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Nicola S. Wheatley

September 2009

Thesis Advisor: Peter Chu
Second Reader: Thomas H. C. Herbers
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September 2009
Masters Thesis
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Determining Route Survey Periodicity for Mine
Warfare: Investigation of Bedforms, Waves, Tides, and Currents
6. AUTHOR(S) Nicola S. Wheatley
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943-5000
Ronald E. Betsch, Naval Oceanographic Office
1002 Balch Blvd, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the
official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)
To retain maritime security, an up to date database of mine countermeasures route surveys is essential. In 2005, the
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) developed a GIS weighted suitability model to determine survey
periodicity; allowing optimization of survey resources, increasing time and cost efficiency. The US currently has no
such model. Bedforms are an integral part of the survey periodicity problem. Sediment grain size, tides, currents, and
wind-generated waves are influential in bedform formation. In this thesis, San Francisco Bay was chosen as a case
study. To investigate if sediment properties change over time, localized grab samples for a three-year period were
analyzed. The analysis showed little variability in sediment characteristics at a given location. A weighted suitability
model based on the UKHO model was constructed. Three layers were developed including sediment grain size,
interpolated from 174 grab samples, tidal and current data from over 50 current stations and ripple height inferred from
wind generated wave height. A weighting for each layer was determined. Regions indicating the presence of bedforms
were assigned a low survey periodicity, as bedforms reduced, survey periodicity was increased. High-resolution multi-
beam survey data was used as a comparison and validation, this showed extremely good correlation with the model.

14. SUBJECT TERMS Mine Warfare, Route Survey, Bedforms, Waves, Tides, Currents,
Survey Periodicity, Sediment Transport, Sediment Dynamics, Bathymetry, GIS, Weighted
Suitability Model, San Francisco Bay

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


Nicola S. Wheatley
Lieutenant, Royal Navy
BSc (Hons), University of Plymouth, 2000

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of


from the

September 2009

Author: Nicola S. Wheatley

Approved by: Peter Chu
Thesis Advisor

Thomas H. C. Herbers
Second Reader

Jeffrey D. Paduan
Chairman, Department of Oceanography

To retain maritime security, an up-to-date database of mine
countermeasures route surveys is essential. In 2005, the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office (UKHO) developed a GIS weighted suitability model to
determine survey periodicity; allowing optimization of survey resources,
increasing time and cost efficiency. The U.S. currently has no such model.
Bedforms are an integral part of the survey periodicity problem. Sediment grain
size, tides, currents, and wind-generated waves are influential in bedform
formation. In this thesis, San Francisco Bay was chosen as a case study. To
investigate if sediment properties change over time, localized grab samples for a
three-year period were analyzed. The analysis showed little variability in
sediment characteristics at a given location. A weighted suitability model based
on the UKHO model was constructed. Three layers were developed including
sediment grain size, interpolated from 174 grab samples, tidal and current data
from over 50 current stations and ripple height inferred from wind generated
wave height. A weighting for each layer was determined. Regions indicating the
presence of bedforms were assigned a low survey periodicity, as bedforms
reduced, survey periodicity was increased. High-resolution multi-beam survey
data was used as a comparison and validation, this showed extremely good
correlation with the model.
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1
A. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................... 1
B. MINE WARFARE ................................................................................. 2
1. The Threat ................................................................................ 2
2. Mine Classification .................................................................. 3
a. Bottom Mines ................................................................ 3
b. Moored Mines ................................................................ 3
c. Drifting Mines ................................................................ 3
3. Mine Warfare Operations ........................................................ 4
a. Mining ............................................................................ 4
b. Mine Counter-Measures (MCM) ................................... 4
4. Environmental Factors for Mine Warfare ............................... 4
a. Bathymetry .................................................................... 6
b. Tides and Currents ....................................................... 7
c. Seabed Sediment Type and Sedimentation ................ 8
C. THE UKHO MODEL ........................................................................... 10
1. The UKHO Model Concepts .................................................. 10
a. The Mine Counter Measures Environment ............... 10
b. The Maritime Environment ......................................... 10
c. GIS Modeling ............................................................... 11
2. Model Interpretation .............................................................. 13
3. Model Limitations .................................................................. 14
D. OVERVIEW OF THIS STUDY ............................................................ 14
II. SEDIMENT DYNAMICS AND BEDFORM EVOLUTION .............................. 17
A. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT .................................................................. 17
1. Sediment Type ....................................................................... 18
a. The Wentworth Scale .................................................. 19
b. NAVOCEANO Database Data. .................................... 20
2. Grain Size Distribution and Fluid Flow ................................ 21
3. Threshold of Sediment Movement ....................................... 23
B. BEDFORM FORMATION ................................................................... 25
1. Ripples .................................................................................... 27
2. Dunes ...................................................................................... 27
3. Antidunes ............................................................................... 27
1. Currents .................................................................................. 28
2. Waves ..................................................................................... 30
3. Combined Current and Wave Interaction ............................ 31
D. MODELING WAVE GENERATED RIPPLES ..................................... 32
III. CASE STUDY: SAN FRANCISCO BAY ....................................................... 39
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 39
SAMPLE DATA AND DATABASE DATA ......................................... 40
1. Data and Methods .................................................................. 40
a. Sediment Sample Collection ...................................... 41
b. Sediment Sample Analysis. ....................................... 41
c. Localized Sample Data. .............................................. 43
2. Results and Analysis ............................................................. 44
a. Localized Sample Data Comparison. ........................ 44
b. Comparison of Ripple Heights ................................... 50
c. NAVOCEANO Database Comparison. ....................... 53
d. Accuracy and Errors. .................................................. 54
C. USGS MULTI-BEAM SURVEY DATA ............................................... 55
1. Bed Patterns in San Francisco Bay ..................................... 56
2. Temporal Variation in Bedform Morphology ....................... 59
3. Bedform Asymmetry and Sediment Transport Patterns .... 64
BAY .............................................................................................................. 67
A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 67
B. THE MODELING CONCEPT ............................................................. 67
1. The Input Layers .................................................................... 68
a. Predicted Bedform Type ............................................. 68
b. Predicted Bottom Currents ........................................ 71
c. Predicted Wave Generated Ripple Heights ............... 76
2. Layer Classification ............................................................... 78
a. Predicted Bedform Type ............................................. 79
b. Predicted Bottom Currents ........................................ 80
c. Predicted Wave Generated Ripple Heights ............... 82
C. ASSIGNING LAYER WEIGHTING..................................................... 84
1. Option 1 .................................................................................. 85
2. Option 2 .................................................................................. 87
3. Option 3 .................................................................................. 88
4. Option 4 .................................................................................. 89
5. Option 5 .................................................................................. 90
D. DETERMINING SURVEY PERIODICITY ........................................... 91
V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 93
A. SUMMARY OF RESULTS ................................................................. 94
1. Localized Sample Data and Database Comparison
Results .................................................................................... 94
2. USGS Multi-beam Survey Results ........................................ 94
3. Modeling Results ................................................................... 95
B. RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................... 96
1. Recommendations for the UKHO Model .............................. 97
2. Limitations .............................................................................. 97
3. Recommendations for Further Study .................................. 98
LIST OF REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 100
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST ............................................................................... 104


Figure 1. The Mine Warfare Environment (After National Research Council,
2000) .................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. GIS Weighted Suitability Model (From Armishaw, 2005) .................... 11
Figure 3. Relationship between model parameters, showing the weightings
assigned to each layer (From Armishaw, 2005) ................................. 13
Figure 4. Sediment process triad (From Proudman, 2009) ................................ 18
Figure 5. Settling velocities of grains in water at 20
C as a function of grain
diameter and shape factor (From Komar and Reimers, 1978). .......... 23
Figure 6. Forces acting on a grain resting on the seabed (From Liu, 2001) ...... 24
Figure 7. Shields diagram showing the threshold of suspension (From Dyre,
1986) .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 8. Flow over Ripples, Dunes and Antidunes (From Liu, 2001) ............... 26
Figure 9. Bedform prediction diagram (From Liu, 2001) .................................... 26
Figure 10. Typical bedforms in order of increased stream power (From
Deigaard, 1992) .................................................................................. 28
Figure 11. Relationship between total bed shear stress and flow velocity for
different bedforms (From Deigaard, 1992) ......................................... 29
Figure 12. A) Bedform shape in oscillatory flow, B) Bedform shape in steady
flow (From Deigaard, 1992) ................................................................ 29
Figure 13. Sketch of vortices formed over a vortex ripple (From Deigaard,
1992) .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 14. Horizontal velocity profile and water particle orbit as predicted by
linear wave theory (From Liu, 2001) ................................................... 31
Figure 15. Comparison of current and wave velocity profiles (From Liu, 2001) ... 32
Figure 16. Differences in near bottom orbital velocity for different wave heights
and wave periods, for a sediment size of 2.5phi, results obtained
using the Wiberg and Harris model .................................................... 36
Figure 17. Differences in wave generated ripple heights for different wave
periods and sediment size, for a wave with a height of 1 m, results
obtained using the Wiberg and Harris model ...................................... 37
Figure 18. Van Veen grab on board R/V Point Sur. ............................................. 41
Figure 19. Locations of the localized samples used for comparison. ................... 43
Figure 20. Column Graphs for positions AD, showing sample breakdown, per
year, from largest grain size (left) to smallest grain size (right) .......... 47
Figure 21. Sample mass (%) vs grain size (mm) for positions A to D. Error
Bars indicate the 95% Confidence Interval in both dimensions. ......... 49
Figure 22. Positions AD, overlaid on the NAVOCEANO HFEVA Dataset. ........ 53
Figure 23. Bedforms in the inlet throat of San Francisco Bay (With Permission,
from Barnard et al., 2007) ................................................................... 57
Figure 24. Bedforms inside San Francisco Bay (With Permission, from
Barnard et al., 2007) ........................................................................... 58
Figure 25. A) Location of sand wave transects. B) Transect from mouth of
San Francisco Bay. C) Transect in vicinity of Alcatraz Shoals.
(With permission, from Barnard et al., 2007) ...................................... 61
Figure 26. Region of study between Alcatraz and Angel Island (With
permission, from Barnard et al., In Press, 2009). ............................... 62
Figure 27. Transects from Figure 26. A) Transect A-B. B) Transect C-D.
(With permission, from Barnard et al., In Press, 2009). ...................... 63
Figure 28. Complex current patterns offshore of Ocean Beach (with
permission, from Barnard et al., 2007). .............................................. 64
Figure 29. Asymmetry values across the Golden Gate (with permission from
Barnard et al., 2007). .......................................................................... 65
Figure 30. Inferred net bedload sediment transport directions based on
asymmetry values, arrows indicated direction only, not magnitude
(with permission, from Barnard et al., 2007). ...................................... 66
Figure 31. Flow chart showing the three layers used to predict survey
periodicity. .......................................................................................... 68
Figure 32. Sediment type calculated from grab samples, locations of the grab
samples are overlaid. ......................................................................... 69
Figure 33. Potential bedform areas. .................................................................... 70
Figure 34. Tidal Zones in the San Francisco Bay region. .................................... 71
Figure 35. Tidal Curves in the San Francisco Bay Region .................................. 72
Figure 36. The locations of the current station data used. ................................... 73
Figure 37. Surface currents, arrows indicate the magnitude and direction of
the current, red indicates ebb currents, green indicates flood
currents. ............................................................................................. 74
Figure 38. Bottom currents, arrows indicate the magnitude and direction of the
current, red indicates ebb currents, green indicates flood currents.
Graduated depth scale shown in meters. ........................................... 74
Figure 39. Ebb and flood dominated regions, surface currents (left), bottom
currents (right). ................................................................................... 75
Figure 40. Mean wave generated ripple heights in cm, for January (left) and
July (right). .......................................................................................... 77
Figure 41. Predicted wave generated ripple height layer. .................................... 78
Figure 42. Weighted sediment size layer. ............................................................ 80
Figure 43. Weighted bottom currents layer. ......................................................... 82
Figure 44. Weighted wave generated ripple layer. .............................................. 84
Figure 45. Combined weighted layers, Option 1. ................................................. 86
Figure 46. Combined weighted layers, Option 2. ................................................. 87
Figure 47. Combined weighted layers, Option 3. ................................................. 88
Figure 48. Combined weighted layers, Option 4. ................................................. 89
Figure 49. Combined weighted layers, Option 5. ................................................. 90
Figure 50. Recommended survey periodicity for San Francisco Bay. ................. 92

