India delivered strong returns in May 2014, with the Nifty returning 8% for the month. Real estate, utilities, and metals were the top performing sectors. The document discusses sector valuations and performance for Indian markets in May 2014, noting that cyclical sectors like capital goods and metals remain at a discount to their historical averages despite recent outperformance. It also identifies several Nifty companies trading at significant discounts to their averages.
India delivered strong returns in May 2014, with the Nifty returning 8% for the month. Real estate, utilities, and metals were the top performing sectors. The document discusses sector valuations and performance for Indian markets in May 2014, noting that cyclical sectors like capital goods and metals remain at a discount to their historical averages despite recent outperformance. It also identifies several Nifty companies trading at significant discounts to their averages.
India delivered strong returns in May 2014, with the Nifty returning 8% for the month. Real estate, utilities, and metals were the top performing sectors. The document discusses sector valuations and performance for Indian markets in May 2014, noting that cyclical sectors like capital goods and metals remain at a discount to their historical averages despite recent outperformance. It also identifies several Nifty companies trading at significant discounts to their averages.
India delivered strong returns in May 2014, with the Nifty returning 8% for the month. Real estate, utilities, and metals were the top performing sectors. The document discusses sector valuations and performance for Indian markets in May 2014, noting that cyclical sectors like capital goods and metals remain at a discount to their historical averages despite recent outperformance. It also identifies several Nifty companies trading at significant discounts to their averages.
India delivers 8%return in month of May; re-emerges as top performer in CY14YTD Real Estate, Utilities and Metals are top performing sectors for May 2014 About the product As the tagline suggests, BULLS & BEARSis a handbook on valuations in India. Every month it will cover: Valuations of Indian markets vis--vis global markets Current valuation of companies in various sectors Sectors which are currently valued at premium/discount to their historical long- period averages 2 Summary Research & Database Teams ([email protected]) BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 q Indian Equities: CY14YTD returns of 15%; re-emerges as top performer Nifty hit life-time high of 7,367 in May-14; however closed at 7,230 with 8%return during the month and 15%return in CY14 YTD. Real Estate, Utilities and Metals were the top performing sector on MoM basis with 28%, 20% and 15%returns relative to Nifty. Dollar beneficiaries (Healthcare and Technology) were top underperformers in May. q Stock performance: 4 out of top 6 performers in month of May are PSUs Sesa Sterlite was the top performing stock with 51%return, followed by NTPC (38%), BHEL (34%), Tata Power (33%), Coal India (27%) and SBI (22%) in Sensex for month of May. Dr Reddys (-10%) was the worst performer followed by Infosys (-7%), Sun Pharma (-4%), Cipla (-3%) and Wipro (-3%). q Sector valuations: Cyclicalsstill at a discount (P/B) despite outperformance Despite the recent outperformance, Cyclicals still trade at a discount to its historical average on P/B basis. PSU Banks is at 15%discount to its historic average P/B, while Capital Goods is at 24%and Metals are at 36%discount. Oil & Gas and Utilities outperformed Nifty during May-14 on anticipation of policy reform actions post a strong majority government. q Nifty-50 highlights: Cairn India, NMDC and IDFC trades at huge discounts 19 Stocks in Nifty trades at discount to its historic average and 31 stocks at premium. Companies with significant discount to their averages are: Cairn India (-54%), NMDC (-36%), IDFC (-35%), Tata Steel (-23%), Infosys (-23%) and Tata Motors (-22%). NOTES: Prices as on 30 May 2014 BULL icon: Sectors trading at premium to historic averages BEAR icon: Sectors trading at discount to historic averages Valuations are on 12-month forward basis unless otherwise mentioned Sector valuations are based on MOSL coverage companies Global equities data sourced from Bloomberg. Sensex valuations based on MOSL estimates 3 Contents q Global Equities: Performance and valuation snapshot q Indian Equities: Key valuation metrics q Nifty and Sector performance q Nifty companies valuations q Sector highlights: Overview and specific sector valuations AUTO BANKS / FINANCIALS CAPITAL GOODS CEMENT CONSUMER HEALTHCARE MEDIA METALS OIL & GAS REAL ESTATE RETAIL TECHNOLOGY TELECOM UTILITIES BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 Mkt Cap (USD T) YTD Chg (%) CY13 / FY14 CY14 / FY15 CY13 / FY14 CY14 / FY15 CY13 / FY14 CY14 / FY15 CY13 / FY14 CY14 / FY15 Japan 4.4 -10 19.1 16.5 6 5 1.5 1.4 7.8 8.7 US 23.0 4 17.7 16.3 -2 3 2.7 2.5 15.2 15.5 Indonesia 0.4 14 20.8 15.5 15 -2 2.5 2.8 11.9 17.9 Taiwan 1.0 5 19.1 15.1 6 -5 1.9 1.7 9.7 11.6 UK 4.1 1 19.8 14.1 10 -11 2.0 1.9 10.0 13.2 MSCI EM 7.8 2 12.7 11.1 -30 -30 1.5 1.4 11.8 12.4 Brazil 1.0 -1 15.7 10.6 -13 -33 1.3 1.2 8.3 11.7 Korea 1.3 -1 21.4 10.5 18 -33 1.2 1.1 5.5 10.0 China 3.2 -4 10.0 8.0 -45 -49 1.3 1.1 13.0 14.0 Russia 0.7 -3 5.3 4.9 -71 -69 0.7 0.6 12.6 11.8 India 1.4 14 18.1 15.8 2.9 2.5 15.9 16.1 PE (x) PB (x) RoE (%) Prem / Disc to India PE (%) 4 Global equities:India up 15% CY14YTD; re-emerges as top performer Sensex v/s Other Markets Indianequitiesaretradingat 15.8xFY15Eearnings; at apremiumtomost other EMs. JapanandUSareonlytwocountrieswhichareat