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NYU Stern Guide

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The Stern MBA Student Guide

~wri tten by students for students~

2013 2014 edition

Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Henry Kaufman Management Center (KMC)
44 West 4
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-0100

Presented by:
Langone Student Government

Table of Contents
Welcome! 2
Academic Calendar 2012-2013 2
The Stern Campus / A Guide to KMC 3
Student Leadership at Stern 4
Student Clubs 5
Stern Career Services 6
Academic Affairs 7
Stern Alumni 8
Technology at Stern 9
Where to Study? 14
Got Food? 18
Neighborhood Eats 19
OMG! I Need A Drink! 23
The How Do I Find The Bar? Map 26
Where Can I Get Books, a Laptop & School Supplies? 27
Virtual Business Library (VBL) 29
I Gotta Run an Errand! 30
Stern Beyond KMC 32
How Do I Get to Stern on Public Transportation? 33
Dude, Where Can I Park My Car? 34
Neighborhood Map 36
Special Thanks to the following LSG board members who contributed to this 2013-14 edition:
Justin Choudhury, Katie Hepler, Vincent Chau, Rebecca Weingberg, Vaibhav Kothari, Arun
Balasubramanian, Reshama Shaikh, Iris Colon, Rob Brenan, Haithem Elembaby, Elizabeth Beller
and super thanks to Jeffrey Lazarus for helping us add a new section.
Note: If you have suggestions for future editions of this guide or notice any out of date information
or typos, please contact Iris Colon ([email protected])

Welcome to NYUs Stern School of Business from The Langone Student Government
(LSG)! You have begun an exciting and challenging adventure that will be one of the
most rewarding experiences of your life.
Current LSG board members have put this guide together to give you a students
perspective on the important things youll need to know to navigate through our
campus. This is a guide for all Stern students, Full-Time, and Langone
(Weeknights, Weekends and Westchester), to help you as you adjust to graduate school
and life at Stern.
Weve tried to design this guide to answer all the questions we had as new students and
hope you can benefit from our experience and find the answers that you need. During
your time at Stern please feel free to contact us directly to answer any other questions
that may arise.
You can find lists of current student leaders, including Full-Time SGov, and LSG Board
members, Club Presidents, Block Leaders and Core Group Leaders here:

Seriously, dont hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to help make the
transition easier.
So read on and enjoy. We look forward to meeting you, and again, Welcome to Stern!

Lets get started!
The fi r st thi ng you pr obably want to do i s take a look at the academi c
calendar , that way you can plan your getaways and see when you need to
be back for classes. The li nk i s below:

Academic Calendar 2013 2014



The Stern Campus / A Guide to KMC

KMC i s where i t all happens, thi s gui de wi ll help you fi nd what you need!
(Due to remodeling this year, some offices may be relocated.)
Upper Concourse (UC) Level Lower Concourse (LC) Level
Copy Center UC-29
Paulson Auditorium UC-50
Tisch Lobby
Student Lounge UC-100 (Beer Blast! & MBA Study)
IT Help Desk UC-120
UC Classrooms
LC Classrooms

Floor 1 (entrance from 4th St.) ~ Tur n left for: Floor 1 (entrance from Schwartz Plaza)
Gitlow Amphitheater 1-70
Business & Career Center 1-75
Grand Staircase & Donors Wall
Passage to Tisch Hall
Group Meeting Rooms
Information Desk
Sosnoff Lounge/Grad Caf
Douglas B. & Joseph H. Gardner Commons 1-100

Floor 2 Floor 3
Reading Room 2-100
Meeting Rooms 2-110 & 2-120
Vending Machines
Student Lounge 3-38
Rotunda 3-81: Computers and printer stations
Management Communication Office 3-100
Lockers / Vending Machines
Floor 4 Floor 5
Starbucks Lounge 4-70 (Computers / Printers)
Rotunda 4-91: Computers and print stations
Executive Programs Office (EMBA) 4-100
Conference Room 4-125
Career Center for Working Professionals (CCWP) 4-140
Barr Kawamura Commons Lounge 5-50
Outside seating access to Patios 5-65 & 5-86
Office of Career Development (OCD) 5-100
Computer Stations / Printing
Floor 6: The hub of MBA activity! Floor 7
Records & Registration Window
Bursar Window
Computer Terminals
MBA Admissions 6-70
Office of Student Engagement /Academic Affairs 6-120
Student Leader Suite 6-135
Financial Aid 6-140
Lockers / Vending Machines
Teaching Assistance Center 7-100
Berkley Center 7-150
Economics Department 7-160
Management and Organizations 7-160
Conference Room 7-191

Floor 8 Floor 9
Meeting Room 8-150
IOMS 8-160 & 8-190
Solomon Center 9-160
Finance Department 9-190
Floor 10 Floor 11
Alumni Affairs / Public Affairs 10-160
Development Department 10-160
Meeting Room 10-165
Accounting Office 10- 180
Deans Suite 11-160
Cantor Boardroom 11-75
Abbe-Bogen Faculty Lounge 11-185
Levels UC & LC, Floors 2-11 Floor 1 Restrooms
Restrooms From Schwartz Plaza entrance, across from
Room KMC 1-100; handicapped restrooms are
beside entry to Sosnoff Lounge.


Student Leadership at Stern

Taki ng on a leadershi p role whi le at Stern wi ll enhance your MBA experi ence; there i s
a lot of learni ng that takes place outsi de of the classroom.
The Full Time Stern Student Government (FT SGov), and The Langone Student
Government (LSG) Washington Square and Westchester share four goals:
1. Advocate student priorities for their respective student bodies
2. Enable students and student-led organizations to grow and prosper
3. Build and maintain Sterns strong MBA FT, and Langone communities
4. Coordinate with the other Council of Leaders members to improve the entire NYU Stern
community and organize school-wide activities
The Council of Leaders is comprised of the heads of each branch of the MBA student
government at Stern. This includes FT SGov, LSG WSQ, and LSG Westchester. The Council of
Leaders meets with the Deans about various issues and serves as the united voice of the entire New
York University Stern School of Business student population.
The Council of Leaders for 2013-2014:
SGOV President Shawn McClain
SGOV Executive VP Thomas Hamnett
LSG WSQ President Justin Choudhury
LSG WSQ Executive VP Kira Lom
LSG Westchester President Iris Colon
LSG Westchester EVP Rachel Hayes

Entering students are assigned into Block or Core Groups, led by Group Leaders who
are elected in the first week of the semester. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited
to, helping coordinate block/core activities including block/core games, setting up social and
academic events, and keeping their fellow students apprised of important deadlines, events, and tasks
for the semester. Block and Core Group Leaders are important initial points of contact for concerns
and questions within a group. Thi s i s a great way to become i nvolved, you should
consi der r unni ng for Block or Cor e Gr oup Leader !

You can vi si t the student government si tes at these li nks:

Full Time Stern Student
Government (FT SGov)*
The Langone Student Government (LSG)
Washington Square and Westchester**

*Formerly Stern Student Corporation (SCorp)
**Formerly Part Time Leadership Forum (PTLF)


Student Clubs

There are plenty of opportuni ti es to get i nvolved at Ster n wi th 18 Pr ofessi onal Clubs,
12 Communi ty Clubs and 9 Spor ts & Soci al Clubs.

