CRIMINA CAS! N"#_______ GABRIEL SALAS, Alfredo GOLEZ, and GREG FAJARDO, Accused$ through the undersigned counsel$ before this +onorable Court$. -he accused ad,its the 3illing of the icti, but the sa, done in self)defense0 1# Affida it of accused$ 9reg %a:ardo
CRIMINA CAS! N"#_______ GABRIEL SALAS, Alfredo GOLEZ, and GREG FAJARDO, Accused$ through the undersigned counsel$ before this +onorable Court$. -he accused ad,its the 3illing of the icti, but the sa, done in self)defense0 1# Affida it of accused$ 9reg %a:ardo
CRIMINA CAS! N"#_______ GABRIEL SALAS, Alfredo GOLEZ, and GREG FAJARDO, Accused$ through the undersigned counsel$ before this +onorable Court$. -he accused ad,its the 3illing of the icti, but the sa, done in self)defense0 1# Affida it of accused$ 9reg %a:ardo
CRIMINA CAS! N"#_______ GABRIEL SALAS, Alfredo GOLEZ, and GREG FAJARDO, Accused$ through the undersigned counsel$ before this +onorable Court$. -he accused ad,its the 3illing of the icti, but the sa, done in self)defense0 1# Affida it of accused$ 9reg %a:ardo
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Republic of the Philippines
Sixth Judicial Region
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch___ Iloilo City PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, CRIMINA CAS! N"#_______ Plaintiff$ %"R& M'R(!R ) *ersus ) GABRIEL SALAS, ALFREDO GOLEZ, AND GREG FAJARDO, Accused# x)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))x PRE-TRIAL BRIEF OF THE ACCUSED ACCUSED$ through the undersigned counsel$ before this +onorable Court$ ,ost respectfully sub,it this Pre)-rial Brief& SUMMARY OF ADMITTED FACTS AND PROPOSED STIPULATION OF FACTS -he accused ad,it the /# the identities of those charged in the infor,ation and that of the persons arraigned are one and the sa,e0 1# the identity of Sulpicio -reyes$ the *icti,0 2# the 3illing of the *icti,0 4# the date$ place and ti,e of the 3illing$ .hich .as May 5$ 1667 at about /&26 in the ,orning and at Corner 8aleria)(e eon Sts#$ Iloilo City# EVIDENCE FOR MARKINGS /# Affida*it of accused$ 9abriel Salas Purpose& to pro*e that he ad,its the 3illing of the *icti, but the sa,e .as done in self)defense0 1# Affida*its of accused$ 9reg %a:ardo and Alfredo 9ole; Purpose& to pro*e that they .ere at the place .here the cri,e .as co,,itted but ha*e no participation thereof0 2# Medical Report issued by (ra# Cielo %# !ltonn$ M#(# to 9abriel Salas Purpose& to pro*e that the accused sustained se*eral .ounds as a result of the aggression by the *icti,0 4# Blotter Report of Molo Police Station <ICP)PP4= Purpose& to pro*e that the accused 9abriel Salas *oluntarily surrendered to the Police authorities# I S S U E S /# >hether or not the accused co,,itted the cri,e charged0 1# >hether or not they .ere guilty thereof# W I T N E S S E S /# Accused 9abriel Salas to testify on the ,atters and circu,stances attending the 3illing of the *icti,0 1# Accused Alfredo 9ole; and 9reg %a:ardo to testify on their non) participation on the 3illing0 2# >itness Jason Pilas)Pilas to testify on the exchange of .ords and blo.s bet.een the accused 9abriel Salas and the deceased .hich resulted to the death of the *icti,0 4# (ra# Cielo %# !ltonn$ M#(# to testify on the *eracity of the findings stated in the ,edical report of 9abriel Salas# T RIAL DATES Specifically all %ridays of the ,onth$ .ith the regular appearance of the undersigned counsels before this +onorable Court# RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. Iloilo City$ Iloilo$ Philippines$ June 1$ 1667 GALLEGO-SABIDO LAW OFFICES Arguelles St#$ Jaro$ Iloilo City By& RHONALYN C. GALLEGO Counsel for the (efense Roll No# ?7@@@ A 5)1)6B IBP# No# B7@674 A /1)1@)6B MC! Co,pliance No# 7@65@6 A /1)16)6B P-R No# 245??B A 6/)65)67 And EVANGELINE S. SABIDO Counsel for the (efense Roll No# ?@66@ A 5)1)6B IBP# No# B7@675 A /1)1@)6B MC! Co,pliance No# 7@65@/ A /1)16)6B P-R no# 245??7 A 6/)65)67 Copy furnished& PROS. SHYR PHOEBE F. REGUETA Assistant City Prosecutor Ra,on C# A*anceDa +all of Justice Bonifacio (ri*e$ Iloilo City Recei*ed by&___________ (ate& ___________