Table 1. Impact Matrix of Oceanographic Factors, red high importance,
yellow moderate importance, green low importance. ...................... 6
Table 2. Data included in the UKHO model (From Armishaw, 2005) ............... 11
Table 3. Recommended re-survey intervals (From Armishaw, 2005) ............... 13
Table 4. The Wentworth Scale. (From Dyre, 1986) ......................................... 19
Table 5. NAVOCEANO HFEVA database sediment classification. (From
NAVOCEANO, 2003) ......................................................................... 21
Table 6. Mode of transport related to Rouse numbers (From Wikipedia,
2009) .................................................................................................. 22
Table 7. Sediment Classification based on Phi values for Positions AD. ....... 44
Table 8. Ripple Characteristics for positions AD. ........................................... 52
Table 9. 2009 sediments samples compared to NAVOCEANO Database
Data. ................................................................................................... 53
Table 10. Climatological data used in this study. ................................................ 76
Table 11. Weighting scheme for sediment size. ................................................. 79
Table 12. Weighting scheme for bottom currents. .............................................. 81
Table 13. Weighting scheme for wave generated ripples. .................................. 83

BGS British Geological Survey
CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences
DW Deep Water
GEODB Geological Database
GIS Geographical Information Systems
HFEVA High Frequency Environmental Acoustics
MCM Mining and Mine Countermeasures
MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MS Microsoft
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association
NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office
NPS Naval Postgraduate School
RSDB Route Survey Database
SEAs Strategic Environmental Assessments
UK United Kingdom
UKHO United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
US United States
USGS United States Geological Survey
VSW Very Shallow Water

Angular frequency
Bed shear stress
Coefficient to modify friction velocity
U Critical friction velocity
Critical Shields parameter
Drag coefficient
d Diameter of a sediment particle
Fluid density
F Flow drag force
U Friction velocity
X Grain size in mm
Grain size measurement

Grain size mean


Grain size mean multiplied by percentage of sub-sample

Grain size standard deviation

Grain size skewness
g Gravity
Lift coefficient
D Mean grain diameter (mm)
d Near bed orbital diameter
U Near bed orbital velocity
H Ripple height
L Ripple length
Ripple wavelength (anorbital)
Ripple wavelength (orbital)
Ripple wavelength (suborbital)
R Rouse Number
Sediment density
w Settling velocity
U Shear velocity
Shields parameter
V Velocity
Viscosity of a fluid
Von Karman constant
h Water depth
H Wave height
k Wave number
T Wave period
c Wave speed
I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Peter Chu and second reader Prof.
Thomas Herbers for their support, advice and patience throughout this project.
For help during my practical work, thanks must go to Prof. Curt Collins and the
staff of the R/V Point Sur.
Many thanks to Dr. Julie Armishaw, from UKHO, for allowing me to
investigate her model and answering the many questions I asked at the
beginning of this project. Thanks also to Dr. Partrick Barnard, from USGS for
allowing me to use his data, ask questions, and provide comments and feedback
throughout the modeling process.
Lastly and most importantly, I would like to thank my family and friends
back in the UK and in Monterey for their continued support and encouragement
throughout my time at NPS.


In recent years the Navy has undergone a shift in operational focus from
the traditional blue water operations in deep open ocean, to brown water
operations in the littoral zone. The littoral, traditionally an unfamiliar area for
Naval operations, brings with it different challenges. A significant threat when
operating in the littoral are mines. Mine warfare is not a new concept; mines have
been used since the American Revolution. They are inexpensive, simple to
manufacture, and relatively easy to obtain and maintain. Mines have resulted in
damage and have sunk more ships in the past century than all other weapons
combined. More than 50 countries possess a mine-laying capability (National
Research Council, 2001).
Mines are used to deny sea control, in order to maintain war-fighting
capability, and naval forces need the ability to open and maintain sea lines of
communication in order to dominate the littoral battle space (Royal Navy, 2004).
In order to retain maritime security, it is essential to maintain an up-to-date
database of mine countermeasures route surveys, particularly for ports, harbors,
and sea-lanes of strategic importance.
The littoral region is subject to many temporal and spatial variations, and it
is therefore difficult to assess how often a region should be surveyed in order to
maintain up-to-date data. The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has
developed a model to maintain the UK mine warfare route survey database,
taking into account environmental and geospatial parameters. This enables
survey periodicity to be calculated in order to optimize survey resources, thus
making this task more time and cost effective. The U.S. Navy currently has no
such model.
1. The Threat
The first floating mine was designed by David Bushnell in 1776the
Bushnell Kegit was used during the American Revolution. It was a primitive
design that was comprised of a watertight keg filled with gunpowder and a
flintlock detonator, which was suspended from a float. These mines were placed
in the Delaware River so that they would float into British ships that were
stationed down river (Royal Navy, 2009) (U.S. Navy and Marine Corp, 2005).
During the Second World War many different types of mine were
developed, new ways to lay the mines were also developed. Aircraft dropped
mines proved very successful; on average the Allies lost one mine-laying plane
for every twenty enemy ships sunk (Royal Navy, 2009).
In the Korean War, a major U.S. amphibious operation was delayed by
eight days due to a relatively primitive mine threat. The Admiral in charge of the
operation, Real Admiral Allan Smith was quoted as saying (Royal Navy, 2009):
A backward nation with a fleet of sampans designed at the time of
Christ has used mines designed during the United States Civil War
to halt the mightiest naval power in the history of the world
This remains true today. The most recent use of mines in combat was
during the 1991 Gulf War. The Iraqi forces laid minefields, comprised of an
estimated 1300 mines (Royal Navy, 2009) (U.S. Navy and Marine Corp, 2005).
This resulted in two U.S. ships, the USS Princeton and the USS Tripoli, being
badly damaged.
The mine has played an important role in all major naval campaigns.
Although mines have become far more sophisticated, they remain relatively
cheap to manufacture and deploy. The cost of producing and laying a mine is
approximately 0.5% to 10% of the cost of removing it, and it can take up to two
hundred times longer to clear a mine field than to lay one (Wikipedia, 2009).
Mine damage to a ship can include hull rupture, caused by the pressure
wave created by detonation. Internal damage to equipment is caused by
vibration and flooding and also structural damage to the ship. The magnitude
and type of damage depends upon the size of the explosive force and the shock
resistance of the target (U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 2005).
2. Mine Classification
Mine warfare is defined as the strategic and tactical use of sea mines and
their countermeasures (U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 2005). Mines can be
classified into the following three categories.
a. Bottom Mines
Bottom mines, also known as Ground mines, are designed to sink
and rest on the seabed; they are most effective in comparatively shallow waters.
In deep waters, surface vessels may pass over the mine without triggering it. A
bottom mine planted in deep water is still effective against submarines. Acoustic,
magnetic, or pressure sensors can activate bottom mines.
b. Moored Mines
Moored Mines are placed at a pre-determined depth under water,
designed for deep-water, and are effective against submarines and surface
ships. The explosive charge and firing mechanism in a moored mine floats, and a
cable attached to an anchor on the bottom holds the case at the pre-determined
depth below the surface.
c. Drifting Mines
Drifting mines, which were banned under the Hague Convention of
1907, move freely through the water at or near the surface; they have no
anchoring devices. A moored mine that has lost its tether cable becomes a
drifting mine.
3. Mine Warfare Operations
Mine Warfare operations can be divided into two categories, Mining
and Mine Countermeasures (MCM).
a. Mining
Mining operations are used to establish or maintain control of sea
areas that are deemed to have tactical or significant importance. Mining has the
advantage of being able to inflict major damage on enemy shipping. A mine field
is covert and passive. This makes it an effective weapon in the denial of a sea
area to enemy forces. However, due to the passive nature of the mine, it cannot
distinguish between friendly or enemy forces. Two important concepts are:
Offensive Denial, which is the prevention of mining, and Defensive Protection,
which is reducing the risk of mines that have already been laid (Royal Navy,
b. Mine Counter-Measures (MCM)
MCM operations can be sub-divided into two categories. Offensive
MCM is the prevention of mines being laid in the first place. Strategic bombing of
enemy mine factories, depots, airfields, harbors, etc., can achieve this. Sinking
or shooting down of mine laying platforms, or excluding enemy mine layers from
areas of operations, can also achieve this. If enemy mines have already been
laid, then Defensive MCM operations must occur. These include active MCM
such as Mine-sweeping, Mine-hunting, and Clearance Diving.
4. Environmental Factors for Mine Warfare
For successful MCM operations, a number of factors must be taken into
account. The type, size, and aspect of the mine is important, as are the
environmental factors that will influence the behavior of the mine, and the
environmental factors that are present in the locality of the mine will influence
Mining is most likely to occur in the littoral region, where choke points and
shipping lanes are prime targets. In mine warfare the littoral region is divided into
four zones.

Figure 1. The Mine Warfare Environment (After National Research Council,
The Surf Zone: 0-3 m is where you find obstacles, anti invasion mines,
bottom, moored, and drifting mines. Very Shallow Water (VSW): 3-12 m is a
prime area for bottom, moored, and drifting mines. Shallow Water (SW): 12-60
m, likely mines include moored, drifting, and also rising mines, which are initially
deployed on the sea bed, and will be activated by either a time delay, pressure,
acoustic, or magnetic fluctuation that will cause the mine to rise. Bottom mines
can also be found in this region, but are deemed less effective than if laid in
VSW. Deep Water (DW): >60 m, moored, rising or drifting mines are likely,
bottom mines are unlikely to be laid at this depth.
The different environmental parameters in each zone have varying levels
of importance in MCM operations. They can be categorized by levels of
importance (National Research Council, 2000), these are summarized in Table 1.

The oceanographic factors that are considered to be of high importance in a
certain zone are assigned red, those of intermediate or moderate importance are
yellow, and those considered less important are green.

