Chapter 6 Statistics Iii: 6.1 Class Interval

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Chapter 6 Statistics III

A. Complete the following tables.

Height (m) Lower Limit Upper Limit
Size of Class
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Size of Class
B. Constru#t a fre$uen#y table of grouped data for ea#h of the following data.
13 14 7 15 10 9
8 4 6 12 20 11
20 11 9 18 2 5
CHA%"&' ( S"A"S"CS
(.) Class nter!al
Data obtained from the measurement of certain quantities can be groued ad
arranged into se!era" c"asses. #he range of each c"ass is ca""ed #lass inter!al.
#he lower limit of a c"ass inter!a" is the "o$est !a"ue% $hereas the upper limit is
the highest !a"ue of the c"ass inter!a".
#he lower boundary of a c"ass inter!a" is the midd"e !a"ue bet$een the "o$er
"imit of that c"ass and the uer "imit of the re!ious c"ass.
#he upper boundary of a c"ass inter!a" is the midd"e !a"ue bet$een the uer
"imit of that c"ass and the "o$er "imit of the fo""o$ing c"ass.
Size of a c"ass inter!a" & uer boundar' ( "o$er boundar'
'ange & highest !a"ue ( "o$est !a"ue
Size of ea#h #lass inter!al & )ange* +umber of c"asses
, suitab"e number of c"asses is from 5 to 12.
Chapter 6 Statistics III
15 12 14 16 12 19
+umber of c"ass -nter!a"s&5
+umber of c"ass -nter!a"s&5
(.* +odes and +eans of ,rouped -ata
1. #he modal #lass is the c"ass inter!a" $ith the highest frequenc'.
2. +idpoint of a c"ass & . /0o$er "imit 1 2er "imit3
3. +ean &
C. State the modal #lass of the grouped data in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y
+odal Class .////////////
+odal Class .///////////////
-. 0ind the midpoints of the #lass inter!als in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y
111 142 147 136 146
147 122 152 115 127
144 157 142 153 154
143 128 150 135 125
152 114 132 123 116
-istan#e (1m) 0re$uen#y
16-25 2
26-35 3
36-45 4
46-55 6
56-65 2
+ass (1g) 0re$uen#y
10-14 1
15-19 2
20-24 3
25-29 5
30-34 4
+ass (1g) +idpoint
16-25 20.5
-ensity (g2#m
) +idpoint
Chapter 6 Statistics III
&. Cal#ulate the mean of grouped data in ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables.
+ar1s 0re$uen#y +idpoint +idpoint 4 0re$uen#y
60-62 2
63-65 3
66-68 4
69-71 8
72-74 1
"otal )5 "otal
+ean .
0re$uen#y +idpoint
+idpoint 4
12-16 10
17-21 12
22-26 8
27-31 9
32-36 6
"otal 67 "otal
+ean .
Height (m) 0re$uen#y +idpoint +idpoint 4 0re$uen#y
16-25 2
26-35 3
36-45 4
46-55 6
56-65 2
"otal )8 "otal
(.3 Histograms
, histogram is a grahica" resentation of groued data using rectang"es.
-f the groued data ha!e c"ass inter!a"s of the same si4e% each rectang"e%
reresenting a c"ass% has the same $idth and a height roortiona" to frequenc' of
the c"ass.
, histogram is dra$n using the horizontal a9is to reresent the #lass boundaries
and the !erti#al a9is to reresent the fre$uen#y of each c"ass.
Chapter 6 Statistics III
0. -raw a histogram based on ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables.
,. Sol!e ea#h of
the following
Age (years) 0re$uen#y Lower Boundary Upper Boundary
16-20 3
21-25 6
26-30 4
31-35 2
36-40 6
+ass (1g) 0re$uen#y Lower Boundary Upper Boundary
12-48 5
16-19 7
20-23 8
24-27 12
28-31 4
Height (#m) 0re$uen#y
110-120 4
121-131 3
132-142 6
143-153 4
154-164 2
Chapter 6 Statistics III
1. #he histogram sho$s the heights% in cm% of 150 students.
/a3 5tate the moda" c"ass.
/b3 6a"cu"ate the mean height of the students.
/c3 6a"cu"ate the ercentages of students $hose height is more than 142 cm.
