The document provides information about local government in India. It discusses the meaning, features and significance of local government as well as the difference between local government and local self-government. It also talks about municipal corporations, their organization and functions.
The document provides information about local government in India. It discusses the meaning, features and significance of local government as well as the difference between local government and local self-government. It also talks about municipal corporations, their organization and functions.
The document provides information about local government in India. It discusses the meaning, features and significance of local government as well as the difference between local government and local self-government. It also talks about municipal corporations, their organization and functions.
The document provides information about local government in India. It discusses the meaning, features and significance of local government as well as the difference between local government and local self-government. It also talks about municipal corporations, their organization and functions.
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I am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs of the students. The book has been written keeping in mind the general weakness in understanding the fundamental concepts of the topics. The book is self-explanatory and adopts the Teach Yourself style. It is based on question-answer pattern. The language of book is quite easy and understandable based on scientific approach. Any further improvement in the contents of the book by making corrections, omission and inclusion is keen to be achieved based on suggestions from the readers for which the author shall be obliged. I acknowledge special thanks to Mr. Rajeev Biyani, Chairman & Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Director (Acad.) Biyani Group of Colleges, who are the backbones and main concept provider and also have been constant source of motivation throughout this Endeavour. They played an active role in coordinating the various stages of this Endeavour and spearheaded the publishing work. I look forward to receiving valuable suggestions from professors of various educational institutions, other faculty members and students for improvement of the quality of the book. The reader may feel free to send in their comments and suggestions to the under mentioned address. Author Local Administration `4 For free study notes log on:
Local Administration `5 For free study notes log on:
Meaning features and significance of local Government
Q-1 What do you mean by local government? Ans: Local Government in India is the indivisible part of the three tier administrative system. Local government operates in urban as well as rural areas. According to Encyclopedia Britannica Local Government is an authority to determine and execute measures within a restricted area inside and smaller than the whole state. The variant local self government is important for its emphasis on the freedom to decide and act: In the words of John J Clark, Local government appears to be that part of the government of a nation or state which deals mainly with such matters as concern the inhabitants of particular district or place. Therefore local government comprises of various aspects i.e. 1. Local body 2. Local inhabitants electing and controlling that body. 3. Autonomy of the local body 4. Distinction between local and non local functions 5. Local taxation Q-2 What are the characteristic features of local government? Ans. The important characteristic features of local government are as follows- (i) Local government has a well defined area allotted by the state government. (ii) Local government provides active participation of local people. (iii) Local government provides civic amenities to the people for the healthy living of the people. (iv) Local unit can generate finance by imposing taxes on local people. (v) The local government is responsible for the overall development of the local people. Chapter-1
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(vi) Local government units are accountable to local people. The local government act in accordance to the states by which they are established.
Q-3 What is the difference between local government and local self government? Ans. Local Government is the part of state administrative system. The state exercises direct control over local administration and bureaucracy dominates in this system where as local self government is not the part of state administrative system. The control by over local govt. by state is defined in the act by which they are established. There is lesser influence of Bureaucracy.
Q-4 What do you mean by local self Government? Ans: Local self government is elected by public and it has the responsibility to fulfill local needs of citizens remaining in control of national or regional administration. These institutions work in the jurisdiction specified by state legislatures and exercises those power specified in the act by which they are established. Q-5 Write down the significance of local government? Ans: Following points can be considered to understand the significance of local government. 1. Training school for forthcoming leaders 2. School of Democracy 3. Local problems can be effectively solved. 4. It provides civic amenities to the people. 5. Local people make financial arrangements for the functioning of local government 6. Work load of central government is reduced due to local government 7. A medium of communication between state government and local people. 8. The evils of party politics can be reduced. 9. Method of political education to the emerging leaders.
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Municipal Corporation: Organization and its function
Q-1 Write down the difference between Municipal Corporation and municipal Council Ans: The difference between Municipal council and Municipal Corporation are as follows- (a) To establish a corporation, the state legislature enacts a separate statute for every municipal corporation but a council is established by a common act. (b) There is a separation of deliberative and executive functions in a corporation but this is not the case with council. (c) A corporation is established in the place where, the population is more than 5 lakh but council is set up even where the population is below than 5 thousand. Q-2 What are the criterias of establishing Municipal Corporation? Ans: Broadly, the following criterias may be considered sufficient for setting up a municipal corporation- (a) Existence of thickly populated area (b) Existing development of the municipality and scope for its future development. (c) Financial position of the municipality (d) Ability and willingness of the people to bear the burden of increased taxation. (e) Public opinion in favor of a corporation These criterias are not the exclusive criteria for the establishment of a corporation. The state government decides which city should be converted into a corporation. Q-3 What is council in a Municipal Corporation? Ans: The council is a deliberative body of corporation. It comprises of members known as councilors. They are elected on the basis of adult franchise for tenure of 5 years. It is responsible to formulate policies, rules and regulations for local administration. Chapter-2
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Q-4 Write a few lines about mayor? Ans: The Mayor is known as the first citizen of the city. He presides over the council meetings. He is nominal executive of the council and not the real executive. Mayor is responsible to preside over the meetings of the council. Q-5 Write a few lines about Municipal Commissioner? Ans: The municipal commissioner is the chief executive officer of the corporation. He performs all the duties conferred upon him under the Act. He is responsible to execute the policies of council. He is appointed by the state government. The commissioners powers are classified under two categories- (a) The functions which are listed in the statute creating corporation (b) The functions which are delegated by the council and its committees. The commissioner performs various functions like legislative functions, administrative functions and financial functions. Q-6 What are the powers and functions of Municipal Corporation? Ans: The functions of a Municipal corporation are divided into two categories- (i) Obligatory Functions (ii) Discretionary Functions. Some of Obligatory Function- i. Supply of pure water ii. Construction and maintenance of public streets. iii. Lighting of public streets. iv. Cleaning public streets. v. Regulation of dangerous trades or practices. vi. Maintenance of public hospitals vii. Registration of births and deaths viii. Naming streets and numbering houses Some of the discretionary functions are- i. Maintenance and construction of public parks and gardens. ii. Planting and maintenance of roadside and other trees. iii. Housing for low income groups. iv. Organizing public receptions, public exhibitions, entertainment zone etc., v. Provision of transport facility within the municipality. Local Administration `9 For free study notes log on:
Municipal Council: Organization and Functions
Q-1 What is a Municipal Council? Ans: Municipal Council is the second important urban governing institution in India. It is known by various names like Municipality, Nagar Nigam, Nagar Mandal, Nagar Parishad, etc. The number of Municipal council in a state depends upon the size of the state, stage of urbanization density of population etc. A municipal council is established under a common Act framed by state legislature.
