YE guitis proves
Septs0.9:45 PAL
In Three Parts ,
Spiritual, Celeftial, and Elemental :
Containing the Occult Powers of the
of Allromancy in the Telefmatical Sc:
Fue ofthe Peyfersand Aegis.
The Myfterious Vergues of the Charact
the Stars with the Genii, [dea’sderid Figus
Geomancy,upon theGamzbe:,Sc. To wis
igaddod the Refoluon of all nner of Qu.
fions, Paft, Belen and vo Come.
The Knowledge of the Roffe crucian ™h
and the miraculous fecretsin Nature, \ci
ve psvformedineredibls, extraotdinay thing
a pragcal Examination of Prine
the great Weed, and feed 10
mean expaces
By John Heydon Gent, eames, A Setvane vi!
God and Secretary of Nature.
‘Let novia touch this Bok uc he that it Ho,
Audi Tei
Lanes, Pine by 7
and for Tho, Rooks atthe Lanbe atthe Extend o*
St. Pauls Church 166 4.
To £
The Highborn Prince,
Honourable, moit Noble and Valiant,
Duke,Marqueffe and Earle of Bucking-
bam,Earle of Coventry, Barron Whaddon
of 1” baddon.and Lord Rofs of HemlaksKnight
of the moft noble Order of the Garter,one
‘of His Majefties moft honorable Privy Coun-
fel, and Lord Leiveenant of the Weft-Ri-
ding ofthe County of Terksand of the
Coy 10d, Couey te Cy
May it pleafeyncr Grace,
HE Wifdome and Learning
of the Rofie Crucians hath
been much recommended
unto us by Ancient Writers,
and not without good caufe ; confider-
ing that they have delivered Arts ,
and Liberal Sciences to the Wold as a
A3 manthan may gather by the teftimony of -
‘The Wifemen of the Eaft, and all the
Philofophers thatever were - Buttime
which confumeth all things, hath be-
) refcusof the Knowedgeof fuch wits
dome ; and theré is but the fragments
“and fcattered peices of thefe Arts ,
' which the .underwits. of Aftrologi-
. cal Taylers finding, pretend to ;
guefling by them fomething to
come. “Now the Rofie Crucians men,
| carefull to preferve all goodly and
"great things, have by the means of this
difcourfe touching Beata Pulcbra, and
: Eugenins Theodidatins , repaired ,
yee and kepe entire the firft
art of The Temple of Wifdome, which
they are not content to fet down li-
terally, and there end ; but have ad-
joyned theretotwo Parts more, beau-
tified. with ' practical’ Interpretations
and rare Experiments; One whereof was
werified in your felf, which yoithave canfe
to Remember , for it preferved your Life,
when Abr. Goodman endeavoured your
et pa death,
‘The Epiftle Dedicatory-
I dzatb. And tome fince to yourknowledg
and the honour of Art you have found
true, The Preface may feem fabu-
lous to common Readers , but there
the Rofie Crucians have difcovered an
infinite number of Secrets Spiritual,
Coleftial and Elemental. Yn the firlt
. they have fhewed the Reafon why they
f] have thus darkly covered the ‘Fem-
I} ple, and enfolded their Divinity, which
lil done, they teach the knowledge of God
HW and his Angels, with the vanity of Dew
lf sonographers. Andthen inthe fecond,
they decypher the particulars, relating
Il i according tothe bare letter, which is
in the fecond part of this Temple, In
the third is made plain , the Rofie Cra-
cian myfteries to pradife by a fore of
Telefmeatical Figures , “Idea’s, Genii ani
A) the Rules of the World, of their Tem:
H ples, Sepulchere and Sacrifices ; after-
wards they {peak of Angels, Beata Pul-
chra, Eugenins Theodidastus and Hyle
in the number of them ; After this
Ag Theo