add water to the windrows, as moisture is lost during the aerobic
digestion, which could otherwise lead to a shortage of water and halt the aerobic digestion
process. This typically occurs during summer and winter months.

In some cases, there is no net water consumption in the process. In the drying process, water is
produced (350 litres -in vapour form- per tonne waste). During the aerobic digestion,
temperatures of 50 60 C are reached. Thus, water lost from the feedstock becomes water
vapour (about 90 %) and is typically released to the air. However, in some cases, some of this
water is condensed. The treatment of this condensation water is quite complex.The purified
waste water (permeate) is used as process water in the cooling circuit. It is evaporated in the
cooling tower. Tap water is only used in the cooling tower as make-up water (10 litres per tonne
of waste). However, other sources reported that the water consumption range from
260 - 470 litres per tonne of waste treated.

Auxiliary products
As reported, no auxiliary materials are used in the process, except for the plastic foil used to
bale the waste solid fuel.

Biological treatment of contaminated soils
Most often, organic pollutants are used as a source of carbon and energy by micro-organisms.
Also, the concentration of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus must be adjusted to support
microbial growth. Usually, an ammonium salt like NH
Cl is used for nitrogen addition and
phosphorus as phosphate salt. However, micro-organism growth needs lots of elements like
vitamins and some metals (Fe, Mg, Cu, etc.). These elements can be naturally present in soil but
improvement can be sometimes necessary. C/N/P ratios are sometimes used to determine the
total quantity of nutrient necessary. In fact, a regular control of nutrient concentration in soil
must be achieved. Polluted soil is sometimes mixed with compost to optimise biological
treatment. Compost addition is most often included between 10 and 30 % and never exceeds
40 %. Water is sometimes also used in order to increase the moisture content in the soil.

Oxygen and nutrients (N and P) are added to the contaminated soil to biostimulate the
biodegradation. Increasing the micro-organisms flora with specific organisms (e.g. bacteria,
fungus), increases the biodegradability of the contaminants.

3.2.3 Emissions from biological treatments

The specific emissions from biological treatments depend on:

1. volatile components already being a content of the feedstock,
2. the amount and type of waste being treated and
3. on the type of treatment.

For example, wastes derived from biological sources (such as rendering or food industry
effluents) are less likely to produce high emission loads. Thus, e.g. the emissions (loads of
TOC, methane, N
O, ammonia, etc.) from the biological treatment of separately collected
biowaste (not covered in this document) are comparable to the emissions from the biological
treatment of MSW and sludge except for some volatile VOC ingredients from MSW (e.g.
fluorinated chlorinated hydrocarbons).

heavy metals in the original material will be well mixed with the rest of the material, by
dissolution, extraction or simply by being torn into small pieces during the operation.

Chapter 3
A common characteristic of the biological treatment is that heavy metals and other non-
biodegradable components are subjected to dilution by mixing, dissolution in the aqueous
phase, become part of the body of the micro-organisms, concentration by loss of moisture and
weight and so on. In general, heavy metal compounds are not selectively separated from the
waste and not selectively concentrated to a target output material.
Volatile chemical constituents are the most likely to result in fugitive air emissions, together
with ammonia. Municipal wastes tend to produce metals in the effluent or sludge.

Anaerobic digestion
Figure 3.2 shows the relevant emissions from anaerobic digestion processes.

solid waste
organic materials
Rejects to
landfill from
screening process
Waste water to
sewer/treatment plant
Gaseous emission
to the air from digestion,
combustion of biogas and
post-digestion composting
Effluent with potential
for use under
licensing procedures
Waste OUT
Rejects to landfill
from screening (some
rejects may be used in
biofilter medium in post
digestion composting)
Figure 3.2: Schematic representation of anaerobic digestion inputs and outputs
Note: Brown arrows represent solid materials
Blue Arrows represent emissions
Green Arrows represent waste OUT with some use
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Air emissions
This process is enclosed and air emissions are unlikely to occur except during transfer to and
from the digester. Anaerobic systems generate less emissions than aerobic systems per kilogram
of waste, since the principal gaseous emission (methane) is a desired product. However
emissions related to the delivery of waste and mechanical treatment may cause emissions of
odours and dust and the aerobic digestion of the digestate may cause a significant odour
problem if not properly treated. The emissions generated by the combustion of the biogas are
typically higher than the emissions generated during the biogas production process.

A simple mass balance would suggest that, if the input material has a moisture content of 70 %,
and if the volatiles solids content of the remainder is 80 %, then the input waste must contain
240 kg of volatile solids. Unscreened stabilised biomass might account for 40 % of the initial
weight, of which 40 % might be moisture with the remainder having a volatile solid content of
40 %. This implies a loss of 144 kg, volatile solids, if the incoming material has a moisture
content of 70 %.

Chapter 3
As already stated, since the digestion process is enclosed, air emissions are unlikely, except
during transfer to and from the digester. However, fugitive emissions of biogas are possible
from emergency vent valves and from poorly sealed water traps. This can result in a range of
hazards, including the risk of fire or explosion, as well as toxicity from contaminant gases such
as H
S and mercaptans (generating odour). Nitrogen gases also are possible.
Particulate emissions are also less likely than from aerobic digestion because the process is
enclosed, but there will probably be some waste preparation units which may have larger
particulate emissions.

Component Emissions
Unit Specific emission
(g/tonne of waste)
Specific emissions
(g/MJ of methane)
Flue-gas 11000 Nm
Methane Fugitive vol-% 0 411 0.1
31 35.2 vol-% 181000 520000 85
CO 72.3 0.25
10 72.3
O 0 0.2
2.5 30 0.15
S 284 289 mg/Nm
TOC (VOC) 0.0023
PM (e.g. bioaerosol)
Odour 626 GE/Nm
Chloroform 2 _g/Nm
Benzene 50 70 _g/Nm
Toluene 220 250 _g/Nm
Ethylbenzene 610 630 _g/Nm
m+p+o xylene 290 360 _g/Nm
Halogenated HC and


Dioxins/furans (TEQ) (0.4 4) 10
Total chlorine 1.5 _g/Nm
HCl 0.011
HF 0.0021
Cd 9.4.10

Cr 1.1.10

Hg 6.9.10

Pb 8.5.10

Zn 1.3.10

Fugitive means that fugitive emissions of these components occur but no data have been provided to quantify it
Table 3.18: Examples of gaseous emissions from anaerobic plants
[33, ETSU, 1998], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002],
[150, TWG, 2004]

Water emissions
Although anaerobic systems can be operated in stages to reduce the overall COD in the effluent,
they are generally operated for efficient methane production, and the liquid effluent thus tends
to be more concentrated than the effluent from aerobic systems.

The emission species will be similar to those from aerobic systems, but the volume of liquid is
much higher and measurements will be needed to calculate emissions (e.g. TOC). The aqueous
fraction may be discharged to sewer, or it may go through an aerobic waste water treatment
prior to discharge. TOC, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chloride levels will need to be
monitored at the plant inlet and outlet to optimise plant performance, and are probably the most
relevant indicators for such optimum performance.

Chapter 3
Those units processing biological wastes from the food industries or agriculture are unlikely to
produce metals in the liquid emissions. Moreover, the metal content in a discharge may be
lower than for an equivalent aerobic system because metal compounds are precipitated and
leave with the solid fraction. However, a small amount can appear in the liquid effluent as
suspended solids.

The quantity of waste, or excess water generated depends upon a number of factors (extent of
biodegradation, moisture content of input wastes and the extent to which the process water is
recirculated, the way in which digestate is used -in some cases it is directly applied to land as
slurry- and the degree to which steam is used to heat the biomass). Most processes seek to
extract excess water from the digestate prior to aerobic digestion of the remaining biomass. In
some countries, however, little or no attempt is made to do this and the digestate is used on land
as a soil conditioner. Some site studies state 100 500 kg per tonne of waste (wet weight). The
excess waters are likely to be more polluted from dry systems, since more water is recirculated
in the wet systems. Figures for wet and dry systems are given in Table 3.19. The figures on dry
and wet systems in Table 3.19 relate to the waste water before removal of the suspended solids.
In the post-treatment phase, the liquor from the digestate may be subjected to a process of
denitrification, or filtered and/or fed to a decanter, with solids potentially being added to the
digestate and the excess water being delivered to sewer.

Components Units Dry systems Wet systems Amount (g)
Waste water flow m
/t 0.47
COD mg O
/l 20000 40000 6000 24000 20 - 530
BOD mg O
/l 5000 10000 2500 5000
Ammonia 1 160
Nitrate 1 10
Total N mg N/l 2000 4000 800 1200
Total P
Sulphate 1 5
Based on 261 litres of waste water/tonne waste (possibly to be reduced to 211 litres by means of a
partial re-use of the water used for the production of polymer solution). The range depends on the
type of waste water treatment applied
Table 3.19: Typical waste water characteristics from anaerobic digestion
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [33, ETSU, 1998], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003]

Digested matter and waste
Concerning anaerobic digestion, the sludge or digestate is usually dewatered. The content of
heavy metals may be leached out to soil or washed off into watercourses if the digestate is used
as a compost, a soil cover or landfilled. In the event the content of heavy metals is too high to
allow a land application, the compost/sludge may be used for daily covering at landfills. In this
aspect, the groundwater Directive may be applied.

As the resulting anaerobic sludges are generated in a reducing environment, such sludges may
concentrate some compounds such as metal sulphides and some organics (e.g. non-soluble
intractable organics). The sludges processed from MSW or sewage sludge with an industrial
feed will have a metal content in the waste intake, which will be deposited in the sludge.

Chapter 3
The sludge cake, generated in the waste water treatment plant can go for a further chemical
purification. If no purification is carried out, the sludge cake needs to be disposed of by landfill
or can be (co-)incinerated. The residue of the sand washing is probably not suitable for thermal
treatment, due to its low calorific value, and thus is disposed of by landfill.

Mechanical biological treatments
The loss of weight during the aerobic process is about 10 20 % of dry substance matter of
input waste, equivalent to 30 40 % loss referred to the total weight. However, these data do
not differentiate between moisture loss and carbon dioxide production. Aerobic systems
operated in the open are more likely to create a wide range of emissions because the temperature
and moisture content of the process is harder to control. There is much more chance that the
material will saturate and produce a liquid emission, and a higher chance of the process turning
anaerobic with subsequent emissions of methane.

Various companies co-digested hazardous organic waste streams with municipal or green
wastes and low concentration of halogenated organics with aqueous organic wastes. In both
cases, it is reasonable to expect the biomass to adapt to a new food source, but it is also
reasonable to expect that the temperature rise in composting, or agitation of the tanks in
activated sludge systems, will create a discharge to the air of new species.

By contrast to composting plants treating green waste and separately collected biowaste, the
material treated in MBT plants may exhibit a broad range of emissions (municipal waste). MBT
exhaust gas may contain fluorinated chlorinated hydrocarbons, ammonia, mercury, methane,
O and other compounds.

The MBT exhaust gas is partially produced during the mechanical treatment, but mostly is
related to the biological process in which heat is released. Depending on the process,
management temperatures from 30 up to 90 C may be reached. Thus a great part of the
moisture contained in the waste is driven out. Furthermore, the remains of solvents and of
mineral oil carbohydrates can be driven out. Under these boundary conditions, the MBT exhaust
gas contains at least the following material groups:

water in the form of water vapour saturated process exhaust air which is not likely to be
below saturation unless unsaturated hall air is added
degradation products of organic decomposition which are also known from alcoholic
fermentation, such as acetone, acetaldehyde, ethanol, methanol, butanol and other short-
chained compounds
solvents, especially benzene, toluole, xylene
odorous terpenes, mainly limonene and alpha- and beta-pinene
traces of mineral oil carbohydrates.

Air emissions
There is a limited amount of information available on emissions from aerobic operations. The
emissions of air pollutants and odorous substances of MBT plants are:

waste specific (type, composition, age)
treatment specific (aerobic degradation, fermentation)
process specific (type of aeration)
dependent on operational management
influenced meteorlogically (weather conditions) in the case of open reactors.

In addition to the release of odorous substances at delivery and during mechanical treatment, the
emissions of the plant are mainly determined by the following sources:

aerobic degradation
exhaust air/exhaust gas treatment.
Chapter 3
Microbiological degradation releases are from 30 to 50 MJ of heat per kg of organic substance
in the waste. This heat leads to the desired self-warming of the material. The surplus heat that
exceeds the quantity necessary for maintaining the process temperature is dissipated through
evaporation of the water. The water thus fulfils the important function of the heat carrier.

TOC (FID) Concentration of
Part of the
Air renewal,
process conditions mg/m and
g/t respect
30 Mechanical
treatment and
low bunker
Forced ventilation,
approx. 2-fold air
renewal, 5 10 C
during the
40 mg/m
20 25 g/t
- - -
200 Mechanical
treatment and
low bunker
Forced ventilation,
approx. 1.5-fold air
renewal, 10 13 C
during the
15 25 mg/m
25 55 g/t
150 - 630 390 38
30 Total exhaust
air of MBT
(2 weeks
Mixture of exhaust air
from halls and heaps,
approx. 3-fold air
renewal, 25 30 C
during the
60 130 mg/m
500 720 g/t without
10 - 30 mg/m
approx. 700 g/t

50 Total exhaust
air of MBT
(16 weeks
Mixture of exhaust air
from halls and heaps,
approx. 1-fold air
renewal, 20 30 C
during the
700 880 g/t
200 700 mg/m
up to 12000 g/t

70 Exhaust air
from biological
with 8 weeks
of biological
Mixture of exhaust air
from halls and heaps,
approx. single air
renewal, 25 30 C
during the
50 180 mg/m
590 720 g/t without
approx. 80 mg/m
approx. 1100 g/t
15000 1200
to bio-
There are some systems (air suction systems) where temperatures can reach up to 40 C
Table 3.20: Examples of air parameters from some MBT
[132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
Some data on air emissions from aerobic operations is shown in Table 3.21 below.

Emission to air
(values in g/tonne of waste digested)
Flow Exhaust air: 2500 30000 Nm
5 3700
Other data:
0.12 times intake tonnage
20 40 mg/Nm
3 4
Carbon dioxide 98 563 kg/tonne of MSW
482 566 kg/tonne of MSW if machinery, energy system and construction
are included
Other data:
10 20 % intake tonnage of waste x 1000
20 % of the intake dry solids
O 11 110
Methane 411 2000
Particulate matter
163 186
s e.g. bioaerosols
Odour 50 500 GE/m
0.7 600
Dioxins/furans 0.1 ng/m
Reduce emission factor by 50 % if the system uses forced air or another method to ensure aerobic
conditions throughout; increased emission factor if high nitrogen wastes received.
Filter systems on the exit air will reduce general particulate emissions, but not PM
If treatment process conditions move away from the range of pH 4 8 and with a C:N:P ratio of out of
100:5:1, then larger quantities of other gases may evolve; larger quantities of ammonia may become
particularly prevalent if there is too much nitrogen in the feedstock.
Equals 545 1090 grams per tonne before any abatement of ammonia (e.g. biofilter).
Methane may represent 1/6 of the TOC amount.
In some cases several ways of calculation or different types of emission data are presented.
Table 3.21: Relevant emissions for MBT operations
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66, TWG, 2003],
[75, UNECE, ], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Ammonia emissions
Nitrogen in the waste can easily be converted to ammonia, and this is more likely to happen if
the C:N ratios are unbalanced (too much nitrogen), or the mass becomes anoxic. For green
wastes, this is more likely in the summer months with high levels of grass mowings in the waste
and insufficient woody material as a bulking agent. Enclosed aerobic digestion or
biodegradation systems with a high forced air injection providing an excess of oxygen produce
less ammonia than standard windrows. The ammonia load of the crude gas of MBT plants
amounts to between 10 to 560 mg/Nm
depending on the process variant, specific exhaust air
quantity, etc. With upstream fermentation, up to 1000 mg/Nm
may be found in the pre-
biological degradation. In addition to its effect of polluting the air, a high ammonia
concentration in the crude gas damages the biofilters often used in MBT plants. Therefore, the
aim has to be to keep the ammonia load of the crude gas prior to entry into the biofilter as low
as possible. Upstream pH controlled acid scrubbers can reliably keep NH
concentrations below
10 mg/Nm
Sites undertake a range of riddling, sieving, grinding and turning operations. Particulate
emissions occur, but there are no data to quantify them. It is known that most aerobic digestion
operations generate a range of fungi, particularly aspergillus. Filters on the exit air will
minimise particulate emissions. PM
emissions are a possibility.
Chapter 3
These are micro-organisms and other tiny biological particles that are suspended in air. They are
respirable and generally invisible. Bioaerosols can be produced by the aerobic process. Surveys
have drawn particular attention to a fungus called Aspergillus fumigatus. It is found all over the
world, especially in soils and in forest litter. It is particularly associated with the aerobic
digestion process as it is capable of degrading cellulose (a carbohydrate found in plant material)
and is capable of surviving at high temperatures (up to 65 C). As part of its lifecycle,
Aspergillus fumigatus produces tiny spores.

Odour emissions
They may come from anaerobic conditions. Odours are emitted from the surface of open piles,
windrows, maturation piles, storage piles and stockpiles. Exhaust gases from controlled aeration
systems also contain odourous compounds. Typically the most problematic odorous compounds
at aerobic digestion facilities include ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, alkyl sulphides
such as dimethyl sulphide, dimethyl disulphide and terpenes. These compounds are present in
many feedstocks or are formed during the process through aerobic or anaerobic actions.

Some pesticide
They may be broken down by photolysis, plant metabolisms or microbial action. Others are

Methane will also be an issue, although the plant will usually be run in such a way so as to
minimise this production. Methane emissions may range from 10 to 2000 mg/Nm
Any volatiles in the feedstock will tend to be emitted to the air due to the temperature rises. The
crude gas from MBT plants contains a large number of single organic compounds in relatively
high but fluctuating concentrations. The TOC concentration (total organic carbon) that records
all organic contents is a parameter suitable for monitoring. The MBT crude gas contains TOC
concentrations of between 10 to 2000 mg/Nm
, but up to 7500 mg/Nm
have been measured.
Open-air heaps have TOC-concentrations above 1000 mg/m
due to inevitable anaerobic
conditions within the core of the heap. Carbon concentrations of more than 10000 mg/Nm
been recorded at the surface of non-aerated open-air heaps especially with anaerobic conditions
within the heap. The main outflow of the TOC occurs during the first hot biological degradation
phase, i.e. in the first one or two weeks of biological degradation. Next Table 3.22 shows the list
of organic compounds identified in MBTs.
Chapter 3
1,1-dimethylcyclopentane 4-methylnonane n-dodecane
1,3-dimethylcyclohexane 5 ratified alkane n-heptane
1,4-dimethylcyclohexane 5-methylundecane n-hexane
10 ratified alkane 6 alkylcyclohexane n-nonane
11 ratified alkane butylcyclohexane n-pentadecane
2 ratified ektane 2 C
-cyclohexane n-pentane
2 ratified undecane C
cyclohexane n-tetradecane
2,3-dimethylpentane cyclohexane n-tridecane
2,4-diphenyl-4-methyl-2-pentene decane n-undecane
2-methyldekane dimethylcyclohexane nonadecane
2-methylheptane dodecane propylcyclohexane
2-methylhexane ethylcyclohexane tridecane
2-methylnonane ethylcyclopentane trimethylbenzol
2-methylundecane hexadecane trimethylcyclohexane
3-methyldecane methylcyclopentane undecane
3-methylheptane methylbutane 3 ratified heptane
3-methylhexane methylcyclohexane 7 ratified nonane
3-methylnonane methyloctane 2 ratified octane
4-methylheptane n-decane ratified dodecane
1,2,3,4-tetrahydromethyl-naphthaline naphthaline acenaphthene
dimethylnaphthaline methyldecaline
ethylnaphthaline (vinylnaphthaline) 1-methylnaphthaline 2 -methylnaphthaline
decahydromethyl- naphthaline methyltetraline
Acids and esters
2-butene acidethylester butyric acidmethylester hexanal
2-methylbutyric acidethylester 2 carbonacidester hexanacidethylester
3-methylbutyric acidethylester 6 carbonacid fattyacidethylester
alkanacidethylester acetic acid myristinacidisopropylester
alkanacidethylester (acid >C
) 2 alkanacid pentanacidmethylester
aceticacid -1-methylethylester aceticacidalkylester propanacidethylester
benzoacid aceticacidbutylester propanacidmethylester
benzoacidbenzylester aceticacidethylester hetradecane acid
butyricacid aceticacidmethylester hexadecane acid
-pinene -pinene -myrcene
pinene D-limonene 3-carene
myrcene camphor
1,2-diphenylethanone 3-buten-2-one hexanal
2,3-butandione 3-hydroxy-2-butanone methyl-2-butanone
5 2-alkanone 3-pentanone methylisobutylketone
2-butanone Acetaldehyde nonanal
2-heptanone Acetone octanol
2-hexanone acetophenone pentanal
2-methylpropanal decanal ramified 2-heptanone
2-pentanone diphenylethandione dodecanal
1-butanol 2-methyl-1-propanol isopropanol
1-pentanol 2-methylbutanol ramified alcanol
2-butanol 3-Methyl-1-butanol ramified pentanol
2-ethyl-1-hexanol butanol ethanol
Chapter 3
benzene 2 C
-benzene methylpropylbenzene
5 C
-benzene 3-dimethylethylbenzene propylbenzene
-benzene ethylbenzene styrol
1-methylpropylbenzene ethylmethylbenzene toluene
15 C
-benzene o/m/p-xylene 3-trimethylbenzoene
7 C
-benzene methylisopropylbenzole
Halogenic compounds
1,1,1-trichlorethane dichlormethane tetrachlorethylene
dichlorbenzene fluorethylene trichlorethylene
Sulphur compounds
2-butanthiol dimethylsulphide sulphur dioxide
dimethyldisulphide methanthiol carbon disulphide
cyclohexasiloxane cyclotetrasiloxane cyclosiloxane
cyclopentasiloxane hexamethyldisiloxane siloxane
diethylphthalate dimethylphthalate
Table 3.22: Organic compounds which were verified within the scope of four screening inquiries
of exhaust air (three aerobic tests with intensive and after-biological degradation, one anaerobic
[132, UBA, 2003]

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
The few available data shows that in MBT plants CFC loads of more than 10 grams per tonne
input material may be released depending on the processed waste type (Table 3.23). Leading
substances are CFC R11 (trichlorofluoromethane) and R12 (dichlorofluoromethane) which were
used frequently in the past.

Facility A
(exhaust air
from tunnel)
Facility B
(exhaust air
from biological
Facility B
(exhaust air
from biological
Facility B
(exhaust air
from halls)
Facility C
(exhaust air
from biological
Probe spring Winter Summer Winter Summer (estimated)
R11 n.d. 8.5 4.1 0.4 2.2 2.3
R12 n.d. 11.3 0.2 0.4 1.3 1.4
R21 n.d. n.d. - n.d. n.d.
R113 n.d. n.d. <0.05 n.d. 1.9
R114 n.d. n.d. 0.2 0.4 1.2 1.4
n.d. = not detectable
Table 3.23: CFC emissions from MBT (raw gas)
[132, UBA, 2003]

Waste water
Sites are unlikely to produce a surplus of liquid because the aerobic digestion process emits
large volumes of water to the air and generally requires additional liquids as top-ups. If they
do, then these will be occasional intermittent flows. Although it is known that some sites have
had problems with waste water, the quantities of liquid emissions are likely to be small since
aerobic digestion is an exothermic process.

Chapter 3
Water parameter Specific emissions
(kg/tonne of MSW)
Concentration of the
waste water (mg/l)
Waste water flow 260 470
TOC 40
COD 0.457 120 200
20 25
HC 10 20
BTEX 0.1
AOX 0.5
Chloride 0.152
Total N 70
Total P 1 3
CN 7.2810
Sulphide 0.1 1
Cd 0
Cr 0 0.5
Cr (VI) 0.1
Cu 0
Hg 0
Mg 0
Ni 7.9410

Pb 5.9610

Zn 2.3810

Copper and zinc would be expected in any aerobic digestion leachate as they are
plant micronutrients. There is a possibility of toxic metals in the effluent
although most metals will remain in the aerobic digestion product.
Table 3.24: Leachate from aerobic digestion
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66, TWG, 2003],
[75, UNECE, ], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Emissions to land
Aerobic digestion sites should make certain whether or not there are liquid emissions to land,
even if they have a concrete base underneath the windrows, as the concrete basement may not
be non-continuous, and part of the operation may be on a permeable surface. If the base is
impermeable, then there will be a discharge to surface waters or sewer or a collection in sumps.
If the aerobic digestion sites are on the landfill, liquid discharges will go to the landfill treatment

There is also a possible problem if excess rainwater falling on the windrows is not evaporated
by the heat of the aerobic digestion process. Surplus water would pick up fatty acids and humic
acids and solids from the aerobic digestion process and then transfer the discharge to land,
surface water or sewer.

Sludge and/or digestate for onward disposal to landfill typically have organic compounds,
nitrogen and phosphorous compounds, chloride and chromium.

Biological treatments applied to contaminated soil

Air emission due to ex situ biodegradation
Little information exists on volatile losses from ex situ bioremediation processes. Table 3.25
summarises the data available for both slurry-phase and biopile systems. Although these data
are limited, volatilisation appears to be a small component of the overall removal of
hydrocarbons in these processes.

Chapter 3
Contaminants Emission rate Total emissions
Slurry-phase bioremediation
Creosote 0.07 6.3 g HC/h n.a. n.a. Off-gas concentrations
peaked during day 1 and
decreased to near baseline
by day 5
n.a. 910 kg HC n.a. 425000 kg of soils were
treated. Emissions reduced
to background by day 6
n.a. 10 - 20 kg/yr;
1.5 kg
dredging 30 kg
storage tank; 4
kg pond
n.a. A full-scale system is
estimated to have 500 to
2000 kg of VOC emissions
Gasoline n.a. n.a. 99 %/1 % Air emissions measured for
the stockpiling/handling,
mixing, and curing
operations. Mixing
component accounted for
96 % of contaminants lost.
73 % of VOCs lost were
trapped in carbon units
Petroleum 0.01 kg/hr HC
once through; 0.03
kg/hr HC after
treatment (carbon)
n.a. n.a. Off-gas was also recycled
back to the biopiles to
further reduce emissions
Petroleum 16 ppb BTEX
5 ppb BTEX
(day 8);
<1 ppb BTEX
(day 35)
n.a. >99 %/<1 %
HC: Total hydrocarbons
Table 3.25: Summary of emission data for ex-situ bioremediation systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

In open lagoons and in aerobic digestion and land treatment processes, the primary
environmental factors which influence air emissions, in addition to the biodegradability and
volatility of the waste, are process temperature and wind speed. Emissions tend to increase with
an increase in surface turbulence due to wind or mechanical agitation. The temperature affects
emissions through its influence on microbial growth. At temperatures outside the band for
optimal microbial activity, volatilisation will increase. Emissions from self-contained reactors
are also determined by reactor design parameters such as the amount of air or oxygen used to
aerate the slurry. Higher gas flows will strip more volatiles out of solution and increase air

3.2.4 Waste OUT from biological treatments

The structure given to this section corresponds to the same one that has been given to Section
2.2, and describes the waste (or products) generated by the biological treatments of waste (the
Waste OUT, according to the definition in Table 3.1).

Anaerobic digestion
An overview of the expected waste OUT (based on the source separated MSW input) is given in
Table 3.26.

Chapter 3
Fractions suitable for energy
Specific amounts
(kg per tonne MSW)
Heating value (MJ/kg)
Lower Higher
(75 364 Nm
15.4 16.8
Light residue 37.3 12.4 21.5
RDF 257.2 17 25.8
Wood-like fraction 14 4.9 10.0
This lower yield is mainly explained by the higher content of non-degradable material (sand). Yields
may vary from season to season (higher yields during autumn/winter).
Table 3.26: Expected waste OUT (based on the standard composition of waste) from the
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

In the biogas, there are also other constituents in smaller concentrations including carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. A larger proportion of inorganics and polluting
substances in the process will lead to smaller amounts of a dirtier biogas. The constituents of
biogas (other than carbon dioxide and methane) can be quite important in its end-use. Table
3.27 shows such the typical composition of a biogas generated by anaerobic digestion.

Component Biogas concentration
Specific production
(g/tonne of waste)
Specific emissions
(g/MJ of methane)
25 50 181000 520000 85
Methane 50 75 0 411 0.1
Water (biogas) 6 6.5
0.9 1.1
3.9 4.1
S <0.1 0.8
Ammonia <0.1 1
Mercaptane In spores
Low molecular fatty acids
Higher molecular substances traces
Table 3.27: Composition of biogas generated by anaerobic digestion
[33, ETSU, 1998], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002],
[132, UBA, 2003]

The biogas may be partly used for the production of power and/or heat (e.g. electricity, building
heating, vehicles powered with biogas) by combusting it in a biogas engine. When biogas is
used to generate energy, it is possible to generate from 20 to near to 300 kWh of net energy per
tonne of waste. Several references have been enclosed in Table 3.28.

Chapter 3
Net energy production
(kWh/tonne of waste) Study/process
Minimum* Average* Maximum*
AN-Anaerob 38 49 60
DBA 45 53 60
Kompo 85 88 90
NOVEM 21 88 154
Plaunener-Verfahren 85 98 110
Waterman BBT 100
DHV study 102
White et al 110
Prethane-Biopaq 80 110 140
IEA Bioenergy 75 113 150
BTA 100 115 130
Dranco 105 131 157
Vrancken 140
WAASA 120 145 170
IWM 100 150 200
Schwarting-UHDE 154
D.U.T 254 273 292
* If only one figure is quoted, the reference in question did not provide a range
Table 3.28: Net energy production figures from different sources
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [150, TWG, 2004]

Solid waste fuel to be used as fuel
More information on this matter can be found in Section The solid fuel prepared is a
presorted mixture of paper and plastics. Washing of the digestion product yields two additional
streams a residue and a wood-like fraction, with a residual calorific value that allows thermal
treatment. The three streams added together give 308.5 kg solid fuel mix for thermal
valorisation. The solid fuel mix has a lower heating value of 16.5 MJ/kg and a dry solids content
of 66 %.

Type of waste %
Organic waste 45
Others 31
Paper/cardboard 13
Plastics 9
Textile 2
Table 3.29: Composition of the solid waste prepared
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [150, TWG, 2004]

The amount of digestate generated ranges from 100 500 kilograms per tonne of waste IN. This
range is due to an extention of biodegradation, the moisture content of waste IN, the extent of
process water recirculation, the way in which the digestate is used and the degree to which
steam is used to heat biomass. The composition varies as shown in Table 3.30:

Feedstock Units N P K Mg Ca
Biowaste/RDF % of TS 1.2 0.68 0.74 0
Source sep. MSW % of DM 1.90 0.66 0.63 - -
Source sep. MSW ppm 20.0 11.9 14.7 11.6 49.7
Source sep. MSW ppm 11 8 10 - -
Organic fraction MSW ppm 1 1.3 6 12 8 12 17 26 60 110
Fruit/veg from market ppm 21.9 9.5 10.5 4.7 -
Unsorted MSW ppm 11 8 10 - -
Unsorted MSW ppm 19 13 15 3.67 -
Table 3.30: Chemical characteristics of anaerobic digestate
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
Other products/waste
Recovered product Specific production
(tonnes per tonne of waste treated)
Nutrient recovery 4.0 4.5 kg N/tonne
0.5 1 kg P/tonne
2.5 3 kg K/tonne
Energy recovery 0.4 0.9 MJ electricity per tonne of
waste. In addition, CHP plants may
generate a similar quantity of heat
Total solid residuals depending on waste 0.3 0.6
Quality products for recycling (recovery) Fibres (0.07 0.3) (for composting)
Other residuals possible for re-use with restrictions Fluids (0.6)
Inerts (0.05)
Sand (0.08)
Residuals for landfilling or other waste treatment Overflow sieving (0.02 0.1)
Metals (containing ferrous) 0.043
Ferrous metals 0.032
The separation and washing of the digested material yields fractions of inert materials, sand and a fibrous
fraction. The inert materials and the sand fraction can be used as a building material. Another output
corresponds to the fibrous fraction.
Table 3.31: Overview of anaerobic technology for the treatment of biodegradable municipal waste
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001]

Mechanical biological treatments
The aerobic treatments reduce the tonnage of input materials by the conversion of part of the
biomass to carbon dioxide and water through microbial actions.

Heating value (MJ/kg) Fractions suitable for energy
Specific amount
(kg per tonne MSW)
lower higher
RDF 300 460 16.6 19.9
Fractions not suitable for
energy recovery
Destination and properties
Ferrous 32 40:
24 ferrous 1
8 ferrous 2
Scrap trade (2 fractions)
Inerts 48.6
<40 glass
Non-ferrous 8 10 Recovery
Organic rich material (to
biological treatment)
- process losses 200
- treated waste for
landfilling 350
TOC 18 w/w-%
Upper heating value of 6 MJ/kg
Density >1.5 t/m
Hydraulic conductivity k
Table 3.32: Waste OUT from MBT
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002]

Grey compost
Copper and zinc can be expected to be found in any compost as they are plant micronutrients.
Other heavy metals will be associated with whole aerobic digestion only, or by the addition of,
hazardous waste streams. In general, metals will be retained in the solid fraction. Metals will
bioaccumulate in the compost fraction. Some products recovered by this treatment are shown in
the Table 3.33.

Chapter 3
Recovered product Value (tonnes/tonne of waste treated)
Nutrient recovery 2.5 10 kg N/tonne of biowaste recovered
0.5 1 kg P/tonne of biowaste recovered
1 2 kg K/tonne biowaste recovered
Energy recovery Likely (e.g. through dry stabilisation/separation processes
to manufacture RDF). Depending on the configuration,
RDF may be (typically) 0.2 0.5 tonnes, with a calorific
value of around 15 20 MJ/kg (sometimes higher). In
addition, in some configurations, digestion processes can
recover energy from degradation of the biodegradable
fraction (can be >100 kWh depending on composition)
Total solid residuals depending on
waste (tonnes/tonnes waste)
0.7 0.9
Quality products for recycling
Metals (0.05)
Other residuals possible for re-use
with restrictions
RDF (0.3 0.4)
Stabilised organic fraction (0.07 0.2)
respiration activity (AT
): <5 7 mg O
/g TS
gas formation: GB21 <20 mg/g TS
Residuals for landfilling or other
waste treatment
Heavy and light rejects (0.2 0.4)
Table 3.33: Overview of MBT outputs for the treatment of biodegradable municipal waste
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

The characteristics of the aerobic digested product has the following characteristics: one
kilogram of treated waste potentially releases a total load of 1 3 g of COD, 0.5 1.5 g TOC
and 0.1 0.2 g NH
-N into the leachates. The real numbers clearly depend on the intensity
respective and the duration of the treatment. Table 3.34 shows the potential emissions from grey
compost by gas and leachate.

Emission potential Unit Untreated MSW Mechanical-biological
treated MSW
by gas: carbon litre/kg of dry matter
g C
/kg dry matter
134 233
71.7 124.7
12 50
6.4 26.8
by leachate: TOC
g/kg of dry matter
g/kg of dry matter
g/kg of dry matter
8 16
4 6
4 5
0.3 3.3
0.6 2.4
4 6
Note: Minimum values represent the stabilisation degree reached by more modern MBTs
Table 3.34: Range of organic carbon, nitrogen and chlorine transfer by gas and leachate
[81, VDI and Dechema, 2002]

Biological treatments applied to contaminated soil

Initial concentration Final concentration Removal
Compound Solids
Phenol 14.6 1.4 0.7 <0.1 95.2 92.8
Pentachlorophenol 687 64 12.3 0.8 98.2 92.8
Naphthalene 3670 343 23 1.6 99.3 99.5
Phenanthrene and
30700 2870 200 13.7 99.3 99.5
Fluoranthene 5470 511 67 4.6 98.8 99.1
Carbazole 1490 139 4.9 0.3 99.7 99.8
Note: Treatment carried out using a 190 m
(a) Includes the combined effect of volatilisation and biodegradation
Table 3.35: Performance of a slurry biodegradation process treating wood preserving wastes
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]
Chapter 3
3.3 Emissions and consumptions from physico-chemical
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,
2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [89, Germany, 2003], [94, USA DoE, 2002], [99, Fons-Esteve, et al., 2002],
[100, UNEP, 2000], [101, Greenpeace, 1998], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and
waste management, 2002], [123, Perseo, 2003], [134, UBA, 2003], [147, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG,
2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [154, UNEP, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

This section contains the emissions and consumptions of physico-chemical (Ph-c) treatments
discussed in Section 2.3. Chemical treatment processes cover a wide range of unit operations
and a wide range of wastes. This section also applies to chemical treatment plants operating
neutralisation processes. The following sections highlight information available to site operators
from their current record systems and the areas where emissions are likely to occur. Most sites
are on a totally enclosed base with all liquids entering or generated on-site (including rainfall)
returned to the process. This sector is very diverse, but also one of the best monitored sectors, as
was observed in site visits.

The structure of each of the following sections in this section is the same as the one followed in
Section 2.3. Emissions associated with an ancillary treatment, e.g. transfer station operation are
covered in Section 3.1.

3.3.1 Waste IN in physico-chemical treatments

Waste waters
The waste waters treated by physico-chemical treatments are:

the core waste streams these are inorganic acids and alkalis and their rinse-waters,
together with cleaning, washing and interceptor wastes from a range of processes
chemical industry wastes these may include aqueous alcohol/glycol streams and process
(possibly) cleaning wastes with low levels of chlorinated compounds such as
dichloromethane or phenolic compounds. Cleaning waters from the food industry may
contain these substances as well
aqueous wastes containing solvents
high nitrogen wastes (potential for ammonia emissions)
wastes containing phosphorus
occasional inorganic wastes: for example wastes containing arsenic
cyanide wastes - typically this waste will consist of solid or liquid cyanide salts, for
example, sodium cyanide from surface metal treatments. They may also be present in
printing wastes, usually as silver cyanide. Examples of cyanide based plating solutions
include copper, zinc and cadmium cyanides
developer waste (photographic wastes) typically includes a solution with a high percentage
of ammonia salts, predominantly thiosulphate
waste waters from shaping; oil wastes; organic chemical processes; and water and steam
degreasing processes.

Without going into detail and/or individual and special cases, the essential sources of Ph-c plant
treatable wastes are indicated in Table 3.36.

Chapter 3
Title EWL list
06 Wastes from inorganic chemical
0601 waste acidic solutions
0602 waste alkaline solutions
0603 waste salts and their solutions
0604 waste containing metals
0605 sludges from on-site effluent treatment
07 Wastes from organic chemical
0701 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply
and use (MFSU) of basic organic chemicals
0702 wastes from the MFSU of plastics, synthetic rubber
and man-made fibres
0706 wastes from the MFSU of fats, grease, soaps,
detergents, disinfectants and cosmetics
11 Inorganic wastes containing
metal from metal treatment and
the coating of metal; non-ferrous
1101 liquid wastes and sludges from metal treatment and
coating of metals (eg. galvanic processes, zinc coating
processes, pickling processes, etching, phosphating,
alkaline degreasing)
12 Wastes from shaping and surface
treatment of metals and plastics
1201 wastes from shaping (including forging, welding,
pressing, drawing, turning, cutting and filing)
1202 wastes from mechanical surface treatment
processes (blasting, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing)
1203 wastes from water and steam degreasing processes
13 Oil wastes 1304 bilge oils
1305 oil/water separator contents
19 Wastes from waste treatment
facilities, off-site waste water
treatment plants and the water
1908 wastes from waste water treatment plants not
otherwide specified
Table 3.36: Types of waste that may be treated in a physico-chemical treatment plant
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

The essential mass flow from Ph-c plants is the waste water, corresponding to about 85 to 95 %
mass of the waste accepted for treatment.

Aqueous marine waste
Most of the waste water from aqueous marine waste is contaminated with oil, organic
substances and solid material (e.g. sediment). The contents of heavy metals, salts and other
inorganic substances in the water and oil fractions are relatively low. Table 3.37 shows the
acceptance and processing criteria for flocculation/flotation and biological treatment.

Chapter 3
Component Limit value acceptance
Limit value processing
List mixing policy*
PCBs Detection limit Detection limit X
Dioxins Detection limit Detection limit X
Pesticides Detection limit Detection limit X
Organotin compounds Detection limit Detection limit X
Brominated diphenyl
Detection limit Detection limit X
Inhibition respiration 10 % 10 %
N-total (Kjeldahl) to discuss 500
CN to discuss 5
Phenol to discuss 1500
VOX 100 20
EOX 10 5 X
Cd 0.1 0.1 X
Hg 0.01 0.01 X
Total heavy metals 25 25 X
*the limit value of acceptance is in accordance with the policy on mixing.
Table 3.37: Acceptance and processing criteria for flocculation/flotation and biological treatment
for aqueous marine waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

Waste solids and sludges
Some waste solids and sludges treated by physico-chemical treatments are:

slag or bottom ash from combustion processes
FGT waste (e.g. incineration ashes from MSW, hospital waste or industrial waste
sludge to be stabilised. Sludges from chemical industry may contain sulphates and organic
stable waste
sludge from waste water processing (municipal or industrial)
residues from the metallurgical industry (dusts, sludge, slags). These may have high
contents of Cr(VI)
spent catalysts
paint residues
mineral residues from chemical processing
wastes containing acid and soluble compounds
high arsenic content residues from the chemical, metallurgical or ore industries
contaminated soil. According to meeting devoted to assessing indicators for soil
contamination [99, Fons-Esteve, et al., 2002], there are three main indicators used to
establish whether soil is contaminated or not. These are typically acidification,
eutrophication (the typical indicator is nitrogen content) and the content of heavy metals
(e.g mercury). Contaminated soil can contain rocks, bricks, and reinforcing rods that could
damage the equipment used for material handling if not removed.

The following text gives some information about some of these types of waste.

Bottom ash and FGT wastes from combustion processes
Some wastes from combustion processes are bottom ashes, FGT waste and filter cakes. Table
3.38 shows the physico-chemical characteristics of such waste from MSW incinerators:

Chapter 3
Properties Compounds Values
pH 11 12.5 13
Soluble salts content Cl, sulphates Up to 70 %
(Conductivity 15000 27000
37000 S/cm)
Heavy metals Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr Up to several %
Inert compounds Silica, alumina, lime
Fine particulates <100 m
Density Low (0.4 0.6)
Hygroscopic material Salts, excess lime content
Leaching test before
10 80 %
1.5 8 ppm
1 500 ppm
1 1400 ppm
1 10000 ppm
1 50000 ppm
Middle number in ranges corresponds to averages.
Table 3.38: Characterisation of residues from MSW incinerators
[51, Inertec, et al., 2002]

The general components of slag/bottom ash from household incineration are silicates, alkaline
earth, chloride, sulphates, non-ferrous metals (e.g. As, Cd, Cu, Pb), ferrous metals and heavy
metals. The main components are the mineral fraction, the non-incinerated fraction and the
scrap metal.

Categories Percentage by weight (%)
Mineral fraction 85 90
Non-incinerated fraction 1 5
Metal scrap 7 10
Table 3.39: Main components of slag/bottom ash
[89, Germany, 2003]

Values in
Slag/bottom ash (fresh) Slag/bottom ash after storage
(ageing time of 3 months)
Parameter Min. Average Max. Min. Average Max.
42.91 49.2 64.84 39.66 49.2 60.39
9.74 12 13.71 8.41 12.7 17.81
CaO 10.45 15.3 21.77 10.42 15.1 23.27
O 0.83 1.05 1.36 0.84 0.91 1.42
0.65 1.03 1.33 0.65 0.88 1.12
MnO 0.06 0.14 0.22 0.1 0.17 0.26
6.58 8.5 10.79 7.43 8.83 10.45
0.55 0.91 1.49 0.5 1.04 2.61
MgO 1.79 2.69 3.4 1.84 2.59 3.51
O 1.86 4.3 5.81 2.05 4.15 7.49
Carbonates 2.56 5.91 10.96 5.59 5.83 7.62
Sulphates 2.5 15.3 28.3 5.8 12.5 22.5
Cl 1.3 3.01 7 1.5 2.71 4.6
Cr (ppm) 174 648 1035 295 655 1.617
Ni (ppm) 55 215 316 90 165 260.2
Cu (ppm) 935 2151 6240 1245 2510 5823
Zn (ppm) 1200 2383 4001 1795 3132 5255
Pb (ppm) 497 1655 3245 1108 2245 3900
Table 3.40: Chemical composition of bottom ash after the household incineration plant
[150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
The following Table 3.41 and Table 3.42 describe some general values of bottom ash
parameters after the incineration process, with data from two different treatment plants.

Values Pb Cr Cu Cd As Zn Hg Ni
Minimum 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.0001 0.003 0.5 0.07
Average 1.6 0.5 2.2 0.021 0.012 4.8 0.7
Maximum 5.2 6 2 9.6 7 0.02 0.08 0.022 10 21 2 0.5
Values in g/kg of bottom ash
Table 3.41: General bottom ash values after the household waste incineration process
[89, Germany, 2003]

Bottom ashes
Bottom ashes
Fly ash and residues
from dry and semi-
dry processes (ppm)
Mixture of fly ash and
sludge from wet
scrubbing process (ppm)
Cd 0.3 70.5 0.01 0.1 1 10 <0.001
Cr 23 3170 0.001 0.01 1 10 0.01 0.1
Hg 0.02 7.75 0.001 0.01 <0.001 <0.001
Pb 98 13700 1 10 10000 100000 0.001 0.01
Values correspond to concentration ranges in initial leachates
Some more information on incinerators can be found in the waste incineration BREF
Table 3.42: Metals in bottom and fly ashes of municipal solid waste incinerators
[113, COWI A/S, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

During the combustion of coal, two types of coal ashes are generated. Classic fly ashes are
mainly composed of non-combustible elements and non-burned particulates, and contain, on
average, 50 % silica, 25 30 % alumina, 8 % iron oxides (containing Ca, K, Mg, Na, Ti and
traces of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn). The other type of fly ash is composed of
silico-calcareous ashes that are generated from the particulate abatement techniques and sulphur
oxide abatement techniques. These ashes are rich in calcium sulphate. More information can be
found in the Large Combustion Plant BREF.

The ashes from heavy fuel oil typically contain sulphur, vanadium and nickel. They are also
characterised by high percentages of non-burned carbon, typically 60 % but can reach up to
80 %. More information can be found in the Large Combustion Plant BREF.

Table 3.43 below shows ranges found in the composition of different asbestos types.

Value in % Friable asbestos Transite asbestos
0.16 1.57 1.08 2.60
CaO 2.86 3.89 7.53 36.20
5.43 8.17 0.55 11.85
FeO 0.00 0.00
O 0.02 0.26 0.39 0.43
MgO 69.00 - 78.49 1.22 56.13
MnO 0.04 0.18 0.01 0.2
O 0.41 0.73 0.01 0.14
0.16 0.22 0.02 0.20
12.04 16.10 20.87 - 60.01
0.02 0.06 0.09 0.23
Loss on ignition
48.47 51.53 17.96 44.35
Indicator of the organic content of the sample.
Table 3.43: Asbestos composition
[94, USA DoE, 2002]

Chapter 3
High temperature drying
The drying facility performs the pretreatment of aqueous paste-like wastes such as metal
hydroxide sludges or coagulated lacquer and paint sludges.

Thermal distillative drying
Solid/paste like hazardous wastes which contain considerable amounts of free or bound fluids
are treated. They are processed in order to recover solvents, to produce defined solid products or
for drying in the facility.

In addition, heat cost allocator tubes or aerosol cans may also be treated. Heat cost allocator
tubes are used for measuring heat energy consumption. They consist mainly of a glass tube and
methyl benzoate as the evaporative medium. The drying residue (cullet) of the heat cost
allocator tubes can be smelted in the corresponding steel mills or used in road construction. The
condensate from the drying process can be recycled, i.e. it is re-used for the production of heat
cost allocator tubes.

Waste IN in the treatment of specific wastes

Hydrogenation of POPs
According to the US DOE, this system can handle most types of waste, including landfill
leachates, lagoon bottoms, soils, sludges, liquids, and gases. However, US DOE has cautioned
that reaction by-products and intermediate reduction products need to be monitored in the off-
gas from both the reduction process and the boiler. US DOE also noted the need to determine
the fate of mercury and other volatile inorganics.

The process is non-discriminatory; that is organic molecules such as PCBs, PAHs,
chlorophenols, dioxins, chlorobenzenes, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides are
quantitatively converted to methane.

Supercritical water oxidation
Environment Australia reports that technology is limited to the treatment of waste that is either
liquid or that has a particle size of less than 200 _m, and it is most applicable to wastes with an
organic content of less than 20 %.

Supercritical water oxidation has been applied to a broad range of materials, e.g. aqueous waste
streams, sludges, contaminated soils, industrial organic chemicals, plastics, synthetics, paints
and allied products, industrial organics, agricultural chemicals, explosives, petroleum and coal
products, and rubber and plastic products. It is applicable to the treatment of a range of
contaminants including acrylonitrile waste water, cyanide waste water, pesticide waste water,
PCBs, halogenated aliphatics and aromatics, aromatic hydrocarbons, MEK and organic nitrogen

The solvated electron technique
Table 3.44 below shows the waste IN and waste OUT for the treatment of chlorinated waste by
the solvated electron technique.

Material treated Products Disposal options
Biphenyl, Ca(OH)
, CaCl
Landfill as salts
PCBs in soils Biphenyl, Ca(OH)
, CaCl
, clean
Return soil to ground
PCBs on surfaces Biphenyl, Ca(OH)
, CaCl
Collect salts and landfill
PCB/oil mixtures Biphenyl, Ca(OH)
, CaCl
, oil Re-use oil. Landfill salts
Concentrated HCB Benzene, NaCl, NaOH. Separate benzene and landfill salts
HCB in soils Benzene, NaCl, NaOH, clean soil Separate benzene and return soil
with salt to ground
Table 3.44: Products and disposal options for the use of solvated electron technique
[100, UNEP, 2000]
Chapter 3
3.3.2 Consumptions of physico-chemical treatments

Waste waters
In some physico-chemical treatments, bases are necessary. In some cases, waste bases are re-
used in waste applications for neutralisation purposes. The neutralising agent used could be a
solid or liquid waste stream or a bought-in alkali, as most plants need to buy in some
supplementary alkalis. Aqueous acid containing metals, alkali and neutral wastes are common
additions and the Ph-c plants are typically designed to produce a sludge containing slightly
alkaline metal. Table 3.45 shows the consumptions of some physico-chemical treatments of
contaminated water.

Chapter 3
Parameter Yearly
(t/yr) *
(kg/tonne of waste
treated) *
consumption in
inorganic pathway
consumption in
pathway (t/yr)
of WWT
Yearly consumption
of lacquer treatment
Yearly consumption
of laboratory
chemical treatment
Average throughput 45000 20000 66000 30000 Lacquer: 15000
Solvent: 15000
Lacquer powder: 1000
Average consumption of acids 230
5.1 HCl: 69
Sulphuric: 48
HCl: 8
Phosphoric: 8
HCl: 39.4 0.5
Lime 590
13.1 1023 50 10
Flocculation agents 290 6.4 8 16
Other chemicals
0.4 3.0
Sodium sulphite 10.2 2
Water consumption 759 9900 1788 2700
Energy consumption 275 kW 369 MWh Fuel oil: 1139 m
Electricity: 189 MWh
Waste water 11573 48348 12687 250
Hydrogen peroxide 6.2 0.1
Sodium hypochlorite 4.9
Iron chloride solution 118
Iron oxide 65.8
Sodium hydroxide 110 1
Activated carbon 6
Potasium permanganate 0.4
Splitting additives 25
Amidosulphone acid n.a.
* Notes: Data based on the data from Ph-c plant operators with a capacity of 850 kt/yr combined. The data correspond to year 2001. The average age of the plants is about 17 years (ranging from
4 to 39 years). Approximately 84 %(from 73 to 91 %) of all the Ph-c plants for treatment of accepted waste observed here, can be attributed to EWL groups 11,12,13,16 and 19
Values do not include waste acids or waste alkalis accepted and used
Detoxification chemicals, organic breaking up of emulsions, sorption, sulphuric precipitation
Table 3.45: Consumptions of physico-chemical treatment of waste waters
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [135, UBA, 2003]
Chapter 3
A total amount of approximately 0.4 m
prepared chemicals are used per m
water. Table 3.46 shows the chemicals consumed and some of their consumption levels for
detoxification, neutralisation and dewatering for the removal of metals.

Chemical Consumption
Lime or sodium hydroxide for neutralisation/precipitation (NaOH 50 %) 120 l/m
waste water
Sulphuric or hydrochloric acid for acidification (HCl 30 %) 10 l/m
waste water
Hypochlorite (oxidation cyanide)
Iron (II) sulphate or sodium bisulphite (reduction Cr
to Cr
Aluminium sulphate or chloride (flocculation)
Iron (III)chloride (flocculation)
Sodium sulphide (precipitation) 0.3 kg/m
waste water
Materials for the improvement of precipitation, flocculation,
coagulation and complex destruction

Table 3.46: Chemicals consumed and some of its consumption levels for detoxification,
neutralisation and dewatering for the removal of metals from waste waters
[156, VROM, 2004]

The following inorganic materials are predominantly used in precipitation/flocculation:

caustic soda
soda ash (sodium carbonate)
iron (III) chloride
iron (II) chloride
aluminium sulphate

Synthetic flocculation materials are also used for the improvement of floc formation and
sedimentation characteristics. They consist principally of non-ionic polymers, anionic polymers,
cationic polymers and co-polymers of ionic and non-ionic compounds.

Table 3.47 shows the chemicals used for the precipitation of solute heavy metals; this
information refers to chemically pure chemicals. In practice, it may be seen that the quantities
actually required may be 10 to 20 % larger. Precipitation values for different metals are shown
in Table 3.48.

Metal to be precipitated Used alkali
(g) Fe (II) Fe (III) Cu Ni Cr Zn
CaO 100 150 88 96 162 86
134 201 116 126 213 114
NaOH 144 216 126 136 231 122
190 285 168 181 307 162
MgO 73 110 63 69 117 62
105 158 92 100 169 90
Table 3.47: Theoretical consumption of alkalis in precipitation per 100g metal
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Chapter 3
Limit values pH 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
<0.5 mg/l
<0.2 mg/l
<0.5 mg/l
<2.0 mg/l
<3.0 mg/l
<0.5 mg/l
<0.5 mg/l
<3.0 mg/l
<2.0 mg/l
<3.0 mg/l
pH 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pH ranges, with which the solubility of the metal hydroxide precipitation with
caustic soda solution lies below the values mentioned in the first column
Expansion of these ranges through the use of lime milk
Expansion of these ranges through the use of soda
Table 3.48: Range of precipitation values for various metals
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Precipitation sludge must be disposed of if recycling is not possible. Dewatering is generally
necessary. Precipitation/flocculation materials must be selected to suit the dewatering procedure
used. Sludge formed from materials containing aluminium generally display poor dewatering

Precipitation/flocculation is a reaction and/or a reaction combination which is essentially
dependent on the pH value. To this extent, the most significant reference parameter is the pH
value. Since the waste water produced through precipitation/flocculation is discharged into
sewerage systems, certain criteria must be met. In order to maintain these values, additional
treatment steps and procedures for the treatment of waste water follow flocculation and
Chapter 3
Redox reaction Oxidant or
pH Observations
Oxidation of
cyanide and
(NaOCl) or chlor
gas (Cl
for CN: ~ 10

for NO
: ~ 3
reaction relatively quick
relatively high degree of salting up of
the resultant waste water
formation of organic materials, which
are shown as AOX (Note: the limit
value is AOX = 1 mg/l in the waste
water to be introduced into the
sewerage system)
Oxidation of
cyanide and
peroxide (H
for CN: ~ 10,
catalyst: Fe

for NO
: ~ 4
reaction relatively slow
negligible salting up of the waste water,
no new formation of materials as AOX
formation of mud, due to catalyst (Fe
formation of foam (in particular in the
presence of organic materials)
Oxidation of
acid (NH
~ 4 reaction slowed
formation of sulphates
formation of elementary nitrogen
Reduction of
Sodium hydrogen
~ 2 fast reaction
causes salting up of the waste water
formation of mud
Reduction of
sulphur dioxide
~ 2 fast reaction
slight salting of the waste water
slight mud formation
Reduction of
Sodium dithionite
fast reaction
leads to salting of the waste water
formation of mud
Reduction of
Iron (II) sulphate
or chloride
~ 3 slow reaction
leads to the salting up of the waste
formation of mud
Table 3.49: Consumption of chemicals for redox reactions
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Sorption (adsorption/absorption)
Table 3.50 contains information on various adsorbencies. The large area of activated carbon,
which according to this is particularly well suited for the adsorption of materials is notable.
However it must then be ensured that the material to be adsorbed (i.e. to be separated) also
reaches the inner surface of the activated carbon. It is therefore the essential task of the reactor
and plant technology to achieve an intensive contact between the material and the adsorbent to
be separated. In the treatment of material mixtures, the effect and/or efficiency of adsorbents is
determined in general by experiment.
Chapter 3
TYPE Specific surface
Micropore volumes
Macropore volume
Apparent weight
Grain carbon for water
500 800 0.3 0.3 0.4 300 500
Powder carbon for
700 1400 0.45 0.5 1.9 250 500
Fine-pore silica gel 600 850 0.35 0 <0.1 700 800
Large-pore silica gel 250 350 0.3 0.05 0.1 400 800
Activated alumina 300 350 approx. 0.1 700 800
Adsorbent resin 400 500 650 700
Table 3.50: Physical data of adsorbents
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Ion exchangers
Ion exchangers Stability Regeneration substance
C g/l resin
Weak-acid, cation exchanger
ionic form: H
, PF
1 - 14 75 - 120 HCl: 70 140
or H
Strong acid, cation exchanger
ionic form: H
1 - 14 ~120 HCl: ~80
Weak base, anion exchangers
ionic form: OH
, Cl
1 - 14 70 - 100 NaOH: ~60
Strong base, anion exchangers
ionic form: OH
, Cl
1 - 12 35 - 70 NaOH: ~80
Table 3.51: Overview of types of exchangers and their properties
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Aqueous marine waste
Heat is required for the heating of tanks and pipelines in order to keep them frost-free, for the
preparation of chemicals, for the improvement of separation processes and for other processes.
The amount of energy consumed depends on climatic conditions. Electricity is required for
pumps, compressors and other facilities. Further differences in energy consumption may be
caused by a difference in storage capacity or the application of evaporation.

The overall consumption of energy for heat production varies from 140 to 490 MJ/m
water. The overall consumption of electricity varies from 65 to 170 MJ/m
waste water. The
energy data include other activities such as the cleaning of vessels, which means that they are an
overestimate of the energy consumption needed for physico-chemical and biological treatment.

For several steps in the treatment, chemicals are used, e.g. alkalis, acids, flocculating and
coagulating agents, activated carbon and oxygen. The use of waste acids and alkalis reduces the
consumption of primary chemicals. In Table 3.52, some data on the consumption of chemicals
are presented.

Chemical Consumption
waste water)
Alkalis 2 3
Acids 0 1 Depends on the use of waste acids
Flocculating/coagulating agents 1 7
Oxygen 5 Depends on the use of air or oxygen
Activated carbon 0.04
Table 3.52: Data on consumption of chemicals in the treatment of aqueous marine waste and
similar waste
[156, VROM, 2004]
Chapter 3
Water is required in centrifuges and for the preparation of chemicals. The use of the effluent
from the biological treatment reduces the consumption of water.

Waste solids and sludges
Table 3.53 and Table 3.54 show consumption values from soil washing treatment plants.

Consumption Used for Value
Electrical Pumps and attrition units 15 25 kWh per processed tonne
of soil
Chemical Function of the treated pollution. Some
chemicals (such as the floculating agents)
are usually used in all plants
3 to 5 kg per tonne of dry sludge
Water Mainly due to loss of water with the
residual filter cake
0.1 to 0.3 tonnes per tonne of
processed soil
Table 3.53: Consumptions of soil washing processes plants
[123, Perseo, 2003]

Capacity t/yr 68000
Fuel consumption MJ/yr 0
Electricity consumption MWh/yr 900
Electricity/plant capacity kWh/t 13.235
Heat consumption MWh/yr 0
Cooling MJ/yr 0
Chemicals sodium hydroxide
anti-foaming products
Table 3.54: Consumptions of a installation treating contaminated soil by washing
[66, TWG, 2003]

3.3.3 Emissions from physico-chemical treatments Emissions from the physico-chemical treatments of waste waters

The physico-chemical treatment of waste waters generates a flow of decontaminated water
which corresponds to the so-called waste OUT stream of the treatment. An analysis of this
stream is given in Section 3.3.4. The following two figures (Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4)
extrapolate flow diagrams leading to the emissions from the physico-chemical treatment of
waste waters.

Figure 3.3: Main emission flows from the physico-chemical treatments of waste water
[80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994]

Chapter 3
Physico-chemical treatment
Source of
Chemical reaction
Emissions of gases
Uncontrolled reactions
Increase in ambient
air concentrations
Impact on soil
Nuisance (odour, etc.)
Solid-liquid separation
Filtrate Sludge
Increase of
in receiving
Possibility of
spillages and
fugitive emissions
during landfill
Figure 3.4: Potential emission streams from physico-chemical treatments
Note: Some of these emissions only appear in badly operated physico-chemical treatments
[80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994], [150, TWG, 2004]

Air emissions
Some organic compounds can travel through the plant without being removed and then end up
in the final sludge or effluent, whereas others may be evaporated during the exothermic
reactions of neutralisation or during sludge pressing. Certain organic wastes contain hidden
species. For example, lubricating oils contain naphthalene, BTEX, phenols, copper and nitrogen
and can lead to ammonia and xylene emissions to the air during the oil separation from water, or
to increased levels in the final site effluent. Aqueous wastes containing solvents may be emitted
due to the heat of the process. High nitrogen wastes have a potential for ammonia emissions to
the air.

Some materials passing through the plant (typically not captured by physico-chemical
processes) are TOC/COD, dichloromethane, phenol, BTEX and naphthalene associated with the
waste water from oil pretreatment and TOC, dichloromethane, phenol, BTEX and naphthalene
associated with the waste from oil pretreatment.

The air emissions from individual plants depends on the abatement system used. Very few
plants have monitoring programmes in place that can quantify their air emissions. Air emissions
from these treatments are typically VOCs, acid gases and ammonia. Although difficult to
quantify given the lack of monitoring programmes, it can be seen that if closed treatment
vessels and air collection/treatment systems are in use, these emissions are reduced. Issues such
as the presence of low concentrations of organic solvents in the waste might not always be
picked up by WT operators, but these may be important environmentally as they could lead to
relevant emissions to the air during the process.

Air emissions may be associated with rapid pH changes, rapid temperature rises and with
vigorous agitation. Gaseous reaction products also still occur. Most installations will liberate
VOCs from the waste through a mixture of heating, agitation or sludge pressing or drying.
There is also always a possibility that reaction intermediates may be released as well. Emissions
of metals to the air can be assessed on analytical results. Evaporation also occurs in an
uncontrolled manner, such as the evaporation of solvents when mixing solids and liquids or
from the stirring of sludges in open tanks.

Chapter 3
Emissions of organic compounds may appear when treating mixed waste streams (for example,
from the neutralisation of acid, solvents are displaced into the vapour phase which cannot be
abated by a wet scrubber used to abate acidic emissions) or are present because its recovery is
neither technically nor economically viable (that is, as contaminants associated with wastes that
are difficult to handle are treated by other methods).

Air emission
Measured annual average emission
values (mg/Nm
Mass flow
Flow of exhaust air 325 Nm
2.84 36 500 (534 kg/yr)
Dust 0.21 40.3 kg/yr
BTX 4.9
Benzene 2.5
HCN <0.05 0.12 0.043 - 15
S 0.31 15
<0.03 15
1.17 0.5
HCl 0.3 0.2
Hg 0.01 0.0034
Notes: Data based on the data from Ph-c plant operators with a total capacity of 850 kt/yr. The data correspond
to year 2001. The average age of the plants is about 17 years (ranging from 4 to 39 years). Approximately
84 % (from 73 to 91 %) of all the Ph-c plants for the treatment of accepted waste covered here can be
attributed to EWL groups 11,12,13,16 and 19.
Exhaust air emissions are in general measured intermittently. The measurements are essentially made to
monitor the processes, where contamination of the exhaust air can be expected in the intended operation, such
as evaporation or cyanide oxidation.
Values correspond to mg of carbon
Table 3.55: Air emissions from physico-chemical treatment of waste water
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [135, UBA, 2003],
[157, UBA, 2004]

The emissions of VOC from aqueous marine waste treatments range from 0.4 to 0.6 kg/m
water if no exhaust gas treatment is applied. Biological treatment generates emissions of odour.
One of the example plants reports an average emission level of 540 million ouE/h.

Water emissions (for more information see Section 3.3.4)
Aqueous residues (if any) are generally sent to sewer. Wastes from the chemical industry, high
nitrogen wastes (maybe landfill leachates) and oil recovery/re-processing may introduce
additional species and thus need to be considered more carefully. High nitrogen wastes increase
the likelihood of a discharge of nitrous oxide. Metals, ammonia and organic chemicals are
typically present in water streams.

In all cases, the effluent consents will require protection of the sewerage treatment works from
the plant discharge, this protection is focused on COD, pH, oil content, ammoniacal nitrogen,
metal content, sulphates and sulphides, as well as dichloromethane (the most common
halogenated cleaning compound and liable to be a contaminant of wash-waters and
interceptors). The total discharge volume will usually be known.

Although precipitation techniques for metals are reasonably effective, a typical physico-
chemical process (under a trade effluent consent) may discharge between 1 3 tonnes of metals
to sewer annually (the actual value depends on the size of the plant and the amount and type of
waste. For example, considering the emission values that appear in Table 3.69, and without
considering Fe as a metal, a volume of waste water of 500000 m
is necessary to reach some of
the upper levels of the range). This is associated with particulates carried over in the effluent
from the process and arising from inefficiencies in either the precipitation stage or during
settling out of the precipitated metals.

Chapter 3
Most sites do not have data for the chloride, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the sewer
discharge. Rough calculations show that for sites where data are available, the emissions are
low, unless the site specialises in phosphoric acid treatment or handles high nitrogen flows.
Most sites are required to analyse for ammoniacal nitrogen so they can provide a minimum
emission value.

The process of waste waters mixed with organic material (e.g. mix of mineral oil, synthetic oil,
kerosene, interceptor waste, aliphatic hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, alcohol, chlorinated
solvents, esters, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, fats, waxes, greases) generates around 836 kg of
waste water per tonne of waste IN and 5.5 kg of sludge per tonne of waste IN.

Emissions to water of salts, e.g. sulphates and chlorides, occur. These salts are added as
reagents and are not removed in the process of precipitation, neutralisation and filtration. This
causes the effluent to have high concentrations of these compounds.

Solid wastes and emissions to land
The sludge generated from physico-chemical treatment plants can be pressed and sent to further
treatment, pressed and mixed with other sludges (generally organic) on site or mixed with
residues from flue-gas cleaning to give a solid product (with exothermic reaction). Almost all of
the sites produce a sludge/cake, which is then commonly incinerated or co-incinerated, or in a
few cases directly landfilled.

Metal levels in the waste are well characterised, but organic contamination is not. N and P are
not typically quantified in waste and will be present in the aqueous solution.

Process generated waste
Specific amount
(kg/tonne of total waste processed in the
Ph-c treatment plant)
Oil 30 90
14 40
Hydroxide sludge
60 90
Mud from purification and emptying
10 50
Notes: Data based on the data from Ph-c plant operators with a total capacity of 850 kt/yr. The data correspond
to year 2001. The average age of the plants is about 17 years (ranging from 4 to 39 years). Approximately 84 %
(from 73 to 91 %) of all the Ph-c plants for the treatment of accepted waste observed here, can be attributed to
EWL groups 11,12,13,16 and 19.
The oil is generally recycled and the remaining substances recycled or disposed of, depending on their
characteristics and the market conditions.
Concentrates from evaporation/stripping and membrane filtration as well as from ultrafiltration and ion
The weight relates to damp mud, drained TS: ~35 45 %.
Table 3.56: Process generated waste from physico-chemical treatment plants
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

Waste from the Ph-c treatments arise principally from precipitation/flocculation, concentrates
from membrane filtration, evaporation or ion exchange; waste is also produced in cleaning and
draining processes, constructions and containers. The extent to which waste can be used
depends on the individual case. For example, separated oil is generally recyclable, concentrates
from membrane filtration, evaporation or ion exchange can be recycled in some cases, sludge
from precipitation/flocculation are generally disposed of, waste from cleaning and draining are
generally disposed of and disposal is usually by immobilisation or incineration.

Table 3.57 below shows the composition of sludge generated in the physico-chemical treatment
of waste waters.

Chapter 3
Compound Value Unit
pH 7 9
TOC 54.7 wt-%
Loss of ignition 54.7 wt-%
Hydrocarbons 30000 mg/kg
PCDD/F <0.1 ng-TE/kg
PCB ( 6) <0.12 mg/kg
EOX 10 mg/kg
CN total <0.1 mg/kg
As 0.2 mg/kg
Cd 2.7 mg/kg
Cr total 887 mg/kg
Cu 349 mg/kg
Hg 0.2 mg/kg
Ni 210 mg/kg
Pb 211 mg/kg
Tl 14 mg/kg
Zn 1970 mg/kg
Table 3.57: Sludge generated in the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters
[157, UBA, 2004]

The amount of sludge containing metal (filter cake) that is produced depends on the specific
contaminants in the waste water, their concentrations and on the reagents and other chemicals
that are used. The sludge quantity varies from 2.5 to 10 % of the waste water input. By
replacing lime by sodium hydroxide the amount of filter cake is reduced. However, lime is
necessary for the precipitation of fluorides.

The filter cake with high concentrations of metals, e.g. nickel and copper, can be used as a raw
material in the metallurgical industry. In other cases, the filter cake is disposed of as solid waste.

Solid residues from aqueous marine waste
The generated solid residues are:

solid residues from the decanter/centrifuge and filters (50 kg/t waste water)
separated oil and chemical fractions (possibly suitable for re-use as fuel).

Emissions from particular physico-chemical activities
The emissions listed in Table 3.58 below can be expected to occur from most treatment plants.
The scale of the emission depends on the plant throughput and on the abatement systems
Chapter 3
Air Water Residues/Soil
Addition of solid
sodium carbonate or
addition of
sulphuric acid to
form nickel or
chromium sulphate
Emissions of CO
, plus
other acid gases (e.g.
) depending upon the
initial solutions
Liquid fraction is returned
into the treatment and
blending part of the plant.
This is a tiny fraction of
the main waste IN
The product
precipitates out and is
left to cool and
crystallise before being
bagged and sent off for
Cyanide oxidation HOCl
Hg and SO
The discharge is a weak
sodium hydroxide

Precipitation of
Zn, Cu, Cd
Silver recovery
There is an unquantified
issue of ammonia, and
possibly SO
, from
photographic chemicals
due to the high nitrogen
and sulphur levels in the
Additionally there may
be There are additional
VOC emissions due to
bulking and transfer
Possibly high nitrogen
levels in the waste
Treatment of
printing and
photographic waste
Ammonia, VOC and
potentially SO
Suspended solids,
nitrogen (mainly nitrate)
and COD
Waste typically has a
high nitrogen content
Use of raw caustic Hg
Unit operations
Air stripping Ammonia and VOCs,
including organic
solvents (e.g. DCM)

Dissolved air
flotation (DAF)
Sludges that are taken
from the bottom of
settlement tanks will
generally be up to 4 %
dry solids
Evaporation Normally takes place in
fully enclosed systems
but various vent valves
can result in fugitive

This is a common
area for emissions
from chemical
Ammonia and, if there is
a high organic content in
the wastestreams, VOCs

Ion exchanger The eluate of an ion
exchanger must be further
treated in the plant
according to its

Chapter 3
Air Water Residues/Soil
Mixing tanks May produce a range of
emissions, partly as the
result of chemical
reactions, and partly from
heat effects reducing the
solubility of gases in
Ammonia is the most
common gas mentioned
as a problem at this stage
of the process.

Neutralisation This can be a violent
exothermic reaction with
a rapid change in pH.
Acidic acids such as CO
HCl, Cl
, NO
, and SO
as well as ammonia are
emitted from the reactor
tank, together with any
contaminant volatile
materials, such as
cleaning solvents in
wash-waters. The gases
can carry liquors and
particulate matter with
Typical components are
chloride, phosphorus,
nitrogen and metals
Typical components
are chloride,
phosphorus, nitrogen
and metals
Organic splitting of
Generally smaller
quantities of mud
(filter cakes) develop
in organic splitting
than with acid splitting
Oxidation/reduction The salination of the
waste water is process-

Settlement Emissions to the air are
possible but unlikely
Sludges that are taken
from the bottom of
settlement tanks will
generally be around
0.5 1.0 % dry solids
Sludge management
(e.g. pressing or
sludge storage)
VOCs as fugitive
Gases from solution

Solvent extraction Solvents as fugitive
Significant potential for
emissions on transfer and
emergency releases
Stripping Emissions are trapped in
the areas provided in the
Ph-c plant

Table 3.58: Emissions from physico-chemical treatment processes applied to waste water
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental
and waste management, 2002]

Chapter 3
180 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Emissions from the physico-chemical treatment of waste solids and

The emissions listed in Table 3.59 below can be expected to occur from most treatment plants.
The scale of the emission depends on the plant throughput and on the abatement systems

Air Water Residues/Soil
Filtration/pressing Ammonia and, if there is a high
organic content in the
wastestreams, VOCs

Buildings for
Emissions via roof vents.
Emissions occur during transfer
from the mixing pit to removal off-
site; and via access doors from
spillages/leaks during charging of
the reaction vessels

Sludge blending Particulate matter and VOCs,
particularly if an exothermic
reaction occurs

management (e.g.
pressing or sludge
VOCs as fugitive emissions.
Gases from solutions

Solidification There is a potential for particulate
emissions from this operation

charging of waste
VOC, dust odour during the
transfer of wastes and reagent

Reaction vessel Emission occur due to the reaction
of incompatible substances.
Uncontrollable reactions due to
incorrect dosing of reactants or the
formation of hot spots through
poor mixing
Leakage through
badly maintained or
damaged equipment
Leakage through badly
maintained or damaged
Reagent silo Dust arises from the overfilling of
reagent silos.
Also fugitive dust emissions from
silo connections and dust from
reagent stockpiles stored loose

Table 3.59: Emissions from physico-chemical treatment processes applied to solids and sludges
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

The fugitive emissions from material handling operations for ex situ processes are often
overlooked or ignored, but they may represent a significant fraction of the total emissions from
the soil treatment.

Emissions from soil excavation and removal activities
VOC emissions from handling operations in soil excavation and removal result from the
exchange of contaminant-laden soil-pore gas with the atmosphere when soil is disturbed, and
from some diffusion of the contaminants through the soil. There are several potential emission
points involved in excavation; all are considered to be fugitive area sources. For excavation, the
main emission points of concern are emissions from:

exposed waste in the excavation pit
material as it is dumped from the excavation bucket, and
waste/soil in short-term storage piles.

Chapter 3
In addition, the earth-moving equipment will involve additional sources of emissions of VOC,
particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, etc. It is known that large amounts of VOCs may be released
from soil during handling, so VOCs are typically the emissions of most concern. Emissions of
particulate matter and associated metals and semi-volatile compounds may be of concern at
particular sites.

Given the frequency with which the excavation of contaminated soils is carried out, surprisingly
little air emission or emission rate data for excavation have been published.

However, some measured emission rates for two sites for combined excavation and dumping
operations are available and quote figures as high as 4 g/min for specific compounds. Here,
most of the VOCs present in the soil was stripped from the soil during excavation, based on a
comparison of measured total emissions versus the mass of these same contaminants in the soil
(calculated from soil concentration data). This was true for both sites, despite differences in soil
concentrations and soil type.

Activity Sludge
Exposed surface
emission rate
emission flux
Sludge disturbance 25 27 45 125 1.33 0.01 0.03
Sludge excavation 26 48 125 261 7.76 0.03 0.06
Sludge dewatering 1.7 3.3 1.24 0.38
Post-disturbance 26 91 1.11 0.01
Table 3.60: Results of emission measurements
Based on [30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

The magnitude of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions depends on a number of factors,
including the type of compounds present in the waste, the concentration and distribution of the
compounds, and the porosity and moisture content of the soil. The key operational parameters
are the duration and liveliness of the handling, and the size of equipment used. The longer or
more energetic the moving and handling, the greater likelihood that organic compounds will be
volatilised. The larger the volumes of material being handled per unit operation, the lower the
percentage of VOCs that are stripped from the soil, because the surface area to volume ratio is

Soil containing benzene or other volatile carcinogens would likely pose a large risk to on-site
workers and the surrounding populace if it were to be excavated.

The magnitude of emissions from soil handling operations will vary with the operating
conditions. The rate of excavation and dumping, the drop height, the amount of exposed surface
area, the length of time that the soil is exposed, the shape of the storage piles, and the dryness of
the surface soil layers will all influence the levels of VOC emissions. Add-on control
technologies are available for minimising emissions, but these are relatively ineffective and
costly to implement compared with the controls for point sources.

Emissions from thermal desorption
Air emissions from thermal desorption systems are influenced by the waste characteristics, the
desorption process applied, and the emissions control equipment used. The air emissions
associated with thermal desorption come from several sources. The point sources of air
emissions vary widely with each process. The stack of an afterburner vents combustion
products, as does a fuel-fired heating system if the combustion gases are not fed into the
desorber. A fuel-fired heating system typically operates with propane, natural gas, or fuel oil. If
the VOC emission controls consist of a baghouse, scrubber, and vapour phase carbon adsorber,
the off-gas will contain small concentrations of the original contaminants, as well as the
products of any chemical reactions that might occur. The volume of off-gas from a thermal
desorption unit depends on the type of processor. Table 3.61 below gives some values for
emissions from thermal desorption.
Chapter 3
Flow of gases
Pollutants that may be
Direct heating 17000 85000 VOC
Indirect heating 1700 8500 VOC
Table 3.61: Emissions from direct and indirect heating thermal desoption
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Various types of thermal desorption systems can produce up to nine residual process streams:
treated soil, oversized media rejects, condensed contaminants, water, particulate control dust,
clean off-gas, phase separator sludge, aqueous-phase spent carbon, and vapour- phase spent
carbon. Off-gases from indirectly heated units, i.e. thermal screws, can be treated with smaller
chemical/physical systems, such as a baghouse or a condenser, followed by an afterburner.

Pollutant From
Fugitive emissions excavation of contaminated soil
classifier, feed conveyor, and the feed hopper
components of the thermal desorption system and controls
exhaust gases from the heating system, treated soil, particulate
control dust, untreated oil from the oil/water separator, spent
carbon from liquid or vapour phase carbon adsorber, treated
water, and scrubber sludge
Particulate matter, nitrogen
oxides (NO
), carbon monoxide
(CO) and acid gases
Combustion and pyrolysis
Dioxins, furans and phenol
Table 3.62: Generic emissions from thermal desorption
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]
Chapter 3
Parameter Initial
Removal efficiency
Typical off-gas
stack concentration
PM 700 1000 mg/Nm
Benzene 0.11 - 39.5 <0.01 0.06 84.5 99.9 4.3 8.6 ppm
Toluene 0.27 2 <0.01 0.1 n/a 0.6 0.8 ppm
m,p-Xylenes <0.8 3 0.2 1.2 <75 0.42 3.5 ppm
o-Xylenes 3.1 15.6 <0.01 99.7 99.9
Total Xylenes 13.1 0.1 99.2
Ethylbenzene 0.11 <0.01 >90
THC 39 393 5.7 9.5 85 97.5 129 2800 ppm
VOC 0.045 2.27 kg/h
Diesel 1875 <1 >99.9
Naphthalene 5136 6757 g/Nm
Acenaphtylene 634 901 g/Nm
Acenaphthene 317 638 g/Nm
Fluoranthene 405 763 g/Nm
Phenanthrene 385 645 g/Nm
Anthracene <1.4 427 g/Nm
Fluoranthene 24 135 g/Nm
Pyrene 32 111 g/Nm
Based on two or three installations depending on the parameter.
Based on two installations. Emission control equipment consists of a wet scrubber and cyclonic demister. ppm
values refered to dry conditions
The VOC emissions from asphalt aggregate dryers will vary by several orders of magnitude depending on
whether afterburners are used as a control device. These treatment systems typically do not employ VOC
controls, unless they have been modified for soil remediation.
A company has estimated the typical emissions for soil treatment in a modified asphalt aggregate dryer. This
system consists of a direct-fired rotary drum operating at 290 540 C. A primary cyclonic tube collector and
pulse-jet baghouse are used to control particulate emissions. A thermal oxidiser (i.e. an afterburner) destroys
organic compounds in the off-gas stream (99 99.99 % efficiency). Based on a processing rate of 32 54 t/h.
Table 3.63: Characteristics of inputs and outputs of asphalt aggregate dryers
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Contaminant Units Residence
Rate of
PCBs ppm 19 550 37.5 2 1.14 5.68e-02
ppb 40 560 260 0.018 0.00832 4.16e-04
ppb 19 560 236 0.018 0.00755 3.78e-04
ppb 10.5 560 266 0.018 0.00851 4.26e-04
ppb 24 460 233 0.5 0.00744 3.72e-04
ppb 5.6 550 48 0.084 0.00153 7.67e-05
ppb 20 555 56 0.23 0.00178 8.92e-05
Overall estimated efficiency is 95 %
Table 3.64: Estimated emissions of selected compounds for the clean-up of PCB contaminated soil
using a thermal desorption process
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Emissions from vapour extraction of solid waste
The air emissions associated with vapour extraction systems come primarily from the stack.
Additional releases of volatile organics may occur from the treatment of any contaminated
water that is extracted. Fugitive emissions are considered negligible due to the negative pressure
throughout most of the system.

Chapter 3
Emissions include untreated volatile organics from the extraction process. A removal and
subsequent emission of semi-volatile organic compounds will also occur, though less efficiently
than for VOCs. There may also be smaller amounts of air emissions associated with the control
system. Due to the variety of technologies used for vapour treatment, stack emissions may also
include some products of incomplete combustion, NO
, particulate matter, CO, and acid gases.
Of primary concern, however, are the volatile organics emitted from the point sources. Air
emission data for several vapour extraction systems are summarised in Table 3.65.

No. of systems
Parameter Units Range or value Approximate
Flowrate per well m
/min 0.2 8 2
Removal kg/day 0.9 113 27 13
Exhaust gas concentration ppmv 20 350 100
Total flowrate m
/min 0.1 161 23
Treatment: n
none 9
carbon 6
catalytic incineration 1
combustion 1
Removal rate kg/day 2 195 45
Total flowrate m
/min 0.7 318 62
Pollutant concentration ppmv 150 3000 400 17
Control efficiency % 90 99 95
Table 3.65: Emissions from vapour extraction systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

The emission rate of VOC compounds over time from continuously operated vapour extraction
systems tends to show an exponential-type decay curve.

Peak uncontrolled stack
Peak controlled stack
Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1712 17.1
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (DCE) 99.4 0.99
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 13.6 0.14
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 3.18 0.03
TOTALS 1830 18.3
Uncontrolled emissions based on the removal rate of each contaminant
Based on estimated 99 % overall control efficiency for two carbon adsorption canisters in series
Table 3.66: Estimated emissions for an in-situ vacuum extraction system
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Emissions from soil washing
In the soil washing process, the greatest potential for emissions of volatile contaminants occurs
in the excavation, materials handling, feed preparation, and extraction processes. The waste
streams also have the potential to be sources of VOC emissions. The solvent recovery process
involves vaporisation of the solvent, so fugitive emissions are possible from this as well as from
other stages of the solvent process. Waste streams also have the potential to be sources of VOC
emissions if any VOCs are already present in the waste stream. For solvent extraction processes,
emissions of the solvent itself also may be a cause for concern.

Storage areas need to be kept under specific control to avoid pollution dispersion, especially of
dust. For liquid effluents, the plants are always equipped with a water-slurry treatment unit,
where the water is sent before being discharged.

Chapter 3
Soil washing generates four waste streams: contaminated solids separated from the wash-water;
waste water; waste water treatment sludge and residual solids; and air emissions.

Water parameter Concentration (mg/l)
Suspended solids 60
COD 350
Nitrit N (NO
-N) 10
P, total 2
Cr, total 0.3
Cu 0.5
Hg 0.005
Ni 0.3
Pb 0.3
Zn 2
Residues generated by the process
Sludges Mineral sludges
Other residual fractions Particle PAHs and metal oxides
The subsequent fate of these residues are reported to be landfill
Table 3.67: Emissions from an installation treating contaminated soil by washing
[66, TWG, 2003]
Note: Capacity of the installation is 68 kt/yr

Emissions from solvent extraction
Up to five waste streams may result from the solvent extraction process: concentrated
contaminants; solids; waste water; oversized rejects; and treated air emissions.

Solvent extraction units will be of a closed-loop design in which the solvent is recycled and re-
used. Typically, solvent extraction units are designed to produce negligible air emissions, but
some solvents have been detected in the off-gas vent system. In addition, significant levels of
emissions (both vapour-phase and particulate matter) may occur during waste preparation
activities such as excavation and materials handling.

Emission from treatments of FGT waste
The main environmental concern related to handling, utilisation and disposal of combustion
wastes is the potential emission of heavy metals, organic pollutants and salts. The main
pathways for this are by leaching and by airborne dust emission. As airborne emissions can be
controlled relatively easy, leaching is an environmentally more important issue. It should also
be noted that hydrogen gas generation from FGT waste by contact with water has been
documented and can potentially cause considerable problems. Its generation is dependent on
intermediate FGT waste storage and the type, design and operation of the landfill that it may be

Emissions from stabilisation methods
Several of the stabilisation methods have an initial washing step, where a major part of soluble
salts and, to some extent, metals are extracted before chemical binding of the remaining metals.
These methods are finalised by dewatering the stabilised product, which will then be ready for
landfilling. Then, washing solid waste generates a waste water that needs some sort of treatment
because of the content of some components. However, depending on the local authorities, such
generated waste water may be discharged into the environment or treated in the chemical
industry to recover some salts (e.g. sodium salts).

Emission from asbestos treatments
The fibrous nature and the size of the fibres are the main parameters that makes asbestos
dangerous. During treatment some emissions may be generated.

Chapter 3
186 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Emissions from the treatment of specific wastes

Hydrogenation of POPs
At a Canadian facility, product gas was found to contain no detectable PCBs, while
concentrations of total chlorobenzenes and dioxins were similar to those of the blanks. This
suggests that the product gas did not contain quantifiable levels of these substances. When the
product gas was burned in the steam reformer, dioxins were emitted from the reformer stack at a
concentration of 15 pg TEQ/Nm
. This dioxin formation was attributed to the use of PCB
contaminated air from the site of the reformers combustion air.

All outputs from the destruction of PCB contaminated waste using this process can be contained
and tested. There are no uncontrolled emissions from the process which could result in releases
of PCB contaminated air, solids, or liquids to the surrounding environment. Releases of PCBs to
the environment could only occur during waste handling prior to treatment, where the
possibility of spillage exists.

Because the reaction takes place in a reducing atmosphere in the absence of oxygen, the
possibility of dioxin and furan formation is said to be eliminated. If the hydrogen (dry basis)
content is maintained at percentages greater than 50 %, the formation of PAHs is prevented.

Type of waste Destruction efficiency (%) DRE (%)
PCB oils 99.999808 99.9999996 99.9999985 99.9999997
chlorobenzenes 99.9999836 99.9999972 99.9999842 99.9999985
Dioxins present in PCB oils 99.999 99.9999
Table 3.68: Reported destruction efficiency of hydrogenation processes
[100, UNEP, 2000]

If either the product gas or the ambient air used as combustion air for the boiler or similar units
contains hydrogen chloride or other chlorinated species, dioxins may be generated during their
combustion. In order to meet the fundamental technical criteria for POPs destruction, both the
product gas and combustion air must be treated to remove such chlorine donors and so prevent
dioxin formation.

Care is required to avoid high rates of gas generation, which could over-pressurise systems. The
process has a limited surge capacity: over-pressurisation could therefore result in the release of
waste material.

During typical operations, 30 to 50 % of the product gas is burned as fuel for the boiler or other
auxiliary units.

Residues generated by the process include product gas from the reactor, scrubber water and
sludge from product gas treatment, and small quantities of grit from the reactor. The product gas
is either catalytically reformed to recover hydrogen or burned as fuel in one or more of the
auxiliary systems the boiler, catalytic reformer and/or sequencing batch vaporiser.

Hydrogenation of PCBs and POPs
All emissions and residues are captured for assay and reprocessing, if needed. Destruction rates
ranging from 99.9 to 99.99999 % have been reported at sites operating on a commercial scale in

Supercritical water oxidation
Process residues are usually contained and consist of water, gas (less than 10 ppm of CO and
very low amounts of oxides of nitrogen, acid gases such as hydrogen chloride or sulphur oxides
and particulates) and solids if the waste contains inorganic salts or organics with halogens,
sulphur or phosphorus. Residues generated during the process such as ash and brine require
Chapter 3
3.3.4 Waste OUT from physico-chemical treatments

Much of the waste OUT from these processes goes to landfilling.

Waste waters
The essential mass flow from Ph-c plants is the waste water, corresponding to about 85 to 95 %
of the mass of the waste accepted for treatment. The waste water quality of Ph-c plants is
regularly monitored by the supervisory authorities and within a framework of self-monitoring.
Due to this monitoring activity, extensive data are available on the composition of waste water
from Ph-c plants.
Chapter 3
Water emission
Ranges values of the annual average
values (ppm)
Ranges of annual
charge (kg/yr)
pH 6.9 10.4
Electric conductivity 1150 13500 _S/cm
Transparency (view depth) 10 47 cm
Suspended solids <0.5 32
<0.1 2.1 ml/l
TOC 2200 3800 38061
BOD 5 2490
200 17870
Hydrocarbons <0.1 19.8 89
Detergents (anionics) 0.6 14.8
Mineral oil 5 10
Phenol index 0.8 25 317
AOX <0.01 0.7 9
EOX <0.1 0.5
BTX <0.1 1.2 10
Cl 3975 35420
Cl free <0.1 0.3
CN <0.1 0.6 <1
CN free <0.01 0.1
F 0.5 8.6
N - organic 109 440
N - total 8.4 590
-N 22 1330
Nitrate-N 0.9 472
Nitrite-N 0.90 10.2 38
P - total <0.1 14.75
Sulphate 65 3630
Sulphide 1012
Sulphide free <0.1 0.77 <1
Al <0.1 5 63
As <0.01 0.1 <0.1
Cd 0.0004 0.1
Co b 0.1
Cr total 0.05 0.3 3.8
Cr (VI) <0.01 0.1 <1
Cu <0.1 0.4 2.5
Fe 0.2 20 253
Hg 0.0001 0.02 <0.02
Mn <0.1 2.7
Ni 0.05 1.4 3.8
Pb <0.02 0.7 <1
Se <0.1 0.5
Sn <0.1 0.4
Zn <0.1 3.9 12
Notes: Ranges have been constructed from several sets of emission data provided. A data set is based on
the data from Ph-c plant operators with a total capacity of 850 kt/yr. The data correspond to year 2001.
The average age of the plants is about 17 years (ranging from 4 to 39 years). Approximately 84 % (from
73 to 91 %) of all the Ph-c plants for the treatment of accepted waste covered here, can be attributed to
EWL groups 11,12,13,16 and 19. Another set corresponds to 20/80 percentile of the annual average values
for some Ph-c plants, and another to measured minimum/maximum values found in demulsification plant
treatment (data from 1994 1999)
Some data relate to THE dissolved COD fraction and other correspond to the total COD
Table 3.69: Waste OUT from the physico-chemical treatment of contaminated waters
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [134, UBA, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

Chapter 3
Outputs of lacquer treatment facility are shown in Table 3.70 below:

Material Amount (t/yr) Composition (mg/kg)
Dried material 10000 PCB <0.05
BTEX 104.8
As <1
Cd 6.7
Cr total 77
Cu 905
Hg 0.25
Ni 43
Pb 339
Tl <0.5
Cyanide total 6200
Organic process water 2000 Cd <0.5
Hg <0.5
Zn 1.7
Solvent reclaim 13000
Table 3.70: Waste OUT of physico-chemical treatment of contaminated water treating mainly
lacquer coagulum and solvents
[135, UBA, 2003]

Table 3.71 shows the emission levels achieved after a polishing step of the effluent, e.g. by sand
filtration or ion exchange filters.

Compound Concentration (mg/l waste water)
(24 hour samples)
Free cyanide 1.0/0.2
Halogenated VOCs 0.1
Mineral oil 200 (random sample)
Ag 1.0/0.1
Cd 0.2
Cr (total) 1.0/0.5
Cr(VI) 0.1
Cu 2.0/0.5
Ni 2.0/0.5
Pb 2.0/0.5
Sn 3.0/2.0
Zn 2.0/0.5
standards for discharged load of metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) <200 g/day and >200 g/day
Table 3.71: Emission levels achieved after a polishing step of the effluent, e.g. by sand filtration or
ion exchange filters
[156, VROM, 2004]

Waste solids and sludges
The final material after stabilisation/solidification will have a similar composition of metals and
organic content as the original waste. However, the final material has a reduced toxicity and
solubility of metals and organic compounds compared to the original waste.

The annex of the Landfill Directive (EC 33/2003) contains the criteria and procedures for the
acceptance of waste at landfills. The criteria contain some limit values for hazardous waste
acceptable at different types of landfills. These are based on leaching limit values and restrict
some metals, some anions and organic compound parameters.

Water permeability of stabilised waste depends on many parameters (e.g. nature of the waste,
nature and amount of added reagent, aimed objectives) so permeability values may vary from
to 10
Chapter 3
Immobilised bottom ash/slag
In general, there are several possibilities employed for the re-use of bottom ash, after treatment.
When the slag values do not meet defined parameters, a slag re-use with defined technical safety
measures is possible. Some examples of re-use options are described below and are shown in
Table 3.72:

used in road and street construction. The bottom ash is used as a solid base for at the
construction of, e.g. parking places, airports and harbour areas. However, there is a need for
an impermeable layer which coaches over the bottom ash layer to avoid leaching, this can
be asphalt or perhaps concrete
used in soil constructions, e.g. road embankments or noise protection walls. It is important
that the area where bottom ash will be used has to be a hydrogeologically favourable land.
This means that there has to be a layer of 2 meters of clay or loam which protects the
groundwater from adverse effects. Furthermore, there has to be a mineral surface which is
impermeable (d >0.5 m and k
used in important water management zones and in hydrogeologically sensitive areas and is
subject to exception for individual case inspections.

Recycling paths of treated bottom ash/slag %
Anti-freeze course 27
Filling material 22
Ballast substructure 11
Improvement of land 9
Base frame/dam construction 5
Land consolidation 5
Noise protection wal 3
Landscaping 1
Unbound street and road construction 1
Others 16
Table 3.72: Recycling paths of the mineral fraction of treated bottom ash in Germany
[150, TWG, 2004]

The following Table 3.73 and Table 3.74 below characterise the important bottom ash
parameters after a physico-chemical treatment process.

Metals Minimum Average Maximum
As 0 0.074 0.15 0.187
Cd 0.0008 0.0037 0.01 0.0167
Cr 0.067 0.172 0.6 0.726
Cu 0.150 0.6 6.826 29.781
Hg 0 0.01 0.07 0.37
Ni 0.023 0.165 0.6 0.661
Pb 0.19 1 1.222 4.063
Tl 0
Zn 0.470 1.5 2.970 14.356
Units: in g/kg, except Hg that is in mg/kg
Zero in this table means below analysis detection limit
Table 3.73: Metal composition of treated bottom ash after treatment (solid analyses)
[89, Germany, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
Chemicals Minimum Average Maximum
Cl 29
Sulphates 43
CN total 0
Phenol index 0
As 1.3 5.3 16.1
Cd 0 0.8 5
Cr 0 15.2 200
Cu 0 60.7 300
Hg 0 <0.2 1
Ni 0 2.9 40
Pb 0 11.4 59.0
Tl 2
Zn 0 19.4 300
Units in _g/l
Zero in this table means below analysis detection limit
Table 3.74: Eluate analysis of bottom ash quality after treatment
[89, Germany, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Waste OUT from a classical soil washing unit
Generally, soil washing units produce recycled materials suitable for the construction industry
(concrete producers, asphalt plants) or as refilling materials after internal quality control and
external control have been carried out on the specific properties of the materials (to ensure
compliance with local regulations)

Different fractions can be distinguished:

coarse fraction: gravels which can be calibrated in several ways. These are basically formed
by fine gravels measuring 2 20 mm and coarse gravels measuring 20 80 mm
sand fraction: consist of sand generally sized from 60 _mto 2 mm
residual organic fraction (>60 _m): these fractions are incinerated or sent to an appropriate
fine residual fraction (filter cake <60 _m): usually this is sent to a special landfill with or
without additional treatment (e.g. inertisation, stabilisation) or may be sent for a further
treatment if required (e.g. thermal desorption, classical incineration).

Capacity (t/yr)
Waste IN 68000
Waste OUT 50500
sand 36000
gravel 13000
fines 1500
Table 3.75: Waste OUT of a installation treating contaminated soil by washing
[66, TWG, 2003]

Waste OUT from excavation
Excavation has been found to decrease the soil moisture content and the dry bulk density of the
soil. Data show that the water content fraction decreases by 35 % to 56 % and the dry bulk
density of the soil decrease by 13 %.

Chapter 3
Waste OUT from thermal distillative drying
The dry residue of the treatment of aerosol cans is separated into steel and waste aluminium
before smelting. These metal fractions fulfil all acceptance criteria of the steel mill operations.
The condensates from the drying process consist of complex solvent mixtures that may only be
used thermally or have to be incinerated. When unused faulty aerosol cans are treated, it may be
discussed in advance with the producer if recycling of the contained solvents is also possible.

Waste OUT from a CFC treatment plant
Table 3.76 below shows the specification of the products achieved by the cracking of the CFC

Parameters Unit Target Actual value
Water content ppm <50 34
Oil content ppm <100 60
Amine content ppm <100 10
Acid ppm <1 0.03
Halogens vol-% <0.1 0.004
PCB and PCT vol-% 0 0
Information from a CFC distillation plant of Figure 2.11 shown in
Section 2.3.5 This interconnection treatment facility converts CFCs
into hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid.
Table 3.76: Specification of CFC cracked products
[147, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
3.4 Emissions and consumptions from waste treatments
applied mainly to recover the materials from waste
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [14, Ministry for the
Environment, 2000], [29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [56,
Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [96, Straetmans, 2003], [125, Ruiz,
2002], [129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002], [147, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157,
UBA, 2004]

This section contains the emissions and consumptions of treatments mentioned in Section 2.4.
The following sections (Sections 3.4.X) details information available to site WT operators from
their current recording systems and highlights areas where emissions are likely to occur. The
structure of each of the following sections in this section is the same as the one followed in
Section 2.4. Emissions associated with ancillary treatments, e.g. transfer station operations, are
covered in Section 3.1.

3.4.1 Waste IN treated to obtain a recycled material
When the aim is to obtain useable materials and not just material to be disposed of, the
treatment given to each type of waste will typically be very specific, and will target the
conversion of the waste into the useable end-product required.

Waste oils
Oils have many uses, e.g. they are used as a fuel, as lubricants, as a heat transfer medium, as
cutting fluids, and as hydraulic fluids. Each has its own specification, usually based upon the
hydrocarbons occurring within a specific boiling point range from the distillation of crude oil.
Oils that need to be stable at high temperatures will not include large quantities of low boiling
point hydrocarbons, whereas, oils used as fuel are more likely to include these lower boiling
point hydrocarbon mixtures.

Before marketing, most base oils produced in mineral oil refineries are blended with a variety of
additives to give them the required properties. Typical additive packages comprise between
5 and 25 % of the base oil. However, probably at least half of the additive package is base oil
used as solvent. Lubricating oils contain large numbers of additives, but the actual formulae are
in most cases trade secrets. Data on the components and additives in new oils are given in the
Safety Data Sheet which accompanies fresh products as supplied, however precise details of the
formulations are company proprietary. Hydraulic oils contain very few additives.

Some general classes of additives have been identified and are shown in Table 3.77 below. The
information is not specific, but suggests that a number of metal additives, some chlorinated
organic compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and different kinds of
polymers are used.

Chapter 3
Additive Compounds used
Anti-corrosion Zinc dithiophosphates, metal phenolates, fatty acids and amines
Anti-foam Silicone polymers, organic copolymers
Anti-oxidant Zinc dithiophosphates, hindered phenols, aromatic amines, sulphurised phenols
Anti-wear Zinc dithiophosphates, acid phosphates, organic sulphur and chlorine
compounds, sulphurised fats, sulphides and disulphides
Detergent Metallo-organic compounds of sodium, calcium and magnesium phenolates,
phosphonates and sulphonates
Dispersant Alkylsuccinimides, alkylsuccinic esters
Friction modifier Organic fatty acids, lard oil, phosphorus
Metal deactivator Organic complexes containing nitrogen and sulphur amines, sulphides and
Alkylated naphthalene and phenolic polymers, polymethacrylates
Seal swell agent Organic phosphates, aromatic hydrocarbons
Viscosity modifier Polymers of olefins, methacrylates, di-enes or alkylated styrenes
Table 3.77: Types of additives used in lubricants
[67, DETR, 2001]

Additives need to be retained in the oil over its whole useful life. This means that even if the
individual substance would be expected to be driven off at normal engine operating
temperatures, there must be another additive incorporated that binds it within the oil

This requirement to keep additives in circulation, and to keep breakdown products in circulation
to increase the longevity of the oil, creates one of the discussion points for emissions of waste
oil. Although a number of components are solid at ambient temperatures and could be expected
to settle out of the oil and into the sludge layer, dispersants in the oil will tend to keep them
within the oil layer. Larger solids are taken out of the engines by the oil filters.

During use, the composition of the oil will charge markedly, due to the breakdown of the
additives, the formation of additional products of combustion and unburned fuels, the addition
of metals from wear and tear on the engine and from the breakdown of the base oil itself.

Large treatment sites recognise that there will be a range of species in waste oil and thus screen
the incoming waste for flashpoint, metal and chlorine levels; whereas smaller sites will typically
just accept the oil waste. There is a distinct shortage of analysis data for incoming wastes,
although the screening activities of a few sites show that industry anticipates high metal levels
and contamination by flammable solvents, giving a measurable flashpoint.

Used oils collected by high volume users can be more tightly controlled and may hence be more
consistent in composition.

Chapter 3
Type of waste
containing waste oils
Oil filters No specific analysis has been found but these are known to contain waste
engine oils plus the residues of larger sized solids formed in the engine
and that have been trapped in the filter. In addition, there is the plastic
and metals of the filter. Metals tend to go for recycling
205 litre steel drums Waste oil and steel
25 litre drums Waste oil and plastics
Bulk used engine oil Used engine oil is the main wastestream processed at waste management
licensed sites. Most of the emissions will be due to this material
Table 3.78: Type of waste containing waste oils
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

There are no comprehensive analyses available of the waste oils entering oil treatment plants.
Instead the next couple of tables (Table 3.79 and Table 3.80) show the data gathered on the
chemical components that typically exist in the different types of waste oils. It is not expected
that in reality all waste oils will be covered by the lower or top ends of the ranges mentioned in
these two tables.
Chapter 3
Waste oil
Concentration range
Al 4 1112 Bearing wear or engine
Alkyl benzenes 900 Petroleum base oils
14 30 w/w-% For used motor oil, these arise from the lubricant base oil
65.4 w/w-% N-alkanes are about 0.4 % waste oil, but the distribution is
slanted towards the longer molecules that are less likely to
tetralin 0.0012 %
dodecane 0.014 %
tridecane 0.014 %
octadecane 0.07 %
nonadecane 0.2 %
As <0.5 67
Ash content 0.4 0.64
Ba 50 690 Detergent additives, additive package
BTEX 300 700 A composite analysis shows a high level of short chain
hydrocarbons (benzene (0.096 0.1 %), xylenes
(0.3 - 0.34 %), toluene (0.22 0.25 %)), with boiling points
below 150 C.
Ca 900 3000 Detergent additives
Cd 0.4 22

184 1500
Chlorine in used oils arises from:
contamination (either accidental or deliberate) with
chlorinated solvents and transformer oils, both of which
are now more closely controlled
lubricating oil additives
the lead scavengers added to leaded gasoline
it is used as a cold-flow additive
18 2800
18 2600
3 1300
used oils can have a significant, but variable, chlorine
content, including organochlorines as PCB,
dichlorodifluoromethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane, 1,1,1-
trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene. They
may be formed chemically during the use of contaminated
Cr 2 89 Engine wear
Cu <11 250 Bearing wear
Engine blowback 8 10 w/w-% Absorbed gas, gasoline and diesel fuel. A variety of thermal
breakdown products are also included in the composition of
waste oil
Fe 100 500 Engine wear
Halides Up to 500
Arise from polymerisation and from the incomplete
combustion of the fuel
Hg 0.05 <11
5 10 w/w-% A certain amount of unburned fuel (gasoline or diesel)
dissolves in the oil and also arise from breakdown of the oil
Lubricant base oil Up to 95 w/w-% Major components are aliphatic and napthenic hydrocarbons
and/or olefin polymers (e.g. polybutenes and poly-alpha-
olefins in some lube base oils). Smaller amounts of aromatic
and polyaromatic hydrocarbons are also present. The heavy
metal content is less than 500 ppm. Phenols may be present
at a few ppm
Chapter 3
Waste oil
Concentration range
Metals such as Al,
As, Ba, B, Ca, Cd,
Co, Cr, Cu, Fe,
Hg, K, Mg, Mn,
Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sb,
Si, Sr, Ti, V, Zn

Up to 10000 combined
These originate from the lube oil additives, engine wear and
foreign sources. They appear in waste oils as additives within
lubricating oil, from wear and tear on engines and with
machining oils. Additives (particularly the metals) typically
remain in the oil after use
Mg 100 500 Detergent additives
Ni 10 Engine wear
Naphthalenes 9.7 470 2300
From base oils
From the addition of nitrogen compounds
Non lubricant
Used oil often becomes contaminated by all kinds of
materials, usually because of bad collection/segregation.
Materials that may appear are brake fluid and antifreeze,
vegetable oils, cigarette packets, solvents, etc.
P 6 1000 Anti-oxidant/anti-wear additives
PAH 30.3 204 <1000
Sum of 26 individual
PAHs represented 0.17 %
of the oil or 1.2 % of the
aromatic fraction
The aromatics also include a huge range of PAHs in
concentrations of up to 700ppm for an individual species.
They appear from base oils and from incomplete
combustion. Examples are benz(a)anthracene (0.87
30 ppm), benzo(a)pyrene (0.36 62 ppm), pyrene
(1.67 - 33 ppm), naphthalene (47 ppm), biphenyl (6.4 ppm)
and also chlorinated polyaromatics
PCB <0.5 11 <50 Under the Waste Oil Directive, the maximum content of
PCB allowed in used oils to be treated for disposal is
50 ppm. It occurs due to contamination with transformer oils
Pb 8 1200
Up to 14000 when leaded
gasoline is used
Leaded gasoline/bearing wear
S 0.1 2.8 w/w-% From base oil and combustion products.
Sediments 0.5 2 w/w-% Soot and sediment from the combustion chamber, free metals
and dirt. Sediment formation is aggravated by the mixing of
used oils from several manufacturers additive packages, and
collection sources
Si 50 100 Additives/water
Sn Trace amounts Bearing wear
Tl 0.1
V 300 From base oil
Water 5 10 w/w-%
Zn 6 4080 Anti-oxidant/anti-wear additives
Note: Additions of figures cannot be made to fit perfectly because they correspond to different sets of data.
Both parameter limits are average values

Up to 8452 ppm in collected used oil due to contamination with chlorinated solvents and sea salt from ship slops
Up to 30 %
When three numbers appear in a range, the middle number corresponds to the average
Table 3.79: Indicative list of components present in used oils
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [5, Concawe, 1996], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [14,
Ministry for the Environment, 2000], [37, Woodward-Clyde, 2000], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002],
[42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004]

Used industrial oils
A variety of oils are used in industry including soluble oils and some halogenated oils, although
these are becoming less common. Oil is used as hydraulic oil, as lubrication, as a heat transfer
medium, as an electrical medium and as a cutting fluid.

