The document provides a detailed preflight, flight, and post-flight checklist for a Cessna 172N aircraft with tail number N738RQ. It includes checks of aircraft documents, controls, equipment and systems for interior and exterior inspections, engine start-up, run-up, take-off, cruise, descent, pre-landing, after landing, and shutdown procedures. Emergency procedures are also outlined for events like engine fire during start, power loss after takeoff, and engine fire in flight.
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The document provides a detailed preflight, flight, and post-flight checklist for a Cessna 172N aircraft with tail number N738RQ. It includes checks of aircraft documents, controls, equipment and systems for interior and exterior inspections, engine start-up, run-up, take-off, cruise, descent, pre-landing, after landing, and shutdown procedures. Emergency procedures are also outlined for events like engine fire during start, power loss after takeoff, and engine fire in flight.
The document provides a detailed preflight, flight, and post-flight checklist for a Cessna 172N aircraft with tail number N738RQ. It includes checks of aircraft documents, controls, equipment and systems for interior and exterior inspections, engine start-up, run-up, take-off, cruise, descent, pre-landing, after landing, and shutdown procedures. Emergency procedures are also outlined for events like engine fire during start, power loss after takeoff, and engine fire in flight.
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The document provides a detailed preflight, flight, and post-flight checklist for a Cessna 172N aircraft with tail number N738RQ. It includes checks of aircraft documents, controls, equipment and systems for interior and exterior inspections, engine start-up, run-up, take-off, cruise, descent, pre-landing, after landing, and shutdown procedures. Emergency procedures are also outlined for events like engine fire during start, power loss after takeoff, and engine fire in flight.
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Cessna 172N N738RQ
Interior Preflight Before Start Take Off Mesquite (KHQZ)
Maintenance Status CHK Fuel Selector BOTH Carb Heat OFF CTAF 123.05 Weather CHK Mixture FULL RICH Mixture FULL RICH AWOS 118.17 AROW Documents CHK Throttle 1/2" OPEN Throttle FULL Elevation 446 MSL Hobbs/Tach Times LOG Beacon ON 2375 RPM Min OK Runway 17 / 35 Control Lock REMOVE Circuit Breakers ALL IN Gauges GREEN Terrell (KTRL) Fuel Selector BOTH Avionics Master OFF Airspeed ALIVE CTAF 122.80 Ignition Switch OFF Prime AS REQ Rotate at 55 KIAS OK AWOS 119.27 Avionics Master OFF Brakes HOLD Climb Elevation 474 MSL Master Switch ON Engine Start Throttle FULL Runway 17 / 35 Flaps DOWN Master Switch ON 60 - 75 KIAS OK Tyler Pounds (KTYR) Fuel Gauges CHK Propeller Area "CLEAR" Trim AS REQ Tower 120.10 Lights CHK Ignition Switch START Landing Light OFF ATIS 126.25 Master Switch OFF Throttle 1000 RPM Flight Plan OPEN Elevation 544 MSL Exterior Preflight Oil Pressure GREEN Cruise Runway 13/31, 4/22 Flaps UP Throttle 2200 RPM Sulphur Springs (KSLR) Avionics Master ON Trim AS REQ CTAF 123.07 Mixture LEAN 1 INCH Mixture AS REQ AWOS 118.35 Transponder STBY / 1200 Gauges GREEN Elevation 489 MSL H.I. to Compass SET H.I. to Compass SET Runway 18 / 36 Radios ON Descent McKinney (KTKI) GPS Navigation ON Mixture FULL RICH Tower 118.82 ATIS/AWOS LISTEN Fuel Selector BOTH ASOS 119.92 Altimeter SET Carb Heat AS REQ Elevation 585 MSL Radio Check GET Reduce Power OK Runway 17 / 35 Baggage Door SECURE Taxi Light AS REQ Gauges GREEN Fuselage Skin OK Brakes TEST Pre-Landing EMERGENCY L Tail Leading Edge OK Run-Up Get ATIS/AWOS OK 121.50 L Elevator OK Position into