Design of A Flaring System

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The document discusses the development of a flaring system for small and medium sized biogas installations in rural Mali by FACT Foundation. It studies flaring processes and alternatives, and designs an enclosed flare considering functionality, reliability and costs.

FACT Foundation promotes the use of bioenergy for energy supply in developing countries as it can provide affordable and reliable energy. They execute projects involving anaerobic digester systems for biogas production in countries such as Mali.

Current practice for biogas surpluses in Mali's small anaerobic digester systems is venting, which is not optimal. A flare can combust surpluses better while being environmentally friendly and safe, but flaring systems for small systems are unavailable.

Internship FACT Foundation

Design of a flaring system for small and

medium scale biogas installations in
rural Mali

A.A. Slager

August 2012

Design of a flaring system for small and
medium scale biogas installations in
rural Mali

Name course : Internship Farm Technology at FACT Foundation
Number : FTE70424
Study load : 24 ECTS
Date : 08 August 2012

Student : A.A. Slager BSc.
Registration number : 831108765110
Study programme : MSc Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering (MAB)

Supervisor(s) : Ir. B. Frederiks
Examiner : J.C.A.M. Pompe MPS

Company : FACT Foundation
Generaal Foulkesweg 9A
6703 BH Wageningen
Tel: +31 (0) 317 427 395

Group : Farm Technology Group
Bornse Weilanden 9
6708 WG Wageningen
Tel: +31 (0) 317 48 29 80
Fax: +31 (0) 317 48 48 19



This report describes the work I have done during my internship at FACT Foundation. When I
started, I was hoping to be able to produce not only a design, but also a prototype of a flaring
system. Time limits prevented me from doing so, but I hope that my work, as presented in this
report, is interesting and useful for FACT and a good basis for further development of a small
flaring system.

My time at FACT Foundation was a pleasure to me. I enjoyed the friendly and open
atmosphere, the flexibility and the lunches. Therefore I want to thank everyone I worked with:
all FACT employees, interns and student, for conversations and discussions, whether or not
related to work. I also want to thank FACT Foundation for giving me this internship
opportunity and especially Bart Frederiks for his supervision, helpful suggestions and
cooperation. I wish FACT all the best with keeping up the good work.

Bart Slager

Wageningen, August 2012



FACT Foundation promotes the use of bioenergy for energy supply in developing countries,
because bioenergy can provide an affordable and reliable energy supply. In cooperation with
local partners and NGOs, FACT executes projects in several countries. In Mali, relatively
small anaerobic digester systems for production of biogas are installed. Biogas production of
these systems is not always level with consumption, resulting in biogas surpluses.
Current practice is to simply vent surplus biogas, which is not the best solution with regard to
environment and safety. Better is to combust the surpluses with a flare, but flaring systems for
such small systems are not available. The goal of this study is to develop a flaring system for
these small and medium sized biogas installations, which does not only function autonomous
and reliable, but which is also low-cost.

In this study, the process of flaring and the alternatives to flaring were studied. From
literature, methods were found with which a flaring system could be designed and a graphical
design was made, taken into account the functionality, reliability and costs.

An enclosed flare was developed, of which the main components are a pressure monitor, a
mechanical, spring loaded gas valve, a gas injector with passive air supply, a burner head and
an enclosure. Ignition is performed with electronic spark ignition and the flame is monitored
with a temperature switch. Separate components were tested, in order to relate theory to
practice and to test their functionality.

The proposed design is a first step towards implementation of flaring systems by FACT
Foundation. Recommended next steps are to construct and test a prototype and to evaluate
and improve its functioning.



Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................... III
Summary ................................................................................................................................... V
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... VII
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Literature study on flaring .................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Why flaring? ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 What is flaring? ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Alternatives to flaring .................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Flaring in practice ...................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Components of flaring systems ................................................................................. 12
3. The design process: materials and methods ..................................................................... 13
3.1 Biogas projects and process ....................................................................................... 13
3.2 Prediction of biogas surpluses ................................................................................... 15
3.3 Requirements to the design........................................................................................ 17
3.4 First selection ............................................................................................................. 22
3.5 Component design, dimensioning and testing ........................................................... 26
4. Results .............................................................................................................................. 45
4.1 Biogas surplus modelling .......................................................................................... 45
4.2 Design ........................................................................................................................ 46
4.2 Calculation of costs ................................................................................................... 52
5. Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 57
5.1 Fulfilment of requirements ........................................................................................ 57
5.2 Flare design................................................................................................................ 58
6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 59
7. Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 61
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 63



1. Introduction
Problem background
The Republic of Mali is a West-African country with about 14.5 million inhabitants. The
country is land-locked and can be divided into three natural zones: the southern, most
populated and cultivated Sudanese, the central, semi-arid Sahelian and the northern, arid
Saharan. See figure 1 for geographic images of Mali. The country has significant climatic,
infrastructural and economic constraints, with only about 4% of the surface being arable land.
The rural population comprises the largest part of the population and lives in villages which
are often remote and isolated. Agriculture and fishing are the most important economic
activities. Main agricultural products are cotton, millet, rice, corn, gardening vegetables,
groundnuts, cattle, sheep and goat (Rodriguez-Sanchez 2009; Brew-Hammond and Crole-
Rees 2004; Wikipedia 2012b).

Figure 1: A satellite image of the republic of Mali (left, (Wikipedia 2012b)) and a geographical
map (right, (GoogleMaps 2012))
Mali ranks 175 out of 187 on the Human Development Index of 2011, which means high
poverty and illiteracy levels (UNDP 2011). Also access to modern energy sources is very
limited in most parts of the country, especially in rural areas. Often there is no connection to
the grid and fire wood is used as energy source for cooking and lighting. Also car batteries are
used to supply electricity for a small number of electrical devices. The lack of access to
energy sources is a critical burden to Malis development, with the rural women being
especially vulnerable, since traditional roles and lack of tools and resources makes them the
suppliers of labour for multiple activities with little or no remuneration. Promotion of Multi-
Functional Platforms (MFPs) through the Multi-Functional platform Program is one way to
address the needs of the Malian women. The core of the MFP is a small and simple Lister
diesel engine of 8 to 12 horsepower, delivering mechanical energy. The Lister engine can also
be (partially) fuelled with Jatropha oil or with biogas, and it can power a variety of end-use
equipment. This can be for post-harvest processing, but also for pumping or electricity
generation. The MFPs can improve the lives of particularly rural women and from that
improve the lives in their communities, by reducing the burden of labour intensive tasks and
providing additional sources of income and local employment (Rodriguez-Sanchez 2009;
Verkuijl 2011a; Brew-Hammond and Crole-Rees 2004).


FACT-Foundation is a Dutch non-governmental organisation (NGO) that promotes the use of
bioenergy for energy supply in rural communities in developing countries, because bioenergy
can provide an affordable and reliable energy supply. At the same time it can reduce
dependence on fossil fuels, stimulate local entrepreneurship, increase farmers income and
improve quality of life. FACT executes projects in several countries, in cooperation with local
partners and with other NGOs (FACT-foundation 2012). One of these projects is Biogas
from agro-residues: Decentralised energy production serving rural communities in Mali.
This project is accomplished in cooperation with the company Mali Biocarburant SA and the
Malian national agency for development of biofuels (ANADEB) (Frederiks 2011). The aim of
the project is production of biogas through anaerobic digestion, so that with this biogas,
consumption of costly diesel fuel for the MFPs and OESs can be cut down.

Current and desired situation
A number of anaerobic digestion systems are already functioning and more will be installed in
the future. Biogas is produced, but biogas production and consumption are not always in
equilibrium. This results in frequent biogas surpluses. Currently these surpluses are simply
vented to the environment. Both with regard to safety and environment, venting is not a good
solution. In the desired situation, the surplus biogas is minimised, but when occurring, it is
combusted through flaring. The flaring system should be able to do this autonomous, safe and
reliable, with minimal installation and running costs.

Research objective
The objective of this internship project for FACT-Foundation is to design a biogas flaring
system which can be implemented on biogas installation in rural Mali, so that surplus biogas
can be disposed of in a proper way. The biogas flaring system should suit the Malinese
environment and conditions and the characteristics of the anaerobic digestion systems.

Research questions
Following from the research objective, the research is based on a main research question and
seven sub-questions:

Is it possible to design a robust and low-cost flaring system for small and medium scale
biogas installations in rural Mali?
1. What are the characteristics of the anaerobic digestion systems in Mali?
2. What is the function of a flaring system (for anaerobic digestion systems)?
3. What (type of) flaring systems are used/available in practice and what are they used
4. What are the requirements for a flaring system under mentioned conditions?
5. How could a flaring system be designed for mentioned conditions?
6. How should the designed flaring system be constructed?
7. How should the designed flaring system be tested and tuned?

The engineering design method of Van den Kroonenberg (1998) was used as a guideline
during this study. Methods deriving from this design method are for example the use of a
brief of requirements and the morphologic chart.
Information and working methods were obtained from diverse sources. Scientific literature
was studied, but a lot of useful and practical information and ideas were also acquired from
more informal websites, from companies and product information.

In the design process, literature study was alternated with testing. In that way it was possible
to determine the characteristics of separate components and expand the design step by step.
For testing purpose, a test setup was built with which a gas mixture, similar to biogas, could
be prepared and provided to the components of the flaring system. With the test setup, also
gas pressure and flow could be measured and regulated.
Graphical designs and sketches were constructed in Trimble SketchUp (formerly known as
Google SketchUp), a freeware 3D modelling program.

Demarcation of the work
When this project was started, the idea was that the study would consist of the design,
construction and testing of a flaring system. Available time proved to be too limited to come
to the construction of a complete prototype. Therefore the work was limited to the design of a
flaring system and testing of separate components.

Report structure
The report consists of eight chapters. After this first introductory chapter, chapter 2 elaborates
more on the characteristics of the anaerobic digester systems as to be implemented in Mali.
Chapter 3 contains a literature study on flaring and flaring systems. The core of the work is
contained in chapters 4 and 5, where the fourth chapter describes the design process and the
fifth chapter shows the results of this process. In chapter 6 the process and results are
discussed and the main research question is answered in chapter 7. Recommendations for
further research are given in chapter 8.

Declaration of used variables
The most important variables used in following chapters, the used symbols and units are
displayed in table 1.
Table 1: Nomenclature of all parameters and variables
Quantity Symbol Unit
Daily gas flow rate

Hourly gas flow rate

Volumetric gas velocity

Orifice discharge coefficient

Gas Volume

Specific weight of gases

Number of moles of a gas -
Molar mass of gases

Volumetric share of a gas % / %
Surface area

Gas (over)pressure
Specific gravity of gases -
Air entrainment rate

Diameter of a circle
Gas velocity

Temperature of the flare
Ambient temperature

Gravitational acceleration

Vertical flame length
Net heat release of the burned gases


Concerning oxygen

Concerning methane

Concerning biogas

Concerning air

Concerning the burner throat

Concerning the burner orifice

Concerning the burner port

Concerning the stack exit

Concerning natural gas


2. Literature study on flaring
In this chapter the concept of (bio)gas flaring is explored. Firstly the reasons for flaring of
biogas and the process itself are described. Then the alternatives to flaring are studied.
Finally, the use of flares in practice and the way they are constructed is described.
2.1 Why flaring?
Venting is a very simple method to get rid of the surpluses of biogas. But there are two
reasons to use flaring instead of venting. The first one is safety.
Although biogas has a lower mass density than air, venting of large amounts of biogas can
result in high concentrations of methane around the anaerobic digester. This can potentially
lead to dangerous situations, because when methane concentration comes within the range of
5-15% in air, there is risk for explosion or open fire (Nikiema et al. 2007). Although the
volumes of biogas vented are relatively small and normally the gas will quickly disperse, it is
better to reduce the risks to a minimum.
A second reason is the environment. The temperature on earth is, among others, dependent on
the concentration of a group of gases in the atmosphere, which absorb and emit thermal
infrared radiation. These gases are generally termed greenhouse gases (GHG). Since the
industrial revolution, human activities have strongly increased the concentrations of GHG in
the atmosphere, which results in an intensified greenhouse effect and a temperature rise on
earth. Reduction of GHG-emission is part of most countries policies (Vellinga 2011). The
global warming potential (GWP) is a relative measure of the effect of different GHGs
compared to carbon dioxide. Table 2 shows that methane is a much stronger GHG than
carbon dioxide (Forster et al. 2007; Slager 2009). Current practice of venting the surplus
biogas, resulting in emission of methane, results in a 25 times higher emission of CO
equivalents than when the biogas is combusted or flared, resulting in the emission of carbon
dioxide. The methane is from non-fossil origin and one could argue that the methane as such
is thus renewable. But when the agro-residues would not have been anaerobically digested but
aerobically composted, only carbon dioxide and no methane would be produced. Best practice
for the environment is thus to oxidise the methane to carbon dioxide.

