Annotations - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Stephen Hart

Mrs. Dixon
AP English 11 1
2 December 2008
he A!"ent#res o$ H#c%leberr& 'inn
(& Mar% )ain
P. 1 *ote his boo% seems to pic% #p )here The Adventures of Tom Sawyer le$t o$$.
P. 1 *ote his boo% is abo#t om Sa)&er+s $rien! ,-+m ass#ming H#c%leberr& 'inn. )ho is
c#rrentl& li"ing )ith the /i!o) Do#glas.
P. 2 0ocab 0ict#als1 $oo! s#pplies
P. 2 *ote He is !e$icientl& not a 3hristian bo&. He !oesn+t %no) a thing abo#t the bible an!
!oesn+t care to.
P. 4 *ote ome Sa)&er comes in the night to his ho#se.
P. 5 3onct H#c% sa&s that the blac%s tal% abo#t )itches an! s#ch 6#ite o$ten7 %in! o$ li%e
it#ba in The Crucible. She )as into )itch cra$t a great !eal too.
P. 5 *ote om seems to be a little more co#rageo#s an! !aring than H#c%.
P. 8 *ote om Sa)&er brings them to a ca"e )here the& ma%e a gang o$ robbers. he& ha"e
a co!e an! e"er&thing. - reall& strict one act#all&7 an! - tho#ght the a!#lts o$ this
time )ere ba!7 the %i!s are 9#st as strict )ith each other:
P. 8 3onct ;i!s o$ this era are blame! $or being too "iolent an! all that sort o$ st#$$7 )hen
%i!s o$ this era )ere 9#st as ba! an! e"en )orse: he&+re ma%ing a cl#b 9#st to rob
people an! %ill people.
P. 18 *ote <p to this point his $ather has !ie!7 b#t he !oes reall& miss him. He 9#st sol! all
his mone&. =im tol! him his $ort#ne an! tol! him a lot o$ st#$$. He tol! him to sta&
a)a& $rom the ri"er tho#gh. - !on+t thin% he+s going to tho#gh.
P. 22 0ocab Stanchion1 an #pright bar7 beam7 post7 or s#pport7 as in a )in!o)7 stall7 ship7 etc
P. 22 *ote - g#ess his !a! isn+t !ea!. Apparentl& - )as con$#se!. His !a! is still ali"e an!
no) li"ing )ith the ne) 9#!ge. He ha! come to H#c% beca#se he )ante! his
mone& an! )as ma! an! hit him $or )earing s#ch nice clothes an! being e!#cate!
since his $ather !i!n+t ha"e an& o$ that. He+s mean ol! 9ealo#s man. - !on+t li%e
him at all.
P. 24 *ote H#c%+s !a! basicall& stole him $rom his nice li$e at the )i!o)+s ho#se an! too%
him #p ri"er to a hi!!en cabin> ;in! o$ creep& i$ &o# as% me. He+s no) li"ing
there )ith his !a!. He li%es it sort o$7 b#t !oesn+t li%e the $act that he gets beat a
lot. He+s tr&ing to escape b& sa)ing his )a& o#t )hen his !a! lea"es.
P. 28 0ocab *abob1 an& "er& )ealth&7 in$l#ential7 or po)er$#l person
P. 28 3onct H#c%+s !a! is going on an! on abo#t ho) terrible the go"ernment is. -s tal%ing
abo#t ho) horrible it is that a blac% man can "ote. - $in! it ama?ing ho) $ar )e
ha"e come in this time that no)7 not onl& are blac%s an! )omen allo)e! to "ote7
b#t )e onl& 9#st )itnesse! the $irst election o$ a blac% presi!ent. -t+s o!! to thin%
ho) $ar )e+"e come )hen there is still so m#ch racisms an! s#ch among #s. -t is
also o!! in this boo% ho) nigger is #se! so commonl& an! loosel&. *o) e"en to
call an A$rican American colore! seems r#!e7 let alone nigger:
P. 20 0ocab Pala"ering1 a con$erence or !isc#ssion
P. 20 *ote H#c% $in!s a stra& canoe: -t+s his tic%et o#t o$ here:
P. 22 *ote He cleane! his pap+s ho#se o#t. He+s ta%ing the st#$$ )ith him on his 9o#rne&. He
sai! he )as going to lea"e the )oo! ax tho#gh> /h& is he lea"ing the )oo! ax@
P. 22 *ote hat+s )h& he le$t the ax there: hat+s so smart: A$ter H#c% sn#c% o#t7 he beat
!o)n the !oor )ith an ax an! p#t pig+s bloo! thro#gh the ho#se an! !ragge! a
bag o$ roc%s thro#gh it to ma%e it seem li%e someone ha! come an! attac%e! him:
P. 25 *ote A$ter almost getting ca#ght b& his $ather7 H#c% ma!e it o#t sa$el&7 tra"ele!
!o)nstream an! is no) at =ac%son+s -slan!.
P. 40 0ocab (rash1 impertinentA imp#!entA tactless
P. 40 0ocab 3ra)1 the crop o$ a bir! or insect
P. 45 Bit Elem =im+s s#perstations7 )itchcra$t7 $ort#ne telling7 etc. seem to be a moti$ thro#gho#t
the stor&.
P. 48 *ote H#c% an! =im seem to be goo! $rien!s no). - thin% the& are going to tra"el
together no).
P. C1 *ote he& $in! a ho#se that is !ri$ting !o)n the ri"er. he& loot the place.
P. C4 *ote H#c% is a lot more tr#sting o$ =im. his is beca#se =im tol! him that it )as ba!
l#c% to to#ch sna%e s%in an! )hen he !i!7 it en!e! #p )ith a sna%e biting =im.
P. C4 0ocab 3alico1 a plain1)o"en cotton cloth printe! )ith a $ig#re! pattern7 #s#all& on one
P. 50 *ote H#c% )ent7 !resse! as a )oman7 to a person+s ho#se to $in! o#t )hat )as going
on in to)n. He $o#n! o#t that the& either thin% his $ather or =im %ille! him.
he&+re searching $or the both o$ them an! there+s also a re)ar! $or both o$ them.
he )oman then $in!s o#t that H#c% is a bo& an! )ants to %no) his secret.
P. 52 *ote he&+re ta%ing o$$ no) since the people are a$ter them.
P. 80 *ote =im an! H#c% ha"e ha! goo! l#c% th#s $ar on their 9o#rne&. *o) the& came across
a )rec%e! ship. he& climbe! #p onto it an! $o#n! a gang o$ robbers. H#c%+s plan
is to loot their ship an! sen! it $loating !o)n stream. =im seems scare!.
P. 81 *ote he& too% o$$ )ith the robbers+ boat an! le$t them stran!e!. he&+re no) chasing
their boat )hich is got a)a& an! is $loating !o)n stream.
P. 8C *ote H#c% ma!e #p a stor& so that the boatman )o#l! go an! pic% #p the ban!its on
the )rec%e! ship. hen he too% o$$ to $in! =im again.
P. 80 *ote H#c% tries to teach =im abo#t %ings an! s#ch. -t !oesn+t go "er& )ell. =im is "er&
st#bborn an! )hen he thin%s he %no)s something7 he stic%s )ith it.
P. 85 *ote H#c% an! =im get st#c% in some $og an! can+t $in! each other. E"ent#all& H#c%
$in!s =im an! )a%es him. =im is so relie"e! an! happ& to see him. H#c% tol! him
it )as 9#st a !ream to tric% him. /hen =im $o#n! o#t it )as a tric% he )as "er&
#pset. H#c% apologi?e! to him an! "o)e! not to !o it again.
P. 85 D#ote E- !i!n+t !o him no more mean tric%s7 an! - )o#l!n+t !one that one i$ -+! Fa+
%no)e! it )o#l! ma%e him $eel that )a&.G
1 - reall& li%e! this 6#ote an! tho#ght it )as important beca#se it sho)s )hat a
great $rien!ship the t)o ha"e. H#c% !oesn+t e"en care abo#t the s%in !i$$erence7
he 9#st cares abo#t their $rien!ship an! not h#rting =im+s $eelings. -t+s a!orable.