Once you have completed orientation you will be able to join as many clubs as you wish. In fact, part
of your orientation will be a club fair where you can meet representatives from each club to ask
questions and put your name on their mailing lists.

Most clubs have membership and leadership from both the Full-Time and Part-Time communities.

MBA Club websites can be found at: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/mbaclubs

Additionally, CampusGroups is the main information hub for clubs and all new students are
automatically enrolled in CampusGroups. From the CampusGroups website, students can join clubs,
post discussions, find contact information for club officers, and view a calendar of events.

If you have any questions or difficulties using the CampusGroups website, please contact either the
LSG or FT SGov VP of Technology or the Club Co-chairs. You may find the contact information of
LSG board members on the LSG board website: http://nyustern.campusgroups.com/lsg/board/
and contact information for FT SGov board members can be found here on the FT SGov board
website: http://nyustern.campusgroups.com/SGov/executive-board/

You can also import club events into your google calendar. This can help ensure that you wont miss
an important club event. For more information, go to the following link and click on where it says
Calendar Export https://nyustern.campusgroups.com/calendar

Clubs work regularly with the student activities office and there will be a number of events to look out
for over the next year including conferences, summits and other speaker and networking events.


Stern Career Services

NYU Stern meets the various career needs of Alumni, Langone Students and Executive
MBA Students through The Career Center for Working Professionals.
Email: [email protected]
44 West 4
Street, Suite 4-140
New York, NY 10012
The Career Center for Working Professionals
(CCWP) provides Langone and EMBA students as well as alumni lifelong career support through a
range of services to effectively manage their careers and conduct independent job searches. Support
includes Individual Career Counseling Appointments in person or via telephone focused on Self-
Assessment, Job Search Strategy, Rsum Review, Networking Techniques, Interview Preparation
and Mock Interviews. CCWP also hosts a number of Professional Development Workshops and
Webinars throughout the year.
Through your Career Account, an online career resource, you have access to videos of past events,
research tools and career development guides, job postings, the event calendar and the ability to
register for events. As a student, a Career Account has been set up for you:
www.stern.nyu.edu/careeraccount. Use the 9-digit N# on the back of your ID card to login.

Email: [email protected]
44 West 4
Street, Suite 5-100
New York, NY 10012
The Office of Career Development (OCD) is
committed to facilitating the full-time student job search process by providing the best available
resources and expertise to help enable career aspirations and employment goals, resulting in an
optimal fit with organizations.
To guide full-time MBAs through the process, NYU has created the Career Development Program
(CDP), a two-year curriculum that will equip you with the tools necessary to identify a career choice,
prepare for the job market, find an internship and ultimately, a full-time position. It consists of
required and elective workshops, panel discussions, mini-courses, guest speakers, Q&A sessions,
mock interviews, rsum critiques and functionally-specific strategy groups. As a student, a Career
Account has been set up for you: www.stern.nyu.edu/careeraccount. Use the 9-digit N# on the back
of your ID card to login.

Academic Affairs

MBA Academic Affairs houses two important functions at Stern:

Academic Program Advising and International Programs
MBA Academic Affairs Program Advising assists Full-Time and Langone Program
students with their academic programming questions and needs.
Whether you realize it or not, they are behind the scenes making sure that you are in the right courses
and monitoring your progress all along the road to graduation. They want you to graduate on-time,
having achieved all of your academic goals along the way. They know the program structure, policy,
procedures and requirements that will enable you to graduate and can help you find answers to
questions regarding your academic program and for achieving your academic goals while at Stern.
On the Academic Affairs web pages, you will find information for incoming new students, an outline
of your MBA program, and a list of frequently asked questions. Curriculum, course sequencing and
suggested programs of study along with the academic policies and procedures for such items as an
independent study, specializations and Leaves of Absence are also found here. Academic Affairs
wants you to take advantage of every opportunity Stern has to offer and they're here to help you do so.
MBA Academic Affairs International Programs manages the delivery of Sterns global
course offerings and international academic opportunities.
Semester Study Abroad, Short-Term Summer, and Doing Business in (DBi) courses are all run
through MBA Academic Affairs; they literally provide a world of opportunity so take advantage!
Visit the Academic Affairs websites for
program specific information and international opportunities!

MBA Academic Affairs: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/AcademicAffairs/index.htm

Office and Walk-In Hours:

MBA Academic Affairs
KMC 6-120
Email: [email protected]


Stern Alumni

The NYU Stern global alumni network, 100,000 strong i n more than 100 countri es
worldwi de, i s a powerful resource for MBA students.

Students are actively encouraged to tap into the power of the alumni network through NYU
SternConnect (www.stern.nyu.edu/alumni), Stern's exclusive online alumni community, which
houses a comprehensive alumni directory, allowing you to search by location, industry, job function
and more.

In addition, there are 3 other sources available for students to connect with the alumni community:

1. Stern alumni Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/sternalumni

2. LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groupInvitation?gid=35710&sharedKey=0707DC28C1FC

3. Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33445423@N08/

The Office of Development and Alumni Relations is another excellent resource for engaging alumni,
as they can be helpful in identifying and securing alumni to serve as speakers or panelists for student-
led events.

Finally, many of the MBA student clubs at NYU Stern maintain their own alumni relationships; some
of these alumni can be accessed directly through Club Officers and the CampusGroups website.
Students are encouraged to seek out clubs that serve their career interests, as membership events
often include alumni networking events and mixers.

For more information on the NYU Stern global alumni community:

visit the alumni website at sternalumni.nyu.edu
contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations
via phone at (212) 998-4040 or via email at [email protected]
or feel free to stop by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations
in person on the 10th floor of KMC.

Some Stern alumni (and their companies) you may have heard of:
Alan Greenspan
Former Chairman,
Federal Reserve

Kenneth Langone
Home Depot

Farooq Kathwari
Chairman & CEO,
Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.


Technology at Stern

Emai l? Pr i nti ng? Wi r eless? Laptops? Your Technology FAQs answered here.