Table 2: Global warming potential of three important greenhouse gases (Forster et al. 2007)
Gas Name Chemical term GWP [CO
Carbon Dioxide CO
Methane CH
Nitrous Oxide N
O 298
2.2 What is flaring?
Flaring is a method typically used in the oil producing sector to get rid of unwanted gases.
Drilling for oil at oil deposits and wells most times goes with occurrence of (unwanted)
natural gas. Sometimes this gas is re-injected for later recovery, but more commonly it is
released to the environment. This is usually done by flaring rather than by venting, because
venting can result in high methane concentrations around the oil drilling site, which can
potentially lead to explosions or open fires (Blasing and Hand 2007). The Dutch emission
guidelines (NeR) indicate that flaring is used in a number of sectors, namely:

The (petro-)chemical industry, the oil and gas industry, melting and cokes furnaces, flaring of
gas originating from landfills and flaring of surpluses of biogas originating from anaerobic
digestion and water treatment systems. Safety is the primary reason for flaring in all these
sectors, it is a relatively cheap and simple way to treat large amounts of gases occurring
accidental or incidental. Besides that flaring is also suitable for gases with fluctuation in
composition and volatile organic solids content (AgentschapNL 2008).

Chemical process of biogas flaring
From a chemical viewpoint, flaring of biogas is basically oxidation of methane in an open
flame. The basic reaction is depicted in equation 1. Complete combustion of one mole of
methane requires two moles of oxygen. But when biogas is combusted with plain air, both the
methane content of the biogas and the oxygen content of air determine how many volumes of
air are needed to combust one volume of biogas (Caine 2000). Following calculations are
done for a biogas containing 60% v/v methane and for air with 21% v/v oxygen. The
stoichiometric volume ratio of air and biogas can be calculated according to equation 2.



Equation 1



Equation 2
With the volume in

the specific weight in

, the number of moles as

determined in Equation 1 and the molar mass in

of either methane or oxygen.

Equation 3 displays the values used and the actual stoichiometric ratio. In this situation, 5.83
volumes of air are theoretically needed for complete combustion of 1 volume of biogas. An
increase of the methane percentage in the biogas results in a higher volume ratio.
0.755 2 0.032
1.48 1 0.016

Equation 3
Providing less air than required will result in incomplete combustion and thus release of
unburned methane and formation of unwanted products like carbon monoxide. Providing
excess air can result in complete combustion and besides that also cools the flame and results
in more turbulence and better mixing. So within certain ranges it is possible to play with the
air intake to tune the burning behaviour. Usually, large biogas flares, burning good quality
biogas, operate at an air to biogas ratio of 10 15 volumes of air to 1 volume of biogas.
Which thus is more than double the stoichiometric ratio (Caine 2000). But according to
Fulford (1996), small burners and gas stoves indeed are usually run with a small excess of air,
but are designed in such a way that the amount of primary air added to the gas before the
flame is usually around 50% of the total air requirement.
Burning methane results in the production of heat. Pure methane has a Lower Heating Value
(LHV) of 36 [MJ m
]. Biogas with 60% methane has a LHV of 21 [MJ m
]. The flare should
be designed in such a way that the conversion of methane is maximised, in order to minimise
the release of unburned methane and products of incomplete oxidation. Table 3 gives an
overview of these undesirable products and the reason of their occurrence. For advanced
flares, two parameters form the performance specifications, namely the temperature and the
residence time. The optimal temperature range is 800 1200C, with a minimal residence
time of 0.3 seconds. Performance standards for flares in the Netherlands are a temperature of
900C with a residence time of 0.3 seconds (Caine 2000).


Table 3: Undesirable products which could originate from flaring of biogas (Caine 2000)
Undesirable product Mechanism of formation
Carbon monoxide (CO) Complete oxidation requires T>850C and a
residence time of >0.3 s throughout the flame
Partially oxidised hydrocarbons (HC)
Dioxins and Furans
Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
T>850C throughout the flame to prevent formation
of these species through unwanted molecular
Formed at >1200C by oxidation of N
. Also
formed within the flame by the oxidation of
nitrogenous non-methane volatile organic

According to Caine (2000), when designing a flare, it is important to consider the following
interrelated factors, in order to reach the wanted burning characteristics:
The air requirement of the flame:
The temperature of the flame is mainly dependent on the amount of air added to the biogas
and the heat loss to the environment. When the biogas contains more than 50% methane,
usually the air to biogas ratio is in the range of 10-15 m
of air to 1m
of biogas, so that the air
functions both to oxidise the biogas, to cool the flame and to create more turbulence and
mixing. Mixing is crucial for uniform and complete burning of the methane.
The stack exit velocity:
The velocity with which the gases leave the flare must be sufficiently high, in order to prevent
the flame front to travel backwards down the burner, but not too high, because that could
result in extinguishment of the flame. The exit velocity can be calculated from the exhaust gas
flow rate and the surface area of the enclosure opening. The exhaust gas flow rate can be
calculated based on the inflow of fuel and gas, the equimolar combustion reaction, and the
temperature of the gas at the exit.
The energy release by the flame:
The calorific value of the major fuel components and the gas flow determine how much heat
is potentially released to the environment.
The residence time of the biogas in the flame:
The exit velocity of the gas in combination with the height of the flare at the working
temperature, which is determined empirically, are needed to be able to calculate the residence
time of the biogas in the flame.
2.3 Alternatives to flaring
The goal of the current project is to design a flaring system. But for FACT it is interesting to
investigate if there are alternatives to flaring. Other promising methods could show up, which
may for example be cheaper, or fit better within certain systems and which can be
investigated more thoroughly in another project.
In their review paper on biofiltration, Nikiema et al. (2007) mention a number of processes
through which biogas can be used or removed and also indicate the characteristics of the
processes, including an estimation of the related costs. The paper is focused on biogas
originating from landfills. Five methods are mentioned and described, namely combustion,
catalytic flow reversal reactor technology, transformation to methanol, flaring and biological


When the biogas quantity and quality is high enough, combustion of the biogas is an option
and in that way the biogas can be turned into electricity or generate hot water or steam.
Assuming an energy recovery efficiency from the landfill of 50%, Nikiema et al. (2007)
estimate that investment costs (installation and operation) are 3.1 US$/ton CO
-equivalent of
removed. This method is currently not universally economic because of the low costs of
natural gas. In the biogas project in Mali, combustion is off course the primary goal of biogas
production. But it might be an option to use the surplus biogas within a small combustion

Catalytic flow reversal reactor technology
This process is developed to eliminate methane when its concentration is in the range of 0.1-
1% v/v in air. It is developed for treatment of methane in coal mine ventilation air. The
methane is oxidised in a packed bed reactor. The auto-ignition temperature of the methane is
strongly reduced to around 350C with help of a catalyst. Product gases with a temperature
ranging from 600 to 800C are produced and this heat can be recovered and used for heating
or for production of electricity. An increased concentration of methane in the air results in
higher percentages of energy recovered (Nikiema et al. 2007; Hristo and Gilles 2003).

Transformation to methanol
It is also possible to transform the methane in the biogas into methanol. This process is
derived from the Lurgi-process for natural gas and consists of three steps. Firstly synthesis
gas is produced, from which crude methanol is produced and in the last step, the methanol is
purified. The process needs a high temperature of around 840C and a high pressure of 8 bar
(Nikiema et al. 2007; Kovac Kralj and Kralj 2009).

Flaring of biogas is mostly done with minimal facilities and without energy recuperation. The
objective is mainly to avoid the risk of explosion caused by the presence of CH
in the air.
The method can be environmentally harmful, because dioxins and other dangerous
compounds can be generated. Investment costs are about 1.2 US$/ton CO
-equivalent of CH

removed. Nikiema et al. state that minimum amounts of biogas is in the range of 10-15 m
with a methane concentration of 20% v/v. This method is under investigation in this study.

Biological oxidation
For old or small landfills, it is usually economically not feasible to use any of above
mentioned valorisation techniques for biogas, due to low gas production rates. A biological
oxidation process, called biofiltration could be a solution here. The process often occurs
naturally in landfills already, where methanotrophic bacteria in the upper layers of the landfill
degrade 10-100% of the produced methane. A biofilter can be seen as a three-phase
bioreactor, with a solid, a liquid and a gaseous phase. The filter bed represents the solid phase,
the biofilm the liquid phase and the biogas the gas phase. Contact between methane and
microorganisms takes place in the biofilm. Both closed and open biofilters exist. The closed
system works with forced ventilation, which supplies both air and biogas to the biofilter.
Methane removal may reach values of above 90%. Open systems work with passive
ventilation and are more commonly used for landfills. Methane flows upwards through the
biofilter covering the landfill, while oxygen diffuses downwards. Lack of oxygen in lower
layers of the filter can lead to lower methane removal. A maximum methane elimination
capacity (EC) in the range of 325-400 g CH
was achieved with a biofilter consisting of
compost of leaves. The inlet load (IL) was approximately 500 g CH
, thus the methane

conversion ranges from 65 to 80% in this particular experiment. Too low biogas flow rates in
combination with low filter bed porosity can lead to poor performance. Nikiema et al. (2007)
present a table with data from a large number of studies on biofilter. Table 4 displays some
interesting data from this table. There is large variation in the material used as biofilter, and
the performance of the filters. The size of a biofilter should be at a scale of at least 1 m
filter bed for achieving flow rates of CH
in the range of 0.01 2.5 m
. And when passive
ventilation is applied, the height of the open filter must be lower than 1 m to assure proper
diffusion of both methane and oxygen. Installation costs for open systems were between 0.25
and 0.40 US$/m
/day of biogas treated. The Empty Bed Retention Time (EBRT) for methane
in the biofilter lies in the range of a few minutes to several hours, because of the low
biodegradability of methane.

Table 4: Characteristics of the results of a number of studies on biofiltration (Nikiema et al.
Filter bed Operating Conditions Inlet load
[g m
[g m
Compost and soil
Clay and landfill cover
Soil and sand
Aerated at the top, mixture
of 45% CH
and 45% CO

202 80-90
Multi-layers: Compost +
sand (top) and sand (0.9 m)
Aerated at the top, mixture
288 164-283 57-98
Agricultural soil Aerated at the top, mixture
214 171 80
Compost Aerated at the bottom 590 530-590 90-100
Compost of leaves
Compost of municip. waste
Compost of garden residues
Compost of wood chips
Aerated at the top, pure
methane, 99% v/v
~500 325-400
Inorganic material
Aerated at the bottom,
7000-7500 ppmv methane
~1700 ~700
Soil Aerated at the top, pure
methane, optimal conditions
525 435 83
Compost+Peat+Wood fiber
Large-scale open biofilter 288-

The bacteria which are able to biologically oxidise the methane are known as methanotrophs
and this group consists of a large number of specific species. The process of methane
decomposition has three steps. The first reaction step is the oxidation of methane to methanol,
with help of the enzyme methane monooxygenase (MMO). Subsequently, the methanol is
transformed into formaldehyde. The bacteria can use formaldehyde either via a dissimilatory
pathway, in which it is converted to CO
, or via different assimilatory pathways, leading to
the synthesis of cell components necessary for the growth of the methanotrophs. Optimal
growth temperatures of the methanotrophs strongly varies for the different species and varies

between 0C and 62C. Maximum growth rates are reached in media with a pH range of 5 to
5.5. The methanotrophic species also differ in their CH
needs. Some species reach optimum
growth rates at low methane concentrations of less than 1000 ppmv, while other species grow
best at methane concentrations higher than 1% and low oxygen concentrations (<1%). But in
general, the methane conversion rate is mainly influenced by oxygen concentration. O
concentrations lower than 3% result in strong decrease of the conversion rate. A biofilter will
not function optimally from start-up on. Initially, the conversion of methane will be weak, at
0-10% of the steady state conversion. This time is needed to activate and build a culture of
bacteria. When high concentrations of methane (10000 ppmv) are maintained in the biofilter,
this induction time step will take about 6 days, lower concentrations result in a longer
induction time step. At concentrations of 1000 ppmv, it took 19 days to obtain steady state
methane conversion. The biofilter is often inoculated with a culture of selected bacteria. It is
important that the biofilter also contains enough nutrients to support bacterial growth. Copper,
nitrogen and phosphorus are mainly important. If not yet present in the biofilter material,
these nutrients should be added.
Methane oxidation is an exothermic reaction, which theoretically releases about 880 kJ per
mole CH
. In bio-oxidation, most of this energy is used for the anabolic reactions during CH

degradation. The rest is transferred to both the filtering material and to the gases emitted from
the biofilter. A temperature gradient will exist over the biofilter, which is mainly dependent
on the gas flow, the methane conversion and the filter material.
Nikiema et al. (2007) conclude that methane biofiltration is both a simple and a complex
process at the same time. The overall phenomenon of the reaction seem to be well known, but
many aspects are still misunderstood and contradictory theories are proposed.

Three new methods for methane removal are described additional to combustion and flaring,
namely catalytic flow reversal reactor technology, transformation to methanol and biological
oxidation. As an alternative to flaring, biological oxidation seems most promising. Mainly
because this is a relatively simple and low cost method. Disadvantages are the sometimes
incomplete methane removal and the need for a rather continuous flow. And, as mentioned,
many aspects are still misunderstood. But a deeper investigation of this method might be
worthwhile. The other two methods have a much higher system complexity and are also more
suitable as methods to process all biogas produced.
2.4 Flaring in practice
Often flares are roughly divided into two groups: Open flares and enclosed flares.
Open flares are very basic, simple systems, consisting of a burner from which the flame is
protected by a small windshield. The simplicity of the system results in relatively low costs
but also in rather poor mixing, lack of protection and insulation of the flame, which results in
high radiant heat losses and cool areas in the flame. This in turn leads to uncontrolled and
incomplete burning and undesirable reaction products (Caine 2000).
Enclosed flares can again be divided in several types, differing mainly in the amount of added
equipment for measurement and control of burning. Typical for enclosed flares is that the
burner is enclosed by a cylindrical enclosure of a refractory material. This enclosure protects
the flame from wind and isolates it, resulting in a much more uniform flame and low emission
of undesirable reaction products. Added monitoring and control equipment also makes it
possible to properly flare gases with different compositions and flows (within certain ranges),
because for example the flow can be adapted according to measurements of flame temperature

or composition of the exhaust gases. Table 5 compares the features of open and enclosed
flares, from the perspective of use under European conditions (Caine 2000).