Surf Zone VSW SW DW
Sediment Size
Seafloor Clutter
Bottom Roughness
Mine Burial
Water Clarity
Temperature and Salinity
Acoustic Properties N/A
Table 1. Impact Matrix of Oceanographic Factors, red high importance, yellow
moderate importance, green low importance.
The factors deemed more important in relation to survey periodicity are
discussed below.
a. Bathymetry
Bathymetry is an important factor when surveying the periodicity
problem. Spatial and temporal variations in water depth and seafloor profile can
influence the location and height of breaking waves, the position and strength of
surface currents, and the propagation of the tide into very shallow waters.
In the surf zone, temporal changes in bathymetry can influence
local dynamics in time periods as short as one day. In deeper waters, the
fractional changes are smaller and slower, but can still easily be sufficient to
cause mine burial. Prior knowledge of these conditions is an important aid to
operational planning (National Research Council, 2000). Bathymetry is important
in mine hunting operations due to scour or burial and bottom clutter
characteristics. Bathymetry measurements are more complex in shallow water,
the fluid dynamics mechanisms involved are increasingly sensitive to small-scale
features (National Research Council, 2000). Temporal changes are important,
modern survey techniques such as multi-beam surveys are increasingly being
used to study this area.
Burial potential varies strongly in the fluid environment with activity
generally increasing with decreasing depth (National Research Council, 2000).
In the deep and shallow water zone, burial can occur either when the mine is laid
or soon afterwards. Bathymetry in very shallow waters changes rapidly due to a
wide spectrum of bedforms, these are also found in shallow water. In this
dynamic morphology environment mines can quickly be susceptible to scour and
be buried. Little is known about the climatology, variability, and importance of
small-scale bedforms in shallow waters (National Research Council, 2000). It is
thought that bedforms are likely to be an important mechanism for mine burial.
Bedforms also affect the flow of the fluid through bottom dissipation. In bedform
regions mine detection is more difficult due to clutter. Knowledge of the presence
and persistence of low-clutter regimes (no bedforms) would be useful (National
Research Council, 2000).
b. Tides and Currents
Tidally driven changes of sea surface elevation vary globally from
negligible to several meters in very shallow waters. In the shallow and deep-
water zones, these elevation changes have little effect on mine hunting
operations or effectiveness. Tidal effects primarily influence mine warfare
operations in very shallow water and the surf zone, although in the surf zone tidal
currents are usually negligible compared to wave-driven flows (National
Research Council, 2000).
Tidal currents can cause an increase in the scour of bottom mines,
and can also cause significant transport of drifting mines. Outside the surf zone,
tidal currents are often greater than 0.5 m/s, this has a detrimental effect on diver
and marine mammal operations.
Currents can affect operations, safety, and potentially scour. There
is generally a decrease in magnitude of currents with depth. Deep and shallow
water flows are geostrophic and low-frequency (and are likely to be predictable),
while very shallow water and surf zone currents are more likely to be directly
forced through wind, wave-driving forces, or buoyancy fluxes due to runoff or
river outflow (National Research Council, 2000).
c. Seabed Sediment Type and Sedimentation
In the littoral zone, it is vital to have a good indication of sediment
type and seafloor characteristics if mine warfare operations are to be successful.
The physical, chemical, and magnetic properties of the seabed can be important
in all aspects of the mine warfare problem, for example (National Research
Council, 2000):
Mine burial probability is a function of sediment properties; it is a
key factor for mine sweeping or hunting tactical decisions.
Seafloor conductivity and water depth are key factors for
determining magnetic sweep paths.
Bottom reflectivity is a factor in airborne LIDAR performance.
Bottom sediment characteristics are a key factor in sediment
transport, which affects water clarity and mine burial.
With increased understanding of sediment types and properties,
many aspects of mine warfare operations can be improved and ultimately will
become more efficient. Mine burial is an extremely important factor in mine
warfare operations. There are four mechanisms by which mines will bury (U.S.
Navy and Marine Corps, 2005):
Scour (current-induced and wave-induced)
Migrating sand ridges
Burial by deposition
Impact burial
In order to be more effective, we need to have an increased
understanding of the forces that will cause mine burial (for example waves,
currents, and sediment transport). In particular, we need to understand how
these forces will interact with different mine types and the magnitude of these
Mines have various shapes and sizes. For example, a common
mine, called Manta, is a shallow seabed influence mine, which operates in
depths from 2.5 m to 100 m. It is designed to rest on the seabed even in a
region of strong flows. Typical dimensions of a Manta are: length 980 mm, width
980 mm, and height 470 mm. The dimensions are comparable to mines that
operate in similar depths; the Rockan has a length of 1015 mm, width 800 mm
and a height of just 385 mm. The Mk67 SLMM is 4090 mm in length, 485 mm in
width and 485 mm height. If sediment transport causes a change of
approximately 0.3 to 0.5 m in height of the seabed, it is significant in the possible
burial of minesthis is before factors such as scour are taken into account.
Significant work has been done in sediment transport research, and
a strong understanding of the physics involved has been developed, but these
efforts have been generic rather than mine warfare specific. For example; since
2001, strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) have been carried out in the
UK. They are managed by the Department of Trade and Industry, primarily
aimed at providing information for decisions that could affect the way large-scale
commercial energy resources are developed. However, due to the nature of the
research and the results obtained, this is an ideal source of data for the mine
warfare problem.
The UKHO developed a weighted suitability Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) model in order to review the UK Mine Countermeasures Route
Survey maintenance schedule. The objective of the model is to optimize
resources, by determining which routes are susceptible to change and should be
surveyed at a higher frequency than those that are unlikely to change frequently
over time. This enables a more scientific approach to survey periodicity than that
of frequently re-surveying routes of higher strategic importance and surveying
lower priority routes on a less frequent basis.
1. The UKHO Model Concepts
There are three underlying concepts included in the UKHO model, which
are detailed in the following sections.
a. The Mine Counter Measures Environment
The Mine Counter Measures Environment focuses on factors that
are considered significant in mine burial, including burial mechanisms, burial
probability, and burial rate. These factors were used to estimate how a mine
could be buried, how likely this is, and the time period that these processes are
likely to take.
b. The Maritime Environment
The Maritime environment is an extremely important factor in
determining the survey periodicity for route surveys. The UKHO model included
seabed sediment types, sediment deposition, bottom texture, gas presence and
vessel traffic. A summary of the data included is shown in Table 2. The data
was obtained from many different sources, bottom texture and bottom contacts
data was taken from the UKHO Route Survey Database (RSDB) and processed
in Microsoft Excel, allowing it to be imported easily into ArcGIS. The British
Geological Survey (BGS) supplied the seabed sediment type data in a digital
map. In order to determine total suspended matter, satellite data from the NASA
MODIS satellites were used. The density of fishing vessels was obtained from
the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (CEFAS). Gas
presence was taken from the UKHO Geological Database (GEODB) and vessel
traffic was supplied by NAVOCEANO.

Table 2. Data included in the UKHO model (From Armishaw, 2005)
c. GIS Modeling
In order to determine the survey periodicity, a weighted suitability
model was developed. This concept was used to simplify an extremely complex

Figure 2. GIS Weighted Suitability Model (From Armishaw, 2005)
In the UKHO model, each layer was re-classified to a scale of 0 to
9, with 0 representing a high degree of expected change and 9 representing little
change. Each layer was then assigned a weighting value that represented the
assessed importance of that layer. Each layer value was then multiplied with the
weighting value and added together for a particular location so that an
assessment could be made to the re-survey interval routes. The weighting
values used are shown in Figure 3. The route survey maintenance schedule was
determined using the three layers: Burial Probability, given a weighting of 0.40,
Burial Mechanisms, given a weighting of 0.40, and Change in Number of Bottom
Contacts, given a weighting of 0.20. Each can be considered a sub-model.
The Burial Probability sub-model is comprised of bottom texture,
weighting 0.30, seabed sediment type, weighting 0.30, total suspended
sediment, weighting 0.10, fishing activity, weighting 0.20 and gas presence,
weighting 0.10. The weightings in the sub-model represent the predicted
importance of each factor within that sub-model.
The Burial Mechanism sub-model is comprised of bottom texture,
weighting 0.45, seabed sediment type, weighting 0.45, and gas presence,
weighting 0.10. All three of these parameters were also included in the Burial
Probability sub-model, so it can be deduced that they are important in both
processes. The importance of bottom texture and seabed sediment type are
particularly relevant.
The Change in number of Bottom Contacts sub-model has two
input factors. The existing contact density has a weighting of 0.35. Additional
contacts from vessels, has a weighting of 0.65, this factor was devised by a
further sub-model including merchant vessels and fishing vessels, both of which
had a weighting of 0.50. The overall weighting of this sub-model is substantially
lower than the other two, indicating it has a lower importance on the overall route
survey maintenance schedule.

Figure 3. Relationship between model parameters, showing the weightings
assigned to each layer (From Armishaw, 2005)
2. Model Interpretation
The model results were reclassified into four categories in order to assign
survey periodicity, and the results were then further sub-divided in two priority
groupings. The first, Priority 1, being areas of higher importance and the second,
Priority 2, being areas of lower importance. The categories are shown in Table
3, each category corresponds to a seabed changeability, with two recommended
survey intervals, depending on the priority of the region in question.

Category Seabed Changeability Priority 1 Survey Interval Priority 2 Survey Interval
1 HIGH 3-5 yrs 10-12 yrs
2 MODERATE-HIGH 5-7 yrs 12-15 yrs
3 LOW-MODERATE 7-10 yrs 15-20 yrs
4 LOW 10-15 yrs 20 yrs
Table 3. Recommended re-survey intervals (From Armishaw, 2005)
The model output layer was then re-plotted into the assigned seabed
changeability categories shown in Table 3, and from this a MCM Route survey-
planning matrix was constructed for UK route surveys.
3. Model Limitations
Recommendations for areas of further study from the UKHO 2005 report
Investigate the potential for the UKHO model to be used in other
geographic locations.
Determine if any additional environmental factors should be
included in the model to refine the results.
The current iteration of the UKHO model is limited by the environmental
parameters that have not yet been included. Important factors such as waves,
tides and currents were not included.
The data included in the UKHO model, provides a good assessment for
survey periodicity in the UK region. It cannot be used in other geographical
locations due to the geographical boundaries of the input data. However, it could
be used as a basis for route re-survey models in other regions. The quantity and
quality of the data used to develop the UKHO model is extensive. Similar data
for other geographical locations, has proved difficult to source, and due to time
constraints of this study, a replica of the model for a different geographical
location has not been achieved.
The primary goal of this research is to determine the variability of temporal
and spatial factors that will affect the survey periodicity of route surveys for Mine
Warfare. Many of these factors have been addressed and included in the UKHO
model. However, a significant omission is that of waves, tides, and currents.
Waves, tides, and currents have a huge impact on sediment transport and
bedform formation, which in turn will have a large impact on mine burial.
Therefore, these parameters are important in determining survey periodicity for
route surveys.
In this study, sediment transport and bedform evolution are reviewed. San
Francisco Bay is used as a case study. Experimental results from localized
sediment grabs are used to determine changes in sediment type with time, and
compared to the NAVOCEANO HFEVA sediment database. This allows the
validity of the database to be assessed. The effect of waves, tides, and currents
in the region are assessed. Theses results are then compared to multi-beam
data gathered by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), collected to
determine bedform evolution. The results from these two investigations are
analyzed and an assessment for mine warfare survey periodicity for this region is
From the San Francisco Bay results, the potential for additional layers
including waves, tides, and currents for the inclusion in the UKHO model are
reviewed and their values assessed.
Sediment transport is the movement of sediment; it is typically due to the
gravity acting upon the sediment and the motion of the fluid in which the
sediment is located. It is complex, however, it is an extremely important factor in
determining the survey periodicity for route surveys. The sediment type will
influence the probability of a mine burial. The sediment transport rate has a
significant effect on the time period in which a mine will be buried or remain
uncovered, and thus detected during a survey.
Sediment transport is dependent on a number of variables, which include:
sediment size, shape and density of grains, settling velocity, sediment
availability, flow depth, water density and viscosity, bed shear stress, bedform
wavelength, height and steepness, maximum and residual tidal velocity and
wave period and amplitude (Dyre, 1986).
Figure 4 shows a schematic of the dynamic interactions of sediment
behavior. It shows a triad of three important factors: the sediment transport
mechanismsfor example if the sediment will be transported in suspension or as
bedload, the type of seabed, and the flow that influences the sediment in the
form of waves and currents.


