This document discusses the natural process of photosynthesis creating crude oil from biomass over billions of years and storing carbon underground. It proposes a chemical-catalytic process called KDV to sustainably produce synthetic crude oil from biomass in a similar natural process. KDV uses mixing turbines and natural catalysts below 500°C to convert biomass to oil without undesirable byproducts, achieving a high efficiency compared to other conversion methods. The document outlines KDV plant designs and argues it can meet global fuel demands sustainably from waste biomass without competing with food production.
This document discusses the natural process of photosynthesis creating crude oil from biomass over billions of years and storing carbon underground. It proposes a chemical-catalytic process called KDV to sustainably produce synthetic crude oil from biomass in a similar natural process. KDV uses mixing turbines and natural catalysts below 500°C to convert biomass to oil without undesirable byproducts, achieving a high efficiency compared to other conversion methods. The document outlines KDV plant designs and argues it can meet global fuel demands sustainably from waste biomass without competing with food production.
This document discusses the natural process of photosynthesis creating crude oil from biomass over billions of years and storing carbon underground. It proposes a chemical-catalytic process called KDV to sustainably produce synthetic crude oil from biomass in a similar natural process. KDV uses mixing turbines and natural catalysts below 500°C to convert biomass to oil without undesirable byproducts, achieving a high efficiency compared to other conversion methods. The document outlines KDV plant designs and argues it can meet global fuel demands sustainably from waste biomass without competing with food production.
This document discusses the natural process of photosynthesis creating crude oil from biomass over billions of years and storing carbon underground. It proposes a chemical-catalytic process called KDV to sustainably produce synthetic crude oil from biomass in a similar natural process. KDV uses mixing turbines and natural catalysts below 500°C to convert biomass to oil without undesirable byproducts, achieving a high efficiency compared to other conversion methods. The document outlines KDV plant designs and argues it can meet global fuel demands sustainably from waste biomass without competing with food production.
from Biomass, however in the Future it will come from Biomass currently active in the Carbon cycle. It will not be recovered from the depth of the earth, where its carbon content is securely stored. And despite being produced from Biomass, there will also be no need to compete with Food production. his Oil will be produced from the by! products of activity involving organic materials, and in this way also become a solution to the growing problem of waste disposal. After many mista"es made by researchers and developers to harness the energy in biomass through pyrolysis, gasification and the Fischer # ropsch # $ynthesis, we now "now that the only real solution is chemical! catalytic, at temperatures below %&& degrees Celsius.
KDV = chemical-catalytic pressureless conversion to oil
his natural process to convert Biomass to oil started about ' Billion years ago with the development of photosynthesis. his created an atmosphere rich in O(ygen, instead of CO). he internal nuclear heating of the *lanet, which started about %)& +illion years ago, caused the formation of ,olcanoes emitting CO), the splitting of the one original continent into -, e(pansion of the oceans through the e(traction of water of crystallisation and the increase of the earth.s si/e to ).- times its previous diameter. he continents became green, and the earth.s atmosphere reached an o(ygen content of )&.01. his o(ygen content was possible, because the emerging plant life absorbed CO), which then was stored underground where it gradually converted to Oil, and under different circumstances to Coal. his stored energy of the past is not only limited, its use also pollutes our atmosphere by again releasing these vast amounts of CO) into the Atmosphere, again enriching it with CO). his, as we "now, creates global warming. In a socio!economic view, the Industrial activity related to its recovery creates a relative small amount of 2obs, benefitting only a selected few. he 34, echnology re5uires only the waste of agricultural activity, and it will through implementation in poorer areas of the world lead to potentially full employment and a sustainable wage for those who often have nothing now. Only '&1 of the bi! products of the available arable land would be sufficient to fill the current demand, and this option is not limited li"e oil and coal reserves, but can continue for as long as the sun shines, and our earth supports life. ALPHAKAT ZukunftsEnergie 4evelopment of crude oil and o(ygen in the atmosphere due to photosynthesis Crude oil is a result of ' billion years of photosynthesis $ynthetic oil production is a copy of this natural process Non pyrolytic production of fuel, through chemical-catalytic conversion to Diesel with natural suspended catalysts (Kation-Aluminium-ilicates! in the carrier oil without the creation of undesira"le "y-products
he raising of the temperature to above %&& degrees Celsius in the reactor is considered pyrolysis. 6thermal destruction7 It produces dio(ins, furans, co"e, stic"y particles, olefins and other undesirable by! products of thermal destruction. After the pyrolysis process, this product needs to be further converted through gasification or Fischer # ropsch # $ynthesis partially to synthesis product. he ma8ority is not convertible, and is burned for process heat. Finally, only about )1 of the calorific value of the input material is converted to 4iesel. his process, utili/ed by Choren and Bioli5u for e(ample, re5uires 9% steps in line, needs a massive plant and reaches costs in e(cess of : -&& +illion. he chemical # catalytic reaction in the 34, re5uires e(tensive mi(ing of the input material and catalyst, in order to ensure that all surface of the input material get.s in contact with the catalyst. his starts the catalytic reaction which e(tracts the o(ygen content from the input material in the form of CO), and the formation of oil without any o(ygen content in the product once the process is completed. 6Cellulose7 C9 ;'' O- < ),- CO) = %,- C;) 64iesel7 = >; his intensive mi(ing utili/es the ma8ority of the process energy to ensure a complete blending of the catalytic oil with the input material molecule by molecule. his process is only possible in a mi(ing urbine, application of e(ternal heat is not capable of creating such a reaction. he internal creation of process heat via the urbine also ensures the least possible energy loss. his process reaches through friction the necessary temperature of )>&? C for the production of 4iesel in the timeframe re5uired. his form of reactor is currently the only system capable to produce this reaction through complete blending of the catalyst with the reactive material. For this purpose we have designed a new, low maintenance mi(ing urbine, featuring dynamic seals, produced in precision melting.
