Sewage Treatment Em725

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Assessment guideline

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Assessing applications for sewage treatment works
This document provides guidance to officers when assessing and conditioning applications for environmentally relevant
activity (ERA) 63 threshold 1operating one or more sewage treatment works
at a site that have a total daily peak design
capacity of at least 21 equivalent persons (EP), against the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) and subordinate
Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Definition of site............................................................................................................................... 2
No release works .............................................................................................................................. 2
Section 1Legislative assessment requirements .......................................................................... 3
Section 2Small-to-medium treatment plants ................................................................................ 3
Section 3Summary of main issues associated with STPs ........................................................... 3
Section 4Assessment flowchart: STP effluent management ...................................................... 5
Section 5Assessment flow chart notes ........................................................................................ 5
Attachment 1 .................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 1: Guidance on application of regulatory requirements to STP assessment .......................... 10
Table 2: Application of standard criteria to STP assessment .......................................................... 13

Does not include pump-out facilities or facilities which screen the sewage only.
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Assessing applications for sewage treatment works

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This guideline has been developed to ensure that the administering authoritys decisions when assessing
applications for sewage treatment plants (STPs) are consistent, yet allow for flexible assessment on a case-by-
case basis. Solutions will be favoured that consider broader environmental benefits, not just end-of-pipe
impacts, to achieve the best environmental outcomes that are cost-effective. High-cost, heavily engineered
solutions may not always be the most appropriate solution. The Department of Environment and Heritage
Protection (the administering authority) encourages and supports low-cost solutions that achieve the same or
better outcomes. A risk assessment should be completed by the applicant, documenting priorities and their
mitigations, demonstrating sound decision-making processes. Information on carrying out a risk assessment is
available in the Guidelines on Risk Assessment Techniques, produced by Standards Australia. This risk
assessment will then be assessed by the department based on environment, social and economic outcomes
rather than just a direct comparison of end-of-pipe outputs. This guideline does not discuss general assessment
matters, such as properly made applications, as this should have been determined before assessment of the
activity begins. For guidance on requirements for a properly made application, refer to the Business and
industry portal on the Queensland Governments website at
Definition of site
The administering authority will take the following into consideration when determining whether a multiple
sewage treatment plant application should be assessed as a single or multiple site:
physical interconnection of any infrastructuree.g. plumbing, collection equipment, storage and
treatment tanks, irrigation/disposal areas, control systems, housing, structures, etc.
proximity of the individual sewage treatment plants (including any irrigation/disposal areas) to each
other. Soil characteristics (e.g. permeability), topography, physical barriers, etc. shall be taken into
cumulative impact on the receiving environment
any other common factors that could lead to an increased risk of environmental harm.
No release works
Sewage treatment works which do not result in a release of contaminants to the environment do not trigger an
environmentally relevant activity under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008. No-release
works are treatment works that do not release sewage, treated sewage effluent or solid waste (biosolids) to land
or water, for example:
All sewage, treated sewage effluent and biosolids associated with the works are removed and taken to
an appropriate facility for further treatment or disposal, for example a municipal sewage treatment plant.
All treated sewage is re-used/recycled in a closed system resulting in no release to the environment, for
example all treated effluent is used in an industrial process such as concrete batching or used for dual
reticulation. These circumstances would be regulated under other Queensland legislation such as the
Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.

