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Shambhu Azad

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1. Proposed Position :

Hydrology Expert

2. Name of Firm

WAPCOS Limited

3. Name of Expert

Shambhu Azad

4. Date of Birth


5. Education

6. Membership in

7. Other Trainings

Citizenship: Indian

B.Tech (Civil Engineering),I.I.T Kanpur

M.Tech (Water Resource Engineering), I.I.T Delhi

Indian Association of Hydrologist (IAH)

Americal Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE)

Simulation of a network of Multipurpose reservoir for real time operation

(Oct. 1993)
Training on application of HEC-2 and HEC-5 Program, Sponsored and
Conducted by Central Water Commission (CWC)
Synthetic generation of hydrologic data, Application of Linear
programming(LP) and goal programming Reservoir operation principle,
derivation of rule curve for optimum operation of reservoir, Sponsored by
WAPCOS Ltd and Conducted by University of Roorkee.
Project Hydrology: Observation and processing of Hydromet data, water
availability analysis, processing of stream flow data, design storm, design
flood analysis, flood routing and reservoir sedimentation, Sponsored by
WAPCOS Ltd., and conducted by Central Water Commission in December,
Study tour to H.E. Project in Bhutan, Study of the some of the Hydro
Electric Project whose detailed Project report was under preparation as well
as some of the competed hydro electric Project. (March 1993), Sponsored
and conducted by WAPCOS Ltd.
Rajad International Drainage Course (Sponsored by Rajasthan Govt. And
conducted Canadian International Development Agency and Rajad Agency
Kota, Rajasthan):
- Drainage system design, gravity and pumped outlet design, hydraulics of
channel design, calculation of design spacing for sub surface drain and sub
surface irrigation, analysis of soils to determine drain envelope requirements
(synthetic fabrics and gravel)
- Drainage models - development of drainage criteria, the transient and
steady state cases, seepage through canal banks and dykes, drainage of
depression area, isotropic and anisotropic conditions
- Reclamation of saline, saline - sodic, sodic soils. Economics of drainage cost and benefits of drainage.
Economic Analysis of Projects, Sponsored by Central Water
Commission(CWC) and conducted
by Indian Institute Of Public
Administration (IIPA(, ( Feb 1994)

8. Countries of
Work Experience

India, Combodia, Mauritus, Republic of Ghana, Eritrea

9. Languages






Employment :

Aug 2004
June, 2000
June, 1995

To (Year)
Till date
Aug, 2004
May, 2000
June 1995

WAPCOS Limited

Positions held
Chief Engineer/Addl .Chief Engineer
Deputy Chief Engineer
Senior Engineer


Presently working as Project Manager for the project Consultancy Services Consultancy Services for
Review and
Rehabilitation of the Kpong and Akosombo Dam Safety Monitoring
System/Instrumentation, Ghana

Responsible for review construction of irrigation and drainage canals and associated structures.
Responsible for production of construction drawings and design of related hydraulic structures
and equipment.

1. Period: Aug 2004 to till date

Employer: WAPCOS Ltd.
Positions Held: Chief Engineer/Addl .Chief Engineer
Description of Duties:
Hydrological studies involving assessment of water availability, estimation of design flood and
sedimentation study for:
Preparation of Detail Project Report for 370 MW Mapang-Sirkari Hydro Power Project on River
Goriganga in Pithoragarh District, Uttarkhand, India
Overall in-charge for the preparation of report as well as field investigations for the project apart
from the hydrological and power potential studies for the project. The project is likely to be
completed by Sept. 2008.

Preparation of Detailed Project Report of Dagmara H.E. Project (3x42MW) in District Supaul,
Engineer-in-charge for the hydrological studies and power potential studies for the project apart
from co-ordination of survey and investigation work for the project,. Project is to be likely to be
completed by October, 2008.