Q-2 What is a Council? Ans: The deliberative body of Municipal council is known as council. It is the peoples assembly which consists of councilors. They are elected on the basis of adult franchise. The number of councilors varies from state to state. It is elected for 5 years. It makes laws, rules and regulations for the council. It sanctions the budget of the council. Q-3 Write a few lines about Chairman of Municipal Council. Ans. The council elects from the councilors a president/ chairperson whose term is co- terminus with that of council. He is the first Citizen of the city. The president presides over the meetings of the council and regulates the conduct of business at such meetings. He keeps an eye over the financial and executive administration of the municipality. He can ask information related with municipal administration. He can also direct the commissioner in the implementation of policies. Q-4 Write down few lines about commissioner of a Municipal Council. Ans. The commissioner of the council is in charge of executive functions. The state government appoints the commissioner. The executive powers of council are Chapter-3
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exercised by the commissioner jointly with the chairman of the council. The commissioner is IAS or senior RAS officer. Q-5 Write down the functions of municipal council. Ans. There are two kinds of functions of municipal council- (a) Obligatory functions (b) Discretionary functions. Some of the obligatory functions of the council are- 1. Supply of pure water. 2. Maintenance and construction of public streets. 3. Cleaning of public streets. 4. Regulation of dangerous trades and practices. 5. Maintenance of public hospital. 6. Registration of birth and death. 7. Naming streets and numbering houses. Some of the Directionary functions are- 1. Removing dangerous buildings 2. Construction and maintenance of public parks, gardens, libraries, museum, rest houses, orphanages etc. 3. Planting and maintenance of roadside trees. 4. Housing for low income groups 5. Organizing public exhibitions 6. Provision of transport facility within the municipality 7. Promotion of welfare of Municipal employees
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Various forms of organization of Municipal Administration
Q-1 What do you mean by Town Area Committee? Ans: Town area committees are set up in small towns. It is a semi municipal body created by a separate act of state legislature. It may be wholly elected, wholly nominated or partly elected or partly nominated. Its main functions are drainage, road, streets lighting etc. Q-2 Discuss the meaning of Notified area committee (NAC) Ans.: Notified area committee is established by a notification in the government gazette therefore it is known as NAC. It is entirely nominated body. All of its members are nominated by state government. Thus it is neither elected nor a statutory body. Since 1993, this system has been terminated in Rajasthan. Q-3 What is a cantonment Board? Ans: A cantonment board is established for municipal administration in the army area. It is set up under the cantonment Act of 1924. It works under the administrative control of the defense ministry of the central government. Thus, unlike other types of urban local bodies which are created and administered by the state government, a cantonment board is created as well as administered by the central government. A cantonment board consists of partly elected and partly nominated members. A cantonment board consists of following members- (i) A military officer commanding the station (ii) An executive engineer in the cantonment (iii) A health officer in the cantonment (iv) A first class magistrate nominated by the district magistrate. Q-4 What is a Port Trust? Ans: The port trust are established in the port area like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai etc, for two purposes:- (a) To manage and protect the posts and Chapter-4 Local Administration `12 For free study notes log on:
(b) To provide civic amenities. Port trust is created by an act of parliament. It consists of both elected and nominated members. Its civic functions are more or less similar to those of a municipality. Q-5 What is a Township? Ans: Township is established by large public enterprises to provide civic amenities to its staff and workers who live in the housing colonies built near the plants. The enterprise appoints a town administration for the administration of the township. He is assisted by some engineers and other technical and non technical staff therefore the township does not have elected members.
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Democratic Decentralization
Q-1 What is democratic decentralization? Ans. Democratic decentralization is the right given to local people to formulate and implement the programs of welfare. Democratic decentralization gives importance to peoples participation. The power here is decentralized from higher level to local level. The power which is decentralized by higher level to lower level has democratic feeling. Q-2 What are the characteristics of democratic decentralization? Ans: (i) To decide policy and programs of administration (ii) Right to manage economic resources for the fulfillment of objectives. (iii) It is a political concept which emphasizes peoples participation (iv) Decentralization is from higher to lower level. (v) Democratic decentralization abolishes the interference of central and state government. Q-3 What are the fundamental principles of democratic decentralization? Ans: The fundamental principles of democratic decentralization are- (i) The structure of Panchayati Raj for democratic decentralization shall be three tiers and should be interrelated. (ii) These institutions shall be endowed with responsibility and sufficient powers. (iii) They should be given necessary financial resources. (iv) These institutions shall be given responsibility to perform the developmental task. Q-4 Define the relation between democratic decentralization and local self government? Chapter-5 Local Administration `14 For free study notes log on:
Ans. Both of these concepts may be considered as synonym of each other, both have the common aim of peoples participation. Both the concept puts some limits on interference of higher level. The main difference between them is that democratic decentralization is political concept and local self government is its institutionalized part. Democratic decentralization gives autonomy for administrative work. It demands for more democracy, more power, more responsibility and activities and more autonomy for local self government.
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Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat
Q-1 What is a Gram Sabha? Ans: Gram Sabha is an organ of direct democracy. It is the bottom level body in the Panchayati Raj System. Gram Sabha finds mention in the 73 rd constitutional amendment. Its members include all those voters whose names are featuring on the electoral rolls. It is therefore an assembly of the villagers. Q-2 What are the functions of Gram Sabha? Ans.: The functions of Gram Sabha are as follows: i. To examine annual statements of accounts. ii. To select various schemes, and their beneficiaries. iii. Support voluntary labor and community welfare program. iv. To give assistance in implementing development scheme. v. Scrutinizing provisions years audit notes. vi. Implementing programs for adult education and family welfare programmes. vii. To consider the budget prepared by gram panchayat. viii. To examine existing schemes and all the activities of the panchayats. Q-3 Give some suggestions for the effective functioning of Gram Sabha? Ans: The suggestions for the effective functioning of Gram Sabha as follows- (i) The meetings should not be held on time of harvesting. (ii) The quorum of meeting should not be fixed. (iii) The people should encourage asking questions in Gram Panchayat meetings. (iv) Patwari should be attending the meetings of gram sabha. (v) Tehsildars and Nayab Tehsildars should attend the meetings of Gram Sabha.The date, day and time of meetings should be publicized so that maximum people may attend its meetings. Chapter-6 Local Administration `16 For free study notes log on:
Q-4 What is a Gram Panchayat? Ans: Panchayat is the executive committee of gram sabha. The number o f members of panchayats are different in various states. Its members are called panchas. The panchayat will be a body corporate having perpetual succession, common seal, enter into contract and can sue and can be sued. The tenure of panchayat is 5 years. For the purpose of election, the entire area is divided into ward and a member is elected for every ward. Q-5 What are the functions of Sarpanch? Ans: The various functions of a Sarpanch are as follows- (a) He is responsible to call the meetings of Gram Sabha. (b) He presides the meetings of Gram Sabha. (c) He calls and presides the meetings of panchayat (d) He maintains the records of Panchayat (e) He is responsible for the financial administration of panchayat (f) He supervises and controls the officers and officials of Panchayat. Q-6 Write a few lines about meetings of Panchayat. Ans: The meetings of Panchayat are held once in 15 days. The meetings are called and presided by sarpanch. A special meeting can also be called if 1/3 members give their consent. The notice of 7 days is required to be issued for a general meeting and 3 days notice is required for a special meeting. Q-7 Write down the functions of Panchyat Secretary. Ans: The panchayat secretary performs following functions- (a) He maintains the records of Panchayat functions. (b) He maintains the records of panchayat under his custody. (c) He issues receipts of money withdrawal from panchayat. (d) He maintains the accounts of panchayat. (e) He is responsible for the custody of panchayat funds. (f) To prepare the reports of panchayat . To enter into contract approved by panchayat. Local Administration `17 For free study notes log on:
Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad
Q-1 What is a Panchayat Samiti? Ans: Panchayat samiti is constituted at Block level. Panchayat samiti is a body corporate, has perpetual succession, common seal, can enter inter contract, can sue and can be sued. The state law provides that for the population of 1 lakh, there shall be 15 wards and 2 wards will be added on every increase of 15000. Q-2 What are the names of the committees of Panchayat samiti? Ans: There are following committees in a panchayat samiti- i. Administration, finance and taxation. ii. Production program which includes agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation, co-operative and small scale industries. iii. Education iv. Social service including social justice, sanitation, health, welfare of weaker sections of society. v. Every committee is constituted from the elected members of panchayat samiti. Q-3 Write few lines about Block Development officer. Ans: The BDO is an administrative officer of Panchayat samiti. The BDOS are selected by two methods. They are direct and indirect method. The BDO is responsible for following function i. He implements policies formulated by panchayat samiti and its committees. ii. He is chief executive officer as well as secretary to the panchayat samiti. iii. He takes part in the meetings of P.S. iv. He certifies the records of Panchayat samiti. Chapter-7 Local Administration `18 For free study notes log on:
v. He is responsible for the withdrawal of money from panchayat samiti funds. He can conduct inspections about the financial position of panchayats. vi. He can enter into contract with the approval of Panchayat samiti. vii. He supervises and controls the personnel and officers working in panchayat samiti. viii. BDO can take action against financial fund, embezzlement and misuse of money. ix. He maintains accounts of panchayat samiti. x. He can supervise the panchayat which come under the jurisdiction of panchayat samiti. Q-4 What is a Zila Parishad ? Ans: Zila parishad is the highest body of the three tier structure of panchayati Raj. It is constituted at the district level. It is a body corporate, having perpetual succession, a common seal, can sue and can be sued, can enter into contract. Its tenure is 5 yrs. Q-5 What are the powers of Zila Pramukh? Ans: The powers of zila pramukh are as follows:- (a) Personnel management of Zila parishad with chief executive officer (CEO). (b) He calls and presides the meetings of zila parishad. (c) He supervises the financial administration of Zila Parishad. (d) He can grant Rs.1lakh in a year to provide urgent relief in natural calamities in consultation with CEO. (e) He assists the Panchyats in formulation of development programs. (f) He exercises all those powers granted to him by the concerned act. Q-6 Write down the names of committees of zila parishad. Ans. The committees of zila parishad are as follows- (i) Administration, finance and taxation (ii) Production, program including agriculture animal husbandry, irrigation, co-operatives, small industries. (iii) Education (iv) Social service and social justice including water, health, welfare of weaker sections. Local Administration `19 For free study notes log on:
Q-7 What are the functions of chief executive officer of zila parishad? Ans. The administrative head of zila parishad is chief executive officer. He is an IAS officer appointed by state government. The functions of chief executive officer are- (i) He implements the policies and decisions of zila parishad. (ii) He implements the developmental programs of the zila parishad. (iii) He controls and supervises the personnel of zila parishad . (iv) He is the custodian of the documents concerned with zila parishad (v) He inspects schools, hospitals, vaccination centers etc. within the panchayats. (vi) He informs the state government about those resolution passed by zila parishad which are not in the limits of law. (vii) He participates in the meetings of zila parishad without voting right.
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State control over Rural Local Bodies
Q-1 What do you mean by state control over rural local bodies? Ans. The rural local bodies are controlled by state government. All the PRIs controlled on the basis of the act by which they are established. The control over these institutions is both horizontal and vertical. Q-2 How many types of controls are there? Ans. There are four types of control by which the state government exercises control over PRIs. These are as follows: 1. Institutional Control 2. Administrative Control 3. Technical Control 4. Financial Control Q-3 What is institutional control? Ans. The institutional control is that which is exercised by state government. The state government decides and changes from time to time the names of PRI S, area, jurisdiction, autonomy, organization, election method etc. The state government can also amend the acts by which they are established. Q-4 What is an Administrative Control? Ans, The administrative control is exercised through following ways: a. Inspection. b. Direction. c. Control when they are unable to fulfill responsibility. d. No confidence motion. e. Cancellation of resolution passed by Panchyati Raj Institutions. f. Dissolution of Institutions. Chapter-8 Local Administration `21 For free study notes log on:
Q-5 What do you mean by technical control over Panchayat Raj Institution? Ans. The state government exercises technical control through following methods a. Inspection. b. Meetings. c. Reports of Panchayati Raj Institutions. d. Approval of plans and programs. Q-6 What is financial control over Panchayati Raj Institutions? Ans. The state government exercises finance control over PRIs through following methods: a. Source of Income of PRIs b. Regulation of Banking System c. Regulation of Principles of Budget d. Accounts e. Audit
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State Control over Urban Local Bodies
Q-1 What are the methods of state control over urban local bodies? Ans: The urban local bodies are controlled by all the organs of government i.e, legislature, executive and judiciary in democracy. The methods of control are as follows- 1. Legislative Control 2. Administrative control 3. Judicial Control Q-2 Discuss legislative control by state government over urban local bodies. Ans. It is one of the most important method of control over urban local bodies because these institutions come in existence by the act of legislature the state legislature has the power to make law about urban local government. Following aspects are considered before making laws (a) Rules of elections (b) Rules about meetings (c) Income and expenditure (d) Developmental plans (e) Property (f) Taxation and Grants, loans, provident funds, other service conditions of personnel. (g) The recommendations to be given by state officials to municipalities. Q-3 What are the methods of judicial control? Ans. There are so many methods by which judiciary can control urban local bodies: (a) If the local bodies hamper the rights of citizens the judiciary can provide help to the aided person or institution (b) The judiciary examines the functions performed by urbon local bodies whether they are in the limits of law or not. Chapter-9 Local Administration `23 For free study notes log on:
(c) ULBs can also take protection of judiciary if the state government hampers their rights (d) Judiciary can bind ULBs to perform their compulsory functions. (e) The judiciary can declare any function illegal which is not in their jurisdiction. Q-4 What are the aspects of administrative control over urban local bodies? Ans. The administrative control is also known as executive control. This control plays an important role in local administration. (a) The state government determines the standard of services which should be maintained in urban local bodies. (b) The state government can terminate any member of municipality if they misuse their power. (c) The state government can change the area of jurisdiction of any municipality. (d) The laws prepared by the state government have to be approved by the state government. (e) The state government can inspect various projects and programs run by ULBs through his officers Q-5 What are the limitations of control by state government over urban local bodies? Ans: The various limitations of control- (a) The control is more or less negative. (b) The bureaucracy also controls the urban local bodies: (c) State government keeps so many terms and conditions before giving grants to local bodies. (d) The permission of state government has to be taken if it exceeds the prescribed limit. (e) The collector is overburdened with work so he cant exercise effective control over administration.