Figure 4. Sediment process triad (From Proudman, 2009)
In the last century the mechanisms that influence sediment transport have
been extensively studied. Sediment transport can be broken down into two
categories: suspended sediment transport, and bedload transport. Suspended
sediment transport includes finer particles that will travel with a fluid, they will
tend to travel faster and further, and they can be estimated using satellite
Bedload transport involves particles that have settled and are found within
a few grain diameters of the bed, they tend to travel slower than the surrounding
fluid. Estimates of bedload transport are more difficult, however, due to recent
improvements in multi-beam technology and data availability a number of studies
to increase the understanding of bedload transport and bedform evolution are
currently on going.
1. Sediment Type
Sediments tend to enter the coastal system through discharge from rivers;
the volume of sediment discharged depends upon geology, topography and the
climate. It has been estimated that the annual worldwide discharge of sediment
from rivers is 7 x 10
tons (Milliman and Meade, 1983). The sediment will sort
itself in order of size, with larger sediment grains settling out first, while finer
grains remain in suspension and generally travel further from the source.
a. The Wentworth Scale
Sediment grain size can be classified using the Udden-Wentworth
scale, which utilizes a logarithmic scale. Sediment type is determined using:
= -log
(X) (1)
where X is the grain size in mm. This is a very useful method in the analysis of
sediment type. Mine burial is more likely to occur in areas classified as fine sand
( = 2 to 3).
The Wentworth scale is summarized in Table 4it relates the grain size in
mm to phi units, and then assigns each sediment range a named classification.
The grain size ranges from >256 mm to <0.0002 mm, when converted into phi
the largest sediments are < -8 and the smallest sediments correspond to a phi
value of >12. The sediment size ranges corresponding to each phi increment
can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. The Wentworth Scale. (From Dyre, 1986)

When a sediment sample is collected, it can then be analyzed
using laboratory methods. It is assumed (Dyre, 1986) that within a given sample,
a Normal Distribution of sediments will occur, and the sediment can be classified
by calculating the percentage of each sample within each range, then calculating
the mean grain size for that sample and converting this to phi units. Statistical
analysis can then be carried out utilizing the following calculations:
Percentage of Sample: % of each sub-sample (2)
Mean Grain Size: ( ) X Percentage GrainSize


( )
X f m



Standard Deviation:
( )
f m X



( )
3 3
f m X


66% Confidence Interval: 0.9542
No. of Samples


95% Confidence Interval: 1.9600
No. of Samples

The percentage of each sub-sample within a sample must first be
calculated. From this, the mean grain size can be calculated as shown in
Equation 3. Equation 4 also shows the calculation for the mean grain size, with

being equivalent to the percentage of each sub-sample multiplied by that

samples grain size in mm. From this, the standard deviation and skewness can
be calculated.
b. NAVOCEANO Database Data.
NAVOCEANO uses a similar classification scheme to the
Wentworth scale, although a larger number of categories are employed, this is
shown in Table 5. Surface sediment type data provided by NAVOCEANO can be
obtained at high and low spatial resolutions.
The databases include analysis of grabs and cores collected during
surveys from multiple sources. Low resolution data is based on data for every
five minutes of latitude and longitude. High resolution data is based on every six
seconds of latitude and longitude. In certain areas, including San Francisco Bay,
more detailed surveys have been compiled and the resolution is increased. In
this investigation sediment samples are compared to the High Frequency
Environmental Acoustics (HFEVA) dataset (NAVOCEANO, 2003).

Table 5. NAVOCEANO HFEVA database sediment classification. (From
2. Grain Size Distribution and Fluid Flow
Grain size distribution and fluid flow are important in calculating sediment
transport. Sediment within a flow can be transported in three ways, along the
bed as bedload, in suspension as suspended load or along the air-water
interface as wash-load, the location at which the sediment will be located can be
determined by the Rouse Number:


where w
is the setting velocity; = 0.407, is the von Karman constant; and
u is
the shear velocity. The settling velocity of the sediment, w
, is determined by the
sediment density,
, and diameter, d of the sediment particle.
The required Rouse numbers for transport as bed load, suspended load,
and wash load are summarized in Table 6.

Table 6. Mode of transport related to Rouse numbers (From Wikipedia, 2009)
The shape of the grains also influences the settling velocity and therefore
the distribution of grains, as shown in Figure 5. As the size of the grains
increase, the settling velocity also increases, indicating that larger grains can
settle in regions with increased fluid flow, where as finer grains will settle in
regions with a lower fluid flow.
Mode of Transport Rouse Number
Bed load >2.5
Suspended load: 50% Suspended >1.2, <2.5
Suspended load: 100% Suspended >0.8, <1.2
Wash load <0.8

Figure 5. Settling velocities of grains in water at 20
C as a function of grain
diameter and shape factor (From Komar and Reimers, 1978).
In this study, bedload transport is determined to be the most important
factor. The magnitude of bedload transport is extremely difficult to quantify, there
are a number of theories and studies that have been carried out, however, there
is no generic solution to this problem. Therefore, in order to determine survey
periodicity for mine warfare route surveys a qualitative approach is necessary at
this stage.
3. Threshold of Sediment Movement
The seabed is composed of individual sediment grains. The forces acting
upon each grain are summarized in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Forces acting on a grain resting on the seabed (From Liu, 2001)
The flow drag force on the grain is the driving factor, this is defined as:
( )

where the friction velocity u
is the flow velocity close to the seabed, is a
coefficient used to modify the friction velocity, in turn
u is the characteristic flow
velocity past the grain. The grain will start to move at critical friction velocity , this
can be denoted as
u . This is the point at which the grain is about to move, and
occurs when the drag force is equal to the friction force that is parameterized as
the net vertical force (gravity lift) multiplied by an empirical friction factor, f.
( )
= f

( )

( )


This equation is then rearranged:

s 1 ( )gd

+ f

The left hand side of the rearranged equation gives us the critical Shields
, in turn the Shields parameter, can be defined as:
s 1 ( )gd

Movement will occur if the Shields parameter is greater than the critical
Shields parameter. Figure 7 shows the thresholds of Shields parameter as
delineating suspended and bedload sediment as a function of grain size
according to Bagnold (1956) with a coefficient of 0.4 and McCave (1971) with a
coefficient of 0.19. The actual figures are still disputed.

Figure 7. Shields diagram showing the threshold of suspension (From Dyre,
When sediment begins to move bedforms will begin to form. A flat bottom
can become deformed, with a series of undulations. As water flow increases,
drag will be increased, and this increases in the shear stress available at the bed
to create grain movement (Dyre, 1986). In laboratory investigations, the
sequence of bedforms with increasing flow intensity is: Flat bed, Ripples, Dunes,
High Stage Plane Bed, followed by Antidunes. Terminology varies in different
studies. A diagrammatic representation of the flow over bedforms and their
movement is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Flow over Ripples, Dunes and Antidunes (From Liu, 2001)
If the average current velocity, water depth and sediment size are known
factors, then the expected bedforms can be predicted by empirical diagrams, as
shown in Figure 9. The sediment size is represented by the settling velocity. In
this example, the ripple speed is also given so that the figure can be used to
estimate the bed-load transport, (Liu, 2001).

Figure 9. Bedform prediction diagram (From Liu, 2001)
1. Ripples
Ripples are formed at relatively weak flow intensity; the mean grain
diameter for ripple formation is less than 0.7 mm (Liu, 2001). From observations,
it is estimated that the average height and length of ripples are controlled by
grain size, they are typically; H
and L
2. Dunes
Dunes, also known as Sand Waves, have a very similar shape to ripples,
but are larger in size. The size of dunes is typically controlled by flow depth.
Dunes are formed by coarser sediments, with mean grain size greater than 0.6
mm (Liu, 2001). As flow intensity increases, the dunes will increase in size,
reducing the water depth at the crest of the dunes. The high velocity over the
crest can cause the dunes to become washed out forming a flat plane bed.
3. Antidunes
Antidunes are formed when the Froude number exceeds unity. The wave
height on the water surface is of the same order as the antidune height, this
causes instability in the surface wave, which can grow and break in an upstream
direction, causing the antidune to move upstream (Liu, 2001).
Both currents and waves will influence the formation of bedforms, and
they will affect the type of bedform, its size, and its shape. The magnitude of
sediment transport due to currents and waves has been extensively studied,
however, no single solution exists due to the complexity of the problem and the
number of variables associated with it. Bedload transport formula have been put
forward by Meyer-Peter (1948), Kalinske-Frijlink (1952), Einstein-Brown (1950),

Bagnold (1946), and Bijker (1971). These methods are all complex and do not
provide a general solution, however all provide solutions within the same order of
magnitude. This study will therefore be qualitative rather than quantitative.
1. Currents
The typical pattern of bedform formation in a steady current is illustrated in
Figure 10, showing typical bedforms related to increased flow. The starting point
is a typical ripple pattern (A), in a steady current this will develop into dunes with
ripples superposed (B) as the current continues to flow dunes will form (C), they
will then become washed out dunes or in a transition phase (D). Following this,
still under the influence of a steady current, a plane bed will form (E). If the flow
continues to strengthen, antidunes may be formed.

Figure 10. Typical bedforms in order of increased stream power (From
Deigaard, 1992)
In a steady current, at the point where sediment transport will begin to
occur the bed becomes unstable. Fine sediments will form ripples usually with a
length of less than 0.6 m and a height of less than 60 mm, ripple size is generally
independent of water depth in this case, (Deigaard, 1992). As current velocity
increases, total bed shear stress increases and the type of bedform will follow the
pattern shown in Figure 11. Bed shear stress,
, is shown as the vertical axis,
this is plotted against velocity, V, on the horizontal axis. As
and V increase
the progression of ripples, dunes, plane bed followed by anti-dunes at the higher
and V values can be seen.

Figure 11. Relationship between total bed shear stress and flow velocity for
different bedforms (From Deigaard, 1992)
If the current is oscillatory in nature the shape of the bedforms will be
amended; this is shown in Figure 12. The bedform shape in oscillatory flow is
shown in the upper part of the diagram, this can be compared with the bedform
shape in steady flow in the lower part. It can clearly be seen that in oscillatory
flow the bedform will have more defined peaks, whereas in steady flow, the
peaks will appear much smoother.

Figure 12. A) Bedform shape in oscillatory flow, B) Bedform shape in steady
flow (From Deigaard, 1992)
2. Waves
Waves are oscillatory in nature, which amends the shape of the bedform
as shown above. Ripples generated by waves, are generally less than 15 cm in
height, and can be split into two main groups, rolling grain ripples and vortex
ripples (Bagnold, 1946). Figure 13 shows the progression from rolling grain
ripples (A) to vortex ripples (D). Rolling grain ripples are formed at a low Shields
number, not much larger than twice the critical Shields number. Vortex ripples
are formed at a higher Shields number, and the vortex is able to move an
increased amount of sediment away from the seabed, thus increasing the
amount of sediment in suspension.

Figure 13. Sketch of vortices formed over a vortex ripple (From Deigaard,
Wave generated ripples are influenced by depth. Linear wave theory
dictates the orbital motion of particles with depth. As depth increases, the orbital
motion of a particle will decrease. This, in turn, will influence the bottom shear
stress of the sea bed. This is demonstrated by Figure 14.

Figure 14. Horizontal velocity profile and water particle orbit as predicted by
linear wave theory (From Liu, 2001)
3. Combined Current and Wave Interaction
The general principle of sediment transport in the coastal or littoral region
is that waves stir up the sediment and currents, then in turn, transport the
sediment. When both waves and currents are present, wave induced velocity will
dominate the situation near to the bottom, even if the current velocity is much
larger. Because of the oscillatory motion of the waves, current will generally be
the main transport mechanism of sediment, except in breaking wave situations.
The comparison of current and wave velocity profiles is shown in Figure 15. The
velocity profile indicated by the solid line is that of wave induced velocity, the
dashed line indicates tidal current velocity. On the left, the differences
throughout the water column can be seen, with the tidal current velocity tending
to be the larger. On the right, the diagram shows a blow up of the region at the
seabed, where it can be seen that wave induced velocity is dominant.

Figure 15. Comparison of current and wave velocity profiles (From Liu, 2001)
A number of numerical models have been developed to predict the ripple
characteristics due to wind generated waves. In this study, the Wiberg and
Harris model is utilized (Wiberg and Harris, 1994). This model uses linear wave
theory to estimate the height, wavelength, and steepness of ripples.
A series of sediment transport applets developed by Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute are used for the calculations in this study (Sherwood,
2009). The theory outlined here is used. Using the inputs, wave height, H , wave
period, T , and water depth, h , the wave number and angular frequency can be
calculated from first principle linear wave theory. The dispersion relationship for
gravity waves defines a unique relationship between the angular frequency, ,
and wavenumber, k .

= gk tan kh ( )

This implicit equation can be solved iteratively, but to simplify this an
approximate direct solution of the wave dispersion equation (Hunt, 1979) can be
used. This solution uses the Taylor expansion, and the resulting equation
(shown below) gives an approximate solution for wave speed, c, with an
accuracy of 0.1%.
( )
2 1
2 4 5
1 0.6522 0.4622 0.0864 0.0675
y y y y y

= + + + + +


y =

c =


From this relation, the near bed orbital diameter
d , and the near bottom
orbital velocity,
U can be calculated:
sinh 2h L ( )


Using these results and the sediment grain size (mm), the ripple height,
ripple wavelength, ripple steepness, and classification can be determined as
detailed in Wiberg and Harris (1994).
Ripples are divided into three categories; this was determined by analysis
of ripple wavelengths. The ratio of near bed orbital diameter
d and mean grain
diameter D, are examined. At small ratio values, ripple wavelength or spacing is
proportional to
d ; these are referred to as orbital ripples (Clifton, 1976). At large
ratio values, ripple wavelength appears to be independent of
d , but is roughly a
constant multiple of the grain size (~500D), which is referred to as anorbital
ripples (Clifton, 1976). In the intermediate range the ripples are termed
Wiberg and Harris examined experimental results from many previous
studies, and relationships determined. It was found that for orbital ripples a
simple linear relationship existed for ripple wavelength and steepness.