Table 5: Comparison of the features of open and enclosed flares used under European
conditions (Caine 2000)
Open Flares Enclosed Flares
Cannot meet performance or emission
Meet performance and emission standards
May be skid mounted and collapsed for
Permanent systems, 10-15 meter high
Costs are 20-75% of equivalent enclosed
Capable of operation over a wide range of
combustion conditions
Suitable for temporary or test uses only Can be further engineered to meet specific site

Caine (2000) sub-divides the enclosed flares for biogas flaring in two sub-groups, based on
the method with which air is introduced to the biogas.
Aeration through diffusion means that air is mixed with the biogas at the burner, resulting in
slow propagation of the flame and thus high enclosures to achieve burn-out. This method can
be compared with a Bunsen burner with the air-port closed.
Pre-aeration of the biogas, mostly achieved through a venturi. This is done before the flame is
reached and the use of the venturi results in an added volume of air proportional to the
volume of the biogas. This method can be compared with a Bunsen burner with the air-port
open in a fixed position.
In the information related to the Dutch regulation for emissions to the air (NeR), flares are
divided in 4 variations according to how the gas is mixed and delivered to the flame.
The simplest version is a flare with passive air diffusion. This can be compared with above
mentioned aeration through diffusion, but for both open and enclosed flares. It is mentioned
that these flares are used for gases with low heating values, because these need less air. A
second variation are high-pressure flares, in which the kinetic energy of the burned gases is
used to bring more air to the flame and create more turbulence. In a third variation, air is
actively injected in the zone of the flame for the same purpose. The last variation are flares
with steam injection. For mixing and turbulence purposes, steam with a pressure of around 7
bar is injected in the zone of the flame. This type of flare is widely used in the chemical and
petrochemical industry (AgentschapNL 2008).
Caine (2000) mentions a number of established suppliers of flares for biogas production
systems. These are: Biogas (UK), Haase Energie Technik (Germany), Organics (UK),
Hofstetter (Switzerland) and John Zink (USA).
Flaring systems are used in numerous processes in which gases are produced or occur as a by-
product. Main user of flaring systems is the petrochemical industry, but flares are also used to
treat gases arising from other chemical processes and from waste-treatment, landfills or
anaerobic digestion. Due to the nature of all these processes, the flares will most-times be
used in a (semi-)industrial environment, on a relatively large distance from residential areas.

Scale of the systems
Commercially available flaring systems are often intended for large scale systems, like the
large anaerobic digestion systems used on West-European farms. Biogas production in these
systems is much higher compared to the systems implemented in Mali. Often suppliers offer a

range of flaring systems with different capacities. The capacity is expressed as the gas flow
which can be treated by the system. `
Gas Treatment Services is a Dutch company, active in the petrochemical and biogas industry.
The company provides (bio)gas utilisation, upgrading and flaring systems. For biogas they
produce three types of flares: An open flare, which is used as emergency flare only, with a
range of capacities from 100 to 1500 Nm
. An enclosed flare which can work permanently
and meets the Dutch NeR regulations. Capacities range from 100 to 1500 Nm
. An
enclosed Eco flare, mainly used when the produced biogas cannot be completely used.
Capacities range from 100 to 900 Nm
. Smaller capacities can be built on request.
Himmel Gastechnik is specialised in the design and production of components for biogas and
landfill gas stations, including gas flares. They produce three types of flares: Low-, middle-
and high-temperature flares. The respective capacity ranges of these flare types are: 20 2000
, 25 2000 Bm
and 25 1500 Bm
. Bm
indicates the gas flow rate in cubic
metres at operating pressure. Again the scale of the capacities is much higher than needed for
the biogas installation in Mali.
2.5 Components of flaring systems
The number of components of which a flaring system consists, is dependent on the type of
flare, increasing with increased sophistication. Therefore it is interesting to define what are
the essential components to build a working flare. When these are known, the non-essential
components can be defined and evaluated on their necessity for our purpose. Finally the lay-
out and dimensions can be chosen in such a way that they fit the requirements.
Following the flow of the gas from the source to the flame, we encounter the following
essential components: Firstly the gas inlet pipe or tube, then a pressure monitor and a valve.
In the gas-tube, close to the flame, a flame-arrestor is essential. A flame arrestor should be
capable of extinguishing a flame in case of flashback. Subsequently, the gas reaches the
burner head, where actual flaring takes place. There, also an ignition system (whether or not
in combination with a pilot flame) is needed. Finally a flame detector is needed to assure
proper functioning of the ignition. To support all these components, some construction is
needed(Gastechnik_Himmel_GmbH 2009; Caine 2000; AgentschapNL 2008).
Extra components can be added to improve the reliability, safety and effectivity of oxidation
of the gas. Firstly, the construction supporting the flare can be extended, the flare can be
elevated from the ground and the flame can be protected and isolated, either by only a
windshield, or by an enclosure of certain height, which can also be isolated. In the gas supply
tube, before the flame arrestor, a gas booster can be placed to increase the gas pressure at the
burner to 30 150 mbar. The burner head can be extended with more burners, which can all
be fitted with their own (automatic) gas valves, so that they can be made active or inactive,
dependent on the gas flow. When a pilot burner is installed, it should be fitted with its own
gas-tube, which then needs a flame arrestor and a valve as well. The pilot burner can either
work on biogas, or can have its own lpg or natural gas supply to assure a constant flow. As
mentioned before, the flare can be equipped with extra air or steam injection. It is also
possible to supply a support fuel to the flare. This can be especially useful when the quality or
the energy content of the main fuel is low. Finally, equipment for metering and measurements
can be added: gas meters to measure gas flows in and out, thermocouples for temperature
measurement placed at the stack gas exit, flashback detection and equipment for analysis of
the exhaust gas (Gastechnik_Himmel_GmbH 2009; Caine 2000; AgentschapNL 2008).

3. The design process: materials and
In the foregoing chapter, the principle and use of flares in practice is analysed. In this chapter
the design process is described in detail. The design process was started with investigating the
context in which the flaring system has to be developed, by studying the used anaerobic
digester systems, the process of biogas production and the occurrence of biogas surpluses.
Subsequently, the requirements to the flaring system were determined. After that, a shortlist
of required components is set up, deducted from previous chapter. For these components,
specific requirements were formulated and a search for suitable methods and components was
started. Two or three of the most promising are placed in a morphologic chart and analysed
with regard to the requirements. The following part describes a more detailed study on the
separate components, starting from the core of the flaring system. For many parts of the
burner, theoretical study is interspersed with testing. In that way, a feeling for the relation
between theory and practice was developed and the effect on the overall system could be
seen. This alternation can also be found back in the way this chapter is ordered. Finally, the
costs related to the proposed system are analysed.
3.1 Biogas projects and process
The project Biogas from agro-residues: Decentralised energy production serving rural
communities in Mali was started in June 2011 and is planned to end in September 2013. The
aim of the project is to produce energy from agro-residues through implementation of
anaerobic digestion systems. Agro-residues are for example animal manure and residues from
Jatropha nut processing (Verkuijl, Proj.Plan). These agro-residues are fed to the anaerobic
digester, and the organic matter in it is partly converted to biogas. Biogas is a mixture of
several other gases, with methane and carbon dioxide taking the largest share. The
composition of the substrate largely defines the composition of the biogas. Table 6 gives an
indication of the composition of biogas. The methane can be used as an energy source by
burning it, to obtain either heat or power (mechanical and/or electrical) or both (Caine 2000).

Table 6: Typical ranges regarding the composition of biogas (Caine 2000)
Typical Bulk Biogas Components Trace Components (<2%)
Carbon Dioxide
Trace Components
Water vapour
50 60%
38 48%
Hydrogen Sulphide
Non methane volatile organic carbons NMVOC
Halo Carbons

Besides biogas, also a digestate/effluent is produced. This digestate contains all nutrients from
the feedstock and can be used as a fertiliser in agriculture or gardening.
In the project, as implemented by MBSA, ANADEB and FACT, the goal is to couple
anaerobic digesters to five Oil Extraction Sites (OES) and five Multifunctional Platforms
(MFP) (Frederiks, 2011). Bag-type, plug-flow anaerobic digesters are implemented, varying
in reactor volume and thus in biogas output. Bag-type digesters are cost effective and
relatively easy to install and manage (Verkuijl 2011b). Table 7 gives an indication of the
characteristics of the anaerobic digestion systems as implemented in the project.

Table 7: Characteristics of anaerobic digestion systems in the FACT-project (Verkuijl 2011a;
Frederiks 2011)

Figure 2 contains a picture of one of the anaerobic bag digesters, which is already installed
and functioning.

Figure 2: A bag-type anaerobic digestion system, as implemented in Koulikoro, Mali
(Mali_Biocarburant 2012)
For the anaerobic digesters both incidental and accidental surpluses can occur. Production of
biogas is a more or less continuous process, while the engine in which the biogas is
combusted is used only part of the time, which can result in incidental surplus. Failure or
maintenance of the engine or other parts of the system can result in accidental surplus.
When no gas is used, the produced biogas is initially stored in the digester bag. The digester
bag allows for a certain maximum volume of biogas to be stored, dependent on the volume of
the bag, the amount of substrate in it and the maximum pressure tolerated. Currently, the
maximum pressure is set by using an over-pressure relief system, consisting of a plastic bottle
filled with water, in which the gas-tube is submerged. The height of the water in relation to
the exit of the gas-tube determines the counter-pressure. Every 0.01 m of water results in a
counter pressure of 1 mbar. When the maximum pressure is reached, while biogas production
goes on, biogas is vented through the water and emitted to the environment without further
Anaerobic digestion systems in Mali
Scale of
coupled to:
Number of
AD [m
gas flux
pressure in
Gas used in:
Small MFP 5 25 5-10 (5) 20 Diesel engine
Large OES 5 2x300 200-250 20-40 Gas
Anaerobic digestion systems in FACT-projects elsewhere
Country Volume
AD [m
Expected gas
flux [m

Uganda 200 70
Mozambique 60 20

treatment. The anaerobic digestion system is schematised and depicted in figure 3. Also the
system boundaries for this study are indicated in the scheme.

Figure 3: Process chart of the biogas production system in Koulikoro, Mali (determined from
video produced by FACT)
3.2 Prediction of biogas surpluses
The bag-digester is made of fibre reinforced PVC, which makes it strong and slightly elastic.
Generally it is assumed that the substrate occupies approximately two thirds of the volume of
the bag, so that one third of the volume can be used as gas storage. So, for a 25 m
digester, a
maximum of approximately 8.3 m
of biogas can be stored. Pressure in the digester is kept
rather constant, even when little biogas is stored, by placing weights on top of the bag. These
weights result in a pressure of about 10-15 mbar. When the digester is completely filled,
pressure starts to build up and simultaneously the bag will slightly increase in volume,
because of its elasticity. The pressure will build up until the it reaches a value equal to the
counter-pressure applied by the water (20 mbar). Then venting of the biogas through the
water will start, while pressure in the system will be constant at 20 mbar and the flow rate of
biogas through the water will be equal to the production rate of biogas in the system.
It is uncertain what the frequency of occurrence of gas venting will be exactly. This will be
very dependent on the volume of the system, the biogas productivity, the frequency and
amount of gas taken off by the MFP or the OES, the type of engine in which the gas is used
and the number of days per week the gas is used. Thus set-up and management of both the

anaerobic digestion system and the MFP or OES will determine the frequency of occurrence
of biogas surplus.

To obtain insight in the occurrence of biogas surplus occurrence, a simple model was
developed, with which scenarios can be set up, by varying aforementioned parameters. The
scenarios are listed in Excel and are read from Matlab. Table 8 shows the parameters which
can be varied and a number of the resulting scenarios. In practice, there is not much certainty
about the exact values of the parameter biogas production, biogas consumption, engine
working hours and days, due to recent start up and little monitoring. Besides that, these
parameters can also vary strongly during the year. Biogas production will probably increase
with increasing temperature in the hot season and decrease in the cooler season. Availability
of substrates is also partly dependent on the season. The working hours of the engine are also
dependent on the seasons, the MFP will for example be used more intensive after harvest, for
treatment of agricultural products as rice de-hulling. Besides set-up and management
variations of the system, also accidental surpluses can occur, most likely this can occur due to
break-down of the engine.

Table 8: Scenarios for occurrence of surplus biogas, with a number of varying parameters
Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Volume anaerobic digester [m
] 25 25 25 25 600 600 600 600
Biogas production rate [m
/day] 5 10 5 5 200 250 200 200
Maximum pressure in the bag [mbar] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Biogas consumption by engine [m
/h] 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 200
Working hours engine [h/day] 5 5 5 3 12 12 12 6
Number of days engine is used [day/week] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The developed model can be used to analyse the scenarios on an hourly basis and a prediction
can be made about the amount of biogas vented and the moment of venting. All parameters in
the model can be varied and simulations can be performed for short or longer periods, from
one week to one year. The core routine of the model is basically a mass balance over the
biogas storage of the anaerobic digester, as displayed in equation 4, which is recalculated for
every hour, based on the input.
= +

Equation 4
is the input of biogas into the biogas storage in

/, which is always zero.

is the biogas produced in the digester in

/ and the biogas

consumption in

/ by the biogas end users, like the MFP. And finally, is the
amount of biogas vented in

/, starting when the biogas storage is full and maximum

pressure is reached. Simulation is started with the biogas storage half full. It can occur that
consumption is so much larger than production that the storage is empty during certain hours.
In the model, consumption is then impossible.
The developed model can be helpful as a tool to match biogas production and consumption of
future anaerobic digestion systems. Besides that its development was very useful to acquire
insight in the functioning of the biogas systems and in the moments and quantities of gas
surplus occurrence.