The administering authority may also deem works to be no-release if the applicant can demonstrate no release
of contaminants to land or water, for example, effluent is released into purpose built, fully sealed containers for
treatment and disposal.
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Section 1Legislative assessment requirements
In assessing applications, the administering authority must:
comply with the regulatory requirements in Chapter 4 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008. How
the regulatory requirements relate to STP applications is discussed in more detail in Table 1 of Attachment
consider the standard criteria as described under Schedule 4 Dictionary of the EP Act. How the standard
criteria relate to STP applications is discussed in more detail in Table 2 of Attachment 1
Section 2Small-to-medium treatment plants
Resorts, caravan parks and other types of tourist facilities often operate in areas not serviced by a municipal
sewage treatment facility. They regularly operate small package treatment plants between 21 and 1500
equivalent persons (EP). Effluent disposal from these plants is often via land application and the nutrient release
limits should be based upon the performance capabilities of the package plant, best practice environmental
management and limits required for sustainable disposal. Package treatment plants are often serviced on a
routine basis (quarterly is common) and do not have skilled staff permanently managing them. It is important to
note that many package plants available are not capable of achieving a high standard of nutrient reduction
consistently, however, this may be adequate in the context of the receiving environment and the method of
disposal of wastewater.
Many municipal sewage treatment plants are also of a small size and may service small populations without any
foreseeable growth. When these plants are managed by large councils it is reasonable to expect that standards
of maintenance and operation will be high, with access to skilled staff, but it is likely that such plants are not
capable of achieving a high standard of nutrient reduction consistently. Installation of better treatment
technology can be beyond the capacity of many small communities, both in terms of initial capital investment
and ongoing operational expertise. Environmental information can be less readily available and more expensive
to procure than in larger catchments where significant funding has been invested in research.
In such cases, economic issues play a strong role in the assessment process as it is often unsustainable to
introduce expensive, high-tech plants into such communities. It is likely that such STPs pose a lesser risk to
environmental values than those servicing large populations and a risk-management approach is required.
Conditions should be set accordingly but with room for future continual improvement where this is possible.
Section 3Summary of main issues associated with STPs
Effluent management
See sections 4 and 5 of this guideline.
Odour management
Odour from STPs, if not managed appropriately, has the potential to have an impact on the health and wellbeing
of the surrounding community. Environmental values stated in the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008
(EPP Air) include the qualities of the air environment that are conducive to human health and wellbeing, which is
very broad. The policy also includes specific air quality objectives for hydrogen sulfide, an odorous gas often
emitted from STPs.
STP assessment and regulation by the administering authority will be against the provisions of the EP Act and
the EPP Air, with site specific conditions being placed on approvals only when appropriate. It is the applicants
responsibility to determine the risks of causing environmental nuisance from odour and the appropriate
mitigation measures. For example, STPs in rural areas with large buffer zones between the plant and sensitive
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receptors will not require the same level of mitigation measures as STPs sited in urban areas with residential
and commercial land uses in close proximity.
All applications as a minimum should detail the risk assessment completed and describe all odour control
equipment and techniques employed on the premises to suppress or minimise odorous emissions.
Waste management
Biosolids, grit and screenings are regulated waste and should be managed as such. High-quality, stabilised
biosolids are appropriate for beneficial reuse, but this is not always possible. Particular attention must be paid to
facilitating economically as well as environmentally appropriate and sustainable reuse of biosolids. Treated
effluent is not regulated waste.
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Section 4Assessment flowchart: STP effluent management

Section 5Assessment flow chart notes
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The above flow chart is provided as a guide only. Applications need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis
and other factors may need to be considered. The amount of information provided by the applicant should
reflect the risks associated with the proposed STP.