2. #he histogram sho$s the score obtained b' a grou of 7orm 4 students in a mathematics test.
/a3 5tate the si4e of the c"ass.
/b3 8hat is the mean score of the students9
/c3 :o$ man' students obtained mar;s "ess than 409
(.6 0re$uen#y %olygons
, fre$uen#y polygon is a grah $hich is obtained b' <oining the midoints of a"" the
c"ass inter!a"s $ith straight "ines.
, frequenc' o"'gon can be constructed based on a histogram or a fre$uen#y table.
Chapter 6 Statistics III
H. -raw a fre$uen#y polygon based on ea#h of the following histograms.
. -raw a fre$uen#y polygon based on ea#h of the following fre$uen#y tables.
S#ore 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90
0re$uen#y 1 2 8 5 10 4
S#ore 0re$uen#y +idpoint
21-30 0
31-40 1
41-50 2
51-60 8
61-70 5
71-80 10
81-90 4
91-100 0
Chapter 6 Statistics III
S#ore 0re$uen#y +idpoint
21-30 0
31-40 1
41-50 2
51-60 8
61-70 5
71-80 10
81-90 4
91-100 0
:. Sol!e ea#h of the following problems.
Length (m) 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64
0re$uen#y 1 3 5 8 6 7
Chapter 6 Statistics III
1. #he frequenc' o"'gon sho$s the masses of o"d ne$saer co""ected b' 40 students.
/a3 5tate the moda" c"ass.
/b3 7ind the number of students $hose co""ected of o"d ne$ aer is equa" to or more than 16 ;g.
/c3 -f the o"d ne$saer is so"d for )=0.20 er ;i"ogram% ca"cu"ate the number of students $ho
get "ess than )=3.80.
2. #he frequenc' o"'gon sho$s the scores obtained b' a grou of articiants in a treasure hunt
/a3 5tate the si4e of c"ass inter!a"
/b3 7ind the tota" number of articiants.
/c3 >i!en that 27 of the fema"e articiants obtained scores from 141 to 170% ca"cu"ate the
number of ma"e articiants $ho obtained scores in the same range.
;. Constru#t a #umulati!e fre$uen#y table and an ogi!e for ea#h of the following fre$uen#y
tables of grouped data.
Age 0re$uen#y Upper
6-10 0
Age (years) 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40
0re$uen#y 3 4 8 9 5 1
(.7 Cumulati!e 0re$uen#y
#he #umulati!e fre$uen#y is the sum of the frequencies u to a certain !a"ue in a set
of data.
,n ogi!e is a cumu"ati!e frequenc' cur!e.
,n ogi!e can be dra$n b' "otting a grah of cumu"ati!e frequenc' against the upper
boundary of a c"ass inter!a". ,dd a c"ass $ith 4ero frequenc' before the first c"ass.
Chapter 6 Statistics III
11-15 3
16-20 4
21-25 8
26-30 9
31-35 5
36-40 1
L. Cal#ulate the range of the following data.
). 4% 8% 14% 17% 20% 7 *. 3.3% 2.5% 7.6% 9.2% 11.4
-uration 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16
(.( +easures of -ispersion
#he range of an ungrouped data & highest !a"ue of data ( "o$est !a"ue of data
#he range of a grouped data & midoint of highest c"ass ( midoint of "o$est c"ass
0irst $uartile is a !a"ue $here ? of the tota" number of data ha!e !a"ues "ess than it.
"hird $uartile is a !a"ue $here @ of the tota" number of data ha!e !a"ues "ess than it.
nter$uartile range & third quarti"e ( first quarti"e
Chapter 6 Statistics III
0re$uen#y 5 7 10 18 9
10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
0re$uen#y 2 9 14 18 6 1
+. 0ind the median< first $uartile< third $uartile and inter$uartile range based on the
, grou of 64 chi"dren are tested to find the distance each chi"d can s$im. #he resu"ts of the test are
sho$n in the ogi!e be"o$.
Chapter 6 Statistics III
Aased on the ogi!e% find
/a3 #he median
/b3 7irst quarti"e
/c3 #hird quarti"e
/d3 -nterquarti"e range
/e3 #he number of chi"dren $ho can s$im more than 30 metres.

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