This document provides information about statistics concepts such as grouped data, class intervals, frequency tables, histograms, frequency polygons, measures of central tendency (mean, median), and measures of dispersion (range, quartiles, interquartile range). It includes examples of calculating these measures from frequency tables and constructing graphs like histograms and frequency polygons. It also contains practice problems for students to solve involving these statistical concepts.
This document provides information about statistics concepts such as grouped data, class intervals, frequency tables, histograms, frequency polygons, measures of central tendency (mean, median), and measures of dispersion (range, quartiles, interquartile range). It includes examples of calculating these measures from frequency tables and constructing graphs like histograms and frequency polygons. It also contains practice problems for students to solve involving these statistical concepts.
This document provides information about statistics concepts such as grouped data, class intervals, frequency tables, histograms, frequency polygons, measures of central tendency (mean, median), and measures of dispersion (range, quartiles, interquartile range). It includes examples of calculating these measures from frequency tables and constructing graphs like histograms and frequency polygons. It also contains practice problems for students to solve involving these statistical concepts.
This document provides information about statistics concepts such as grouped data, class intervals, frequency tables, histograms, frequency polygons, measures of central tendency (mean, median), and measures of dispersion (range, quartiles, interquartile range). It includes examples of calculating these measures from frequency tables and constructing graphs like histograms and frequency polygons. It also contains practice problems for students to solve involving these statistical concepts.
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Chapter 6 Statistics III
A. Complete the following tables.
Height (m) Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Boundary Upper Boundary Size of Class nter!al 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 "ime (se#ond) Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Boundary Upper Boundary Size of Class nter!al 1.0-1.4 1.5-1.9 2.0-2.4 2.5-2.9 3.0-3.4 B. Constru#t a fre$uen#y table of grouped data for ea#h of the following data. 13 14 7 15 10 9 8 4 6 12 20 11 20 11 9 18 2 5 CHA%"&' ( S"A"S"CS (.) Class nter!al Data obtained from the measurement of certain quantities can be groued ad arranged into se!era" c"asses. #he range of each c"ass is ca""ed #lass inter!al. #he lower limit of a c"ass inter!a" is the "o$est !a"ue% $hereas the upper limit is the highest !a"ue of the c"ass inter!a". #he lower boundary of a c"ass inter!a" is the midd"e !a"ue bet$een the "o$er "imit of that c"ass and the uer "imit of the re!ious c"ass. #he upper boundary of a c"ass inter!a" is the midd"e !a"ue bet$een the uer "imit of that c"ass and the "o$er "imit of the fo""o$ing c"ass. Size of a c"ass inter!a" & uer boundar' ( "o$er boundar' 'ange & highest !a"ue ( "o$est !a"ue Size of ea#h #lass inter!al & )ange* +umber of c"asses , suitab"e number of c"asses is from 5 to 12. Chapter 6 Statistics III 15 12 14 16 12 19 +umber of c"ass -nter!a"s&5 +umber of c"ass -nter!a"s&5 (.* +odes and +eans of ,rouped -ata 1. #he modal #lass is the c"ass inter!a" $ith the highest frequenc'. 2. +idpoint of a c"ass & . /0o$er "imit 1 2er "imit3 3. +ean & C. State the modal #lass of the grouped data in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables. +odal Class .//////////// +odal Class ./////////////// -. 0ind the midpoints of the #lass inter!als in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables. 111 142 147 136 146 147 122 152 115 127 144 157 142 153 154 143 128 150 135 125 152 114 132 123 116 -istan#e (1m) 0re$uen#y 16-25 2 26-35 3 36-45 4 46-55 6 56-65 2 +ass (1g) 0re$uen#y 10-14 1 15-19 2 20-24 3 25-29 5 30-34 4 +ass (1g) +idpoint 16-25 20.5 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 -ensity (g2#m 3 ) +idpoint 1.2-1.6 1.7-2.1 2.2-2.6 2.7-3.1 3.2-3.6 Chapter 6 Statistics III &. Cal#ulate the mean of grouped data in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables. +ar1s 0re$uen#y +idpoint +idpoint 4 0re$uen#y 60-62 2 63-65 3 66-68 4 69-71 8 72-74 1 "otal )5 "otal +ean . "hi#1ness (mm) 0re$uen#y +idpoint +idpoint 4 0re$uen#y 12-16 10 17-21 12 22-26 8 27-31 9 32-36 6 "otal 67 "otal +ean . Height (m) 0re$uen#y +idpoint +idpoint 4 0re$uen#y 16-25 2 26-35 3 36-45 4 46-55 6 56-65 2 "otal )8 "otal +ean. (.3 Histograms , histogram is a grahica" resentation of groued data using rectang"es. -f the groued data ha!e c"ass inter!a"s of the same si4e% each rectang"e% reresenting a c"ass% has the same $idth and a height roortiona" to frequenc' of the c"ass. , histogram is dra$n using the horizontal a9is to reresent the #lass boundaries and the !erti#al a9is to reresent the fre$uen#y of each c"ass. Chapter 6 Statistics III 0. -raw a histogram based on ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables. ). *. 