= 0.62d


= 0.17

For anorbital ripples the relationship was more complex:

= 535D

= exp 0.095 ln

+ 0.442ln



For suborbital ripples a weighted geometric average bounded by the
wavelengths of anorbital and orbital ripples was determined giving:

= exp
ln d

( )ln100
ln20 ln100

( )+ ln


Wiberg and Harris, guided by previous studies, argued that the most
important difference between orbital and anorbital ripples is the ratio of wave
boundary layer thickness to ripple height, which can be approximated by the ratio

. Using this criteria:


< 20 orbital ripples (25)


> 100 anorbital ripples (26)

20 <

< 100 suborbital ripples (27)

Using this theory from three simple inputs, the ripple characteristics can
be approximated, however, the ripple geometries are limited, with one of the
main factors being depth. The calculations are limited to sand sized sediments, it
also suggests that there may be no transport if the near bottom orbital velocity is
less than 0.13 cm/s. Figures 16 and 17 show the results obtained by this model.

Figure 16 shows the near bottom orbital velocity for different wave heights
and different wave periods plotted against depth. It can be seen that as wave
height increases, so does the near bottom orbital velocity. The same is true for
an increased wave period, which also increases the near bottom orbital velocity.
It can also be seen that, in each case, the near bottom orbital velocity increases
initially with an increase in depth. A maximum is reached at depths between 10
m and 15 m, the near bottom orbital velocity then steadily decreases with depth,
in all cases at depths greater than 60 m the near bottom orbital velocity had
reduced to 0.2 m/s or less.
Figure 17 shows the wave generated ripple heights for a 1 m wave. The
ripple height is plotted against depth for different wave periods and three different
sediment sizes, with phi 2.5, corresponding to fine sand, phi 1.5, corresponding
to medium sand, and phi 0.5, corresponding to coarse sand. It can be seen that
the ripple heights are larger for the coarse sand and reduce as the sand
becomes finer. As wave period increases the ripple heights also increase. Peak
ripple heights are found at approximately 10 m to 15 m depth, which corresponds
to the maximum near bottom orbital velocities.

Figure 16. Differences in near bottom orbital velocity for different wave heights
and wave periods, for a sediment size of 2.5phi, results obtained using
the Wiberg and Harris model

Figure 17. Differences in wave generated ripple heights for different wave
periods and sediment size, for a wave with a height of 1 m, results
obtained using the Wiberg and Harris model

San Francisco Bay is a large, shallow, dynamic estuary located in
California on the west coast of the U.S. It is a major international shipping port,
with large container facilities, which makes it a significant, economically important
port. It is an extremely busy waterway used by both commercial and recreational
vessels. San Francisco Bay is thought to have been formed by a down-warping
of the Earths crust between the San Andreas Fault to the west and the Hayward
Fault to the east.
The area has been subject to major changes in topography through the
years. In the nineteenth century, the area was subjected to hydraulic mining,
which released massive amounts of sediment that settled in areas of the bay with
little or no currents. In the twentieth century, the Army Corp of Engineers began
to carry out dredging operations, which have continued. Also aggregate mining
has occurred in this region. These activities have all had an impact on the area,
although the impact has not been quantified (Army Corp of Engineers, 1996;
Friends of the Estuary, 1997).
Approximately 40% of water drainage from the central coast rivers enters
the Pacific Ocean through the Golden Gate channel. This represents a mean
high freshwater discharge rate of approximately 800 m
/s (California Department
of Water Resources, 2007). This is a huge amount of fresh water entering the
estuarine system, which has the potential to carry a significant amount of
sediment into the area.
The San Francisco Bay area is subject to a complex semi-diurnal tidal
regime, this leads to temporally and spatially variable currents that can exceed
2.5 m/s. This leads to a diverse and complex pattern of bedform formations,
which were first mapped using side-scan sonar in the late 1970s, and are now
mapped using high resolution multi-beam surveys. (Barnard et al., 2007).
In this chapter, the Golden Gate region is investigated in detail. A
comparison study of localized sediment grab data in the same positions for a
three year period is assessed and analyzed. This data is then compared to the
NAVOCEANO HFEVA sediment database, and an assessment of the validity of
this database is made. Multi-beam data, obtained by the USGS is examined and
the impact of these findings on the mine warfare route survey periodicity
In February 2009, sediment samples were collected in the vicinity of the
Golden Gate region of San Francisco Bay. Previous sediment studies had been
carried out in the winters of 2007 and 2008. The intent of this investigation is to:
1) re-visit the previously sampled sites and determine statistically if there has
been a change in the sediment properties, and 2) compare the latest sediment
samples to the NAVOCEANO HFEVA database to determine if the database
remains valid.
1. Data and Methods
Sediment samples were collected during a student cruise in the winter of
2009 (OC3570 Operational Oceanography course). The cruise took place from
29 January until 4 February 2009, onboard the R/V Point Sur. Four sediment
samples were collected in San Francisco Bay. The sample locations were the
same as those that had been previously sampled during the Winter 2007/2008
a. Sediment Sample Collection
The samples were all collected using a double trap Van Veen
sediment grab, deployed off the stern of the ship using a crane. The Van Veen
grab is a light weight stainless steel sampler designed to take samples of soft
bottom sediment. Water is able to flow through the grab as it is lowered. When it
hits the seabed, the doors of the grab close due to tension on the cable, they
remain closed while the grab is raised and recovered on deck.

Figure 18. Van Veen grab on board R/V Point Sur.
Upon recovery of the grab a representative sample of the sediment
was then collected in a quart mason jar. The jar was then sealed, labeled and
stored, for laboratory processing.
b. Sediment Sample Analysis.
The sediment sample analysis was conducted in the oceanographic
laboratory at the Naval Postgraduate School. Laboratory analysis can be broken
down into phases.
The first phase involved emptying the contents of each jar into a
standard plastic Rubbermaid basin; the sample was rinsed with fresh water while
being agitated. The sample was then left to settlethe time this took depended
on the consistency of the sample, with silty samples taking much longer. The
samples were generally left overnight; this allowed all the sediment to return to
the bottom, leaving clear water on top. Following the settling period, any
particulates or biologic material floating on the water was removed. The fresh
water was then decanted out, being careful not to pour out any sediment. If
necessary, this process was repeated.
The rinsed sediment was then transferred into a pre-weighed 8 x 8
inch, Pyrex casserole dish. Sediment was transferred by pouring, scraping using
a spoon, and rinsing by squeezing a fine stream of water into the bowl. Once
transferred, the sample was placed in the laboratory oven overnight to dry. The
oven was set at approximately 90
C. Once the sample was completely dry, it
was weighed and prepared for the sieving process.
The dried sample was broken up, in some cases this could be
achieved by using a spoon. However it was necessary to use a hammer to break
up some of the more difficult samples. These tended to be the finer samples that
had become like baked clay. The broken up sample was then place in a pre-
weighed plastic bag. The bagged sample was weighed and the result recorded.
The next phase, the sieving phase was achieved by using a Ro-
Tap automated sieve. A 100 ml glass beaker was weighed, a quantity of the
sample was added to the beaker and it was re-weighed, both weights were
recorded. This was the part of the sample to be analyzed. The Ro-Tap sieve
used in this experiment utilized 14 sieves ranging from 2.00 mm to 0.070 mm in
mesh diameter.
The sample was poured into the top sieve (2.00 mm), and then
sieved through the column of sieves for 15 minutes. The sample collected in
each sieve was carefully collected, by pouring it onto a sheet of card and
removing any residue from the sieve with a wire brush, it was then transferred

into a pre-weighed plastic bag. The bag and sample was then weighed and the
results recorded. A loss of less than 1% of the sediment weight had to be
achieved if the result was to be deemed accurate.
c. Localized Sample Data.
The samples collected were compared to samples collected on the
2007/2008 cruises. The previous results were re-formatted for comparison.

Figure 19. Locations of the localized samples used for comparison.
Statistical analysis was carried out; the results for each sample
were first normalized to allow comparison to take place. Analysis as described in
Chapter II was used (Dyre, 1986) to estimate the mean grain size, and classify
the sediment sample according to the Wentworth scale.
2. Results and Analysis
The phi value was used in conjunction with the Wentworth scale in order
to classify the sediment samples. Bar graphs showing the break down of each
sample for each comparable year were plotted. X-Y plots showing 95%
confidence interval error bars for 2009 were also plotted. The results were
analyzed in order to determine if any changes of sediment properties had
occurred at any of the positions with time. Following this climatological data and
linear wave theory as described in Chapter II, were utilized in order to determine
predicted ripple heights for the four positions. This allowed comparisons to be
made between the samples and an assessment of the importance of wind
generated ripple height for the mine warfare problem in this area.
a. Localized Sample Data Comparison.
Bar graphs showing the sample sediment size distributions
(positions AD) broken down by sieves are shown in Figure 20. Using the
Wentworth Scale the sediments were classified. Table 7 shows a summary of
the results. The Phi values were calculated for each position for each year.
Although phi values did fluctuate the classification for each position throughout
the three year period remained the same.

2007 2008 2009
A 2.48
Fine Sand
Fine Sand
Fine Sand
B 2.31
Fine Sand
Fine Sand
Fine Sand
C 1.47
Medium Sand
Medium Sand
Medium Sand
D 2.25
Fine Sand
Fine Sand
Fine Sand

Table 7. Sediment Classification based on Phi values for Positions AD.

Figure 20 shows the breakdown of percentage sample mass for
each position and each year. The largest grain size is shown on the left and the
smallest on the right. Each column represents the percentage of sample mass
recovered from each of the 14 sieves and the bottom pan. The actual sediment
sizes are shown in Figure 21 where a more detailed statistical analysis was
carried out. Each bar graph shows that the sieve with the highest percentage of
sample mass for each position remained the same in each year. These results
would indicate that the sediment characteristics for all positions have changed
little, and sediment classification remains unchanged for the 2007 to 2009 period.


Figure 20. Column Graphs for positions AD, showing sample breakdown, per
year, from largest grain size (left) to smallest grain size (right)


Figure 21. Sample mass (%) vs grain size (mm) for positions A to D. Error
Bars indicate the 95% Confidence Interval in both dimensions.
Figure 21 shows the same breakdown of sediment samples by
grain size, with 95% confidence intervals. Although there are differences
between the distributions for each year these variations are not significant at a
95% confidence level. Thus, the main conclusion is that the sediment
characteristics have not changed considerably within the three year period.
b. Comparison of Ripple Heights
Table 8 shows the estimated ripple heights from waves and
characteristics for positions A to D. The wave conditions were obtained from
marine gridded climatology data provided by Fleet Numerical METOC
Detachment in Ashville. Values were calculated by re-analysis of data from 1857
to 1997.
Position A results show all the ripples classed as orbital, the ripple
height varies from 0.3 cm to 0.4 cm. This indicates a limited amount of variability
at position A over the time period.
Position B results also show the ripples are classified as orbital in
all cases. The ripple heights vary from 2.5 cm to 3.1 cm. Although this position
has more variability it remains at less than 1 cm, so cannot be deemed
Position C results, again, classify the ripples as orbital, while the
ripple height varies from 1.9 cm to 3.1 cm. Although the variability is slightly
larger than the other two positions the range of ripple heights remains relatively
small and inconsequential.
Position D shows the largest variability, all ripples remain orbital,
but heights range from 1.4 cm to 3.4 cm. The range of phi values is from 2.17 to
2.25, which is not a large range, however the depth at which the grab samples
were obtained is more variable for this position, which could explain the variability
in results. The difference of 2 cm ripple height over a three year period is not
large enough to be a significant problem.
From these results, it can be seen that the ripple heights for each
position show a degree of variability, although not on a large scale. The variation
for each position is in the order of centimeters, the estimated ripple heights from
waves are all relatively small and would be inconsequential for mine burial at
these positions. However, this does not take into account the currents in this
Although the ripple height is assessed as too small to bury a mine it
still remains an important issue in the mine warfare survey periodicity problem.
Smaller ripples in the order of centimeters can cause a significant problem in
mine detection due to scattering of acoustic rays.