3.3 Requirements to the design
An important step in the development of a well-functioning system is setting up the
requirements to that system . Often requirement fall within five groups, namely performance,
reliability, safety, costs and exterior (Kroonenberg and Siers 1998). In Table 9 requirements
are listed for a flaring system connected to a anaerobic digestion system of 25 m
. For every
requirement it is indicated whether this requirement must be fulfilled completely
(fundamental), or fulfilled within certain ranges (variable) or if this requirement does not have
to be fulfilled per se (wish). When it is relevant, also the values and units are indicated. In this
study, most attention will be paid to the requirement groups performance and reliability,
followed by costs and safety, with exterior being treated as the least important group.

For reason of lay-out, table 9, referred to in this section and table 10, referred to in following
section, are displayed directly after each other on the following pages.


Table 9: Brief of requirements for a flaring system to be implemented for anaerobic digestion systems with a volume of 25 m
in Mali
Index Group Requirement Type Value Unit
Min. Max. Desired
1 Emission of CH4 to environment is minimal Variable
2 Emission of CO and NO
is minimal Variable
3 The flare facilitates complete and clean combustion Variable
4 The flare cannot cause direct or indirect scalding of bystanders Fundamental
5 The flare cannot cause direct or indirect scalding of animals Fundamental
6 It must be clear when the flare is active Wish
7 No unwanted/uncontrolled fire can originate from the flare Fundamental
8 The flare is located in a safe place Fundamental
9 Biogas can be burned at varying biogas flow rates Variable 2 10 5 m
10 Biogas with a varying methane-content can be burned Variable 50 80 60 % v/v
11 The flare functions autonomous Fundamental
12 Ignition of the flare is autonomous Fundamental
13 The flare should be used as little as possible to avoid wasting energy Wish hr/wk
14 The heat energy originating from the flare is utilised Wish
15 Odour emission to the environment must be low Wish
16 Ignition of the flare is reliable Fundamental 100 %
17 Malfunctioning of the system is detected and indicated Fundamental
18 Most parts are locally available Variable 90 %
19 The flare can stand all local weather conditions Fundamental
20 The flare can function in all local weather conditions Variable
21 The flare requires little maintenance Variable 0 1 0.5 hr/wk
22 Regular maintenance can be done by local staff Fundamental
23 Total costs of the flare are only a small part of the total AD system Variable 2 20 4 %
24 Total costs of the flaring system are low (total AD= 2500 ) Variable 50 500 100
25 Costs of installation of the flaring system are low Variable

26 Costs of maintenance of the flaring system are low Variable /yr
27 Costs of most spare parts are low Variable
28 The dimensions of the flare match the dimensions of the AD system Wish
29 The flare is not too dominantly present Wish
30 The flame is not disturbingly visible Wish

Table 10: Brief of requirements for specific components of the flaring system
Index Component Requirement Type Value Unit
Min. Max. Desired
Tubing &

1 The diameter of the tube should fit the gas flow range Variable m
2 The length of the tubing is minimised Variable m
3 Tube and connections should be and stay air tight Fundamental
Pressure monitor
4 Over-pressure is monitored accurately Variable 0.5 5 1 mbar
5 The pressure monitor drives gas venting Fundamental
Gas valve
6 The valve can be opened and closed manually Wish
7 The valve can be opened based on a set value for the over-pressure Variable 15 25 20 mbar
8 Once the valve is opened, it allows for constant gas flow Variable
Flame arrestor
9 No flashback can occur Fundamental
10 The flame arrestor should be durable and resistant to rust etc. Fundamental
Burner head
11 The burner head can be used to burn varying gas flow rates Variable
12 The burner head can be used to burn gas with varying composition Variable
13 Air is passively delivered to the burner head Fundamental

14 Ignition functions autonomous Fundamental
A gas with varying flow rate and composition can be ignited Fundamental
15 The ignition can function at 12VDC Wish
16 Whenever gas is vented, it is ignited quickly Fundamental
17 The parts of the ignition positioned nearby the flame should be
temperature resistant (temperature shock res. + high melting T)
Variable C
18 Ignition components should be resistant to oxidation Fundamental
19 Ignition components should be resistant to shocks and breakage Variable
22 The ignition system is low cost Variable
23 The design of the ignition system is simple Variable
24 Energy use of the ignition system is as low as possible Variable W
Flame detector
27 The flame detector rapidly detects a flame Variable s
28 The flame detector is connected to the ignition Fundamental
29 The flame detector can function at 12 VDC Wish
30 The flame detector can stand high temperatures Variable C
31 The flame detector only detects the flame, not the increased
temperature caused by solar radiation
32 The flame detector is not sensitive to fouling Fundamental
Electronic circuit
33 The electronic circuit connects sensors and actuators in a
functioning way
34 The electronic circuit contains as little complexity as possible Variable
35 The electronic circuit functions with a car battery as power supply Variable
36 Little energy is used by the electronic circuit Variable W
37 The electronic circuit is reliable Fundamental
38 A signal is given when the circuit is malfunctioning Wish
39 The enclosure protects the flame against wind Fundamental
40 The enclosure isolates the flame from the environment/people Fundamental
The enclosure protects the flame against rain Fundamental

41 Exhaust gases can exit the enclosure properly Fundamental
42 The material can stand high temperatures Variable C
43 The height of the enclosure is limited Variable m
44 The width of the enclosure is related to the characteristics of the
Variable m
45 The enclosure results in good combustion temperature Variable C
46 The construction supports the flare under all (normal) circumstances Fundamental
47 The construction elevates the flare from the ground Variable m
48 The construction separates the flare from humans and animals for


3.4 First selection
The main goals in the design of the flaring system are simplicity and minimal costs. Therefore
it is possible to already partly indicate which components will be needed, which might be
needed and which are not needed. It is also possible to give a first indication of why certain
components are (not) needed and what further considerations will be required later on.
A good starting point is the Bunsenburner, depicted in figure 4, which can be seen as a very
basic flaring system and was indeed used in this study to start research, designing and testing.

Figure 4: Bunsenburner (complete at left, disassembled at right) as used for preliminary testing

A gas tube is needed to transport the biogas from the main tube to the flare. This gas tube
should be scaled according to the expected gas flows and the length is determined by the
position of the flare itself. Keeping all tubes as short as possible is important to minimise the
pressure losses and the risk for defects, but the flare should have a safe position. Pressure
monitoring in current anaerobic digestion systems is performed with help of a tube immersed
in water. The water height above the tube-exit determines the maximum pressure build up in
the system. This method could still be used when the gas is not vented but flared.
Advantageous is that at the moment the water functions both as pressure monitor and as
valve, and besides that it could also function as a flame arrestor. Disadvantageous is that
when the gas flows through the water, all over-pressure is lost, while some over-pressure
might be necessary for the flare to function or ignite properly. Besides that, it is difficult to
measure if and when gas is flowing through the water, making it difficult to decide when to
ignite the flare. As mentioned, the water could also function as a flame arrestor, but it might
be best to also have a flame arrestor close to the flame. A flame arrestor can consist of just a
metal wire mesh. The type of flame arrestor, its location and dimensions should be decided
according to the system dimensions, the expected gas flow and the flammability of the biogas.
A burner head is needed, of which the dimensions are also dependent on the gas flow rates.
Besides that it is also important to consider the way air reaches the burner head. No forced air

supply will be implemented, so a passive air supply should be considered. The design of the
burner head can have a function in this. It should be decided whether or not a pilot flame will
be implemented. The advantage of a pilot flame is, that whenever gas passes through the
water, it probably can directly be burned. The gas does not have to be detected in order to
ignite it. Disadvantage of a pilot flame is that it always uses gas. Estimates of gas use vary
strongly, but are at least around 40 litre per hour. Besides that, a separate gas tube, flame
arrestor, air supply and a small burner head would be needed and a rather constant gas supply
should be guaranteed. A pilot flame cannot replace ignition either, because the pilot flame
itself needs ignition as well. Probably a flame detector is needed for proper functioning, either
to detect the pilot flame or the main flame. Flame detection is commonly done either with an
optical sensor (UV) or with a bi-metallic strip. The optical sensor needs more maintenance,
because the photocell is rather sensitive to dust and soot. Both sensors need an electrical
circuit and coupling to the ignition system. The main functions of the construction are safety
and protection of the flame from the environment to ensure proper flaring. At the same time
the flare must be well accessible for maintenance and check of functioning. Probably, an
enclosure is good practice for the circumstances in Mali, but the dimensions of the enclosure
are dependent on the gas flow, the wished quality of combustion and requirements of the
users. A lot of heat is generated during flaring, so the material of the enclosure should be
capable of standing and releasing this heat in a proper way. It might be interesting to utilise
the heat in a useful way. A gas booster will not be implemented. There is over-pressure in the
system already and a booster will increase complexity and costs of the system. The same goes
for air or steam injection. This will not be needed, because overpressure exists and air can be
sucked in in a passive way with help of a venturi.

In table 11, a first selection of components is done. Per essential component, two or three
options are depicted. Often more options were found, but the options displayed came forward
as most promising after a first selection. Also, different types and brands are available for
most options. In this phase, such a specific selection is not yet done. Some positive and
negative points are indicated and based on these points, options are chosen to be further
analysed. These options are underlined in the morphologic chart and will be worked out in
following section.

Table 11: Morphologic chart with 2 or 3 options and their (dis-)advantages displayed for the
most important components. Underlined options are current first choice and will be further
1. Garden hose 2. Steel gas pipe


Flexible and simple
Flexible placement
Maintenance free
Low flexibility


Low cost
Higher risk of defects
- Higher cost

Pressure monitor
1. Bottle with water column 2. Mechanical safety relief
3. Electronic pressure


Simple construction
Widely available
Quite accurate
Low cost
Higher risk of defects
Adjustable pressure
Maintenance free
Either low price but too
low flow rate or high
flow rate and high price


Pressure can be
monitored continuous
Accurate measurement
Need for electronic
circuit and controller
Quite high price
Gas valve
1. Bottle with water column 2. Mechanical safety relief
3. Electronic gas valve

Autonomic functioning
Low cost
Risk for irregular venting
No signal at gas flow
Autonomic functioning
Simple implementation
No signal at gas flow
Adjustable gas flow
Durable material
Needs electronic circuit
Thus increased complex-
ity and risk for failure
Flame arrestor
1. Bottle with water column 2. Witt flame arrestor 3. Wire mesh


Gas flow is irreversible
thus no flash back

Simple implementation
Relatively expensive


Low cost
Simple but well-
In time, the flame might
damage the mesh

- Mesh diameter has to fit
the gas flow
Burner head
1. Bunsenburner

Fulfils all required functions
Needs to be adapted

Gas detection
1. Gas sensor 2. Switch contact


Reliable gas detection
Relatively expensive
Continuous energy use
More complex electronic
circuit needed
More difficult to obtain

Simple electronic circuit
No energy use
Widely available
More complex
mechanical construction
Lower reliability

1. Hot wire/coil 2. Spark ignition 3. Pilot flame

Effective ignition
Low cost solution
Uncomplicated electronics
Relatively high energy use
Lifetime of wire unsure

Low energy use
More complicated
Ignition less reliable

Reliable ignition method
Durable solution
Needs ignition itself
Constant gas use


Flame detector
1. UV/IR flame scanner 2. Temperature sensor

Rapid flame detection
Reliable flame detection
Sensitive to fouling
More difficult to obtain


Low cost solution
No fouling problems
Needs tuning for right
switching moment
Too high temperatures
might damage sensor
Environment might result
in false detection

1. Circular steel enclosure

Protects and isolates
Temperature resistant
Simple and low cost
Widely available
May become dangerously hot

In table 9 a brief of requirements is set up for the complete flaring system. In order to have a
guideline in choosing the separate components and to be able to check their performance,
specific requirements are set up and displayed in table 10.
3.5 Component design, dimensioning and testing
In this section, the separated components of the flaring system are studied, starting from the
most prominent ones. For some components, first a theoretical description is given, followed
by results obtained from testing and an analysis of both.
Fulford (1996) extensively describes the theory of biogas stove design. Figure 5 schematically
shows the basic elements of a stove or burner, namely the injector orifice, the air inlet ports,
the throat and mixing tube and the burner port. The basic elements can be seen as what in
table 10 is called the burner head, fulfilling most of the basic requirements. Figure 5 also
shows the elements of the flame itself and the way air is supplied to the flame. Primary air is
air mixed with the gas before the flame is reached, while secondary air is air sucked on by the
flame itself.