Technology Essentials
Your Net ID, abc123
Your Net ID is a three letter, three number unique identifier (i.e., abc123) that you will use frequently
at Stern.
You can find your Net ID by checking the back of your NYU ID, or if you do not have an ID and have
yet to activate your Net ID, go to the following website (https://start.nyu.edu/ibin/getnetid.cgi, you'll
need your student ID number (which begins with N and should be on your welcome packet) and
your birthdate.
Sternlinks (http://sternlife.stern.nyu.edu/st/dashboard) is your one-stop-shop for links to all the
important school systems such as:
NYU Classes (Class management)
CampusGroups (Club communications and scheduling)
AIS (Administrative management, tuition payment)
Google Mail, Google Calendar (Email/Calendar)
Google Docs, Google Sites (Collaboration)
Facilities (Room reservation)

Set SternLinks (http://sternlife.stern.nyu.edu/st/dashboard) as one of the favorites in your web
browser, youll be using it plenty!
Email At Stern
Youll receive TWO NYU email addresses:
1. Main Stern email ([email protected])
2. General NYU email ([email protected])
Typically youll only use your Stern email on a daily basis, however on rare occasion announcements
will be sent to your general NYU account. To make sure you dont miss anything important, we
recommend forwarding your gener al nyu.edu address to your school stern.nyu.edu address to
consolidate your NYU emails in one convenient place.
Also be sure to check out the Stern IT checklist for new students at:

Setting up nyu.edu forwarding:

1) Access http://home.nyu.edu
2) Click Preferences in the top of the screen
3) Click Edit on the Mail forwarding options under Your E-Mail and enter the email address
you wish to forward to (typically [email protected])

Note: Your home.nyu.edu account is associated with your general NYU ID and has a separate
password from your Stern account. You may configure your general school password through
Logging into your Stern email:
Log into SternLinks (see Tech Essentials section above), and click Gmail@Stern under the Single-Sign
On to login to your Stern email.
As youll notice, Stern utilizes Gmail as its email system. Many of you are already familiar with how to
utilize Gmail as your email system, but if youre not, check out these training videos
What i f I alr eady have a gmai l account?
If you are a Stern user with one or more personal, public Gmail accounts and mailboxes, those will
stay completely separate from your Stern E-mail account and mailbox that is powered by Google.

Setting up your Stern email on your mobile device
To setup your Stern email on your mobile device, follow one of the following guides (based on your
device manufacturer):
iPhone: https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/google/migration-guides/iphone-
Blackberry: https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/google/migration-guides/configure-
Setting up your desktop email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail):
If youd like to use a desktop email client to access your Stern email, utilize one of the following setup
Outlook: https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/google/outlook-setup/outlook-google-
Thunderbird: https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/google/migration-
Mac Mail: https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/google/migration-guides/mac-mail-for-
Setting up stern.nyu.edu forwarding:
If you wish to consolidate your email into one inbox, or cannot access your Stern email at work
because of security restrictions, you can also setup your stern email address to forward to a personal
or work account. Forwarding of the Stern email address is controlled through your Gmail@Stern
1) Log into Gmail@Stern
2) Click the gear icon at the top right of the screen, then click Mail Settings

3) Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab
4) Under the Forwarding option, enter an address to forward your Stern email to.
Tip: By forwarding both your general NYU email to your stern email and your stern email to your
personal email, you ensure that all your NYU-related emails wind up in one place.

Question: Why the heck do I have two school email accounts?

Answer: Stern developed their own technology infrastructure to better meet the unique needs of
business school students as a result, Stern specific services (Simon, AIS) are managed separately
from those of the university in general (home.nyu.edu). So youll need two logins.
Question: Where do I change and manage my passwords?
Answer: Please go to http://simon.stern.nyu.edu/. You will find the tab for changing your
password at the top of the page.
Setting Up a Vanity Email Address
If youre like me, you probably prefer being referred to by your name rather than your Net ID. Your
primary email address contains your Net ID ([email protected]), but you may set up a vanity
address using your first and last name to better represent yourself as a business professional
([email protected]). Stern explicitly forbids the use of nicknames and partial names and
theyve developed the latest in automated anti-nickname technology (ex: [email protected] will be
rejected by the system).
1) Access http://simon.stern.nyu.edu
2) Click Personal Address at the top of the screen
Note: Your vanity email address and primary email address both will receive the same emails
without additional configuration (the vanity email address is an alias for your primary account).
Wireless Access
All locations in KMC and Tisch have wireless internet access. Instructions to setup wireless access are

Printing At Stern
As a student at Stern, you have access to printers on campus. When printing from an Stern computer,
your print job will be sent to the print system. The system will hold your print jobs until you release
them at a Release Station. To release a print job, walk over to a printer which will typically have a
LCD panel near it, swipe your NYU ID, and follow the prompt on the screen to print your document.
By default you can print 1,000 sheets per year (both sides).
Where can you fi nd these pri nters?
KMC Building: Shimkin Building:
K381 (Rotunda)
K491 (Rotunda)
K470 (Starbucks Lounge)

S2100 (Reading Room)
S2110 (Meeting Room)
2101 (Bloomberg Room inside of S2100)
4130 (Meeting Room)
S5154 (Right Outside of OCD office)
S6130 (MBA Student Leader Suite)

Note: For the most up-to-date list of printer locations check the IT website at:
How do I print from my laptop?
To install Print@Stern on your laptop you will need to go to
http://community.stern.nyu.edu/it/print.html and follow the instructions.
Increasing Your Printer Quota
If your printing needs exceed the 1000 page quota, you may add additional pages by following the
instructions herehttp://community.stern.nyu.edu/it/faqs/print.html#sternbucks
Typically less than 5% of students per year will need to increase their quota, but you might if you
decided to print out several copies of Professor Damodarans corporate finance class notes.

Laptops at Stern
All students are required to have a laptop on campus. In practice, full-time students will need
laptops (since there are not enough terminals to go around) but part-time students can often get away
using their home or office computers.
In purchasing a laptop for school, Stern recommends the following laptop models and suggested
specifications: http://community.stern.nyu.edu/it/services/mobile.html
Dell E6320 or Apple MacBook Pro 13
Note: If you purchase a laptop at the NYU Computer Store you can make installment payments
interest free and will get hardware support from the IT Help Desk.

Software Requirements
MS Office is required for both Mac and PC users and is available at a reduced price to students with
valid NYU ID cards. To order, visit the NYU Computer Store website.
IT Help Desk
For any of your technical questions, stern provides a helpdesk service to help you get to where you
need to go. You can either email them at [email protected], call them at 212-998-0180, file an
online ticket request at http://community.stern.nyu.edu/it/helpdesk.html or visit them in person in
the basement of KMC UC-120.


Where Can I Study?

All locations in KMC and Tisch have wireless internet access. Details on:

Here's a qui ck legend for some of the access and study rules:
Means this place requires a card to access, you swipe to get in.

This location is reserved for MBA's only. Undergrads can be kicked out.

Shhh! This is a quiet study space.

This uses the online reservation system at Campusgroups located at:

Try our Mobile App to reserve rooms (beta testing as of 6/1/2013)
Open http://nyustern.campusgroups.com/rooms on your Mobile (iPhone/iPad, Android, Windows

Meeting rooms can be reserved for up to 4 consecutive hours at a time, and one room for any given
student, and usually require at least three students to use the space. If you're 15 minutes late, your
reservation can be forfeited (doesn't apply to administrative reservations). Individual spots at the
reading rooms can be reserved for 3 hours per calendar day, and again, one spot per student!

You've got a big case study coming up, and
you need a place to take your group to
study, or you need a quiet place to cram for
that Finance Midterm.
Let's take a quick look at where you can go.

KMC UC/1st Floor

KMC Lobby When not occupied by student groups, located in the back right as you enter the main
lobby, an area with four stools, power outlets, new glass-top tables and a view of the lobby.
KMC Lobby 2 Behind the security guards, four couch seats and a small table. A printer is around
the corner.
Sosnoff Lounge Located under the Grand Staircase, most people will recognize this space with its
couches, chairs, and tables as the place you get a snack or dinner. People also study here.
KMC UC-100 The Beer Blast room is converted to an MBA study lounge with chairs and tables
during the rest of the week when it's not in use as a classroom. This is located
in the Upper Concourse, one floor down.

