Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Fall Fall
How do the choices we make when w
eat affect the environment?
Dayson Pasion
Sample lesson plans and assignments for goals 5.01, 5.02, and 5.03 of the
North Carolina high school biology curriculum.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Table of Contents
Introduction and Background................................................5
Backward Design Learning Plan.............................................7
Day One Lesson Plan: Introduction to Ecology: the Ecology of
Students view segments of the film Twilight and then personally reflect and
discuss the interactions of organisms with each other and their environment. This
introduces the study of ecology with a hook to grab students' attention.
Day Two Lesson Plan: What Affects a Tree?.........................15
Students examine the biotic and abiotic factors that influence the life of a tree,
view a presentation, and then work in pairs on a short reading and questions about biotic
and abiotic factors of ocean zones.
Day Three Lesson Plan: Does where we live affect how we
Students view a clip from Blue Planet to expose them to different biomes of
Earth. Presentation is then given to students about biomes. Students then work on a
biome activity of their choice (either postcard or song) and write a reflection for a guided
Performance Assessment....................................................23
Performance Assessment Rubric..........................................24
Multiple Choice Questions...................................................26
Guided Notes for Presentations...........................................30
Abiotic/Biotic Worksheet.....................................................35
Biome Postcard Activity Sheet.............................................40
Biome Rap/Song Activity Sheet............................................41
The Omnivore’s Dilemma Reading Guide..............................42
The Omnivore’s Dilemma Reading Guide
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dialogue Journals
Timeline of Unit
Driving Questions:
How do the choices of what we eat affect the world around us?
(5.01, 5.02, and 5.03)
Unit 5 Da Lesson Plan
5.01 1 What is ecology? An introduction to ecology: the ecology of
2 What affects the life of a tree? Abiotic and biotic factors
3 Does where we live affect how we live? Biomes
4 What limits the size of populations?
Populations/Limiting Factors/Carrying Capacity
5 What lives right outside of our school? Lab activity: Species
Richness/ Biodiversity of campus.
6 How do organisms interact with each other? Symbiosis
5.02 7 How do organisms interact with each other? Food
chains/webs/energy pyramids
8 How do organisms interact with each other? Keystone species
9 How do organisms interact with each other and the
environment? Carbon/Nitrogen/Water Cycle
5.03 10 Omnivore’s Dilemma and the Effect of Humans on the
Environment: How do the choices of what we eat affect the
world around us?
Film viewing of Food, Inc.
11 Omnivore’s Dilemma and the Effect of Humans on the
How do the choices of what we eat affect the world around us?
Round table discussion of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food,
12 Omnivore’s Dilemma and the Effect of Humans on the
How do the choices of what we eat affect the world around us?
13 Review
14 Exam
*I do not be providing specific lesson plans for after day three. For the last
part of the unit I want to shape the lessons as a round table/discussion
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
2. 5.02 Analyze the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the
-Relationship of the carbon cycle to photosynthesis and respiration.
-Trophic levels-direction and efficiency of energy transfer.
From the Biology Support Document:
-Investigate the carbon cycle as it relates to photosynthesis and
-Analyze food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids for direction
and efficiency of energy transfer.
1. Relationships among species are ordered from organism > species >
population > community > ecosystems > biosphere (Biology Big Idea
2. The environment effects how an organism lives (BBI 1b).
3. Some organisms play specific roles in their environment (BBI 1b)
4. Some organisms may form symbiotic relationships with another (BBI
5. Size of populations may be limited by one or more environmental
factors (BBI 1b, 5).
6. Energy and matter flow through organisms and the environment (BBI
1c, 1d, 2, 4, 5).
7. Producers are the base of all food chains and webs. The energy and
matter produced from this level of organism will flow through the
entire chain/web (BBI 1a, 1c, 1d, 2, 4, 5).
8. Carbon cycles from the environment through organisms back to the
environment (BB1 1a, 1c, 1d, 2, 4, 5).
