FSX Drifter Tutorial Flight

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Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.

Drifter Tutorial Flight
This tutorial will explain how to start the Drifter, take off an lan as well as pro!ie so"e
infor"ation a#out using the raio.
The flight will use the Floats "oel an will #e #ase at Fria$ %ar#or in &ashington 'tate ('A.
Flight Setup
1. 'tart F')
2. 'ele*t Free Flight
+. ,li*k on -,hange- uner the
-,urrent Air*raft- heaing
.. '*roll own an sele*t the
-Austflight Drifter Floats 25-.55-
air*raft /see pi*0 an *li*k -12-
5. 3a*k at the -Free Flight- s*reen
*li*k on -,hange- uner the
-,urrent 4o*ation- heaing
5. T$pe -Fria$ %ar#or- into the
airport na"e. There are two Fria$
%ar#or airports, "ake sure $ou
sele*t the one with the &++ 6D. This
is the one with the water runwa$s.
7. ,li*k on -12- to return to the
-Free Flight- s*reen.
8. 'et the weather an ti"e as $ou
prefer. 6t is pro#a#l$ a goo iea to
set the weather to the -,lear 'kies-
weather the"e an "ake sure the
ti"e is uring the a$ /there are no
lights on the Drifter0.
8. ,li*k on -Fl$ 9ow- to start the
Ant:s Airplanes 1
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
Setup your eyepoint
&hen $ou first loa the air*raft it "a$ #e iffi*ult to see the instru"ents in the !irtual *o*kpit /V,0.
The instru"ent panel is rather low *o"pare to "ost other air*raft an "a$ #e #elow $our line of
sight. Another thing to note is that the wins*reen is also #elow the pilot:s line of sight.
Take so"e ti"e using the ;oo" settings an panning the !iew point /either using the hat on $our
<o$sti*k or #$ pressing the spa*e#ar an panning the !iew with "ouse0 until $ou ha!e a
satisfa*tor$ !iew.
9ote that there is no 2D "ain panel for this air*raft. 6t has #een esigne to #e flown fro" the
!irtual *o*kpit.
Setup the aircraft
&hen the flight loas the engine "a$
alrea$ #e running. The following
steps will show how to shut own the
engine an turn off the a!ioni*s an
1. ,$*le through the !irtual *o*kpit
!iews until $ou get to the raio !iew.
/note that there is no 2D panel in this
2. 6n the pi*ture $ou *an see that the
engine is iling at aroun 2200rp".
The "aster #atter$ swit*h is on
/green light0 an the raio is on. ,li*k
on the top of the left kno# to turn off
the raio. ,li*king on this kno#
swit*hes the raio #etween on an
+. The next step is stop the engine.
,$*le through the *o*kpit !iews until
$ou get to the "agnetos !iew. The
"agnetos are the two s"all swit*hes
in the lower left of the pi*ture. ,li*k on
ea*h swit*h to fli*k the" own into
the off position an the engine will
stop /noti*e the rp" rop to ;ero0.
.. Turn off the =aster an 'tarter
'wit*h. >ou *an *$*le #a*k to raio
!iew or $ou *an o it in this !iew if
$ou like. ,li*k on the ke$ an the
=aster an 'tarter 'wit*h will turn left
an the green light will go out. The
!olt"eter /lower right of pi*0 will now
register 0 !olts.
The air*raft is now shut own.
Ant:s Airplanes 2
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
Using the Animation Manager
9ow woul #e a goo ti"e to set up the Ani"ation =anager 2D popup.
1. 'wit*h to the exterior !iew an press
'hift?+ to #ring up the Ani"ation =anager.
=ost of the options shoul #e self explanator$
on this s*reen. Feel free to *li*k on the
settings to see what effe*t the$ ha!e.
=ake sure the pitot tu#e @ exhaust *o!ers are
not installe otherwise the engine will not
9ote that the Tie owns an wheel *ho*ks are
not ispla$e on the Floats "oel.
Finall$, when $ou are satisfie *li*k on the ) in the top left of the Ani"ation =anager to *lose the
popup winow or press 'hift?+ again.
Engine Startup
The Drifter is a si"ple plane so starting the engine
is a relati!el$ si"ple pro*ess although there are a
few things to note.