KMC 1-73A/B/E, 1-75A/B/C Located in the corridor between Tisch and KMC, you have six small
meeting rooms inside here. There's also external computer terminals, a
printer, and a copier here in the main room. Requires: 3 students/room.

KMC 2nd Floor
KMC 2-100: 46 Quiet, individual study cubicles inside here. Reserve ahead of time - individual
spots. There's a sub-room inside KMC 2-101 that contains Bloomberg computers &
another printer. Large communal tables in the room, too.

KMC 2-110: 18 Meeting rooms inside here. There's also a printer. Reserve ahead of time to get your
spots here. Requires: 3 students/room.

KMC 3rd Floor
3rd Floor Rotunda: 2 print stations, 10 computers, and spaces for group tables and individual
tables against the windows. It can get noisy, especially when classes have breaks.


KMC 4th Floor

KMC 4-130: 6 Meeting rooms inside here. There's also a printer, a couple of lounge seats, stapler,
and long table to sit at. Reserve ahead of time to get your spots here.
Requires: 3 students/room.

4th Floor Rotunda: 2 print stations, 4 computers in the hall, located above the 3rd Floor Rotunda
(so some noise from below), and spaces for group tables and individual tables against the
windows. Can be noisy.

KMC 4-70: Starbucks Lounge: Named due to the similar feel and colors, this is an open study
room with a printer, seats and laptop tables.

KMC 5th Floor
Outside KMC 5-100, Computer Stations: A print station, 8 computers, 2 printers, tucked away
in the far back corner outside the OCD office.
WARNI NG: As much as we are surrounded by Sterni es, please remember to always
keep an eye on your thi ngs. Theft does happen, and you ar e r esponsi ble for your own
belongi ngs. Don't leave your phone or valuables unattended.

Stern Classrooms: Classrooms may be used if open, but note that professors and
administrators can kick groups out for academic purposes or school uses. Student
activities have second priority. If you have a reservation and the room is locked, contact
the front desk to open the room. To reserve classrooms for activities or classes, review:

Outdoor Spaces:
Gould Plaza: The large open plaza space that is above Paulson Auditorium, with seating. Around the
corner is a secured bike rack, too, accessible via a swipe card.
4th Floor Outdoor Patios: Located on the fourth floor, there are two patios, one facing Gould
Plaza and a second along the back of Stern facing West 3rd St. These are open seasonally, and usually
only during the day.
Other Outdoor Patios in Stern: There are a number of other outdoor platforms in Stern, but most
of them are not accessible to the student body.

Other Options:
There are other options for study space if it seems like the building is filled up. Keep in mind, these
are open often to the rest of NYU or the public.
Tisch: The undergraduate building of NYU Stern has numerous lobby spaces, classrooms, study
areas, and laptop stations, but undergraduates usually have priority here. Accessible from KMC via
the 1st floor corridor or the Upper and Lower Concourse levels.
KMC-Bobst Corridor: Located outside between KMC and Bobst, there are multiple metal chairs
and tables here to sit. Not well-lit at night, though.
Bobst Library (70 Washington Sq. South): The massive brick building beside KMC, you can find
study rooms in the lower level, and throughout the stacks on levels 4 through 10. The
mezzanine is a good place to wait out bad weather, and you can rent laptops (strict about
tardy returns) here, too.
Kimmel Center (60 Washington Sq. South): The student center beside Bobst has a Commuter
Lounge on the 2nd floor, and lounges on either side of the main stairway entering the
building. Floors 2, 7, 8, and 9 all contain more study areas.

Washington Square Park: Located just north and west of NYU Stern, and in front of Bobst and
Kimmel, you'll find a large park. Recently undergoing renovation, there are spaces to sit and study on
stone or metal benches, some tables, and grass. Plus a fountain and a dog run, too.
For wireless access on the NYURoam network (outside of Stern/KMC/Shimkin/Tisch), you can look
at this page: http://www.nyu.edu/its/wireless/


Got Food?

Trapped in KMC and need a quick bite?

SOSNOFF LOUNGE / GRAD CAFE is an easy option located on the 1
Floor of KMC.
Sosnoff offers drinks, coffee, snacks, and pre-made salads and sandwiches.

Sounds good, but how do I get there?

From 4th Street Entrance:
Walk past elevators, go down small flight of stairs and turn right.

From Schwartz Plaza Entrance:
Pass information desk and turn left.

Monday Thursday: 8 am to 8 pm
Friday: 8 am to 7 pm
Saturday: 8 am to 3:30 pm

Got a late night group project or an early morning study session
and need a quick jolt of caffeine or a sugar high?

KMC has vending machines
with drinks, snacks and candy
located on floors 2, 3 and 6
between the two sets of elevators
on the north side of the building.


Neighborhood Eats

Whether you want to gr ab somethi ng on your way to class or plan a ni ce di nner out
wi th fri ends, weve scoped out many of the offeri ngs wi thi n walki ng di stance of NYU
and noted cost ranges ($ to $$$); where avai lable, websi tes have been li sted so you
can check out menus, hours, etc.

Around KMC

Sosnoff Lounge $ | Caf | KMC ground floor
Starbucks, Violet Caf $ | Caf | 79 Washington Square (entrance on West 4
NB: Generally closed on holidays or weekends. Expect long lines during peak class times.
Think Coffee $$ | Coffee Shop | 248 Mercer below West 4
Street | 212.228.6226 |
Campus Eatery $ | Caf | 31 West 4
Street at Greene Street | 212.475.3607
West 3rd Commons $$ | Bar Food (American Comfort) | 1 West 3rd Street | 212.529.2059 |
Dojo Restaurant $$ (Cash only) | Asian/Japanese (Vegetarian-Friendly) | 14 West 4th Street |
Duane Reade $ | Drug Store | 4 West 4th Street | 212.473.1027 | NB: Sells snacks and beverages
Little Atlas Caf $ | Caf/Vegan | 6 West 4th Street at Mercer | 212.253.5535
Favela Cubana $$ (Cash Only) | Brazilian/Cuban | 543 LaGuardia Place at West 3
Street |
212.777.6500 | www.favelacubana.com
Sammys Halal $ (Cash Only) | Food Cart | Gould Plaza outside KMC
East of KMC
Au Bon Pain $ | Bakery, Caf | 684 Broadway between 3
& 4
Streets | 212.420.1694
Bruno Bakery $ | Bakery | 506 LaGuardia Place between Houston Street and Broadway |
212.982.5854 | www.pasticceriabruno.com
Le Basket $ | Deli | 683 Broadway near Great Jones Street | 212.420.9772 | www.lebasketnyc.com
McDonalds $ | Burgers, Fast Food | 724 Broadway near Washington Place | 212.559.9660
Subway $ | Subs/Sandwiches | 550 LaGuardia Place near West 3
Street | 212.358.8100
West of KMC
Amity Hall $$ | Pub Food | 80 West 3rd Street near Thompson Street | 212.677.2290 |
Shade To Go $$ | Crepes, Takeout (window on W 3
) | 241 Sullivan Street near West 3
Street |
The Half Pint $$ | Pub Food | 76 West 3rd Street near Thompson Street | 212.260.1088 |
Negril Village $$$ | Caribbean | 70 West 3rd Street near Thompson Street | 212.477.2804 |