9. Ecosystems can change over time.
Essential Terms:
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Carnivore/Herbivore/Omnivore/ Food Web/Food Chain
Decomposer Habitat/Niche
Carrying Capacity/Limiting Factor Keystone Species
Community/Ecosystem Organism/Species/Population
Competition Predation
Ecological Succession Symbiosis/Mutualism/Parasitism/
Emigration/Immigration Commensalism
Essential Understandings:
Essential Skills:
Driving Questions:
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Science 2005
Grade 9-12 – Biology
Goal 1
1.01 Identify biological problems and questions that can be answered
through scientific investigations.
1.03 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models of
biological phenomena using logic and evidence to:
-Explain observations
-Make inferences and predictions
-Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation.
Goal 5
5.01 Investigate analyze the interrelationships among organism,
populations, communities and ecosystems.
5.02 Analyze the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the
5.03 Assess human population and its impact on local ecosystems
and global environments.
Introduction script for teacher to students:
“Just like the Cullens in the Twilight series must chose between
drinking human blood or animal blood, we too must make daily choices when
we decide what foods we eat. Over the next few weeks we will be taking a
closer look at the realm of ecology. We will learn about different locations of
the world, influences of the environment, relationships among organisms,
and ultimately how we, as humans in the natural world, affect our planet.
Some of the issues we discuss may cause you to ask yourself difficult
So today we are going to watch a few scenes from Twilight. While
watching I want you to play close attention to the natural environment.”
Watch selected scenes of Twilight. These clips will showcase the climate of
Forks, Washington as well as show contrasting images of the Phoenix, Arizona
climate. (Around 15 minutes)
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
1st clip: Start time: 0:00
End time: 3:25
2nd clip: Start time: 15:10
End time: 18:40
3rd clip: Start time: 49:35
End time: 50:57
4 clip: Start time: 58:50
End time: 1:00:22
5th clip: Start time: 1:09:30
End time: 1:10:50
6th clip: Start time: 1:31:13
End time: 1:32:25
After the students have watched the scenes, have students write a response
in their dialogue journals using the following prompt. While students are
writing, play slide show of images of Arizona and Washington. (Around 25
Students will then work in groups to discuss ideas that they had while they
were writing in their dialogue journals, revisiting the guiding questions
presented to them earlier. (Around 20 minutes)
Students will then, as groups, discuss their findings to the class. As the class
discusses the guiding questions write down ideas and questions that students
have. Students will then write a brief reflection about the class discussion,
new discoveries, new questions, etc. During this time the teacher will
facilitate the discussion making sure that by the end students can define
ecology. Collect dialogue journals in order to incorporate and address any
questions or misconceptions that the students have throughout the unit.
Teacher will review each entry in the dialogue journal in order to gauge each
student’s progress and need for differentiation. While teacher reviews the
dialogue journals, they will create of repeating questions and misconceptions
that can be referenced throughout the unit.
(Around 30 minutes)
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
This lesson mainly focuses on the general ideas of ecology, most
notably how organisms interact with their environment and how the
environment interacts with organisms. The lesson also touches on how
humans specifically affect the environment. This lesson also focuses on the
biomes of the Pacific Northwest and Southwest North American desert.
Desert: Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's surface and occur
where rainfall is less than 50 cm/year. Although most deserts, such as the
Sahara of North Africa and the deserts of the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and
Australia, occur at low latitudes, another kind of desert, cold deserts, occur in
the basin and range area of Utah and Nevada and in parts of western Asia.
Desert biomes can be classified according to several characteristics. There
are four major types of deserts:
Hot and Dry: The seasons are generally warm throughout the
year and very hot in the summer. The winters usually bring little
rainfall. Temperatures exhibit daily extremes because the atmosphere
contains little humidity to block the Sun's rays. Desert surfaces receive
a little more than twice the solar radiation received by humid regions
and lose almost twice as much heat at night. Many mean annual
temperatures range from 20-25° C. The extreme maximum ranges
from 43.5-49° C. Minimum temperatures sometimes drop to -18° C.
Rainfall is usually very low and/or concentrated in short bursts
between long rainless periods. Evaporation rates regularly exceed
rainfall rates. Sometimes rain starts falling and evaporates before
reaching the ground. Rainfall is lowest on the Atacama Desert of Chile,
where it averages less than 1.5 cm. Some years are even rainless.