Chapter 3
Soluble oils/machining oils are very common, but there is no information so far about their
composition. Many of these industrial oils undergo intensive in-house recycling to extend their
useful life, and the majority of any metal contaminants associated with grinding operations are
removed by in-house systems and recovered. In the absence of other data, the following
assumptions have been made:

these oils are used in open systems. Their formulations do not include very low boiling
point/volatile hydrocarbons because of the fire risk and health risks during use and the need
to retain the product characteristics during use. They are agitated during use, and take away
excess heat from machining surfaces, thus in operation they are heated above the ambient
temperature. Therefore, VOC emissions during waste treatment are typically very small
the metal content will vary considerably from source to source. The main metals worked
with will be copper, zinc, nickel and chromium.

Concentration Reason
Cadmium 50 % of
concentration in
lubricating oil or
0.000155 %
Cadmium is currently being phased out from the manufacture
Chromium 100 % of
concentration in
lubricating oil or
0.0028 %
Common: typically used at the same level as in engine oil
Copper 100 % of
concentration in
lubricating oil or
0.025 %
Common: typically used at the same level as in engine oil
Lead 0 No particular reason to machine this
Naphthalene 0.0042 % No data at all, naphthalene is in all oils, but would expect the
formulation to have the lowest amount possible (taken from
fuel oil n
6 content) because it would be a solid at room
temperature and does not seem to add anything chemically
useful to the formulation
Nickel 0.0028 % No data for lubricating oils
PCB Found in transformer coolant oils
Xylenes 0.22 %
Zinc 50 % of
concentration in
lubricating oil or
0.029 %
Common machining component, but zinc appears to be a major
additive in lubricating oils
Table 3.80: Estimated metal concentrations in industrial waste oils
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Electrical oils are specialist oils which undergo a laundering process, so very little waste arises
from them. The main concern with these oils is the risk of PCB contamination. Typically waste
treatment facilities do analyse for PCBs.

Oily water from interceptors
Most waste from interceptors comes from car parks and vehicle service areas. It is, therefore,
reasonable to assume that it is similar in content to used engine oil but will contain additional
silt, possibly vehicle tyre wear particles, fuel combustion products and road making tars. Spilt
fuel will also be collected at the interceptor, but any materials that are capable of evaporating to
the air at ambient temperatures will have done so before the interceptor waste is collected.

A proportion of oil interceptors arises from manufacturing sites and collected waste industrial
oils. These will have far lower concentrations of combustion products, but might have higher
metal concentrations, depending on the industrial application.

Chapter 3
Waste solvents
Waste solvents may be generated in the following industrial sectors:

paints, coatings and paint removers
chemical and pharmaceutical industry
film production
production of synthetic fibres
rubber, plastic and resin solutions
solvents for degreasing
solvents for dry cleaning
for agriculture products
aerosol cans and dispensers.

The wastes that are considered as solvents correspond mainly to EWL codes 07, 08, 09 and 14.
The final code corresponds to a category especially devoted to organic solvents. There are four
main classes of solvent mixtures which make the solvent unusable in its present state and this
promotes its recovery. These are:

mixture with air. This usually occurs when the solvent has been used to dissolve a resin or
polymer which is laid down by evaporating the solvent. Recovery from air can pose
problems because the solvent may react on a carbon bed adsorber or be hard to recover from
the steam used to desorb it
mixture with water. Whether this arises in the solvent-based process or in some part of the
recapture of the solvent, it is very common to find that the solvent may be contaminated
with water. Removal of water is a simple matter in many cases but in others it is so difficult
that restoration to a usable purity may prove to be uneconomic. It should always be borne in
mind that the water removed in the course of solvent recovery is likely to have to been
discharged as an effluent and its quality is therefore important
mixture with a solute. A desired product is often removed by filtration from a reaction
mixture. The function of the solvent in this case is to selectively dissolve the impurities
(unreacted raw materials and the products of unwanted side reactions) in a low viscosity
liquid phase, with a very low solvent power for the product. The choice of solvent is often
limited in such cases, but significant improvements in the solvents chemical stability can
sometimes be found by moving up or down a homologous series without sacrificing the
selectivity of the solvent system. A less sophisticated source of contamination by a solute
occurs in plant cleaning, where the solvent power for any contaminant is of primary
importance but where water miscibility, to allow cleaning and drying to take place in a
single operation, is also an important property
mixtures with other solvents. A multi stage process such as that found typically in the fine
chemical and pharmaceutical industries can involve the addition of reagent dissolved in
solvents and solvents that are essential to the yields or even to the very existence of the
desired reaction.

Vegetable waste oils
Cooking oils from restaurants and hotels.

Waste catalysts
The spent catalysts that may be regenerated ex-situ are:

Metal catalysts
For example, platinum-alumina reforming catalysts which can be regenerated by the removal of
carbonaceous deposits from the catalyst surface using a carefully controlled combustion
procedure, followed by platinum redispersion and rechloriding of the catalyst support).

Chapter 3
Noble metal catalysts
These can be regenerated by removing the coke deposits to successfully restore the activity,
selectivity, and stability performance of the original fresh catalyst. Coke deposits are removed
by controlled combustion.

Base metal catalysts
Hydroprocessing catalysts can be regenerated using different methods such as regenerative
oxidation treatment to remove coke (ex-situ regeneration) or redispersion of the metals in the
case of poisoning by the sintering of metals.

These can be regenerated relatively easily by using methods such as heating to remove adsorbed
materials, ion exchanging with sodium to remove cations, or a pressure swing to remove
adsorbed gases. However, they are not regenerated ex-situ because the structure is, in most
cases, damaged and depending on the application the pores can be contaminated with heavy
metals or other catalyst poisons.

Waste activated carbon
Most industrial plants tend to send their spent carbon off-site for regeneration by a large
centralised carbon manufacturer. Quantities of spent carbon from industrial sources (textiles,
refinery products, carpet mills, plastic industry, phenolic resins, herbicides, explosives,
detergents, solvents, dyes), whilst reasonably substantial, do not approach those obtained from
potable water purification. From discussions with various carbon regenerators, it appears that
water treatment provides the single largest source of spent carbon. Activated carbon adsorption
systems can be used for a wide variety of applications, and can potentially contain a cocktail of
adsorbed pollutants. The contaminants found in spent activated carbons are typically:

bulk organics imparting colour, taste and/or odour (i.e. humic acids)
general organics such as phenol
metals such as iron, aluminium, cadmium and mercury
inorganic elements such as calcium and phosphorus
dyes (cause of colour)
explosives (only in material that comes from the manufacture of explosives).

Activated carbon products are basically available in three forms: extruded activated carbon,
granular activated carbon, and powder activated carbon. The last form is not regenerated.

Waste ionic resins
A large proportion of resins sold worldwide are used in water treatment (i.e. water softening).
The remaining balance is divided between chemical processing, extractive metallurgy, and food
and pharmaceutical processing.

Operating ion exchange resins may concentrate toxic ions such as chromate and cyanide, or
heavy metals. Due to the predominance of water applications, they may also contain pesticides,
chlorine, phenol and inorganic elements such as calcium, sodium, manganese and phosphorus.

Conventional ion exchange resins are bead-shaped, and behave as plastic ball bearings when
handled. They contain ion-active sites throughout their structure, have uniform distribution of
activity, and can usually resist breakages resulting from handling, or from osmotic shock (i.e. a
rapid change in solution environment). Most beads are sold in the 40 _mto 1.2 mm size range.

Chapter 3
Treatment of liquid photographic waste

Parameter Concentration (mg/l)
Hydrocarbons 6000 emission in evaporation step (colour
photo processing waste)
EOX 10
Respiration inhibition 5 %
Metals (Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr, Mo) 50
Ag 50/100 black and white/colour photo
processing waste
Cd 1.0
Cu 25
Hg 1.0
Table 3.81: Acceptance criteria for desilvered photographic liquid waste and similar waste waters
(with the same processing path)
[156, VROM, 2004]

3.4.2 Consumptions of waste treatments to obtain a recycled material

Consumptions in the re-refining of waste oils
Other than transportation, the main operating overhead relates to the generation of steam for
heating waste oil.
Chapter 3
Process Compounds used within the process Consumptions (values in kg/tonne of
waste oil if not otherwise specified)
Acid/clay process Sulphuric acid as a precipitate agent of
heavy metals.
Clay as a filtration/neutralisation agent

Pretreatment of
waste oil
Demulsifiers to help in the settling

Clay 40
Propane de-
asphalting (PDA)
Consumption of energy is higher than
in the regeneration by chemical
treatment or by hydrogenation

Thin film evaporator
(TFE) + clay process
Clay 60
Hydrogen and catalysts
TFE + solvent
TFE + chemical
treatment + solvent
3.2 MJ/kg of used oil
TFE + solvent
extraction + hydro-
Hydrogen catalyst
Mohawk chemical
Hydrogen gas
TDA (thermal de-
asphalting) + clay
Clay 100
hydrofinishing (high
Catalyst 0.5
PDA (propane de-
asphalting) + hydro
finishing (medium
Propane 8.25
With thermal clay
Fossil energy resources 4.26 MJ/kg of used oil
With hydro-finishing Energy 9.93 MJ/kg of used oil
Vacuum distillation
+ chemical treatment
Fossil fuel consumption
Primary energy
Water consumption
47 kg eq crude oil
2681 MJ
Regeneration process Fossil energy resources 42.46 MJ/kg of oil
Caustic soda and
bleaching earth
treatment (ENTRA)
Caustic soda
Bleaching earth
Direct contact
70 Nm
Table 3.82: Consumptions of different waste oil re-refining techniques
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [11, Jacobs and
Dijkmans, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004]

Table 3.83 gives the consumptions for the re-refining of part of the waste oil to base oil which
can then be re-used as lubricating oil, together with the regeneration of the remaining waste oil
to fuel oil.

Chapter 3
Consumptions Units
Capital investment expenses for
treatment plant
4.85 (36)
EUR (DKK) millions
Maintenance 0.094 (0.7) EUR (DKK) millions per year
Operation period 20 years
Labour input 10 number of persons
Resources used
Chemicals 291.5 tonnes
Water 8000 m
Electricity 1150 MWh
Fuel oil 1200 m
Base: 26000 tonnes yearly collected waste oil to base oil (8000 tonnes), fuel oil (12000 tonnes) and asphalt
(4000 tonnes)
Table 3.83: Consumptions of waste oil re-refining activities
[12, Birr-Pedersen, 2001]

Figure 3.5 depicts a block diagram showing a comparison between the inputs and outputs of
different re-refining processes.
Chapter 3
Figure 3.5: Inputs and outputs of the re-refining treatment
Note: a) TDA/HF, b)TDA/PDA/HF, c)TFE/clay treatment, d)TFE/solvent, e) DCH
HF = Hydrofinishing. % represents the amount that goes in that stream based on 100 % used oil
entering the system
[36, Viscolube, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Table 3.84 shows the consumptions of the TDA system and the TDA combined with a PDA.

Chapter 3
Traditional TDA/HF system
Consumption and utilities PF TDA HF Total Unit
Electrical consumption 1.5 12 20 33.5 kWh
MP steam 285 322 70 677 kg
Cooling water (make-up)
1.1 5 0.3 6.4 tonne
Fuel (absorbed heat) / 670 711 1380 MJ
Hydrogen / 2.1 2.1 kg
Catalysts / 0.2+0.05
Propane make-up kg
High recovery system
Consumption and utilities PF TDA HF PDA Total Unit
Electrical consumption 1.5 12 20 13 46.5 kWh
MP steam 285 322 70 135 812 kg
Cooling water (make-up)
1.1 5 0.3 4 10.4 tonne
Fuel (absorbed heat) 670 711 920 2300 MJ
Hydrogen 2.1 kg
Catalysts 0.2 + 0.05
0.2 + 0.05
Propane make-up 0.8 0.8 kg
Based on 10 % evaporation losses
Demetalisation catalyst + Refining catalyst
Note: Consumption based upon 100 kt/yr waste oil capacity, considering 10 % water contents. All the parameters
are expressed in unit/tonne of waste oil.
HF: hydrofinishing, PDA: Propane de-asphalting, TDA: Thermal de-asphalting, PF: Pre-flash, MP: medium
Table 3.84: Consumption values of the TDA system and the TDA combined with a PDA processes
[66, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Capacity t/yr 2001 4600 6824 15000 17171 19960 46208 90500
GJ/yr 19146 33486 40671 54751 16705 405883
MWh/yr 345 225 1200 1380 2024 655 9215
MWh/yr 157 0 15208
Water m
/yr 617 80000 9848 9929 1557 407000 2213000
Cooling MJ/yr 44000
kWh/t 172.4 48.9 175.8 92 117.9 32.8 199.4
kWh/t 78.5 885.7
Table 3.85: Consumptions from different waste oil re-refining plants in the EU
[66, TWG, 2003]

Consumptions of the regeneration of waste solvents
Table 3.86 shows consumption data for two facilities operating in the EU. Other data reported
energy consumptions lower than 1 GJ/tonne.

Consumption parameter Units
Capacity kt 12 27.5
Gas fuel GJ/yr 19651
Fuel consumption GJ/yr 31628
Electricity MWh/yr 1571 2984
Water m
/yr 19000 40776
Table 3.86: Consumptions of two regeneration treatment of waste solvents
[66, TWG, 2003], [130, UBA, 2003]

Chapter 3
Consumptions of regeneration of spent catalysts
Table 3.87 shows an overall material balance for an example regeneration. Almost 375 t of
catalyst was recovered for re-use.

Overall material balance Values in kg
As received material 620982
Inert support 27099
Unregenerated dust and fines 9569
Total unregenerated feed to regenerator 584314
Shorts from length grading and regenerated dust and fines 37191
Loss on ignition 172143
Net regenerated catalyst 374980
Table 3.87: Mass balance in a commercial regeneration of CoMo catalyst
[125, Ruiz, 2002]

Consumptions in treatment of solid photographic waste
The electricity consumption for shredding, washing/rinsing and electrolysis amounts to
100 to 300 kWh/t film waste. Depending on the process of desilvering, auxiliary materials are
used. These are shown in Table 3.88.

Desilvering with bleach-fix Desilvering with iron chloride
Sodium hydroxide (20 %): 6 l/t film Iron chloride (40 %): 11 l/t film
Sulphuric acid: 6 l/t film Hydrochloric acid (36 %): 8 l/t film
Sodium bisulphite: 12 l/t film Sodium sulphite: 12 l/t film
Hydrogen peroxide (35 %): 4 l/t film
Table 3.88: Used amounts of auxiliary materials for desilvering film waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

Consumptions in the treatment of liquid photographic waste

Consumption of energy
The required electricity for electrolysis ranges from 12 to 46 kWh/t photographic liquid waste.
The electricity consumption is dependent on the iron content. For bleach-fix, the consumption is
higher due to the higher iron content. The ultrafiltration requires approximately 27 kWh
13 MJ/t liquid waste for the heating of the rinse-water. The electricity consumption of chemical
removal of silver is estimated on 3.5 kWh/t liquid photographic waste.

The energy consumption for evaporation is approximately 220 MJ/t waste water. If evaporation
is also applied as a pretreatment, in the case of colour photo processing waste water, the energy
consumption is approximately 350 MJ/t waste water. The required electricity for
electroflocculation, in the case of extra desilvering, is approximately 80 kWh/t waste water.
Further physico-chemical and biological treatment requires approximately 5 kWh
/t waste

Consumption of chemicals
Table 3.89 shows the consumption of chemicals for sulphide precipitation/ultrafiltration of
photographic liquid waste.

Chemical Consumption
(kg/t photo processing waste)
Sodium sulphide (40 %) 0.1 Precipitation of silver (and other metals)
Citric acid 0.7 Cleaning of the membranes
Sodium hydroxide 0.01 Cleaning of the membranes
Detergents 0.01 Cleaning of the membranes
Water 75 Cleaning of the membranes
Table 3.89: Consumption of chemicals for sulphide precipitation/ultrafiltration
[156, VROM, 2004]
Chapter 3
For chemical removal of silver, the consumption of chemicals is estimated at 1.5 sodium
borohydride and 2.5 sulphuric litres per tonne of photographic liquid waste.

In the physico-chemical treatment of desilvered photographic liquid waste, several chemicals
are used. The consumptions are shown in Table 3.90. If evaporation is applied as a pretreatment,
practically no chemicals are consumed in the following treatment steps. Most contaminants
have already been removed in the evaporation step.

Chemical Consumption
(kg/t waste water)
Sodium hydroxide (33 %) 0.007
Powder carbon 0.5
Flocculant 5 In the case of desilvering
S (40 %) 15 In the case of desilvering
Table 3.90: Consumption of chemicals in the treatment of desilvered photographic liquid waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

3.4.3 Emissions from waste treatments to obtain a recycled material Emissions from the re-refining of waste oils

In order to evaluate emissions from the re-refining of waste oils several issues need to be

waste lubricating oils contain shorter chain organics than new lubricating oils and therefore
VOCs are likely to be relevant
sulphur and chlorine are known problem compounds found in waste oils
aromatic compounds are more polar in general than aliphatic molecules and are therefore
more likely to be present in the aqueous phase.

The oil processing sector has a narrow range of operations and is the most likely to respond to a
generic method of calculating emissions if the oil constituents can be identified. The following
detail the different pollutants and media where they can be found. Some tables have been
constructed to focus on the pollutants (Table 3.91 and Table 3.92) whereas others focus on the
activities that may lead to pollution (Table 3.93).
Chapter 3
Species Air Water Waste and soil
Organic compounds
Benzene yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land.
Polar compound
yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
Ethyl benzene (VOC) No data available yes (as BTEX) yes (as BTEX)
Toluene yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
Xylenes yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
yes - some data, but
difficult to apportion
between air/water/land
VOCs yes - some incomplete
data, but difficult to
apportion between
air/water/land. Lower
chain alkanes likely to
go to air.
Since used oil usually
contains light ends such
as gasoline, VOCs may
be emitted from storage
(from the tank and their
associated pipework) for
every process
considered. The
behaviour of oils
undergoing heating and
agitation generates
VOCs emissions
BTEX in particular are
polar molecules, but
also volatile, and are
present in the aqueous
phase and/or evaporated
to the air

Naphthalene Some data available Some data available
Biphenyl Limited data, may not
be relevant
Limited data
Phenol Not air emissions
expected because too
soluble in oil and water
Relevant but no data Relevant but no data
Sulphur and nitrogen
The gradual increase in
sulphur and nitrogen
additives in lubricating
oils may require sites to
monitor for these
Found in used oil sludge
PCBs and chlorinated
solvents: Identified as
present in some
Solvents and lighter
compounds are removed
in the dewatering.
Naphtha and light
distillate cuts are
typically distilled off
upstream of the main
processing facilities. If
the hydrocarbon streams
are fed to a hydrotreater,
the chlorides may be
Used oil sludge
Chapter 3
Species Air Water Waste and soil
PAHs. These used to be
a problem in re-refined
base oils. However,
recent tests indicate that
it is possible to remove
PAHs in the
regeneration process of
modern plants, thus
avoiding the
accumulation of PAHs.
PAHs are destroyed by
severe hydrogenation
which also removes
nitrogen, sulphur,
metals and chlorides
PAHs are unlikely to be
discharged to the air
during the oil treatment
processes. They are not
volatile compounds, and
their position as an air
carcinogen is due to
them being released as a
combustion product
from fossil fuels.
Potential for PAH
emission may be during
the processing of oil
filters. Most filters are
crushed at some point,
producing a fine oil
mist. There may be a
hood and an exhaust
vent, but this is a
potential mechanism to
deliver PAHs to the air
and the oil in oil filters
have a larger
concentration of
particulate matter and
hence PAHs. This may
not be of significant
importance, as it is the
smaller particles that are
more likely to form an
air discharge.
The behaviour of oils
undergoing heating and
agitation may generate
PAHs emissions.
Relevant but no data The heavy PAHs in the
regeneration plants end
up in either the residue
stream and/or the
asphalt blends. The
lighter ones remain in
the lube oil cuts.
Also possibly found in a
used oil sludge.
Relevant but no data
Other air pollutants
from many
combustion processes

Odour Odour has been
identified as an
important problem in re-
refining installations

Typically water and waste parameters
Total nitrogen Nitrogen and
phosphorus additives
Nitrogen and
phosphorus additives
Total phosphorus Nitrogen and
phosphorus additives
Nitrogen and
phosphorus additives
TOC Calculated from COD
as 1/3 of COD
Not available except as
calculated from oil
content, but this will be
too low (or COD)
Chloride Additives in oil and salt
on roads
Additives in oil and salt
on roads
Oil The oil itself is a visual
pollutant when it floats
on water, and drinking
water is rapidly tainted
by the taste of oil

Used oil sludge
Chapter 3
Species Air Water Waste and soil
Metals The metals from
regeneration processes
are mostly in the residue
cut. The volatile metals
are removed by the
hydrotreatment guard
reactor if they are
hydrotreated. Also
possibly found in used
oil sludge
Arsenic Not expected Some data available Some data available
Cadmium Not expected Some data available,
but being questioned
Some data available,
but being questioned
Chromium Not expected Some data available Some data available
Copper Not expected Limited data Limited data
Lead Not expected Some data available,
but being questioned
Some data available,
but being questioned. In
the re-refining options,
lead ends up in the
heavy residues which
results in it being
locked up in a bitumen
Manganese Not expected
Nickel Not expected yes, but no data yes, but no data
Zinc Not expected Some data available Some data available
Table 3.91: Common emissions from waste oil treatment plants
[5, Concawe, 1996], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [14, Ministry for the Environment,
2000], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

The following Table 3.92 reflects how the components of the waste oil distribute emissions to
air, sewer and products. As can be seen, most of the contaminants remain in the recovered oil.
The main exception to this is VOCs, where there is a possibility of their transfer to the air, with
the amount depending on the type of oil and whether the oil is heated during treatment.
Chapter 3
Input substances Hot processing Cold processing
Air Products Water Air Products Water
Benzene 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.1
Toluene 0.3 0.7 0 0.1 0.9 0
Xylenes 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.1
Naphthalene 1 1
Biphenyl 1 1
Benz(a)anthracene 1 1
Benzo(a)pyrene 1 1
Heptane 0.2 0.8 1
Octane 0.1 0.9 1
Nonane 1 1
Decane 1 1
Undecane 1 1
Arsenic 1 1
Cadmium 1 1
Chromium 1 1
Copper 1 1
Lead 1 1
Nickel 1 1
Zinc 1 1
Note: Figures correspond to the share distribution of substances in output streams. E.g. for each kg
of benzene entering into the hot processing, 0.6 kg ends up as an emission to the air, 0.3 kg goes
into the oil and 0.1 kg into the waste water. 1 means that all the input goes to that output
Table 3.92: Matrix for allocating input species to air, oil and water streams for hot and cold
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Chapter 3
Point source emissions
Activity/Plant To air To water To disposal
Filter shredding Oil mist
Magnetic separation Oil mist
drum emptying/shredding Oil mist
Tanker unloading Tank venting
Coarse straining Oil mist
Bulk storage Tank venting.
Very few tank vents
are linked together.
Tank vents will
discharge the air that
the tank contains when
it is displaced during
tank filling. This
emission is unlikely to
carry significant
pollution unless the
tank contents have
been heated or agitated
Settled water (via
Settled sludge
Cold oil settling Tank venting Settled water (via
Settled sludge
Hot oil settling Tank venting Settled water (via
Settled sludge
Vibrating sieve Mist and vapour Sludge
Enclosed filters Used elements and
Bauxite towers Spent bauxite
Vacuum dehydration Vapour (via scrubbers)
Product blending Tank venting

Pumped sludge
Tank venting
Cold effluent settling Tank venting
Hot effluent settling Tank venting
Biological effluent treatment Aeration air
Filter press Filter cake
Plate separator Effluent Settled sludges
Mechanically handled
sludge/solids storage and
Mixed solid wastes
Waste oil fired boiler Stack emissions
Old interceptor waste Since it usually comes
from paved surfaces
where it has already
been exposured to air,
it will probably have
already emitted all that
it is capable of
emitting to the air at
this stage unless it is
heated during

Many sites have an accidental spillage of oils to the site base during unloading, or during the storage or transfer
of materials on the site. The site base is usually designed to retain liquid spills and to return these to the plant,
but there will be some evaporation in the air
Table 3.93: Principal emission sources at oil recycling premises
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
The following table identify emissions to air, water and solid waste generated for each type of
waste oil treatment. In some cases, the emissions are quantified with data in the table.

Emissions (values in kg/tonne of WO if not otherwise specified)
Air Water Soil and residues
Oil separation from
water stream
Could produce a
range of other
emissions such as
nitrogen, toluene,
xylenes and PAHs
Could produce a
range of other
emissions such as
toluene, xylenes
and PAHs
Could produce a range of other
emissions such as metals, naphthalene,
toluene, xylenes and PAHs
Laundering. Closed
loop recycling of
industrial oil
From the oil
recovery process
the emission is 20
40 mg/m
whilst heating.
262 kg VOC was
released against
100 mg/Nm
l0 t/yr limits
Waste water Laundering can be considered as a closed
loop system because it generates very
little (if any) waste oil.
The contaminated filter sludge contains
20 30 % oil. This waste stream is
reprocessed with quicklime and made
suitable for co-combustion in a cement
The acceptability of one technique,
which used a clay known asfullers
earth to remove contaminants, is waning
as conditions for disposal to landfill
become more stringent. The technique is
still used in New Zealand, but disposal of
the contaminated clay is likely to become
an issue.
Releases to land are: filter cake which
includes solids and metal fines (<100 t/yr
against a consent limit of 600 t/yr) and in
some cases chlorinated solvent sludges.
80 85 % of drums are recycled while
the others are scrapped
Reclaiming industrial
Waste water from

Vacuum distillation Vacuum
distillation of
waste oils
produces sulphur
(odorous) and
PAHs (some may
be carcinogenic)
All the metals contained in the used oil
end up in the vacuum residue. This
residue may be blended with a crude
vacuum residue in such a proportion so as
to enable its use as a component in
Produces large quantities of the oil-
absorbed clay which need to be disposed
of. High temperature activated clay allows
a lower clay/oil ratio, thus increasing the
overall yield and reducing the quantity of
oily clay needing to be disposed of
Thin film evaporator
(TFE) + clay
Water: 90 Clay: 50 60
Bitumen (metals and additives): 130
Sludge and light ends: 35
The process produces residues (requiring
Chapter 3
Emissions (values in kg/tonne of WO if not otherwise specified)
Air Water Soil and residues
Acid/clay process This process produces large quantities of
sludges and solids requiring disposal.
These sludges (acid tars) are highly acid
and contain high concentrations of PAHs,
sulphuric acid and sulphur compounds, as
well as most of the metals from the used
oils. These tars are unsuitable for landfill
because of their physical and chemical
properties. This latter constraint can
sometimes be overcome by:
dispatching the acid sludge jointly
with the oily clay, in granulated form,
to cement factories or to contractors
incinerating, but the gases need to be
treated with caustic soda and the
resulting waste water needs to be
dealt with. This neutralisation
treatment generates in quantity as
much inactive waste as the amount of
acid tar treated
treating to produce sulphuric acid or
. The used clay (4 % by weight of
feedstock + absorbed oil content) also
needs to be incinerated by the same
method as described above
Vacuum distillation
+ chemical treatment
or clay treatment.
Used clay and used chemicals need to be
safely disposed of. The route currently in
use is to burn them in cement kilns or in a
chemical waste incinerator
Vacuum distillation
and hydrotreatment
common to any
process handling
oil products
The disposal of spent hydrotreating
catalysts needs to be handled by a
specialised company familiar with this
The residue produced from the vacuum
distillation stage is similar to asphalt and
may be sold. Fuels that are taken out in
the de-fuelling stage can also be used on
site or sold. The catalyst used is nickel-
molybdenum and is either recycled by a
nickel smelter or landfilled
Water: 90 Sludge and light end: 30
Sulphur: 35
Bitumen: 130
TFE +solvent
Water: 90 Sludge and light end: 30
Extract: 60
Bitumen: 130
TFE + solvent
extraction + hydro-
Water: 65 Sludge and light end: 20
Sulphur: 4
Bitumen: 160
TDA (thermal de-
asphalting) + clay
Waste water: 770 Light ends/solvents: 35
Clay: 130
Bitumen (metals and additives): 120
hydrofinishing (high
Waste waters: 770

Light ends/solvents: 35
Spent catalyst: 0.5
Bitumens: 120
PDA (propane de-
asphalting) + hydro
finishing (medium
Waste waters: 770 Light ends/solvents: 30
Bitumens: 130
Chapter 3
Emissions (values in kg/tonne of WO if not otherwise specified)
Air Water Soil and residues
Vacuum distillation
+ chemical treatment
1116 kg eq CO
2.8 kg eq SO
VOC: 0.04 kg eq.
3.6 g particulates
0.0011 kg eq
phosphates in water
Waste to eliminate: 24
Waste to recover: 33
Distillation and alkali
treatment (Vaxon-
None. Recycled to a
Solvent extraction
and distillation
Discharges to water
are from the
Direct contact
Waste water: 60 Bitumens: 50
Spent catalyst: 0.75
Thin film evaporator
Process water,
water decanted
from storage tanks
and contaminated
surface water is
treated in the
effluent plant. This
presents a problem
to the site; in that
the water has a very
high COD which
can vary between
40000 to
100000 mg/l
against a discharge
consent limit of
80000 mg/l. It
contains materials
such as glycols,
polyglycols, esters
and glycerols
The residue from the TFE is extracted
whilst still mobile and blended with
other secondary fuel oils which are also
produced on site. Most of the
organometallic constituents of the
additives end up in the residue, so their
ultimate destination is in a secondary
fuel oil released to air as combustion
products. There is a high dilution of the
residue into the secondary fuel oil
formed and the blend meets fuel oil

Other residues, which include storage
tank and effluent plant sludges, are
removed from the site and centrifuged
for reclamation of the oil. The solid
residue from that process then is being
Caustic soda and
bleaching earth
treatment (ENTRA)
Waste water: 60 Bleaching earth, caustic soda and
residue: 150
Waste oil transfer
Waste water: 102 Sludge and solids: 2.13
Shredded steel: 85
Treatment of
transformer oils
Spent bauxite catalyst
Non-returned drums and pallets
Treatment of oil
interceptor waste,
soluble cutting oils,
Spray booth waste
from water based
paint, gully waste,
Waste water: 1613 Pumpable sludge: 47
Tank and tanker dig out and screened
waste: 43
Re-refining of
lubricant oil
: 123
: 1.04
: 0.35
Waste water: 84 Oil/chemical waste sludge: 0.088
Used solvent oils and
oily waters
Waste water: 444 Solids and sludge: 171
Treatment of oil
water mixtures and
Effluent: 1042 Filter cake and sludge: 55
Chapter 3
Emissions (values in kg/tonne of WO if not otherwise specified)
Air Water Soil and residues
Integration in a
mineral oil refinery
Provided that
pretreatment of
used oils is
performed to
remove water and
light ends and to
reduce the organic
chloride content
the emissions are
related to those
occurring in a
refinery (see
Refinery BREF)
Metals are encapsulated in asphalt, so the
leaching of metals will be extremely low.
However some problems of corrosion
damage to the plant and loss of cracking
catalyst activity need to be solved before
this can be considered a viable option
Integration to a
lubricant part of a
It could release
sulphur, halides,
heavy metals and
their oxides to the
Most of the lube oil additives are
bottomed out in this cut.
The metals in the residue after the
solvent extraction process are still
leachable. There could be problems in its
disposal to asphalt, especially in winter,
when the market may slow. This cut
would not be fit for blending in heavy
fuels, not only for failing the filtration
tests, but also for environmental reasons.
The aromatic extracts which are
contaminated with chlorine are believed
to be disposed of outside the refinery
Regeneration CO
(kg eq. CO
/kg of
oil) 3.19
potential (g eq.
H+/kg of oil) 0.06
VOC emissions
(g/kg of oil): 9.05
CO emissions (g
CO/kg of oil) 9.74
COD (g COD/kg of
oil): 35.02
Waste (g/kg of oil): 411
Chemical treatment +
distillation + HF

Calculations were made based on the yearly treatment/usage of 26000 tonnes dehydrated waste oil and producing
8000 tonnes of base oil, 12000 tonnes of fuel oil and 4000 tonnes of asphalt
Table 3.94: Environmental issues generated by different waste oil re-refining techniques
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [11, Jacobs and
Dijkmans, 2001], [12, Birr-Pedersen, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [14, Ministry for the
Environment, 2000], [42, UK, 1995], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [139, UBA,
2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Emissions to air
The emissions to the air are partially controlled at some sites, but uncontrolled at others. VOCs
are known to occur. Although the lubricating system is a semi-closed system, it is not gas tight,
therefore it would be expected that the volatile gases would have boiled off and left the system
during normal operating temperatures.

Abatement systems for reducing oil emissions to the air are in place in some plants. At other
sites, the excess oil concentration in buildings is simply vented to the air through exhaust fans;
with all the tanks having vents to the air.

Chapter 3
Most plants will accept that there is an odour problem from the oil. The control of odour from
such plants requires a high level of management control and attention. Odours are typically
generated during the storage, e.g. odours problems can arise by leaving hatches open at the top
of each settlement tank and oil storage tank, or in open vibrating sieves.

No generally recognised reliable figures have been found for the concentration of contaminants
in the air emitted from waste oil re-refining processes. However, some matrix distributions are
shown in Table 3.95.

Filter bin unloading
Filter bin storage
Filter crushing
Filter shredding *
Magnetic separation *
205 litre drum unloading
205 litre drum storage
205 litre drum emptying
25 litre drum unloading
25 litre drum storage
25 litre drum emptying/shredding *
Tanker unloading
Coarse straining
Bulk storage
Cold oil settling
Hot oil settling * *
Distillation * *
Vibrating sieve
Bauxite towers *
Vacuum dehydration *
Product blending
Pumped sludge storage/decanting
Effluent incineration * * * *
Cold effluent settling
Hot effluent settling * * * *
Biological effluent treatment * * * *
Effluent clarification
Effluent balance tank
Plate separator
Mechanically handled sludge/solids
storage and handling

Waste oil fired boiler * * * *
Note: The grey blocks indicate emissions are likely and the asterisks indicate the locations that are thought to
be the larger sources
Table 3.95: Air emissions matrix for all common process in oil and solvent regeneration plants
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]
Chapter 3
Capacity t/yr 6824 15000 17171 46208 90500
14.89 175.4 210.5
Oxygen % 4 7.4 3 10
CO2 t/yr 24000
PM mg/Nm
kg/yr 4 0 4.23 11.17 1960 28.4
SOx mg/Nm
kg/yr 14 4000 60000 529.7 92910 4.2 884
NOx mg/Nm
kg/yr 63.7 90 225.8 39610 802.5 168891
TOC mg/Nm
0 3
CO mg/Nm
kg/yr 501.6 0 193 7.4 1300 18.9 3978
HCl mg/Nm
kg/yr 0 2.8 1.5 263 0.8
HF mg/Nm
0 0.08
Total metals mg/Nm
0 0.423
Hg mg/Nm
0 0.026
Cd + Tl mg/Nm
kg/yr 0 0.0008 0 0.0008
PAH mg/Nm
kg/yr 0.0008 0 8E-07 0.000175 0.0008
PCB mg/Nm
kg/yr 0 8E-07 0
Chlorobenzenes mg/Nm
kg/yr 0 0.08 0
PCDD/PCDF ngTEQ/Nm g/yr 0 0.008 0.00175 8
CFC mg/Nm
kg/yr 0 0 0
Odour EU O.U./Nm
Noise dB(A) 75 55
Note: For the installations having only one column, the figures correspond to the concentration column
Table 3.96 Air emissions from several re-refining waste oil installations operating in the EU
[66, TWG, 2003]

Emissions to water
The emissions to water are generally well documented. This is due to regulations and enforced
limitations regarding discharges to foul sewers or disposal by alternative routes. The quantities
of effluent discharged are thus usually well known.

Discharges are typically sampled regularly, providing monitoring data to allow a calculation of
emissions for the radicals on the analysis programme. Sites handling large volumes of water and
that have a constant discharge to sewerage system are usually sampled daily; those where the
water volume is small tend to be tested on a batch basis prior to each discharge. Table 3.97 and
Table 3.98 show the concentrations of water parameters and the emission matrix of the
emissions to water, generated by the re-refining of waste oil.
Chapter 3
Water parameters
Oily water
Process water
Temperature 25 C
pH 7.8
Colour clear
(TOC) 120 17000 20 20000
Oil/grease <10
Hydrocarbons 5 15
Anionic tensioactives 0.2 0.5
Non-anionic tensioactives 1.0 2.0
Total tensioactives 1.2 2.5
Benzene 364
Toluene 1306
Phenols 1.5 180 0.2 0.4
Naphthalene 283
Chlorinated solvents (various) 309 666
1, 2 Dichloroethane <1.0
Hexachlorobutadiene <0.001
Hexachlorobenzene <0.001
1, 2, 4 Trichlorobenzene <0.001
Various PCBs <0.001
Benz(a)anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene each below 0.02
Ammonia 4.0 6.0
Suspended solids <400
Total nitrogen
Total phosphorus 0.05 0.2
Total metals: <10
aluminium <0.5
arsenic 3.4
barium 80
cadmium <0.01 0.34
chromium 10
iron <0.6
lead 271
zinc 250
Partially are demulsifers and detergents
Water parameters of the waste water sent to biological treatment after stripping treatment
Table 3.97: Waste water parameters from different re-refining processes of waste oil
[42, UK, 1995], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003]

Cold effluent settling * * * * *
Hot effluent settling * * * * *
Biological effluent treatment * * * * *
Effluent clarification * * * * *
Effluent sludge filter press * * * * *
Effluent balance tank * * * * *
Plate Separator * * * * *
Table 3.98: Water emissions matrix for all common process in oil and solvent recycling plants
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Chapter 3
Capacity t/yr 6824 15000 17171 19960 46208 90500
Waste water
/yr 1800 6180 298287 375000
Waste water
/t 0.12 0.3096 6.4553 4.1436
mg/l kg/yr 931 6860 22.99 0 0
TOC mg/l kg/yr 1490 4.99
mg/l kg/yr 4000 7200 13300 38
COD mg/l kg/yr 8000 14400 300 27703 25650 85.99 39550 113
Hydrocarbons mg/l kg/yr 0.18 430 1.44 0.4
Phenols mg/l kg/yr 0.4 0 0.8 42.58 14 0.04 105 0.3
AOX mg/l kg/yr 0 0
BTX mg/l kg/yr 0.4 0 0
Total Nitrogen
(as N)
mg/l kg/yr 10000 0.033 0.008
Nitrit N (NO
mg/l kg/yr 180 0.6 0.32
CN, free mg/l kg/yr 0 0 0.008
Sulfid (free) mg/l 1 0.4
F, total mg/l 0.4
P, total mg/l kg/yr 2980 9.99 140 0.4
Total metals mg/l 0.56
Al mg/l kg/yr 0.08 476 1.6 140 0.4
Fe mg/l kg/yr 0.08 952 3.2 35 0.1
As mg/l kg/yr 0.08 116 0.4 0.0024
Cr, total mg/l kg/yr 0.08 952 3.2 0.08
Cr(VI) mg/l kg/yr 0.08 44 0.16 0.008
Cu mg/l kg/yr 0.08 92 0.32 0.024
Hg mg/l kg/yr 0.08 1.12 0.004 0.00032
Ni mg/l kg/yr 0.08 476 1.6 0.16
Pb mg/l kg/yr 0.08 0.291 68 0.24 0.04
Zn mg/l kg/yr 0.08 1.276 236 0.8 0.24
Note: when only one column exists for a certain capacity, it refers to concentration values
Table 3.99: Water emissions from different re-refining installations operating in the EU
[66, TWG, 2003]

Solid waste and discharges to land
Sludges are typically tested for metals content, oil content and moisture content. This is carried
out less frequently than the testing of the aqueous waste to sewerage systems. Table 3.100 and
Table 3.101 show the concentrations of water parameters and the emission matrix of the
emissions to water, generated by waste oil re-refining.

Type of waste Waste parameters
Metals Moisture HC and
Sludges Some toxic
metals may be
Tank bottom
from filters
X X PAH and PCBs

X Low

Phosphates, PAH, non-
lubricant related solids
Cleaned oil
Table 3.100: Types of waste generated in re-refining processes of waste oil
[42, UK, 1995], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003]

Chapter 3
Bulk storage * * * * *
Cold oil settling * * * * *
Hot oil settling * * * * *
Distillation * * * * *
Vibrating sieve * * * * *
Centrifuge * * * * *
Enclosed filters * * * * *
Effluent sludge filter press * * * * *
Mechanically handled sludge/solids
storage and handling
* * * * * * *
Table 3.101: Emissions to land matrix for all common process in oil and solvent recycling plants
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Table 3.102 gives the environmental performance criteria of different treatment systems arising
from an industry survey. In the survey, a profound discussion for each figure in the table is
given. Each figure represents the absolute value that is assigned to that treatment system,
concerning a specific criterion and estimating the performance of the system relative to the other
systems for this said criterion.

Environmental criteria
Process S-compounds Metals Products of
combustion +
Re-use of
Re-use of
Laundering. Closed-loop
recycling (re-use)
1 1 3 1 5
Chemical re-refining without
2 2 3 1 5
Re-refining with distillation 1 1 1 1 5
Blending into vacuum residue
of a refinery
5 3 4 5 1
Note: S-compounds: the ultimate destination of the sulphur content originating from the waste oil
Metals: the ultimate destination of the metals originating from the waste oil
Products of incomplete combustion + VOCs: the emission of VOCs or products of incomplete combustion
(CO, PAHs, soot, dioxins, furans, etc.) originating from the waste oil
Values: 1 best performance, 5 worst on a relative scale
Table 3.102: Evaluation of the environmental performance of several re-use and re-refining
[11, Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001]

Chapter 3
222 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Emissions from the regeneration of waste solvents

The most important concern in the solvent recovery sector is the volatile organic emissions,
which result from waste solvent reclamation. Acidic gaseous and particulate emissions can also
result from solvent recovery operations.

Acidic gaseous emissions mainly consist of gaseous chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and sulphur
oxides. Since the unit operation presenting the major source of acidic gases and particulate from
the solvent recovery industry is that of incineration, this issue will be part of the waste
incineration BREF. Incinerator stack emissions consist of solid contaminants that are oxidised
and released as particulates, unburned organics, and combustion stack gases.

In solvent recovery operations, bottom streams consist of organics such as oily wastes and
sludges or an aqueous residue. If water is treated on-site, sludges or other wastes may be
created. Other emissions may come from discarded containers or samples, vessel washing
residues, or from volatilisation to the air. Some residues and sludges are removed hot from stills
into drums and allowed to cool and solidify. They may then be removed for further treatment or
disposal. In industrial systems there can be traces of impurities, which can arise from inhibitors,
denaturants or plant rinsing; these impurities can cause problems, particularly when using
azeotropic distillation techniques.

Emission points include storage tank vents, condenser vents, incinerator stacks and fugitive
losses. VOC emissions from equipment leaks, open solvent sources (e.g. sludge draw-off and
the storage to material from distillation and initial treatment operations), solvent loading, and
solvent spills are classified as fugitive.

Solvents may be accidentally spilled during handling, distillation, or purification activities.
Materials that are spilled onto the ground may spread over an area, vaporise, and then result in
air, water, or land emissions. Emissions resulting from significant accidental situations such as
spills also need to be estimated.

Releases to the air may arise from a number of sources including non-condensable vapours from
distillation/fractionation operations, and breathing losses from storage tanks and local extraction
vents (LEV) located at material handling or drumming off points. Emission concentrations
would be expected to be high except from sources such as LEVs. Concentrations and types of
emitted compounds may vary significantly. The flowrates from continuous fractionation
columns operating under vacuum at steady conditions are generally very low (1 10 m
However, when manifolded together, emission flows could be up to 500 m
/hr. Where LEV
systems are tied into abatement equipment this can significantly increase flowrates and the
dilution of vent gases. To minimise the size of abatement equipment there is a benefit in
keeping process and LEV vents separate.
Chapter 3
Distillation Purification
Incinerator stack
Fugitive emissions
Figure 3.6: Example of a waste solvent regeneration scheme and emission points
[129, Cruz-Gomez, 2002]

Emissions Activity/Plant
To air To water To landfill
Accidental Emissions
Filter bin unloading Drainage, spillage and
bursts discharging
contents to ground
Filter bin storage Spillage to ground
Filter crushing Spillage to ground
Filter shredding Oil mist Spillage to ground
Magnetic separation Oil mist Spillage to ground
205 litre drum unloading Spillage to ground
205 litre drum storage Spillage to ground
205 litre drum emptying Spillage to ground
25 litre drum unloading Spillage to ground
25 litre drum storage Spillage to ground
25 litre drum
Oil mist Spillage to ground
Tanker unloading Tank venting Spillage to ground
Coarse straining Oil mist Spillage to ground
Bulk storage Tank venting Settled water
(via treatment)
Settled sludge Spillage to ground
Cold oil settling Tank venting Settled water
(via treatment)
Settled sludge Spillage to ground
Hot oil settling Tank venting Settled water
(via treatment)
Settled sludge Spillage to ground
Distillation Venting and
Spillage to ground
Vibrating sieve Mist and
Sludge Spillage to ground
Enclosed filters Used elements
and sludge
Spillage to ground
Bauxite towers Spent bauxite Spillage to ground
Vacuum dehydration Vapour (via
Spillage to

Product blending Tank venting Spillage to ground
Chapter 3
Emissions Activity/Plant
To air To water To landfill
Accidental Emissions
Pumped sludge
Tank venting Spillage to ground
Incineration Stack
, CO,
, etc.)

Cold effluent settling Tank venting Spillage to ground
Hot effluent settling Tank venting Spillage to ground
Biological effluent
Aeration air
Effluent clarification
Filter press Filter cake
Effluent balance tank Spillage to ground
Plate separator Effluent
Mechanically handled
sludge/solids storage and
Mixed solid
Spillage to ground
Waste oil fired boiler Stack

Table 3.103: Principal emission sources and emissions matrices of oil and solvent recycling plants
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Parameter Concentration
Load value Load units
Air emissions
Fumes generated 14400000 Nm
Oxygen 6 %
1268018 kg/yr
CO 49 mg/Nm
700 kg/yr
86.9 mg/Nm
850 kg/yr
44.1 mg/Nm
635 kg/yr
TOC 540 mg/Nm
237 kg/yr
Water emissions
Waste water 2969 m
Suspended solids 16 mg/l 47.5 kg/yr
COD 534 mg/l 1585 kg/yr
Phenols 0.08 mg/l kg/yr
AOX 0.25 mg/l 0.742 kg/yr
Total N (as N) 16 mg/l 47.5 kg/yr
Total P 0.43 mg/l 1.27 kg/yr
Sulphide (free) 0.08 mg/l kg/yr
Note: Capacity of the installation 27.5 kt/yr
Table 3.104: Air and water emission from an EU solvent regeneration installation
[66, TWG, 2003]

During storage and handling, and in the distillation process, hydrocarbons are emitted to the air.
The emission of hydrocarbons (C
) through the distillation process is estimated to be 0.5 kg/t
waste solvent.

Some contaminated solvents contain water. After dewatering, the water fraction contains traces
of solvent. This water fraction ranges from a negligible amount to a maximum of 5 to 10 %. It is
purified in a waste water treatment plant and discharged.

The amount of distillation bottom depends on the composition of the waste solvent. On average,
the amount is estimated to be 25 % of the processed amount.
Chapter 3
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 225 Emissions from the regeneration of waste catalysts

Knowing the source of the spent catalyst can often provide information on potential emissions
due to the presence of acids, oils, organic contaminants (they may produce PCDD during
melting processes), etc. This directly influences the potential emissions to air, water and land.

The physical state of the waste catalyst can also influence the emissions (e.g. the particulate
emissions depend on the particulate size of the waste catalyst, oil content, etc.). Some potential
emissions from different catalyst regeneration plants are shown in Table 3.107.

Air pollutant From
Particulates Fugitive emissions
Water pollutants
Suspended solids
Solid waste
Dust e.g. from abatement systems
Reference conditions of flue-gas: dry gas, 6 % O
Table 3.105: Potential emissions found in different catalyst regenerators
[125, Ruiz, 2002] Emissions from the cleaning and regeneration of carbon

The main environmental issues related to the thermal regeneration of activated carbon is
primarily gaseous effluents such as carbon dioxide. Acidic gases and pesticides may prove a
problem if there are no control measures such as afterburners and/or scrubbers.

Figure 3.7 shows a schematic of a generic activated carbon regeneration process, including the
release routes that are listed in Table 3.106.
Chapter 3
Figure 3.7: Schematic flow diagram of a generic carbon regeneration plant
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996]
Notes: Numbers in the diagram refers to the numbers of the first column of the following Table
Note 1 Multiple hearth furnace illustrated but thermal reactivation may also be carried out in a
rotary kiln
Note 2 Carbon exiting the kiln may also be cooled by other means
Note 3 Other techniques for dewatering may be used.

Releases to the environment commonly associated with the regeneration of activated carbon
processes are listed in Table 3.106.

Source releases to:
Halogens Organic
or partial
1 Flue-gases from flue-gas treatment A A A A A A A
2 Fugitive emissions from seal leakages A A A A A A A
3 Emergency vent stack (if applicable) A A A A A A A
4 Aqueous effluent discharge W W W
5 Effluent treatment plant sludge L L
Note: The releases to each medium will be determined to a significant degree by the application for which, the
carbon has been used, and hence release of some substances to water and land are possible
Legend: A: Air, W: water and L: residues (land)
Table 3.106: Potential release routes for prescribed substances and other substances which may
cause harm
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996]

Emission results from different regeneration plants are shown in Table 3.107.

Chapter 3
Air pollutant
Particulates 1 34
CO <3 160
(as NO
) 126 354
<2 60
HCl <1 22
HF <1
VOC (TOC) 5 15
Dioxins and furans PCDDs and PCDFs (TEQ) <0.01 0.18 ng/Nm
Cd <0.05
Hg <0.05
Other heavy metals 0.1 0.5
Water pollutants Concentration (mg/l)
Suspended solids 50 300
COD 400
Simazine 0.001
Atrazine 0.001
TEQ (TCDDs and TCDFs) 0.28 0.4 ng/l
Al 30
Cd 0.0005
Hg 0.0001
Mn 30
Solid waste Composition
Refractory linings
General industrial waste
Sludge from settlement ponds Mainly carbonaceous fines
Reference conditions of flue-gas: dry gas 6 % O
Table 3.107: Range of emissions found in different carbon regenerators
[42, UK, 1995]

Liquid effluent from regeneration plant
Water is used for the transport of activated carbon as slurry to and from the regenerator. This
gives rise to a black water effluent which should be clarified and recycled. Water separated from
the slurry will contain suspended solids and possibly prescribed substances (e.g. pesticides) and
are routed to the effluent treatment plant.

The clean hot activated carbon is either dry cooled or quenched in cold water. For the wet
cooling system, the water becomes alkaline and is therefore dosed with acid. This water should
be purged from the system to prevent accumulation of mineral salts, with fresh/recycled water
make-up as necessary.

Water is also used intermittently in large amounts to backwash activated carbon storage hoppers
both to remove fines and to level the top surface of the activated carbon. Sufficient water
storage needs to be provided so that this water can be clarified and recycled.

Techniques for controlling releases to land
In the regeneration of activated carbon most deliveries of carbon are made in bulk tankers. In
certain circumstances drums may be used. Where this is the case, drums should be
reconditioned and re-used so that disposal is minimised. Other process waste includes sludge or
filter cake from filter presses or settlement tanks in an effluent treatment plant. In the case
where disposal is to land the method of disposal should ensure that if the cake or sludge were to
dry out, windblown dust of fine carbon particulates cannot occur. Other wastes will include
refractory bricks and linings where repairs to kilns and furnaces have taken place periodically.

Chapter 3
228 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Emissions from the regeneration of ion exchange resins

The releases from a process of this nature are small and confined mainly to those to water. Some
emissions resulting from different regeneration plants are shown in Table 3.107.

Air pollutant From Concentration (mg/Nm
HCl from filling of a bulk storage <5
Water pollutants Concentration (Wg/l)
Effluent flowrate
5 10 m
Cd <0.5 3
Hg 0.86
Organic Sn <0.3 2.0
Solid waste
Waste resins
Backwash filter When resin is combined with activated
carbon as a guard or a backwash filter

Reference conditions of flue-gas: dry gas, 6 % O
Values that correspond to peak values
Steam regeneration can produce large quantities of contaminated aqueous effluent
Table 3.108: Range of emissions found in different ion exchange regenerators
[41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995] Emissions from waste acids and bases treatments

Activity Air Water Soil and wastes
Treatment of waste acids Halogens: HCl and HF
Halogens: HCl and HF
Treatment of sulphuric acid Sulphur oxides
Table 3.109: Emissions from the treatments of waste acids and bases
[55, UK EA, 2001] Emissions from the treatment of photographic waste

Treatment of solid photographic waste
In shredding, emissions of dust occur. These are treated with a dust filter. The emission of dust
to the air ranges from 2 to 5 mg/Nm
. The amount is estimated to be 29 g/t film waste.

Treatment of liquid photographic waste

Emissions to air
Treatment of photographic waste, especially fixers, can generate emissions to the air of
ammonia, acetic acid and VOCs.

The emissions from physico-chemical treatments are reduced by treating the exhausted air in a
wet oxidising scrubber. The concentrations in the exit gases of C
are approximately
600 mg/Nm
and of NH
<2 mg/Nm
. The emissions from the biological treatment are reduced
by means of a continuous automatic monitoring and regulation of the air or oxygen supply. The
total C
emission is estimated to have a maximum of 20 g/t waste water.

In evaporation, some compounds will evaporate together with the water. Most of them will
condense. Not condensed compounds are passed through the biological treatment that functions
as a scrubber. The emissions from the evaporation step are negligible.

Chapter 3
Emissions to water
In Table 3.110, emissions to water from physico-chemical and biological treatments are
presented. Desilvered photographic liquid waste is just one of the processed waste waters.
Therefore, the presented emissions give a rough indication of possible emissions from the
treatment of this waste stream.

Component Emission (g/t waste water)
Suspended solids 9
Chloride 29
Sulphur 0.3
COD 172
N-total (Kjeldahl) 351
Phosphorus 2
Table 3.110: Emissions to water from the treatment of photographic liquid waste and other waste
[156, VROM, 2004]

3.4.4 Waste OUT from re-recycling/regeneration treatments

In some cases the materials obtained by these treatments are commercial products with only
minor differences compared to virgin products.

Re-refined waste oil
The quality of the base oil obtained is dependent upon the level of treatment applied, for example,
severe processing involving hydrotreatment will be required in order to significantly remove

Used oils vary according to the origin and type of oil collected. These variations are reflected in
the base oil products from acid/clay treatment plants, in terms of their density, viscosity,
viscosity index, sulphur level, etc. Less variation occurs in these parameters in the base oil
products from vacuum distillation/hydrotreating units, with the exception of the sulphur content.
Re-refined base oils from different processes and production plants vary greatly in their

Some re-refining technologies allow the production of premium quality base oils: i.e. at least
Group I according to the API base oils classification; and, when resorting to a severe hydro or
solvent finishing, Group II base oils (e.g. topping purpose). The base stocks produced by the
European re-refining industry today belong to Group I. Group I base stocks are solvent refined
mineral oils. They contain the most saturates and sulphur and have the lowest viscosity indexes.
They define the bottom tier of lubricant performance. Group I stocks are the least expensive to
produce. They currently account for about 75 % of all base stocks comprising the bulk of the
conventional base stocks.

Almost all waste oil re-refining installations test for chlorine content and water content, and
usually for PCBs. The final recovered oil is analysed because it has to satisfy specifications
from the end user, but not all oil treatment plants blend a final product for sale or carry out such
analyses. Table 3.111 shows an example of an analysis of the product made in an oil recovery
installation, where several degrees of hydrotreatment are carried out to three different types of
base oil (spindle, light and heavy lube oil).

Chapter 3
Type of feed Spindle
lube oil
lube oil
lube oil
Density 15/4 0.8678 0.8606 0.8526 0.8767 0.8699 0.8604 0.8868 0.8786 0.8676
Viscosity @ 40 C
26.91 23.8 21.19 56.52 49.85 38.18 117.2 97.86 70.08
Viscosity @ 100 C
4.76 4.5 4.2 7.78 7.32 6.37 12.24 11 9.1
Viscosity index 93 103 100 102 107 117 94 97 105
Colour 6.5 L 0.5 L 0.5 7.5 L 1 L 0.5 >8 L 2 L 0.5
Asphaltenes (w/w-
0.0105 - - 0.0092 - - <0.01 - -
Carbon Conradson
0.63 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <0.1 <0.1 0.33 <0.1 <0.1
Nitrogen (ppm) 280 49 <1 312 57 <1 307 137 <1
Sulphur (ppm) 0.412 0.1025 0.0005 0.526 0.163 0.0008 0.7285 0.2735 0.0021
ndM method (w/w-%)
Aromatic carbon 12.11 10.72 8.72 11.63 10.25 8.48 11.94 10.22 8.18
Parafinic carbon 71.20 72.06 72.76 72.66 73.42 75.09 72.68 73.75 75.57
Naphthelic carbon 16.70 17.22 18.52 15.70 16.32 16.43 15.38 16.03 16.25
Gas Chromatography analysis in ppm
Anthracene <1 <1 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5
Benzo(a)anthracene 37 <1 <0.5 4 <1 <0.5 3 <1 <0.5
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5 <1 <0.5 2 <1 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 25 <1 <0.5 11 <1 <0.5 4 <1 <0.5
Benzo(ghi)perilene 16 <1 <0.5 40 4.7 <0.5 12 2.30 <0.5
Benzo(a)pyrene 16 <1 <0.5 11 <1 <0.5 4 <1 <0.5
Chrisene 3 <1 <0.5 2 <1 <0.5 - <1 <0.5
<1 <1 <0.5 2 <1 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5
Fluoanthene 24 <1 <0.5 2 <1 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5
10 <1 <0.5 27 <1 <0.5 6 <1 <0.5
Phenanthrene 2 8.7 <0.5 <1 1 <0.5 <1 1.30 <0.5
Pyrene 34 5.8 <0.5 <1 <1 <0.5 2 <1 <0.5
PNA IP 346 (w/w-
2.8 1 0.2 1.3 0.6 - 1 0.6 0.2
* Low severity in the hydrotreatment of light fraction: Temperature of first catalyst: 300 C. Temperature 2
280 C. H
partial pressure: 105 bar
# High severity in the hydrotreatment of light fraction: Temperature of first catalyst: 340 C. Temperature 2
340 C. H
partial pressure: 105 bar
Total LHSV (h
Table 3.111: Effect of hydrofinishing on the pollutants of the feed after de-asphalting
[36, Viscolube, 2002]

Base oil produced is more dependent on the technology used to treat the waste oil than to the
differences of the waste oil collected. Some examples of this are shown in Table 3.112.

Chapter 3
Process (de-asphalting,
demetalisation + finishing)
Main products
(Values correspond to kg/tonne of WO unless otherwise stated)
Sulphuric acid + clay
Low quality re-refined base oil: 621
PAH content of the base oils produced can be comparatively high (4 to
17 times higher than virgin base oils)
Gasoil: 70
Caustic soda and bleaching
earth treatment (ENTRA)
High quality re-refined base oil (Group II): 520
Light ends: 170
Diesel: 170
Vacuum distillation In modern vacuum distillation equipment designed for processing used
oils, the distillate produced has a metals content of less than 1 ppm
(according to licensors)
Vacuum distillation +
chemical treatment or clay
The base oils produced by clay treating or by chemical treatment have a
metal content of <1 ppm. This process may not reduce the PAH content
of the oil by as much as hydrotreatment
Thin film evaporator (TFE)
+ clay treatment
Medium quality re-refined base oil: 530 650
Gasoil: 150
TFE + hydrofinishing High quality re-refined base oil: 630
Gasoil: 100
TFE + solvent extraction High quality re-refined base oil: 600
Gasoil: 120 150
TFE + solvent extraction +
High quality re-refined base oil
lubricant Group II: 370
lubricant Group I: 300
Gasoil: 85
TDA (thermal de-
asphalting) + clay treatment
Medium quality re-refined base oil: 500 - 600
Gasoil: 60 80
TDA + Hydrofinishing
(high pressure)
High quality re-refined base oil: 670
Gasoil: 70
PDA (propane de-
asphalting) + hydro
finishing (medium pressure)
High re-refined base oil: 660 700
Gasoil: 43 55
This process yields more marketable products than regeneration by a
chemical treatment
Distillation and alkali
treatment (Vaxon Cator)

Vacuum distillation +
chemical treatment or clay
As much as by hydrotreatment or solvent extraction
Direct contact
hydrogenation (DCH)
Base oil (group II): 770 820
Light ends: 20 40
Heavy fuel or diesel: 70 80
Thermal clay treatment
Vacuum distillation +
chemical treatment
Base oil: 540 kg
Fuel oil: 6105 MJ
Bitumen fluxant: 48 kg
Other fuels: 3720 MJ
Fuel saving
Table 3.112: Product issues related with different waste oil regeneration techniques
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [11, Jacobs and
Dijkmans, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [139,
UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 3
Regenerated solvents
Probably the most desirable product of solvent recovery is one that can be used instead of a
purchased new solvent in the place where it was used initially. This does not necessarily mean
that the recovered solvent meets the same specifications as the virgin material. The
specifications of new solvent will usually have been drawn up by a committee formed of
representatives of both users and producers, who know what the potential impurities are in a
product made by an established process route. The specifications have to satisfy all potential
uses but for any given user, some specifications may be immaterial.

Product property Unit DIN 53978 PERC
Colour HAZEN <15 <5
Water ppm <50 <25
PERC Area-% 99.9 >99.98
Sum of 1,1,1-trichloroethane
and trichloroethylene
Area-% 0.025 0.003 <0.02
Relative density g/ml 1.620 - 1.625 1.624
Alkalinity ppm NaOH 30 25
Residue ppm 50 25
Free chlorine 0 0
Information on a chlorinated hydrocarbon distillation installation
Table 3.113: Specification of products for treatment of chloro-organic compounds versus DIN-
[147, UBA, 2003]

Regenerated catalysts
Table 3.114 shows carbon and sulphur levels, the surface area, and the average length of the
spent catalyst feed and the regenerated product from the belt-only and fine regenerations. The
spent catalyst was analysed for its surface area after laboratory regeneration.

Product quality Spent catalyst from top bed of second
Belt only regeneration Fine
Carbon, w/w-% 22 0.7 0.9
Sulphur, w/w-% 7.5 0.9 0.8
Surface area, m
/g 185 190 197
Average length, mm 2.56 2.72 2.68
The values above correspond to the regeneration of more than 580 tonnes of spent CoMo hydrotreating catalyst from
a customers distillate hydrotreater in 1997. The unit had two reactors with two catalyst beds per reactor. The pre-job
analyses showed that the catalyst could be recovered from all four beds, but, as expected, the highest quality catalyst
was toward the back end of the unit
Table 3.114: Commercial regeneration of CoMo catalyst
[125, Ruiz, 2002]

Overall, the spent catalyst was heavily loaded with hydrocarbon (15 w/w-%) and coke (total
loss on ignition 30 %). The company started regenerating the highest quality catalyst from the
bottom bed of the second reactor and worked back toward the catalyst at the front of the unit.
The job began prior to the fine regeneration installation, so initially the catalyst was being
stripped with inert gas in the belt-stripping unit.

The properties of both regenerated products compare favourably with that of the spent catalyst.
The surface areas of the regenerated samples are slightly higher than those from the laboratory

Chapter 3
3.5 Emissions and consumptions from waste treatments aimed
to produce a material to be used as fuel
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001],
[[8, Krajenbrink, et al., 1999], Jacobs, 2001 #11], [12, Birr-Pedersen, 2001], [14, Ministry for the
Environment, 2000], [16, WAV Working Commitee, 2002], [37, Woodward-Clyde, 2000], [52,
Ecodeco, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [57, EIPPCB, 2001], [58, CEFIC,
2002], [64, EIPPCB, 2003], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [119, Watco, 2002],
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [128, Ribi, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,

This section contains the emissions and consumptions of treatments mentioned in Section 2.5,
i.e. those devoted to processing waste in order to produce a material that will be used as fuel.
The following sections (Sections 3.5.X) detail information available to site operators from their
current recording record systems and highlights the areas where emissions are likely to occur.
Emissions associated with ancillary treatments, e.g. transfer station operation are covered in
Section 3.1.

3.5.1 Waste IN for the preparation of waste fuels

Table 3.115 shows some examples of the types of waste used for the production of solid or
liquid waste fuel.

Type of waste fuel to be
Type of waste Examples
Pasty wastes (mainly from
hazardous waste)
High viscosity solvents, oil sludges,
distillation residues, sludges from the
treatment of industrial sludges (mechanical
industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical
industry, etc.), paint and varnish sludges, ink
sludges, polyol, glues, resins, grease and
fats, other pasty wastes
Powder wastes (mainly from
hazardous waste)
Carbon black, toner powder, paints, spent
catalysts, tensides, other powders
Solid wastes (mainly from
hazardous waste)
Polluted polymers, impregnated sawdust,
sludges from waste water treatment, resins,
paints, glues, spent activated carbon,
polluted soils, hydrocarbon sludges, polluted
absorbents, organic residues from the
chemical and pharmaceutical industries,
spent plastic packaging, waste woods, other
solid wastes
Liquid wastes which are not
suitable for preparation of
liquid waste fuel (mainly from
hazardous waste)
Liquids with risk of polymerising
Solid waste fuel
Non-hazardous solid waste Household and commercial solid wastes,
packaging wastes, wood, paper, cardboard,
cardboard boxes (02, 03, 15, 17, 19, 20),
textiles, fibres (04, 15, 19, 20),
plastics (02, 07, 08, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20),
other materials (08, 09, 15, 16, 19),
high calorific fractions from mixed collected
wastes (17, 19, 20),
construction and demolition waste,
source-separated fractions from MSW,
monostreams of commercial and industrial
Chapter 3
Liquid waste fuel by
Organic liquid waste fuel Solvents, xylenes, toluenes, white-spirit,
acetone, cleaning and degreasing solvents,
petroleum residues, distillation residues, off-
specification organic liquid products
Liquid waste fuel by
Organic liquid waste fuel Used solvents, pasty organic wastes (ink
sludges, paint sludges, adhesives wastes,
etc.), oils residues, pulverulent wastes such
as paint powder, filter cakes, residues from
organic chemical synthesis, oil and fat, spent
ion exchange resins, distillation residues,
wastes from cosmetic industries
Liquid waste fuel by
Organic liquid waste fuel Oils emulsions from mechanical and
metallurgy industries, wastes and sludges
containing oil from petroleum refining, from
the collection and storage of oil products,
wastes from oil distillation and regeneration,
production failures, pasty wastes such as
grease, ink and adhesives wastes,
pulverulent waste such as paint powder,
washing powder wastes, used bases such as
sodium, used oils
Note: Numbers within brackets correspond to EWL codes chapters
Table 3.115: Some examples of the types of waste used for the preparation of solid and liquid waste
[21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001], [50, Scori, 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al.,
2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Table 3.116 shows the typical heating values of some types of waste.

Type of waste Heating value (MJ/kg)
Hazardous waste 21.0 41.9
Non-hazardous industrial waste 12.6 16.8
Municipal waste 7.5 10.5
Plastic 21.0 41.9
Wood 16.8
Tyres 25.1 31.4
Table 3.116: Typical heating values of different types of waste
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [150, TWG, 2004]

Fuel preparation plants and combustion installations that may use waste as (part of) fuel
generally take in more than one type of waste. Some types of waste materials that are used for
co-incineration are shown in Table 3.117.

Chapter 3
Type of
Combustion plants
(including district
heating and marine
Cement kilns Iron and steel
(brick kilns)
Animal meal
Meat and bone meal
Chicken litter

Meat and bone

Charcoal residues
Chemicals Organic acids
Liquid solvents
Phosphorus oven gas

Spent solvents

Paint sludges

Waste paper
Packing materials
Waste paper




Waste oil

Waste oils
Cutting oils

Waste oils

e oils

Waste oils

Rubber Shredded tyres Used tyres
Car shredding
Used tyres
Sludge Sewage sludge Sewage sludge
Paper sludge

Vegetables Energy crops such as
Agricultural residues
such as straw, cereal
plants, pasture from
landscape cultivation

Wood Wood residues
Demolition wood
Forest residues
Wood chips
Waste woods
Some trials have been made on the use of waste in cupola furnaces in foundries.
Note: Table should not be interpreted as exhaustive. Other combinations not mentioned in this table may actually be used.
Table 3.117: Some types of materials used in some co-incineration processes
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [57, EIPPCB, 2001], [64, EIPPCB, 2003], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002],
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

The following sections which have titles in bold give more detailed information on each type of
waste used as fuel. Typical compositions of the type of waste are in some cases made available.

Paint and solvent wastes have a heating value of more than 21 MJ/kg wet matter. The contents
of chlorine, cadmium and zinc may be high.

Municipal solid waste
Table 3.118 shows some characteristics of municipal solid waste, and some of its fractions
which can be used as fuel.
Chapter 3
Municipal solid waste Heating value
(MJ/kg wet
Other components
Generic municipal solid waste 5 8 Cl: 0.5 1.0 %
The content of some metals may be
Residual municipal solid waste 8 11 Cl: 0.5 1.0 %
The content of some metals may be
Paper 11 14 0.5 % of Cl, 33 ppm of Pb and
0.3 ppm of Cd
Celulose (20 w/w-% ash content
and moisture of 5 %)
Celulose (20 w/w-% ash content
and moisture of 40 %)
Polyethylene (20 w/w-% ash
content and moisture of 40 %)
Polyethylene (0 w/w-% ash
content and moisture of 40 %)
Polyethylene (0 w/w-% ash
content and moisture of 5 %)
Polyethylene hard density
97 %, ash
2 %, fixed
carbon 0.3 %
Polypropylene Volatiles 100 %, ash <0.05 %
Polystyrene (white) Volatiles 97 %, ash 3 %
PVC Volatiles 92 %, ash <0.05 %, fixed
carbon 8 %
Plastics 23.7 28.4 Cd: 0.7 - 72 ppm
Cl: 1 4.5 %
Cr: 48 ppm
Hg: 1.3 ppm
Pb: 98 - 739 ppm
Tl: 0.3 ppm
Zn: 550 ppm
Composites 13.3 16.2 Cd: 0.2 - 37 ppm
Cl: 0.5 4.0 %
Pb: 48 - 500 ppm
Textiles, leather and shoes 17.1 Cd: 2.2 ppm
Cl: 1.2 %
Pb: 96 ppm
Plastics volatilise after melting by depolymerisation
The pure polymer is ash free, but ash comes from printing and pigments
Table 3.118: Important characteristics of MSW, and some of its fractions, for use as fuel
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [8, Krajenbrink, et al., 1999], [16, WAV Working Commitee, 2002], [81,
VDI and Dechema, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Waste plastic
The demonstration of energy recovery for specific waste plastic streams in full-scale tests has
been going on over a sufficiently long time period to prove: the repeatable and stable operating
conditions; to document the effect the waste plastics have on the operation; and also to indicate
what materials and emissions will arise. An overview of the APME TEC programme is sketched
out below.

Chapter 3
Energy use Packaging
and cons-
Grate type District Heat
MPW SR Foams
Fluidized bed
Heat/Power MPW, SR
Power MPW Films
Rotary kiln Cement MPW Foam
Non-Ferrous ESR
Circulating FB Pulp Paper MPW Curb
Note: MPW: municipal plastic waste (sometimes needs to be shredded before use); SR: shredder residue; ESR:
shredder residue from white goods
Table 3.119: The use of waste plastics from different industrial sectors as fuel
[58, CEFIC, 2002] [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Oily materials

Waste oils
More information on the composition of waste oils can be found in Section 3.4.1. Used oils may
have a significant, but variable, chlorine content, including organochlorines. The fate of these
chlorine compounds will vary, not only with the treatment route, but also with the form in
which the chlorine is present. It is, therefore, difficult to make any general comments on the
effects of chlorine other than that in the combustion routes there is a risk of dioxin formation
and that in the reprocessing options there are risks of corrosion problems, acid gas emissions
and contamination of the output streams.

Waste lubricating oils and oils recovered from interceptors are sold for use as fuel. Because
these oils can create carbon deposits when burned, they tend to be used in applications where
this is of no concern. The main users are the road stone industry and coal fired power stations,
who use it for flame stabilisation and power boosts.

Waste fuel oils
Waste fuel oils arise from a variety of situations such as tank drainage from vehicle fuel tanks,
when a boiler fuel store is drained when the plant converts to natural gas, or when tanks are
removed during site clearances. These oils are generally not contaminated although they may
have deteriorated with age and sometimes carry the tank bottom dirt settled from many years
of filling. In most plants, comparatively little of this type of material is accepted and it will be
reasonable to consider its analysis comparable to fuel oils as sold.

Gasification is specially designed to process heavy fuels, as well as a wide range of hydrocarbon

Fuel oils range in specification but, in general, they are used rather than sent for treatment and
so the quantities will be small. They typically have a lower boiling point than lubricating oils,
contain more of the lower chain hydrocarbons and have a higher risk of VOC emissions during
treatment. However, the content of the metals is typically low (although vanadium and nickel
have been found in fuel oils). PAHs are typically stable and non-volatile. Unused fuel oils have
a lower boiling point range than lubricating oils. Comparisons between the compositions of fuel
oils and lubricants are shown in Table 3.120 below.

Chapter 3
Normal carbon chain
point range
Important compounds
Kerosene Middle distillate, C
150 300 N alkanes, cycloalkanes, low concentrations
of mono aromatics, low concentrations of
Fuel oil (N
2) Middle distillate, C

200 325 Very low BTEX, toluene 0.06 %, ethyl
benzene 0.034 %, xylenes 0.23 %, high
concentrations of n-alkanes, C
0.1 %, C

0.35 %), lower concentrations of branched
alkanes, cycloalkanes monoaromatics,
napthalenes (0.22 %) and PAHs, nickel
0.00005 %
Fuel oil (N
6) Residual oil, C

350 700 Very low BTEX, low naphthalenes and
PAHs, high n-alkanes (C
0.0034 % -C

0.1 %) and cycloalkanes, nickel 0.0089 %
Lube oils Heavy end distillate,


326 600 Low concentrations of BTEX, high
concentrations of branched alkanes and
Table 3.120: Typical composition of fuel oils and lube oils
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Table 3.121 shows some characteristics of tyres used as fuel.

Parameter Value

Calorific value 36 38 MJ/kg
Chloride 0.15 0.25 %
As <2 ppm
Cd <5 10 ppm
Co <5 27 ppm
Cr <5 97 ppm
Cu 10 30 ppm
Hg 0.17 - <1 ppm
Mn 6 11 ppm
Ni <5 40 ppm
Pb <5 410 ppm
Sb 55 410 ppm
Sn 14 21 ppm
Tl 0.25 75 ppm
V <5 60 ppm
Zn 14.5 16.1 g/kg
Table 3.121: Fuel characteristics of tyres
[4, Langenkamp, 1997]

Sludge typically contains water. An increase in the content of water for a given dry composition
of sludge decreases its heating value. For example, sludge with a content of 33 % dry matter has
a heating value of less than 5 MJ/kg wet matter. The content of chlorine is typically low but the
mercury content may be significant in certain sludges.

Sawdust, sawmill chips and PVC have a heating value of between 14 and 21 MJ/kg wet matter.
Construction waste has a heating value of between 14 and 17 MJ/kg wet matter. Some
physico-chemical parameters of scrap wood are shown in Table 3.122.

Chapter 3
Metals Concentration (ppm)
Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 17.3
Cl 0.1 %
Cd 0.7 3.4
Cr 50
Hg 0.2
Pb 53 1000
Tl <0.1
Zn 1500
Table 3.122: Metals content of scrap wood
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002]

3.5.2 Consumptions of preparation of waste fuel

Consumptions in the preparation of waste oil to be used as fuel

Material consumed Application
Chemicals antioxidants Added to light fuel oils and light distillates fractions in
order to stabilise the products
Table 3.123: Consumptions in the thermal treatment of waste oils
[119, Watco, 2002]

Waste OUT Mainly to produce
fuel oil
Units (per tonne of
input waste oil)
Fuel oil (700 MJ and
<0.5 % S)
849 kg
Secondary fuels
63 kg
Fossil fuel consumption 4 eq. crude oil
Primary energy 343 MJ
Water consumption 431 kg
1 Thermal cracking: Thermal + chemical treatment (with H
2 Many of them are waste fuels generated during the process
Table 3.124: Consumptions generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [152, TWG, 2004]

Output Amount
(per tonne of input
waste oil)
Methanol 1080 kg
Savings in the primary input of
fuels typically used in

Fossil fuel 109 kg eq. crude oil
Primary energy 7110 MJ
Water consumption 1350 kg
Table 3.125: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]

Chapter 3
Consumptions in the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel

Consumptions Solid waste fuel Liquid waste fuel
Electricity (kWh/tonne waste fuel
5 25 5 20
Fuel (litre/tonne waste fuel
0.15 3 0.05 2
Adsorbents Between 20 and 40 % of
absorbents per tonne of
waste fuel produced are
used, depending on required
The types of absorbents are
fresh sawdust, sawdust from
wood recovery,
polyurethane, paper by-
product, textiles, etc.

Water (litres/tonne of waste fuel - for
cleaning installation, trucks and
eventually drums; maintenance,
spraying installations for dust
5 20 5 20
Nitrogen m
/tonne waste fuel
produced (inertising mixers,
shredders or liquid storage)
1 - 2.5 1 - 2.5
Others raw materials for effluent

Notes: Energy data do not include energy consumption for ventilation and air treatment.
The electricity consumption varies widely according to the type of wastes, the packaging and on the level of
automation. For example, in the case of packaged drums to be shredded, the electricity consumption can reach 25
kWh/t, while in the case of bulk wastes in a non automated process line it will be between 5 and 10 kWh/t.
Moreover, when the electricity consumption is high, the fuel consumption is usually on the low side.
The fuel consumption is mainly for utility vehicles and will decrease with the automation level.
The total energy consumption represents less than 5 % of the total energy content of the waste fuel.
Water consumption is related with good housekeeping of the installation. It varies widely according to the
type of wastes, the packaging and the eventual use of recovered rainwater. If drums or containers need to be
cleaned or rinsed for further use, an additional consumption of 2 to 20 l/tonne is required.
Table 3.126: Consumptions in the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel
[122, Eucopro, 2003]
Chapter 3
Consumptions in the preparation of waste fuel from municipal solid waste
Table 3.127 below gives an overview of the plants that have provided data for this section.

Type of plant
Kind of solid
waste fuel
Specific energy
consumption (kWh/t
input material)
Commercial waste processing
40 2400 109
Mechanical-biological waste
Soft pellets,
55 2300 38 56
Commercial waste processing
Soft pellets,
65 1268 1902 40 59
MSW processing without a
biological decomposition step
80 781 40
Mechanical-biological waste
Fluff 100 5800 92
High calorific fraction from
MSW processing and
commercial waste processing
Soft pellets,
100 315 405 32 41
Commercial waste processing
Soft pellets,
100 1080 1620 36 54
Mechanical-biological waste
fraction in
110 1870 17
Mechanical-biological waste
Soft pellets,
110 4000 33 40
Mechanical-biological waste
Fluff 600 2760
MSW processing without a
biological decomposition step
Fluff 840 23650 30
Residual municipal solid
waste treatment
Separation: 8 15
Table 3.127: Consumption examples for the preparation of fuels from MSW
[52, Ecodeco, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM,
2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

Fuel consumption
Specific electricity
consumption (kWh/t)
Specific water
65 38475 3575 55 0.078
86 0 5831 68 0.0019
100 1050 10.5
Table 3.128: Consumption examples for the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste
[66, TWG, 2003]

The big difference in energy consumption in relation to the amount of input material relates to
the kind of processing plant applied and the type of generated solid waste fuel used; for
instance, whether drying facilities are installed or if the generated solid waste fuel is made in
different grain sizes and shapes.

Except for thermal drying processes, fuel is not required for solid waste fuel production; fuel is
only necessary to run vehicles at the process area, such as fork-lift trucks or wheel loaders. One
producer for thermal drying reported a gas consumption is about 21250 GJ per year. This
specific consumption amounts to 1390 MJ/t input material.

Chapter 3
In general, no further ingredients besides waste are deployed and which end up in product. To
ensure failure-free operation, the process and material handling equipment have to be lubricated.
Several detergents are applied. Furthermore, there are auxiliary materials applied to support the
exhaust gas cleaning process, such as sodium hydroxide (consumption: 18 kg/kt) and phosphate
(consumption: 3 kg/kt).

Separation, digestion and biological degradation require energy. The consumption of electricity
by separation and digestion is approximately 60 kWh/t input material, of which the separation
accounts to about 8 to 15 kWh. Through the incineration of the biogas in a gas engine, with an
efficiency of 35 %, approximately 120 kWh
/t waste are produced. This results in a net
production of approximately 60 kWh
t waste. Producing the digestate requires approximately
100 MJ
/t input materials. Biological drying requires also approximately 100 MJ
/t input

3.5.3 Emissions from the preparation of waste fuel

Emissions from the preparation of solid waste fuel from municipal solid waste
The material balance of the production of a RDF is shown in the next table.

product (e.g.
waste with an
Metals Water
and CO
55 50 20 5 20 25
Glass: 4
White: 3
Brown: 0.5
Green: 0.5

Minerals: 4

Fine grain and
dust to be
disposed off: 4
metals: 4
metals: 1
Batteries: 0.05
Values in kg/100 kg of waste entrance
calorific value 15 18 MJ/kg
Table 3.129: Examples of the emissions from the production of RDF from MSW
[52, Ecodeco, 2002], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002]

Table 3.130 gives an overview of the plants that have provided data for this section.
Chapter 3
Type of plant
Kind of
solid waste
of solid
waste fuel
distance to the
location of
immission (m)
Acoustic pressure
level day/night as
technical approval
Fluff 23 17400 76.7
40 15300 69.5 18000
Soft pellets,
65 31700 99.1 48000 10

n.a. 80 16300 84.0
biological waste
Fluff 100 30700 48.7 45000 394
High calorific
fraction from
processing and
processing plant
Soft pellets,
100 9000 90.0 48000 1000

Soft pellets,
100 27000 90.0 48000 1000

biological waste
fraction in
110 19500 17.7 120000 406 200

Fluff 840 90000 11.5 90000 220 650

Table 3.130: Overview of some solid waste fuel production plants in the EU
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Chapter 3
Units Installation A Installation B Installation C
Capacity kt/yr 65 86 98
Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load
Fumes million Nm
Oxygen % 19 1.4
t/yr 11765 8428
PM mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0 1 394.2
- kg/yr 1820 18.6 7332
- kg/yr 80 4699.5 47 18527 12.5
O mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0
TOC mg/Nm
- kg/yr 40 2340 1.7 670.14
kg/yr 26715
CO mg/Nm
- kg/yr 80 4699.5 8.4 3311.28 16
HCl mg/Nm
- kg/yr 78
HF mg/Nm
- kg/yr 26
Total metals mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0.4 197.1
Hg mg/Nm
- kg/yr 3.7 1.46
Cd + Tl mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0.4 0.197 0.08
Chlorobenzenes mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0 0.0047
g/yr 0.0026 0.002 0.00079
CFC mg/Nm
- kg/yr 0.044 17.345
EU O.U./Nm
MGE/yr 0 110 43362
Table 3.131: Examples of air emissions from the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste
[66, TWG, 2003]

Units Installation A Installation B Installation C
Capacity kt/yr 65 86 160
Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load
WW generated m
/yr 16965 30100 8000
mg/l - kg/yr 21
COD mg/l - kg/yr 34450 40
Total N (as N) mg/l - kg/yr 230
Nitrit mg/l - kg/yr 1.8
Nitrates mg/l - kg/yr
Ammonia mg/l - kg/yr 10400
Nitrates mg/l - kg/yr 650
Sulphates mg/l - kg/yr 325
Table 3.132: Examples of water emissions from the preparation of fuel from non-hazardous waste
[66, TWG, 2003]

Depending on the type of plant a great difference can be found in the ratio between the amount
of treated waste and the solid waste fuel products. This is explained by the fact that some plants
treat commercial waste and other plants treat MSW. Additionally, the producers have different
ways to produce their solid waste fuel. For instance, if the fine material is added to the solid
waste fuel product and this is not disposed in a landfill, the amount of product increases but the
quality decreases significantly. Other plants are building up their capacities by modifications of
their operation or produce solid waste fuel in a combined production with MSW processing

The declared values are taken from the technical approvals. The differences seen by the wide
range of the values can be explained by the location of the processing plants, and their different
input materials and operating times, e.g. in some cases one, two or three shift operations.

Chapter 3
With reference to Table 3.130, the difference between the amount of input and the amount of
product output must be adjusted taking into account the amount of potential recyclables such as
ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the waste. The content of potential recyclables depends on
each waste composition, which can vary widely. Furthermore, residues may accrue during the
waste gas cleaning process.

Depending on the processing method, there may also be some by-products generated.
Depending on the quality of the by-products they might be recycled directly or treated after a
further processing. The current by-products are typically ferrous and non-ferrous metals and an
inert fraction. The quality of the ferrous and non-ferrous metal product depends on the waste
content and on the processing method applied. Higher quality products are applicable for
material recycling.

The inert fraction is sometimes used as construction materials, e.g. as road construction material
or for landfill. In rare cases, a recycling material may be produced which is used directly as a
raw material, e.g. some kinds of plastics and glass. Furthermore, by application of an air
separator a heavyweight fraction can accrue which is applied for energetic utilisation.

The composition of the waste that is not used as fuel is different than that of the waste IN and
the waste OUT. It depends on the waste IN but also the type of treatment given. Material
balances showing such differences as well as showing where the different components of the
waste IN end up, have not been provided.

Emissions from the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel
Emissions to air
Emissions From Solid waste fuel Liquid waste fuel
Unloading and handling
of absorbents and/or
pulverulent wastes
m n/a
Processing l/m l (mainly for fluidification)
Loading m n/a
Dust, absorbents
mainly from
sawdust, powdery
wastes (paints,
resins, washing
powder, catalysts,
Achieved performance
1 10 1 5
Sampling l/m m/h
Unloading operation
(truck, drums, and
m m/h
Processing m (sieving) l
VOC and odour
Achievable performance
NMVOC (mg/Nm
10 50 10 110
by use of bag filters
by regenerative thermal oxidiser for solid waste fuel and by regenerative thermal oxidiser or by
activated carbon treatment for liquid waste fuel
l: low emissions m: medium emissions h: high emissions n/a: not applicable
Table 3.133: Air emissions from the preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

VOCs and odour
Most accepted wastes contain organic compounds. In certain circumstances, according to
vapour pressure and temperature, they are more or less volatile. These volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) can be potentially harmful for the environment and workers health and can
also cause a bad smell. This is why these emissions need particular attention and follow up. The
level of VOC emissions depends on the nature of the waste, its flashpoint, the vapour pressure
of the components, and their concentration. VOC emissions are also influenced by the type of
process applied and by the prevailing climatic conditions.
Chapter 3
All the process lines and equipment need to be designed and built according to EU noise
regulations for operators inside the plant and for neighbours. Incoming and outgoing transport
vehicles are the main source of noise around and inside the plants.

Other noise sources include handling machines such as mechanical shovels, loaders, hydraulic
shovels, screeners, shredders, grinders, pumps, agitators, motors used for the ventilation
network, and VOC treatment units.

Emissions to water
The sources of waste water are cleaning water from drum cleaning, truck cleaning, the cleaning
of facilities, road tankers and skips, and process water (from wastes settling during transport,
from drying, etc.). In the absence of measured water parameters of the waste water from these
installations, Table 3.134 shows a compilation of ranges from some permits applied to
installations. With the exceptions of major accidents, these installations have no impact on
groundwater. A piezometer network with analysis once or twice a year is generally used for the

Physico-chemical parameters Permit limit values
pH 5.5 9.5
Maximum temperature 30 45
TSS 30 60
COD 50 300
Hydrocarbons 2 10
30 40
N-kjeldahl n.a. 40
N global 10 50
Total phosphates 1 10
CN (free) 0.1
Cd 0.05 0.2
Cr(VI) 0.01 0.1
Cr total 0.02 0.5
Cu 0.03 0.5
Fe 10 15
Hg 0.05 0.15
Ni 0.05 0.5
Pb 0.05 0.5
Sn 0.01 2
Zn 0.3 2
Total Metals* 10 15
* Sb + Co + V + Tl + Pb + Cu + Cr + Ni + Zn + Mn + Sn + Cd + Hg + Se + Te
Table 3.134: Ranges of values given in permits for some installations
[122, Eucopro, 2003]
Chapter 3
By-products and wastes generated
Effluents treatment wastes and
other wastes for disposal
Composed of Amount (kg/tonne of
waste fuel produced)
Residues coming from the
packaging of the delivered

Consigned IBCs, containers or

Metallic containers and drums
Plastic containers and drums
Big bags
Plastic sheet
Scrap extraction during the
production stage
These residues are composed of metallic
parts which can be voluminous
1.5 20
Rotating, vibrating and static
sieve/screen rejects
These residues are composed of blocks of
different solid wastes (such as resins,
paintings, glues, tars, bitumen, polluted
soils, etc.), pieces of wood, sand, polluted
plastics, lining, pieces of textile sheets
Effluent treatment residues
For example, activated carbon from
waste water and air effluent treatment
0 3
Laboratory residues and rejected

Note: the amount of by-products is strongly linked with the type of packaging. For example, in the case of small
packaged wastes, the iron scrap fraction can reach up to 150 kg/tonne of waste fuel
Table 3.135: Wastes generated in the preparation of hazardous waste to be used as fuel
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

The control of soil quality can be assured by the follow up/monitoring of air emissions,
effluents, and groundwater quality.

Preparation of solid waste fuel by the carbonisation of contaminated wood
Contaminated wood may contain POPs, mercury, arsenic and other typical contaminants

Emissions from the treatment of waste oil to be used as fuel
Table 3.136 shows the emissions of the preparation of waste oils when producing a liquid fuel.
Chapter 3
Medium Through
Waste oil
Air Displacement of vapour during loading
Breathing via vents
Boiler Air Combustion gases via stack. Most oil re-processing facilities generate steam
from in-house boilers
Air Heating vessels are typically insulated mild steel tanks. Heat is delivered to
the oil by a heat exchange system typically based on internal or blind
steam coils. This arrangement can be difficult to clean and maintain. This
may lead to inefficient energy use related to raising steam.
VOCs are emitted during the heating of oil to drive off water vapour.
Emissions may consist of displaced vapour comprising water vapour and
VOCs. Carbon absorption could be used but may be affected by water
vapour. Condensation needs to be considered to collect the organic fraction,
which can be used as boiler feed or incinerated
Warm oil
Air VOCs from the transfer of warm oil to receiving tanks
Warm oil
Air VOCs emitted when warm oil is passed through filters to remove solids.
Warm oil from the heating vessels is typically passed over open filters to
remove solids. These are situated either in open yards or buildings. The
filters used are typically vibrating metal mesh more commonly used in
relation to mineral aggregates. It is crucial to the sale of the recovered fuel
oil that the high solids content that the warm oil retains, is removed. The
action of the removal of solids is aggressive and the filters need to be robust
to deal with the solids and also the warm oil. This stage is a source of VOCs
and odour
of oil from
Air Oil is removed from liquid effluent prior to discharge to foul sewer or other
waters, usually by oil/water interceptors, tilting plate separator and or by
filtration techniques. VOCs are a significant emission when drawn off from
a process tank into open channels and also when this is warm and passed
over a tilting plant separator
of oil from
Water Effluent to sewer. VOCs are released from warm water to sewer
Air VOCs released during watering off
Air VOCs displacement Recovered
oil storage Land Removal of sludge from storage and heating vessels and filtration units
Table 3.136: Emissions generated from the preparation of waste oils to be used as fuel
[55, UK EA, 2001]
Chapter 3
Table 3.137 shows some mass balances of four different treatment plants (A - D).

Site Waste IN (excluding non
oil/solvent items such as
Products Discharge to
Waste for
processing off-
Waste to landfill
Bulk waste oil: 14340
Hydraulic fluid: 15
Mixed oily waste: 100
Used oil filters: 1355
Paints and solvents 100

Fuel oil for the
industry: 12800
Mixed waste oils: 15000
Used oil filters: 90
Fuel oil: 13000 Waste water:
Compacted oil
filters: 30
Sludge: 500
Contaminated water from
factory interceptors: 14000

Used oils from garages and
factories: 2000
Surplus fuel oils: 100
Fuel oil for
treatment or
blending: 2000
High COD
waste water:

Pumpable sludge:
Used motor lubricating oil (In
tankers): 80000
Sludge from
sieves: 6
Used lube oils in drums: 100
Used lube oil
treated for use
as fuel: 72000 Tank bottom
sludge: 6
Cut pieces of
25 litres oil
drums: 10
D Surplus fuel oils: 300 Kerogas
(mixed lube
and fuel oil):

Waste water
with traces of
Debris, rags, etc:
Note: Values within cells correspond to the annual amount in tonnes of the mentioned material
Table 3.137: Inputs and outputs for waste oil treatment plants producing a material to be used as
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Waste IN
Type of waste oils Annual amount
Oil content
(% oil)
Water content
(% water)
Waste motor oil 62000 97 3
Interceptor waste 25000 4 96
Soluble oils 16000 25 75
Fuel oils 7000 98 2
Oils from transfer stations or the
processing of oil filters
4000 97 3
Other oil bearing waste streams 200 99 1
Waste OUT and residues
Cleaned waste oil to be used as fuel 75150 99.5 0.5
Disposal to sewer Oil (mg/l) COD (mg/l)
Sewer discharge 40000 200
Disposals to landfill % Oil (dry solids) Water content
(% water)
Landfill: screenings 6000 11 25
Landfill: process sludge 12000 5 50
Landfill: other waste 4000 2 40
Other liquid disposal 4000 2 98
Other solid disposal 3000 5 95
Table 3.138: Example of emissions from an oil recycling plant that heats the oil during the process
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Chapter 3
Mainly to produce
fuel oil
Mainly to produce
Units (per tonne of
input waste oil)
Fuel oil (32 of 700 MJ
and <0.5 % S)
849 kg
Secondary fuels
63 kg
Gasoil 706 kg
Naphtha 51 kg
Bitumen 38 kg
2845 eq. kg
9.8 eq. kg
VOC 0.08 kg eq. C
Particulates 0.4 g
Phosphates in water 0.0012 kg eq.
Waste to eliminate 18 kg
Waste to recover 24 kg
Waste water 50 kg
Solvents 29 kg
Heavy residues 61 kg
Naphtha 36 kg
Off-gases 29 kg
Thermal cracking: thermal + chemical treatment (with H
Thermal cracking adjusted to produce primarily gasoil. Finishing with purification and stabilisation
Many are waste fuels generated during the process
Table 3.139: Emissions generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [152, TWG, 2004]

For co-gasification with coal, the metals contained within the used oil can be fixed in an inert,
non-hazardous bottom ash. Sulphur compounds are converted to hydrogen sulphide and removed
by conventional scrubbing and converted to elemental sulphur. There are no metals, fugitives or
dioxin emissions from the gasification process.

(per tonne of input waste oil)
Methanol 1080 kg
Saving of primary input of fuels
typically used in gasification

1431 kg eq.
0.21 kg eq.
VOC 0.05 kg eq. C
Phosphates 0.0079 kg eq phosphates in water
Waste to eliminate 1 kg
Waste to recover 36 kg
Table 3.140: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]

Emissions to air
Some emissions commonly caused by the processing of waste oils to produce a product that can
be used as fuel are shown in the following table (Table 3.141).

Chapter 3
Environmental issue in the
processing of waste oil
Chlorinated hydrocarbons They increase the level of chlorine in the waste oil
Dioxins They have been cited by environmental health officials in a recent
used oil regeneration and basestocks fire
Lead In the reprocessing option, lead will end up in the heavy residues,
which will result in it being locked up in a bitumen product. Due
to the changing of gasoline specifications, lead contamination is of
diminishing importance
Metals In the thermal cracking process, at least 98 % of the metals are
removed as a non-leachable solid powder, collected in sealed
containers, and used as an additive to asphalt
Non-volatile metals The other metals likely to be present may be retained in the
bitumen residue, as with lead
PAHs PAHs used to be a problem in processing base oils from a health
and environmental point of view. These are formed during an
incomplete combustion of organic matter. PAHs are relatively
difficult to break down. However, recent tests indicate that it is
possible to remove PAHs in the regeneration process of modern
plants, thus avoiding the accumulation of PAHs
Sulphur compounds Odour and SO
emissions, if used as fuel within the processing
Table 3.141: Environmental issues related to the processing of waste oils to be used as fuel
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [11, Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,

Emissions to water
Waste oil preparation may give rise to miscible or dissolved organic substances, for example,
demulsifers and detergents, within the effluent.

3.5.4 Waste fuels (waste OUT)

The intention of this section is to give an overview of the type of specifications that waste fuel
typically has to have in order to be used in different combustion processes. Waste fuel is the
term used in this document to name the fuel prepared from waste. As stated in the Scope
chapter, descriptions of the combustion processes themselves are not covered in this document.
Combustion is covered in the other industrial sector BREFs covered by IPPC.

The co-incineration of waste materials impacts on plant efficiency, and/or emissions to air and
water, and also effects the quality of combustion residues and by-products. The impact of using
waste as a fuel instead of using conventional fuels is determined by the different properties of
the waste from the main fuel. For example, the emissions caused by the burning of waste oils in
a coal fired power plant, in a fuel oil fired power plant or in a cement kiln are different because
the nature of the process and the applied abatement techniques, e.g. solid vs. liquid fuel, end-of-
pipe techniques, alkalinity of the cement kilns, temperature of the combustion (from 800 C for
fluid bed furnaces up to 2000 C for cement furnaces), and the type of combustion plant (power
plant, district heating or CHP) can be very different in each case. Consequently, those issues are
covered in each industrial sector BREF, together with the discussion on the applied combustion
process; and hence these issues cannot be covered here.

Chapter 3
Part of the heating value of the waste to be used as fuel and the other important fuel properties
that determine whether a specific fuel can be applied in a combustion plant arise from its
chemical composition and physical properties. Fouling, slagging and corrosion of the boiler,
when used in combustion power/heat plants, are possible negative aspects that are also related to
its chemical composition, in particular to the presence of certain components in the total fuel
mix such as alkali metals, chlorine and sulphur. These components may therefore have great
influence on the availability of the combustion power/heat plant as they can lead to plant
downtime; they can also affect the ash characteristics, e.g. sintering and melting behaviour. Ash
composition can be an important factor in the economics of the combustion plant. Polluting
elements, such as heavy metals, can negatively influence the options for ash use, resulting in
high costs for ash disposal. The physical form in which the fuel occurs is also of importance
because the feeding systems must be capable of handling the fuel without problems and
particles must be small enough for complete burn out in the relevant combustion technology.
Pellets, fluff, briquettes and bales are the most commonly applied physical forms for solid waste

Futhermore, for combustion process the volatiles are an important fuel parameter with regard to
flame stability and burn out of the fuel. Generally, solid waste fuels consist of wood, paper and
plastics which are high in volatiles, e.g. compared to coal.

Chapter 3
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 253 Solid waste fuel prepared from municipal solid waste

The range of compositions of solid waste fuel in Europe is shown in Table 3.142 below

Property Range Units
Dry matter 75.3 78.0 %
Humidity 1.6 50 %
Calorific value 10 40 MJ/kg
Ash 0.7 20 w/w-%
Composition of the ash

6.9 9.2
17.6 21.8
1.6 2.2
1.9 2.2
1.4 1.7
1.9 2.7
17.9 20.8
1.0 1.6
Chlorine <0.01 1.77 w/w-%
Fluorine 0.001 0.02 w/w-%
Sulphur 0.02 0.6 w/w-%
Carbon 47.1 50.7 w/w-%
Hydrogen 6.6 7.0 w/w-%
Nitrogen 0.5 0.8 w/w-%
Oxygen 30.4 34.4 w/w-%
As <0.4 160 ppm
Be 0.2 0.3 ppm
Cd* 0.16 6 ppm
Cd + Hg 7 ppm
Co 0.4 7.4 ppm
Cr 2.5 226 ppm
Cu 6.8 1340 ppm
Hg <0.02 1 ppm
Mn 22 590 ppm
Ni <2.5 40 ppm
Pb 2.4 300 ppm
Sb 1 39 ppm
Se 0.8 1.7 ppm
Sn 2 27.6 ppm
Te 0.6 1.58 ppm
Tl <0.1 0.8 ppm
V 2.3 10.2 ppm
Zn 225 500 ppm
EOX 31 42 ppm
* Around 70 % of the Cd that may be present in the MSW
is transferred to the combustible products.
Table 3.142: Ranges from the analyses of solid waste fuel prepared from MSW in Europe
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [8, Krajenbrink, et al., 1999], [21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001], [81,
VDI and Dechema, 2002]

Chapter 3
Parameter Units Median 80

Number of
Net calorific value MJ/kg 20.6 25.1 179
Moisture content % 13.4 18.8 346
Ash content % DM 13.8 20.6 151
Chlorine total % 0.7 1.1 171
Fluorine total mg/kg DM 100.0 400.0 55
Sulphur total % 0.1 0.4 110
Antimony mg/kg DM 10.8 42.4 284
Arsenic mg/kg DM 1.0 2.0 257
Beryllium mg/kg DM 0.2 0.3 230
Cadmium mg/kg DM 2.2 4.9 266
Chromium mg/kg DM 48.0 82.9 259
Cobalt mg/kg DM 2.9 4.7 245
Copper mg/kg DM 97.5 560.0 286
Lead mg/kg DM 89.0 160.0 265
Manganese mg/kg DM 61.0 94.0 229
Mercury mg/kg DM 0.2 0.3 249
Nickel mg/kg DM 13.1 26.3 243
Selenium mg/kg DM 0.4 1.7 235
Tellurium mg/kg DM 0.4 1.0 222
Thallium mg/kg DM 0.4 0.5 241
Tin mg/kg DM 4.0 12.2 192
Vanadium mg/kg DM 3.6 5.3 241
PCB Sum DIN 51527 0.2 0.5 21
Notes: DM = dry matter
All percentages are by mass
The MSW used at this time did not include the high calorific fraction of household waste. It
contained the high calorific fraction from construction and demolition waste and from
commercial waste, which explains the stated value of the net calorific value.
Table 3.143: Solid waste fuel produced from the high calorific fraction of demolition waste
[21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001]
Chapter 3
Parameter Units Source-separated raw
materials from apartments,
offices, etc.
Source-separated raw
materials from industries
and companies
Moisture % 33.6 16.6
Gross calorific value MJ/kg DM 23.1 21.2
Net calorific value MJ/kg DM 22.3 20.1
Net calorific value MJ/kg 14.0 16.8
Energy content MWh/tonne 3.9 4.7
Ash content % 10.2 6.7
Volatile matter % 74.8 78.3
Chlorine % 0.4 0.3
Aluminium % 0.6 0.2
Metallic aluminium % 0.03
Sulphur % 0.2 0.1
Nitrogen % 1.5 1.4
Sodium % 0.4 0.1
Sodium soluble % 0.3 0.1
Potassium % 0.3 0.1
Potassium soluble % 0.2 0.1
Mercury mg/kg DM 0.3 0.1
Cadmium mg/kg DM 1.2
Chromium mg/kg DM 140
Copper mg/kg DM 80
Nickel mg/kg DM 20
Zinc mg/kg DM 340
Manganese mg/kg DM 210
Arsenic mg/kg DM 8.8
Lead mg/kg DM 52.4
Notes: DM = dry matter
All percentages are by mass
Mean derived from 742 samples
Mean derived from 490 samples
Table 3.144: Recovered fuel produced from source-separated fractions from MSW and other
combustible waste (Finland)
[21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001]
Chapter 3
Parameter Units Median 80
Number of samples
Net calorific value MJ/kg 22.9 25.3 1402
Moisture content % 11.5 17.2 1849
Ash content % DM 9.6 11.6 1308
Chlorine total % 0.4 0.7 1475
Fluorine total mg/kg DM 100 400 200
Sulphur total % 0.1 0.1 307
Cadmium mg/kg DM 0.8 3.2 443
Mercury mg/kg DM 0.2 0.4 402
Thallium mg/kg DM 0.5 1.5 410
Arsenic mg/kg DM 1.5 1.7 394
Cobalt mg/kg DM 2.0 3.8 383
Nickel mg/kg DM 6.2 16.0 384
Selenium mg/kg DM 1.0 2.5 318
Tellurium mg/kg DM 1.0 5.0 322
Antimony mg/kg DM 9.4 33.9 547
Beryllium mg/kg DM 0.2 0.3 343
Lead mg/kg DM 25.0 64.4 406
Chromium mg/kg DM 20.0 43.9 417
Copper mg/kg DM 48.0 118 504
Manganese mg/kg DM 28.0 47.0 369
Vanadium mg/kg DM 3.3 10.0 347
Tin mg/kg DM 7.0 12.4 114
PCB Sum DIN 51527 0.2 0.5 134
Notes: DM = dry matter
All percentages are by mass
Table 3.145: Recovered fuel produced from monostreams of commercial and industrial waste (data
from one German company)
[21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001]

Solid waste fuel to substitute coal
The main difference between coal and solid waste fuels is the contents of sulphur, chlorine and
heavy metals. In many cases, for instance, if solid waste fuels with plastics are considered and
compared to coal, the chlorine of the recovered fuels are higher (typically 0.5 1.0 %) and the
sulphur is lower. Also generally, the heavy metals content will be in a similar range (ppm range)
or may even increase. Solid waste fuel is sold in different physical forms. Table 3.146 gives an
overview of the different physical forms of waste fuel.

Waste fuels Determining physical and chemical characterisation
Soft pellets
Hard pellets

Particle size, bulk density, moisture content, net calorific
value, ash content, chemical composition
Table 3.146: Overview of the different physical forms of the waste fuel (waste OUT)
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [152, TWG, 2004]

The user requirements often define the product quality and the waste fuel characterisation.
Power plants, cement and lime works, gasification plants, multifuel boilers etc. have different
standards for the use of solid waste fuel dependent on their technology, waste gas treatment and
product specification.

Chapter 3
Dried sewage sludge
Large volumes of dried sewage sludge with calorific values between 3 and <10 MJ/kg are used
in power plants. Specifications of waste fuel to be used in cement kilns

The two tables below (Table 3.147 and Table 3.148) contain examples of specifications used by
cement kilns in some countries. These tables do not contain the full picture of what is actually
happening in Europe, so it should be considered that the information given here is not

The sampling and measurements required for accepting substitute fuels in cement kilns in some
countries is shown in Table 3.147.
Chapter 3
Substances or
criteria to be
Units United Kingdom
(Belgian region)
Calorific value MJ/kg 23 29 >15 >15
not detectable
Water content % <25
Total S % <0.3 <0.4 <0.6 0.1 2.8
Total Cl % <2 <0.5 <0.9 0.03 0.76
Total F, Br, I % <0.5
F % <0.1
Total Br, I % <0.01
Total N % <1.0
Al ppm 10 1000
As ppm <50 <10 <9 <50 60
Be ppm <1
Cd ppm <10 <10 20
Cd + Tl ppm <40
Cd + Hg <7
Co ppm <100
Cr ppm <200 <100 <10 80
Cu ppm <600 <300
<10 165
ppm <20 <10
Hg, Tl ppm <2
Mn ppm <250 <400
Mo ppm <20
Ni ppm <50 <40
Pb ppm <500 <200 <200
10 1080
Sb ppm <50
Sn ppm <100
V ppm <50 <200
Zn ppm <500 108 3670
Sb, As, Cr, Co, Cu,
Pb, Mn, Ni, Sn, V
ppm <1800
Solid and ash
% Depends on the
type of waste fuel
PCB content <10
Other species Depends on the
type of waste fuel

It has been reported that no cement kiln is now operating in Flanders
An SRF producer

reported production of a waste fuel with the following characteristics: calorific value of
more than 18.8 MJ/kg, water content of less than 20 %, total chlorine content of less than 1 % and an ash
content of less than 6 %
For waste oil used in a cement kiln
Lower values have been reported (2 5 ppm if the facility is equipped with a bag house filter with
activated carbon and less than 1 ppm if such equipment is not implemented) but no reference to any
country or installation was given
refers only to volatile Pb
refers only to soluble Cu compounds
More data can be found in the German legislation (Table 1 of Stellungnahme der LAGA zu RAL GZ 724) and
in the work carried out by CEN/TC 343 WG 2
Table 3.147: Examples of specifications of a waste to be accepted as fuel in some countries cement
[4, Langenkamp, 1997], [37, Woodward-Clyde, 2000], [52, Ecodeco, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [152,
TWG, 2004]

Table 3.148 shows some examples of specifications applied to different types of waste to be
accepted in French cement kilns.