premiumtoIndia. IndiasRoEremainssuperior tomost EMs(except Indonesia) - animportant differentiator for valuationpremium. Source: Bloomberg/MOSL BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 5 Global equities: Indias contribution to world mktcap inches above averages Source: Bloomberg, 12 month forward valuation. Mkt cap appreciation since Dec 2003 (x) Indiasmarket capappreciated5.1xinlast ~10years. IndonesiaandChinaarethebest growingequitymarket inthe last 10years. Indias contribution to WorldMarket cap has climbedupto 2.2%, marginallyaboveits longperiodaveragefor the first timesinceJan-13. Indianmarketsnowtradeat itshistoriclongperiodaverage; Developedeconomiesof UKandUStradeat premium. Developed economies trading at premium to LPA India's Contribution to World Market cap (%) BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 Country Current LPA Prem/Disc (%) UK 14.0 11.5 22.0 Indonesia 16.0 13.8 16.0 US 15.9 14.8 7.0 India 15.4 15.4 -0.2 MSCI EM 11.2 11.3 -1.1 Taiwan 14.7 14.9 -1.1 Korea 10.2 10.8 -5.3 Brazil 11.1 13.6 -18.8 Japan 16.1 22.4 -27.9 Russia 4.7 6.5 -28.6 China 8.0 16.0 -50.3 PE (x) 7.6 6.3 5.1 4.6 3.9 3.4 2.4 1.7 1.7 1.4 I n d o n e s i a C h i n a I n d i a B r a z i l S o u t h
K o r e a R u s s i a T a i w a n U n i t e d
K i n g d o m U n i t e d
S t a t e s J a p a n 3.0 3.3 2.2 0.50 1.25 2.00 2.75 3.50 M a y - 0 4 N o v - 0 4 A p r - 0 5 S e p - 0 5 F e b - 0 6 J u l - 0 6 J a n - 0 7 J u n - 0 7 N o v - 0 7 A p r - 0 8 S e p - 0 8 M a r - 0 9 A u g - 0 9 J a n - 1 0 J u n - 1 0 N o v - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 O c t - 1 1 M a r - 1 2 A u g - 1 2 J a n - 1 3 J u l - 1 3 D e c - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 India's Contribution to World Mcap (%) Averageof 2.1% 6 Indian Equities: Markets at new highs; Valuations still at historic average BSESensexPEat 15.4xisnowat itshistoricaverages; PBat 2.5xisat 7%discount toitsaverages. SensexRoEat 16.4%isbelowthelongperiodaverageof 19.1%. 12-month forward Sensex P/E (x) 12-month forward Sensex P/B (x) 12-month forward Sensex RoE (%) Indias market cap to GDP (%) BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 24.6 10.7 15.4 7 12 17 22 27 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 10 Year Avg: 15.4x 4.2 1.6 2.5 1.3 2.0 2.8 3.5 4.3 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 10 Year Avg: 2.7x 24.2 15.8 16.4 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 10 Year Avg: 19.1% 42 52 82 83 103 55 95 88 69 63 65 66 F Y 0 4 F Y 0 5 F Y 0 6 F Y 0 7 F Y 0 8 F Y 0 9 F Y 1 0 F Y 1 1 F Y 1 2 F Y 1 3 F Y 1 4 F Y 1 5 E Average of 72% for the period CY14 YTD CY14 YTD Sector Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Chg(%) Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Chg(%) Real Estate -15 -1 22 -5 36 32 -12 -4 15 -5 28 17 Utilities -10 0 13 -2 28 27 -7 -3 6 -2 20 13 Metal -8 -5 16 -1 23 23 -5 -8 9 -1 15 9 Banks - PSU -14 4 28 8 22 50 -10 1 21 9 14 36 Capital Goods -8 9 16 1 21 43 -4 6 9 1 13 29 Retail -3 8 8 2 19 37 1 5 1 2 11 23 Mid-Cap (BSE) -6 3 9 3 16 26 -3 0 2 4 8 12 Cement -7 5 19 -6 15 26 -3 2 13 -6 7 12 Oil -4 0 13 1 14 23 -1 -3 6 1 6 8 Banks - Pvt -9 7 15 -1 13 26 -5 4 8 0 5 11 NBFC -7 3 12 0 13 22 -3 0 6 0 5 8 Auto -6 9 5 1 8 18 -2 6 -1 1 0 4 Media -5 2 5 -4 7 5 -1 -1 -2 -4 -1 -10 Telecom -7 -9 10 1 5 -1 -4 -12 4 1 -3 -16 Consumer -1 -1 8 -3 1 5 3 -4 1 -3 -6 -10 Technology 4 3 -10 0 -3 -7 8 0 -17 0 -11 -22 Health Care 1 7 -7 7 -4 4 5 4 -14 7 -12 -11 Nifty Abs Chg(%) -3 3 7 0 8 15 MoM Abs. Performance (%) Relative to Nifty MoM Performance (%) 7 Indian Equities: Real Estate, Utilities, Metals outperform in May Sectoral performance absolute and relative to Nifty (%) Niftyhit life-timehighof 7,367inMay-14; however closedat 7,230with 8%returnduringthemonth and 15%returnin CY14YTD. Real Estate, UtilitiesandMetalswerethetopperformingsector onMoMbasiswith28%, 20%and15%returnsrelativeto Nifty. Mid-capscontinueditsoutperformancefor thethirdconsecutivemonthoutperforming Niftyby8%. Dollar beneficiaries(HealthcareandTechnology) weretopunderperformersinMay. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 8 Stock performance: 4 out of top 6 performers in month of May are PSUs Sesa Sterlite was the top performing stock with 51% return, followed by NTPC(38%), BHEL (34%), Tata Power (33%), Coal India(27%) andSBI (22%) in Sensexfor monthof May. 4of top6performersduringthe monthwerePSUcompanies. Dr Reddys (-10%) was the worst performer followed by Infosys (- 7%), Sun Pharma (-4%), Cipla (- 3%) and Wipro (-3%). Best & worst performers in Sensex CY14YTD (%) Only dollar beneficiaries stocks were under performers for CY14YTD. L&T (+45%), SBI (+44%), Axis Bank (+41%), Sesa Sterlite (+38%) and BHEL (+37%) were best performersfor CY14YTD. Infosys (-16%), Wipro (-10%), Cipla(-4%), Dr Reddys(-3%) and TCS(-1%) wereworst performers for CY14YTD. Best & worst performers in Sensex MoM May-14 (%) BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 51 38 34 33 27 22 21 20 1918 16 151414 11 10 8 7 6 5 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -7 -10 S e s a
S t e r l i t e N T P C B H E L T a t a
P o w e r C o a l
I n d i a S B I A x i s
B a n k L & T T a t a
S t e e l M a r u t i O N G C M & M I C I C I
B a n k R e l i a n c e
I n d . H D F C
B a n k H i n d a l c o S e n s e x H e r o
M o t o H U L B h a r t i
A i r t e l G A I L B a j a j
A u t o T a t a
M o t o r s I T C T C S H D F C W i p r o C i p l a S u n
P h a r m a I n f o s y s D r
R e d d y ' s 4544 41 38 37 3130 292928 21 1919 17 14141312 101010 7 6 5 4 2 -1 -3 -4 -10 -16 L & T S B I A x i s
B a n k S e s a
S t e r l i t e B H E L O N G C M & M I C I C I
B a n k M a r u t i C o a l
I n d i a H i n d a l c o H D F C