1. 'wit*h to the Virtual ,o*kpit !iew. >ou "a$ nee
to pan own to see the *entre *onsole an it:s
swit*hes or $ou *an *$*le through the !arious
*o*kpit !iews until $ou get to the -=agnetos- !iew.
2. 4eft *li*k on the -3atter$ an 'tarter 'wit*h- to
turn on the #atter$. The green light a#o!e the swit*h
*o"es on.
+. 4eft *li*k on the -Ari"er- whi*h is the #utton
i""eiatel$ left of the -3atter$ an 'tarter 'wit*h-.
6n the nor"al !iew this is hien #ehin the <o$sti*k
so $ou "a$ nee to "o!e the <o$sti*k to see the
swit*h. The a"#er light will *o"e on for a *ouple of
se*ons an then go out.
>ou "ust alwa$s pri"e a *ol engine. Failure to o
so will result in the engine not starting. A war"
engine "a$ not nee pri"ing.
.. ,he*k that #oth =agnetos are in the 19 position.
5. Bight *li*k on the -3atter$ an 'tarter 'wit*h-.
This starts the engine. The engine shoul #e iling
at aroun 2200rp".
Ant:s Airplanes +
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
Setup the radio
&hile we wait for the engine to war" up we will progra" a *ouple of
freCuen*ies into the raio. The Fria$ %ar#or freCuen*$ is 122.80 an the
near#$ A'1' is 1+5.575 so we will progra" these into the 1 an 2 *hannels
of the raio.
1. 'wit*h to the !irtual *o*kpit raio !iew for a *loseup of the raio
2. Turn the raio on #$ *li*king on the top of the left kno# on top of the raio.
+. Aress 1,2,2 an 8 on the raio ke$pa /see pi*0. >ou *an either en ata
entr$ #$ pressing the -D9T- ke$ or finish ke$ing in the full freCuen*$ #$
pressing 0. 9ote $ou o not nee to enter the e*i"al point. &hen the
freCuen*$ is entere the raio will ispla$ 122.800
.. To sa!e this freCuen*$ press -F- ke$ followe #$ -=B-. A s"all = will start
flashing on the ispla$. Aress 1 an the freCuen*$ will #e store to "e"or$
*hannel 1 an the raio will go into "e"or$ "oe /see pi*0
5. To enter the se*on freCuen*$ $ou nee to exit "e"or$ "oe. Aress the
-,4B- ke$ an =01 will isappear fro" the ispla$.
5. 9ow, press 1,+,5,5 an 7 to enter the A'1' freCuen*$. 1+5.575 will #e
ispla$e. >ou shoul now see the auto"ate weather fore*ast for 2F%B
ispla$e a*ross the top of the s*reen. >ou o not nee to enter the final 5
in the freCuen*$ as the raio is s"art enough to fill the final *hara*ter.
7. To sa!e this freCuen*$ press -F- ke$ followe #$ -=B-. A s"all = will start
flashing on the ispla$. Aress 2 an the freCuen*$ will #e store to "e"or$
*hannel 2 an the raio will go into "e"or$ "oe. 6n "e"or$ "oe $ou will
#e a#le to swit*h #etween an$ of the 10 progra""e "e"ories #$ *li*king on the appropriate ke$,
using the up an own ke$s or using the tuning kno# on the top right of the raio.
To exit "e"or$ "oe press -,4B-. To enter "e"or$ "oe press -=B- an an$ ke$ #etween 0
an 8.
8. 4isten to the weather report an note the weather *onitions.
8. Aress 1 /or press -=B- then 1 if $ou are not in "e"or$ "oe0 to *all up the Fria$ %ar#or
10. =ake the appropriate raio *alls for takeoff.
Ant:s Airplanes .
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
Set the altitude
After listening to the A'1' *hannel $ou shoul ha!e a
setting for the 2ohls"an ial.
1. Eoo" into the alti"eter. 3$ efault the alti"eter
ispla$s the 2ohls"an ial in "illi#ars. >ou *an
*hange the ispla$ to in%g #$ using the Ani"ation
=anager or per"anentl$ #$ using 'etup Arogra"
/refer to the Ailot:s %an#ook for "ore etail0.
2. A<ust the setting #$ gra##ing hol of the kno# in the
lower left of the alti"eter an either ragging it left or
right or #$ rotating the "ouse wheel.
