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TRW Automotive

Commercial Steering Systems

Power Steering Pump
Service Manual
Hazard Warning Definitions
This Service M anual has been prepared by TR W C om m ercial Steering System s for
reference and use by m echanics w ho have been trained to repair and service steering
com ponents and system s on heavy com m ercial vehicles. TR W C om m ercial Steering
System s has exercised reasonable care and diligence to present accurate, clear and
com plete inform ation and instructions regarding the TR W C om m ercial Steering EV
Series Pow er Steering Pum ps. Since this is a general Service M anual, the photo-
graphs and illustrations m ay not look exactly like the pum p being serviced. The
procedures, therefore , m ust be carefully read and understood before servicing.
If inspection or testing reveals evidence of abnorm al w ear or dam age to the EV pum p
or if you encounter circum stances not covered in the M anual, STOP - CONSULT THE
It is the responsibility of the m echanic perform ing the m aintenance, repairs or service
on a particular EV pow er steering pum p to (a) inspect the pum p for abnorm al w ear and
dam age, (b) choose a repair procedure w hich w ill not endanger his/her safety, the
safety of others, the vehicle, or the safe operation of the vehicle, and (c) fully inspect
and test the EV pum p and the vehicle steering system to ensure that the repair or
service of the pum p has been properly perform ed and that the pum p and system w ill
function properly.
The TR W C om m ercial Steering System s EV Series Pow er Steering Pum p is covered
by several U nited States and foreign patents, either issued or pending.
TR W Inc., 2002
A warning describes hazards or unsafe practices which could result in
severe personal injury or death.
A caution describes hazards or unsafe practices which could result in
personal injury or product or property damage.
A note gives key inform ation to m ake follow ing a procedure easier or
Table of Contents
Section 1 General Information
Introduction ...................................................................................4
G eneral D esign & O peration .........................................................5
Torque C hart.................................................................................6
Specification N um bers ..................................................................6
Part N um ber B reakdow n ..............................................................7
Service Parts List..........................................................................8
Exploded View ..............................................................................9
O il Flow Illustration .....................................................................10
A pproved H ydraulic Fluids ..........................................................10
Section 2 Installation
Installation Procedures................................................................12
M aintenance Tips........................................................................13
Section 3 Reseal & Repair
D isassem bly Preparation ............................................................17
D isassem bly................................................................................18
Inspection ...................................................................................22
A ssem bly Preparation/A ssem bly ................................................24
Section 4 Reinstallation
R einstallation ...............................................................................31
G lossary ......................................................................................32
It is imperative that the instructions in this booklet be followed to the letter.
Failure to observe the procedures may result in a loss of steering.
Section 1 General Information
Introduction .....................................................................4
G eneral D esign & O peration ...........................................5
Torque C hart....................................................................6
Specification N um bers ....................................................6
Part N um ber B reakdow n .................................................7
Service Parts List.............................................................8
Exploded View .................................................................9
O il Flow Illustration ........................................................10
A pproved H ydraulic Fluids .............................................10
The three-colum n form at used in the Service M anual w ill help m ake it easy for you to
service a pow er steering pum p. C olum n 1 illustrates the procedure w ith photographs,
colum n 2 gives a brief key as w ell as tools to be used for each procedure, and colum n
3 explains in detail the procedure you should follow . Pay special attention to the notes,
cautions and warnings.
Item num bers on the exploded view correspond w ith item num bers used throughout
this service m anual.
A s you gain experience in servicing EV Series pow er steering pum ps, you m ay find
that som e inform ation in this Service M anual could be clearer and m ore com plete. If
so, let us know about it. D on't try to second-guess the Service M anual; if you do not
understand a procedure, or are stuck, contact our Field Service D epartm ent at 1-800-
TR W -0899. Servicing EV Series pum ps should be safe and productive.
General Design
Description of the EV Series Power Steering Pump
The EV Series pow er steering pum p is a balanced, positive displacem ent, sliding vane type, tw o line pum p w ith an
internal pilot operated flow control and relief valve. The com ponents of this description are broken dow n and
explained below :
The pum ping elem ent has tw o pum ping pockets opposed 180 from each other w hich balance the internal forces
due to the pressure generated by the pum ping action.
Positive Displacement
The pum p w ill output a fixed volum e for each revolution of the input shaft. The fixed volum e is determ ined by the
internal contour of the cam ring.