North of KMC
Au Bon Pain $ | Bakery, Caf | 58 East 8th Street at Broadway | 212.475.8546
Caf University | $ | Caf/Deli | 1 University Place near Waverly Place | 212.995.0111
Josie Woods Pub | $ | Pub Food | 11 Waverly Place between Mercer & Greene Streets |
212.228.6806 | www.josiewoods.com
Pizza Mercato $ | Pizza | 11 Waverly Place between Mercer & Greene Streets | 212.420-8432 |
Subway $ | Subs/Sandwiches | 29 East 8th Street near University Place | 212.353.1646
Apple Restaurant & Bar | Thai, Vegetarian | 17 Waverly Place between Mercer and Greene Streets
| 212.473.8888 | www.applerestaurant.com
Burger Creations $$ | Burgers | 52 East 8th Street between Greene and University Place |
212.539.1909 | www.burgercreations.com
Cafetasia $$$ | Thai | 38 East 8th Street between University Place and Greene Street | 212.529.2363
| www.cafetasia.com
Chipotle | $ | Mexican/Fast Food | 55 East 8th Street near Mercer Street | 212.982.3081
Cosi | $$ | Sandwiches | 53 East 8th Street near Mercer Street | 212.260.1507
Crepeaway | $$ | Crepes | 31 Waverly Place between Greene Street and Washington Square East |
212.706.8569 | www.crepeaway.com/
Maoz $$ | Vegetarian, Kosher | 59 E 8th Street between Greene Street and University Place |
212.420.5999 | www.maozusa.com
Murphy & Gonzalez $$ | Pub Food | 21 Waverly Place at Greene Street | 212.529.1500 |
NYU Torch Club $$$ | New American | 18 Waverly Place between Mercer & Greene Streets |
212.998.6724 | www.nyu.edu
Orens Daily Roast $$ | Coffee Shop | 31 Waverly Place between Greene Street and Washington
Place | 212.338.0014 | www.orensdailyroast.com
Space Market $ | Deli/Sandwiches | 1 University Place between North Washington Square and
Waverly Place | 212.677.0044 | spacemarketnyc.com
wichcraft $$ | Sandwiches | 60 East 8th Street between Greene Street & University Place |
212.780.0577 | www.wichcraftnyc.com

NYU Dining Halls
(Need NYU ID for admission)

Peets Coffee | 5-11 University Place near 8
Kosher Eatery | 5-11 University Place near 8
Starbucks @ Fayes | 45 West 4th Street near Greene Street
Kimmel Marketplace | 60 Washington Sq. Park South, 3rd Floor
Weinstein Dining Hall | 5-11 University Place near 8
Other locations:

Farther from KMC in All Directions

Famous Famiglia $ | Pizza | 757 Broadway (near 8
Street) | 212.353.2900 |
Five Guys Burger $$ | Burgers, Fast Food | 494 LaGuardia Place near Houston Street |
212.228.6008 | www.fiveguys.com
Gizzi's Coffee $ | Coffee Shop | 16 West 8th Street (near 5th Avenue)| 212.353.0099 |
The Grey Dog's Coffee $ | Coffee Shop | 90 University Place (at East 12th Street) | 212.414.4739 |
Kati Roll Company $ | Indian | 99 MacDougal Street (near Bleecker Street) | 212.420.6497 |
Magnolia Bakery $ | Bakery | 401 Bleecker Street (at 11th Street) | 212.462.2572 |
Mamouns Falafel $ (Cash Only) | Falafel | 119 MacDougal Street (at W 3
Street) | 212.674.8685 |
Pasticceria Rocco $ | Bakery | 243 Bleecker Street (near Carmine Street) | 212.242.6031 |
Rays Pizza $ | Pizza | 2 St. Marks Place (near 3
Avenue) | 212.533.6656 |
Tea Spot $ | Tea Room | 127 MacDougal Street (near West 3rd Street) | 212.832.7768 |
1849 Restaurant $$ | Tex Mex, Bar Food | 183 Bleecker Street (near MacDougal Street) |
212.505.3200 | www.1849nyc.com
Boyd Thai $$ | Thai | 210 Thompson Street (near Bleecker Street) | 212.533.7290 |
Evas $$ | Middle Eastern, Vegetarian | 11 West 8th Street (near 5th Avenue) | 212.677-3496 |
Olive Tree Cafe $$ | Middle Eastern | 117 MacDougal Street (at West 3rd Street) | 212.254.3480 |
Otto Pizzeria $$$ | Italian, Pizzeria (owned by Mario Batali) | 1 5th Avenue (near Washington
Mews, entrance on 8
St) | 212.995.9559 | www.ottopizzeria.com
Phebes $$ | American (Traditional), Bar | 359 Bowery Street (near 3
Street) | 212.358.1902 |
Quantum Leap $$ | Vegetarian, Vegan | 226 Thompson Street (near West 3rd Street) | 212.
677.8050 | http://www.quantumleaprestaurant.com
Red Bamboo $$ | Vegetarian, Soul Food, Vegan | 140 West 4th Street (near MacDougal Street) |
212.260.1212 | www.redbamboo-nyc.com
Sangam $$ | Indian | 190 Bleecker Street (near 6th Avenue) | 212.228.4648
Silver Spurs $$ | Diner, Burgers | 490 LaGuardia Pl (near Houston) | 212.228.2333 |

Souen $$ | Asian-Fusion, Vegetarian | 28 East 13th Street (near 5th Avenue) | 212.627.7150 |
Spice $$ | Thai | 104 Second Avenue (at 6th Street) | 212.533.8900 | http://www.spicethainyc.com
Spice $$ | Thai | 77 East 10
Street (near 4
Avenue) | 212.388.9006 |
Suzies $$ | Chinese | 163 Bleecker Street (near Thompson Street) | 212.777.1395 |
La Villette $$$ | New American | 10 Downing Street (at 6th Avenue) | 212.255.0300 |
Blue Ribbon Brasserie $$$ | Seafood, American (Traditional) | 97 Sullivan Street (near Spring
Street) | 212.274.0404 | http://www.blueribbonrestaurants.com
Blue Water Grill $$$ | Seafood | 31 Union Square West (at 16th Street) | 212.675.9500 |
Caf Espanol $$$ | 172 Bleecker Street (near Sullivan Street) | 212.505.0657 |
Choga $$$ | Korean | 145 Bleecker Street (at LaGuardia Place) | 212.598.5946 | www.choganyc.com
Ippudo $$$ | Japanese | 65 Fourth Avenue (at 9th Street) | 212.388.0088 |
Jane | $$$ | New American | 100 West Houston Street (near LaGuardia Place) | 212.254.7000
Knickerbocker Bar & Grill $$$ | American (Traditional) | 33 University Place (near 8
Street) |
212.228.8490 | www.knickerbockerbarandgrill.com
Mercer Kitchen $$$ | New American | 99 Prince Street (at Mercer Street) | 212.966.5454 |
Miyabi $$$ | Sushi, Japanese | 121 West 3rd Street (near MacDougal Street) | 212.228.1688 |
Patsys Pizza $$$ | Pizzeria, Italian | 67 University Place (near East 10
Street) | 212.533.3500 |
Pearl Oyster Bar $$$ | Seafood | 18 Cornelia Street (near Bleecker Street) | 212.691.8211 |
The Smith $$$ | New American | 55 Third Avenue (at 11th Street) | 212.420.9800 |


OMG! I Need A Drink!