Preparation of River Basin Master Plan of Five river basins in State of Chhattisgarh
Responsible for overall co-ordination and Preparation of river basin master plan involving
assessment of surface and ground water resources, optimization of cropping pattern, assessment of

future demand, identification of location and type of proposed structure for water resources
development etc.. The project is under continuation and is scheduled to be completed by Dec 2008.

Preparation of feasibility report and DPR for five hydroelectric projects of Narmada Valley
Development Authority, Madhya Pradesh
Hydrological studies involving assessment of water availability, estimation of design flood and
sedimentation study, Assessment of Power Potential and Optimization of Installed Capacity for all
five Hydro-electric Projects.

Pranahita Lift Irrigation Scheme, Andhra Pradesh

The project envisaged irrigation of about Rs.12 lakh acres of land spread over five draught prone
districts, Namely, Adilabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Nalgonda, Nizamabad and Ranga Reddy districts
The Draft Final Report covering hydrological study, design, drawings and cost estimates have
been prepared and submitted to the client during this period.

Dummugudem Lift Irrigation Scheme, Andrha Pradesh

The project envisages the diversion of 165TMC of water from Godavari basin to the tail pond of
Nagarjuna Sagar Project lying in Krishna basin. The hydrological study and the planning of water
transfer route has been completed and the Draft Report has been submitted to the client.

Protective Measures to Prevent River Bank Erosion Along ONGC Well Sites Located on Left Bank
of Dadhar River in Gandhar Field, Gujarat:
The detailed planning, modelling and design, cost estimate and preparation of tender document for
the flood protection works for the ONGC wells lying along the bank of Dhadhar river has been
completed during this period.
Survey, Planning, Design and Preparation of LA for 14000 ha command area of Left Bank Canal-II
of Rengali Irrigation Project:
The survey and planning of 9000 ha have been completed during this period. The design and
preparation of LA for the same is under progress.

Hydrological and Area Flood Drainage Study for 1980MW Thermal Power Project at Tiroda,
Gondia, Maharashtra:
The hydrological study for water availability for the proposed 1980 MW thermal power plant as
well as Area-Flood drainage study for the power plant area have been completed during this

Preparation of feasibility report for Alla Hagaz Horticulture development Project, Eritrea
Hydrological studies involving assessment of water availability, estimation of design flood and
sedimentation study for the proposed dam as well as assessment of crop water requirement and
Irrigation Planning.

2.Period: June, 2000 to Aug, 2004

Employer: WAPCOS Ltd.
Positions Held: Deputy Chief Engineer
Description of Duties:
West Baray Irrigation Rehabilitation Project, Cambodia:
Assessment of water availability, design flood estimation and reservoir operation.
- Planning of irrigation system.
- Assessment of crop water demand.
- Back water profile study using HEC-RAS

Land Drainage Project, Mauritius

- Water Surface profile computation using HEC-RAS for designing drainage system.
Dam Break Modelling of Machhu Dam, Gujarat
- Hydraulic routing simulation of Dam Break Flood due to failure of Machhu Dam using
DAMBRK model
Godavari Lift Irrigation Scheme(GLIS), Andhra Pradesh
- Optimisation of various lifting alternatives in order find out optimum lifting schemes based on
techno-econmic considerations.
Master Plan for Flood Control and Protection Works on river Tawi ,Jammu:
- The flood frequency study as well as study of flood profile for design flood.
Master plan for flood control and protection works on river Chenab (Jammu): - The flood frequency study as well as analysis of flood profile for design of flood protection
Hydrological Study of Gararda Irrigation Project, Rajasthan
- Assessment of water availability at different probability of exceedence at proposed dam site.
Deviation of Unit Hydrograph using USBR and CWC method for derivation of UH for small
- Estimation of Standard Project Storm (SPS) and Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for the
project area
Assessment of Crop water requirement using FAOs CROPWAT Program based on Penman
Monteith method.
3. Period: June, 1995 to May, 2000
Employer: WAPCOS Ltd.
Positions Held: Senior Engineer
Description of Duties:
Hydrological Study of Narmada Basin
- Development of user-friendly data storage and retrieval system in the form of water resource
information system (WRIS)
- Assessment of water availability at different sites of Interest
- Checking the adequacy of Rainfall stations and Gauge & discharge sites in the basin
Appraisal and feasibility studies for Deopani Irrigation Scheme, Assam
- Water availability study as well as design flood estimation. Water availability study was done
based on rainfall - runoff regression analysis, Irrigation planning and Crop water requirement
Appraisal and feasibility studies for Amreng Irrigation Scheme, Assam
- Water availability and Estimation of Design Flood. Water availability study was done based on
runoff-runoff modeling. Irrigation planing and calculation of Crop water requirement.
Rengali Irrigation Project, LBC II, Orissa
- Water availability & reservoir sedimentation study
- Simulation of hydrologic system and water balance studies
- Integrated reservoir operation of a system of reservoirs for planning
- Calculation of crop water requirements as well as irrigation scheduling
Water Resource Management Project, Punjab