Inland Sahara also receives less than 1.5 cm a year. Rainfall in
American deserts is higher — almost 28 cm a year. Soils are course-
textured, shallow, rocky or gravely with good drainage and have no
subsurface water. They are coarse because there is less chemical
weathering. The finer dust and sand particles are blown elsewhere,
leaving heavier pieces behind.
Forest: Present-day forest biomes, biological communities that are
dominated by trees and other woody vegetation, can be classified according
to numerous characteristics, with seasonality being the most widely used.
Distinct forest types also occur within each of these broad groups. There are
three major types of forests, classed according to latitude:
Temperate: Temperate forests occur in eastern North America,
northeastern Asia, and western and central Europe. Well-defined
seasons with a distinct winter characterize this forest biome. Moderate
climate and a growing season of 140-200 days during 4-6 frost-free
months distinguish temperate forests. Further subdivisions of this
group are determined by seasonal distribution of rainfall:
• temperate coniferous: mild winters, high annual precipitation
(greater than 2000 mm).
• temperate broad-leaved rainforests: mild, frost-free winters, high
precipitation (more than 1500 mm) evenly distributed throughout
the year.
Deforestation is of major concern in both the forests of North Carolina and
Washington. While most old growth forests are gone from North Carolina
more remain in Washington. Forestry is one of the largest components of the
Pacific Northwest economy. In Arizona urban sprawl continues to grow
forcing residents to find more sources of a very limited resource: water. The
Colorado River is the main source of water for residents of Phoenix.
Comparisons can be made to the Columbia River of the Pacific Northwest.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Science 2005
Grade 9-12 – Biology
Goal 1
1.1 Identify biological problems and questions that can be answered
through scientific investigations.
Goal 5
5.01 Investigate analyze the interrelationships among organism,
populations, communities and ecosystems.
Teacher will take students to a tree on the campus of the school. Students
will not need any personal items. Materials for this lesson are three poster
flip boards and markers. Have students sit in a circle around the tree so that
they are able to hear and see everyone. The teacher will also be part of the
circle. The teacher will open with the question: What does this tree
experience every day? This should start the discussion. Other questions to
focus the discussion can include but are not limited to: How does the tree
grow? What does the tree need to survive? Does anything live on or in the
tree? Does it matter where the tree is located? Etc. The teacher will then
write answers down on the flip boards. Each flip board will hold a certain
category of words. One flip board will be “abiotic factors”, the second will be
“biotic factors” and the last flip board will be “common misconceptions.”
These boards should not be labeled yet. They should be completely blank
when the discussion begins. Once the boards are filled up or the teacher
deems that enough ideas have been presented. The teacher will than ask
about flip board one: “What do all these ideas have in common?” The
teacher will do the same with the second board. The teacher will guide the
students so that they see the connection for board one is that they are non-
living and that the second board is living. Once students see this the teacher
will then label board one “abiotic” and board two “biotic.” The teacher will
save board three for the presentation in the latter part of class. Students will
than go back to the classroom. (40 minutes)
Once in the classroom, students will view a presentation with a guided note
handout. The presentation will go over biotic and abiotic factors with a focus
on the rocky intertidal (to tie back into one of the biomes from the previous
day’s lesson). (25 minutes)
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Science 2005
Grade 9-12 – Biology
Goal 1
1.03 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models of
biological phenomena using logic and evidence to:
-Explain observations
-Make inferences and predictions
-Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation.
Goal 5
5.01 Investigate analyze the interrelationships among organism,
populations, communities and ecosystems.
5.03 Assess human population and its impact on local ecosystems
and global environments.
Students will watch BBC Earth production video for 20 minutes. Using
the film Blue Planet: Tidal Seas students will be introduced to various
intertidal biomes of the world’s oceans. Since most students have not
traveled the world and school funds are limited to do so, biomes will be
brought to students. In the video students should pay attention to how
different each location is and how organisms adjust to the tides. (20
Students will then use the remainder of the class time to either work
individually on creating a biome postcard or they can choose to work in pairs
in order to create a biome rap/song. Teacher will provide examples of both.