2007 2008 2009 Mean SD
Phi 2.48 2.52 2.51 2.50 0.02
Depth (m) 60 63 63 62 1.73
Orbital Diameter (mm) 0.019 0.015 0.015 0.016 0.0023
Orbital Velocity (m/s) 0.017 0.013 0.013 0.014 0.0023
Ripple Height (cm) 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.33 0.0577
Ripple Classification Orbital Orbital Orbital
Phi 2.31 2.29 2.11 2.23 0.11
Depth (m) 37 35 38 36.6 1.52
Orbital Diameter (mm) 0.128 0.151 0.118 0.132 0.0169
Orbital Velocity (m/s) 0.115 0.135 0.106 0.119 0.0148
Ripple Height (cm) 2.7 3.1 2.5 2.77 0.3055
Ripple Classification Orbital Orbital Orbital
Phi 1.47 1.75 1.90 1.71 0.21
Depth (m) 38 41 35 38 3.00
Orbital Diameter (mm) 0.118 0.093 0.151 0.120 0.0291
Orbital Velocity (m/s) 0.106 0.083 0.135 0.108 0.0261
Ripple Height (cm) 2.5 1.9 3.1 2.5 0.6
Ripple Classification Orbital Orbital Orbital
Phi 2.25 2.17 2.20 2.21 0.04
Depth (m) 40 45 34 39.67 5.508
Orbital Diameter (mm) 0.101 0.067 0.164 0.116 0.0492
Orbital Velocity (m/s) 0.090 0.060 0.147 0.099 0.0442
Ripple Height (cm) 2.1 1.4 3.4 2.3 1.01
Ripple Classification Orbital Orbital Orbital
Table 8. Ripple Characteristics for positions AD.
c. NAVOCEANO Database Comparison.
The four samples were compared to the NAVOCEANO HFEVA
database. Results are summarized in Table 9.

Phi Wentworth
2.51 Fine Sand Fine Sand
2.11 Fine Sand Fine Sand
1.90 Medium Sand Medium Sand
2.20 Fine Sand Fine Sand
Table 9. 2009 sediments samples compared to NAVOCEANO Database Data.

Figure 22. Positions AD, overlaid on the NAVOCEANO HFEVA Dataset.
Table 9 shows that the classifications of each of the four positions
are the same as the NAVOCEANO database data. Figure 22 shows the
NAVOCEANO HFEVA dataset plotted geographically; each color represents a
different sediment type as shown in the key on the left of the figure. Figure 22
also shows that the experimental results compare well with the database data.
The experimental results all fall within the same sediment categories that the
database predicts. This would suggest that this is a valid database. Positions A,
B and D all fall within the fine sand category geographically, and position C falls
within the (medium) sand category.
d. Accuracy and Errors.
There are issues involving the accuracy and errors associated with
this investigation. Although, during the collection and laboratory processing, as
much care as possible was taken to limit or eliminate errors.
During the collection phase, the bridge of the R/V Point Sur was
given the positions of previously collected samples, the ship aimed to stay in
station at these locations as accurately as possible during the deployment and
retrieval of the grab. However, from comparing the positions over the three
years, it can be noted that although the positions are extremely similar, they are
not exactly the same. This is reflected in the depths used in calculating ripple
height and is the main reason for the variation in the ripple height.
In order to gain a better representation of sediment type, it would
be preferable to take a selection of samples at each position, so that the average
result could be used, rather that relying on one sample. This would allow any
erroneous sediment samples to be excluded, or have a minimal effect on the
results used for comparison. There results, used for comparison from previous
studies, were assumed to be correct, the sediment samples were not available
for re-analysis.
The laboratory procedure for sediment analysis was carried out in
such a way to minimize error. In order to be deemed a valid result less than 1%
sample loss could occur during the sieving process. There were problems that
occurred that could introduce error. Finer samples proved problematic after the
baking phase. The aim was to break up these samples as much as was
possible, however, this proved difficult at times and could have caused a skew in
results indicating a sample was coarser than it actually was. Every care was
taken to avoid this.
During the sieving phase, care had to be taken to ensure that all of
the sediment sample was removed from each sieveat times this could be
difficult and was achieved by using a wire brush or a sharp pencil to poke any
remaining sediment grains from the sieve.
The sieves available for the Ro-Tap sieve ranged from 2.00 mm to
0.070 mm. This limited the sediment classification range, from fine gravel to very
fine sand, in the case of these sediment samples this range appeared adequate.
The USGS has an ongoing investigation in the San Francisco Bay area,
this includes analyzing bedforms mapped using multi-beam sonar to determine
the regional bedload sediment transport patterns in the San Francisco Bay
coastal system. This study has yielded some valuable results that can be used
in assessing the mine warfare route survey periodicy problem in this region.
A series of high resolution multi-beam surveys were conducted in the San
Francisco Bay area. The length, height, depth and asymmetry of 3386 individual
bedforms were derived. This allowed quantitative information regarding the
bedforms to be derived, and a better understanding of coastal sediment transport

Selections of USGS survey results are shown in this section (With
permission, Barnard, 2007/2009), the effect of these findings on the survey
periodicity problem are discussed. The results are also used as a quality control
measure in determining a survey periodicity model for this area and are
discussed in Chapter IV.
1. Bed Patterns in San Francisco Bay
Figures 23 and 24 show detailed multi-beam images of the San Francisco
Bay region. The complexity and variety of the bedforms in this region can clearly
be seen in these images.

Figure 23. Bedforms in the inlet throat of San Francisco Bay (With Permission,
from Barnard et al., 2007)


Figure 24. Bedforms inside San Francisco Bay (With Permission, from
Barnard et al., 2007)

2. Temporal Variation in Bedform Morphology
In the region of the larger bedforms, a number of surveys were conducted.
The time scale of these surveys ranged from a few hours to more than ten years.
Transects through these areas were analyzed to determine if bedform size and
shape varied significantly, and on what time scales these variations occur. The
USGS concluded that the bedform fields, as a whole, maintained relative
symmetry, and that asymmetry values have not changed markedly with time
(Barnard et al., 2007).
Figure 25 shows two transects. The first, in the mouth of San Francisco
Bay (Transect B), was repeatedly surveyed in a 5.5 hour period in September
2005. It shows sand wave heights of approximately 5 m. These are large
bedforms compared with for example the size of a MANTA mine (height
approximately 0.5 m), and understanding their evolution is of great importance to
the mine warfare community The second transect, (Transect C) the Alcatraz
Shoal region, was surveyed from time scales of two weeks to eleven years, again
it can be seen that although the height of the sand wave peaks do not vary
considerably, their location does.
Figures 26 and 27 show the results from April and November 2008, in the
region between Alcatraz and Angel Island, again it can be seen in the depth
profile A-B, that the heights of the sand wave peaks do not vary considerably but
their location does. This area is further complicated, smaller bedforms are super
imposed on the larger ones, this can be seen more clearly in transect C-D. The
super imposed bedforms were only identified in the later survey with use of
higher resolution multi-beam technology, and represent an additional change in
height of 0.4 m.
From the transects, it can be seen that the height of the sand wave peaks
does not vary considerably with time, however, the location of the peak does
move with time. This is significant for the mine warfare route survey periodicity


problem. The movement of the sand waves would cause a mine to be buried,
and hence not be detected during a survey, these regions should therefore be
subject to a higher survey periodicity.

Figure 25. A) Location of sand wave transects. B) Transect from mouth of
San Francisco Bay. C) Transect in vicinity of Alcatraz Shoals. (With
permission, from Barnard et al., 2007)

Figure 26. Region of study between Alcatraz and Angel Island (With
permission, from Barnard et al., In Press, 2009).


Figure 27. Transects from Figure 26. A) Transect A-B. B) Transect C-D.
(With permission, from Barnard et al., In Press, 2009).

3. Bedform Asymmetry and Sediment Transport Patterns
Detailed high resolution multi-beam data surveys have enabled an
assessment to be made of the relationship between bedform patterns and
dominant tidal transport directions. This can be seen in Figure 28, the
intersecting bedform patterns occur a) where a flood channel cuts obliquely
across alongshore migrating ebb-orientated bedforms and b) in a large region of
onshore directed bedform migration.

Figure 28. Complex current patterns offshore of Ocean Beach (with
permission, from Barnard et al., 2007).
The asymmetry of bedforms in the region of the Golden Gate has been
assessed. This is shown in Figure 29, it shows that in the southern region the
bedforms are flood dominated, and in the northern region bedforms are ebb
dominated. From this the inferred net bedload sediment transport directions can
be determined; this is shown in Figure 30. The USGS used this information,
coupled with tidal information to develop a hydrodynamically calibrated numerical
model to predict total mean sediment transport, instantaneous water discharge
and sediment transport through the Golden Gate.

Figure 29. Asymmetry values across the Golden Gate (with permission from
Barnard et al., 2007).

Figure 30. Inferred net bedload sediment transport directions based on
asymmetry values, arrows indicated direction only, not magnitude (with
permission, from Barnard et al., 2007).
In order to determine the mine warfare route survey periodicity for San
Francisco Bay, a weighted suitability GIS model, utilizing a similar methodology
to the UKHO model, was developed. From the background theory in Chapter II
and the findings based on information in Chapter III, it is hypothesized that
waves, tides, currents and sediment size will influence bedform formation and
sediment processes; this in turn will affect the survey periodicity requirement.
Tidal data, from NAVOCEANO predictions is examined and the variability
in this region is shown. Historical current data, provided by NAVOCEANO is
analyzed. Using linear wave theory and climatological data, the estimated wave
generated ripple heights are calculated. Sediment data obtained from grab
samples provided by USGS is utilized. This data is weighted and combined, and
a model for survey periodicity is obtained.
This chapter details the process used to develop the survey periodicity
model for the San Francisco Bay region, it details the input layers used and the
weighting schemes employed. A number of different options based on various
weightings are reviewed and the most representative one chosen based on the
actual conditions found from the high resolution multi-beam data collected by
The concept of the weighted suitability model used here is summarized in
Figure 31. It utilizes three main input layers; predicted bedform type (green),
predicted bottom current (blue) and predicted wave generated ripple height (red).
Each of these layers can be thought of as a sub-model, similar to those used in
the UKHO model. The details of each layer is described in the following section.

Figure 31. Flow chart showing the three layers used to predict survey
1. The Input Layers
a. Predicted Bedform Type
In order to predict the bedform type, 174 grab samples were
obtained from the USGS. The grab samples were taken during surveys dated
between 2004 and 2008. In addition the grab samples detailed in Chapter 3
were also included. The data included latitude, longitude, depth, and sediment
grain size. The dataset was compiled in excel and entered into the GIS software
program ArcMap. The data points were interpolated into a raster dataset and
classified using the Wentworth scale. The interpolated sediment classifications
are shown in Figure 32, with the positions of the grabs samples

overlaid. A graduated color scale is used with red representing the coarsest
sediments and blue representing the finest. It can be seen that the coarsest
sediment can be found in the mouth of the Golden Gate region.

Figure 32. Sediment type calculated from grab samples, locations of the grab
samples are overlaid.
From background theory discussed in Chapter II, it is assessed that
ripples will be generated if the sediment grain size is less than 0.7 mm, these are
generally formed by wave motion. If the sediment size is greater than 0.6 mm
sand waves are more likely to form, these are generally due to current motions.
Taking this into account the grain size in mm was calculated and re-plotted, the
results are shown in Figure 33. Potential areas of wave generated ripples is
shown in green, this indicates a sediment size of less than 0.6 mm,

potential areas of current induced sand waves are shown in red, indicating a
sediment size greater than 0.7 mm. An intermediate zone between 0.6 mm and
0.7 mm is shown in yellow.