J ust took your Fi rms & Markets mi dterm and need somethi ng str onger than Vi tami n
Water ? Thi s li st of our favor i te water i ng holes around campus should poi nt you i n
the ri ght di recti on!


1 W 3rd St - (212) 529-2059
#nowdrinking: Magic Hat #9
21 Waverly Pl - (212) 529-1500
#nowdrinking: Rip Cords

80 W 3rd St - (212) 677-2290
#nowdrinking: Chimay
76 W 3rd St - (212) 260-1088
#nowdrinking: Boddingtons & a Beer Tower

Classier Joints

17 Waverly Pl- (212) 473-8888
#nowdrinking: Geisha Martini

8 Stuyvesant St - (212) 777-5415
#nowdrinking: Bartenders Inspiration

228 Thompson Street - (212) 254-1435
#nowdrinking: Champagne Cocktail

281 Lafayette St - (212) 226-4696
A Dirty Martini with blue cheese stuffed olives

Late Night Fun

380 Lafayette Street- (212) 381-4911
#nowdrinking: Ginger Dragon & Dancing

75 Christopher Street- (212) 675-6056
#nowdrinking: Beers on Tap & Pool

I f i t happens to be a Thursday, head strai ght to
(Fall & Spring Semesters)
6-10 pm
Room UC-100
(Food arrives @ 6 pm, 7:20 pm & 9:05 pm and tends to go fast!)

I ts a great place for
FT, PT & EMBA Ster ni es to mi x and mi ngle!

Sports Bars

237 Sullivan Street - (212) 982-5222
#nowdrinking: IPA

134 West 3
Street - (212) 777-1733
#nowdrinking: Bud Light
~$1 drafts on Wednesdays

46 Bedford Street- (212) 741-1935
#nowdrinking: Amstel Light

151 Bleecker Street- (212) 260-9797
#nowdrinking: Black and Blue
133 7
Avenue (212) 675-6220
#nowdrinking: Raspberry Stoli and Soda

15 Barrow Street- (212) 691-6127
nowdrinking: Guinness

Irish Pubs

304 Bowery - (212) 253-7030
#nowdrinking: Whisky on the rocks

34 E 4th St - (212) 227-9438
#nowdrinking: Harp on Tap

GMT- English Pub
142 Bleecker Streer (646) 863-3776
#nowdrinking: GMTeaTime

228 W 4
Street- (212) 242-2990
#nowdrinking: Hefweizen

Wine Bars

82 West Third Street - (212) 353-8963
#nowdrinking: Australian White

34 E 4th St - (212) 227-9438
#nowdrinking: Sauvignon Blanc

225 Sullivan Street- (212) 253-5740
#nowdrinking: Cotes du Rhone

36 E 4
Street- (212) 375-0100
#nowdrinking: Pinot Noir
127 MacDougal Street (212) 505-0969
#nowdrinking: Merlot


All About The Beer

145 Bleecker Street - (212) 353-1327
#nowdrinking: Blue Point Blueberry
~400 Beers available

148 W 4th St - (212) 982-3388
#nowdrinking: Leffe Blonde and a
Bucket of Mussels with a Side of Fries

281 Bleecker Street- (212) 462-4682
#nowdrinking: Duvel Green

122 Macdougal Street- (212) 254-0006
#nowdrinking: Newcastle

On The Dive Side

109 MacDougal St - (212) 533-4487
Pitcher of Coors at the Pong Table

59 Christopher St - (212) 414-2278
#nowdrinking: Amstel Light
64 3rd Ave - (212) 979-2337
#nowdrinking: Birthday Cake Shots

47 E. Houston Street - (212) 343-7251
#nowdrinking: Dark & Stormy

155 Bleecker Street (212) 475-9221
#nowdrinking: Budweiser

11 Waverly Place - (212) 228-6806
#nowdrinking: MGD
149 Bleecker St - (212) 254-8592
#nowdrinking: Jose Cuervo & Karaoke

510 Laguardia Place- (212) 777-5454
#nowdrinking: Sparkling Pear & Hookah

More Social

359 Bowery St - (212) 358-1902
#nowdrinking: Vodka Soda

130 W 3rd St - (212) 533-4790
#nowdrinking: Vodka Cran

40 E 4th St - (212) 475-2220
#nowdrinking: Sangria

169 Bleecker St.- (212) 677-6700
#nowdrinking: Shock Top from a Plastic Boot

108 W. Houston Street- (212) 505-3400
#nowdrinking: Jaeger Ski Shots

74 3
Avenue (212) 982-2591
#nowdrinking: Ommegang & Karoake Thurs.
92 W Houston Street - (212) 381-4911
#nowdrinking: Melon Mojito

109 E. 9th Street - (212) 529-5333
#nowdrinking: Bud Light


The How Do I Find The Bar? Map

To Link to a Google Map for these locations:


Where Can I Get Books, a Laptop & School Supplies?

Text Books

NYU Bookstore
(Note: The Professional Bookstore is now part of the Main Bookstore at this location.)
726 Broadway
(212) 998-4667
Hours: Monday Saturday.. 10am - 9pm
Sunday. 11am - 6pm
To get a list of the books you need click on the link to the NYU bookstore above. Then click on
Textbook Ordering & Inquiry. Next click on Find Your Textbooks. Now select the term, enter
your net id & date of birth. Your list of books including ISBN numbers will appear.
Amazon is another great source for books, both new and used: www.amazon.com
In fact, Amazon offers a free six month membership in Amazon Prime (benefits include free 2-day
shipping) to students, all you need is your stern email address to qualify:
TextbooksRus is another online source for textbooks with numerous promotions for free shipping:
Additional online sources for textbooks include: http://www.textbookrevolution.org and
http://www.textbooks.com/ among others.
You can also rent your books for the semester. If interested in renting, try out these sites:
http://nyubookstore.rentsbooks.com/, http://www.chegg.com/, http://www.textbooksrus.com OR

Some eBooks are available through CafeScribe, Jumpbooks and CourseSmart eBooks:
http://www.bookstores.nyu.edu/main.store/booksearch.html. The list of available eBooks is growing
every day.

NYU Stern Book Swap

At the end of each semester a grassroots book swap tends to pop up on Facebook. Here students can
swap books with those who are in the opposite core classes. Be sure to check Facebook in late August
and early January to find these Swaps if interested.