Chapter 3
Substances or
criteria to be
Units Catalysts Industrial
water with
high COD
(>10000 ppm)
PCB/PCT ppm <50 <50 <50 <50
Pentachlorophenol none none none none
Hg ppm <10 <10 <10
Hg + Cd + Tl ppm <100 <100 <100
Sb + As + Pb + Cr
+ Co + Ni + V +
Sn + Te + Se
ppm <10000 <2500 <2500
Heavy metals % <1
pH 3 12 3 12 3 12
Calorific value kJ/kg 8400 8400 18800 38500 38500
% <0.5
CaO + SiO
+ Al
% >80 *
Water % <10 40 70 <15
Alkalis (Na
O +
% <5 <1.5 <5 <5
Total Cl % <0.6 <0.3 <0.6 <0.6 <0.1 <0.6
Total S % <5 <2 <2 <0.4 <0.1 <2
Total P (as P
) % <2 <5
F % <2
Br % <0.5
I % <0.5
F + Br + I % <1 <1 <1
Solid residue at
900 C
% <30 <5 <5
Viscosity at 20 C cp 250 250
* on a dry basis
The types of wastes not accepted for processing in cement kilns in France are radioactive products, explosives,
peroxides, perchlorates and strong oxidants, tear compounds, mineral cyanides, hospital waste, waste polluted
with pathogenic microbes and highly flammable liquids.
Some of the wastes listed here correspond to wastes that are directly sent from the waste producer to the cement
kiln, and then, these are not treated before being used in the cement kilns. Some wastes listed here do not
correspond strictly to use of waste as fuel.
Some substances mentioned here have an impact on the cement kiln process or product (e.g. alkalis, phosphorous,
viscosity). For more information see the Cement and Lime BREF.
Table 3.148: Examples of specifications of different types of waste to be accepted as waste fuel in
the French cement kilns
[46, Szabo, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
Substance mg/MJ mg/kg
(at 25 MJ/kg)
mg/kg mg/kg
Ag 0.2 5 - -
As 0.6 15 20 30
Ba 8 200 600 1000
Be 0.2 5 3 3
Cd 0.08 2 0.8 1
Co 0.8 20 30 100
Cr 4 100 100 200
Cu 4 100 100 200
Hg 0.02 0.5 0.5 0.5
Ni 4 100 100 200
Pb 8 200 50 75
Sb 0.2 5 1 5
Se 0.2 5 1 5
Sn 0.4 10 50 30
Tl 0.12 3 1 2
V 4 100 200 300
Zn 16 400 400 400
Toxic organic
No standard value. However, some restrictions are mentioned if PCB, dioxins or
similar toxic compounds are suspected or organic compounds are present
Column A applies to wastes used as fuel introduced either in the main burner at the clinker outlet of the rotating
kiln or the inlet of the rotating kiln. The standard values in colum A (mg/MJ) are based on the lower calorific
value of the waste. For reasons of clarity, the standard values in (mg/kg waste) are based on a lower calorific value
of 25 MJ/kg. The value of 25 MJ/kg corresponds to the calorific value of hard coal. If the calorific value of the
waste is less than or greater than 25 MJ/kg, the permissible heavy metal content changes proportionally
Column B applies to wastes used as alternative raw materials in producing clinker. This waste substitutes part of
the raw material normally used or serves to correct the raw meal composition, i.e. the calcium, iron, silicon or
aluminium content
Column C applies to waste used at the grinding stage in the production of Portland cement. Portland cement
consists of 90 95 % ground cement clinker and 5 10 % gypsum, as well as other materials added at the
grinding stage
Table 3.149: Standard values for pollutant content of waste used in the cement kilns used in
[150, TWG, 2004] Waste oil used as fuel

Used oils have some valuable properties for their use as a fuel oil blendstock, e.g. they have a
lower sulphur content and viscosity in comparison to other heavy fuels. Blending into fuel oil at
the refinery could be a viable option for oils when it can be shown that the contaminant levels
are within acceptable limits for the fuel oil specification.

Waste oil is used as a fuel in a number of power stations in the UK. A typical specification is
shown in Table 3.150 below. It is reported that waste oil suppliers consistently have difficulty in
meeting the chlorine specification because of the contamination of used oils in the UK. This
arises from other wastes such as transformer oils and chlorinated greases.
Chapter 3
PROPERTIES Units Min. Max.
Density at 15 C g/cm
0.88 0.95
Flashpoint C PMCC 65
Net calorific value GJ/tonne 40
Viscosity @ 40 C Centi Stokes 30 55
Water content w/w-% 0 3
Sulphur w/w-% 0 1
Chlorine ppm 0 1100
PCB ppm 0 10
Lead ppm 0 200
Vanadium ppm 0 50
Copper ppm 0 50
Cadmium ppm 0 10
Chromium ppm 0 30
Nickel ppm 0 50
Table 3.150: Typical specification for recovered fuel oil supplied to UK power stations
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [67, DETR, 2001]

Waste OUT from the mild reprocessing of waste oils
The cleaned waste oils from these processes are typically blended with other fuel oils. The
processed waste oil will still contain heavy metals, halogens and sulphur.

Waste OUT from the thermal cracking of waste oils
Table 3.151 gives a summary of the components present in the products from the thermal
cracking of waste oils.

Environmental issue Comments
Chlorinated hydrocarbons If the cracked fuel is hydrotreated, chlorinated compounds are
removed. Heavy PCBs (boiling point higher than the waste oil) are
destroyed during this process. Light PCBs are only partly destroyed
during this process. Organic chloride compounds may still remain in
the distillate
Chlorine A maximum specification for chlorine of 50 ppm was set by the Dutch
Metals The efficiency of the vacuum column enables the production of
distillates with metal contents of less than 1 ppm. All metals present in
the used oil end up in the bottom of the cracking section
PAHs The heavy PAHs are cracked, and are burned with light naphtha.
The lighter PAHs are added to the pool of light fuels
Sulphur The gasoline will have a sulphur content that depends on the sulphur
level in the used oil feed and the stabilisation method applied
Table 3.151: Components of waste OUT from the thermal cracking of waste oils
[6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [150, TWG, 2004]

It is likely that in order to meet EU requirements for the sulphur content in liquid fuels
(automotive and/or heating oil) that the resulting cracked products will require either treatment
for sulphur reduction or will have to be blended away in lower sulphur products (thereby
making use indirectly of someone elses desulphurisation capability).

Chapter 3
Units (per tonne of
input waste oil)
Mainly to produce
fuel oil
Mainly to produce
Fuel oil (32 of 700 MJ
and <0.5 % S)
kg 849
Secondary fuels
kg 63
Gasoil kg 706
Naphtha kg 51
Bitumen kg 38
1 Thermal cracking: Thermal + chemical treatment (with H
2 Thermal cracking adjusted to produce primarily gasoil. Finishing with a purification and stabilisation
3 Many are waste fuel generated during the process
Table 3.152: Outputs generated by the thermal cracking of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [152, TWG, 2004]

Waste OUT from the gasification of waste oil
For co-gasification with coal, the metals contained within the used oil can be fixed in an inert,
non-hazardous bottom ash. Sulphur compounds are converted to hydrogen sulphide and removed
by conventional scrubbing and converted to elemental sulphur. There are no metals, fugitives or
dioxin emissions from the process.

Units Amount (per tonne of
input waste oil)
Methanol kg 1080
Saving of primary input of fuels
typically used in gasification

Table 3.153: Outputs generated by the gasification of waste oils
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001] Quality assurance systems

The information given in this section presents a survey about existing quality assurance systems
and the recent developments.

European CEN/BT/TF 118
The CEN Task Force 118 Solid Recovered Fuels was established in April 2000. The Task was
to prepare a technical report about the production and the application of solid waste fuel within
the EU as well as the development of a work programme as the basis for an European standard
in the future. The European classification model is based on solid waste fuel characteristics,
source material and origin. The report concluded that it is necessary to develop a European
standard. CEN was given the mandate to develop, as a first step, a set of technical specifications
concerning solid waste fuel, and produced exclusively from non hazardous wastes, for energy
recovery in waste incineration or co-incineration plants. As a second step, CEN was given a
mandate to transform this set of technical specification into European Standards.

German RAL
Early in 1999, a german association started its endeavours to install the quality label for solid
waste fuel from non-hazardous waste. The label is awarded to solid waste fuel producers which
comply to the requirements by guaranteeing constant qualities. The standards firstly relate to
cement industry and power stations. Accordingly, solid waste fuel has to fulfil the criteria given
in annexes 1 and 2 to the quality assurance system. Annex 1 contains a list with all allowed
wastes which are applicable as a basic principle. In annex 2, values are given which have to be
met. These values are shown in Table 3.154. The inspections in acknowledging as well as in the
supervision procedure occur in two phases. These systems include sampling matters, how to
calculate mean values, acknowledging procedure (first inspection), self-monitoring, independent
supervision and re-inspection.
Chapter 3
Content of heavy metals

Parameter Median (mg/kgDM) 80
percentile (mg/kgDM)
Calorific value
Ash content
Chlorine content
Cadmium 4 9
Mercury 0.6 1.2
Thallium 1 2
Arsenic 5 13
Cobalt 6 12
Nickel 25

Selenium 3 5
Tellurium 3 5
50 120
Lead 70

Chromium 40
Copper 120
Manganese 50
Vanadium 10 25
Tin 30 70
Beryllium 0.5 2
For solid recovered fuel from production specific waste
For solid recovered fuel from the high calorific fractions of municipal waste
Restriction not until a secured database is given by the fuel processing
The heavy metal contents are valid up to a calorific value NCV
of e 16 MJ/kg for the high
calorific fractions from municipal waste and up to a calorific value NCV
of e 20 MJ/kg for
production specific waste. For calorific values falling below, the values need to be lowered
accordingly, an increase is not allowed.
Values adapted in case of digestion with aqua regia in a closed microwave system
Table 3.154: Heavy metal contents which have to be complied with according to BGS/12/
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Finnish SFS 5875
The Finnish waste disposal system is based on a separate collection of wastes for the recycling
and for solid waste fuel production. Different solid wastes and Finnish boilers with a high
technical standard are used for a highly efficient production of energy followed by low emission
levels. The application of solid waste fuel in the Finnish multifuel boiler is estimated as well
suited. The regulations concern separate collected, dry solid, high calorific fractions or for dry,
high calorific fractions derived from household wastes. The regulation defines operations and
demands to control the solid waste fuel production and also refers to the complete waste
management chain, from the waste recovered paper source up to the disposal. For each part of
the disposal chain, the standard requires a person in charge to monitor the technical and quality

Analogical to the German standard, the annexes of the Finnish standard define concrete
requirements concerning thresholds for heavy metals as well as for the framework of analysis,
sampling, etc. The thresholds are predefined which have to be adhered to as well as regulations
as regard to the matter of contracts. It includes supervision operation, quality requirements and
quality classes.

In comparison to the German standard, the Finnish standard divides wastes into three quality
classes. For categorisation of solid waste fuel in Finland, seven elements are analysed.
Table 3.155 presents the criteria for the classification of quality classes.

Chapter 3
Parameter Unit Quality classes
Chlorine weight -% <0.15 <0. 5 <1.5
Sulphur weight -% <0.2 <0.3 <0.5
Nitrogen weight -% <1.0 <1.5 <2.5
Potassium and
weight -% <0.2 <0.4 <0.5
weight -% -

Mercury mg/kg <0.1 <0.2 <0.5
Cadmium mg/kg <1.0 <4.0 <5.0
Metallic aluminium is not allowed, but is accepted within the limits of reporting precision.
Metallic aluminium is minimised by source-separation and by the fuel production process.
Metallic aluminium content is agreed separately.
Table 3.155: Quality classes according to SFS 5875/13/
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Austrian G SET
Within a joint project of the Austrian association (sterreichische Gtegemeinschaft fr
Sekundrenergietrger), a quality assurance concept for solid recovered fuels (SRF) has been
worked out.

In order to meet the requirements for the thermal utilisation of wastes/residues in industrial
co-incineration, the waste/residue quality has to be accurately defined. During production of
waste fuels, special attention has to be given to the quality assurance of these predefined
fractions. For the technical feasibility on an industrial scale, practical experience showed that
not only the chemical contents and the composition, defined by the origin of the waste, but also
the physical parameters like particle size and agglomeration, defined by the mechanical
pretreatment, in order to comply with these requirements of the G-SET are decisive.

In order to reach those requirements, the G-SET aims with the following as the basis for a
quality mark:

preparing regulations for sampling and sample preparation
evaluating the implications of the prepared regulations on the application of solid recovered
fuels in industrial co-incineration, power and heat production
preparation of a quality assurance concept.

The main prerequisite to put the resulting regulations in action is a wide support from the
companies concerned who deal with the production and the thermal utilisation of solid
recovered fuels.

The following activities are carried out:

catalogue criteria for the utilisation of SRF in different industrial incineration/energy and
heat production plants
preparation of regulations for the sampling of SRF
carrying out an inter-laboratory test for the determination of standard deviations in mean
contents resulting by sampling, sample preparation and analysis
preparation of a quality assurance concept
definition of the basic requirements for a quality mark.

Chapter 3
Taking into account five industrial branches and the applied technologies for thermal utilisation
(e.g. coal dust burners, rotary ovens, fluidised beds), five working groups (cement industry,
pulp/paper and board industry, electric power stations, steal industry and wood industry) were
established. In each group producers and users of SRF were taking part to ensure a holistic
approach. For the different utilisation technologies, essential criteria were gathered and defined
for the thermal utilisation of waste and residues. Principally, three different types of quality
attributes were distinguished:

exclusion criteria
physico-chemical quality attributes
other quality attributes.

These quality attributes contain a compendium of the criteria and quality attributes defined by
the working groups. Every plant manager taking into account his plants requirements, can
choose attributes for his required SRF quality from the lists. For sourcing, the criteria can be
included in the specification of the SRF.

Preparation of the basis for specification
The preparation of a specification sheet facilitates the communication between the SRF
producer and user. For the sourcing of SRF, additional criteria like the following ones can be

transport and storage criteria (e.g. bulk density)
type of transport (e.g. by road, by rail).

The additional information can ease the handling of SRF considerably.

Inter laboratory test
Two SRF (one less and one more heterogeneous) test schemes have been worked out. One test
was carried out for guide parameters defined with the statistic evaluation of existing data. The
chemical parameters from the criteria list were investigated as well. The first step was the
calculation of the sample mass and sample number, based on the framework provided by CEN
TC 292 WG1 Characterisation of waste Sampling techniques for waste (draft from 02/2001).
The sample volume and sample number were calculated by using a targeted total deviation, the
particle size, the bulk density and the heterogeneity of the waste expressed by the standard
deviation reached in earlier examinations. Based on the results of the inter laboratory test, the
guidelines for sampling and sample preparation were defined.

Preparation of a quality assurance concept
To ensure the required quality criteria, a quality concept is currently under preparation, which
takes into account the special demands of the application and utilisation of SRF.

Company quality assurance
There are internal quality assurance systems existing in some companies. Table 3.156 gives an
overview about the system.
Chapter 3
Process step Measures Supplementary
Origin (waste
producer, sorting plant,
mechanical biological
Collection of wastes, avoidance of impurities,
contractual arrangements about allowed
qualities of wastes, declaration analysis,
documentation of disposed amounts
Instruction courses for
waste producers, periodic
controls of the waste
producing company by
the disposer
Processing plant
Regular sampling and analysis, reserve
samples, documentation of input and
processed amounts
Processing plant
Regular sampling and analysis, reserve
samples, documentation of the delivered
Regular sampling and
analysis of the outgoing
materials by an external
official expert
Cement and lime kilns,
power plants
Regular sampling and analysis, reserve
samples, documentation of the input amounts

Table 3.156: Quality assurance system of RWE Umwelt AG (Germany)
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

3.6 Emissions and consumptions from end-of-pipe treatments
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003]

This section covers the emissions arising from those processes/activities, commonly called end-
of-pipe or abatement techniques, used in the waste sector for the treatment of waste gas, waste
water and process produced solid waste before those streams are disposed of. The main
objective of these processes is to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the output streams.
The loads and concentrations of pollutants in these streams will be reduced by end-of-pipe and
abatement processes, but some pollutants may remain in the streams and others may be
generated. The actual techniques are not decribed in this section, since they are techniques to
consider in the determination of BAT and, thus they are analysed in Chapter 4. Some of the
descriptions given are only in shortened forms in this document since they are available in other
BREF documents (e.g. waste gas and waste water BREF).

Emissions and consumptions of waste water treatments
Effluents from waste treatment installations typically contain organic chemicals (e.g. measured
as TOC or COD), nitrogen, phosphorus, and chloride, since most wastes originally contain some
organic materials, even if only in association with fuel/oil spills from vehicles at the site or from
surface de-icing. Large quantities of COD, nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorine could affect the
performance of the sewage treatment works.

The main emissions from waste water treatment systems will be carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide to air, and TOC, nitrogen, phosphorus and chloride to water or sewer. The
aqueous discharges are usually monitored, but emissions to the air are rarely monitored. There
is generally some information on waste input that would allow large inputs of nitrogen rich
wastes to be identified, and a minimum emission of nitrogen to the air to be calculated on a
mass balance basis using the discharge data. If there is TOC/COD information at the waste IN,
then a rough calculation of carbon dioxide emissions could be made.

In addition, there could be any number of additional emissions depending upon the waste IN, as
indicated in Table 3.157 or depending on the waste water treatment plant step.
Chapter 3
WWTP part Emissions
Reception It is important in liquid waste biotreatment systems that the flow of substrate is
relatively constant, so reception pits or equalisation tanks are an important feature of
the process. These are usually filled from road tankers or from a pipe to the source.
There is potential for spillage and emissions to the air (potentially air stripping) when
the waste is transferred or mixed by aeration units within these tanks. Volatile
chemical constituents are the most likely to result in fugitive air emissions if any
Primary processes The initial stages of treatment usually provide for the removal of gross or fine solids.
These may include coarse and/or fine screening, primary sedimentation or dissolved
air flotation. The main potential sources of emissions are from transfer activities to
and from these processes. Some components may preferentially concentrate in the
solids, which are collected and stored after primary treatment. Flocculants or other
additives may be used in clarification and can add additional species to the flow
Predominantly these include an aerobic stage where the effluent is aerated with
oxygen or air (HRT 0.5 3 days) to convert soluble organics to micro-organisms
(sludge) and final effluent. Emissions can occur from the vigorous activity in the
aeration tank and may result in an air stripping of volatiles. It is usually assumed that
if the waste is treatable in this way, the emissions are not hazardous since the process
is biological. Although this is the usual case, it is not necessarily the case and in one
(past) instance, a known carcinogen was released through air stripping in the aeration
tank, while the performance of the plant remained unimpaired.
It is not easy to determine all the potential intermediate compounds that can occur as
complex organics are broken down during the process, or their volatility under these
After the aeration tank, the final effluent is invariably separated in another clarifier or
sedimentation tank. Again, some organic constituents and metals can bioaccumulate
in the sludge
Gaseous emissions to air
Aqueous emissions to
sewer or controlled
Sludge/compost for re-use or
for onward disposal to
Aerobic waste
water systems
Carbon dioxide, odours
(mainly due to organic
compounds), microbes
Anaerobic waste
water systems
Methane, carbon
dioxide, microbes
* The actual range of gases produced is much larger and is likely to include ammonia and carbon monoxide in all
processes, but these are small compared with the main degradation products.
Table 3.157: Emissions from the different steps of a waste water treatment plant
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

Table 3.158 gives some qualitative values of the emissions from waste water treatments and
advises how these can be calculated.
Chapter 3
Emission to air Emission to surface
Emissions to land and solid
Ammonia Low.
Where high ammonia
wastes are accepted it may
be possible to do a mass
balance at some sites.
Ammonia may be also
generated in the removal
of colloidal solids when
using vacuum filtration

Carbon dioxide (kg) It may be possible to
estimate the emission
from TOC

Methane Low
Nitrous oxide Low
Other species:
metals and organics
It may be possible to
estimate the intake from
waste analysis and then to
either undertake
calculations based on
analytical data from the
outlet at the site, or the
review the likelihood of
discharges to air, water
and sludge

BOD 10 20 mg/l (flow
weighted monthly
average), for any
incoming load

Total N

Total P
Nitrogen and phosphorus in
the effluent will arise from the
treatment of nitric acid,
ammonia compounds, amines,
etc. and phosphoric acid
Fluoride Fluoride is not a common
part of the effluent, unless
the site actively accepts
wastes with this content

Heavy metals Where sources of mercury or
cadmium cannot be
eliminated or reduced by
control at source, abatement
will be required to control
releases to water. In biological
treatment 75 - 95 % of these
metals will transfer to the
sludge. Levels are unlikely to
cause problems for the
disposal of sludge but care
will need to be taken to ensure
that levels in the receiving
water are acceptable
Table 3.158: Relevant emissions for waste water treatment
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Chapter 3
VOC emissions
Emissions from aerobic treatment can occur from the aeration tank as the aeration is vigorous
and may result in the air stripping of volatiles. It is often assumed that if the waste is treatable in
this way, the emissions are not hazardous since the process is biological. This is not necessarily
true and in one (past) instance, a known carcinogen was released (through air stripping in the
aeration tank) while the performance of the plant remained unaffected. It is not easy to
determine all the potential intermediate compounds that can occur as complex organics are
broken down in the process, or their volatility under different circumstances. It can be expected
that feedstocks containing a known volatile organic contaminant would release air emissions at
this point in the process. A similar scenario would occur for feedstocks with excess nitrogen.

Emissions of ammonia to the air
Ammonia is often generated by air stripping systems in waste water treatment plants treating
high nitrogen wastes such as landfill leachate.

After the aeration tank, the final effluent is invariably separated in another clarifier or
sedimentation tank. Once again, some organic constituents can bioaccumulate in the sludge.

3.7 Monitoring
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004]

This section gives an outline of the monitoring and reporting practices found in the waste
treatment sector. This section aims to cover practices already in use in Europe in order to
provide better guidance to the permitting authorities on the selection of the appropriate
monitoring methodologies, the frequency of monitoring, compliance assessment criteria and
appropriate environmental monitoring. However, this section does not select any specific type
of measurement methology, frequency or evaluation procedures or discuss specific compliance
assessment criteria. Some guidance information on these issues may be found in the Monitoring
reference document (see back of the front page).

The compounds or parameters monitored and the frequency of monitoring are very variable in
the waste treatment sector. They depend on the type of waste processed, as well as on the type
of processes/activities carried out. Monitoring should be adapted to the type of emissions (e.g.
batch release or continuous release) and on the type of treatment (e.g. whether there is likely to
be NO
emissions). Table 3.159 and Table 3.160 indicate some monitoring practices applied in
some EU countries.
Chapter 3
Compound or parameter to monitor Purpose and/or typical monitoring frequency
Process variables
Efficiency of the treatment process as a whole.
The precipitation of metals from solution for
removal in the filter cake. The degree of transfer
between the incoming waste and the emissions (to
air, solid waste to land and liquid effluent to sewer
of, for example, pesticides or solvents)
Reaction monitoring (acid/alkali neutralisation) to
ensure that the reaction is under control and
proceeding towards the anticipated result
Continuous and automatic monitoring of pH and
Cyanide treatment. pH to be maintained at >10 Continuous pH; continuous free chlorine and continuous
CN content
Treatment of phenolic solutions. Reaction
Process temperature, pH and redox potential continually
Waste oil reprocessing. Temperature in heating
vessels and condenser outlets at <90 C
Continuous and recorded
Stabilisation To ensure product (from each batch) meets declared
Fresh water use across the installation and at
individual points of use
Normally continuous and recorded
Energy consumption across the installation and at
individual points of use
Normally continuous and recorded
Air emissions
Point source emissions, e.g. scrubbers from
reactors, mixing vessels, storage vessels, drum
crushers, vents from extraction systems, biofilters,
e.g. total carbon and speciated VOCs
Daily to weekly under a representative range of
operating conditions
Waste oil reprocessing heating vessels, warm oil
receiving tanks and filtration plant
Weekly under a representative range of operating
Oil process tanks and condenser outlets Continuous temperature
Combustion emissions Quarterly, or less frequent stack testing for CO, NO
, and
possibly SO
, particulates depending upon process
Fugitive emissions: boundary fence monitoring to
detect releases from, for example, drum storage
areas, total carbon and speciated VOCs
Weekly under a representative range of operating
Odour Daily as well as dynamic dilution olfactometry at
appropriate intervals
Chapter 3
Compound or parameter to monitor Purpose and/or typical monitoring frequency
Noise Usually only if required by regulator or if there is
a potential for community nuisance. Normally
takes the form of a one-off survey by external
Dichloromethane Most sites that are expected to receive cleaning
solvents are required to monitor this compound
Water emissions
COD/BOD Flow weighted sample or composite samples,
weekly analysis, reported as flow weighted
monthly averages
Dissolved oxygen Continuous
Flowrate Continuous and integrated daily flowrate. Flow
proportional samplers are commonly used to take
composite samples. These may be supplemented
as well by spot samples on bulk tanks ready for
Metals Daily, twice a week, weekly or monthly
depending upon process. In some countries, this
depends on the effluent rate (e.g. <10 m/day,
<100 m/day, >100 m/dday)
Nitrogen Daily, twice a week, weekly or monthly
depending upon process. In some countries this
depends on the effluent rate (e.g. <10 m/d,
<100 m/d, >100 m/d)
pH Continuous
Phosphorus Daily, 2 times per week, weekly or monthly
depending upon process. In some countries this
depends on the effluent rate (e.g. <10 m/d,
<100 m/d, >100 m/d)
Suspended solids Continuous
Temperature Continuous
TOC Continuous. This parameter is typically easier to
control than COD or BOD when there is chlorine
in the water release
Turbidity Continuous
Waste emissions
Amount These data are reported at least annually to the
Table 3.159: Monitoring practices applied to waste treatment plants in the EU
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004]
Chapter 3
Waste treatment sector Monitoring practices
Chemical plants Sites that have extensive abatement systems are unlikely to undertake regular
monitoring of the exhaust gases. A typical monitoring programme is a
quarterly stack analysis, however this is highly unlikely to coincide with any
peaks in the discharge rate of particular species
Transfer stations,
bulking processes and
Simple formulae are available to assess the discharge of VOCs through the
filling of storage tanks, decanting liquids into bulk containers, venting of
liquids from containers, and washing of tanks, drums or tankers. Essential
data will depend on the activity concerned, but will generally consist of
information such as numbers of tankers/drums/containers, their size and the
composition of the waste stream.
As waste generally originates from a number of different sources and is
usually mixed, data pertaining to composition of the waste stream are likely to
be difficult for operators to accurately determine and detailed records are not
routinely kept. Without these data, emission calculations will need to be based
on the primary constituent of the waste or on the waste source.
There are four types of techniques for emission estimation: sampling or direct
measurement; mass balance; fuel analysis or other engineering calculations;
or by emission factors (see the Monitoring BREF)
Oil treatment plant A draft computer model has been developed in the UK to calculate emissions
from basic information about intake tonnage and the quantity and oil content
of discharges to sewer and landfill. The model requires adjustment to give
answers that are compatible with the specification for residual fuel oils used
in power stations and the known content of residuals in sewer discharges and
sludges to landfill.
The computer model does not provide an estimation for total nitrogen,
phosphorus, chloride or COD to sewer and these will have to be calculated
from monitoring data where this is available
Waste oils processing Discharges to the air are more complex to calculate only having the
knowledge from input, as releases are less defined and the behaviour of oils
undergoing different processes is not clear
Waste solvent Rigorous daily sampling regimes at tank vents and biofilters (where
applicable) for TOC. Also an analysis of chemical compounds every fortnight
at a series of process and fenceline monitoring points.
Table 3.160: Monitoring practices for some waste treatment processes used in the EU
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Monitoring practices in physico-chemical treatment plants of waste waters
The monitoring issues with the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters cover:

wastes containing phosphorus: not all sites are required to monitor regularly for total
phosphorus so it may be easier to make an estimate of this emission from the intake of
phosphoric acid
occasional inorganic wastes: for example wastes containing arsenic. Again, it is easier to
calculate the annual emission from occasional waste IN data than to extend the monitoring

Emissions to the air are the least well monitored discharges from physico-chemical treatment

The main discharges to the air could be based on monitoring, but fugitive emissions will need to
be estimated, as will the possibility of organic contaminants.

Chapter 3
Almost all Ph-c sites have a complex set of conditions relating to water discharge that regulate
sampling and monitoring frequency, and which set both the maximum concentration allowed for
different species in the effluent and a maximum daily, weekly or monthly quantity of different
species. This requires flow proportional monitoring, or the monitoring of each batch before
discharge of a set volume. Either system provides the data to calculate annual emissions for a
number of main species. The problem in estimating emissions to water is restricted to those
species that are known to exist, but for which there is no monitoring data, and to unexpected
species that arrive with particular waste streams. Other inorganic species, such as arsenic, could
probably be estimated from site intake data since treatments of wastes contaminated with those
components are typically occasional activities.

Monitoring and sampling practices applied to the preparation of waste fuel from
hazardous waste
More information on sampling is available in Section 2.1.1. Each type of waste needs a specific
sampling protocol based on the physico-chemical properties of the waste [150, TWG, 2004].

Sampling of individual waste deliveries
Liquids (from tank trucks, i.e. solvents, waste oil)
Samples are taken with the 2.5 m sampling tube from each compartment of the truck or
container (around 1 2 litres each). The sampling tube has to be rinsed with the liquid prior to
sampling. The tube is inserted slowly down to the bottom of the tank with the valve end down.
After closing the valve, the tube is lifted and the liquid is filled into an aluminium can.

Samples are combined and, after homogenisation (agitation), a volume of around 0.5 litre is
transferred to a plastic bottle and sent to the laboratory for analysis. The tube must be cleaned
after each set of samples to avoid contamination of the next sample.

The plastic bottle must be carefully labelled with sample identification, date, etc.

Bulked solids (e.g. from open containers)
6 8 samples of around 0.5 - 1 kg each are taken with the sampling shovel from different parts
and levels of the container. The samples are combined, manually homogenised and split by
quartering. The finished sample of around 1 kg (plastic bottle or bag) is adequately labelled and
transferred to the lab.

The sampling shovel must be cleaned with a rag after each set of samples. The rags are disposed
of in a separate waste bin.

Drums (200 litres)
Depending on the nature of the waste (liquid, pasty or solid), samples are taken with either the
short sampling tube, the aluminium shovel or the spoon from each drum (around 0.125 litres
each). One sample of around 1 litre per every eight drums is combined and homogenised. One
finished sample of around 1 litre is blended and homogenised from several individual batches of
eight drums and transferred to the lab. The remaining sample quantity is returned to a selected
disposal drum.

Drums with liquid and pasty materials together in one shipment batch must be sampled
separately. The prepared sample must be carefully labelled.

Cans (small volume)
A representative and random sampling of each load must be carried out. The sampling
procedures correspond to the procedures applied in the sampling of drums.

Blended and homogenised samples of around 1 litre for each physical state (liquid, pasty, solid,)
are transferred to the lab. Several spot samples should be kept for reference.

Chapter 3
Due to the inherent problems in sampling heterogeneous wastes from a large number of small
volume containers, it is recommended to add a secondary (automatic) sampling station prior to
the pre-mixer of the blending installation.

Upon receipt in the laboratory, all samples are registered in a specific receiving log.
Storage of samples
Samples must be retained in carefully labelled and sealed bottles in a separate storage room
close to the lab. The storage room must be equipped with adequate air ventilation,
temperature/humidity control and an exhaust air filter system (active carbon) to the outside.

Duration of sample storage (if not otherwise specified in the operating permit):

around 3 years for reference samples from the waste qualification tests
around 3 months for daily delivery samples
around 3 months for finished product or dispatch samples.

Parameters Examples of analysis principles
Density Weighing
Viscosity Viscosimeter
Flashpoint Open or closed cup
LHV Calorimeters
Water content Karl Fisher
pH pH meters
Ash contents Calcination at 900 975 C
Chlorine Calcination/titrimetry, ionic chromatography
Fluor Calcination/potentiometry, ionic chromatography
Brome Calcination/titrimetry, ionic chromatography
Iode Calcination/titrimetry, ionic chromatography
Heavy metals ICP, fluorescence X
Sulphur ICP, fluorescence X, ionic chromatography, colorimetry
Alkalis ICP, fluorescence X, atomic absorption
Compatibility test Function of waste received
Table 3.161: Examples of parameters and analysis principles used in sampling
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

One of the most important measures is environmental monitoring by collecting samples of the
environmental media and testing for the presence of hazardous substances that may have been
released by the facility. The objective is to detect potential problems before they impact on
human health and the environment. Early detection should allow sufficient time for the adequate
warning of potentially affected individuals and allow effective implementation of remedial
measures. Important monitoring points are groundwater wells for storage, land disposal
facilities, and air monitoring stations at critical locations around the facility. Monitoring could
also include surface water, employees (e.g. blood samples), and flora and fauna.

Air emission monitoring
Dust monitoring (for all types of substituted fuel production)
channelled emissions: one control per year carried out at a certified laboratory
air treatment systems: follow up of the efficiency of the cyclone and bag filters by pressure
drop or opacity measures
diffuse emissions of dust can be assessed by measurements with an owen gauge located on
the site.

Chapter 3
VOC monitoring
odour: standardised tests for odour detection (e.g. EN 13725, European Reference Odour
mass, EROM) can be used to identify the influence of the process on neighbours and on the
workers environment. Bag samples may also be made for qualification and quantification of
the pollutants in a laboratory
diffuse emissions: diffuse emissions are measured inside and outside workshops by taking
samples. Quantitative and qualitative analyses can be carried out
channelled measures: VOCs are measured either continuously by a FID system or according
to spot measurements campaigns. These conditions are defined in the permit.

Noise monitoring
Due to the relatively low noise level, no specific monitoring is usually requested. But, measures
can be carried out for workers health and safety and especially for environmental impact
evaluation, notably when new equipment is commissioned.

Chapter 4

This chapter sets out techniques considered generally to have potential for achieving a high
level of environmental protection in the industries within the scope of this document.
Management systems, process-integrated techniques and end-of-pipe measures are included, but
a certain amount of overlap exists between these three when seeking the optimum results.

Prevention, control, minimisation and recycling procedures are considered as well as the re-use
of materials and energy.

Techniques may be presented singly or as combinations to achieve the objectives of IPPC.
Annex IV to the Directive lists a number of general considerations to be taken into account
when determining BAT and techniques within this chapter will address one or more of these
considerations. As far as possible a standard structure is used to outline each technique, to
enable comparison of techniques and an objective assessment against the definition of BAT
given in the Directive.

The content of this chapter is not an exhaustive list of techniques and others may exist or be
developed which may be equally valid within the framework of BAT.

Generally a standard structure is used to outline each technique, as shown in Table 4.1:

Name of the type of information Type of information included
Description Technical description of the technique
Achieved environmental benefits
Main environmental impact(s) to be addressed by the technique
(process or abatement), including emission values (normally a
range) achieved and efficiency performance. Environmental
benefits of the technique in comparison with others
Cross-media effects
Any side-effects and disadvantages to other media caused by
implementation. Environmental problems of the technique in
comparison with others and how to prevent or solve them
Operational data
Performance data on emissions/wastes and consumption (raw
materials, water and energy). Any other useful information on
how to operate, maintain and control the technique, including
safety aspects and operability constraints of the technique
Techno-economic applicability. Consideration of plant age (new
or existing), plant size (large or small) and factors involved in
retrofitting (e.g. space availability). Also included is information
on which waste treatment activity is applied in each case
Information on costs (investment and operation) and any savings
(e.g. reduced raw material consumption, waste charges) related to
the capacity of the technique (e.g. EUR/tonne). Values in
currencies different to EUR have been converted according to
2002 annual average conversion factors for the EUR. In such
cases, the original cost data along with the year and the currency
have been also included (between brackets)
Driving force for implementation
Local conditions or requirements which have led to
implementation of the technique. Information on the reasons other
than environmental ones for implementation (e.g. improvement in
product quality, increased yield)
Example plants
Reference to the plants operating the technique in Europe and in
the rest of the world. If the technique has not yet been applied in
the sector or in the EU, a brief explanation as to why
Reference literature Literature source for more detailed information on the technique
Table 4.1: Information breakdown for each technique included in Chapter 4

Chapter 4
When possible, this chapter provides information from real activities that can be, or are being,
implemented by this sector, including the associated costs. Wherever possible, the information
provided gives the context in which the technique can be used effectively.

Organisation of the chapter
As in previous Chapters 2 and 3, each section of this chapter deals with a specific waste
treatment activity and contains the process and abatement techniques worth considering in the
determination of BAT. If different process techniques may be applicable for one activity, they
are discussed within each section. Sections in sections from 4.1 to 4.5 in this chapter have been
structured in the same way, i.e. the section first addresses the pollution prevention techniques
applicable in the specific process/activity section referred to, and secondly the end-of-pipe
techniques that may be applicable to reduce the emissions coming from that process/activity.
These end-of-pipe (EOP) techniques are grouped on a media/pollutant bases to clarify the
sequence of techniques applicable as, in some cases, the number of EOP techniques that may be
applicable is quite extensive. This structure should not be interpreted as any attempt to give
guidance if a waste treatment is (R)ecovery or (D)isposal under the EC waste legislation.

At the end of this chapter, there are three sections which contain the end-of-pipe (EOP)
techniques applicable to waste gas, waste water and process generated waste. These sections
describe the common EOP techniques that may be applicable to more than one type of
process/activity. Consequently, the descriptions of those EOP techniques are found in their own
sections, i.e. Sections 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, and not in the separate activities/process sections.

In some cases, techniques/procedures are grouped together and analysed under the same
heading in this chapter. This is the result of finding a right balance between the necessary
information to determine BAT and keeping this document to a user-friendly size. For example,
this document contains a lot of information on acceptance procedures applied to waste treatment
installations. In this instance, it has been decided to include all these procedures together under
the same technique heading and to then discuss all the related items/topics under that heading. If
this approach was not applied, this document would be much bigger and much repetition could

Chapter 4
4.1 Common techniques to consider in the determination of

This section contains techniques considered to have a good environmental operating
performance (e.g. use of a good energy system) or that can help lead to a good environmental
performance (e.g. environmental management systems). The majority of these techniques are
applied at an installation level and are not specific to any of the particular processes described
separately in Sections 4.2 to 4.5.

4.1.1 Techniques to improve knowledge of the waste IN
This section covers those techniques that help the operator to characterise the waste input to be
treated. The rigour with which this characterisation is done is essential to the subsequent waste
treatment operations. Failure to adequately screen waste samples prior to acceptance and to
confirm its composition on arrival at the installation has often historically led to subsequent
problems, including an inappropriate storage and mixing of incompatible substances, an
accumulation of wastes and an unexpected treatment, and hence unexpected emission profiles. Waste composition characterisation

The varied nature of the waste industry and the large differences in waste generated by each
economic sector dictates that most waste streams handled on a site for treatment will usually be
varied. Waste consists of complex mixtures of sometimes unknown constituents. For this
reason, it is important to have an improved knowledge of the primary constituent(s) as well as
the source of the waste. Besides the direct way of determining waste composition, e.g. by
analysing the waste, there are other indirect approaches that can be taken, including:

analysing market research data. This technique focuses on the goods after production; on
the basis that all goods result in waste sooner or later and by considering certain influencing
facts, and by utilising market research it is possible to calculate the amount of goods that
end up as MSW, for example. A similar method can be applied by looking at the input into
private households
analysing waste treatment outputs. According to the balance principle, elemental input
equals elemental output. By focusing on the products of waste treatments, it should thus be
possible to determine the input waste composition in terms of substances by carrying out
routine measurements
in addition it is worth noting that there are, of course, some wastes that are composed of a
mix of wastes mixed at the source where they originate. Usually, the waste producer will
know the composition of this waste stream. If the waste producer adopts a good waste
management system, he will inform the waste collector of the waste composition. This is
important as the classification and identification of the waste should not be first given to the
waste collector, but should primarily be the responsibility of the waste producer. This
system is related with the one mentioned in Section

Indirect analysis methods for determining the waste composition can supplement the direct
analysis method. Some techniques to particularly consider are noted in Table 4.2 below:

Chapter 4
Technique Information
Identify the primary
Where the main constituents of the waste stream are known, it is
possible to categorise it as having a high, medium or low
emission potential. An example of this could be to base the assessment
on the volatility of the constituent elements as notified by the waste
Identify the waste source Knowledge of the waste source (e.g. paint industry, pharmaceutical,
automotive, etc.) provides a good guide to the type of components that
may be present in the waste. This will allow adoption of a simpler
method to categorise the waste. EWL uses this system. However,
available data are usually insufficient to allow this method to be
developed at present. It would be necessary to undertake further
research to establish the most common sources of waste streams; their
compositions; and the consistency of that composition
Knowledge of the
organic content of the
Some colorimetric methods, for example, may provide an indication of
the organic content of incoming wastes. However, these may not be
suitable for organic solvents (in such cases, gas chromatography is
more adequate)
Ensure adequate transfer
of knowledge between
holders of the waste
As with other waste streams, a crucial control measure is to ensure an
adequate transfer of knowledge between holders of the waste. This
should ensure that the constituents of all wastes bulked together to
form a blend are known and recorded
Table 4.2: Waste composition characterisation techniques
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

The type of analysis required to accurately characterise the waste will vary depending upon the
nature of the waste, the process to be used and what is known about the waste already. The
results of all analyses need to be kept within the tracking system. These details can include
information on:

checks carried out on the constituents declared by the waste producer/holder to ensure
permit compliance, and that it is suitable for the treatment plant specification and final
disposal option. This check will also cover checks on the presence of any constituents that
may be potentially damaging to the treatment process
all hazardous characteristics (e.g. flammability, explosivity, infectivity)
physical appearance (e.g. consistency)
compatibility assessment (e.g. reactions with water and other substances)
acidity or alkalinity
presence, strength and description of odour assessment
presence of oxidants
flashpoint and combustion properties under normal conditions
presence of sulphide(s)
presence of cyanide(s)
compounds containing halogen
metals (e.g. heavy metals)
POPs (e.g. PCBs).

A list of the parameters which may be analysed for the production of fuel from hazardous
wastes is shown in Table 4.3.

Chapter 4
Parameters Pre-
Acceptance Waste fuel preparation
Density Yes Optional Optional Optional
Viscosity Optional Optional Optional Optional
Flashpoint Yes Yes Optional Yes
LHV Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vapour pressure Optional Optional Optional Optional
Water content Yes Yes Optional Yes
pH Yes Yes Optional Yes
Ash contents Yes Optional Optional Yes
Ash composition Optional Optional Optional Optional
Chlorine Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fluorine Optional Optional Optional Optional
Bromine Optional Optional Optional Optional
Iodine Optional Optional Optional Optional
Heavy metals
volatile (Cd, Hg, Tl)




PCB Yes Yes Optional Yes
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Optional Optional Optional Optional
Sulphur Yes Optional Optional Optional
Alkalis Optional Optional Optional Optional
Corrosion test Optional Optional Optional Optional
Compatibility test Yes Yes - -
Radioactivity Optional Yes - Optional
depends on the type of production
Optional depends on the type of wastes, operating processes (liquid or solid substituted fuel preparation) and
according to the requirements / specifications of the final users.
In italics minimum controls required in standard procedure
Table 4.3: List of analysis parameters typically considered in the production of fuel from
hazardous waste
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Typically a good acceptance criterion includes the knowledge of the following parameters for
waste oils.

Parameter Acceptance Dispatch
Water content Yes
Solid content Yes
Flashpoint Yes
Distillation curve Yes
Total Cl Yes
S Yes
Pb, Cr, V, Cu, Ni Yes
Synthetic esters and fatty oils Yes
Colour Yes
Viscosity Yes
Viscosity index Yes
Table 4.4: List of analysis parameters typically considered in the treatment of waste oils
[42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [119, Watco, 2002]

Achieved environmental benefits
It improves the knowledge of the potential environmental issues related with the waste to be
treated and reduces the risk of accidents or bad operations.

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
Not identified.

Operational data
Sites undertake screening tests to confirm that the waste is within plant parameters, but usually
these cannot identify all the potential contaminants in the waste stream. Therefore,
characterisation by waste producers and WT operators is part of a general requirement for all
sites, and provides guidance on effective screening methods. For example, a full set of analysis
for waste oils takes around 2 hours.

This technique is fully applicable for all waste treatment facilities receiving waste. The
disadvantage of the waste product analysis is the fact that full determination of the constituent
materials is generally not accomplished, e.g. it is not possible to calculate the contents of paper,
plastic or organic substances from the composition of the products of combustion. This method
is limited to the analysis of elemental composition and parameters such as energy content, water
content and the content of inorganic and organic matter.

An estimation shows that the investment in analytical equipment for a waste oil treatment
facility is in the order of EUR 75000 (GBP 50000) per site.

Driving force for implementation
Better operability reduces process and economic risks. The water and solid content is analysed
in waste oils because of quality and payment purposes. This has been encouraged in part by the
quality requirements of the users of the treated oil, but this is not always a uniform requirement.

Example plants
The analysis of waste treatment products has already been applied in many countries. In some
cases there is a first initial analysis (e.g. sulphur, total chlorine, water and flashpoint for waste
oil treatments). If the oil passes these tests, it is quarantined before further analyses are
performed. These include viscometry and infrared analysis to check for certain compounds
including synthetic esters and fatty oils. Within the work carried out by CEN/TC 343, WG 2
Specifications and classes some extra information can be found for solid recovered fuels
(SRF). Also more specific information for waste fuels can be found in Section 4.5.1 of this

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003],
[119, Watco, 2002], [131, UBA, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 283 Pre-acceptance procedure to assess if waste is suitable to be stored
or/and treated in the installation

Systems and procedures can be put in place to ensure that wastes are subject to the appropriate
technical appraisal to ensure the suitability of the proposed treatment route. Some pre-
acceptance techniques and procedures applied to assess wastes are:

a. carrying out suitable checks before any decision is made to accept the waste
b. having an initial screening step, involving the provision of information and representative
samples of the waste. The waste producers and operator at the receiving site will both
ensure that reliable and comprehensive information has been provided to determine the
suitability of the waste for the treatment (or recovery) process in question. This also applies
if wastes are only to be stored or bulked at the installation, so that the information can be
provided to the next holder of the waste and the ultimate disposal route identified
c. providing details on the nature of the process(es) producing the waste, including the
variability of the process. As the circumstances of waste production may vary, sound
professional judgement is required to ensure that the relevant questions are asked. Operators
need to ensure that a technical appraisal is carried out by suitably qualified and experienced
staff who understand the capabilities of the site. These staff ought to be independent of the
sales staff responsible for obtaining the customers business
d. providing the chemical composition of the waste, its handling requirements and its hazards
e. providing and analysing a representative sample(s) of the waste from the production process
producing such waste from the current holder
f. undertaking a comprehensive characterisation of the waste for each new waste enquiry
g. requiring a verification of the written information provided by the waste holder. This may
require a visit to the waste producer, as additional factors may become apparent when
dealing directly with staff involved in the waste production
h. carefully verifying the information received at the pre-acceptance stage, including the
contact details for the waste producer and a full description of the waste regarding its
composition and hazardousness. This can also be carried out by dealing directly with the
waste producer
i. maintaining all records at the installation relating to the pre-acceptance for cross-referencing
and verification at the waste acceptance stage. The length of time that the records need to be
held needs to be determined, taking into account whether the waste is actually delivered to
the site or when it is likely to be delivered
j. applying odour criteria to reject mercaptans, low molecular weight amines, acrylates or
other similarly highly odorous materials that are only suitable for acceptance under special
handling requirements
k. providing and checking details of the waste code according to the European Waste List
l. making inquiries to the operator of the WT plant about whether the WT installation in
question is permitted to treat the declared waste and whether the WT operator is prepared to
accept the waste. (see comments in the operational data section)
m. carrying out a procedure for risk assessment
n. issuing an acceptance declaration by the WT operator which describes all necessary
conditions and measures to be taken into account by the waste customer (e.g. waste
producer). Also all internal rules within the receiving plant to treat the waste stream should
be laid down in written form at the same time.

Achieved environmental benefits
These techniques can help operators identify and then not accept unsuitable wastes which could
lead to adverse reactions or uncontrolled emissions during the WT activity. They will thus
ensure that only waste suitable for the specific WT activity is accepted into the site for that WT.

Chapter 4
Actual experience of these techniques has shown that reliance cannot be placed solely upon
these techniques to always provide sufficient information. It is not unusual for the waste
producer and the operator to be separated by a third party and in some cases even three or four
different parties. These may be haulage contractors, brokers, or waste transfer operators. Where
there is a lengthy chain, information may be lost or inaccurately reproduced. These techniques
however can allow operators to determine the suitability of the waste for the activity before
arrangements are in place to accept the waste. Other benefits include:

the provision of information keeps the number of links in a chain down. This helps avoid
information loss or misrepresentation
helping operators to screen out unsuitable wastes to prevent potential problems
confirming the composition details, allowing identification of a number of verification
parameters to test the waste arriving at the site
helping to identify any substances within the waste which may affect the treatment process
or which may react with other reagents
helping to accurately define any hazards related to the waste
identifying any substances within the waste which might be unaffected by the treatment
process and which could, therefore, be transferred in an unaltered state to the residues or
helping to determine the cost of the disposal option identified
ensuring regulatory compliance (depending on the country).

Cross-media effects
These are related with the specific physico-chemical analysis performed.

Related with technique k (see description above), waste codes do not give much information in
many cases about the composition of the waste classified. Wastes with the same waste code
may have totally different compositions and qualities.

Operational data
Includes administrative and laboratory work.

Related to technique c (see description above), there are cases where the composition of the
waste cannot be known (i.e. collection of hazardous waste from households). In these cases, the
operators collecting and accepting such waste need to have the necessary experience to handle it

Related to technique k (see description above), it is the duty of the waste producer to decide on
the appropriate waste code of the EWL. This is not a task for the WT operator.

In some cases, the verification referred in technique l of the description above may take place
before the first contact with the WT operator for the pre-acceptance procedure and/or before
signing the agreement.

The requirement to characterise the waste, including sampling and analysis, equally applies to
waste transfer as well as treatment facilities. There is often a reluctance amongst third parties to
divulge the identity of the waste producer as this may be of commercial benefit. This however
cannot override the fundamental requirement on the operator to check the information on the
waste provided by the waste producer (not just the current holder), who is naturally in the best
position to verify the waste. Some application examples are shown below:

Chapter 4
Pre-acceptance for waste oil treatment
As a general requirement, this step is not critical for a waste oils treatment plant, but it would be
required if the waste is destined for treatment at a mineral oil refinery for example. Typically
the waste comes from a large number of small volume sources, such as garages, but its
composition is essentially fixed. Pre-acceptance procedures relating to information collection
need to be applied for one-off industrial arisings of waste oil and arisings from sources where
other chemicals and potential contaminants may be handled, for example, from chemical
manufacturing. Contamination of waste oil by substances such as solvents does occur and
although relatively low levels of contamination can be accommodated by the operator, in so far
that it may not affect the sale of the recovered oil, the contamination still needs to be identified.
Low flashpoint solvents will give rise to handling difficulties as the installations are not set up
for dealing with flammable materials. Petrol contamination often occurs, this significantly
reduces the flashpoint of the material and will thus significantly increase the risk of accidents.
Care should be taken in choosing and interpreting the most appropriate flashpoint
determination. Solvents will also be driven off in the heating process, therefore increasing VOC
emissions. Contamination with PCBs can transfer those PCBs to either the product, which may
give rise to dioxin formation if used in a subsequent combustion, to the tank bottoms oil sludges
or to the effluent.

Pre-acceptance of Laboratory smalls
If drums are used for laboratory smalls, a list of the contents is created and stored within the
drum below the lid. Similarly for other types of packages containing laboratory smalls, a list of
contents is created and appropriately stored within or attached to the packaging. Each packed
drum (or other package) is then labelled with respect to the hazard for carriage (e.g. ADR
regulations). The level of supervision or management of this type of situation depends on a
number of factors. In any case a full list of the contents needs to be produced. For operators who
accept wastes packaged by their customers, packing guidance is typically provided to the
customer. Waste producers need written procedures regarding the segregation, packaging and
labelling of laboratory smalls.

Scoping study for physico-chemical plants
Sites need to undertake a scoping study to identify materials that are not covered by their
effluent monitoring programme but are accepted at the site. The main areas to consider are:

aqueous wastes containing solvents that may then be emitted due to the heat of the process
high nitrogen wastes with a potential for ammonia emissions to the air
wastes containing phosphorus: not all sites are required to monitor regularly for total
phosphorus so at these sites it may be easier to estimate this emission from the intake of
phosphoric acid
occasional inorganic wastes, e.g. wastes containing arsenic. Again, in most cases it will be
easier to calculate the annual emission from occasional waste IN data rather than to extend
the monitoring programme.

Extra administration costs (e.g. packaging, labelling).

Driving force for implementation
Typically these procedures are included in the national legislation of various countries, in
guidance notes or in the operating permits of the plants. The chemical components and
parameters which have to be analysed are also often defined.

Taking samples of heterogeneous wastes is especially difficult and needs experienced operators.
The work of CEN TC 292 or the German LAGA papers on waste samples may give some

Chapter 4
Example plants
Many of these techniques are commonly used in the WT sector. For example, the merchant UK
physico-chemical sites require all customers to provide a good waste description and a sample
for analysis prior to acceptance at the site. The sites need to know the waste composition in
order to be able to create a suitable end-product at the site that can meet sewer discharge
standards and produce a cake suitable for landfill.

Reference literature
[16, WAV Working Commitee, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86,
TWG, 2003], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Acceptance procedures when the waste arrives at the WT installation

On-site verification and compliance testing needs to take place to confirm: 1) the identity of the
waste, 2) the description of the waste, and 3) the consistency with the pre-acceptance
information and proposed treatment method. Some acceptance techniques and procedures (after
the pre-acceptance) applied to assess waste are given in the lists below, these include:

a. not accepting wastes at the installation unless a clearly defined treatment method and
disposal/recovery route is determined, together with there being sufficient capacity available
at the installation before the waste is accepted. Other than pure product chemicals and
laboratory smalls, no wastes should be accepted at the installation without sampling,
checking and testing being carried out. Reliance solely on the written information supplied
is not acceptable and physical verification and analytical confirmation is required
b. implementing of sampling procedures (see Section
c. for waste treatment or transfer, carrying out the bulk of the characterisation work at the
pre-acceptance stage. This ensures that the acceptance procedures carried out when the
waste arrives at the site can serve to confirm the characteristics of the waste
d. putting in place measures to fully document and deal with acceptable wastes arriving at the
site, such as a pre-booking system, to ensure, e.g. that sufficient capacity is available
e. enforcing requirements that the waste is accompanied by information describing the
physical and chemical composition, hazard characteristics, the presence of incompatible
substances and any handling precautions. Hazardous wastes also need to be accompanied by
consignment notes and this information should specify the original waste producer
f. having clear and unambiguous criteria for the rejection of wastes and reporting all
g. utilising a laboratory with suitably accredited test methods to carry out the analyses
h. checking the details of the waste code according to the European Waste List (EWL)
i. using a risk assessment procedure to select and, if necessary, to perform analysis of the
waste. An example is shown in the Example plants section.

Chapter 4
Other issues which may be addressed by the acceptance procedure concern:

vehicle waiting, load inspection, sampling and off-loading areas
traffic control
procedures for checking paperwork arriving with the load
procedures for unloading to allow inspection and sampling
location of designated sampling point(s)
visual / organoleptic load inspection (for some liquid and hazardous waste loads, this may
not be applicable)
drum and package labelling procedures
infrastructure, such as bunds and sampling areas
assessing consistency with pre-acceptance information and the proposed treatment method
sample retention systems, that is with regard to determining the appropriate period of
record keeping in relation to waste producer details, analysis results and treatment methods
procedures for periodic reviews of pre-acceptance information
dispatch conditions.

Achieved environmental benefits
This second acceptance stage, includes procedures for when the waste arrives at the site, and
serves to confirm the characteristics of the pre-accepted waste, without the time pressure and
potential hazard of checking a waste from scratch at the gate. These techniques prevent
unsuitable wastes being accepted, which could otherwise lead to adverse reactions or
uncontrolled emissions, and these techniques therefore ensure that the accepted waste is suitable
for the WT activity. Moreover, this minimises the time the vehicle delivering the waste is kept
waiting preventing problems due to, e.g. accidents, leaks. This procedure also prevents waste
being rejected and being sent back out onto the public highway.

Cross-media effects
Equal to pre-acceptance procedures.

Operational data
Equal to pre-acceptance procedures. In some cases, it may be difficult to perform a proper
sampling (e.g. drums with used and contaminated clothes or gloves).

Some examples of industrial applicability are described below:

Waste oil treatment plants
Typically these plants place a greater emphasis on the final acceptance procedures than those at
the pre-acceptance stage.

Acceptance of laboratory smalls
The procedures for accepting laboratory smalls into a site are essentially identical to those for
drummed wastes. They differ from the normal waste inputs to the site, in that they are in a
pure concentrated form. In situations where the operator has undertaken the identification and
packaging on behalf of the customer, the on-site verification can be restricted to opening the
drums to check that the containers are undamaged. In such cases, the load is accompanied by
documentation confirming the checking and packing. In situations where the drum has been
packed by the customer, full checking and verification need to be adequately undertaken by the
operator. Checking the packaging and segregation needs to include emptying the drum as soon
as possible (for example, within a matter of days), and repackaging the waste once all the
necessary checks have been made. If, on opening a drum, it is found that it contains
incompatible substances, or that the substances have not been packaged adequately, then the
drum needs to be sorted and repacked immediately, and the site non-conformance procedures
Chapter 4
Physico-chemical treatment sites
These sites check the waste on arrival by visual inspection and by sampling. The sampling
system varies in the breadth of analysis and in the frequency of sampling. There may be a
simple screen for flashpoint and pH or a sample taken for rapid laboratory determination of
these elements and the metals content and also a rough organic screening. The frequency of
sampling is partly determined by the source of the waste: most sites focus their sampling and
analysis on one-off fluctuating streams and reduce the sampling frequency for process streams
that are regularly accepted.

Percentage of plants where
this practice occurs (%)
Site enclosed or on a fully impermeable base 77
Return of rainwater (except of administration, buildings,
roofs) and tanker washings to plant
Sampling of larger waste streams, or a fixed proportion 62
Input tonnage weighed 54
Partial scrubber systems 38
Full scrubber systems 15
Sampling of all wastes 8
Note: Data correspond to 13 different physico-chemical treatment sites that were analysed.
Table 4.5: Control procedures identified at physico-chemical treatment plants
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003]

Physico-chemical plants test a proportion of the incoming waste streams, although they always
test new waste streams, and need to know a reasonable amount about the intake waste in order
to operate their process effectively. Sites require samples of the waste to carry out a preliminary
screening prior to acceptance of any waste on site and, furthermore, they undertake checking
routines when the waste actually arrives.

Waste catalyst
Materials are checked for unforeseen impurities and contamination and this can be cost effective
in maintaining a cleaner product and reducing emissions.

Waste activated carbon
Activated carbon received for regeneration needs be identified as a discrete batch and analysed,
so that the substances to be desorbed during the treatment are known and it can be confirmed
that the plant has the capability to process them within the constraints of the authorisation. The
applicant should set out clearly the types of contaminant on the activated carbon that it is
intended to be regenerated.

Waste characterisation and analysis costs for protecting the works are typically high. It may cost
up to EUR 3000 (GBP 2000) per analysis for a rig test mimicking the effect of a waste on the
waste water treatment works.

Driving force for implementation
Such analyses are commonly regulated by national legislation and permits. Hazardous waste
legislation, for example, ensure that storage, handling, classification, packaging and labelling of
waste is carried out correctly.

Example plants
Applied across the whole WT sector. An example for using a risk assessment procedure to
select and, if is necessary, to perform analysis of the waste may be 1
case: wastes with high
risk classification are always analysed at delivery; 2
case: wastes with a low risk classification
are occasionally tested on conformity with the data of the pre-acceptance phase.

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG,
2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [125, Ruiz, 2002], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,
2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Sampling

Sampling is typically based on a risk approach considering the hazardousness of the waste as
well as the knowledge of the previous waste holder. A good sampling procedure considers the
following issues:

a. the physical state of the waste (homogeneity/heterogeneity)
b. the number of samples and sample sizes for waste materials not delivered in containers
c. the number of samples and sample sizes for waste materials delivered in containers
d. sampling procedures for all incoming wastes including bulk (liquids and solid) wastes and
wastes in drums and containers, and laboratory smalls. The number of samples taken
increases with the number of containers. In extreme situations, small containers must all be
checked against the accompanying paperwork. The procedure should include a system for
recording the number of samples and degree of consolidation
e. having a system to ensure that the waste samples are analysed
f. details of the sampling of wastes in drums within designated storage, e.g. the time-scale
after receipt
g. verification and compliance testing to confirm the identity and description of the waste
h. maintenance at the installation of a record of the sampling regime for each load, together
with the justification for the selection of each option
i. sampling tankered wastes prior to acceptance. This way there is no storage pending
j. retaining samples on-site for a certain period of time (e.g. 0.5 2 months) after the waste
has been treated or removed off site, including all the residues from its treatment
k. externally taken samples or analysis reports, i.e. the driver of the vehicle carrying the waste
may arrive at the installation with a sample or with an analysis that has been taken at some
stage beforehand. This is typically an exception and is only considered if:
there are health and safety and environmental control considerations, for example, water
reactive substances which would make sampling difficult
the following written information has been supplied: the physical and chemical
composition, hazard characteristics, the presence of incompatible substances and any
handling precautions, and information specifying the original waste producer and
the waste has been taken directly from the production site to the waste treatment
the sampling staff can provide proof of adequate qualifications and/or training.

For the sampling of bulk liquid wastes, some specific issues to note are:

l. deliveries in bulk road tanker may be accompanied by a wash-out certificate or a
declaration of the previous load so that contamination by this route can be checked
m. samples are usually taken from one of three points on the tanker:
top hatch
back valve
sight glass

Chapter 4
n. the key requirement is to obtain a sample that is representative of the load, that is, the
sample needs to take account of the full variation and any partitioning within a bulk load so
that worst case scenarios are accounted for. Taking a sample through a top hatch of the
surface of the liquid may not be representative, but may be useful in establishing whether
there may be a layer of, for example, solvent or some other immiscible substance, which
may be unsuitable for treatment. Top samples need to be obtained from the cross-section of
the load, that is, a core sample should be taken
o. gantries can be constructed to avoid the need for taking samples from the back valve of
tankers, which would likely result in small spillages.

For sampling drummed waste (depending on the type of packaging), some specific issues to
note are:

p. the contents can only be identified with certainty if every container is sampled. Acceptance
therefore involves sampling every container, however, the analysis of composite samples is
usually acceptable with such a sampling regime. This way a representative sample is
obtained by taking a core sample from the base of the container
q. ensuring that lids, bungs and valves are replaced immediately after sampling
r. visual controls for every container and the sampling procedure need to be defined under the
supervision of the operator
s. utilising the opening, visual control and adapted sampling of all drums above a certain
capacity, for example of more than 200 litres
t. sampling packaged wastes in closed areas kept in depression or inside dedicated chambers
with extractor hoods in case that waste contains fugitive materials.

For example, for digestion of sludges, sampling is carried out to ensure batches are neither toxic
nor inhibitory to digestion. In addition, generally for all types of waste sampling, the sampling
procedure should ensure that adequate sampling and analysis is carried out to characterise the
waste. The number of samples taken is based on an assessment of the risks of potential
problems. Sampling regimes at the pre-acceptance stage do not necessarily have to include
sampling of every drum, for example, the square root of (n+1) rule may be applied provided
acceptance screening includes the sampling of every container. In some instances, physical
sampling may not be necessary, for example in the case of gas cylinders or scrap batteries. In
other cases such as for drummed wastes, large numbers of samples will be necessary as
characterisation requires the sampling of all containers. The sampling of process wastes must
take account of the variability of the process, and several samples may be required to
sufficiently characterise the waste. The waste producer can ensure that the sample is
representative of the waste, reliable and obtained by a person with a technical appreciation of
the sampling process by including the following information:

location of the sampling point, e.g. the effluent tank
capacity of vessel sampled (for samples from drums, an additional parameter would be the
total number of drums)
method of sampling, e.g. sampling tap (mid flow), top sample
number of samples and degree of consolidation
operating conditions at the time of sampling, e.g. normal operation, shutdown, maintenance
and/or cleaning.

In addition, the waste producer can ensure the sample is representative by:

clearly labelling samples and any hazard identified
including systems to allow sample tracking and auditability within the installation.

Achieved environmental benefits
Sampling is a key issue in building up a good knowledge of the waste to be treated, and
therefore in preventing problems during the treatment. Some techniques also prevent fugitive
emissions (e.g. causing odour) during sampling.
Chapter 4
Operational data
Specific laboratory equipment is necessary to practice sampling.

Some sort of sampling is applicable to all types of waste.

Driving force for implementation
A series of drafts focused on European sampling standards are available, e.g. sampling of
liquid and granular waste materials including paste-like materials prepared by the Technical
Committee CEN/TC 292 - Characterisation of waste. The CEN/TC 343 has also prepared a
technical specification on the sampling of solid recovered fuels.

Other internationally consolidated standards are, for example, ISO 10381 (soil sampling) and
ISO 5667 (waste water, sludge and sediments sampling). These standards include technical
specifications for sample handling and preservation.

Example plants
All waste plants do some kind of sampling.

Reference literature
[16, WAV Working Commitee, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86,
TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004],
[152, TWG, 2004] Reception facilities

There is usually a reception area for incoming waste where visual checks are made against the
special waste consignment note and where some further sampling is undertaken before the
waste is allocated. Sites tend to sample specific waste streams. Some good environmental
practices applied to reception facilities are:

a. to have an accreditated laboratory on site to analyse the waste samples for pre-acceptance
and acceptance. This may be accomplished by ensuring that the laboratory carrying out the
analysis has a roboust quality assurance system, quality control methods and suitable record
keeping of the analysis
b. to equip laboratories with the control equipment and devices necessary for quality
assurance. Self-regulation is commonly not officially recognised
c. to have a dedicated quarantine waste storage area, so that if the inspection or analysis
indicates that the wastes fail to meet the acceptance criteria (including, e.g. damaged,
corroded or unlabelled drums) then the wastes can be safely temporarily stored. Such
storage needs to be for a maximum of five working days. In the case of cold ambient
temperatures, this storage time may exceed five working days to allow for sampling after
defrosting. After acceptance, the waste can be moved to another storage area (for bulk
waste, this is typically a bulking area). Written procedures need to be in place for dealing
with wastes held in quarantine, and also for detailing and monitoring the maximum storage
volume. Written procedures need to be put in place for the repackaging of the waste before
return to the waste holder, as well as for the packaging procedures
d. to mark on a site plan the inspection, unloading and sampling areas and having a suitably
sealed drainage system. Having a separate collection system for spills which is separated
from rainwater collection drains and having a sealed underground area which is safely
protected against the wastes needing to be treated (related with techniques in Section 4.8.2)

Chapter 4
e. to offload wastes in containers in a dedicated reception area pending acceptance sampling.
Such storage needs to be for a maximum period of one week. During this period there needs
to be no bulking-up or mixing of drums or decanting of the contents into bulk storage.
Wastes need to be segregated within this reception area according to compatibility, with the
segregation being carried out immediately upon offloading
f. to immediately assess the wastes deposited within the reception area
g. to immediately segregate wastes, to remove possible hazards due to incompatibility, which
could result in the waste failing to meet acceptance criteria
h. to have a designated sampling point/s or reception area. These need to be in close proximity
to the laboratory/checking facility and need to be visible
i. to ensure that the offloading, sampling point/reception and quarantine areas have an
impervious surface with self-contained drainage, to prevent any spillage entering the storage
systems or escaping off site
j. to ensure that incompatible substances do not come into contact with spills from sampling,
for example, within a sump serving the sampling point. Absorbents need to be made
available to deal with any spills
k. to ensure that the installation personnel who are involved in the sampling, checking and
analysis procedures are suitably qualified and adequately trained, and that the training is
updated on a regular basis
l. once the analysis has confirmed the waste is acceptable, to create a batch for treatment or a
load for off-site removal. Once a batch has been assembled for treatment, the operator can
create a composite sample for analysis prior to treatment. The actual scope for the analysis
depends upon the intended treatment but always needs to be specified
m. to ensure that at every step of the waste receipt at the WT plant (pre-acceptance procedures,
acceptance procedures, reception facilities) the staff taking and handling the samples have
the necessary knowledge and expertise
n. to have a designed storage area at the facility that is suitable for the wastes received
o. to have a clear procedure dealing with wastes where inspection and/or analysis prove that
they do not fulfil the acceptance criteria of the plant or do not fit with the waste description
received during the pre-acceptance procedure. This procedure should include all measures
required (e.g. by the permitting or national/international legislation) to inform competent
authorities, to safely store the delivery for any transition period or to reject the waste and
send it back to the waste producer or to any other authorised destination.

Some specific techniques applied to load arrival are:

p. weighing all incoming loads, unless alternative reliable volumetric systems linked to
specific gravity data are available
q. not accepting any load on the site unless sufficient storage capacity exists
r. ensuring that all documents are checked and approved, and that any discrepancies need to
be resolved before the waste is accepted
s. visually inspecting the load - where possible inspection checks need to be undertaken before
off-loading. In any event though, the inspections need to be carried out immediately upon
the arrival of the load at the installation
t. checking every container to confirm the quantities against the accompanying paperwork.
All containers need to be clearly labelled and need to be equipped with well fitting lids, caps
and valves, secure and in place. Containers not having the right specifications need to be
rejected. Following inspection the waste needs to then be off-loaded into a dedicated
sampling/reception area
u. applying a waste tracking system from the point of acceptance until the first treatment step
which changes the physical or chemical character of the waste, e.g by an identifying system
(e.g. label, code) for any container or drum stored in the plant. The information may contain
any necessary data regarding health and safety, further treatment, waste code, original
producer, date of arrival on site, etc.
v. where containers are bulked, transposing from the original container onto the bulk container
the earliest date of arrival of the bulked wastes.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Identifies the source, composition and hazard of the waste. Prevents wastes being accepted
without written information.

Most spills and leaks during sampling only occur on a small scale, e.g. resulting from releases
from the back valve of a tanker if the sample is obtained in this way.
Operational data
A laboratory for chemically analysing the samples is needed. Related to technique a (see
description above), some samples are not taken for immediate controls and analysis. Some
samples, for example, are kept in case authorities require further controls.

Fully applicable to all sites however in some situations (e.g. non-hazardous waste treatment
facilities) it may not be practicable or economic to have the laboratory on-site.

Reception facilities for waste water treatment works, for example tanker unloading and storage
may cost around EUR 1.5 million (GBP 1 million). Operational costs are relatively low and
mainly involve administrative costs.

Techniques Capital cost (GBP) Operating cost (GBP)
Analytical laboratory
40000 20000
Continuous monitoring equipment
10000 1000
Technical Specification
Oil types
Process operation
Waste gas flow
Age of plant
Age of pollution control equipment
10000 t/yr
used lubricating oils
0 50 Nm
10 years old
2 years old
1. Assumes no new building required and relatively simple laboratory equipment. Staffing includes one
full time technician.
2. The costs of continuous monitoring equipment vary enormously according to the number of
substances monitored, analytical techniques used and the supplier selected.
Table 4.6: Economics of laboratory and monitoring equipment in a waste oil treatment facility
[42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004]

Driving force for implementation
Some sort of reception facilities for the waste to be treated is necessary in all WT installations.
In some countries, it is not obligatory to have a quarantine storage area, and externally
accredited laboratory is not legally required.

Example plants
All WT installations have some sort of reception facilities. Many sites have a pre-booking
system for wastes and the reception area will then have a list of the contents of each load
expected that day. Some sites have one bunded and covered reception area, others have different
bunded and covered reception areas for different groups of waste. Gas chromatography and
mass spectroscopy can be used to identify components of solvents and waste oils but its use
requires skilled interpretation and costs are high.

Depending on the delivered wastes, the receiving area/bunker can be equipped with technical
installations to fight fires, because some wastes tend to auto-ignite especially wastes with a high
organic content. Biological degradation may cause high temperatures and, in some cases, this
can cause fire. Moreover, the disposed wastes can already contain glowing particles, e.g.
incompletely burned coal.

Chapter 4
The receiving area is normally covered and the doors are often closed because of odour, dust
and noise emissions. The receiving area or bunker has an air ventilation installation which
collects the exhaust air. To prevent leaking air from the inside, some plants are equipped with an
air ventilation system which creates a negative pressure in the receiving area or bunker.

Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [119, Watco, 2002], [121,
Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003],
[131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

4.1.2 Management systems

Managerial techniques typically applied to the waste treatment installations as a whole are
included in this section. Techniques to determine the type of waste treatment applied to each

Once the composition and characteristics (e.g. content of hazardous compounds) of the waste
has been established, and it is confirmed that the waste is as described in the delivery/reception
area (acceptance procedure), a treatment method or option for the waste should be determined.
There are three fundamental principles for selecting the appropriate waste treatment for a
specific waste: 1) to adequately characterise the waste, 2) to ensure that the waste is suitable for
the proposed treatment activity and 3) to ensure operational control of the treatment process,
including inputs and reaction monitoring and to have clear end-point objectives. Some
techniques applicable to help achieve these goals are to:

a. describe and consider the installations activities and the proposed techniques to prevent and
reduce the waste arisings, the emissions of substances and heat (including during periods of
start-up or shutdown, momentary stoppages, leaks or malfunctions)
b. identify the waste types subject to each process, including all the contaminants
c. identify the chemistry of the process and the fate of all the waste components and any
reaction products
d. identify suitable recovery or abatement options, especially for components which may be
harmful to the environment and which are not destroyed in the treatment but are displaced
from one medium to the other. This can involve tracking those substances capable of
pollution and that may be released unchanged from the treatment process
e. identify a suitable treatment method for each new waste enquiry
f. be sure that the process feedstock does not include substances such as solvents that could be
recovered at a subsequent stage, by, for example, drying and subsequent distillation to
separate components
g. have a clear methology to assess the treatment of waste, considering the physico-chemical
properties of the individual waste and the specifications for the treated waste
h. report if there is any advice on preferable waste treatment (e.g related to waste treatment
hierarchy) pursuant to the type of waste to be treated (e.g. EWL).

Achieved environmental benefits
The selection of a suitable treatment for a certain waste is vital to ensure that environmental
emissions are reduced and that the waste is properly treated.

Chapter 4
Operational data
Frequently, several procedures must be used for the correct treatment of waste. The procedure
followed, or rather the combination (types of procedures, sequence of their application, applied
controls, etc.) will be specified by typically a company/installation coordination procedure. In
such a procedure, the laboratory results on the basis of the composition of the waste and its
reaction behaviour have some impact on the type of waste treatment to be selected.

Driving force for implementation
The selection of a treatment is not only a function of the type of waste, but other issues such as
local constraints (e.g. waste strategy), logistic considerations and what type of treatments are
available in the region are also important issues to consider.

Sometimes and wherever possible, waste material is required to be processed by chemical,
physical or biological treatment if it contains unacceptable quantities of environmentally
hazardous substances or compounds which can be separated, converted, or immobilised, and
thus rendered less harmful.

Example plants
Technique applied to all WT facilities.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Guaranteed supply of waste

Waste can be seen as the raw material used by WT facilities. In some cases the waste can be
used as a reagent to treat other wastes. In any case, the guarantee to have the waste/material will
be available at the right time for the continuing and proper performance of the installation is

Achieved environmental benefits
If the waste is to be used as a reagent in a treatment process, not having such a waste available
may delay the treatment process for the waste type to be treated. This delay may incur
associated environmental problems.

For example, the guarantee of long term performance of anaerobic systems is a key issue for
their economical feasibility (see Section 4.2.4)

Example plants
The main area of concern in anaerobic digestion is the guarantee of the long term performance of
a plant which is key to its economical feasibility. This risk can be reduced through technological
developments but the associated costs may affect the economics in the short term. Another
example is the guarantee of having a sufficient supply of waste bases available in physico-
chemical plants in order to neutralise acidic materials in the case that those are used as
neutralisation processes.

The bunker or the equipment to feed the process should allow a constant feeding to abate
overloads of machines.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Chapter 4
296 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Techniques to increase the traceability of waste

Any tracking or traceability system to be adopted needs to be capable of reporting all of the

total quantity of waste present on site at any one time, in appropriate units, for example,
205 litre drum equivalents
breakdown of waste quantities being stored pending on-site treatment, classified by
treatment route
breakdown of waste quantities on site for storage only, that is, awaiting onward transfer
breakdown of waste quantities by hazard classification
indicate where the waste is located on site relative to a site plan
compare the quantity on site against total permitted
compare the time the waste has been on site against the permitted time limit.

Some techniques which can be applied to increase the traceability of a waste in a waste
treatment installation are:

a. to record and reference the information on waste characteristics and the source of the waste
stream, so that it is available at all times. A reference number needs to be given to the waste
and needs to be obtainable at any time in the process for the operator to identify where a
specific waste is in the installation, the length of time it has been there and the proposed or
actual treatment route. This is an important component in the management of the
b. to regularly review and keep up-to-date waste stream information, i.e. updating information
with any changes
c. to put in place an internal tracking system and stock control procedure for all wastes, cross-
referenced to the unique reference number raised at the pre-acceptance stage (see Section
d. to apply a tracking system to hold all the information generated during pre-acceptance,
acceptance, storage, treatment and/or removal off site. Records can be made and kept up-to-
date on an ongoing basis to reflect deliveries, on-site treatment and dispatches.
Documentation provided by the driver, written results of acceptance analyses, and details of
off-loading points or off-site transfer locations need to be added to the tracking system
documentation. All records relating to pre-acceptance need to be maintained at the
installation for cross-referencing and verification at the waste acceptance stage. Records
typically need to be held for two to six months after the waste has been treated or removed
off site
e. to give each waste stream a unique reference number and to follow the waste during its
acceptance, storage, treatment or removal off site. If the waste is a regular arising waste,
then the document should be unique to that waste batch
f. to have documentary systems or a computer database/series of databases, which are
regularly backed up. The tracking system operates as a waste inventory/stock control system
and includes: date of arrival on site, waste producer details, details on all previous holders,
an unique identifier, pre-acceptance and acceptance analysis results, package type and size,
intended treatment/disposal route, an accurate record of the nature and quantity of wastes
held on site, including all hazards, where the waste is physically located in relation to a site
plan, at what point in the designated disposal route the waste is currently at, etc.
g. to maintain the account for the treatment or disposal route method to which a particular type
of waste is to be subjected
h. to maintain records to ensure sufficient knowledge is available as to what wastes have
entered a particular vessel/tank. For example, once a waste has entered bulk storage or a
treatment process, the tracking of individual wastes will not be feasible. However, the
tracking of residues/compounds that will be building up within a vessel between desludging
events can be carried out in order to avoid any incompatibility with incoming wastes
Chapter 4
i. for bulk liquid wastes, to maintain a stock control record of the route through the process;
whereas drummed waste control needs to utilise the individual labelling of each drum to
record the location and duration of storage
j. to have a good quality packaging and labelling system for incoming containers.

Achieved environmental benefits
The system provides documentary evidence of the treatment given to a certain waste, detailing
when the waste has entered the site, where it has come from, with which other compounds has it
been mixed and stored and where and when it has been shipped. These techniques enable the
waste treatment operator to:

take advantage of any synergies between wastes
prevent unwanted or unexpected reactions
ensure that emissions are either prevented or reduced
manage the throughput of wastes.

Cross-media effects
Not identified.

Operational data
Typically, computer databases are required. Implementation of an effective system also requires
additional administrative work. Traceability systems need to question what exactly has to be
traced and when.

Widely applied in the WT sector. In the case of small WT plants, the adaptation of some
traceability systems (e.g paper to computer based) may be difficult.

The application of some of the techniques mentioned above, may not be possible when
installations operate on a continuous or semi-continuous basis. Some examples are when waste
liquids from different batches are put together into the storage tank, when solid wastes are put
into the bunker and mixed with other waste or when the physico-chemical properties of the
waste change. Traceability systems for small volumes or quantities is more difficult to apply.

Driving force for implementation
To help the operator manage the installation.

It is commonly demanded by the waste authorities of the waste producer, to report that the
waste is treated according to all relevant legislation and technical rules. This system helps as
well to track how and when the treatment has been carried out.

Example plants
Commonly used in WT installations. Fundamentally important for the waste transfer

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,
2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
298 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Improvement of the efficiency of waste treatments

Waste treatment efficiency in this section relates to the improvement of the usefulness of the
outputs, raw material consumption and material flow analysis. The techniques related to energy
efficiency are included in Section Some techniques which can be applied to increase the
efficiency of waste treatment are:

a. to provide an assessment of the efficiency of the treatment process in relation to pollutants,
i.e. in terms of the removal or partition of substances within the process, for example:
the precipitation of metals from solution for removal in the filter cake
the degree of transfer between the incoming waste and the emissions (to air, solid waste
to land and liquid effluent to sewer, for example pesticides or solvents)
the utilisation of heat vapour used to preheat waste oil
b. to analyse efficiency parameters using the following steps:
process mapping identifying the pathways within the process for the specific
substance or substances
mass balance
c. to analyse the effect variability of the waste composition may have on the performance of
WT units
d. to monitor efficiency. Operational efficiency monitoring may be carried out by
instrumentation, direct operator observation, and chemical analysis. Any monitoring
programme will typically involve extensive record keeping, using a combination of
computers, chart recorders, and manually completed paper logs
e. to have in place procedures for waste material separation, and in such a way that the
recyclability of the separated materials will not be impaired.

Some of these techniques are sometimes part of ISO 9000 and ISO 14001.

Achieved environmental benefits
A facility must monitor operations carefully to assure that its performance achieves the desired
results. Optimisation of the waste treatment installations typically helps to achieve lower
emissions and lower consumptions.

Operational data
It is recognised that to be commercially viable, waste treatment facilities need to deal with
variable waste streams, but that it may not always be desirable or effective to overcomplicate
the design and operation of a waste treatment process by trying to accommodate every
component of the varied waste stream. Therefore, monitoring the waste and applying suitable
separation can help to achieve a higher efficiency and economy of operation.

Some waste treatments have to deal with a wide and variable range of wastes. This requires the
plant and equipment to be versatile and usable for a number of wastes. This contrasts with
treatment techniques used for in-house treatment on waste producer premises, where the
number of waste streams is limited and well characterised. This characteristics of in-house
treatments may lend themselves to the development of dedicated single stream treatment

Even where the site weighs all the input wastes and outgoing waste streams and products, it is
not always easy to perform a sensible mass balance on the system. Mass balances and material
flow analysis for each single material fractions or ingredient are difficult and sometimes the
results are questionable. The main reason is the inherent variations in the waste IN.

Examples of recyclable materials in Ph-c plants are principally oil, grease, organic solvent,
metal, metal salts.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Typically undertaken indirectly to reduce the operational cost of the installation or the disposal
cost of the waste.

Example plants
There are still a large number of sites that do not have a weighbridge, or do not use the
weighbridge for each load.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Management techniques

Some techniques are:

a. operational control of the treatment process
b. provision and maintenance of suitable infrastructure (good housekeeping)
c. management of effluents (developed in Section 4.7.1)
d. control of the plant based on laboratory-determined analyses, which also determine
treatment programmes, the required controls and documentation
e. to have the plant operation carried out exclusively by specialised and expert personnel (e.g.
management level: with university qualification, relevant degree and/or working specialism;
operative level: skilled worker, laboratory assistant). Personnel qualifications can be assured
by a mix of a relevant time of studying, a continuing education measures; with the requisite
specialist technical personnel knowledge being determined and controlled within the
context of plant certification. Related with techniques described in Section
f. to have all the necessary peripheral structures required for a correctly functioning enterprise.
This includes, for example, property boundaries, signs designating the location of parking
places and storage facilities, lighting, scales, a workshop, etc.

Achieved environmental benefits
General improvement of the environmental awareness of the installation.

Regular training is common in the waste treatment sector.

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
300 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Identification of economies of scale and synergies

Where there are a number of separate installations (particularly where there are different
operators), there may be a possibility to identify some installation wide issues and opportunities
for interactions between the installations, whereby the overall performance of each installation
may be improved. In particular by sharing or combining information or activities and enhancing
co-operation. Some examples of this include:

a. improving communication procedures between the various permit holders; in particular
those needed to ensure that the risk of environmental incidents is minimised
b. utilising benefits from the economies of scale to justify the installation of a shared CHP
plant (see energy sections within Section 4.1.3)
c. combining combustible wastes to justify a combined waste-to-energy (see energy sections
within Section 4.1.3)
d. utilising the waste from one activity possibly as a feedstock for another
e. utilising the treated effluent from one activity, if it is of an adequate quality, as the raw
water feed for another activity
f. combining effluents to justify a combined or upgraded effluent treatment plant
g. avoiding accidents from one activity which may have a detrimental knock-on effect on a
neighbouring activity
h. avoiding land contamination from one activity affecting another or possible problems that
one operator may own the land on which the other is situated.

Achieved environmental benefits
Can increase the energy efficiency, reduce waste generation, reduce water consumption and
reduce water emissions from the overall complex.

Cross-media effects
Some of these communications may be difficult if related with legal issues concerning

Applicable where synergies are identified and where more than one activity is carried out.

Typically decreases the overall cost of the waste treatments.

Driving force for implementation
Typically increases the economic viability of the waste treatments.

Example plants
Many examples exist in the sector.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003]
Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 301 Provision of full details on the activities to be carried out

The provision of adequate process descriptions of the activities and of the applied abatement
and control equipment is important, to enable the regulator to gain a good understanding of the
applied process. Appropriate items that can help to build up a good picture of the plant include:

a. a description of the waste treatment methods and procedures in place in the installation
b. providing pipe and instrumentation flow diagrams of the installation (e.g. R-/I-Fliesbilder)
c. diagrams of the main plant items where they have some environmental relevance, and also
process flow diagrams (schematics). For example, plant design diagrams of the storage,
tanks, and the treatment and abatement facilities, although in isolation these will typically
not be enough to enable the proper environmental evaluation
d. details of chemical reactions and their reaction kinetics/energy balance
e. an equipment inventory, detailing plant type and design parameters, for example,
f. details on the waste types to be subjected to the process
g. a control system philosophy and how the control system incorporates the environmental
monitoring information
h. details of the venting and emergency relief provisions
i. operating and maintenance procedures
j. details on how protection is provided during abnormal operating conditions such as
momentary stoppages, start-up, and shutdowns.

Furthermore, with regard to information, it is important for operators:

k. to have access to all the necessary regulations relating to operational safety and order and a
schedule of work rules before the initial operation of the plan
l. to have an instruction manual. The instruction manual contains all the measures needed to
ensure proper and safe disposal of wastes occurring during normal operation, maintenance
operations, and during operational disturbances. All processes should be harmonised with
alarm and emergency schedules. The instruction manual also details the duties and
responsibilities of operating staff, the working instructions, the arrangements for
maintenance and inspection, as well as reporting, documentation and storage requirements.
This manual needs to be updated as necessary and should be available before the initial
operation of the plant
m. to have an operational diary, to detail operating conditions and as evidence of the proper
running of the plant. The operational diary will contain all the relevant information related
to the day-to-day operation of the waste management facility plant, and will in particular:
record all waste treated in the plant, and any other materials that are recycled or
disposed of in some other manner outside the plant
act as a register of the accepted waste
act as a register of any material recycled or disposed of in some other manner outside
the plant
provide documented evidence in disputes, e.g. in cases where the delivery of waste
material does not correspond to the details contained in the pre-acceptance
documentation. In this case, the diary will detail all the measures taken
record special incidents, and in particular the details of any operational disturbances,
including details on the possible causes and the corrective measures taken
record running times and downtimes of the plant
record the results of investigations and self-checking measurements
record the nature and scope of all maintenance measures
record the results of the function controls
n. to keep the operational diary up to date. All additional supporting statements required by the
appropriate authority also need to be documented in the operational diary. In one system,
the operational diary might involve collecting single sheets filled out by persons from the
Chapter 4
different assets areas. The operational diary could also be managed using electronic data
processing. Regardless of whether it is kept in electronic or paper format, it should always
be kept in safe custody and protected from unauthorised access
o. to keep the operational diary for a period of five years
p. to report any incidents which lead to a significant deviation from normal operation
immediately to the appropriate authority, in particular those bringing the plant to a standstill
q. to prepare an annual survey of the activities carried out and the wastes treated. The annual
survey can also contain a quarterly balance sheet of the waste and residue streams, including
the auxiliary materials used, for each site. The annual survey should be submitted to the
appropriate authority within a period of three months after the end of the year.

Achieved environmental benefits
Helps assess operators proposals and in particular the opportunities for further improvements.

Cross-media effects
Not known.

Operational data
Management operation.

Fully applicable in all WT installations. However, technique d (see description above) is
sometimes seen as difficult to be applied to some installations due to the complex mixtures that
represent some wastes as well as the variability in composition of the waste.

Driving force for implementation
This is typically a part of the operation permit.

Example plants
Common technique.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Environmental management tools

The best environmental performance is usually achieved by the installation of the best
technology and its operation in the most effective and efficient manner. This is recognised by
the IPPC Directive definition of techniques as both the technology used and the way in which
the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned.
For IPPC installations an Environmental Management System (EMS) is a tool that operators can
use to address these design, construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning issues
in a systematic, demonstrable way. An EMS includes the organisational structure,
responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing,
maintaining, reviewing and monitoring the environmental policy. Environmental Management
Systems are most effective and efficient where they form an inherent part of the overall
management and operation of an installation.

Chapter 4
Within the European Union, many organisations have decided on a voluntary basis to
implement environmental management systems based on EN ISO 14001:1996 or the EU Eco-
management and audit scheme EMAS. EMAS includes the management system requirements of
EN ISO 14001, but places additional emphasis on legal compliance, environmental performance
and employee involvement; it also requires external verification of the management system and
validation of a public environmental statement (in EN ISO 14001 self-declaration is an
alternative to external verification). There are also many organisations that have decided to put
in place non-standardised EMSs.

While both standardised systems (EN ISO 14001:1996 and EMAS) and non-standardised
(customised) systems in principle take the organisation as the entity, this document takes a
more narrow approach, not including all activities of the organisation e.g. with regard to their
products and services, due to the fact that the regulated entity under the IPPC Directive is the
installation (as defined in Article 2).

An environmental management system (EMS) for an IPPC installation can contain the
following components:

definition of an environmental policy
planning and establishing objectives and targets
implementation and operation of procedures
checking and corrective action
management review
preparation of a regular environmental statement
validation by certification body or external EMS verifier
design considerations for end-of-life plant decommissioning
development of cleaner technologies

These features are explained in somewhat greater detail below. For detailed information on
components (a) to (g), which are all included in EMAS, the reader is referred to the reference
literature indicated below.

a. definition of an environmental policy
Top management are responsible for defining an environmental policy for an installation
and ensuring that it:
is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of the activities
includes a commitment to pollution prevention and control
includes a commitment to comply with all relevant applicable environmental legislation
and regulations, and with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes
provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets
is documented and communicated to all employees
is available to the public and all interested parties
b. planning, i.e.:
procedures to identify the environmental aspects of the installation, in order to
determine those activities which have or can have significant impacts on the
environment, and to keep this information up-to-date
procedures to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the
organisation subscribes and that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its
establishing and reviewing documented environmental objectives and targets, taking
into consideration the legal and other requirements and the views of interested parties
establishing and regularly updating an environmental management programme,
including designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each
relevant function and level as well as the means and timeframe by which they are to be
Chapter 4
c. implementation and operation of procedures
It is important to have systems in place to ensure that procedures are known, understood and
complied with, therefore effective environmental management includes:
structure and responsibility
defining, documenting and communicating roles, responsibilities and authorities,
which includes appointing one specific management representative
providing resources essential to the implementation and control of the
environmental management system, including human resources and specialised
skills, technology and financial resources
training, awareness and competence
identifying training needs to ensure that all personnel whose work may significantly
affect the environmental impacts of the activity have received appropriate training.
establishing and maintaining procedures for internal communication between the
various levels and functions of the installation, as well as procedures that foster a
dialogue with external interested parties and procedures for receiving, documenting
and, where reasonable, responding to relevant communication from external
interested parties
employee involvement
involving employees in the process aimed at achieving a high level of
environmental performance by applying appropriate forms of participation such as
the suggestion-book system or project-based group works or environmental
establishing and maintaining up-to-date information, in paper or electronic form, to
describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction and to
provide direction to related documentation.
efficient process control
adequate control of processes under all modes of operation, i.e. preparation, start-
up, routine operation, shutdown and abnormal conditions
identifying the key performance indicators and methods for measuring and
controlling these parameters (e.g. flow, pressure, temperature, composition and
documenting and analysing abnormal operating conditions to identify the root
causes and then addressing these to ensure that events do not recur (this can be
facilitated by a no-blame culture where the identification of causes is more
important than apportioning blame to individuals)
maintenance programme
establishing a structured programme for maintenance based on technical
descriptions of the equipment, norms etc. as well as any equipment failures and
supporting the maintenance programme by appropriate record keeping systems and
diagnostic testing
clearly allocating responsibility for the planning and execution of maintenance.
emergency preparedness and response
establishing and maintaining procedures to identify the potential for and response to
accidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating the
environmental impacts that may be associated with them

Chapter 4
d. checking and corrective action, i.e.:
monitoring and measurement
establishing and maintaining documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a
regular basis, the key characteristics of operations and activities that can have a
significant impact on the environment, including the recording of information for
tracking performance, relevant operational controls and conformance with the
installation's environmental objectives and targets (see also the Reference document
on Monitoring of Emissions) [68, EIPPCB, 2003]
establishing and maintaining a documented procedure for periodically evaluating
compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
corrective and preventive action
establishing and maintaining procedures for defining responsibility and authority
for handling and investigating non-conformance with permit conditions, other legal
requirements as well as objectives and targets, taking action to mitigate any impacts
caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action that are
appropriate to the magnitude of the problem and commensurate with the
environmental impact encountered
establishing and maintaining procedures for the identification, maintenance and
disposition of legible, identifiable and traceable environmental records, including
training records and the results of audits and reviews
establishing and maintaining (a) programme(s) and procedures for periodic
environmental management system audits that include discussions with personnel,
inspection of operating conditions and equipment and reviewing of records and
documentation and that results in a written report, to be carried out impartially and
objectively by employees (internal audits) or external parties (external audits),
covering the audit scope, frequency and methodologies, as well as the
responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results, in
order to determine whether or not the environmental management system conforms
to planned arrangements and has been properly implemented and maintained
completing the audit or audit cycle, as appropriate, at intervals of no longer than
three years, depending on the nature, scale and complexity of the activities, the
significance of associated environmental impacts, the importance and urgency of
the problems detected by previous audits and the history of environmental problems
more complex activities with a more significant environmental impact are audited
more frequently
having appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure that the audit results are followed
periodic evaluation of legal compliance
reviewing compliance with the applicable environmental legislation and the
conditions of the environmental permit(s) held by the installation
documentation of the evaluation
e. management review, i.e.:
reviewing, by top management, at intervals that it determines, the environmental
management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness
ensuring that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out
this evaluation
documentation of the review

Chapter 4
f. preparation of a regular environmental statement:
preparing an environmental statement that pays particular attention to the results
achieved by the installation against its environmental objectives and targets. It is
regularly produced from once a year to less frequently depending on the significance
of emissions, waste generation etc. It considers the information needs of relevant
interested parties and it is publicly available (e.g. in electronic publications, libraries
when producing a statement, the operator may use relevant existing environmental
performance indicators, making sure that the indicators chosen:
give an accurate appraisal of the installations performance
are understandable and unambiguous
allow for year on year comparison to assess the development of the environmental
performance of the installation
allow for comparison with sector, national or regional benchmarks as appropriate
allow for comparison with regulatory requirements as appropriate
g. validation by certification body or external EMS verifier:
having the management system, audit procedure and environmental statement examined
and validated by an accredited certification body or an external EMS verifier can, if
carried out properly, enhance the credibility of the system.
h. design considerations for end-of-life plant decommissioning
giving consideration to the environmental impact from the eventual decommissioning of
the unit at the stage of designing a new plant, as forethought makes decommissioning
easier, cleaner and cheaper
decommissioning poses environmental risks for the contamination of land (and
groundwater) and generates large quantities of solid waste. Preventive techniques are
process-specific but general considerations may include:
avoiding underground structures
incorporating features that facilitate dismantling
choosing surface finishes that are easily decontaminated
using an equipment configuration that minimises trapped chemicals and facilitates
drain-down or washing
designing flexible, self-contained units that enable phased closure
using biodegradable and recyclable materials where possible
i. development of cleaner technologies:
environmental protection should be an inherent feature of any process design activities
carried out by the operator, since techniques incorporated at the earliest possible design
stage are both more effective and cheaper. Giving consideration to the development of
cleaner technologies can for instance occur through R&D activities or studies. As an
alternative to internal activities, arrangements can be made to keep abreast with and
where appropriate commission work by other operators or research institutes active in
the relevant field
j. benchmarking, i.e.:
carrying out systematic and regular comparisons with sector, national or regional
benchmarks, including for energy efficiency and energy conservation activities, choice
of input materials, emissions to air and discharges to water (using for example the
European Pollutant Emission Register, EPER), consumption of water and generation of

Standardised and non-standardised EMSs
An EMS can take the form of a standardised or non-standardised (customised) system.
Implementation and adherence to an internationally accepted standardised system such as
EN ISO 14001:1996 can give higher credibility to the EMS, especially when subject to a
properly performed external verification. EMAS provides additional credibility due to the
interaction with the public through the environmental statement and the mechanism to ensure
compliance with the applicable environmental legislation. However, non-standardised systems
can in principle be equally effective provided that they are properly designed and implemented.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Implementation of and adherence to an EMS focuses the attention of the operator on the
environmental performance of the installation. In particular, the maintenance of and compliance
with clear operating procedures for both normal and abnormal situations and the associated lines
of responsibility should ensure that the installations permit conditions and other environmental
targets and objectives are met at all times.

Environmental management systems typically ensure the continuous improvement of the
environmental performance of the installation. The poorer the starting point is, the more
significant short-term improvements can be expected. If the installation already has a good
overall environmental performance, the system helps the operator to maintain the high
performance level.

Cross-media effects
Environmental management techniques are designed to address the overall environmental
impact, which is consistent with the integrated approach of the IPPC Directive.

Operational data
No specific information reported.

The components described above can typically be applied to all IPPC installations. The scope
(e.g. level of detail) and nature of the EMS (e.g. standardised or non-standardised) will
generally be related to the nature, scale and complexity of the installation, and the range of
environmental impacts it may have.

It is difficult to accurately determine the costs and economic benefits of introducing and
maintaining a good EMS. A number of studies are presented below. However, these are just
examples and their results are not entirely coherent. They might not be representative for all
sectors across the EU and should thus be treated with caution.

A Swedish study carried out in 1999 surveyed all 360 ISO-certified and EMAS-registered
companies in Sweden. With a response rate of 50 %, it concluded among other things that:

the expenses for introducing and operating EMS are high but not unreasonably so, save in
the case of very small companies. Expenses are expected to decrease in the future
a higher degree of co-ordination and integration of EMS with other management systems is
seen as a possible way to decrease costs
half of all the environmental objectives and targets give payback within one year through
cost savings and/or increased revenue
the largest cost savings were made through decreased expenditure on energy, waste
treatment and raw materials
most of the companies think that their position on the market has been strengthened through
the EMS. One-third of the companies report increasing revenue due to EMS.

In some Member States reduced supervision fees are charged if the installation has a

A number of studies ([77, Klemisch and Holger, 2002], [78, Clausen, et al., 2002]) show that
there is an inverse relationship between company size and the cost of implementing an EMS. A
similar inverse relationship exists for the payback period of invested capital. Both elements
imply a less favourable cost-benefit relationship for implementing an EMS in SMEs compared
to larger companies.

Chapter 4
According to a Swiss study, the average cost for building and operating ISO 14001 can vary:

for a company with between 1 and 49 employees: (CHF 64000) EUR 44000 for building the
EMS and (CHF 16000) EUR 11000 per year for operating it
for an industrial site with more than 250 employees: (CHF 367000) EUR 252000 for
building the EMS and (CHF 155000) EUR 106000 per year for operating it.

These average figures do not necessarily represent the actual cost for a given industrial site
because this cost is also highly dependent on the number of significant items (pollutants, energy
consumption, etc.) and on the complexity of the problems to be studied.

A recent German study [69, Schaltegger and Wagner, 2002] shows the following costs (see
Table 4.7) for EMAS for different branches. It can be noted that these figures are much lower
than those of the Swiss study quoted above. This is a confirmation of the difficulty to determine
the costs of an EMS.

Costs for building (EUR):
range: 18750 75000
average: 50000
Costs for validation (EUR):
range: 5000 12500
average: 6000
Table 4.7: Cost of application of EMAS

A study by the German Institute of Entrepreneurs [70, UNI/ASU, 1997] gives information about
the average savings achieved for EMAS per year and the average payback time. For example,
for implementation costs of EUR 80000 they found average savings of EUR 50000 per year,
corresponding to a payback time of about one and a half years.

External costs relating to verification of the system can be estimated from guidance issued by
the International Accreditation Forum [71, IAF, 2003].

Driving forces for implementation
Environmental management systems can provide a number of advantages, for example:

improved insight into the environmental aspects of the company
improved basis for decision-making
improved motivation of personnel
additional opportunities for operational cost reduction and product quality improvement
improved environmental performance
improved company image
reduced liability, insurance and non-compliance costs
increased attractiveness for employees, customers and investors
increased trust of regulators, which could lead to reduced regulatory oversight
improved relationship with environmental groups.

Example plants
The features described under (a) to (e) above are elements of EN ISO 14001:1996 and the
European Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), whereas the features (f)
and (g) are specific to EMAS. These two standardised systems are reported to be applied in
seven WT installations. Examples reported are in installation for the treatment of waste oils,
waste solvents, preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste and from non-hazardous waste.

Reference literature
[66, TWG, 2003], [72, EC, 2001], [73, ISO, 1996], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 309 Promote good collaboration between waste producer and holder

Generally it can be said that options taken early in the chain can have the most benefits and that
prevention is better than treatment. Thus, actions taken by the waste producer and holder can
have a big effect on the waste. This technique thus focuses on trying to influence the waste
producer and holder and if there are problems trying to change the bad waste management
habits of the producer and holder.

Achieved environmental benefits
Waste treatment plants significantly rely on the linkages with the preceding logistics, actions
and companies especially if it can help to avoid the need to use very expensive solutions for the
treatment of waste.

Sometimes it is very difficult to to persuade waste producers and holders to change their habits.
Moreover, the control of the waste producer is carried out by the authorities.

Normally, this decreases the cost of the waste treatment.

Driving force for implementation
To try to decrease the cost of the treatment. This technique is related to Article 3(c) obligations
of waste producers in sectors subject to IPPC and for producers not subject to IPPC, Article 2 of
Directive on hazardous waste (91/689/EEC).

Example plants
Physico-chemical treatment plants of waste waters. The waste water arising during the treatment
of waste in a Ph-c plant contains inadmissibly high levels of organic materials, depicted as
AOX. Technically expensive and, in part, energy intensive procedures such as adsorption or
oxidation must be used to separate these organic materials from, or to convert into, waste water.

A process-independent solution to this task is the separate collection of the organic materials
depicted as AOX directly at the point where these arise, so that they are then not mixed with
the waste to be treated and cannot contaminate the waste water produced in the course of the
waste treatment. This, therefore, eliminates the need to apply the above-mentioned procedures
to reduce the proportion of organic materials, depicted as AOX.

AOX cannot be separated by adsorption with activated carbon. It becomes clear that a separate
collection of the materials shown in the AOX is certainly more effective. In practice, these types
of substance are kept strictly separate.

The distillation operation should work together logistically in order to accomplish the separate
collection of the materials to be prepared according to the distillation criteria. This co-operation
is implemented in practice and has proved its worth.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
310 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Utilisation of qualified personnel in the facility

Some examples are:

a. general provisions: at all times the operator of a WT plant needs to have sufficient staff
available and on duty with the requisite qualifications. All personnel need to undergo
specific job training and further education
b. supervisory staff: the supervisory staff and all heads of sections in the waste management
facility plant need to be reliable and technically qualified and they need to have appropriate
practical experience. Technical qualifications may have been obtained from a successfully
completed course at a state or state-approved technical university, university of applied
science or school of engineering. Technical expertise will also be recognised on the basis of
comparable training or on many years of practical experience
c. other staff: other staff must be reliable and technically skilled. This technical skill may be
based, for example, on formal qualifications in such areas as community services and waste
disposal, on many years of practical experience, or on comparable training.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves and prevents the environmental performance of the facility. Qualified people and
training are essential in WT operations, both for the waste producers (sorting, collecting, etc.)
and for the WT operator. Health, safety, security and environmental protection all depend on
good management of the installation and as a result of workers qualifications.

Cross-media effects
Not known.

Operational data
This is a management tool.

Fully applicable to the whole WT sector.

Qualified people typically are more expensive. Putting in place training programmes (either in
house or externally subcontracted) will incur some extra costs for the operator.

Example plants
There are many examples in the sector. It might happen that delivered wastes might cause
problems, so it is advantageous if the staff in charge are alert on problematic wastes. However,
staff should be aware of all materials which might cause problems during processing.
Depending on the applied machines these might be large bulky parts or other components like
metals. If these staff are highly alert, an almost continuous processing with a small range of
quality fluctuations might be guaranteed.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [131, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.1.3 Utilities and raw material management Provision of a breakdown of the energy consumption and generation by

In order to improve, the energy system from an environmental point of view, the system needs
to be well understood and fully reported. Below are some techniques that may be used:

a. reporting energy consumption information in terms of delivered energy. For electricity, this
may be converted to primary energy consumption using national/regional factors (e.g. in the
UK for the public electricity supply, a conversion factor of 2.6 is typically used). An
example format of how the information may be presented is given in Table 4.8 below:

Energy consumption
Energy source Delivered
%of total
Liquid fuels
Other (operator to specify)
* specify source
Table 4.8: Energy consumption reporting
Based on [55, UK EA, 2001]

b. reporting the energy exported from the installation
c. providing energy flow information (for example, diagrams or energy balances) showing
how the energy is used throughout the process. This information may allow operators to
define or calculate the specific energy consumption of the installation.

Achieved environmental benefits
Evaluating the reduction of emissions from the energy system can only be carried out with a
proper accounting of the actual emissions generated. The breakdown between generation and
consumption can help to optimise the match between them and hence to optimise the use of
energy resources.

Cross-media effects
In some cases, the environmental benefit of this technique is limited. The reason is that the
possibility to decrease the consumption in an existing plant may be rather limited, and possible
efforts to decrease consumption need to be balanced against possible higher emissions from the

Fully applicable throughout the WT sector. However, in certain circumstances (e.g. historical
development of the installation/site, management of the installation), it may be difficult to relate
consumptions to each single process/treatment carried out within the overall WT process. These
reports are typically carried out every year or every half a year. Higher frequencies may be
applied in the case of a higher variation in the types of waste treated.

The requirements are basic and low cost.

Driving force for implementation
To reduce energy costs.

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Use of cleaner fuels

The use of cleaner fuels has a direct impact on emissions from the combustion of those fuels.
Fuels with less carbon, sulphur or particulate content per unit of energy will cause fewer
emissions. For example, consider using electric or LPG powered vehicles. The use of cleaner
fuels may conflict when energy is recovered from waste (e.g. the use of waste as fuel in the next
Section, since they may also generate higher emissions in certain circumstances. Such
an issue needs to be analysed case by case.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduction mainly in the emissions of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen oxides and particulates.