Wind OK Altimeter SET FLIGHT WATCH Rudder OK Fuel Selector BOTH Gauges GREEN 122.00 Rudder Lock REMOVE Trim for Takeoff SET Flaps AS REQ Tail Tie-Down REMOVE Flight Controls FREE Lights AS REQ All V-Speeds in KIAS R Elevator OK Instruments CHK Seatbelts OK Vso 35 Trim Tab OK Mixture FULL RICH Go- Around Vsi 45 R Tail Leading Edge OK Throttle 1700 RPM Pitch UP Vr 55 R Flaps OK Vacuum Gauge GREEN Power UP Vx 60 R Aileron OK Oil Temp GREEN Clean (Flaps) UP Vg 65 R Wing Leading Edge OK Oil Pressure GREEN Talk UP Vy 75 R Fuel Quantity OK Ammeter POS CHARGE After Landing Va 82 - 99 R Fuel Sump OK Magnetos CHK Radio Call CLEAR Vfe 85 R Wheel/Tire/Brake OK Max Drop 125 RPM Flaps UP Vno 127 R Wing Tie-Down REMOVE Max Diff 50 RPM Mixture LEAN 1 INCH Vne 163 Oil Quantity 4 Min, 6 Max Carb Heat SMALL DROP Carb Heat OFF Max X-Wind 15 Nose Fuel Sump OK Throttle IDLE Strobes OFF Cowl Plug REMOVE Carb Heat OFF Landing Light AS REQ Mesquite Aviation Alternator Belt OK Throttle 1000 RPM Trim for Takeoff SET Main: 972-222-3546 Bird Nest Check OK Pre-Takeoff Transponder STBY / 1200 Josh Sallee: 817-690-3563 Propeller OK Flaps AS REQ Engine Shut Down Nose Wheel/Strut OK Mixture FULL RICH Music (Avionics Master) OFF L Fuel Quantity OK Carb Heat OFF Mixture OFF Pitot Tube CLEAR H.I. to Compass SET Master Switch OFF L Wing Leading Edge OK Doors/Windows CLOSED Magnetos OFF L Ailerons OK Transponder ALT / 1200 Hobbs/Tach Times LOG L Flaps OK Strobe Lights ON Control Lock SET L Fuel Sump OK Scan Area for Aircraft CHK Tie downs ALL L Wheel/Tire/Brake OK Announce Intent OK Rudder Gust Lock INSERT L Wing Tie-Down REMOVE Time Off Note OK Windows/Doors SECURE ENGINE FIRE DURING START POWER LOSS IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF / NO RESTART Continue Cranking Engine Fly The Airplane!!! If No Start : Maintain Best Glide Speed 65 KIAS Mixture FULL LEAN Fuel Selector OFF Fuel Selector OFF Mixture FULL LEAN Continue Cranking For A Few Seconds Flaps DOWN Evacuate / Fire Extinguisher CHK Magnetos OFF If Start : Master OFF Run A Few Seconds CHK Shutdown CHK IF NO RESTART AND TIME PERMITS Inspect CHK Fly The Airplane!!! Maintain Best Glide Speed 65 KIAS ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT Squawk 7700 Mixture FULL LEAN Declare Emergency 121.50 Fuel Selector OFF Fuel Selector OFF Master Switch OFF Mixture FULL LEAN Cabin Heat / Air OFF Seatbelts SECURE Increase Airspeed EXTINGUISH FIRE Flaps AS REQ Magnetos OFF ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT Master OFF All Electrical Devices OFF Unlatch Door CHK Master Switch OFF Close Vents, Cabin Heat & Air CHK ENGINE LOSS IN FLIGHT If Fire Is Out : Fly The Airplane!!! Master Switch ON Airspeed (Best Glide) 65 KIAS Turn On One Essential Electrical Device At A Time Best Field CHK Reset Circuit Breakers Only Once If Critical Checklist Fuel Selector ON ICING Mixture FULL RICH Pitot Heat ON Throttle FULL POWER Carb Heat ON Carb Heat ON Cabin Heat & Defrost ON Magnetos BOTH Make A 180° Turn CHK Primer IN & LOCKED Attain Higher Altitude CHK Declare Emergency 121.50 / 7700 Increase Engine Speed CHK Execute Landing CHK DO NOT LOWER FLAPS! CHK Land Faster 65 - 75 KIAS
On The Ground In The Air Fuel Type 100LL, 100 / 130 Steady Green Clear for Takeoff Clear To Land Fuel Capacity 43 Gal Total / 40 Gal Useable Flashing Green Clear To Taxi Return to Land Oil Capacity 6 Qts Max / 4 Qts Min Steady Red STOP Continue Circling Tire Pressure 31 PSI-nose / 29 PSI-main Flashing Red Taxi Clear of Runway GO AWAY Engine Lycoming 0-320, 160 HP Flashing White N/A Taxi To Parking Electrical 24 Volts, 60-amp Alternating Green/Red Use Extreme Caution Empty Weight 1473.5 lbs Useful Load 826.5 lbs with no fuel Max T/O Weight 2300 lbs