Seam Cargo Handling 2

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Cargo Handling and Stowage

The correct answer is marked with an asterisk

1.Cargoes that have the capability of absorbing moisture is called:
a. hygroscopic* b. contaminated c. inherent vice d. tainted
. !hat is the flash point of li"uid classified as #rade $%
a. &' ( below b. 1)' ( above* c. 1)' ( below d. &' ( to 1)' (
*. !hen coming from cold climate to hot climate and carrying hygroscopic cargo+
you should :
a. not ventilate*
b. ventilate continuously
c. ventilate to raise the dew point
d. ventilate only when cargo temperature is warmer than the dew point
,. The most important factor to determine the good turnout of refrigerated cargo is:
a. cleanliness of space b. good ventilation
c. temperature maintained* d. good stowage
). The most inherent danger of -.# is:
a. low temperature causes frostbite or free/ing*
b. reacts to sea water
c. strong odor is produced
d. when warm+ becomes heavier than air
0. !hich of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry%
a. bale cubic b. deadweight*
c. loaded displacement d. gross tonnage
1. Corrosive li"uid would have what kind of label%
a. yellow b. skull and cross2bones
c. white* d. red
&. The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation
is 3are the4
a. hatch boards b. tank top c. hatch beams d. sweat battens*
5. Common deficiencies in laying dunnage is3are:
a. best drainage is not provided b. insufficient tires
c. improper spacing d. all of these*
1'. Cargo damage due to water being present in a cargo hold+ as a result of a leak in
hull plating is said to be damaged by4
a. free moisture* b. transfer of hygroscopic moisture
c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
11. The term used to denote a "uality of change in some cargo which damages the
commodity itself is:
a. latent defect b. tainting c. deterioration d. inherent vice*
1. Cargo which has a stowage factor of ,' is termed:
a. deadweight cargo* b. measurement cargo
c. ad valorem cargo d. insured cargo
1*. .rotection of cargo against tainting damage can be best obtained by:
a. ventilating the space b. not ventilating the space
c. proper use of paper separation and dunnage
d. segregation of cargo by using different hatches*
1,. The ration of the amount of water vapor actually in the air to the amount that
would be in air if the air is saturated is:
a. relative humidity* b. absolute humidity
c. dew point d. specific humidity
1). The temperature below which the air will be unable to retain the moisture it
presently contained is:
a. dry bulb temperature b. dew point
c. wet bulb temp. d. wet bulb depression
10. !hich of the following is correct%
a. 6entilation has the single ob7ective of preventing damage to cargo that
originates from condensation within the cargo hold
b. The dew point temperature is dependent only upon the moisture content of the
c. 8oth a and b*
d. 9either a nor b
11. : space should be ventilated when:
a. The cargo temperature is colder than the dew point of the air in the space*
b. The cargo temperature is warmer than the dew point of air in the space
c. The dew point of the air in the space is higher than the dew point of the
outside air
d. :ll of the above
1&. The dew point of air in the ship;s hold is3are:
a. be kept below the temperature of the cargo to prevent cargo sweat*
b. be kept above the temperature of the hull and bulkhead to prevent ship;s sweat
c. boat a and b
d. neither a nor b
15. The proper stowage of refrigerated cargo includes attention to:
a. humidity control b. air circulation around the cargo
c. both a and b* d. neither a nor b
'. !hich of the following is most important in the prevention of sweat damage to
cargo in the hold%
a. outside temperature b. dew point of air in the cargo hold*
c. dew point of the outside air d. temperature of the cargo
1. <ry bulb temperature is 0& deg (. !et bulb temperature is 01.) deg. ( . The
relative humidity is:
a. 0& = b. 05 =* c. 1' = d. 11=
. !hich of the following is3are correct%
a. fro/en cargo is from 1 deg. ( to ' deg. (
b. chilled cargo is & deg. ( to ,' deg. (
c. air cooled cargo is , deg. ( to )) deg. (
d. all of these*
*. Sweat damage will occur in a cargo hold containing machinery parts when:
a. the outside air is colder than the cargo
b. the air temperature of the hold is higher than the outside air
c. the dew point of the hold is higher than the temperature of the cargo*
d. the dew point of the outside air is lower than the temperature of the cargo
,. !hen loading different cargo through the same pipeline+ you should determine
which cargo to load first e>cept:
a. flash point b. specific gravity* c. trim+ hog and sag d. cleanliness of cargo
). How could you compare the weight of -.# vapor with air%
a. lighter b. variable c. heavier* d. the same
0. !hat is the tendency of gasoline fumes%
a. settle on the level of the bilge by mi>ing with air
b. disperse to atmosphere
c. settle near the top of the bilge
d. settle near the bottom of the bilge*
1. The necessity of ventilating the bilge is to:
a. provide ade"uate air to the engine b. to cool the machinery area
c. to dry the bilge for cleaning d. remove fuel vapor which heavier than air*
&. !hy does -.# gas carrier not re"uired to have gas freeing%
a. -.# content makes it non2volatile b. regulation does not re"uire
c. cargo tanks are inspected less fre"uently d. cargo tanks are purge with water ?air
5. The most important factor to consider whether to ventilate or not a cargo space is
a. dew point* b. dry bulb temp. c. wet bulb temp. d. relative humidity
*'. The normal percentage of o>ygen in the atmosphere is:
a. 1=* b. 1&= . ' = d. ) =
*1. . : temperature in which a li"uid is heated in order to give off flammable vapor is
a. flash point* b. flammable range c. fire point d. none of these
*. -ong ton is e"ual to:
a. 1''' lbs. b. ''' lbs. c. ,' lbs* d. ,'' lbs.
