LEX Ilts: The University of Texas at Austin Student Newspaper (12,000 Daily Circulation)

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alexwllLs.bogspoL.com [alexwllLs (913) 449-2774

(./ 01234 (/516 - !"#$%& (")%&*"&+ AusLln, 1x lall 2014 - resenL
,-" .#$/"&0$*1 %2 ,"340 4* 560*$# !*67"#* 8"90)4)"& :;<=>>> 74$?1 @$&@6?4*$%#A
WrlLe 3-3 news sLorles per week abouL lssues relaLlng Lo 1he unlverslLy of 1exas SysLem and admlnlsLraLlon
8esearch and analyze unlverslLy sLaLlsLlcs and budgeL daLa Lo asslsL wlLh sLoryLelllng
CreaLe headllnes Lo maxlmlze SLC of sLorles
uLlllze soclal medla Lo reporL on large evenLs
revlously served as Ceneral 8eporLer from !anuary Lo May 2014

"17 -89:/7 )96;,/<7 - B#*"&# (")%&*"&+ Las Cruces, nM Summer 2014
C$*1 %2 D40 C&6@"0E #"90)4)"& :FF=>>> 74$?1 @$&@6?4*$%#A
ueveloped and wroLe news sLorles abouL local buslnesses and people ln Lhe communlLy
updaLed Lhe paper's webslLe durlng prlmary elecLlon nlghL Lo keep publlc lnformed abouL resulLs
MarkeLed evenLs by wrlLlng enLerLalnmenL and news brlefs and managlng soclal medla conLenL

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'6>/8?1872>4 -.827>216 @/33A<7.2B - G$@" H&"0$7"#* lall 2014 - resenL
Manage a group of 4 8lble sLudy leaders by coordlnaLlng passages and ensurlng LhaL leaders have Lhe resources Lhey need
arLlclpaLed ln 7 Lrlps Lo volunLeer for leed My eople, an organlzaLlon LhaL provldes breakfasL Lo Lhe homeless

@287>;C/18 '6>/8/7> D8A9B E/6>A8 lall 2012, lall 2013
Arranged 24 semlnars Lo lnform flrsL-year sLudenLs of resources avallable Lo Lhem aL Lhe unlverslLy
Crganlzed oral presenLaLlons on Lhe Loplcs of sLudy skllls and geLLlng lnvolved on-campus
ersonally meL wlLh 28 sLudenLs Lo assess Lhelr progress ln ad[usLlng Lo college llfe

(./ F62H/872>4 AI (/517 1> !97>26 8achelor of 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon, MarkeLlng uecember 2013
8achelor of !ournallsm
I/"&4?? JH5K LMNO
'6>/861>2A613 F62H/872>4 26 EA7:A< AC18 Llberal ArLs rogram ln Moscow, 8ussla Summer 2013

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EK( LLMN E18O/>26P -17/ *8AQ/:> - C?$"#*K ,%&@-1E0 ,4@%0 Sprlng 2014
Surveyed consumers Lo plnpolnL opporLunlLles Lo beLLer reach Lhe LargeL markeL of unlverslLy sLudenLs
WroLe a 20-page reporL deLalllng Lhe SWC1 analysls and compeLlLlve forces analysls of 1orchy's 1acos
8ecommended markeLlng sLraLegles Lo lmprove promoLlon and lncrease sales of breakfasL Lacos

unlverslLy Ponors (4 semesLers) 2012 - 2014
2013 Mary Susan Lewls Scholarshlp for ChrlsLlans ln !ournallsm Sprlng 2013
8apoporL 8usslan Scholarshlp Sprlng 2013

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#5B/8>N MS Word, Lxcel, owerolnL
K6A<3/RP/1S3/N Adobe lnCopy, hoLoshop, AudaclLy, llnal CuL ro, P1ML, conLenL managemenL sysLems, Coogle 8eflne

!00'('G,!" ',@G+E!('G,
"16P91P/7N 8aslc knowledge of 8usslan
&A8O #32P2S232>4: Lllglble Lo work ln Lhe u.S. wlLh no resLrlcLlons
+/I/8/6:/: kaLhleen McLlroy, asslsLanL [ournallsm professor aL Cklahoma SLaLe unlverslLy and former new ?ork 1lmes edlLor
- 917-693-0348, kaLhleen.mcelroy[oksLaLe.edu

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