Sliding Vane Type
This describes the type of pum ping elem ent. The EV pum ping elem ent consists of three com ponents.
1. The rotor that holds the vanes and is driven by the engine w ith the pum p input shaft.
2. The vanes that slide back and forth in slots in the rotor w hile follow ing the internal contour of the
cam ring as the rotor is being turned, thus a sliding vane.
3. The cam ring that contains the internal contour that defines the am ount of fluid that is output w ith each
revolution of the rotor.
Two Line
The EV pum p requires an inlet line to supply oil to the pum p and an outlet line to take the oil supplied by the pum p
to the steering gear. A ll excess (bypass) oil is diverted internally in the pum p housing back to the inlet of the
pum ping elem ent. O ther system s m ay have a third line w hich takes this excess oil back to the reservoir.
Internal flow Control Valve
The pum p has a pilot operated valve built into the pum p housing that w ill control the am ount of oil that is output to
the steering gear. This allow s the output flow to rem ain w ithin specification for alm ost any input speed variation.
Relief Valve (if equipped)
The pum p has a pilot operated relief valve built into the flow control valve spool w hich w ill lim it the m axim um
pressure the pum p can produce. W hen the pressure lim it has been reached, the relief section w ill cause the flow
control to bypass m ore oil internal to the pum p, lim iting the outlet pressure.
General Operation
What is a Power Steering Pump?
The pum p is the heart of the hydraulic steering system . It converts the rotational energy supplied by the engine
into hydraulic energy, flow and pressure, for use by the steering gear.
Theory of Operation
A ll pum ps function by creating a partial vacuum at the inlet, w hich causes atm ospheric pressure to force fluid into
the pum p from the reservoir. The pum p then pushes this fluid into the system for use. The fluid is used to pow er
the steering gear. Pum p output flow relates to steering gear speed and pum p output pressure relates to steering
gear force (w ork).
Part Name Item# Torque Dry
B olts (4) 19 24 ftlb (33 N m )
R elief valve seat assem bly 3E 7 ftlb (9 N m )
Plug 6 65 ftlb (88 N m )
Pressure port (outlet) 37 ftlb m axim um (50 N m )
Suction port (inlet) 74 ftlb m axim um (100 N m )
Torque Chart
Specification Numbers
The EV pow er steering pum p TR W part num ber,
serial num ber, and custom er part num ber are
stam ped on a m achined surface located on the
bottom of the pum p, opposite the input shaft.
Item num bers referenced above are show n on the exploded view on page 9 .
Part Number
Fam ily designation
D isplacem ent per revolution
18 = 18 cc (1.10 cir)
22 = 22 cc (1.34 cir)
25 = 25 cc (1.53 cir)
28 = 28 cc (1.71 cir)
Flow control
12 = 12 lpm (3.17 gpm )
14 = 14 lpm (3.70 gpm )
16 = 16 lpm (4.23 gpm )
R elief setting
09 = 90 bar (1305 psi)
15 = 150 bar (2175 psi)
16 = 160 bar (2320 psi)
17 = 170 bar (2465 psi)
18 = 185 bar (2683 psi)
D irection of rotation
R = clockw ise rotation
L = counterclockw ise rotation
Shaft type
1 = 11 tooth 16/32 spline
H ousing
01 = SA E A Flange - JIC ports
02 = SA E A Flange - M etric ports
C ustom er version
00 = Standard
EV 18 12 15 R 1 01 00
Item Description Part Number
Seal Kit SK000255
(Includes follow ing parts)
2 Shaft seal 032847
5 O -ring seal 032845
8 O -ring seal 032852
11 O -ring seal 032853
17 O -ring seal 032851
G rease pack 406036
M SD S sheet A 10007
Service Parts List
EV Series Exploded View
1 H ousing
2 Shaft seal
3 Valve spool assem bly
a. Spool
c. Poppet
d.Shim s
e.R elief valve seat assem bly
4 Spring
5 O -ring
6 Plug
7 Input shaft
8 O -ring
9 W ave spring
10 Pressure plate
11 O -ring
12 R otor
13 Vanes
14 E-ring
15 Locating pins
16 C am ring
17 O -ring
18 End cover
19 B olts (4)
20 O rifice
21 Snap ring
Approved Hydraulic Fluids
A utom atic Transm ission Fluid D exron II
A utom atic Transm ission Fluid Type "E" or "F"
C hevron 10W -40
C hevron C ustom 10W -40 M otor O il
C hevron Torque 5 Fluid
Exxon N uto H 32 H ydraulic Fluid
Fleetrite PSF (C an #990625C 2)
Ford Spec. M 2C 138C J
M ack EO -K2 Engine O il
Completely flush the steering systemwith one of the recommended fluids above only. Do
not mix oil types. Any mixture or any unapproved oil could lead to seal deterioration and
leaks. A leak could ultimately cause the loss of fluid, which could result in a loss of power
steering assist.