**. .etroleum product is :
a. non2flammable li"uid b+ 7et fuel
c. lubricating oil d. flammable li"uid*
*,. -i"uid cargo loaded or discharged in volume always states standard temperature
a. 0' deg. (* b. 0' deg. C c. 1& deg. ( d. 1 deg+(
*). #reen label cargo indicates4
a. e>plosives b. corrosive li"uids
c. non2flammable li"uid* d. poison
*0. .etroleum li"uid with a flash point of &* deg ( should be:
a. combustible #rade $ b. combustible #rade <*
c. flammable grade : d. flammable grade 8
*1. The advantage of a container vessel over a conventional freighter is all but:
a. fle>ibility* b. saves stevedore;s fee
c. "uick turn around d. "uicker to load and discharge
*&. The lowest temperature re"uired to cause self sustained combustion of a substance
independent of any outside source of ignition:
a. e>plosive range b. flash point
c. ignition temperature* d. combustion temperature
*5. !hich of the following is the main purpose of ventilating holds with cargo%
a. to prevent air condensation* b. to prevent gas accumulation
c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
,'. !hen carrying bulk grain+ what should you observe to minimi/e cargo shifting
a. leave some compartment partially full
b. level all grains free surface*
c. leave at least half of cargo compartment partially full
d. pump out all ballast
,1. Hygroscopic cargo is defined as:
a. cargo in a li"uid state b. cargo igniting when in contact with water
c. capable of giving moisture in the form of water
d. capable of absorbing moisture*
,. . !hich of the following operation may cause the pressure in an inerted tank to
fall below percentage limit%
a. crude oil washing b. discharging * c. steaming tanks
,*. The main advantage of the use of uniti/ed cargo system such pre2slinging +
palleti/ation + containeri/ation is:
a. cleaner operation b. avoid shifting cargo at sea
c. cost reduction in terms of cargo operation* d. none of these
,,. . : petroleum li"uid is said to be #rade < combustible li"uid when the flash
point is:
a. less than &' deg. ( b. &' deg. ( or below
c. above &' deg ( but below 1)' deg (* d. above &' deg.(
,).!hich of the following valves offer the least resistance to flow when fully opened%
a. butterfly valve b. gate valve*
c. relief valve d. non2return valve
,0. !hen a tanker is partially loaded+ gas formation in the cargo tank is due to:
a. surface area* b. compressed area
c. draft d. increased buoyancy
,1. The primary ha/ards in transporting -.# and -9# is:
a. pressure b. to>icity c. temperature d. flammability*
,&. !hich of the following is strictly forbidden when handling bagged cargo%
a. storage nets b.straps or slings
c. rope slings d. hooks*
,5. @nce a bulk carrier flood hold has been pumped out prior to commencement of
loading what precaution should be taken%
a. flood hold should not be loaded
b. no special precaution is needed
c. properly cover all wells to protect both ballast and pumping system*
d. remove flange which should be installed in the ne>t discharging
)'. : flammable li"uid is any li"uid that gives off flammable vapors at or below a
temperature of:
a. 0' deg.f b. &' deg. (* c. 1'' deg.( d. 1 deg. (
)1. The tendency of a flammable li"uid to vapori/ed is indicated by its:
a. flash point* b. ignition temperature
c. convection inde> d. flammable range
). <amage by cargo caused by fumes or vapor from li"uid+ gases or solids is called:
a. tainting* b. vapori/ation c. o>idation d. contamination
)*. !hen a pump during discharging operation is cavitating+ what should you do%
a. shut down the pump*
b. close down the valve located on the discharge line
c. open all valves located in the cargo line
),+. : heterogeneous cargo can be describes as:
a. general cargo b. a mi>ture of cargoes with different densities
c. either a or b* d. neither a nor b
)). !hat specific consideration should be taken into account when stowing heavy
pieces aboard ship%
a. the availability of lashing points
b. the resistance of the hold deck+ twin deck or deck
c. either a or b*
d. neither a nor b
)0. 8u regulation a cargo tank should be inerted before and during what operation%
a. loading b.stripping c. cleaning d. crude oil washing*
)1. Af the hold;s air dew point is higher than the outside air dew point:
a. a ventilation will contaminate the cargo