B a n k R e l i a n c e
I n d . N T P C S e n s e x T a t a
P o w e r H e r o
M o t o T a t a
S t e e l G A I L T a t a
M o t o r s H D F C S u n
P h a r m a I T C H U L B h a r t i
A i r t e l B a j a j
A u t o T C S D r
R e d d y ' s C i p l a W i p r o I n f o s y s 9 Indian Equities: Domestic recovery key to earnings growth Corporate sector earnings are expected to grow at 16%CAGRover FY14-16. This will bringthe growth rates aroundlongtermaverages, after growingat 8%for thelast sixyears. However, thepositiveelectionoutcomecoupledwithastrongmajoritygovernment canleadtoamorebusiness friendlyenvironment andrevival indomesticdemand. Thiswill driveearningsupgradesfor CorporateIndiaover thenext fewyears. Capital Goods, Auto, TelecomandMetalshavehealthyPATgrowthfor FY16intheSensexuniverse. Consumer towitnessmoderategrowthover FY15-16duetoslowdowninvolumes. MetalstoseeacceleratedearningsgrowthduringFY15, after 2yearsof decline. Oil &GasandUtilitiesPATgrowthfor FY16tobeinsingledigits. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 SENSEX GROWTH & VALUATIONS Weight Mcap Sector (%) (USD b) FY14E FY15E FY16E FY14EFY15E FY16E FY14EFY15E FY16E FY14E FY15E FY16E Auto 10.5 65 26.3 6.6 31.5 14.0 13.1 10.0 3.2 2.7 2.2 23.0 20.6 22.3 Banking & Financial 28.3 127 2.6 26.7 21.6 17.0 13.4 11.1 2.4 2.1 1.9 14.3 15.9 17.1 Capital Goods 7.2 34 -33.7 -8.2 43.0 26.6 29.0 20.3 3.1 2.8 2.5 11.5 9.7 12.6 Consumer 11.0 68 13.7 14.4 14.5 32.8 28.7 25.1 14.1 12.7 11.5 43.0 44.2 46.0 Healthcare 4.8 34 50.7 4.7 17.3 23.6 22.6 19.2 5.2 4.3 3.6 22.1 19.1 18.6 Metals 4.2 27 1.4 22.3 22.1 14.4 11.7 9.6 1.0 1.0 0.9 7.3 8.2 9.3 Oil & Gas 13.6 121 6.7 11.1 9.9 13.6 12.3 11.2 1.8 1.6 1.5 13.3 13.4 13.3 Technology 14.4 121 28.1 10.4 13.2 18.9 17.1 15.1 5.2 4.5 3.8 27.5 26.1 24.9 Telecom 1.9 23 21.8 88.5 26.2 49.6 26.3 20.9 2.3 2.1 2.0 4.6 8.1 9.4 Utilties 4.1 67 -3.9 11.6 9.7 14.9 13.3 12.2 2.8 2.5 2.3 18.8 19.0 19.0 Sensex 100 686 13.1 13.8 18.8 18.1 15.9 13.4 2.9 2.5 2.3 15.8 16.0 16.9 #for Sensex we have taken EPS Growth; Sensex numbers are free float adjusted. PAT Growth (%) # PE (x) PB (x) ROE (%) 10 Nifty: Cairn India, NMDC and IDFC trades at huge discounts 19StocksinNiftytradesat discount toitshistoricaverageand31stocksat premium. Companieswithsignificant discount totheir averagesare: CairnIndia(-54%), NMDC(-36%), IDFC(-35%), TataSteel (-23%), Infosys(-23%) andTataMotors(-22%). Companies with significant premiumto their averages are: Ultratech (+74%), ACC(+49%), Hindalco (+48%), DLF (+48%), Grasim(+44%) andAsianPaints(+36%). BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 Name Sector Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Bajaj Auto Auto 15.4 12.8 21 0 -17 4.8 5.5 -12 94 105 Hero MotoCorp Auto 15.8 14.7 7 3 -4 6.6 6.8 -2 165 152 Mahindra & Mahind Auto 15.1 11.4 32 -2 -26 3.6 3.1 18 46 15 Maruti Suzuki Auto 18.5 14.9 25 21 -3 2.8 2.5 12 12 -7 Tata Motors Auto 8.7 11.2 -22 -43 -27 1.6 2.7 -41 -36 2 Axis Bank Banks - Private 11.9 12.4 -4 -23 -19 1.9 2.0 -7 -24 -24 HDFC Bank Banks - Private 17.3 20.8 -17 12 35 3.6 3.4 7 43 25 ICICI Bank Banks - Private 14.2 16.9 -16 -8 10 2.0 1.8 14 -19 -34 IndusInd Bank Banks - Private 15.5 17.4 -11 1 13 2.7 1.9 37 6 -28 Kotak Mahindra BanBanks - Private 21.7 18.1 20 41 17 3.1 2.6 17 24 -2 Bank of Baroda Banks - PSU 6.7 6.5 2 -57 -57 0.9 1.0 -8 -62 -62 Punjab National Ban Banks - PSU 7.4 6.9 8 -52 -55 0.9 1.2 -27 -65 -56 State Bank Banks - PSU 8.8 8.8 1 -42 -43 1.2 1.2 -4 -53 -54 HDFC Banks - NBFC 20.8 22.2 -6 35 44 4.3 4.6 -5 74 70 IDFC Banks - NBFC 9.9 15.2 -35 -36 -1 1.1 2.0 -43 -54 -25 BHEL Capital Goods 22.7 17.6 29 48 14 1.7 4.2 -59 -32 55 Larsen & Toubro Capital Goods 27.0 20.6 31 76 34 3.8 4.2 -10 53 58 ACC Cement 22.8 15.3 49 48 -1 3.2 2.9 11 29 9 Ambuja Cements Cement 19.6 15.2 29 28 -1 2.9 3.0 0 18 10 GrasimIndustries Cement 11.4 7.9 44 -26 -48 1.2 1.4 -16 -52 -47 Ultratech Cement Cement 24.1 13.8 74 57 -10 3.3 2.9 13 32 9 Asian Paints Consumer 31.8 23.3 36 107 52 10.3 8.3 23 313 212 Hind. Unilever Consumer 32.6 26.6 23 113 73 18.7 20.4 -9 648 663 ITC Consumer 25.9 22.0 18 68 43 10.6 6.7 58 325 151 United Spirits Consumer 62.9 50.0 26 310 225 4.7 3.4 38 89 27 PE (x) Relative to Sensex P/E (%) PB (x) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) 11 Nifty: Cairn India, NMDC and IDFC trades at huge discounts BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 Name Sector Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Cipla Healthcare 19.4 21.3 -9 26 39 2.7 3.8 -29 6 40 Dr Reddy s Labs Healthcare 18.4 26.4 -30 20 72 3.7 3.3 13 48 22 Lupin Healthcare 20.5 17.6 16 34 15 4.7 4.1 14 87 53 Sun Pharma Healthcare 24.3 20.5 19 58 33 5.1 4.4 16 104 63 Hindalco Metals 12.8 8.7 48 -16 -44 1.2 1.7 -30 -53 -37 JSPL Metals 10.3 10.0 2 -33 -35 1.1 3.2 -65 -55 19 NMDC Metals 9.6 15.0 -36 -38 -3 2.1 4.8 -57 -17 80 Sesa Sterlite Metals 13.4 6.9 94 -13 -55 1.9 2.2 -17 -26 -17 Tata Steel Metals 8.3 10.8 -23 -46 -30 1.6 2.3 -33 -38 -13 BPCL Oil & Gas 12.6 12.5 1 -18 -19 1.8 1.3 39 -30 -53 Cairn India Oil & Gas 6.3 13.8 -54 -59 -10 1.0 1.2 -19 -61 -55 GAIL Oil & Gas 12.0 11.4 5 -22 -26 1.6 2.1 -23 -37 -23 ONGC Oil & Gas 10.6 9.7 9 -31 -37 1.7 2.0 -17 -33 -25 Reliance Inds. Oil & Gas 12.6 12.5 1 -18 -19 1.4 1.7 -15 -44 -38 DLF Real Estate 55.7 37.6 48 262 144 1.3 2.3 -42 -47 -16 HCL Technologies Technology 14.4 14.4 0 -6 -6 4.0 3.1 30 60 15 Infosys Technology 15.0 19.4 -23 -2 26 3.1 5.6 -45 22 109 TCS Technology 18.8 18.2 3 22 18 6.2 6.3 -1 149 134 Tech Mahindra Technology 12.8 16.1 -21 -17 5 3.2 4.4 -26 30 62 Wipro Technology 13.7 16.7 -18 -11 8 2.9 4.0 -26 18 50 Bharti Airtel Telecom 25.2 25.8 -2 64 68 2.0 3.6 -45 -21 33 Coal India Utilities 12.8 12.3 4 -17 -20 4.6 4.6 0 84 72 NTPC Utilities 13.2 16.3 -19 -14 6 1.4 2.1 -30 -43 -23 Power Grid Corp. Utilities 12.5 14.5 -14 -19 -6 1.7 2.0 -15 -33 -27 Tata Power Utilities 15.8 18.8 -16 3 22 1.8 2.1 -12 -27 -23 Sensex 15.4 15.4 0 2.5 2.7 -7 PE (x) Relative to Sensex P/E (%) PB (x) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg MoM YTD Gujarat Pipavav 20.4 27.6 -26 33 79 3.6 2.3 58 44 -15 53 99 India Cements 21.9 14.8 48 43 -4 0.8 1.2 -37 -69 -54 46 66 Indbull.RealEst. 