Computers & Supplies
Stern MBA Computer Requirements: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/it/services/mobile.html
There are countless places online to order a computer that meets the requirements outlined by Stern
such as: http://www.bestbuy.com, http://www.dell.com, and http://www.hp.com.
If you would like to purchase a computer in person, the stores below would be happy to help:
NYU Computer Store*
242 Greene Street
(212) 998-4672
Mon Friday 10am 6 pm
Saturday 11am 5 pm
Sunday Closed
Best Buy
1880 Broadway @ 62
(212) 246-9734

Mon Thurs 10am 9pm
Fri Sat 10am 10pm
Sunday 11am 7pm
769 Broadway
(646) 654-6660

Mon - Friday 7 am 8 pm
Saturday 9 am 6 pm
Sunday 11 am 6 pm

Best Buy
1280 Lexington Avenue
(917) 492-8870

Mon Thurs 10am 9pm
Fri Sat 11am 9:30pm
Sat Sun 11am 8pm

Best Buy
529 5
(212) 808-0309

Mon Fri 9am 9pm
Saturday 10am 9pm
Sunday 11am 8pm

390 Avenue of the Americas
(212) 673-1090

Mon - Friday 7 am 8 pm
Saturday 9 am 6 pm
Sunday 12 pm 6 pm

J&R Computer World
23 Park Row
(212) 238-9000

Mon Wed 10am 7pm
Thurs Fri 10am 7:30pm
Sat Sun 11am 7pm

*Note: If you purchase a laptop at the NYU Computer Store you can make installment payments
interest free and will get hardware support from the IT Help Desk.

Neighborhood Shops for Stationary & Supplies
Kate's Paperie
435 Broadway
(212) 941-9816

Village Stationery Inc
552 Laguardia Place
(212) 471-1710

College Pen & Stationary
144 Bleecker Street
(212) 460-8700


Virtual Business Library (VBL)

The Virtual Business Library at Stern is your personal research library at Stern or on the go. It is an
incredible resource and one you should get familiar with.
You can find the library at: http://library.nyu.edu/vbl/ or you can access it through Sternlinks. To
access the library you need to have an NYU (not Stern) email. Every NYU student has one, so just
make sure it is activated and you are good to go.
When you first visit the VBL take a couple of minutes to watch the short tutorial video.
If you need assistance in your search, there are many ways to get help:
Very comprehensive Business FAQ section:
http://library.nyu.edu/ask/ includes a chat feature where you can communicate with
librarians. This feature is also imbedded on the side of the search pages for easy access.
IM: AskBobst
Text/SMS: 646-265-1342
Call: 212-998-2500
Email: http://library.nyu.edu/ask/email.html
You can also schedule an appointment to meet with a subject expert:
Even if there is a resource you need that the library does not have, there is an interlibrary loan service.
You can make a request through the NYU library (not the business library) and they can borrow it for
you and send it as a PDF: http://ill.library.nyu.edu/illiad/illiad.dll
Remember, the people working at the library are there to help you. Do not hesitate to contact them
when you have any issues. If you have tried to figure out why something is not working or cannot find
something, let them know.

I Gotta Run an Errand!
Your e at school to meet wi th your study gr oup and you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (need a new
battery for your i Phone, need to get some cash, r emember you ar e out of toothpaste,
need to hi t Fed Ex, etc. ). No problem, j ust consult thi s li st and you can see where to
r un your er r ands i n the nei ghbor hood. Please be aware that phone number s and
locati ons may change.
Cellular Service Providers
AT&T Store
745 Broadway
NYC 10003
(At Broadway & Astor)
(212) 677-4673
Verizon Store
581 Broadway
NYC 10012
(Btw W. Houston & Prince)
(212) 431-4613
649 Broadway
NYC 10012
(Btw Bleeker & Bond)
(212) 505-3355

732 Broadway
NYC 10003
(At Broadway & Astor)
(212) 674-5377

ATM Locations
Inside Campus Eatery
31 West 4
(At W. 4
& Greene St)
Outside of Dojo
14 West 4
(At W. 4
& Mercer)
Kimmel Center - 2
60 Washington Square South
(Btw Thompson & Laguardia Pl)

Inside Le Basket
683 Broadway
(At Broadway & W. 3
555 LaGuardia Place
(Btw W. 3
& Bleecker)
Soverign Bank
158 Bleecker Street
(At Bleecker & Thompson)

TD Bank
666 Broadway
(Bleecker & Bond)
Capital One Bank
21 University Place
(University Pl & E. 8
Bank of America
770 Broadway
(Broadway & E. 9
20 University Place
(E. 8
& E. 9

Chase Bank
1. 26 Astor Place (Btw
Lafayette & Cooper Sq.)
2. 340 Ave of the Americas
Ave & W. 4
NYU Federal Credit Union
14 Washington Pl
(Btw Greene & Mercer)


Drugstores / Pharmacies
Duane Reade (pharmacy)
4 West 4th Street
(Btw Mercer & Broadway)
(212) 473-1027
Duane Reade (pharmacy)
769 Broadway
(Btw E. 8
and E. 9
(646) 602-8274
K-Mart (pharmacy)
770 Broadway (At E. 8
(212) 253-9661

Thompson Chemists
137 Thompson Street
(Btw Houston & Prince St)
(212) 598-9790
Walgreens (pharmacy)
20 Astor Place
(At Lafayette St)
(212) 375-0734
CVS (pharmacy)
158 Bleecker Street
(At Thompson St)
(212) 982-3133

The UPS Store
319 Lafayette Street
(Btw Houston and Bleeker)
(212) 625-0080

US Post Office
201 Varick Street
(One block south of Houston)
(212) 645-0327

FedEx Print & Ship Center
21 Astor Place
(Btw Broadway and Lafayette)
(212) 228-9511

US Post Office
93 4
Ave (Cooper Station)
(Btw 11
and 12
(212) 254-1390
Village Postal Center
217 Thompson Street
(Btw W. 3
and Bleecker)
(212) 505-0303

Copying (& Stern Business Cards)
Unique Copy Center
252 Greene Street
(Btw Waverly and E. 8
(212) 420-9198
University Copy Center &
27 Waverly Place
(212) 473-7369
FedEx Print & Ship Center
21 Astor Place
(Btw Broadway and Lafayette)
(212) 228-9511
NYU Copy Central
283 Mercer Street
(Btw Washington & Waverly

Advanced Copy Center
552 Laguardia Place
(Btw Bleecker and W. 3
(212) 388-1001
Note: Or der & pi ck up
Ster n busi ness car ds her e

To Or der Busi ness Car ds:
Go to Sternlinks & Click on
Business Card Order Form
Fill out the form & follow the
instructions listed there.

770 Broadway (At E. 8
(212) 673-1540
Dashing Diva Nail Salon
41 East 8
(212) 375-1350
Astor Wines
399 Lafayette Street (At E. 4

(212) 674-7500
Swan's NYC Cleaners
542 Laguardia Place
(Btw Bleecker and W. 3
(212) 673-1032
Gristedes Grocery Store
246 Mercer Street
(at W. 4
(212) 777-9498
Aki's Cutting Room Inc
250A Greene St
(Btw 8th St & Waverly Pl)
(212) 477-9190


Stern Beyond KMC

I need a workout!
Youre in luck, as long as you are enrolled for the current term (e.g. Enrolled in summer classes to
gain access in the summer) your NYU ID card will give you access to the following NYU facilities:

The Coles Sport & Recreation Center
181 Mercer Street (Btw Bleecker & W. Houston)
(212) 998-2020
Palladium Sport Center
140 East 14
(212) 992-8500

I need a flu shot!

