Writing A Research Proposal: A Guide For Science and Engineering Students

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Academic Skills

www.services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills 13 MELB [email protected]

Go for excellence
1. Your proposed topic should address a significant
problem and, therefore, advance the state of
knowledge in that field.
2. You have identified an appropriate methodology and
underlying theory to address the problem, including
data collection methods and equipment, if required.
3. Your methods of data analysis are outlined and
appropriate to your data set so that you can draw
useful conclusions from your work.
4. You have an organised plan for your work, including a
Writing a Research Proposal
A guide for Science and Engineering students
A Research Proposal has several inter-related purposes:
Writing an effective research proposal also trains you in a
valuable skill required to operate effectively in both
academia and industry after you graduate. You are
presenting a reasonable thesis idea or hypothesis, the
significance of which you have demonstrated by relating it
to relevant literature in the field of enquiry. You are also
proposing a methodology to investigate the problem with
clear steps leading to a reasonable conclusion.
The main criterion for the award of a PhD is that your thesis
constitutes an original contribution to knowledge in a
particular field. Remember that you may eventually refine or
even abandon your initial topic as your research progresses,
but the proposal demonstrates that you are aware of the
process of enquiry and experimentation that leads to a
thesis outcome.
Finally, the research questions, significance and
methodology that you write in your Research Proposal will
help you refine your Themis ethics research application.
The structure of a thesis proposal
The structure and size of your Research Proposal will vary
depending the requirements of your Faculty or School so
the initial step is to find out departmental guidelines and
requirements. Nevertheless, there are certain elements
that any Research Proposal requires and these should be
presented in the following order.
Title or Cover Page: identifies the research project title,
the student researcher, the institution, department, and the
project mentors or supervisors.
The title should be brief and descriptive and may use a
colon (:) to separate the topic from the focus (e.g.
Stormwater Harvesting: managing the hazards of surface
water pollution by run-off).
Table of Contents: lists the sections of the Research
Proposal (headings and indented sub-headings) and the
corresponding page numbers.
Abstract: outlines the essence of the research project in
around 150200 words. It describes the purpose and
motivation for the study, and a statement of the problem,
the data collection methodology and analysis, and the
significant results and implications of the research.
Introduction: provides background information for the
research (i.e. the problem being addressed) and is typically
structured from general information to narrow or focused
ideas; whereupon your research question/s or hypotheses
are presented.
The Introduction should be about 10% of your proposal.
Imagine you are writing for a general science reader rather
than an expert audience.
The Introduction includes a brief review of relevant
literature or knowledge in the field, so that you are able to
present the gap in the existing knowledge and, therefore,
the significance and originality the purpose and aims of
your research.
Finally, articulate the scope of your research; or what you
will not be doing, so as to limit your task.
Research Question/s: what is the primary question you are
trying to solve? It may be a hypothesis/hypotheses or
research question/s and is usually a few sentences (in
statement and/or question form) that articulate the essence
of your project and its scope. E.g. Land use and terrestrial
carbon storage in western Victoria from 1890-2020: A
historical reconstruction and simulation study.
Research Design or Methodology: includes a description
and rationale for the methods of data collection and
analysis, and the materials used when solving the problem.
When and how will you know, for example, that sufficient
experimentation has been done, and sufficient and valid
data analysed, to support or invalidate the original
This section includes the dataset/s, calculations, equipment,
calibration graphs, and procedures to be used, lists project
limitations and outlines how ethical considerations of the
research have been considered.
Typically, it uses subheadings (i.e. Subjects,
Instrumentation, Data Collection, Methods of Analysis etc.)
and is written with a future aspect, e.g. The research will
initially examine water treatment processes in...
Preliminary Results: details any results that you may
already have as a result of previous Honours or Masters
research work, perhaps also from a pilot study. It is
important to relate these results to the critical framework of
your intended PhD research.
Timetable / Plan: lists the stages of the research project in
timeline, spreadsheet or tabular format, and the deadlines
for completion of these stages or tasks. You should include
any challenges to completion that you anticipate facing.
Thesis Outline or Structure: outlines the proposed
chapters of the thesis and the content of each chapter in
several lines or a paragraph, including a Table of Contents.