Typically, cleaner fuels are more expensive.

Reference literature
[86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Use of waste as fuel

Waste can be used as fuel in some waste treatment installations. Majority of these installations
are covered by the WID and by WI BREF, and are not covered here. However, the use of fuel
gases from waste installations (e.g. landfill and biogas) and certain types of hazardous waste
(e.g. certain fractions of waste oils) are not covered in these documents. When using these type
of fuels, some techniques that can be considered are:

a. certifying burners, i.e. certify that they burn at the level that it is required
b. rules concerning acceptable conditions for burning could include:
correct maintenance and operation of burners to ensure maximum combustion
controls on both the size of the burner and the volume of oil burned
c. using pollution control equipment attached to burners, and monitoring of emissions and ash
disposal (see Section 4.6).

Achieved environmental benefits
Uses of a resource typically available on site. Due to the higher standards required by the WID,
the incineration of waste typically generates lower emissions.

Cross-media effects
In some installations with low control, the incineration of waste may generate higher emissions
of some substances.

Chapter 4
Typically, waste fuels are cheaper than conventional fuels. For example, the likely control for
small used oil burners would be a specified maximum contaminant emission from burners. This
would require those burning used oil to test their air emissions to ensure they do not exceed
stated levels. This is likely to be less effective and more expensive than installing input controls.
In the case of small amounts of waste oils being used as fuels, testing air emissions is more
difficult and more expensive than testing an input of oil, and if emissions do exceed stated
levels, some damage may already have been done before the burner can be stopped. For smaller
burners, the cost of output controls may likely negate the financial benefit of burning used oil
over other fuels. Output controls for ash disposal would seek to direct how, and possibly where,
ash could be disposed of safely.

Driving force for implementation
Waste incineration is covered by the Directive 2000/76/EC.

Example plants
For example, waste oil re-refining facilities use light ends from waste oil distillations as fuel.
Combustion flue-gas scrubbing with caustic soda may be required to reduce acid gas emissions
from a waste oil treatment plant. Then, stripping of process water is carried out for H
S removal
with the off-gases being routed to the process heaters for thermal destruction and then to the air
via the flue-gas scrubbing system.

Large volume burners of any fuel are already required to have pollution control equipment in
place, and many also have to monitor their emissions, as the potential effects, if something goes
wrong, are deemed to be high.

Reference literature
[14, Ministry for the Environment, 2000], [42, UK, 1995], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Measures to improve energy efficiency

Some techniques applicable to increase the energy efficiency of WT installations are:

a. developing an energy efficiency plan which appraises the costs and benefits of different
energy options
b. including energy management techniques as part of the whole environmental management
system (EMS), including the monitoring of energy flows and the targeting of areas for
c. using combined heat and power (CHP)
d. applying operating, maintenance and housekeeping measures to the most relevant energy
consumption installations, such as:
air conditioning, process refrigeration and cooling systems (leaks, seals, temperature
control, evaporator/condenser maintenance)
operation of motors and drives (e.g. high efficiency motors)
compressed gas systems (leaks, procedures for use)
steam distribution systems (leaks, traps, insulation)
room heating and hot water systems
lubrication to avoid high friction losses (e.g. mist lubrication)
boiler maintenance, for example, optimising excess air
other maintenance relevant to the activities within the installation
reviewing equipment requirements on a regular basis
minimising spillages and leaks by the use of drip trays. Most fuel spills will be washed
to the main site interceptors
Chapter 4
e. using techniques that reduce energy consumption and thereby reduce both direct (heat and
emissions from on-site generation) and indirect (emissions from a remote power station)
emissions. For example, techniques covering:
building insulation
use of energy efficient site lighting
vehicle maintenance
efficient plant layout to reduce pumping distances
phase optimisation of electronic motors
heat recovery
ensuring equipment is switched off, if safe to do so, when not in use
ensuring on-site vehicle movements are minimised and engines are switched off when
not in use
f. applying basic, low cost, physical techniques to avoid gross inefficiencies; including
insulation, containment methods, (for example, seals and self-closing doors) and avoiding
unnecessary discharges of heated water or air (for example, by fitting simple control
g. applying energy efficiency techniques to building services
h. setting the time of operation of the high energy equipment to off-peak periods
i. defining and calculating the specific energy consumption of the activity (or activities),
setting key performance indicators on an annual basis (e.g. MWh/tonne of waste processed).
For example, based on primary energy consumption for the products or raw material inputs
which most closely match the main purpose or production capacity of the installation
j. minimising the emissions of diesel engines
k. using landfill gas to produce electricity and heat
l. making an energy survey to identify the opportunities of further energy savings
m. using heat of the furnaces and engines for vaporisation processing, drying and for
preheating activities
n. selectingthe appropriate waste to be treated in the installation. Typically, installations not
designed to treat a certain type of waste consumes more energy when treating such waste.

Achieved environmental benefits
An energy efficiency plan could be summarised in a format similar to the example below in
Table 4.8, together with supporting information from any appraisal procedure carried out. The
plan is required to ensure that the operator has considered all relevant techniques.

Energy efficiency option CO
Annual Lifetime
7MW CHP plant 13500 135000
High efficiency motor 2 14
Compressed air 5 n.a.
Table 4.9: CO
saving from the integration of different improvement energy efficiency
[55, UK EA, 2001]

Utilising an energy efficiency plan and switching to cleaner fuels can reduce the energy
consumption and the environmental emissions from that energy use. An increase in the energy
efficiency of the boilers and heaters reduces the emissions of VOCs, due to the more complete
combustion and the minimisation of fuel losses.

Operational data
The place within the existing WT installation where the improvement is applied typically
dependent on the existing installation.

Chapter 4
Fully applicable. However, in installations where several WT activities are performed, the
energy consumption may be difficult to allocate to each activity due to the integrated approach
typically used by the energy system.

These techniques are more extensively applied to large consumers of energy. For energy
intensive industries, the application of energy efficiency techniques to building services may
only make a minor impact and should not distract effort away from the major energy issues.
They can, nonetheless, find a place in the improvement programme, particularly where they can
constitute more than 5 % of the total energy consumption.

Typically energy efficient systems have higher investment costs. However, their operation costs
are typically lower (or the revenues higher). Costs are typically higher for existing installations
than for new installations. Some examples are shown in Table 4.10.

Energy efficiency option NPV
7MW CHP plant 2058 15
High efficiency motor 0.75 52.5
Compressed air n.a. n.a.
Indicative only, based on cost/benefit appraisal.
Table 4.10: Economics of the integration of different improvement energy efficiency techniques
[55, UK EA, 2001]

The improvement of the energy efficiency needs to be balanced with the cost to achieve this.
WT consume some sort of energy (electricity, steam etc.) and the possibility to decrease the
consumption in an existing plant may be rather limited in some cases. In such cases, the efforts
required may not be economically or environmentally justified.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [132,
UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
316 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Raw material selection

This section deals with the selection and substitution of the raw materials used. Some
techniques are to:

a. identify the raw and auxiliary materials, other substances and water that have been proposed
for use. This involves gathering a list together of the materials used (including, i.e. generic
information about materials; note that grouping together those of a similar type is normally
adequate rather than listing every commercial alternative used) which have the potential for
significant environmental impact, including:
the chemical composition of the materials where relevant
the quantities used
the fate of the material (that is, approximate percentages going to each media and to the
the environmental impact where known (for example degradability, bioaccumulation
potential, toxicity to relevant species)
any reasonably practicable alternative raw materials which may have a lower
environmental impact (i.e. applying the substitution principle)
b. justify (for example, on the basis of emissions, product quality and economic reasons), the
continued use of any substance for which there is a less hazardous alternative
c. maintain a detailed inventory of the raw materials used on site
d. implement procedures for the regular review of new developments in raw materials and the
regular implementation of any suitable materials that are less hazardous
e. have quality assurance procedures in place for the control of the content of raw materials
f. re-use the spent lime from incinerator lime injection acid gas abatement systems
g. re-use waste strong acids in those treatments where acid is needed.

Achieved environmental benefits
These measures can:

reduce the use of chemicals and other materials
substitute less harmful materials for those which can be more readily abated, and when
abated can lead to substances which, in themselves, are more readily dealt with
help to develop an understanding of the fate of by-products and contaminants and their
environmental impact
be seen as a preferred option for some acid wastes, but depends on the volume and
contamination of the waste.

Cross-media effects
Possible, for example in the re-use of spent lime, attention should be given to the level of metal
and organic contamination that may be present.

Operational data
Due to the nature of the WT processes, the consumption of raw material is influenced by the
variation of the waste IN. Moreover, there are cases where substitution of raw materials by
waste is not possible. For example, raw lime has a much higher alkalinity than spent lime, and
consequently larger volumes of the spent lime are required. This places a limitation in relation
to the size of reactor vessel. This requires a similar scale up with mixing tanks to produce the
lime solution.

The scope to minimise the potential environmental impact of the use of raw materials is
sometime limited in terms of the quantity used (waste minimisation) or of their nature (for
example, presence of contaminants, use of less harmful alternatives).

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Economic and environmental reasons. For concentrated acids (>70 w/w-%) there is a market for
blended or reconcentrated acids. It has become viable to use 50 w/w-% acids, although this
requires a greater energy input. It is anticipated that the growth area for this market may be in
the 20 30 % acids range.

Annex IV of the IPPC Directive states that considerations to be taken into account generally,
and in specific cases when determining BAT, are the use of low waste technology and less
hazardous substances, the recycling of substances generated and of waste, where appropriate.

Example plants
The following raw material substitutions are considered for application in the UK:

Raw material Possible substitute
Sodium hydroxide Only mercury free NaOH should be used
Demulsifiers Only fully biodegradable products with known, safe
degradation products should be used
Industry producers of NaOH consider that mercury free NaOH should contain less
than 50 _g/kg
Table 4.11: Examples of raw material substitution
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003]

Ph-c plants are planned in such a manner that a maximum amount of recyclable materials can be
separated and a minimum amount of auxiliary materials must be used. The consumption of
auxiliary materials is minimised by as much as possible if the waste which is to be disposed of
can be used (i.e. treatment of waste with waste) instead of manufactured materials.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Techniques to reduce water use and prevent water contamination

Water use should be minimised within the BAT criteria for the prevention or reduction of
emissions and should be commensurate with the prudent use of water as a natural resource.
Some general information about those issues have been analysed in the Common Waste water
and waste gas treatment BREF. Some techniques to consider for the WT sector are:

a. performing regular water audits, with the aim of reducing water consumption and
preventing water contamination. A good water audit requires the following:
the production of flow diagrams and water mass balances for all activities using water
the establishment of water efficiency objectives by comparison with sector guidance or,
where this is not available, national benchmarks
the use of water pinch techniques or other water optimisation techniques
the use of the above information to identify and assess opportunities for a reduction in
water use and so that an action plan can be prepared for the implementation of
improvements, set against a given time-scale
b. using water-efficient techniques at source

Chapter 4
c. recycling water within the process. Possible options where this may be possible are:
to recycle water within the process from which it arises, by treating it first if necessary.
Where this is not practicable, it can be recycled to another part of the process which has
a lower water quality requirement
to identify the scope for substituting water from recycled sources, identifying the water
quality requirements associated with each use. Less contaminated water streams, for
example, cooling waters, need to be kept separate if there is some scope for its re-use,
possibly even after some form of treatment
d. separately discharging uncontaminated roof and surface water, which cannot be used
e. ultimately carrying out some form of treatment on the waste water. However, in many
applications, the best conventional effluent treatment produces a good water quality which
may be usable in the process directly or when mixed with fresh water. While treated
effluent quality can vary, it can be recycled selectively when the quality is adequate, and
still reverting to discharge when the quality falls below that which the system can tolerate.
The WT operator can identify where treated water from the effluent treatment plant could
be used and justify where it cannot. In particular, the cost of membrane technology
continues to come down in price, so much so that now this can be applied to individual
process streams or to the final effluent from the effluent treatment plant
f. replacing the effluent treatment plant, leading to a much lower effluent volume. However, a
concentrated effluent stream will remain but, where this is sufficiently small, and
particularly where waste heat is available for further treatment by evaporation, a zero
effluent system could be produced
g. minimising the water used in cleaning and washing down (subject to the impact on dust
emissions) by:
vacuuming, scraping or mopping in preference to hosing down
evaluating the scope for re-using wash-water
using trigger controls on all hoses, hand lances and washing equipment
h. discharging rainwater to interceptors
i. undercovering some parts of the site to avoid contamination of rainwater (e.g. in the main
waste treatment plant)
j. protecting systems to avoid liquid and solid spills being discharged directly to watercourses
or to sewer
k. identifying, and where possible, quantifying significant fugitive emissions to water from all
relevant sources, including estimating the proportion of total fugitive emissions for each
l. applying the following techniques to subsurface structures
establishing and recording the routing of all installation drains and subsurface pipework
identifying all subsurface sumps and storage vessels
applying engineering systems to ensure leakages (e.g. from pipes) are minimised and
where these occur, can be readily detected, particularly where hazardous substances are
providing, in particular, secondary containment and/or leakage detection for such
subsurface pipework, sumps and storage vessels
establishing an inspection and maintenance programme for all subsurface structures, for
example, pressure tests, leak tests, material thickness checks

Chapter 4
m. applying the following techniques to surfacing structures:
describing in detail the design (relevant information may include as appropriate:
capacities; thicknesses; distances; material; permeability; strength/reinforcement;
resistance to chemical attack; inspection and maintenance procedures; and construction
quality assurance procedures), and conditions of the surfaces of all operational areas
having in place an inspection and maintenance programme of impervious surfaces and
containment kerbs
justifying where operational areas have not been equipped with:
an impervious surface
spill containment kerbs
sealed construction joints
connection to a sealed drainage system
n. applying the techniques to bunds mentioned in Section

Achieved environmental benefits
Reducing the water use may be a valid environmental (or economic) aim in itself. In addition,
from the point of view of reducing polluting emissions, any water passing through an industrial
process is degraded by the addition of pollutants, and therefore there are distinct benefits to be
gained from reducing the water used, in particular:

associated benefits within the process such as a reduction in energy requirements for heating
and pumping the water
reduction of water use reduces dissolution of pollutants into the water leading in turn to
reduced sludge generation in the effluent treatment plant
a mass balance calculation carried out in the water can typically reveal where consumption
reductions can be made.

Typically this is a part of an integral EMS (Section in the installation. Some of these
techniques are only applied to complex WT plants, to identify the opportunities for maximising
the re-use, and for minimising the use of water.

The techniques mentioned above may have some applicability restrictions in the case that water
releases are continuous or batch and in the case that the WWTP is installed on-site or off-site.

Some economic incentives to apply this technique can be to:

reduce the necessary size of (a new) waste water treatment plant
reduce costs where water is re-used in-house or purchased from, or disposed of to, another

Driving force for implementation
Economic incentives to reduce waste water generation and water consumption. In some EU
countries, there are incentive systems in place which have the aim of encouraging a reduction in
water consumption.

Example plants
Flow diagrams and water mass balances are commonly used. Some sites have sub surface
interceptors, storage tanks, mixing tanks and pipe runs and it may be difficult to see how the
integrity of these could be determined. There may be emissions to the underlying ground from
all of these installations that would generally be treated as a notifiable release. Some
installations have reported that it is possible to reduce up to 90 % of the water consumption.

Reference literature
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.1.4 Storage and handling

This section covers techniques to consider in the determination of BAT for storage and handling
activities in a WT installation. However, it needs to be pointed out that a horizontal BREF
entitled Emissions from Storage is available and provides more information on the issue. Generic techniques applied to waste storage

Some general techniques are:

a. specifying storage procedures for circumstances where vehicles carrying waste are to be
parked on site overnight or on public holidays, when the site may be unsupervised over
these periods
b. locating storage areas away from watercourses and sensitive perimeters and in such a way
so as to eliminate or minimise the double handling of wastes within the installation
c. clearly marking and signposting storage areas with regard to the quantity and hazardous
characteristics of the wastes stored therein
d. clearly and unambiguously stating in writing the total maximum storage capacity of the site
needs which should be together with details of the method used to calculate the volumes
held against this maximum. The stated maximum capacity of storage areas should not be
e. ensuring that the storage area drainage infrastructure can contain all possible contaminated
run-off and that drainage from incompatible wastes cannot come into contact with each
f. maintaining at all times clear vehicular (for example, forklift and pedestrian) access to the
whole of the storage area, so that the transfer of containers is not reliant on the removal of
others which may be blocking access, other than drums in the same row
g. using a dedicated area/store for sorting and repackaging laboratory smalls. Once the wastes
have been sorted according to their hazard classification, with due consideration for any
potential incompatibility problems, and repackaged then these drums do need not to be
stored within their dedicated laboratory smalls area but can be and indeed need to be
removed to the appropriate storage area
h. carefully considering the tank and vessel optimum design, in each case taking into account
the waste type, storage time, the overall tank design and mixing system in order to prevent
sludge accumulation and ease of desludging. Storage and treatment vessels need to be
regularly desludged
i. ensuring that all connections between vessels are capable of being closed via suitable
valves. Overflow pipes need to be directed to a contained drainage system, which may be
the relevant bunded area or to another vessel provided suitable control measures are in place
j. equipping tanks and vessels with suitable abatement systems, together with level meters
with audible and visual high level alarms. These systems need to be sufficiently robust and
regularly maintained to prevent foaming and sludge build-up affecting the reliability of the
k. ensuring that storage vessels holding flammable or highly flammable wastes meet special
l. preferably routing pipework above ground, although if it is underground the pipework needs
to be contained within suitable inspection channels
m. replacing underground or partially underground vessels without secondary containment, for
example, double skinned with leakage detection, by aboveground structures
n. equipping silos with abatement systems, level monitors and high level alarms
o. ensuring that incorporate storage bunkers extraction systems for particulate abatement or
spray damping

Chapter 4
p. locating bulk storage vessels on an impervious surface which is resistant to the material
being stored. The vessels need to have sealed construction joints within a bunded area with
a certain capacity. Some examples on capacity volumes applied are: at least 110 % (others
100 %) of the largest vessel or 25 % (others 50 %) of the total tank volume within the bund
q. ensuring that the vessels supporting structures, pipes, hoses and connections are resistant to
the substances (and mix of substances) being stored
r. not using vessels beyond the specified design life, unless the vessels are inspected at regular
intervals with written records kept to prove they remain fit for the purpose and that their
intensity remain intact
s. connecting, where oil treatment is a pretreatment process within a chemical treatment plant,
the head space above the oil settlement tank to the overall site exhaust and scrubber units.
Some sites have local exhaust ventilation systems to balance air displacement when
loading/unloading tankers
t. storing organic waste liquid (e.g. with a flashpoint of less than 21 C) under a nitrogen
atmosphere to keep it inertised. Each storage tank is put in a waterproof retention area and
equipped with a level indicator. Gas effluent from events are collected and treated.
u. using polymer sheeting to cover open solids storage facilities that may generate particulates
v. having an appropriate number of tanks for the different kinds of incoming and outgoing
w. equipping some or all of the tanks with outlets on different heights of the tank to be able to
take out certain layers of the content
x. dealing with waste streams containing VOCs separately and using plants dedicated to these
waste streams
y. having measures available to prevent the build up of sludges higher than a certain level and
the emergence of foams that may affect such measures in liquid tanks, e.g. by regularly
controlling the tanks, sucking out the sludges for appropriate further treatment and using
anti-foaming agents
z. equipping tanks and vessels with suitable abatement systems when volatile emissions may
be generated, together with level meters and alarms. These systems need to be sufficiently
robust (e.g. able to work if sludge and foam is present) and regularly maintained

Some generic techniques in the reduction of odour related to storage are:

aa. optimising the controlling time lapse and temperature in the settling processes
bb. controlling the decanting of settled layers by visual assessment of samples from different
cc. handling odorous compounds in fully enclosed, suitably abated vessels
dd. storing drums and containers of odorous materials in enclosed buildings
ee. storing acid and alkali wastes that may be used in the odour treatment in a series of silos and
then used to create an optimum balance of acid and alkali in jumbo tanks (or smaller units).

Achieved environmental benefits
The appropriate and safe storage of wastes helps to reduce fugitive emissions (e.g. VOC,
odours, dust) and the risks of leakages. Segregated storage is necessary to prevent incidents
from incompatible substances reacting and as a means of preventing escalation should an
incident occur.

Some justification of technique p (see descripton above) for a volume of 110 % is that takes into
account the build-up of rainfall with the bund.

Chapter 4
Example plants
Sites storing organic wastes with a solvent content tend to have a carbon filter system to control
discharges to air and to undertake some monitoring of the exit gas. Some VOCs can be returned
to solution through aqueous scrubbers or mineral oil scrubbers, whilst other VOCs can be
trapped in activated carbon filters. Roofed tanks are common when storing materials containing
products with high vapour pressure. Special equipment is required when storing highly
flammable products. Special care is typically taken in order to avoid leaks and spillages to the
ground which would pollute the soil and groundwater or allow material to enter surface water.
Some sites have balancing systems (with nitrogen gas) to reduce the air displacement when
filling the tanks. Blanketing and balancing of all storage tanks used in a re-refining process is
carried out. The amount of displacement to vent during transfer of contents is minimised in
some cases by connected vent pipes. See an example in the Figure 4.1 below.

Figure 4.1: Blanketing system in a storage system used in a waste oil re-refining facility
[36, Viscolube, 2002]

One EU installation has blanketed all the storage tanks of the input and intermediate materials
of the process. The only tanks that are not blanketed are for gasoil (different kinds) and water.
Another EU installation has blanketed all the storage tanks of output and intermediate materials
of the process. Traps of VOCs and odours in storage tanks are common in many waste oil
refineries. This type of installation is also common in the preparation of waste fuel from liquid
organic wastes.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie
Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [128,
Ribi, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 323 Techniques for the storage of drums and other containerised wastes

Some techniques are:

a. storing containerised wastes under cover. This can also be applied to any container that is
held in storage pending sampling and the emptying of containers. Covered areas need to
have adequate provision for ventilation. The air is treated before it is released depending on
the type of contamination if any (see Section 4.6)
b. storing containers with well fitting lids, caps and/or with valves secure and in place
c. maintaining the availablity and access to storage areas for containers holding substances
that are known to be sensitive to heat and light under cover and protected from heat and
direct sunlight
d. strictly following regulations related to the storage areas for containers holding flammable
or highly flammable wastes, as these areas are highly regulated
e. only processing containers following written instructions. These instructions need to include
which batch is to be processed and the type of container required to hold any residues
f. applying positive ventilation or keeping the storage area below atmospheric pressure
g. utilising open sided roofed areas
h. utilising flameproof lighting
i. not storing drums more than two high and always ensuring that there is access space for
inspection on all sides. That is, four 205 litre drums on a pallet, stacked no more than
two 205 litre drums high in rows
j. storing containers in such a way that leaks and spillages could not escape over bunds or the
edge of the sealed drainage area
k. having a small bulking unit that is designed to allow laboratory smalls to be decanted into a
lime slurry in 205 litre drums prior to disposal at the treatment plant. This will utilise a hood
placed over the drum which is connected to an exhaust system and activated carbon filter.
The system is not air-tight, since the operator has to be able to empty the bottles into the
container, but it might provide a simple system for making an estimate of the discharges to
the air during the decanting of solvents at minimum cost
l. producing and following written procedures for the segregation and packing of laboratory
m. avoiding storing incompatible substances within the same drum/container (e.g. laboratory
n. using a dedicated area/store for sorting and repackaging laboratory smalls
o. once the wastes have been sorted according to hazard classification, with due consideration
for any potential incompatibility problems, and repackaged, ensuring that these drums are
not stored within the dedicated laboratory smalls area but are removed to the appropriate
storage area
p. where laboratory smalls are decanted into larger containers, carrying out this in a closed
building with a ventilation system and exhaust air treatment and a bunding system without
q. storing drums and containers including hazardous waste in basins which are impermeable
and have a double construction
r. storing completely closed containers like IBC and bigger, that may be stored outside halls,
over a surface protected ground.

Achieved environmental benefits
The storage under cover of drummed waste has the advantage of reducing the amount of
potentially contaminated water that may be produced in the event of any spillage and of
extending the useful life of the container. Some of the techniques presented also prevent the
emissions which could be caused by storing incompatible substances together which might then
react together. Other benefits are related to avoiding soil contamination.

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
Related with technique a (see description above), the provision for ventilation by means of wall
or roof vents or by the actual construction of the area, for example, open barn is seen to be a
dilution of emission to the air.

Operational data
Handling is usually more complicated in covered areas than in uncovered ones. It may be
physically impossible to store some large containers under cover. Covered installations also
need also to consider the access requirements for fire fighting.

Related with technique a, it is not necessary to store all containerised waste under cover.
Typically, the waste and containers that are not sensitive to light, heat light, extreme ambient
temperatures or water ingress are excluded. Under such circumstances, adequate bunding of
storage areas and containment/treatment of water run-off is typically enough to ensure an
effective environmental protection.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,
2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Techniques to improve the maintenance of storage

Some techniques are:

a. putting in place procedures for the regular inspection and maintenance of storage areas
including drums, vessels, pavements and bunds. Inspections need to pay particular attention
to any signs of damage, deterioration and leakage. Records need to be kept detailing action
taken. Faults should be repaired as soon as practicable. If the containment capacity or the
capability of bund, sump or pavement is compromised then the waste needs to be removed
until the repair is completed
b. carrying out daily inspection of the condition of containers and pallets and keeping written
records of these inspections. If a container is found to be damaged, leaking, or in a state of
deterioration, provision needs to be made to either over-drum or transfer the contents to
another container. Pallets damaged to the extent that the stability of the containers is or may
become compromised need to be replaced. Plastic shrink wrap needs to only be used to
provide secondary stability to drum/container storage, in addition to the use of pallets of an
appropriate condition
c. having in place and following a routine programmed inspection of tanks, and mixing and
reaction vessels, including periodic thickness testing. In the event of damage or
deterioration being detected, the contents need to be transferred to an appropriate alternative
storage. These inspections need to preferably be carried out by independent expert staff and
written records need to be maintained of the inspection and of any remedial action taken.
Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces storage problems and avoids fugitive emissions.

Example plants
Many examples exist in the sector.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 325 Bunds for liquid storage

All tanks containing liquids whose spillage could be harmful to the environment need to be
bunded. Some issues to consider for these bunds are that they need to:

a. be impermeable and resistant to the stored materials
b. have no outlet (that is, no drains or taps), but should drain to a collection point for treatment
c. have the pipework routed within bunded areas with no penetration into contained surfaces
d. be designed to catch leaks from tanks or fittings
e. have a sufficient bund capacity. See point p in Section
f. be subject to regular visual inspections and any contents pumped out or otherwise removed
under manual control should be checked first for contamination. Where not frequently
inspected, the bunds should be fitted with a high level probe and an alarm as appropriate.
There needs to be a routine programmed inspection of bunds (normally visual but extending
to water testing where structural integrity is in doubt)
g. have fill points within the bund.

Note, the working areas for liquid decanting and storage areas need to be separately bunded.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces contamination of soil and water from major spillages or incidents, involving a loss of
Storage of liquids.

Driving force for implementation
These issues are typically regulated in the different EU countries.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Restricting the use of open topped tanks, vessels or pits

Some techniques are:

a. not allowing direct venting or discharges to the air by linking all vents to suitable abatement
b. keeping the waste or raw materials under cover in waterproof packaging.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces fugitive emissions (e.g. VOC, particulates) and spillages.

Operational data
During accidental events discharges to the air may be permited to avoid more severe damage.
Typically applied to the storage of waste that may cause fugitive emissions (e.g. VOC,

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
326 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Generic techniques applied to waste handling

Some general techniques are:

a. having in place systems and procedures to ensure that wastes are transferred to the
appropriate storage safely
b. continuing the waste tracking system that began at the pre-acceptance stage, linked with
acceptance, throughout the duration the waste is kept at the site (see Section
c. having in place a management system for the loading and unloading of waste in the
installation, also taking into consideration any risks that these activities may incur (for
example, in the transfer of bulk liquid waste from tanker to storage vessels). This might
having in place systems to prevent tanker drive off, i.e. a vehicle pulling away whilst
still coupled
assuring that these processes are only carried out by people trained to do so and with an
appropriate amount of time so as not cause pressure to work more quickly than deemed
having in place measures to ensure that the couplings are a correct fit; this will prevent
the coupling loosening or becoming detached. Issues related to coupling include:
an installation providing and maintaining hoses can help to guarantee the integrity
and fitness of the couplings
ensuring that special care is taken so that the coupling is able to withstand the
maximum shut valve pressure of the transfer pump, otherwise a serious event could
protecting of the transfer hose may not be necessary where a gravity feed system is
in place. It will however still be important to maintain a sound coupling at each end
of the transfer hose
controlling potential leaks due to coupling devices by fairly simple systems such as
drip trays, or by designated areas within the bund system. Rainwater falling over the
rest of the bund area falls to a sump and, if uncontaminated, can be pumped to the
site interceptor and discharge points. The bund areas are inspected, maintained and
cleaned. Pollution of water discharges can occur, but are minimised by design and
good housekeeping practices requiring constant attention and cleaning
providing of routine maintenance, so that a more acute accident situation does not arise
due to the failure of plant or equipment. This may include the failure of a pump seal or
the blockage of a filter pot commonly used at transfer points
having an emergency storage for leaking vehicles, to minimise an acute incident
associated with the failure of the seal on the road tanker
back balancing the vapour system when loading road tankers
having measures in place to ensure that the correct waste is discharged to the correct
transfer point and that the waste is then transferred to the correct storage point. In order
to prevent an unauthorised discharge, a lockable isolating valve needs to be fitted to the
loading connection. This needs to be kept locked during periods when there is no
supervision of the unloading points
d. recording in the site diary any small spills during decanting. Spills need to be retained
within the bunded areas and then collected using adsorbents. If this is not done, the spillage
will exit the site through the rainwater collection systems or may generate fugitive
emissions (e.g. VOC)
e. having a qualified chemist/person attend the site of the waste producer/holder to check the
laboratory smalls, classifying the substances accordingly and packaging the containers into
specific containers. In some cases, the individual packages are prevented from mechanical
damage in the drum by the use of vermiculite. Some operators only deal with laboratory
smalls if the customers use their packing service
Chapter 4
f. packing containers of chemicals into separate drums based on their hazard classification.
Chemicals which are incompatible (e.g. oxidisers and flammable liquids) should not be
stored in the same drum
g. having in place a system to ensure that the correct discharge point or storage area is used.
Some options for this include ticket systems, supervision by site staff, keys or colour-coded
points/hoses or fittings of a specific size
h. utilising an impervious surface with self-contained drainage, to prevent any spillage
entering the storage systems or escaping off site in the offloading and quarantine points
i. ensuring that damaged hoses, valves and connections are not used. Hoses, valves and
connections need to designed and maintained to be sure that they are suitable for the
purpose to be used and that they are chemically stable towards what they are intended for
j. using rotary type pumps equipped with a pressure control system and safety valve
k. collecting the exhaust gas from vessels and tanks when handling liquid waste that may
generate fugitive emissions
l. selecting the adequate packaging material considering what material/waste is intended to be
contained (e.g. dangerous material)
m. having in place systems and procedures to ensure that waste subjected to be transferred is
packaged and transported in accordance with legislation concerning the safe carriage of
dangerous goods.

Achieved environmental benefits
An appropriate and safe storage of wastes helps to reduce fugitive emissions, the risks of
leakages and prevention of accidents. Segregated storage is necessary to prevent incidents from
incompatible substances and as a means of preventing escalation should an incident occur. A
transfer of damaged pallets may lead to other pallets being stored on top, resulting in further
damage and possible collapse of the stack.

Common abatement systems can be connected to the venting systems for tanks, to reduce
solvent losses to the air due to displacement when filling tanks and tankers. Sites handling dusty
wastes may have specific hoods, filters, and extraction systems.

Most sites have a full concrete base, with falls to internal site drainage systems leading to
storage tanks or to interceptors that collect rainwater and any spillage. Interceptors with
overflows to sewers usually have automatic monitoring systems, such as a check on pH, which
can shut down the overflow.

Driving force for implementation
There is legislation concerning the safe carriage of dangerous goods.

Example plants
The larger solvent transfer stations reduce displacement losses from loading and unloading
tankers and drums with balancing systems or VOC recovery systems. Many chemical treatment
plants and solvent storage sites have pollution abatement equipment to minimise acidic and
VOC emissions.

Sites storing organic wastes with a solvent content tend to utilise a carbon filter system to
control discharges to air and to undertake some monitoring of the exit gas.
Many of the waste transfer stations storing and pumping larger quantities of VOCs have
abatement equipment or balancing equipment to minimise losses to the air due to displacement
or thermal effects.

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish
EPA, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
328 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Handling of solid waste

Some techniques are:

a. ensuring the bulking of different batches only takes place with compatibility testing
b. not adding liquid wastes to solid wastes other than in purpose designed and built reaction
vessels, and only after the appropriate compatibility tests
c. using local exhaust ventilation to control odour and dust
d. unloading solid and sludge in a closed and depressurised building
e. balancing of air between tanks and different areas
f. using pumping of sludges instead of open movement.

Achieved environmental benefits
Avoids accidents and fugitive emissions.

Cross-media effects
When pumping sludges or liquids from one container to another, some emissions may be
generated in the area where the material is pumped due to the displacement of the air.
Techniques noted as c) and d) of the description section above are typically applicable to wastes
that may generate fugitive emissions.

Example plants
Preparation of waste fuel.

Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Handling activities related to transfers into or from drums and

This section includes drum, tank, tanker or small container transfers into or from drums. Some
techniques are:

a. ensuring that bulking/mixing only takes place under instruction from, and under the direct
supervision of a suitable manager/chemist and under local exhaust ventilation when
b. bulking up odorous materials only under controlled conditions (e.g. not in the open air) to
avoid odour emissions
c. keeping the container lidded/sealed as much as possible
d. transferring wastes in containers into storage vessels using a dip pipe
e. during bulking to tankers, using vapour balance lines connected to appropriate abatement
f. ensuring that the transfer from a tanker to a drum or viceversa uses a minimum of two
people to check the pipes and valves at all times
g. manipulating drums using mechanical means, for example a fork-lift truck with rotating
drum handling fitting
h. ensuring that transfers/discharges only take place after compatibility testing has been
completed (see Section and then only with the sanction of an appropriate manager.
The approval should specify which batch/load of material is to be transferred; the receiving
storage vessel; the equipment required, including spillage control and recovery equipment;
and any special provisions relevant to that batch/load
i. ensuring that tankers are not used as reaction vessels as this is not their designed purpose
Chapter 4
j. blending by bulking into tankers needs to only take place once suitable verification and
compatibility testing has been carried out
k. decanting larger individual containers of waste into IBCs or 205 litre drums and generally
bunding these areas to protect site drainage
l. taking suitable precautions against the hazards of static electricity when handling flammable
m. securing together the drums by shrink-wrap
n. training fork-lift drivers in the handling of palletised goods, to minimise fork-lift truck
damage to the integrity of drums
o. using sound and undamaged pallets
p. replacing any damaged pallets on arrival and not transferring them into storage
q. providing adequate space needs within drum storage areas
r. only moving drums and other mobile containers between different locations (or loaded for
removal off site) under instructions from the appropriate manager; also then ensuring that
the waste tracking system is amended to record these changes.

Achieved environmental benefits
Avoids fugitive emissions, e.g. by minimising splash, fume and odour, health and safety
problems; and prevents unexpected releases or reactions.
Technique r (see description above) is typically applied to locations within the installation.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Automatic unloading of drums

The unloading station includes (from upstream to downstream):

a. a drum supply station driven by pneumatic motorisation. The drums, transported by means
of a fork-lift, are placed onto a set of conveyors with motorised rollers, ensuring that the
containers are then directed to the grip station
b. a grip station for the drums equipped by a hydraulic clamp. A hydraulic clamp equipped
with three lugs distributed along the circumference of the drums, permits the latter to be
directed, travelling in a translocatory motion, to the different terminals of the station
c. a station for the cutting, scraping, washing and ejection of the drum bottom. The disposal of
the pasty waste is assured by two parallel vertical H-bars, one of the sharp flanges of which
rubs against the inside casing of the drum, causing friction. The shape of the upper part of
the bars is one that is adapted to the penetration of thick matter. The washing of the drums,
in line with the high pressure/low flowrate principle, permitting a reduced consumption of
water, is assured by nozzles placed inside metal sheaths
d. a station for the disposal, scraping, and high-pressure cleaning of the shell of the drum.
After disposal and cleaning, the drums are pressed by two rams in the direction of their
largest dimension. Appropriate casings are provided so as to retain the spatters and
strappings of the drums. The pressed drums are then directed to a collection container by a
roller conveyor
e. a station for the pressing and removal of the cleaned drums
f. a control cabin.
g. VOC emissions prevention. The volatile organic compounds emitted by the cutting,
disposal and washing stations are collected by hoods connected to a ventilation device and
are treated in an incineration unit.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the length of time that the conditioned waste remains on site and optimises the process
of cleaning the containers. The purpose of such a system is to unload waste from drums without
human intervention avoiding accidents.

The station is designed to accept standard drums of 120 and 200 litre capacities capable of being
fully opened and closed. Its disposal capacity is 250 drums/day.

Driving force for implementation
The automated station for the unloading of conditioned waste shall meet the following dual

to improve the working conditions of the operatives
to reduce the length of time that the conditioned waste remains on site and to optimise the
process of cleaning the containers.

Example plants
Applied to the preparation of fuel from hazardous waste.

Reference literature
[91, Syke, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Techniques to improve stock control in storage

Some issues to consider are:

a. for bulk liquid wastes, stock control involves maintaining a record of the route through the
entire process. For drummed waste, the control needs to utilise the individual labelling of
each drum to record the location and duration of storage
b. the provision of emergency storage capacity. This would be relevant in a situation where it
would be necessary to transfer a waste from a vehicle, due to a defect or potential failure of
the vehicle containment. These events are infrequent and available capacity within the
installation may be a limiting factor
c. all containers need to be clearly labelled with the date of arrival, relevant hazard code(s) and
a unique reference number or code enabling identification through the stock control and by
cross-reference to pre-acceptance and acceptance records. All labelling needs to be resilient
enough to stay attached and legible throughout the whole storage time at the installation
d. use of over-drumming as an emergency measure. All appropriate information needs to be
transferred onto the label of the new container. Moving large quantities of wastes in over-
drums need to be avoided by re-drumming once the incident leading to the over-drumming
has been dealt with
e. automatic monitoring of the storage and treatment tanks levels with the tank level indicators
f. the control of, e.g. with existing flow balancing systems or simple activated carbon filters,
some of the emissions from the tanks when they are agitated or treated when mixed, as well
as generally from chemical treatment tanks or sludge mixing tanks
g. limiting the reception storage area to a maximum of one week only (see Section
h. taking measures (e.g acceptance planning, identififying the maximum capacity limit for that
waste, and ensuring storage capacity is not exceeded) to avoid problems that may be
generated from the storage/accumulation of waste. This is important as waste characteristics
can change during storage/accumulation, e.g. they can compact and harden, or, as a result of
mixing reactions can occur producing reaction products and waste water. In some cases
homogenisation of the waste will only be possible with the aid of heating, or the addition of
accessory agents, etc. and by also having knowledge of the reaction behaviour of the waste.
Applying some simple preventive efforts can generally help mitigate these disadvantages.
Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Prevents emissions during storage activities.

Operational data
A management system is required as the above techniques relate to a quality management
system (QMS).

Example plants
Many examples exist in the sector.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Computer controlled high rack storage area for hazardous wastes

The logistic centre in the compound of different treatment facilities is a computer controlled
high rack storage area for hazardous wastes. Here, all substances are identified, weighed,
photographed and sampled before storage.

Of special importance is the in-house laboratory, where samples of the individual waste
substances are analysed before disposal or recovery in order to identify the exact substance
properties and to determine the appropriate treatment process. The laboratory also produces
concepts for clean-up in cooperation with the other departments.

In order to prevent fires in the high rack area, the vessels are subject to inerting with nitrogen.
An installed nitrogen accumulation plant produces nitrogen with a 2 % oxygen residue content,
which is then discharged into the vessels. This process is continuously controlled and registered.
In order to reduce gaseous emissions, the inert gas from the vessels is circulated by ventilators
and filtrated by activated carbon.

Achieved environmental benefits
It separates different types of hazardous wastes and ensures its appropriate treatment process.

Operational data
Before storage of the containers in the high rack area, administrative and technical controls take
place (e.g. sampling and photographic documentation). Storage of the containers is then carried
out by means of a programmed stock control system. Transport of the container within the high
rack area is carried out by computer-controlled shelf access equipment. Programming ensures
that all transport processes of the container are planned in advance and thus predefined, and that
all associated information (e.g. documents and sampling results) and executed transport
processes of the container are registered, which allows for comprehensive control. In order to
enable reception and storage of wastes in varying containers, every container is put on a
standardised pallet. This pallet is designed as a collecting tray that collects spill-overs, e.g. from

This technique is applicable to waste treatment facilities receiving hazardous wastes.

Example plants
An example waste disposal plant in Germany.

Reference literature
[157, UBA, 2004]
Chapter 4
332 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Tank and process pipework labelling

Some issues to consider related to labelling requirements are:

a. all vessels need to be clearly labelled with regard to their contents and capacity, and need to
have an unique identifier. Tanks need to be appropriately labelled depending on their use
and contents, for example:

Content Example label
Solvent Highly flammable
Effluent Waste water
b. the label should differentiate between waste water and process water, combustible liquid
and combustible vapour and the direction of flow (i.e. in or out-flow)
c. written records need to be kept for all tanks, detailing the unique identifier; capacity, its
construction, including materials; maintenance schedules and inspection results; fittings,
and the waste types which may be stored/treated in the vessel, including flashpoint limit
d. use of a suitable pipework coding system, for example, CEN European Standard Colour
Coding, e.g.

Colour Coding Content
Green 6010 Water
Brown 8001 Combustible liquid/vapour
Red 3001 Fire fighting water
Blue 5012 Compressed air
e. tagging all valves with an unique identifier and showing this on the process and
instrumentation diagrams
f. correctly sizing and maintaining all connections in an undamaged state.

Achieved environmental benefits
The systems make it easier for the operator to maintain a good knowledge of the whole process
and help to reduce accidents and control emissions.

Tagging all valves with an identifier which is then shown on the process and instrumentation
diagram is not common practice, even in the chemical industry.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003]
Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 333 Carrying out a compatibility test prior to transfer

A good compatibility test should cover the following elements:

a. a sample from the receiving tank/vessel/container is mixed in a proportional ratio with a
sample from incoming waste stream, which is proposed to be added to the
b. the two samples need to cover the worst case scenario of likely constituents
c. any evolved gases and the cause of possible odour need to be identified
d. if any adverse reaction is observed, an alternative discharge or disposal route needs to be
e. due considerations need to be taken of the implications of scale-up from laboratory
compatibility testing to bulk transfer
f. the particular compatibility test parameters will be driven by the wastes being bulked. As a
minimum, records of testing need to be kept, including any reactions giving rise to safety
parameters (increase in temperature, evolution of gases or raising of pressure), operating
parameters (viscosity change and separation or precipitation of solids) and other parameters
such as an evolution of odours.

Chapter 4
Table 4.12 presents an example of a compatibility chart and indicates that careful planning must be given to chemical storage. For example, acids,
minerals, non-oxidising (number 1) can generate heat and violent polymerisation reactions when mixed/blend with aldehydes (number 5).
No. Name of reactivity
Acids, minerals, non-
Acids, minerals,
3Acids, organic G H 3
4Alcohols, glycols H H F H P 4
5Aldehydes H P H F H P 5
Amides H H
Amines, aliphatic,
H H 7
Azo compounds, diazo
comp., hydrazines
H G H 8
Carbamates H G H
H G 9
10Caustics H H H H H G 10
Cyanides GT
G 11
Dithiocarbamates H
U H G 12
13Esters H H F H G H 13
14Ethers H H F 14
15Flourides, inorganic GT GT GT 15
H F 16
Halogenated organics H
H 17
Isocyanates H G H F
H G U 18
19Ketones H H F H G H H 19
Mercaptans, other
organic sulphides
H G H H H 20
Metals, alkali, alkaline
earth, elemental
Metals, other elemental
and alloys as powders,
vapours or sponges
Metals, other elemental
and alloys as sheets,
rods, drops, modings,
H F 23
Chapter 4
No. Name of reactivity
Metals and metal
compounds, toxic
S S S S S S 24
Nitrides GF
E 25
Nitrites H
Nitro compounds,
aliphatic, unsaturated
H H F H H E 28
aliphatic, saturated
H F 29
Peroxides and
H P 30
Phenols and cresols H H F H G H P GF
H 31
U H E H U 32
Sulphides, inorganic GT
34Epoxides H P H P H P H P U H P H P H P H P U H P H P H P H P H P H P H P U H P 34
Combustible and
flammable materials,
102Explosives H E H E H E H E H E H E H E H E H E E E H E H E H E H E H E 102
P H P H P H P H P H P H U P H P H P H P H P H P H P H P H H E 103
Oxidising agents,
Reducing agentes,
Water and mixtures
containing water
Water reactive
Extremely reactive! Do not mix with any chemical or
waste material!
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Note key: Reactivity code (capital letter): consequences of mixing/blending
H: Heat generation F: Fire G: Innocuous and non-flammable gas generation GT: Toxic gas generation
GF: Flammable gas generation E: Explosion P: Violent polymerisation S: Solubilisation of toxic substances U: May be hazardous but unknown
Table 4.12: Example of a compatibility chart for the storage of hazardous waste
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]
Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Prevents any adverse or unexpected reactions and releases before transfer to storage tanks.

Testing is necessary prior to transfer. This needs to cover:

tanker discharges to bulk storage
tank to tank transfers
transfers from a container to a bulk tank
bulking into drums/IBCs
bulking of solid waste into drums or skips.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003] Segregation of storage

A key issue in providing safe storage is compatibility. This has two independent

the compatibility of the waste with the material used to construct the container, tank, or liner
in contact with the waste (e.g. certain solvents should not be stored in plastic containers)
the compatibility of the waste with other wastes stored together (e.g. containers of cyanide
waste should not be located near acid waste).

After wastes have been checked on arrival, they are split into different groups based on the
chemical content and the size of the containers. Some techniques are:

a. consideration of any chemical incompatibilities to guide the segregation criteria (e.g. avoid
placing acids with cyanides). The Seveso Directive and Chemical law provide guides for
this segregation. The storage BREF also provides some guidances
b. not to mix waste oils with waste solvents. Some commonly used automotive products such
as degreasing solvents, aerosol brake cleaners and aerosol carburetor cleaners may contain
halogen compounds containing chlorine, bromine and iodine. If mixed with waste oil the
entire mixture can become more difficult to treat
c. differentiation of storage according to the hazardness of the waste (e.g. flashpoint limit at
55 C)
d. to have fire protection walls between storage sectors or a security distance large enough to
avoid fire propagation.

Achieved environmental benefits
Segregated storage is necessary to prevent incidents from incompatible substances reacting
together and as a means of preventing escalation should an incident occur. Another possible
secondary benefit may be related to the fact that mixing wastes may make overall waste
management more difficult.

Cross-media effects
Typically more space is necessary for segregated storage.

The storage of oxidisers and flammable liquid containers is carried out separately so that they
cannot come into contact with one another as a result of leakage.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
To prevent incidents due to incompatible reactions occurring. Some legislation and guidances
are available on this issue in some Member States (e.g. UK).

Reference literature
[15, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 2001], [53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55,
UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [151, EIPPCB,

Chapter 4
4.1.5 Segregation and compatibility testing

A primary aid for source reduction is to avoid mixing wastes. The principle is that a mixture of
a small amount of hazardous waste with a larger amount of non-hazardous waste creates a large
amount of material that must be treated as a hazardous waste. More information can be found in
Section 2.1.5. Some techniques and principles to consider are:

a. not making the waste a liquid if it is dry
b. having proper labelling of all lines and containers. This will greatly increase the likelihood
that plant personnel will follow any change in practices intended to enhance segregation of
c. only allowing the mixing of polluted wastes of different pollution strengths if the mixed
waste is treated according to the more polluted waste
d. keeping the cooling water separate from the waste streams (e.g. from waste waters)
e. considering and when appropriate applying segregation when storing materials (see Section
f. having rules restricting the types of wastes that can be mixed together. Some purposes of
such rules are to reduce the environmental risk, for safety reasons or to prevent dilution.

Achieved environmental benefits
Keeping wastes segregated greatly facilitates any required treatment. A lot of problems could be
prevented, when an appropriate separation at the source (at production site of the waste) is
executed. The key is to segregate incompatible wastes by placing them in separate areas
constructed of suitable materials. In some cases if stored together, incidents such as leaks could
result in a mixing of incompatible wastes. Different chemical reactions could then occur, with
some reactions potentially producing excessive pressure and/or heat, thus posing fire or
explosion hazards. Others could produce toxic fumes or gases.

For example, unsegregated used oils typically have a lower value than fuel oil. Contaminated
waste oils have the potential to cause pollution when used in combustion processes. Segregated
used lubricants can have a higher recovery value as fuel.

The feeding process in the preparation of solid waste fuels from MSW is very important
because it has a great influence on the waste OUT qualities. An effectual homogenisation has to
be guaranteed and highly contaminated loads should be barred from solid waste fuel processing
because they might downgrade the product qualities.

Cross-media effects
In some cases, mixing waste may present a higher risk (due to the potential chemical
incompatibility of some components) and may discard the opportunities for recycling.

Some techniques mentioned in the description section are applied to waste IN, others to the
waste OUT and others are used during the management of the installation (e.g handing and
storage of waste). The major impediments to waste segregation programmes are those materials
that go to plant trash that do not belong there. Examples to note include laboratory samples,
which must be disposed of as hazardous wastes. Other materials include solvents and pigments,
for which special receptacles must be provided.

Some plants have separated bunkers for different kinds of waste, e.g. household wastes,
commercial wastes similar to household wastes and production specific commercial wastes.

Technique a (see description above) sometimes is considered not applicable for reasons of

Chapter 4
Application of the basic principles of mixing an blending as described in Section 2.1.5 (risk
prevention, substandard processing and prevention of diffuse dispersal) is different for each
treatment route. Wastes may be treated in routes and may end up as a fuel, as a building
material, as a fertiliser, as an animal feed, as a feedstock for new products, etc. Given the
strongly varying character of the numerous processes, this elaboration will lead to very different
results for each route. The choice of the treatment that is made will evidently affect the
possibilities for the mixing of wastes. For each waste treatment route, the type and
concentrations of environmentally hazardous substances differ and the operational criteria for
assessment of the mixing activity will, therefore, also differ.

Before mixing wastes, there is a general assumption that some types of wastes are not suitable
for recycling or re-use at all. This may concern wastes from several cleaning processes, for
example FGT residues, fly ash, hardening salts, filter cakes containing bearing metals from
detoxification-neutralisation-dewatering, blast furnace gas dust, etc. Mixing of these wastes and
residues from cleaning processes, which contain high cumulative concentrations of
environmentally hazardous substances, is not permitted in any processing route for recovery.
These are wastes that must be disposed of and whose environmental risks must be rendered
harmless prior to disposal through immobilisation or particle separation techniques. The issues
about waste treatment selection are covered in Section

Some solid waste streams can be segregated effectively through minor changes in equipment.
Typically, the disposal of a mixed waste will be more expensive than the treatment of a stream
composed of a single type of waste.

Driving force for implementation
Hazardous waste Directive (91/689/EEC) and waste Directive (75/442/EEC) provide the EC
legislation framework for the mixing and blending of waste. Some countries define national
rules (e.g. in some countries it is absolutely forbidden to mix slag/bottom ash from different

Mixing and blending rules on an operational level are within the boundaries of the permit and
other (legal and voluntary) obligations and are written and applied under the responsibility of
the waste treatment operator. They take into account risk and safety approaches in order to:

avoid accidents, which may cause risks to human health and adverse effects on the
prevent technical and mechanical incidents which can cause damage to installations.
So, blending and mixing rules on an operational level are generally linked with:

regulations in the permit (non-authorised wastes, obligations to keep wastes separated)
regulations dedicated to safety
internal and operational procedures (for example, quality control, ISO 14000 certification)
pre-acceptance and acceptance procedures
prescription of compatibility tests (during pre-acceptance and acceptance procedures).

Chapter 4
Example plants
Some examples of compatibility test typically applied in the waste sector are:

compatibility tests for storage (see Section
simulation of the effects associated with the neutralisation in a laboratory experiment
selection and dosage of the correct precipitation and flocculation agents must be determined
in any event through experimentation
experimental laboratory tests are necessary to determine which chemicals are best suited for
oxidation/reduction and what the reaction is like
laboratory tests carried out to identify the quantity of activated carbon necessary for
cleaning the waste water. The most important results are the charge value, e.g. g TOC/g
activated carbon, and the necessary contact time
since the dosing point is particularly important when using organic splitting agents, controls
by the laboratory during the process are required
examination of the following parameters (see Table 4.13) when evaporation/distillation
systems need to be applied.

Ingredients Remarks Evaporator type
Undissolved solids

Already present or
occurring due to precipitation
Evaporators without incrustation and
with mechanical equipment for the
removal of solids
Volatile substances forming
incrustations or gumming
During thermal dissolution Evaporators with short holding periods
and/or small temperature differences
between heating and boiling phase
Water vapour-volatile
With high concentration in the
initial solution
Evaporators with special vapour
Boundary-surface active
Foam-forming Evaporators with special separation
design and/or addition of anti-foaming
Table 4.13: Ingredients affecting evaporation
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]

The laboratory is equipped with equipment (e.g. turbo-agitators used only briefly for mixing,
slow agitators for floc formation), which roughly simulates the plant conditions.

Segregation of waste oils in order to produce a material with a higher value than fuel oil is a
common practice.

Some examples of mixing and blending rules applied to certain types of processes and wastes are
reported below.

Thermal processes
In most cases, it is pointless to treat some wastes (some examples in the Applicability section
above) by thermal processes. However, if the organic matter content in the original waste is
more than 10 %, a thermal treatment may be needed. One criterion for assessing the
effectiveness of incineration is, for example, to measure the loss due to burning after the
thermal treatment. If the loss due to burning amounts to less than 5 % of the dry weight of the
newly created residue, the treatment is effective. An alternative criterion for the effectiveness of
incineration is a level of organic carbon below 3 % in the residue.

Chapter 4
Treatment of wastes contaminated with POPs
Mixing and blending of wastes for recovery could be allowed if the concentration of POPs does
not exceed the low POP content as defined in the Basel and Stockholm Treaties. This is
reflected in the technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes
consisting of, containing, or contaminated with, POPs and with PCBs that were recently
adopted by the 7th Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention. In Table 4.14 the low
POP contents are presented. However mixing wastes for other treatment routes such as soil
cleaning, preparing animal feed, preparing fertilisers, etc. can be prohibited even if the low POP
content is not exceeded.

Compound Low POP content
Dioxins/furans 0.015 TEQ mg/kg
PCB 50 mg/kg
Other POPs 50 mg/kg
Table 4.14: Maximum concentrations allowed for mixing wastes for recovery
[156, VROM, 2004]

Heavy metals - Cd, Hg, Tl
When the three basic principles on mixing and blending and their elaboration are taken into
account, competent authorities may allow the following maximum concentrations in wastes for
mixing for co-firing or co-incineration, as presented in Table 4.15. Emissions of the heavy
metals mercury, cadmium and thallium into the air will occur when waste containing such
components are used in cement kilns and power stations. Diverting anything above the
maximum concentration levels is, therefore, not allowed. Competent authorities can divert from
these maximum concentrations by prescribing a lower level in the permit for mixing and
blending, if the acceptance criteria of the receiving plant make this necessary. In this respect, it
is relevant to note, that a distinction has to be made in concentrations allowed for mixing and in
concentrations to determine the allowable air emission limits.

Metals Maximum concentration (mg/kg dry matter)
Mercury 10
Cadmium 100
Thallium 100
Table 4.15: Maximum concentrations allowed for mixing for co-firing or co-incineration
[156, VROM, 2004]

Waste containing contaminants, other than those mentioned above, may be mixed in order to
meet the acceptance criteria for the processing plant. Naturally this does not apply to the
previously mentioned residual substances and residues from processing, which contain high
concentrations of contaminants.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [86, TWG, 2003], [89, Germany, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152,
TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.1.6 Techniques for the environmental improvement of other common
techniques Techniques to reduce emissions from drum crushing and shredding

Several techniques which can be applied to reduce emissions from drum crushing and shredding
activities are:

a. making the drum crushing and shredding plant fully enclosed and fitting it with an
extractive vent system linked to abatement equipment, e.g. an oil scrubber and activated
carbon filter. The abatement system can be interlocked with the plant operation, so that the
plant cannot operate unless the abatement system is working
b. keeping skips for the storage of crushed/cut drums covered
c. using sealed system, e.g. chutes, for the containment of residues
d. using sealed drainage
e. avoiding crushing drums that contain (or which have contained) flammable and highly
flammable wastes or volatile substances, unless the residues have first been removed and
the drum then cleaned.

In a shredding facility, the following techniques can also be applied:

f. providing a hall for conditioning hazardous waste before treatment; the entire treatment hall
is kept permanently under negative pressure by the exhaust air treatment installation.
Therefore, no emissions are released
g. storing of acids, bases, photographic chemicals, chemicals from households, pesticides and
lab chemicals
h. storage for flammable liquids like waste solvents, with a flashpoint of <21 C
i. decomposition of the aerosol cans into the following components: propellants, liquid
ingredients, metals and plastics
j. suction cleaning of all emissions; an automatic control for the suction of the exhaust air
from different processes can be applied and this suction can be reduced during the
operation-free time to avoid consuming energy
k. treating the exhaust air with a dust filter and/or a regenerative post-combustion for a
residue-free combustion. An upstream pre-coat filter (activated carbon and lime mixture) to
collect the adhesive components can also be used.

When treating hazardous wastes in a shredding facility, the following techniques can also be

l. pressure-surge-proof channel of 12 m high against damages
m. the facility is pressure resistant up to 10 bar
n. batch-wise operating of the shredder for minimising the exposure
o. using fire alarm systems and sprinkler installations; furthermore, boxes are equipped with a
sprinkler installation for the reduction of dust
p. having an online connection to the rescue service; in case of a fire, the fire department is
immediately notified
q. using explosion-proof switches, aggregates and machines in the entire hall
r. using overpressurised cabins with activated carbon filters in all machines, for the safety of
the workers
s. fire water of 50 m
in a subsurface basin
t. permanent nitrogen flooding of the work space inside the shredder, therefore under oxygen
exclusion no reactions will take place (nitrogen purge device).

Chapter 4
Finally, to protect the soil in a shredding facility, the following techniques can be applied:

u. using a vacuum monitored laminated base for the identification of leaks; the base of the hall
is bowl shaped so that liquid material cannot flow out
v. retaining fire water of 450 m
; this is possible through the bowl shaped base with a pump
sump for pumping the fire water.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces VOC emissions to air and reduces contamination to water streams and to soil. Drum
crushing/shredding units may vent directly to the air. One technique to reduce VOC emissions is
to avoid venting directly to the air unless the emissions/vents have been washed and fully
purged of their former contents. Some techniques, for example technique t (see description
above), are carried out to prevent ignition.

Operational data
Inert atmospheres to avoid ignition can be generated by the use of inert gases, for example
nitrogen or carbon dioxide.

In an aerosol can shredder, suction cleaning of 30000 m
hall air per hour over the dust filter is
applied. Two separate exhaust air collecting and treatment systems are used. Alternately,
controllable source suction in the boxes, shredder and aerosol can shredder with a maximal of
12000 m
/h may be implemented. The exhaust combustion facility is used at more than 800 C
for a complete destruction of the harmful substances.

Such treatments of some wastes containing e.g. VOCs may create flammable atmospheres
which can be a problem as there may also a possibility of static discharges with some types and
mixes of wastes and reagents. In some specific cases, some drums containing volatile
substances (see technique e in the description section above) may be crushed if the crusher
incorporates a system that avoids flammable or explosion problems. When wastes handled do
not generate emissions to air (e.g. odours, dust, VOCs) then extractive systems are typically not

An example bin shredding installation in Germany. The capacity of the facility is 5000 Mg/a.
The quantity of hazardous waste treated is 1000 t/yr. The investment needed for the treatment
plant is EUR 325000.

An example aerosol can shredding installation in Germany. The capacity of the treatment
facility is 500 t/yr. The investment needed for the treatment plant is EUR 500000.

Example plants
An example plant consists of a fume-extracted enclosure mounted on a raised platform and
contains a hydraulically operated remotely controlled crushing head. Residues expelled from the
drums during crushing are passed via an enclosed chute into a drum placed underneath the
elevated platform. Vapours are extracted through an oil scrubber and two activated carbon
filters in series, before discharge to the air. Interlocks prevent operation of the crusher when
either the crusher door is open or the abatement system is not operating.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

Chapter 4
344 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Techniques to reduce emissions from washing processes

Some techniques include:

a. identifying the components that may be present in the items to be washed (e.g. solvents)
b. transferring washed waste to appropriate storage and then treating this in the same way as
the waste from which it was derived
c. using treated waste water from the WT plant; the resultant waste water can be recycled in
the WWTP or back to the installation in the case of Ph-c treatment plants. In the latter case,
the waste water is treated exactly the same way as waste which has been transported and
delivered in the cleaned construction/receptacle/container.

Achieved environmental benefits
Allows the identification and treatment of washing residues.

The washing of drums and IBCs is usually only carried out where there is an adjacent treatment
plant to accept the wash-waters or when there are other possibilities available to treat the
washing water properly.

Washing and cleaning procedures are generally carried out using treated waste water. The
resultant washing and cleaning waste water is returned to the process or to the WWTP plant for
retreatment. In some cases, the WWTP is installed outside the WT installation.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.1.7 Techniques to prevent accidents and their consequences

IPPC requires, as a general principle, that necessary measures should be taken to prevent
accidents which may have environmental consequences, and to limit those consequences. Some
techniques include:

a. producing a structured accident management plan within a time-scale, which includes:
identifying the hazards to the environment posed by the installation. Particular areas to
consider may include waste types, overfilling of vessels, failure of plant and/or
equipment (for example, over-pressure of vessels and pipework, blocked drains), failure
of containment (for example, bund and/or overfilling of drainage sumps), failure to
contain fire-waters, making the wrong connections in drains or other systems,
preventing incompatible substances coming into contact, unwanted reactions and/or
runaway reactions, emission of an effluent before adequate checking of its composition
has taken place, vandalism/arson, extreme weather conditions e.g. flooding, very high
assessing all risks (hazard x probability) of accidents and their possible consequences.
Having identified the hazards, the process of assessing the risks can be viewed as
addressing six basic questions:
what is the estimated probability of their occurrence? (source, frequency)
what may be emitted and how much? (risk evaluation of the event)
where does it go to? (predictions for the emission what are the pathways and
what are the consequences? (consequence assessment the effects on the receptors)
what are the overall risks? (determination of the overall risk and its significance to
the environment)
what can be done to prevent or reduce the risk? (risk management measures to
prevent accidents and/or reduce their environmental consequences)
Chapter 4
The depth and type of assessment will depend on the characteristics of the installation
and its location. The main factors which should be taken into account are:
the scale and nature of the accident hazard presented by the installation and the
the risks to areas of population and the environment (receptors)
the nature of the installation and complexity or otherwise of the activities and the
relative difficulty in deciding and justifying the adequacy of the risk control
b. having a documented system which can be used to identify, assess and minimise the
environmental risks and hazards of accidents and their consequences
c. ensuring that the waste acceptance system of pre-acceptance sampling and analysis,
followed by verification upon arrival at the installation forms a crucial role in accident
prevention (see Section 4.1.1)
d. maintaining an inventory of substances, present or likely to be present, which could have
environmental consequences if they escape. It should not be forgotten that many apparently
innocuous substances can be environmentally damaging if they escape (for example, a
tanker of milk spilled into a watercourse could destroy its ecosystem). (The inventory is
also related with traceability, see Section
e. having procedures in place for checking raw materials and wastes to ensure compatibility
with other substances with which they may accidentally come into contact (see
compatibility Section
f. keeping apart incompatible wastes and substances according to their hazard potential.
Incompatible waste types need to be segregated by bays or stored in dedicated buildings.
The minimum requirement involves a curbed perimeter and separate drainage collection.
Measures also need to be in place to prevent containers falling over into other storage areas
g. providing adequate storage arrangements for raw materials, products and wastes
h. utilising an automatic system based on microprocessor control, passing valve control or
tank level readings. Some examples are: ultrasonic gauges, high level warnings and process
i. ensuring that control is maintained in emergency situations, considering the utilisation of
process design alarms, trips and other control aspects, e.g. automatic systems based on
microprocessor control and passing valve control or tank level readings, such as ultrasonic
gauges, high level warnings, process interlocks and process parameters
j. documenting the control measures in place, including the evaluation of these measures and
a decision about their adequacy
k. putting in place appropriate control techniques to limit the consequences of an accident,
such as oil spillage equipment, isolation of drains, alerting of relevant authorities and
evacuation procedures
l. applying, as appropriate, preventative techniques, such as suitable barriers, to prevent
damage to equipment from the movement of vehicles (see Section
m. providing appropriate containment, e.g. bunds and catchpots, building containment (see
n. implementing techniques and procedures to prevent the overfilling of storage tanks (liquid
or powder), e.g. level measurements, independent high level alarms, high level cut-off, and
batch metering (see Section
o. keeping an up-to-date installation log/diary to record all incidents, near-misses, changes to
procedures, abnormal events, and the findings of maintenance inspections. Leaks, spills and
accidents can be recorded in the site diary. The incident and response is then available to
estimate notifiable releases for the annual report
p. establishing procedures to identify, respond to and learn from such incidents
q. identifying the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in accident management.
Together with this, clear guidance needs to be available on how each accident scenario
needs to be managed, for example, containment or dispersion, to extinguish fires or to let
them burn
r. putting in place procedures to avoid incidents occurring as a result of poor communication
among operation staff during shift changes and following maintenance or other engineering
Chapter 4
s. identifying and providing personnel training requirements as required
t. systems already applied for the prevention of fugitive emissions are generally relevant in
addition to drainage systems (see also Section
procedures need to be in place to ensure that the composition of the contents of a bund
sump, or sump connected to a drainage system, are checked before treatment or disposal
drainage sumps need to be equipped with a high level alarm or sensor with a pump to
suitable storage (not to discharge);
there needs to be a system in place to ensure that the sump levels are kept to a minimum
at all times
high level alarms, etc. should not be routinely used as the primary method of level
u. ensuring that process waters, site drainage waters, emergency fire-water, chemically
contaminated waters and spillages of chemicals are, where appropriate, contained and where
necessary, routed to the effluent system, with a provision to contain surges and storm-water
flows, and treated before emission to controlled waters or sewer. Sufficient storage needs to
be provided to ensure that this can be achieved. Spill contingency procedures also need to
be put in place to minimise the risk of an accidental emission of raw materials, products and
waste materials and to prevent their entry into water. Any emergency fire-water collection
system needs to also take account of the additional fire-water flows or fire-fighting foams.
Emergency storage lagoons may be needed to prevent contaminated fire-water reaching
controlled waters (see also Section
v. applying maintenance and testing to the same standards as the main plant or stand-by plants
w. considering and, therefore if appropriate, planning for the possibility of containment or
abatement for accidental emissions from vents and safety relief valves/bursting discs.
Where this may be inadvisable on safety grounds, attention needs to be focused on reducing
the probability of the emission
x. applying suitable procedures and provisions for, e.g. the storage of certain types of
hazardous waste which may require automatic alarms and possibly sprinklers. The facility
must provide adequate water supply for extinguishing fires plus the capability to collect and
store fire-water run-off. The storage or treatment of any water-reactive waste will
necessitate an alternative type of fire protection system
y. putting in place safe shutdown procedures
z. establishing communication routes with relevant authorities and emergency services both
before and in the event of an accident. Post-accident procedures need to include an
assessment of the harm that can be caused and steps need to be developed to redress this
aa. having in place sufficient security measures, including personnel, to prevent vandals and
inadvertent intruders who could become exposed from contact with waste, or from
damaging the equipment, or illicit dumping. Most facilities use a combination of security
guards, total enclosure (usually with fences), controlled entry points, adequate lighting,
proper warning signs, and 24 hour surveillance. Typically, the guards also operate the
gatehouse where they prevent entry of unscheduled trucks and monitor the entry of visitors
bb. having in place and following an inspection system containing a list of items to be
inspected, a schedule, and the typical problems that may be encountered. The inspection
should examine process equipment, storage areas, emergency equipment, monitoring
equipment, and security devices. Basically, the inspection should check for equipment
malfunctions, structural deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that could lead to the
release of hazardous waste constituents
cc. appointing one facility employee as an emergency coordinator to take leadership
responsibility for implementing the plan. It is important that the facility offers training to its
employees to perform their duties effectively and safely so that staff know how to respond
to an emergency
dd. having in place a fire protection and explosion protection system, containing prevention and
detection equipment, and extinction equipment.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
The most significant environmental risks associated with waste treatment operations are from
the storage of hazardous wastes, from emissions resulting from wastes reacting together either
from leaks or spillages, or from treatment processes going out of control.

Combinations of inappropriate equipment and poor inspection and maintenance procedures can
also increase the accident risks through, for example, tank overfill situations where level
indicators may not be working or have not been correctly calibrated.

Leaks, spills and accidents will occur at any site. One transfer station suggests that there is
likely to be an accidental break of a drum every quarter. Technique o (see description section
above) helps operators to understand operational problems so that they can put in place
measures which will prevent or minimise their occurrences in the future.

Cross-media effects
Not known.

Operational data
Technique o (see Description section above) typically is a computer-based system.

Some of the techniques are WT sector specific but others are very general. Some are only
relevant for hazardous waste treatments.

Driving force for implementation
Mainly for health and safety reasons (reducing accidents). Technique bb) in the description
section above is a basic requirement of EC Directive 75/442 Article 9.

Example plants
These techniques are standard procedures applied in all types of WT plants. However waste
treatment plants, typically utilise a manually operated system.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [122,
Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.1.8 Techniques to reduce noise and vibrations

A noise management plan is typically part of the environmental management system (EMS in
Section Such a plan normally:

a. describes the main sources of noise and vibration (including infrequent sources); and the
nearest noise-sensitive locations. This description covers the following information for each
main source of noise and vibration within the installation:
the source and its location on a scaled plan of the site
whether the noise or vibration is continuous/intermittent, fixed or mobile
the hours of operation
a description of the noise or vibration, e.g. clatter, whine, hiss, screech, hum, bangs,
clicks, thumps or has tonal elements
its contribution to the overall site noise emission, e.g. categorised as high, medium or
low unless supporting data are available
b. provides the above information also for the operation of infrequent sources of noise and
vibration (such as infrequently operated/seasonal operations, cleaning/maintenance
activities, on-site deliveries/collections/transport or out-of-hours activities, emergency
generators or pumps and alarm testing)
c. details the appropriate noise surveys, measurements, investigations (which can involve
detailed assessments of sound power levels for individual plant items) or modelling may be
necessary for either new or existing installations taking into consideration the potential for
noise problems.

Sticking to the noise and vibration plan encourages operators to:

d. adequately maintain any parts of the plant or equipment whose deterioration may give rise
to increases in noise (e.g. to carry out maintenance of bearings, air handling plant and the
building fabric, as well as specific noise attenuation measures associated with plant,
equipment or machinery)
e. enclose noisy areas/activities inside buildings.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces noise levels generated by the installation.

A common sense approach needs to be adopted in determining which sources to include. The
ones which need to be considered are those which may have an environmental nuisance impact;
for example, a small unit could cause an occupational noise issue in an enclosed space but
would be unlikely to cause an environmental issue. Conversely a large unit or a number of
smaller units enclosed within a building could, for example, cause a nuisance only if the doors
are left open. It also needs to be remembered that some noise, which is not particularly
noticeable during the day, may become more noticeable at night.

Driving force for implementation
A reduction of noise and vibrations.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.1.9 Techniques for de-commissioning

To minimise de-commissioning problems and any associated environmental impacts, some
techniques include:

a. considering the de-commissioning at the design stage, thereby making suitable plans to
minimise risks during later de-commissioning
b. for existing installations where potential problems are identified, putting in place a
programme of design improvements. These designs improvements need to ensure that:
underground tanks and pipework are avoided. If it is economically not possible to
replace, then operators should protect them by secondary containment or a suitable
monitoring programme
there is provision for the draining and clean-out of vessels and pipework prior to
lagoons and landfills are designed with a view to their eventual clean-up
insulation is provided which is readily dismantled without dust or hazard
any materials used are recyclable (having regard for operational or other environmental
c. maintaining a site closure plan to demonstrate that, in its current state, the installation can be
decommissioned to avoid any pollution risk and to return the site of operation to a
satisfactory state. The plan should be kept updated as material changes occur. However,
even at an early stage, the closure plan can include details on:
either the removal or the flushing out of pipelines and vessels where appropriate and
their complete emptying of any potentially harmful contents
plans covering all the underground pipes and vessels
the method and resource necessary for the clearing of lagoons
the method of closure of any on-site landfills
the removal of asbestos or other potentially harmful materials, unless it has been agreed
that it is reasonable to leave such liabilities to future owners
methods of dismantling buildings and other structures, for the protection of surface- and
groundwater at construction and demolition sites
the required testing of the soil needed to ascertain the degree of any pollution caused by
the site activities and information on what is needed for any remediation to return the
site to a satisfactory state as defined by the initial site report
d. describing the measures proposed, upon definitive cessation of activities, to avoid any
pollution risk and to return the site of operation to a satisfactory state (including, where
appropriate, measures relating to the design and construction of the installation)
e. describing plans for the clearing of deposited residues, waste and any contamination
resulting from the waste treatment activities
f. ensuring that plant and equipment taken out of use are decontaminated and removed from
the site.

Achieved environmental benefits
Prevents environmental issues during de-commissioning.

The techniques mentioned here are applicable to the installation operation lifetime, the design
and build stage of the activities and the site closure.

Driving force for implementation
Technique e (see description section above) is mandatory for current EU regulation on waste.

Example plants
The decomissioning of whole plants or parts of them occur frequently in the sector.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.2 Techniques to consider in biological treatments

This section contains techniques considered to have a good environmental operating
performance (e.g use of a good energy system) or that can help lead to a good environmental
performance (e.g. environmental management systems). These techniques are applied with
biological treatments typically used as part of a whole waste treatment. Biological treatments of
waste waters are covered in Section 4.7.

4.2.1 Selection of the appropriate biological treatment

A key technical factor for selecting the appropriate system is its capability to provide proper
contact between the organic constituents of the waste and the microbial population. This
capability depends primarly on the state of the waste and its concentration. An approximate
schematic of the system offering the most capability as a function of these two variables is
shown in Figure 4.2.

(e.g. composting)
aerobic, suspended
(e.g. activated
aerobic, attached
(e.g. rotating
biological contactor)
Liquid waste Sludge/solid waste
Figure 4.2: Selection of an appropriate biological treatment system as a function of concentration
and the form of waste
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

In addition, fully enclosed or encapsulated bioreactors help to better control the biological
treatment and avoidance of fugitive emissions (e.g. VOC, odours, dust).
Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Selecting the appropriate biological treatment for the waste to be treated helps to avoid
operational problems as well as to extract the major benefit from the waste (e.g. use as fuel).

Operational data
Important features, for consideration, of the selected biological system are the uniform
distribution of the nutrients and moisture of the waste to be treated (homogeneity) as well as the
availability of treatment selected.

Driving force for implementation
Waste hierarchy may give some guidance on what type of treatments can be used. However, it
may be that when applying the waste hierarchy without a good underlying analysis, a good
result may not be achieved. It has been reported that in the case of sewage sludge treatment,
because of the low energy content of biologically treated sewage sludge in relation to thermally
dried sewage sludge, a good option may be to either select anaerobic digestion and thermic
drying and/or incineration for different wastes.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.2.2 Specific storage and handling techniques for biological treatments

Some techniques related to storage and handling techniques in biological waste treatment

a. having reception pits or equalisation tanks
b. housing and equipping the waste treatment installation (including acceptance area and
bunker), mechanical treatment, storage facilities and all biological treatment steps) with an
exhaust air collection device (containing dust, TOC, ammonia, odours, germs), and where
applicable, a removal facility. Air exchanges three or four times per hour are common
c. purifying the exhaust air or re-using it, e.g. as supply air for biological degradation
d. keeping the pollution of the exhaust air low by:
avoiding traffic routes through the delivery area
using surfaces and work equipment that are easy to clean
minimising the storage time of wastes in the delivery area
cleaning the floor of the hall regularly with an appropriate sweep-suction cleaner or
industrial vacuum cleaner
cleaning sunshades, conveyor bands and other equipment at least once per week
e. using a combination of automated and rapid action doors with so-called air curtain
installations, which in practice could also act as a lock, with the opening times of the doors
being kept to a minimun. This can be helped by the insertion of sensor-controlled rolling
shutter gates or flap gates and by sufficient dimensioning of the manoeuvring area in front
of the hall. It needs to be recognised that the discipline of the hall and vehicle fleet staff is at
least equally important to actually realise the short opening times. It also needs to be
ensured that sufficient maintenance of the doors is carried out as required and stick to the
appropriate operation. Installing an air curtain creates a curtain of surrounding air in the
open door that prevents the ingress of air from the hall. For an underground bunker, which
the vehicles approach backwards and then tip over their load, the installation of a curtain
with the vehicle outline behind the actual door may be a way to minimise air exchange
during unloading as far as possible
f. closing feed bunkers constructed with a vehicle sluice; in open warehouses and during
unloading of waste vehicles, the bunker waste gas is removed by suction and fed into a
waste gas treatment facility.

Chapter 4
In addition during storage and handling, the following measures are suitable for dust

g. depositing dust through defogging systems, although this is not mandatory
h. using suction to extraction point sources and hall air, with subsequent dedusting
i. applying coverage of the belt conveyor
j. preventing or minimising large falling heights at interband transmissions
k. using slowly running comminution aggregates
l. regularly cleaning aggregate areas, hall floors and traffic routes
m. using a tyre washing plant to prevent dispersion of waste by the vehicles into the outer areas
of the plant.

Also anaerobic decomposition in the storage of waste materials from a civic amenity
site/transfer station comprising high levels of grass mowings during warm wet periods should
be actively avoided. Typically grass has a high moisture content, and mats together to prevent
ingress of oxygen. If the waste has been piled up in a transfer station for a day or so, then
bulked into a container and stored in a pile in wet weather, anaerobic conditions will set in.
Another possibility for moisture ingress is through unprotected windrows after prolonged wet
weather causing aerobic decomposition to cease, so these should be suitably protected or

Achieved environmental benefits
It is important in liquid waste biotreatment systems that the flow of substrate is relatively
constant to maintain correct operation, otherwise unexpected emissions can be caused. Some
techniques are focused on preventing emissions into the air. For example, temperature rises in
waste heaps containing organic matter due to increased biological activity, may occur within
short periods of time and may result in air emissions (total C, odour).

Due to the higher temperatures inside the hall, in winter an airflow profile develops at the hall
gates, with warm air leaving the hall in the upper part of the opening and cool air entering at the

Residual wastes may contain large amounts of small-grained particles. Therefore, in the bunker
considerable dust emissions can be expected due to the tipping and loading processes with
mobile tools, which should be retrieved or deposited as close to the source as possible.

Operational data
The storage areas are usually filled from road tankers or from a pipe to the source.

Due to the wide range of biological treatment procedures covered here as well as types of
wastes (e.g. containing volatile components, odour), there are some techniques that may be not
be applicable to some biological treatments (e.g. activated sludge, aerated lagoons, MBT, in-situ
bioremediation, oil contaminated soil und sludge, production of biogas to be used as fuel,...).
Some applicability exceptions identified in the techniques below which can be found in the
description section above are the following:

technique b for the last steps of biological treatment or after treatment
technique e is typically applied to waste no so odours are emitted
technique f is typically applied to high odour waste.

Driving force for implementation
Related to technique b from the description section above, three or four air exchanges where
operators work is applicable by Italian regional law. In areas where operators do not work, two
exchanges per hour are typically applied. Technique f comes from a special requirement of TA
Luft for fermentation plants and a general provision of the 30 BlmSchV german regulation.
Technique m is also a general provision of the 30 BlmSchV German regulation.
Chapter 4
Reference literature
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.2.3 Selection of feedstock for biological systems

Some issues to consider are:

a. the presence of substances which are not subject to beneficial treatment such as, toxic
metals need to be limited for entering into the biological processes. For example, some
mechanical treatment may help to accomplish such limitations
b. adding sewage to the organic fraction of municipal solid waste increases the nutrient level
as well as adding moisture content. Other wastes that can also have benefits are organic
industrial wastes, food processing wastes and agricultural wastes
c. whilst the process itself is an important aspect, the quality of the feedstock probably has the
biggest effect and so it is vital to maximise its quality. Both admissible waste types and
separation processes are important here. Some techniques include:
the right balance of the nutrient content (e.g. nitrogen vs. carbon content)
minimising the presence of toxic and unwanted materials (including heavy metals,
pathogens and inert materials)
recognising that any non-biodegradable components of waste which are fed into an
anaerobic digester, and will not be affected by the process, simply take up unnecessary
space. To maximise the benefit of using the technique (both environmental and
economic) and to minimise the cost, it is important to minimise the presence of these
components in the anaerobic digestion feedstock
d. not mixing different types of waste if not proved to be appropriate. This is related with
Section 4.1.5
e. continuous learning about the influence of the waste characteristics on the operational
settings as aggregates, mass flow, volumes, biological degradation variables (e.g.
temperature, CO
) as well as measured (gaseous) emissions (e.g. use of continuously
acquired emission data (raw gas and/or clean gas), VOC, methane, for the adjustment of
settings, i.e. automatic control of biological processes)

Achieved environmental benefits
Avoids toxic compounds entering the biological systems, i.e. toxic in terms of reducing
biological activity. A good balance of the nutrient content avoids emissions, for example of
nitrogen compounds.

If non-biological active parts of the feedstock are separated from the feedstock, such streams
can be easily re-used or recycled (e.g. glass, metals)

Cross-media effects
The addition of sewage sludge to the organic fraction of MSW may have bad effects on the
biological treatment itself, the exhaust gas quality that is generated during the biological
treatment or the quality of the waste OUT.

Operational data
In the case of technique c (see description section above) an integral biological drying of
municipal waste is undertaken, as typically the presence of plastics and other non-biodegradable
materials can represent an advantage for aeration, preventing anaerobic zones, which leads to
lower emissions.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [153,
TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
4.2.4 Generic techniques for anaerobic digestion

Some techniques include:

a. having a close integration between waste management and water management. This would be
helpful for further developments and for management to make improvements and gather data
b. recycling the maximum amount of waste water to the reactor, to facilitate any dissolved
organic material being converted to biogas
c. operating the system under thermophilic digestion conditions, in order to increase the
pathogen destruction, biogas production rate (hence higher energy recovery) and the
retention time
d. measuring TOC, COD, N, P and Cl levels in inlet and outlet flows, in order to balance feeds
and to ensure good methane production
e. controlling relevant parameters in digestion water, digestion residue and waste water in
regular intervals in order to ensure good operation of the installation
f. having closed feed bunkers constructed with a vehicle sluice. In open warehouses and
during unloading of waste vehicles, the bunker waste gas is to be removed by suction and
fed into a waste gas treatment facility
g. having adequate space particularly for the storage area on the basis of the estimated monthly
h. designing, constructing and operating the facility in order to prevent soil contamination due
to sewage water
i. re-using the condensed water vapours arising from ventilation of the windrows (maturing
process) and the accumulated water only in the case of open aerobic digestion treatments in
order to humidify the solid waste and in the case that olfactory nuisances may be avoided.

Although anaerobic systems can be operated in stages to reduce overall COD in the effluent,
they are generally operated for efficient methane production and the liquid effluent tends to be
more concentrated than effluent from aerobic systems, and requires an aerobic final treatment
stage. This could be via a discharge to sewer, or though a second stage on site process.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the efficiency of anaerobic digestion and allows better use of their products.
Minimising the quantity of potentially toxic materials is also an important consideration for the
quality of the end-product. Anaerobic systems are effective at breaking down ring compounds
(for example, phenols) and generate methane that can be utilised as a fuel. However, not all
compounds derived by the anaerobic breakdown of aromatic rings (e.g. xenobiotica) can be
mineralised under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic treatment steps therefore need to be
followed by a subsequent aerobic degradation step in order to lead organic material to a full

Odour emissions of 500 1000 GE/mfrom anaerobic treatment can be reached by using an
appropriate combination of biofilter and scrubber if the NH
content is higher than 30 mg/Nm.

Cross-media effects
The use of sludge in anaerobic digestion needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis, since the
heavy metal concentration in sludge may present difficulties for the operator to meet the tight
limit values for quality composted products which exist in some EU countries.

Operational data
The high degree of flexibility associated with anaerobic digestion is claimed to be one of the
most important advantages of the method, since it can treat several types of waste, ranging from
wet to dry and from clean organics to grey waste. The suitability of the method for very wet
materials, for instance, has been addressed as an important feature in those scenarios where
source separated food waste cannot be mixed up with enough quantities of bulking agents such
as yard waste (namely, waste from many metropolitan districts).
Chapter 4
Anaerobic biological systems are sensitive to chlorinated and sulphur compounds, pH and to
temperature fluctuations and may require a pre-acidification stage.

Recycling of waste water (technique b in the description section above) may result in a increase
of the concentration of of toxic/inhibiting compounds that may cause negative effects on the
biological treatment.

Thermophilic digestion conditions (technique c in the description section above) may not be
useful or possible for all applications (e.g. adaptations of micro-organisms communities for the
degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds or dechlorination of specific xenobiotica cannot
be achieved under thermophilic conditions, no thermophilic microbial population can be
adapted to the compounds to be treated).

In certain circumstances, it is necessary to control relevant parameters in digestion water,
digestion residue and waste water, at regular intervals in order to ensure a good operational
mode of the installation (technique d in the description section above). In these cases the
parameters mentioned are not sufficient for process control. According to the aim of the
treatment (landfilling, fertilisers), parameters for the control of the output have to be fixed
according to further use.

The main area of concern in anaerobic digestion is the guarantee of the long term performance of
a plant, which is of course key to its economic feasibility. This risk can be reduced through
technological developments but the associated costs of these can affect the economics in the short
term. The building of more plants in the future will further operating knowledge and this may
increase confidence (see Section Technique e in the description section above is
appropriate to reduce odour emissions.

Specific investment costs are generally much higher than with aerobic digestion. Having a close
integration between waste management and water management would be helpful for further
development. This would reduce the extra costs related to the discharge of excess waters from
anaerobic digestion to a waste water treatment plant. However, in reality this occurs only rarely
across Europe, most often where water utilities are involved in the process.

Driving force for implementation
Better management of the process and requirements of the Landfill Directive. Techniques from
e to h in the description section above are requirements under the German TA Luft regulations
and technique e is necessary for odour reduction.

Example plants
This treatment method is relatively rare at present (it is only part of waste management
strategies in four countries, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Denmark, although some
applications are also found on mixed or residual wastes in France, Spain and Italy, and a small-
scale plant is also known to be in operation in the UK). Recent developments in source
separation schemes in Italy and Spain suggest an optimistic view for the future availability of
quality feedstock.

It is also worth mentioning that anaerobic digestion is experiencing the fastest growth take-up
across Europe in Spain, thanks to public funding of facilities through EU programmes. Such
funding reduces the overall management costs, since depreciation is one of main cost factors.

Reference literature
[33, ETSU, 1998], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [114,
Hogg, 2001], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
4.2.5 Increase the retention time in the anaerobic digestion processes

Involves allowing the digestate to spend more time under degradation conditions.

Achieved environmental benefits
A higher retention time will enable more extensive biodegradation and subsequently a better
quality digestate and thus can increase the biogas production. Having a high enough
temperature and a long enough retention time will ensure that the material is mature, free from
pathogenic bacteria and seeds and generate lower odour emissions.

Cross-media effects
The achieved benefits have to be balanced against a lower possible loading rate, which reduces
the throughput and thus increases the economic cost per tonne treated.

An increase in the biogas production typically has an effect on the quality of the digestate and
biogas. Then, an optimisation of the amount of biogas, biogas quality and quality of digestate
needs to be carried out.

Reference literature
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.2.6 Techniques for the reduction of emissions when biogas is used as

The biogas from the fermenter is dehumidified and solid particles are removed before it is used
as fuel by either an external user or for internal use. Biogas can be used in gas motors, e.g. block
unit heating power plants, gas boilers, vehicles or for other uses such as fuel for VOC thermal
abatement techniques. Two types of emission techniques can be followed. The first type relates
to the cleaning of the biogas before using it, in order to reduce the emissions after its
combustion, and the other relates with the abatement of emissions after the combustion of the
biogas. Both types of techniques are covered here, some specific measures include:

a. reducing hydrogen sulphide emissions by scrubbing the biogas using iron salts, adding
those iron salts into the digester or biological oxidation by a controlled addition of oxygen
b. using selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (Section 4.6.21) to reduce reduce NO
c. using a thermal oxidation unit to reduce CO and hydrocarbons
d. using activated carbon filtration
e. equipping those plants with biogas storage and an emergency flare.

Note that when flaring any biogas that cannot be used on-site or upgraded to natural gas quality,
the outlet temperature of the flue-gas should be at least 900 C and the residence time 0.3 sec.
The maximum aimed concentration of sulphur compounds in biogas is 50 ppm, or a removal
efficiency of at least 98 %.

Among the abatement procedures that may take place in a separate treatment step are: biological
scrubbing processes (biological oxidation of the sulphide to sulphur or sulphuric acid), gas
scrubbing with water or organic solvents, dry filters composed e.g. of lake iron ore, and
adsorption, e.g. to activate carbon.

Some guidance for large combustion plants using biogas have been referenced in the LCP

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Parameter Biogas Exhaust gas
AOX <150
CO 100 650
Dust <10 50
100 500
S <5
HCl <10 30
HF <2 5
Hydrocarbons <50 150
<50 500
Data in mg/Nm
at 5 % O
when using spark ignition engines with low heat capacity (e.g.
<3 MW
) the value of 650 may be difficult to achieve. In those cases,
1000 can be seen as more achievable.
when using pilot injection engines with a low firing capacity (e.g. <3
MW) the achieved values are 1000. The lower end of the range can
only be achieved with abatement
Table 4.16: Achieved emission values with the use of good engines and abatement techniques
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [117, DG Env, 2001], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Cross-media effects
Addition of substances as iron salts or oxygen into the anaerobic reactor may be
counterproductive to the fermentation process.

Operational data
The utilisation of oxidation catalysts (technique a from the Description section above) is
typically used as a short term tool due to corrosion problems that may generate.

Cleaning of biogas (except dewatering and removal of solids) before power/heat generation in
gas motor and flue-gas cleaning are not usually necessary, according to some information, to
reach many of the values given in Table 4.16. Those emission values are typically met by motor
adjustments alone. The only expection highlighted is the co-fermentation of pig manure. The
biogas generated typically requires desulphurisation because of the high sulphur content,
especially in order to prevent corrosion of the unit using the biogas.

Secondary measures to reduce emissions from flue-gas when biogas is used as fuel. It is
considered not economically viable nor environmentally justified for small power/heat
installations. In order to reflect such an issue, for example in Germany, installations smaller
than 3 MW
have higher emission limit values.

Driving force for implementation
At least three MS have legislation regulating the emissions when using biogas as fuel.

Reference literature
[54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [117, DG Env, 2001], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.2.7 Increasing the energy efficiency of the electricity generators and
anaerobic digestion systems

Some issues to consider are:

a. for good energy efficiency, a biogas with an energy content of between 20 and 25 MJ/Nm
is preferable
b. electrical conversion efficiencies will vary according to the combustion plant. Practical
experience with small scale combustion engines with a rated capacity of less than 200 kW
indicate an electrical conversion efficiency of around 25 %, larger plants (up to 17000 kW)
can have a higher conversion efficiency of around 36 %. If there is also the added
possibility of heating water from the engines exhaust, this can increase the overall
conversion efficiency to 65 85 %
c. installing biogas engines with efficiencies higher than 30 % is essential for achieving good
overall energy efficiency.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the energy efficiency of anaerobic digestion processes. Some data on the energy
production are presented in the following two tables (Table 4.16 and Table 4.17). Ranges in
these tables are wide, and probably reflect not only the differences in performance across plants,
but also across the feedstocks input.

Net energy production
(kWh/tonne of waste)
Source Minimum
1 100
2 102
3 110
4 80 110 140
5 75 113 150
6 100 115 130
7 105 131 157
8 120 145 170
9 100 150 200
10 154
11 254 273 292
If only one figure is quoted, the reference in question did
not provide a range
Table 4.17: Net energy production figures that can be achieved under optimum operation of
anaerobic digestion processes
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

Parameter Low value
(kWh/t waste)
High value
(kWh/t waste)
Biogas yield 70 Nm
/t waste 140 Nm
/t waste
Percentage methane 55 % 60 %
Calorific value of biogas 385 840
Electricity generated (30 % efficiency) 116 252
Electricity for export (70 % of electricity generated) 81 176
Heat recovered for CHP option (70 %) 189 412
Heat exported for CHP option (80 % of that recovered) 151 329
Table 4.18: Electricity and heat generated from anaerobic digestion
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

Chapter 4
Example plants
Many examples of anaerobic digestion plants exist worldwide.

Reference literature
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

4.2.8 Techniques to improve mechanical biological treatments

Some techniques include:

a. using filters on the exit air to minimise particulate emissions
b. reducing emissions of nitrogen compounds by optimising the C:N ratio and using acid
c. avoiding anaerobic conditions in aerobic treatment installations (where the waste gets
starved of oxygen, usually due to it being saturated) by:
introducing sufficient woody materials to the mixture (e.g. wood chips), and keeping
the structure open. This also helps to reduce the impact of excess nitrogen
avoiding waste materials that have both a high water content and limited interstices
between the waste materials for water to drain down through the waste under gravity
d. controlling the air supply using a stabilised air circuit. A good adjustment of the aeration
can be carried out by controlling the CO
concentration per segment or by on line
measurements of certain parameters (e.g. O
, temperature, moisture, methane, VOC, CO
of the air supply/exhaust air. This guarantees a sufficient air supply, irrespective of the
composition of the waste. The process air is collected from the halls, the exhaust system,
e. using air circulation in order to increase the concentration of carbon compounds in the air.
This makes thermal afterburning a feasible alternative for a biological filter. Under these
conditions only, e.g. 2500 8000 Nm of air per tonne waste need to be treated (related with
Section 4.2.11)
f. fully establishing the feedstock specifications
g. carefully positioning the windrows to enable proper access for forming and turning
h. efficient balancing of water to minimise the production of leachates
i. providing impermeable hard standing over a sufficient area to allow machinery movements
to turn windrows and also to provide space for leachate collection drainage
j. introducing a high permeability drainage layer, such as wood chips, in the windrow
construction to allow leachate drainage and airflow into the windrows
k. making provisions for leachate collection with recirculation systems, in order to feed the
leachate back into the windrows to maintain the optimum moisture content and also to
facilitate the leachate treatment
l. treating the condensation water by buffer, bioreactors and ultrafiltration. The purified waste
water (permeate) can then be used as process water in the cooling circuit that it is
evaporated in the cooling tower
m. using as a solid fuel the filter cake generated on the dust filters of the air treatment system
n. thermally insulating the hall ceiling of the biological degradation hall in aerobic processes
in order to minimise the generation of condensate
o. recycling process waters or muddy residues within the aerobic treatment process to
completely avoid water emissions
p. installing and then operating the conveyor and storage systems, as well as internal treatment
equipment for process waters and vapour condensates, in such a way that they do not give
rise to relevant diffuse (fugitive) emissions
q. the pretreatment of the biological treatment feedstock to optimise the biological treatment.
This may include mechanical techniques like: separating substances which are rather
unsuitable for biological treatment, interfering substances and pollutants, as well as
optimising the biological degradation of remaining wastes by increasing both availability
and homogeneity
Chapter 4
r. controling the air emissions of organic compounds, particulate matter, odour, ammonia,
mercury, nitrous oxide (N
O) and dioxins. Some techniques for this are mentioned in
Section 4.6.

Achieved environmental benefits
MBT plants are very flexible. They can be built on a modular basis. Some of the above
techniques avoid odour, nitrogen and methane emissions.

Optimised biological processes combine a reduction of emissions to water and air during
treatment in the treatment plant. Furthermore, another environmental benefit is that
mechanically biologically pretreated waste is characterised by a marked reduction in volume,
water content and gas formation potential, as well as having a significant improvement in
leaching and settlement behaviour in landfills. Another benefit is that a high calorific waste
stream is separated which can be incinerated with energy recovery.

Mechanical and physical treatments used as a pretreatment to optimise the conditions for the
subsequent biological treatment (e.g. mixing, homogenising, moistening) are adjusted to
enhance the separation of valuable materials (e.g. ferrous materials), inhibiting materials or
materials for which a biological treatment is not suitable. Sometimes the separation enhances
more than one type of material mentioned above.

Related with technique c (see description section above), however, a controlled amount of
anaerobic conditions obtained in well regulated processes may be of interest in aerobic
treatment due to the production of methane, which can be used as an energy input for thermal-
regenerative exhaust gas treatment (and if in addition the quality of the waste OUT still fulfils
the requirements, the exhaust gas treatment is optimised, and security arrangements (prevention
of explosion and security for employees) are sufficient.

Cross-media effects
VOC emissions from MBTs cannot be avoided because of VOC already in the waste IN and the
VOC generated by the biological process. Thus, requirements like housing / fully enclosed
bioreactors, collection of exhaust air and effective treatment of exhaust air (limit values for the
emissions) reduce such emissions. Aerobic systems (MBT) are suitable for treating wastes
containing VOCs. In addition, anaerobic systems may result in well pretreated wastes but still
may have a high potential for emissions (ammonia and other compounds generated during
anaerobic treatment) and a high biological reactivity (under subsequent aerobic conditions).
Therefore, a combination of anaerobic (pretreatment) and aerobic treatment steps are typically

Concerning technique c from the description section above on introduction of sufficient woody
materials, generally in MBTs there is enough structural material given by the feedstock (MSW).
Input of woody materials can cause problems in meeting landfill criteria (e.g. TOC).

Related to e from description section above, when the recirculating air has high humidity, the
treatment of the exhaust air may cause problems. In such a case, it is necessary to condense
water vapour and thus the condensate water needs to be treated and cooling is necessary to
condensate the water.

Related to technique o from the description section above, the aerobic treatment has to take into
account that accumulation of recycled substances can result in undesired effects (salinisation -->
inhibitory effects, recycling of N-compounds --> higher air emissions of N-compounds (e.g.
ammonia, laughing gas).

Operational data
Aerobic biological systems are generally more robust than anaerobic systems, and are less
sensitive to chlorinated and sulphur compounds, pH and temperature fluctuations and do not
require a pre-acidification stage.
Chapter 4
Good operational practice will determine whether or not the site remains aerobic. It is in the
operators best interest to maintain aerobic conditions, to avoid odour problems and to speed up
aerobic digestion rates. Anaerobic conditions may lead to occasional problems, i.e. not a regular
event, which still need to be recorded in the site diary.

When the relative humidity of the exhaust air is high (more than 90 %), the emission of
particulates is low.

MBT is widely used for the treatment of MSW, sludges and other types of waste. Aerobic
systems may be unsuitable for treating wastes containing VOCs, which may be emitted to the
air. Aerobic systems are less effective at breaking down ring compounds (for example, phenols)
than anaerobic systems.

Driving force for implementation
The Landfill Directives acceptance criteria for biodegradable waste. These criteria aim to
decrease the biodegradable content of the waste, thereby leading to a significant reduction of
gas and leachate emissions from landfill.

Example plants
Widely used throughout Europe. Aerobic systems are used to reduce the putrescible and
moisture content of whole waste prior to landfill or for the production of waste derived fuels
enclosed. This is a common practice prior to landfill in Europe.

Reference literature
[31, Greenpeace, 2001], [54, Vrancken, et al., 2001], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd,
2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [114, Hogg, 2001], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

4.2.9 Aerobic digestion of slurries

Biological treatment of slurries.

Achieved environmental benefits
An example process is a two-step batch process used to treat creosote waste. This involves
suspending creosote waste with surfactants in a vessel for seven days at 20 % solids and then
transferring the supernatant to a polishing reactor for 14 days of additional biological treatment.
This produces the PAH reductions shown in Table 4.19 below:

Constituent Initial concentration (ppm) Final concentration (ppm)
Phenanthrene 13000 <100
Fluorene 7000 <100
Fluroanthrene 8000 <500
Pyrene 6000 <500
Benzo(a)pyrene 9000 <100
Benzo(b)fluoranthrene 13000 <500
Benzo(a)anthrarene 11000 <100
Table 4.19: Reported reduction in polycyclic aromatics
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

Cross-media effects
The agitation not only homogenises the slurry but also promotes the volatilisation of

Chapter 4
Wastes can be sludges or solids. It is applied in the treatment of wood preserving wastes,
creosote waste, petroleum refining sludges and contaminated soil.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

4.2.10 Aeration control of biological degradation

Some techniques include:

a. applying overpressure operation
this has the following advantages:
lower risk of wetting and compaction of the aeration floor
rectified flows of air and natural heat emission
low requirements for the construction of the aeration floor
however, there are also disadvantages:
mixing of heap air and hall air
intake of air saturated with water vapour into the hall
limited accessibility of the hall
high corrosion of the constructive elements and machines with increased abrasion
and maintenance costs
it is not possible to determine the process parameters of the exhaust air
biological degradation can only be controlled through indirect measurements and
separate treatment and purification of heap and hall exhaust air is not possible
b. applying suction (under pressure) operation
suction operation by contrast to overpressure operation has the following advantages:
only minor pollution of the hall air with heap air
low corrosion of the constructive elements and machines
hall is accessible during heap aeration
possible to determine the process parameters in the heap exhaust air
separate collection and treatment of heap air possible
the disadvantages of suction operation are:
higher requirements for the construction of the aeration floor
danger of wetting the distance and diffuse air layer
c. having aeration floor with slitted plates and a basement cellar to ensure an even aeration of
the complete moving/turning
d. adapting aeration to the biodegradation activity of the material by segmentation of the
biological degradation area in separately controllable aeration fields. Also by regulating the
air quantity per aeration field depending on the temperature and oxygen content, by
frequency-controlled ventilators or by alternating the cyclic operation
e. ensuring that there is an even flow through the biodegraded material in tunnel system floors,
by using embedded punched pipes and relatively high pressures
f. using heat-exchangers to lower the exhaust gas temperature and humidity, in order to ensure
a heat discharge in circulating air systems.

Achieved environmental benefits
The aims of aeration are to:

ensure a sufficient oxygen content in the heap
prevent methane formation in anaerobic areas
discharge any methane generated
lead off the released reaction heat
allow biogenic drying (in MBT plants with dry stabilisation).

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
The aims mentioned above have to be balanced against the competing aim of minimising the air
quantity and evaporation losses.

Operational data
In static biological systems, there is no turnover. Generally the rule holds that the shorter the
turnover intervals (with simultaneous watering), the greater is the danger of the heap running
dry. Watering the heap without turning often only humidifies the layers near the surface.

In encapsulated systems such as tunnel, box or container, aeration of the biologically degraded
products occurs under pressure and by circulating air operation. In the housed hall systems both
pressure and suction systems are used.

The construction investment costs of an aeration floor with slitted plates and basement cellar are
40 to 50 % higher than those of other available systems (e.g. aeration tubes or channels in the
bottom of the hall).

Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003]

4.2.11 Management of exhaust gas in MBTs

A good exhaust gas/exhaust air management system contains the following elements:

a. separate collection of exhaust air partial flows
b. minimisation of the exhaust gas through multiple use/cascade-use, circular guidance
c. minimisation of the exhaust gas through anaerobic degradation of organic substances
(fermentation with utilisation of biogas instead of aerobic digestion)
d. treatment of partial flows with a combination of biological, chemical, physical and thermal
treatment components
e. reduction of specific exhaust air emissions to between 2500 and 8000 Nm
per tonne of
waste by installing circular guidance across heat-exchangers and by discharging the excess
heat as a precondition for an effective circular guidance
f. re-use of the exhausted air as far as possible. The remaining air needs to be treated before
being disposed of to the air
g. treatment of the exhausted gas from the delivery area, such as low bunkers and underground
bunkers with or without mechanical treatment of the delivered wastes or the recycling of the
gas as the air supply (process air) for biological degradation
h. installation in closed rooms with locks or equivalent facilities of the unloading sites, feed
bunkers and receiving bunkers or other equipment for delivery, transport and storage of the
input substances. The aim of this measure is the minimisation of diffuse emissions. In locks
this is achieved by suction of the airlock area so as to keep the ambient pressure below
atmospheric pressure
i. for machines, apparatus or other equipment used for mechanical treatment or for physical
separation of the waste, e.g. by crushing, classing, sorting, mixing, homogenising,
dewatering, drying, pelletising or pressing, the management system needs to ensure that
potential diffuse emissions are minimised through encapsulation or suction (focal point
suction) of the individual aggregates
j. use of closed containers for the removal of goods emitting dust
k. used of encapsulated or housed systems for the conveyance and treatment of fermentation
residues. The exhaust air from these systems is to be collected (hall and source suction),
preferrably so it can be re-used within the process or for it to be treated
Chapter 4
l. splitting of the total volume flow that is to be treated into heavily polluted exhaust gas and
lightly polluted exhaust air. Therefore, the choice of a suitable system for the treatment of
the lightly polluted but odour prone exhaust air plays a key role in MBT plants with long
term biological degradation. However, the system is completed by further components, such
as an acid scrubber (absorption of ammonia), a dust filter and an oxidation facility for the
treatment of higher polluted streams mainly from the pre-biological degradation stage. The
type of the oxidation facility (thermal, chemical, physical) and the exhaust gas quantity
from the pre-biological degradation that has to be treated have to be adapted to the chosen
process concept and fixed in each individual case
m. monitoring exhaust gas emissions on line and using data for the adjustment of biological
n. using of absorption/desorption and combustion systems in case the concentration of the
carbon compounds is low.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces air utilisation and exhaust air emissions.

Operational data
The exhaust gas management affects both the construction and process engineering of the
facility. The following factors play key roles in any exhaust gas management strategy:

minimisation of hall volume
segmentation of the operation units
close-to-source measures for the active and passive minimisation of emissions.

Mechanical biological treatments (MBT)

Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.2.12 Abatement techniques for biological treatments

Table 4.20 shows air abatement techniques reported to be applied in biological treatment plants.
These are described in detail in Section 4.6.

Technique Section number where
it is covered
Generic prevention Section 4.6.1
Adsorption Section 4.6.7
Biofilters Section 4.6.10
Chemical scrubbing Section 4.6.12
Low-oxidative processes Section 4.6.13
Incineration Section 4.6.14
Catalytic combustion Section 4.6.16
Regenerative thermal oxidiser Section 4.6.18
Non-thermal plasma treatment Section 4.6.20
Table 4.20: Air abatement techniques used in biological treatment plants

Chapter 4
4.3 Techniques for physico-chemical treatments

This section contains techniques considered to have a good environmental operating
performance (e.g use of a good energy system) or that can help lead to a good environmental
performance (e.g. environmental management systems). Techniques in this section relate to
physico-chemical treatments described in Section 2.3.

4.3.1 Techniques used in physico-chemical treatment plants of waste
waters Planning the operation of a Ph-c plant

The following principles have to be followed:

a. all measurement and control installations have to be easily accessible and easy to maintain
b. control and testing system have to be established
c. the reception inspection need to be adapted to the information from the declaration analysis
of the proof of waste disposal and to the process order provided for each particular
d. the production of waste water should be prevented as far as possible by construction
measures, e.g. roofing of the reception area
e. in order to prevent unwanted mixing, the reaction containers should also serve as storage
f. adequate storage capacity has to be provided, since the time of demand and delivery usually
do not coincide
g. the plant concept should provide for potential modification or expansion
h. collection and transport of wastes as well as delivery (quantity, time) should be adjusted to
the operation
i. producers and distributors should be addressed for all technical details and information (e.g.
about containers, pipes, pumps, valves and filters),
j. planning and construction (especially legal matters) should be discussed early with the
responsible authorities and with technical planning offices.