Oil Flow Illustration
M obil A TF 210
M obil Super 10W -40 M otor O il
Prem ium B lue 2000 - SA E 15W -40
Texaco 10W -40
Texaco TL-1833 Pow er Steering Fluid
U nion 10W -40
U nion 15W -40
U nocal G uardol 15W -40 M otor O il
The steering system should be kept filled w ith an approved hydraulic fluid specified by your O EM or w ith one of the
above fluids listed above.
Outlet Pressure
Boost Pressure
Pilot Pressure
Seal Drain
Inlet Pressure
Fluids approved and recommended for use in TRW steering systems include:
Automatic Transmission Fluid Dextron II, III, Mercon
Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF +4
NOTE Use of fluids other than approved and
recommended may void the steering system
1 1
Section 2 Initial Installation
Installation .....................................................................12
M aintenance Tips ..........................................................13
1 2
Initial Installation
1 . Install fittings to input and output ports, if fittings for
this application can be preinstalled.
2 . Position either a gasket or o-ring, dependent on the
application, w hich w ill seal the pum p face to the
m ounting surface.
3 . Engage the input shaft and pilot
4 . Tighten the m ounting bolts to m anufacturer's
5 . C onnect the input and output lines.
6 . Fill the reservoir.
7 . Start the vehicle to purge the system and increase
engine speed to prim e the pum p
8 . Turn off the vehicle and check the fluid level in the
reservoir. A dd fluid as necessary.
9 . B leed the system , if necessary, using instructions in
your steering gear service m anual.
1 3
Maintenance Tips
Never high-pressure wash or steamclean a power steering pump while off the vehicle. Doing so could force contaminants
inside the pump and cause it to malfunction.
Regularly check the fluid and the fluid level in the pow er steering reservoir.
Encourage drivers to report any malfunctions or accidents w hich could have dam aged steering com ponents.
Do not attempt to weld any broken steering component. R eplace the com ponent w ith original equipm ent only.
Do not cold-straighten, hot straighten, or bend any steering systemcomponent.
A lw ays clean off around the reservoir filler cap before you rem ove it. Prevent dirt or other foreign m atter from
entering the hydraulic system .
Investigate and correct any external leaks, no m atter how m inor.
Replace reservoir filters according to requirem ents.
If you feel the vehicle is developing excessively high hydraulic fluid temperatures, consult w ith your vehicle m anu-
facturer for recom m endations.
1 4
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Section 3 Reseal & Repair
D isassem bly ..................................................................17
Inspection ......................................................................22
A ssem bly.......................................................................24
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C lean off all outside dirt from around fittings and hose connections before you rem ove the pum p.
R em ove the pum p from the vehicle and take it to a clean w ork surface.
C lean and dry the pum p before you start to disassem ble it.
A s you disassem ble the pum p, clean all parts in clean, O SH A approved solvent, and air blow -dry them
Because they are flammable, be extremely careful when using any solvents. Even a small
explosion or fire could cause injury or death.
Wear eye protection and be sure to comply with OSHA or other maximumair pressure require-
CAUTION: Never steamclean or high-pressure wash hydraulic steering components. Do not
force or abuse closely fitted parts. Use care that bearing and sealing surfaces are not
damaged by the assembly and disassembly procedures.
Keep each part separate to avoid nicks and burrs.
Disassembly Preparation
Tools Required
N eedle-nose pliers
Sm all screw driver
Soft ham m er
Sockets: 1/2", 7/16", 1-1/16"
Materials Required
Position pump in
1. Place the pum p in a vise, clam ping firm ly on the
flange area. D o not deform the housing w ith
excessive clam ping force.
