ESUMC News 10-05-14

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Youth/Parent Game Night TONIGHT from 7:00 8:30pm

Come on out for some fellowship time with your kids!

Bulletin News & Announcements:
Due to the change in the office schedule, items for the Bulletin
News and Announcements must be received in the office no later
than 10:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings in order to be published
for the coming Sunday. Items received after that time will not be
published until the following Sunday.

Help Us in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Stop by Fellowship Hall TODAY. Bruce & Ann Osbun and Kelli
Mercurio will be sharing information about the 2
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk. They are
accepting donations and looking for people to join their team.

New Bible Study: Whats So Amazing About Grace?
Cathy and Dave Saunders will be leading a study on Phillip Yanceys
book, What So Amazing about Grace? If you wish to join in the
study, meet them in the Bridal Lounge at 11:00 a.m. More
information will be provided at that time.

Substitute Ushers/Greeters & Welcome Desk Volunteers
Needed: If you are able to lend your hospitality skills for one of
our worship services on a regular or temporary basis, please contact
Kathy Hinkey at [email protected] or 570-236-8183.

College Care Packages
It's that time of year again; time for our church family to reach out
to our college students with a small token of remembrance and a
little stress reliever as finals approach. Throughout the month of
October, we will have a collection box for your donations in
Oberholtzer hall. Suggested items are gum and mints, small
packages of granola bars or candy treats. (Halloween candy sized
treats pack well). Please call church office ASAP to make sure we
have your college student's current mailing address (Include the
name of the university and the year they are in). You can call or
text Sue Randall (the parent of an appreciative college student) with
any suggestions or questions 570-460-052.

Out Reach

Members of our church family who are no longer able to attend
church are always happy to hear from you. Cards and notes may be
sent to Naomi Dymond, 104 Avon Ct., Apt. 5, East Stroudsburg, Pa.

Stephen Ministry

As you heard from the beginning, his command is that you
walk in love. 2 John 1:6b

When do we need Gods love most? Of course we need
that love every second of our lives. At times Gods love is especially
precious to us; times when we lose a loved one; life becomes so
confusing that we do not know where to turn; or life just becomes
meaningless and depression sets in.

At times like these, it is important to have someone who cares in your
life! Please consider a caring relationship with a Stephen Minister to
help you through the difficult times. For more information about
Stephen Ministry, contact Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280, ext. 23.

Health Care Equipment
Items available for your use include: walkers, crutches, canes, shower
seats, potty chairs, elevated toilet seats, wheelchairs, Depends,
colostomy supplies, and more. Contact Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280,
ext. 23.

Communication Card Update
Completion of these cards continues to enable us to reach out in
Christian love to the ESUMC family. When you are noted to be absent
for a period of time, we are alerted to a possible need and are able to
reach out to you! Please keep up your commitment to sign in all
members of your family weekly! THANK YOU! The Membership
Assimilation Team and Caring Callers.

Prayer Shawls Available
Is someone you know experiencing a difficult time? Would they be
comforted by wrapping a handmade shawl around themselves that
has been made with loving prayer? Contact Peggy, 570-421-3280,
ext. 23.


Welcome Team Dons New Duds!
Beginning Oct. 5th, volunteer Welcome Team Members will
wear Red Vests to greet visitors and members as they come into
our facility from our parking areas. What a great way to give
guests the "Red Carpet Treatment"! Team Members will be
assisting guests with information as to where to park and where to
enter and find their way to worship and other destinations. If you
would like to volunteer to wear a Red Vest or to take the place of a
current "inside usher/greeter" so that they may go outside, call
Kathy Hinkey at 570.236.8183 for more information. And
remember...even if we are NOT wearing a Red Vest, we can all
greet guests and each other with the Love of Jesus Christ and a

The New Mens' Bible Study will be starting on Saturday,
October 11th at 8 am in the conference room of the office
building. Study topic at this time is unknown. Please contact John
Hollister for more information at [email protected]

Hiking with Bob Rosenberger
The next hike is scheduled for October 19th. We will meet in the
church parking lot between 12:15 12:30 p.m. We leave promptly
at 12:45 p.m. Please bring water, good hiking shoes, lunch or
snacks. We are going to Camp Mohican on the Appalachian Trail,
near Blairstown, NJ. This is our usual October hike; a beautiful
ridge walk, looking out over the changing fall foliage. Any questions,
call Bob Rosenberger, 570-223-7076.

Family Promise:
ESUMC will be hosting Family Promise the week of October 19

through the 26
. If you can donate your time to cook/serve a
meal, supervise for a few hours or overnight, clean up or set up,
please contact Jenn Dunne at [email protected] or 570-421-

Fall Harvest Celebration:

When: Saturday, November 8, 2014
Where: ESUMC Fellowship Hall
Time: 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship for the whole family.
There will be bobbing for apples, a donut dangle, and a family
pumpkin decorating contest. If you love to cook/bake we would
love you to enter our chili cook off which will be judged by all
attendees and/or an apple baking contest which will be judged by
a panel of judges. Signups will be in Fellowship Hall starting
October 12

Youth Ministry News

Upcoming Youth Ministry Trips:
Sr. High Mission Weekend to Philadelphia: Friday October 17
Sunday, October 19

Jr. High Mission Weekend to Philadelphia: Friday October 24
Sunday, October 26

Youth Rally to Ocean City, MD: Friday, January 9
January 11, 2015.

Sign up and get your deposits in by October 5
, for special early bird

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