(40 minutes)
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
expand their reflection to include other topics but the must answer the
following prompt:
What are the consequences of using biomes that foster a great
diversity of life in order to produce food for you or the food you eat? For
example, what do you think happens when rainforests are cleared for
growing soybeans or raising cattle?
Terrestrial Biomes
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
• temperate broad-leaved rainforests: mild, frost-free winters, high
precipitation (more than 1500 mm) evenly distributed throughout the
Boreal (Taiga): Boreal forests, or taiga, represent the largest
terrestrial biome. Occurring between 50 and 60 degrees north latitudes,
boreal forests can be found in the broad belt of Eurasia and North America:
two-thirds in Siberia with the rest in Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada.
Seasons are divided into short, moist, and moderately warm summers and
long, cold, and dry winters. The length of the growing season in boreal forests
is 130 days.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
occur in the interiors of North America and Europe. Plants growing in steppes
are usually greater than 1 foot tall.
Desert: Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's surface and occur
where rainfall is less than 50 cm/year. Although most deserts, such as the
Sahara of North Africa and the deserts of the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and
Australia, occur at low latitudes, another kind of desert, cold deserts, occur in
the basin and range area of Utah and Nevada and in parts of western Asia.
Desert biomes can be classified according to several characteristics. There
are four major types of deserts:
Hot and Dry: The seasons are generally warm throughout the
year and very hot in the summer. The winters usually bring little rainfall.
Temperatures exhibit daily extremes because the atmosphere contains little
humidity to block the Sun's rays. Desert surfaces receive a little more than
twice the solar radiation received by humid regions and lose almost twice as
much heat at night. Many mean annual temperatures range from 20-25° C.
The extreme maximum ranges from 43.5-49° C. Minimum temperatures
sometimes drop to -18° C. Rainfall is usually very low and/or concentrated in
short bursts between long rainless periods. Evaporation rates regularly
exceed rainfall rates. Sometimes rain starts falling and evaporates before
reaching the ground. Rainfall is lowest on the Atacama Desert of Chile, where
it averages less than 1.5 cm. Some years are even rainless. Inland Sahara
also receives less than 1.5 cm a year. Rainfall in American deserts is higher
— almost 28 cm a year. Soils are course-textured, shallow, rocky or gravely
with good drainage and have no subsurface water. They are coarse because
there is less chemical weathering. The finer dust and sand particles are blown
elsewhere, leaving heavier pieces behind.
Semiarid: The summers are moderately long and dry, and like
hot deserts, the winters normally bring low concentrations of rainfall.
Summer temperatures usually average between 21-27° C. It normally does
not go above 38° C and evening temperatures are cool, at around 10° C. Cool
nights help both plants and animals by reducing moisture loss from
transpiration, sweating and breathing. Furthermore, condensation of dew
caused by night cooling may equal or exceed the rainfall received by some
deserts. As in the hot desert, rainfall is often very low and/or concentrated.
The average rainfall ranges from 2-4 cm annually. The soil can range from
sandy and fine-textured to loose rock fragments, gravel or sand.
Coastal: The cool winters of coastal deserts are followed by
moderately long, warm summers. The average summer temperature ranges
from 13-24° C; winter temperatures are 5° C or below. The maximum annual
temperature is about 35° C and the minimum is about -4° C. In Chile, the
temperature ranges from -2 to 5° C in July and 21-25° C in January. The
average rainfall measures 8-13 cm in many areas. The maximum annual
precipitation over a long period of years has been 37 cm with a minimum of 5
The soil is fine-textured with a moderate salt content. It is fairly porous with
good drainage.
Cold: These deserts are characterized by cold winters with
snowfall and high overall rainfall throughout the winter and occasionally over
the summer. They occur in the Antarctic, Greenland and the Nearctic realm.