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Financial Administration of Urban and Rural Local Bodies
Q-1 What are the sources of income of municipal bodies? Ans. The municipal bodies may obtain finances from variety of ways like grants, loans, taxes, etc. The sources of income of municipal bodies can be categorized in following ways. 1. Income by taxes 2. Income other than tax 3. Share from the taxes levied and collected by the state 4. Grants by the government 5. Loans Q-2 Write about the budgeting system of municipal bodies. Ans: The budget of municipal bodies is prepared annually. The budget prepared by municipal bodies is submitted to directorate of local self government. After this the budget proposals are scrutinized by department of local self government. The budget is then finalized. Q-3 What are the sources of income of municipalities other than taxes? Ans: The sources of income under this head are taxes on hotels, restaurants, dairy, factories etc. Besides these, the income is also obtained by selling edible goods, sale of land, use of commercial places of municipal bodies, rent of guest houses etc. The municipalities issue licenses, charges fees and penalties. Q-3 What are the suggestions to improve the financial position of municipal bodies? Ans. The suggestions to improve the financial position of municipal bodies are as follows - (a) The financial resources should be efficiently and economically utilized. Chapter-10 Local Administration `25 For free study notes log on:
(b) The constitution itself should provide the sources of income to these bodies. (c) Political interference should not be there regarding financial administration (d) The municipal bodies should collect the taxes systematically. (e) Misuse of money should be checked (f) Taxation procedure should be simple. (g) Awareness generation program regarding taxation should be conducted. Q-4 What are the sources of income of Gram Panchayat? Ans. The sources of income of Gram Panchayat are as follows- (a) House tax (b) Octroi (c) Tax on vehicles except those which are used for farming (d) Water tax (e) Tax on commercial crops (f) Any other taxes which are authorized by the act by which these institutions are established. Q-5 What are the sources of income of Panchayat Samiti? Ans. The sources of income of Panchayat samiti are as follows (a) Income by taxes on- i. Business, profession and industries according to the rules. ii. Primary education iii. Fairs organized in Panchayat samiti area iv. Community Development Fund v. Grants by Government
Q-6 Write few lines about the Budget of Panchayat Samiti. Ans. The B.D.O prepares the budget of Panchayat Samiti and submits it to Panchayat samiti. Now it goes to district development officer who submits it to zila parishad. Zila parishad sends it to panchayat samiti with its recommendations. Panchayat samiti reconsiders it and then pass it. Local Administration `26 For free study notes log on:
Q-7 What are the sources of income of Zila Parishad? Ans. The sources of income of Zila parishad are- (a) Grants and donation from the public (b) Fees for granting permission for fair (c) Water tax (d) 5% Stamp duty for expenditure of property Q-8 Describe the method of execution of Budget of Zila Parishad. Ans. The Budget of Zila Parishad is prepared by chief executive officer. The CEO then submits it to Panchayati Raj and rural development department. The Zila Parishad considers these recommendations and frames the budget accordingly. Q-9 Describe state Finance Commission. Ans. Governor, at the expiration of every fifth year, constitutes a finance commission to review the financial position of the panchayats and to make recommendation to the Governor regarding. (a) The distribution between the state and the panchayat of the net proceeds of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees leviable by the state commission may be divided between them. (b) The measures needed to improve the financial position of panchayats. (c) Any other matter referred to the financial commission by the Governor in the interest of sound finance of Panchayats.
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Personnel Administration of Urban & Rural Local Government
Q-1 How many types of personnel practices are there in local Government system? Ans. There are three kinds of personnel practice- (a) Separate personnel system in which each local government appoints and administers personnel who are not automatically transferable to another jurisdiction. (b) A unified local government service in which some or all categories of personnel of local government constitute a career service for the entire state. The personnel of this service are transferrable between local governments only. (c) An integrated service in which the personnel of the state government and local government form part of the same service. Q-2 What are the features of a Sound municipal personnel system? Ans: The important feature of a sound municipal personnel system are- (a) The posts in local government must be attractive in terms of pay, working conditions, prestige & security (b) The criteria of recruitment should be merit. (c) There should be a sound system of promotion in these services. (d) The personnel should be transferrable so that they can share their experiences. (e) The system of in service training should be introduced. (f) The relations between local government and its employers should be cordial. Q-3 What are the methods of recruitment of municipal personnel in Rajasthan? Ans. The state government is authorized to make rules for personnel administration. The methods of recruitment of personnel at local level are- (a) Direct recruitment (b) Promotion (c) Transfer Chapter-11 Local Administration `28 For free study notes log on:
(d) Deputation. Q-4 Write a few lines about training of municipal employees? Ans. There is absence of systematic training for the personnel of local government. The Nagpur University conducts diploma courses in local self government which provide training to future personnel of local self government. The All India Institute of local self Government also provides training to subordinate personnel of local government. In Rajasthan, the training to personnel of local self government is provided by RIPA. It conducts various training programs for its personnel. Q-5 Evaluate the personnel administration at urban level? Ans. Evaluate are as below- 1. The powers of recruitment for these personnel should be redefined. 2. The political interference should be avoided. 3. The training system of these personnel should be redesigned. 4. The salary structure and working conditions should be attractive. 5. The mutual relations between elected and appointed personnel should be cordial. Q-6 What are the suggestions for effective training system. Ans. The suggestions for effective training are as follows- 1. The trainers should be trained. 2. The syllabus of training should be revised from time to time. 3. The training to public representative and officials should be imparted at the time when the harvesting work is not at peak. 4. Field training system should be adopted to make the training more interesting. 5. The refresher course should be conducted 6. The infrastructure required for training should be provided by the state government.