%owe!er, as this kno# is iffi*ult to rea*h there are
larger *li*k ;ones near the #otto" of the alti"eter
whi*h allow $ou "ake a<ust"ents. %o!ering the
"ouse o!er these *li*k ;ones will ispla$ the *urrent
setting in #oth "illi#ars an in %g.
There are no flaps to set on a Drifter so take off is !er$ eas$.
1. Taxi to an appropriate position an line up for takeoff.
2. &hen rea$ appl$ full throttle. =aintain $our *ourse #$ using the ruer /$ou "a$ nee a #it of
left ruer to *ounter the air*raft:s tenen*$ to turn right0.
+. At 50kts pull #a*k gentl$ on the sti*k to lift off.
.. =aintain the *li"# at 50kts with full power.
5. 6n aroun a "inute $ou shoul #e at 1000ft an *an start to le!el off. There is no *li"# rate
ini*ator on this air*raft so $ou nee to keep an e$e on the alti"eter to "ake sure $ou are
"aintaining $our altitue.
5. Beu*e $our BA= own to 5500 an $ou shoul #e a#le to *ruise at 50-55kts.
Ant:s Airplanes 5
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
Turn around
After $ou ha!e taken off an le!elle out
it "a$ #e ti"e to start thinking a#out
heaing #a*k to Fria$ %ar#or to lan.
1. 9ote the heaing $ou are *urrentl$
fl$ing on the *o"pass an a 180
egrees to it. This is the heaing $ou will
nee to #e fl$ing to hea #a*k to Fria$
2. =o!e the <o$sti*k to the left to turn left.
9ote the wa$ the re string "o!es to the
right. This string is *alle a $aw string
an is atta*he to the front of the
wins*reen in the airflow an perfor"s
"u*h the sa"e fun*tion as a slip
ini*ator. The $aw string is shown within
the $ellow *ir*le in the pi*ture.
6n this pi*ture we are "aking a left han
turn an we are slipping through the air.
To *ountera*t the slip appl$ so"e left
ruer until the string is !erti*al again.
The easiest wa$ of using the $aw string is to preten that it points to the ruer peal $ou nee to
push in. 6n this *ase the string is pointing own to the left peal so we push the left peal to get the
airplane #a*k into a *oorinate turn.
&hen $ou are aligne with $our return heaing an approa*hing the laning area $ou *an start to
think a#out $our es*ent. As we are fl$ing straight in $ou *an reu*e the throttle to ile an tri" the
air*raft so that $ou es*en at 50kts.
=ost Drifter pilots will fl$ a glie approa*h, going to ;ero throttle at the start of the #ase leg. 6f on
short final $ou fin the air*raft is too low, $ou *an a a little power. 6f too high, the stanar
pro*eure is to sieslip the air*raft to wash off height. 'ieslipping reCuires F*rosse *ontrolsG, in
that the ruer is use to push the nose of the air*raft offline, an /opposite0 aileron input is use
to "aintain le!el wings.
1. For a water laning the approa*h shoul not #e less than 50kts.
2. At 50: appl$ .000rp" an fl$ the air*raft onto the water. Do not allow the air*raft to stallH
+. 1n *onta*t with the water reu*e to ile.
.. Taxi to the o*k or parking area.
1. ,$*le through the !irtual *o*kpit !iews until $ou get to the raio !iew..
2. ,li*k on the top of the left kno# to turn off the raio.
Ant:s Airplanes 5
Drifter A-582 Tutorial Flight Version 1.0
+. ,$*le through the *o*kpit !iews until $ou get to the "agnetos !iew. The "agnetos are the two
s"all swit*hes in the lower left of the pi*ture. ,li*k on ea*h swit*h to fli*k the" own into the off
position an the engine will stop /noti*e the rp" rop to ;ero0.
.. Turn off the =aster an 'tarter 'wit*h. >ou *an *$*le #a*k to raio !iew or $ou *an o it in this
!iew if $ou like. ,li*k on the ke$ an the =aster an 'tarter 'wit*h will turn left an the green light
will go out. The !olt"eter /lower right of pi*0 will now register 0 !olts.
The air*raft is now shut own.
Ant:s Airplanes 7

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