8.0 19.9 -60 -48 29 0.5 0.8 -37 -79 -70 38 25 Oriental Bank 7.2 6.4 12 -53 -58 0.7 0.9 -20 -71 -66 37 48 TVS Motor Co. 12.4 11.7 6 -19 -24 3.3 1.5 127 32 -46 37 71 PTC India 8.9 17.4 -49 -42 13 1.0 1.5 -36 -61 -43 29 30 Federal Bank 11.0 7.5 48 -28 -51 1.3 0.9 37 -49 -65 28 38 Birla Corpn. 9.7 7.2 34 -37 -53 1.0 1.6 -38 -59 -39 27 45 CESC 10.0 9.1 10 -35 -41 1.1 1.1 -3 -56 -58 27 24 South Ind.Bank 6.6 5.9 12 -57 -62 1.0 0.8 20 -59 -68 23 40 Thermax 28.9 18.9 53 88 23 4.5 4.6 -3 79 71 21 25 Sobha Developers 15.8 18.2 -13 3 18 1.8 2.2 -22 -30 -16 21 44 PVR 30.5 45.7 -33 99 197 5.0 2.4 109 101 -10 17 -11 Phoenix Mills 28.0 43.1 -35 83 180 2.3 3.1 -27 -9 16 17 29 Symphony 24.1 7.9 206 57 -49 9.1 2.9 211 264 9 12 116 Crompton Greaves 19.5 20.9 -7 27 36 3.1 4.4 -29 25 65 11 42 Bajaj Finance 11.8 16.4 -28 -23 7 2.1 1.1 89 -16 -59 8 28 Petronet LNG 14.5 10.8 34 -6 -30 2.0 2.6 -24 -19 -2 7 27 Torrent Pharma. 15.7 12.7 23 2 -17 4.1 3.2 25 63 21 6 29 Monsanto India 16.6 18.9 -12 8 23 4.7 3.7 27 88 38 5 122 Bajaj Electricals 15.6 10.6 47 2 -31 3.4 2.3 48 38 -14 3 35 Britannia Inds. 22.2 21.6 3 44 40 9.3 6.7 39 272 150 2 -4 Atul Auto 11.4 9.2 23 -26 -40 3.3 1.4 142 31 -50 0 32 Kaveri Seed 13.8 9.3 49 -10 -40 5.1 2.6 99 106 -3 0 71 Ipca Labs. 14.9 12.3 21 -3 -20 3.8 2.6 44 52 -1 -6 9 Alembic Pharma 13.8 8.7 58 -10 -43 4.8 3.0 59 91 12 -17 17 PE (x) Relative to Sensex P/E (%) PB (x) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) Price Chg (%) 12 Midcap: Outperformance continues for third consecutive month DuringMay-14, Mid-capsdelivered16%returnsagainst 8%returnsof Nifty. Topmid-capperformersinMay-14wereGujarat Pipavav(53%), IndiaCements(46%), IBREL(38%), OBC(37%), TVSMotors (37%), PTCIndia(29%) andFederal Bank(28%). Underperformers in May-14 were Alembic Pharma (-17%) and Ipca Labs (-6%). Both these companies trade at huge premiumtolongperiodaverages. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 13 Sector valuations: Cyclicalsstill at a discount to P/B despite recent outperformance Despite the recent outperformance, Cyclicals still trade at adiscount to its historical average on P/Bbasis. PSUBanks is at 15%discount toitshistoricaverageP/B, whileCapital Goodsisat 24%andMetalsareat 36%discount. Oil & Gas and Utilities outperformed Nifty duringMay-14 on anticipation of policy reformactions post a strongmajority government. Accordingly, onPEbasis, Oil &Gas nowtrades at marginal premiumof 3%to averagewhileUtilities trades at 10%discount toaverage. However, onPBbasis, boththesesectorstradeat discount toaverage. Autosnowtradeat 10%premiumtoitsaverage, drivenby2Wcompaniesandsignsof CVgrowthbottomingout. Telecomtrades at 26%discount to EV/EBITDA average. Post passive consolidation and RPMs improving, strong growth is expectedinthesector inFY15. Export-oriented sectors of Technology and Healthcare with their recent underperformance now trade at/below their historical PEaverages. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Auto 13.2 11.9 10.3 -14 -23 2.7 2.9 -7.7 7 8 Banks - Private 14.7 15.1 -2.6 -4 -3 2.6 2.3 13.9 4 -15 Banks - PSU 7.9 6.9 13.8 -49 -54 1.0 1.1 -15.2 -62 -58 NBFC 11.0 11.3 -2.4 -28 -28 2.2 2.2 2.9 -11 -19 Capital Goods 27.6 20.2 36.6 80 29 3.3 4.4 -24.3 34 60 Cement 20.4 13.5 51.2 33 -11 2.3 2.4 -3.9 -9 -13 Consumer 29.8 24.2 22.8 94 61 10.4 8.3 25.5 318 219 Healthcare 21.7 21.9 -0.8 42 46 4.3 4.2 3.3 74 61 Media 21.0 21.5 -2.4 37 37 4.8 3.7 27.5 91 39 Metals 10.6 9.4 12.7 -31 -40 1.1 1.8 -35.5 -55 -36 Oil & Gas 11.3 11.0 3.2 -26 -29 1.5 1.7 -14.7 -41 -35 Real Estate 31.4 21.0 49.5 104 33 1.2 1.4 -11.4 -51 -52 Retail 25.0 28.8 -13.3 63 84 4.9 4.3 14.2 96 60 Technology 16.1 17.0 -5.6 5 13 4.1 5.1 -19.1 66 91 Telecom 22.2 22.5 -1.5 44 48 1.9 2.5 -24.7 -25 -9 Utilities 13.0 14.4 -9.7 -15 -8 1.4 1.7 -18.3 -44 -36 PB (x) Sector Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) -14 -23 -50 -25 0 25 50 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 14 Auto: Trades at premium of 10%, 2W recovery accelerates, CV bottomed-out Auto sector PEtrades at premiumof 10% to its average PE. Expect recovery to accelerate in 2Ws, demand revival in PVs on positive consumer sentiments, bottoming-out of CVs. Bajaj Autoistradingat 21%premiumtoits average, downgradeinearningsby~5%. TVS Motor saw a significant upgrade in earnings and is attractively placed on valuations. Tata Motors is only stock trading at discount tohistoricaverages. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Auto +18% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 13.2 11.9 3 10 17 24 31 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Auto Sector P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 2.7 2.