Figure 5: Schematic drawing of the elements of burner and flame (Fulford 1996)
Gas flow through injector orifice
Biogas is introduced into the burner through the gas injector or injector orifice. A simple
orifice is just a hole in a plate. In the burner, this orifice has four important functions: As
mentioned, it introduces the biogas into the burner, but it also separates the burner from the
gas supply, so that it is impossible for a flame to enter the gas supply tube. Factually, the
injector orifice thus functions as a flame arrestor. Besides that, the orifice increases the biogas
flow speed, resulting in a pressure drop just after the orifice, which again results in (primary)
air being sucked in and mixed with the biogas. Finally, the orifice can also be used to control
the gas flow rate. Figure 6 shows an orifice in a tube. One can see that the air is forced
through a small hole, where the speed will strongly increase. Maximum velocity is reached in
the vena contractor, some distance after the hole, were compression of the gas is at its
maximum. After that the gas speed will decrease again. When the orifice is placed at the end
of a pipe, the same effect will occur.

Figure 6: Schematic image of an orifice in a tube (Fulford 1996)
At a known pressure, the gas flow rate through an orifice with a defined diameter is limited
and can be calculated with an empirical version of Bernoullis theorem, displayed in equation
5 (Fulford 1996).
= 0.0467

Equation 5
With the gas flow rate [


the discharge coefficient [-], which accounts for the

vena contractor and the friction losses over the orifice,

the area of the orifice [

the gas pressure before the orifice [] and the specific gravity of the gas [-]. Both

calculations and measurements are performed to determine the flow rate over orifices with
different orifice diameters and varying pressure before the orifice. The goal is to be able to
choose the right orifice for the expected gas flows. Measurements were in the first stage
performed with air, so the specific gravity of the gas is 1. Five orifices were available for
testing. The first one is the Bunsenburner which is depicted in figure 4, having an orifice of 1
mm diameter. Four others were prepared by drilling holes in brass caps, normally used in the
central heating system. Caps with one hole of 1.5 and 2 mm respectively, a cap with two holes
of 1 mm and a cap with five holes of 1 mm were prepared. The discharge coefficients of the
orifices is unknown, therefore calculations are performed for a range of coefficients, from
0.75 to 0.95. Measurements were closest to the theoretical calculations for a

of 0.75,
therefore this value is used in further calculations. Figure 7 shows the calculated air flow rates
for the five different orifices at varying pressure and the related measurements for the orifices,
excluding the Bunsenburner. One can see that measured values are quite close to the
calculated values. It is also interesting to mention that the calculation for the caps with two
and five 1mm orifices is taken as a multiplication of the calculation for the 1mm orifice with
2 and 5 respectively.

Figure 7: Theoretical and measured (+) flow rates through orifices for air with Cd set to 0.75
The measurements were performed for air, but the orifices are meant to be used for biogas.
The specific gravity for biogas is equal to 0.858. Performing the calculations again using this
value and a

of 0.75, results in a estimation of the biogas flows through the different

orifices, as is shown in Figure 8. Two lines were added to the figure, indicating the biogas
flow at a biogas production rates of 5 and 10 m
per day.

Figure 8: Theoretical biogas flow rate through orifices with Cd is 0.75 and lines indicating
biogas production of 5 and 10 m
It can be seen that one orifice of 1 mm is too small to be used for gas flows of both 5 or 10 m

per day at this low pressures. The caps with the 1.5 mm and the two times 1 mm orifices
could be used for gas flows of 5 m
per day when pressure is above 10 mbar. The caps with
the 2.0 mm and the 5 times 1 mm orifices can be used for gas flows of 5 m
per day at very
low pressure already, and for flows of 10 m
per day when pressure is around or above 10

Throat dimensioning for air entrainment
As mentioned before, one of the functions of the orifice is to create an underpressure resulting
from increased gas velocity. This underpressure results in the entrainment of primary air via
the air inlet ports or throat. Fulford (1996) indicates that the amount of primary air added to
biogas is usually around 50% of the total stoichiometric air requirement, although dependent
on the design of the burner. Testing showed that although flame temperature increased and
the flame became more compact, indeed adding a high amount of primary air increases the
risk for blow off of the flame, therefore an entrainment ratio of 4 is chosen. This means that
four volumes of air are entrained per volume of biogas, where the stoichiometric air
requirement is around 5.8. The amount of primary air entrained can, within certain ranges of
pressure drop and tube dimensioning, be calculated according to equation 6 (Fulford 1996).
The wished entrainment ratio is known, therefore the equation is modified, so that the
diameter ratio can be calculated, as shown in equation 7.

1 =

1 [-] Equation 6

+1 =
+1 =
[-] Equation 7
With the primary air entrainment ratio, the specific gravity of the gas, the surface area
and the diameter of the throat and orifice. So with given diameter of the orifice, the
diameter of the throat has to be taken 5.3 times larger to obtain the right air entrainment. This
ratio was confirmed by calculations according to the method of Jones (1989), which takes a
slightly different approach. There are several ways to design the orifice/throat area of the
burner. The throat diameter mentioned before suggests that the air inlet has to have one hole
with certain diameter, but in the end, the air inlet area is decisive. So it is also possible to use
several air inlet holes which together have the calculated surface area. The amount and size of
the air inlet holes is in a practical setup dependent on the design of the rest of the flare
construction and the drill sizes available. A suitable size and number has to be chosen in such
a way that the total air inlet area is close to the calculated area.

Dimensioning of the burner port
The burner port or flame port is where actual combustion takes place. Biogas has a relatively
low stoichiometric flame speed of 0.25 m/s, which means that a biogas flame easily lifts from
the port or even goes out when the gas velocity through the flame port is too high (Fulford
1996). Therefore the size of the flame port must be chosen in such a way that the velocity of
the gas/air mixture is considerably lower than this value. The gas mixture velocity at the
burner port is dependent on the gas mixture flow rate and the surface area of the burner port.
Equation 8 displays this relation explicitly. This equation can be transformed to equation 9.
The diameter of the burner port can then be determined for a given flow rate and a wished
mixture velocity. A safe mixture velocity of 0.10 m/s is chosen in order to prevent lift off and
have some tolerance in real flow rate and entrained air.

(1 +)


Equation 8

(1 +)

Equation 9

the gas mixture velocity, the volume flow rate through the port in


the diameter of the burner port in meter. One should notice that for this calculation, there
is no relation with the dimensioning of the biogas injector and air inlet ports. It is just a
relation between the gas volume flow and the area of the burner port. Tests were performed
for biogas flows of 2.4 and 5 m
/day, to find out if the given theoretical relation above indeed
resulted in a stable flame,. According to equation 9, the diameter of the burner port

then be 4.2 and 6.1 cm respectively. Figure 9 shows the test setup, mixing tubes (and thus the
burner port) of 3.4 and 4.9 cm inner diameter were available and used. This means that the
gas velocity at the burner port is higher than 0.1 m/s, namely 0.15 m/s. This is still lower than
the biogas flame speed, and indeed a stable flame could be obtained in both situations.

Figure 9: Drawing of the setup used for testing of the port dimensioning
Fulford (1996) indicates that the length of the mixing tube is usually taken to be ten times the
diameter of the throat to allow for proper mixing of fuel and air. During testing, in both
situations, the length was taken to be 25 cm, which seems to allow for proper mixing under
these flow rates. Air inlet holes were drilled which theoretically should provide an air
entrainment of 4. It is rather difficult to measure air entrainment, so for this element there is
some uncertainty in the relation between theory and practice.
As can be seen in figure 9, the flame was separated from the mixing tube by a wire mesh,
which adequately functioned as a final flame arrestor.

Dimensioning of the flare enclosure
The components treated in foregoing parts together function as the burner head, where the
actual flaring takes place. It is important to protect the biogas flame from influences of the
environment, to be able to create proper flaring conditions, no matter the weather conditions
for example. Usually, an enclosure is basically a tubular construction surrounding the burner
head. Secondary air is sucked in through the bottom opening, while exhaust gases are released
through the upper opening called the stack exit. A small flaring system also needs to be
protected against rain by a hood on top of the enclosure. This hood should be designed in such
a way that the flame is protected adequately, but gases can escape with little hinder to the

The dimensioning of the stack exit is mainly dependent on the exit gas volume flux and
velocity. The Texas Air Control Board (TACB) developed a method to determine the
dimension of the stack exit (Ruggeri 2004), on which these calculations are based. The
method is based on two equations for calculating the buoyancy flux of the burned gases
Equation 10 is dependent on four parameters, namely stack temperature (, []), ambient
temperature (

, []), stack gas velocity (, [

]) and stack diameter (, []), with the

gravitational acceleration of 9.81 [

]. Equation 11 calculates the buoyancy flux based on

the heat of the stack gases only, with

the net heat release by the burned gases [


Equation 10

= (3.7 10

Equation 11

The two equations can be aligned and solved for the stack diameter, by using reasonable
values for the unknown parameters. For the exit temperature, according to Ruggeri (2004), a
reasonable value for a flare with good burning characteristics is 1273 K (1000 C). For the
ambient temperature, under Malian conditions, a value of 303 K (30 C) is reasonable.
According to Ruggeri (2004), the stack gas exit velocity should be taken sufficiently high in
order to prevent down wash of the gases, even at reasonably high wind speeds. Down wash of
the gases will result in incomplete burning or even suffocation of the flame. The gas exit
velocity is taken 1.5 times a reasonably high wind speed of 50 km/h, resulting in a velocity of
75 km/h, which is approximately 20 m/s. The net heat release of the burned gases,

, is a
function of the lower heating value of the biogas, the mass density and the mass flow. Besides
that, the unit has to be converted from J/s to cal/s, as can be seen in equation 12. Equation 13
shows the units related to equation 12 and equation 14 shows the values used for LHV and
mass density.

= 10


Equation 12

Equation 13

20.4 10


Equation 14
Aligning equation 10 and equation 11, with the constant variables filled out, results in
equation 15 and can be simplified to equation 16, which gives a direct relation between the
stack exit diameter and the biogas flow rate, with the biogas flow rate in m
9.81 20

1273 303

3.7 10

20.4 10


Equation 15
= 5.016

Equation 16
At a biogas flow rate of 5 m
/day, a stack exit diameter of 1.7 cm is calculated. This seems a
rather small number, especially when compared to the dimensions of the burner head.
Therefore, the effect of the important parameters on the diameter of the stack exit was tested.
Figure 10 shows that both the biogas flow rate and the assumed stack exit velocity have a
large influence on the required diameter. A higher biogas flow rate requires a larger exit
diameter. Assuming a lower required exit velocity means that a smaller exit diameter is

Figure 10: The stack exit diameter as influenced by the biogas flow rate (left) and the stack exit
velocity (right)
Assuming 1273 K for a small flare might be a too high estimation, because of the relatively
low energy dissipation and high energy losses due to a small system. Figure 11 shows that the
effect of the exit gas temperature is rather small, a decrease of the diameter of 2 mm would be
required when the temperature is assumed to be 500K lower. The ambient temperature has an
even smaller influence.

Figure 11: The stack exit diameter as influenced by the gas temperature (left) and the ambient
temperature (right)
The calculated diameters are smaller than expected. Therefore it is useful to compare the
calculated diameter with existing flaring systems. Detailed drawings of three flare stacks of
Himmel Gastechnik also contain the dimensioning of the gas stack and the gas flow range.
The smallest of these systems is designed for gas flows of 20 -50 m
/hr. In figure 12 the
dimensioning of the high temperature and the low temperature flaring systems are compared
with the theoretical values. It is clear that in this case the theoretical values strongly
underestimate the diameters used in practice, which are on average about 40% larger.

Figure 12: Comparison of theoretical values for the stack exit diameter and dimensions of flare
stacks of Himmel Gastechnik

The TACB method does not directly give satisfactory results. This can have several reasons:
the used method is not useable for these low amounts of gas, or cannot be used for biogas, or
the used parameters do not apply for a small flaring system. Therefore an approach is taken
based on first principles, as indicated by Caine (2000), so that the two methods can be
The flue gas originating from combustion in the flame, has a much higher temperature than
the biogas and air before the flame. This results in expansion of the gases. The combustion
equation is equimolar, so an adapted version of the ideal gas law can be used to determine the
volume increase and with that the velocity increase of the gases. The gas law is shown in
equation 17 and by assuming that pressure before and after the flame is equal and the total air
entrainment is 10 (sum of primary and secondary air), equation 18 calculates the volume
increase resulting from temperature increase.

= =

Equation 17
100000 11


11 1000
= 36.67

Equation 18
With the pressure in , the gas volume in

and the temperature of the gas. The

subscripts 1 and 2 indicate the characteristics of the gas before and after the flame
respectively. The added air and the 700 C temperature increase results in a volume increase
of 36.7 times the gas input. The real expansion coefficient of the gases is equal to 3.33

, when comparing the flue gases with the sum of biogas and entrained air ( 36.67/
(1 +10) ). With this expansion coefficient, the gas flow through the stack exit can be

calculated at a biogas flow rate of 5 m
/day and a total air entrainment of 10. And from the
gas flow rate and the area of the stack exit, the gas velocity can be determined, as shown in
equation 19.

(1 +)
24 3600


Equation 19

the gas velocity through the stack exit in

the gas flow rate in

, the entrainment rate and

the effective diameter of the stack exit in .

Figure 13 shows the relation between the diameter of the stack exit and the flue gas velocity.
It can be seen that indeed a rather small diameter is needed to obtain gas velocities as high as
20 m/s and that current method gives comparable results as the TACB method.