Achieved environmental benefits
Emissions are reduced as the correct treatment procedure is established in the Ph-c plant.

Operational data
The design of a Ph-c plant is set in a clear way which follows the material flow. For example,
two fundamentally different cases need to be distinguished:

1. dimensioning of a plant which treats similar waste types
2. dimensioning of a plant which treats varying waste types.

In case (1), the plant can be developed by means of experiments that are specifically tailored to
the waste requirements. The necessary process steps can be tested individually or in
combination; the result is an optimal treatment solution. In case (2), different treatment
processes have to be planned that lead to optimal treatment when applied in combination. In
addition, while in case (1) continuously operated plants seem appropriate, in case (2),
discontinuous operation should be recommended because of adjustment of the technology and
operation mode to different reactive behaviour of the wastes.

Applicable to new installations.

Reference literature
[157, UBA, 2004]
Chapter 4
366 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Techniques for Ph-c reactors

Some techniques include:

a. clearly defining, the objectives and the expected reaction chemistry for each treatment
process. There needs to be a defined end-point to the process so that the reaction can be
monitored and controlled. The suitable inputs to the process need to be defined and the
design needs to take into account the likely variables expected within the waste stream
b. assessing each new set of reactions and proposed mixes of wastes and reagents prior to
treatment in a laboratory scale test mix of the wastes and reagents to be used. This needs to
lead to all reactions that will occur in the full scale treatment and so the mixing of wastes
needs to be done to a pre-determined batch recipe. This needs to take into account the
potential scale-up effects, for example, the increased heat of reaction with the increased
reaction mass relative to the reactor volume, increased residence time within the reactor and
modified reaction properties, etc.
c. specifically designing and operating the reactor vessel so that it is fit for its intended
purpose. Such designs need to include considerations of the chemical process hazards, a
hazard assessment of the chemical reactions, considerations of appropriate prevention and
protection measures, together with consideration of the planned process management, that
is, working instructions, staff training, plant maintenance, checks, audits and emergency
d. enclosing all treatment/reaction vessels and ensuring that they are vented to the air via an
appropriate scrubbing and abatement system
e. where appropriate, ensuring that the reactor vessels (or the mixing vessels where the
treatment is carried out) are charged with premixed wastes and reagents. For example some
reactor vessels may need to be pre-limed or charged first with the reacting alkali to control
the reaction, using for example calcium hydroxide solution made up prior to charging the
reactor vessel
f. avoiding decanting the sacks or drums directly to the vessel. This practice can lead to:
concentration hotspots at the surface of the reaction liquor
a loss of reaction control
the emission of fumes from the instantaneous reaction at the interface
the open hatch venting fumes and thus bypassing the appropriate abatement
g. monitoring the reaction to ensure that it is under control and proceeding towards the
anticipated result. For this purpose, the vessels used for treatment need to be equipped with
high level pH and temperature monitors. These need to be automatic and continuous and
linked to a clear display in the control room or laboratory, together with an audible alarm. A
risk assessment may require process monitors to be linked to cut-off devices. Monitoring of
the reaction is necessary because the reaction characteristics in the reactor may vary from
those found in the laboratory tests. Monitoring needs to provide an early indication of any
deviation from the laboratory tests, and also needs to enable measures to be taken to halt or
modify the reaction. There should, consequently, be a provision for the cooling and/or
quenching of reactor vessels
h. ensuring that there is adequate mixing within a treatment vessel as this may determine the
success of the reactor. The standard method for agitating the contents of a vessel is a
rotating impeller. There is a geometric ratio between the size of the impeller and the
clearance from the vessel (determined by type and size of vessel). This also depends on the
agitation speed and characteristics of the waste. A seal is required where the impeller enters
the vessel to prevent fugitive releases. A method of mixing should be provided
i. in order to track and control the process of change, keeping a written procedure for the
proposal, consideration and approval of any changes or technical developments including
all procedural or quality changes
j. ensuring that any VOCs that are emitted due to the high temperature rise in the reaction
vessels are returned to the treatment system after condensation in the scrubbers
k. monitoring the reaction throughout the course of the reaction. It may be necessary to extract
the exhaust air of the reactor
Chapter 4
l. having a system, as is the case at most sites, to exchange the air above the reaction vessels
and to pass it through some type of treatment system to remove gases such as ammonia,
hydrogen chloride, sulphur dioxide. Typically aqueous liquors from scrubbers are returned
to the treatment plant, and activated carbon systems are regenerated (e.g. by steam
stripping) or in case this is not possible, the activated carbon is incinerated.

Achieved environmental benefits
Control of the reaction/treatment process is crucial to environmental protection and to
preventing possible accidents. A yield of 96 % removal of metals can be attained.

Physico-chemical plants undertake input waste screening to enable them to store wastes in the
correct tanks and to balance the reactions.

Driving force for implementation
Some national effluent standards are available, e.g. the Surface Waters Pollution Act in the

Example plants
In general, neutralisation reaction tanks are fitted with alkaline scrubber units and most of the
acid gases are returned to the process along with some of the VOCs and almost all of particulate
matter/liquors. The capacities of the example plants vary from 200 to 40000 m

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] Neutralisation

The purpose and principle of operation of the neutralisation is shown in Section 2.3.2. Some
issues to consider include:

a. preventing the mixing of acidic/basic waste with other streams to be neutralised when the
mix contains metals and complexing agents at the same time. This prevents the formation of
metal complexes that are difficult (from an economic point of view) to separate afterwards.
Complexing ions to watch out for include, for example, EDTA, NTA and cyanides
b. making the necessary neutralisation equipment robust and easy to use can help the
equipment stand up to the vigours of use in Ph-c plants dealing with acidic/basic wastes
needing neutralisation
c. ensuring that the customary measurement methods, i.e. with the aid of glass electrodes or
similar sensors, are used in Ph-c plant operation for the neutralisation of waste matter if the
electrodes are constantly cleaned and properly calibrated. Determination of the pH value is
also possible by the measurement of prepared samples or by measurement using litmus
d. separately storing the neutralised waste water in order to avoid negatively affecting the
quality of the treated waste water due to secondary reactions occurring if they were stored
together. Final inspection of the treated waste water needs to be performed after a sufficient
storage time has elapsed.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the neutralisation process performance and avoids downstream problems (e.g.
preventing the mixing of wastes or other streams in a way that further treatment of the waste
water is no longer possible).

Chapter 4
Operational data
If sulphuric acid (H
) and milk of lime (Ca(OH)
) are combined, gypsum (CaSO
may be produced as a reaction product. The gypsum may lead to deposits and incrustation,
causing serious operational disruption and necessitating extensive maintenance and repair
measures. However, these problems can be minimised by adequate operation of the
neutralisation process (using diluted H
and pre-neutralisation with lime) and vigorous
mixing. If NaOH instead of lime is used for neutralisation, other problems may occur.
According to some experiences, high sulphate concentrations in the waste water caused by
NaOH neutralisation may attack sewers made of concrete and consequently lead to odour

Neutralisation can be applied with all mixable liquid waste.

Example plants
In a dilute aqueous system, it should be possible to conduct neutralisation processes without
either deliberately or inadvertently producing gases. In such system processes involving
potentially hazardous substances, for example, acid neutralisation can normally be performed
without creating substances that require continuous abatement, for example, SO
, etc.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002],
[150, TWG, 2004] Precipitation of metals

The objective of these techniques is to precipitate the metals contained within aqueous wastes.
Some techniques include:

a. acidifying the waste to solubilise all the metals in a first step
b. adjusting the pH to the point of minimum solubility where the metals will precipitate
c. allowing the resulting treated waste to clarify by decantation when possible (for example,
high concentrations of metals in water are very difficult to be clarified by decantation),
and/or by the addition of other dewatering equipment (e.g. filter press or centrifuge
d. avoiding the input of complexing agents, chromates and cyanides (due to the danger of
HCN formation from acidifying waste materials)
e. changing precipitation conditions, for example, if the target metal concentration of treated
waste water is not achieved using hydroxide precipitation (e.g. because of the presence of
complexing agents), sulphidic precipitation (e.g. with sodium sulphide or organic sulphides)
can be used. This aims at the formation of metal sulphides which are difficult to dissolve in
water. Hydrogen sulphide is used, and therefore operating conditions and emissions demand
particular consideration. In practice, sulphide precipitation is used in treating waste water
containing complexing agents
f. avoiding organic materials from entering the process, since they generally disrupt the
precipitation reaction
g. organising the process according to the following steps:
experimental investigation by the laboratory; determination of a treatment programme
establishing process control values, e.g. pH value, temperature, metal concentration
determination of ancillary agents according to type, quantity, concentration
determination of dosage for the ancillary agents, e.g. l/h
determination of the sequence for the addition of the ancillary agents
functional testing of the equipment
execution of the precipitation/flocculation; documentation of process control.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Substances such as chromium, zinc, nickel, lead are usually present dissolved in solution or
absorbed onto particulate or colloidal matter. It is a relatively simple and robust technology and
shows performances of up to 95 %.

Cross-media effects
Chromium (III), zinc and cadmium are amphoteric and solubility will rise at a pH above their
mimimum solubility points. The production of sludge containing metals can be seen as a cross-
media effect. The amount of filter cake can be reduced by replacing the lime by sodium
hydroxide, however, in such a case, the fluorides are not precipitated.

The use of sulphide technique e (from the description section above) typically results in a high
sulphide concentration of the waste water. Alternatively, wet oxidation or separation at source
may be applied.

Operational data
Similarly to acid/alkali neutralisation, the process involves the addition of acid or alkali (which
may be a waste) within a stirred reaction vessel. Typically lime is used as the hydroxide.

Related to technique b from the description section above, Table 3.48 (in Chapter 3) showed the
pH range values for the precipitation of various metals as hydroxides. The pH value for
minimum solubility depends on the metal, and then in the case of a mixture of metals, an
optimum value needs to be found. For such an optimum pH, it may be that some metals do not
precipitate at all. This is the reason why, in some cases, more than one pH step is used to
maximise the removal of metals.

Storage tank,
with stirrer
Lime silo
Sludge storage
Filtrate to effluent
storage, for treatment
and disposal
Filtrate return
Figure 4.3: Representation of a precipitation/neutralisation process
[55, UK EA, 2001]

The advantages of batch operations in the treatment of waste with characteristics which vary
very much from load to load are shown by the results of the operation and experience, for

for a constant pH value, the metal concentration in the waste water can still decrease
by repeated mixing of waste water and sedimentary sludge, additional co-precipitation
effects can be achieved; a prerequisite for co-precipitation is gentle sludge circulation and

Chapter 4
Since in general metal corrosive materials are used, the plant (containers, pipelines, measuring
technology) must be appropriately equipped and/or protected (use of synthetic materials,
painting, etc.).

Aqueous waste treatment processes treat a variety of compatible aqueous waste materials by
precipitating soluble metals and acidic anions out of solution while increasing the particle size
of suspended solids, thereby aiding later phase separation between solids and liquids by
clarification and filtration. Typical wastes include interceptor wastes, paint spray booth wastes
and process effluents, among others.

Driving force for implementation
In the Netherlands, this technique of concentrating metals in the sludge is applicable for waste
waters containing metals (except for picking acid and except for waste waters containing
precious metals) when the waste water contains a metal (As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, V
and Zn) concentration of more than 200 mg/l of which 25 mg/l are present in the water fraction
and / or the amount of Cd is bigger than 0.2 mg/l.

Example plants
In an example plant, galvanising/pickling acid is added to a reaction vessel, lowering the pH to
5. This allows the release of ferrous ions from the acid, to act as a reducing agent, reducing
metals from high to low oxidation states, which can then be removed (as hydroxides) from
solution by later increasing the pH to 9 by lime addition.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Break-up of emulsions

Some techniques include:

a. using waste acids and waste alkalis as materials to break up the emulsions
b. using evaporation, ultrafiltration or organic breaking up agents
c. testing for the presence of cyanides in the emulsions to be treated. If cyanides are present
the emulsions need a special pretreatment first
d. setting up simulated laboratory tests first. The operator typically sets up a treatment
programme, containing details about the type and quantity of the acids, caustic solutions
and flocculation agents to be used. Laboratory tests on samples can help determine whether
an adequate waste water quality can be achieved
e. carrying out the process with substantial precision and control of the process and organic

Achieved environmental benefits
The acid splitting of emulsions is of extraordinary importance for the disposal of waste and for
the protection of water, because waste, such as spent acids and waste alkali, can be used for the
treatment of the emulsions. During organic splitting, incomplete splitting is possible in the event
of underdosing, and a new formation of emulsions is possible with overdosing.

Techniques mentioned in the description section above are important to be considered in the
determination of the the most appropriate method for the break-up of each type of emulsion to
avoid environmental and operational problems.

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
Further treatment of the waste water may possibly be necessary subsequent to the treatment of
the emulsion, for example using an ion exchange, or activated carbon adsorption. If this is
necessary it should be specified as an operating instruction in the treatment programme.

The use of waste acids and waste alkalis (see technique a in the description section above)
typically produce a waste water with higher concentrations of salts and remaining oil. The oily
sludge is typically more difficult to be landfilled and the oil cannot be recovered.

Operational data
The actual treatment of the emulsion, also referred to as splitting the emulsion, consists of two
treatment phases:

destabilisation (separation) of the emulsion, by mixing the emulsion with acids
flocculation and precipitation of the dissolved metals present in the separated emulsion.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Oxidation/reduction

Some techniques include:

a. abating the air emissions generated during oxidation/reduction
b. having in place safety measures and gas detectors (e.g. suitable for detecting HCN, H

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the emissions that may occur from the redox reactions.

Example plants
The collection of the exhaust air is ensured by suction with a fan and exhaust air filter. Here no
measurements are made since the transported exhaust air rate is overdimensioned. The filter,
which may involve acid or base scrubbers, is regularly controlled and if necessary regenerated.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002] Techniques for the treatment of wastes containing cyanides

Cyanides can be destroyed by using different kinds of oxidising agents, such as hypochlorite,
chlorine, ozone, peroxides and peroxides with UV radiation. Other techniques can be
electrochemical oxidation or wet oxidation with air (medium to high pressure). High
temperatures also destroy cyanides in solid waste. However, incineration techniques are not
included in this document. Some issues to consider include:

a. cyanides can be destroyed in aqueous waste streams by oxidation with a basic oxidising
agent at a pH not less than 10 and a chlorine concentration of less than 1 g/l. The reaction is
very rapid
b. adding caustic soda in excess can prevent the pH from falling too low
c. the mixing of cyanide wastes with acidic compounds (e.g neutralisation, acid emulsion
break-up) needs to be avoided

Chapter 4
d. since the treatment of cyanide is by oxidation the destruction can be checked by the
measurement of redox potentials (electropotentials). The addition of sodium hypochlorite to
an effluent sump can therefore be controlled
e. the use of electrolysis to oxidise cyanide.

Achieved environmental benefits
The resulting cyanate cannot readily be reduced back to cyanide and any discharge of cyanate to
a watercourse will not lead to free cyanide being generated. There are also less health risks. The
pretreatment of waste waters containing cyanides is essential to avoid the formation of metal-
cyanide complexes. With these techniques, concentrations of less than 0.1 mg/l of cyanide can
be achieved.

Cross-media effects
Use of oxidant (e.g. hypochlorite, potassium permanganate) when required.

Using hypochlorite or chlorine increase the salt content of the waste water and can also increase
the content of AOXs. Cyanogen chloride may also be generated during the treatment with
chlorine oxidisers. When using chlorinated oxidisers, it is important that the pH of the system
remains greater than 10. If the pH is too low, then cyanogen chloride and hydrogen cyanide can
be formed. If there is excess hypochlorite present then chlorine gas can be released, and if there
is a lack of hypochlorite then residual cyanide will present.

Using H
or ozone as an oxidiser does not create any of the by-products as shown in the
following reactions:

NaCN + OCl > OCN + NaCl (hypochlorite method)
CN + H
> OCN + H
O (peroxide method)

Operational data
Discharges of aqueous effluents to watercourses is monitored continuously for cyanide content,
free chlorine and the pH level. The use of pure oxygen as an oxidiser is not as efficient as the
other oxidants mentioned.

Chemical and thermal treatment methods are most widely used for the destruction of waste
streams containing cyanide.

Driving force for implementation
The destruction of cyanides.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] Techniques for the treatment of wastes containing chromium (VI)

Some techniques include:

a. the mixing chromium (VI) wastes with other wastes needs to be avoided
b. the conversion of Cr(VI) to less hazardous Cr(III) can be achieved by the addition of a
reducing agent, for example, sodium metabisulphite, pickling acid, sodium dithionite. The
trivalent metal can then be precipitated in the normal way (see Section

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Chromium (VI) is the highest oxidation state of the metal, an example of this is chromic acid, or
chromium oxide (CrO
) which is acidic, toxic, water-soluble and used as an oxidising agent.
With these treatments concentrations less than 0.1 mg/l of chromium (VI) are achievable.

Cross-media effects
There is a need for a reducing agent.

Driving force for implementation
Treatment by straightforward neutralisation of chromium (VI) compounds is ineffective so an
initial step needs to be applied involving reduction to chromium (III), the trivalent state.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002],
[150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] Techniques when treating waste water contaminated with nitrites

Some techniques include:

a. avoiding mixing nitrites wastes with other wastes
b. checking and avoiding nitrous fumes during the oxidation and acidification of nitrites
c. checking and avoiding nitrous fumes during the reduction of nitrites.

Achieved environmental benefits
Concentrations of less than 2.0 mg/l of nitrite can be achieved by good optimisation of the
nitrites treatment process.

Cross-media effects
Use of an oxidiser agent is required in oxidation processes. Reducing agents used are urea or
amidosulphuric acid.

Example plants
There are three plants operating such systems in Austria.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Treatments of phenolic solutions by oxidation

It is possible to treat aqueous wastes containing phenol (3 5 w/w-%) by catalytic oxidation,
using an oxidising agent and a metal catalyst or by a strong oxidising reagent (e.g. KMnO

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the phenol content in aqueous wastes.

Cross-media effects
Use of oxidising agent and catalyst where necessary.

Operational data
The treatment procedure needs to take account of the exothermic nature of the reaction.
Feedstocks can be diluted before treatment. The process temperature, pH and redox potential are
continually monitored.
Chapter 4
Example plants
An example plant in UK shows uses of this process on a three tonne batch basis in a stainless
steel, double skinned vessel.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [150, TWG, 2004] Techniques for wastes containing ammonia

Some techniques include:

a. for waste with ammonia solutions up to 20 w/w-%, treating them using a dual column air
stripping system with an acidic scrubber. A dual column process has been developed, where
the initial column raises the temperature of the feedstock and maintains the pH between
10 11. The feedstock is then transferred to a second column where it is run
countercurrently across a packed column against air
b. recovering the ammonia in the scrubbers and returning it to the process prior to the
settlement stage
c. removing the ammonia removed in the gas phase by scrubbing the waste with sulphuric acid
to produce ammonium sulphate.

Achieved environmental benefits
These techniques prevent a large emission of ammonia gas during the initial neutralisation
process when the pH is changing rapidly, as the tanks are agitated and the temperature is rising.

Operational data
Solutions high in ammonia can also undergo pretreatment (e.g. air stripping) to reduce the
concentration of ammonia before reaching the treatment plant.

Such systems are applied to waste waters with a high ammonia content. There are other wastes
containing ammonia / ammonium what, e.g. landfill leachate, for which the described stripping
system is not adequate due to the transfer of other substances to the gas phase.

The solutions containing ammonia can also be used as a deNOx agent. This destination might
be less expensive than collection/treatment as a hazardous waste.

Driving force for implementation
Ammonia contributes to acid rain and manure pollution.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Filtration

Some techniques include:

a. extending any air sampling for ammonia in exhaust stacks or filter press areas to cover
b. linking the air space above some presses to the main abatement system at the plant
c. improving the draining behaviour of mud by the addition of flocculation agents, for
example lime, or synthetic flocculation agents. This conditioning of the mud take place in
containers equipped with adjustable agitators. To mix the mud with the flocculation agents,
an intensive mixture can be achieved in a short time by accelerating the agitator; the agitator
usually moves slowly during the floc formation, so as not to impair flocculation.
Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the filtration process and reduces the fugitive emissions. Filter cake with high
concentrations of metals, e.g. nickel and copper, can be used as a raw material in the
metalurgical industry.
Cross-media effects
The need to clean the filter cloths is a disadvantage; applying high pressure cleaners with water
or washing the cloths in special partly acid washing solutions have proven to be beneficial for
this purpose.

The need to maintain the presses and to remove cake/sludge means that the system is opened on
a regular basis, making it hard to avoid air emissions.

Operational data
Energy is required to run the process.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental
and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Flotation

The dissolved air flotation (DAF) system generates a supersaturated solution of waste water and
compressed air by raising the pressure of the waste water stream to that of the compressed air,
then mixing the two in a retention tank. This supersaturated mixture of air and waste water
flows to a large flotation tank where the pressure is released, thereby generating numerous small
air bubbles. Through a combination of adsorption and entrapment, the flocculated particles rise
to the surface of the reactor. The suspended solids float to the top of the liquid and form a foam
that is then skimmed off. Some soluble colloidal substances are removed from the waste water
by adding coagulation and flocculation chemicals to form precipitates with the solutes.

Achieved environmental benefits
DAF is widely used because of its effectiveness in removing a range of solids.

Cross-media effects
Emissions to the air are possible and a large amount of chemical sludge is produced (containing
, Al(OH)
, polyelectrolytes and enclosed particles), which need to be treated before

Operational data
Usually chemicals such as polymers, polyelectrolytes, aluminium salts (e.g. sulphates), or iron
salts (e.g. ferric chloride) are used to enhance the adhesion of bubbles. The process requires
energy to run.

Driving force for implementation
No need for a sedimentation vessel.

Example plants
DAF is widely used.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
376 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Ion exchange processes

Some techniques include:

a. using ion exchangers only for salt concentrations of less than 1500 mg/l. Otherwise the
treatment is not economically viable
b. using pretreatments to reduce the salt concentration, e.g. precipitation
c. removing solid materials in solutions by sand filters or activated carbon adsorption before
using ion exchange processes
d. using conductivity measurements to monitor and operate the ion exchanger plant
(cation-anion combination). It is very sensitive and not likely to be susceptible to interference.

Further test parameters may be oils, emulsified materials (combustion loss), solid materials in the
intake of the ion exchanger, the pH value, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons and
organic acids.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improvement of the ion exchange processes.

Operational data
Ion exchangers can only work in clean solutions, i.e. solutions, which primarily contain ions
but no solid constituents.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002] Membrane filtration

The requirement for resistance vis-a-vis cleaning, long life as well as low manufacturing costs
of the membranes, applies to all membrane procedures. The selection of the suitable membrane
is of central importance for the treatment of waste. Some techniques in the selection and use of a
suitable membrane include:

a. examining in the laboratory which membrane is suitable for the waste to be treated
b. submitting the permeate and concentrate resulting from ultrafiltration to subsequent
treatment. In the case of the permeate, this may be detoxification, neutralisation,
precipitation or evaporation. In the case of the concentrate, this may need to be disposed of
c. monitoring the following parameters in micro and/or ultrafiltration systems:
pH value
electrical conductivity
pressure, temperature
oil content
permeate efficiency and/or quality (e.g. clouding value, hydrocarbons)
cyanide, nitrite, chromate
solid content.

Achieved environmental benefits
Some benefits include:
no chemical additive needed (no material conversion)
no additional waste water contamination by chemicals (no salination).

Cross-media effects
Energy requirements for the process.
Chapter 4
Operational data
It is possible to automate the filtration of membrane. Also, these filtration units require little

Membrane procedures are suitable for the treatment of waste if the waste is pretreated, or if it
involves defined waste with a proven suitability for membrane filtration. The materials giving
rise to unfavourable changes in the membranes, such as adhesion or, swelling of the membrane,
must be separated. Bearing these constraints in mind, membrane filtration is:

suitable both for high and low-charged waste water
usable in emulsion separation, independently of type, concentration or stability.

Type of substance Effect on the membrane
Technique to overcome the
problem in the membrane
Solids with grain size >0.5 mm Blockage, wear of the
Suitable with a pre-purification
Solvents Swelling of the membrane,
structural change, permeability
Prevent introduction
Alkali solutions and acids with
extreme pH values
Possible destruction of the
membrane material
Adjust pH value
Organic materials (with cellulose
acetate membranes)
Membrane damage by rot By means of bactericides
Silicone (from 0.1 %) Blockage of membrane Prevent introduction into the
Free oil (from 1.0 %) Blocking of membrane
Prevent introduction into the
Use of RO and possibly NF with 1 % oil levels will not work effectively over an extended operational period
without very extensive pretreatments.
Table 4.21: Techniques to consider in membrane technology
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

In principle, membrane technology can be used for the purposes shown in Figure 4.4:

Waste water
Colourants Metal ions
Salts Oils, greases
Reverse osmosis
Micro filtration
Size (m)
1Gm 1nm
Small particles
Figure 4.4: Classification of membrane technology by the separation task
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002]
Chapter 4
Because it is typically automatised, staffing costs are low.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Sedimentation

Settlement is carried out in clarifiers that need to be specifically designed with an inlet, outlet,
settling zone and sludge blanket (or sludge zone). The addition of flocculation agents to the
sludge and waste water to be treated is recommended to accelerate the sedimentation process
and to facilitate the further separation of solids.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the sedimentation efficiency. Sedimentation of solids generally simplifies the waste
treatment procedures which follow. To this extent, in the right part of the process, sedimentation
is an advantage in the treatment of waste in Ph-c plants. However, unintentional sedimentation
processes, e.g. in reaction containers, are a disadvantage since processes can be affected and
often the build-up of sediment can only be removed at considerable expense.

Cross-media effects
Creation, typically, of a residue. The addition of flocculants implies that they will either appear
in the treated waste water or they will be present in the separated solid.

Operational data
The efficiency of the sedimentation process is affected by the waste water and suspended solids
characteristics and by variations in the flow and general operation. In practice, the following
sedimentation agents have proven to be beneficial:

milk of lime Ca(OH)
iron (III) chloride FeCl

The solids may be discrete suspended particles that are self-settling, or there may be a range of
sizes and surface characteristics, which then require the formation of flocculating suspensions to
coagulate and settle the mass, i.e. through chemical conditioning. In certain cases, it is not
necessary to use flocculation agents because solids are self-settling or because they are not

Applying this technique allows savings to be made on the discharge and transport costs, since
only the sediment needs to be managed and not the total aqueous suspension.

Example plants
Paper mills (sedimentation of the cellulose fibres that are too short) and other plants with high
content in suspended solids in the waste waters.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste
management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 379 Sieving

See Section 2.3.2. Some techniques for sieving operations include:

a. avoiding overload of the sieving equipment (either optically by monitoring the equipment
controls or automatically by blocking out the filler pump by means of the level indicator
storage containers)
b. correctly cleaning the filter apertures as required (optical, empirical). Some good cleaning
measures include applying rapid cleaning and steam or high pressure water jetting
c. ensuring that there is an unimpaired discharge of filter underflow and overflow at all times
(through use of optical, filler pump shut-off mechanisms or other control).

Achieved environmental benefits
The sieving of waste is performed as an initial treatment procedure. The separation out of
particles which may harm equipment, processes or products is beneficial for all successive
waste treatment measures.

Operational data
The advantages of sieves are in their simple, robust construction, their low maintenance needs
and the fact that they are user friendly, and offer good reliability. The disadvantages are
generally caused by the wastes themselves, e.g. clogging of the filter apertures can occur as the
result of the degree of viscosity of liquid waste, which then impedes separation.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002] Solvent extraction

Some techniques include:

a. using well operated and regulated processes
b. returning the extraction solvent for re-use in a closed loop
c. using anti-foaming agents when faults occur in the extraction due to surface-active
substances (e.g. tensides) resulting from the mixing processes
d. avoiding using solvents with comparable chemical characteristics to the component to be
extracted, in order to avoid poor separation effects, e.g. azeotropic mixtures
e. improving the separative performance during extraction by increasing the temperature
f. separating substances which may have negative effects in pretreatment procedures.

Achieved environmental benefits
Enhances the environmental performance of the solvent extraction. Some reasons for using
extraction include: its low energy consumption for the separation of substances, from low
concentrated waste water up to the ppm range; the possibility of extracting insoluble substances,
and also the high level of selectivity that can be achieved by using reactive components and
suitable extracting agents during the extraction process.

Cross-media effects
Emissions of VOCs to the air.

There is a saving of raw material and transport costs if the distillation can be performed on site.

Chapter 4
Example plants
Many systems return the extraction solvent for re-use in a closed loop.
Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Techniques when treating waste water containing precious metals

Photographic liquid waste contains several toxic and not easily degradable compounds. By
means of physico-chemical and biological treatment, including evaporation, the diffusion of
these compounds to the environment is minimised. Some techniques are:

a. for black and white photographic waste water, recovery of metals if the concentration of
silver is greater than 50 mg/l, and purification is followed by evaporation and incineration
of the concentrate in a grate furnace or cement kiln
b. for colour photographic waste water, recovery of metals if the concentration of silver is
greater than 100 mg/l and purification is followed by evaporation and incineration of the
concentrate in a grate furnace or cement kiln.

Achieved environmental benefits
In comparison with detoxification, neutralisation and dewatering for the removal of metals by
means of chemicals, there is a reduction in the consumption of chemicals and the sludge

Cross-media effects
In comparison with a detoxification, neutralisation and dewatering for the removal of metals by
means of chemicals, the consumption of energy is increased, e.g:

electricity for the electrolysis
heat for the evaporation.

Operational data
Sulphide precipitation and ultrafiltration generates sulphide sludge at approximately
5 to 10 kg/m
liquid photo processing waste water. From the sludge, silver and other metals are
recovered in pyrometallurgic processes which generate slags as a residue. The physico-chemical
and biological treatment of the desilvered photographic waste water generates sludge at
approximately 0.1 to 0.2 t/t waste water.

Silver is recovered for re-use and concentrations of silver and other metals in the waste water
are reduced. The recovery of silver is approximately 95 %. The silver content in the permeate of
membrane filtration is <1 mg/l in the case of black and white photo processing waste water and
<10 mg/l in the case of colour photo processing waste water.

The techniques for recovery of metals are not only applicable to photographic waste waters, but
also to other waste waters containing (precious) metals, e.g. the galvanic industry. Electrolysis
gives a higher yield and costs less energy as metals are more precious and concentrations are
higher. The capacity of one of the example plants for metal recovery ranges from 10 to 20 kt/yr.

The physico-chemical and biological treatment techniques for desilvered photographic liquid
waste waters are applicable for similar waste waters. Table 3.81 shows the acceptance criteria
for desilvered photographic liquid waste and similar waste waters (with the same processing
path). The capacity of one of the example plants for physico-chemical and biological treatment
is approximately 100 to 200 kt/yr.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Effluent standards based on the Surface waters Pollution Act.
Example plants
Two example plants in the Netherlands.

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] Techniques for the treatment of aqueous marine waste

The treatment of aqueous marine wastes can be distinguished between waste waters containing
oil and waste waters containing chemicals. Some techniques are:

a. applying specific pretreatment processes in the case of waste waters containing metals (see
Section above)
b. applying physico-chemical pretreatment and a biological treatment in the case of waste
waters containing oil
c. treating the exhaust gases to reduce the VOC and odour emissions
d. defining acceptance and processing standards (maximum concentrations in the waste) for
every treatment route
e. separating oils / chemicals, water and sludge
f. preparing the oil or chemical fraction for use as fuel if suitable
g. applying standards (maximum concentrations) for mixing wastes to be used as fuel
h. not mixing or diluting waste waters to meet effluent standards
i. dewatering the sludge and, if suitable, applying a thermal treatment for material re-use
j. treating the waste water.

Achieved environmental benefits
Compared to the discharge of untreated waste water or merely biological treatment, the
described techniques reduce emissions of contaminants to surface waters.

Cross-media effects
production of a sludge that has to be disposed of or undergo further treatment
consumption of chemicals
consumption of energy
emissions to the air, e.g. VOC and odour.

Operational data
The removal efficiencies of flocculation/flotation and aerobic biological treatments by a waste
water treatment installation are presented in Table 4.22:
Chapter 4
Component Removal efficiency
Removal efficiency
aerobic biological
treatment (%)
Waste water
Total efficiency (%)
Suspended particles >99 - >99
Oil >99
99 >99
COD 20 85 88
Phenols - 99 99
Total N (Kjeldahl) - 50 50
P - 50 50
BTEX 75 99 99.7
PAHs 96 95 99
CN - 75 75
EOX + VOX 30 97 98
EOX 85 85 98
Heavy metals 80 - 80
Cd 80 - 80
Hg >90 - >80
removal of oil layer
total of flocculation/flotation and biological treatments
Table 4.22: Removal efficiencies of flocculation/flotation and biological treatment of waste water

Emissions of VOC to the air are released from tanks during storage and transfer, from treatment
installations and from seal leakages. Emissions can be reduced by enclosed installations,
inspection and maintenance to avoid leakages.

Treatment of the exhaust gases by filtering, scrubbing or incineration can reduce these
emissions. A biofilter or activated carbon filter may be applied to prevent the emissions of VOC
and odour. An alternative for reducing these emissions is aeration with oxygen instead of air.
This reduces the flowrate of the air input and the exhaust gas. The disadvantages are the higher
consumption of oxygen and the higher consumption of pumping energy to compensate the
reduction of the mixing due to the fact that less air is blown in.

If exhaust gas treatment is applied, emissions vary from approximately 0.01 kg/m
waste water
in the case of incineration, with an efficiency of 99.9 %, to 0.05 kg/m
waste water in the case
of a wet scrubber.

The capacities of the example installations range from 200 to 500 kt/yr.

Driving force for implementation
Effluent standards based on the Surface Waters Pollution Act in the Netherlands.

Example plants
Three example plants in the Netherlands.

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004] Abatement techniques applied in Ph-c treatment plants

Table 4.23 shows the air abatement techniques applied in Ph-c treatment plants

Chapter 4
Installation Offgas treatment for the treatment area/

Air abatement/off-gas
treatment in storage areas
Solidification Bag filter Bag filter
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for acids
Scrubber for NH
in operation, if necessary
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for acids
Oxidising scrubber
Carbon filter for some tanks
containing oily waste
Multifunctional Ph-c
Off-gas is used during the incineration of
hazardous waste
Multifunctional Ph-c
4- to 5-step treatment system:
Water scrubber (eliminating aerosols
containing oil and dust)
Scrubber for acids
Scrubber for NH
Biofilter, closed system
Carbon filter in operation, if necessary
Ventilation for the whole plant,
treatment of the off-gas
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for NH
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for acids
Scrubber for NH
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber in operation during cyanide or nitrite
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for acids
Oxidising scrubber
Biofilter for the organic part
Biofilter together with off-gas
of biological treatment of MSW
Multifunctional Ph-c
Scrubber for acids
Scrubber for NH
Biofilter (closed system)
Off-gas funnel
Soil washing /
attrition plant
1-step scrubber n.a.
Many plants use the scrubbers only during Ph-c treatment in the reaction vessel. Other plants operate the
air abatement system continuously.
n.a no information available
Table 4.23: Off-gas treatment in large Ph-c installations in Austria
[150, TWG, 2004]

Next Figure 4.5 and Table 4.24 shows the air abatement systems of a Austrian plant and the
waste water parameters achieved after biological treatment of the waste waters.
Chapter 4
Acid scrubber
Alkaline scrubber
(Na OH)
Carbon filter
(if necessary)
Covered biofilters
Abatement system
11350 m
Storage tanks
Storage area
Truck tank
oxidation etc.
Storage of
Treatment area
Figure 4.5: Air control and abatement system of a Ph-c plant
[150, TWG, 2004]

Parameter Feed (primary effluent)
Effluent after biological treatment
(sequential batch reactor) (mg/l)
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
COD 2500 12000 600 1500
25 16000 <1 150
Nitrite 10 300 <1 <1
Nitrate 10 1000 <1 <1
Phenols 10 500 <2 <2
Oil content -- -- <0.5 --
a) Effluent after biological treatment: Often around 20 mg/l
Table 4.24: Effluent concentration of an Austrian plant before and after tertiary waste water
treatment (on-site sequential batch biological treatment)
[150, TWG, 2004]

4.3.2 Techniques for the physico-chemical treatments of solids and
sludges Pretreatment before immobilisation

Pretreatment before immobilisation basically consists of washing/leaching of salts with water,
and the physico-chemical pretreatment of metals (especially insolubilisation of the amphoteric
metals). The subsequent treatment, solidification, is not covered in this Section.

Achieved environmental benefits
This treatment produces a filter cake with a reduced toxicity and solubility and salted water. It
helps to reduce the leachibility of the waste OUT and contamination by the leaching out of
soluble compounds.

Operational data
The process is more sophisticated than the simple solidification one.

Chapter 4
Waste containing chromates, amphoteric metals such as Pb and Zn and waste with some soluble
salts content typically need pretreatment before being subjected to the immobilisation process.
This pretreatment allows the treatment of fly ashes and salts arising from the dechlorination of
fumes in household waste incineration. It can also be applied to the fly ash resulting from both
lime treatment of the fumes and from the bicarbonate of soda treatment. In the latter case
(sodium bicarbonate), it dissociates the soluble and non-soluble solid components, and reduces
the amount of disposal in landfills by recycling the soluble salts in a soda ash factory.

The investment cost is higher than for a solidification process alone.

Example plants
This is already applied in a large scale factory in France treating 1000 tonnes per year of fly ash
produced in France.

Reference literature
[136, Straetmans, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Laboratory activities

Some techniques regarding laboratory activities include:

a. having the laboratory on site
b. applying quality control (to include leachability tests and compressive strength, i.e. for
solidification processes), including screening each proposed waste to ensure any wastes
containing process inhibitors are excluded. In the case where inhibitors are present, see
technique c below. For each waste stream, laboratory scale testing should be carried out to
maximise the effectiveness of the mix and the quantity of the absorbents/binders to be
added, and to identify an optimum formula to be used in later full scale treatment should
the waste stream in question be found suitable. Any such testing should take into account
the effects of different waste streams being treated in the same batch and in addition identify
a minimum residence time within the reaction vessel. Records of which waste streams have
already been tested should be kept, showing whether they have been accepted or rejected as
suitable for treatment by the process (see Section 4.1.1)
c. addressing any inhibitors identified in the binder formulation with secondary
binders/additives. The key issue is to confirm this to be the case by conducting treatability
studies for each waste stream
d. specifying the length of time that samples need to be kept available for analysis. This needs
to include a reference to the length of time taken to achieve full stability (see Cross-media
Section below) of the end-product
e. demonstrating how batch non conformance waste will be dealt with
f. testing the leachability of inorganic compounds, using the standardised CEN leaching
procedures and applying the appropriate testing level: basic characterisation, compliance
testing or on-site verification
g. conducting acceptance procedures when waste arrives at the installation, including
leachability tests on every load prior to treatment, to confirm the levels of key indicator
substances identified at the pre-acceptance stage
h. analysing the following group of compounds that may cause landfilling problems: Cl, CN,
F, sulphates, hydrocarbons, PAH, PCB, phenols, As, Cd, Cr total, Cr(VI), Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn.

Achieved environmental benefits
An on-site laboratory forms the essential element in providing assurances that the necessary
process input controls are in place and that a consistent waste OUT is generated.

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
Cement or lime-based systems may take years to stabilise and decades/centuries or even longer
to achieve equilibrium with the local environment. Because of this, talk about full stability may
be technically unrealistic.

Related to technique f in the description section above, the physico-chemical treatments are
applied to monolithic and granular material (e.g. treatment of bottom ash).

Related to technique g in the description section above, it is sometimes questioned if it is
environmentally and economically justified to carry out a leach testing on every load prior to
treatment in the case of well characterised waste streams or if there is a minimum on load size.

Driving force for implementation
Landfill Directive 1999/31/CE and the Council decision 2003/33/EC (CEN) relate to the
parameters that should be considered to determine if a waste can be landfilled:

Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) specifies the principles of characterisation of waste before
landfilling which are: a) application of the 3-step characterisation procedure (basic
characterisation, compliance testing, on-site verification), and b) Annex II of the Landfill
Directive states that the parameters of composition, leachability, long term behaviour and
general properties of a waste to be landfilled need to be known as precisely as possible
The CEN procedures specify under which conditions and which type of tests need to be
2003/33/EC establishes criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste at landfills. This
also includes waste acceptance criteria, sampling and test methods.

Related to the application of technique h (from the description section above) in France, PAHs
and PCBs are not systematically analysed before stabilisation. Analysing is only carried out
when PAHs and PCBs are found in large quantities (which can be concluded from the origin of
the waste).

Reference literature
[51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Immobilisation

Some techniques include:

a. defining an acceptable range of characteristics of a waste that can be effectively treated by
the process. This range will be determined by the ability of the process to immobilise the
chemical/ion in question, to ensure the final product can meet a defined specification
b. using suitably designed reaction vessels for all immobilisation processes
c. performing these processes within controlled reaction vessels. Given the degree of process
control that is needed to ensure the correct ratios of waste and reagent/binder entering the
process and that sufficient mixing (and residence time) is achieved, it is essential that such
vessels achieve these objectives. Automated loading, charging and mixing devices which
can be monitored and controlled, will also be required
d. using suitable process monitoring within enclosed and abated systems
e. applying pre-acceptance procedures to assess waste
f. implementing measures to restrict dusty reagents
g. restricting wastes to those with low concentrations of VOCs or odorous components (see
Applicability and Cross-media Sections below)
h. employing controlled and enclosed methods of charging
i. mixing reagents and waste using impellers or mixing systems integral to the mixing vessel
Chapter 4
j. using screw feeders, gravity or pneumatic means for handling systems for bulk transfer of
dry wastes and reagents
k. replacing the need to decant liquid wastes from drums and containers by utilising separate
make-up tanks to premix liquids and pumpable sludges
l. delivering the feedstock by pipe into the mixing vessel
m. using extraction systems designed to take into account the removal of the large volumes of
air present due to the dimensions of the mixing areas and the need to have vehicular access
for loading and unloading. It will also be necessary to demonstrate that the design of the
extraction systems are capable of controlling all foreseeable emissions, other than in
emergency situations
n. having a central abatement system in place to handle the flow of air, as well as the peak
loadings associated with charging and unloading
o. detailing the methods of treatment and disposal of all spent scrubber liquors and absorbents,
(for example, activated carbon and trapped emissions)
p. having a regular inspection and maintenance programme in place, including:
replacing the underground or partially underground vessels without secondary
containment by aboveground structures
replacing structures without secondary containment
q. carrying out physico-chemical treatments, such as neutralisation reactions in the liquid
phase, in order to enhance mixing and process control
r. guaranteeing that solid phase neutralisation reactions have been carried out to the
completion of the reaction
s. using hydraulic binders complemented by specific chemical reagents, especially for:
mercury fixation as HgS and Hg
fixation of metals as metallic hydroxide sludge (e.g. Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd) as insoluble
compounds and by solidification
reduction of hexavalent chromium in basic conditions (e.g. by FeSO
), followed by
precipitation and solidification
fixation of organic compounds from that sludge from the chemical industry containing
sulphates and organic salts, followed by precipitation of sulphates to ensure the
structure durability, for example by adding clay to adsorb organic compounds
a high arsenic content (e.g. from the chemical or metallurgical industry, or from ore
treatment) by oxidation of As (III), followed by stabilisation and solidification
t. considering the possibility of increasing the final product quality by using additives (for
example, hydrophobic reactants, etc.)
u. not solely relying on stabilisation processes for the disposal of intractable wastes which are
difficult to treat and expensive to incinerate. These include solid cyanides, oxidising agents,
chelating agents, high TOC wastes, wastes containing low flashpoint solvents and gas
v. restricting the amount of reagents (including chemical and physical binders and
solidification reagents) that can be added to prevent dilution
w. having immobilisation specialist practised on demand using specialist binders developed in
laboratory test for a specific waste stream.

Achieved environmental benefits
Enhances the environmental performance of immobilisation techniques (e.g. reduction of
permeability, reduction of specific surface, chemical buffering). Stabilisation is a cold process
and consequently does not require energy. The waste OUT of these techniques typically has
very good physico-chemical/leaching characteristics. Because the process is a cold process,
fumes or air pollution are minor (e.g. generated by the use of fuels). Water permeability of
3.7 10
m/s can be achieved in the final product when cement is used as immobiliser.

Cross-media effects
Waste OUT/waste IN ratios range between 1.2 and 2.4 in weight and generally between 0.9 and
1.4 in volume (due to the typical increase of the density of the waste OUT compared with the
waste IN). Thus, the process leads to an increase in weight and a minor change in volume.

Chapter 4
In order to avoid VOC emissions (see technique g in the description section above), waste
containing VOCs could be treated in an enclosed mixing vessel (e.g. pugmill), treating the
emitted VOCs that are not solidified by e.g. scrubbers. Such secondary treatments may avoid
double handling (e.g. thermal desorption to deal with VOCs followed by
stabilisation/solidification to deal with metals).

Inmobilisation is not able to reduce the content of any contaminant in the waste, only change the
chemical composition by some chemical reactions. Organic wastes are typically not inmobilised
by stabilisation/solidification they are typically adsorbed by the solid matter. Whatever
stabilisation/solidification finally reaches as a process, it is considered that the waste OUT is not
stable for a long period of time and the compounds of the waste OUT may escape (e.g.

The probable increase of the pH and alkaline capacity of the mixture by this treatment can lead
to an increase of the leaching properties for the amphoteric metals (for pH above 12.5 lead,
cadmium), species sensitive to pH like arsenic and cyanides as well as some organic

Operational data
This technique is easy to use and is a relatively simple process. The energy consumption of the
treatment is low. When cement is used as a stabilisation material the ratio of waste to be treated
to the cement used is between 1:3 and 1:4, depending on the type of waste.

These techniques are most likely to be effective in the treatment of inorganic wastes where
solubility is already quite low. With this technique, a large range of waste can be treated
(liquids, solids, many chemical pollutants, ashes, etc.). Waste containing chromates, amphoteric
metals such as Pb and Zn, and waste with some soluble salts content, need pretreatment before
the immobilisation process. Some wastes not suitable for immobilisation include:

flammable and highly flammable wastes (e.g. low flashpoint solvents)
wastes containing volatile substances. Sometimes very low concentrations of VOCs may be
oxidising agents. Sometimes very low concentrations of oxidising agents may be accepted
odorous wastes. Sometimes very low odour materials may be accepted
waste containing highly soluble organic waste and a high COD content
waste containing molybdenum
waste containing soluble inorganic salts
solid cyanides. Sometimes very low concentration of cyanides may be accepted
chelating agents. Sometimes very low concentration of chelating agents es may be accepted.

Some of the wastes mentioned above may be treated by some specific reagents. For example,
cement (as shown in Table 4.26) and lime reagents are compatible with oxidising agents.

Cold processes are considered economically attractive techniques. They typically require simple
equipment and incur low investment (concrete mixers, silos, pumps, etc.) and operational costs.

Reagents/binders are used when possible to lower the treatment costs (fly ashes from power
stations, slag from steel mills, the residues of cement furnaces). Operators are not always in a
position (because of regulations, of availability in the surrounding, of interest in a specific
waste, etc.) to use wastes as reagents, although it is of course generally economically viable.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Landfill Directive 1999/31/CE. Simple physical dilution or absorption, which does not lead to
any associated physico-chemical change, is not an acceptable treatment process. For example,
the absorption of a liquid into sawdust, so that it is no longer a liquid waste, is not acceptable as
a pretreatment for landfill.

Example plants
13 plants stabilise around 400 kilotonnes of hazardous waste before landfilling, according to the
French regulation and, from 2004 2005, to the EC regulation. Mobile units are also available
to treat some waste spots on industrial sites.

In Portugal, one plant stabilise MSW incineration fly ashes before they are landfilled.

Reference literature
[51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [52, Ecodeco, 2002], [53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [136,
Straetmans, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Cement solidification

Generally wastes are mixed with portland cement and additives to control the properties of the
cement, and enough water to ensure that hydration reactions will take place to bind the cement.
Both stabilisation and solidification processes take place. The wastes are thereby incorporated
into the cement matrix. Typically, the waste IN will react with water and the cement to form, to
some extend, metal hydroxides or carbonates which are usually less soluble than the original
metal compounds in the waste matrix.

Cement-based solidification techniques rely on the use of equipment that is typically readily
available. The mixing and handling associated with the processes are well developed and the
technique is robust with respect to variations in waste IN characteristics.

The solidified product is either landfilled in surface level or underground deposits. In some
countries, it may be utilised as a backfilling material in old salt mines.

Achieved environmental benefits
The main advantage of cement solidification is the reduced contact between water and waste IN
and to some extent the formation of less soluble metal hydroxides or carbonates. Amphoteric
metals can also be treated. The solidified product is relatively easy to handle, and the risk of
dust formation is very low. The release of heavy metals from the products in the short term is
typically relatively low. The technique does, in some cases, facilitate utilisation of the waste
OUT as backfilling or construction material in the mining industry.

Recent developments in this technology have been undertaken by incorporating additives to
bind difficult contaminants before encapsulation. Difficult contaminants are considered to be
arsenic, lead, phenols (including PCP), PCBs and dioxins. There is evidence that cement can
catalyse or participate in the reductive dechlorination of TCE.

Cross-media effects
Most studies have focused on the possible short term releases of contaminants from the waste
OUT. The long term behaviour of the waste OUT is much less understood. It must be expected
that the leaching of lime over time will change the chemical properties of the waste OUT, and
also that increased leaching may occur as the pH decreases. The time required for a complete
release from stabilised waste OUT can, however, be expected to be in the range of several
hundred to a thousand years. The high pH level of cement-based systems can result in a
significant leaching of amphoteric metals (Pb and Zn).

Chapter 4
The drawbacks of this method are that leaching of soluble salts is not hampered and that this can
eventually result in physical disintegration of the solidified product, thus allowing further
leaching. In this case, the entry of air may result in some carbonation, partially rectifying the
increase in porosity and loss of strength.

The addition of cement and additives increases the amount of waste to be handled; typically
about 30 50 % of the waste IN dry weight is added as cement and additives, and 30 to 100 %
of the total dry weight is added as water. Thus, the waste OUT is typically increased from
20 - 30 kg/tonne waste input to about 40 60 kg/tonne waste, including an addition of water
corresponding to 50 % of the total dry weight.

If the heavy metals are not recovered from the residues, which is potentially possible but a
costly and energy consuming process, the contaminants will sooner or later be released. It
should be emphasised that these time perspectives mean that the dominant part of the metals in
questions will be released at a time when all leachate collection activities from the landfills will
probably have been discontinued for many years. In addition, the location of the deposit may
have been forgotten, as the area in question will most probably have by then been used for other
purposes for a long time.

Cement may contain some toxic components such as pulverised fuel ash, cement kiln dust, blast
furnace slag and bitumen.

Operational data
Energy and water consumption varies and is not quantified. The operation and control of
equipment used by the technique is considered relatively simple and comparable with standard
practices in the concrete industry.

Solidification is typically performed at dedicated plants located near the end-destination of the
final material; thus individual incinerators have no need to install solidification equipment. The
technique can be used on all types of FGT wastes. Solidification with cement has also been used
on many other types of hazardous wastes, including for the disposal of low level radioactive
waste. More information on the applicability of the cement technique can be found in Table
4.26 in the next Section

In most cases the waste IN can be delivered to existing plants. Treatment costs for cement
solidification alone is estimated to about EUR 25 per tonne waste IN.

Driving force for implementation
The technique is relatively simple to use and the necessary technical knowledge is widely
available. The leaching characteristics of the solidified product can be improved considerably
compared to the untreated waste IN. Stabilisation of FGT wastes by cement solidification has
long been, and is still considered, acceptable by authorities in many countries worldwide. The
main reason for implementing this technology in Holland has been lack of hazardous waste
landfill capacity.

Example plants
The technique is probably the most commonly used method for the treatment of FGT wastes
and is widely used in Europe and Japan. Some examples of cement solidification are listed

Chapter 4
Country Characteristics
Austria A plant for cement solidification for slag and ashes from MSW incineration is in
operation in Vienna
Germany Several salt mining companies accept several types of wastes (e.g. FGT waste,
slags, demolition material from buildings) and perform cement solidification on
these by using residues as filler material. The solidified wastes OUT are chiefly
utilised as backfilling material or for reinforcement. Cement solidification is for
some mines performed at one central plant using varying recipes according to final
destination and requests. From the central solidification plant, the product is
transported to the recipient mine
Sweden At one landfill site in Sweden (Hogdalan) cement solidified FGT waste are cast
into blocks and placed at a surface level landfill after hardening
Switzerland A variation of cement solidification is used in Switzerland (initially funded by the
Swiss government and Sulzer) where waste IN are washed with water at liquid
solid ratio of 2:1 and dewatered prior to mixing with cement. This has the benefit
of removing most of the soluble salts from the waste IN, thus improving the
longevity of the solidified product. After solidification, the waste OUT is deposited
at surface level landfills before hardening. In some plants, the mixture is cast into
moulds to produce blocks, that are then transported to surface landfills
Table 4.25: Cement solidification examples
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Reference literature
[113, COWI A/S, 2002], [124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Use of other reagents in the immobilisation process

Some techniques are:

a. encapsulation by bitumen
b. carbonisation using CO
c. immobilisation with clay minerals.

Achieved environmental benefits
Fly ash particles can be encapsulated by bitumen, and potential contact with water is thus
restricted. This improves the leaching properties of the fly ash; probably allowing less heavy
metals to be released than in the case of cement solidification.

Waste incineration residues may be stabilised by carbonation (using CO
), rather than hydration
(with or without cement addition). Carbonation has a dramatic influence on the leaching of Pb
and Zn and results in a lower pH product (around 9) but without loss of acid neutralisation

Cross-media effects
On bitumen encapsulation, no information on the possible leaching of dioxins from the
solidified ash particles has been found, but it is noted that the solidification method itself does
not reduce the original content.

Chapter 4

Organic polymer
Nonpolar organics
such as:
oil and grease
May impede
setting. Decreased
durability over a
long time period.
Volatiles may
escape upon
effectiveness under
certain conditions
May impede setting.
Decreased durability
over a long time period.
Volatiles may escape
upon mixing.
effectiveness under
certain conditions
Organics may
vaporise upon
under certain
May impede
under certain
Polar organics
such as:
organic acids
Phenol will
significantly retard
setting and will
decrease the
durability in the
short run and over a
long time period
Phenol will significantly
retard setting and will
decrease the durability in
the short and over the
long run. Alcohols may
retard setting.
Organics may
vaporise upon
No significiant
effect on setting
No significant
effect on setting.
Cement will
neutralise acids.
Types II and IV
portland cement
give better
characteristics than
Type I.
No significant effect on
setting. Compatible, will
neutralise acids.
Can be
Can be neutralised
demonstrated to be
Oxidisers such as:
nitric acid
Compatible Compatible May cause
Fire risk
May cause matrix
breakdown. Fire
Salts such as:
Increased setting
times. Decreased
Sulphates may
retard setting and
cause spalling
unless special
cement is used.
Sulphates accelerate
other reactions
Halides are easily
leached and retard
setting. Sulphates can
retard or accelerate
Sulphates and
halides may
dehydrate and
then rehydrate,
Heavy metals
such as:
Compatible. Can
increase setting
time. Demonstrated
effectiveness under
certain conditions
effectiveness on certain
species (lead, cadmium,
on certain
effectiveness with
Table 4.26: Reagent applicability for waste stabilisation
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

Chapter 4
Bitumen encapsulation has been used on fly ash only and not for the residues from dry and
semi-dry FGT systems, indicating that these may present problems.

Example plants
Solidification treatment by bitumen has been practised in the Netherlands, carbonisation of
waste incineration residues have been practised in the UK and immobilisation by clay minerals
in Austria.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], Phosphate stabilisation

Chemical stabilisation using phosphate as the stabilisation agent is used. The treatment process
is relatively simple, and consists of a mixing device (such as a pugmill) into which the wastes
IN are fed at a controlled rate. A proprietary form of soluble phosphate is then added to the
mixer. After the phosphate is thoroughly mixed with the waste IN, a conveyor at the end of the
mixer then removes the treated product. In some cases, depending on the characteristics of the
waste IN, other additives such as lime are used. Reaction kinetics are fast and the material is
considered fully treated without further curing. Sometimes phosphate addition is used together
with carbonation in order to bind some metals in the waste (e.g. Pb).

Achieved environmental benefits
The process retains salts in the waste OUT. Compared to the other similar processes relatively
small amounts of water are added along with the phosphate. The process produces no waste

Cross-media effects
There are currently no suggestions for utilisation of the treated product. A substantial leaching is
possible after landfilling as is the case with some heavy metals due to increased solubility (e.g.
Cd). The release of salt and heavy metals in the landfill is expected to be higher than is the case
with other treatments. Phosphate stabilisation may enhance phosphorus compound mobility of
deposited waste. In one case, it has been shown that the total phosphate availability has
increased from 2 mg/kg (before treatment) to 4900 mg/kg (after treatment).

Operational data
The specific amounts of water and phosphate, as well as other additives, are likely to vary
according to the properties of the waste IN, however no quantification of this has been made

The process is in all but one case implemented as an integrated unit at the incinerator, but it
could also be set up to act as a centralised plant treating residues from more than one
incinerator. The process was originally developed to treat MSW incinerator residues, however
several other waste types (e.g. contaminated soil, slags, sludges, etc.) have been tried and tested.

The treatment cost is about EUR 15 per tonne of FGT waste. In addition to this, a royalty is
charged for the use of the patented process amounting to EUR 5 10 per tonne. Investment
costs are in the order of about EUR 150000 500000 per installation depending on existing

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
The main reason for implementation of this technique is its simplicity of operation. Currently, it
finds extensive commercial use in the United States, Japan and Taiwan. The treated product is
generally accepted as suitable for landfilling in these countries.

Example plants
The process is currently used in the United States, Japan and Taiwan at about 90 MSW
incinerator facilities, treating over 2 million tonnes of bottom ash and FGT waste per year.

Reference literature
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Thermal treatments of solid waste

These techniques includes vitrification, melting and fusion of solid wastes (see Section
Its application to solid waste from waste incinerators is covered in the WI BREF.

Achieved environmental benefits
Several techniques can be used for heating the solid wastes: electrical melting systems, fuel
fired burner systems or blast melting. These differ only in the way the energy is transferred to
the solid material. Generally techniques are inspired from furnaces used in iron and steel

Depending on the melting system, metal alloys may be recovered from the reaction chamber.
Depending on the temperatures in the reaction chamber and the state of oxidation or reduction
of the gas phase, heavy metals (especially Cd and Pb) may be volatised and removed with the
off-gas. All process configurations need off-gas treatment systems to minimise emissions.

An inherent advantage of these processes is the resulting destruction of organic pollutants, i.e.
dioxins. Thermal treatment facilities in general reduce the volume to about 30 50 % of the
input volume. Melting increases the density of the products to typically 2.4 2.9 tonnes/m
Melted and vitrified products generally have very good retention properties, but Swiss studies
show that sintered products also reach about the same level of stability with regard to retention.
Vitrification typically yields the most stable and dense products.

Cross-media effects
A major drawback to these techniques is that they require substantial amounts of energy input.

Vitrification and melting result in a mobilisation of volatile elements such as Hg, Pb and Zn
during the treatment process, which in some processes is used in combination with other
parameters to produce a recyclable product low in heavy metals. Due to the release of vaporised
heavy metals from the process, thermal treatment requires the additional of a flue-gas treatment

Thermal treatment processes use substantial amounts of energy. Additionally, the processes
produce solid residues from the off-gas treatment. On the other hand, metals can be recovered
from the process and, in some cases, even the vitrified product can be recycled.

Operational data
Typically in the order of about 700 1200 kWh energy is used per tonne of treated material to
reach and maintain the elevated temperatures, althought figures of up to about 8000 kWh/tonne
have been reported. Energy consumption and operation varies with the furnace type and plant

Chapter 4
Usually, the waste IN should comply with certain requirements, for example: water content
<5 %, unburned contents <3 %, metal content <20 % by weight, and ash size <100 mm.

Thermal treatment is used for the treatment of bottom ashes, as well as for combinations of
bottom ash and FGT waste. Due to the typically high contents of salts and heavy metals in the
FGT waste, the separate treatment of FGT waste may necessitate a requirement for extensive
off-gas treatment, thus reducing the overall benefits of separately treating these materials.

The technique is typically rather expensive compared to other treatment options. Treatment
costs are reported to be in the order of EUR 100 500/tonne of input. Investment costs could be
about EUR 20 million for a plant with a capacity to deal with 1 1.5 tonne/hour.

Driving force for implementation
The main reason for implementing the technique is the good retention properties of the final
product; especially in the case of vitrifying, and the significant reduction in volume. In densely
populated areas, such as Japan, landfill capacity can be a scarce resource and landfilling can
thus be relatively costly. Organic compounds such as dioxins and furans are almost completely

Example plants
There are 30 40 melting and vitrification plants in Japan and there are also plants operating in
Europe and the US.

Country Characteristics
US A vitrification process includes initial steps such as water extraction, dewatering and drying at
500 C before the addition of glass forming additives and melting. The initial washing and
drying is carried out to remove chlorides and residual organic carbon
Japan Plants for the thermal treatment of both bottom ash and FGT waste:
In operation Planned Capacity (tonne/day)
Electric melting:
Electric arc 4 2 655
Plasma arc 4 2 183
Electric resistance 2 3 148
Reflecting surface 12 209
Rotating surface 5 84
Blast melting:
Coke bed 3 170
Residual carbon combustion 1 15
Total 31 7 1464
Table 4.27: Thermal treatment plants
[124, Iswa, 2003]

Reference literature
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Recovery of salts by solution/evaporation

When solid wastes are produced, the recovery potential can be considered. The recovery of, e.g.
salts (NaCl, CaCl
, HCl and gypsum) may be a possibility. These products could be obtained by
evaporation or recrystallisation of the salt from the flue-gas cleaning system of waste water,
either locally or at a centralised evaporation plant.

Chapter 4
When the scrubber fluid is treated separately and subjected to evaporation, recoverable products
like salts or hydrochloric acid can be obtained. The reutilisation potential of such products
strongly depends on the product quality. In salt recovery, the scrubber liquid is treated with
sodium hydroxide and calcium carbonate to produce solid gypsum, which after separation
leaves a liquid containing mainly sodium and calcium chloride. The recovered products are
subjected to quality control or even treated further for quality improvement and then traded off.

Achieved environmental benefits
The main objective of the operation is to avoid the discharge of saline waste water to the
sewerage system. This is achieved by evaporation of the scrubber liquid from the wet flue-gas
treatment system.

If solid sodium chloride needs to be separated individually from the above solution this is
achieved by evaporation of the solution to a salt content of more than 30 %, at which level pure
salt is crystallised. The above recovered salt products are most commonly reutilised in areas
with a de-icing demand in winter time.

The re-use of the recovered salts and gypsum may save natural resources.

Cross-media effects
The major drawbacks of external waste water evaporation for salts not only related to
operational and material problems but also to the high energy consumption necessary for

Operational data
The evaporation of waste water containing salt is dependent on the salt concentration, which can
vary greatly. Apart from problems of corrosion, the relatively high investment and operational
costs need to be taken into account.

For the production of gypsum only a few operational problems exist. However, the gypsum
quality is determined not only its purity with respect to the presence of other undesirable
components but also due to its colour. Normally, a production of recyclable products of about
2 - 5 kg/tonne of waste can be expected.

By producing calcium chloride, focus should be put on the extreme corrosion potential that may
arise and risk an unintended phase shift from a solid to a liquid state and vice versa.

Can be applied in municipal waste incinerators with wet flue-gas treatment systems. For MSW
incinerators with wet scrubbing of the incineration flue-gas, no discharge of the waste water is
permitted due to legislation and local demands. The cleaned waste water from the wet scrubbers
will still contain salts that are normally not desirable in the sewage pipe system because can
cause corrosion or increase the salt content of fresh water bodies. For this reason the waste
water is normally treated thermally and, where the waste water is used for cooling, by injection
to and evaporation in the raw incinerator flue-gas. Here, no recoverable products are obtained.

Evaporation of treated saline waste water can be done at both centralised and decentralised
plants. In the latter case, the MSW incinerator itself could supply the energy needed for

For gypsum production, this could be achieved primarily operational changes only, i.e.
implementation and operation of suitable dewatering devices, including cyclones, pumps, etc.

The costs for evaporation and storage of the recovered products are several times the costs for
production of the same salts from natural resources. Thus, this technique is primarily applied for
environmental reasons rather than for economic reasons.
Chapter 4
Due to the production of already large amounts of high quality gypsum from energy production
processes at power plants, gypsum produced in the above manner from MSW incinerators is
only used for applications with a lower demand of gypsum quality. If re-use is not possible, then
the gypsum has to be disposed of, thus incurring a corresponding disposal cost.

Driving force for implementation
Due to legislation, the discharge of scrubber liquid from wet flue-gas systems should be
minimised. Even though the waste water is intensively treated for removal of, e.g. heavy metals
and other harmful impurities, this hardly affects the total amount of salts. A substantial
reduction of salt emission from the individual MSW incinerator to the local surrounding area is
only accomplished by evaporation of the scrubber liquid. By separation of the solid gypsum, the
amount of FGT waste for disposal is reduced.

Example plants
Evaporative processes have been implemented with success in several countries, especially in
Germany where several incineration plants have applied this technology.

Reference literature
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Acid extraction

A number of techniques use acid extraction; some examples are given in Table 4.28:

Process Characteristics
This process combines an acid extraction of soluble heavy metals and salts by
using the (acidic) scrubber blowdown. Before using the scrubber liquid, mercury is
removed by either a filtration (when activated carbon is introduced into the
scrubber) and/or a specific ion exchanger. Both boiler ash and fly ash are treated
this way. The L/S ratio in the extraction step is about 4; pH is controlled at 3.5 by
the addition of hydrated lime. Within the residence time of about 45 minutes,
sulphate (from the SO
scrubber) is precipitated to gypsum. The solid residue is
dewatered, then countercurrently washed on a belt filter and finally landfilled,
normally as a mixture with bottom ash.
The filtrate has to be treated in order to remove heavy metals by neutralisation,
precipitation and ion exchange. The dewatered and rinsed filter cake contains about
25 % zinc and is therefore recycled in metallurgical processes
of acid
with thermal
This process combines acid extraction with thermal treatment. First, boiler and fly
ash are washed with the first stage wet scrubber solution, and dewatered. Then the
solid residues are treated in a rotary kiln for one hour at around 600 C destroying
majority of the organic compounds and volatilising Hg. The off-gas is treated in an
activated coal filter. The waste water is treated to remove heavy metals. The
scrubber solution from the second scrubber is used to wash the bottom ash and to
neutralise acidic effluent streams
This process combines fly ash and NaOH scrubber solution with water with an L/S
ratio of 5. After mixing, the pH is adjusted to about 6 8 with HCl to extract heavy
metals, and NaHS is added to bind heavy metals as sulphides. Then a coagulation
agent is added and the slurry is dewatered. The filter cake is landfilled, and the
waste water is treated in a subsequent treatment unit to remove heavy metals
Table 4.28: Acid extraction technologies
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Achieved environmental benefits
The process can remove a significant part of the total amount of heavy metals from the waste IN
(Cd: 85 %; Zn: 85 %; Pb and Cu: 33 %; Hg: 95 %); the leachability of the material is
reduced by a factor 10
. Zinc, cadmium and mercury are recycled.
Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
The dioxin content of the bottom ash increases when the treated ash is disposed of as
combined with bottom ash; however, the leaching potential of the mixture is higher because of
the higher density.

Operational data
Most of the plants that operate for 24 hours can adapt the weekly operation period (4 7 days)
according to the arising FGT waste.

The system can be used only on incinerators with a wet FGT system having a permit allowing a
discharge of treated waste water.

The process costs of treating the FGT waste are about EUR 150 250/t (including charges for
recycling the zinc filter cake).

Driving force for implementation
This technique provides a method to treat solid waste according to Swiss legislation at
competitive (compared to the export for German underground disposal) costs.

Example plants
Start-up of the first plant was in 1996. Six plants currently operate in Switzerland and one in the
Czech Republic.

Reference literature
[124, Iswa, 2003], [152, TWG, 2004] Excavation and removal of contaminated soil

Some techniques include:

a. identifying and operating ways to reduce fugitive emissions by proper management of the
b. enclosing the remediation within a dome and applying treatment to the air
c. controling the rate of excavation, the amount of contaminated soil area that is exposed, and
the duration that soil piles are left uncovered. The timing of excavation can also be
important. Scheduling excavation during times of the day or seasons of the year when wind
speeds and temperatures are low can reduce emissions. The work can also be scheduled to
avoid seasons with dry soil conditions to further minimise emissions.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the fugitive emissions generated by the excavation and removal of contaminated soil.
VOC emission control also can be achieved by controlling the operating conditions within
preset parameters.

Cross-media effects
Some releases of volatile contaminants are inevitable during excavation. Stagnant wind
conditions may lead to unacceptable ambient air concentrations at the work site.

Enclosure of the remediation within a dome is not a commonly use measure.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]
Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 399 Thermal desorption of soil

See Section Some techniques include:

a. using of a bench-scale test to determine the suitability of thermal desorption and the best
residence time and temperature to use. The effectiveness of thermal desorption is related to
the final soil temperature that is achieved, which in turn is a function of residence time and
heat transfer. The temperatures and residence times effective in bench-scale systems also
have proven to be effective in pilot scale systems
b. applying the appropriate temperature. The typical treatment temperature range for
petroleum fuels from leaking underground storage tank sites is 200 to 480 C. For the
treatment of soils containing pesticides, dioxins, and PCBs, temperatures need to exceed
450 C
c. reducing the moisture content of the soil to be treated within a specified range, this being
applied due to the cost of treating waste with a high water content. The typical acceptable
moisture range for rotary dryers and asphalt kilns is 10 30 %, while thermal screw
systems can accommodate higher water loadings of 30 80 %. To remove VOCs, the soils
should ideally contain 10 15 % moisture as the water vapour can carry out some of the
d. having in place collection and control equipment such as afterburners, thermal oxidisers,
fabric filters, activated carbon, or condensers for the treatment of gases.

Achieved environmental benefits
Flexibility, as thermal desorption can treat a wide range of organic contaminants and the
systems can be mobile. Thermal desorbers operate at lower temperatures, so significant fuel
savings may result when compared to incineration. They also produce smaller volumes of
off-gases to be treated. Typical specifications for thermal desorption systems are shown in Table
Chapter 4
Rotary dryer Asphalt plant Thermal screw Conveyor
Mobility Fixed and
Fixed Mobile Mobile
Typical site size (tonnes) 450 23000 0 9000 450 4500 450 5000
Soil throughput (tonnes/hour) 9 45 23 90 3 14 5 9
Maximum soil feed size (cm) 5 8 5 8 3 5 3 5
Heat transfer method Direct Direct Indirect Direct
Soil mixing method Shell rotation
and lifters
Shell rotation
and lifters
Auger Soil agitators
Discharge soil temperature (C) 150 300
300 650
300 600 150 250
300 250
500 850
300 800
Soil residence time (minutes) 3 7 3 7 30 70 3 10
Thermal desorber exhaust gas
temperature (C)
250 - 450
400 500
250 450 150 500 650
Gas/solids flow Co-current or
Co-current or
Not applicable Countercurrent
Atmosphere Oxidative Oxidative Inert Oxidative
Afterburner temperature (C) 750 1000 750 1000
Generally not
750 1000
Maximum thermal duty (MJ/hr
) 10500 105000 5300 105000 7400 10500 10500
Heatup time from cold condition
0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 Not reported 0.5 1.0
Cool downtime from hot condition
1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 Not reported Not reported
Total petroleum hydrocarbons
Initial concentration (mg/kg)
Final concentration (mg/kg)
Removal efficiency (%)

800 35000
<10 300
95.0 99.9

500 25000
Not reported

60 50000
ND 5500
64 99

Initial concentration (mg/kg)
Final concentration (mg/kg)
Removal efficiency (%)

Not reported
Not reported

Not reported
Not reported
Not reported


Not reported
Not reported
Carbon steel materials of construction ND: not detectable
Alloy materials of construction
Hot oil heat transfer system
Molten salt heat transfer system
Electrically heated system
Not used on all systems
Total duty of thermal desorber plus afterburner
Vendor information
Table 4.29: Comparison of features of thermal desorption and off-gas treatment systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Cross-media effects
In order to destroy contaminants, the desorption process needs a subsequent afterburning and
waste gas treatment. The reason is that desorption merely strips them from the solid or liquid
phase and transfers them to the gas phase. Therefore, devices to control air emissions are
necessary. The efficiency of the thermal desorption process will vary with the chemical and
physical properties of the specific contaminants. Metals (e.g. lead) tend to remain in the soil
after treatment, so additional soil processing or treatment may be required (e.g. stabilisation).
Thermal desorbers may operate near or above 500 C, so some pyrolysis and oxidation may
occur, in addition to the vaporisation of water and organic compounds.

Applicable to soils contaminated with volatile compounds at the operating temperature. High
molecular weight organic compounds may foul or plug baghouses or condenser systems.
Therefore, the types of petroleum products that can be treated by specific technologies may be
limited. Rotary dryers can typically treat soils that have an organic content of less than 2 %.
Thermal screw units may treat soils that contain up to 50 % organics.
Chapter 4
Typically cheaper than incineration.

Driving force for implementation
Thermal desorption differs from incineration with regard to the regulatory and permitting
requirements. Perhaps most importantly, thermal desorption enjoys more public acceptance than
other thermal treatment methods.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Vapour extraction

See Section As the vapours are removed from the solid waste, they are treated to
reduce air emissions. Direct combustion is theoretically possible if the hydrocarbon content of
the exhaust gas is high enough, but the concentration typically drops significantly during
removal. Therefore, natural gas or some other fuel would be needed to maintain combustion.
Also, for safety reasons, dilution air is typically added to maintain the VOC concentration
below the lower explosive limit. For lower levels of hydrocarbons, catalytic oxidation or carbon
adsorption may be effective.

Achieved environmental benefits
Air emissions are released from a point source and, thus, can readily be controlled. The success
of the method varies with the volatility (vapour pressure) of the contaminants present.

Cross-media effects
Significant residual contamination may remain in the solid waste after treatment.

Operational data
The equipment is simple to install and operate.

The treatment is applicable to excavated soil. However, it is not applicable for saturated soils or
for soils with low air permeabilities, but it is applicable to the treatment of soil contaminated
with PCBs.

Large volumes of excavated soil can be treated in a cost-effective manner.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [100, UNEP, 2000], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Soil washing

See Section Some techniques include:

a. recycling the blowdown water as much as possible
b. using carbon filters for the treatment of collected air emissions from the waste site or soil
washing unit
c. ensuring that the sludge and solids from waste water treatment are subjected to appropriate
treatment and disposal.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits

Installation Contaminants Concentration in
the untreated soil
Range of removal
1 Oil and grease 50 83 250 600
Pentachlorophenol 90 95 <115 2
Other organics 85 95 <1
3 Oil and grease 90 99 <5 2400
Volatile organics 98 >99 <50
Semi-volatile organics 98 >99 <250 4
Most fuel products 98 >99 <2200
Aromatics >81 >45 5
Crude oil 97 2300
Total organics 96 159 201 6
PAHs 86 90 91.4 97.5
7 Oil >99 20
Hydrocarbons 96.3 82.05
Chlorinated hydrocarbons >75 <0.01
Aromatics 99.8 <0.02
PAHs 95.4 15.48
9 Fuel oil 7666 65 2650
10 Fuel oil 7567 73 2033
11 Fuel oil 9933 72 2833
Table 4.30: Summary of the performance data for soil washing
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Table 4.30 below presents some indicative general efficiencies for soil washing treatment.

Pollutants General Efficiency
) 90 98
PAHs 90 97
BTEX 90 97
PCBs 90 97
As 60 80
Cd 60 80
Cr 80 90
Cu 75 85
Hg 85 95
Ni 85 90
Pb 90 95
Zn 85 95
General Efficiency = (1 - conc in decontaminated
sand/conc in polluted soil) * 100
Table 4.31: Efficiencies of different components for soil washing
[123, Perseo, 2003]

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [123, Perseo, 2003]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 403 Solvent extraction

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits

Compound Initial concentration
Final concentration
Removal (%)
Anthracene 28.3 0.12 99
Benzene 30.2 0.18 99
Benzo(a)pyrene 1.9 0.33 83
Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 4.1 1.04 75
Chrysene 6.3 0.69 89
Ethylbenzene 30.4 0.23 99
Naphthalene 42.2 0.66 98
Phenanthrene 28.6 1.01 96
Pyrene 7.7 1.08 86
Toluene 16.6 0.18 99
Total xylenes 13.2 0.98 93
Table 4.32: Results of the remediation of API separator sludge by solvent extraction
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Applicable for the removal of PCB from soil. The contaminated solvent must then be treated to
destroy the PCBs.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [100, UNEP, 2000] Evaporation

Evaporation is typically an important part of the Ph-c treatment facility. The evaporation
treatment facility concentrates the hazardous waste. The concentrate is typically burned. The
sewage (condensate) is stored temporarily and after analysis and control, it will be transported
to a waste water treatment plant. The exhaust air will be cleaned with a carbon filter.

Before evaporation certain pretreatments are carried out in the Ph-c treatment facility. These are
flocculation, precipitation, ultrafiltration and organic splitting. After evaporation, flocculation is
carried out to the condensate if it is contaminated with oil. The exhaust air is treated by alkali
launderer and carbon filter.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduce the amount of waste water produced. The achievable levels in the exhaust air and in the
waste water is shown in the Table 4.32 below.

Chapter 4
Compound Value Unit Charge Unit
Parameters of the exhaust air
TOC 63 mg/Nm 96 kg/yr
Parameters of the waste water produced
Temperature 30 C
pH-value 9.3
Conductivity 900 _S/cm
substances (105 C)
0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
BOD 3000 mg/l 60000 kg/yr
COD 5000 mg/l 100000 kg/yr
Hydrocarbons 2 mg/l 40 kg/yr
Phenol mg/l kg/yr
AOX 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Nitrite 0.01 mg/l 0.2 kg/yr
Cyanide 0.02 mg/l 0.4 kg/yr
Al 2 mg/l 40 kg/yr
Fe 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
As 0.01 mg/l 0.2 kg/yr
Cr total 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Cr(VI) 0.01 mg/l 0.2 kg/yr
Cu 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Hg 0.001 mg/l 0.02 kg/yr
Ni 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Pb 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Zn 0.1 mg/l 2 kg/yr
Treated waste: 20000 tonnes per year
Table 4.33: Achievable levels of evaporation process carried out to waste waters
[147, UBA, 2003]

Reference literature
[147, UBA, 2003] Purification and recycling of FGT wastes

The sodium-based FGT wastes are mainly constituted of sodium chloride (as a result of HCl
neutralisation), sodium sulphate (as a result of SO
neutralisation), sodium carbonate (result of
sodium bicarbonate excess), fly ash and adsorbent (activated carbon or lignite coke).

In flue-gas single filtration systems, fly ash is mixed with neutralisation salts and the soluble
part represents about 50 % of waste IN; in flue-gas double filtration systems, the first filter
catches most of the fly ash and sodium-based FGT wastes collected at the second filter contain
about 90 % soluble salts.

The process includes the following steps:

a. mixing the FGT waste with hydraulic binders: prepares the solidification of the unsoluble
b. dissolving in water and adding additives: the soluble part is dissolved and most heavy
metals are precipitated
c. filtering this suspension: resulting products are a self-solidifying filter cake with a very low
soluble fraction (after washing), and a raw brine containing soluble salts
d. purifying the brine (with various steps including ion exchange resins) in such a way that it
may be re-used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate (soda ash).

Chapter 4
This process has no outputs other than the solidified filter cake (to be landfilled) and the
purified brine, which replaces part of the fresh raw material used by the soda ash plant: there is
no liquid effluent at all.

Achieved environmental benefits
The technology described here realises the separation between soluble and unsoluble parts of
the FGT waste, solidifying the unsoluble part and purifying and re-using the soluble part
(constituted of inorganic salts) in some industries. Therefore:

the landfilled solid part of FGT waste has a very low soluble fraction and so its
solidification is better; so there is a lower consumption of hydraulic binders and a lower
quantity of ultimate waste
the soluble part of FGT waste is re-used in the chemical industry, replacing the use of fresh
materials (salt is one of the main raw materials for soda ash plants). This soluble part is
recycled at a rate higher than 95 %.

The treatments do not generate liquid effluents (all liquids are re-used as process water to form
the recycled brine) and no significant air emissions are reported (ambient temperature process).

Cross-media effects
Not identified.

Operational data
The process does not require high energy input: it works at ambient temperature.

It is applied to the FGT waste coming from the dry sodium bicarbonate flue-gas cleaning
process used in municipal solid waste incineration. This process is implemented in dedicated
and centralised plants located close to the soda ash plant using the produced purified brine, and
which receive FGT waste coming from various MSW incineration plants.

This process is to be compared with the solidification and landfilling of FGT waste. From this
point of view, (1) the solidification is much eased by the separation of the soluble part, and (2)
the quantity of ultimate residues is reduced, this process has been reported to be competitive in
some countries. Operational costs are low and the investment cost of the treatment plant is the
key factor. So this process must be implemented in centralised units serving numerous
incineration plants.

Driving force for implementation
This process is favoured by the following observed evolutions:

severe ruling on landfilling: when safe solidification required
resistance to new landfilling site projects as there is a trend to landfill as little as possible
trend to promote recycling.

Example plants
Two plants work industrially using this process or slight variations of it: one in Italy (Toscana),
capacity 10 kt FGT waste/yr, and one in France (Lorraine), capacity 50 kt FGT waste/yr. Both
supply purified brine as raw material to a soda ash plant.

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.3.3 Physico-chemical treatments of specific wastes Treatment of oils contaminated with PCB

The process is the dehalogenation of oils contaminated with PCBs from electrical transformers.
The process also alows the elimination of low boiling compounds and oxidation products,
which are responsible for the low dielectric properties of contaminated oil. At the end of the
process, a filtration process is carried out in order to eliminate the by-products of the reaction.

Achieved environmental benefits
The process produces an oil with dielectric characteristics that make it possible to be re-used for
the same purpose, with a content of PCB of less than 1 ppm.

Applied to oil transformers with PCB contents of between 25 2000 ppm. The process can be
applied to:

dehalogenation and recovery of bulking ex-transformers mineral oils contaminated with
cleaning and recovery of operating transformers containing mineral oils contaminated with
PCBs. This step is performed by means of recirculation of the dehalogenated mineral oil
and it permits the extraction of the residual PCB absorbed in the different components of the
transformers (e.g. paper and wood).

The concentration range mentioned in the above Applicability section, is the typical range
where this technique is found to be economically viable. Technically this is not a problem when
applied at higher concentrations but it has been found that there are other types of PCB
treatment processes more economically viable.

Driving force for implementation
It exists mobile systems that can be applied to transformers in operation without the need to
move them.

Example plants
One example is operational in Italy.

Reference literature
[52, Ecodeco, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Thermochemical conversion of waste asbestos

Thermochemical conversion technology uses a combination of chemical treatment and heat to
bring about a re-mineralisation of asbestos and other silicate materials. The re-mineralisation
process accomplishes several goals including:

conversion of asbestos minerals into non-asbestos minerals, without the need for melting
destruction of organic compounds, through pyrolysis and/or oxidation
immobilisation of metals and radionuclides.

Chapter 4
The process involves shredding and then mixing material containing asbestos with fluxing
agents and heating the fluxed mixture. The presence of the fluxing agents at elevated
temperatures (approximately 1200 C) results in the rapid re-mineralisation of asbestos fibres,
which are converted into non-asbestos minerals such as diopside, wollastonite, olivine and

The processing equipment consists of four primary systems which are feed preparation, rotary
hearth converter, off-gas treatment, and product removal.

Pyrolysis of the organic compounds takes place in the rotary hearth. The pyrolysis products are
directed via an induced draft to a thermal oxidation unit that destroys any residual organic
contamination that might be present in the off-gas. From the thermal oxidiser, the off-gases are
cooled and scrubbed of any particulates and acid components that might be present. The
presence of demineralising agents accelerates molecular diffusion in inorganic waste during
heating, which destroys inorganic compounds such as asbestos and causes a simultaneous
oxidation and molecular bonding of metals and radionuclides within the waste media. This
results in the immobilisation of metals and radionuclides. The process also results in significant
volume reduction of the waste. The amount of volume reduction is dependent upon the type of
material being treated and can range from 10 % for soils to over 90 % for materials containing
asbestos or primarily organic materials.

Achieved environmental benefits
The technology provides treatment effectiveness equivalent to that of vitrification without the
requirement for melting the waste. In particular it:

converts asbestos materials into inert material
results in a significant volume reduction of the waste. The volume of the treated product can
be significantly reduced from the original waste (up to 90 %), but may ultimately require
landfill disposal depending on the contaminants present.

The process also results in the destruction of organics, including PCBs to 99.9999 % destruction
removal efficiency. Toxic metals are stabilised in the sintered product through molecular
bonding and the technology developer believes that, based on preliminary testing, the process
will also be effective for radionuclides.

The process is also effective on other types of waste including demolition debris and
predominantly organic waste. The technology is applicable to liquid and solid wastes that are
reasonably homogeneous or that can be made so without excessive expense. The process can
treat wastes contaminated with a variety of contaminants including organic contaminants such
as VOCs; semi-volatile organic compounds; PCBs and dioxins; inorganic contaminants such as
asbestos and cyanide; metals including arsenic, lead, chromium, barium, zinc, selenium,
cadmium; radionuclides that can be vitrified such as transuranic elements, caesium, thorium and
uranium; and mixtures of these contaminants.

Wastes for which there are limited data or for which it is believed that the technology is not
economically viable or technically compatible include mercury, gaseous radionuclides such as
C, explosives and some chemical agents (although here it is believed that the technology may
be applicable, but there are no data to support such a claim).

The technology provides treatment effectiveness equivalent to that of vitrification without the
requirement for melting the waste. This makes the technology less expensive and more versatile
than vitrification for certain wastes. The capital cost for the 37 tonnes per day unit is
approximately USD 3 million. Using the assumptions presented at the end of this section, a
37 tonne/day system can treat material containing asbestos for approximately USD 175 225
per tonne.
Chapter 4
The three largest most significant contributors to the overall cost are fuel, equipment, and
labour. Fuel makes up approximately 36 % of the total cost, equipment makes up 30 %, and
labour about 22 %. Other items such as reagents, maintenance, water, electricity, personal
protection equipment and filters make up the remaining 12 % of the overall cost.

The cost estimates presented in this section are based on the following assumptions:

system description: 37 tonne/day system, direct fired with heat recovery, with dry lime
capital cost: based on a 7 year capital recovery period at a real discount rate of 3.0 % (2002)
operating conditions: 24 h/day operation, 80 % operating efficiency, 9 person crew
cost includes fuel (kerosene), electricity, process chemicals, personal protection equipment,
regular maintenance, and HEPA filters
overheads and profits are also included
disposal of treated materials is not included
transportation to the treatment facility is not included.

Driving force for implementation
Waste asbestos is typically disposed of in landfills. However, some of the asbestos can be
contaminated with radionuclides, PCBs, metals. For this reason, those materials may require
pretreatment prior to landfill disposal.

Example plants
A new plant is currently proposed in Ireland.

Reference literature
[94, USA DoE, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Treatment of waste containing mercury

Some techniques are:

a. pretreat the waste containing mercury as follows:
shredding/crushing of batteries and button cells
sorting/breaking/separating of thermometers and contactors
centrifuging the sludge containing mercury in order to remove most of the metallic
mercury. The residual sludge has a low content of mercury and is treated in the vacuum
distillation process
shredding/sieving the gas discharge lamps, removing the iron and separating it in
fractions. The fluorescent powder containing mercury is treated in the vacuum
end-cut/air-push treatment of the gas discharge lamps through heating and cooling the
ends break. Afterwards, the fluorescent powder containing mercury is blown out (air-
push). A selection unit can be added to this pretreatment technique. This detects the
powders in order to selectively blow them out. Re-use of the powders is possible
b. carry out the following sequence of treatments:
separate and concentrate the mercury by evaporation and condensation
treat the off gases with dust filters and activated carbon filters
return the dust and the contaminated carbon from the gas treatment into the process

Chapter 4
c. treat the distillate (water and organic fractions) by:
incineration in a waste incinerator
conducting the gases from the distillation through an after-burner (at approximately
850 C) and a condenser. The off-gases are cleaned by flue-gas treatment (e.g. scrubber,
dust filter and activated carbon filter). The separated dust and the contaminated carbon
are returned to the distillation vessel. This alternative raises the recovery rate
purifying the water fraction (after separation) and returning the deposit to the distillation
vessel. This alternative raises the recovery rate.

Achieved environmental benefits
The mercury is recycled as a secondary raw material. The destination of the residue from the
vacuum vessel depends on the waste treated. It can be used as a secondary raw material (e.g. for
batteries) or landfilled (e.g. in the case of sludge containing mercury).

In a thermal soil remediation plant, with a throughput of 2 t/h of soil containing mercury and
with mercury raw gas concentrations of up to 20 mg/Nm
, a maximum removal rate of 99.9 %
has been reported. It has also been reported that the mercury content of the soil (1 - 300 mg/kg)
decreased to less than 5 mg/kg following thermal treatment. Another treatment reported a
resulting percentage of the mercury emitted to the air as being 0.0015 %. The emissions range
from 0.04 to 0.2 mg/Nm
In the vacuum distillation of the sludge containing mercury (1 4 % mercury), 99.6 % of the
mercury is recovered. About 0.1 % of the mercury is left in the residue and about 0.15 % comes
along with the distillate, which is to be incinerated. The latter percentage ends up in the
off-gases. By means of the activated carbon filter, 99.9 % of this mercury is separated. The
maximum concentration of mercury in the residue is 50 mg/kg DM.

Cross-media effects
consumption of energy for the distillation process and possible pretreatment
consumption of activated carbon and water in the gas treatment
emissions to air.

Operational data
The consumption of electricity for the heating of the vacuum vessel and for the vacuum pump
amounts to 3.5 GJ/t waste. The consumption of cooling water is approximately 13 t/t waste
containing mercury. For the treatment of the sludge containing 2 % mercury, the activated
carbon needed amounts to 24 kg/t sludge.

Because of the hazardous nature of the vapours containing mercury, safety measures are
required. These include exhaust systems; test measuring; locks; safety procedures for filling,
emptying and (dis)connecting the vacuum vessels; and decontamination facilities. To minimise
the risk of explosion, other safety measures, such as an air tight operation of the system;
automatic pressure control; and smoke and spark free areas are applied.

Vacuum distillation is applicable to sludge containing mercury from the oil and gas production
industry, batteries, catalysts, activated carbon filters, thermometers, waste from the dental
sector, fluorescent tubes, blasting grit and soil. Different waste streams are separately treated in
the vacuum distillation. The capacities of the example installations range from 300 to 600 t/yr of
waste containing mercury.

Driving force for implementation
landfilling is banned for several wastes containing mercury. In comparison with direct
landfilling or incineration of the waste containing mercury, the amount of waste is less and
contains no mercury and diffusion into the environment is prevented
the preference order for waste management in accordance with the Waste Framework
Directive and the Sixth Environmental Action Programme of the European Union.
Chapter 4
Example plants
A thermal soil remediation plant in Sweden, two example plants in the Netherlands for the
vacuum distillation treatment. Example plants where pretreatment is applied: one in the
Netherlands (shredding of gas discharge lamps) and one in Belgium (end-cut/air-push

Reference literature
[81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.4 Techniques to consider for treatments applied mainly to
recover the materials from waste

This section contains techniques considered to have a good environmental operating
performance (e.g use of a good energy system) or that can help lead to a good environmental
performance (e.g. environmental management systems). They relate to treatments to recover
mainly materials from waste.

4.4.1 Waste oil
This section covers the techniques to be considered in the determination of BAT for the
re-refining of waste oil. Generic techniques to increase the yield of re-refining

The yield of a re-refining plant varies between 55 to 75 %, depending on the process and to a
minor degree on the composition of waste oil. Some techniques to increase efficiency include:

a. sending the residue from the vacuum distillation column to a selectopropane unit, where
80 % of the brightstock can be recovered, reducing the residue content at the same time
b. sending the bottom residue from the vacuum distillation column to a thermal cracking unit
to produce gasoil
c. selecting the appropriate vacuum in the vacuum distillation units (e.g. a three-stage group
with steam ejectors at 17 mm Hg). Vacuum can be generated by dry vacuum pumps or high
efficient multistage steam injectors.
d. using a scrubbing unit to reduce VOC emissions and to recuperate raw material
e. using sieves to remove matter such as polymer fibre
f. having in place an intermediate tank between the dehydrotreatment and the distillations, in
order to separate the materials that can provoke fouling of the following plant section (i.e.
the furnace and distillation column) and also utilising a sufficient residence time for the
additive reaction with the used oil to occur. The precipitate from this reaction is extracted
from the bottom of the tank and pumped to storage, where the dehydrated oil content can be
separated to allow its re-use.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the efficiency of the waste oil re-refining treatments. Related with technique b in the
description section above, the use of dry vacuum pumps does not generate contaminated water.

Cross-media effects
Increases the use of energy or other utilities. The use of steam injectors as the vacuum system
generates contaminated water.

Operational data
The operation of dry pumps may be affected by (solid) impurities.

Driving force for implementation
In the EU there already exists a legally binding precept to promote the re-refining of waste oil
into base oil.

Chapter 4
Example plants
Emissions to the air are partially controlled on some sites and uncontrolled on others.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [14, Ministry for the Environment, 2000], [36,
Viscolube, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG,
2004] Selection of waste oils to be re-refined

Waste oils suitable to be recycled are:

(black) engine oils, which have homogeneous characteristics and are sought by re-refining
black industrial oils are potentially suitable for regeneration but due to the content of
additives and other substances are not typically preferred by re-refining plants
light industrial oils, which are relatively clean. They can either be re-refined on-site or can
be re-used for other purposes. Their market is very specific and independent from the
classical supply routes of recycling.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improvement of the feedstock quality can enhance the environmental performance of an
installation as well as the quality of the product. Segregated used lubricants can have a higher
recovery value as fuel and as a new material for re-refining. If chlorinated compounds (e.g.
solvents or PCBs) are prevented to enter in the re-refining process, then operational and
environmental problems can be avoided.

One report states that 60 to 65 % of waste oils are eligible for regeneration, although other
experts suggest a figure of around 50 % of waste oils. The waste oils most suitable for
regeneration are those that are not too heavily polluted, and that have a high viscosity index and
an absence of esters and biolubricants. (Black) engine oils represent more than 70 % of the
waste oil stream. Black industrial oils represent about 5 % of all waste oil, with light industrial
oils representing about 25 %. Experts consider the following waste oils to be re-recyclable:

engine oils without chlorine (EWL code: 130205)
hydraulic oils without chlorine (EWL code: 130110)
non-chlorinated mineral diathermic oils (EWL code: 130306)
engine oils with chlorine (EWL code: 130204) although only under certain conditions (i.e.
limitation of chlorine or PCB content)
hydraulic oils with PCB (EWL code: 130101) although only under certain conditions (i.e.
limitation of chlorine or PCB content)
hydraulic oils with chlorine (EWL code: 130109) although only under certain conditions
(i.e. limitation of chlorine or PCB content).

Driving force for implementation
Economic reasons to produce a good product.

Reference literature
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153,
TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 413 Distillation/clay process

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits
This process potentially has a high adverse environmental impact, due to the large quantity of
the oily clay to be disposed of. High temperature activated clay allows a lower clay/oil ratio,
thus increasing the overall yield and reducing the quantity of oily clay to be disposed of.
Compared to the acid/clay process, there is less oily clay to be disposed of.

Cross-media effects
Poor product quality and low yield.

Operational data
The lubricating oil yield expected with this process is in the region of 50 % on a dry basis.

Example plants
No plants have been identified.

Reference literature
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002] Distillation and chemical treatment or solvent extraction

This consists of a series of vacuum cyclone evaporators followed by a chemical treatment of the
lubricating oil cuts obtained.

Achieved environmental benefits
The lubricating oil yield expected with this process is in the range of 65 70 % on a dry basis.
Adequate process selection can lead to the removal of virtually all PAHs, for instance by
utilising solvent extraction. Some processes of this type do not generate residues because they
transform the residues into products (e.g. production of a fertiliser by re-utilisation of the
reaction waters).

Medium sized refining plants (~25 kt/yr).

Financially attractive. The investment cost of a 108 kt/yr installation is USD 29 million (1994).
Assumptions: applies vacuum distillation plus clay or chemical treatment, storage: 15 days
and working capital: 15 days.

Example plants
A plant designed using this process is in operation in Spain.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [86, TWG, 2003]

Chapter 4
414 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Solvent extraction process and distillation

See Section The Interline propane extraction process, improved by Sener, comprises
three stages and no finishing step is required:

a. chemical pretreatment, with reagents and catalysts
b. liquid propane extraction of the lubricant bases, separating water and asphalt
c. atmospheric and vacuum distillation, to separate the light fractions and the base oils for

Achieved environmental benefits
The process does not produce solid waste. The chemical treatment of the resulting oil fraction
with a mixture of chemicals converts the organically bound chlorine into NaCl. After further
distillation, all end-products have a reduced chlorine content (less than 10 ppm). The chemical
reactor removes contaminants and virtually all chlorine down to less than 5 ppm.

Operational data
The lubricating oil yield declared for this process is 79 % on a dry basis. Another source shows that
the yields that are foreseen by the technology providers are 72 74 % of base oils and 21 22 %
asphalts on a dry basis.

There is a possibility of re-refining in areas with low productions of waste oil, because the plant
is well adapted to relatively small capacities (25 30 kt/yr).

Reduced capital and operating costs. Technology providers claim that this technique reduces
investment and operational costs, when compared with other re-refining technologies. The economy
of the process is well balanced for relatively low capacity plants (25 30 kt/yr).

Example plants
A plant in Spain, working since 2000, shows that air emissions can be reduced by directing the
vent streams and gas phase of the the distillation units to a thermal oxidiser where pollutants are
oxidated at 850 C for a residence time of two seconds.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [11, Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Thin film evaporator and different finishing processes

The vacuum distillation (thin film evaporator - TFE) is a common component in many re-
refining plants. A technique to consider is to apply mechanical seals on rotating shafts in wiped
thin film evaporators.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
TFE technology together with Yields (%)
(related to the input for each activity)
Clay treatment Total yield: 54 73 %
Dewatering: 88 92 %; TFE distillation 80 81 %;
Vacuum distillation 76 %, clay treatment 95 %
Hydrotreatment High product quality
The lubricating oil yield declared by the licensors is in the region
of 72 % on a dry basis
Two existing plants reported yields of up to 94 98 %
Other sources give the following yields: 88 % dehydradistillation;
84 % TFE distillation; 86 % hydrofinishing giving a total yield of
64 %
Solvent extraction Total yield ranges from 50 67 %
88 92 % dehydration distillation; 80 91 % vacuum
distillation; 83 91 % finishing extration
Solvent extraction and
Total yield 91 % dehydration distillation
81 % vacuum distillation; 97 % finishing extraction
Table 4.34: Achieved environmental benefits of TFE technology
[13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [139, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Cross-media effects
TFE installations without further treatment produce a dark coloured oil, which is suitable for a
diesel extender but not as a base oil suitable for blending into lubricants. Experience reported so
far suggests odour problems may occur.

The size of these installations ranges from 25 160 kt/yr.

The investment necessary for a vacuum distillation and hydrotreatment installation of
108 kt/yr capacity is USD 43 million (1994). Some other more recent data showed that the
cost of TFE clay installation with a capacity of 100 kt/yr is EUR 221/t oil; the cost of a TFE
hydro installation with a capacity of 50 kt/yr is EUR 333/t oil; and the cost of an TFE
solvent installation with a capacity of 50 kt/yr is EUR 308/t oil.

Example plants
A plant in Newcastle (Australia) and two in Germany (85 and 160 kt/yr respectively) use this
technology. At least six different commercial processes are available.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [150, TWG, 2004] Thermal de-asphalting process

For more information on thermal de-asphalting (TDA) see Section

Achieved environmental benefits
The lubricating oil yield claimed by the licensor on a dehydrated waste oil basis is 74 % with
clay finishing (97 % dewatering defuelling, 80 % de-asphalting, 95 % finishing) and 77 % with
hydrotreatment (97 % dewatering defuelling, 80 % de-asphalting, 96 % finishing) on a dry

Chapter 4
This process is applied in large installations of 100 180 kt/yr and in installations of
40 - 100 kt/yr for hydrotreatment.

The cost of a TDA clay installation with a capacity of 100 kt/yr is EUR 280/t oil and for a TDA
hydro installation of EUR 304/t oil.

Example plants
One plant in Italy and two more outside the EU.

Reference literature
[13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Recycling in a lubricating oil refinery

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits
The lubricating oil yield expected with this process is in the range of 65 70 % on a dry basis.
This technology improves the quality of the re-refined oil, when compared with existing re-
refining plants using pre-flash, de-asphalting and clay finishing. Moreover, the oil quality is
claimed to be even higher in some respects compared to the conventional mineral oil produced
on the same production run.

With regard to the location of the plant, the pre-existence of some infrastructure and other
equipment will of course reduce the capital cost. It is difficult to quantify any saving because of
the maintenance and upgrading costs which would be necessary in any case.

Capital cost (1995): USD 45 million. Assumptions: treatment of 108 kt/year, storage of 15 days
and working capital of 15 days.

Example plants
This route has recently been commercialised in Germany.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999] Hydrotreatment

See Section A technique to consider is to scrub (see Section 4.6.10) or incinerate (see
Section 4.6.14) the acid off-gases from hydrotreatments.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Hydrotreatment is a very efficient finishing process because, it:

reduces or removes the remaining metals and metalloids of the waste oil
reduces the Conradson carbon (measurement of the tendency of a hydrocarbon to form
reduces the organic acids and compounds containing chloride, sulphur and nitrogen
restores the colour, UV and thermal properties
reduces PAHs when operating under high pressure and at high temperatures
allows a viscosity index equal to or better than the original feed.

Cross-media effects
Hydrogen needs to be generated or purchased. It seams that hydrotreatment does not alter the
synthetic oil content already present in the waste oil.

Operational data
Hydrotreatment typically increases the safety risks (due to the need for the handling of hydrogen
being under pressure and at an elevated temperature). Pressure: 100 barg partial pressure;
Temperature: 340 C; Catalyst: NiMo.

The capital cost of the hydrotreatment plant is very high. Table 4.35 gives some examples

Plant Cost
Modern re-refining with hydrotreatment without collection EUR 4 47/tonne
Average collection cost within Europe EUR 110/tonne
Modern re-refining with hydrotreatment when collection cost is
EUR -106 to-63/tonne
Severe hydrofinishing standalone plant EUR 10 million
Severe hydrofinishing standalone plant if Claus unit fitted, H
production, sour water stripper and amine units are also necessary
EUR 20 million
Hydrotreatment for a 108 kt/yr installation USD 65 million (1994)
value at plant gate (1994) assuming an IRR of 15 % after tax and working capital of 15 days. A new report from
Europia (2003) reports values of EUR 300 333/tonne
solvent extraction and hydrotreatment, storage: 15 days and working capital: 15 days
Table 4.35: Economics of hydrotreatment plants
[5, Concawe, 1996], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Driving force for implementation
To increase the quality of the products.

Example plants
Hydrotreatment is the only re-refining process endorsed by the American Petroleum Institute (API).
Two hydrofinishing plants exist in Italy (one severe hydrofinishing and another mild

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [13, Marshall, et al., 1999], [36, Viscolube,
2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Direct contact hydrogenation process

See the description of direct contact hydrogenation (DCH) in Section

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Some benefits of the technique include the following:

the process is very efficient at separating contaminants from waste oil
halogenated and oxygenated compounds are destroyed
generate cleaner products (e.g. lower sulphur (<0.03 w/w-%) fuels)
the entire waste oil is treated in a reducing environment that exhibits the formation of
polymeric and carbonaceous by-products
the treatment is further catalytically treated to convert the toxic sulphide compounds present
to non-toxic sulphates
hydrogen rich gas is recycled
the acid gases generated in the conversion reactor are neutralised with caustic solution.

Cross-media effects
Hydrogen needs to be generated or purchased. Solid materials requiring disposal will include
the spent catalyst, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. It produces a low COD, sulphide free
and organochloride-free aqueous effluent and a stable heavy residue which is claimed to be
suitable for asphalt blending.

Economically attractive high quality products and a higher yield per tonne of input.

Driving force for implementation
Increase the base oil quality produced by:

better quality and characteristics than those of virgin oils
group II base oil with low sulphur and phosphorus, low aromatic content
increase viscosity index and oxidation stability.

Example plants
The direct contact hydrogenation process has been used industrially since the first plant was
completed in Germany in November 2003.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [139, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Solvent extraction

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits
Does not result in polluted clay as a waste product.

Cross-media effects
Only 98 % of the solvent is regenerated after extraction of the base oil.

Fully applicable in the sector.

Cheaper than the hydrofininishing option.

Example plants
At least one plant is operational in Germany

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[86, TWG, 2003] Caustic soda and bleaching earth treatment

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits
A high lubricating oil yield is obtained as a result. The base oil produced is of high quality
(group II) with greater yields of base oils than other available technologies. Neutralisation is
carried out with acid and clay treatment. Only 25 % of clay and acid is used compared to the
usual clay / acid amount.

Operational data
Use of caustic soda.

Applied to waste oils.

It is reported to be economically attractive because there are high quality products and a higher
yield per tonne of input.

Driving force for implementation
This technique increases the base oil quality:

same quality and characteristics as virgin oils
group I base oil with low sulphur and phosphorus, low aromatic content
high viscosity index and oxidation stability.

Example plants
An installation has been operating in Germany since 2000.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [150, TWG, 2004] Treatment in a refinery

There are two possible mixing options in a refinery:

Mixing with the feedstock (typically crude oil)
The pretreated oil is mixed with the crude oil and the blend passes the desalter before it is fed to
the crude oil distillation unit of an existing refinery. In this option, the waste oil passes through all
the refinery processes, and the main part of the waste oil ends up in the bottom product of the
vacuum column. This vacuum residue contains most of the metals and sulphur components from
the waste oil. Its final use depends on the refinery.

Blending into the vacuum residue
Pretreated waste oil is used as a supplementary component to be mixed with the bottom product of
the vacuum column. In this option, the waste oil hardly enters some of the refinery units of the
plant. The blend contains all the metals, chlorides and sulphur components originating from the
waste oil.

Chapter 4
Tests have shown that most of the metals from the used oil go to the asphalt bottoms. The vacuum
gasoil quality is not altered apart from only slightly elevated chlorine contents and might be
considered suitable for use in the catalytic cracking operation. However, tests have also indicated
that additional pretreatment of the pre-flashed used oil will be necessary to reduce polyorganic
chlorides which are not removed by the pre-flash operation. Otherwise, these chlorides would
distil with the light ends of the vacuum column, causing corrosion of the overheads of that column
and to any downstream hydrotreatment.

Achieved environmental benefits
Along with its use to provide a secondary feedstock to the fuels unit, it reduces the crude oil
requirements to the complex. It typically reduces the utility consumption of the lubricant plant
because the regeneration of waste oils requires less utilities than virgin basestock production,
mainly due to the minor content of wax (therefore less dewaxing is required). The reduction of
emissions of sulphur oxides are minor.

Cross-media effects
The (potential) presence of organic chlorides can produce a weak acid during hydrotreating,
resulting in severe corrosion problems and potential incidents. The normal refining process
sequence does not remove all the metals from waste oil, with the result that the metals left can
poison the catalytic cracker catalyst.

Moreover, refineries may blend the waste oil, without further processing, with heavy oil and use it
as a secondary feedstock for the fuel unit. Burning this fuel may yield higher SO
and metal
emissions. In some countries, these heavy fuel burners are not equipped with an off-gas treatment
system, because the permits of these industries adapt a bubble principle (see the Refinery BREF).

Operational data
This technique can be integrated in the refinery works. Mixing waste oil with a crude oil
alternative is not applied because of the severe technical problems the waste oil may cause in the
plant, e.g. catalyst fouling and severe corrosion.