b. hold maybe ventilated as there is no risk of condensation*
c. holds should not be ventilated as there is condensation
d. none of these
)&. Safety is increased if:
a. e>tra line and wire are laid on deck for emergency
b. power tools are kept plug for immediate use
c. spare parts are kept on deck for ready ac"uisition
d. all lashing are made up and the deck is clean and clear*
)5. Tankers should carry cargo hose that can withstand a pressure of at least4
a. 1'' psi b. 1' psi c. 1) psi d. 1)' psi*
0'. Cargoes that are susceptible to leak from containers are:
a. wet cargo* b.dry cargo c. caustic cargo d bulk cargo
01. !here should cargoes when by their nature could contaminates other cargoes
aboard be stowed%
a. in the same hold but separated from each other by dunnage
b. in the same hold compartment but separated by drainage
c. in a separate hold compartment not sharing a common ventilation*
d. in the same hold compartment and with constant air ventilation
0. The following products are volatile e>cept:
a. ben/ene b. heavy fuel oil* c. coal tar d. diesel fuel
0*. !hen the dew point of the outside air is lower or e"ual to the dew point f the air
in the cargo hold+ you should:
a. shut down the intake blowers b. ventilate the cargo holds*
c. secure all ventilation d. shit down e>haust blowers
0,. !hat is the advantage of transporting gas under refrigeration%
a. less product per volume b. it reduces its volume*
c. it increases its volume d. it free/es while in transit
0). !hich of the following is classified as combustible li"uid%
a. ethyl alcohol b. tetraetyline glycol
c. acetaldehyde d. carbon tetrachloride*
00. <unnage primary use is to protect cargo from dunnage due to:
a. hygroscopic absorption b. inherent vice
c. tainting d. ship;s sweat*
01. An accidental pollution+ the most critical time during bunkering is when:
a. you first start to receive the fuel b. hoses are being disconnected
c. final topping off is occurring * d. hoses are being blown
0&. !hat will happen if the flash point of kerosene which is 1'' deg. ( be heated
above 11' deg. (%
a. burn and e>plode* b. less volatile and easy to handle
c. boil off to atmosphere d. nothing
05. :n inert gas system installed on tankers is designed for:
a. lower o>ygen level inside the cargo tanks making e>plosion remote*
b. aid in striping and cleaning the tanks
c. force to>ic and e>plosive fumes from a cargo tank
d. increase rate of discharge
1'. !hat is a special cargo%
a. cargo that gives off gas when heated
b. periodic check is re"uired while on board
c. it has a high value that pilferage is tempting *
d. it must be stowed on deck
11. The effect of a heated bulkhead on a hygroscopic commodity is:
a. raise vapor pressure of the commodity*
b. lower the vapor pressure of the commodity
c. cause moisture to accumulate against the bulkhead
d. lower the dew point
1. B 8lack powderC would be classified as:
a. e>plosive :* b. corrosive c. e>plosive 8 d. e>plosive C
1*. :nhydrous ammonia would have what effect%
a. non2flammable gas b. yellow
c. corrosive d. green gas*
1,. :ll ullage holes on a tanker;s cargo spaces are re"uired to be fitted with:
a. approved flame screens* b. approved flame arrestors
c. pressure relief valve d. pressure relief vacuum valve
1). : hose is found to be leaking while loading li"uid cargo. Dou stop cargo
operations. !hat must be done first in order to resume cargo operation%
a. patch the hose b. notify the dockman
c. replace the hose* d. reduce the speed of the cargo pumps
10. <uring loading3 unloading and towing of break bulk operations+ the ship officer in
charge should see to it that the cargo is being handled following:
a. the orders received from the shippers* b. the direction issued by himself
c. the orders from the cargo receiver d. the orders from the stevedores
11. The ship owner is sub7ected to claim if the cargo damage has been caused by the
failure of the ship officer to:
a. ensure the fitness and safety of the cargo space*
b. ensure ade"uate packaging
c. detect latent defect on cargo
d. none of these
1&. !hen work is finished for the day+ the cargo officer must see that hatch coverings
a. in place b. water tight c. secured d. all of the above
15. Esed to classify cargo for speedy discharge4
a. forklift b. port marks* c. cargo numbers
15. . !hat e"uipment used to prevent grain in a slack grain hatch from reaching an