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Auto Sector P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 7 8 -20 -5 10 25 40 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Ashok Leyland - 13.0 - - -15 2.0 3.0 -35 -21 13 Bajaj Auto 15.4 12.8 21 0 -17 4.8 5.5 -12 94 105 Eicher Motors 24.4 12.5 95 59 -19 6.4 2.1 200 157 -20 Exide Inds. 20.2 16.6 22 31 8 2.8 3.1 -10 14 17 Hero Motocorp 15.8 14.7 7 3 -4 6.6 6.8 -2 165 152 M & M 15.1 11.4 32 -2 -26 3.6 3.1 18 46 15 Maruti Suzuki 18.5 14.9 25 21 -3 2.8 2.5 12 12 -7 Tata Motors 8.7 11.2 -22 -43 -27 1.6 2.7 -41 -36 2 TVS Motor Co. 12.4 11.7 6 -19 -24 3.3 1.5 127 32 -46 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) -4 -3 -40 -20 0 20 40 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 15 Banks Private: Healthy NII growth, strong ROAs; valuations attractive Private banks are trading at 14% premium to their historical average PB andjust 4%premiumtomarket PB. Private banks reported healthy NII growth during4QFY14, driven byin-line/ better than expected NIMs and loan growth. Axis Bank and Yes Bank are only two stocks which are trading at discounts of 7%/3% respectively to its PB averages; IndusInd Bank trade at premiumof 37% (highest inthesector). Sector Performance CY14 YTD Private Banks +26% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 14.7 15.1 5 12 19 26 33 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Private Banks P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 2.6 2.3 1.0 1.8 2.5 3.3 4.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Private Banks P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 4 -15 -40 -26 -12 2 16 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Axis Bank 11.9 12.4 -4 -23 -19 1.9 2.0 -7 -24 -24 Federal Bank 11.0 7.5 48 -28 -51 1.3 0.9 37 -49 -65 HDFC Bank 17.3 20.8 -17 12 35 3.6 3.4 7 43 25 ICICI Bank 14.2 16.9 -16 -8 10 2.0 1.8 14 -19 -34 IndusInd Bank 15.5 17.4 -11 1 13 2.7 1.9 37 6 -28 ING Vysya Bank 15.0 13.0 16 -2 -15 1.5 1.3 16 -38 -51 J & K Bank 5.8 6.4 -10 -63 -58 1.1 1.0 7 -57 -63 Kotak Mah. Bank 21.7 18.1 20 41 17 3.1 2.6 17 24 -2 South Ind.Bank 6.6 5.9 12 -57 -62 1.0 0.8 20 -59 -68 Yes Bank 10.8 13.9 -22 -29 -10 2.3 2.4 -3 -7 -11 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) -49 -54 -75 -65 -55 -45 -35 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 16 Banks PSU: Valuations marginally below historic averages at 1.0x PSU banks now trade at 1.0x which is at 15%discount to its historic averages and 62%discount to market PB. It is the best performing sector of CY14YTD. PSU Banks are under pressure but signs of bottoming out; PSB earnings declined 12%YoY in 4QFY14 (though better than expected) led by higher credit cost. NIMs continued to remain under pressure. All PSU banks are at discount , except SBI and BOB, which are at single digit discount to historical average PB. Sector Performance CY14 YTD PSU Banks +50% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 7.9 6.9 3 5 7 9 11 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 PSU Banks P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.0 1.1 0.3 0.8 1.3 1.8 2.3 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 PSU Banks P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -62 -58 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Andhra Bank 11.1 6.5 71 -28 -58 0.6 1.0 -37 -75 -63 Bank of Baroda 6.7 6.5 2 -57 -57 0.9 1.0 -8 -62 -62 Bank of India 5.4 6.6 -19 -65 -57 0.7 1.1 -35 -72 -61 Canara Bank 6.7 5.8 17 -56 -62 0.7 1.0 -26 -71 -64 Corporation Bank 7.3 6.6 11 -52 -57 0.5 0.9 -43 -78 -65 Dena Bank 5.5 5.0 12 -64 -68 0.5 0.7 -29 -80 -74 IDBI Bank 17.3 9.8 76 13 -36 0.7 0.9 -22 -73 -68 Indian Bank 5.5 5.0 10 -64 -68 0.6 0.9 -31 -75 -66 Oriental Bank 7.2 6.4 12 -53 -58 0.7 0.9 -20 -71 -66 Punjab Natl.Bank 7.4 6.9 8 -52 -55 0.9 1.2 -27 -65 -56 St Bk of India 8.8 8.8 1 -42 -43 1.2 1.2 -4 -53 -54 Union Bank (I) 6.3 6.2 0 -59 -59 0.7 1.1 -36 -72 -60 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) -28 -28 -70 -50 -30 -10 10 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 17 NBFC: Infrastructure finance companies IDFC and PFC trade at discounts NBFCstradeat itshistoricaverageof 2.2x PB; and11%discount toSensexPB. Bajaj Financecontinuestoridehighonits diversification strategy and is the only stock tradingat a huge premiumof 89% tohistorical average. InfrastructureFinancecompaniesof IDFC, PFCtradesat 43%and17%discount toits averagePB. HDFC and M&M Financial are only two stocks which are trading at premiumto market PB. Sector Performance CY14 YTD NBFC +22% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 11.0 11.3 3 8 13 18 23 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 NBFC P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 2.2 2.2 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 NBFC P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -11 -19 -75 -50 -25 0 25 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Bajaj Finance 11.8 16.4 -28 -23 7 2.1 1.1 89 -16 -59 H D F C 20.8 22.2 -6 35 44 4.3 4.6 -5 74 70 I D F C 9.9 15.2 -35 -36 -1 1.1 2.0 -43 -54 -25 LIC Housing Fin. 10.3 7.8 33 -33 -49 1.8 1.4 26 -29 -47 M & M Financial 16.6 11.2 48 8 -27 2.9 1.9 47 14 -27 Power Fin.Corpn. 5.6 8.5 -34 -63 -45 1.1 1.4 -17 -55 -49 Rural Elec.Corp. 5.5 6.4 -13 -64 -58 1.2 1.3 -4 -50 -51 ShriramTrans. 13.0 9.2 42 -15 -40 2.1 1.9 10 -16 -29 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 80 29 -30 0 30 60 90 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 18 Capital Goods: Trades above PE avg; expect order inflows to pick up in 2HFY15 Capital Goods trades at 24%discount to itshistorical PBaverage, however it trades at 37% premium to its historical PE average. It is second best performing sector of CY14YTD. For 4QFY14, performance for the capital goods sector continued to remain impactedas thepaceof project execution / order finalizationfailedtopickup. L&Tnowtrades at 27xPE; whichis above its long period historical average. ABB trade at 18% discount to historical PE average. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Capital Goods +43% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 27.6 20.2 7 17 27 37 47 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Capital Goods P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 3.3 4.4 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Capital Goods P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 34 60 -50 15 80 145 210 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg A B B 54.0 66.1 -18 251 330 6.5 6.8 -5 161 155 B H E L 22.7 17.6 29 48 14 1.7 4.2 -59 -32 55 Crompton Greaves 19.5 20.9 -7 27 36 3.1 4.4 -29 25 65 Cummins India 24.4 17.8 38 59 16 6.1 4.7 29 145 77 Havells India 20.7 17.9 15 35 17 5.8 4.3 36 132 59 Larsen & Toubro 27.0 20.6 31 76 34 3.8 4.2 -10 53 58 Siemens 67.6 45.2 50 340 194 7.0 8.4 -17 180 213 Thermax 28.9 18.9 53 88 23 4.5 4.6 -3 79 71 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 33 -11 -75 -40 -5 30 65 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 19 Cement: EV/EBITDA premium rises to 27% to average; demand recovery key Cement EV/EBITDA valuations is at 27% premium to its historical average. Demand recovery holds key for pricing, profitabilityandstockperformance. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Cement +26% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 20.4 13.5 3 9 15 21 27 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Cement P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 2.3 2.4 0.5 1.8 3.0 4.3 5.5 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Cement P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -9 -13 -50 -25 0 25 50 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) 10.2 8.0 3.0 5.5 8.0 10.5 13.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Cement EV/EBDITA (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg ACC 22.8 15.3 49 48 -1 3.2 2.9 11 29 9 Ambuja Cem. 19.6 15.2 29 28 -1 2.9 3.0 0 18 10 Birla Corpn. 9.7 7.2 34 -37 -53 1.0 1.6 -38 -59 -39 GrasimInds 11.4 7.9 44 -26 -48 1.2 1.4 -16 -52 -47 India Cements 21.9 14.8 48 43 -4 0.8 1.2 -37 -69 -54 JP Associates 35.1 34.1 3 128 122 1.1 1.8 -37 -54 -32 Shree Cement 19.8 13.9 43 29 -10 4.3 3.4 28 73 25 UltraTech Cem. 24.1 13.8 74 57 -10 3.3 2.9 13 32 9 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 94 61 -10 28 66 104 142 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 20 Consumer: Trades at 30x, down from peak of 34x; however still above avg Consumer sector PE multiples have declinedfromapeakof 34xinMay-13to 30x in May-14; however it continues to tradeaboveitshistorical averageof 24x. We expect the sector earnings to moderate in FY15 given the challenging terrain of low volume growth and continued moderation in overall consumptionspending. Everycompany(except RadicoKhaitan) is at a big premium; Glaxo at 49%, Pidilite at 43%, AsianPaintsat 36%. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Consumer +5% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 29.7 24.2 10 17 24 31 38 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Consumer P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 10.4 8.3 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Consumer P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 318 219 80 170 260 350 440 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Asian Paints 31.8 23.3 36 107 52 10.3 8.3 23 313 212 Britannia Inds. 22.2 21.6 3 44 40 9.3 6.7 39 272 150 Colgate-Palm. 30.9 25.1 23 101 63 28.2 23.6 19 1031 782 Dabur India 28.4 24.1 18 85 57 9.8 8.9 10 293 232 GlaxoSmith C H L 29.9 20.0 49 95 30 9.1 5.7 59 265 114 Godrej Consumer 27.5 22.4 23 79 46 6.3 13.8 -54 154 416 Hind. Unilever 32.6 26.6 23 113 73 18.7 20.4 -9 648 663 ITC 25.9 22.0 18 68 43 10.6 6.7 58 325 151 Marico 28.1 22.5 25 83 46 7.0 7.7 -8 181 186 Nestle India 35.8 29.3 22 133 91 17.9 22.8 -21 617 750 Pidilite Inds. 27.1 18.9 43 77 23 6.3 4.7 34 153 76 Radico Khaitan 12.7 26.9 -53 -17 75 1.5 3.4 -58 -41 29 United Spirits 62.9 50.0 26 310 225 4.7 3.4 38 89 27 Relative to Sensex P/E(%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE(x) PB (x) 21 Healthcare: Trades at averages; US generics to drive earnings Healthcaresector istradingat PEof 21.7x inlinewithitshistorical averages. GSK, IPCA and Torrent trade at a premium of +20% to its historical PE averages. After many quarters of robust growth, operational performance for the healthcare sector for 4QFY14 was below estimates. Unfavorable product mix and base effect are the reasons for a weak operational performance. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Healthcare +4% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 4.3 4.2 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Healthcare P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 74 61 -20 20 60 100 140 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) 21.7 21.9 14 18 22 26 30 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Healthcare P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 42 46 0 30 60 90 120 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Biocon 18.9 16.1 17 23 5 2.6 2.3 9 3 -12 Cadila Health. 18.8 17.5 7 22 14 4.4 4.3 3 78 61 Cipla 19.4 21.3 -9 26 39 2.7 3.8 -29 6 40 Divi's Lab. 18.8 17.1 10 22 12 4.8 4.7 2 92 75 Dr Reddy's Labs 18.4 26.4 -30 20 72 3.7 3.3 13 48 22 Glaxosmit Pharma 34.1 26.5 29 122 73 10.2 7.8 31 308 191 Glenmark Pharma. 17.9 35.7 -50 17 132 3.9 4.7 -17 56 75 Ipca Labs. 14.9 12.3 21 -3 -20 3.8 2.6 44 52 -1 Lupin 20.5 17.6 16 34 15 4.7 4.1 14 87 53 Ranbaxy Labs. 35.7 43.2 -17 132 181 4.3 5.2 -17 74 94 Sanofi India 23.5 20.5 15 53 33 4.8 4.1 16 92 54 Sun Pharma.Inds. 24.3 20.5 19 58 33 5.1 4.4 16 104 63 Torrent Pharma. 