Recycling of waste oil within a mineral oil refinery is generally not applied because of the
severe technical problems the waste oil may cause in the plant. Some examples are the presence
of metals in the waste oil, which can poison the catalytic cracker catalyst bed, and the presence
of organic chlorides in the waste oil, which can cause corrosion problems as they are converted
to weak hydrochloric acid in the hydrotreating stages.

This technique creates a distortion in the product slate of the mineral oil refinery. For example,
to meet the needs of their heavy lubricant customers, the mineral oil refinery will have to
produce that fraction also required (by increasing the crude consumption to the fuels unit).

The technical feasibility of the technique is not guaranteed because it may cause severe technical
and operational problems.

The approximate value of used oil without collection EUR 27/t (the value at the plant gate
(1994) assuming an IRR of 15 % after tax and a working capital of 15 days) and of
-83 including the collection cost (at an average collection cost of USD 110/t within Europe).
With regard to the location of the plant, the pre-existence of some infrastructure and other
equipment can reduce the capital cost. It is difficult to quantify the saving for this because of the
maintenance and upgrading costs which may be necessary to utilise this resource.

The investment cost is USD 11 million (1994) with the following assumptions: 120 kt/year,
storage: 15 days and working capital: 15 days.

Chapter 4
Economic advantages are linked to the process synergies as well as to the reduction in the crude
oil and energy consumption. According to [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], integration of a
thermal cracking unit would be economically more preferable for refineries than integration of a
re-refining unit.

Driving force for implementation
The potentially severe operating problems make this method of treatment unattractive for
refinery operators.

Example plants
The process does not yet have any industrial application. The method has been the subject of a
pilot study in France and a study in Canada.

Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [11,
Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Water management in waste oils re-refining installations

Some techniques include:

a. ensuring that any effluent water (e.g. water distilled from the used oil, process water
including the caustic scrubber blowdown) are treated before discharge
b. using a waste water treatment unit (e.g demulsifier and flocculant, flocculation and
biological treatment, ultrafiltration and microfiltration). More information can be found in
Section 4.7
c. re-using the cleaned waste water as cooling water by applying a suitable WWTP and by
generating water products that may be re-used outside the installation
d. feeding the effluent water to the heater along with the oils in order to incinerate the harmful

Achieved environmental benefits
Three examples on the achieved values treatments are shown in Figure 4.6, Figure 4.7, Figure
4.8 and Table 4.36 and Table 4.37.

Figure 4.6: Achievable levels in a waste water treatment used in a re-refining process
[36, Viscolube, 2002]
Note: Figures in boxes are all given in ppm. The upper figures correspond to COD and the lower
figures correspond to phenol content
Chapter 4
Oil separation
HP Steam
Waterphase of
emulsion breaking
Top condensate
surface water
Figure 4.7: Waste water treatment used in a re-refining process (TFE/clay treatment)
[139, UBA, 2003]
Note: Values in the figure correspond to TOC contents in ppm

Figure 4.8: Waste water treatment used in a waste oil treatment plant
[150, TWG, 2004]

The parameters in the Table 4.35 below can be achieved with a waste water treatment plant the
same as above.

Chapter 4
branch biology

downpipe in-house
COD 200 500
TOC 1800 3500 1300 2200 60 150
Nitrite- N 1 20 <0.1 1.0
Total nitrogen 80 280 10 60
Total phosphorous 1 15 2.0 5.0
AOX 0.1 0.4 <0.10 0.25
Hydrocarbons 50 300 <1.0 10 <0.1 2.0
Benzene and
0.01 - 0.03 <0.01
Phenol index 1 50 <0.2
Pb <0.05 0.06 <0.05 <0.05
Cd <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Cr <0.02 1.0 <0.02 <0.02
Fe 1 10 1 20 1 10
Cu <0.02 0.2 <0.02 0.1 <0.02 0.1
Ni <0.02 0.5 <0.02 0.3 <0.02 0.1
Zn <0.1 1.0 <0.1 0.1 <0.1
Table 4.36: Composition of different inputs and outputs from different streams of the WWTP in a
waste oil refinery
[150, TWG, 2004]

Waste water parameter Value (ppm)
Hydrocarbons <0.01 5
COD 20 400*
Phenols 0.15 0.45
* Values of 400 can be achieved without dilution of
the treated waste water with other water streams
Table 4.37: Achievable levels in the effluent after biological WWTP in waste oil treatment units
[42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]
Cross-media effects
WWTPs typically generate ammonia and VOC emissions to the air.

Operational data
Biological treatment is an option to consider, however it has not been found to be reliable. Daily
monitoring of the sewer discharge includes the monitoring of ammonia levels, but not total
nitrogen. There is no monitoring of phosphorus levels.

Example plants
The biological section of a UK oil recovery plant consisted of four aeration units which were
used tanks to treat the aqueous layer from oil treatment as well as landfill leachates. There are
some re-refining processes that do not generate waste water for external treatment. These
systems make a total utilisation of the water contained in used oil (e.g. utilisation of treated
water as refrigeration fluid or in the production of a fertilising compound).

Reference literature
[36, Viscolube, 2002], [42, UK, 1995], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [139, UBA,
2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
424 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Waste management in waste oils treatment installations

Some techniques include:

a. burning the non-lubricant recovered oils in a heater equipped with a gas scrubber to raise
energy for the plant
b. treating and disposing of all used filters
c. applying a thermal treatment for all residues
d. using the residues from the vacuum distillations and evaporators as asphalt products.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the amount of residues generated by the treatment.

Driving force for implementation
To reduce waste generation.

Example plants
Typically used in waste oil regeneration facilities.

Reference literature
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.4.2 Waste solvents Selection of waste solvents to be recycled

Waste solvents composed by monostreams are typically regenerated. A waste solvent can be
considered regenerative if, e.g.:

it is a monostream (one batch from one waste generator)
it yields a minimum of 60 % distillate
it has a certain minimum amount per load
the costs of distillation are the same as or lower than for incineration.

Achieved environmental benefits
Avoid environmental problems in the installation. By means of distillation, waste solvents are
separated into a reusable solvent and a non-reusable distillation bottom.

Non-chlorinated solvents, CFCs and halons.

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 425 Improvement of regeneration treatment of waste solvents

Some techniques include:

a. applying azeotropic distillation
b. applying vacuum distillation
c. using thin-film evaporators
d. heating the feed stream with the distillate by means of a heat-exchanger and insulation
e. applying a cascade re-use of solvent (i.e. where the solvent is used once for high quality
cleaning and then used again for other cleaning or for operations that do not require a pure
f. using vapour balancing systems and directing the waste gas to abatement techniques (e.g.
activated carbon filtration, enclosed systems and using vapour balance lines during loading).
The removal efficiency of an activated carbon filter is at least 90 %.
g. using distillation for the separation of organic solvents from solids
h. using rectification for the removal of contaminating substances and achieving a certain
quality of the wastes OUT
i. dewatering by means of a decanter if the solvents contain water.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the separation of waste solvents and the efficient use of solvents. The energy
consumption of distillation can be reduced (e.g. techniques b-d in the description section

Emission values of 50 mg C/Nm in the waste gas after the treatment mentioned in technique f
in the description section above are achievable.

Cross-media effects
The application of cascade re-use of solvents could develop using solvents in open devices and
for instance, to clean machines or coating devices. In such cases a defined composition of the
solvent mixture needs to be known and the solvents should not contain volatile organic
compounds which are asignated as risk materials for human health.

Distillation of waste solvents produce emissions of hydrocarbons to the air and waste water that
need to be treated.

Operational data
The use of vapour balancing systems during solvent charge is typically used to reduce fugitive
VOC-emissions (e.g. Germany). The waste gas is usually treated by adsorption on activated

The distillation technique is applicable to all regenerative solvents and refrigerants. The
capacities of the example installations range from approximately 2 60 kt/yr.
Azeotropic distillation is commonly used to enhance solvent recovery. An azeotrope or
azeotropic mixture is a mixture of liquids that behave as a single substance when boiled (i.e.
both the vapour and the liquid have the same composition). Azeotropic distillation consists of
adding a substance (typically steam) to form an azeotropic mixture with the solvent to be
recycled. The azeotropic mixture will have a lower boiling point than the original mixture and
recovery of the solvent will thus be facilitated.

Vacuum distillation is designed to handle solvents with higher boiling points (above 200 C).

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Some organic solvents are especially dangerous compounds for human health. Some restrictions
(e.g. closed installations) are mentioned in Directive 1999/13/EC.

Preference order for waste management in accordance with the Waste Framework Directive and
the Sixth Environmental Action Programme of the European Community.

Example plants
Re-refining of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) used in electronic manufacturing.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [130, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Waste water treatment in waste solvent facility

See Section 4.7. Some techniques that have been used in waste solvent facilites are waste water
stripping plants, bio-reactors, waste water staple tanks, waste water intermediate storage tanks
and ultrafiltration facilities.

Achieved environmental benefits
The characteristics of the effluent after treatment is shown in the Table 4.38:

Compounds Average value Units
Colour -
Odour -
pH 8.7
Electric conductivity 989 _S/cm
P total 0.46 mg/l
N total 32.9 mg/l
COD 18 mg/l
<3 mg/l
Sb <0.01 mg/l
Pb <0.010 mg/l
Cd <0.002 mg/l
Cr total <0.002 mg/l
Co 0.006 mg/l
Ni <0.002 mg/l
Zn 0.02 mg/l
Lightly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons 4 _g/l
AOX 320 _g/l
Note: Data from 2002
Table 4.38: Characteristics of the effluent of a WWTP in a waste solvent regeneration facility
[130, UBA, 2003]

Cross-media effects
See Section 4.7.
Operational data
See Section 4.7.

See Section 4.7.

See Section 4.7.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
See Section 4.7.

Example plants
Waste solvent treatment plants typically have waste water treatment facilities.

Reference literature
[130, UBA, 2003] Evaporation of distillation residues

Vacuum dryer and other drying techniques are in use for distillation bottoms.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increase the percentage of solvent recovered. Valorisation of 99 % of the container solvents.
This can reduce the total solvent concentration by approximately a factor of ten. Also resins and
pigments may be valorised. At the same time they may reduce odour and VOC emissions that
may be generated by the bottoms.

Cross-media effects
The solid residue that is generated should be treated. VOC are emitted to the air and they are
treated before being emitted.

Operational data
Energy (heat and power) is necessary to run such systems. There are systems for the treatment
of up to 4000 tonnes of distillation residues per year. From that, it is posible to obtain between
1500 to 2000 tonnes of solvents per year. The specific kneading energy is up to 0.1 kWh/kg.
The separation of heating and cooling zones facilitate efficient product temperature control.

It does not need so much surface and it is easily applicable to existing installations. It is
applicable to distillation residues of painting solvents, polymers, elastomers, pharmaceutical
products and food products. VOCs arise from a wide range of waste types. Obvious examples
are waste oil and solvents. For example, a distillation bottom sludge may have a significant
concentration of solvent, which, if the material was in liquid form, may render it suitable for

Investment cost of EUR 1.2 million. Operating costs vary between EUR 100 to 150 per tonne of
residue treated.

Driving force for implementation
To improve the recovery of solvents and waste minimisation

Example plants
At least six installations use this system around the world. At least four are in the EU. Drying
techniques are in use in the UK for the distillation of bottom sludges.

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [66, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
428 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Full automatisation of residue incineration

In a solvent distillation plant the discharge of the distillation sludge is optimised. For working
and environmental protection reasons the process of discharge is now fully automatised.
Because of the high heating value the transfer of the sludge to the in-house incineration plant is
fully automatised.

Achieved environmental benefits
Treatment of the residues from waste solvent treatment.

This technique of quasi-dry discharge does not necessarily have to be the adequate solution
when process is optimised as a whole.

Example plants
A solvent distillation plant located in Mnster (Germany).

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004]

4.4.3 Waste catalysts Generic techniques used in the treatment of waste catalyst

Some techniques include:

a. applying heat recovery in the form of energy production or recuperation. For this aim,
recuperative burners, heat-exchangers and boilers can be used to recover heat. Steam or
electricity can be generated for use on or off site, e.g. to preheat process or fuel gases
b. using oxygen or oxygen enriched air or oxygen in the burners
c. preheating the combustion air used in burners
d. preheating the material charged to the furnace
e. automatically controlling the point of extraction using dampers and fan controls so that the
systems are deployed when and where they are needed, for example, during charging or
during roll out of a converter.

Achieved environmental benefits
Heat and energy recovery, which is an important factor in this industry due to the high
proportion of costs that energy represents.

The use of oxygen enriched air or oxygen in the burners reduces the overall energy consumption
by allowing the complete combustion of carbonaceous material. At the same time, waste gas
volumes are significantly reduced allowing smaller fans, etc. to be used.

The advantage of preheating the combustion air used in burners is well documented. If an air
preheat of 400 C is used, there is an increase in flame temperature of 200 C, while if the
preheat is 500 C the flame temperature increases by 300 C. This increase in flame temperature
results in a higher efficiency and a reduction in overall energy consumption. The alternative to
preheating combustion air is to preheat the material charged to the furnace. Theory shows that
8 % energy savings can be obtained for every 100 C preheat and in practice it is claimed that
preheating to 400 C leads to a 25 % energy saving, while a preheat of 500 C leads to a 30 %
energy saving.

Chapter 4
The technique used to recover heat varies from site to site, depending on a number of factors
such as the potential uses for heat and energy on or near the site, the scale of operation and the
potential for gases or their constituents to foul or coat heat-exchangers

Many techniques aimed at energy recovery are relatively easy to retrofit but occasionally there
may be some problems with deposition of metal compounds in heat-exchangers. A good design
is based on a sound knowledge of the compounds released and their behaviour at various
temperatures. Heat-exchanger cleaning mechanisms are also used to maintain their thermal

Reference literature
[125, Ruiz, 2002] To improve control of the process

Some techniques include:

a. adjusting the temperature levels and residence time of the catalyst in the unit, in order to
achieve desired levels of carbon and sulphur
b. applying cooling prior to a bag filter installation
c. using sealed furnaces, which can allow a very high capture efficiency of the fumes
d. using ducts and fans to convey the collected gases to abatement or treatment processes.
Variable speed fans are used to provide extraction rates that are suitable for changing
conditions such as the gas volume, with a minimum energy consumption
e. having a good temperature control during the regeneration process
f. designing the residence time in the pretreater to be very short (in the order of a few
minutes), to minimise attrition normally associated with fluidised bed processes
g. applying sizing (i.e. length graded) technology after regeneration. The length grading
technology removes short catalyst particles (typically those with lengths 1 2 times the
diameter) that cannot be removed with conventional screening. In an example, length
grading was set up to accept only a relatively small cut, to increase the average length by
0.1 0.2 mm without discarding too much material.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the control of the process and the efficiencies of abatement techniques. The
effectiveness of collection depends on the efficiency of the hoods, the integrity of the ducts and
on the use of a good pressure/flow control system.

Operational data
Applying cooling prior to a bag filter installation is an important technique as it provides
temperature protection for the filter and allows a wider choice of fabric. It is sometimes possible
to recover heat at this stage. The temperature of the gases after this heat-exchanger can be
between 200 and 450 C. The second heat-exchanger reduces the gas temperature to 130 C
before the bag filter. The heat-exchangers are normally followed by a cyclone, which removes
larger particles and acts as a spark arrester.
Driving force for implementation
Product requirements.

Reference literature
[125, Ruiz, 2002]

Chapter 4
430 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Abatement techniques used in the waste catalyst regeneration sector

Abatement technique Location where it is applied Section in this document where the
abatement technique is analysed
Fabric filter Exit of the furnaces 4.6.5
Wet scrubbers Exit of the furnaces 4.6.11
Table 4.39: Abatement techniques applied to waste catalyst regeneration plants
[125, Ruiz, 2002]

4.4.4 Activated carbon Choice of furnace used to regenerate the waste activated carbon

The options are multiple hearth hurnaces, direct fired rotary kilns and indirect heated kilns
(where there is no contact between the kiln content with flue-gases generated from a burner).

Achieved environmental benefits
The multiple hearth furnace has significant advantages over other types of furnace from the
standpoint of regeneration efficiency because the temperature of each hearth may be
independently controlled. The direction of the exit gases may be either co-current or
countercurrent to the flow of carbon. In some designs, the afterburner may be incorporated
within the furnace at the zero hearth level. The multiple hearth furnace shows better mass
transfer and temperature control characteristics than the rotary kiln and has a carbon residence
time of typically one to two hours. Carbon losses may be up to 10 % by weight.

Direct fired rotary kilns may be operated with the carbon flowing either co-currently or
countercurrently to the flow of combustion air. In the countercurrent mode of operation, the exit
gases leaving the kiln are at a higher temperature than in the co-current mode, which allows the
potential for designing the afterburner to less stringent criteria while still destroying gaseous

Indirectly heated kilns offer the advantages of eliminating the need for the mixing of burner
flue-gases with process gases. The lower volume of gas requiring heating saves on energy and
the size of abatement equipment. Burner flue-gases that have indirectly heated the kiln are then
directed to the base of the stack where they may be combined with the kiln off-gases to reduce
the visibility of the emitted plume. This method may offer the advantage of affording higher
partial pressures of steam in the kiln, which is likely to reduce formation of oxides of nitrogen.
Also the formation of halides is likely to be promoted rather than elemental halogens, with the
halides being more easily removed in downstream scrubber systems.

Operational data
Owing to the absence of exposed metal surfaces, rotary kilns are normally able to operate at
higher temperatures than multiple hearth furnaces. Carbon losses on rotary kilns may be in the
range 5 15 % by weight. Careful attention needs to be paid to the seals between the rotating
kiln and the end plates to prevent any leakage of gases and particulate matter. Fugitive
emissions from this area are normally controlled by operating the kiln at a slightly negative
Indirect furnaces are normally contructed with a metal tube and are not likely to be suitable for
industrial applications due to corrosion problems that may appear during treatment of some
industrial carbons.

The applications of the indirect fired kiln are generally for the treatment of industrial carbons
where more onerous temperature criteria apply to the afterburner.

Chapter 4
Example plants
The indirect fired kiln concept is becoming more widespread. Infrared furnaces are relatively
new in application and are predominantly found in the United States. Their mode of firing is by
infrared elements and indirect heating of the carbon. As a result, they avoid the production of a
combustible gas, production which can result in lower volumes of air requiring treatment in the
abatement chain. They are, however, limited to maximum capacities of around 1000 t/yr.

The only known indirect fired rotary kiln example in Europe was in the UK and this is believed
to be no longer functional.

An activated carbon regeneration plant located on a drinking water site using a multiple hearth
furnace: the plant consists of silos for containing spent and reactivated carbon, separate spent
and reactivate transfer water system to transport carbon from silos and to and from the furnace.
The unit also has a direct transfer system to the water works for treating the carbon from that
particular site. Spent and reactivated carbon is transported from other sites using bulk road

Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004] Flue-gas treatment

Some techniques include:

a. using an afterburner for the gases exiting the furnace or kiln. The afterburner needs to be in
operation at all times when carbon is present in the kiln
b. designing the regenerator and associated ducting and equipment to operate under a reduced
pressure, in order to prevent the escape of regenerator gases into the air
c. applying heat recovery. Typically this involves gas/gas heat-exchangers to allow the preheat
of combustion air and flue-gas reheating. There may also br a waste heat boiler used for the
generation of steam, which is also used in the reactivation of the carbon
d. cooling the flue-gases with a quench section or venturi scrubber
e. using an aqueous or caustic scrubber. Spray absorption techniques may also be used. It will
be necessary to provide a pH control on the scrubber liquor
f. routing the flue-gases to the stack via an induced draft fan with partial reheating of the
g. using either wet or dry electrostatic precipitators, venturi scrubbers or fabric filters. Inertial
separators, e.g. cyclones when used alone, are unlikely to meet low emission values.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the emissions of the flue-gas generated. A spray dryer followed by fabric or ceramic
filters has the additional advantage of allowing further neutralisation reactions to occur between
the trapped solid residues and the exhaust gas stream. This can lead to a reduction in alkali
requirements for a spray dryer of 10 15 % against a wet scrubber.

Table 4.40 shows the achieveable levels for key substances in the context of the processes

Chapter 4
Achievable levels
Total particulate matter 20
Hydrogen chloride 30
Sulphur dioxide (as SO
) 50
Oxides of nitrogen (as NO
) 350
Carbon monoxide (measured after last injection of air) 50
VOC (as C) (excluding particulate matter) 20
Dioxins and furans (International Toxicity Equivalent ITEQ) 1 ng/m
Notes: The above concentrations are for non continuous monitoring.
Table 4.40: Air emissions benchmark release to air
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996]

Cross-media effects
Technique f in the Description section, requires reheating of the flue-gas.

Operational data
The regenerator includes an afterburner chamber, which is equipped and operated in such a way
so that the flue-gas resulting from the regeneration of the carbon is raised, after the last injection
of air, in a controlled and homogeneous fashion and taking account of the most unfavourable
conditions, to a temperature of at least 850 C as measured at the inner wall of the combustion
chamber. This needs to be held for at least two seconds in the presence of at least 6 vol-%
oxygen dry gas, as measured at the exit of the afterburner. For carbon which has been used in
industrial applications where halogenated or other thermally resistant substances are likely to be
present (e.g. containing more than a certain small percentage), the temperature is typically
raised to at least 1100 C. The residence time, minimum temperature and the oxygen content of
the exhaust gases needs to be verified. However, in some circumstances not specified by the
TWG, it may be possible to achieve an equivalent effect with less stringent conditions (some
generic information on this issue can be found in the WI BREF).

Flue-gases from either multiple hearth furnaces or rotary kilns generally follow a similar path of
treatment. In the case of co-currently fired rotary kilns, it may be possible to achieve these same
conditions without an afterburner.

The flue-gas treatment depends on the application to which the carbon has been put and the
nature of the fuel used to fire the kiln and afterburner. The equipment described above may
typically be used for carbons that have been used for potable water treatment and for food grade
applications. For carbon used in industrial applications, more extensive abatement measures
may be required.

Waste gas treatment facilities may vary depending on the application for which the carbon has
been used. More stringent requirements may be needed for carbon that has been used for
industrial applications. In these cases, further chemical scrubbing may be needed to attain the
desired achievable release levels. It may also be necessary for the post-regeneration stage to be
maintained at temperatures of at least 1100 C for a two second residence time in the presence
of at least 6 vol-% oxygen and dry gas, to ensure complete oxidation of certain refractory

Driving force for implementation
In certain local circumstances and because of visual issues (e.g. visible plume suppression),
sometimes technique c and f in the description section above are required by certain authorities.

Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,
2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

Chapter 4
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 433 Waste water treatment plants

These processes need a system for the treatment of the liquid effluent generated in the flue-gas
treatment plant. Some techniques include:

a. applying two-stage hydroxide precipitation at different pH values
b. utilising sulphide precipitation to remove metals
c. utilising flocculation, settlement, filtration or centrifuges to separate the suspended
materials. A preliminary chemical or physical pretreatment stage may also be necessary to
condition the suspended solids and improve the separation
d. adjusting the pH to promote the precipitation of specific chemicals and to achieve an
acceptable effluent
e. using natural zeolites, ion exchange resins, activated carbon and reverse osmosis techniques
to remove noxious impurities (e.g. pesticides). Concentration by evaporation is also a
f. applying a biological treatment to remove BOD, phenols, cyanides and ammonia.

Achieved environmental benefits
Table 4.41 indicates the achievable release levels for key substances in the context of the
processes concerned.

Substance Achievable
Suspended solids 50
Cadmium 5
Mercury 1 10 g/l
Other heavy metals <0.5 mg/l
Dioxins and furans, PAHs
and other organics

Simazine 1
Atrazine 1
The levels quoted represent a flow weighted monthly average concentration
By sedimentation or settlement. Lower releases may be achieved by filtration, if necessary, depending
on the receiving water and the level of contamination with other pollutants
By precipitation and filtration which can be expected to achieve 70 % reduction. Subsequent
treatment in the biological treatment plant of a sewage treatment works will reduce this to below
the limit of detection
For waste water carbons, trace quantities of pesticides may be leached from granulated activated
carbon (GAC) into waste water prior to discharge to sewer. Many GAC regeneration plants install
small GAC filters on the outlet to the sewer as a precaution
Table 4.41: Achievable water emission values
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [150, TWG, 2004]

Applied to the effluent from quenching or scrubbing flue-gas treatment.

Example plants
Many examples exist in the sector.

Reference literature
[29, UK Environment Agency, 1996], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
434 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Pollution control techniques applicable to activated carbon regeneration

Pollution control techniques for
the abatement of particles and
acid gases
Applicability to activated carbon regeneration
Primary measures for particulate
Furnace temperature
Turning rate of the rotary furnace
Fuel type
Secondary measures for particulate
and acid gases control
Mechanical collectors
Wet scrubbers
Dry scrubber
Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)
Fabric filters
Primary measures for NO
control Reduce furnace and combustion temperatures
Reduce excess air and thus lower the concentration of atomic
oxygen in higher temperature zones
Reduce residence time in all higher temperature areas
Control the furnace heat release rate, and eliminate high
temperature peaks
Flue-gas recirculation (FGR)
Air staging
Fuel staging
Furnace insulation
Low entrance of secondary (cold) air
Reduced air/fuel ratio
Secondary measures for NO
control Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR)
The DESONOX process
The SNOX process
The EDTA-Chelate process
The SO
Table 4.42: Applicability of techniques in the activated carbon regeneration for the treatment of
[41, UK, 1991], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.4.5 Resin regeneration Techniques for the regeneration of resins

Some techniques include:

a. applying a pH balancing system
b. applying hot water regeneration.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the rate of resins regeneration. The alternative use of heat (i.e. hot water) to regenerate
resins, potentially provides reductions in effluent volume and requires lower energy
requirements, particularly where heat recovery is employed on the regenerated fluid.

Hot water regeneration is only possible for thermally stable resins.

The principal technique employed to control releases to water is a pH balancing system. Such a
system can cost in the region of GBP 30000 to 40000. This compares with a total plant cost in
the order of GBP 250000, excluding civil works. Hot water regeneration lowers the operating
Chapter 4
Reference literature
[41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995] Pollution control techniques applicable to activated carbon and for resin

The same type of techniques can be used as are used for activated carbon regeneration. Thus
refer to Section

Chapter 4
4.5 Techniques to consider for the preparation of waste to be
used as fuel

This section contains techniques considered to have a good environmental operating
performance (e.g use of a good energy system) or that can help lead to a good environmental
performance (e.g. environmental management systems). Techniques in this section contain
those relevant to preparation of waste to be used as fuel.

4.5.1 To improve the knowledge of the waste fuel prepared

This technique is related to the one described in Section on Waste composition
characterisation and related to Quality Management System (QMS). Mixing and blending (see
Section 4.1.5) also plays an important role on this issue. The quality assurance of the
preparation of waste to be used as fuel is driven by the need to meet the specification set by the
receiving facility. Some techniques include:

a. delivering a report to the customer covering the main physical and chemical properties of
the waste fuel, in particular:

origin and EWL number
net calorific value
ash content
water content
volatile matter content
biomass content
chemical composition (especially C, H, O, N, S, P, Cl, F, Al, K, Na, heavy metals).

b. limiting the amount of relevant parameters for any waste that is to be used as fuel in any co-
incineration plant (e.g. chromium (VI), total chromium, lead, cadmium, mercury, thalium,
PCB, sulphur and the total halogen content for the use in cement kilns).

Achieved environmental benefits
Passes on knowledge to the user of the fuel about the possible emissions and any operational
problems that may be generated by the use of the material as fuel. The waste fuel user needs to
provide sufficient specifications of the waste fuel to be used to reduce the possible impact on
the emissions, quality of residues generated by waste fuel user, corrosion behaviour and the
quality of products.

Operational data
Laboratory work is required (analyses).

The actual blend of waste solvents in particular is set by a good knowledge of the constituents,
to meet calorific values and limits on contaminants, for example, chlorine and heavy metals.

Driving force for implementation
CEN/TC 343 solid recovered fuels and WG 2 Specifications and classes. The use of waste
fuels and the displacement of pollutants to residues or products increasingly becomes an
important issue. Therefore the use of some waste fuels has to be restricted, depending on the
subsequent treatment. New discussion or regulations limiting chromium (VI) in cement to no
more than 2 ppm because of health and safety reasons may restrict the use of some wastes
containing chromium. Some guidances is also available (e.g. North Rhine Westphalia in

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[14, Ministry for the Environment, 2000], [55, UK EA, 2001], [74, ENDS, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

4.5.2 Prepare different types of waste fuel

The preparation of different types of waste fuel needs to consider the technical characteristics of
the combustion process to using it (e.g cement plant, lime plant, power plant (hard coal, lignite),
specialised waste fuel combustion). These combustion processes have different technical

The extent of the waste treatment operation depends on the waste fuel application. Some
examples are:

a. type of waste used to prepare the waste fuel
b. techniques used for waste fuel storage
c. kind of furnace feeding (bulk material, blow feeding)
d. fuel mix used in the combustion process
e. type of combustion process, grate firing with diameter <150 mm or pyrolysis with diameter
<150 mm with a high tolerance of metals and heavy particles
f. type of feeding of the waste fuel: blow feeding of a blast furnace with d <20 mm (cement
kiln, lignite power plant) only for parts with a velocity of less than 2 or 3 m/s
g. tolerance to some components: e.g. a chlorine content of <0.3 % also depends on the fuel
mix (cement) in contrast to e.g. <5 % in some waste fuels.

The types of solid waste fuel that can be prepared from non-hazardous waste typically fall into
one of the following categories:

from MSW (mainly household waste)
from mixed commercial bulky household waste and other waste
from dry monostreams or homogeneous selected waste streams
from filter cakes, sludges and other wet wastes.

The treatment has used an influence on the physico-chemical characteristics of the waste fuel
prepared. For example comminution can be carried out up to the required grain size of the solid
waste fuel. Another example is that the cleaning may separate the trash content and foreign
impurities by mechanical processing and comminution. That means that it is possible to have a
fuel yield from 100 to x % of fuel quality because of increasing the water and ash contents.

Achieved environmental benefits
Provide the user with the required physico-chemical properties of the waste fuel.

Operational data
The technology used to prepare a certain waste fuel depends on the characteristics of the input
material and the requirements of the users and this is not covered in this Section. For example,
the extent of mechanical and biological processing depends on the origin of the waste. One type
of waste from different origins may have different compositions/qualities. For example
paper/cardboard 03 03 08, paper production 15 01 01, packaging material 19 12 01, mechanical
processing 19 12 12, mechanical processing (including mixtures) 20 01 01, and municipal waste
all have different compositions. Another example can be nappies, a) as a residue from
production b) as a high calorific fraction from municipal solid waste (approx. 15 20 % of
weight nappies).

The influence of waste collection (and in case of consumption waste, the national or regional
habits) on the characteristics of the waste streams needs to be considered.
Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Some guidances are also available (e.g. North Rhine Westphalia in Germany).

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

4.5.3 Techniques for preparation of solid waste fuel

This section contains techniques applied to the preparation of solid waste fuel from hazardous
and non-hazardous waste. The applicability sections for these techniques give more guidance as
to where the techniques are applied. However, techniques in Sections to are
relevant for any type of waste. Techniques in Sections to are mainly applicable
to non-hazardous waste. Only one technique specifically for hazardous waste has been included
and is in Section Selection of techniques used for the preparation of solid waste fuel

Some techniques include:

a. classifying solid waste (e.g. household waste) and crushing the bulky fraction waste before
the sorting operation
b. applying a magnetic separator
c. carrying out the mixing and sieving operations in closed areas
d. using nitrogen mixing devices to make the atmosphere inert when there is risk of explosion.

Achieved environmental benefits
Classifying and crushing operations are essential to achieve satisfactory sorting results and to
facilitate the subsequent thermal treatment. Other reasons are that these techniques may also
prevent indirectly fugitive emissions of dust and VOC.

Operational data
Size reduction requires much energy at high costs but maybe inevitable in cases with bulky

Hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Technique a in the description section above is not
adapted to the production of waste fuel from hazardous waste. This technique might be
advantageous but there are other strategies which work as well. Technique d is applied to
hazardous waste with risk of explosion.

Some special wastes from non-hazardous waste preparation may not need some of the special
techniques mentioned above. Some examples identified are the installations which produce
waste fuels from source separated streams e.g. waste from cuttings from plastic manufacturing
or wastes from the processing of waste paper. However, this exception depends on the
experience of the WT operator with the specific waste. That means that the WT operator should
know the customer(s) quite well, the composition of waste processed and the way the customer
collects the waste. Only in this way can parts which may otherwise cause problems in the WT
installation or in the quality of the waste fuel produced be avoided.

Driving force for implementation
Technique d from the description section above is typically regulated by legislation addressed to
prevent accidents.

Chapter 4
Example plants
The safety of the mixing device can be ensured by adding nitrogen to make the waste inert. The
resultant reduction of the oxygen content (working conditions between 6 to 8 % of oxygen) is
by the addition of nitrogen to make the atmosphere inert. For example, such a technique allows
waste with a flashpoint of lower than 0 C to be mixed.

Reference literature
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004] Drying the solid waste fuel

Depending on the water content and the physical characteristics of the wastes, a first step of
dewatering can be applied. It may consist of one of the following operations: gravity thickening,
centrifugal thickening, flotation thickening, gravity belt and rotary drum thickening. Some
techniques include:

a. using thermal drying for the material. In convection (direct or adiabatic) dryers, there is a
direct contact between the heating medium and the product to be dried. The moisture from
the fuel is removed by the heating medium. In conduction dryers, there is no direct contact
between the heating medium and the product. Heat transfer takes place through heating
surfaces. Moisture is removed by the carrier gas, which is approximately 10 % of the
quantity used in convective processes. Therefore, conduction dryers may be preferred for
dusty or odorous wastes
b. using a biological degradation/drying system. According to the applied process, the
degradation is more or less distinct; sometimes the focus is on the drying. Depending on the
applied system, incidental process water arising during the biological degradation will have
to be cleaned before being released to the watercourse. To maintain the biological activity,
the system is fed with air. The exhaust air is collected and also has to be cleaned.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the heating value of the solid waste and in some cases, achieves satisfying sorting

Cross-media effects
In the case of thermal drying, heat is necessary. A study shows that in the case of drying sewage
sludge, the energy recovery is higher in the case of thermal drying. The reasons are that the
required energy for biological drying (provided by the organic material in the sewage sludge) is
higher and the calorific value of the waste fuel tends to be lower.

Radiant dryers are not applied for drying waste solids. Applicable to the dewatering and drying
of sludges.
Biological drying is more applicable to non-hazardous waste.

Reference literature
[64, EIPPCB, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG,

Chapter 4
440 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Magnetic separation of ferrous metals

Some techniques include:

a. installing an overband magnetic separator lengthwise over the conveyor belts right above
the trajectory of the material
b. resorting the material with a magnetic drum separator or with a magnetic pulley, since small
ferrous particles could still remain under a non magnetic layer
c. increasing the conveyor belts velocity gaining a low level of the material
d. use the overfed feed design for the magnetic drum separator.

Achieved environmental benefits
Magnetic separators can be used to extract iron and steel as a resource, e.g. extracting tinplate
cans from lightweight packaging. This can also be used to provide the essential service of
removing any ferrous metals from the waste, thereby avoiding downstream operating troubles
and improving the product quality, e.g. magnetic separators are used in cable recycling
processes to remove the metals, to protect the knives of rotary cutters from blunting or snapping
and for the subsequent cleaning of the copper product.

Installation in line (lengthwise) to the belt is preferred since it aids effective separation of the
loosened material out of the trajectory. If the magnet is aligned transversally to the material (i.e.
suspended across the conveyor belt), the power of the magnet must be several times higher than
in a lengthwise alignment, since sometimes non magnetic objects are situated on top of ferrous
items, which the magnet then has to work through.

By sorting municipal solid waste (MSW) with a certain content of plastics with a large surface
area, overband magnetic separators will inevitably extract these plastics together with the
ferrous items. To minimise this discharge, increasing the belt velocity is recommended.
Generally, overband magnetic separators give very high results, up to 98 w/w-% iron output.

The advantage of the overfed layout in magnetic drum separators is that ferrous parts are
directly placed in contact with the strongest magnetic field and, as a consequence, fine-grained
and slightly magnetisable items can be well separated.

Operational data
The mode of operation of how the material can be fed into a magnetic drum separator is either
via an overfed layout or an underfed layout. In an overfed layout, the material is charged onto
the drum, right before the crest, by using a vibrating chute. In this case, only magnetisable items
are held on the drum shell until they reach the limit of the magnetic field, at which point the
material falls off the drum and it is collected behind a non-magnetisable separating plate.

In an underfed layout, the drum shell attracts ferrous metals through the air gap and drops them
similar to an overband magnetic separator but not before leaving the magnetic field. For
homogenous feeding, the use of vibrating chutes is indispensable.

Used when ferrous metal is present in the waste. Usually magnetic separators cannot extract
stainless steel. This is due to the fact that stainless steel is not, or is only slightly, magnetisable.

Normally in waste processing, the underfed operation is only relevant for special applications,
e.g. shredder scrap processing. The approach pole of this drum causes a strong and far-reaching
magnetic field to securely extract the shredded and compacted scrap. The transport of the
ferrous material to the dropping line will be achieved by additional weak poles. Because of the
strong abrasion during scrap sorting, the drum shell is manufactured with 8 mm thick plate
made of hard manganese steel.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
The application of magnetic separation depends on the type of waste processed and the waste
fuel requirements. Some examples are:

using ferrous (or non-ferrous) metal separation to reduce abraison if a fine comminution
with cutting is necessary for the product requirements
ferrous or non-ferrous separation or/and separation of fine fraction by screening is helpful if
the ash content is limited
enrichment with an air classifier is necessary if the firing technology allows only particles
with a low sedimentation velocity in the solid waste fuel.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Separation of non-ferrous metals

Some techniques include:

a. conditioning the grain size of the non ferrous elements of the waste to be between 3 and 150
mm before their separation by an eddy current separator
b. using a high frequency alternating magnetic field in order to improve the separation of fine-
grained non-ferrous metal
c. positioning the magnetic pole system eccentrically
d. using vibrating chutes to achieve a single grain layer, in order to give good sorting results
e. separating the fine-grained ferrous particles with a magnetic drum in an overfed layout
before feeding the eddy current.

Achieved environmental benefits
Eddy current separators can sort out non ferrous particles with a grain size between 3 and
150 mm. So a pre-screening might be advantageous to increase the separation of non-ferrous
metals from the waste.

The magnetic pole system is positioned either eccentrically or centrically. Central pole systems
experience problems with small iron particles, which can find a way between the conveyor belt
and the drum shell. These particles are attracted along the whole perimeter of the drum, become
hot and can lead to damage of the plastic drum. Additionally, the position of the magnetic pole
system in eccentric systems is variable, so that the strongest field can be directed to the rejection

Operational data
It is difficult to separate longish and planar components, such as aluminium foil and copper
wires, because of the weak eddy current in these materials.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
442 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL All-metal separators

In the preparation of solid waste fuel, all-metal separators are mainly applied for plastics
processing. High throughputs can be realised if the material is diversified before auto
recognition. Normally, all-metal separators operate with a detection coil which is placed
transverse to the direction of transport and cut into single segments. If a metal particle enters the
high frequent alternating magnetic field of the coil it influences the field. This change is
collected by an electronic controlled microprocessor which is able to identify the coil segment
close to the metal particle. This particle is separated by one or more air jets located close to the
detection coils. The metals are separated by a partition plate.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the metal separation of waste.

Detection coils are able to detect metal particle sizes of approx. 1 mm and larger. The shape and
the mass are not important for the separation process.

Driving force for implementation
All-metal separators are applied for the automatic separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
These aggregates are applied if the content of metal in the feed material is low, when other
metal separation operations do not work efficiently enough because of very high demands on
the product qualities or when downstream aggregates have to be protected e.g. rotary cutters.

Example plants
Applied in plastic processing.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003] Positive and negative sorting

Two different processing strategies exist: positive and negative sorting:

a. positive sorting means that only the desired materials with high calorific values and low
contents of harmful substances are sorted out of the material flow. This strategy leads to a
higher amount of landfill material and often to a higher quality of the produced solid waste
b. negative sorting strategies only separate the materials which are not desired in the product
(e.g. if it is required to reduce the content of chlorine in the waste steam because it may
cause problems when the waste stream is incinerated or co-incinerated, one possibility may
be to reduce the content of PVC plastic in the waste stream). With this strategy the amount
of landfill material might be less because other materials which might contain a higher
content of harmful substances end up in the product.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improve the quality of the waste separated or to avoid problems with the futher treatment of
certain waste streams.

Cross-media effects
Some contaminants cannot be sorted out, because they are retained or are hidden in the material,
so scanning devices cannot recognise them.

Chapter 4
Applied in the production of solid waste fuel from municipal solid waste. Depending on the
required quality, negative or positive sorting may be applied. If a high grade material flow is
requested, negative sorting is advisable and the revenue for the product is higher than for
positive sorting, but the amount of product produced is less.

With regard to the economic aspects of positive and negative sorting, it is not possible to make a
general statement.

Driving force for implementation
Depending on the extent of processing and the desired quality of the solid waste fuel, the
amount of materials sent to landfill can vary widely.

Example plants
Some waste strategies just separate the inert material and metal fraction, and also lower the
organic and water contents. The rest ends up in the product, which thus automatically lowers the
amount of material going to landfill.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Use of pneumatic assistance for size reduction

The use of pneumatic assistance for processing the material discharged from comminution (size

Achieved environmental benefits
Some benefits are:

the unwanted content of extremely fine-grained material in the end-product is reduced
the rotors, including the cutters and the housing, are cooled down
the energy demand is reduced
the transportation of material is assisted.

Applied in size reduction activities.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003] Drum screens

Depending on the velocity of the drum, different operating modes may be utilised: cascade or
cataract. Figure 4.9 shows these modes.

Chapter 4
Figure 4.9: Drum screeners
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

The drum screen shows the best results at a rotational speed of 70 % of the critical speed in the
cataract mode. The disadvantage of the cascade mode is that the screen will create lumps and
fines will not be well liberated.

To increase the efficiency, lifters are fixed inside the screen to pick up the material and to carry
it higher, so that the material falls down on free area. Feeding material with a high content of
coarse particles (approx. 100 250 mm) often causes problems with blocking of the screen,
which then leads to a decrease in efficiency and a high content of fine particles in the overflow.

Achieved environmental benefits
Improves the separation ratio. Advantages are the operation does not need vibrations to be set
up, greater homogenisation is possible and the cleaning of surfaces of adhering small particles
which often contain a high content of heavy metals substances is possible.

To protect the screen against blocking, bushings which can be welded on have proven to be

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Improvements of the dust filters in the cyclones of air classifiers

Re-use of the air that has been used for air classifiers and blow-down. Approximately 30 % of
the air of the circular flow is discharged on the pressure side of the ventilator and cleaned by a
dust filter.

Achieved environmental benefits
This operation offers the following advantages:

the filter to separate the dust can be designed much smaller, since the air to be cleaned is
less than 1/3 of the volume from the conventional operation
no air loaded with dust is discharged at the loopholes for the feeding conveyor or the
heavyweight discharge
the circulating air does not concentrate dust particles or moisture
the air velocity at the separation zone can be precisely adjusted by butterfly valves.
Chapter 4
Operational data
The amount of air consumed by the air classifiers depends on the geometry of the classification

In terms of applications in recycling processes, not all available air classifiers can be applied. In
most cases, they need to be specially designed to treat large particles.

The air velocity for dry papers, thin-walled plastics and plastic films for example is approx.
11 - 12 m/s. The minimum recovery of this high calorific lightweight material is approximately
70 %. The throughput rate of air classifiers is limited by the specific load, with a maximum
capacity of 0.35 kg solids/(mair h).

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Near infrared spectroscopy

Material which has to be separated is often fed on a belt conveyor. The conveyor usually
operates at fast velocities so that its function is almost like an isolating device. Halogen lamps
and the detector are installed above the belt conveyor. The detector consists of a near infrared
spectroscopy (NIR) sensor which scans the whole width of the belt conveyor and transmits the
characteristic spectrums of the different materials to a data processor. The signals are compared
with a database. The analysis considers the calculation of the actual position on the belt
conveyor and the measurement results in only a split second. The sorting then occurs with an air
jet batten in front of the discharge end. The air jet lifter is equipped with several single air jets at
a distance of about 30 mm apart. Each air jet is fed by a pressure reservoir and is steered by
magnetic valves. The data processor transmits a signal if the detection of a particle is positive
and the air jet blows it out. Here one or more air jets can be activated. The pressure surge blows
out the particle which is then separated from the material flow by a partition plate.

Achieved environmental benefits
The application is the selective separation of beverage cartons, paper, cardboard, mixed plastics
such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The actual recovery of potential recyclables depends on
the waste qualities, although approx. 80 to 90 % separation is achievable. The achievable
product qualities are 90 to 97 %. It also reduces the heavy metal content (e.g. Sb, Cd, Pb) and Cl
of the waste stream because specific waste containing these components may separate.

Cross-media effects
The application of this technique generates a waste stream with a higher content of chlorine and
metals that need to be treated.

Operational data
The separation of dark brown and black materials is impossible since the NIR light is almost
completely absorbed and hence no irradiation is reflected to the sensor.

Auto recognition devices can sort particle sizes between approx. 30 and 300 mm. The operation
width of the belt conveyors varies between 500 to 1400 mm. The throughput of pre-classified
light packaging with particle sizes between 50 and 200 mm amounts to between 1 and 6 t/h.

This technique is applied to reduce the content of some compounds in the waste fuel in order to
achieve the quality required in the waste fuel produced.

Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Reduction of the heavy metal and chlorine content of the solid waste fuel. Some standards are
actually prepared by CEN TC 343 WG 2. Chlorine is one of the parameters used to define
recovered fuel classes. The chlorine content actually discussed is around 3 %, which means that
plastics containing organic chlorine, i.e. essentially PVC, are accepted in a limited proportion.

Example plants
Several examples exist in Germany on the use of NIR for the production of solid waste fuel.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005] Automatic picking

The material passes a vibrating chute which feeds a conveyor belt. A metal detector is located
under the conveyor belt, which sends specific data of each particle to the computer unit.
Additionally, a colour camera located above the conveyor belt processes particle information to
the computer unit. Both information lines are analysed by special software, before the computer
unit transmits impulses, instructing the nozzles to blow out the single particle or to allow it to
pass (positive or negative sorting). Both the accepted and the rejected products are then
transported by single belts to further treatment or storage.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the classification efficiency of the different materials of the waste.

With a belt width of 1200 mm and depending on the feed material, it is possible to handle a
throughput of 2 8 t/h, for a grain size of 3 250 mm.

Example plants
Automatic picking is gaining increasing recognition in the waste treatment sector, especially if a
product with certain specifications is required.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003] Pelletising and agglomeration

Disc agglomerators consist of a metal housing with one or more discs inside. The inner side of
the reactor is filled with material discontinuously. The discs, which have superstructures to stir
the material much better, start to rotate converting the frictional energy into frictional heat. The
material is homogenised by stirring and then begins to melt with the rising frictional heat. At the
moment the material begins to plasticize, the energy consumption rises and can provide the
signal to empty the reactor. After the process, the material has to be cooled down.

Achieved environmental benefits
Increases the density of the products.

Cross-media effects
Because of the complete melting, the energy consumption for this process is much higher than
for pelletising.

Chapter 4
Operational data
Depending on the equipment for discharge, the material may be granulated.

Due to the fact that such systems rely on the melting of some waste components, it can only be
applied when those components are available (e.g. plastics).

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Cryogenic grinding

Cryogenic grinding is a treatment of size reduction and sieving of deep cooled full and empty
packagings under inert atmosphere. The aim is to separate the used packaging of paint, ink, and
similar substances into fractions, e.g. to be used as fuel and as secondary metals and plastic but
reducing the emissions of VOC and volatile compounds due to the low temperatures used.

The first operation is the separation between the liquid and the solid fraction. The solid fraction
is further processed by grinding, sieving and metal separation at temperatures of - 100 C to
- 196 C (typically with liquid nitrogen). At these temperatures, the materials become brittle
and an easy separation, by using classical tools, is possible.

In the cryogenic treatment of used packaging of paint and similar materials, the following steps
are included:

a. comminution in a shredder and addition of nitrogen for inertisation of the atmosphere. The
liquid fraction (e.g. paint sludge) is separated by sieving
b. cryogenic (deep cooling) treatment with liquid nitrogen (-196 C). Through this treatment,
the material hardens and, due to the different coefficients of components expansion, the
binding reduces
c. separation of the packaging (e.g. metal and plastic) and the content (e.g. paint sludge) by
means of a hammer mill an a vibrating sieve
d. collection of the metal fraction by ferromagnetic separation for re-use
e. addition of sawdust to the sludge as an adsorbent to make it solid. The plastic fraction and
the sludge are sent for recycling as a fuel.

Achieved environmental benefits
Due to the inert atmosphere used during the grinding process, the risk of explosions are
minimised. The sludge fraction is prepared to be used as fuel. In comparison with the direct
incineration of such wastes, the recovery of energy is higher because metals are eliminated
before incineration. The separation of other materials, e.g. metals and plastic, enables its use.

Cross-media effects
Electricity is required for the cryogenic process and for the production of nitrogen. Air
emissions, e.g. VOCs and volatile hydrocarbons, may be generated. To reduce the VOC
emissions to air, the off-gases are collected and cleaned by means of an activated carbon filter.
The exhaust gases are cleaned of volatile hydrocarbons by means of an activated carbon filter.
The residual emissions are estimated to be 0.06 kg/t used packaging waste.

Operational data
The end-product of the operation are organic waste as a powder, metals, non-ferrous metals and
plastics. The consumption of electricity by the cryogenic process is approximately 31 kWh/t
used packaging waste. The amount of nitrogen consumed is approximately 0.67 t/t used
packaging waste. As an adsorbent to the sludge, sawdust is used. The amount consumed is
170 kg/t waste. The used sawdust is a waste material, which means a saving of primary
Chapter 4
Some examples are the preparation of solid waste fuel from used packaging of paint and similar
substances. This equipment is frequently used for the processing of metal and plastic
packagings, filled with paints, ink, oil sludge, varnish, glue, resin, etc. and rubber based wastes
(e.g. tyres). Packaging of other hazardous wastes, e.g. pesticides, halogenated chemicals and
laboratory chemicals, cannot be treated by this process because of the risk of toxic substances

Example plants
In the Netherlands there is an example plant with a capacity of 17500 tonnes per year

Reference literature
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [156, VROM, 2004]
4.5.4 Techniques for preparation of liquid waste fuel Generic techniques for preparation of liquid waste fuel

Some techniques include:

a. using heat-exchange units external to the vessel. There, water vapour is driven off and the
oil feedstock may be heated to 90 C, which serves to separate the majority of suspended
(as opposed to dissolved) water. This occurs as a result of the reduction in the viscosity of
the oil phase (brought about by the increased temperature), using gravity separation to
achieve the desired result as the water sinks to the tank bottom
b. using carbon adsorption or condensation to avoid VOC emissions. When using
condensation the collected organic fraction can be used as boiler feed
c. removing the high solid content from liquid waste to be used as fuel. For this, warm oil
from the heating vessels is typically passed over open filters to remove the solids. These are
situated either in open yards or in buildings. VOCs are emitted when warm oil passes
through the filters to remove the solids. The filters used are typically of the vibrating metal
mesh type, more commonly used in relation to mineral aggregates. Extraction of the vapour
from filtration needs to be possible from hoods over open filters. Centrifuges can also be
used for the purpose of separating any solids from oil with the advantage of minimal
d. removing oil from liquid effluent prior to discharge to foul sewers or other waters, usually
by oil/water interceptors, tilting plate separators and/or filtration techniques and then using
the oil as fuel
e. ensuring that in a multi-chamber oil interceptor every single chamber oil interceptor is large
enough to allow six minutes retention at maximum foreseeable flowrates
f. using a vertical agitator without any bearing inside the tank.

Achieved environmental benefits
Cleans and reduces emissions from the treatment of liquid wastes. It is crucial to the sale of the
liquid waste fuel that any high solids content, that the warm oil retains, is removed.

Cross-media effects
VOC emissions may be significant when the oil is drawn off from a process tank into open
channels and also when warm oil is passed over the tilting plate separator.

Operational data
Carbon adsorption may be affected by the presence of water vapour. The action of removing the
solids is aggressive and the filters need to be robust to deal with the solids and also the warm
oil. Oil interceptors cannot separate water miscible substances.

Chapter 4
Tilted plate separators (technique d noted in the Description section above) require much less
retention time. Oil/water interceptors are sized based upon their design, the maximum
foreseeable flowrates and the emission values required.

Applicable to oil reprocessing: The primary objective is to produce a fuel oil from the waste oil.
Two technologies of blending are appropriate to homogenise the liquid fuel:

a long marine mixer installed on the roof of the tank
a pumping system which blends the top and the bottom of the tank by loop circulation.

Drying and heating operations need to take into account the emissions and the flammability

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [152, TWG, 2004] Thermal cracking of waste oils

See Section

Achieved environmental benefits
The use of thermal cracking in a refinery reduces the CO
emissions, as it reduces the refinery
crude intake.

Thermal cracking is capital consuming: capital costs and fixed operating costs represent about
80 % of the overall cost (WO purchase excluded). A thermal cracking plant costs in the order of
a third to half the amount of a regeneration plant of similar size (although that comparison is not
necessary relevant since the outputs produced are different). Experts agree that thermal cracking
with its lower capital cost allows plants to be profitable at the 30 kt/yr plant size. No subsidies
are necessary.

Parameter Capacity A Capacity B Capacity C Units
Capacity 40 50 80 kt/yr
Capital costs 11 13 20 EUR million
Specific cost 135 123 112 EUR/tonne of WO
Cost on internal
return on finance

50 46 44
Revenues 144 144 144 EUR/tonne of WO
WO gate fee -10 -21 -32
on the basis of a 15 % risk adjusted rate of return on finance (included in the cost line).
Table 4.43: Cost and waste oil gate fees for three different capacities of grass-root thermal
cracking plant
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [150, TWG, 2004]

The investment cost for using waste oil as fuel in severe reprocessing is USD 12 million (1995)
for a treatment of 54 kt/yr (assumptions: storage: 15 days, working capital: 15 days). The
investment cost for the Texaco Trailblazer producing marine diesel oils is USD 11 million
(1994) for a treatment of 54 kt/yr (same assumptions as above). Other information shows that
the approximate value of used oil when used in severe reprocessing (the value at the plant gate
(1994) assuming an IRR of 15 % after tax and working capital of 15 days) without collection is
USD 47/t and 63 including the collection cost (average collection cost assessed at USD 110/t
within Europe).

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001] Membrane filtration as a mild reprocessing of waste oils

Have a pretreatment to protect the membrane system.

Achieved environmental benefits
Better quality of the waste oils and protection of the membranes.

Commonly used when treating waste oil by membrane filtration.

Significant added cost. Typically, the value of the plant required, including that for the protection of
the membrane step, is expensive compared to the added value of the product.

Example plants
Reflects operational experience.

Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004]

4.5.5 Preparation of gas fuel from waste

Gasification and pyrolysis are ways to prepare a gas fuel. See the Waste Incineration BREF for
information on the transformation of organic waste into a gas that can be used as fuel or as
synthesis gas.

Achieved environmental benefits
Produces clean fuel gas, with the contaminants being retained during the process in several

Operational data
Gasification allows the advantage of accepting mixed wastes, e.g. waste oils and plastic, which
is particularly significant in the case of waste oil being returned to their original container.

Because large scale plants are typically necessary to reach the break-even point, only existing
plants can be used to treat wastes. However, recent developments have shown that small plants
treating 10 15 t/day can be cost-effective.

Driving force for implementation
The scale of such plants is much larger than would be required for the disposal of used oil, so they
are not normally built specifically for this purpose. Where, however, such plants are built for other
purposes, they would provide a safe disposal route for used oil which preserves its energy content.

Example plants
Some applications exist in Europe.

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[5, Concawe, 1996], [58, CEFIC, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.5.6 Prevention and abatement techniques applied for the preparation of
waste fuel from hazardous waste

Technique Cross reference in
this document
Dust preventive measures
Applying closing and underpressure
for all the reception, production and
storage areas
Applying an overpressure of the
working places (control room,
vehicles cabin, etc.) ensures that no
dust reaches the workers
4.6.1 Can be applied to existing facilities
without a complete redesign of the
Ensuring the preparation and mixing
operations are carried out in closed
areas with channelled exhaust air
Handling pulverulent wastes in closed
4.6.1 Can be applied to existing facilities
without a complete redesign of the
Using closed
separators/homogenising equipment
4.6.1 Can be applied to existing facilities
without a complete redesign of the
Using spray/atomiser systems to
moisturise ambient and confined air in
order to prevent dust emissions.
Ensuring that before transport, loads
of fresh sawdust, pulverulent waste or
solid waste fuel are efficiently covered Can be applied to existing facilities
without a complete redesign of the
Applying a dust retention net 4.6.5 Can be applied to existing facilities
without a complete redesign of the
Dust abatement techniques
Wet scrubber 4.6.11 Not used in the existing waste fuel
production plants due to the fact that
some dusts are hydrophobic and that
the wet residue cannot be easily re-used
in waste fuel production
Cyclones 4.6.3 Not commonly used in the sector. This
technique may only be used in
combination with a bag filter
Bag filters 4.6.5 Widely used in the sector
Electrostatic precipitator 4.6.4
Waste water treatment
Activated carbon treatment 4.7 Low contaminated waste waters
Thermal treatment 4.7 High contaminated waste waters
Table 4.44: Prevention and abatement techniques applied to the production of waste fuel from
hazardous waste
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [152, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.6 Waste gas treatments

This section contains techniques used in the waste treatment sector to reduce, abate or control
the emissions to air. Emphasis needs to be placed on the prevention of the production and
displacement of pollutants.

Point source emissions relate to those emissions that result from the collection of gas from a
vessel or area and that are passed on, either via abatement or directly, to a stack or vent.

This section only covers those techniques most relevant to the waste treatment sector. In
general, most techniques have already been described and analysed in other BREFs (special
reference is made to the Waste water and waste gas treatment and management BREF and
waste incineration BREF). For this reason, it is not intended in of this section to provide a
complete analysis of each of the different techniques. Instead, this section will focus only on
issues relevant to the waste treatment sector, including discussions on what are considered to be
good achievable emission values. Preventive techniques were covered in the previous section
since they are very dependent on the type of process/activity carried out.

4.6.1 Generic prevention techniques

Some techniques include:

a. using an enclosed system with extraction, or under depression, to a suitable abatement plant,
especially during processes involving the transfer of volatile liquids or handling wastes that
generate VOC emissions, including during tanker charging/discharging
b. applying a suitably sized extraction system which can cover the holding tanks, pretreatment
areas, storage tanks, mixing/reaction tanks and the filter press areas, or having in place a
separate system to treat vent gases from specific tanks (e.g. activated carbon filters from
tanks holding waste contaminated with solvents)
c. completely enclosing the entire site (e.g. in a dome)
d. using synthetic soil covers. The synthetic cover may be a thin (0.1 0.15 mm) plastic
sheeting or consist of relatively thick (0.75 1 mm) plastic sheeting or geotextile material.
The resistance of various polymers to chemicals, weather, gas permeability, and tears is
documented. Typically the barrier material will be available in large rolls and can be
quickly applied to even large soil piles. The synthetic cover must be secured against wind
e. using wind barriers.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces fugitive emissions to the air (e.g. VOC and odour). The effectiveness of soil covers
will depend on the depth of the cover and the percentage of contaminated soil that can be
covered. Measured emission rates may be substantially reduced (e.g. >95 %) by the addition of
compacted soil; however, lateral migration of VOCs may still occur.

If warranted, complete enclosure of the excavation site can be accomplished to minimise
fugitive emissions. The enclosure acts to collect any emissions, which can then be vented to
some type of control device suitable for point sources. The enclosure may be either air
supported or self supported. If properly designed and operated, the enclosure may reduce
fugitive emissions to negligible levels.

For small work areas, the use of wind barriers can reduce fugitive emissions (e.g. VOC) by
lowering the effective wind speed at the soil surface. Commercial, porous wind fence material
that is typically used for dust control has been found to be more effective than solid fence

Chapter 4
Facilities which discharge odours and dust may be enclosed to prevent emissions and to reduce
the amount of contaminated air which has to be cleaned afterwards. A well operating exhaust air
collection system ensures a minimum of germs, fungi, spores, odours and dust particles. This
may have positive effects on the physical health of the employees and reduces times absent due
to sickness.

Cross-media effects
A positive side effect of enclosure is the reduction of noise for workers on site.

The synthetic cover barrier can be left in place indefinitely, although physical and
photodegradation of the polymer will tend to limit the effective lifetime of thin barriers to a few

Soil covers will be less effective over long time periods and their use will tend to increase the
total volume and mass of material that must be treated.

Operational data
The most commonly used VOC control approach for area sources, e.g. during excavation, is the
use of covers to provide a physical barrier to vapour transport. The simplest barrier is the use of
relatively clean soil as a cover for contaminated soil. The soil layer increases the necessary
transport distance for vapour diffusion and thus greatly reduces, at least temporarily, the
emission rate. The effectiveness of the cover will depend on its permeability to the vapours that
are present and the percentage of the soil pile that is adequately covered. Laboratory
measurements of a 0.5 mm PVC membrane showed relatively poor performance for limiting
vapour diffusion.

Self-supported domes are more practical if trucks or other heavy equipment must regularly enter
and leave the structure.

With respect to the need for dust removal in biological treatment plants, the upstream process
plays a crucial role. In the humid exhaust gas from the biological process, potential dust
emissions are effectively removed. All mechanical steps for the processing of dry materials
inevitably lead to dust emissions. In this case, encapsulation of the aggregates in question is
necessary. In these mechanical steps, the exhaust air has to be subjected to effective dust
removal. Values of less than 10 mg/Nm
can be achieved by different techniques. Techniques in
the prevention of the formation of bioaerosols and dusts in biological treatment plants include:

a. ensuring that the optimum moisture content is maintained during the aerobic process
b. ensuring that the digested material is turned regularly
c. maintaining good housekeeping (see Section
d. erecting bunding/planting trees around the perimeter of the site.

Synthetic covers are typically used to control VOC emissions from excavated soil in short term
storage piles. Synthetic covers are also widely used to control VOC emissions during transport
by rail or road.

There are severe limitations that limit the use of complete enclosures to the few sites where
other control options are not acceptable. Air temperatures within the structure may be high
enough to affect worker productivity and safety. The additional safety requirements, along with
the additional time required for trucks getting in and out of the structure, will likely lengthen the
time needed to complete the excavation and will thereby increase the costs.

Chapter 4
For large working areas, fencing is less practical. VOC (and PM) emissions from storage piles
can be minimised by controlling the placement and shape of the piles. When feasible, the piles
can be placed in areas shielded from the prevailing winds at the site. The amount of surface area
can be minimised for the given volume of soil by shaping the pile. The orientation of the pile
will affect the wind velocity across the pile, with the lowest wind speed occurring when the
length of the pile is perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction.
The selection of a VOC abatement technique to be applied depends mainly on the properties of
the VOC. Moreover, these techniques are particularly sensitive to flowrates and concentration.

The capital cost of the structure for total enclosure is relatively high. Operating costs also can be
very high if large volumes of air must be treated and exhausted to keep the concentrations of
contaminants in the internal air within the dome at levels that are safe for workers health.

Emission control
Material cost
except if otherwise noted)
Clay 4.15 Covers, mat and membrane
Soil 1.33 Assume 15 cm deep; does not include
soil transport
Wood chips, plastic net 0.50 Chip costs vary with site
Synthetic Cover 4.40 Assume 1.14 mm thickness
Short-term foam 0.04 Assume 6 cm thick, USD 0.7/m
Long-term foam 0.13 Assume 3.8 cm thick, USD 3.3/m
Wind screen 40/m Per linear metre
Table 4.45: Summary of emission control costs for area sources applied to excavation and removal
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Example plants
The majority of chemical plants have an air extraction and scrubbing system for the main
processing tanks and for any pretreatment operations that could produce a toxic gaseous
discharge to the air. Most WT plants have some abatement systems in place to control emissions
to the air, but the type and level of control varies widely.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59,
Hogg, et al., 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG,
2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

4.6.2 Leak detection and repair programme

A leak detection and repair (LDAR) programme for installations handling solvents and similar
volatile materials may include:

a. identifying, and where possible, quantifying significant fugitive emissions to air from all
relevant sources, estimating the proportion of total emissions which are attributable to
fugitive releases for each substance
b. using non-intrusive tank volume measurements
c. replacing filter pot lids when cleaning filters
d. storing filter slops in sealed drums
e. storing contaminated waters which have a potential for odours in covered tanks
f. using drum storage (see Section
g. ensuring that regular cleaning/desludging of tanks is carried out, using maintenance
schedules to avoid large scale decontamination activities
Chapter 4
h. tanker washing if the load is likely to give rise to odour. The wash-water/aqueous waste
from the washing needs to be directly discharged to abated storage systems before opening
the tankers. Open tankers for the least amount of time possible
i. direct monitoring of valves, pump seals, etc. using a portable organic vapour analysing
instrument to check for leaks
j. undertaking maintenance activities for fixing any detected leaks, e.g. replacing valve

Achieved environmental benefits
Detects leaks of VOCs from valves, pumps and other piping components.

Suitable for sites that contain a large number of piping components (e.g. valves) and that
process a significant amount of lighter hydrocarbons (e.g. solvents).

The cost of a leak detection survey and associated repairs can be partially offset by savings from
reduced material losses to the air. Savings are dependent upon the value of the material being

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004]

4.6.3 Cyclones

In all types of cyclones, centrifugal forces are used to separate solid particles or liquid droplets
from flue-gases. Cyclone filters are used to remove heavier particulates which fall out as the
flue-gases are forced into a rotating motion before they leave the separator again. Two forms
exist, e.g. a cyclone or multi-cyclone. The latter separates finer dusts.

Achieved environmental benefits
Cyclones are effective for abating particles of sizes >10 _m. They are not effective against
particle sizes <10 _m, which may thus require additional measures, e.g. fabric filters. Some
benefits of using a cyclone include:

efficient over a large concentration range
collected dust may be re-used in the process.

Cross-media effects
Cyclones create a pressure drop in the gas flow requiring a higher energy consumption to
overcome this drop and, therefore, lead to higher overall emissions. High wear with abrasive

Operational data
Cyclones are relatively reliable. Operational conditions include:

monitoring of pH, flowrate and the level of scrubber liquors and scrubber pressure drop
(pressure drop monitoring with alarm)
exit concentrations needing to be periodically monitored under different operating

This technique may be only used in combination with a bag filter. It is not efficient at separating
small particles.
Chapter 4
Cyclones are relatively cheap.

Example plants
Cyclones are used in hazardous waste fuel preparation, where these are used in the mixing
vessel as part of the stabilisation process. They are also used for the treatment of the exhaust
gases of Ph-c plants.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

4.6.4 Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)

Electrostatic precipitators use high voltages to attract and remove particulate matter from the
flue-gases. There are two different kinds of operation; e.g. dry, which involves the collection of
dust on electrodes under the influence of an electric field and wet, which is the same except the
electrodes are cleaned to increase effectiveness.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces particulate emissions. High collection efficiency for both coarse and small particles.
Efficient at high temperatures and efficient for the collection of liquid particles.

This technique is not suitable for organic particles due to the high explosion risk they present.

Example plants
It is used for the treatment of the exhaust gases of Ph-c plants.

Reference literature
[122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.5 Fabric filters

The creation of a barrier separates the dust from the flue-gases. Solid particles are trapped by a
woven fabric while the gas flow can pass through it. Filter efficiency may be enhanced by
pre-coating the filter cloth prior to being brought online.

Achieved environmental benefits
high collection efficiency for both coarse and small particles
efficient with a large concentration range
collected dust may be re-used in the process
high collection efficiency at high temperatures, if special materials, e.g. teflon, are used.
Chapter 4
Characteristics Fabric filter
Input flow range (m
/hour) 1000 to 50000
Input concentration (mg/Nm
) 100 to 5000
Output concentration (mg/Nm
) <10
Risks Explosion
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 2.5 to 3.5
Fuel/gas (litre) -
Reactant (nature and kg) -
Residues -
Costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced per year)
Investment cost Up to 4
Operation cost 0.15
Maintenance cost 0.1
Table 4.46: Dust filtration by a fabric filter
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Cross-media effects
Cyclones and fabric filters create a pressure drop in the gasflow requiring a higher energy
consumption to overcome this drop and therefore this leads to higher overall emissions. A major
source of hazardous waste at a number of industries is the dust emanating from air pollution
control equipment (e.g. from a baghouse). As with sewerage systems, common dust collectors
are utilised in different production areas resulting in a mixing of different types of dust and,
thereby, precluding recycling. In some cases, modifications can be made to dust collectors so
that each different source of waste goes to a different compartment, thereby, preventing the
mixing of different waste types and increasing the recycling potential.

Operational data
Insitu cleaning can be achieved by air pulse, counter flow air or mechanical tapping. The
reliability highly depends on the filter material. Fabric filters may create a risk of explosion.
Fabric filters are equipped with pressure drop monitoring, including alarms and often, with
measurement of inlet and exit concentrations. Pressure is often used as an instantaneous
surrogate for concentration analysis. From time to time, however, a laboratory control is carried
out on the exit concentration in order to quantify the emissions. An opacity meter or particle
impingement detector can be used to monitor performance. There need to be a programme in
place for the regular cleaning of physical filters.

Applied for both fugitive emissions and point source emissions to air. Fabric filters are typically
used as secondary or tertiary gas cleaning devices in combination with a cyclone or a dry
scrubber located upstream. Fabric filters are not generally suitable for use in moisture laden
streams or those with acidic, tarry or sticky characteristics. This is due to the adverse effects of
fabric blinding and adherence problems.

Example plants
Bag filters are used in the preparation of waste fuel. They are also used in the mixing vessel in
the stabilisation process in the production of aerosol cans (e.g. for the removal of dust) and for
the treatment of the exhaust gases of Ph-c plants.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [55, UK EA, 2001], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.6.6 Lamella separators

In lamella separators, the air stream flows through several parallel plates which have hooked
bumps, which force the air stream to change its direction. Because of the inertia of the particles,
they are separated in the dust trap and split from the air stream.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces particulate emissions.

Lamella separators are only applied for the separation of rough dust particles.

Reference literature
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

4.6.7 Adsorption

In adsorption processes, the pollutant is removed from the waste gas flow and specifically
adsorbed to the adsorbent. Exhaust air purification by adsorption basically consists of two
treatment steps:

a. reduction of the pollutant by adsorption and accumulation in an adsorbent
b. regeneration of the adsorbent.

The pollutants from the waste gas stream accumulate in the adsorber. When the charging
capacity of the adsorbent is reached, the adsorbed pollutants are desorbed in order to allow for a
re-use of the adsorbent. Desorption is usually carried out with a hot air stream, the volume of
which is considerably less than the waste gas stream. The concentrated desorbed harmful gas is
eliminated in a further treatment step.

Adsorption is based on the principle of active centres in a porous matrix. Different adsorbents
can be distinguished mainly by their ability to adsorb water. Thus they can be divided into
hydrophilic and hydrophobic adsorbents.

Recently, plants for the treatment of gases with a low content of solvents have been developed.
These, are based on new adsorbing materials presenting high chemical and mechanical stability
and able to adsorb at low temperatures and desorb at a set temperature. The concentrated
solvents can then be burned without fuel addition in situ.
Although activated carbon is the most widely used adsorption material, other alternatives
include silica gel, alumina and zeolites. In waste gas treatment, adsorption is carried out using
an activated carbon filter. Activated carbon has a large volume of very small pores which create
a large surface area. Typical activated carbons have surface areas from 600 to 1200 m
/g. The
exhaust gas can be purified by an activated carbon fill or by an injection of activated carbon into
the air stream followed by a downstream separation by a textile filter.

Achieved environmental benefits
Some benefits of this technique are:

applicable for a wide range of components
the used activated carbon can be recovered several times or may be used as fuel
adsorption on activated carbon presents similar efficiencies to those of thermal oxidisers but
less risk of flash fire, back into the vehicles being loaded/unloaded.

Chapter 4
Characteristics Level
Input flow range (Nm
/h) <50000
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) <0.5
Output VOC concentration (mg/Nm
) 40 110
Need for preliminary de-dusting yes
Risks Quick saturation
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 25 75
Fuel/gas (kWh) -
Other fuels or biogas
Reactant (kg) 0.1 0.5 g/VOC
(for activated carbon)
Investment costs (EUR/t capacity) 10 30
Operational costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced)
1 3
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) 0.5
Table 4.47: Techno-economic data for adsorption
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Emissions of VOCs from the carbon trap (chlorinated solvents) are 8 32 mg/Nm
or 215 kg/yr,
when cleaning used oils.

Cross-media effects
Limited performance because of incomplete capture of some organic molecules. May also
present fire and explosion risks. This method captures but does not destroy organic compounds.
Saturated carbon filters need further treatment.

Operational data
The abatement can easily become overloaded and thus ineffective. The use of activated carbon
is efficient for the capture of the VOCs, which mainly arise from storage facilities. The
absorption capacity of the activated carbon depends on the nature of the particular VOCs, but is
limited to a maximum 300 g/kg activated carbon. Some points to note are:

simple design
stability over time
acceptance of high spot concentrations
that at some (high) VOC concentrations, the adsorption is exothermic and needs to be
controlled in order to avoid fire/explosions.

The lifetime of the carbon used in abatement for storage at waste oil treatment facilities is
expected to be long. This is because in this application it will only be catering for breathing
rather than displacement losses.

If an activated carbon filter is applied, the exhaust air has to be purified of dust first, as the dust
can cause clogging and can lead to an increasing pressure gradient.

Chapter 4
The charging capacity of the adsorbents is influence by a number of factors:

physico-chemical properties of the substances that are to be adsorbed (especially the boiling
concentration of the substance
competing adsorption of other substances
co-adsorption of water
adsorption temperature
pore structure and size of the inner surfaces of the adsorbent.

Carbon adsorption is used for the reduction of VOCs, odour and fugitive emissions. Carbon
adsorption is commonly used as an abatement technique for local extraction points e.g. at
bulking up and sampling points. Care must be taken to avoid the air steam becoming moist as
the polar nature of the common adsorbents will preferentially adsorb water vapour. For this
reason carbon adsorption is not suitable for the abatement of air emissions from an oil
re-processing heating vessel.

There are several different applications for activated carbon, for instance activated carbon is
applied for the purification and removal of trace organic contaminants from liquid and vapour

Carbon adsorption systems are often used in soil vapour extraction, but they may be costly to
implement and are generally not acceptable for high humidity gas streams. They are also
common in the treatment of air emissions from soil washing, soil solvent extraction, from soil
flushing, aerosol can treatment, biological treatment plants and Ph-c plants (e.g. for the
adsorption of the volatile components).

Carbon adsorption is not suitable for high concentrations or small molecules, or if dust is
present. Also, carbon adsorption cannot be adapted to some molecules, e.g. acetone.

Some points to note are:

this offers low operating costs for low concentrations of VOC
there is an additional cost for the renewal of the activated carbon.

The following two tables (Table 4.48 and Table 4.49) show cost data for adsorption.

Maximum flow
Capital Cost
170 20000
400 24000
800 33000
Carbon adsorption (regenerative)
1770 12000
160 700
800 8000
1600 6000
6400 23000
Carbon canisters
160 50000
Includes blowers, demisters, controls, gauges, valves, and flow ammeters
Includes blowers, flexible connectors, and dampers
Deep bed units
Table 4.48: Capital costs to control VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Chapter 4
Technical specification
Oil types
Process operation
Waste gas flow
Age of plant
Age of pollution control equipment
10000 t/yr
Used lubricating oils
0 50 Nm
10 years old
2 years old
Possible Control Techniques Capital cost Operating cost
Activated carbon drums
Low 1100
*Assumes three 60 kg drums on site requiring replacement three times a year.
Table 4.49: Cost of controlling releases to air from a typical oil recycling plant
[42, UK, 1995]

Example plants
Preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste. Operational experience from biological
treatment plants (MBT) is currently not available.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [122,
Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.8 Condensation

VOCs can be removed by condensation with liquid nitrogen or other cooling agents (e.g.
cooling water). The condenser is a vessel incorporating a heat-exchanger where a gas is cooled
to change to the liquid phase (i.e. condensation). VOC recovery by nitrogen cryogenic
condensation in solvent (-130 C). More information on this issue can be found in the BREFs on
Large Volume Organic Chemicals (LVOC) and on Common Waste Water and Waste Gas
Treatment (CWW).

Achieved environmental benefits
The condensed VOCs can be recovered. VOC emissions achievable can be as little as
10 to 50 g/h. Efficiencies of 99.3 % can be achieved. Chloroform emissions can be as little as
20 mg/Nm
. Nitrogen is re-usable for other means in the plant.

Characteristics Value
Input flow range (Nm
/h) <100
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) 2 500
Efficiency (%) >95
Need for preliminary de-dusting no
Residues no
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 25
Fuel/gas (kWh) -
Other fuels or biogas
Reactant (kg) Nitrogen
Investment cost (EUR/t capacity) 20 to 60
Operational costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) 2 to 6
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) <0.5
Table 4.50: Data on liquid nitrogen condensation
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
Consumption of nitrogen and electricity. Direct discharge of nitrogen contaminated with other
compounds may occur.

Operational data
Sensitivity to water presence. The presence of water vapour in the air can block the system and
the water condenses to ice, which could then frost or ice up the flow systems. A defrosting
period is then necessary. Consumption of nitrogen of 18 kg/t solvent recovered. Elimination of
the security risks. Temperature and pressure controls are simple.

Used in cases where only relatively small volumes or low flows need to be treated, and when
liquid nitrogen is available and the concentration of VOC is quite high. This technology is
available for stable volumes and compositions. Applications typically include treating the
emissions from oil reprocessing heating vessels, which also incorporates a recovery of the oil
components. Condensation can be used as a pretreatment for thermal oxidation, reducing the
fuel requirement and the overall size of the oxidiser required. Applicable to flows of between
50 - 100 Nm
/h and loads from 1 to 10 kg/h. It is easily applicable to existing plants and it is
very flexible to adapt to changes in flow and concentration.

In Ph-c plants, the volatile components are cooled and condensed for their treatment.

Typically high operating cost. Operational cost of EUR 2/t solvent treated for a liquid nitrogen

Technical specification
Oil types
Process operation
Waste gas flow
Age of plant
Age of pollution control equipment
10000 t/yr
Used lubricating oils
0 50 Nm
10 years old
2 years old
Possible Control Techniques Capital Cost (GBP) Operating Cost
Glycol chiller 30000 8000
Table 4.51: Cost of controlling releases to air from a typical oil recycling plant
[42, UK, 1995]

Driving force for implementation
Safety regulations.

Example plants
Preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste and solvent recovery. At an example waste oil
re-refining plant, the dehydration and defuelling units use air-cooled, condensing
heat-exchangers for vapour recovery. The vacuum-distillation vapour recovery uses oil and
cooling-water condensers. Vapour and non-condensable streams are then routed to the process
heater for destruction of the organics and any odorous substances that may be present. There are
at least eight plants in the EU.

Reference literature
[42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro,
2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.6.9 Temporary and long term foams

At least six types of foam products are available. The foams vary in their compatibility and
effectiveness for various classes of contaminants. Specialised equipment is available for
applying foams over large areas. The foam is applied to a depth of 15 76 cm, at coverage rates
of up to 100 m
/min. The liquid foam concentrate is applied via an air-aspirating nozzle or
chute. The degree of expansion (i.e. the number of litres of foam produced from one litre of
liquid concentrate) can be classed as high (250:1), low (20:1), or medium.

Two general types of foams are used: temporary or long term. Temporary foams provide
coverage for up to an hour, at which time 25 % or more of the liquid incorporated in the foam
will have been released. Long term foams contain a stabilising additive to extend the useful life
of the foam to days or even weeks.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduction of VOC emissions. The effectiveness of foams is quite high for the areas that are
covered. Short term emission reductions of 75 to 95 % for total paraffin and total aromatics,
respectively have been measured in the field over 20 minute time periods. Emission reductions
for total VOCs of 99 to 100 % using stabilised foam have been measured in the field over
24-hour time periods.

The two primary advantages of foams are that they can be highly effective and they can be
applied directly to the backhoe bucket and the exposed contaminated soil.

Cross-media effects
There are several disadvantages of foams to consider. The thick layers of foam required for the
control of emissions can be applied more effectively to horizontal surfaces than to vertical
surfaces such as the sides of the excavation pit. Incomplete coverage of the emitting surfaces
will markedly decrease the effectiveness of the controls. As foam concentrates are usually over
90 % water, the addition of this water to the soil increases the weight of the soil, making it more
difficult to handle, and making it less amenable to thermal treatment. The foam is difficult to
apply on windy days and, under any conditions, frequent application or re-application of the
foam may be necessary.

Modified fire-fighting foams are commonly used to control VOC emissions during the
remediation of hazardous waste sites containing volatile toxic compounds.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

4.6.10 Biofilters

Biofilter is the generic term covering all biological oxidation processes taking place in a
packed system. This includes conventional trickling filters, bioscrubbers (microbial population
supported in scrubber liquor) or biobeds (packed system using soil, peat and bark).

The biofilter consists of an apparatus filled with decomposable material such as compost, bark
or a mixture of turf and heather, etc. Micro-organisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses and algae) are
resident on the material. The exhaust airflows through the material while the micro-organisms
decompose the harmful substances. Water and airflow normally run countercurrently. A
biofilter is not a filter in the mechanical sense (i.e. it does not lead to a separation of particles),
but it is a reactor where a certain range of harmful substances are metabolised to harmless
substances. The desired qualities of a biofilter are outlined in Table 4.52.
Chapter 4
Characteristic Description
Biologically active, but reasonably stable
Organic matter content >60 %
Porous and friable with 75 90 % void volume
Resistant to water logging and compaction
Relatively low fines content to reduce gas headloss
Relatively free of residual odour
Filter media
Specifically designed mixtures of materials may be desirable to achieve the
above characteristics
50 80 % by weight
Moisture content
Provisions must be made to add water and remove bed drainage
Must be adequate to avoid limitations
Nutrients Usually not a problem with aerobic digestion gases because of the high NH
pH 7 to 8.5
Temperature Near ambient, 15 35 or 40 C
Humidification could prove to be useful in order to achieve near 100 % inlet
gas humidity
Gas pretreatment
Dust and aerosols may be removed to avoid media plugging, but for most
biofilters this is not a problem (unless they have a tissue layer in the bottom)
Gas loading rate <100 m/h-m
, unless testing supports higher loadings
Gas residence time 30 - 60 seconds, unless testing supports shorter residence time
Media depth >1m, <2 m
Depends on media and compound (typically in the range 10 160 g.m
Gas distribution
The manifold must be properly designed to present a uniform gas flow to the
Table 4.52: Qualities of biofilter media
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002]

In contrast to the biofilter, in bioscrubbers the micro-organisms are not fixed in the bioscrubber
on organic materials. The biomass swims quasi free in the suspension, which is sprayed on the
exhaust gas in a countercurrent flow. The principal difference this brings about is that the
absorption of the harmful substances is local and is separated from the metabolism.

In an aerosol can treatment facility, the exhaust air from the different operational parts is led
through an air-permeable filter layer by means of ventilators. While the airflows through the
filter layer, the degradable contents are decomposed by micro-organisms that populate the filter.
In order to ensure that the filter layer remains air-permeable, which is essential for the supply of
air oxygen to the micro-organisms, the exhaust air is cleaned beforehand so that solids (dusts)
are removed. Simultaneously, cleaning moisturises the exhaust air, which is necessary to
prevent drying of the filter layer. The biofilter, thus, represents an aerobic fixed bed reactor for
the biochemical decomposition of organic substances. The biofilter, e.g. with an area of
1800 m
, can treat an exhaust air stream of approximately 200000 m
/h, which results in a
specific filter load area of 111 m
/h. Below the biofilter, there are supply areas that are
utilised by the different treatment facilities (provision for treatment and dispatch). This area is
designed as a collection tray. Moreover, a stationary foam extinguishing installation is present.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces odour and VOC emissions from natural compounds and from the synthesis of
inorganic compounds (e.g. H
S and NH
), aromatic and aliphatic compounds (e.g. acids,
alcohols, hydrocarbons). Other compounds that may be degraded are non-chlorinated solvents,
mercaptans, amines, amides, aldehydes and ketones. The treatment capacity ranges from
50 - 150 Nm
depending on the type of pollutant.

Chapter 4
Substance (group)
Aldehydes, alkanes 75
Alcohols 90
AOX, aromatic hydrocarbons
Aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene,
Odour 95 99
NMVOC (Values in total carbon) 30 70 10 40 80
Table 4.53: Biofilter efficiency in MBT waste gas treatment
[81, VDI and Dechema, 2002]

The removal efficiency of a biofilter is determined by the gas residence time in the media bed.
Effective residence times typically range from 30 to 60 seconds for most aerobic digestion
applications. Studies have reported high removal efficiencies for specific compounds such as
S (>99 %), methyl mercaptan, dimethyl disulphide, dimethyl sulphide (>90 %) and various
terpenes (>98 %).

Environmental benefits include low energy requirements and the avoidance of potential cross-
media transfer of pollutants. Measurements in the practical application of biofilters in physico-
chemical treatment plants have shown results of approx. 95 to 98 % degradation for organic
solvents, with concentrations in exhaust air to be purified from 400 to 1600 mg/Nm.

In biological treatment plants, malodorous gases will be fed through a scrubber (e.g. acidic wet
scrubber), which reduces the ammonia content to an acceptable level for the biofilter. The
biofilter removes odours and any remaining ammonia. The filtering process does not create any
compounds that are harmful to the environment and after use, the filter can be treated by
composting and additional waste will not be generated. The levels of ammonia and odour after
treatment are <1 mg/m
and 1000 6000 ouE/m
(90 % reduction), respectively.

Table 4.54 and Table 4.55 show the effectiveness of biofilters applied to MBTs.

(%) Parameter
min max min max min max min max min max min max
Acetaldeyde 2100 2500 78 89 46 740 89 96 4900 6100 99
n-Butylacetate 150 425 97 99 30 120 83 96 170 980 73 99
Ethylbenzene 250 310 12 42 60 190 27 61 250 740 16 43
2-Ethyltoluene 180 220 33 41 25 105 14 89 80 270 25 55
3,4-Ethyltoluene 480 640 23 45 70 260 38 96 230 1000 48 77
Limonane 1700 4300 29 40 810 2200 94 98 1300 3700 30 63
Toluene 490 550 16 39 130 280 460 1000 7 36
m/p-Xylene 850 1400 9 42 280 620 30 71 720 2000 19 45
o-Xylene 260 290 23 41 60 150 7 63 160 650 20 45
Acetone 2450 2900 99 100 1200 2800 99 100 4700 8200 93 97
2-Butanone 960 2800 99 100 80 770 94 99 370 11000 95 100
Ethanol 5200 5300 100 88 750 94 99 14000 18000 100
370 700 8 44 280 790 53 83 560 930 5 39
330 800 12 44 120 300 53 81 230 490 38 49
Table 4.54: Concentration ranges for some parameters of the exhaust air from MBTs, showing
the retention efficiency of the biofilter for these compounds
[132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
Biological exhaust gas purification processes are able to reduce the exhaust air/exhaust gas
contents from municipal waste treatment plants only to a limited extent (typically NMVOC of
more than 300 g/t waste). Table 4.55 shows some measurement results from well maintained
biofilters with upstream air humidifiers.

Separation efficiency (%) Compounds of the exhaust air
Facility A Facility B Facility C
Acetaldehyde -18 to -99 99 99
n-Butylacetate 83 96 73 99 97 99
Camphor 60 88 60 90 88 91
Dichloromethane -53 to -80 -300 to -33 43 62
Dimethyldisulphide 44 78 -55 to -89 10 31
2-Hexanone 75 80 - 80 82
Naphthalene 50 75 38 93 58 82
Phenol -25 to - 79 75 88 47 94
1,4-Dichlorbenzene 0 73 -1900 to -89 -130 to -13
Ethyl benzene 27 61 16 43 12 42
2-Ethyl toluene 14 89 25 55 33 41
3/4-Ethyl toluene 38 96 45 77 23 45
Limonene 94 98 30 63 29 40
Styrene 64 89 44 66 21 50
Toluene 29 50 7 36 16 39
m/p-Xylene 30 71 19 45 9 42
o-Xylene 7 63 20 45 23 41
Acetone 99 100 93 97 94 97
2-Butanone 94 99 95 100 99 100
Ethanol 94 99 100 100
Ethylacetate 74 93 82 97 99
59 83 5 39 8 44
- Pinene
53 81 38 49 12 44
Benzene 0 17 - 0 20
Trichlorethene -108 to -3 67 90 20 46
Combinations of air humidifiers and biofilters may provide varying purification power for
organic substances of the first and second group
Table 4.55: Separation efficiency of organic compounds in the biofilter
[132, UBA, 2003]

Table 4.56 gives a summary of current measurement results from the biofilter of an aerosol can
treatment facility. Note that other parts of the exhaust air of the treatment process are treated by
the in-house high temperature incineration facility.

Component Average concentration
of raw gas
Average concentration of
cleaned gas
Total carbon (FID) 206 49
CHC/CFC 9.69 8.17
Benzene 1.07 0.35
Aromatic compounds 35.4 8.07
Ester, alcohols 80.8 0.57
Results from 2003 and data in mg/m
Table 4.56: Raw gas and treated gas by a biofilter in an aerosol can treatment facility
[157, UBA, 2004]

Chapter 4
Cross-media effects
O and NO emissions are typically increased. However, it has been demonstrated that the use
of an acid scrubber for ammonia (NH
) removal prior to biofiltration can reduce potential N
and NO emissions. Methane is neither biodegradated nor produced by the biofilter. Terpenes are
produced by the biofilter itself and arise from the degradation of any wooden materials in the
biofiltering media. Some references question whether biofilters really decrease VOCs since,
they claim, VOCs are actually produced by the biofilter itself.

The degrees of decomposition of the studied biofilters in MBT plants for single compounds are
not as high as for several special applications in industry (80 % or >90 %). For non-methane
TOC (NMTOC) they achieve on average an efficiency rate of only 40 70 %. For methane, the
efficiency is close to 0 %. The decomposition efficiency for single compounds in the exhaust
gas of MBT plants exhibit good values for NMTOC (e.g. acetone, acetaldehyde, limonene and
ethanol), moderate values for BTEX and no reduction for CFCs.

The partly low degradation efficiencies for NH
also with a potential inhibition of carbon
decomposition, may be improved by the use of acid scrubbers (e.g. sulphuric acid for the
absorption of ammonia) instead of neutral scrubbers. The NH
emissions will be minimised not
only because they are odorous but also because, in the biofilter, close C/N relations of the MBT
exhaust air may lead to the formation of NO and N

Operational data
Biofilters are typically one metre thick of porous material. The material used in the biofilter is
usually a mix of green compost typically mounted over a certain structure. These systems are
very easy to be built and maintained. High porosity (80 90 %), the humidity (60 70 %), pH,
temperature, and the contact time between the nutrients need to be controlled for good biofilter
performance. The humidity in the biofilter can be maintained with a special water system or by
humidifying the gas to be purified before it is passed pass through the biofilter.

The NMVOC removal in biofilters strongly depends on the temperature (e.g. weather
conditions), which can reduce the efficiency of the biofilter.

In some cases, the materials used for the biofilter media may not be able to fully satisfy the
demands for all the essential nutrients of the micro organisms in the biofilter for a longer time.
In these cases supplying additional nutrients can significantly increase the efficiency of the

The pressure drop is less than 50 mm H
O. The surface load per unit area of the biofilters
should not exceed approx. 80 Nm/m x h.
Chapter 4
Some issues to consider include:

incoming air must have a relative humidity of >90 % (this may require the use of a
particulates must be removed
hot gases may need to be cooled closer to the optimal activity temperature for aerobic
micro-organisms, generally 25 to 35 C and the potential temperature rise across the bed of
up to 20 C needs to be taken into account
the major operating parameters, such as the off-gas temperature and the back-pressure, need
to be checked daily
the moisture content in the filters needs to be monitored regularly
a low temperature alarm needs to be fitted to warn of freezing, which can damage the filter
and could affect the growth of the microbes
the packing media must be supported to allow a fast, even airflow without any pressure drop
the media needs to be removed when it starts to disintegrate, thus affecting the airflow (bark
is less resistant than, for example, heather)
the choice of media and supporting system affects the power requirement for maintaining
the airflow, with the power needed to overcome the bed resistance being the largest
operational cost
consideration needs to be given to the effect of a loss of biomass due to the introduction of
toxic compounds and a stand-by procedure needs to be developed for such an event.

Even in the case of optimisations (combinations with bio-scrubbers instead of water scrubbers)
a low and reliable emission cannot be permanently achieved. For the odorous emissions, a
strong reduction can be achieved (with only the filters innate smell remaining) if an appropriate
conditioning of the exhaust air is carried out.

In the case of flue-gas treatment from aerobic digestion of the digestate generated in anaerobic
treatments, the concentration of ammonia is rather high (>30 mg/Nm
) being in this case
necessary to chemically pretreat the flue-gas before it is guided to the biofilter.

Biofilters are applied for great volumes of exhaust gas streams which carry low organic loads in
the particular exhaust gases but which have intensive odours. Concentrations of components to
be treated need to be relatively stable for a good performance. Biobeds have been installed on
waste treatment sites for the abatement of odorous emissions. Applicable to all types of WWTP.

Biofilters are used for the treatment of exhaust gases in aerosol can treatment facilities, thermal
distillative drying of sludge, biological treatment (MBT) plants and Ph-c plants. In Ph-c plants,
biofilters are used for the adsorption of the volatile components to compost material and for the
biological decomposition of the adsorbed components by micro-organisms in the compost
material. If the biofilter is in danger of desiccating, the exhaust air that is to be cleaned has to be

Biofilters are suitable only for low polluted exhaust gas streams and are thus only used for the
purification of the hall exhaust air streams. Flue-gas cleaning by biofilters or biological cleaning
generated in anaerobic digestion plants has been proven to be of value.

Biofiltration and bioscrubbing have lower operating costs than many other air pollution control
technologies for treating low concentrations of biodegradable organic pollutants. Bioscrubbers
have the higher maintenance cost of the two. Treatment gas flows of more than 1500 Nm
/h are
considered cost-effective. Investment cost of EUR 550000 for a biofilter applied to treatment of
WWTP odours with a flow of 1800 Nm

Chapter 4
Characteristics Value
Input flow range (Nm
/h) <100000
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) <1
Efficiency (%) <90 %
Need for preliminary de-dusting No
Risks Destruction of
Residues Yes
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 15
Fuel/gas (kWh) -
Alternative fuel or biogas
Reactant (kg) Barks
Investment costs (EUR/t capacity) 10 to 20
Operational costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) <1
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) <0.25
Table 4.57: Consumptions and costs of biofilters
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Driving force for implementation
Reduction of odour emissions. The German and Austrian Governments have set limit values for
MBT facilities for odour emissions with 500 GE/Nm and for VOCs (Austria: 100 g/t treated
waste, Germany: 55 g/t treated waste). Furthermore, such systems cannot achieve the TOC
emission limit values demanded by some German standards (e.g. less than 55g TOC per tonne
of MBT input and a TOC concentration of less than 20 mg/Nm

Example plants
Widely used in the sector. Applied in the treatment of flue-gases from biological treatment
plants and from physico-chemical treatment of waste waters and immobilisation. It is also
commonly used in other industrial sectors, such as in the chemical, iron and steel, and food
industries and in waste water treatment plants. Many examples of the use of biofilters exist in
the EU.

Reference literature
[52, Ecodeco, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [66,
TWG, 2003], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and
waste management, 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [135,
UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [157, UBA, 2004]

4.6.11 Scrubbing

Absorption techniques are typically called scrubbers. Some techniques include:

a. having in place a scrubber system for the major inorganic gaseous releases (e.g. Cl
, ClCN,
HCl, H
, NO
), organic compounds (e.g. VOC) and odour from some unit operations
treating certain types of waste (containing these volatile compounds), which have a point
discharge for process emissions. In circumstances of highly variable emissions, the
installation of a secondary scrubber unit to certain pretreatment systems may be a solution if
the discharge is incompatible, or too concentrated for the main scrubbers
b. correctly operating and maintaining the abatement equipment, including the handling and
disposal of spent scrubber medium.

Chapter 4
Water sprays are a commonly used control method for particulate matter emissions. The
addition of dust control chemicals such as polymers or acrylics to the water increases the
effectiveness of the spraying.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces emissions to air of VOC, acids, ammonia, particulates, etc. Increases the efficiency of
pollutant adsorption, due to the particle-gas contact (particularly relevant for the removal of acid
gases by basic particles injected at the scrubber, if applicable).

Cross-media effects
This technique generates liquid effluents and sludge that require further treatment.

Wet scrubbers generate steam plumes. Releases from wet scrubber vents need to be hot enough
to avoid visible plume formation in the vicinity of the vent. This is to prevent the condensation
or adsorption of environmentally harmful substances by the condensing water vapour. Exhaust
gases from a wet scrubber can be heated by the use of waste heat to raise the temperature of the
exhaust gases and to prevent immediate condensation on the exit from the vent. This procedure
also aids the thermal buoyancy of the plume.

Operational data
Usually some level of air monitoring will be carried out, either at the scrubber discharge or at
the site boundary. Typically the monitoring of the exit gases from the scrubber systems/filter
systems is spasmodic. The assumption is that the abatement systems are fit for this purpose and
will reduce the emission to an acceptable background release. Discharge points may be
monitored on a quarterly or monthly basis for those acid gases that are expected to be collected.

Water supply and effluent disposal facilities must be available. Monitoring provisions include:

pH, flowrate and level of scrubber liquors and scrubber pressure drop
pressure drop monitoring with alarms
periodically monitoring the exit concentrations under different operating conditions.

There also needs to be a programme in place for the regular changing of absorbent in the
absorption units.

Suitable for high flow, low concentrations (e.g. 1 200 mg/Nm
VOC), low temperature gas
streams and when the pollutant is chemically reactive (or soluble in the case of VOC

These techniques are typically applied to point source emissions related to those compounds
which result from the collection of gas from a vessel or area and which are passed on either via
abatement or direct to a stack or vent. This technique can be used for the treatments of off-gases
generated during the loading of storage tanks.

Acid scrubbers are applied to capture the ammonia emissions liberated during the acidic
treatment in the re-refining of waste oils. Mineral oil scrubbers are also used to trap VOCs and
odours in waste oil treatment facilities.

Hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide may be used for cyanide scrubbing and odour control. A
two-stage system could be utilised, e.g. alkali and oxidiser scrubbers in series. Water supply and
effluent disposal facilities need to be available to run these systems. There needs to be a
programme for the regular changing of absorbent in the absorption units.

Alkaline potassium permanganate or hypochlorite can be used as oxidisers for the treatment of
cyanide compounds.

Chapter 4
Table 4.58 below shows a summary of scrubbing costs for emission controls for area sources
applied to excavation and removal.

Emission control technique
Material cost
Water spray 0.001 (varies) Assuming municipal water cost of 1
USD/1000 litres. Water requires
constant re-application. Water truck
rental: 500 USD/week.
Hygro salt

Costs vary with chemical use
Table 4.58: Summary of costs for emission controls for area sources applied to excavation and
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Example plants
A common use is the treatment of extracted air from the reactor vessel with a scrubber liquor,
typically a caustic solution. The process is extensively applied in Ph-c plants (e.g. wet
scrubbing). Used as a pretreatment, e.g. before biofilters, for the treatment of the exhaust gases
of biological treatment plants.

Pretreatment processes capable of liberating toxic gases tend to have their own scrubbing
systems, with the scrubber vent leading into the main site exhaust system, and with the aqueous
liquors being treated in the plant.

All of the oxidation systems seen in the UK have their own local scrubber systems, and the
residues from both the oxidation and the scrubber solutions are treated in the main plant. Where
the plant has a total exhaust system for the site, the exhaust from the oxidation scrubbers
typically goes through the main plant exhaust scrubbing system prior to discharge to the air.

Caustic scrubbing is employed to strip hydrogen sulphide in plants treating waste oil.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86,
TWG, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.12 Chemical scrubbing

Chemical exhaust gas treatment can be one-step or multi-step scrubbing with chemical
scrubbers. Up to now, plants of this type have been produced, e.g. as one-step or multi-step
carrier material cleaners with controlled pH values in each step or with an addition of oxidants.

Achieved environmental benefits
Scrubbers of this type are well suitable for removing single components (e.g. ammonia).

Cross-media effects
This scrubber is required for the reduction of N-compounds prior to the subsequent treatment.
Multistage exhaust air scrubbers (acid-alkaline), or scrubbing with H
, can only reduce the
concentration of certain components (e.g. VOCs) due to the high crude gas concentrations
generated especially by recirculating treatments.

Chapter 4
A state-of-the-art technique in biological treatment (MBT) plants is a combination of acid
scrubbers and thermal regenerative exhaust gas treatment. The release of the treated exhaust air
is carried out via a stack.

Driving force for implementation
It is reported that scrubbed gas concentrations required by a German regulation cannot be
reached by these systems alone.

Example plants
Currently no information is available on its use as an independent treatment step in biological
treatment (MBT) plants. All information in this section corresponds to experiences in other
types of plants.

Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.13 Low oxidative processes

Among the low oxidative processes commonly used are ionisation and UV processes. These are
based on the principle that sometimes the adsorption of a single O or OH radical can
significantly reduce the odorous properties of a substance.

Achieved environmental benefits
The effect of the low oxidative processes is very substance-group specific and can be impaired
considerably by the presence of certain noxious gases (e.g. formation of amines in the presence
of ammonia).

Cross-media effects
This treatment however does not lead to a significant decomposition of organically bound
carbon. According to experiences gained so far, there is often only a partial oxidation and no
break-up of the ring of aromatic hydrocarbons. Styrole may be polymerised. Methane is only
slightly reduced.

Operational data
The specific energy demand is usually below 1 kW/1000 Nm
of air.

These processes are often used for odour neutralisation in different areas.

Example plants
Used in biological treatment plants, nevertheless, operational experience is not available.

Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003]

Chapter 4
4.6.14 Incineration

In the decontamination of thermal exhaust air, the exhaust air is treated in a combustion
chamber at temperatures of up to 850 C and for a minimum residence time of at least
2 seconds. Within this space of time, the harmful substances will be totally oxidised and the
cleaned gas can then be released to the air.

In biological treatment plants, incineration can be differentiated into post-combustion, with or
without heat recovery. As in thermal post-combustion, the carbohydrates are oxidised to carbon
dioxide and water in a combustion chamber.

Achieved environmental benefits
Used for VOC control and will usually require the addition of supplementary fuel to support the
combustion process. The operator can offset the cost of the supplementary fuel when there is a
requirement elsewhere on site for the waste heat that is generated. Values of less than 50 g of
VOC per tonne of waste can be achieved with this technique.

In biological treatment plants, by using special heat-exchangers, high quality heat recovery of
up to 98 % may be achieved. These high rates of heat recovery are based on the use of special
ceramic heat-exchangers, which combine a high mass and a large surface area in an ideal way.

Operational data
Usually requires the addition of supplementary fuel to support the combustion process. The
flowrate is 1500 Nm
/h and the operating temperature is 1050 1200 C. The specification of
850 C with 2 seconds residence time may be justified in waste incineration when a complete
flue-gas treatment installation achieves the full removal of residual contaminants. The burning
conditions are more extreme (e.g. 1100 C with 2 seconds residence time) to completely destroy
some odorous and VOC components as well as destroy dioxins and dioxin pre-cursors.

Table 4.59 shows the energy requirements of incineration for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas.

Hydrocarbon concentration in the gas (g/Nm
) 0.5 1.5 3 6
Incineration 9 8 6.2 3.2
Heating energy in kWh required for the treatment of 100 Nm
/h of gas
contaminated with VOCs
The flows that have been treated range from 500 Nm
/h up to 11000 Nm
Table 4.59: Energy requirements of incineration for different hydrocarbon concentrations in the
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

There are no limits for its application.

Chapter 4
The following two tables (Table 4.60 and Table 4.61) show cost data for incineration.

Treatment Maximum flow
Capital cost
110 13000
160 25000
915 44000
96 62000 Internal combustion engine
160 50000
The cost includes blower, sampling valves, and controls. Heat
recovery systems are not included
Table 4.60: Capital costs for controlling VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Capital cost (GBP) Operating cost (GBP)
30000 3000
Incineration of 2.5 kg fuel oil/hour @ GBP 0.13p/litre
Capacity: 10000 t/yr
Oil types: used lubricating oils
Process operation: batch
Waste gas flow: 0 50 Nm
Age of plant: 10 years old
Age of pollution control equipment: 2 years old
Table 4.61: Cost of controlling releases for air from a typical oil recycling plant using incineration
[42, UK, 1995]

In biological treatment plants, cost-efficiency of the operation is determined by the size of the
volume flow to be treated and by the pollutant concentrations. The ideal conditions are
autothermal operation, where the amount of energy released by the combustion of the pollutants
exactly corresponds to the energy demand for maintaining the combustion temperature. The
necessary heating energy can, in this case, be gained completely from the combustion of the
carbohydrates. This energy demand is directly dependent on the degree of heat recovery.
Pollutant concentrations are low making heat supply necessary and, consequently, generating
high operation costs.

Driving force for implementation
Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC).

Example plants
At least two waste oil treatment plants use such a system. Used in biological treatment plants.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003],
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.6.15 Combined combustion

In some plants where combustion takes place, it is possible to inject polluted air collected in the
workshop directly into the secondary air circuit of the burner or into the primary air that goes
into the burner. This might require a specific adaptation of the combustion process
(modification of gas cleaning and stability of combustion).

Achieved environmental benefits
synergy with existing combustion facilities
allows an energy recovery from burning the VOCs in the combustion.

Table 4.62 shows VOC removal data using combined combustion.

Characteristics Value
Input flow range (Nm
/h) <50000
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) ~ 3
<explosion limit of the
Output VOC concentration (mg/Nm
) 10 50
Need for preliminary de-dusting no
Residues no
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) *
Fuel/gas (kWh) *
Investment cost (EUR/t capacity) *
Operational costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) *
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) *
*depends on each case
Table 4.62: VOC removal using combined combustion
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Cross-media effects
not available during maintenance of the burner
specific instrumentation and valves must be installed to prevent a domino effect between
each process
fluctuations in quality or quantity of the VOC could cause some trouble in the combustion

Needs prior dilution with air when an explosive concentration may be reached.

Adaptation costs can be high. The operator can offset the cost of the supplementary fuel when
there is a requirement elsewhere on site for the waste heat that is generated.

Driving force for implementation
Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC).

Example plants
Used for the preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste and laundering of waste oils.

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003],
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.6.16 Catalytic combustion

The polluted air is burned but, in this technique, the combustion temperature is reduced by the
use of a catalyst. The catalyst allows the same destruction efficiency of the VOC at a lower

In biological treatment plants, catalytic combustion may be used to remove TOC from the
exhaust gas. The pollutants are oxidised at temperatures between 200 and 500 C using
noble-metal or metal oxide catalysts.

Achieved environmental benefits
low fuel consumption
complete destruction of VOC
efficiencies range from 95 to 99.9 %
output concentrations of 5 50 mg C/Nm
are achievable. The actual range depends on the
type of compound and the input concentration.

Table 4.63 shows VOC removal data using catalytic combustion.

Characteristics Value
Input flow range (Nm
/h) 20000 50000
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) 1 3
Output VOC concentration (mg/Nm
) 10 50
Need for preliminary de-dusting Yes
Risks Catalyst poisoning
Residues no
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 25 75
Fuel/gas (kWh) 70 140
Reactant (kg) Catalyst
Investment costs (EUR/t capacity) 20 30
Operational costs (EUR/tonne waste fuel produced)

1 3
1 2
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) <1
Table 4.63: VOC removal using catalytic combustion
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

In biological treatment plants, purification efficiencies of more than 99 % can be achieved.

Cross-media effects
The catalyst is sensitive to some compounds (e.g. metal and organic), and their build up may
progressively decrease their efficiency.