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Rural development and Panchayati Raj Department and Directorate of Local Self Government
Q-1 Describe the origin of Panchayati Raj department in Rajasthan. Ans. In 1949, Panchayat Department was established in Rajasthan. It was headed by chief panchayat officer in 1951. In 1959, Panchayat department was amalgamated with development department. In 1982, the name of this department was changed to rural development and panchayati raj department. From 1996, this department is known as panchayati raj department. Q-2 What are the responsibilities of the minister for Rural Department and Panchayti Raj Department? Ans. The political head of this department is a cabinet minister. Sometimes the minister of state is made responsible for the sameThe Minister is responsible for policy formulation for rural development, and their efficient implementation, recruitment of personnel, direction and coordination. Q-3 What are the functions of Director and Special Secretary? Ans. The director/special secretary is an IAS officer. He has the final responsibility of being a secretary to Panchayati Raj Department as well as director of Panchayati Raj Directorate. He ensures that the polices formulated for rural development are effectively implemented. He directs, supervises and controls the panchayati Raj Institutions at various levels. Q-4 What are the function of Panchayati Raj Department? Ans: The functions of Panchayati Raj Department are as follows- 1. To organize, recognize and change in the names of Gram Panchayat , Panchayat samiti and Zila Parishad. 2. Matters related with vacant posts of chairperson or deputy chairperson of PRIs. 3. It resolves the conflicts related with elections in PRIs. Chapter-12 Local Administration `30 For free study notes log on:
4. To assist state election commission in the conduction of election of PRIs. 5. Matters related with conflict between Gram Panchayat and Panchayat samiti or Panchayat samiti and Zila Parishad. Q-5 Write a brief introduction about the directorate of local self Government. Ans. In 1951, a directorate was established which consisted. In 1962, local self government department was merged with the directorate. Till then this directorate and department exist in one and the same institution. The head is known as director who is assisted by assistant director, deputy director, chief accounts officer, accountants and other officer staff. Q-6 Write down the functions of Ex-offices secretary and director, department of local self govt. Ans. The director is the chief officer of the Directorate. He/She also act as ex-officer secretary for the department of local self government. The officer appointed for this post is either IAS officer or sometimes RAS officer. He is not only the head of administrative of Directorate but also the administrative controller of the officers and officials of urban local government institution. The orders related with transfer of officers of different municipality are issued after this approval. Being the ex- officer secretary, he gives advice to /state government about urban affairs. The director also inspects these institutions from time to time. Q-7 What are the functions of additional director of local self government? Ans. The additional director of directorate of local self government is responsible for the functions related with appointment, transfer, promotion of the commissioner of Rajasthan Nagarpalika, law officer, health officer etc. Q-8 Write in Brief, the functions of Deputy Director of Directorate local self government: Ans. The deputy director is an RAS officer and is responsible for following functions- 1. Matters related with the appointment of the officials of Municipal Corporation and municipalities. 2. Matters related with class IV employees of all urban development institutions. 3. Transfer matters of the above mentioned personnel. 4. Training of the employees. 5. Functions related with taxation and state assembly cell. Local Administration `31 For free study notes log on:
73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act
Q.1 Write about the introduction of 73 rd CAA. Ans. The 73 rd constitutional amendment act came into force on 24 April, 1993. This act has added Part-IX to the constitution of India. It is entitled as The Panchayats. This act has also added eleventh schedule to the constitution which contains 29 functions of the Panachayats.
Q.2 What are the salient features of 73 rd constitutional amendment act? Ans. The salient features of the 73 rd constitutional amendment act are- 1. Three tier system- The act provides for a three tier system of Panchayati Raj i.e. Panchayats at the village level, Panchayat Samiti at block level and Zila Parishad at district level. 2. Election of Members- The members are elected directly by the people. 3. Gram Sabha- Gram Sabha is a village assembly consisting of registered voters in the Panchayat Area. 4. Reservation System- The act provides reservation for SC and ST candidates in proportion to their population. It also provides reservation for women candidates. 5. Duration of Panchayats- The act provides 5 year tenure to the Panchayats at every level. However, due to some reasons, it can be dissolved before the expiry of the term. 6. Disqualification- A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as or for being a member of Panchayat if he is so disqualified. a. Under any law for the time being in force for the purpose of election to the legislature of the state concerned. b. Or under any law made by the state legislature. Chapter-13 Local Administration `32 For free study notes log on:
7. Finance commission- The governor is empowered to constitute a finance commission after every five years. It makes recommendations for- a. The principles which should given i. The distribution between the state and the Panchayats of the net proceeds of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees levied by the state. ii. The determination of taxes, duties, tolls and fees which may be assigned to Panchayats. iii. The grant in aid to the Panchayats from the consolidated fund of the state. b. The measures needed to improve the financial position of the Panchayats. c. Any other matter referred to the finance commission by the Governor in the interests of sound finance of the Panchayats. 8. State Election Commission- A state Election Commission is appointed by the Governor to conduct elections of the Panchayats. 9. Power and Functions- The state legislature endows the Panchayat, with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as institutions of self government. 10. Finances- The state legislature may- a. Authorize a Panchayat to levy, correct and appropriate taxes, duties, tolls and fees. b. Assign to a Panchayat taxes duties, tolls and fees levied and collected by the state government. c. Provide for making grant-in aid to the Panchayat. d. Provide for constitution of funds for crediting all moneys of the Panchayats. 11. Audit- The state legislature makes provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts by the Panchayats and the auditing of such accounts.
Local Administration `33 For free study notes log on:
74 th Constitutional Amendment Act
Q.1 Write a brief introduction about 74 th constitutional amendment act. Ans. The 74 th constitutional Amendment Act (CAA) came into force on 1 st June, 1993. It added port-IX A in the constitution which is entitled as The Municipalities. This Act has also added Twelfth schedule to the constitution. Q.2 Write down the salient features of the 74 th constitutional amendment act. Ans. The salient features of the 74 th constitutional amendment act are as follows- 1. Three tier structures- The act provides for three types of municipalities which are Nagar Panchayat for transitional area, municipal council for smaller urban area and a municipal corporation for a larger urban area. 2. Constitution of Municipalities- The members of the municipality are directly elected by the people of the municipal area. Each municipal area is divided into a constituency which is known as wards. 3. Reservation system- This act provides for the reservation of seats for the SC and ST in every municipality. It also provides reservation of not less than one-third of the total number of seats for women. 4. Ward Committees- The act provides a provision of ward committee which will consist of one or more wards within the area of a municipality having population of three lakh or more. 5. Tenure- The act provides for five year tenure of every municipality. 6. Disqualification- A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as or for being a member of a municipality if he is so disqualified. i. Under any law for the time being in force for the purposes of elections to the legislature of the state concerned. ii. Under any law made by the state legislature. 7. State Election Commission- There is a provision of State Election Commission for the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls and the conduct of all election to the municipalities. Chapter-14 Local Administration `34 For free study notes log on:
8. Powers and Function- This act has added twelfth schedule in the constitution which is related with the functions of the municipalities. 9. Finances- The state legislature can authorize a municipality to levy collect and appropriate taxes, duties tolls and fees. 10. Finance Commission- There is a provision of Finance Commission for every five years to review the financial position of municipalities and recommend the Governor about financial aspect related with municipal bodies. 11. Audit- The act provides that the state legislature may make provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts by municipalities and auditing of such accounts. 12. District Planning Committee- A district planning committee is constituted at district level to consolidate the plans prepared by panchayats and municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft development plan for the district. 13. Metropolitan Planning Committee- The act makes a provision for the establishment of a metropolitan planning committee for the preparation of a draft development plan.