1. The opportunity to meet with the department to discuss the proposal prior to lodging an application is
strongly recommended. Information is available on the departments website regarding pre-design
2. Management hierarchy from section 13 of the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 (EPP
Applications for STPs must address the management hierarchy for surface or groundwater, unless 100
per cent re-use and/or land disposal is proposed. This hierarchy must be applied carefully to STPs,
which in almost all cases require some form of discharge to waters (because they supply an essential
service and operate close to the economic limit of technology in many areas).
The preferred option in the hierarchy is recycling (including treatment to an appropriate standard
for re-use).
The preference is for the implementation of long-term beneficial re-use programs and higher order
use of reclaimed water is encouraged. Higher order uses include replacement of potable water in
industrial applications. It is important to note that sustainable reuse for municipal plants can be
difficult because of the volumes treated, wet weather surges and the costs of treating sewage to
appropriate standards. This can make conditioning for re-use by third parties problematic. The
STP operator may not have control over whether the third party takes the water or not. For
example, industrial users of effluent may shut down and no longer need the recycled water, or
during and following particularly wet weather years irrigation of crops may not be possible or
attractive, sometimes for extended periods. In some cases, even a series of average years may
reduce the demand for effluent for crop irrigation to almost zero.
Supplying recycled water (e.g. treated sewage or effluent for re-use) is regulated under the Water
Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and is not covered by this guideline.
The application must provide for sustainable effluent disposal when re-use is not possible and this
should be conditioned for in the approval. Setting rigid re-use targets is seldom appropriate and
flexible discharge conditions should be developed. So long as immediate impacts of such
discharges are not deleterious, the long-term benefits of reuse on mass loads and accumulation
can outweigh the risks of increases in discharge when reuse is temporarily unavailable.
Investigation of re-use opportunities should be ongoing and implemented where appropriate.
Flexible conditions provided at the design stage provide a significant incentive for developing
reuse options (i.e. through up-front capital savings).
The next preferred option in the EPP Water hierarchy is disposal to land, preferably to land under
the control of the STP operator (for example, owned or leased by the operator) to ensure
sustainable access. Land disposal by third parties should be considered as opportunistic unless
there is a significant and long-term user (e.g. a golf course) recognised under town planning
instruments and the application and resulting approval should reflect appropriate contingencies
for effluent disposal.
Refer to the department for guidance on what should be supplied with the application and
appropriate conditioning. This option may still include disposal during wet weather events as wet
weather storage adequate enough to cover all events may not be economically feasible. The
applicant should demonstrate any impact of a wet weather discharge is acceptable (including the
impact if no wet weather storage is proposed).
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Disposal to a constructed wetland for further treatment is considered a higher order use
compared to direct discharge to waters if the wetland provides further environmental benefits,
such as polishing, volume reduction and/or velocity control. In such circumstances imposing
conditions in relation to the release from the constructed wetland to natural receiving waters is
likely to be appropriate.
The least preferred, but often unavoidable option for large municipal STPs, is appropriate
treatment and release to surface waters.
3. The supply of recycled water is regulated under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.
Approvals for STPs should clarify in a note that the production and supply of recycled water must be
managed in accordance with regulatory requirements under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability)
Act 2008, and that the supply should cease if the STP operator becomes aware of any breaches of the
EP Act as a result of the re-use.
4. Refer to the department for information in relation to land application requirements.
5. Refer to technical guideline Wastewater Releases to Queensland Waters (EM112) for guidance.
Applicants must demonstrate the proposal will not adversely impact on receiving environmental values
(including during wet weather) taking into consideration social and economic factors. However, it must
be clear in the approval which release limits apply to effluent released from the plant operating within its
peak design capacity (for example, 3 x average dry weather flow [ADWF] for many municipal STPs) and
which apply to by-pass events. By-pass events are discussed further below.
Conditioningrefer to the departments procedural guide Writing Effective and Enforceable Conditions.
6. The preferred outcome is for discharge to waters to be prevented/minimised as much as reasonably
possible. However, the vast majority of STPs will need to discharge to waters. This is true even during
dry weather, for example when a re-use scheme is temporarily unavailable, storage capacity has been
exceeded or the plant peak design capacity has been exceeded (usually because of inflow and
infiltration). The latter situations are referred to as by-pass events. In such cases the risk of
environmental harm should be investigated and the level of treatment determined based on this risk. It
is usually not practical or economic to apply a high level of treatment to by-pass flows.
By-pass events
Factors affecting the frequency and duration of wet weather by-pass events include climate, peak
design capacity of the plant and management of inflow and infiltration in the sewer network. The vast
majority of sewerage schemes around the state have sewerage networks with a higher peak design
capacity (usually 5 x ADWF) than the associated STP (which is usually full treatment to 3 x ADWF). It is