Figure 13: The influence of the diameter of the stack exit and the air entrainment rate on the gas
For a biogas flow of 5 m3/day, the diameter of the burner port was calculated to be 6 cm, in
order to obtain a gas velocity of 0.10 m/s. Compared to this velocity, the exhaust velocity of
20 m/s as proposed in the TACB method is very high. But it is unknown what would be a
good exhaust velocity to maintain a good flame. Therefore it is proposed to determine this in
duration tests. In figure 14 a suggestion is done of a combination of enclosure and hood which
makes it possible to vary the effective stack exit area. This is a convenient solution, not only
because it is possible to adapt the stack exit area, but the diameter of the enclosure can be
chosen suiting the diameter of the burner port. It is useful to have an enclosure with a
diameter about 4 cm larger than the diameter of the burner port. In that way there is about 2
cm space for the additional equipment like the ignition and the cables.

Figure 14: The surface area of the enclosure can be chosen by varying the distance between hood
and enclosure
The enclosure should be high enough to keep the flame within. From the dimensions provided
by Himmel Gastechnik for their enclosed flares , a linear relation can be deducted, but this
does not result in useful values, minimum height deducted is about 3.8 meter, which is much
too high. A regularly mentioned equation is the flame height correlation equation by
Heskestad, which is presented in equation 20. With this equation, the flame vertical flame
length can be calculated for an open fire.
= 1.02 +0.235(

Equation 20
With the flame length in , the diameter of the base of the flame in and the energy
dissipation of the flame in . Assuming a lower heating value of 20.4 MJ/kg and a mass
density of 1.04 kg/m
for the biogas and taking the diameter of the burner head as the base of
the flame, the flame length is 19.4 and 24.8 cm for a biogas flow rate of 5 and 10 m
respectively. In the flare, the flame is enclosed, which might slightly increase the length of the
flame, but the flame lengths most probably will be within 20 to 30 cm. The length of the
mixing tube is about 25 cm, resulting in a minimum height of the enclosure of about 60 cm.

Pressure monitor and gas valve
A device is needed which triggers gas flaring at the moment that the gas pressure in the
digester bag reaches the maximum tolerated value. This device should be simple but reliable.
Currently, venting is triggered by submerging the venting tube in a bottle filled with water.
The water column supplies the wished counter pressure. This is a very simple and effective
system, but for flaring it needs to be known when venting takes place and the gas needs to be
guided to the flare. Besides that, some gas pressure is needed to be able to flare, while when
the gas flows through water all over pressure will be lost. An interesting alternative to this
system is a mechanical safety relief valve. This is basically a spring loaded valve. The spring
keeps the valve closed as long as the gas pressure is lower than the counter pressure of the
spring. This counter pressure is adjustable within certain ranges. These safety relief valves
could have been a great solution. Low cost valves are available, but their gas flow capacity in

the required pressure range was not sufficient, while a valve with enough capacity at low
pressure, turned out to be far too expensive (Wittgas). Therefore it was decided to use a water
column as pressure monitor and to add functionality so that the gas is lead to the flare and a
signal is given when gas flow occurs. Two options were considered for this function. The
cheapest and simplest option is to imitate the method used in the safety relief valve, with a
spring loaded valve. The extra pressure provided by the spring should be minimal in
comparison with the water column, but enough to close the valve. When pressure builds up
above the water column, the spring is pushed up, giving way to the gas and at the same time
activating a microswitch. Activating the microswitch results in an electronic signal which at
its turn activates the flare ignition. Figure 15 contains a drawing of the proposed
implementation of this option. Most difficult in this setup is to tune the spring loaded valve in
such a way that it gives applies very little counter pressure to the gas, but at the same time
closes the valve properly and accurately activates the microswitch. As mentioned before, the
water column can also function as flame arrestor, but with the proposed setup, two
components closer to the flame already fulfil this function.

Figure 15: Drawing of the pressure monitor and gas valve with details of valve and microswitch
The second option is a combination of the water column as pressure monitor and a gas sensor
indicating gas flow. The gas sensor is an electronic device with a high sensitivity to methane,
propane and butane, which makes it ideal for monitoring of both biogas and natural gas. In
clean air, the resistance of the sensing element is high, but when one of the gases is present,
the resistance decreases with increasing concentration (Figaro 2012). From this changing
resistance, a signal can be obtained, in order to start ignition. Best location for the gas sensor
would be in the mixing tube. Placing it closer to the water column will probably result in a
non-reliable signal because gases will remain present for some time after the gas flow has
stopped, while gas present in the mixing tube will be burned or replaced by air. In general,
this sensor can result in reliable gas flow detection. Though there are two disadvantages. The
first is that the electronics circuit needed is more complex than for the microswitch. Secondly,
the gas sensor has a continuous energy use. It contains an heating element which provides
proper conditions for gas sensing and requires, dependent on the electronic circuit, between

0.8 and 2 Watt of electricity. The basic scheme required for the gas sensor is displayed in
figure 16 (Figaro 2012), where V
is the voltage applied to the gas sensor heater and V
sensor voltage, which is maximum 24 V, but in this case 12 V. A voltage divider is created by
the resistance of the gas sensor and R
, so that the output voltage is dependent on the
resistance of the gas sensor. When no gas is present, sensor resistance is high, thus V
is low,
increasing with decreasing sensor resistance. This scheme is meant to actually measure gas
concentration. When the gas sensor has to be used as a switch, the scheme needs extension.

Figure 16: Basic scheme of the Figaro TGS-813 gas sensor (Figaro 2012)

Ignition of the flame
By either the microswitch or the gas sensor, a signal is produced when gas is vented. This gas
needs to be ignited as quickly as possible at the burner head. Two methods are promising,
namely ignition with a hot wire or coil and spark ignition.
In the first method, a wire is electronically heated to a temperature above the auto ignition
temperature of the biogas, which is about 600 C. This can be done by applying a voltage over
a metal wire, which is partly in contact with the gas stream. Ideally the wire is resistant to
high temperatures of up to 1000 C, to some shear and shock and to corrosion. Besides that,
the resistance of the wire should be high, in order to quickly increase its temperature, but the
electronic energy dissipated should be as low as possible, to minimize energy use.
Isabellenhtte is a producer of a range of resistance wires, varying in material used, thickness
and resistivity (Isabellenhtte). The material also determines the maximum temperatures at
which the wires can be used. When the wire is used to ignite biogas, the temperature for
ignition should be around 600C and the temperature of the flame can reach about 1000C.
Wires made of the material Iso-chrom can be used up to a temperature of 1150C, unlike the
other wire types, which mostly can be used up to a maximum temperature of 600C. An Iso-
chrom 60 wire is available from Isabellenhtte provides technical
information regarding their wires, with which currents, resistance and dissipated power can be
calculated. Table 12 contains a selection of a table provided by Isabellenhtte for a wire of the
material Isotan. It displays how much electrical current should flow through a wire of certain
diameter in order to reach a certain temperature increase.

Table 12: The current needed to obtain a certain temperature increase for Isotan wire of
different diameter (Isabellenhtte)
Temperature increase
60 [C] 100 [C] 300 [C] 600 [C]
Diameter [mm] I [A] I [A] I [A] I [A]
0.020 0.034 0.048 0.096 0.144
0.050 0.097 0.136 0.274 0.431

0.100 0.216 0.302 0.610 0.966
0.250 0.629 0.880 1.79 3.08
0.500 1.44 2.01 4.13 7.39
1.000 3.37 4.72 9.78 18.1

These values are only valid for Isotan, but can be converted to the current for other materials,
like Isochrom 60, through equation 21 (Isabellenhtte). When the needed current is known,
the required resistance of the wire and through that its length can be calculated, dependent on
the voltage applied, as shown in equation 21, equation 22 and equation 23respectively. When
a car battery is used, the applied voltage is 12 V. The lower the used voltage, the shorter the
wire can be. From the current through and the resistance of the wire, the amount of energy
dissipated can be calculated according to equation 24.

Equation 21

Equation 22

m Equation 23

W Equation 24
With the current needed [] to reach a temperature increase, the resistivity of the material

], which is 0.49 for Isotan and 1.20 on average for Isochrom (temperature
dependent), the applied voltage, the resistance [] and

the specific resistance of the

wire [/m], its length [m] and the dissipated electric energy [W]. Table 13 displays the
results of calculations regarding the needed current, resistance, length and dissipated power
for heating wire of different diameter and material. The voltage applied over the wire is also
varied. One can see that a larger diameter requires a longer wire and dissipates more energy.
When the applied voltage is decreased, also the length of the wire and through that the energy
requirement is reduced. From the table can be concluded that, when only the material is taken
into account, Isochrom 60 is more effective as heating coil compared to Isotan. But one can
also see that a rather large current of almost 5 ampere is needed for an Isochom wire of 0.50
mm diameter. A convenient wire length will be between 5 and 10 cm. With 2 volt, a length of
7 cm is calculated. Power dissipation is than approximately 10 Watt.

Table 13: Characteristics of and calculations on wires which can be used as heating coil
Material: Isotan





0.08 100 0.76 12 15.8 16 9.1
0.08 100 0.76 1 1.3 1.3 0.8
0.50 2.5 7.39 12 1.62 65 88.5
0.50 2.5 7.39 1 0.14 5 7.7

Material: Isachrom 60
0.05 565 0.28 12 42.9 8 3.4
0.10 141 0.62 12 19.6 14 7.5
0.25 22.6 1.97 12 6.1 27 23.7
0.50 5.65 4.72 12 2.5 44 58.1
0.50 5.65 4.72 5 1.06 19 23.6
0.50 5.65 4.72 2 0.42 7 9.4
0.50 5.65 4.72 1 0.21 4 4.7

The second method is a better method, at least with regard to energy consumption. With an
electronic circuit, sparks are created, which can ignite the biogas. In principle, the electronic
concept is rather simple and widely used in petrol and gas engines. Figure 17 displays the
electronic principle of a car bobbin. A voltage of 12 VDC is applied over a coil with a few
copper windings (L
) and a capacitor, which is loaded in this way. Every time the switch (s) is
opened, the voltage collapses very rapidly and as a result of induction a high voltage is
generated over the secondary coil (L
), which consists of a lot of windings. This voltage is so
high that a spark can jump the gap between two points (Wikipedia 2012a).

Figure 17: Scheme of the electronic principle of a car bobbin (Wikipedia 2012b)
A miniature version of this car bobbin was found in an electronic lighter for household
purpose. This lighter contains a small electronic circuit, functioning on a 1.5 V battery and
delivering multiple sparks per second of about half a centimetre length. This implies that the
generated voltage is about 6000 V (Ridders 2012). Energy use is in the range of 0.3 Watts, at
a spark frequency of approximately 20 Hz. When the electrodes are well positioned in the gas
stream, most times the gas will be ignited within five seconds of sparking, but the total
sparking time is dependent on how quick the temperature sensor reaches its switching
temperature, and the frequency of gas occurrence. The electronic circuit can be used directly
by reducing the car battery voltage to 1.5 Volt. It can also be replicated by obtaining the
separate electronic components. Finally, it might be interesting to modify the circuit, to obtain
a slightly stronger spark (Ridders 2012). One challenge is to mount the wires and spark ends
in such a way that sparks occur at the right place instead of jumping to another closer low
voltage spot, while the wires are not damaged by the flame. Figure 18 contains the electronic
scheme of the spark generator. In the oscillator/load circuit, the 1.5 VDC is firstly converted
to alternating current and the voltage is increased to 100 V with the transformer. The
capacitor C1 is charged until diode D3 lets through a reverse current at a reverse voltage of
about 70V. At that moment, the capacitor is unloaded over the thyristor D4 and the
transformer T2, resulting in a voltage peak in the secondary coil of the transformer (Ridders

Figure 18: Scheme of the 1.5 Volt spark generating circuit (Ridders 2012)

Flame detection
As a result from ignition, combustion of the biogas will be initiated. As soon and as long as
the gas is burning, ignition is not necessary anymore. For reasons of durability and energy
consumption, it is best to switch of the ignition as soon as possible. A device is needed which
can quickly recognise a flame. In advanced systems, often an UV or IR scanner is used for
that, which is an electronic device detecting the radiation resulting from the flame.
Disadvantage of such scanners is their sensitivity to fouling of the lenses by particles and
sooth from the flame. Besides that, an electronic system will be needed, comparable to that of
the gas sensor, resulting in increased complexity and energy use. Another option is to detect
the heat resulting from the flame with a temperature sensing element. Numerous devices are
available, mostly meant to measure and display a range of temperatures. But also a
component was found which functions as a switch. When the temperature of the component
rises above a trigger value, the switch opens and when temperature drops again under that
value, the switch closes. These low cost switches are called klixon or clixon and are available
for several switching temperatures, see figure 19 for a picture. Klixons were obtained with a
switching temperature of 70 and 100C (EOO 2012). The klixon should be mounted on the
mixing tube, close to the flame. Tuning is needed in order to obtain a short reaction time, but
the switch should not become too hot.

Figure 19: Klixon/clixon temperature switches
Electronic circuit
To connect and control the described sensors and actuators, an electronic circuit is needed. In
the best case with regard to simplicity and energy use, gas detection is done with the

microswitch, ignition with spark ignition and flame detection with a klixon temperature
switch. Power is delivered by a car battery, therefore an extra resistance of 70 Ohm is needed
to apply 1.5 V over the ignition. In this case, the electronic circuit can be schematised as
shown in figure 20. The total energy dissipation in this case is in the range of 1.8 Watt. This
could be reduced by either using a 1.5V battery or a DC/DC voltage converter in combination
with a resistance, which can convert the voltage from 12V to 1.5V with more efficiency
(Conrad 2012).

