Group Project Assignment
Group Project Assignment
Group Project Assignment
Assignment Overview: The objective of this assignment is for each of you to work with other
individuals to design and implement a database to address a business need. The goal is to get
hands on experience in designing and developing a database system.
Each of you will be placed into groups. Each group will design a database for a specific
business scenario. You may choose your business scenario. This project will be completed as
a series of activities with three major milestones.
Groups: You will be placed into groups of 3 or more students. Your instructor will inform you
how many will be in each group and how groups will be formed. Group structure will be
determined based on the size of the class.
Project Selection: Each group should identify a business scenario in which a database
management system is needed. It is recommended that you be familiar with the business
processes related to the scenario. If you are unable to identify a business scenario, contact
your instructor for a list of possible scenarios.
Assignments: There are four different assignments referred to as milestones related to the
Database Design Project Assignment. Each milestone is described below. Submission
requirements and due dates will be provided via eLearning. All assignments should be
submitted to your group discussion forum.
Milestone 1: To get started, begin thinking about a business scenario in need of a good
database design. Your first assignment is to submit a brief, one page paper describing the
scenario for which you will be designing your database. Explain the need/justification for the
new database system and provide a list of 5-10 business rules for your application. The more
specific and well defined the business rules, the easier milestones 2 and 3 will be. (10 points)
Milestone 2: The next activity is to analyze your business scenario and business rules to
create an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the project. Based on the narrative and
business rules you provided for your project you will create an ERD. It is recommended that
you create your ERD in two phases. (25 points)
Phase 1: Have each group member individually create their own version of the ERD for
the project. Each individual ERD should be submitted to your group discussion forum for
all to review.
Phase 2: Review all of the ERDs that were posted. Combine the ERDs into a single
ERD. Your goal is to produce a single, consolidated diagram that incorporates the best
parts of each individual ERD. Each member of the group should participate in this
process. Post your final ERD to your group discussion forum.
Milestone 3: Convert your group Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) into a logical relational
database schema that is in 3NF or higher. To do this you will need to go through the
normalization process. (35 points)
Milestone 4: Your task this week is to write the SQL statements to create the tables from your
relational schema. You will also write the SQL statements to insert a minimum of 3 rows of data
into each table. Include all of SQL statements in a single SQL script file. (40 points)
Milestone 5: Your task this week is to write a minimum of 5 queries that will access the data in
your tables. The queries should provide meaningful information. At a minimum you should
have a query to retrieve data based on a particular search criteria, a query that joins data from
two or more tables, and a query that will delete a record from a table based on a particular
attribute or set of attributes. (40 points)