P. 88 *ote =im is excite! abo#t almost being $ree )hile H#c% $eels ba! that he enco#rage!
him to $lee his master. - $in! it reall& o!! that he $eels )orse abo#t her losing a
sla"e than his $rien! being grante! his $ree!om>
P. H1 *ote H#c% an! =im come to a to)n. H#c% goes to the shore to see )hat to)n. Men are
loo%ing $or r#na)a& sla"es. he& )ant to go an! help H#c% )ith the ra$t b#t
H#c% tric%s them.
P. H2 *ote he& thin% the& )ent past 3ario ,heir !estination. an! no) their canoe is gone:
P. H4 *ote H#c% lost =im. he&+re canoe is no) !estro&e!. He+s "ent#ring to a ho#se to $in!
P. 104 *ote he place H#c% is sta&ing is "er& nice. -t+s a bea#ti$#l home. he o)ner+s
!a#ghter !ie!. She seeme! li%e a "er& special person7 )riting poetr& an! s#ch an!
painte! gorgeo#sl&. She !ie! "er& &o#ng tho#gh b#t the& %eep her room li%e she
)as still li"ing.
P. 105 *ote -t+s a "er& big7 rich $amil& that he is li"ing )ith. he& all ha"e their o)n personal
sla"e. A co#ple o$ the sons ha"e !ie!. he& are "er& polite people. /here is =im
P. 105 0ocab Pommel1 a %nob7 as on the hilt o$ a s)or!
P. 110 *ote - thin% H#c% m#st ha"e a cr#sh on one o$ the !a#ghters7 Sophia7 beca#se he !i! a
$a"or $or her an! he ga"e him a big h#g.
P. 111 *ote H#c% $o#n! =im o#t in the )oo!s: He sa&s that he has been b#il!ing the ra$t bac%
P. 115 *ote here )as a $e#! bet)een the Shepher!son an! Ianger$or! $amilies. he
Ianger$or!s7 )ho he )as sta&ing )ith all en!e! #p !ea!. his $ight )as !#e to
their !a#ghter r#nning a)a& )ith a Shepher!son. *o) H#c% an! =im are o#t on
the ri"er again.
P. 118 D#ote J Bit Elem E > an! let her $loat )here"er the c#rrent )ante! her toA then )e
lit the pipes an! !angle! o#r legs in the )ater7 an! tal%e! abo#t all
%in!s o$ things>G
1 - thin% this 6#ote is some)hat signi$icant. - thin% it s#ms #p the
attit#!e o$ both main characters in the boo%. he& are 9#st going
along $or the ri!e7 seeing )here the& en! #p7 9#st mose&ing along. -
thin% this 6#ote reall& s#ms #p the attit#!e that the characters an!
e"en the a#thor has abo#t li$e. Bi$e+s a ri"er7 en9o& it an! see )here
it ta%es &o#. his co#l! also be a theme o$ the boo%.
P. 122 *ote H#c% an! =im pic%e! #p some g#&s along the ri"er that are no) ri!ing )ith them.
- thin% the&+re blac%. he one sa&s that he is b& all rights a D#%e.
P. 124 *ote he other claims to be the right$#l %in! o$ 'rance. -+m not b#&ing this.
P. 122 *ote *o) -+m a little con$#se! abo#t )hat+s going on7 b#t - thin% the g#&s that these
t)o pic%e! #p are conmen. - thin% the&+re tr&ing to con these ch#rch people o#t o$
their mone& )ith some sob stor&.
P. 124 *ote heir ro&al g#ests seem to be !oing them some goo!7 b#t - !on+t tr#st them.
P. 128 *ote - g#ess the&+re pla& actors. he& seem to %no) their st#$$. - still thin% the&+re
conmen tho#gh.
P. 145 *ote here )as a m#r!er in the to)n that their ne) $rien!s+ pla& )ill be hel!. he&
)ante! to l&nch the man that m#r!ere! the other7 b#t the man tol! them the&
)o#l!n+t. He m#st be a "er& po)er$#l man i$ he can tal% people o#t o$ %illing him
b& p#tting them !o)n.
P. 1C4 *ote heir t)o ro&al $rien!s are ma%ing a great !eal o$ mone& !oing these sho)s. =im
an! H#c% ha"e !eci!e! that all %ings m#st be s#ch rapscallions.
P. 1C4 *ote H#c% %no)s the& aren+t real %ings7 b#t =im seems to reall& thin% the& are. H#c%
!oesn+t e"en bother to tell him the tr#th beca#se he 9#st thin%s it )o#l! be better
to let him be ignorant an! bliss$#l.