Figure 20: Scheme of the electronic setup for the combination of microswitch, klixon and spark
As mentioned before, theoretical study was interspersed with testing, in order to be able to
relate theory to the real world and to check the functioning of components. For tests related to
gas flows, a setup was built with which a (bio)gas mixture could be prepared and provided to
the components of the flaring system. The setup was equipped with a gas pressure monitor
and a gas flow meter and different equipment which have to be supplied with gas, can be
coupled to it.
Biogas is a gas consisting of several gases, but mainly methane and carbon dioxide. No actual
biogas was available for testing. Therefore a gas mixture resembling biogas had to be
composed by mixing natural gas and carbon dioxide. In the Netherlands, natural gas is
available from the gas grid while a pressurised 2 litre CO
cylinder was bought to supply the
carbon dioxide. To obtain a biogas with known methane content, it is necessary to know the
composition of the natural gas. The gas from the Dutch grid is a mixture of gasses obtained
from different gas wells. The composition of these gasses varies per source, but is blended in
such a way that the gas reaching the end users is of almost constant quality. This quality is
based on the gas obtained from the Slochteren gas field, which is the largest and most
important field of the Netherlands. After condensation and carbon dioxide removal, the gas
contains 86% v/v methane and 14% v/v nitrogen. With this methane content, the heating
value is about 35 MJ/Nm
(Anonymous 2012). In the test setup, biogas can be simulated by
mixing natural gas with carbon dioxide. The ratio of natural gas and carbon dioxides to be
mixed to reach a certain biogas quality, can be calculated with equation 25.

Equation 25

With the gas volume [] of either natural gas or carbon dioxide and

the methane
content [%/] of either the natural gas or the resulting biogas. In table 14, the mixing ratios
of natural gas and pure carbon dioxide for obtaining four biogas qualities are depicted.

Table 14: Mixing ratio of natural gas and pure carbon dioxide to obtain a biogas with a certain
methane content

40 % 1 1.15
50 % 1 0.72
60 % 1 0.43
70 % 1 0.23

For testing and development of the electronics, most important equipment were a variac,
which is an adjustable transformer to supply power in the range of 1 to 240 Volt, a car battery
of 12 Volt, a multimeter, a temperature sensor, and a breadboard, which is a board on which
electronic circuits can be built and tested without soldering.



4. Results
In this fourth chapter the results will be presented. The chapter consists of three sections. In
the first section, some results from the model developed to predict biogas surpluses are
presented. In the second section, the actual design will be presented and explained on the
basis of 3d-drawings. While in the third section the costs of such a design are estimated.
4.1 Biogas surplus modelling
In chapter 3.2, the development of a model for prediction of biogas surpluses was described.
In table 8, the combination of parameters for eight scenarios were shown. The results of the
analysis of the first four will be discussed, therefore these four scenarios are displayed in table
Table 15: Repetition of the first four model scenarios
Scenario 1 2 3 4
Volume anaerobic digester [m
] 25 25 25 25
Biogas production rate [m
/day] 5 10 5 5
Maximum pressure in the bag [mbar] 20 20 20 20
Biogas consumption by engine [m
/h] 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0
Working hours engine [h/day] 5 5 5 3
Number of days engine is used [day/week] 5 5 5 5

Some of the results of simulating the scenarios 1 to 4 for two weeks (336 hours), can be seen
in figure 21, figure 22 and table 16. Figure 21 shows all graphs generated by the model, which
are the hourly biogas production, the biogas consumption by the dual fuel engine, the amount
of gas stored in the bag digester and the occurrence of biogas surpluses. The simulation is
started with the gas storage being half full. One can see after about 100 hours, regular venting
will start. Venting then takes place during the weekend, when no biogas is consumed, and
also a few hours per day. Daily venting in this situation starts in the early morning, around 3
oclock, and stops when consumption is started again.

Figure 21: Hourly biogas production, consumption, amount of biogas in storage and vented for
scenario 1

Figure 22 shows the prediction of the amount of gas stored and vented in scenarios 2 and 3. It
is interesting to compare these graphs. One can see that in scenario 2 venting occurs much
more often than in both scenario 1 and 3. For scenario 3, venting only occurs during the
weekend. One can say that in this scenario there is a very good balance between production
and consumption.

Figure 22: Hourly prediction of the amount of biogas stored and vented for scenario 2 (left) and
scenario 3 (right)
For every simulation, also the absolute biogas production, consumption and venting, and the
venting as percentage of production are calculated.
One could say that when biogas consumption and production are relatively well balanced,
venting may occur for a short time every day, just before consumption will start again, and in
periods when little consumption takes place for a longer time. The gas flow rate is equal to the
production rate, although when maximum pressure is just reached, the flow rate can be
expected to be a bit irregular. One can see that in the situation with lowest biogas venting,
15.6 m
biogas is vented, which is equal to about 400 m
per year. Assuming a methane
content of 60% v/v and a methane mass density of 0.68 kg/m
, about 165 kg of methane is
vented yearly.
Table 16: Further results of the analysis of scenarios 1 to 4. All values are for a period of two
Scenario 1 2 3 4
Total amount of biogas produced [m
] 65.6 135.6 65.6 65.6
Total amount of biogas consumed [m
] 40.0 40.0 50.0 30.0
Total amount of biogas vented [m
] 25.6 95.6 15.6 15.6
Vented as percentage of production [%] 39.0 70.5 23.8 54.3
4.2 Design
Based on the equations mentioned in the previous chapter, the dimensions of the components
of the flaring system can be determined. Table 17 displays the dimensions of the orifice,
throat, burner port and enclosure, for two different biogas flow rates, namely 5 and 10 m
day and two pressures before the orifice, namely 5 and 15 mbar. In the table, two diameters
are displayed for the enclosure, indicated with d
and d
e eff
, were the latter is the
enclosure calculated with the method of TACB. The first is the actual diameter of the
enclosure pipe, chosen to be approximately 4 cm larger than the diameter of the burner port.

Table 17: Possible dimensioning of the flare: diameter of orifice, throat, flame port and
enclosure, related to gas flow rate and pressure
Q P d
e eff
/day] [mbar] [cm] [cm] [cm] [cm] [cm]
5 5 0.20 1.06 6.1 10 2.5
5 15 0.15 0.80 6.1 10 2.5
5 15 2x 0.10 0.75 6.1 10 2.5
10 5 3x 0.15 2.60 8.6 12.5 3.5
10 15 0.20 1.06 8.6 12.5 3.5

Based on design requirements, calculations and testing, components were chosen with which
a low-cost but robust flaring system could be build. In SketchUp a complete design was
drawn for a flare, designed to combust biogas flows of up to 5 m
per day. This design will be
presented and explained by means of the drawings. With regard to all pipes, dimensioning is
according to DIN2448 and NEN2323. So when for example, the diameter of the enclosure
was calculated, no pipe with exactly that diameter was available, but a pipe was chosen with a
diameter close to it.
As tubing for gas transport, garden hose with an inner diameter of a inch was chosen.
Garden hose is flexible in use and easy to connect. For gas transport over these relatively
short distances, the chosen diameter is large enough to prevent disturbing influence on gas
flow and pressure. Figure 23 displays the pressure monitor and spring loaded gas valve plus
the tubing for gas transport and measurements. The measurement tube can also be used to
increase or decrease the water column.

Figure 23: Drawing of pressure monitoring, gas valve and tubing
In the drawing, a water column of 15 cm is depicted, corresponding to a maximum system
pressure of 15 mbar. Tubes are connected with hose connectors, which need to be sealed to
guarantee gas tightness of the system. More details of the spring loaded gas valve are
displayed in figure 24. The spring and microswitch apply a pressure on a rubber sheet and in
this way close the valve. When gas pressure exceeds the applied counter pressure, the valve is
pushed open and gas can flow through the water and the valve, via the tube connector and
tube to the flare. The rubber sheet seals the valve, so that the spring can move freely up and
down, without need for a seal. As visible, the microswitch is fixed securely, so that a reliable
signal can be obtained. The microswitch has three contact points, of which the top one is the

ground. With the other two contact points, the switch can either be used as normally closed or
as normally open. For current situation, normally open should be used. All contact points
should be protected from influences of the environment by proper isolation with tape or
shrink wrap.

Figure 24: Spring loaded gas valve with microswitch and details of the spring loaded valve
The spring loaded valve is connected to the actual flare. As basis of the flare, a device
normally used for the filling and emptying of central heating systems is implemented, shown
in figure 25. Advantageous of this component are the valve, which makes it possible to stop
gas flow manually, and the closing cap, which is replaceable and in which the orifice can be
drilled. Around the end cap, a disc is placed, in which the air inlet holes are drilled and which
at the same time functions as the bottom of the mixing tube. The diameter of the orifice is 2
mm and the three air holes are 6 mm each, which should result in a primary air entrainment of
4 m
per m
. In the drawing, the disc is made of steel, but in practice it can be more
convenient to make it out of plastic, because this simplifies fitting the orifice cap in. The disc
is not influenced by the flame, so plastic is well possible. Figure 25 also shows how the
orifice and the disc close the bottom opening of the mixing tube.

Figure 25: Manual gas valve, orifice and primary air holes (left) and cap with injector orifice, air
holes and mixing tube (right)
The mixing tube is a steel tube with an outer diameter of 60.3 mm and an inner diameter of
54.5 mm, in which biogas and air become completely mixed to form a combustible gas
mixture. As shown in figure 26, the height of the mixing tube is 20 cm. The top of the mixing
tube forms the burner head, where a wire mesh separates the unburned gases in the mixing

tube from the flame above it. The wire mesh is clamped over the top of the mixing tube with a
small piece of pipe having a slightly larger inner diameter than the outer diameter of the
mixing tube, namely 60.4 mm. Outer diameter is 63.4 mm. At a biogas flow rate of 5 m
day, a stable flame of approximately 20 cm will be present at the burner head.

Figure 26: Side and top view of the mixing tube and burner head
In the proximity of the burner head, also ignition and flame detection takes place. Ignition is
performed with a spark, generated with a high voltage over two electrodes. The two
electrodes are clearly visible in figure 27. The positive electrode should be properly isolated,
so that no sparks will jump to for example the mixing tube at the wrong place. The klixon
temperature switch, switching at 70C, is also mounted close to the burner head. Cables are
led through a small diameter pipe, which is fixed to the mixing tube.

Figure 27: Fixation of ignition system, temperature switch and cables to mixing tube and burner

The mixing tube is enclosed by a second steel pipe. Its diameter is chosen in such a way that
space is left besides the mixing tube for the electronics. Also secondary air needs to be sucked
in through this space. The outer diameter of the enclosure is chosen to be 101.6 mm, resulting
in an inner diameter of 93.8 mm, leaving approximately 17 mm of space around the mixing
tube. The height of the enclosure is 75 cm. Figure 28 depicts the enclosure, with the enclosed
components visible in the cross section. A hood with a conical shape is place on top of the
enclosure. As mentioned in chapter 4, the hood determines the effective exit area for the flue
gases. From this study it did not become completely clear what this area needs to be in order
to be able to maintain a flame under all weather conditions. Further tests need to sort this out.
In the current design, a fixed hood is placed on top of the enclosure, resulting in an effective
diameter of approximately 7 cm.

Figure 28: Side view and cross section of the flare enclosure and hood
The flare needs to be properly supported for safe and correct functioning. Three steel u-
profiles have to be anchored in the ground, best practice is to anchor them in concrete. The
enclosure and mixing tube, as heaviest components, are mounted to the u-profiles with bolts,
as shown in figure 29.

Figure 29: Flare support construction
The construction lifts the flare 50 cm from the ground, so that the other components can be
placed underneath, as can be seen in figure 30. This drawing shows the complete design of the
flaring system, including the pressure monitor and the box for the electronic circuit. Total
height of the flare, from floor to the top of the hood, is approximately 131 cm.


Figure 30: Overview and cross section of the complete flaring system
4.2 Calculation of costs
Goal of this study is to design a flaring system which is also low cost. In the design process
which led to the design as presented in the previous section, the component costs were
therefore taken into account and minimised. Table 18 presents the costs of the components
needed to build the flaring system, including a short description and a reference. When no
reference is given, the price of the component is known from its purchase in local shops.
Three things need to be taken into account. Firstly, the prices mentioned are consumer prices
for the Netherlands, including VAT. For a company, lower prices could be applicable or
negotiable. Besides that, prices in other (developing) countries differ from these prices.
Secondly, although most components are commonly available, some components, like the
temperature switch, might be difficult to obtain. Finally, prices for new products are
mentioned, while some components can be made from used or scrap materials, like for
example the steel piping.