the responsibility of the sewerage scheme provider to cost-effectively reduce the risk of sewage
overflows from both the plant and the network during wet weather. This can be best achieved by
determining the appropriate peak flows when designing infrastructure (i.e. during initial development)
and by undertaking thorough and ongoing inflow and infiltration investigations and a program of
maintenance and/or rectification works in the network. The Water Services Association of Australia has
a number of national standards that may assist service providers in determining appropriate actions.
If an applicant can demonstrate that they are meeting their general environmental duty in terms of
network management, for example a full risk assessment of wet weather discharges has been
undertaken, and all procedures and any new infrastructure have been designed according to best
practice, the resulting approval can set conditions for the release. Conditions will include provisions for
an approved release point, when by-pass discharges are authorised (e.g. >3 x ADWF), required
minimum treatment, monitoring, reporting and notification.
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If the applicant cannot demonstrate they have met the general environmental duty and an assessment
of the impact of wet weather releases has not been provided, the approval will remain silent on the
issue and any wet weather by-pass events will be assessed as non-compliance with the approval.
7. Guidance is available on what information should be provided with all applications through the business
and industry portal on the Queensland Government website at
Detailed design of the STP is not necessary if it is not available at the time of the application. However,
a description of the treatment processes to be employed, demonstration that the proposal is technically
feasible, details about effluent quality and quantity, and how environmental values will be protected, is
mandatory. Detailed scientific studies and investigations may not be necessary if the approval results in
a reduction in contaminants released (for example, as a result of an upgrade) or if the proposal
represents a very low risk. Refer to the appropriate technical guidelines to ensure all STP specific
information has also been provided.
The Queensland Government Planning Guidelines for Water Supply and Sewerage provide information
on minimum design requirements for STPs and associated infrastructure.
8. When a release to waters is not acceptable, particularly for small STPs, no-release alternatives such as
composting toilets and holding tank systems may need to be considered. This is generally not going to
be appropriate for large municipal STPs.
9. Monitoring and reporting
Effluent quality and quantity monitoring must be included in the approval, but the extent in terms of
parameters, frequency and limits will depend on the size of the STP, effluent management/disposal and
the receiving environment. Weekly effluent quality monitoring may be appropriate for large municipal
STPs with discharge to waters as the primary method of disposal but not for smaller plants, especially
ones which discharge to land.
Conditioning for receiving environment monitoring programs for discharges to waters and soil impact
monitoring programs for irrigation schemes (not third party re-use) may be appropriate to monitor the
environmental impacts associated with large STPs and may even be appropriate for smaller plants
depending on the environmental values of the receiving environment.
Timely reporting of non-compliance with release limits and results of receiving environment monitoring
programs and soil impact monitoring programs is usually required. Reporting of incidents which cause
or threaten serious or material environmental harm must be notified as per the EP Act notification
Monitoring and reporting must reflect the level of risk associated with the STP in terms of design
capacity, effluent quality, effluent management, contribution of contaminants and the values and
condition of the receiving environment. Onerous reporting that is not fit-for-purpose can compromise the
ability of the operator to respond to compliance failures in an effective and timely manner.
10. An application for a public sewage treatment plant in some circumstances may not pose a significant
risk to environmental values. For example, if the applicant can demonstrate a net improvement in the
receiving environment or if the scale of the operation is insignificant in comparison to total loads in the
catchment. In these cases, detailed evaluation and assessment of environmental values and extensive
monitoring may not be appropriate.
While this document has been prepared with care it contains general information and does not profess to offer
legal, professional or commercial advice. The Queensland Government accepts no liability for any external
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decisions or actions taken on the basis of this document. Persons external to the Department of Environment
and Heritage Protection should satisfy themselves independently and by consulting their own professional
advisors before embarking on any proposed course of action.
Approved by: Enquiries:
Omar Ameer
Director, Environmental Regulatory Practice and Support
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Date: 28 March 2013
Permit and Licence Management
Ph: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
Fax: (07) 3330 5875
Email: [email protected]
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Attachment 1
Table 1: Guidance on application of regulatory requirements to STP assessment
Regulatory requirements and
environmental outcome
Guidance and Acceptable solutions*
Consideration of environmental
values, quality objectives,
management intent and management
hierarchy under environmental
protection policies as per Section 51 of
the Environmental Protection
Regulation 2008.
Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 (or later versions) is
the most relevant when release to waters proposed and application of
the wastewater hierarchy is discussed in more detail in section 3.
How to apply environmental values and water quality objectives is
discussed in detail in the technical guideline, Wastewater Releases to
Queensland Waters (EM112), and provides guidance on determining
if the proposal meets the objectives of the EPP Water.