Figure 33. Potential bedform areas.
When Figure 33 is compared to the multi-beam data shown in
Figures 23 and 24, similarities can be easily identified. The regions identified as
current initiated sand waves tie in well with the sand wave fields observed in the
multi-beam surveys. This indicates that the theoretical assessment, that
sediment grain size is an important factor in the generation of bedforms, is
b. Predicted Bottom Currents
In order to obtain the predicted bottom currents, a number of data
sources were examined. The tidal regime in the San Francisco Bay area is
primarily semi-diurnal, however, it is extremely complex. Tidal prediction data
was obtained from NAVOCEANO. In order to predict the tidal heights in this
region, NAVOCEANO had split it into a number of different zones and the tide in
each zone is predicted separately due to the variability of tidal height in the
region. Tidal curves were plotted from the data provided, the tidal height is
relative to Mean Sea Level and the times were referenced to GMT. Figure 34
shows the zones in the region of study and Figure 35 shows a selection of the
plotted tidal curves. The tidal curves demonstrate the variability of tidal height in
this region. Six tidal curves are shown, the first is located at the mouth of the
Golden Gate, zone 37, and then proceed Northeast inshore to zone 12.

Figure 34. Tidal Zones in the San Francisco Bay region.
Tidal Curve: Zone 37
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09

Tidal Curve: Zone 36
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09


Tidal Curve: Zone 35
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09

Tidal Curve: Zone 15
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09


Tidal Curve: Zone 14
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09

Tidal Curve: Zone 12
1 Jan 09 - 5 Feb 09


Figure 35. Tidal Curves in the San Francisco Bay Region
The complexity of the tidal regime leads to a complex system of
tidal currents. It was decided, that in this study, tidal height would not be a
suitable parameter to use. However, the tidal data is taken into account by the
historical current data for this region. In this model data from NOAA has been
utilized. Over 50 current stations were analyzed, the data included latitude,
longitude, depth and mean annual ebb and flood currents for each station. This
data includes the currents due to tides. The data was imported into MS Excel
and then directly imported into ArcMap. The data was separated into surface
currents and bottom currents. Locations of the current stations are shown in
Figure 36.

Figure 36. The locations of the current station data used.
Both the mean ebb and mean flood surface current data was
plotted with the arrows indicating the magnitude and direction of the current at
the station location. Red arrows indicate ebb currents and green arrows indicate
flood currents. The bottom currents were plotted in the same manner. The
results are shown in Figure 37 (surface currents) and Figure 38 (bottom

Figure 37. Surface currents, arrows indicate the magnitude and direction of
the current, red indicates ebb currents, green indicates flood currents.

Figure 38. Bottom currents, arrows indicate the magnitude and direction of the
current, red indicates ebb currents, green indicates flood currents.
Graduated depth scale shown in meters.
Due to the importance of flood and ebb dominated currents in
bedform formation, further interpolation of this data was conducted. The currents
were interpolated into a raster dataset and separated into ebb dominated and
flood dominated regions. Ebb currents were assigned a negative value, and
flood currents were assigned a positive value and the residual differences
between the two calculated. The results of this interpolation are shown in Figure
39. Ebb dominated regions are indicated in red and flood dominated regions are
shown in green. The contours indicate current speed, and are plotted at 0.1 m/s
intervals, with the interface between the ebb and flood regions being 0.

Figure 39. Ebb and flood dominated regions, surface currents (left), bottom
currents (right).
From Figure 39, a good insight into the circulation patterns of San
Francisco Bay can be gained. The general circulation pattern is similar to that in
the Straits of Gibraltar, with an influx of saline water at the bottom and an out flow
of fresh water at the surface. Examination of the representation of bottom
currents shows some interesting features. When compared with the asymmetry
of bedforms generated by USGS (Figure 29), extremely good correlation is
noted. When compared with the multi-beam data, (Figures 23 and 24), it can be
seen that where the boundary between ebb and flood dominated regions occur,
bedforms also occur. This is particularly noticeable to the north of Angel Island,
in the region of the Alcatraz Shoal and in the inlet throat of the Bay. This layer
was therefore selected for use in the survey periodicity model.
c. Predicted Wave Generated Ripple Heights
To calculate the mean wave generated ripple heights, the theory
described in Chapter II was utilized. The grab samples provided latitude,
longitude, depth and sediment size data. This data was used in conjunction with
marine gridded climatology data obtained from Fleet Numerical METOC
Detachment in Ashville. The climatological data is calculated by re-analysis of
data from 1857 to 1997. Example data for the months of January and July are
shown in Table 10.

January July
Sea Surface Temp (
C) 10-12 14 - 16
Salinity (psu) 32 32

Wind Speed (m/s) 7-8 4-5
Wind Direction (deg) 020 080

Wave Direction (deg) 270 270
Wave Height (m) 2.74 -3.66 0.91-1.83
Wave Period (s) 7 5
Significant Wave Height (m) 1.83 2.74 0.91 1.83

Swell Direction (deg) 270 270
Swell Height (m) 1.83 2.74 0.91 1.83
Swell Period (s) 6-9 6-9
Table 10. Climatological data used in this study.
Using linear wave theory, the depth, mean wave height and mean
wave period, the near bottom orbital velocity and near bottom orbital diameter
were calculated. Applying the Wiberg and Harris model, and including the
sediment grain size data the predicted ripple height was calculated. This data
was collated in MS Excel and then imported into ArcMap. The data was
interpolated into a raster data set. Layers were generated for the monthly mean
data, these were then combined in order to generate an annual mean wave
generated ripple height layer. Examples of the layers generated for January,
July and the mean wave generated ripple heights are shown in Figure 40. The
smaller ripple heights are shown in pink, with the greatest ripple heights shown in
orange and brown, as according to the color scale shown. It can be seen that
the greatest ripple heights occurred seaward of the San Francisco Bay region in
January, this coincided with the larger wave heights.

Figure 40. Mean wave generated ripple heights in cm, for January (left) and
July (right).
In certain regions, under specific circumstances, for example where
the waves are too small in deep channels, there are no ripples generated from
the waves, as the near bed orbital velocity and near bed orbital diameter are not
large enough to generate ripples. In cases where this occurred the value was
classified as Exceeds Limits, this is shown in white, and can be seen in the
Golden Gate region in July. When this occurred a value of -0.1cm was assigned
to that data point, this was then classified as exceeding limits in the resulting
layers. Figure 41 shows a mean ripple heights layer that was selected for use in
the survey periodicity model. This layer is a composite of the monthly layers
generated, and each monthly layer was given an equal weighting. The larger
ripple heights can be seen in the yellow/green region offshore and the Alcatraz
Shoal region.

Figure 41. Predicted wave generated ripple height layer.
2. Layer Classification
Before the three layers could be combined, a common classification
scheme had to be determined. The UKHO classification scheme was utilized, a
scale of 0 to 9 was employed, with 0 representing the highest degree of
importance, shown in red and 9 representing the lowest, shown in blue. Each
layer was reclassified using the reclassification tool within the spatial analysis
application in ArcMap.
a. Predicted Bedform Type
It is assessed that large bedforms will occur when sediment sizes
are larger; these are likely to be current induced bedforms. Larger sediment
sizes were assigned a higher weighting and the weighting reduced with reducing
sediment size. The weighting scheme is detailed in Table 11 and the resulting
layer shown in Figure 42. Figure 42 shows the largest sediment sizes in red, in
accordance to the colored weighting scheme shown. The largest sediments
occur in the Golden Gate region and the Alkatraz Shoal region, this also
corresponds to deeper water and strong currents.

Sediment Size (mm) Weighting
>0.7 0
0.6 0.7 1
0.5 0.6 2
0.4 0.5 3
0.3 0.4 4
0.2 0.3 5
0.1 0.2 6
0.05 0.1 7
0.01 0.05 8
<0.01 9
Table 11. Weighting scheme for sediment size.

Figure 42. Weighted sediment size layer.
b. Predicted Bottom Currents
From background theory it was assessed that larger currents will
give rise to increased sediment transport, the regions with higher currents have
therefore been assigned the highest weighting and the weighting reduced with
reduction in the magnitude of the current. The currents were separated into ebb
and flood constituents, and the same weighting criteria applied to both. The
weighting scheme is detailed in Table 12 and the resulting layer shown in Figure
43. It can be seen that the highest currents occur in the region of the channel,
inshore of the Golden Gate, which is indicated in red. Further inshore the current
Weighted Sediment Size

Bottom Currents (m/s) Weighting
> 0.6 0
0.5 0.6 1
0.4 0.5 2
0.3 0.4 3
0.2 0.3 4
0.1 0.2 5
0.05 0.1 6
0.02 0.05 7
0.01 0.02 8
-0.01 0.01 9
Table 12. Weighting scheme for bottom currents.


Figure 43. Weighted bottom currents layer.
c. Predicted Wave Generated Ripple Heights
It is assessed that the larger ripple heights will have a higher effect
on the survey periodicity. The larger ripple heights have therefore been assigned
a higher weighting, with the weighting reducing with reducing ripple height. The
weighting scheme is detailed in Table 13 and the resulting layer shown in Figure
44. The higher ripple heights occur in the Alcatraz Shoal, and offshore. The
lower ripple heights occur in the deeper water located in the channel.


Weighted Currents
Ripple Height (cm) Weighting
12.5 15.0 0
10.0 12.5 1
8 .0 10.0 2
6.0 8.0 3
4.0 6.0 4
2.0 4.0 5
1.0 2.0 6
0.5 1.0 7
0.0 0.5 8
Exceeds Limits 9
Table 13. Weighting scheme for wave generated ripples.


Figure 44. Weighted wave generated ripple layer.
Each layer is important in the formation of bedforms, and hence survey
periodicity. A number of different weighting options were investigated before
choosing the most appropriate one, based on comparison with the multi-beam
data and the findings of the USGS and localized sample data investigation
detailed in Chapter III. Background theory of sediment transport mechanisms
was also taken into account in the assessment of the most suitable weighting
option prior to survey periodicity being determined.
Weighted Wave Generated Ripples
The layers were combined using the raster calculator tool, within the
spatial analyst application within ArcMap.
1. Option 1
Figure 45 shows the first option with the following weighting scheme:
weighted sediment size, 50%, weighted currents, 25% and weighted wave
generated ripples, 25%.
Higher combined weightings occur throughout the region of the Golden
Gate Channel, particularly in deeper water, the higher weightings extend offshore
from the channel. The region to the Northeast of the Golden Gate and the West
of the Alcatraz Shoal has the highest weighting. In this region the sediment size
was large, the currents were strong and the wave generated ripples were also


Figure 45. Combined weighted layers, Option 1.


Option 1
2. Option 2
Figure 46 shows the second option, with equal weights employed:
weighted sediment size, 33%, weighted currents, 33% and weighted wave
generated ripples, 33%.
Again the higher weightings occur to the Northeast of the Golden Gate
and the West of the Alcatraz Shoal. In this region the sediment size was large,
the currents were strong and the wave generated ripples were also large. There
is quite a high weighting offshore and also on the Northwest side of the channel.
This option has many regions with a low weighting, indicated by blue.

Figure 46. Combined weighted layers, Option 2.


Option 2
3. Option 3
Figure 47 shows the third weighting option, using the following weighting;
weighted sediment size, 25%, weighted currents, 50% and weighted wave
generated ripples, 25%.
In this option higher priority is assigned to regions with strong current,
resulting in lower weightings over the majority of the area. Only the region to the
Northeast of the Golden Gate and the West of the Alcatraz Shoal would be
frequently surveyed, this would not capture all the dominant sand wave

Figure 47. Combined weighted layers, Option 3.


Option 3
4. Option 4
Figure 48 shows the fourth weighting option, the following weighting was
employed; weighted sediment size, 25%, weighted currents, 25% and weighted
wave generated ripples, 50%.
From Figure 48, it can be seen that a large percentage of the region has a
weighting of 3. This indicates a relatively high changeability throughout the
area. Again the region to the Northeast of the Golden Gate and the West of the
Alcatraz Shoal stands out, as having the highest changeability. However, as the
magnitude of wave generated ripples appears to be much smaller than the effect
of sediment size and currents, this option should be immediately discounted.