Table 18: Prices of the flaring system components
Component Reference Specific price Total price []
Tubing (Deltaline 2012) 1.96 /m 7.84
Description Dependent on system setup, approximately 4 m of garden hose is
needed to connect the digester to the flare, via the gas valve. Hose of
the brand Tricoflex with inch inner diameter is assumed.
Tube connectors 3.69 pp 7.38
Description Two plastic or brass tube connectors are needed to connect tubes to
the pressure monitor and gas valve. Brass connectors are more
expensive, but can be fixed more secure.
Plastic boxes 3.99 pp 7.98
Description Two plastic boxes are needed, one transparent, airtight box for the
pressure monitor and one smaller box for the electronics.
Plastic cap Estimation 0.20
Description The gas valve is made of a plastic cap with a diameter of
approximately 6 cm, fixed on the plastic box.
Spring, threaded rod, nuts and rings 0.59
Description For the spring loaded valve, a threaded rod, a spring, 4 nuts and 4
rings of size M3 are used.
Rubber sheet Estimation 2.00
Description The rubber sheet is glued in the plastic cap. A piece with a diameter
of maximum 10 cm is needed. This can be rubber normally used for
inner tire repair.
Sealant 1.98 per tube 1.98
Description To make several parts gas tight, a silicon sealant can be used.
Shrink wrap (Conrad 2012) Set 3.59
Description Shrink wrap is used to isolate and protect all electronic connections.
Microswitch (Conrad 2012) 2.28
Description A microswitch with a trigger pressure of 30 gram is used
Microswitch fixation Estimation 1.00
Description The microswitch needs to be fixed securely to the plastic box
U-profiles (IJzershop 2012) 23.88 per 2 meter 26.87
Description Three vertically placed U-profiles keep the flare in place. Profiles
with dimensions 30x60x60x3 mm will be strong enough. Each
profile is 0.75 m high.
Bolts, nuts and rings (IJzershop 2012) 5.19
Description Three bolts, 9 nuts and 9 rings of size M8 are needed to attach the
actual flare to its supporting construction.
Steel angle brackets (IJzershop 2012) 0.68 pp 2.04
Description Three angle brackets are needed to couple the pipes to the profiles.
Wiring 0.71 per 1 m 1.78
Description 2.5 m cable with 2x0.75 mm
wire can connect the sensors and
Small pipe (IJzershop 2012) 7.10 per 2 m 1.78
Description A small pipe with a maximum diameter of 1.5 cm is needed to guide
the electronic wires from the electronics box to the burner head. The
material is not too important. Mentioned price is for steel. Length is
50 cm.
Klixon switch (EOO 2012) 3.89

A klixon switch, switching at 70C is used for flame detection.
Spark ignition (Conrad 2012) 4.29
Description The spark ignition is obtained from an electronic gas lighter, which
costs 4.29 at Blokker. The electronic circuit can be copied and its
separate components cost approximately 2.25 .
Hot wire ignition (Conrad 2012) 3.59 per 10m 0.36
Description Approximately 10 cm of Isachrom 60 wire can be used for hot wire
ignition. Hot wire ignition was tested, but not included in the design.
Gas sensor (Conrad 2012) 14.37
Description The Figaro TGS 813 gas sensor detects combustible gases. The gas
sensor was considered, but not included in the design.
Brass manual valve + closing cap 8.68
Description For the manual valve and closing cap, a component normally used in
central heating systems can be used. It exists of a tube connector,
manual valve and closing cap.
Air inlet ring Estimation 0.50
Description A plastic or steel ring with a diameter of 60 mm and minimally 3mm
thick can be used as air inlet ring. Plastic is most easy to fix and drill.
A scrap piece of steel or plastic can be used
Steel pipe (mixing tube) (IJzershop 2012) 24.13 per 2 m 2.41
Description A steel tube with dimensions of 60.3x2.9x200mm is used as mixing
Steel pipe (burner head) (IJzershop 2012) 24.13 per 2 m 0.60
Description Approx. 5 cm of tube with dimensions 63.4x2.9 mm is used to form
the burner head and clamp the wire mesh over the mixing tube.
Steel pipe (enclosure) (IJzershop 2012) 51.12 per 2 m 19.17
Description The enclosure has a height of 75 cm with dimensions 101.6x3.6 mm.
Wire mesh 1.99
Description A wire mesh with small holes is needed, but the wire must be sturdy
in order to withstand the high temperatures. A wire mesh was
obtained from Blokker for a price of 1.99, normally used as a
flame divider for cooking purposes, which functioned well.
Hood (IJzershop 2012) 22.93 per plate 2.29
Description The hood can be made from thin steel plate which can be cut and
hammered in the right shape. A thickness of 2 mm will be strong
enough, but still workable. A diameter of approximately 15 cm is

From table 18 can be calculated that the sum of the material costs is 116.32 , when the
microswitch is used for gas detection and ignition is performed with spark ignition. The costs
for an anaerobic digestion system with comparable capacity are approximately 2500 . Thus
the costs for the flaring system are about 5% of that. It is difficult to estimate at this stage
what will be the lifetime of all components. FACT assumes a 15 year lifetime for an
anaerobic bag digester system (personal information). This is also a reasonable assumption
for the flaring system. But especially the electronic components, like the klixon switch and
the spark ignition system, the rubber of the gas valve and the wire mesh might be sensitive to
break down, due to the high temperatures or wear out. These components probably need more
regular replacement. The other components, which account for most of the material costs, are
quite sturdy. Besides these material costs, also installation and maintenance costs need to be
taken into account when assessing the costs of this system. These costs are also difficult to

estimate at this moment. Construction of a complete system and durability tests should
provide more insight. Energy consumption is negligible when no gas is vented and very small
during ignition, namely approximately 0.3 Watt. Costs for energy consumption are therefore
negligible as well.
For a flaring system with a larger capacity, material costs will increase. Within a certain
capacity range, a number of components need to be changed with increased capacity, namely
the steel pipes of mixing tube, burner head and enclosure, the hood, and possibly the
construction elements.



5. Discussion
Designing the system was started with formulation of requirements, both for the complete
system and the separate components, therefore the fulfilment of these requirements will firstly
be discussed. After that the other methods and results will be discussed in this chapter, in
order to be able to draw conclusions.
5.1 Fulfilment of requirements
In chapter 4, table 10, requirements were set up for all essential flare components. The design
fulfils requirements set with regard to tubing and connections, the pressure monitor and the
burner head. But discussion is needed with respect to fulfilment of a number of other
Functioning of the spring loaded gas valve
A low cost and (electronically) simple solution was chosen to function as gas valve and gas
sensor. This component was not tested and doubts remain with respect to whether or not this
idea will indeed result in reliable functioning. Both the spring and the microswitch apply
pressure on a rubber sheet, in order to close a hole as long as pressure underneath is smaller
than the sum of the pressure of spring and switch. The applied pressure should ideally be
enough to keep the hole closed when no gas is flowing, but small enough to open up at gas
pressures of between 1 and 3 mbar. The valve should also open enough to activate the switch.
This requires accurate tuning of spring and microswitch. Rubber is a product sensitive to
temperature, dust and drying out. Therefore it might be difficult to make a valve which works
maintenance free for a long period.
Endurance of flame arrestor
The wire mesh, which functions as a flame arrestor will become rather hot when the flare is
functioning. Its temperature may rise to approximately 600C. In time, this high temperatures
might result in damage and crumbling of the wire mesh. When the wire mesh is damaged too
much, it loses its functionality. Both the injector orifice and the pressure monitor will still
function as a flame arrestor, so there is no risk for flashback, but probably no stable flame can
be established anymore. A wire mesh consisting of thin wires will be damaged more quickly,
so a thicker wire mesh should be used. But the relation between thickness and durability
should be determined.
Temperature switch placement
In current design, flame detection is performed with a temperature switch, switching at 70C.
The switch is best mounted on the mixing tube, close to the burner head, but the exact
position is not yet determined. In positioning the sensor, there is a trade-off between quick
reaction to temperature change due to combustion of biogas and the tolerance of the sensor to
high temperatures. The switching temperature of 70C might be not the best choice in this
Reliability of the electronics
The electronic system has an important role in the flaring system. When the electronic system
fails, no combustion will take place and the biogas will simply be vented again. Currently
there is no automatic monitoring of the functioning of the electronic system. This reduced
reliability of the complete system.
Diameter enclosure
The diameter of the enclosure is currently taken to be slightly larger than the diameter of the
mixing tube, so that space is available for ignition and temperature switch and so that
secondary air can be sucked in. The surface area of the bottom and the top of the enclosure

influences the amount of secondary air provided to the flame and the flue gas velocity, which
in turn influences the flame temperature and the flue gas exit velocity. Best is to have flame
temperature of around 900C, and an exit velocity high enough to keep the flame going in
difficult weather conditions. No solution was yet found to solve this problem. Besides that it
was also difficult to find clear information about the effect of the length of the enclosure on
the quality of combustion.
Complete system requirements
Table 9 in chapter 4, displays the requirements set up for the complete flaring system. Focus
in this study has mainly been on the requirement-groups performance and costs.
Requirements in the group reliability are taken into account in the design process, but it was
impossible to assess them properly, because no prototype was built and no durability tests
could be performed. This means that although separate components were tested satisfactory, it
is unknown if the combination indeed results in a working system. Main concerns are for the
electronic sensors and actuators; reliable gas detection and ignition.
Also not all requirements in the group safety are fulfilled. Mainly the safety for humans and
animals is not really taken into account. Although the flame itself will stay within the
enclosure, components of the flaring system will become hot. The construction does not
prevent humans or animals to approach or touch the system. It is also not indicated whether or
not the flare is functioning.
5.2 Flare design
This study was focused on development of a flare for small and medium scale anaerobic
digesters. A design was presented for a gas flow of 5 m
per day. Separate components were
tested successfully for gas flows up to 10 m
per day. Theoretically, a flare for larger gas
flows can be developed, using the same equations and methods. But it is uncertain for what
range of gas flows the equations are valid and can result in a working flaring system. At some
point, certain components will not be able to fulfil their function properly anymore. The
current spark ignition for example, might deliver to little energy to start combustion at larger
gas flow rates. Even more limiting might be the gas valve, it could be more effective to use
the gas sensor at larger gas flow rates.
Construction and maintenance
When the flaring system is in use, regular inspection and maintenance will be needed. Besides
that, parts need to be replaced when they break down. Therefore it is necessary that the
system and separate parts are accessible. In the current design, this factor is not yet considered
enough. The way the mixing tube and the enclosure are mounted to the supporting
construction can hinder inspection, maintenance and substitution of parts.
Material costs of the flaring system were determined, based on the new price of the separate
components at the Dutch price level. Although costs under Malian conditions were not
determined, it is probably possible to built such a flaring system for a lower price. Mainly
because it is possible to utilize used materials for certain components. Costs for maintenance
were not determined. The parts which will probably need regular replacement are listed as
being not too expensive, but might be less easy to obtain and therefore more expensive under
Malian conditions. Labour costs for maintenance are unknown, because it is unknown how
often maintenance will be needed and how much time this will take. That is mainly dependent
on the reliability of the components.


6. Conclusion
Based on the methods used and the results obtained, an answer can be given to the main
research question as proposed in chapter 1, bearing the remarks made in previous chapter in
mind. The main research question was posed as following:

Is it possible to design a robust and low-cost flaring system for small and medium scale
biogas installations in rural Mali?

Methods were found with which a flaring system for small and medium scale biogas
installations can be designed. A complete design was drawn, dimensioned for a biogas flow
rate of 5 m
per day. Main components were tested for gas flows up to 10 m
per day and
fulfilled their function as expected. The drawn design was not built and tested, so no
conclusion can be drawn with regard to the robustness of the system, although most
components are expected to be able to stand Malian conditions, expecting a lifetime equal to
that of the anaerobic digestion system.

Assuming Dutch prices, material costs for the drawn flaring system add up to 116.32 , which
is equal to approximately 5% of the costs of an anaerobic bag digester system. In practice, this
price could be decreased through building with used materials. The electronic sensors and
actuators, the wire mesh and the rubbers of the valve seem most sensitive to breakdown and
might need regular replacement. Energy consumption of the system is very low, which will
result in low energy costs.



7. Recommendations
This study forms a basis for implementation of flaring systems by FACT foundation. At the
same time, the discussion in chapter 6 revealed the limitations of this study. In this chapter,
recommendations are done for further research on the topic and improvement of the design.

The first step towards a introducible flaring system should be the assembly of the separate
components into a flare prototype. This system should then be tested and tuned for optimal
functioning. Also duration tests are needed, to examine whether the flaring system can
perform under more difficult conditions, like strong winds and rain. And also to determine if
the sensors and actuators can function reliable for a long period. Part of these duration tests
should be the determining of the best area of the stack exit, by varying the height of the hood,
as depicted in figure 14, chapter 4, and a good flame temperature, which might require
decreasing the enclosure bottom area.

Safety for humans and animals is essential when the flaring system is implemented. The
requirements set with regard to safety in chapter 4 should be considered and with the situation
in which the flare will be implemented in mind, the flaring system should be extended with
components securing the safety of the environment.

Costs for a flare with a capacity of 5 m
per day were calculated with Dutch prices, adding up
to 116 . In Mali and other countries were the flare could be implemented, prices and
availability of components will differ. Both the prices and the availability should be studied.

Biological oxidation as alternative
In chapter 3, alternatives to flaring were studied. One of these methods, namely biological
oxidation, could be an interesting alternative to flaring for the small and medium scale
anaerobic digester units. It is a low cost and simple method, but although a lot of literature is
available, still many questions remain. Studying biological oxidation more deeply and testing
it in combination with small scale anaerobic digestion systems

Effective use of produced heat
Flaring is a safe way to get rid of surplus biogas, but at the same time it is a waste of valuable
energy. It might be interesting to find ways to make use of this energy. Combination with two
recent projects of FACT foundation might be possible. In the first project, the possibilities for
implementation of a heating system in the anaerobic bag digesters is studied. A second
project, which is still in an early state, is focused on generating electricity from heat through a
thermo-acoustic generator.



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