The applicant must minimise and manage air emissions. For most
STPs this is mainly odour, through effective controls and/or buffers to
ensure the objectives of the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy
2008 (EPP Air), or later versions, are met. Plants which use
anaerobic biological treatment methods will also need to demonstrate
appropriate management of the associated gases. The EPP Air
includes long term air quality objectives for hydrogen sulfide, a gas
associated with odour emissions from sewage. However, these long-
term objectives should not be used as release limits from the plant
but may be used by the applicant when demonstrating compliance
with the EPP Air through modelling. This issue can be regulated
against the provisions of the EP Act and does not require specific
conditions. However, conditions requiring environmental
investigations (full odour impact assessments) in the event of odour
nuisance can be included (refer to the guideline, Odour Impact
Assessment from Developments).

Like the EPP Water and EPP Air, the Environmental Protection
(Noise) Policy 2008 (or later versions) has set long-term quality
objectives to protect environmental values. Plants can include noisy
equipment such as blowers and pumps and as such the applicant
must demonstrate that noise will be minimised and managed. This
issue can be regulated against the provisions of the EP Act and does
not require specific conditions. However, standard noise monitoring in
the event of a complaint and associated reporting conditions can be
included or specific noise limits if an appropriate noise impact
assessment has been undertaken.
Recycling/reuse of biosolids (after further treatment if necessary and
if economically viable) instead of disposal to landfill.
Note: Consider investigation into treatment alternatives which
produce less biosolids.
The activity will be operated in a way Odour control infrastructure proposed for particularly odorous areas
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that protects the environmental values
of air.
of the STP (inlet works, buffer storage tanks, primary clarifiers,
biosolids handling etc.), or
significant buffers between the STP and odour sensitive places, or
modelling has shown odour will not be an issue.
The activity will be operated in a way
that protects environmental values of
An impact assessment study demonstrates that the release of
sewage effluent from the site does not adversely impact on the
environmental values of waterway.
STP augmentation does not result in an increase in the mass load of
contaminants released to waters.
Increase in mass load is unavoidable, but the applicant can
demonstrate no adverse impact on environmental values.
If an increase is unavoidable, but the application does not pose a
significant additional risk to environmental values to justify detailed
scientific analysis.
Refer to technical guideline Wastewater Releases to Queensland
Waters (EM112) for specific guidance.
Clean stormwater is segregated from contaminated stormwater and
contaminated stormwater is treated, for example through the STP, to
meet the relevant water quality limits.
The activity will be operated in a way
that protects the environmental values
of wetlands.
No direct or indirect release of effluent to a natural wetland, or
an impact assessment study demonstrates that the release of
sewage effluent from the site to a natural wetland does not adversely
impact on the biological integrity or change the natural size of the
This does not include the release of effluent to constructed wetlands
for either treatment or disposal.
The activity will be operated in a way
that protects the environmental values
of groundwater and any associated
surface ecological systems.
No direct release of effluent to an unconfined aquifer.
A groundwater study demonstrates that the direct release of sewage
effluent to a confined aquifer does not adversely impact on its
environmental values.
A groundwater study demonstrates that the irrigation of treated
effluent does not adversely impact on environmental values of
groundwater. This is not applicable to third party re-use if not being
approved and conditioned under the approval.
Confined aquifer means an aquifer that is contained entirely within
impermeable strata.
The activity will be operated in a way
that protects the environmental values
of the acoustic environment.
Noisy equipment associated with blowers and pumps housed in
appropriately designed areas to reduce noise, or
significant buffers between the STP and noise sensitive places, or
modelling has shown noise will not be an issue.
Any waste generated, transported, or
received as part of carrying out the
activity is managed in a way that
protects all environmental values.
Biosolids, a regulated waste, are handled, stored, transported and
disposed of as per any regulatory requirements in the Environmental
Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000.
The activity is operated in a way that A land impact assessment, including appropriate modelling when
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protects the environmental values of
land including soils, subsoils,
landforms and associated flora and
necessary, demonstrates that the application of effluent to a
minimum area of land at a maximum irrigation rate with a certain
quality effluent is sustainable. Links here to recycled water
management plans where relevant. This is not applicable to third
party re-use if not being approved and conditioned under the
The choice of the site, at which the
activity is to be carried out, minimises
serious environmental harm on areas
of high conservation value and special
significance and sensitive land uses at
adjacent places.
Areas of high conservation value should be avoided and siting of the
activity within a site should consider the adjacent land uses.
The location for the activity on a site
protects all environmental values
relevant to adjacent sensitive uses.
Ensure that infrastructure is located on the site in a way that
minimises environmental impacts on adjacent sensitive uses. For
example, if one edge of a site is shared with a wetland, then
infrastructure should be located away from this boundary if possible
to protect the environmental values of the wetland.
The design of the facility permits the
operation of the site, at which the
activity is to be carried out, in
accordance with best practice
environmental management.
This specifically relates to the storage, production, treatment or
release of hazardous contaminants.
Storage, transfer and dispensing of potentially harmful chemicals
occurs within an impervious, bunded and roofed area which contains
any spills or contaminated water, or
Chemical storage and handling facilities comply with the appropriate
Australian design standards.