angle of repose%
a. level dunnage with wire straps b. shifting boards*
c. level dunnage with compatible cargo d. side batten
&'. The process of using timbers to secure cargo by running the timber form an upper
support down to the cargo either vertically or at an angle is called4
a. tomming* b. shoring
c. dunnaging d. bracing
&1. :n inert gas system installed on tankers is designed to:
a. forced to>ic and e>plosive fumes from a cargo tank
b. increasing the rate of discharge
c. aid in stripping of tanks
d. lower o>ygen level inside cargo tanks making them e>plosion free*
&. Handling bagged goods in preference in rope slings:
a. canvass slings* b. wire slings c. cargo nets d. conveyor
&*.. The ma>imum angle at which grain+ coal or other products loaded in bulk will
retain their form or remain in a heap:
a. angle of inclination b. angle of trim
c. angle of list d. angle of repose*
&,. : gas or mi>ture of gases incapable or supporting combustion
a. inert gas* b. gas vapor c. fumes d. o>ygen
&). The connection of metal plates to ensure electrical continuity from ship to shore:
a. welding b. bonding* c. charging d. all of these
&0. . The process of replacing foul air in any of the ship;s compartment with pure air:
a. purging* b. ventilating c. refrigerating d. purifying
&1. Ender international maritime dangerous goods code+ e>plosive are classified as:
a. class 1* b. class c. class *
&&. The barrel is e"uivalent to:
a. , E.S. gallons* b. ,' E.S. gallons c. ,* E.S gallons d. ,) E.S gallons
&5. !hich of the following is a wet cargo%
a. a canned or bottled li"uid such as beer*
b. a cargo that contains hygroscopic moisture
c. a cargo particularly susceptible to damage by moisture
d. a li"uid cargo in the deep tanks
5'. Af you are bunkering and you close off one tank in the line of tanks being filled+
the rate of flow to the other tanks on the same line will:
a. decrease b. stop c. increase* d. remain constant
51. Ellage from tankers are measured from:
a. bushing b. above deck datum* c. thievage mark d. tank ceiling
5. !hat is meant by B thievingC petroleum cargo%
a. reducing the gross cargo calculations to net amount
b. siphoning off a few barrels of petroleum cargo for shipboard use
c. ad7usting the cargo figures to coincide with the draft
d. determining the amount of water F if anyG in a cargo tank*
5*. @il product samples should be taken from the:
a. dock riser b. ship;s cargo tank
c. ship;s cargo tanks d. all of these*
5,. The flammable limits for motor gasoline are:
a. 1.,= to 1.0 =* b. ) = to 1=
c+ .)= to 5.&= d. '.5= to ).5=
5). 8unker C and fuel oils are known as:
a. soluble oils b. stop oils
c. cutting oils d. viscous oils*
50. The water which accumulates at the tank bottoms in the form of leftover ballast+
tank washing and condensation is measured from the process of:
a. thieving* b. sounding c. ullaging d. dipping
51. The standard temperature from which to calculate the net amount of oil in the tank
a. 1' deg.( b. 0' deg. (* c. * deg. ( d. 1) deg. (
5&. Spills are caused by4
a. broken lines b. improper line2up c. gravitation d. all of these*
55. The vertical distance measure from the tank bottom to the li"uid surface is called:
a. innage* b. ullage c. theifage d. thievage
1''. : centrifugal pump must be primed to:
a. overcome pressure of water in the discharge line
b. lubricate the shaft seals
c. lift water level to impellers
d. make the pressure e"ual to the discharge pressure*
1'1. !hen ballasting through the cargo system+ the main ob7ective is to prevent oil in
the line from escaping . The first thing to do is to:
a. start the pump* b. open the sea valves
c. open the tank valves d. any of the above
1'. 8egins when the tank is about 0'= empty4
a. bottom wash b. middle wash
c. top wash* d. deck wash
1'*. 8egins when the tank is almost completely empty:
a. top wash b. bottom wash* c. middle wash d. deck wash
1',. !hen sea water is pumped into cargo tanks+ it inevitable washes oil from the
tank surface. The resultant oi2water mi>ture is called:
a. dirty ballast* b. ballast water c. oily ballast d. oil water ballast
1'). !hich statement is correct regarding Segregated ballast tank%
a. oil cargo are separated from ballast by using different valves
b. ballast and oil are loaded into different tanks