Reviews of Hydrological & Hydro meteorological observation stations, water quality testing
facilities and the institutional arrangement
- Design of Hydrological and meteorological network
- Design of network of Ground Water Monitoring Stations
Cost of analysis for upgrading the existing system.

4. Period: 1990 to June 1995

Employer: WAPCOS Ltd.
Positions Held: Enginner
Description of Duties:
Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Project III, Andhra Pradesh
- Water availability analysis and Estimation of design flood
- Simulation studies for Rule curve derivation and operation of network multi reservoirs system
- Water Balance Study for the entire network of rivers and canal system
- Assessment of Crop water requirement and irrigation scheduling
Kurnool Cuddapah Canal Project, Andhra Pradesh
- Water balance study for assessment of availability of water at various location in the canal
- Calculation of Crop water requirement and Irrigation scheduling as well as the Rotational water
supply planning
- Economics of lining of canal for assessing the relative merits of various type lining materials and
selecting best lining materials

Indira Gandhi Nahar Project Phase II, Rajasthan

- Water Balance study for the assessing the availability of water at various location of the Project
- Designing suitable cropping pattern and assessment of the crop water requirement for the whole
Economic Analysis of Six-Lift Irrigation Scheme, of IGNP, Stage II, Rajasthan
- Costing of various components of six lift schemes
- Assessment of economic and financial viability of Six Lift Irrigation Schemes namely Sahwa,
Kolayat, Bangarsar Phalodi, Gajner and Pokaran in IGNP, Stage II
North West Drainage Project , Haryana
- Regional Ground Water modelling for predicting future Ground water level and salinity level for
given initial water table status and salinity Level
- Design of sub surface drainage system for Kalayat Area of Project
- Techno Economic viability of different types of drainage measures

Water availability Study for Rajasthan, Rajasthan, India

- Water balance studies for assessing water availability and impact canal system on future water
table condition

Malaprabha Ghatprabha Drainage Study

- Planning and design of sub surface drainage system for the portion of area where sub surface
drainage is feasible
- Economic analysis of the project for assessing the economic feasibility of purposed drainage

Three Engineering Studies for IGNP, Rajasthan, India.

- Design of part of Irrigation network and water Balance Studies

Subernarekha Multipurpose Project, Phase II; Bihar

- Multipurpose and Multireservoir simulation of hydrologic system in order derive Rule curve for
operation of system of reservoirs.
- Calculation of Crop Water requirement and Preparation of Cropping pattern
- Estimation of quantity of Earth work for laying canal ,minor and water courses
- Assessment of technoeconomic viability of Kharkai Barrage.
- Implementation of CPM and PERT technique for construction of the project

Integrated Watershed management of Soan River in Una District, Himachal Pradesh

- Preparation of cost estimate for undertaking treatment of the river catchment in respect of
various watersheds
- Assessment of Sedimentation studies of Soan River and its tributaries
Preparation of Strategy and approach for conservation of water shed

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