In biological treatment plants, among the disrupting substances are catalyst toxins, such as
organometallic compounds, organic silicon compounds and arsenic compounds. The treatment
of halogenated compounds, organic sulphur compounds and organic nitrogen compounds is
possible only to a limited degree. Methane can be catalytically reduced to CO
only under
certain conditions. High temperatures of over 600 C are necessary for the catalytic oxidation of
methane. The energy use of a thermal treatment without heat recovery is very high. The
catalytic-thermal oxidation in biological treatment (MBT) is, therefore, questioned under both
an economical and environmental point of view.

Chapter 4
Operational data
needs a gas pretreatment in some cases (e.g. ESP, bagfilters and gas scrubber)
needs prior dilution with air when explosive concentrations are reached
the energy consumption is lower than for incineration.

Table 4.64 shows the energy requirements of catalytic combustion for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas.

Hydrocarbon concentration in the gas (g/Nm
) 0.5 1.5 3 6
Catalytic combustion 2 1.2 0 0
Heating energy in kWh required for the treatment of 100 Nm
/h of gas contaminated with VOCs.
The flows that have been treated range from 500 Nm
/h up to 11000 Nm
Table 4.64: Energy requirements with catalytic combustion for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

In biological treatment plants, the operating life of such catalysts may be more than 30000
operating hours, depending on the operating temperature and on the disrupting substances in the
process gas.

Given the numerous interfering factors, the practical applicability of catalytic oxidation in
biological treatment plants seems problematic. Furthermore, operational experience from
biological treatment (MBT) plants is not available.

The cost of investment is relatively high. Table 4.65 shows the capital costs for controlling
VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems.

Treatment Maximum flow
Capital cost
96 62000 Internal combustion engine
160 50000
160 25000
320 31000 69000
800 44000 86000
1600 77000
Catalytic oxidation
8000 140000
Includes burner, blower, flame arrestor, gauges, filters, knockout pot, sampling
port, controls, and skid mounting
Dilution system available for an additional 22000 USD.
Table 4.65: Capital costs for controlling VOC emissions from soil venting extraction systems
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997]

Driving force for implementation
Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC).

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003],
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.6.17 Regenerative catalytic oxidiser

VOCs are burned in combustion chambers at a temperature ranging from 750 to 950 C. The
energy produced by the combustion of the VOCs is used to preheat the polluted air on the
ceramic bed before combustion. The combustion temperature can be adapted according to the
VOC concentration. The polluted process air is heated to the necessary reaction temperature by
a heating system and then guided over a combined catalyst and heat accumulating bed reactor.
In this reactor, the process air is decomposed to CO
and water. The heat from this reactor is
then guided over a second combined bed reactor and accumulated there. After this reactors
accumulator bed has been heated, the process air stream is switched so that it enters the second
reactor. The heat from the second reactor is then used to preheat the process air, whilst the
pollutant oxidation takes place in the first reactor. During further operation, the unit is switched
cyclically between the two stages described above.

Achieved environmental benefits
high VOC destruction rate (>99 %)
reduced use of fossil fuel or waste fuel (high energy efficiency)
at high VOC concentrations (>3 g TOC/Nm
), it is possible to operate in an autothermal
zone. This means that minimum external energy is needed to be added to sustain the

Table 4.66 shows VOC removal data using regenerative catalytic oxidation.

Characteristic Value
Input flow range (Nm
/h) 20000 80000
Input VOC concentration (g/Nm
) 2 4 with peaks of up to 10
Output VOC concentration (mg/Nm
) 15 50
Efficiency (%) >99 %
Need for preliminary de-dusting Yes
Residues No
Consumption (per tonne waste fuel produced)
Electricity (kWh) 10 50
Fuel/gas (kWh) 50 200*
Alternative fuel or biogas Yes
Reactant (kg) -
Investment costs (EUR/t capacity) 10 25
Operational costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced)

1 3
2 6
Maintenance costs (EUR/t waste fuel produced) <1
*according to the VOC concentration
Table 4.66: VOC removal using regenerative catalytic oxidation
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Cross-media effects
High energy consumption if there is only a low VOC concentration.

Operational data
accepts fluctuations of VOC concentrations
needs prior dilution with air when an explosive concentration may be reached
needs a de-dusting when dust concentration inlet is higher than 20 mg/Nm
Chapter 4
Table 4.67 shows the energy requirements of regenerative catalytic oxidation for different
hydrocarbon concentrations in the gas.

Hydrocarbon concentration in the gas (g/Nm
) 0.5 1.5 3 6
Regenerative catalytic oxidation 0 0 0 0
Heating energy in kWh required for the treatment of 100 Nm
/h of gas contaminated
with VOCs. The flows that have been treated range from 500 Nm
/h up to
11000 Nm
Table 4.67: Energy requirements with regenerative catalytic oxidation for different hydrocarbon
concentrations in the gas
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

It is designed for low to medium VOC concentrations because of its low energy costs.

Low operation costs and high investment cost.

Driving force for implementation
Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC).

Reference literature
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [42, UK, 1995], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [122, Eucopro, 2003],
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.18 Regenerative thermal oxidiser

The aim of a regenerative thermal oxidiser is the permanent and high quality recovery of a large
part of the heat energy that is necessary for heating the waste gas stream to the required
oxidation temperatures for treatment.

This heat energy is stored in flow-through heat-exchangers. Such heat-exchangers consist either
of a ceramics fill material or are fin heat exchangers. The performance of this recuperative
process is expressed by the degree of heat recovery achieved, which is defined as follows:

scrubbed gas
crude gas

Performance = 1- T= temperature
combustion chamber

The incoming exhaust air is heated up in the hot heat-exchanger bed. The air is heated up to a
temperature a few degrees below that of the combustion chamber, depending on the heat storage
capacity. In the combustion chamber, oxidation takes place. In the case of low pollutant
concentrations in the process air, the missing energy has to be brought in by primary energy
sources. After passage through the combustion chamber the exhaust gas, which is now at the
reaction temperature, gives off its heat to a cold heat-exchanger bed.

Due to the high energy demand for heating up the exhaust gas and due to the optimal heat
exchange the greatest part of the heat stored in the hot heat-exchanger bed is given off to the
exhaust gas after appox. 120 seconds. Conversely the hot exhaust gas heats up the cold heat-
exchanger bed.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
The realised heat recovery rates vary between 90 and 98 % depending on the pollutant content
of the exhaust gas. An additional supply of energy in this case is not necessary. With regards to
the required values for the scrubbed gas, the systems currently available on the market differ in
the technical method utilised for ensuring the lowest scrubber gas values. This is necessary
because at the stream reversal point, remnants of the crude gas may pollute the scrubbed gas.
Systems optimised with respect to this problem can achieve scrubbed gas concentrations of less
than 10 mg/Nm
Operational data
In order to maintain permanent operation, the stream direction has to be controlled in such a
way that the heat-exchanger bed when heated up at a given time can be used for heating up the
waste gas. This results in an alternating heating and cooling of the respective heat-exchanger

Also crucial for the design of the plant is the amount of the enthalpy chemically bound in the
pollutants that are to be oxidised. The operation is autothermic if the sum of the heat stored in
the heat-exchanger beds and the reaction enthalpy released is sufficient to maintain the
necessary temperature in the combustion chamber.

If the enthalpy bound in the pollutants is not sufficient to reach oxidation temperature, this has
to be achieved and ensured by the use of an external energy supply. Some individual providers
realise this by the installation of controlled burners in the combustion chamber, others enrich the
exhaust gas with the additional combustibles so that the system can be kept in autothermic
conditions. In this case, the plant can be operated flamelessly. In energy-optimised plants, an
energy consumption of 8 kWh heat output per 1000 Nm
of waste gas can be expected.

For the starting period until reaching operational temperature and during operation with low
organic substance concentrations (<2 g C/Nm
), an external energy supply is necessary due to
the as yet insufficient energy storage in the heat-exchanger beds. In the starting phase of
flameless systems electrical heating is usually used, otherwise the heat energy can be brought in
by natural gas or propane gas burners.

For operation with gaseous waste fuels such as landfill gas or biogas, it needs to be taken into
account that these gases may be contaminated by pollutants. For starting an operation that has
not yet reached the required combustion chamber temperatures, these gases should not be used.
This can only be done with conventional fuels such as natural gas or propane gas. Additionally
it has to be ensured in the safety chain that in the event of any service interruption and the
resulting decrease of the temperature in the combustion chamber, the supply of the waste fuels
is regulated and thus always available.

In the context of research projects and for plant operation, combinations of acid scrubbers and
regenerative thermal oxidisers have proven valuable. This process combination has advantages
in terms of cleaning capacity as well as in terms of operational costs.

Example plants
In practice, there are several different designs of regenerative thermal oxidisers, which differ
primarily in the design of the individual heat-exchanger beds and in the selection of the heat-
exchanger material. For low concentrations, these processes have become widely used in post-
combustion with heat recovery.

Regenerative thermal oxidisers have been used in Germany for several years for the purification
of biological treatment (MBT) plants exhaust gas. In Austria, an MBT plant has also recently
installed and started operation of these types of systems.

Chapter 4
Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004]

4.6.19 Oxidation treatments

The type of oxidation treatment related to the following two tables (Table 4.68 and Table 4.69)
has not been specified. It could be any of the four techniques described in Sections 4.6.14 to
4.6.17. These tables show air emissions data after treatment.

Air emission
Value Units
Fume temperature 140 C
PM 10 27 mg/Nm
Heavy metals 0.03 mg/Nm
TOC 8 mg/Nm
10 mg/Nm
350 mg/Nm
HCl 2.3 10 mg/Nm
HF <0.1 mg/Nm
HBr <0.1 mg/Nm
HCN <0.1 mg/Nm
P 0.019 mg/Nm
) <1 mg/Nm
9.5 %
CO 50 mg/Nm
PAH <0.1 ng/Nm
PCDD + PCDF <0.01 ng/Nm
TCDD + TCDF <0.01 ng/Nm
PCB + PCN + PCT <1 ng/Nm
Values referred to 10 % O
in the fumes
Table 4.68: Air emissions from off-gas thermal destruction plants from several waste oil
treatment plants
[42, UK, 1995], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003]

INPUT streams Air parameter Units
Off-gas from
process plants
Off-gas from
tanks blanketing
Flow Nm
/h 101 1400 2700
Temperature C 18 27 146
Dust mg/Nm
58.6 1.1 28.4
S mg/Nm
101600 <1 <0.1
Mercaptans mg/Nm
2153 1.7 0.7
30000 1.3 3
HCl mg/Nm
308 0.9 0.8
VOC mg/Nm
PAH mg/Nm
Combustion air included
Table 4.69: Thermal treatment of contaminated streams
[66, TWG, 2003]

Chapter 4
4.6.20 Non-thermal plasma treatment

The non-thermal plasma technique is one of the highly oxidative processes. It is a physical
process that activates the molecules in a changing electric field and thus facilitates attack by a
radical reaction. Non-thermal plasma denotes a condition of atoms and molecules which are
activated by electric fields and which are thus subject to dissipation of the electrons or a shift of
the electrical charge to energy-richer orbits. Thereby energy potentials, whose energy level
corresponds to temperature equivalents of up to 100000 C of thermal activated plasma can be

Achieved environmental benefits
Organically bound carbon can be degraded to a high extent. The advantage of non-thermal
plasma is that with sufficiently high field strengths and a precise energy supply, dosing can
cause a reaction within fractions of seconds. Hereby increased quantities of different radicals are
produced, which due to their high oxidative capacity are able to attack organic molecules and to
break up compounds.

Cross-media effects
Due to the radical reaction in the reactor, ozone is released at rates of several grams per hour.
The plant concept, therefore, has to ensure elimination of this ozone. For this special metal, a
catalyst or activated carbon is suitable. When choosing the catalyst it needs to be ensured that
there are no secondary odorous emissions from unfinished catalytic processes. The danger of
self-ignition of the activated carbon in reactions with ozone has to be taken into account.
Moreover it also needs to be taken into account that N
O is produced to a greater extent.

Example plants
Used in biological treatment plants, nevertheless, operational experience is not available.

Reference literature
[132, UBA, 2003]

4.6.21 NO
abatement techniques

More information can be found in the Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment (CWW)
and waste incineration BREFs. Some techniques include:

a. good process control, which can prevent the actual emission of NO
b. good combustion chamber design
c. low NO
d. SCR
f. internal flue-gas recirculation
g. oscillating combustion
h. chemical scrubbing (see Section 4.6.12).

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces NO
emissions to air.

Cross-media effects
The injection of ammonia or urea in the flue-gas when using SCR or SNCR stream induces the
risk of NO
formation rather than removal, if the temperature is too high and there is excess
oxygen present.

Chapter 4

Basis for the benchmark Activity
Using sound process control to prevent the emission of NO
Waste acid treatment
Using a good combustion chamber design Combustion plant
Using low NO
burners Combustion plants
SCR and SNCR have higher operational costs than other techniques such as good process
control and low NO

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.6.22 Odour reduction techniques

More information can be found in Section 4.6.23.

In designing and implementing a structured odour management plan, the plan needs to:

g. describe the main activities which generate odour and/or the sources of odour, also covering
any relevant environmental surveys which have been undertaken and the technical choices
available for controlling odorous emissions
h. initiate or further develop an inventory of the odorous materials used or generated, covering
also all intentional and fugitive (unintentional) release points
i. detail any routine monitoring undertaken to assess the odour exposure of receptors
j. provide a system for reporting the results of monitoring and for recording any complaints
k. identify the actions needed to be taken in the event of abnormal events occurring or
conditions which might lead to odour, or potential odour problems
l. cover the maintenance requirements of the containment and the management of the
operations where odour can be contained, for example within buildings
m. place emphasis on pre-acceptance screening (see Section and on the rejection of
specific wastes. For example, and particularly for odorous materials, they need to be
handled in dedicated sealed handling areas which incorporate an extraction to abatement
n. take into account the scrubber liquors to ensure that they are also closely monitored to
ensure optimum performance, i.e. with respect to correct pH, on-time replenishment and
o. cover the vacuum extraction requirements for installations causing odours
p. cover the enclosure requirements within buildings zones where VOC emissions are high and
may provoke high odours.

Achieved environmental benefits
Prevents the emissions of those odorous releases that may be offensive and detectable beyond
the boundaries of the site.

For complex installations, for example where there are a number of potential sources of odorous
releases or where there is an extensive programme of improvements being put in place to bring
odour under control, an odour management plan will typically be maintained.

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [81, VDI and Dechema, 2002],
[86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [120, Prantner, 2002]

Chapter 4
4.6.23 Odour management in biological treatment plants

More information can be found in Section 4.6.22.

Effective operational management can help control the formation of odours. This includes:

a. processing incoming feedstock as soon as possible
b. ensuring proper stabilisation of the biomass within the retention time in enclosed buildings,
so as to ensure only odourless materials are present in the open curing stage
c. avoiding an early refining step to reduce the particle size too far, which would hinder the
diffusion of air through the material that still has to complete its biochemical transformation
(a smaller particle size could cause the aerobic digestion to lose structure and make
anaerobic decomposition more likely)
d. preventing the formation of leakage puddles (e.g. ensuring proper slopes to paved surfaces)
e. avoiding the external stockpiling of coarse rejects from pre-process screening steps, as these
would also contain a certain percentage of fermentable materials
f. withdrawing the exhaust air from the odorous sections of the process (tipping, deep bunkers
storage of input fermentable materials, pretreatment, early process steps. Sometimes also
the curing section can be enclosed and exhaust air treated)
g. designing the withdrawal system to prevent any loss of exhaust air from windows, doors,
h. fitting the facility with properly dimensioned abatement systems
i. ensuring proper maintenance of odour abatement technologies is carried out
j. using surfactant reagents
k. providing enclosed leachate collection/storage tank(s), to minimise odour emissions while
holding liquor prior to recirculation and/or off-site disposal
l. providing stored leachate treatment, such as aeration, to prevent septic conditions causing
m. providing odour abatement, to control emissions from specific sources, such as odour
masking atomisers
n. designing the enclosed buildings in such a way so as to have a negative air pressure, to
prevent odour emissions from doorways.

Achieved environmental benefits
Prevents or decreases odour emissions.

Cross-media effects
The use of surfactant reagents will not completely eliminate odour, especially if the choice of
reagent is based on a characterisation of the compounds in the odour-causing aerosol.

Operational data
When applying technique n (see Description section above), the airflow to maintain a negative
air pressure, is sometimes given in how many hours are necessary to exchange the air inside the
building. The high this value is, the higher the odour concentrations are achieved inside.

Besides prevention, often aerobic facilities have to tackle odour issues through the treatment of
the exhaust air, above all where they feature high capacities and/or involve short distances from

Example plants
A good number of facilities across Europe are currently employing technologies that help in the
running of aerobic digestion activities even in most crowded areas, provided design and
management of the plant consider odour problems with the proper care.

Reference literature
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
4.6.24 Some examples of waste gas treatment applied to different waste

Table 4.70 lists some examples of waste gas treatment applications in different waste treatment
processes. Typically, the type of waste gas abatement applicable to each case is a combination
of techniques; some of them may not be mentioned in the examples below. Some examples are
shown in Section 4.6.25.

Waste treatment activity/process Technique applied
Thermal desorption Condensers
Carbon adsorption
Venturi scrubbers
Fabric filters
HEPA filters
Wet scrubbers
Dry scrubbers
Vapour extraction from excavated soil Carbon adsorption
Catalytic incineration
Internal combustion engines
Ex-situ bioremediation Carbon adsorption
Soil washing Carbon adsorption
Solvent extraction Incineration
Bioventing Activated carbon
Catalytic oxidation
Internal combustion engines
Physico-chemical treatment of waste waters Wet scrubbers
Preparation of waste fuel Extraction
Carbon adsorption
Thermal oxidation
Stabilisation Absorption
Fabric filters
Thermal oxidation
Waste oil treatment Condensation
Thermal oxidation
Biological oxidation
Drum crushing and shredding Adsorption
Thermal oxidation
Table 4.70: Applicability of waste gas treatments
[30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [55, UK EA, 2001], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and
waste management, 2002], [135, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.6.25 Some examples of combined treatment of exhaust air

This section shows some examples of the application of combined waste gas treatments in
different waste treatment processes. Typically, the type of waste gas abatement applicable to
each case is a combination of techniques; some of them may not be mentioned in the examples

Attached operational facilities Production halls, tank farms, barrel treatment
Emission limit values Organic contents according to the German TA-Luft
Size of building 940 m
Activated carbon pre-filter (smoothing out emission peaks of the
raw gas), two-fold
Regenerative main filter, activated carbon (two-fold)
High scrubber for emissions from tank farms and from loading
processes, two-fold
Strippers for the extraction of solvents from water (gas extraction
with air), two-fold
Biological water treatment for condensates from high scrubber
and activated carbon step
Facility consists of
Cooling towers (outside of the building)
Adsorption to activated carbon
Physical absorption to wash with recovery of solvents
Emission control
Online analysis of total carbon, perchloroethylene, methylene
dichloride, trichloroethylene, glycols, BTX-aromates
Input materials
Exhaust air streams contaminated with solvents (VbF, CHC and
6000 m
/h lightly polluted exhaust air from production halls
Operational capacity 400 m
/h highly polluted exhaust air from tank farm and loading
Emission achieved values
With regard to organic substances contained in waste gas, except
organic particle matter, a total mass flow of <57 kg/yr or a total
mass concentration of <3.6 mg TOC/Nm are achievable each of
which to be indicated as total carbon
Table 4.71: Exhaust air treatment facility of a waste solvent treatment plant
[130, UBA, 2003]

Abatement treatment
composed of
a. collection of contaminated air with a network under depression
b. group of cyclones and filters used in order to reduce the particulate
c. regenerative thermal oxidation system
Achieved environmental
The regenerative thermal oxidation system is a non-burning system and
has no combustion chamber. As a consequence it does not generate
. Because the pollutants are degraded at high temperature (950 C),
they can achieve VOC concentrations in the outlet of less than
50 mg/Nm
Operational data

Electrical power is needed to maintain the high temperature and natural
gas is necessary to run the process
Example plant One plant in France
Table 4.72: Combined abatement of particulates and VOCs in a hazardous waste treatment plant
[50, Scori, 2002]

Chapter 4
4.6.26 Some examples of abatement techniques comparisons applied to
the preparation of waste fuel from hazardous waste

Table 4.73 and Table 4.74 compare some abatement techniques when applied to one specific
waste treatment.

Criteria Bag filter Wet scrubber
Dust treatment performance + -
Flexibility + +
Consumption ++ -
Costs ++ -
Risks (fire, explosion, etc) + ++
Cross-media effects + -
Note: (-) poor, (+) acceptable and (++) well adapted
Table 4.73: Comparison of bag filters and wet scrubbers for the abatement of dust emissions
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

VOC performance ++ - -/+ + + ++
Consumption - ++ ++/ - ++ + +
Costs + ++ ++ ++ - +
Flexibility - - + + - ++
Risk (e.g. fire,
+ + - + + +
Cross-media effects - - - + + +
Note: (-) poor, (+) acceptable and (++) well adapted
Table 4.74: Comparison of VOC abatement techniques
[122, Eucopro, 2003]

Chapter 4
4.7 Waste water management

This section only covers the management of waste water after it has already been contaminated.
Prevention techniques to avoid the contamination of water or those techniques to reduce the
consumption of water are not covered here and instead are included in Section

This section only covers those techniques most relevant to the waste treatment sector. In
general, most common techniques have already been described and analysed in many other
BREFs (special reference should be made to the waste water and waste gas BREF [63, EIPPCB,
2002]). For this reason, it is not the intention of this section to give a complete analysis of the
different techniques, instead this section focuses only on those issues of particular relevance for
the industrial sector covered in this document, as well as giving emission data for what is
considered good achievable emission values in the Sector.

The main purpose of waste water treatments is the reduction of the BOD content of liquid
effluent (and as a consequence an associated reduction of COD). Treatment typically involves
an agitation phase, which not only homogenises the slurry but also promotes the following

breakdown of solid particles
desorption of waste from solid particulates
contact between organic waste and micro-organisms
oxidation of the slurry by aeration.

Waste water treatments combines chemical, physical and biological treatments. Usually this will
include an aerobic stage, where the effluent is aerated in an aeration tank (0.5 - 3 days retention
time) to convert soluble organics into micro-organisms (sludge) and a cleaner final effluent.
Biological degradation only occurs on organics that are dissolved in water and not on suspended
or free-phase organics. In general, the treatment and purification of waste waters from waste
treatment plants is an important element of these plants, mostly due to the potentially high
pollution loads that may be in the waste water. A distinction can be made between separation
and conversion processes.

Separation processes are, for instance:

mechanical treatment
nano-, ultrafiltration
reverse osmosis

Whereas, conversion processes are, for example:

wet oxidation using H
anaerobic and aerobic biological treatments of waste waters.

Chapter 4
4.7.1 Management on the waste water within the waste treatment sector

Figure 4.10 shows an effluent management system for a WT installation.

If contaminated
Bunds and
Surface water
bulk storage
V notch
surface water
bulk storage
Figure 4.10: Effluent management within a waste treatment installation, which can be classified as
shown in Table 4.75 below
[55, UK EA, 2001]

Classification Objective Techniques Section in
Screening To avoid introducing harmful and
persistent substances into the system
which will be unaffected by treatment
Pre-acceptance and acceptance
Removal or reduction of target
substances from wastes
To convert dissolved substances into
Oxidation of cyanide or nitrite
Reduction of chromium (VI)
Precipitation of metals
pH neutralisation
COD reduction
Elimination of biodegradable organic
and nitrogen compounds
Biological treatment
Thickening and dewatering
Polishing of effluent
Recovery of substances from effluent
Wet air oxidation
Table 4.75: Effluent management techniques

Chapter 4
Some techniques for effective waste water management include:

a. describing any off site treatment in the overall description of the waste water treatment
system (in most cases this maybe an urban waste water treatment facility, such as a sewage
works). Where effluent is treated off-site at a sewage treatment works, the waste water
producers need to demonstrate that:
the treatment provided at the sewage treatment works is as good as would be achieved if
the emission was treated on-site, based on the reduction of load (not concentration) of
each substance to the receiving water
the probability of sewer bypass, via storm/emergency overflows or at intermediate
sewage pumping stations, is acceptably low
action plans are in place to deal with any bypass occurring, e.g. knowing when the
bypass is occurring, and rescheduling activities such as cleaning or even shutting then
down while the by-pass is taking place
a suitable monitoring programme is in place to check the emissions to sewer, taking into
consideration the potential inhibition of any downstream biological processes and
actions plan for any such event
b. selecting the appropriate treatment technique for each type of waste water
c. implementing measures to increase the reliability with which the required control and
abatement performance can be carried out (for example, optimisating the precipitation of
d. identifying the main chemical constituents of the treated effluent (including the make-up of
the COD) and making an informed assessment of the fate of these chemicals in the
e. conducting daily checks (where there is daily discharge) on the effluent management system
and maintaining a log of all checks having in place a system for monitoring effluent
discharge and sludge quality
f. having in place procedures to ensure that the effluent specification is suitable for the on-site
effluent treatment system or discharge criteria
g. avoiding effluent by-passing the treatment plant systems
h. having in place and operating an enclosure system whereby rainwater falling on the
processing areas is collected along with tanker washings, occasional spillages, drum
washings, etc., and returned to the processing plant or collected in a combined interceptor
i. collecting the raining water in a special basin for further treatment in the case it is detected
that it is contaminated
j. having a full concrete base, with falls to internal site drainage systems which lead to storage
tanks or to interceptors that can collect rainwater and any spillage. Interceptors with an
overflow to sewer usually need automatic monitoring systems, such as a pH checks, which
can shut down the overflow
k. reusing treated waste waters and rainwater in the process (e.g. cooling water)
l. only discharging the waste water from its storage only after the conclusion of all the
treatment measures and a subsequent final inspection
m. use of landfill leachate as water input for the aerobic digestion
n. process and run-off water is handled by means of a closed circulation system
o. partial re-use of the water used for the production of polymer solution
p. displacement methods of treating chemical process waters containing VOC (another
specific example is contaminated groundwater), resulting in a lower COD content.

Achieved environmental benefits
These techniques generally minimise emissions to load watercourses. They may also reduce the
risk of contamination of process or surface water as well as reduce odour and VOC emissions.

Operational data
The operation particularly relies on a good control of the feedstock to ensure that the waste does
not inhibit the treatment process (e.g. biological).

Chapter 4
Generally applied in most waste treatment facilities. The waste treatment option applied
depends on the type of contamination present in the waste water. However, measures for
treatment of organic and inorganic contaminants are sometimes common. In some cases,
specially for small sites, waste water treatments can be carried out off-site. These off-site central
waste water treatments typically treat waste water from many installations, not only from WT

Technique d (see description section above) needs to have in consideration that it is not realistic
to perform an environmental impact assessment to all variations of the discharge of the WT

The frequency of technique e (see description section above) is sometimes guided by a risk

Technique k (see description section above) can have restrictions to be applied due to the
increase of the concentration of some soluble components that may interfere the waste treatment

Technique l (see description section above) may imply to have a further storage tank. This may
potentially be costly and space is required especially for large and continuous flows.

Driving force for implementation
Water discharges are regulated by local/regional/national or international regulation.

Example plants
A large proportion of UK sites operate an enclosed system whereby rainwater falling on the
processing areas is collected and returned to the processing plant. There are some examples of
the re-use of water in immobilisation processes and in waste oil treatment plants after biological
treatment. More examples for the re-use of water is in washing and cleaning purposes activities.

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [51, Inertec, et al., 2002], [52, Ecodeco, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie
Group Ltd, 2002], [66, TWG, 2003], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150,
TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [153, TWG, 2005]

4.7.2 Parameters to consider before mixing waste waters

Some techniques before mixing waste waters that are to be further treated include:

a. not mixing waste waters that contain adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX),
cyanides, sulphides, aromatic compounds, benzene or hydrocarbons (dissolved, emulsified
or undissolved)
b. for the metals, using as mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, nickel and chromium as the
classification parameters for the waste water, since like arsenic and zinc, they all occur in
waste water partly in dissolved form and partly as suspended sulphides and have to be
reduced in waste water treatment plants. These parameters also serve to control the
effectiveness of the waste water treatment
c. ensuring that measures are in place to isolate effluents if the test samples indicate a potential
breach of specification. Incidents of this nature need to be recorded in the effluent log
d. segregrating the collecting systems for potentially more contaminated waters (e.g. from
storage and loading unloading areas) and less contaminated water (e.g. rainwater)
e. to isolate drainage systems from flammable waste storage areas to prevent fire being spread
along the drainage system by solvents or other flammable hydrocarbons.
Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Avoids problems in the later treatment and dilution.

Operational data
Wastes and waste waters often contain a mixture of hard and soft COD compounds which may
or may not affect BOD content.

Technique d is typically carried out in two separated systems. One dedicated to rainwater
typically not treated and another one collecting all the rest of aqueous efluents that are typically
treated together. In same cases, rainwater coming from storage or loading/unloading areas may
become more contaminated.

Example plants
The procedures conducted by Ph-c plants are hydraulically separated into contaminated waste
water and uncontaminated rainwater. Ph-c plants have two separate technical dewatering

Related to point e) of the description section, there have been a number of incidents in the UK
where fire has been spread from one area of a site to another via the drainage system.

Reference literature
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [134, UBA, 2003],
[150, TWG, 2004]

4.7.3 Primary waste water treatments

Some techniques include:

a. ensuring that the effluent is free of visible oil. This cheek needs to include procedures to
ensure the correct configuration, operation and maintenance of the oil/water separation plant
b. performing air stripping in the aeration tanks of landfill leachates before it is mixed with
waste water from the plant.

Achieved environmental benefits
Removes or reduces target substances from waste water. Related to technique b in the
description section above, such a system is designed to remove any excess ammonia and
methane from the leachates before these emissions go direct to the air or cause a risk of
explosions in the sewer. An estimated discharge of five tonnes ammonia per year has been
reported from one site.

Air stripping is used to remove halogenated and non-halogenated hydrocarbons from dilute
aqueous solution, to allow the residual solution to be processed within the WWTP without
affecting effluent discharge standards. The hydrocarbons are recovered in carbon filters. Air
stripping is ideally suited for low concentration streams (<200 ppm). The steam stripping
process is capable of reducing VOCs in water to very low concentrations (i.e. ppb levels).

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.7.4 Secondary waste water treatments

Some techniques include:

a. having an in-house effluent treatment unit which uses vacuum filtration to remove colloidal
b. ensuring that the levels of metals in solution are minimised, normally by adjusting the pH to
the correct level required to maintain minimum solubility
c. ensuring that the cyanide treatment (oxidation of cyanide) is carried out to completion,
normally by maintaining pH >10 and preventing the carry over of NaOCl due to overdosing
d. having in place a pH neutralisation system
e. utilising a flocculation process to create a filter cake, with neutralisation of the filtrate and a
discharge to sewer for the handling of latex emulsion waste and contaminated site
rainwater. The final cake analysis will have a nitrogen concentration of ~51 mg/kg of cake.

Achieved environmental benefits
Precipitation and flocculation are employed to convert dissolved substances into solids and to
concentrate them so that they can be separated by adapting an appropriate pH value.

Precipitation transfers dissolved inorganic and organic substances into the undissolved solid
phase through a chemical reaction. During flocculation, physico-chemical processes
(destabilisation, creation of micro- and macroflocs) are used to bring fine suspended or colloidal
substances into a condition in which they can be separated from the fluid phase by mechanical
procedures (e.g. sedimentation, flotation, filtration). In practice, precipitation and flocculation
often take place in parallel with adsorption processes.

Operational data
Certain inorganic and organic complexing agents contained in the water can disrupt or inhibit
the precipitation reaction.

High concentrations of neutral salts raise the residual solubility in the neutral precipitation of
metals. If the requirements regarding the residual metal concentrations are not fulfilled, further
treatment steps will be necessary, e.g. additional precipitation as sulphide, filtration, ion
exchange, etc.

In order to ensure optimal conditions for precipitation and flocculation pretreatment may be
necessary. This may involve a separation of light substances, emulsion splitting, complex
destruction or a systematic removal, detoxification or avoidance of substances which may
disrupt the reaction or the subsequent separation of solids. This may also possibly lead to a
requirement for the separate treatment of wastes and their waste waters.

If the waste water contains surface-active substances which can lead to foaming in the reaction
containers, counteractive measures need to be taken.

Chemical precipitation is employed mainly to remove metal ions from waste waters and for the
chemical elimination of phosphate. Apart from the separation of precipitation products,
flocculation also removes suspended solids and higher molecular compounds.

Chapter 4
For precipitation and flocculation, the following points may be of importance and should be
taken into consideration:

chemical precipitation should lead to compounds with correspondingly low solubility
in order to ensure optimal contact between the reaction partners, good mixing is necessary
in the precipitation reactor. Effective flocculation also requires a swift and even distribution
of the flocculation agents. Applying stirring allows the creation of flocs that sediment well,
although overly large shearing forces should be avoided
separation of the coagulation phase (compensation of the electrical potential of the colloids)
and flocculation phase into two distinct steps is an appropriate way in many cases to achieve
a good flocculation result
refeeding the contact sludge improves the production of compact, heavy flocs and ensures
the optimal utilisation of reagents
a multi-stage precipitation and flocculation process supports the stepwise achievement of
the optimal pH-value and the efficient/effective combination of different precipitation and
flocculation techniques (e.g. hydroxide precipitation followed by sulphide precipitation).

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [134, UBA, 2003]

4.7.5 Tertiary waste water treatments

For the elimination of biodegradable organic compounds and nitrogen compounds biological
treatment processes have repeatedly been shown to be effective. In contrast to other treatment
techniques biological treatment makes use of micro-organisms that can react to the manifold
boundary conditions of their existence and are therefore able to adjust optimally to the
compounds that are to be degraded (adaptation). Under anaerobic conditions different
populations of bacteria evolve which allows for the degradation of a broad range of substances.
In the optimal case, degradation proceeds to the point where inorganic substances such as CO
and H
O are created (mineralisation). Some tertiary techniques include:

a. applying a biological treatment for waste water with a high BOD content. Harmful and
persistent substances, constituting a proportion of the COD load such as solvents,
pesticides, organo-halogens and other organic substances, may be adsorbed onto particulate
and colloidal matter and then removed as a solid residue. The treatment process does not
determine the efficiency of this and removal is highly variable. As a rule of thumb, to
facilitate biodegradation, the COD/BOD ratio of effluent to sewer should typically not
exceed 10:1
b. settlement
c. thickening and dewatering
d. wet air oxidation.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces BOD and consequently reduces the COD load of the waste water. At the same time
nitrogen and some microelements (e.g. Zn) can be captured by the biological treatment. The
degradation of organic compounds is carried out by micro-organisms whose activity depends
largely on their environmental conditions, causing some degree of fluctuation in the efficiency
of the process.

Chapter 4
Parameter Feed (primary effluent) Effluent after biological treatment
(sequential batch reactor)
Minimum (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l) Minimum (mg/l) Maximum (mg/l)
COD 2500 12000 600 1500
25 16000 <1 150
Nitrite 10 300 <1 <1
Nitrate 10 1000 <1 <1
Phenoles 10 500 <2 <2
Oil content -- -- <0.5 --
Effluent after biological treatment: Often around 20 mg/l
Table 4.76: Effluent concentration of a Ph-c plant before and after tertiary waste water treatment
[150, TWG, 2004]

Cross-media effects
Mineralisation of organic substance and biomass production. Through adsorption processes and
bioaccumulation, inorganic and non-degradable organic compounds may accumulate in the

Operational data
Certain organic and inorganic contents of the waste water may have a toxic effect on the
bacteria population. Due to the nutrient demand of biological processes, low phosphorus
concentrations can become the limiting factor for the life of bacterial (this problem may
possibly be solved by a systematic addition of nutrients). For all biological treatment techniques
currently in use, a number of special characteristics and boundary conditions have to be

for biological degradation, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) and trace elements (metals, etc.)
are needed
optimal pH-ranges (usually pH 6.5 - 8.5) have to be maintained within the reactor
to keep the process running oxygen contents greater than 1 mg/l are necessary
activity of the micro-organisms increases with increasing temperature, up to an optimum at
around 30 35 C. Below 10 C the reaction speed usually decreases drastically
for the functionality of the system the retention of biomass is of particular importance.

Biological plants should be designed with sufficient residence time to achieve an adequate
breakdown of the more complex compounds present in the waste water.

The age of the sludge is also important. Optimum operating temperatures can also aid
degradation. Some aerobic plants are currently planned to operate at around 30 C

Biological treatment is a very effective technique for the elimination of:

a large number of biodegradable organic carbon compounds. Even if the analysis of the
waste water indicates low biological degradability (relation BOD
/COD <0.1), 40 50 % of
the COD can still be eliminated (with only small production of biomass)
nitrogen compounds. Organic nitrogen and ammonium can be transformed via nitrite to
nitrate. Emission values below 10 mg NH
-N/l can be achieved easily, values <1 mg NH
N/l are common. Nitrate or nitrite can be converted into elementary nitrogen.

Example plants
Widely used in the sector.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [134, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
4.7.6 Final waste water treatments

Final treatment refers to any process that is considered a polishing phase typically after the
tertiary treatment if exist and which may also encompass the recovery of specific substances.
Some techniques are listed in the following Table 4.77:

Technique Description
Macro-filtration Sand filtration, mixed media (for example, sand/anthracite blends) or more
specialised types of filtration media, such as Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Strong reduction
Wet air oxidation Wet air oxidation is a destructive physico-chemical treatment method that is
used to treat aqueous effluents with high COD levels, which are not suitable to
be directly discharged to a WWTP, but that are too expensive to incinerate
Strong reduction with

Ion exchange Removal of nitrate, metals and concentration of metals
Table 4.77: Final waste water treatments

Achieved environmental benefits
The benefits of these treatments is the final polishing of the effluent and the recovery of
substances from the effluent before its re-use or its emission to the sewer, surface waters, etc.

There may be some scope for the application of these filtration techniques (including sand
filters) to remove particulates in effluent, thereby offering a means to reduce the level of
suspended solids in the effluent.

Macro-filtration remove the suspended solids, certain chemicals, taste and odours.

Cross-media effects
Macro-filtration by GAC carbon needs regeneration, which is usually carried out by

Operational data
Filtration processes need pressure. In some cases, very high pressures are needed (e.g. as is the
case with reverse osmosis).

Attempts at using wet air oxidation for some waste treatment has suffered from problems
connected with heterogeneous and variable waste feedstock; and as a consequence there are no
current applications in waste treatment. Though these are applied in other sectors, as is suitable
for dedicated processes with specific waste streams on-site.

Adsorption is simple and reliable and batch operation is possible.

Driving force for implementation
The need for these treatments is dictated by three potential factors:

the requirement to meet the discharge conditions stated in the permits
to allow recycling of waste water for process water or wash-water
to aid recovery i.e. of oil from water contaminated with oil by, for example, ultra-filtration.

Filtration systems are currently being utilised by some water utilities for discharges from waste
water treatment works, primarily in order to control the pathogens in the waste.

Hydrazine is a hazardous substance and reports state that its use is banned in at least one MS.
Chapter 4
Example plants
There is an example plant where 90 % of the Hg emission comes from contamination in the soil,
which subsequently leaks into the pipeworks. At Akzo Nobel in Bohus (Sweden), a mercury
base chlor-alkali plant, the waste water mercury removal system consists of a mixing unit where
hydrazine is added to the waste water, two sedimentation tanks, sand filters, activated carbon
filters and ion exchange filters. The treated waste water flow was 7 m
/h with a mercury content
of 3000 - 5000 _g/l in 1997, with a resultant mercury concentration in the waste water of
5 - 8 _g/l, corresponding to an emission of 0.005 g Hg/tonne chlorine capacity. The total
mercury emission to water from the site was approximately 0.045 g Hg/tonne chlorine capacity,
which meant that about 10 % of the mercury emissions were process emissions with the other
90 % being indirect emissions of deposited mercury which end up in the run-off water.

Reference literature
[41, UK, 1991], [42, UK, 1995], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt and Institute for
environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004] Evaporation

The aim of the treatment is to concentrate the waste water contents into more manageable

By splitting the evaporation into several smaller steps and by using a vacuum (in order to lower
the boiling temperature), the energy use can be optimised.

Depending on the temperature, the evaporation usually takes place without the chemical
conversion of substances. During concentration, phases might be created which favour further
separation (e.g. crystallisation).

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces the amount of waste water to be treated.

Cross-media effects
There is an increased energy consumption. If the materials are not suitable for recovery, the
residues from evaporation can be landfilled after an appropriate after-treatment (such as drying,
dewatering, conditioning) according to their contents. Since evaporation will only lead to a
lightly polluted vapour condensate in the ideal case, the condensate will usually have to be
subjected to an after-treatment and purification according to its contents.

Operational data
Limits of the treatment:

for the selection of input material for the evaporation facility the contents of the waste water
need to be taken into account
if the waste water contains surface-active substances which could lead to foaming during
the evaporation process, measures have to be taken to reduce the foam. In addition to the
installation of separators, the use of defoamers may be necessary.

Facilities for the mechanical removal of crusts or for the discharge of solid substances which
accumulate during evaporation need to be available.

The treatment is suitable for highly polluted waste waters from which all inorganic and organic
contents that are not volatile need to be eliminated. Evaporation is suitable for instance to
further concentrate waste waters already thickened by reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration.

Chapter 4
Example plants
Physico-chemical treatment of waste waters.

Reference literature
[134, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Adsorption

Adsorption to activated carbon is mainly applied for the separation of organic substances from
waste waters. Two different approaches are currently in use:

adding mostly powdery activated carbon to the waste water that is to be treated
running the waste water over several adsorption columns arranged in series, and which are
filled with granulated activated coal.

Achieved environmental benefits
Reduces of organic substances in the waste water.

Cross-media effects
When using powdery carbon, the carbon must be separated from the waste water after use.
Depending on the substances adsorbed, it can be incinerated or disposed of at suitable landfill
sites. Granulated carbon is usually recovered in external plants.

This treatment process is mainly suitable for removing organic substances from waste waters. If
individual pollutants or groups of pollutants (e.g. AOX) are to be removed selectively, the
process can be optimised by visiting the special properties of the waste water (type and quantity
of substances) and thereby the adsorption can be adapted to individual cases (form and
properties of the carbon, adsorption time, column size and arrangement, etc.).

As solids can occupy the surface of the activated carbon and thus block the pores they need to
be removed before the treatment with activated carbon.

Example plants
Activated carbon adsorption is frequently used in order to enable the operator to meet the
permissible maximum value of AOX 1 mg/l. Activated carbon adsorption however does not
selectively separate the AOX-forming materials, but rather a multitude of other organic

Reference literature
[134, UBA, 2003] Membrane filtration

The separation of substances in membrane processes is brought about by the differential
permeabilities of the membrane for different chemical components. There at least one
component of the substance mix that is to be separated - usually the solvent will be able to
pass the membrane without resistance, while the other elements are held back to a higher or
lesser extent. The fraction that is retained represents the concentrate; the material that passes the
membrane is called the permeate.

Chapter 4
The following treatment processes, grouped according to their pore sizes, are currently in
technical use:

microfiltration (MF) (>0.6 _m, >500000 g/mol)
ultrafiltration (UF) (0.1 0.01 _m, 1000 500000 g/mol)
nanofiltration (NF) (0.01 0.001 _m, 100 1000 g/mol)
reverse osmosis (RO) (<0.001 _m, <100 g/mol)

Some issues to consider include:

a. the pH value in the waste water to be treated can be shifted in order to accelerate the
reactions and/or to improve the charge values
b. a fine filter can be connected in front of the activated carbon adsorbent to retain the harmful
c. dampening the activated carbon, using fine granulates instead of powders, and feeding it in
below the water level in the reactor/basin can help to overcome problems due to dust
formation in stirring.

Achieved environmental benefits
By using membrane techniques waste waters with organic and inorganic pollutants can be
treated without any considerable addition of chemicals.

Cross-media effects
Through process optimisation, the permeate of a membrane facility should usually be purified
sufficiently to be recycled into the industrial process or to comply with minimum quality
standards for discharge into water bodies. The concentrate is usually subjected to further
treatment, such as:


Membrane techniques as used for substance separation and accumulation have become a key
technology in water and waste water treatment because no chemicals are necessary, - except for
the cleaning of the membrane, - due to the purely technical nature of the separation. As a
consequence, the separating components are neither chemically nor thermally polluted. Due to
those factors, the economics of the treatment even make it efficient in smaller plants and
decentralised treatment of waters at the place of origin is also possible.

The applicability of membrane techniques is influenced both by the construction and design of
the modules/membrane systems and by a number of additional limiting factors.

Some of these are:

damaging factors: free chloride, organic solvents, strong oxidants
blocking factors
fouling (metal hydroxides, colloids, biological substances, organic substances)
scaling (precipitation of salts with low solubility)
performance-impairing factors
osmotic pressure, viscosity.

Chapter 4
However, these factors are usually not exclusive just to membrane techniques. Nevertheless
they generally require a detailed pre-assessment of the water that is to be treated with respect to:

choice of membrane (polymer or keramics)
selection of material (synthetic, steal)
necessary pretreatment (filtration, inhibition, biocides etc.)
purification programme (acid, alkaline).

Example plants
Figure 4.11: Example of a diagram showing a three-step reverse osmosis plant
[150, TWG, 2004]

Reference literature
[134, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004] Ozone/UV treatment

Highly polluted waste waters can be treated with ozone alone or with ozone and UV-light in
combination with biological treatment processes.

The ozone reaction is a wet chemical reaction. At pH-values below 9 ozone reacts ioniccally by
decomposition, leaving one active oxygen atom behind, or as a radical by adsorption of the
whole molecule to organic carbon double bonds, breaking them up at pH-values above 9.
Oxygen radicals or hydroxyl radicals can also be created from ozone by the exposure to UV-
light. These radicals are even more reactive than ozone.

Additionally Nitrogen compounds can be degraded through a combination of the ozone
treatment with biological procedures. There the waste water is transported from the influx pump
to the denitrification container. Phosphoric acid is added to the influx. Before the fluid enters
the denitrification container the runback from the nitrification is added.

In ozone reactors, the ozone can react with the oxidisable substances contained in the waste
water. In downstream UV-reactors, the ozone that still remains in the water is destroyed or
converted into radicals, which then also react with organic substances.

The remaining oxygen is utilised by aerobic bacteria for nitrification.

After the treatment with ozone and UV-light, part of the cycling water is discharged from the
process into the outflow as purified waste water.

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
The wet chemical oxidation with ozone alone or with ozone in combination with UV-light
reduces the concentration of:

dissolved organic hydrocarbons (DOC)
halogenated hydrocarbons
polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates (PAC)
(pathogenic) micro-organisms.

The aim of wet chemical oxidation is the direct degradation of pollutants at a low pressure and
temperature. Ozone reacts with all organic substances that contain carbon-carbon double bonds.

Some short-chained aliphatic compounds and carbon-halogen compounds do not easily react
with ozone. The bonds of these molecules can be more easily broken if ozone and UV-light are
applied in combination.

Depending on the boundary conditions (type of waste water contents, ozone entry, reaction
time) the reaction can produce carbon dioxide at the complete oxidation point, and biologically
degradable substances (increase of BOD
) or substances that are not readily biodegradable.

Cross-media effects
If ozone/UV-treatment is combined with a biological step, sludges are produced by the
biological treatment which then have to be subjected to further treatment.

Some issues to note are:

longer-chained aliphatic compounds without double bonds are not altered by ozone/UV
with coloured or turbid waste water, treatment is possible only if UV-treatment is not
necessary for the degradation of the contents
inorganic substances contained in the waste water are not modified and at high salt
concentrations can lead to disruption of the process.

Example plants

Figure 4.12: Example of a flow sheet showing ozone/UV treatment of waste water
[150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 4
Figure 4.13: Example of a flow sheet showing a biological and UV treatment
[150, TWG, 2004]

Reference literature
[134, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.7.7 Reporting of the components in the effluent generated in waste
treatment facilities

This section is intended to give some guidelines on the type of water parameter (pollutans) to be
analysed in the effluent coming out from a waste treatment installation. The following Table
4.78 gives information on the water parameters analysed, the achievable levels, the frequency of
the measurement and an indication of whether such a parameter is monitored continuously and
which type of waste treatment installations requires the particular parameter.
Chapter 4
Water parameter Achieved
emission levels
Time average
(continuous, daily,
monthly, yearly)
Example of WT installations
where the parameter has been
pH Continuous All
Dry Solids 17000 27000 Ph-c treatments
Suspended solids 0.1 79 Continuous All
Conductivity (_S/cm) 900 21000 Continuous Ph-c treatments
Total nitrogen 110 3500 Monthly Biological and Ph-c treatments
Ammonia 10 2500 Biological and Ph-c treatments
Nitrite 0.01 10 All
Nitrate 0.9 10 Biological and Ph-c treatments
Total Phosphorus <0.1 2.6 Monthly Dealing with phosphorus waste
e.g. in Ph-c treatments
Chloride total 1500 18240 Biological and Ph-c treatments
Chloride free b0.1 0.4 Ph-c treatments
Cyanide free <0.01 0.1 Ph-c treatments
Fluoride 0.5 10 Ph-c treatments
Cyanide total b0.1 Ph-c treatments
Sulphate 65 1070 Ph-c treatments
Sulphite b1 - 50 Ph-c treatments
Sulphide b0.1 Ph-c treatments
Aquatic toxicity
Microbial indicators
(e.g. pathogens)

Bacteria luminescence
BOD 20 3000
BTEX <0.1 0.7 Ph-c treatments
COD 120 5000 All
Detergents 0.6 5.3
Hydrocarbons <0.1 3.8 All
AOX 0.1 0.5 All
Phenols 0.1 1.9 Ph-c treatments
VOC <0.01 0.1 Ph-c treatments
Metals Monthly Ph-c treatment
Ag b0.1
Al <0.1 2 Ph-c treatments
As <0.01 0.1 Arsenic bearing wastes
Ph-c treatments
Ba b5 Ph-c treatments
Cd b0.1 Ph-c treatments
Co <0.1 1.0 Ph-c treatments
Cr(VI) <0.01 0.1 Ph-c treatments
Cr <0.1 0.5 Ph-c treatments
Cu b0.1 0.5 Ph-c treatments
Fe 0.1 5.2 Ph-c treatments
Hg 0.001 0.01 Ph-c treatments
Mn <0.1 0.9
Ni <0.1 1.0 Ph-c treatments
Pb <0.1 0.5 Ph-c treatments
Se b0.1 Ph-c treatments
Sn <0.1 2.0 Ph-c treatments
Zn <0.1 2.0 Ph-c treatments
Table 4.78: Water parameters monitored in waste treatment facilities
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116, Irish EPA, 2003], [134,
UBA, 2003], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Chapter 4
Achieved environmental benefits
Identifies and assists the monitoring of pollutants that are typically released.

Example plants
In general, the discharge consent reflects the type of activity carried out at the site, ie those
handling large volumes of solvent are required to test for solvent content; others may be
required simply to test for pH and COD.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [116,
Irish EPA, 2003], [134, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.7.8 Examples of some waste water treatment plants in the sector
[56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002]

An example of a WWTP used in waste oil treatment plants may include the aqueous waste
going through a physico-chemical unit where ferric chloride is added as a flocculant and sludge
is taken off to the filter press. The aqueous phase may then be dosed with polyelectrolytes and
lime to raise the pH and to produce another sludge layer that then goes to the sludge press.
Liquors from the press plus the supernatant liquors will go onto a biological treatment, but now
the liquors will be substantially free from oil residues and metals, and the overall COD level
will have also been reduced.
Chapter 4
4.8 Residue management

The word residue is used in this section to mean the solid waste generated by the waste
treatment activity and is not directly related with the type of waste treated in the installation.
This is the same type of convention used in Chapter 3 and throughout this document (see also
Glossary). Remember that Chapter 3 called the waste coming out from the installation as waste
OUT. Waste OUT has a direct relation with the waste IN of the installation. In Chapter 3, such
waste was called the process generated waste, as was shown by the schematic in Figure 3.1.
This section covers the following type of techniques:

techniques for the reduction of waste generated due to the treatment (analysed in each of the
previous sections of this chapter)
management of the waste generated due to the treatment, and
those techniques focused on a reduction of the contamination of soil.

4.8.1 Residue management plan

Waste minimisation is a systematic approach to the reduction of waste at source, by
understanding and it necessary changing the processes and activities to prevent and reduce
waste. A variety of techniques can be classified under the general term of waste minimisation
and they range:

from basic housekeeping techniques
through statistical measurement techniques
to application of clean technologies
to the use of waste as fuel.

In particular, some techniques include:

a. undertaking an analysis of the sludge/filter cake to ensure the treatment process objectives
are being met and that the process is working effectively. Filter cakes and treatment sludges
are typically analysed less frequently but an analysis could still enable a calculation of the
metals level to be made. Filter cakes and treatment sludges are normally not suitable for
landfilling, as they do not fulfil the criteria of the Landfill directive
b. identifying, characterising and quantifying each of the waste streams generated and that
need to be removed from the installation. Maintaining a waste tracking system can help
operators to record the quantity, nature, origin and, where relevant, the destination,
frequency of collection, mode of transport and treatment method of any waste which is
disposed of or recovered on that side
c. identifying the current or proposed handling arrangements
d. fully describing how each waste stream is proposed to be recovered or disposed of. If it is to
be disposed of, the explanation needs to cover why recovery is technically and
economically not possible and then describe/explain the measures planned to avoid or
reduce impact on the environment
e. ensuring that the dry solids content are not less than 15 w/w-%, to facilitate handling of the
f. ensuring that dust accumulations requiring removal are analysed, in order to ensure the
correct disposal route is chosen, for example, for pH, COD, heavy metals and other known
contaminants from the spillage.

Chapter 4
Some techniques for minimisation include:

g. recycling the filter cake arising from treatment of acidic and alkali solutions and metal
precipitation, as it may contain percentage levels of metals such as zinc and copper with
options for metal recovery
h. recycling contaminated drums.Undamaged 205 litre drums and 800 and 1000 litre IBCs can
be recovered with cleaning and reconditioning. Damaged containers for which there is no
reconditioning market and which held non-hazardous materials may be released into the
secondary metals market. Where possible, empty containers which are in sound condition
and which are free from, or which contain only insignificant quantities of, residual waste
need to be sent for reconditioning and re-use or recycling
i. using multiusable containers instead of drums for all purposes if available
j. utilising the waste with sufficient heat content and low contamination values (see Energy
System Sections) as primary/secondary fuel
k. applying housekeeping operations, these can be as simple as sweeping prior to washing
floors, these measures can substantially reduce waste volumes.

Achieved environmental benefits
The steps above help to ensure the prudent use of natural resources and can reduce waste
generation in the WT installation. Reduces emissions from the management of the residues
handled in the installations and minimises the amount of residue arising, as well as helping to
identify a good disposal route.

Soluble contaminants may appear in the eluant with the water removed by the filter pressing

Cross-media effects
The burning of residues can lead to higher air emissions than from the use of conventional fuels.

Operational data
Related with technique h (in the description section above), before re-using drums, the labels
and inscriptions need to be removed.

The use of residues as fuel is common in waste oil treatment facilities.

The re-use of packaging and palettes depends also whether the packaging is made for re-use or
not. In several cases such a re-use may conflict with ADR regulations if the packaging is not
retrofitted appropriately.

Related with technique h (in the description section above), the recycle of drums need to take
into account the contamination of the drums with the content. Drums not being suitable for
direct recycling are typically send to appropriate treatment e.g. incineration. For example,
polyethylene drums are completely incinerated, steel drums are cleaned and typically are sorted
out from the slags and recycled afterwards. Landfilling of contaminated drums is typically

In terms of capital expenditure and operating costs, sludge treatment is a significant component
and the management and disposal of solid waste will remain as one of the most fundamental
issues facing operators.

Driving force for implementation
The prevention and minimisation of generation of waste as well as reducing its hazardousness is
a general principle of IPPC and waste hierarchy.

Chapter 4
The types of waste produced on each site are in many countries part of the permitting process.
The permit can also describe how to store such wastes and how often to analyse them.

Re-using drums is restricted to cases where the drums are still fit for purpose, in accordance
with ADR rules and can readily be cleaned. All other drums have to be pretreated before the
scrap can be re-used.

Example plants
In Germany, the use of drums has been reduced as much as possible.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG,

4.8.2 Techniques to prevent the contamination of soil

These techniques relate to water spills and other fugitive emissions as already dealt with in
Section and todecommissioning as already dealt with in Section 4.1.9. Some specific
techniques include:

a. providing and then maintaining the surfaces of operational areas, including applying
measures to prevent or quickly clear away leaks and spillages, and ensuring maintenance of
drainage systems and other subsurface structures
b. utilising an impermeable base and internal site drainage
c. applying separate drainage systems and sumps enable the isolation of specific areas of the
site where waste is handled and bulked, in order to to contain possible spills and to protect
surface water drainage from contamination. These can help to reduce liquid emissions
d. minimising the installation site and minimising the use of underground vessels and
e. carrying out regular monitoring of subsurface vessels for potential leakages (e.g vessel level
checks during periods of inactivity)
f. designing the areas where water-endangering liquids are transferred as watertight bunds.
Then, the bund must be watertight so that in the event of accident, the hazardous liquid can
be contained until security measures are in place
g. ensuring that the areas where water-endangering substances are handled, as well as bunded
areas, are specially sealed against seepage by e.g. painting, coatings, concrete quality,
sealing systems applied on the inside. There, the sealing system needs to be capable of
being inspected at any time
h. equipping the containers used for the storage/accumulation of water-endangering materials
must be equipped with double-walls or standing them in bunded tanks. There their volume
capacity needs to be measured in such a way that the total volume of the largest container
can be collected or 10 % of the volume of all containers in each case, the larger volume is
i. equipping the containers used for the storage/accumulation of water-endangering materials
with overflow controls, linked by a signal relay to the control room, as well as optical and
acoustic signals. There the pumps used to fill the containers, as well as associated shut off
devices (e.g. slide gate valves) should be connected to the overflow control.

Achieved environmental benefits
Can prevent the short- and long-term contamination of the site. Minimisation of underground
vessels and pipes makes easier the tasks of maintenance as well as inspections.

Cross-media effects
Problems such as cracks, blocked outlets on drains, drainage channels of gravel between
concrete slabs have all been identified in some cases.
Chapter 4
Most sites have an impermeable base and operate an internal site drainage (e.g. full concrete

Driving force for implementation
IPPC requires that in carrying out industrial activities there needs to be no pollution risk from
the site. Some EU directives and national legislation also apply to prevent the contamination of

Example plants
Some examples have been reported, where although most of the sites had an impermeable base
and internal site drainage, the condition of these was suspect. Almost all hazardous waste
transfer stations have a secure base, which is laid with falls that drain rainwater and liquid/solid
spills to one or more liquid tanks or interceptors.

Ph-c plants are typically equipped with seal systems to prevent spillages which can lead to
groundwater or subsoil contamination. Of fundamental importance for all technical emission
protection measures is the selection of construction materials, which need to offer high
resistance, e.g. against acids, alkalis, organic solvents (depending on the application).

Reference literature
[50, Scori, 2002], [55, UK EA, 2001], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003], [121, Schmidt
and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [135, UBA, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

4.8.3 Techniques to reduce the accumulation of residues within the

Some techniques include:

a. making a clear distinction between sales and technical staff and their roles and
responsibilities. If non-technical sales staff are involved in waste disposal enquiries then a
final technical assessment prior to approval needs to be made. It is this final technical
checking that needs to be used to avoid a build up of the accumulation of wastes and to
ensure that sufficient capacity exists on site. It is not the commercial streams which regulate
the waste arrival on the site, but rather should be a specific stream of co-ordination,
involving technical staff as well
b. avoiding an accumulation of waste, which may in turn lead to a deterioration or deformation
of the container
c. keeping a monitoring inventory of the waste on-site by using records of the amount of
wastes received on-site and records of the wastes processed
d. conducting a monthy inventory of all the waste on-site to monitor stock levels and to
identify any ageing waste on-site
e. ensuring that any accumulations of liquids in bunds, sumps etc, are dealt with promptly.

Achieved environmental benefits
In some reported plants, failure to ensure an adequate throughput of wastes has lead to a large
number of waste, drums and containers being stored. The wastes involved are typically
unchecked and drums are often simply just left to deteriorate. Such situations are often
associated with large scale site clearances and may be accompanied by competitive pressures
and customers insistence to accept additional waste streams. Typically the wastes involved are
difficult to handle and/or treat and may have been transferred between various operators, with a
consequent loss of information about the original producer and composition.

Longstanding accumulations may also compromise standards relating to record keeping, which
in turn may result in the loss of identity of the waste, further exacerbating the storage situation.
Chapter 4
Driving force for implementation
Typically in operating permits, the amount of different kinds of waste to be allowed for storage
is well defined. Generally, operators have limited capacities in their permit and a delay may be
given to state the time between the waste reception and its treatment.

Reference literature
[55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003]

4.8.4 Promoting the external residue exchange

Whilst re-using a residue inside a manufacturing facility is the most desirable form of recycling,
it is not always possible to find another department or process that can effectively utilise the
residue. An alternative therefore may be to locate another company that can make use of the
residue. A waste exchange is a regional clearing-house for such transactions. Waste exchanges
maintain computer databases and/or publish periodic lists of wastes available or materials
sought by various industries. The waste exchange information base typically includes:

a. company ID code
b. category (e.g., acid, solvent, etc.)
c. description of the primary usable constituents
d. contaminants
e. physical state
f. quantity
g. geographic area
h. packaging.
Achieved environmental benefits
Allows a more appropriate use or disposal of a waste.

Reference literature
[53, LaGrega, et al., 1994]

Chapter 5

In understanding this chapter and its contents, the attention of the reader is drawn back to the
preface of this document and in particular the fifth section of the preface: How to understand
and use this document. The techniques and associated emission and/or consumption levels, or
ranges of levels, presented in this chapter have been assessed through an iterative process
involving the following steps:

identification of the key environmental issues for the waste treatment sector. These are
related with air emissions, emission to water, waste, soil contamination as well as energy.
However, due to the variety of waste treatments and types of waste involved in this
document not all types of emissions are relevant for all waste treatments
examination of the techniques most relevant to address those key issues
identification of the best environmental performance levels, on the basis of the available
data in the European Union and worldwide
examination of the conditions under which these performance levels were achieved; such as
costs, cross-media effects, main driving forces involved in implementation of these
selection of the best available techniques (BAT) and the associated emission and/or
consumption levels for this sector in a general sense all according to Article 2(11) and
Annex IV of the Directive.

Expert judgement by the European IPPC Bureau and the relevant Technical Working Group
(TWG) has played a key role in each of these steps and in the way in which the information is
presented here.

On the basis of this assessment, techniques, and as far as possible consumption and emission
levels associated with the use of BAT, are presented in this chapter that are considered to be
appropriate to the sector as a whole and in many cases reflect current performance of some
installations within the sector. Where emission or consumption levels associated with best
available techniques are presented, this is to be understood as meaning that those levels
represent the environmental performance that could be anticipated as a result of the application,
in this sector, of the techniques described, bearing in mind the balance of costs and advantages
inherent within the definition of BAT. However, they are neither emission nor consumption
limit values and should not be understood as such. In some cases it may be technically possible
to achieve better emission or consumption levels but due to the costs involved or cross-media
considerations, they are not considered to be appropriate as BAT for the sector as a whole.
However, such levels may be considered to be justified in more specific cases where there are
special driving forces.

The consumption and emission levels associated with the use of BAT have to be seen together
with any specified reference conditions (e.g. averaging periods).

The concept of levels associated with BAT described above is to be distinguished from the
term achievable level used elsewhere in this document. Where a level is described as
achievable using a particular technique or combination of techniques, this should be
understood to mean that the level may be expected to be achieved over a substantial period of
time in a well maintained and operated installation or process using those techniques.

Where available, data concerning costs have been given together with the description of the
techniques presented in the previous chapters. These give a rough indication about the
magnitude of costs involved. However, the actual cost of applying a technique will depend
strongly on the specific situation regarding, for example, taxes, fees, and the technical
characteristics of the installation concerned. It is not possible to evaluate such site-specific
factors fully in this document. In the absence of data concerning costs, conclusions on economic
viability of techniques are drawn from observations on existing installations.

Chapter 5
It is intended that the general BAT in this chapter are a reference point against which to judge
the current performance of an existing installation or to judge a proposal for a new installation.
In this way they will assist in the determination of appropriate BAT-based conditions for the
installation or in the establishment of general binding rules under Article 9(8). It is foreseen that
new installations can be designed to perform at or even better than the general BAT levels
presented here. It is also considered that existing installations could move towards the general
BAT levels or do better, subject to the technical and economic applicability of the techniques in
each case.

While the BREFs do not set legally binding standards, they are meant to give information for
the guidance of industry, Member States and the public on achievable consumption and
emission levels when using specified techniques. The appropriate limit values for any specific
case will need to be determined taking into account the objectives of the IPPC Directive and the
local considerations.

Some key findings to help users/readers of this document
During the preparation of this document, several important issues were raised and considered by
the TWG; a knowledge of these issues may help users/readers of this document.

due to the complex nature of the sector, it is strongly recomended to read Chapter 5 in
conjunction with Chapter 4. To help the user/reader in this subject, cross-references to
Chapter 4 have been included in Chapter 5
many factors influence decisions about whether or not a waste treatment facility should
apply a certain process technique or pollution abatement technique. Factors such as the type
of treatment and type of waste processed need to be taken into account when using this
document at local level
in addition to the BAT referenced in this chapter, BAT for a waste treatment facility will
also contain elements from other IPPC documents and international regulations. In this
context, special attention is drawn to the BAT Reference Document on Emissions from
Storage, Industrial Cooling Systems, Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management
Systems in the Chemical Sector, Waste Incineration and the Reference Document on the
General Principles of Monitoring
a waste treatment installation covered in this document is only a part of the whole waste
management chain. Issues occurring upstream and downstream of a waste treatment
installation have a huge impact on the installation, consequently influencing their
environmental performance
overall waste management involves many different kinds of treatment operations (chains of
operations) which will ultimately lead to recovery or disposal, actions which may be outside
of the scope of this BREF. For instance, according to waste hierarchy, operations aiming for
recovery prevail over disposal. However, it has been reported that in certain situations this
hierachy may not be the best environmental choice especially when the effect on a complete
waste management chain (outside of the scope of this document) is taken into account.
These considerations, together with non-environmental aspects, can influence the choice of
waste treatment applied.

Some aids to understand the remainder of this chapter
In this chapter, the BAT conclusions for the waste treatment sector are set out on two levels.
Section 5.1 deals with generic BAT conclusions, i.e. these are generally applicable to the whole
sector. If there are exceptions when the BAT is not applicable in certain circumstances or cases,
this issue is mentioned in the BAT conclusion. Section 5.2 contains more specific BAT
conclusions, e.g. those for the various types of specific processes and activities defined in the
scope. So, BAT for any specific type of waste treatment facility is the combination of the non-
activity specific elements applied to waste treatment (generic or common issues) and the
activity specific elements applicable to the particular case and the other BREFs mentioned
above. Emission values associated to the use of BAT in this chapter correspond to daily
Chapter 5
Due to the huge variation in the different types of wastes that are covered in this document, it is
practically impossible to consider all the differences that may be found in the EU. For this
reason, wastes are categorised into two types in this chapter. One deals with non-hazardous
waste which represents the general basis for BAT for the waste sector. The other type
corresponds to more dangerous waste (e.g hazardous waste) where further measures may be
included as BAT. To help the user/reader, BAT related to hazardous waste have been presented
in italics.
Particularly for this document, BAT is described as qualitative and mainly based on current
practice. This is due to the lack of information on quantification of environmental performance
parameters (e.g. emissions, consumptions) due to the fact that the majority of information
provided corresponds to emission limit values applied in certain countries or regions.

5.1 Generic BAT

Environmental management
These are techniques related to the continuous improvement of environmental performance.
They provide the framework for ensuring the identification, adoption and adherence to BAT
options that nevertheless remain important and can play a role in improving environmental
performance of the installation. Indeed, these good house housekeeping/management
techniques/tools often prevent emissions.

A number of environmental management techniques are determined as BAT. The scope (e.g.
level of detail) and nature of the Environmental Management System (EMS) (e.g. standardised
or non-standardised) will generally be related to the nature, scale and complexity of the
installation, and the range of environmental impacts it may have. BAT is to:

1. implement and adhere to an EMS that incorporates, as appropriate to individual
circumstances, the following features (see Section
a. definition of an environmental policy for the installation by top management
(commitment of the top management is regarded as a precondition for a successful
application of other features of the EMS)
b. planning and establishing the necessary procedures
c. implementation of the procedures, paying particular attention to
structure and responsibility
training, awareness and competence
employee involvement
efficient process control
maintenance programme
emergency preparedness and response
safeguarding compliance with environmental legislation.
d. checking performance and taking corrective action, paying particular attention to
monitoring and measurement (see also the Reference document on General
Principles of Monitoring)
corrective and preventive action
maintenance of records
independent (where practicable) internal auditing in order to determine whether
or not the environmental management system conforms to planned
arrangements and has been properly implemented and maintained.
e. review by top management.

Chapter 5
Three further features, which can complement the above stepwise, are considered as supporting
measures. However, their absence is generally not inconsistent with BAT. These three
additional steps are:

f. having the management system and audit procedure examined and validated by an
accredited certification body or an external EMS verifier
g. preparation and publication (and possibly external validation) of a regular
environmental statement describing all the significant environmental aspects of the
installation, allowing for year-by-year comparison against environmental objectives
and targets as well as with sector benchmarks as appropriate
h. implementation and adherence to an internationally accepted voluntary system such
as EMAS or EN ISO 14001:1996. This voluntary step could give higher credibility
to the EMS. In particular EMAS, which embodies all the above-mentioned features,
gives higher credibility. However, non-standardised systems can in principle be
equally effective provided that they are properly designed and implemented.

Specifically for this industry sector, it is also important to consider the following potential
features of the EMS:

i. giving consideration to the environmental impact from the eventual
decommissioning of the unit at the stage of designing a new plant
j. giving consideration to the development of cleaner technologies
k. where practicable, sectoral benchmarking on a regular basis, including energy
efficiency and energy conservation activities, choice of input materials, emissions to
air, discharges to water, consumption of water and generation of waste.

2. ensure the provision of full details of the activities carried out on-site. A good detail of that
is contained in the following documentation (see Section and related to BAT number
a. descriptions of the waste treatment methods and procedures in place in the
b. diagrams of the main plant items where they have some environmental relevance,
together with process flow diagrams (schematics)
c. details of the chemical reactions and their reaction kinetics/energy balance
d. details on the control system philosophy and how the control system incorporates the
environmental monitoring information
e. details on how protection is provided during abnormal operating conditions such as
momentary stoppages, start-ups, and shutdowns
f. an instruction manual
g. an operational diary (related to BAT number 3)
h. an annual survey of the activities carried out and the waste treated. The annual
survey should also contain a quarterly balance sheet of the waste and residue
streams, including the auxiliary materials used for each site (related to BAT number

3. have a good housekeeping procedure in place, which will also cover the maintenance
procedure, and an adequate training programme, covering the preventive actions that
workers need to take on health and safety issues and environmental risks (see Sections,,,, and

4. try to have a close relationship with the waste producer/holder in order that the customers
sites implement measures to produce the required quality of waste necessary for the waste
treatment process to be carried out (see Section

5. have sufficient staff available and on duty with the requisite qualifications at all times. All
personnel should undergo specific job training and further education (see Section
This is also related to BAT number 3)
Chapter 5
Waste IN
To improve the knowledge of the waste IN, BAT is to:

6. have a concrete knowledge of the waste IN. Such knowledge needs to take into account the
waste OUT, the treatment to be carried out, the type of waste, the origin of the waste, the
procedure under consideration (see BAT number 7 and 8) and the risk (related to waste
OUT and the treatment) (see Section Guidance on some of these issues is provided
in Sections 4.2.3, and

7. implement a pre-acceptance procedure containing at least the following items (see Section
a. tests for the incoming waste with respect to the planned treatment
b. making sure that all necessary information is received on the nature of the
process(es) producing the waste, including the variability of the process. The
personnel having to deal with the pre-acceptance procedure need to be able due to
his profession and/or experience to deal with all necessary questions relevant for the
treatment of the wastes in the WT facility
c. a system for providing and analysing a representative sample(s) of the waste from
the production process producing such waste from the current holder
d. a system for carefully verifying, if not dealing directly with the waste producer, the
information received at the pre-acceptance stage, including the contact details for the
waste producer and an appropriate description of the waste regarding its composition
and hazardousness
e. making sure that the waste code according to the European Waste List (EWL) is
f. identifying the appropriate treatment for each waste to be received at the installation
(see Section by identifying a suitable treatment method for each new waste
enquiry and having a clear methodology in place to assess the treatment of waste,
that considers the physico-chemical properties of the individual waste and the
specifications for the treated waste.

8. implement an acceptance procedure containing at least the following items (see Section
a. a clear and specified system allowing the operator to accept wastes at the receiving
plant only if a defined treatment method and disposal/recovery route for the ouput of
the treatment is determined (see pre-acceptance in BAT number 7). Regarding the
planning for the acceptance, it needs to be guaranteed that the necessary storage (see
Section, treatment capacity and dispatch conditions (e.g. acceptance criteria
of the output by the other installation) are also respected
b. measures in place to fully document and deal with acceptable wastes arriving at the
site, such as a pre-booking system, to ensure e.g. that sufficient capacity is available
c. clear and unambiguous criteria for the rejection of wastes and the reporting of all
non conformances
d. a system for identifying the maximum capacity limit of waste that can be stored at
the facility (related to BAT number 10.b, 10.c, 27 and 24.f)
e. visually inspect the waste IN to check compliance with the description received
during the pre-acceptance procedure. For some liquid and hazardous waste, this BAT
is not applicable (see Section

9. implement different sampling procedures for all different incoming waste vessels delivered
in bulk and/or containers. These sample procedures may contain the following items (see
a. sampling procedures based on a risk approach. Some elements to consider are the
type of waste (e.g. hazardous or non-hazardous) and the knowledge of the customer
(e.g. waste producer)
b. check on the relevant physico-chemical parameters. The relevant parameters are
related to the knowledge of the waste needed in each case (see BAT number 6)
Chapter 5
c. registration of all waste materials
d. have different sampling procedures for bulk (liquid and solids), large and small
containers and laboratory smalls. The number of samples taken should increase with
the number of containers. In extreme situations, small containers must all be checked
against the accompanying paperwork. The procedure should contain a system for
recording the number of samples and degree of consolidation
e. details of the sampling of wastes in drums within designated storage, e.g. the time-
scale after receipt
f. sample prior to acceptance
g. maintenance of a record at the installation of the sampling regime for each load,
together with a record of the justification for the selection of each option
h. a system for determining and recording:
a suitable location for the sampling points
the capacity of the vessel sampled (for samples from drums, an additional
parameter would be the total number of drums)
the number of samples and degree of consolidation
the operating conditions at the time of sampling.
i. a system to ensure that the waste samples are analysed (see Section
j. in the case of cold ambient temperatures, a temporary storage may be needed in
order to allow sampling after defrosting. This may affect the applicability of some of
the above items in this BAT (see Section

10. have a reception facility covering at least the following issues (see Section
a. have a laboratory to analyse all the samples at the speed required by BAT. Typically
this requires having a robust quality assurance system, quality control methods and
maintaining suitable records for storing the analyses results. Particularly for
hazardous wastes, this often means that the laboratory needs to be on-site
b. have a dedicated quarantine waste storage area as well as written procedures to
manage non-accepted waste. If the inspection or analysis indicates that the wastes
fail to meet the acceptance criteria (including, e.g. damaged, corroded or unlabelled
drums) then the wastes can be temporarily stored there safely. Such storage and
procedures should be designed and managed to promote the rapid management
(typically a matter of days or less) to find a solution for that waste
c. have a clear procedure dealing with wastes where inspection and/or analysis prove
that they do not fulfil the acceptance criteria of the plant or do not fit with the waste
description received during the pre-acceptance procedure. The procedure should
include all measures as required by the permit or national/international legislation to
inform competent authorities, to safely store the delivery for any transition period or
to reject the waste and send it back to the waste producer or to any other authorised
d. move waste to the storage area only after acceptance of the waste (related to BAT
number 8)
e. mark the inspection, unloading and sampling areas on a site plan
f. have a sealed drainage system (related to BAT number 63)
g. a system to ensure that the installation personnel who are involved in the sampling,
checking and analysis procedures are suitably qualified and adequately trained, and
that the training is updated on a regular basis (related to BAT number 5)
h. the application of a waste tracking system unique identifier (label/code) to each
container at this stage. The identifier will contain at least the date of arrival on-site
and the waste code (related to BAT number 9 and 12).

Waste OUT
To improve the knowledge of the waste OUT, BAT is to:
11. analyse the waste OUT according to the relevant parameters important for the receiving
facility (e.g. landfill, incinerator) (see Section

Chapter 5
Management systems
BAT is to:
12. have a system in place to guarantee the traceability of waste treatment. Different procedures
may be needed to take into account the physico-chemical properties of the waste (e.g.
liquid, solid), type of WT process (e.g. continuous, batch) as well as the changes that may
occur to the physico-chemical properties of the wastes when the WT is carried out. A good
traceability system contains the following items (see Section
a. documenting the treatments by flow charts and mass balances (see Section
and this is also related to BAT number 2.a)
b. carrying out data traceability through several operational steps (e.g pre-
acceptance/acceptance/storage/treatment/dispatch). Records can be made and kept
up-to-date on an ongoing basis to reflect deliveries, on-site treatment and dispatches.
Records are typically held for a minimum of six months after the waste has been
c. recording and referencing the information on waste characteristics and the source of
the waste stream, so that it is available at all times. A reference number needs to be
given to the waste and needs to be obtainable at any time in the process to enable the
operator to identify where a specific waste is in the installation, the length of time it
has been there and the proposed or actual treatment route
d. having a computer database/series of databases, which are regularly backed up. The
tracking system operates as a waste inventory/stock control system and includes:
date of arrival on-site, waste producer details, details on all previous holders, an
unique identifier, pre-acceptance and acceptance analysis results, package type and
size, intended treatment/disposal route, an accurate record of the nature and quantity
of wastes held on-site including all hazards details on where the waste is physically
located in relation to a site plan, at which point in the designated disposal route the
waste is currently positioned
e. only moving drums and other mobile containers between different locations (or
loaded for removal off site) under instructions from the appropriate manager,
ensuring that the waste tracking system is amended to record these changes (see

13. have and apply mixing/blending rules oriented to restrict the types of wastes that can be
mixed/blended together in order to avoid increasing pollution emission of down-stream
waste treatments. These rules need to consider the type of waste (e.g. hazardous, non-
hazardous), waste treatment to be applied as well as the following steps that will be carried
out to the waste OUT (see Section 4.1.5)

14. have a segregation and compatibility procedure in place (see Section 4.1.5 and this is also
related to BAT number 13 and 24.c), including:
a. keeping records of the testing, including any reaction giving rise to safety parameters
(increase in temperature, generation of gases or raising of pressure); a record of the
operating parameters (viscosity change and separation or precipitation of solids) and
any other relevant parameters, such as generation of odours (see Sections
b. packing containers of chemicals into separate drums based on their hazard
classification. Chemicals which are incompatible (e.g. oxidisers and flammable
liquids) should not be stored in the same drum (see Section

15. have an approach for improving waste treatment efficiency. This typically includes the
finding of suitable indicators to report WT efficiency and a monitoring programme (see
Section and this is also related to BAT number 1)

16. produce a structured accident management plan (see Section 4.1.7)

17. have and properly use an incident diary (see Section 4.1.7 and related to BAT number 1 and
to quality management system)
Chapter 5
18. have a noise and vibration management plant in place as part of the EMS (see Section 4.1.8
and this is also related to BAT number 1). For some WT installations, noise and vibration
may not be an environmental problem

19. consider any future decommissioning at the design stage. For existing installations and
where decommissioning problems are identified, put a programme to minimise these
problems in place (see Section 4.1.9 and this is also related to BAT number 1.i).

Utilities and raw material management
BAT is to:
20. provide a breakdown of the energy consumption and generation (including exporting) by
the type of source (i.e. electricity, gas, liquid conventional fuels, solid conventional fuels
and waste) (see Section and related to BAT number 1.k). This involves:
a. reporting the energy consumption information in terms of delivered energy
b. reporting the energy exported from the installation
c. providing energy flow information (for example, diagrams or energy balances)
showing how the energy is used throughout the process.

21. continuously increase the energy efficiency of the installation, by (see Section
a. developing an energy efficiency plan
b. using techniques that reduce energy consumption and thereby reduce both direct
(heat and emissions from on-site generation) and indirect (emissions from a remote
power station) emissions
c. defining and calculating the specific energy consumption of the activity (or
activities), setting key performance indicators on an annual basis (e.g. MWh/tonne of
waste processed) (related to BAT number 1.k and 20).

22. carry out an internal benchmarking (e.g. on an annual basis) of raw materials consumption
(related to BAT number 1.k). Some applicability limitations have been identified and these
are mentioned in Section

23. explore the options for the use of waste as a raw material for the treatment of other wastes
(see Section If waste is used to treat other wastes, then to have a system in place to
guarantee that the waste supply is available. If this cannot be guaranteed, a secondary
treatment or other raw materials should be in place in order to avoid any unnecessary
waiting treatment time (see Section

Storage and handling
BAT is to:
24. apply the following techniques related to storage (see Section
a. locating storage areas:
away from watercourses and sensitive perimeters, and
in such a way so as to eliminate or minimise the double handling of wastes
within the installation
b. ensuring that the storage area drainage infrastructure can contain all possible
contaminated run-off and that drainage from incompatible wastes cannot come into
contact with each other
c. using a dedicated area/store which is equipped with all necessary measures related to
the specific risk of the wastes for sorting and repackaging laboratory smalls or
similar waste. These wastes are sorted according to their hazard classification, with
due consideration for any potential incompatibility problems and then repackaged.
After that, they are removed to the appropriate storage area
d. handling odorous materials in fully enclosed or suitably abated vessels and storing
them in enclosed buildings connected to abatement
e. ensuring that all connections between the vessels are capable of being closed via
valves. Overflow pipes need to be directed to a contained drainage system (i.e. the
relevant bunded area or another vessel)
Chapter 5
f. having measures available to prevent the building up of sludges higher than a certain
level and the emergence of foams that may affect such measures in liquid tanks, e.g.
by regularly controlling the tanks, sucking out the sludges for appropriate further
treatment and using anti-foaming agents
g. equipping tanks and vessels with suitable abatement systems when volatile
emissions may be generated, together with level meters and alarms. These systems
need to be sufficiently robust (able to work if sludge and foam is present) and
regularly maintained
h. storing organic waste liquid with a low flashpoint under a nitrogen atmosphere to
keep it inertised. Each storage tank is put in a waterproof retention area. Gas
effluents are collected and treated.

25. separately bund the liquid decanting and storage areas using bunds which are impermeable
and resistant to the stored materials (see Section

26. apply the following techniques concerning tank and process pipework labelling (see
a. clearly labelling all vessels with regard to their contents and capacity, and applying
an unique identifier. Tanks need to have an appropriately labelled system depending
on their use and contents
b. ensuring that the label differentiates between waste water and process water,
combustible liquid and combustible vapour and the direction of flow (i.e. in or
c. keeping records for all tanks, detailing the unique identifier; capacity; its
construction, including materials; maintenance schedules and inspection results;
fittings; and the waste types which may be stored/treated in the vessel, including
flashpoint limits.

27. take measures to avoid problems that may be generated from the storage/accumulation of
waste. This may conflict with BAT number 23 when waste is used as a reactant (see

28. apply the following techniques when handling waste (see Section
a. having systems and procedures in place to ensure that wastes are transferred to the
appropriate storage safely
b. having in place a management system for the loading and unloading of waste in the
installation, which also takes into consideration any risks that these activities may
incur. Some options for this include ticketing systems, supervision by site staff, keys
or colour-coded points/hoses or fittings of a specific size
c. ensuring that a qualified person attends the waste holder site to check the laboratory
smalls, the old original waste, waste from an unclear origin or undefined waste
(especially if drummed), to classify the substances accordingly and to package into
specific containers. In some cases, the individual packages may need to be protected
from mechanical damage in the drum with fillers adapted to the packaged waste
d. ensuring that damaged hoses, valves and connections are not used
e. collecting the exhaust gas from vessels and tanks when handling liquid waste
f. unloading solids and sludge in closed areas which are fitted with extractive vent
systems linked to abatement equipment when the handled waste can potentially
generate emission to air (e.g. odours, dust, VOCs) (see Section
g. using a system to ensure the bulking of different batches only takes place with
compatibility testing (see Section and 4.1.5 and this is also related to BAT
number 13, 14 and 30).

29. ensure that the bulking/mixing to or from packaged waste only takes place under instruction
and supervision and is carried out by trained personnel. For certain types of wastes, such a
bulking/mixing needs to be carried out under local exhaust ventilation (see Section
Chapter 5
30. ensure that chemical incompatibilities guide the segregation required during storage (see
Section and and this is also related to BAT number 14)

31. apply the following techniques when containerised wastes are handled (see Section
a. storing of containerised wastes under cover. This can also be applied to any
container that is held in storage pending sampling and emptying. Some exceptions
on the applicability of this technique related to containers or waste not affected by
ambient conditions (e.g. sunlight, temperature, water) have been identified (see
Section Covered areas need to have adequate provision for ventilation
b. maintaining the availability and access to storage areas for containers holding
substances that are known to be sensitive to heat, light and water, under cover and
protected from heat and direct sunlight.

Other common techniques not mentioned above
BAT is to:
32. perform crushing, shredding and sieving operations in areas fitted with extractive vent
systems linked to abatement equipment (see Section when handling materials that
can generate emission to air (e.g. odours, dust, VOCs)

33. perform crushing/shredding operations (see Sections and 4.6) under full
encapsulation and under an inert atmosphere for drums/containers containing flammable or
highly volatile substances. This will avoid ignition. The inert atmosphere is to be abated

34. perform washing processes considering (see Section
a. identifying the washed components that may be present in the items to be washed
(e.g. solvents)
b. transfering washings to appropriate storage and then treating them in the same way
as the waste from which they were derived
c. using treated waste water from the WT plant for washing instead of fresh water. The
resultant waste water can then be treated in the WWTP or re-used in the installation.

Air emission treatments
To prevent or control the emissions mainly of dust, odours and VOC and some inorganic
compounds, BAT is to:
35. restrict the use of open topped tanks, vessels and pits by:
a. not allowing direct venting or discharges to air by linking all the vents to suitable
abatement systems when storing materials that can generate emissions to the air (e.g.
odours, dust, VOCs) (see Section
b. keeping the waste or raw materials under cover or in waterproof packaging (see
Section and this is also related to BAT number 31.a)
c. connecting the head space above the settlement tanks (e.g. where oil treatment is a
pretreatment process within a chemical treatment plant) to the overall site exhaust
and scrubber units (see Section

36. use an enclosed system with extraction, or under depression, to a suitable abatement plant.
This technique is especially relevant to processes which involve the transfer of volatile
liquids, including during tanker charging/discharging (see Section 4.6.1)

37. apply a suitably sized extraction system which can cover the holding tanks, pretreatment
areas, storage tanks, mixing/reaction tanks and the filter press areas, or to have in place a
separate system to treat the vent gases from specific tanks (for example, activated carbon
filters from tanks holding waste contaminated with solvents) (see Section 4.6.1)

38. correctly operate and maintain the abatement equipment, including the handling and
treatment/disposal of spent scrubber media (see Section 4.6.11)
Chapter 5
39. have a scrubber system in place for the major inorganic gaseous releases from those unit
operations which have a point discharge for process emissions. Install a secondary scrubber
unit to certain pretreatment systems if the discharge is incompatible, or too concentrated for
the main scrubbers (see Section 4.6.11)

40. have leak detection and repair procedures in place in installations a) handling a large
number of piping components and storage and b) compounds that may leak easily and
create an environmental problem (e.g. fugitive emissions, soil contamination) (see
Section 4.6.2). This may be seen as an element of the EMS (see BAT number 1)

41. reduce air emission to the following levels

Air parameter Emission levels associated to the
use of BAT (mg/Nm
VOC 7 20
PM 5 20
For low VOC loads, the higher end of the range can be extended to 50
by using a suitable combination of preventive and/or abatement techniques (see
Section 4.6). The techniques mentioned above in the BAT Air emission treatments section
(BAT numbers 35 41) also contribute to achieve these values

Waste water management
BAT is to:
42. reduce the water use and the contamination of water by (see Sections and 4.7.1):
a. applying site waterproofing and storage retention methods
b. carrying out regular checks of the tanks and pits especially when they are
c. applying separated water drainage according to the pollution load (roof water, road
water, process water)
d. applying a security collection basin
e. performing regular water audits, with the aim of reducing water consumption and
preventing water contamination
f. segregating process water from rainwater (see Section 4.7.2 and this is also related to
BAT number 46).

43. have procedures in place to ensure that the effluent specification is suitable for the on-site
effluent treatment system or discharge (see Section 4.7.1)

44. avoid the effluent by-passing the treatment plant systems (see Section 4.7.1)

45. have in place and operate an enclosure system whereby rainwater falling on the processing
areas is collected along with tanker washings, occasional spillages, drum washings, etc. and
returned to the processing plant or collected in a combined interceptor (see Section 4.7.1)

46. segregrate the water collecting systems for potentially more contaminated waters from less
contaminated water (see Section 4.7.2)

47. have a full concrete base in the whole treatment area, that falls to internal site drainage
systems which lead to storage tanks or to interceptors that can collect rainwater and any
spillage. Interceptors with an overflow to sewer usually need automatic monitoring systems,
such as pH checks, which can shut down the overflow (see Section and this is also
related to BAT number 63),

48. collect the rainwater in a special basin for checking, treatment if contaminated and further
use (see Section 4.7.1)
Chapter 5
49. maximise the re-use of treated waste waters and use of rainwater in the installation (see
Section 4.7.1)

50. conduct daily checks on the effluent management system and to maintain a log of all checks
carried out, by having a system for monitoring the effluent discharge and sludge quality in
place (see Section 4.7.1)

51. firstly identify waste waters that may contain hazardous compounds (e.g. adsorbable
organically bound halogens (AOX); cyanides; sulphides; aromatic compounds; benzene or
hydrocarbons (dissolved, emulsified or undissolved); and metals, such as mercury,
cadmium, lead, copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic and zinc) (see Section 4.7.2). Secondly,
segregate the previously identified waste water streams on-site and thirdly, specifically treat
waste water on-site or off-site.

52. ultimately after the application of BAT number 42, select and carry out the appropriate
treatment technique for each type of waste water (see Section 4.7.1)

53. implement measures to increase the reliability with which the required control and
abatement performance can be carried out (for example, optimising the precipitation of
metals) (see Section 4.7.1)

54. identify the main chemical constituents of the treated effluent (including the make-up of the
COD) and to then make an informed assessment of the fate of these chemicals in the
environment (see Section 4.7.1 and their applicability restrictions identified)

55. only discharge the waste water from its storage after the conclusion of all the treatment
measures and a subsequent final inspection (see Section 4.7.1)

56. achieve the following water emission values before discharge

Water parameter Emission values associated with the use of BAT (ppm)
COD 20 120
BOD 2 20
Heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) 0.1 1
Highly toxic heavy metals:

0.01 0.05
<0.1 0.2
<0.1 0.4
by applying a suitable combination of techniques mentioned in Sections and 4.7. The
techniques mentioned above in this section on waste water management (BAT number
42 55) also contribute to reach these values.

Management of the process generated residues
BAT is to:
57. have a residue management plan (see Section 4.8.1) as part of the EMS including:
a. basic housekeeping techniques (related to BAT number 3)
b. internal benchmarking techniques (see Section and this is also related to BAT
numbers 1.k and 22).

58. maximise the use of re-usable packaging (drums, containers, IBCs, palettes, etc.) (see
Section 4.8.1)

59. re-use drums when they are in a good working state. In other cases, they are to be sent for
appropriate treatment (see Section 4.8.1)

Chapter 5
60. keep a monitoring inventory of the waste on-site by using records of the amount of wastes
received on-site and records of the wastes processed (see Section 4.8.3 and this is also
related to BAT number 27)

61. re-use the waste from one activity/treatment possibly as a feedstock for another (see
Section and this is also related to BAT number 23)

Soil contamination
To prevent soil contamination, BAT is to:
62. provide and then maintain the surfaces of operational areas, including applying measures to
prevent or quickly clear away leaks and spillages, and ensuring that maintenance of
drainage systems and other subsurface structures is carried out (see Section 4.8.2)

63. utilise an impermeable base and internal site drainage (see Section, 4.7.1 and 4.8.2)

64. reduce the installation site and minimise the use of underground vessels and pipework (see
Section 4.8.2 and this is also related to BAT number 10.f, 25, and 40)

Chapter 5
5.2 BAT for specific types of waste treatments

This section presents the BAT elements for each process/activity covered in this document. It
has been structured in a similar way as previous chapters.

Biological treatments
BAT is to:
65. use the following techniques for storage and handling in biological systems (see
Section 4.2.2):
a. for less odour-intensive wastes, use automated and rapid action doors (opening times
of the doors being kept to a minimum) in combination with an appropriate exhaust
air collection device resulting in an under pressure in the hall
b. for highly odour-intensive wastes, use closed feed bunkers constructed with a
vehicle sluice
c. house and equip the bunker area with an exhaust air collection device.

66. adjust the admissible waste types and separation processes according to the type of process
carried out and the abatement technique applicable (e.g. depending on the content of non-
biodegradable components) (see Section 4.2.3)

67. use the following techniques when applying anaerobic digestion (see Sections 4.2.4 and
a. application of a close integration between the process with the water management
b. a recycling of the maximum amount of waste water to the reactor. See some
operational issues that may appear when applying this technique in Section 4.2.4
c. operate the system under thermophilic digestion conditions. For certain types of
wastes, thermophilic conditions cannot to be reached (see Section 4.2.4)
d. measure TOC, COD, N, P and Cl levels in the inlet and outlet flows. When a better
control of the process is required, or a better quality of the waste OUT, more
parameters are necessary for measuring and controlling
e. maximise the production of biogas. This technique needs to consider the effect on
the digestate and biogas quality.

68. reduce the air emissions of the exhaust gas when using biogas as a fuel by restricting the
emissions of dust, NO
, SO
, CO, H
S and VOC by using an appropriate combination of the
following techniques (see Section 4.2.6):
a. scrubbing the biogas with iron salts
b. using de-NO
techniques such as SCR
c. using a thermal oxidation unit
d. using activated carbon filtration.

69. improve the mechanical biological treatments (MBT) by (see Sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.8,
4.2.10, 4.6.23):
a. using fully enclosed bioreactors
b. avoiding anaerobic conditions during aerobic treatment by controlling the digestion
and the air supply (by using a stabilised air circuit) and by adapting the aeration to
the actual biodegradation activity
c. using water efficiently
d. thermally insulating the ceiling of the biological degradation hall in aerobic
e. minimising the exhaust gas production to levels of 2500 to 8000 Nm
per tonne.
Levels below 2500 Nm
per tonne do not have been reported
f. guaranteeing a uniform feed
g. recycling process waters or muddy residues within the aerobic treatment process to
completely avoid water emissions. If waste water is generated, then this should be
treated to reach the values mentioned in BAT number 56
Chapter 5
h. continuously learning of the connection between the controlled variables of
biological degradation and the measured (gaseous) emissions
i. reducing emissions of nitrogen compounds by optimising the C:N ratio.

70. reduce the emissions from mechanical biological treatments to the following levels (see
Section 4.2.12)

Parameter Treated exhaust gas
Odour (ouE/m
) <500 6000
) <1 20
For VOC and PM, see the generic BAT 41
The TWG recognised that N
O (see Section 4.6.10) and Hg also needed to be added to
this table, however not enough data were provided to validate values on these issues.
by using an appropriate combination of the following techniques (see Section 4.6):
a. maintaining good housekeeping (related to BAT number 3)
b. regenerative thermal oxidiser
c. dust removal.

71. reduce the emissions to water to the levels mentioned in BAT number 56. In addition,
restrict the emissions to water of total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite as well (see
Section 4.7.7 and the concluding remarks Chapter 7)

Physico-chemical treatments
For the physico-chemical treatment of waste waters, BAT is to:
72. apply the following techniques in physico-chemical reactors (see Section
a. clearly defining the objectives and the expected reaction chemistry for each
treatment process
b. assessing each new set of reactions and proposed mixes of wastes and reagents in a
laboratory-scale test prior to waste treatment
c. specifically designing and operating the reactor vessel so that it is fit for its intended
d. enclosing all treatment/reaction vessels and ensuring that they are vented to the air
via an appropriate scrubbing and abatement system
e. monitoring the reaction to ensure that it is under control and proceeding towards the
anticipated result
f. preventing the mixing of wastes or other streams that contain metals and complexing
agents at the same time (see Section

73. in addition to the generic parameters identified for waste water in BAT number 56,
additional parameters need to be idenfied for the physico-chemical treatment of waste
waters. Some reference is given on this issue in the concluding remark Chapter 7.

74. apply the following techniques for the neutralisation process (see Section
a. ensuring that the customary measurement methods are used
b. separately storing the neutralised waste water
c. performing a final inspection of the neutralised waste water after a sufficient storage
time has elapsed.

Chapter 5
75. apply the following techniques to aid precipitation of the metals in treatment processes (see
a. adjusting the pH to the point of minimum solubility where the metals will precipitate
b. avoiding the input of complexing agents, chromates and cyanides
c. avoiding organic materials that may interfere with precipitation from entering the
d. allowing the resulting treated waste to clarify by decantation when possible, and/or
by the addition of other dewatering equipment
e. using sulphidic precipitation if complex agents are present. This technique may
increase the sulphide concentration in the treated waste water.

76. apply the following techniques to break-up emulsions (see Section
a. testing for the presence of cyanides in the emulsions to be treated. If cyanides are
present, the emulsions need a special pretreatment first
b. setting up simulated laboratory tests.

77. apply the following techniques to oxidation/reduction (see Section
a. abating the air emissions generated during the oxidation/reduction
b. having safety measures and gas detectors in place (e.g. suitable for detecting HCN,

78. apply the following techniques to waste waters containing cyanides (see Section
a. destroying the cyanides by oxidation
b. adding caustic soda in excess to prevent a decrease in pH
c. avoiding the mixing of cyanide wastes with acidic compounds
d. monitoring the progress of the reaction using electropotentials.

79. apply the following techniques to waste waters containing chromium (VI) compounds (see
a. avoiding the mixing of Cr(VI) wastes with other wastes
b. reducing Cr(VI) to Cr(III)
c. precipitating the trivalent metal.

80. apply the following techniques to waste waters containing nitrites (see Section
a. avoiding mixing nitrite wastes with other wastes
b. checking and avoiding nitrous fumes during the oxidation/acidification treatment of

81. apply the following techniques to waste waters containing ammonia (see Section
a. using a dual column air stripping system with an acidic scrubber for waste with
ammonia solutions up to 20 w/w-%
b. recovering the ammonia in the scrubbers and returning it to the process prior to the
settlement stage
c. removing the ammonia removed in the gas phase by scrubbing the waste with
sulphuric acid to produce ammonium sulphate
d. extending any air sampling for ammonia in exhaust stacks or filter press areas to
cover the VOCs in filtration and dewatering (see Section

82. link the air space above filtration and dewatering processes to the main abatement system of
the plant (see Section

83. add flocculation agents to the sludge and waste water to be treated, to accelerate the
sedimentation process and to facilitate the further separation of solids (see Section
for some applicability restrictions identified). To avoid use of flocculation agents,
evaporation is better in those cases where it is economically viable (see Section

Chapter 5
84. apply rapid cleaning and steam- or high pressure water jet cleaning of the filter apertures of
the sieving processes (see Section

For the physico-chemical treatment of solid wastes, BAT is to:
85. promote the insolubilisation of amphoteric metals, and to reduce the leaching of toxic
soluble salts by a suitable combination of water washing, evaporation, recrystallisation and
acid extraction (see Section,, when inmobilisation is used to treat
solid waste containing hazardous compounds for landfilling

86. test the leachability of inorganic compounds, by using the standardised CEN leaching
procedures and by applying the appropriate testing level: basic characterisation, compliance
testing or on-site verification (see Section

87. restrict the acceptance of wastes to be treated by solidification/immobilisation treatment to
those not containing high levels of VOCs, odorous components, solid cyanides, oxidising
agents, chelating agents, high TOC wastes and gas cylinders (see Section

88. apply control and enclosure techniques for loading/unloading and enclosed conveyor
systems (see Section

89. have an abatement system(s) in place to handle the flow of air, as well as the peak loadings
associated with charging and unloading (see Section

90. use at least a solidification, vitrification, melting or fusion process before landfilling solid
waste according to techniques in Sections from to

For the physico-chemical treatment of contaminated soil, BAT is to:

91. control the rate of excavation, the amount of contaminated soil area that is exposed, and the
duration that soil piles are left uncovered during the excavation and removal of
contaminated soil (see Section

92. use a bench-scale test to determine the suitability of the process to be applied and the best
operational conditions for its use (see Section

93. have collection and control equipment in place such as afterburners, thermal oxidisers,
fabric filters, activated carbon, or condensers for the treatment of the gases from thermal
treatments (see Section

94. report the efficiency achieved during the processes for the different components reduced
and also for those that have not been affected by the process (see Section

Recovery of materials from waste
For the re-refining of waste oils, BAT is to:
95. operate a careful control of the incoming materials supported by analytical equipment
(viscometry, infrared, chromatography and mass spectrometry as appropriate), laboratories
and resources (see Section

96. check at least for chlorinated solvents and PCBs (see Sections and

97. use condensation as a treatment for the gas phase of the flash distillation unit (see
Section 4.6.8)

98. have vapour return lines for loading and unloading vehicles, routing all vents to a thermal
oxidiser/incinerator or an activated carbon adsorption installation (see Sections,
4.6.7 and 4.6.14)
Chapter 5
99. direct vent streams to a thermal oxidiser with waste gas treatment if chlorinated species are
present in the vent stream. If high levels of chlorinated species are present then
condensation followed by caustic scrubbing and an activated carbon guard bed is the
preferred treatment path (see Section 4.6)

100. utilise a thermal oxidation at 850 C with a two seconds residence time for the vacuum
distillation vent of vacuum generators or for the air from process heaters (see Section 4.6)

101. use a highly efficient vacuum system (see Section

102. use the residues from vacuum distillation or thin film evaporators as asphalt products (see

103. use a re-refining process of waste oil which can achieve a yield higher than 65 % on a dry
basis (see Sections from to

104. achieve the following values in the discharged waste water from the re-refining unit (see

Waste water parameter Concentration (ppm)
Hydrocarbons <0.01 5
Phenols 0.15 0.45
For other water parameters, refer to BAT number 56 in the Generic BAT section
by using a suitable combination of process-integrated techniques and/or primary,
secondary, biological and finishing treatments (see Sections and 4.7).

For the treatment of waste solvent, BAT is to:
105. operate a careful control of the incoming materials as supported by analytical equipment,
laboratories and resources (see Section

106. evaporate the residue from the distillation columns and to recuperate the solvents (see

For the regeneration of waste catalyst, BAT is to:
107. use bag filters to abate particulates from the fumes generated during the regeneration
process (see Sections 4.4.3 and 4.6.5)

108. use a SO
abatement system (see Section

For the regeneration of waste activated carbon, BAT is to:
109. have an effective quality control procedure in place to ensure that the operator can
differentiate between the carbon used for potable water or food grade carbon and the rest of
spent carbons (the so-called industrial carbons) (see Section

110. require a written undertaking from customers indicating what the activated carbon has been
used for (see Section and this is also related to BAT number 12.c)

111. utilise an indirect fired kiln for industrial carbons it may be argued that this could equally
be applied to potable water carbons. However, limits on capacity and corrosion may deem
that only multiple hearth or direct fired rotary kilns may be used (see Section

112. utilise an afterburner with a minimum of 1100 C, two seconds residence time and 6 %
excess oxygen for the regeneration of industrial carbons where refractory halogenated or
other thermally resistant substances are likely to be present. In other cases, less stringent
thermal conditions are sufficient (see Section
Chapter 5
113. utilise an afterburner with a minimum heating temperature of 850 C, two seconds
residence time and 6 % excess oxygen for potable water and food grade active carbons (see

114. apply a flue-gas treatment train consisting of quench and/or venturi and aqueous scrubbing
sections, followed by an induced draft fan (see Section

115. utilise a caustic or soda ash scrubbing solutions to neutralise acid gases for industrial
carbon plants (see Section

116. have a WWTP containing an appropriate combination of flocculation, settlement, filtration
and pH adjustment for the treatment of potable water carbons. For effluents of industrial
carbons, applying additional treatments (e.g. metal hydroxide precipitation, sulphide
precipitation) are also considered BAT (see Section

Preparation of waste to be used as fuel
For the preparation of waste to be used as fuel, BAT is to:
117. try to have a close relationship with the waste fuel user in order that a proper transfer of the
knowledge of the waste fuel composition is carried out (see Section 4.5.1)

118. have a quality assurance system to guarantee the characteristics of the waste fuel produced
(see Section 4.5.1)

119. manufacture different type of waste fuels according to the type of user (e.g. cement kilns,
different power plants), to the type of furnace (e.g. grate firing, blow feeding) and to the
type of waste used to manufacture the waste (e.g. hazardous waste, municipal solid waste)
(see Section 4.5.2)

120. when producing waste fuel from hazardous waste, use activated carbon treatment for low
contaminated water and thermal treatment for highly polluted water (see Sections 4.5.6
and 4.7). In this context, thermal treatment relates to any thermal treatment in
Section 4.7.6 or incineration which is not covered in this document

121. when producing waste fuel from hazardous waste, ensure correct follow-up of the rules
concerning electrostatic and flammability hazards for safey reasons (see Sections
and 4.1.7)

For the preparation of solid waste fuels from non-hazardous waste, BAT is to:
122. visually inspect the incoming waste to sort out the bulky metallic or non-metallic parts. The
purpose is to protect the plant against mechanical destruction (see Section and this
is also related to BAT 8.e)

123. use magnetic ferrous and non-ferrous metal separators. The purpose is to protect the
pelletisers as well as fulfill the requirements of the final users (see Sections and

124. make use of the NIR technique for the sorting out of plastics. The purpose is the reduction
of organic chlorine and some metals which are part of the plastics (see Section

125. use a combination of shredder systems and pelletisers suitable for the preparation of the
specified size waste fuel (see Sections and

For some installations preparing solid waste fuels from source-separated waste streams, the
use of some or all of the above-mentioned techniques may not be necessary to comply with
BAT (see Section

Chapter 5
For the preparation of solid waste fuel from hazardous waste, BAT is to:
126. consider emissions and flammability hazards in case a drying or heating operation is
required (see Sections and

127. consider carrying out the mixing and blending operations in closed areas with appropriate
atmosphere control systems (see Sections, and 4.6)

128. use bags filters for the abatement of particulates (see Section 4.6.26)

For the preparation of liquid waste fuels from hazardous waste, BAT is to:
129. use heat-exchange units external to the vessel if heating of the liquid fuel is required

130. adapt the suspended solid content to ensure the homogeneity of the liquid fuel (see

Chapter 6

Emerging technique is understood in this document as a novel technique that has not yet been
applied in any industrial sector on a commercial basis. This chapter contains those techniques
that may appear in the near future and that may be applicable to the waste treatment sector.

[5, Concawe, 1996], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [30, Eklund, et al., 1997], [41, UK, 1991], [81, VDI and
Dechema, 2002], [90, Rogut, 2003], [101, Greenpeace, 1998], [122, Eucopro, 2003], [132, UBA,
2003], [141, Magistrelli, et al., 2002], [150, TWG, 2004], [152, TWG, 2004], [154, UNEP, 2004]

On-line analysis

The technique of the online-analysis is one of the latest developments on the field of analysis
and quality assurance. It can be used for all applications in the field of preparation of solid
recovered fuels.

On-line analysis is used for crushed and/or for non-crushed materials with automatically
elimination of materials which do not comply with the quality criteria for e.g solid recovered
fuels - especially when the chlorine- and/or bromine values are exceeded.

The mode of function is based on a new X-ray fluorescence-analysis with high speed analysis,
so that a large quantity of crushed or not crushed materials (it depends on technical performance
and determination) per hour can be analysed and/or detected and it can be automatically
eliminate by overdraw nominal stock.