Student Health Center
726 Broadway at Waverly Place 3
& 4
(212) 443-1000

Email:[email protected]

I need to replace my ID card (or load it up with campus cash)!

NYU Card Center

Main Office - 383 Lafayette Street, Main Floor
(East 4th & Lafayette)
Satellite Office - 125 East 13th Street
(Palladium Residence Hall)
Campus Cash Program Office - 10 Astor Place
(7th Floor)
Email:[email protected]
(212) 443-CARD (2273), select option 2

NYU Card Center Main Office Hours:
Campus Cash Program Office Hours:
Got Tickets?
Yes, we do. Not only can you get discounted tickets here, but you can also refill a metro card.

NYU Ticket Central / Skirball Center
566 LaGuardia Place at Washington Square South
(Side entrance to the Kimmel Center)
(212) 998-4941
Email:[email protected]
Hours (Fall & Spring Semesters):
Tuesday-Saturday, noon-6
Need to find a book?

Elmer Holmes Bobst Library http://library.nyu.edu/ for hours and availability
70 Washington Square South (212) 998-2500

Are you a MAC or a PC?
Well, it really doesnt matter because the NYU Computer Store has both!

NYU Computer Store (212) 998-4672
242 Greene Street
email: [email protected]
Monday Friday 10-6
Saturday 11-5
Sunday Closed

How Do I Get to Stern on Public Transportation?

By Subway
6 (Lexington Avenue Local) to Astor Place Station. Walk west (make a right) on Astor Place to
Broadway, then south (make a left) on Broadway to Waverly Place, and west (make a right) on
Waverly Place to Washington Square. Approximately 7 minutes from the 6.
N / R (Broadway Local) to 8
Street Station. Walk south on Broadway to Waverly Place, then west
on Waverly Place to Washington Square. Approximately 5 minutes from the N/R.
B / D / F / M (6th Avenue line) or A / C / E (8th Avenue line) to West 4
Square Station. Walk east on West 4
Street or Waverly Place to Washington Square.
Approximately 7 minutes from the B/D/F/M or A/C/E.
1 (7
Avenue Local) to Christopher Street-Sheridan Square Station. Walk east on West 4
Street to
Washington Square. Approximately 9 minutes from the 1.

By Bus
5th Avenue bus (M1 / M2/ M3 / M5) to 8
Street and University Place. Walk south on University
Place to Washington Square.
8th Street crosstown bus (M8) to 8
Street or 9
Street and University Place. Walk south to
Washington Square.

By Interstate or Regional Bus
Interstate or regional bus to Port Authority Terminal, then 8th Avenue subway (A / C / E)
downtown (see By Subway).

By Train
Metro-North Railroad into Grand Central Station, then Lexington Avenue subway (6) downtown
(see By Subway).
Amtrak into Pennsylvania Station, then 8
Avenue subway (A / C / E) downtown (see By
Long Island Rail Road into Pennsylvania Station, then 8
Avenue subway (A / C / E) downtown
(see By Subway).
PATH train into 9
Street Station (at 6
Avenue), then walk south to West 4
Street and east to
Washington Square.

By Ferry
Staten Island Ferry to Whitehall Street/South Ferry, then Broadway (R) or Seventh Avenue subway
(1) uptown (see By Subway).

Dude, Where Can I Park My Car?

Driving Directions
From the north or northeast - New York State Thruway, which becomes the Major Deegan
Expressway in the Bronx, to Willis Avenue Bridge, across to FDR Drive in Manhattan, south to
Houston Street, then west to La Guardia Place (two blocks west of Broadway), then north three
blocks to Washington Square.

From the northwest, west, and south - Interstate Highway 95 and/or New Jersey Turnpike to
Holland Tunnel, north on Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue) to West 4th Street and east to
Washington Square; or to Lincoln Tunnel, east to 7th Avenue, south to West 4th Street (at
Sheridan Square), then east to Washington Square.

Parking Instructions

Step 1) PARK
Thompson Street Garage: 212-677-8741
221 Thompson Street (Between 3
and Bleecker St.)

Washington Square Garage: 212-533-8312
2 Fifth Avenue(Between 8
Street and Washington Square Park North)

Minetta Lane Garage:, 212-777-3530
122-28 West 3rd Street

Step 2) VALIDATE TICKET (choose 1 of 2 places)
A) Public Safety - Command Center (open 24 hours)
14 Washington Place (Between Mercer & Greene)
B) Jeffrey S. Gould Welcome Center (open until 5:00 weekdays, 4:00 Saturdays)
50 West 4th Street (Corner of W. 4th and Washington Square East)

It typically runs $15 20 for up to 12 hours (as opposed to $30). It's very easy and quick.

(No ticket validation necessary; must have valid NYU ID to swipe; Prices can change)

Washington Square Village Parking: 212-253-9061
1 Washington Square Village (Between 3rd St. and Bleecker St.)
NYU Discounted Price: $10.00

Hilary Gardens Garage: 212-473-8752
300 Mercer Street between 8
Street and Waverly Place look for the red sign on the left
Entrance also at 741 Broadway, just south of Astor Place (red lettering at entrance)
NYU Discounted Price: $14.00 --Enter 6am and stay any 12 hours, Exit by Midnight

Champion Broadway Parking: 212-473-9061
60-68 East 8th Street
Entrance on Mercer between 8
Street and Waverly Place look for the blue sign on the left
Entrance also on Broadway at Astor Place (blue lettering at entrance)
NYU Discounted Price: $16.00 --Enter 6am and stay any 12 hours, Exit by Midnight.


Dude, Where Can I Park My Car? (Part II)

Wanna tr y par ki ng on the str eet? Her e ar e some ti ps!

Free Parking.
Remember, sides of the street do matter!

Typically there's a lot of free parking after 6 pm on weekdays and all day Saturday and
Sunday along:

West 4th St.
West 3
Washington Place
Waverly Place
Greene St.
Mercer St.
University Place
Note: there are both one-hour and two-hour meters.
One-hour Meters.
On the south side of Washington Place.
Also if you go out further towards 6th Ave.
And on 8th Street.
Two-hour Meters.
On La Guardia Place until 7 pm.

Remember not to block hydrants, and always check for posted temporary no parking signs. They put
those up for construction, buses, and more on a regular basis.
On Sundays, there are no meter rules applied, although watch out, they tend to stick up signs for no
parking all over on weekends for various street fairs or other construction work.

Note: Refer to Neighborhood Map on next page.
There's no parking at any time at the following locations:
In the front of Bobst Library
North side of Washington Square South, any side of Washington Square East or West

Neighborhood Map
Weve gi ven you a lot of i nfo and many addr esses; use thi s map to get your beari ngs
and see where thi ngs are relati ve to each other and school. Thi s map also shows the
di recti on of traffi c on ci ty streets.

You can also access a Campus Map through the following link:

We hope you enjoy your time at Stern.
You are in for a great ride!

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