They have short, moist, and moderately warm summers with fairly long, cold
winters. The mean winter temperature is between -2 to 4° C and the mean
summer temperature is between 21-26° C. The winters receive quite a bit of
snow. The mean annual precipitation ranges from 15-26 cm. Annual
precipitation has reached a maximum of 46 cm and a minimum of 9 cm. The
heaviest rainfall of the spring is usually in April or May. In some areas, rainfall
can be heavy in autumn. The soil is heavy, silty, and salty. It contains alluvial
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
fans where soil is relatively porous and drainage is good so that most of the
salt has been leached out.
Aquatic Biomes:
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
and lakes, there is thermal stratification with a constant mixing of warm and
cold ocean currents.
Abyssal: The deep ocean is the abyssal zone. The water
in this region is very cold (around 3° C), highly pressured, high in oxygen
content, but low in nutritional content. The abyssal zone supports many
species of invertebrates and fishes. Mid-ocean ridges (spreading zones
between tectonic plates), often with hydrothermal vents, are found in the
abyssal zones along the ocean floors. Chemosynthetic bacteria thrive near
these vents because of the large amounts of hydrogen sulfide and other
minerals they emit. These bacteria are thus the start of the food web as
invertebrates and fishes eat them.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Performance Assessment
For the performance assessment of this unit you will be asked to
incorporate the information you learned in class, The Omnivore’s Dilemma,
and any other outside research that you do into a letter and presentation
project. For this project you will work with your laboratory partner. There are
two final products that you will produce letters (there will be two letters, one
from each of you) and a presentation.
As a pair, your assignment is to write a letter a produce a presentation
that advocates for incorporating local and sustainable foods into our school
lunch program. You may address the letter to any level of authority in the
education system (principal, superintendent, school board, up to the United
Stated Department of Education). You will then summarize the points of your
letter and form a presentation to argue your stance. Each pair must find a
unique way to present their information; some examples include: child
nutrition, obesity, animal welfare, workers’ rights, global warming, food
contamination, nutrient pollution, etc.
The objective of this assessment is to demonstrate your knowledge
and understanding of ecological concepts in the context of a personal
Components of letter:
• Must be properly addressed and in MLA format.
• Must be two pages in length.
• Argues for the use of local and sustainable foods in the school lunch
program, through an issue that affects the local community.
• Must support the argument in order to persuade the audience.
• Must have four or more peer-reviewed sources with proper citation
including a bibliography.
• Must include an honor pledge.
Components of presentation:
• Should be between four to six minutes long.
• Should include visual aids (poster board, PowerPoint presentation,
props, etc.) that assist in persuading the audience.
• Should summarize the main points of you letter.
A suggestion for you and your partner; when thinking of an issue that you will
be writing about you should pick issues that match or that closely related.
For example, if one of you chose that you would like to structure your letter
around child nutrition then it may be beneficial for the other person to choose
obesity. Your letters are due on the day of presentations.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
School Food Reform Letter and Presentation
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Content Student has Student has Student has Student does
shown a clear shown a clear shown an not show an
60% of grade understanding understanding understanding understanding
of the of the of the of the
assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.
Student was Student was Student Student fails
able to clearly able to begins to to
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
the big ideas the big ideas the big ideas the big ideas
of ecology of ecology of ecology. of ecology.
while while
focusing on focusing on
an issue that an issue that
affects the affects the
local local
community. community.
The student
also makes a
connection to
the world in
a . community.
b . genus.
c . population.
d . ecosystem.
e . variety.
2. When two different species overlap in the same biological niche, they are
IV competition V temperature.
Which of the factors listed above are most significant in determining the
fact that belts of vegetation at successively higher altitudes often
correspond to those at successively higher latitudes?
a . I and III
b . III and V
c . II and IV
d . II and V
e . I and V
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
4. Which of the following terms best describes the inter- relationship
between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the clover in whose roots they live?
a . mutualism
b . commensalism
c . predation
d . parasitism
e . amensalism
a . primary succession.
b . speciation.
c . secondary succession.
d . evolution.
e . eutrophication.
7. In a terrestrial ecosystem, the trophic level that would contain the largest
biomass would be the
a . producers.
b . primary consumers.
c . secondary consumers.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
e . decomposers.
