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Www-Theurgia-Us 8 ORPHIC HYMNS PDF
Www-Theurgia-Us 8 ORPHIC HYMNS PDF
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Jean-Louis de Biasi
Grand Master of the Aurum Solis
Tyche -Fortuna:
O Tyche-Fortuna, listen to my voice, and come by my side.
O Goddess of the roads, sweet as honey, I invoke youin order to acquire joyful riches!
As Artemis-Hekate you were born of the blood of Dionysus; nothing may resist to your will.
Found among tombstones and sang by the living, you bring myriads of colours to our existence.
To some you give abundance and the felicity of goods, and to others, malificient pauvrety when
roused to ire.
But O Goddess, I ask that you come by my side and be benevolent to my life! Grant me the
happiness to which I aspire as well as the riches needed to fully realize my life!
Hearken, O Kronos son of the green Gaa and of starry Ouranos, father of the gods, and of
You who orders the rhythm of time, you who are born, grows, and declines, hear my words!
You who foresees everything, hear my words!
You who resides in each and every elements of the universe, hear my words!
You who destroys and builds anew, you whose laws govern all, hear my words!
You, O Kronos, the ancestor of every living being, you the pure, the robust, the courageous,
hear my words praising and invoking you!
Give heed to my call as well as to those who never forgot you, and bestow upon us, when the
moment comes, a joyful and pure end.
Hearken, O blessed one, you whose eternal eye sees all.
Titan whose golden radiance shines on Earth, celestial light,
Self-born, untiring, sweet sight to the living,
Hear my words!
On the right you beget dawn, on the left, night.
As you ride dancing horses across the heavens, you temper the seasons.
O fiery and bright-faced charioteer, you press your course in endless whirl; guiding the pious
towards the Good.
O golden lyre leading harmoniously the cosmos!
You who commands noble deeds and nurture the seasons,
Piping lord of the universe, your course is a fiery circle of light.
O Paian, light-bearer, giver of life and of the fruits of the Earth, listen to my hymn!
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As immortal Zeus, you are pure, eternal, and the father of time.
Circling eye of the cosmos shining forth light and beauty,
Water-loving lord of the world, ever higher paragon of justice, your goodness reaches all.
Eye of justice, light of life driving with your screaming whip the four-horsed chariot,
Hear my words, and grant the longed for sweetness of life to your initiates!
Hearken, O Divine Queen!
Powerful Selene, shine forth on this place!
You who circles the night and manifest your presence in the surrounding air, be among us!
You, maiden of the night, torch-bearer, magnificent star, waxing and waning, male and female,
mother of time,
You, glittering silver light of the night, turn your gaze on ourselves and our works.
Splendid vestment of night, bestow upon us your grace and perfection.
May your celestial course guide you towards us, O wise maiden.
Come, you the joyest of all, and be propitious and in three ways shine your lights on this new
Hail to you, Ares! Indestructible and dauntless-hearted Daimon.
You the valorous, the robust, hear my words!
Weapons, wars, and the destruction of cities are all
manifestations of your power and passions.
O terrifying God, human blood and the clash of battles are your delights; the shock of swords
and spears gladden your ears.
Most terrible God, you are also the one ending conflicts and discords, establishing peace and
bestowing riches.
I praise you, take away from me any ills, and sweep aside any difficulties and conflicts
appearing on my path.
O Ares, may the slanders, calumnies, and attacks I suffered and might still be a victim of be
definitely brushed aside of my life. Send them back to those who acted malevolently so that
balance be restored!
It is thus that Beauty and Divine intoxication will flow in my life, increasing the qualities and the
strength I possess.
Hear my voice, O Hermes, son of powerful Zeus.
You, the inspired prophet I listen to in the breathing wind,
You, swift herald moved by your winged sandals from Gods to mortals, be attentive to my voice
as I sing your praises.
You are the one who solves conflicts, the one guiding those who reach the gates of death, but
you are also the cunning God who loves profit.
You brandish the Caduceus, symbol of peace and power.
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You, Lord of Korykos, who possesses the terrible and venerable power of language, come here
and now before me.
Hear my words and grant me the gift of speech, of memory and, overall, a happy end at your
Hail to you, O Zeus, my Father. Hearken as I call you with confidence.
You are the one leading the courses of the stars with order and beauty.
You are the one shooting from the celestial arch the resounding and shining lightning.
Your resonant voice shakes the hall of the happy and your fire lights up the multitudes treading
our world.
Tempests and storms go forth on your command as you brandish your luminous and swift
thunderbolt striking the Earth.
Your fiery arrows terrorize the mortal failing to recognize your paternal power.
Fleeing your vivacious traits falling around him, his hair stands on end, frightened.
Wild creatures also hide and flee from your divine power.
Troubled, the divinities look up to your radiant face as the deepest folds of the aether
reverberate your vibrant breath.
However, O Zeus my Father, your strength is the manifestation of life.
I recognize in your light, your voice, and your breath the manifestation of your power and of
your love for your sons and daughters.
In this hour when your roar surrounds me, I offer you this libation.
Grant me your power, your shining beauty, your dazzling health, and your countless riches.
May your peace dwell in me and generate order and strength!
Aphrodite, O smiling Goddess born of the sea, lover of the long celebrations of the night, source
of generation, O you holy mother, hear my words!
You are the one from where everything proceeds; the one who gave us life.
The three kingdoms, the sky, the earth, and the sea, obey you.
As you sit at the sides of Bacchus, you preside to the feasts, thread the ties leading to marriage,
and spread your mysterious grace in the lovers bed.
You are the secret Goddess slipping in the desire of men and women, silent she-wolf treading
the night.
You are who all men desire, the image stemming from their soul, the magic philtre of their love
and of the sacred ecstasies.
You who were born in Cyprus and put your foot on the pebbles of the shore, come close to me.
Feel my desire to contemplate your perfect face, your perfect body.
You wander through the lands of Syria and sacred Egypt, and crosses the seas on your
immaculate chariot pulled by swans.
O most happy and voluptuous Goddess, I invoke you and desire you. Ride the seas and come to
me. Driven by the Nymphs songs, come on the foam of the waves.
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O desirable Goddess, may you manifest yourself to me at this instant. May I contemplate your
naked beauty.
May these sacred words be pleasant to you as I hope my purest desire can reach the most
inward folds of your being.
O Aphrodite, I invoke you!
Discover the use of these hymns in relation to the Octagon of Power on the website of
Theurgia (www.theurgia.us) - (section instructions ).
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