15.7 12.7 23 2 -17 4.1 3.2 25 63 21 Relative to Sensex P/E(%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE(x) PB (x) 37 37 -50 0 50 100 150 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 22 Media: Trades marginally below avg; economic recovery to drive ad growth Media trades at a marginal discount of 2%toitshistorical averagePE. For 4QFY14, advertising growth shows mixedtrend. WhileZeeposted strongad growth of 22% YoY led by sports segment, Sun TV posted flat advertising andbroadcast revenue. Zeeis theonlystocktradingat premium of 14%to itshistoricaverageand62%to itsmarket PE. PVRisat 29%discount toitshistorical PE average, but at premium to its PB average. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 21.0 21.5 7 17 27 37 47 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Media P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 91 39 -60 0 60 120 180 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) 4.8 3.7 1.2 2.7 4.2 5.7 7.2 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Media P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg H T Media 12.5 27.6 -55 -19 80 1.2 2.6 -54 -52 -3 Jagran Prakashan 14.5 19.4 -25 -6 26 3.4 4.0 -15 37 51 PVR 33.1 46.8 -29 115 205 5.1 2.4 112 104 -10 Sun TV Network 19.1 24.3 -21 24 58 4.7 5.8 -19 88 116 Zee Entertainmen 24.9 21.8 14 62 42 7.0 3.8 83 181 43 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) Sector Performance CY14 YTD Media +5% -31 -40 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 23 Metals: At discount to PB average; however bounce back in margins drives PE Metals trade at 1.1x PB which is 36% discount to its historical PB average. However, the sector is at 13%premium toitsPEaveragereflectingexpectationof reboundinearnings. Indian steel producers posted strong resultshelpedbygrowthinQoQvolumes andbetter pricerealization. EV/EBIDTA valuations is at 5.8x, which is at itslongperiodaverage. All stocks except JSWSteel tradeat huge discount toPBaverages. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Metals +23% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 10.6 9.4 0 5 10 15 20 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Metals P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.1 1.8 0.0 1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Metals P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -55 -36 -80 -55 -30 -5 20 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Hind.Zinc 9.0 7.1 27 -41 -54 1.5 1.9 -19 -40 -31 Hindalco Inds. 12.8 8.7 48 -16 -44 1.2 1.7 -30 -53 -37 Jindal Steel 10.3 10.0 2 -33 -35 1.1 3.2 -65 -55 19 JSW Steel 10.7 10.9 -2 -30 -29 1.2 1.2 -1 -53 -55 Natl. Aluminium 15.6 16.3 -4 2 6 1.0 1.7 -42 -60 -36 NMDC 9.6 15.0 -36 -38 -3 2.1 4.8 -57 -17 80 S A I L 12.0 10.6 14 -22 -31 0.8 1.6 -52 -69 -39 Sesa Sterlite 13.4 6.9 94 -13 -55 1.9 2.2 -17 -26 -17 Tata Steel 8.3 10.8 -23 -46 -30 1.6 2.3 -33 -38 -13 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) -26 -29 -45 -37 -29 -21 -13 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 24 Oil & Gas: Trades at historic average (PE); 23% return in CY14YTD Oil &Gassector tradesat PBof 1.5xat 15% discount to its historic average. PE valuations stands at 11.3x, which is now abovehistoricaverageof 11x. Subsidy, forexgainsboostedOMCs4QFY14 PAT and with no diesel under-recoveries just afewmonthsaway, all OMCsarenow tradingat premiumtohistoricPEaverage. ONGC, GAIL and Petronet LNGare trading above their historic PEaverages. All others tradeat discount. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Oil & Gas +23% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 11.3 11.0 5 9 13 17 21 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Oil & Gas P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.5 1.7 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Oil & Gas P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -41 -35 -55 -45 -35 -25 -15 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg B P C L 12.6 12.5 1 -18 -19 1.8 1.3 39 -30 -53 C P C L 3.6 6.1 -41 -77 -60 0.7 1.0 -35 -73 -62 Cairn India 6.3 13.8 -54 -59 -10 1.0 1.2 -19 -61 -55 GAIL(India) 12.0 11.4 5 -22 -26 1.6 2.1 -23 -37 -23 Guj.St.Petronet 8.6 14.1 -39 -44 -8 1.1 2.0 -46 -56 -25 H P C L 13.7 11.1 24 -10 -28 0.9 0.9 -4 -65 -66 I O C L 11.7 9.6 22 -24 -38 1.2 1.3 -6 -52 -53 Indraprastha Gas 11.3 11.4 -1 -26 -26 2.1 2.9 -27 -15 9 M R P L 10.8 12.6 -14 -30 -18 1.5 2.2 -32 -41 -19 O N G C 10.6 9.7 9 -31 -37 1.7 2.0 -17 -33 -25 Petronet LNG 14.5 10.8 34 -6 -30 2.0 2.6 -24 -19 -2 Reliance Inds. 12.6 12.5 1 -18 -19 1.4 1.7 -15 -44 -38 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 104 33 -100 0 100 200 300 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 25 Real Estate: Trades at 1.2x BV Real estate trades at 51% discount to market PB. The sector trades at 1.2xPB. It is the best performing sector for the monthof May. Thoughlackof newlaunchesdentedpre- sales, operations are near trough. Also, with improvement in consumer sentimentspre-salesshouldseeuptick. DLF trades at 1.3x PB which is at 42% discount toaverage, whilePhoenixtrades at 2.3x PB, 27%discount to its historical averageand9%discount tomarket PB. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 31.4 21.0 0 13 26 39 52 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Real Estate P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.2 1.4 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Real Estate P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -51 -52 -100 -50 0 50 100 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Sector Performance CY14 YTD Real Estate +32% Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg DLF 55.7 37.6 48 262 144 1.3 2.3 -42 -47 -16 Indbull.RealEst. 