* These are not specific solutions and have been provided for guidance only. All STP applications should be
assessed on a case-by-case basis as the most appropriate solution will vary depending on a number of factors
including receiving environment values, financial considerations, community preferences, land availability, re-
use opportunities and broader environmental/catchment issues. Refer to Australian standards for design and
construction, including codes of practices, where applicable.
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Table 2: Application of standard criteria to STP assessment

Standard criteria means Application to STP assessment
(a) the following principles of
environmental policy as set out in
the Intergovernmental
Agreement on the Environment-
(i) the precautionary principle
(ii) intergenerational equity;
(iii) conservation of biological
diversity and ecological integrity.
Decision-making processes should effectively integrate both long and
short-term economic, environmental, social and equity considerations.
Municipal STPs are usually proposed or upgraded to cater for projected
population growth and environmental impact studies must consider the
plant at peak design capacity.
This is rarely done and not appropriate for small-to-medium privately-
owned STPs that are not constructed to treat municipal sewage.

Where there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage,
lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for
postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation. The applicant
must demonstrate with appropriate science that the proposal will not
adversely impact environmental values.

The biggest issue is ensuring the disposal of effluent to either land or
water addresses the principles. This needs to be demonstrated by the
applicant. This demonstration may not require detailed receiving
environment studies where it is obvious that the proposal will result
in a reduction of environmental discharge or improvement to the
receiving environment. Other alternatives for smaller STPs include
composting toilets and no release systems.
Whole-of-life cycle costs are also important (e.g. replacement costs of
equipment and the financial sustainability of operations and maintenance.
Also consider use of green energy for pumping etc (for example, solar,
wind, and biogas).
(b) any Commonwealth or State
government plans, standards,
agreements or requirements
about environmental protection
or ecologically sustainable
Where relevant, the following must be considered by the applicant in
determining environmental values of the receiving environment and an
appropriate effluent release strategy:
Wetlands of international significance (Ramsar), marine parks including the
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority guidelines or standards, local
conservation area, drinking water catchments, National Health and Medical
Research Council guidelines for recreational waters, healthy waters
management plans (water quality improvement plans) e.g. South East
Queensland Healthy Waterways Strategy, etc
*Matters of national environmental significance may be assessed by the
Commonwealth under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, rather than the state. Where possible a
coordinated approach with the Commonwealth is preferred.
Total water cycle management plans may also be used by the applicant to
determine sewage treatment and disposal strategies which take into
consideration whole-of-catchment issues.
The coastal algal bloom (CAB) implementation guideline, Implementing
Policies and Plans for Managing Nutrients of Concerns for Coastal Algal
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Blooms in Queensland, provides direction for state and local governments,
industry, consultants, land and natural resource managers and the
community on how to implement these policies into planning and
development assessment. For further information refer to and
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
Water Quality Guidelines can also be considered in the assessment of
(c) any relevant wild river
For STPs in Wild River High Preservation Area, the applicant must
demonstrate there is no other viable location for the activity.
(d) any relevant environmental
impact study, assessment or
The applicant must demonstrate that the proposal will not adversely impact
on environmental values. Detailed information may include sustainable
loads studies, water quality modelling, nutrient and water balance
modelling for land disposal and odour modelling. However, this level of
detail is not readily available in some parts of Queensland and it is not
always economically justifiable for the applicant to obtain detailed
information. In these cases, it would be sufficient for applicants to
demonstrate that the proposed development will result in reduced
environmental impacts as a result of an improved treatment process
resulting in a higher quality effluent. Refer to technical guideline,
Wastewater Releases to Queensland Waters (EM112), for further
guidance. Other reports not submitted by the applicant that are relevant
can also be considered.
(e) the character, resilience and
values of the receiving
The applicant must identify the characteristics of the environment in which
the proposed STP is to operate and consider these in appropriate project
design and operational management strategies. The applicant must
provide appropriate data (adequate monitoring) and potentially modelling.
The volume of data required should be matched to the risk to
environmental values and the existing availability of background data.
Small or low-risk applications may not warrant the same information
requirements. Refer to technical guideline, Wastewater Releases to
Queensland Waters (EM112) for further guidance.
(f) all submissions made by the
applicant and submitters
Properly made submissions are not relevant to applications for STPs as
they do not require an environmental impact statement under the EP Act.
Submissions can be made about an application for a STP to the
assessment manager under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.
(g) the best practice
environmental management for
activities under any relevant
instrument, or proposed
instrument, as follows:
(i) an environmental authority
(ii) a transitional environmental
(iii) an environmental protection
Definition of best practice environmental management in the EP Act: is the
management of the activity to achieve an ongoing minimisation of the
activitys environmental harm through cost-effective measures assessed
against the measures currently used nationally and internationally for the
In deciding the best practice environmental management of an activity,
regard must be had to the following measures:
(a) strategic planning by the person carrying out, or proposing to
carry out, the activity
(b) administrative systems put into effect by the person, including
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(iv) a disposal permit
(v) a development approval
staff training and monitoring and review of the systems
(c) public consultation carried out by the person
(d) product and process design
(e) waste prevention, treatment and disposal.
This must be considered on a case-by-case basis and the proposal must
achieve the best possible environmental outcomes for the least cost.
Environmental, social and economic factors will determine best practice for
each individual application.
This is discussed in more detail in technical guideline, Wastewater
Releases to Queensland Waters (EM112).
(h) the financial implications of
the requirements under an
instrument, or proposed
instrument, mentioned in
paragraph (g) as they would
relate to the type of activity or
industry carried out, or proposed
to be carried out, under the
instrument; and
Monitoring, including water quality monitoring, soil monitoring, receiving
environment monitoring programs and direct toxicity assessment, can have
significant financial impacts. All monitoring imposed on the approval must
be appropriate and reasonable considering the size and risk of the
application (refer to relevant technical guidelines for assistance).