Local Administration `35 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Meaning, Features and Evolution of Local Self Government
1. How many forms of urban local government are there- (a) Urban (b) Rural (c) Rural and Urban (d) None of the above 2. Which list of the constitution includes the word Local Administration. (a) State List (b) Union List (c) Concurrent List (d) None of the above 3. Who said Local Government is the management of their own affairs by the people of a locality. (a) P Stones (b) L. Golding (c) J. Clarke (d) G.M. Harris 4. Which of the following is part of local government? (a) Local body (b) Local inhabitants (c) Local taxation (d) All of the above 5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of local government? (a) local area (b) Central authority (c) Civic amenities for local people (d) Local finance 6. Urban local governments have got constitutional status by which amendment act? (a) 74 th
(b) 73 rd
(c) 72 (d) 71 Chapter-1
Local Administration `36 For free study notes log on:
7. Rural local governments have got constitutional status by which amendment act? (a) 74 th
(b) 73 rd
(c) 72 (d) 71 8. Which two lists have been added in the constitution through 73 rd and 74 th
constitutional amendment act (a) 8 th and 9 th
(b) 9 th and 10 th
(c) 11 th and 12th (d) 10 th and 11th 9. The Administrative system of India is divided into how many levels (a) One tier (b) Two tier (c) 3 tier (d) None of the above 10. First Municipal Corporation was set up in which city of India. (a) Bombay (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi (d) Madras 11. Lord Rippons resolution for local government was introduced in the year. (a) 1901 (b) 1882 (c) 1904 (d) 1945 12. First Municipal Corporation was set up in Madras in. (a) 1626 (b) 1686 (c) 1687 (d) 1688 13. Lord Mayos resolution was introduced in. (a) 1870 (b) 1882 (c) 1887 (d) None of the above 14. Royal Commission on decentralization was appointed in. (a) 1906 (b) 1907 (c) 1905 (d) 1908 Local Administration `37 For free study notes log on:
15. Which resolution is known as Magna Carta of Local self government? (a) Lord Mayo (b) Lord Rippon (c) Both a and b (d) None of the above
Answer Key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b a b d b a b c c d b c a c
Local Administration `38 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Various forms of organization of urban local administration
1. In which year, cantonment act was passed by central legislature? (a) 1926 (b) 1925 (c) 1924 (d) 1934 2. How many types of municipalities are there according to 74 CAA? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) One 3. The main function of Urban local government is- (a) Cleanliness of the city (b) Education (c) Helping of the city (d) None of the above 4. Which Municipal Corporation is established by an act of Parliament? (a) Madras (b) Calcutta (c) Delhi (d) Jaipur 5. A Municipal Corporation is established by- (a) The order of State Government (b) Resolution of Zila Parishad (c) Act of State Legislature (d) None of the above. 6. The feature of Municipal Corporation is- (a) It is a body corporate (b) They have their seal (c) Legal in nature Chapter-2
Local Administration `39 For free study notes log on:
(d) All of the above. 7. Which of the following is generally a nominated body? (a) Nagarpalika (b) Notified Area Committee (c) Nagar Nigam (d) Nagar Parishad 8. Cantonment Board is governed by the Act of- (a) 1934 (b) 1993 (c) 1924 (d) 1994 9. In which institution, the executive and deliberative e functions are separated? (a) Municipal Corporation (b) Municipal Council (c) Cantonment Board (d) All of the above 10. The chairperson of Municipal Corporation is (a) Mayor (b) Commissioner (c) Councilor (d) None of the above. 11. The Commissioner of Municipal Corporation is appointed by- (a) State Government (b) Direct Election (c) Nomination by Council (d) None of the above 12. The tenure of municipal council is- (a) 5 years (b) 4 years (c) 3 years (d) 2 years 13. The quorum for the meetings of municipal council is- (a) (b) (c) 1/3 (d) None of the above. 14. Seats reserved for women in urban institution according to 74 th CAA is- Local Administration `40 For free study notes log on:
(a) (b) (c) 1/3 (d) None 15. The tenure of municipal corporation is (a) 5 years (b) 4 years (c) 6 years (d) 3 years
Answer Key-
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. A
Local Administration `41 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Democratic Decentralisation, Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat
1. The Institution of Grass root democracy are- (a) Tehsil Office (b) Pawari Office (c) Panchayati Raj Institutions (d) All of the above 2. Balawantray Committee was established in- (a) 1956 (b) 1957 (c) 1958 (d) 1975 3. Community development Programme was started in- (a) 1942 (b) 1952 (c) 1972 (d) 1782 4. The system of democratic decentralization was recommended by which committee (a) L M. Singhvi Committee (b) Dantwala Committee (c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (d) Ashok Mehta Committee 5. The Panchayat Samiti is established at- (a) Village Level (b) District Level (c) Block Level (d) None of the above 6. Which state was the first state to establish Panchayati Raj? Chapter-3
Local Administration `42 For free study notes log on:
(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) None of the above. 7. When was Ashok Mehta Committee established? (a) 1977 (b) 1987 (c) 1967 (d) 1975 8. Ashok Mehta Committee recommended- (a) Three tier structure (b) Two tier structure (c) one tier structure (d) None of the above 9. G.V.K. Rao Committee was appointed in- (a) 1985 (b) 1965 (c) 1975 (d) 1955 10. L. M. Singhvi Committee was appointed in- (a) 1976 (b) 1986 (c) 1966 (d) None of the above 11. The quorum for the meetings of Gram Sabha is- (a) 1/3 (b) 1/10 (c) (d) 2/3 12. Which article in Indian Constitution is associated with Panchayats? (a) 40 (b) 45 (c) 42 (d) 20 13. The tenure of Panchayats is- (a) 5 years (b) 2 years (c) 3 years (d) 6 years 14. The reservation in Panchayats is given to- (a) SC (b) ST (c) Backward Classes (d) All of the above 15. Panchayat Secretary is responsible for- (a) Maintaining records and accounts of Gram Panchayats (b) Custody of Panchayat funds. (c) To formulate the report and budget (d) All of the above Answer Key- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 c a b c c b a b a b b a a B d
Local Administration `43 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad
1. Panchayat Samiti is established at- (a) Block level (b) State Level (c) District level (d) None of the above 2. How many seats are reserved for SC and ST women in Panchayat Samiti? (a) 1/3 (b) (c) (d) None 3. Which officer is not included in the organizational structure of Panchayat Samiti? (a) Tehsildar (b) Pradhan (c) BDO (d) Extension Officer 4. The chairperson of Panchayat Samiti is- (a) Sarpanch (b) Patwari (c) Zila Pramukh (d) BDO 5. Pradhan submits his resignation to- (a) District Collector (b) BDO (c) Zila Pramukh (d) None 6. The deputy Pradhan submits its resignation to- (a) Zila Pramukh (b) Pradhan (c) BDO (d) Panchayati Raj Minister 7. Which Committee of Panchayat Samiti is of permanent nature? (a) Administration, finance, taxation (b) Production Programme (c) Education and social service (d) All of the above 8. The Chief Administrative officer of Panchayat Samiti is- (a) Pradhan (b) Extension officer (c) BDO (d) Accounts officer 9. The highest body of democratic decentralization in India is- (a) Gram Panchayat (b) Panchayat Samiti (c) Zila Parishad (d) Secretariat 10. Zila Pramukh submits its resignation to- Chapter-4
Local Administration `44 For free study notes log on:
11. Who presides the meetings of Zila Parishad- (a) Zila Pramukh (b) Collector (c) Executive officer (d) None 12. How many general meeting of Zila Parishad are held annually? (a) 10 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4 13. The report related with the working of chief executive officer is submitted by Zila Pramukh to- (a) Governor (b) Panchayati Raj Minister (c) Chief Secretary (d) Director, Rural development and Panchayati Raj Department. 14. The tenure of Zila Parishad is- (a) 5 years (b) 4 years (c) 3 years (d) None 15. How many functions of Panchayats are included in the eleventh schedule of the constitution? (a) 28 (b) 12 (c) 29 (d) 39 16. Who appoints the state election Commissioner? (a) Prime Minister (b) Governor (c) Chief Minister (d) None of the above 17. How many Gram Sabhas are their in every Gram Panchayat? (a) One (b) Two (c) Number is not fix (d) none 18. When Gram Sabha got constitutional status? (a) 1963 (b) 1959 (c) 1992-93 (d) 1973 19. How many meetings of Gram Sabha are to be held in a year? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Six 20. Who presides the meetings of Gram Sabha? (a) Sarpanch (b) BDO (c) Gram Sevak (d) None 21. Who is responsible to maintain the records of the meetings of Gram Sabha? (a) Sarpanch (b) Secretary (c) BDO (d) None
Answer Key-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a a a b c b d c c b a d d a c b a c a a b Local Administration `45 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Financial Administration of Rural and Urban Local Government
1. The sources of income of Panchayati Raj Institutions are- a. Tax and Fees b. Grants c. Accounts d. All 2. Which of the following is the source of income of Gram Panchayat in Rajasthan? a. House Tax b. Animal and Fair Tax c. Water tax d. All 3. Gram Panchayat can impose penalty up to Rs? a. 2000 b. 100 c. 75 d. 61 4. Some of the taxes imposed by Gram Panchayats should be made compulsory. This recommendation was given by- a. Sadiq Ali Committee b. ARC c. B. R. Mehta Co d. Ashok Chanda Committee 5. Which tax is imposed by Panchayat Samiti? a. Primary Education b. Income Tax c. Sales Tax d. Octroi 6. Who is authorized for the withdrawl of money from P.D. Account of Panchayat Samiti? a. BDO b. Pradhan c. Collector d. None 7. Who approves the budget of Panchayat Samiti? a. Pradhan b. Collector c. Zila Parishad d. None 8. Who approves the budget of Panchayat Samiti? a. Pradhan b. Collector c. Zila Parishad d. None 9. Who audits the accounts of PRIs? a. CAG b. Finance Secretary Chapter-5 Local Administration `46 For free study notes log on:
c. Director, Local Funds and Audit Department d. Public Accounts Committee 10. Which tax can be imposed by Zila Parishad? a. Fair Tax b. Water Tax c. Stamp Duty d. All 11. Who was the Chairperson of Rajasthan first State Finance Commission? a. C.M. Baid b. H.S. Bhabhra c. K.K. Goyal d. None 12. The main source of income of Urban Local Government is- a. Grants b. Tax c. Loan d. Donation 13. Which committee is not related with financial problems of urban local institutions? a. Local Finance Enquiry Committee 1951 b. Taxation Enquiry Committee 1953 c. Rural urban relationship committee 1966 d. Sadiq Ali Committee 1963 14. Which tax is indirect tax? a. Octroi b. Road Tax c. Both (a) and (b) d. None 15. Which state doesnt impose octroi? a. Bihar b. Rajasthan c. Pubjab d. Both a and b 16. Which is the most ancient tax imposed by urban local institutions? a. Water Tax b. Vehicle Tax c. Property Tax d. Octroi 17. Property tax, Entertainment tax, and service tax comes in which category? a. Indirect Tax b. Direct Tax c. Mixed Tax d. None 18. Which article of the constitution provide for state finance commission? a. Art 324 b. Art 280 c. Art 224 d. Art 380 Answer Key-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 D D A A A A A C C D B B D C D D B B Local Administration `47 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Personnel Administration of Rural and Urban Local Bodies
1. All India Institute of Local Self Government is situated at- a. Jaipur b. Mumbai c. Nagpur d. Jamshedpur 2. National Institute of urban affairs is situated at- a. Calcuttta b. Chennai c. Mumbai d. New Delhi 3. Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Institution is situated at- a. New Delhi b. Allahabad c. Jaipur d. Hyderabad 4. National Institute of Rural development is located at- a. Mumbai b. New Delhi c. Chennai d. Hyderabad 5. Which of the following is not a type of Municipal Personnel system? a. Separate Personnel System b. Unified Personnel System c. Integrated Personnel System d. Mixed Personnel System 6. Rural urban relationship committee was established in- a. 1976 b. 1966 c. 1956 c. 1946 7. The unified personnel system is vogue in- a. Rajasthan b. U.P. c. Punjab d. All 8. Indian Institute of Public Administration is located at- a. Delhi b. Mussorie c. Hyderabad d. Kolkata 9. Nuruddin Committee was set up in- a. 1963 b. 1964 c. 1962 d. 1973 10. Head and District Establishment Committee is- a. Chief Executive Officer b. Zila Pramukh c. Pradhan d. None 11. Human Settlement Management Institute was established in- Chapter-6 Local Administration `48 For free study notes log on:
a. 1984 b. 1985 c. 1995 d. 1965 12. Central Council of Local Government was set up in- a. 1964 b. 1954 c. 1984 d. 1994 13. The head of Departmental Promotion Committee for urban local institutions is- a. Secretary, PSC b. Minister of urban affairs c. Secretary, Department of Local Self Government d. District Collector 14. Which system of recruitment is adopted in Rajasthan for the personnel of urban local government? a. Direct Recruitment b. Promotion c. Transfer c. All 15. Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service Recruitment Commission was established in- a. 1959 b. 1961 c. 1976 d. 1993
Answer Key-
1. B 2. d D 3. d C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B
Local Administration `49 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
State Control over Urban and Rural Local Government Institutions
1. Urban Local Institutions are controlled by- a. Central government b. State government c. NGOs d. None 2. Which of the following is a method of control over local government institutions? a. Legislative b. Administrative c. Judicial d. All 3. Which urban institution is not controlled by the state government? a. Nagar Nigam b. Nagarpalika c. Nagar Vikas Nyas d. Cantonment Board 4. Which of the following institution can be dissolved by Rajasthan state government? a. Bombay Municipal Corporation b. Jaipur Municipal Corporation c. Madras Municipal Corporation d. Calcutta Municipal Corporation 5. Immediate control over urban local institutions is the responsibility of- a. State Legislature b. Directorate of local self government c. Governor d. District Collector 6. The Chief authority to control Panchayati Raj Institutions is- a. Rural Development Ministry b. State government c. Department of local self government d. Central Secretariat 7. When higher authority controls the PRIs, it is known as? a. Parallel Control b. Perpendicular Control c. All d. None 8. The control over PRIs is- a. Institutional b. Administrative b. Technical d. All of the above.
Chapter-7 Local Administration `50 For free study notes log on:
9. The method of technical control over PRIs is- a. Approval of programmes and policies. b. Reviewing the inspections, meetings and reports c. Getting the annual reports d. All of the above 10. According to which Article of Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994, the state government has the right to inspect PRIs- a. Article 100 b. Art 13 c. Art 131 d. Art 123
Answer Key-
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 A
Local Administration `51 For free study notes log on:
Multiple Choice Questions
Directorate of Local Self Government and Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Department.