3. ,. Sol!e ea#h of the following problems. Age (years) 0re$uen#y Lower Boundary Upper Boundary 16-20 3 21-25 6 26-30 4 31-35 2 36-40 6 +ass (1g) 0re$uen#y Lower Boundary Upper Boundary 12-48 5 16-19 7 20-23 8 24-27 12 28-31 4 Height (#m) 0re$uen#y 110-120 4 121-131 3 132-142 6 143-153 4 154-164 2 Chapter 6 Statistics III 1. #he histogram sho$s the heights% in cm% of 150 students. /a3 5tate the moda" c"ass. /b3 6a"cu"ate the mean height of the students. /c3 6a"cu"ate the ercentages of students $hose height is more than 142 cm. 2. #he histogram sho$s the score obtained b' a grou of 7orm 4 students in a mathematics test. /a3 5tate the si4e of the c"ass. /b3 8hat is the mean score of the students9 /c3 :o$ man' students obtained mar;s "ess than 409 (.6 0re$uen#y %olygons , fre$uen#y polygon is a grah $hich is obtained b' <oining the midoints of a"" the c"ass inter!a"s $ith straight "ines. , frequenc' o"'gon can be constructed based on a histogram or a fre$uen#y table. Chapter 6 Statistics III H. -raw a fre$uen#y polygon based on ea#h of the following histograms. . -raw a fre$uen#y polygon based on ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables. ). S#ore 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 0re$uen#y 1 2 8 5 10 4 S#ore 0re$uen#y +idpoint 21-30 0 31-40 1 41-50 2 51-60 8 61-70 5 71-80 10 81-90 4 91-100 0 Chapter 6 Statistics III *. S#ore 0re$uen#y +idpoint 21-30 0 31-40 1 41-50 2 51-60 8 61-70 5 71-80 10 81-90 4 91-100 0 :. Sol!e ea#h of the following problems. Length (m) 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 0re$uen#y 1 3 5 8 6 7 Chapter 6 Statistics III 1. #he frequenc' o"'gon sho$s the masses of o"d ne$saer co""ected b' 40 students. /a3 5tate the moda" c"ass. /b3 7ind the number of students $hose co""ected of o"d ne$ aer is equa" to or more than 16 ;g. /c3 -f the o"d ne$saer is so"d for )=0.20 er ;i"ogram% ca"cu"ate the number of students $ho get "ess than )=3.80. 2. #he frequenc' o"'gon sho$s the scores obtained b' a grou of articiants in a treasure hunt cometition. /a3 5tate the si4e of c"ass inter!a" /b3 7ind the tota" number of articiants. /c3 >i!en that 27 of the fema"e articiants obtained scores from 141 to 170% ca"cu"ate the number of ma"e articiants $ho obtained scores in the same range. ;. Constru#t a #umulati!e fre$uen#y table and an ogi!e for ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables of grouped data. Age 0re$uen#y Upper Boundary Cumulati!e 0re$uen#y 6-10 0 Age (years) 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 0re$uen#y 3 4 8 9 5 1 (.7 Cumulati!e 0re$uen#y #he #umulati!e fre$uen#y is the sum of the frequencies u to a certain !a"ue in a set of data. ,n ogi!e is a cumu"ati!e frequenc' cur!e. ,n ogi!e can be dra$n b' "otting a grah of cumu"ati!e frequenc' against the upper boundary of a c"ass inter!a". ,dd a c"ass $ith 4ero frequenc' before the first c"ass. Chapter 6 Statistics III 11-15 3 16-20 4 21-25 8 26-30 9 31-35 5 36-40 1 L. Cal#ulate the range of the following data. ). 4% 8% 14% 17% 20% 7 *. 3.3% 2.5% 7.6% 9.2% 11.4 3. -uration 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 (.( +easures of -ispersion #he range of an ungrouped data & highest !a"ue of data ( "o$est !a"ue of data #he range of a grouped data & midoint of highest c"ass ( midoint of "o$est c"ass 0irst $uartile is a !a"ue $here ? of the tota" number of data ha!e !a"ues "ess than it. "hird $uartile is a !a"ue $here @ of the tota" number of data ha!e !a"ues "ess than it. nter$uartile range & third quarti"e ( first quarti"e Chapter 6 Statistics III (hours) 0re$uen#y 5 7 10 18 9 6. "hi#1ness (mm) 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 0re$uen#y 2 9 14 18 6 1 +. 0ind the median< first $uartile< third $uartile and inter$uartile range based on the following. , grou of 64 chi"dren are tested to find the distance each chi"d can s$im. #he resu"ts of the test are sho$n in the ogi!e be"o$. Chapter 6 Statistics III Aased on the ogi!e% find /a3 #he median /b3 7irst quarti"e /c3 #hird quarti"e /d3 -nterquarti"e range /e3 #he number of chi"dren $ho can s$im more than 30 metres.