Academic Skills
www.services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills 13 MELB [email protected]
Go for excellence
V2 1012 JH
Significance and Implications of the Study: relates the
intended or expected outcomes of your research to the
original aims expressed in the Introduction so that the
significance of the study and the contribution to knowledge
is apparent.
List of References: lists all the resources cited in your
resource proposal using a referencing format appropriate to
your faculty or discipline. Do not list resources that are not
referred to in your proposal. This is a good time to begin
using a bibliographic tool such as EndNote to track all the
references for your study.
See http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/endnote/ for further
information about EndNote.
Writing the Research Proposal
How to write: Remember that you do not need to write
your Research Proposal in the order in which it will be read.
In fact, you might begin the writing process with a concept
map drawn up on large-size paper in landscape orientation.
Give your concept map a title at the top of the paper and
then write appropriate headings for the different sections of
the Research Proposal (e.g. Introduction, Methodology,
Conclusion) and draw boxes around these headings so they
look like pages of a book.
Now, add anything you think you will need in these boxes
(e.g. figures, graphs, references, topic sentences) and use
colours to highlight different kinds of content. Because this
is a creative brainstorming session dont restrict your ideas
and dont be concerned with neatness. The idea is to gain
an impression of the whole proposal and to draft your
chapter outline.
The next step is writing the rough draft. Start with the
Methodology section and remember to provide enough
information for the experiments and data collection to be
replicated by someone else, but nothing more. Then, ask
yourself, what is different about your proposed method?
What kind of research are you proposing? This will give you
your sub-headings.
Experimental equipment, materials, method
Modeling assumptions, mathematical tools, method
Computational inputs, computational tools, method.

Next, write up the implications and significance of your
research in bullet-point form. Then, write your Introduction,
remembering that the conclusions you draw from your
research (i.e. the significance and implications) are related
to the aims and objectives of the research which you state
in the introduction.
Finally, distil everything you have written down to its
essence and write the Abstract for your proposal.

Tips and common problems
Use well-labelled figures and self-made drawings (i.e.
sketches) to illustrate key aspects of your proposal, to
reduce overall text length, and to clarify your own
thinking. Each figure or drawing should have a title and
informative caption. Most engineers and scientists are
visual learners, so your pictures are indeed worth 1000
Edit and revise your writing thoroughly; poor grammar
and inappropriate style detract from your message and
compromise your credibility as a researcher. Use spell
check and grammar check applications.
Make an appointment with Academic Skills; and read
your proposal out aloud; errors often get picked up this
Use transition language (e.g. In other words, In
contrast) to signal to the reader what is happening in
your text.
Avoid language that is overly hesitant or tentative
(e.g. It seems that, It is hoped that ).
Break up large blocks of text into smaller sections using
sub-headings and bullet-points.
Anticipate possible problems with, or limitations of, the
research. Address such issues directly for your own
benefit as much as for the benefit of the proposal.
Dont confuse the rationale for the research with the
research question/s: dont confuse the big questions
that rationalise the research with the smaller and more
precise research questions.
Ensure that the proposal is easy for readers to skim
read. Never assume the reader has read the previous
section. Use headings and restate key ideas
Obtain copies of other research proposals in your field
and study the ways they, a) devise titles; b) structure
their proposal; and c) use technical language. You might
ask your supervisor for previous examples, or simply
Google for examples.
Check that your objectives are expressed in terms of
measurable, quantifiable outcomes and not just
methods or activities.
Check that your referencing style is appropriate to your
faculty or discipline and consistently used. The
University of Melbourne library website
http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/cite/ is an excellent
authority for referencing styles as well as past RHD
The university library LibGuides site is also a fantastic
resource for discipline-specific materials. Go to
Finally, draw up a check-list from the relevant
application form and make sure that your research
proposal fulfils all criteria.
Further Resources
The following resources contain advice on writing and
evaluating Research Proposals in various areas of Science and
These North American university sites provide advice on the
stages and strategies of academic and industrial research
proposal writing:
The following document from the University of Cambridge
Engineering department outlines strategies for writing
effectively in the sciences:
This site provides an example of a research proposal for
research into the role of research proposals in undergraduate
biochemical and biological engineering courses:

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