Figure 48. Combined weighted layers, Option 4.


Option 4
5. Option 5
Figure 49 shows the fifth weighting option, this option reduces the
importance of wave generated ripples and assigns a higher weighting to currents,
with the highest weighting being assigned to sediment size; weighted sediment
size, 45%, weighted currents, 35% and weighted wave generated ripples, 20%.
From Figure 49, it can be seen that the higher weightings occur
throughout the region of the Golden Gate Channel, although the weightings to
the seaward extent of the channel are highly variable. The higher weightings
extend offshore from the channel. The region to the Northeast of the Golden
Gate and the West of the Alcatraz Shoal has the highest weighting.

Figure 49. Combined weighted layers, Option 5.


Option 5
In order to determine the recommended survey periodicity, the weighted
option layers were reclassified, using the UKHO recommended re-survey
intervals (Table 3). This was achieved by reclassifying the layer into the four
survey categories. With category 1, indicating a high level of changeability and
therefore a low survey re-interval, shown in red. The lowest changeability,
category 4, was shown in blue.
From the detailed study of the five weighting options put forward in the
previous section, it was determined that Option 5 provided the best
representation of both the multi-beam data and the background theory.
Option 5 had 45% weighting for the sediment layer, from the background
theory it was extremely apparent that sediment grain size was particularly
important in sediment transport mechanisms and in bedform formation
mechanisms. Currents were weighted at 35%, this demonstrates the importance
of currents, in this case due to a particularly strong tidal regime, the importance
of currents was also apparent from the background theory of sediment transport.
Waves had a weighting of 20%, the lower weighting was due to the smaller
magnitude of ripple heights due to wave motion, although the ripple height from
wave motion cannot be discounted it is not of a large enough magnitude to cause
mine burial.
Each option was carefully compared to the known patterns of San
Francisco Bay from the high resolution USGS multi-beam data (Figures 23 to
27). Options 1 and 5 both showed a high correlation with this data. Options 2, 3
and 4, showed some correlation but it was significantly less than the other two
options. It was decided that Option 5 was the most representative; it captured
the majority of features shown on the multi-beam data.
The red regions of Figure 50, located throughout the Golden Gate
Channel and the Alkatraz Shoal, show the regions of highest seabed
changeability, those that should be surveyed most often. Following the UKHO
recommended re-survey intervals (Table 3), this region should be assessed as
Priority 1, this is due to its significant economic and commercial importance, so
these regions should be surveyed every 35 years. The yellow regions should
be re-surveyed every 57 years, the light blue regions every 710 years and the
dark blue every 1015 years.

Figure 50. Recommended survey periodicity for San Francisco Bay.
From Figure 50, it can be seen that the areas identified as significant in
the USGS multi-beam survey data in Chapter III, all fall within the high
changeability category and should therefore be surveyed at the lowest possible
interval. The model results and the high-resolution multi-beam results compare


Option 5
It is essential to maintain an up-to-date database of route surveys for mine
warfare in order to maintain maritime security at home and abroad. Mine warfare
routes often pass through strategic sea-lanes in order to gain access to ports and
harbors, these routes traverse the littoral region, a complex oceanographic
environment, in which a variety of mines could be laid. This study is primarily
valid for VSW, SW and DW regions, not the surf zone as the sediment transport
mechanisms and processes are much more complex in this region. The
bathymetry in the regions of interest can be complex and often difficult to predict.
Complex bathymetry patterns hinder the mine warfare problem due to increased
clutter, scouring and burial of mines, unfortunately the impact of bathymetry,
particularly bedforms is poorly understood, and little research of the impact has
been conducted.
It is known that seabed type, sedimentation, and transport due to tides,
currents and wave interaction are extremely important in sediment transport
mechanisms and bedform formation. Sediment transport and bedform formation,
in turn, are extremely important in the mine warfare route periodicity problem,
when taking into account the size of a typical mine (height 0.5 m), a relatively
small change in ripple height or bedform height in any location can easily cause
the burial of a mine. By assessing the rate of change in a location an
assessment of survey periodicity can be made. Due to the complex nature and
number of mechanisms involved a qualitative rather than quantitative
assessment has been made.
The UKHO GIS weighted suitability model, formed a qualitative
assessment for the UK mine countermeasures route survey maintenance
schedule in 2005. This model could not be used for the U.S. due to its
geographic limitations, but the concepts used in its construction can. The U.S.
currently has no such model for determining route survey periodicity.
1. Localized Sample Data and Database Comparison Results
San Francisco Bay was used as a case study; a sediment analysis
investigation was carried out in February 2009. The investigation involved the
comparison of grab samples taken over a three-year period, the aim of this was
to determine if there had been any change with time in the sediment properties at
the sites sampled and to compare the results to the NAVOCEANO HFEVA
database, to assess if the database remained valid.
From the results it can be concluded that at the sites sampled, there was
not a significant change in sediment properties with time. From the results and
climatological data the predicted ripple heights were calculated, these results
concluded that the ripple heights showed variability of a few centimeters over the
three-year period, which is not deemed significant.
When compared to the NAVOCEANO HFEVA database the sediment type
of each sample concurred with the database results, suggesting that this
database remains a valid assessment of sediment type in this area. Every care
was taken to assure the accuracy of this investigation as discussed in Chapter III.
2. USGS Multi-beam Survey Results
The comprehensive results using high resolution multi-beam survey
techniques obtained by USGS show that bedform fields as a whole maintained
relative symmetry and asymmetry values had not changed markedly with time
(Barnard et al., 2007). From these results the temporal variability of bedforms in
the San Francisco Bay region was demonstrated.
The height of the bedforms was assessed as a significant factor in the
determination of route survey periodicity, as although the location of the bedform
fields did not change significantly with time, the location of the sand wave crests
did. This has the potential to cause mine burial and was of significant interest
during this study.
3. Modeling Results
The route survey periodicity model developed for San Francisco Bay was
based on the concepts of the UKHO model. Although different input layers were
used, the UKHO model included layers to depict the MCM environment and the
maritime environment, but did not include waves, tides or currents. Due to
difficulties sourcing the data included in the UKHO model for the San Francisco
Bay area an alternate approach was necessary. From background theory and
the experimental results it was apparent that bedform size and mechanisms were
an integral part of this problem. It was decided that sediment size, tides and
currents and ripples generated from wind waves were critical in bedform
formation and size. If this could be predicted, survey periodicity could be
determined based on the bedform size and the known movement characteristics.
The San Francisco model was comprised of three layers. The sediment
size layer was constructed from 174 grab samples, which were interpolated into
a raster dataset, from this predicted bedform type could be determined. Tides
and currents were accounted for by interpolating over 50 current stations. The
predicted wave generated ripple heights were calculated from climatological data
and the Wiberg and Harris model. Each layer was weighted, the weighting
scheme was used, and each layer was re-classified with a scale of 0 to 9, with 0
representing a high degree of change, and 9 representing little change. As these
layers had not been used before, the weighting schemes used were based
primarily on background theoretical concepts.
The recommended re-survey intervals, used in the UKHO model (shown
in Table 3) were used in this model. In order to determine the most
representative weighting of each layer, five options were examined. The
resulting layers were compared to the high-resolution multi-beam data, in order
to determine which weighting option was the most representative.
The fifth option had the predicted bedform type layer weighting of 45%, in
all background theory literature sediment size was shown to be the most
important factor in bedform type and hence size. The predicted bottom current
layer had a weighting of 35%, indicating that currents, in this case due to the tidal
regime had a greater importance than waves, which were given a weighting of
20%. A lower weighting was given to waves due to the fact that the ripple
heights capable of being generated were much smaller than those generated by
When compared to the high-resolution multi-beam data, this option was
deemed to be the most representative. In regions where the seabed
changeability was assessed to be high, a survey interval of 35 years was
assigned. A number of these regions corresponded with comprehensive regions
of study by the USGS (Figures 2527). The temporal variability shown in these
regions indicate that this survey interval would be the most suitable. Figure 23
and 24; show the bed patterns in San Francisco Bay. When compared to the
model, the results are extremely encouraging.
This study has resulted in a number of recommendations. Potentially this
model could be used to determine the route re-survey interval for the US.
Implementing the three layers discussed could do this. The NAVOCEANO
HFEVA database could be used to form the basis of the predicted bedform layer.
However, it is recommended that NAVOCEANO include the recent grab sample
data obtained by USGS and other sources to improve the resolution of the
HFEVA database, this can be demonstrated by examination of Figures 22 and
32. This model could be used in other worldwide regions of interest as all the
input data can be gained from easily available open sources, although obviously
the better the resolution of the input data the better the results.
1. Recommendations for the UKHO Model
The San Francisco Bay model utilizes layers including; sediment size,
waves, tides and currents. One of the recommendations for areas of further
study in the UKHO 2005 report was to determine if any additional environmental
factors should be included in the model to refine the results. This investigation
has shown by using the three layers; sediment size, waves, tides and currents;
predicted bedform regions can be obtained and a survey periodicity determined.
Although the UKHO model does not include waves, tides and currents,
sediment type and bottom texture are included. Sediment size, waves, tides and
currents are the inputs required to determine bedforms. Bedforms are already
included in the UKHO model from sediment type and bottom texture. When
UKHO results are compared to results from the SEAs reports, it can be seen that
regions of bedforms, determined by the SEAs study, correspond to regions with a
low re-survey interval determined by the UKHO model. It is therefore,
recommended that inclusion of these extra environmental parameters is not
necessary for the UKHO model.
2. Limitations
In San Francisco Bay coarse sediments are found in regions of strong
tidal currents, this is where the larger bedforms occur. The same is true for
regions around the UK, however, this may not be true in all cases. A further
limitation could occur in regions of fine sediments, fine sediments would not
cause large ripple heights or bedforms to occur, however, they do remain a
region of interest for the mine warfare survey periodicity problem. In fine
sediment regions, a mine could potentially become buried by scour or suspended
sediments being washed down a river. This model does not capture these
3. Recommendations for Further Study
All results from this study indicate the San Francisco Bay model results
are viable and the survey periodicity suggested is credible for this area. It is
recommended that this study be replicated in a different regions, where high-
resolution multi-beam data is available and the weighting scheme for the model
verified by this.
Different regions should include regions with similar characteristics, for
example sandy sediments and strong tidal currents. If deemed correct then this
model could be implemented for use in the US and other similar regions of
interest. The model should also be replicated in regions of finer sediments to
determine if additional layers or and alternate weighting scheme should be used
in these regions.
From the results analyzed throughout this study, it has become apparent
that one of the most important factors in determining the survey periodicity for
mine warfare is sediment size, a further study could be conducted to determine if
an assessment of survey periodicity could be made from this data alone,
particularly in regions where little data is available.

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1. Defense Technical Information Center
Ft. Belvoir, Virginia

2. Dudley Knox Library
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

3. Professor Peter Chu
Department of Oceanography
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

4. Professor Thomas Herbers
Department of Oceanography
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California

5. Dr J E Armishaw
Maritime Environment Information Centre
Hydrographic Office
Admiralty way
United Kingdom

6. Dr Patrick Barnard
Research Geologist
Pacific Science Center
400 Natural Bridges Drive
Santa Cruz, California

7. Lt Cdr C Chapple RN
Maritime Warfare Centre
Room F190, Marlbourough Building
HMS Collingwood
Newgate Lane, Fareham
Hampshire, PO14 1AS
United Kingdom


8. Lt Cdr K Pullen RN
Old War Office
London SW1A 2EU
United Kingdom

9. Cdr M Jones RN
Room 225
Defiance Building
HMNB Devonport
Devon, PL2 2BG

10. Cdr A V Swain RN
Fitzroy Building
Upper Battery Road
HMNB Devonport
Devon, PL2 2BG
United Kingdom

11. Cdr D Turner RN
British Embassy
Washington DC, 20008

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