1. Which state, established Directorate of local bodies for the first time? a. Punjab b. Tamil Nadu c. Maharashtra d. Rajasthan 2. Which body is responsible to control and supervise, and giving technical advice to urban local bodies in Rajasthan a. High Court b. Directorate of local bodies c. Secretariat d. Panchayat Raj Department 3. Which department is responsible to control the urban local institutions? a. Panchayati Raj b. Home c. Personnel d. Local Self Government 4. Local Self Directorate was established in Rajasthan in- a. 1951 b. 1953 c. 1959 d. 1997 5. District Boards were abolished in Rajasthan in- a. 1951 b. 1956 c. 1959 d. 1966 6. The function of Directorate of local self government is- a. Regulation of finance and accounts b. Personnel administration c. Community service d. All 7. The secretary, local government is- a. IAS b. RAS c. Officer of Engineering Service d. A or B 8. Quarterly magazine Rajasthan Vikas is published by- a. Planning Department b. Panchayat Raj Department c. General Publications department d. None 9. The administrative head of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department is- a. Secretary b. Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj c. Executive Engineer Chapter-8 Local Administration `52 For free study notes log on:
d. Development Commissioner 10. Which princely state in Rajasthan enacted first Panchayati Raj Act? a. Jaipur b. Jodhpur c. Kota d. Bikaner
Answer Key-
1 D 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 D
Local Administration `53 For free study notes log on:
Key Words 1. Local Government- Encyclopaedia Britannica defines local government as an authority to determine and execute measures within a restricted area inside and smaller than the whole state. 2. CDP- Community Development Program 3. Democratic Decentralization- Democratic decentralization gives importance to public participation in government policies. 4. 73 rd CAA- 73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act has added part IX to the constitution of India, and it is entitled as as The Panchayats. 5. Gram Sabha- A village assembly comprising of all the registered voters in Panchayat 6. Three tier systems at rural level- Panchayat at village level, Panchayat samiti at block level and zila parishad at district level. 7. State Election commission It conducts elections for rural and urban local bodies. 8. State finance commission It is appointed to review the financial position of rural and urban local bodies. 9. Eleventh Schedule- It contains 29 functions to be performed by rural local bodies. 10. 12 th schedule- It contains 18 functions to be performed by urban local bodies. 11. Magna Carta- Lord Ripons resolution of 1882 related with local self government. 12. 74 th CAA- 74 th constitutional amendment act has added part IX A to the constitution of India entitled as The Municipalities. 13. Three tier system at urban level. It includes Nagar Panchayat, Municipal council and Municipal Corporation. 14. Ward Committee ward committee will consist of one or more wards, within the territorial area of a municipality having 3lakh or more population. 15. DPC- District Planning Committee will be constituted at district level to consolidate the plans prepared by Panchayats and Municipalities in the district. 16. Metropolitan Planning Committee A metropolitan planning committee will be constituted in a metropolitan area to prepare a draft development plan. 17. Mayor- The political head of a Municipal corporation. Local Administration `54 For free study notes log on:
18. Councilors- The directly elected members of Municipal Corporation. Some nominated members are also included in this category. 19. NAC- Notified area committee is established by a notification in the government gazette. 20. Town Area committee- It is set up for the administration of a small town. 21. Cantonment Board- It is established for municipal administration for civilian population in the cantonment area. 22. Post trust- It is established in port area like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata etc. 23. District Administration- It means public administration within a district. 24. Municipal Commissioner: The municipal commissioner is the chief executive officer of the corporation. 25. Grants in-aid: It is a payment made by state government to a local authority. 26. Council- It is the legislative body of Municipal corporation which is directly elected by public. 27. Alder man- The council consists of both elected and nominated members. The nominated members are known as alder men who are senior and experienced citizens of the city. 28. Statutory committee These committee are constituted under the provisions of the same act by which municipal corporation is established. 29. Non statutory committees- They are established by the resolution of council of Municipal Corporation. 30. BDO- Block Development Officer 31. Urban local government- The terms urban local government in India signifies the governance of an urban area by the people through their elected representatives. 32. Separate Personnel System- In this system, each local body appoints and controls its own personnel. 33. Unified Personnel System- In this system the state government appoints and controls the local government personnel. 34. Integrated Personnel System- In this system, the personnel of state government and local bodies constitute part of the same service 35. Ward Sabha-- Ward sabha will be constituted in every ward which consists of all the adult members of that ward.
Local Administration `55 For free study notes log on:
Case Study
1. Local Government is the administration of a locality- a village, a city or any other area smaller than the state- by a body representing the local inhabitants, possessing a fairly large amount of autonomy, raising at least a part of its revenue though local taxation and spending its income on services which are regarded as local and, therefore, distinct from state and central service. Q. Read the above definition given by K. Venkatarangaiya and state how efficiently these institutions are working. 2. Balwantrai Mehta Committee was appointed in 1957 to examine the working of the Community Development Programme and National Extension Service. One of its major recommendations was the establishment of a three-tier Panchayati Raj System- Gram Panchayat at the village level, Panchayat Samiti at the block level, and Zila Parishad at the district level. Q. Analyse the above recommendation and state how effectively this recommendation is being implemented. 3. Ashok Mehta Committee, set up in 1977 recommended that the three tier system of Panchayati Raj should be replaced by the two tier system. Q. Analyse the above statement and mention whether the two tier structure, if implemented will work effectively or not. 4. Democracy on the national scale can function in a healthy manner only if it is supported and nourished by democratic local government. Q. Analyse the above statement given by W.A Robson and state, how effectively local governments are working in a democracy. 5. Lord Ripons Risolution of 1882 emphasized the need of political and popular education through local government. It is not primarily with a view to improvement in administration that this measure is put forward and supported. It is chiefly designed as an instrument of political and popular education. Q. Read the above statement of Lord Ripon and give your views why his resolution is hailed as Magna Carta of local government. Local Administration `56 For free study notes log on:
Bibliography 1. George Mathew : Status of Panchayati Raj in the States and Union Territories of India 2000 2. Report of the Royal Comission on Decentralisation, 1907 3. Venkatarangaiah, M. and M. Pattabhiram (1969), 'Local Government in India:Select Readings' New Delhi 4. Bajpai and Verma, (1995), Panchayati Raj in India. 5. Government of India, Report of the Team for the Study of Community Projects and National Extension Service, (Chairperson: Balvantray Mehta), Committee on Plan Projects, National Development Council, (New Delhi, November 1957), Vol. I, 6. Anirban Kashyap : Panchaytiraj , Views of founding fathers and recommendation of different committees , New Delhi, Lancer Books, 1989 7. Ashok Mehta Committee : Government of India, Report of the Committee on Panchayati Raj Institutions, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Department of Rural Development, (New Delhi, 1978), 8. Mahoj Rai et al. :The state of Panchayats A participatory perspective, New Delhi, Smscriti, 2001 9. Ashok Sharma, Sthaniya Prashashan, 10. S.R. Maheshwari,Local Administration