Remove plug 2. Prepare for fluid drainage. W ear eye protection
(the plug is spring-loaded) and rem ove the
hydraulic plug (6) and o-ring (5). D iscard the
Remove valve
spool assembly
4. R em ove the valve spool assem bly (3) using
needle-nose pliers (if necessary).
N ote w hether or not the valve spool assem bly
slides freely in the housing.
Be careful not to damage spool or
spool bore surface when removing
the spool assembly (3).
3. R em ove the spring (4), if it didn't com e out w ith
the plug.
Remove spring
1-1/4" Socket
N eedle-nose
C ollet
Spacer: ID 3-1/4", depth 3"
5. Prepare for fluid drainage and rem ove 4 bolts (19). Remove bolts
6. Separate the end cover (18) from the housing by
prying w ith a sm all screw driver.
Be careful not to damage the end
cover sealing surface when re-
moving the end cover.
Remove housing
1/2" Socket
Sm all
screw driver
7. R em ove the o-ring (17) from the end cover.
D iscard.
Remove o-ring
Sm all
screw driver
or pick
8. Tip the assem bly in the vise and tap lightly on the
end of the input shaft w ith a soft ham m er until
the rotating group just breaks free.
Loosen rotating
Soft ham m er
9. R em ove the assem bly from the vise. C over the
housing bore opening w ith your hand and turn the
assem bly upside-dow n. Push on the input shaft
until the rotating group falls into your hand.
Remove rotating
11. R em ove the cam ring (16). N ote and record
w hether the circled, indented num ber near the
locating pin holes on the cam ring is up or dow n.
Remove camring,
locate number
13. Look for w ear on the face of the vanes. R em ove
the rotor (12) and vanes (13) carefully, being
prepared for the vanes to slip from their slots in
the rotor.
10. R em ove the locating pins (15).
Remove rotor and
Remove locating
12. R em ove the e-ring (14) using a sm all screw driver. Remove e-ring
Sm all
screw driver
14. Push the input shaft (7) out of the pressure plate
Remove input shaft
Circled Number
15. R em ove tw o o-rings (8 & 11), and the w ave
spring (9) from the pressure plate (10).
Remove o-rings
and wave spring
17. Press the shaft seal (2) out of the housing, being
careful not to dam age the bore. D iscard the shaft
Damage to the bore could cause
Remove shaft seal
1-1/16" socket
Spacer:3-1/4"ID ,
3" deep
18. R em ove the relief valve seat assem bly (3E) from
the valve spool assem bly (3). Place the spool in a
collet if necessary to begin the rem oval. The seat
assem bly is spring-loaded. C om plete the rem oval
by hand and prepare to catch the com ponents.
Take care not to deformthe spool nor
make nicks or burrs on the surface.
If the spool is damaged, the pump
must be replaced.
Remove relief
valve seat assem-
19. R em ove the shim s (3D ) (m ake sure to count
them ), poppet (3C ) and spring (3B ) from the spool
(3A ).
Remove spool
assembly compo-
C ollet
7/16" Socket
16. U se a sm all screw driver to rem ove the snap ring
(21) near the input shaft seal.
Remove snap ring
M ake sure all sealing surfaces and seal cavities are free from nicks and corrosion. A ny nicked or
corroded surface requires part replacem ent to ensure proper sealing.
W ash all parts in clean, O SH A approved solvent. A ir blow them dry only.
Because they are flammable, be extremely careful when using any solvents. Even a small
explosion or fire could cause injury or death.
Wear eye protection and be sure to comply with OSHA or other maximumair pressure require-
1. Inspect the housing (1) for cracks, stripped threads,
dam aged valve bore and dam aged sealing areas.
M ake sure the seal drain hole is open.
2. Inspect the end cover (18) for nicks in o-ring seal
Inspect the plate area for seal area nicks, and
abnorm al w ear or erosion. A polished pattern
from the rotor and vanes is norm al, grooves you
can feel w ith your fingernail are not norm al and
require pum p replacem ent.
Inspect housing
Inspect end cover
3. Look for obvious dam age on the inside of the
cam ring (16) like abnorm al w ear, erosion or
surface im perfections. G rooves you can feel w ith
your fingernail are not norm al and require pum p
replacem ent.