8.0 19.9 -60 -48 29 0.5 0.8 -37 -79 -70 Mahindra Life. 16.5 26.2 -37 7 71 1.3 1.8 -28 -49 -34 Sobha Developers 15.8 18.2 -13 3 18 1.8 2.2 -22 -30 -16 Phoenix Mills 28.0 43.1 -35 83 180 2.3 3.1 -27 -9 16 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 63 85 -50 25 100 175 250 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 26 Retail: Titan at 32% premium, RBI eases gold-on-lease norms Retail sector tradesat 13%discount toits historical PE average. However is at premiumonPBbasisof 14%. Titans 4QFY14 performance was above expectations with Watches recovery being the highlight of the quarter. Subsequently, RBI has lifted the ban on gold-on-lease, major relief inour view. With improvement in consumer sentiments, urban consumption will increasedrivingthesector growth. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Retail +37% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 25.0 28.8 0 17 34 51 68 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Retail P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 4.9 4.3 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Retail P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 96 60 -50 0 50 100 150 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Future Retail 9.2 23.0 -60 -40 50 0.8 1.5 -49 -69 -43 Titan Inds. 30.5 23.2 32 99 51 8.6 8.6 1 246 219 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 5 13 -40 -5 30 65 100 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 27 Technology: Valuations slips below avg; top underperformer in CY14YTD Technology sector now trades at 16.1x, which is at 6% discount to its historic averages. The sector continues to underperformfor 3rdconsecutivemonth. InMar 2014, marginupgradeswereseen across tier-I. Discretionary spending was volatile. Deal pipeline continues to be healthy for all the companies keeping FY15growthoutlookintact. All stocks are trading at discount to its historic average, except HCL which is at its historic average and TCSwhich is the onlystockat premiumof 3%onPEbasis. Infosys trades at 2%discount relative to SensexPE. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Technology -7% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 16.1 17.0 7 12 17 22 27 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Technology P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 4.1 5.1 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Technology P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 66 91 0 60 120 180 240 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg HCL Technologies 14.4 14.4 0 -6 -6 4.0 3.1 30 60 15 Infosys 15.0 19.4 -23 -2 26 3.1 5.6 -45 22 109 MphasiS 9.7 16.4 -41 -37 7 1.9 3.8 -49 -24 40 TCS 18.8 18.2 3 22 18 6.2 6.3 -1 149 134 Tech Mahindra 12.8 16.1 -21 -17 5 3.2 4.4 -26 30 62 Wipro 13.7 16.7 -18 -11 8 2.9 4.0 -26 18 50 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) 44 48 -100 0 100 200 300 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 28 Telecom: Valuations moving up from its low On EV/EBITDA basis, the sector trades at 6.4x moving up fromits all-time low of 5.9x and is at 26% discount to its historical average. Telecom PE now tradesat itshistorical averages. Post passive consolidation and RPMs improving, strong growth is expected in thesector inFY15. Sector Performance CY14 YTD Telecom -1% BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 22.2 22.5 0 14 28 42 56 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 TelecomP/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.9 2.5 0.5 2.0 3.5 5.0 6.5 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 TelecomP/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -25 -9 -50 -15 20 55 90 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) 6.4 8.6 5.0 8.0 11.0 14.0 17.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 TelecomSector EV/EBDITA (x) Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Bharti Airtel 25.2 25.8 -2 64 68 2.0 3.6 -45 -21 33 Idea Cellular 15.6 25.9 -40 2 68 2.3 2.4 -4 -7 -10 Rel. Comm. 24.5 23.8 3 59 55 1.0 1.6 -38 -61 -42 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) -15 -8 -100 -60 -20 20 60 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PE (%) 29 Utilities: Valuations inches up; now trading at 18% discount on PBs Utilities trade at 1.4x PB, which is 18% discount to its historic average and 44% discount to market. It is second best performingsector duringMay. 4QFY14performancewasbelowestimate across companies. However NTPC and PGCILreportedbetter performance. NTPCis at 30%discount on PBbasis; we expect FY16profit growthtobeindouble digits. Coal India is the only stock tradingat its average and is at premium to Sensex, bothonPEandPBbasis. BULLS & BEARS | June 2014 13.0 14.4 0 8 16 24 32 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Utilities P/E (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) 1.4 1.7 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Utilities P/B (x) 10 Yr Avg (x) -44 -36 -100 -65 -30 5 40 M a y - 0 4 M a y - 0 5 M a y - 0 6 M a y - 0 7 M a y - 0 8 M a y - 0 9 M a y - 1 0 M a y - 1 1 M a y - 1 2 M a y - 1 3 M a y - 1 4 Relative to Sensex PB (%) Sector Performance CY14 YTD Utilities +27% Company Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Current 10 Yr Avg Prem/Disc (%) Current 10 Yr Avg Coal India 12.8 12.3 4 -17 -20 4.6 4.6 0 84 72 CESC 10.0 9.1 10 -35 -41 1.1 1.1 -3 -56 -58 NTPC 13.2 16.3 -19 -14 6 1.4 2.1 -30 -43 -23 Power Grid Corpn 12.5 14.5 -14 -19 -6 1.7 2.0 -15 -33 -27 PTC India 8.9 17.4 -49 -42 13 1.0 1.5 -36 -61 -43 Reliance Infra. 12.5 17.5 -29 -19 14 0.8 1.4 -41 -68 -49 Tata Power Co. 15.8 18.8 -16 3 22 1.8 2.1 -12 -27 -23 Relative to Sensex P/E (%) Relative to Sensex P/B (%) PE (x) PB (x) Disclosures This report is for the personal informationof the authorized recipient and does not construeto be anyinvestment, legal or taxation adviceto you. 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