P. 1C5 *ote =im misses his $amil& "er& m#ch an! )ants to be )ith them again. he last
paragraph o$ the chapter con$#se! me. Di! he !o something that h#rt his
P. 1C5 *ote H#c%7 =im7 the !#%e an! the %ing are no) hea!e! to a ne) to)n. he !#%e an!
%ing are ma%ing a plan to )or% the next to)n.
P. 1C8 *ote *o) the E;ingG is telling people that he is a preacher an! #n!er a !i$$erent name:
P. 152 *ote -+m not positi"e7 b#t - thin% the t)o men+s plan )as to con the poor ol! !&ing man
o#t o$ his mone&. -+m not s#re tho#gh. An! no) the& seem sa! that he+s alrea!&
!ea!. - thin% that+s )hat+s going on an&)a&7 ha ha.
P. 180 *ote /ell7 the& en!e! #p s)in!ling a six tho#san! !ollar inheritance $rom the !ea!
man+s !a#ghters> he& are s#ch a)$#l people.
P. 188 *ote H#c% )ants to steal the mone& bac% that the t)o ro&als stole $rom the $amil&. He
$eels terrible that he lie! to the $amil&.
P. 182 *ote Sometime a$ter the $#neral $or the !ea! /il%es man7 H#c% sees a blac% $amil& get
separate! )hen the& )ere sol!. -t ma%es him sic% it+s so sa!.
P. 18C *ote H#c% blames the mone& loss on the sla"es7 b#t the sla"es are gone so the& can+t
ta%e the blame. -t )or%e! o#t per$ect. - hope he !itches these g#&s no). - reall&
hate them.
P. 1H0 *ote H#c% comes #p )ith an ama?ing plan to get ri! o$ the t)o ro&al i!iots an! p#t
them in 9ail: he !a#ghter $rom )hich the& stole7 Mar& =ane7 is helping H#c% )ith
P. 202 *ote H#c% !i!n+t get a)a& be$ore the& starte! the trials. He+s right in the mi!!le o$ it.
He+s scare! too.
P. 20C *ote *o: he& !#g #p the !ea! bo!& to !eci!e to the %ing an! !#%e )ere $a%es or not.
-t ga"e H#c% a chance to get a)a&: He an! =im )ere hea!ing o#t )hen there the&
)ere> he %ing an! the !#%e>
P. 212 *ote A$ter $in!ing that =im ran o$$. H#c% )rites a letter Miss /atson an! $inall& $eels
sin $ree.
P. 218 *ote he %ing sol! =im: So no) H#c% is going to go an! $in! him at Phelps+s $arm.
P. 221 D#ote E Ioo! gracio#s: An&bo!& H#rt@G
E*o+m. ;ille! a nigger.G
E/ell7 it+s l#c%&A beca#se sometimes people !o get h#rt.G
1 - reali?e that this !oesn+t seem li%e it has an& real signi$icance to the plot7 b#t -
thin% this 6#ote is "er& signi$icant in sho)ing the attit#!e o$ the time to)ar!s
blac%s. -n this con"ersation bet)een a $arm )oman an! H#c%7 she acts as tho#gh
a blac% man isn+t a person at all. - thin% -t+s important to the boo% to see ho) the
general )orl! it seems loo%s at blac%s )hile H#c% is !oing e"er&thing in his
po)er to get bac% his $rien!.
P. 221 *ote H#c% is tr&ing to get bac% =im $rom sla"er&. He )ent to a $arm ho#se an! the& are
mista%ing him $or their co#sin. =#st li%e al)a&s7 he+s 9#st pla&ing along.
P. 22C *ote he %i! he+s s#ppose! to be is om Sa)&er: An! )hen he goes to preten! to get
his l#ggage7 he meets #p )ith om )ho sa&s that he )ill help him get =im bac%:
P. 221 *ote he !#%e an! %ing got tarre! an! $eathere!. H#c% $eels ba!. - !on+t %no) )h&.
he&+"e been nothing b#t horrible to him an! =im.