8. In the past decade, which of the following has NOT been a major cause of
the increase in the world's population?
d . improved sanitation
a. fungi
b. animals
c. water
d. sunlight
e. soil
a. consumers
b. producers
c. scavengers
d. decomposers
e. predators
13. Please choose the correct relationship that represents the relationship of
biomass to energy pyramids in a marine environment.
a. biomass is inversely proportional to the energy in a system
b. biomass is directly proportional to the energy in a system
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
c. there is no direct relationship between biomass and energy
a. tundra
b. temperate deciduous forest
c. temperate coniferous forest
d. taiga
e. chaparral
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
List examples of non-living and living influences that affect the growth of the
tree that we just talked about:
Biotic factor:
Abiotic factor:
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Describe and draw the rocky intertidal zone:
• Consumers:
• Predators:
Please identify and draw the zonation of the two barnacles the Connell
Why was Chthamalus able to keep its territory even though Semibalanus out
competes Chthamalus?
Biome (definition):
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
For the following biomes briefly describe the biome by describing the location
and climate. Also include examples of organisms that live in these biomes:
• Forests
○ Tropical
○ Temperate
○ Taiga
• Grasslands
○ Savannah
○ Prairie
• Deserts
○ Semi-arid
○ Coastal
○ Cold
• Tundra
○ Arctic
○ Alpine
• Marine
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
○ Ocean
○ Estuary
○ Coral Reef
• Freshwater
○ Wetlands
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Abiotic/Biotic Worksheet
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
Biome Postcard Activity Sheet
1. Describe key characteristics about a particular biome (climate,
common animals, common plants, natural resources, etc.).
2. Identify where in the world a particular biome is located.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
1. This assignment will require that you work in pairs.
2. As a pair you will write original lyrics for a rap or song that describes
your biome. The song/rap must include:
a. A chorus or hook.
b. Verses that include information about the location and climate of
the biome, organisms that may be found in the biome and
examples of how the climate and other abiotic factors affect the
c. The song/rap does not have to include original music. You can
use a preexisting song or rap to build your lyrics onto.
3. Create a music video (skit) to present to the class.
1. Please refer to the example in the presentation.
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
The Omnivore’s Dilemma Reading Guide
North Carolina Curriculum Alignment
Science 2005
Grade 9-12 – Biology
Goal 1
1.01 Identify biological problems and questions that can be answered
through scientific investigations.
Goal 5
5.01 Investigate analyze the interrelationships among organism,
populations, communities and ecosystems.
5.02 Analyze the flow of energy and the cycling of matter in the
5.03 Assess human population and its impact on local ecosystems
and global environments.
Over the course of the next few weeks you will be reading The
Omnivore’s Dilemma: The Secrets behind What You Eat. Written by Michael
Pollan, a New York Times bestselling author, this book reveals the food chain
that you and I eat daily. By looking at the production of four different meals
Pollan takes us on a journey through the history of food production in the
United States.
Reading Schedule:
Dayson Pasion Unit 5 Lesson Plans
• After reading about feedlots and CAFOs, how does eating meat from
the industrialized food chain make you feel?
• Do you know family or friends that farm? How do you think the
industrial food chain has affected them?
• What effects on the environment (caused, in part, by the industrial
food chain) do you see in your everyday life?
• Would you alter your diet in order to lessen the stress on the
environment that the industrial food chain is a part of?
Week Three: Part IV, Afterword, The Omnivore’s Solution and Q & A
with Michael Pollan (p 203 – 298)
• After reading Pollan’s account about animal suffering, did it give you
reservations about eating meat again?
• How did you feel when you read Pollan’s account of his hunting?
• Would it be possible for you to create your own meal from start to
• Do you think it is better to know where your food comes from?
• Is food reform a personal choice that every person has to make or do
we need leaders in government and business to make changes to the
• Do you know where you can find locally grown food?
• Do you think any real changes will be made to the nation’s food
production system?
• What did you think of Pollan’s tips for eating?
• What would you like to ask Michael Pollan about his experience in
researching and writing this book?