Operational costs associated with sewerage and treatment processes and
consideration of replacement cost should be taken into account and must
be financially sustainable in the long term. Failure to consider future costs
can result in long-term environmental impacts when communities are
unable to maintain or replace expensive capital.

Heavily-engineered, high-cost STPs are not always appropriate. Low-cost
solutions achieving the same or better outcomes are supported. In some
cases better environmental outcomes and protection of environmental
values can be achieved despite higher end-of-pipe concentrations and
mass loads.
(i) the public interest The public interest has been described as referring to considerations
affecting the good order and functioning of the community and government
affairs for the wellbeing of citizens.

It has also been described as the benefit for society, the public or the
community as a whole. This public interest distinguishes interests that are
private interests that benefit particular persons. It is not whether the public
is interested or there have been stories in the media.

STPs provide an essential service to the community. It is in the public
interest that STPs are designed and constructed to achieve the best
practically achievable environmental outcomes for the least cost.
Impacts to the receiving environment (including recreational water and
drinking water catchments) must be addressed, to the extent that this does
impose an unsustainable cost impost on the community. This can be of
particular concern for small communities.
(j) any applicable site
management plan
Site management plans under the contaminated land provisions of the EP
Act are unlikely to be applicable.
(k) any relevant integrated
environmental management
Integrated environmental management system, for an environmentally
relevant activity or activities, means a system for the management of the
Assessment guideline
Assessing applications for sewage treatment works

Page 16 of 16 130331 EM725 Version 2 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
system or proposed integrated
environmental management
system; and
environmental impacts of the carrying out of the activity or activities.
International Organisation for Standardisation standards exist for such
systems. A system could include a site-based management plan, an
activity-based management plan or an environmental management system
that documents a system of management of environmental impacts
including contingency plans and emergency response plans.

These documents may be provided with the application. Conditions
requiring site-based management plans or environmental management
systems are required for STPs. Proposed monitoring and maintenance
should be included in the application as on-going operational costs and the
ability of the applicant to meet them is very important.
This standard criterion is more important when making decisions (usually
around enforcement) about existing activities.
(l) any other matter prescribed
under a regulation.
Refer to Table 1.

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