$chematic of the reactor *lants in +e(ico, Canada, @$A and $pain #he first series of plants of the first generation consist of the following components$
*re!processing A +i(ing of the shredded input material with the catalytic oil in a mi(er at 'B&?C to generate the first catalytic reaction, turning the solid input material to a sludge. 34, urbineA Ceaction of the sludge and seperation of the diesel steam from the rest of the catalytic oil. his catalytic oil empties into the oil collecting vessel and begins the process of converting the ne(t sludge entering the urbine from the pre!processing to 4iesel. Ash plant A o limit the inorganic contents in the circulation oil to no more than >&1, portions of this saturated oil are e(tracted over the gap filter to the catalytic evaporation plant. Feeding system for the input material of bio residues, organic residues and industrial residues containing hydro carbons. $afety system to stabili/e the plant. he inherit wee"ness of the first generation plants was the re5uirement for a large networ" of piping between the individual parts of the plant. hese pipe systems were the casue of some problems to the continous flow of material, and therefore Alpha"at developed a revolutionary new system, without the need for such an e(tensive use of pipes, as you will see in the ne(t slides.
Competition in fuel production systems Dermany supported Choren and Bioli5ue in the production of bio!fuels. hey employ a combination of *yrolysis, high temperature gasification 6Choren7 or high temperature pressureri/ed gasification 6Bioli5ue 9& bar7, many cleaning and reaction steps 6CO!conversion, CO)!e(traction and neutrali/ation7, the compressing of the syngas to 9& bar and finally the Fischer!ropsch!$ynthesis. he combination of such processes in line multiplies the low efficiency to finally about ) 1 of C, of the input material. hese processes have been "own for a long time. he latest invention of this system, the Fischer!ropsch! $ynthesis, was invented in the year '0)). his process was applied successfully only to hard coal. Attempts were made in the '0B&Es to apply this process to brown coal and biomass by the company hein! BraunF3W@, but this ended without success. Choren finally stopped after '%& +io. invested in GresearchH. Bioli5ue received for the nearly same process so far :%& +io. Bioli5ue uses high temperature pressurei/ed gasification at 9& bar, in a melting chamber 6'%&& # '>&&?C7 in contrast to Choren at '9&&?C pressureless but also pure o(ygen gasification. he Derman Dovernment now puts its hopes on wind power to become the energy system of the Furture, as well as electrolysis. Inergy production from wind has a significant disadvantage concerning the relation of wind speed to electricity production. he energy production changes with the poten/ of %. When the wind drops from ma(imum to '& 1, electricity production drops to ' F'&&&. herefore a 9 +W turbine at '& 1 of wind power produces 9 "W. $olar!systems re5uire high subsidies. Dermany spent :'&& Billion in solar subsidies for a return of ) 1 of electricity production in Dermany from solar *,. 34, needs for the process '- 1 of the produced fuel 6diesel7. he low temperature conversion, in a closed system creates virtyually no by!product. herefore the overall efficiency of the system raches about J- 1. KatureEs Inergy solutions *lants specifically suited for the hot and dry areas of the world, such as 2atropha and $and peaches, offer us plenty off raw material for energy in areas not generally "nown for biomass. he roots of the $and peaches reach up to %& m below ground, and can be used for the re!greening of the desert. 2atropha is a poisonous plant, but has use for the pharmaceutical Industry, as well as for fuel production using 34, technology. he yield is more than '& tonne of 4iesel per ha per year. $ugar cane plantations are ever increasing on this planet, and already cover vast areas. hese areas alone could produce enough by!product to fill the current global need for fossil fuel of %.J billion tonnes per annum, using the 34, echnology. *almoil is introduced in many countries as the green oil solution. +alaysia and Indonesia alone produce each year 'B +io. tonnes of *almoil each, creating '-9 +io. tonnes off green residues in each country. his would be enough to produce an additional )- +illion tonnes per annum off carbon neutral, high 5uality diesel. Large countries such as Bra/il, India, @$A and Canada, can become virtually independant from fuel imports if their green residue potential for energy production is utili/ed. his can contribute to stopping global warming, increase the life!style of farmers and create further employment in these economies. here is currently no sector in the economy with more potential to create full time employment then green fuel. Imployment opportunities in the green fuel supply for the poor and hopeless, aside from raising the standard of living, are an effective way to prevent discontent, and can so even be an effective peace program. he realisation of de!centrali/ed energy centers for urban areas in underdeveloped nations re5uire technically simple solutions, with low maintanance. he new 34, '-&, as you can see in the slide, featuring the new turbine, the air cooling system and the pipeless compact system offers itself as an ideal solution, capable of being mass produced economically, and deployed at the source of the raw material, if desired even in mobile units. he input re5uirement for the 34, '-& is about '&&& t per annum of dry material. o fill a future need of - billion tonnes per year, there is a potential for - million of plants of this si/e. y 2atropha $ugar cane waste *alm oil waste !'&&& has. !J,&&& tons of diesel per year !'&&& has. !0,&&& tons of diesel per year !'&&& has. !B,&&& tons of diesel per year