Inspect camring
4. Inspect the rotor (12) and vanes (13) for abnorm al
w ear or dam age. There w ill be norm al polish
m arks on both the top and bottom . G rooves you
can feel w ith your fingernail are not norm al and
require pum p replacem ent.
The vanes need to be free to slide both up and
dow n and in and out. If vanes are rem oved for
inspection, m ake sure to reinstall them w ith the
rounded edge out.
Inspect rotor and
Inspect pressure
5. C heck the pressure plate (10) for abnorm al w ear
patterns. G rooves you can feel w ith your finger-
nail are not norm al and require pum p replace-
m ent.
6. C heck the input shaft (7) for dam aged splines and
unusual w ear or grooves around the shaft seal
area. G rooves you can detect w ith your fingernail
necessitate replacem ent of the pum p.
Inspect input shaft
7. Inspect spool com ponents as follow s: C heck all
com ponents for dam age. C heck the relief valve
seat assem bly (3E) for w ear or chipping. B ack
flush w ith air and solvent if necessary. C heck the
spool for nicks or burrs. G rooves you can feel
w ith your fingernail are not norm al and require
pum p replacem ent.
Inspect spool
Assembly Preparation
W ash all parts in clean, O SH A approved solvent. A ir blow -dry them only.
Because they are flammable, be extremely careful when using any solvents. Even a small
explosion or fire could cause injury or death.
Wear eye protection and be sure to comply with OSHA or other maximumair pressure require-
Tools Required
FtLb Torque w rench
R atchet
N eedle-nose pliers
Materials Required
Seal Kit (if resealing the pum p)
G rease (provided in kit)
Shop tow el
Spacers for press
1. Press the shaft seal into the housing, w ith the
lettered side facing tow ard the housing. The
installed seal should be flush w ith, or just below
the sealing surface on the housing.
Make sure the press is clean and free
of debris, and cover with a shop towel
so as not to damage the face of the
cover on which the housing rests. If
damage occurs to the housing, the
pump will not function properly.
Press in shaft seal
Kent M oore
tool J37073
3. G rease the inside diam eter of the shaft seal (2)
w ith the special grease provided.
Grease shaft seal
G rease
Sockets: 1/2", 7/16", 1-1/4"
1-11/16" (2)
J 37073
2. Install the input shaft seal snap ring (21). M ake
sure it is fully seated in the groove.
Install snap ring
8. Insert the input shaft (7) into the pressure plate
(10). The m achined surface of the pressure plate
should be tow ard the narrow er splines on the
input shaft.
Install pressure
Install end cover
7. Install the o-ring (17) on the end cover (18). M ake
sure it is seated properly.
Do not twist or distort the o-ring
when installing.
Install large o-ring 4. Install the large o-ring (11) into its groove on the
pressure plate (10), w ith the flat side out.
Do not twist or distort the o-ring
when installing.
Install wave spring 5. Install the w ave spring (9).
Install small o-ring 6. Install the sm all o-ring (8) into its groove.
Do not twist or distort the o-ring
when installing.
Install end cover
13. Install the end cover (18), aligning the holes w ith
the locating pins. The elongated locating pin hole
in the end cover aligns w ith the sim ilar holes in
the pressure plate and cam ring.
12. Install the cam ring (16) w ith the num bers facing
up O R dow n as noted during disassem bly.
Locating pins go into the sm aller holes. The
elongated locating pin hole on the pressure plate
aligns w ith the elongated locating pin hole in the
cam ring.
The installed cam ring should be fairly flush w ith
the pressure plate at the large outside diam eter.
M ake sure all vanes (13) are installed w ith the
squared edge tow ard the center of the rotor.
If not sure whether the circled
indented number should go up or
down: Check to see if the end cover
is marked with an "R" or an "L". An
"R" means the number on the cam
goes up; an "L" means the number on
the camgoes down.
Install camring
and vanes
11. Install the locating pins (15). Install locating
Install e-ring 10. Install the e-ring using needle nose pliers. M ake
sure the clip is seated properly in its groove.
E-ring may become a projectile
when being installed using this
method. Use safety glasses for eye
N eedle nose
Install rotor 9. Install the rotor (12).
14. Assemble valve spool components: Insert spring (3B), and
poppet (3C) (blunt end rst) into the spool (3A). Install shims
(3D) onto the relief valve seat assembly (3E).
