The document discusses political discrimination and cheating in India based on religion, caste, language, race and state. It argues that the multi-party system in India is corrupted by dividing people along these lines. It questions how the constitution protects citizens from this type of discrimination and whether leaders who gain benefits this way are committing crimes. It calls for reforming the political system and banning parties formed along religious, caste, language or state lines.
The document discusses political discrimination and cheating in India based on religion, caste, language, race and state. It argues that the multi-party system in India is corrupted by dividing people along these lines. It questions how the constitution protects citizens from this type of discrimination and whether leaders who gain benefits this way are committing crimes. It calls for reforming the political system and banning parties formed along religious, caste, language or state lines.
The document discusses political discrimination and cheating in India based on religion, caste, language, race and state. It argues that the multi-party system in India is corrupted by dividing people along these lines. It questions how the constitution protects citizens from this type of discrimination and whether leaders who gain benefits this way are committing crimes. It calls for reforming the political system and banning parties formed along religious, caste, language or state lines.
The document discusses political discrimination and cheating in India based on religion, caste, language, race and state. It argues that the multi-party system in India is corrupted by dividing people along these lines. It questions how the constitution protects citizens from this type of discrimination and whether leaders who gain benefits this way are committing crimes. It calls for reforming the political system and banning parties formed along religious, caste, language or state lines.
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Political cheatings
Defining discrimination in our constitution-By Kailash ch Sabat-7207884783
efer Pre!ious article "#$andhi%i&'rayer and our constitution( )ur leaders *hen 'romise benefits on the grounds of +, eligion 2, -aste 3, .anguage 4, ace /, State 0hat is the 'rotection in our constitution of im'lementation1 2urther *hen *e discriminate don3t *e commit crime against *hom *e so discriminate1 4f on grounds of language 4 'romise& shall 4 be able to fulfill the %ob guarantee to all concerned1 0hole of our 'olitical system is messed u' and no %ustice can be deli!ered unless *e clean u' this multi 'arty system from base based on caste&creed&race&religion and language, 4f one community 5ills another member of another community *ho shall be res'onsible1 Page 1 of 4 4 made dialogue through 'ress or met 'ersonally to 6on Pre7 8r )bama9$i!e a big hand series and attended his stay in :ariman 'oint; 6on Sonia $andhi 6on,:a!een 'attanai5 6on,<B Pattanai5 6on Sushil Kr Sindhe94 feel he too5 fe* ste's to 'romote me; 6on =ilas ao Deshmu5h and 6on osaiah sir 0rote for P8 *or5 for 6on 8odi and Pre7 *or5 2or $en =K Singh9>oga sti'end of s 20000 a month; But my life has seen deterioration since last 30 years,So if 'eo'le li5e me suffer and if these so called democratic leaders get some benefit on such behind the screen su''ort *hat is the 'rotection in the constitution that they don3t cheat, 4 *ish li5e o'inion 'olls are conducted to deri!e the 're 'oll result so also this 'erformance standard for 'oliticians and efficiency le!el for 4?S@4PS be carried out intermittently, Page 2 of 4 8any 8.?s and 8Ps get elected e!en though they ne!er !isit their constituencies,and :amo has been elected to rectify the errors of -ong 4,? man has attachment to one community but sho*s u' another ho* to safeguard that loo'hole in our constitution, 1. Work to all 2. Yoga 3. Foreign exchange 4. Or job gurantee Hon NAMO has not touche an! subjects !et. 6ence any fa!ourable !ote in 8aharasthra&6aryana&Delhi or else*here for B<P *ould be a rude ridicule to 4ndian democracy and our 'eo'les right, Page 3 of 4 So the floating of 'olitical 'arties on basis of religious&caste&language state ha!e to be banned as *e ha!e com'leted 70 years of national freedom and ma5e our 'eo'le fearless else *e create la*lessness and this all is a rehearsal of false democracy,6o*e!er one is free to do so on cultural grounds only, )nce one becomes a -8 or a P8 the intelligence *or5 as 'er his dictate li5e ?lladin3s lam',6o* the constitution safeguard our citi7ens if *e continue to di!ide this country rec5lessly, .et3s ma5e a democracy li5e that of Ahe BK or Ahe BS?, ?n article by Kailash Page 4 of 4