P. 220 D#ote J Bit Elem E H#man beings can be a)$#l cr#el to one another.G
1 his - tho#ght seeme! to be another theme it seeme! li%e
beca#se thro#gho#t the boo% it sho)e! ho) cr#el people can be to
each other an! - tho#ght it )as goo! that reali?e! this an! state! it
this )a& in the boo%.
P. 221 0ocab 0ittles1 $oo! s#ppliesA pro"isions
P. 228 *ote he& $o#n! =im an! om has this cra?& plan o$ !igging him o#t )hen H#c% ha! a
reall& goo! 6#ic% plan that+s e"en better an! less ris%&. om )on+t ha"e it
tho#gh> ho) anno&ing>
P. 244 *ote om Sa)&er is the one coming #p )ith this plan to get =im o#t. His plans are so
ri!ic#lo#s: He )ants to !ig =im o#t )ith %ni"es:
P. 248 *ote heir plan no) is to act#all& #se sho"els an! pic%s to !ig him o#t. he&+re
sen!ing him ran!om st#$$ that he !oesn+t %no) )hat to !o )ith tho#ght li%e rope
la!!ers an! can!le stic%s. -+m a little con$#se! tho#gh> He )ants a )itch pie>
/hat+s a )itch pie@
P. 2C2 *ote he $amil& is $rea%ing o#t beca#se the& !on+t %no) )here all o$ their missing
things that H#c% an! om are stealing are going.
P. 2C5 *ote he& ba%e! a pie $or =im ,he& calle! it a )itch pie. an! p#t things li%e the rope
la!!er in it.
P. 252 *ote om )ants =im to !o ri!ic#lo#s things )hile he+s loc%e! #p li%e ha"ing a pet
sna%e an! raising a $lo)er an! )atering it )ith tears.
P. 225 Bit Elem Kattlesna%es an! =im+s reaction to them seem to be a moti$ thro#gh the
stor&. ho#ght his ma& be the same moti$ !isc#sse! earlier abo#t his
P. 25H *ote om ma%es an anon&mo#s letter an! p#ts it on the $ront !oor. -t has a ma!e #p
stor& abo#t a gang coming to ta%e the r#na)a& sla"e an! to not mess )ith them.
he $amil& is )orrie!.
P. 282 *ote here+s a )hole room $#ll o$ $armers )ith g#ns rea!& to ta%e o#t the gang.
P. 284 *ote he $armers are a$ter them:
P. 285 *ote om got a b#llet in the leg $rom the $armers. H#c% is going to go $in! a !octor.
P. 280 *ote All the 3hristian $ol% thin% that =im ha! gone ma! an! the& thin% it m#st ha"e
been spirits that ca#se! it all.
P. 282 *ote om still has not come home. He+s o#t there )ith a b#llet )o#n!e! leg )ith =im
some)here. His a#nt is "er& )orrie!.
P. 2H1 *ote om+s A#nt Poll& came an! straightene! e"er&thing o#t. She explaine! the )hole
sit#ation an! also sai! that Miss /atson ha! $ree! =im in her )ill. So =im is $ree:
P. 2H1 Bit Elem hat seems li%e iron& to me. E"er&one7 incl#!ing =im tho#ght that he
belonge! to someone an! he sho#l! be r#nning a)a& $rom some)here7
)hen in $act he )as $ree all along. he& )ent thro#gh this )hole 9o#rne&7
reall& onl& to $in! that he )as alrea!& $ree!.
P. 2H2 *ote H#c% $in!s o#t that his !a! )as !ea! an! that the man $rom the beginning o$ the
stor& that )as !ea! in the ho#se ,-s that a connection@. )as act#all& his $ather. He
also has all o$ his mone& still too. A#nt Sall&7 the one he )as sta&ing )ith $or so
long at the en! o$ the boo%7 a!opte! him in the en!.
P. 2H2 D#ote E- been there be$ore.G
1 - tho#ght this 6#ote )as important beca#se it is the last line in the boo% an! it+s
in response to his ne) a#nt sa&ing that she is going to ci"ili?e him. - tho#ght it
)as important beca#se it tells #s that the stor& isn+t o"er. -t+s setting him #p $or
the same sort o$ $ate it seems. His li$e seems to be going in a c&clical pattern. So -
tho#ght this set it #p $or a se6#el ma&be> e"en tho#gh there+s not going to be a
ne) one no).

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