c. ballast tanks incorporate a completely separate system of pumps and pipelines
for clean ballast *
d. none of these
1'0. At is condensation which forms on all surfaces of all goods in compartment or
hold due to the inability of cool air to hold in suspension as much water as warm air
a. sweat* b. dew c. bubble d. humidity
1'1. 8efore discharging+ it is very important to prevent cargo from falling directly
into the water by using :
a. cargo sling b. wire sling c. cargo net* d. pallets
1'&. 8roken stowage means4
a. loss of cargo b. lost in space* c. dunnage to cargo d. all of these
1'5. The number of cubic feet which one ton F,'lbsG of goods+ with the necessary
dunnage+ occupies is the ship;s cargo space:
a. stowage factor* b. broken stowage c. cubic capacity d. deadweight
11'. !hich of the following is the source of moisture in the air of a cargo hold%
a. condensation or sweat b. presence of wet cargo
c. spontaneous heating of certain goods d. all of the above*
111. The volume of bulk grain which fills cargo space in "uestion+ e>pressed in cubic
a. measurement ton b. deadweight ton
c. grain cubic* d. deadweight capacity
11. : volume unit of ,' cubic feet used in computing freight charges4
a. measurement ton* b. deadweight tons
c. registered tons d. net tons
11*. The volume of a full load of bales or cases in a given compartment+ as measured
inside the spar ceiling4
a. grain cubic b. measurement ton
c. bale cubic* d. deadweight tons
11,. The term in marking containers which means weight of container only%
a. tare* b. gross c. net d none of these
11). The term used in marking shipping containers which means total weight of
containers and content%
a. gross weight* b. net weight c. tare weight d. deadweight
110. The term used in marking shipping containers which means weight of contents
a. gross b. net* c. tare d. any of the above
111. !hat stowage must be provided for fibers of animal or vegetable origin that
have been involved in a fire or that have been wet%
a. lower hold stowage b. tween deck stowage
c. engine room stowage d. deck stowage*
11&. :ll of the following are the uses of dunnage e>cept:
a. to protect cargo from contact with leakage from other
b. to prevent chaffing by checking off from stanchions+ web
frames+ etc.
c. gives additional freight to the ship owner*
d. to provide air courses in the necessary ventilation of cargo
115. The act of regulating the valves when loading through the ship;s lines in
completing the level to which a tank or tanks are to be filled:
a. stripping b. topping off* c. thieving d. dipping
1'. An connecting cargo hose+ what is the minimum number of bolts permitted at a
flanged 7oint%
a. three* b. two c. four d. five
11. An rigging a wind sail to ventilate oil tanks after cleaning operation+ where would
you place the lose end of the canvas duct%
a. at the top of the tank b. at the bottom of the tank*
c. at the middle of the tank d. on deck
1. The loss li"uid not definitely accounted for+ as by leakage or evaporation:
a. thiefage* b. thievage c. ullage d. innage
1*. How should the ullage hole in an oil tank be protected when the tank is open and
not gas free%
a. with flame screen* b. by covering with plywood
c. with canvass cover d. with plastic cover
1,. #oods having a stowage factor of ,' or less:
a. ad valorem cargo b. weight cargo*
c. measurement cargo d. stowage cargo
1). #oods stowing at more than ,' cubic feet per long ton4
a. weight cargo b. ad valorem cargo
c. measurement cargo* d. stowage cargo
10. #oods carried at a freight rate according to their value:
a. ad valorem cargo* b. weight cargo
c. stowage cargo d. measurement cargo
11. :ll of the following are necessary condition that must be maintained in a
refrigerated compartment in order to have a good cargo turnout. $>cept4
a. cleanliness of the cargo space b. low relative humidity*
c. proper stowage d. constant refrigeration
1&. The term used to describe oils such as almond+ attar of roses+ clove+ wintergreen+
lavender+ etc which are used in perfumery and cooking:
a. petroleum oils b. essential oils* c. vegetable oil d. cooking oil
15. : skull and crossbones label indicates what type of dangerous cargo%
a. poison or poisonous gas* b. corrosives
c. flammable li"uid d. o>idi/ing agent

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