Make sure to install the same number of shims as were
Assemble valve
spool assembly
Install valve spool
Install relief valve
seat assembly
15. Screw the relief valve seat assembly (3E) into the spool (3A)
and torque to 7 ftlb (9 Nm). Placing the spool in a collet will
facilitate torquing.
Take care not to deform the spool nor
make nicks or burrs on the surface.
If the spool is damaged, the pump
must be replaced.
7/16" Socket
Torque wrench
16. Insert the valve spool assembly (3), screen end last, into the
housing. Make sure the spool slides freely in the housing. If
the cleaned spool does not slide freely, replace the pump.
17. Install the spring (4). Install spring
18. Install a new o-ring (5) onto the plug (6).
Do not twist or distort the o-ring
when installing.
Install o-ring
Do not install the valve spool backwards; doing so disables the
pressure relief function of the pump. Serious personal injury may
occur if hydraulic components burst due to over-pressurizing
the power steering system.
20. Place the housing (1) over the rotating group
assem bly. M ake sure the orientation is correct
by m atching the recessed area on the end cover
w ith the plug. turn the input shaft to allow the
housing to drop on. There w ill be a gap betw een
the housing and the end cover.
21. Install the bolts (19). Thread all four bolts into the
cover evenly, and tighten finger-tight.
Install housing
Start bolts
22. Take the assem bly to a press. Place a spacer
under the end cover to clear the bolts. Place a
spacer around the input shaft, to clear the input
shaft. Place a plate on top of the spacer. Press
until the housing bottom s onto the end cover.
Press housing onto
end cover
Spacers (or tw o
23. Torque the bolts evenly, in an "X" pattern to 24ftlb
Torque bolts
1/2" Socket
Torque w rench
19. Lightly grease the o-ring (5) and plug (6) threads.
Install into housing, and torque to 65ftlb (88Nm)
Install plug &
1-1/4" Socket
Torque w rench
Section 4 Reinstallation
R einstallation .................................................................31
G lossary.........................................................................32
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1. R einstall any fittings rem oved prior to disassem bly.
2. Position the new gasket or o-ring (w hichever w as
rem oved) w hich w ill seal the pum p face to the
m ounting surface.
3. Engage the input shaft and pilot.
4. Tighten the m ounting bolts to m anufacturer's
5. U nplug and reconnect the input and output lines.
6. Fill the reservoir.
7. Start the vehicle to purge the system and increase
engine speed to prim e the pum p
8. Turn off the vehicle and check the fluid level in the
reservoir. A dd fluid as necessary.
9. B leed the system , if necessary, using instructions in
your steering gear service m anual.
Abnormal Wear
A ny w ear other than norm al "polish
m arks" m ade by the spinning m otion
of the rotor and vanes. A bnorm al
w ear w ould include nicks, chips,
cracks and grooves.
R ough edges or ridges left on m etal
by cutting or drilling.
G radual w earing aw ay by rust or
chem ical action.
breaks or splits in the surface.
Damaged Splines
C racked, broken or chipped splines
on the input shaft.
Volum e of output fluid transferred
through the pum p.
Drain Hole
Excess fluid from lubricating the seal
is diverted internally in the pum p
housing back to the inlet of the
pum ping elem ent via the drain holes
located in the cover and housing.
G radual w earing aw ay or deteriorat-
Full Turn
A xle contacts axle stop
A long, narrow furrow cut in a
Input Port
O pening in the pum p through w hich
fluid is received from the reservoir.
(Suction port).
Manual Bleed Systems
G ears are m ounted in such a w ay
that an air pocket could form in one
end of the steering gear. The bleed
screw is positioned so trapped air can
be forced out w hen loosened.
Sm all cuts, indentations or chips on
the edge or surface.
O ccupational Safety and H ealth
A dm inistration
Output Port
O pening in the pum p through w hich
fluid is forced to the steering gear.
(Pressure port).
Relief Valve
Lim its m axim um supply pressure
A n assem bled unit that fits into a
larger unit
Stripped Threads
B roken or dam aged threads.
Surface Imperfections
B lem ish on a m achined surface.
TRW Automotive
Commercial Steering Systems
800 Heath Street
Lafayette, IN 47904
Tel 765.423.5377
Fax 765.429.1868
TRW Inc. 2002 TRW1313 Rev. 4/02

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