The configuration of the measuring unit and/or analyser takes place directly above a conveyor.
A material stream as uniform as possible is directed under the measuring-unit and/or analyser
and is analysed and/or measured.

If a limit-value is exceeded an electronically signal (digital or analogue) follows. There upon
controlled through a software and/or electronics-unit the objectionable material is automatically
(mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, electrostatically or magnetically magnetically)
discharged. The measuring-unit and/or analyser can be equipped with one or more X-ray tubes
or with one or more detectors.

As a additional control and quality assurance for the material input, also a handheld-unit can be
used. The handheld-unit is also based on the X-ray fluorescence-method and it can ecspecially
used for the analyse and/or detection from chlorine, bromine and heavymetals.

Achieved environmental benefits
Following elements can be analysed and detected with this tool (depending on equipment and
software): Cl, Br, Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Se, Ni, Sb, Cu, Ba, Cr, Sn, Mo, Zn, Sr, Fe, Co, Ti, V, Rb, Ir,
Pt, Au, Ag, Pd, Nb, W, Bi, Mn, Ta, Zr, Hf, Re.

Cross-media effects
Operational data
The tool is developed for the highest analyse quality under hardest attendance (dirt, rain, dust
are no problems!) The most fasted electronic deliver analyse quality as in the laboratory,
nevertheless on the spot, measurement for measurement, equal what material, no standards or

This tool seems to be now the fastest and exact handheld analysis tool for practically all
recycling metal plastic oldwood glass ground waste mud non-ferrous metal.

Chapter 6
Reference literature
[150, TWG, 2004]

Biological degradation times in MBT processes
The minimal biological degradation times required to comply with the landfill criteria with
sufficient operational reliability will have to be determined by future experience with the new
optimised MBT plants.

Immobilisation of heavy metal chlorides
A method for the stabilisation of heavy metals wastes generated in the fly ashes vitrification
process is based on the batch conversion of heavy metal chlorides with ammonium
dihydrogenphosphate (NH
). Conversion of heavy metal chlorides into phosphate and its
immobilisation in phosphate glass matrix.

Ferrous sulphate stabilisation of FGT waste

This stabilization involves a five-step procedure, where the solid material are first mixed with a
solution and then aerated with atmospheric air at L/S 3 l/kg in order to oxidise Fe(II) to
Fe(III) and precipitate iron oxides. This step also includes extraction of soluble salts. The pH of
the suspension is then maintained at pH 10 - 11 for about 0.5 to 1 hour to allow dissolved heavy
metals to bind to the precipitated iron oxides. The fourth step of the process is dewatering and
finally a washing step to exchange remaining water and remove remaining salts. The final
stabilised product has a water content of about 50 %.

Achieved environmental benefits
The main advantage of this stabilization process is the improved leaching properties of the final
product. The leaching characteristics of waste OUT are shown to be very good, and it is
expected that low release of heavy metals can be maintained for extended periods of time, as
iron oxides are known to endure in geological time frames. The pollution potential of the waste
OUT is documented rather detailed and the waste OUT are expected to be less prone to physical
disintegration than cement stabilised products because of the fact that most salts are removed.
This process stabilises FGT waste and typically have far better leaching properties than cement
solidified wastes. This process reduces the amount of waste OUT by about 10 % per dry weight.

Cross-media effects
No reutilization strategies have yet been demonstrated, however it has been suggested that the
waste OUT can be utilised in road construction after thermal treatment in the combustion
chamber of the incinerator. Research activities are currently addressing this issue.

The process produces waste water with high content of salts and relatively low concentrations
of metals because Fe(II) is present in the extraction step. The waste water can in most cases be
discharged to a marine recipient after a simple treatment or can be deionised by crystallization.

Operational data
The process has been demonstrated in pilot scale at a batch plant of about 200 kg dry weight.
Parameters like water consumption, mixing of water and materials, Fe(II) oxidation rate,
reaction time, pH and pH controlling additive have been optimised. It has been demonstrated
that the process is robust with respect to the properties of the waste IN, although some
variations in process parameters arise. Typical process data are for one tonne of waste IN:
10 - 50 kg Fe, 20 - 50 minutes aeration, 30 - 60 minutes reaction time, H
or FeSO
as pH
controlling additive, optimum pH of 10 - 11, and a water consumption of 3 - 4 m
. In the current
setup, dewatering of the treated material was done with a plate and frame filter press.

Chapter 6
The stabilization unit can be implemented as an integrated part of the incinerator but may also
exist as a centralised treatment plant handling residues from several incinerators. The technique
has been demonstrated on semidry FGT waste as well as fly ash alone and fly ash combined
with sludge from the wet scrubbers (Bamberg product); all with good results.

Treatment cost is estimated to about EUR 65/tonne with a plant capacity of 20000 tonne/year
including investment costs.

Driving force for implementation
The main reason for implementing this technology is the very good leaching properties of the
waste OUT and the fact that this is expected to last in a long-term perspective.

Example plants
The process has only been demonstrated in pilot scale, however it has also been designed in
full-scale. No full-scale plants have yet been implemented.

Reference literature
[124, Iswa, 2003]

Carbon dioxide and phosphate stabilisation of FGT waste

Technical description
Chemical agents used here are CO
and/or H
. This process involves a two-step procedure
where the waste IN are first washed at L/S 3 l/kg in order to extract soluble salts. After this the
material are dewatered and washed again in a plate and frame filter press at L/S 3 l/kg. The
residues are then re-suspended, and CO
and/or H
is added. The stabilization reactions are
allowed to occur for 1 - 1.5 hours while pH decreases, and another hour where pH is maintained
around pH 7. Finally, the residues are dewatered again and washed at the filter press with
another 3 l/kg. The final product has a water content of about 50 %. The use of CO
and H
as stabilizing agent ensures that heavy metals are bound as carbonates or phosphates.

Achieved environmental benefits
It shows very good leaching properties similar to the Ferrox stabilization. Metal carbonates and
phosphates are known to generally have low solubilities, and the leaching characteristics of the
waste OUT are expected to remain good for extended periods of time. The pollution potential of
the waste OUT is documented rather detailed and physical disintegration of the waste OUT in a
long-term perspective is expected to be less important than in the case of cement stabilization,
because of the fact that most salts are removed. Waste OUTs typically have far better leaching
properties than the ones treated with cement. The process reduces the amount of material by
about 15 % per dry weight.

Cross-media effects
No reutilization strategies have yet been demonstrated. The process produces waste water from
first dewatering step. All other process water is recycled in the process. The waste water needs
to be treated for dissolved heavy metals in a standard unit, for example using pH adjustment and
TMT addition.

Operational information
The process has been demonstrated in pilot scale at a batch plant of about 200 kg dry weight.
Parameters like water consumption, mixing of water and solid material, CO
and H
addition, reaction time, pH and pH controlling approach have been optimised. It has been
demonstrated that the process is robust with respect to the properties of the waste IN, although
some variations in process parameters arise. Depending on waste IN composition, either CO
Chapter 6
or both have been used. It has also been demonstrated that flue-gas can be used as CO
Typical process data for 1 tonne of waste IN are: 5 - 20 kg of CO
, 0 - 40 kg H
and 3 m

Applicability of technique
The stabilization unit can be implemented as an integrated part of the incinerator but may also
exist as a centralised treatment plant handling residues from several incinerators. The technique
has been demonstrated on semidry FGT waste as well as fly ash alone and fly ash combined
with sludge from the wet scrubbers (Bamberg product); all with good results.

Treatment cost for stabilization is estimated to about EUR 80/tonne with a plant capacity of
20000 tonne/year; including investment costs.

Driving force of implementation
The main reason for implementing this technology is the very good leaching properties of the
waste OUT and the fact that this is expected to last in a long-term perspective.

The process has only been demonstrated in pilot scale, however it has also been designed in
full-scale. No full-scale plants have yet been implemented.

[124, Iswa, 2003], [152, TWG, 2004]

Emerging techniques for soil vapour extraction for soil remediation
Approaches such as microwave, radio frequency, and electrical heating have been tested at the
pilot scale, but full-scale results are not yet available.

Phytoextraction of metals from the soil
In the field of environmental reclamation through biological process, the methodology known as
phytoremediation has recently received mounting attention from operators in the field.
Phytoremediation encompasses various techniques used for cleaning up both soil and water. For
metal contaminated soil, phytoextraction represents one of the best solutions from the eco-
environmental point of view. Through this technique, metals are absorbed and transported from
the soil to the harvestable tissues of plants.

Treatments of waste contaminated with POPs
Such type of waste is actually mostly treated by incineration. However other types of technique
are emerging as shown in next Table 6.1.
Chapter 6
Technique Comment
Base catalyzed dechlorination Organochlorines are reacted with an alkaline polyethylene glycol,
forming a glycol ether and/or a hydroxylated compound, which requires
further treatment, and a salt. Dioxins have been identified in process
residues. Destruction efficiencies are not high
Catalytic hydrogenation Organochlorines are reacted with hydrogen in the presence of noble
metal catalysts, yielding hydrogen chloride and light hydrocarbons.
Electrochemical oxidation At low temperature and atmospheric pressure, electrochemically-
generated oxidants react with organochlorines to form carbon dioxide,
water and inorganic ions with high destruction efficiencies. All
emissions and residues can be captured for assay and re-processing, if
An electrochemical cell is used to generate oxidising species at the
anode in an acid solution, typically nitric acid. These oxidisers and the
acid then attack any organic compounds, converting most of them to
carbon dioxide, water and inorganic ions at low temperature (<80 C)
and atmospheric pressure. Compounds that have been destroyed by this
process include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols,
organophosphorous and organosulphur compounds, and chlorinated
aliphatic and aromatic compounds.
Data describing concentrations in gaseous, liquid and solid residues of
dioxins and other POPs potentially formed by this process were not
available for review.
No industrial application is currently known
Electron beam oxidation
Mediated electro-chemical
oxidation by cerium
This technique uses electrochemical cells for the generation of the active
Cerium(IV) oxidant at the anode, a liquid phase reactor for primary
organic destruction, a gas phase reactor to destroy any fugitive
emissions from the liquid reactor and an acid gas scrubber for removal
of acid gases prior to venting to the air. The process operates at low
temperature (90 95 C) and at atmosphere pressure
Mediated electro-chemical
oxidation by silver
This process uses silver (II) to oxidise organic waste streams. Reactions
take place in an electro-chemcial cell similar to the type utilised in the
chlor-alkali industry. Thre process operates at low temperature (~90 C)
and at atmospheric pressure
Molten metal Organochlorines and other materials are oxidised in a vat of molten
metal, yielding hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ceramic slag and metal by-
There is currently designing facilities for four commercial customers in
Molten salt Organochlorines and other materials are oxidised in a vat of molten salt,
yielding carbon dioxide, water, molecular nitrogen, molecular oxygen,
and neutral salts. Destruction efficiencies may be high. It is suitable for
the destruction of pesticides but not for treatment of contaminated soils
Photocatalysis Use light to activate a catalyst that oxidise/reduce the compounds. A
wide range of compounds can be destroyed. Useful for liquid and
gaseous wastes
Ultraviolet oxidation
Table 6.1: Emerging destruction techniques of POPs
[101, Greenpeace, 1998], [150, TWG, 2004], [154, UNEP, 2004]
Chapter 6
Emerging techniques for treatment of waste oil
Presently, around the world, there are many activities to improve the existing used oil recycling
technologies and to develop new ones. Next table sumarises those techniques under development:

Technique Comment
FILEA Process
by C.E.A.
Supercritical CO
MRD solvent
Solvent extraction of used oil vaccum distillates produced by TFE with a high
efficient and selective solvent (e.g. NMP). Complete waste free technology with high
efficiency and flexibility and production of high quality base oils. Their major
advanges are:
quantitative reduction of PNAs to a level not achievable by any other re-refining
technology (ppb level)
complete retention of the high valued synthetic base oil components more and
more present in used oils resulting in very high qualities of the produced base
It is expected that a unit will be in operation in Germany by March 2005
New Meinken
It has been developed a new process applying a novel absorbent to vacuum distillates.
The catalyst absorbent seems to be an activated clay.
No industrial application is currently known
Probex Process)

Catalytic cracking and stabilisation for diesel production
This technology applies to the deasphalting and also the fractionation. Pre-flash and
hydrotreating do not change with respect to the standard assembly of a PDA unit.
Supercritical Deasphalting: the asphaltic fraction is separated by extraction with
light hydrocarbons (C
) under supercritical conditions. The clarified oil is
separated from the extraction medium and fractionated in a standard column
under vacuum conditions.
Supercritical Fractionation: the clarified oil from the supercritical deasphalting
unit. still mixed with the extraction medium. is directly separated into two or
more cuts by varying the physical conditions of the mixture.
Both technologies reduce the investment and operating costs when compared with
the standard PDA technologies (1 and 2 stages).
Two independent pilot plant projects have been developed
Table 6.2: Waste oil treatment technologies under development
[5, Concawe, 1996], [36, Viscolube, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Regeneration of activated carbon

Stage of development
Activated carbon regeneration technologies
Biological regeneration of spent
activated carbon
Currently at the research and development stage
Oxidative regeneration Currently at the research and development stage
Novel pollution control techniques for the abatement of emissions
Circulating fluidised bed absorber
Electrocatalytic oxidation of sulphur
dioxide (the ELCOX process)

Electrochemical processes
Flue-gas irradiation
Methanol injection
Table 6.3: Emerging techniques that may be applied to activated carbon regeneration
[41, UK, 1991], [150, TWG, 2004]
Chapter 6
Preparation of solid fuel from organic/water mixtures
The process consists in preparation of a fuel for the use in cement kilns. The process is the
mixing of the organic-water mixtures with a lime hydrate porous structure in order to capture
the organics and use such product as raw material in the cement industry. This technique is able
to deal with clinical waste, municipal waste, hazardous/chemical waste and non-hazardous
industrial and commercial waste.

Emerging techniques for hazardous waste preparation for energy recovery
New adsorbents for the preparation of solid waste fuel from hazardous waste. There is a
permanent research for other absorbents in order to replace the fresh sawdust.

Cracking of polymer materials
Liquid or gaseous fuels like gasoils or heavy fuel oils can be also substituted with a prior step to
crack the waste polymer into a liquid or a gas. Efforts in this field have mostly not progressed
further than pilot scale tests.

Chapter 7

From the first meeting onwards, it has been difficult to have a common understanding within
the TWG of which waste treatment activities need to be covered by this document. These
different views on what should or should not be covered by this document have made the
process more difficult and has probably restricted the development of the BAT chapter further
(see Recommendations for future work below).

There are some views that the scope of this document should cover all waste treatment
installations now available in the waste sector. Their view was based on three rationales: first,
the technical characteristics of such additional treatments are very similar if not equal to some
of the treatments covered in this document; secondly they maintain that such issues may benefit
the competitiveness of some waste treatments not covered by IPPC because such installations
may be allowed to operate at less stringent environmental standards than required by BAT; and
third it may be interpreted that because these treatments are not covered, no BAT can be
determined and that they cannot run under BAT conditions. Scope of this document should not
be interpreted as any attempt to interpret IPPC Directive or any waste legislation.

Annex I of the IPPC Directive lists the installations that are covered by the IPPC Directive. The
installations are derived from the Recovery/Disposal (R/D) codes mentioned in the the Waste
Framework Directive (75/442/EEC). However, it is difficult to distinguish between the R and
the D codes ad they are so closely related. For example, there are waste treatments that are not
covered when an R treatment is carried out to a certain waste (e.g. aerobic digestion to
produce compost) but covered when a D treatment is carried out (e.g. aerobic digestion to
landfill). This issue will create difficulties on the implementation of the Directive to certain
waste treatment installations and may create market conflicts because some installations will be
required to have an IPPC permit and others will not.

Some readers have tried to interpret the structure of the document as the tool to try to
distinguish between some R and D codes. One example showing this can be the interpretation of
R1, R9 and D10 codes for treatment of waste oils. There are two main options (see
Section 2.4.1) for the treatment of waste oils. One is the re-refining of waste oil (covered in
Section 2.4.1 under the section on recovery of materials) and the other one is the treatment of
the waste oil to produce a material that will be mainly used as fuel. This latter option, in some
cases, generates materials that can be used as naphthalene absorbant in coke oven gas cleaning,
mould release oil or flotation oil. These treatments are covered in Section when used as
fuel. It must be stressed that this document does not in any way interpret any legislation.

Annex I of the IPPC Directive also makes the distintion for treatment of hazardous and non-
hazardous waste. This issue creates an extra difficulty on a clear scope for this document as well
as for the structure of this document. The point is that the same type of installations treating
hazardous waste are included but not those treating non-hazardous waste.

Some information considered not to be within of the scope of this document has been included
whereas other information provided has not been included at all (e.g. composting). In order to
avoid confusion, it has been considered appropriate to maintain the information on these issues
that were in the second draft but restricting such information from being included in
Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. An example is the bottom ash (slag) treatment to be used as a
construction material in Section Some information provided was also agreed to be
reviewed by some TWG members after the second TWG meeting. However, the TWG was not
able to reach the deadline agreed at the meeting so the information is not available in this
document. The information was related to pickling acid for waste water treatments, thermal
purification sludge containing oil, thermal treatment of contaminated soil, treatment of blasting
grit and treatment of asphalt containing tar.

Chapter 7
Some information was given together with the comments to the second draft of this document
(see timing of the work section below). As a consequence, there has not been enough time for a
full peer review. This means that some techniques in Chapter 4 (e.g. Sections,,,,,,,,,, 4.5.2, have not
been properly peer reviewed and assessed to decide if they are elements of BAT for the sector.
However, some of this new information is now included in the document. Some of this
information was probably not provided earlier in the process because of the lack of clarity in the
scope of the work. The information that is included in this category is some of the information
that was provided by the Netherlands, Germany and Cefic.

This IPPC industrial sector is highly regulated and the terminology used is not the same
throughout the EU. Moreover, there are different interpretations of the same wording in the
different countries, especially that related to the qualification of Recovery and Disposal. To
solve this difficulty, the glossary of this document plays an important role. It informs the
user/reader in which sense each conflicting word identified by the TWG has been used in this
document. This glossary should not be understood as an interpretation of any legislation and it
may conflict with some national legislation definitions. To prevent some difficulties that have
been encountered, this document has tried to use neutral words with the intention to avoid
waste related debates such as waste vs. non-waste, recovery vs. disposal, and hazardous vs. non-

Techniques analysed in this document are the most relevant ones for the sector, however as is
the case with all BREFs, they are restricted to the information provided.

Timing of the work
The work on this document started with the first plenary meeting of the TWG in February 2002.
A first draft was issued in February 2003 followed by a second draft in January 2004. A final
plenary meeting of the TWG was held in two sessions in Septerber and October 2004 after
which the document was completed. All parts of this final document have thus been subjected to
peer review by the TWG.

Sources of information
More than 150 items of information were used for the preparation of this document. Several
reports from industry and MS authorities were used as main sources of information and assisted
in the drafting, some of them were specifically prepared for this document. Only three Member
States actively delivered documents. The others only provided some information when sending
comments for the two drafts. The reports submitted mainly focused on specific waste treatments
and some covered only some type of wastes, thus partially covering the WT sector.
Complementary to that information, 35 site visits to eight EU countries (Austria, Belgium,
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain), 10 meetings with permit writers
and technology providers and attendance at six conferences were carried out. The formal
consultations on drafts also prompted the submission of new and additional information, as well
as providing opportunities for the TWG to verify information already submitted.

On the analysis of information provided, it needs to be emphasised that especially in the case of
specific treatments, the core information came from one source. This issue meant that some of
the sections of this document may be seen as representative for one country or as partial view of
some TWG members. This has created criticism from a few TWG members that some
conclusions are based on very little information or are not even representative of the entire EU
sector. However, the BAT conclusions could only be achieved on information provided and rely
on the expert judgement of the TWG.

110 experts form the TWG, 52 from EU Member States, 47 from Industry, two from
Environmental NGO, two from non-Member States and seven from different services of the
Commission. However, the attendance at the second TWG meeting was low considering the
number of TWG members. Some MSs chose not to participate in the final meeting.

Chapter 7
Degree of consensus reached
The conclusions of the work were agreed at the final plenary meeting in September October
2004 and a high level of consensus was reached. There was full agreement on all the BAT
conclusions as presented in this document. However, it needs to be emphasised that there is
disagreement from Industry (except one Industry association) and one Member State on the
scope of this document (see also first paragraphs of the Concluding remarks chapter). They
claim that the coverage of this document should be enlarged to cover the entire WT sector
ignoring whether the treatment is formally covered by IPPC or not. Their view was based on the
developments on the waste sector since the Waste Framework and IPPC Directives were issued
as well as market distorsions that may be generated because only a part of the sector is covered.
Composting installations were mentioned as a good illustrative example on the previous points.

Recommendations for future work
The information exchange and the result of this exchange, i.e. this document, present an
important step forward in achieving the integrated prevention and control of pollution from the
waste treatment industry. On a few topics, however, the information is incomplete and did not
allow BAT conclusions to be reached. As a consequence, this is considered as an important
issue to focus on during the revision of this document. Future work could usefully focus on
collecting the following information:

1. clarification and enlargement of the scope to include the majority, if not all, of the waste
treatment activities. It would be advisable to clarify the installations to be covered by IPPC
and to restrict the use of R/D codes as well as reference to hazardous and non-hazardous
waste. Some waste treatments highlighted that may be good candidates for enlarging the
scope of this document have been composting, end-of-life materials (including vehicles,
fridges, electronic waste, cathode ray tubes, glass preparation, fluorescents containing
mercury, batteries, switches) and treatment of slag from combustion processes (e.g. from
incineration) to be used for example as construction material. As a consequence of such a
decision, this actual document does not contain specific BAT for such processes. However,
it needs to be noted that some of these processes are relatively similar to some of the
processes already covered

2. on-site remediation is not included in this document because it was seen to be outside the
scope of IPPC. Clarification as to whether on-site remediation needs to be covered by this
document has been proposed.

3. the document does not give guidance of what dilution is considered to be. A better
analysis of what is understood by dilution is required as this can have a big impact on
other waste policies. However, at the same time it should be determined whether this
guidance is possible to be given under the framework of the IPPC Directive because, as is
mentioned in the Scope chapter, IPPC focuses on installations and not the full chain of
waste management. It may be possible that when analysing dilution, other considerations
outside the scope of IPPC may be taken into account

4. there is a shortage of current consumption and emission levels and on the performance of
techniques to be considered in the determination of BAT. This was generally true
throughtout the whole document. Thus, it is proposed to collect data on this issue to
generate a better base document and enlarge the BAT chapter

5. this document does not include emission levels associated with the use of BAT for physico-
chemical treatment of waste waters. These waste streams have some of the largest volumes
in Europe, however there is a lack of identification of values for these treatments. The
number of generic waste water parameters identified (i.e. COD, BOD and heavy metals) for
this sector are considered to be insufficient for this particular treatment

Chapter 7
6. some lack of information have been identified on some issues covered by this document and
some have limited the BAT conclusions. These are:

off-site remediation treatments
mixing and blending treatments. This issue is identified as very important in the sector
but it has not been well developed. The BAT chapter lacks further conclusions on this
emission levels when biogas is used as the fuel (some information is actually available
in the LCP BREF for installations larger than 50 MWth)
waste water emission levels from biological treatments
dioxins, nitrous oxide and mercury emission levels to the air from mechanical
biological treatments. One member state considered important to include the dioxins
parameter in table of BAT 70 of Chapter 5
destruction of POPs. Basel convention provides technical guidelines for environmental
sound management of waste consisting of, containing or contaminated with PCBs,
PCTs and PBBs
treatments of waste containing mercury
treatment of asbestos
recovery of components from abatement techniques.

Suggested topics for future R&D projects
The information exchange has also exposed some areas where additional useful knowledge
could be gained from research and development projects. These relate to the following subjects:

studies to build on the knowledge of the definition of dilution
clarify the distinction between Recovery and Disposal of waste and to define, if possible,
the stage where recovery is completed and when the waste turns into a tradeable product.

The EC is launching and supporting, through its RTD programmes, a series of projects dealing
with clean technologies, emerging effluent treatment and recycling technologies and
management strategies. Potentially these projects could provide a useful contribution to future
BREF reviews. Readers are therefore invited to inform the EIPPCB of any research results
which are relevant to the scope of this document (see also the preface of this document).


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5 Concawe (1996). "Collection and disposal of used lubricant oil", Concawe, 5/96.

6 Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc. (2000). "Regenerate used oils into basestocks or
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7 Monier, V. and Labouze, E. (2001). "Critical Review of Existing Studies and Life Cycle
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63 EIPPCB (2002). "Reference document on BAT for Common Waste water and Waste
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64 EIPPCB (2003). "Reference document on BAT for Large Combustion Plants", EIPPCB,

65 EEA (2003). "Bulk emission factors for off-road transport running on diesel", The
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66 TWG (2003). "Questionnaires on Waste Treatments", European Commission.

67 DETR (2001). "UK Waste Oils Market", Lubrizol Corporation.

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74 ENDS (2002). EU to ban nonylphenols and chromium cement", Environment Daily,

75 UNECE "UNECE Task force on Emission Inventories", UN.

76 EEA (2003). "CORINAIR90 inventory", European Environment Agency, corinair/corinair.html.

77 Klemisch, H. and Holger, R. (2002). "Umweltmanagementsysteme in kleinen und
mittleren Unternehmen - Befunde bisheriger Umsetzung", KNI Papers 01 / 02, January
2002, p 15.

78 Clausen, J.; Keil, M. and Jungwirth, M. (2002). "The State of EMAS in the EU.Eco-
Management as a Tool for Sustainable Development - Literature Study", Institute for
Ecological Economy Research (Berlin) and Ecologic - Institute for International and
European Environmental Policy (Berlin).

80 Petts, J. and Eduljee, G. (1994). "Environmental impact assessment for waste treatment
and disposal facilities", 0-471-94112-3.

81 VDI and Dechema (2002). "The Future of Waste Management in Europe".

83 Indaver (2002). "Brochure of services provided by the company".

86 TWG (2003). "Comments from TWG to the First Draft".

89 Germany, U. (2003). "Slag treatment facilities", UBA Germany.

90 Rogut, S. (2003). "FuelCal waste processing technology", Multichem Eko.

91 Syke (2003). "Information provided during visit to Finland", Syke.

92 EEA (2002). "Review of selected waste streams: Sewage sludge, construction and
demolition waste, waste oils, waste from coal-fired power plants and biodegradable
municipal waste", European Environment Agency.

94 USA DoE (2002). "ARI technologies Asbestos Destruction", National Energy
Technology Laboratory (NETL), Tech ID 3114.

95 RAC/CP (2003). "Regional plan for reduction by 20% by 2007 of the generation of
hazardous waste from industrial installations in the MAP countries", EC -
Mediterranean Action Plan.

96 Straetmans, B. (2003). "Lubricants of the future. The future of re-refining", Sita.

99 Fons-Esteve, J.; Tarvainen, T.; Schmidt-Tom, P.; Wepner, M. and Schamann, M.
(2002). "Expert meeting on indicators for soil contamination", Sevilla.
100 UNEP (2000). "Survey of currently available non-incineration PCB destruction
technologies", UN.

101 Greenpeace (1998). "Technical criteria for the destruction of stockpiled persistent
organic pollutants", Greenpeace, ISBN 90-73361-47-8.

113 COWI A/S (2002). "Heavy metals in Waste", European Commission, DGENV. E3,
Project ENV.E.3/ETU/2000/0058.
114 Hogg, D. (2001). "Costs for municipal waste management in the EU", Eunomia.

116 Irish EPA (2003). "Draft BAT guidance notes for the waste sector: waste treatment
activities", Irish EPA.

117 DG Env (2001). "Biological treatment of biowaste. Second Draft", EC.

119 Watco (2002). "Information provided during the installation visit in Belgium", Sita.

120 Prantner (2002). "Catalytic air treatment systems", Prantner.

121 Schmidt, W. and Institute for environmental and waste management (2002). "Reference
document on best demonstrated available techniques in waste treatments.
Chemical/Physical treatment plants", BDE - AGS.

122 Eucopro (2003). "Hazardous waste preparation for energy recovery", Eucopro.

123 Perseo, P. (2003). "Soil washing. Technology description", FEAD.

124 Iswa (2003). "APC residue management. An overview of important management
options", Iswa.

125 Ruiz, C. (2002). "Document on good environmental practices in the catalyst recovery
sector", EIPPCB.

126 Pretz; Khoury; Uepping; Glorius and Tubergen (2003). "BREF "Waste treatment".
Solid recovered fuels", RWTH-Aachen I.A.R., European Recovered Fuel Organisation

127 Oteiza, J. M. (2002). "Information on the production of waste in Spain", TWG,
personal communication.

128 Ribi, J. (2003). "Information collected about the WT market in Malta", Ministry for
resources and Infrastructure. Works Division.

129 Cruz-Gomez, M. J. (2002). "Draft document on good environmental practices in the
waste solvent recovery sector", EIPPCB.

130 UBA (2003). "German comments to the draft BREF on Waste Treatments. Treatment of
waste solvents", UBA, Ecologic.

131 UBA (2003). "German comments to the Draft BREF on Waste Treatments. General
waste management", UBA, Ecologic.

132 UBA (2003). "German comments to the Draft BREF on Waste Treatments. Mechanical
biological treatments", UBA, Ecologic.

134 UBA (2003). "German comments to the Draft BREF on Waste Treatments. Waste water
management", UBA, Ecologic.

135 UBA (2003). "German comments to the Draft BREF on Waste Treatments. Physico-
chemical treatments", UBA, Ecologic.

136 Straetmans, B. (2003). "Stabilisation/Solidification", Sita.

138 Lanfranchi, B. (2003). "Biological treatment of polluted soil", FNADE.
139 UBA (2003). "German comments to the Draft BREF on Waste Treatments. Waste oil",
UBA, Ecologic.

141 Magistrelli, P.; Bregante, M.; Robertis, S. d.; Martella, L. and Paganetto, A. (2002).
"Decontamination of metal polluted soils by phytoextraction", CNR.

144 TWG (2002). "Note for the clarification of the scope of regeneration of sulphuric acid
for the BREF on waste treatments, waste incineration, and large volume inorganic
chemicals", TWG.

146 Galambos, L. and McCann, M. (2003). "Photographic processing hazards", Silver-
Select Kft.

147 UBA (2003). "German proposals to the first draft BREF on Waste Treatments.
Proposals for BAT for BREF Chapter 5", UBA, Ecologic.

150 TWG (2004). "Comments to the second draft of the WT BREF".

151 EIPPCB (2003). "Reference document on BAT on Emissions from Storage", IPTS.

152 TWG (2004). "2nd plenary TWG meeting on Waste Treatments", Sevilla, Oct-Nov
153 TWG (2005). "Comments from TWG to Executive summary, concluding remarks and
second draft of chapter 5".

154 UNEP (2004). "Technical guidelines for environmentally sound management of wastes
consisting of, containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls,
polychlorinated terphenyls or polybrominated biphenyls", United Nations
Environmental protection.

156 VROM (2004). "Dutch fact sheets for the waste treatment industries", Ministry of
Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. Directorate for Chemicals, Waste,
Radiation protection. Department of hazardous waste.

157 UBA (2004). "Annexes to German comments to the 2nd BREF on waste treatments",


The glossary of this document includes the symbols and accronyms used and that have been
identified by the TWG to have different interpretations by different readers. Thus, it is highly
recommended to refer to this glossary when a certain word is used in this document. The reason
for including these terms here is to give an appropriate guidance of the terms used in this
document. Due to the singularity of this industrial sector (mainly related to legislation
interpretation), the TWG concluded that it would be advantageous to include these terms.
However, the definitions below shall not be read as interpretation of any legislation, and
consequently they only have the validity to guide the reader of this document.

This IPPC industrial sector is highly regulated and the terminology used is not the same
throughout the EU. Moreover, there are different interpretations of the same wording in the
different countries, especially those related with the qualification of recovery and disposal. The
TWG has tried to use three rules in order to select what type of word needs to be used in this
document. These rules are:

1. external convention. Certain words used in this document are used with the same meaning
as, for example, EU legislation. In this case, wording can be imported to be in line with
existing legislation. This option is not always applicable due to different interpretations and
imprecise meanings of certain words.
2. BREF convention. The BREF convention rule typically tries to avoid the use of difficult
words with different meanings for different users. These words are described in the
Glossary and used in this document. This category includes waste IN, waste OUT,
output, etc.
3. respect wording used by the information provided. Due to the interpretation difficulties of
the information provided by the TWG, it is sometimes impossible to properly translate
some words to the ones used in legislation. In some cases, different countries interpret the
same words differently so therefore, it is difficult for the EIPPCB to change such wording.
Some examples in this area are product, materials, chemical, recovery, disposal,
and so on. In this case, the EIPPCB respects the wording used in the information provided.

~ More or less. Approximately
Euro, EUR (European currency)

AD Anaerobic digestion
ADR European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous
goods by road
APME TEC Association of Plastic Manufacturers in Europe, Technical Centre
AOX Adsorbable organically bound halogens
API American Petroleum Institute
Respiratory activity after four days (measured in mg O
/gram of total solid)

Biological degradation Used for the biological processes that naturally occur on biomass in the
atmosphere, mostly aerobic. In some countries the term rotting is used to
define this term
Blending Used in this document as mixing liquid or semi-liquid wastes
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
Bottom ash Solid residues from the combustion processes. Used in this document as a
synonym for combustion slags.
Brightstock Fraction of lubricant
BREF BAT reference document
BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene (phenylethane) and xylenes
Bund A tank farm bund (or dike) is designed to contain large spills, such as that
caused by a shell rupture or a large overfill. The bund consists of a wall
around the outside of the tank (or tanks) to contain any product in the
unlikely event of a spill. The bund is typically constructed of well compacted
earth or reinforced concrete. The volume is normally sized to accommodate
the contents of the largest tank within the bund. For more information see
Storage BREF

CEN European committee for normalisation
CFC Chloro fluoro carbons
CHP Co-generation of heat and power
COD Chemical oxygen demand
Conradson Concarbon: measurement of the carbon residue (expressed in w/w-%).
Measurement of the tendency of an organic compound to form coke
Cuts Term used in distillation, fractionation to name the different distillation
fractions that are optained
Hydrocarbon with x number of carbons

D Disposal (codes given by EC legislation to disposal treatments)
DAF Dissolved air flotation
DCH Direct contact hydrogenation process of waste oils
DCM Dichloro methane
Diffuse emissions Emissions arising from direct contact of volatile or light dusty substances
with the environment under normal operating circumstances (see Monitoring
Digestate Solid residue after anaerobic digestion
DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung (DIN, the German Institute for
Standardization) is a German national organization for standardization
Dispatch Delivery of the waste OUT to the following activity or customer
Disposal Defined by EC Waste Framework Directive
DM Dry matter. The matter after drying of its moisture content
DRE Destruction and removal efficiency. It takes into account only stack
emissions with no consideration of other releases and residues
DS dry solids (content). The mass of a material remaining after drying by the
standard method of test

EC European Commission
EDTA Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
EMS Environmental management systems
EOP End-of-pipe technique. Typically used as a synonym for abatement
eq. Equivalent (i.e. eq. crude oil)
EU European Union
EU+ European Union + EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries +
Candidate countries
EUR Euro, EUR, (European currency)
EWL European Waste List from the European Waste Framework Directive

FGT Flue-gas treatments. Abatement techniques (e.g. particulate abatement, SO
abatement, NO
abatement) typically used for the cleaning of the flue-gases
generated after combustion processes

FGT waste Refers to the waste generated in the flue-gas treatment of combustion
processes and it is considered as a waste IN in this document. Please note
that this term is used with a different meaning to FGT residue referred to
below. For more information see Section 8.3.7
FGT residue Refers to the residues generated when flue-gas treatment is applied to WT
installations. Please note that this term is used to differenciate from FGT
wasteas noted above
FID Flame ionization detector
Fugitive emissions Emission caused by non-tight equipment/leak: emission into the
environment resulting from a gradual loss of tightness from a piece of
equipment designed to contain an enclosed fluid (gaseous or liquid),
basically caused by a difference of pressure and a resulting leak. Examples
of fugitive emissions: leak from a flange, a pump, a sealed or tightened
equipment (see Monitoring BREF)

GB21 Anaerobic gas production
GAC Granular activated carbon
GE German odour unit
GNP Great Northern Processing Inc.

H&S Health and Safety programme
HC Hydrocarbons
HCFC Hydrogen chloro fluoro carbons
HF Hydrofinishing
HMIP Her Majestys Inspectorate of Pollution (UK)
HRT Hydraulic retention time

IBC Intermediate bulk container
IEF Information Exchange Forum (see Preface)
IFP Institute Franais du Petrole
IRR Internal rate of return (Economic concept)

L/S Liquid/solid ratio
Lab smalls Term typically used to define the waste that comes from laboratories.
Typically in small quantities and very variable in composition
LDAR Leak detection and repair system. Programe applied to reduce fugitive
emissions. More information in Section 4.6.2
LHV Low heat value
Light ends Term used in distillations, fractionation to name the light volatile
components that end up at the top of the columns
Liquid waste fuel Liquid or semi-liquid fuel prepared from waste. Typically prepared from
hazardous waste
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
) Liquid hourly space velocity

M Million (10
MBT Mechanical biological treatment
MEK Methyl ethylketone
MIBK Methyl isobutyl ketone
Mixing Used in this document as put together solid waste
NMVOC Non-methane VOC emissions
MS Member State (One of the 25 Member States of the EU)
MSW Municipal solid waste

n.a. Not available
n/a Not applicable
ndM Analytical method
NF Nanofiltration
NIR Near-infrarred spectroscopy technique
NPV Net payback value
NTA Nitrilotriacetic acid

ouE European Odour Unit. The amount of odorant(s) that, when evaporated into
one cubic metre of neutral gas at standard conditions, elicits a physiological
response from a panel (detection threshold) equivalent to that elicited by one
European Reference Odour Mass (EROM), evaporated in one cubic metre of
neutral gas at standard conditions (CEN TC264)
Output Includes the waste OUT (main output) and the other types of solid residues,
emissions, waste water, etc produced during a waste treatment

PAG Polyalkylene glycol
PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PBB Polybrominated biphenyl
PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl
PCB/PCT Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls
PCDD/PCDF Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans
PDA Propane de-asphalting (for waste oils)
PF Preflash (typically used for waste oils)
Ph-c Physico-chemical treatment. Typically used in this document for treatment
of waste waters or solid waste
PM Particulate matter
Particulate matter of less than x microns
POP Persistant organic pollutant
ppm Parts per million (mg/kg. Closely equivalent to mg/l in cases of
concentration in water)
ppmv parts per million refered to volume (litre per litre)
Process generated waste The non-usable waste (e.g. waste lime, bottoms of storage
tanks, sludges) is generated by the process/operations and is different from
the target waste OUT. The reason for differentiating between the wastes is
that the waste OUT may be used for different purposes, but process
generated waste is typically not re-used. See the introduction to chapter 3
and Figure 3.1 for more information.

R Recovery (codes given by EC legislation to recovery treatments)
R/D Recovery and Disposal
R&D Research and Development
RDF Refuse derive fuel. The RDF (a type of solid waste fuel) do have certain
Recycle Used in this document with two meanings: One means the recycling of some
part of the waste to another industrial sector and the other means recycling
within the WT installation. The latter one is most commonly used in this
Recovery Defined by EC waste framework Directive. Also used in this document as
the treatment for the recovery of or part of material from the waste

Redox The most fundamental reactions in chemistry are the redox processes. The
term redox process accounts for all processes in which atoms have their
oxidation number (oxidation state) changed.
REF Recovered fuels
Refinery Mineral oil refinery (see Refinery BREF)
Regeneration Used in this document for the treatment of liquid and solid waste for
recovery of the majority of the waste material. However, one exception
exists because the term re-refining is used in the case of regeneration of
waste oil to be reconverted to base oils
Remediation Generic term used in this document to refer to treatment of contaminated soil
Re-refining Used in this document for the treatments carried out to waste oil to be
transformed to base oil
RO Reverse osmosis
RTD Research, Technology and Development. EC research programmes

SCR Selective catalytic reduction. Catalytic control technology applied to
reduction of NO
Selectopropane PDA unit
Slag Solid residues from combustion processes. The term bottom ash is the most
frequently used term in this document
SNCR Selective non-catalytic reduction. Non-catalytic control technology applied
to reduction of NO
Solidification Treatment that uses additives to change the physical properties of the waste
(see Section
Secondary fuel Term used in this document as any type of fuel whether (prepared from
waste or not) that it is used to supplement the primary fuel used in a
combustion facility
Solid waste fuel Solid fuel prepared from waste. It can be prepared from hazardous or non-
hazardous waste
Specification Physico-chemical values given in legislation to certain compounds (e.g.
lubricant oils)
SRF Solid recovered fuel. The SRF (a type of solid waste fuel) meets certain

t/yr Tonnes per year
TCE Trichloroethylene
TCT Thermal cracking treatment
TDA Thermal de-asphalting (technique used for the treatment of waste oils)
TEQ Toxicity equivalent. Unit used for PCDD and PCDFs
TFE Thin film evaporation (technique used for the treatment of waste oils)
Transfer station Used throughout this document to include bulking and storage activities
TOC Total organic carbon
TPH Total petroleum hydrocarbons
TRI Toxic release inventory from US (
TS Total solid content
TWG Technical Working Group for Waste Treatments (composed of experts from
Member States, Waste Treatment industries, Environmental NGO and co-
ordinated by EIPPCB)

UK United Kingdom
Used oil Includes only those oils which arise from the use of lubricating oils
USAEPA Environmental Protection Agency of the US
US DOE US department of Energy

Virgin oil Lubricant oil which has not yet been used
VOC Volatile organic compounds. Typically measured as mass of carbon
vol-% volume by volume ratio (e.g. Y vol-% means Y litres of compound X per
100 litres of gas)
vs. versus

w/w-% percentage by weight ratio (e.g. w/w-% means kg of X per 100 kg of
Waste contaminated with PCBs and dioxins WT BREF is mentioned in COM (2001) 593 to
include also the treatment of such type of waste. This term is used with the
same meaning as in this legislation
Waste fuel This term is used in this document to generally refer to any type of waste or
prepared material from waste that is used as fuel in any combustion process.
It embraces terms such as SRF and secondary fuel used elsewhere
Waste oil Includes used oils and other recovered oils from drainage systems, fuel
storage, refineries, etc.
Waste IN Waste that can be treated in a waste treatment installation. For a further
explanation, consult the introduction to Chapter 3
Waste OUT Relates to the waste output (being a waste or a product) of a waste treatment
facility. However, in this document it is differentiated from process related
waste. For a further explanation, consult the introduction to Chapter 3
White goods Large household appliances that are typically finished in white enamel such
as refrigerators, washing machines, etc.
Waste holder Installation from where the waste is received. Sometimes this installation is
the waste producer if no intermediate is between the waste treatment facility
and the waste producer. Sometimes this installation is the waste transfer
Waste operator Company that runs the waste treatment installation
Waste producer Installation where waste is produced. The waste is then delivered to a waste
manager or a waste treatment provider
Waste transfer Installations mainly dedicated to collect different types of waste in order to
increase its quantity and send it for treatment
Waste treatment Any of the installations that perform a waste treatments covered by the scope
of this document
WI Waste incineration (typically referred to in the WI BREF)
WO Waste oil
WT Waste treatment(s)
WWT Waste water treatment
WWTP Waste water treatment plant
Country Name Abbreviation
ISO Code

Belgium BE EUR
Czech Republic CZ CZK
Denmark DK DKK
Germany DE EUR
Estonia EE EEK
Greece EL EUR
Spain ES EUR
France FR EUR
Ireland IE EUR
Italy IT EUR
Cyprus CY CYP
Latvia LV LVL
Lithuania LT LTL
Luxembourg LU EUR
Hungary HU HUF
Malta MT MTL
Netherlands NL EUR
Austria AT EUR
Poland PL PLN
Portugal PT EUR
Slovenia SI SIT
Slovakia SK SKK
Finland FI EUR
Sweden SE SEK

EU countries
United Kingdom UK GBP
Bulgaria BG BGN
Romania RO ROL
Accession countries
Turkey TR TRL
Australia AU AUD
Canada CA CAD
Iceland IS ISK
Japan JP JPY
New Zealand NZ NZD
Norway NO NOK
Switzerland CH CHF
Other countries
United States US USD
Table 0.1: Country codes and currencies
Notes: Information from


Five annexes have been prepared to complement the information provided in this document,
each relating to a specific topic, i.e.:

Annex I. Environmental legislation and emission limit values applied to the waste treatment

Annex II. Questionnaire used to gather environmental information of European waste treatment

Annex III: Types of waste and waste production in the EU

Annex IV. Quality assurance systems for secondary recovered fuel

8.1 Annex I. Environmental legislation and emission limit
values applied to the waste treatment sector
[5, Concawe, 1996], [6, Silver Springs Oil Recovery Inc., 2000], [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [36,
Viscolube, 2002], [37, Woodward-Clyde, 2000], [55, UK EA, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [95, RAC/CP,
2003], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

8.1.1 Waste Directive
Table 8.1 shows the classification of waste treatment operations. Such a classification of waste
treatment operations according to these entries is used for several purposes (e.g. statistics,
export of waste). The table also contains examples of the type of installations that may be
included in each type of operation. However, these examples do not represent any definition of
those terms. It is recognised that some of these definitions may be technically ambiguous but
they correspond to existing legal definitions, which are outside the scope of this document.

Disposal (D) operations Examples of installations
D1 Deposit into or onto land (e.g. landfill, etc.)
D2 Land treatment (e.g. biodegradation of liquid or
sludgy discards in soils, etc.)

D3 Deep injection (e.g. injection of pumpable discards
into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring
repositories, etc.)

D4 Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or
sludgy discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.)

D5 Specially engineered landfill (e.g. placement into
lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated
from one another and the environment, etc.)
Hazardous landfill: typically used to landfill
hazardous waste from third parties.
Mono landfill: where only one type of waste is
landfilled. Typically if more than one type of waste is
landfilled, segregation is used.
D6 Release into a water body except seas/oceans
D7 Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertion
D8 Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this
list which results in final compounds or mixtures
which are discarded by means of any of the
operations numbered D1 to D12
Operations that include the use of biological
processes or use micro-organisms for the treatment of

D9 Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere
in this list which results in final compounds or
mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the
operations numbered D1 to D12 (e.g. evaporation,
drying, calcination, etc.)
Operations carried out for the treatment of waste prior
disposal by means of physico or chemical processes
or a combination of both.
Some operations are stabilisation, dehydratation,
solidification, sterilisation, autoclave, disinfection of
hospital waste, etc.
D10 Incineration on land Operations for the destruction of waste by
incineration, with the main objective being to destroy
the waste, with or without energy recovery.
D11 Incineration at sea
D12 Permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in
a mine, etc.)

D13 Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the
operations numbered D1 to D12

D14 Repackaging prior to submission to any of the
operations numbered D1 to D13

D15 Storage pending any of the operations numbered D1
to D14 (excluding temporary storage, pending
collection, on the site where it is produced)

Recovery (R) operations
R1 Use principally as a fuel or by other means to
generate energy
Large combustion plants, cement and lime kilns,
ceramic installations or similar (e.g. cogeneration).
R2 Solvent reclamation/regeneration Operations aimed at regeneration of solvent
independent of the type of process used
R3 Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which
are not used as solvents (including composting and
other biological transformation processes)
Operations aimed at regeneration of, for example,
plastic containers, refrigerant gases, combustibles. It
also includes cleaning activities.
Operations for the recovery of PCB contaminated
R4 Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal
Operations aimed at recycling metal wastes or
reclamation of metals and metal compounds. Waste
as slags, metal powders, metalic containers, lead
batteries, copper wires, mercury from batteries,
fluorescents, scrap metals, metal salts from
metalurgic processes. Vehicles, end-of-life fridges,
and toners may also be included here. Cleaning
activities before the recycling of metal containers are
also included.
R5 Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials Operations aimed at the recycling of inorganic
materials which are not metal or the reclamation of
inorganic material from waste (e.g mineral materials
from construction and demolition waste, flocculants
from acids (ferric chloride)).
R6 Regeneration of acids or bases Operations aimed at the regeneration of acid or bases
independent of the process used.
R7 Recovery of components used for pollution abatement
R8 Recovery of components from catalysts Operations aimed at the recovery of components as
metals or ceramics from catalysts
R9 Oil re-refining or other re-uses of oil Operations aimed at the regeneration of waste oils
R10 Land treatment resulting in a benefit to agriculture or
ecological improvement

R11 Use of wastes obtained from any of the operations
numbered R1 to R10

R12 Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the
operations numbered R1 to R11

R13 Storage of wastes pending any of the operations
numbered R1 to R12 (excluding temporary storage,
pending collection, on the site where it is produced)

Table 8.1: Type of waste treatments installations and examples of installations included in each
different category of waste operation
Annex II A and B of Council Directive 91/156/EC

8.1.2 EU legislation applicable to waste oils

Directive Name
75/439/EEC About waste oils
75/442/EEC About wastes and the definition of wastes
87/101/EEC Amendment to Directive 75/439 giving priority to re-refining
89/369/EEC About preventive measures of air pollution of incinerating plants and emissions
89/429/EEC Control of special wastes
91/156/EEC To encourage clean technologies and the recovering of wastes without a risk to the
environment and human health
91/689/EEC About hazardous wastes
91/689/EEC List of dangerous wastes Article 1, paragraph 4, Directive 91/689 EEC
91/692/EEC Standardisation and realisation of some environmental directives
92/12/EEC About the excise duties on mineral oils
92/81/EEC Harmonisation of excise duties on mineral oils
92/82/EEC Rates of excise duties on mineral oils
92/108/EEC Amendment of Directives 92/12 and 92/81
94/62/EC About packing and wastes from packing
94/67/EC About the incineration and co-incineration of wastes and emission limits
96/61/EC About preventive measures and integral reduction of the pollution
2000/76/EC Directive on waste incineration
Table 8.2: EC Directives in force affecting waste oils
[36, Viscolube, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

8.1.3 Other EU waste legislation

There are different types of legislation important for holders of waste products, which need to
be known for the treatment of waste. Some of the most important ones are summarised in the
Table 8.3:

Reference Name
Waste sector regulations
94/62/EEC Packaging issued - PWD
2000/53/EC Automotive issued - ELV, End of Life Vehicle Directive
13/6/2000 Electrical & Electronics - WEEE, Proposal for a Directive on Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment
Horizontal issue regulations
2000/2037EC Ozone depleting substances - ODP, Ozone Depleting Substances
1999/31/EC Landfill disposal - LWD, Landfill of Waste Directive
2000/76/EC Waste incineration - WID, Waste Incineration Directive
2000/53L/EC Waste List - EWL, Commission decision of May 2000
67/548/EEC Dangerous Substances Directive - DSD, Dangerous Substance Directive
1999/45/EC Dangerous Preparation Directive - DP, Dangerous Preparation Directive
Solvents Emissions Directive (SED)
Landfill Directive
Seveso Directive
Water Framework Directive
Industrial Safety, VawS (s.a.), others...
Table 8.3: EU legislation related with waste treatment installations

8.1.4 Legislation in some EU countries France

France has adopted the main European regulations on hazardous waste management. Decree
(2002 - 540) has been recently adopted to adapt the classification of hazardous wastes to new
European regulations (Decision 2000/532/CE) [95, RAC/CP, 2003]. Germany

The legislation applied in Germany according to waste treatment may be summarised by the
following legislation:

Technical Instruction on Waste management (Technische Anleitung zur Lagerung,
chemisch/physikalischen, biologischen Behanlung, Verbrennung und Ablagerung von
besonders berwachungsbedrftigen Abfllen TA Abfall)
Ordinance on Environmentally Compatible Storage of Waste from Human Settlements and
on Biological Waste treatment facilities of 20 February 2001
Ordinance on Requirements for the discharge of waste water into water/waste water
ordinance (Abwasserverordnung AbwV) of 15October 2002
TA Luft
30. BImSchV.

Requirements for waste water treatment are set in: Annex 23 Facilities for Biological
Treatment of Waste and, Annex 27 Treatment of Waste by Chemical and Physical Processes
(Ph-c facilities) and processing of used oil of the Ordinance on Requirements for the
Discharge of Waste Water into Waters (Waste Water Ordinance - AbwV) of 15 October 2002.

Waste water discharges or blending
The Ph-c plants in Germany are subject both to control relating to waste and water legislation.
The waste water may be discharged into water bodies only insofar as process water from
process and waste-air treatment in mechanical-aerobic-biological treatment facilities cannot be
used completely in internal processes.

According to the ordinance, the generated waste water is often used for a waste gas cleaning
process, e.g. for humidification of the bio filter or for the operation of the bio scrubber. In some
cases it is applied for cooling processes with an open evaporation. Because of the small volumes
of waste water, filter techniques are the main applied operations.

Emission limit values (ELV) for MBTs

limit values
Daily mean values (continuous measurement):
total dust 10 mg/m
organic substances, given as total carbon 20 mg/m
Half hour mean values (continuous measurement):
total dust 30 mg/m
organic substances, given as total carbon 40 mg/m
Monthly mean values, determined as mass ratio
nitrous oxide 100 g/t
organic substances, given as total carbon 55 g/t
Single measurements
odours 500 GE/m
dioxins/furans (total value) 0.1 ng/m
Gram TOC or N
O per tonne of treated waste
Comment to 5 % of oxygen. The reference to oxygen has proven not to be practical because oxygen content in the
MBT exhaust gas is similar to atmospheric oxygen content. Insufficient accuracy of the oxygen measurement causes
large uncertainties in the reference calculation. An appropriate combination of load limits and concentration limits is
the better alternative for the prevention of dilution effects.
Table 8.4: German emission limit values applied to MBTs
[150, TWG, 2004] Greece

Despite the fact that a hazardous waste National Plan is still being developed in Greece,
mechanisms to manage industrial and hazardous wastes are already in place. The main
regulations with regard to the management of industrial waste are:

Law 1650/86 on Environmental Protection
Law 3010/02 on Environmental Protection
CMD 69728/96 on Solid Waste Management
CMD 114218/97 on Technical Specifications on Solid Waste Management
CMD 113944/97 National Plan on Solid and Hazardous Waste Management.

Specific regulations on hazardous industrial waste management are the following

CMD 72751/85 and CMD 19396/97 on Hazardous Waste management
CMD 98012/97 on Used Oils Management
CMD 73537/95 on Lead Batteries and CMD 19817/00 on Batteries
CMD 8243/91 on Asbestos Waste and CMD 7589/00 on PCBs/PCTs
CMD 2487/99 on Pollution Prevention from Incineration of Hazardous waste.

562 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL Italy

The legal framework concerning the management of industrial and hazardous waste is well
developed in Italy.

The national framework law on waste issued in 1997 (Legislative decree 22/97) transposed the
European Waste Framework Directive 75/442/EEC, the Directive on Hazardous waste
91/689/EC and the Directive on packaging and packaging waste 94/62/EC (73) to national

Law 22/97 introduces an integrated waste management policy, as set up by the European
hierarchy: waste minimisation and prevention at source followed by recovery in its triple
dimension of re-use, recycling and energy recovery and, finally safe disposal. This law
represents a reform in the field of waste management in Italy. It promotes clean technologies,
Ecolabel, the EMAS certification system, integrated networks of recovery and disposal
facilities, and voluntary agreements between public administrators and economic operators in
order to create real opportunities for waste recycling.

Wastes are classified according to the European Waste List (decision 2000/532/EC). The waste
information system is based on the National Register of Waste, which was first established by
law in 1994 and reorganised in 1998.

Recently Directive 99/31/EC has been transposed into Italian legislation by the Legislative
Decree 13 January 2003 for the provision of technical and operational tools for a better
landfilling management and measures/procedures to minimise the environmental impact and
effect on human health. Furthermore, Directive 2000/53/EC concerning the end of life vehicles,
is in the process to be transposed into Italian legislation.

Table 8.5 shows the emission limit values applied to a waste oil refinery.

Air parameter Emission limit
Fume temperature 150 C
PM 30 mg/Nm
Heavy metals 5 mg/Nm
TOC 10 mg/Nm
HCl 10 mg/Nm
3 mg/Nm
HCN 0.5 mg/Nm
P 5 mg/Nm
PAH 0.05 mg/Nm
PCDD + PCDF 0.01 _g/Nm
TCDD + TCDF 0.05 _g/Nm
PCB + PCN + PCT 0.1 mg/Nm
Notes: Values referred to a percentage of O
of 10 %
Table 8.5: Air emission limit values for a waste oils refinery
[36, Viscolube, 2002]

Water parameter Emission limit
Temperature 25 C
Acidity 5.5/9.5 pH
COD 160 mg/l
Phenols 0.5 mg/l
15 mg/l
P (total) 10 mg/l
Anionic tensioactives mg/l
Non-anionic tensioactives mg/l
Total tensioactives 2 mg/l
Al 1 mg/l
Fe 2 mg/l
Colour Not detectable
Suspended solids 80 mg/l
Table 8.6: Water discharge emission limit values from a waste oils refinery
[36, Viscolube, 2002] Spain

A legal framework with regard to the management of industrial and hazardous wastes has been
developed in Spain. The main regulations on hazardous waste are the following:

Law 10/98 of 21 April, on Waste
Decree 833/1988 of 20 July that develops Law 20/1986, on Hazardous Wastes. (Modified
by Royal Decree 952/1997)
Ordinance MAM/304/2002 on Hazardous Waste Classification
Hazardous Waste National Plan (1995 - 2000)
Hazardous Waste National Plan (2002 - 2008) (being developed).

Specific regulations exist on the management of used oils, PCB, PCT, and batteries.
564 August 2005 MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL United Kingdom

England and Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
PPC Regulations (England and
Wales) 2000
PPC (Scotland) Regulations
2000; SI 200/323

Waste Management Licensing
Regulations SI 1994 1056
Waste Management Licensing
Regulations SI:1994 1056
No NI equivalent
The Water Resources Act 1991 COPA 1974 (S30A-30E equiv
to Part III WRA91) Natural
Heritage (Scotland) Act
1991(Part II equiv to Part I
The Water (NI) Order 1999
SI 1989 No 317: Clean Air, The
Air Quality Standards
Regulations 1989
SI 1989/317: Clean Air, The
Air Quality Standards
Regulations 1989
The Air Quality Standards
Regulations (Northern Ireland)
1990. Statutory Rules of
Northern Ireland 1990 No 145
SI 1997 No 3043: Environmental
Protection, The Air Quality
Regulations 1997
SSI 2000/97 The Air Quality
(Scotland) Regs
No NI equivalent
SI 1989 No 2286 and 1998 No
389 the Surface Water
(Dangerous Substances
Classification) Regulations.
(Values for List II substances are
contained in SI 1997/2560 and SI
SI 1990/126 Surface Water
(Dangerous Substances)
(Classification) (Scotland)
Surface Waters (Dangerous
Substances) (Classification)
Regulations 1998. Statutory
Rules of Northern Ireland 1998
No 397 SI 1991/1597:
SI 1991/1597: Bathing Waters
(Classification) Regs.
SI 1991/1609 Bathing Waters
(Classification) (Scotland)
The Quality of Bathing Water
Regulations (NI) 1993
SI 1992/1331 and Direction 1997
Surface Waters (Fishlife)
(Classification) Regs.
SI 1997/2471 Surface Waters
(Fishlife) (Classification) Regs
The Surface Water (Fishlife)
(Classification) Regulations (NI)
SI1997/1332 Surface Waters
(Shellfish) (Classification) Regs.
SI 1997/2470 Surface Waters
(Shellfish) (Classification)
The Surface Water (Shellfish)
(Classification) Regulations (NI)
SI1994/2716 Conservation
(Natural Habitats etc)
Regulations 1994
SI 1994/2716 Conservation
(Natural Habitats etc) Regs
Conservation (Natural Habitats
etc) Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 1995
Control of Major Accident
Hazards Regulations 1999
SI 1999/743 Control of Major
Accident Hazards Regs
Control of Major Accident
Hazard Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 2000
Special Waste Regulations 1996 The Special Waste Regulations
(Northern Ireland) 1998
Table 8.7: UK related waste legislation and correspondence
[55, UK EA, 2001] Belgium

The burning of used oils in asphalt mixing plants has been illegal since January 1999 in the
Flemish region of Belgium [11, Jacobs and Dijkmans, 2001]. The Netherlands

The risk of use of materials in agriculture and diffusion of toxic substances, especially heavy
metals, in the environment and in crops have been legislated in the Netherlands. Standards are
set for the application of anaerobic digestate into farmlands, set in the Quality and Use of Other
Organic Fertilisers Decree: Cd <1.25 mg/kg, Cr <75 mg/kg, Cu <75 mg/kg, Hg <0.75 mg/kg, Ni
<30 mg/kg, Pb <100 mg/kg, Zn <300 mg/kg, As <15 mg/kg (concentrations in mg/kg dry
MA/EIPPCB/WT_BREF_FINAL August 2005 565 Austria

Emission limit values for MBTs

Parameters Emission Limit
1. organic substances, as total organic carbon
half hourly average values
daily average values
mass ratio




2. nitrogen dioxide (as NO
half hourly average values
daily average values



3. ammonia 20 mg/m
4. dioxins/furans
(2-, 3-, 7-, 8-TCDD-equivalent (I-TEF)) 0.1 ng/m
5. total dust 10 mg/m
6. odour 500 GE/m
7. other parameters
see Chapter, paragraph. 2 of MBA-Richtlinie.
if the applied technique of waste gas treatment precludes the formation of nitrogen dioxides
if the applied technique of waste gas treatment precludes the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins
(PCDD) and/or dibenzofurans (PCDF)
depending on the treatment technology and the type of waste which will be treated, the possibility of
greenhouse gases emissions (e.g. N
O) has to be taken into consideration, which has to be limited as the case
may be. Therefore, special provisions for IPPC installations according to the Austrian Waste Management Act.
In this table, the levels for emissions from MBT relate to an oxygen concentration of 5 %
Table 8.8: Austrian emission limit values for air emissions in MBTs
[150, TWG, 2004]
Note: Emission limit values according to the Austrian MBA-Richtlinie (Guideline for the
mechanical-biological treatment of wastes, 2002, Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Band 2/2002, March 2002)

8.1.5 Waste legislation in some other countries

In Canada, used oils containing more than 2 ppm PCBs have to be taken to an incinerator.

The USEPA has regulations for Standards for the Management of Used Oil. Within these
regulations the burning of used oil is subject to a comprehensive set of process controls unless it
can be shown that the used oil falls within set specifications related to contaminant levels.
USEPA, United States Code of Federal Regulations, CFR64 Part 279, United States used oil
Specification give a specification for a waste not be considered as a hazardous waste. Table 8.9
shows the specifications of waste to not be named as a hazardous waste.

Compound Maximum value in mg/kg
Arsenic 5
Cadmium 2
Chromium 10
Lead 100
Total halogens 4000
Table 8.9: Specification of waste oil not to be named as a hazardous waste

8.2 Annex II. Questionnaire used to gather environmental
information of European waste treatment plants

Requested by the Technical Working Group on Waste Treatments (WT) and with the aim of standardising the type of
information that is needed for the WT BREF
The information that will be gathered will be used only for the purpose of the WT BREF
Confidential data will be treated by EIPPCB as such and will not be openly discussed in the BREF
Partial information is also important because it is equally important to know why certain information does not exist
Those that allow you to put information in, and which are coloured in blue
Waste Treatment
INPUTS Installation Assessed OUTPUTS
Person completing the questionnaire
This information will be used only if any further clarification is needed.
CREATED BY: Miquel A. Aguado-Monsonet (EIPPCB)
Ludwig Ramacher (FEAD)
FOR QUESTIONS: Miquel A. Aguado-Monsonet (EIPPCB)
Miquel A. Aguado-Monsonet (EIPPCB)
1 Country
2 Operator
3 Name and site of the plant
4 Plant operating since
5 The data provided in this questionnaire
corresponds to year. . . (year of reference)
6 Additional remarks
Amount of waste treated in the year of
Number of
hazardous codes
that you treat
Annual percentage
for each type of
waste treated
Types of waste treated 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 %
01 0
Type of fuel used (fossil fuel (gas, liquid, solid) and waste (e.g. RDF))
Fuel consumption MJ/yr
Electricity consumption MWh/yr
Heat consumption MWh/yr
Water m
Cooling MJ/yr
OTHER INPUTS (e.g. Chemicals)
production of fuel from non-hazardous waste
production of fuel from hazardous waste
mechanical/biological treatment of non-hazardous waste
anaerobic digestion
treatment of spent catalysts
treatment of flue-gas cleaning residues and ashes
treatment of waste oils
treatment of waste solvents
physico-chemical treatment for oil water mixtures and emulsions
treatment of contaminated soil
(Please mention the list of processes/activities carried out in your installation (note: storage is already
included). Please add a flow sheet of the plant (in the next worksheet) to assist in the understanding of
your process)
Number Remarks
1 Gas storage
2 Liquid storage
3 Solid (including waste) storage
Please mention in the following table which types of flue-gas cleaning system are used
Type of system in use
basis of
efficiency Remarks
A1 dry electrostatic precipitator PM
A2 wet electrostatic precipitator PM
A3 cyclone PM
A4 quench
A5 bag filter PM
A6 bag house filter with active carbon injection PM
A7 acidic wet scrubber
A8 alkalic wet scrubber
A9 additional scrubber system
A10 dry scrubber with lime injection
A11 non selective catalytic reduction NO
A12 selective catalytic reduction for NO
A13 selective catalytic reduction for NO
and dioxins
A14 active carbon filter (steady)
A15 VOC incinerator VOC
A16 biofilter
Are you planning to implement any other air abatement technique in the short term (2 years?)
If yes, please specify which.
Does your installation generate waste
If yes, please respond below
Is the waste water generated by your installation treated in a
If yes, please respond below
The WWTP only treats waste water generated by your
Overall efficiency %
Type of treatments contained in the
WWTP remarks
W1 sedimentation
W2 neutralisation
W3 chemical treatment with ..........
W4 separation of emulsions
W5 filtration
W6 dewatering
W7 filterpress
W8 ion exchange
W9 flocculation
Are you planning to implement any other water treatment in the short term (2 years?)
If yes, please specify which.

Name of products with positive market price
Annual amount of products made (tonnes/yr)
Electricity (MWh/yr)
Heat (MWh/yr)
Notes: C:Continuous, D:Discontinuous, IM: Indirect measurement, E:estimated
If an emission parameter is not applicable for the process include N/A in the table. If you know that may be some
emission but you don't have it please leave the cell blank.
Types of
Parameter (C, D, IM, E) Concentration Units Load Units
Fumes generated Nm/yr
Oxygen percentage used for the data below %
Averaging time period
Dust mg/Nm kg/yr
mg/Nm kg/yr
mg/Nm kg/yr
O mg/Nm kg/yr
TOC mg/Nm kg/yr
CO mg/Nm kg/yr
HCl mg/Nm kg/yr
HF mg/Nm kg/yr
Total metals mg/Nm kg/yr
Hg mg/Nm kg/yr
Cd + Tl mg/Nm kg/yr
PAH mg/Nm kg/yr
PCB mg/Nm kg/yr
Chlorobenzenes mg/Nm kg/yr
PCDD/PCDF (ngTEQ/Nm) g/yr
CFC mg/Nm kg/yr
Note: N means normal conditions (0
C and 1 atm). Please give the data in dry conditions.
Types of
Parameter (C, D, IM, E) Concentration Units Load Units
Averaging time period
Waste water generated m/yr
SS (Suspended Solids (dried 105
C)) mg/l kg/yr
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) mg/l kg/yr
(Biological Oxygen Demand 5 days) mg/l kg/yr
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand 2 hours) mg/l kg/yr
Hydrocarbons mg/l kg/yr
Phenols mg/l kg/yr
AOX mg/l kg/yr
BTX mg/l kg/yr
Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l kg/yr
Nitrit N (NO
- N) mg/l kg/yr
CN (free) mg/l kg/yr
Sulphide (free) mg/l kg/yr
F, total mg/l kg/yr
P, total mg/l kg/yr
Total metals mg/l kg/yr
Al (mg/l) mg/l kg/yr
Fe (mg/l) mg/l kg/yr
As mg/l kg/yr
Cr, total mg/l kg/yr
Cr (VI) mg/l kg/yr
Cu mg/l kg/yr
Hg mg/l kg/yr
Ni mg/l kg/yr
Pb mg/l kg/yr
Zn mg/l kg/yr
Residues produced by the process
Annual amount of residues (tonnes/yr)
Subsequent fate
Please include in this worksheet those techniques implemented or that will be implemented shortly in your installation
and that you think are Good Environmental Practices (GEP). For each techniques please give the following information
Achieved environmental benefits
Cross-media effects
Operational data
Driving force for implementation
Example plants
Reference literature
8.3 Annex III: Types of waste and waste production in the EU
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001], [39, Militon, et al., 2000], [40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [41, UK,
1991], [42, UK, 1995], [53, LaGrega, et al., 1994], [56, Babtie Group Ltd, 2002], [86, TWG, 2003],
[100, UNEP, 2000], [121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002],
[122, Eucopro, 2003] [124, Iswa, 2003], [125, Ruiz, 2002], [126, Pretz, et al., 2003], [150, TWG,

This Annex summarises the types of waste produced in the EU and its classification in the EU,
as well as summarising the production of waste in individual EU countries and some other
European countries. As stated in Chapter 1, waste treatment installations are designed to
manage waste. This waste is the input (called raw material in other industrial sectors) to these
installations. Viewing the waste treatment sector, as a whole, it can be seen that the physico-
chemical properties of such inputs can vary widely. Waste can be liquid to solids (e.g from a
physical properties perspective), to organic or to inorganic in character (e.g. from a chemical
properties perspective).

The European Waste Framework Directive classifies waste according to the activities that
generate the waste, categorising the waste into twenty different groups as listed below.

EWL Code Groups of waste as mentioned in EWL
01 Wastes resulting from exploration, mining, dressing and further treatment of minerals and
02 Wastes from agricultural, horticultural, hunting, fishing and aquacultural primary
production, food preparation and processing
03 Wastes from wood processing and the production of paper, cardboard, pulp, panels and
04 Wastes from the leather, fur and textile industries
05 Wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coal
06 Wastes from inorganic chemical processes
07 Wastes from organic chemical processes
08 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of coatings (paints, varnishes and
vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants and printing inks
09 Wastes from the photographic industry
10 Inorganic wastes from thermal processes
11 Inorganic metal-containing wastes from metal treatment and the coating of metals; non-
ferrous hydro-metallurgy
12 Wastes from shaping and surface treatment of metals and plastics
13 Oil wastes (except edible oils, 05 and 12)
14 Wastes from organic substances used as solvents (except 07 and 08)
15 Waste packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing not
otherwise specified
16 Wastes not otherwise specified in the list
17 Construction and demolition wastes (including road construction)
18 Wastes from human or animal health care and/or related research (except kitchen and
restaurant wastes not arising from immediate health care)
19 Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water
20 Municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including
separately collected fractions
Note: EWL stands for European Waste List
Table 8.10: European classification of waste
Council Decision 2000/532/EC

In order to give a snapshot of the waste situation in Europe, the following tables (Table 8.11 to
Table 8.13) show the amount of waste generated in each Member State (MS) and some other
European countries, for each category of waste mentioned above. It should be noted that a waste
with the same physico-chemical characteristics may appear with different codes.
Table 8.11: Amount of each type of waste generated by European country
Note: Data in kilotonnes per year. H: hazardous, N: non-hazardous
Table 8.12: Percentage of each type of waste generated by European country
Note: Data in percentages per year. The raw subtotal corresponds to the percentage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation for each country
[10, ANPA and ONR, 2001], [19, Brodersen, et al., 2002], [21, Langenkamp and Nieman, 2001], [86, TWG, 2003], [127, Oteiza, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]
Municipal Industrial Agricultural Mining Demolition Sewage
Belgium 3.5 27.0 53.0 7.1 0.7 0.7 0.9
Denmark 2.4 2.4 - - 1.5 1.3 0.1
France 1.7 50.0 400.0 10.0 - 0.6 3.0
Germany 19.5 61.0 - 9.5 12.0 1.7 6.0
Greece 3.1 4.3 0.09 3.9 - - 0.4
Ireland 1.1 1.6 22 1.9 0.2 0.6 0.02
Italy 17.3 40.0 30.0 57.0 34.0 3.5 3.8
Luxembourg 0.17 1.3 - - 4.0 0.02 0.004
Netherlands 6.9 6.7 86.0 0.1 7.7 0.3 1.5
Portugal 2.4 0.7 0.2 3.9 - - 0.16
Spain 12.5 5.1 45.0 18.0 - 10 1.7
UK 35.0 70.0 250.0 25.0 32.0 1.0 4.5
US 209.0 760.0 150.0 14.0 32.0 10 275.0
Japan 48.0 312.0 63.0 26.0 58.0 2 6.6
Units in million tonnes
Includes waste water
Table 8.13: Estimated waste arisings in selected countries
OECD (1991) and Department of the Environment (1992) in [80, Petts and Eduljee, 1994]

The following sections cover more specific information, classified by type of waste. Not all
types of waste are covered as in some cases the sector is minor or no information has been

8.3.1 Municipal solid waste (MSW)

Table 8.14 shows a gross summary of the different components of MSW in the Member States
as well as the total production of MSW in some European countries.

Country Paper Textiles Plastics Glass Metals Biodegradable
Others Total
Austria 670 63 340 284 166 750 29 % 236 2509
Belgium 5014
Cyprus 370
Denmark 505 122 94 42 923 36 % 894 2580
Estonia 560
Finland 536 116 53 662 32 % 735 2102
France 6250 750 2750 3250 1000 7250 29 % 3750 25000
Germany 40017
Greece 640 144 272 144 160 1568 49 % 272 3200
Hungary 4300
Ireland 1503
Italy 3300 1050 900 450 6450 43 % 2850 15000
Luxembourg 36 4 15 13 5 83 44 % 33 189
Netherlands 1785 230 395 445 230 2630 38 % 1220 6935
Poland 11800
Portugal 1074 154 503 254 109 1627 36 % 811 4532
Slovenia 1020
Spain 3025 689 1511 984 589 6303 44 % 1195 14296
Sweden 1408 64 224 256 64 960 25 % 224 3200
UK 7400 400 2000 1800 1400 3800 19 % 3200 20000
Norway 2722
Data in ktonnes and correspond to years between 1993 and 1997
Table 8.14: Municipal solid waste composition in the EU and production in different European
[59, Hogg, et al., 2002], [92, EEA, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]
Table 8.15 shows the metals that might be present in municipal solid wastes.

Metal Present due to
Cd Plastic pigments, batteries
Cr Colours, pigments in plastics, textile dyes and leather tanning
Table 8.15: Metals in municipal solid waste
[113, COWI A/S, 2002]

8.3.2 Contaminated waters

Table 8.16 shows the amount of contaminated water generated in France.

Type of waste water Amount
Mix of water, hydrocarbons and sediments 10
Table 8.16: Amount of polluted water generated in France
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998]

Table 8.17 describes efforts to reduce the quantities of waste, illustrated with the aid of statistics
from the German federal state of North Rhine Westphalia.

Quantities of waste (m/yr)
Projected quantity for 2005 Governmental districts of
NRW (Germany)
In 1990
Projection of 1994
Projection of 1996
Arnsberg 278300 204000 102600
Detmold 78300 66000 35300
Duesseldorf 337800 251200 140700
Cologne 264400 206000 98700
Mnster 83400 69500 59600
Total 1042200 796700 436900
Valuation 100 % 76 % 42 %
NRW: North Rhine Westphalia
Strategic Concept for Special Waste Disposal in NRW, 4th Edition, 1994, WAZ Press, Duisburg
Strategic Concept for Special Waste Disposal in NRW, 5th Edition, 1996, WAZ Press, Duisburg
Table 8.17: Waste treated by Ph-c plants in North Rhine Westphalia/Germany in 1990 and
projected quantity for 2005
[121, Schmidt and Institute for environmental and waste management, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

The changes in projected quantities of waste to be treated by Ph-c plants indicate which
measures are most successful in achieving effective reductions in quantities of waste. These
measures consist of production-integrated measures as well as improvements in production
processes and, especially, auxiliary substances and additives.

Despite these measures to avoid and reduce the quantities of waste, waste which arises in the
course of production still has to be contended with. However, reductions in the quantities of
waste can frequently lead to a build up associated with a more expensive treatment procedure.
Physico-chemical plants constantly adapt to these changes technically, operationally and

8.3.3 Sewage sludge

Table 8.18 and Table 8.19 show the amount of sewage sludge produced in some European
countries and the European average composition of sewage sludge.

Country Quantity
(kt dry matter)
Austria 211.9
Belgium 113
Denmark 200
Finland 158
France 878
Germany 2661
Greece 86
Ireland 43
Luxembourg 13
Netherlands 349
Portugal 239
Spain 787
Sweden 236*
UK 1193
Norway 93
Data corresponding to year 1998, except * that correspond to year 1995
Table 8.18: Amount of sewage sludge produced in some European countries
[92, EEA, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

Compound Concentration
(mg/kg dry matter)
N 3500 46000
P 10400 45000
Cd 0.7 3.8
Cr 16 840
Cu 220 641
Hg 0.6 4
Ni 8 85
Pb 20 325
Zn 290 2580
Table 8.19: Ranges of contamination and content of sewage sludge
[92, EEA, 2002]

8.3.4 Waste acids and bases

The European Waste List (EWL) specifies several waste acids and bases (e.g. sulphuric,
hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, phosphoric, nitric acids, calcium hydroxide, soda and ammonia). HF
is not regenerated; it is only neutralised. Bases are not typically regenerated; they are typically
neutralised. An exception may be represented by the regeneration of black liquors in the pulp
industry (covered in Pulp and Paper BREF)

8.3.5 Waste adsorbents

The adsorption of pollutants onto activated carbon, charcoal and ion exchange resins has been a
common treatment technique for removing contaminants (e.g. COD, POPs, inorganics) from
waste water and gaseous emissions for many years. Activated carbon is also used for the
removal of VOCs from gaseous emissions (e.g. pesticide manufacture/formulation).
Regeneration procedures for the spent carbon have been primarily limited to thermal
reactivation technologies. Resins have found selective uses where recovery and re-use of the
organic contaminant is an important objective, or where the contaminants are in reasonably high
concentrations. They can also be used for inorganic removal and recovery (e.g. colour removal
in the sugar industry, dyestuff and paper mill industries, for phenol removal, for processing new
antibiotics, and for polishing high purity waters). Charcoal is primarily used as a fuel. As it is
destroyed by combustion processes, charcoal is typically not reactivated.

8.3.6 Waste catalysts

Catalytic methods are used extensively in the production of inorganic and organic chemicals, in
petroleum technology, in the processing of synthetic gaseous and liquid fuels, in pollution
control, and in energy conversion. Some examples of the use of catalysts are shown in
Table 8.20.

Industrial sector Examples
Production of inorganic chemicals Hydrogen, ammonia, sulphuric acid, etc.
Production of organic chemicals Organic synthesis, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation,
acid catalysed dehydration reactions, oxychlorination
Petroleum refining Reforming, desulphurisation, hydrocracking, cracking,
isomerisation, lube oil hydrofinishing
Pollution control techniques NO
abatement SCR, off-gas combustion purification
Table 8.20: Industrial sector where catalysts are used
[125, Ruiz, 2002]

The type of compounds used as catalysts depends on the process but metals, metal oxides and
acids are the ones most commonly used, as shown in Table 8.21.

Importance Examples
Metals They are among the most
important and widely used
industrial catalyst components
Ag, Au, and the platinum group metals
Transition metals: Fe, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru,
Rh, Pd, W, Re, Os, Ir and Pt.
Nontransition metals: Cu, Zn, As, Se,
Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Te, Au, Hg, Pb and Bi.
Metal oxides They are common catalyst
supports and catalysts.
, SiO
- Al
, V
, ZnO, NiO,
, CoO, WO
Metal sulphides MoS
, WS
Acids Insulators that show the
transition from basic to
amphoteric and acidic character
O, MgO, Al
, SiO
, and P
Bases Limited industrial applications Ba(OH)
, Ca(OH)
, Na
Ion exchangers

Others Co(acetate)
, amines, benzoil peroxide,
Table 8.21: Overview of the types of catalysts used for industrial purposes
[125, Ruiz, 2002]
Theoretically, a catalyst remains unchanged after its use. However, when a catalyst may lose its
activity because of deactivation (by, e.g. poisoning (by, e.g. P, S, As, Se, Te, Bi, C), fouling or
sintering) and re-dispersion of the active centres of the catalysts. As a consequence, waste
catalysts are mainly composed of the same materials as the native catalyst but contaminated
with some additional components.

8.3.7 Wastes from combustion processes

Combustion wastes are generated during the combustion of coal, (heavy) liquid fuels or waste in
large combustion plants, industrial heaters and boilers, and incinerators. Two types of wastes
are produced in combustion processes. One type is the bottom ashes (slags) generated in the
combustion chamber and the second corresponds to the flue-gas treatment (FGT) waste
(sometimes so-called air pollution control (APC) residues), regulated according to the
European Legislation as hazardous waste. FGT waste can come from any combustion process
(e.g. incinerators, large combustion plants, industrial boilers) and they are typically treated
before re-use or being landfilled.

The term APC residue is used with slightly differing meanings in the literature: strictly
speaking the term only covers the solid residues (i.e. sludge and gypsum from wet systems, and
excess reagent and reaction products from dry/semi-dry systems) generated to minimise
emissions of acidic components in the flue-gas. Considering this definition, fly ashes should not
be included. However, from a management point of view, all these solid residues (the fly ash,
which is the major component, (most important by amount and even boiler ash in some MSs)
are usually handled in combination (notably in the dry and semi-dry systems).

FGT waste is used as including all types of solid residues produced in or after the heat recovery
systems (boiler/economiser). This includes fly ash, boiler ash, excess lime and reaction products
(dry/semi-dry), sludge from scrubber solution treatment and gypsum (wet). No special emphasis
is placed on managing sludge and gypsum separately, as the amounts are relatively small
compared to fly ash. Table 8.22 and Table 8.23 indicate the waste generated by coal fired power
plants and the total in some European countries.

Country Fly ash Slag and
bottom ash
Gypsum Other products
from gas cleaning
Sludge Total
Austria 334.5 24.9 74.5 2.0 0.3 436.2
Belgium 1135
Denmark 1158 152 374 100 n.a. 1784
Finland 1274
France 1840 - 1940 2100
Germany 25310
Greece 10 10080
Ireland 450
Italy 872 182 4 3 2 1063
Netherlands 1525
Portugal 272 30 302
Spain 531 531
Sweden 600
UK 5100 1400 6500
Data in kt/yr correspond to years from 1993 to 1999 depending on the country. Data contains ashes (bottom and fly) as
well as residues from flue-gas cleaning (gypsum).
Corresponds to waste from energy production plants
Table 8.22: Waste from coal-fired power plants
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [92, EEA, 2002], [95, RAC/CP, 2003]

Data in ktonnes Type of FGT system
Dry/semi-dry Wet Not specified Total
Residues 0 8.1 0 8.1
Waste 0 450.0 0 450.0
Residues 2.7 0 4.4 7.1
Waste 90.1 0 101.2 191.3
Residues 26.6 30.9 5.1 62.6
Waste 745.6 1348.8 234.6 2329.0
Residues 284.4 377.4 13.2 675.0
Waste 3807.0 10027.0 247.0 14081.0
Residues 83.2 122.4 5.9 211.5
Waste 551.7 1971.4 121.6 2644.7
Residues 11.1 0 0 11.1
Waste 352.2 0 0 352.2
Residues 0 0 50.2 50.2
Waste 0 0 1109.4 1109.4
Residues 0 54.0 30.4 84.4
Waste 0 1492.0 887.0 2379.0
Residues 0.4 3.4 0 3.8
Waste 17.5 126.7 0 144.2
Residues 27.4 0 0 27.4
Waste 321.8 0 0 321.8
Residues 58.8 0 0 58.8
Waste 817.9 0 0 817.9
Residues 43.0 29.0 14.8 86.8
Waste 699.8 901.8 327.4 1929.0
Residues 30.9 0 0 30.9 United
Waste 1074.1 0 0 1074.1
Residues 0 65.7 0 65.7
0 2462.6 0 2462.6
396.3 530.3 148.0 1074.6
6266.2 12819.5 3787.9 22873.6
Table 8.23: Amounts of FGT waste in some European countries
[124, Iswa, 2003], [152, TWG, 2004]

An overview of the main components of solid FGT waste is given in Table 8.24.

Solid component Dry/semi-dry systems Wet systems
Fly ash/boiler ash Always Always
Excess reagent +
reaction products
Always: can be mixed with fly ash;
contain Cl salts and/or gypsum
Dioxin sorbent Optional: usually included Optional: usually handled separately or
re-used as a neutralisation agent in Waste
Water Treatment Plant
Sludge - Always: sometimes mixed with fly
ash/boiler ash (Bamberg model)
Gypsum Included in reaction products Obtained if no liquid effluent: handled
separately if recovery is intended
Cl salts Included in reaction products;
recovery possible in some cases
Obtained if no liquid effluent: recovery
possible in some cases
Table 8.24: Main components of the FGT waste
[124, Iswa, 2003], [150, TWG, 2004]

8.3.8 Waste oil

Waste oil (WO) is a term defined by European law as any mineral-based lubrication or
industrial oils which have become unfit for the use for which they were originally intended, and
in particular used combustion engine oils and gearbox oils, and also mineral lubricating oils,
oils for turbines and hydraulic oils (Council Directive 85/101/EEC). WOs are classified as
hazardous waste by European law and should be collected so that they can be safely treated.
Waste oil contaminated with more than 50 ppm of PCBs is not included in this category because
they are treated differently by EU legislation.

WOs cover a wide range of materials, with further differences arising from their previous use
under differing conditions. In this document, the term used oil is understood to include only
those WOs which arise from the use of lubricating oils. Slop oils recovered from drainage
systems, refineries, fuel storage sites, etc. are another type of waste oil. They may end up in
used oil collection systems, where they can decrease the value of the used oil. Oil filters and
carburetor filters contain around 30 % hydrocarbons.

Used oils can be categorised according to market considerations as follow:

(black) engine oils: these represent more than 70 % of used oil. The largest potential source
of used oils is from vehicle use, particularly engine oils
black industrial oils: these represent about 5 % of used oil
light industrial oils: these represent about 25 % of used oil. They are relatively clean and
their market value is high. Their market is very specific and independent from the classical
supply routes of regeneration.

Used oil composition is becoming more and more complex due to different factors:

the increasing use of dispersants, as well as esters and polyalphaolefins, e.g. to increase the
life of the oil. However, as a result, the resulting WO has become more complex and dirty
over time
the progressive displacement of conventional mineral based auto lubricants by synthetic
products which have enhanced performance characteristics. Whereas some of these
synthetic products can be regenerated along with mineral oils, others (those based upon
esters for instance) are less suitable to regeneration because they tend to be less stable in the
presence of caustic (often used by regeneration processes) and less stable to the hydro-
finishing step.

A low proportion of base oil (less than 2 % of the total consumption) originates from
agricultural sources, being produced from either sunflower or rape-seed. These bio-lubricants
are used in applications where their characteristics represent a real advantage, in particular:

their good biodegradability. This is important when lubrication losses into the
environmental media, e.g. soil and water, can occur during use (woodcutting with motor
saws, boats, cutting oils, etc.)
their high viscosity index and low volatility for instance.

The fate of 1.1 million tonnes of used oils generated in Europe in 1993 was unrecorded. This
represents approx. 20 % of the total virgin lubricating oils market. The following Figure 8.1
shows that the amount of waste oil recovered in EU has increased to ~50 %. In 1995, the
Australian Industry Commission [13, Marshall, et al., 1999] estimated that, of the worlds total
available waste oil, only 44 % was collected.

42 %
65 %
14 %
8 %
7 %
3 %
25 %
10 %
3 %
4995 kt in 1999
Engine oils
Gear oils and
Processing oils
Other oils
23 %
Metal working oils
Highly refined oils
Black engine oils
Light industrial oils
Black industrial oils
Base oils consumption Used oils
Figure 8.1: Base oils consumed and used oils generated in the EU
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]

More information on the amount collected in each MS and on issues related to the waste oil
market can be found in [7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]. More information about the typology of
lubricants and the different types of WO is given below.

Lubricants and waste oils
Table 8.25 details:

the typology of lubricants and a split of the lubricant consumption according to this
the average ratio to be considered for each category of lubricant to assess the WO generated
during their use
the type of WO, black oils (from engine origin or industrial origin) or light oils, generated in
each case.
Lubricants Consumption WO
Category Application Use
tion 1999
WO 1999
Type of
Engine oils for
passenger cars
First fill oils for
passenger cars
Engine oils for
commercial vehicles
First fill oils for
industrial vehicles
Multipurpose diesel oils
Two-stroke engine oils
Engine oils
Other engine oils
To diminish friction
between moving parts
of engine
2098 42 % 59 % 1238
Automatic transmission
Automotive gear oils
Industrial gear oils
Hydraulic transmission
Gear oils &
Shock absorber oils
To inhibit wearing
out of gears and
bearings and also to
inhibit oxidation and
1149 23 % 24 % 276
Automotive greases
Industrial greases
To diminish friction
between moving parts
of engine
150 3 % 27 % 40
Quenching oils
Neat oils for
Soluble oils for
Rust prevention
In metal working for
lubricating and
cooling of both tools
and the metals to be
350 7 % 0 % 0 Lost
Turbine oils Highly
refined oils Electrical oils
150 3 % 48 % 72
Compressor oils
General machine
lubricants Other oils
Other oils for non-
lubricating uses
To inhibit wearing
out of gears and
bearings and also to
inhibit oxidation and
400 8 % 61 % 244
Process oils
Technical white oils
Medical white oils
699 14 % 77 % 538
TOTAL 4996 100 %
50 % on
Table 8.25: EU lubricant collectable waste oil
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]
End Use Sales 1999
Gasoline and diesel engines 249488 65 162167
Agricultural engines 15000 65 9750
Other engines 7288 0 0
Marine engines 37728 25 9432
Aviation and turbine oils 2214 50 1107
Total engine oils 311718 182456
Hydraulic and transmission 96352 80 77082
Other gear oil 53815 80 43052
Total gear/transmission oils 150167 120134
Total greases 11815 1177
Total metal working oils 35548 7110
Turbine and electrical oils 27070 95 25717
General machine lubricants 15219 50 7610
Non-lubricating industrial oils 11792 10 1179
Other industrial oils 10939 20 2188
Total other oils 65020 36693
Total processing oils 129908 0
Deliveries to blenders 86151 50 43075
Total all lubricants 790327 (49.4) 390646
Estimates based on CONCAWE WQ/STF-26 study
Table 8.26: UK lubricant collectable waste oil estimates (tonnes)
[7, Monier and Labouze, 2001]

8.3.9 Waste solvents

In this document, the term waste solvent is to be understood as including all those wastes from
organic substances used as solvents, also including those used in organic chemical processes
and from manufacture, formulation, supply, and those used in coatings (paints, varnishes and
vitreous enamels), adhesives, sealants and printing inks.

Country Annual production (kt/yr) Treated (kt/yr)
ES 127
FR 800 90.7
IT 58.3
Table 8.27: Production of solvents and treatment of waste solvents
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998], [95, RAC/CP, 2003]

8.3.10 Waste plastics

Plastics are mainly organic polymers with different compositions. Typical polymers are
polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyurethane (PU),
polyacrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC), polyamides (PA), polybutylene
terephthalate (PBT), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), etc. Waste plastics can be
differentiated according to its type of use as shown below:

Sectors Polymers contained in the plastic waste
Packaging PE, PP, PS, PET, etc.
Automotive PP, PU, ABS, etc.
Electrical PS, ABS, PP, etc.
Electronics PC, PA, PBT, etc..
Building + Construction Foams: PU, Expanded PS, Mix of PS, etc.
Pipes: PE, PVC, etc.
Agricultural (films) PE
Table 8.28: Waste plastics
[58, CEFIC, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]
The requirements for each type of use greatly differs and the choice of plastic is made by the
user, typically a downstream producer, on a cost performance ratio. Table 8.29 shows some
examples of metals that are present in plastics.

Metal Use Comment
PVC stabiliser About 0.7 2 % Pb as stabiliser in many types
of rigid PVC for outdoor use Pb
Pigment in plastic Lead chromate for yellow and red colours
contains 64 % lead
Stabilisers (e.g. PVC) About 0.2 %, up to a maximum of 0.5 %
cadmium used as stabiliser in rigid PVC for
outdoor applications (window profiles,
Cr (Cr (III) and Cr (VI)) Colours and pigments
Table 8.29: Presence of metals in plastics
[113, COWI A/S, 2002], [150, TWG, 2004]

8.3.11 Waste wood

Contaminated wood can arise from electrical and telephone fence posts, supports in railways
and from all wood treated for use outdoors. This type of wood is typically treated and some of
the product for treatment may contain metals. The treatments that they receive are based on
creosote and pentachlorophenol, metallic salts, copper sulphate, CFK treatment (Cu, F, Cr
treatment), CCB treatment (Cu, Cr, B treatment) or CCA treatment (Cu, Cr, As treatment).
Table 8.30 shows some data on the amount of this type of waste generated in one MS (France).

Amount of waste generated per year
Type of contaminated wood
/yr) (t/yr)
Wood treated with creosote 150000 75000
Wood treated with CCA 80000 40000
Table 8.30: Amount of contaminated wood generated
[40, Militon and Becaud, 1998]

8.3.12 Cyanide wastes

Cyanide wastes typically arise in solutions that have been used for a variety of operations in the
metals/electroplating industries, such as cleaning, de-tarnishing, printing and electroplating
solutions. Typically, the waste consists of solid or liquid cyanide salts. Cyanide wastes also
arise as fused solids within a container or in block form when molten salts have been used for
heat treatment purposes.

The volume of cyanide wastes arising has significantly decreased in recent years, mostly due to
the replacement of cyanide based cleaners by surface active agents and the use of copper
pyrophosphate plating solutions in place of copper cyanide.

8.3.13 Other inorganic waste

Waste containing silver mainly arises from film processing, but to a lesser degree also some
from the custome sector and the dental sector, which also produces waste contaminated with

8.3.14 Refractory ceramics waste

The level of contamination of refractory ceramics depends on its utilisations. For example, it is
known that ceramics used in the combustion of heavy fuel contain cadmium, vanadium, nickel
and sulphur and that sulphur is common in refractory ceramics used in petrochemistry. The
amount of waste generated per year in France is 200 kt [40, Militon and Becaud, 1998].

8.3.15 Hazardous waste from the construction and demolition sector

Table 8.31 shows the amount of hazardous waste produced from the construction and
demolition sector in some European countries.

Country Quantity (kt)
AU 8.4
DE 490.0
DK 8.4
EL 0.9*
ES (Region of Catalonia) 185.5
IE 159.0
Data from 1996 except for DE that corresponds to 1993
* Data refer only to asbestos
Table 8.31: Amount of hazardous waste generated from the construction and demolition sectors
in some European countries
[92, EEA, 2002], [95, RAC/CP, 2003]

8.3.16 Waste contaminated with PCBs

Some types of waste contaminated with PCBs are electrical transformers, capacitors,
transformer oils and waste oils (waste oil contaminated with more than 50 ppm of PCB is
considered by European Legislation to be a special waste which cannot be treated in the same
way as waste oils). Some commonly found materials may also become polluted with PCBs
(soils, building materials, waste clothing, other debris, etc.). These can typically be
decontaminated by treatment with a solvent, and the resulting solvent and PCBs mixture may
then be processed.

The uses of PCBs can be classified into three categories:

Closed applications
As the name implies, closed uses are those in which the PCBs are enclosed and cannot escape
during normal use. The main examples are transformers and capacitors, which are sealed pieces
of electrical equipment. Apart from accidents (fire, mechanical damage, etc.) the PCB will
remain in a safe environment, at least until the end of the working life of the equipment in
which it is enclosed.

Partially closed applications
In these, oil containing PCB is employed as a fluid which is called upon to move during use, for
example as a heat transfer fluid or as a hydraulic fluid, in pumps or in switches. This movement
implies the presence of joints and seals in the equipment, offering the possibility that these
items of equipment can release small amounts of fluid during normal operation.

Open applications
In open applications, the PCBs are generally incorporated into a formulation, usually in small or
very small quantities. Such products can be lubricants, adhesives, paints, inks, etc. The PCBs
can become very dispersed depending on each application, and it is virtually impossible to
destroy them. The solution to this problem is instead found further upstream, i.e. to ban the
incorporation of PCBs in such products; this of course is already done in most countries,
although many products manufactured earlier may still be in use.

This classification is useful since it indicates the likelihood with which the PCB can be released,
intentionally or unintentionally, thereby leading to a PCB contamination problem.

8.4 Annex IV. Quality assurance systems for secondary
recovered fuel (SRF)
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

There are several initiatives to characterise and set in place quality assurance systems for solid
waste fuels (e.g. SRF). These can be divided into initiatives based either on a European wide
level or on a national level. Some have been described in Section of this document.

Quality assurance systems
Part of the description of the best available technique concerns the logistics of the SRF
processing. By choosing and using specific waste materials, SRF producers set a kind of quality
assurance themselves. Quality assurance systems already exist and further regulations are
currently under development.

In the past, SRF was mainly produced from process related wastes as mono-batches which were
easier to handle because of their constant qualities. Nowadays high calorific fractions of
municipal solid wastes and of other mixed wastes are also used in the production of SRF, which
makes the need for a quality assurance system more urgent. The aim of a quality assurance
system for SRF is to attain and ensure constant qualities, to increase acceptance of SRF by end
users and permitting authorities. The requirements mainly concern product quality. The
following sections present the results of a survey about existing quality assurance systems and
ongoing developments.

In early 1999, the German Bundesgtegemeinschaft fr Sekundrbrennstoffe e.V. (BGS e.V.)
initiated the quality label GZ 724. The label is awarded to SRF producers which comply with
certain quality and consistency requirements. The standards initially applied relate to the cement
industry and power stations, where SRF now have to fulfil the criteria given in Annexes 1 and 2
of GZ 724. Annex 1 contains a list of all the allowed wastes which can be used as a basis for the
SRF. In Annex 2 values are given which have to be met. These values are shown in Table 8.32.
Checks are made in two phases in the approval as well as in the supervision procedures.

Phase 1:
Three samples taken by an independent supervisor, and seven samples taken out of a pool of
samples resulting from self monitoring are analysed according to certain standards. For the
heavy metal contents:

the median value of the ten samples must not exceed the allowed median values given in
Table 8.32
the 80 the percentile values in Table 8.32 must not be exceeded by eight out of the ten
samples (Application of the 4 out of 5 regulation).

Phase 2:
If in phase 1, the median or the 4 out of 5 regulation does not comply, another ten samples are
chosen out of the sample pool of the self monitoring and examined for the parameter(s) that did
not comply. The analysis follows the some procedures as that used in level 1:

the median values of the 20 samples must not exceed the allowed median values given in
Table 8.32 and
the 80th percentile values of Table 8.32 must not be exceeded by 16 out of 20 the samples
(Application of the 4 out of 5-Regulation).

Further parameters need to be documented as follows: the calorific value, the humidity, the ash
content, and the chlorine content.

These values should not be regarded as strict thresholds. The conditions are kept if four of five
outliers is still below the 80
percentile. Outliers often appear in waste analysis and this
regulation is specific to the character of wastes. The guideline value used is the median because
of the obvious low concentrations in waste and environmental analysis. Heavy metal contents
are established applying the DIN or DIN EN ISO test methods. The digestion method is applied
with aqua regia in a closed microwave system.

Content of heavy metals
median (mg/kgDM) 80
percentile (mg/kgDM)
Cadmium 4 9
Mercury 0.6 1.2
Thallium 1 2
Arsenic 5 13
Cobalt 6 12
Nickel 25
Selenium 3 5
Tellurium 3 5
Antimony 25 60
Lead 70

Chromium 40

Copper 120

Manganese 50

Vanadium 10 25
Tin 30 70
Beryllium 0.5 2
For solid recovered fuel from production specific waste
For solid recovered fuel from the high calorific fractions from municipal waste
Restricted not until a secured database is given by the fuel processing
The mentioned heavy metal contents are valid up to a calorific value NCV
of e 16 MJ/kg for the high
calorific fractions from municipal waste and up to a calorific value NCV
of e 20 MJ/kg for production
specific waste. For calorific values falling below, the mentioned values need to be lowered accordingly, an
increase is not allowed.
Table 8.32: Heavy metal contents which have to be complied with according to BGS
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Furthermore the BGS e.V. demands an approval procedure (first inspection) and a monitoring
procedure, which incorporates self-monitoring and independent supervision. A re-inspection is
also scheduled. Moreover, Annex 2 of GZ 724 defines sampling procedures, covering all the
analytical examinations and regulations.

Acknowledging procedure (first inspection)
To attain the quality label the applicant has to pass the approvals procedure. This first inspection
is conducted by a neutral inspection institute which assesses the applied techniques and
workforce and facilities. The SRF have to meet the regulations in Annex 2. Furthermore, the
applicant has to verify his practice and expert knowledge, reliability and the official permission
for operating the plant. Furthermore, he has to prove that he is able to conduct a continuous self-
monitoring system. Parts of this self-monitoring can be sub-contracted to a neutral inspection
institute in arrangement with the BGS e.V., but this inspection institute is then not allowed to
carry out the independent supervision at the same time.

The self-monitoring concerns the production process control and is carried out by the enterprise
itself or sub-contracted out as explained above. The input material has to be documented using
mass balance according to the European Waste List Code (EWL), e.g. also listing mass,
derivation, physico-chemical parameters and the output as produced SRFs. The produced SRFs
have to be approved in line with the requirements from Annex 2.

Independent supervision
The independent supervision is conducted by a dedicated inspection institute which is
nominated by the BGS e.V. The quality of the produced SRF is controlled and the completeness
and the reasonableness of the self-monitoring documentation are reviewed. The ascertained
personal situation from the approval proceeding is also appraised. The monitoring intervals
depend on the amount of SRF produced yearly.

A re-inspection is carried out within a period of four weeks if, in the framework of the
independent supervision, the supervisor detects any faults in the quality assurance. If the re-
inspection fails, the enterprise is deemed to have failed the independent supervision as a whole.
What further action is needed is laid down in the implementation instructions for awarding and
using the BGS e.V quality label.

The BGS e.V. can set penalties depending on the irregularity. This may be an admonishment or
even cancellation of the rights to use the label.

SFS 5875
The Finnish waste disposal system is based on a separate collection of wastes for recycling and
for SRF production. Different solid wastes are used in Finnish boilers with a high technical
standard, ensuring highly efficient energy production together with low emission levels. The
application of SRF in the Finnish multifuel boiler is considered to be well suited. The
regulations concern separate collected, dry solid, high calorific fractions or for dry, high
calorific fractions derived from household wastes. The regulation defines operations and
demands to control the production of SRF. The regulation refers to the complete waste
management chain, from the waste recovered paper source up to the disposal. For each part of
the disposal chain, the standard requires a person to be in charge and to take responsibility for
monitoring the technical and quality requirements.

Similar to the BGS e.V. standard, the annexes of the Finnish standard define concrete
requirements concerning the threshold limits for heavy metals, as well as for the framework of
the analysis, sampling, etc. The thresholds need to be set and kept to, as well as regulations
covering contracts.

Supervision operation
Compliance with the standard needs to be guaranteed by contracts and stipulated delivery
specifications between the respective groups within the disposal string. Regulations concerning
self-monitoring, independent supervision or approvals procedures are not newly defined in this
standard. Therefore, the regulations of the standardisation institute will need to be followed.

Quality requirements and classes
In comparison to the BGS e.V. standard, the Finnish standard is split into three quality classes.
For categorisation of SRF in Finland seven elements are analysed. Limiting values for heavy
metals are given for cadmium and mercury. Furthermore, the classification into one class
requires an analysis for the contents of chlorine, sulphur, nitrogen, potassium and sodium. Table
8.33 presents the criteria for the classification into quality classes. Metallic aluminium is not
allowed for in quality class I (1) but is accepted within the limits accuracy (two decimal places).
The metallic aluminium content of SRF of quality class II (2) is already reduced by the sorting
and further processing steps. For SRF of quality class III (3) it is necessary to satisfy the content
of metallic aluminium separately. The given thresholds refer to a volume of SRF of b1000 m or
to the volume which is produced or delivered in one month.

Parameter Unit Quality classes
Chlorine weight -% <0.15 <0.5 <1.5
Sulphur weight -% <0.2 <0.3 <0.5
Nitrogen weight -% <1.0 <1.5 <2.5
Potassium and sodium weight -% <0.2 <0.4 <0.5
Aluminium (metallic) weight -% -

Mercury mg/kg <0.1 <0.2 <0.5
Cadmium mg/kg <1.0 <4.0 <5.0
Metallic aluminium is not allowed, but is accepted within the limits of reporting precision.
Metallic aluminium is minimised by source-separation and by the fuel production process.
Metallic aluminium content is agreed separately.
Table 8.33: Quality classes according to SFS 5875/13/
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

In principle, the SRF quality is specified by means of Table 8.33 above. A second possibility for
an arrangement about the characteristics of SRF is the possibility of fixing it on the content and
amount of parameters. The amount of parameters may need further thresholds and characters to
extend to the defined quality classes. Concerning the analysis of the physico-chemical
parameters, the respective ISO standards apply.

The CEN Task Force 118 Solid Recovered Fuels was established in April 2000. It was set up
to prepare a technical report about the production and application of SRF within the EU, as well
as to develop a work programme as a basis for a future European standard. The European
classification model will be based on SRF characteristics, source material and origin.

The report concluded that it was indeed necessary to develop a European standard. CEN has
been given the mandate to develop, as a first step, a set of technical specifications concerning
the use of SRF for energy recovery in waste incineration or co-incineration plants. Secondly,
CEN has been given a mandate to transform this set of technical specifications into European

In a joint project of the sterreichische Gtegemeinschaft fr Sekundrenergietrger (G
SET), a quality assurance concept has been worked out. The work started in May 2001 and it
was finished on May 2003. The result ought to be a basis for a label like the one generated by
the BGS e.V.

Internal quality assurance systems already exist, e.g. the generated quality assurance system
used by Trienekens AG whose successor is RWE Umwelt AG. Table 8.34 gives an overview
about this system.

Process step Measures Supplementary measures
Origin (waste producer,
sorting plant, mechanical
biological processing)
Collection of wastes, avoidance
of impurities, contractual
arrangements about allowed
qualities of wastes, declaration
analysis, documentation of
disposed amounts
Instruction courses for waste
producers, periodic controls of
the waste producing company by
the disposer
Processing plant (delivery) (Regular) sampling and analysis,
reserve samples, documentation
of input and processed amounts
Processing plant (output) Regular sampling and analysis,
reserve samples, documentation
of the delivered amounts
Regular sampling and analysis of
the outgoing materials by a
external official expert
Cement and lime kilns,
power plants
Regular sampling and analysis,
reserve samples, documentation
of the input amounts

Table 8.34: Quality assurance system of RWE Umwelt AG
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

Comparison of quality assurance systems
The regulations of the German Bundesgtegemeinschaft fr Sekundrbrennstoffe e.V. should
complement internal quality assurance systems. The regulations according to RAL-GZ 724 are a
completion of ISO 9000 and are specific to SRF. The Finnish regulation aims at incorporation
of existing systems, opening the possibility for agreements to be made concerning the SRF
quality between the producer and the consumer. The BGS e.V. actually defines two classes,
whereas the Finnish system separates into three different quality classes. It has already been
decided for the new EU regulations that the quality classes will be expanded. The result may be
a classification system as shown in Table 8.35, with additional parameters for fuel technology
and process engineering.

Codification of the columns
Parameter Units A B C ..... X
O % o.s.
Chlorine % o.s.
Ash % o.s.
Hg mg/MJ
Cd mg/MJ
Sum of As, Co, Cr,
Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V
Biogenic part % o.s.
Table 8.35: Classification system
[126, Pretz, et al., 2003]

The BGS e.V. standard requires documentation of the chlorine content whereas the Finnish
standard defines thresholds for each quality class.

The Finnish standard seems to be less widely applied in practice than the German quality label
GZ 724. The approach of the Finnish standard is quite different in comparison to the German
quality label. The German system is based upon an extensive data basis and considers the
complete process chain. The Finnish standard regulates high calorific fractions derived from
separate collected wastes and defines procedures and requirements for SRF quality control.

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