DNV Os 101

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The document outlines classification rules and standards for offshore drilling and support units published by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

Underwater inspections in lieu of dry-docking surveys require advance plans and procedures to be submitted for review. The areas to be surveyed must be sufficiently clean and the conditions clear enough to permit examination. Thickness gauging and non-destructive testing of suspect areas may be required.

Features like means to check stern bearing clearance, rudder bearing condition, sea suction openings, and other areas must be accessible for inspection.



Since issued in print (October 2003), this booklet has been amended, latest in October 2006.
See the reference to Amendments and Corrections on the next page.
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Comprehensive information about DNV services, research and publications can be found at http://www.dnv.com, or can be obtained from DNV,
Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway; Tel +47 67 57 99 00, Fax +47 67 57 99 11.
Det Norske Veritas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske Veritas.
Computer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas.
Printed in Norway.
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-
sultancy services.
Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as
the technical basis for DNV offshore services.
Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level
Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.
DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:
A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology
B) Materials Technology
C) Structures
D) Systems
E) Special Facilities
F) Pipelines and Risers
G) Asset Operation
H) Marine Operations
J) Wind Turbines
Amendments and Corrections
This document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate
document normally updated twice per year (April and October).
For a complete listing of the changes, see the Amendments and Corrections document located at:
http://www.dnv.com/technologyservices/, Offshore Rules & Standards, Viewing Area.
The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include these amendments and corrections.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Changes Page 3
The present edition of the rules includes amendments and addi-
tions decided by the Executive Board in September 2003 and
supersedes the April 2002 edition.
The changes come into force 1 April 2004.
Main changes
The rules have been updated in line with new IACS require-
ments and feedback from the users on the previous issue. The
main changes are described below.
Chapter 1 Principles and Procedures for Classification
Handling of alternatives and deviations.
Rule basis for class in the operational phase.
Chapter 2 Design and Construction Provisions
Handling of industrial equipment under service notations
(process equipment to be included in Drilling Unit class).
Chapter 3 Classification in Operation
Incorporation of IACS unified requirements Z15 "Hull,
Structure, Equipment and Machinery Surveys of Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units".
A new sub-section on continuous hull survey.
Special provisions for ageing units.
Formalising the in-service inspection program (IIP) as part
of the class documentation.
The sub-section on thrusters surveys has been completely
re-written to reflect current ship practice.
The handling of industrial equipment under mandatory
service notations has been clarified.
Appendix B Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-
docking Survey
A new Appendix B concerning underwater inspection in
lieu of dry-docking survey, has been introduced (IACS
UR Z15).
Corrections and Clarifications
In addition to the above mentioned rule changes, a number of
corrections and clarifications have been made to the existing
rule text.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 4 Changes see note on front cover
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Contents Page 5
FOR CLASSIFICATION .................................. 11
Sec. 1 Introduction......................................................... 13
A. Introduction .......................................................................... 13
A 100 General............................................................................ 13
A 200 Organisation of DNV-OSS-101...................................... 13
A 300 Objects covered............................................................... 13
B. Definitions ............................................................................ 13
B 100 Verbal forms ................................................................... 13
B 200 Definitions ...................................................................... 13
C. Normative References .......................................................... 14
C 100 Normative references...................................................... 14
C 200 DNV reference documents.............................................. 14
C 300 Other references.............................................................. 14
D. Informative References......................................................... 14
D 100 DNV informative references........................................... 14
D 200 Other references.............................................................. 14
E. Abbreviations........................................................................ 14
E 100 General............................................................................ 14
Sec. 2 Classification Principles ..................................... 16
A. The Classification Concept................................................... 16
A 100 Introduction..................................................................... 16
A 200 Entering into force and application of rules.................... 16
A 300 Basis for assignment of class.......................................... 16
A 400 Basis for maintenance of class........................................ 16
A 500 Documentation................................................................ 17
A 600 Disclosure of information............................................... 17
A 700 Limitation of DNV's responsibility ................................ 17
A 800 Vertical contract audits and audits by national
maritime authorities ........................................................ 17
Sec. 3 Classification Scope and Notations ................... 18
A. Scope of Classification ......................................................... 18
A 100 General............................................................................ 18
A 200 Rule parts ........................................................................ 18
A 300 Rule particulars............................................................... 18
B. Class Notations ..................................................................... 18
B 100 General............................................................................ 18
B 200 Construction symbols ..................................................... 18
B 300 Main character of class ................................................... 18
B 400 Basic design notations .................................................... 18
B 500 Service notations............................................................. 18
B 600 System and special facility notations.............................. 19
B 700 Special feature notations................................................. 19
B 800 Service restrictions.......................................................... 19
B 900 Compliance with shelf state legislation .......................... 19
B 1000 Combination of notations ............................................... 20
Sec. 4 Classification Procedure .................................... 21
A. Assignment of Class ............................................................. 21
A 100 Request for classification................................................ 21
A 200 Requirements for workshops and yards.......................... 21
A 300 Information about subcontractors and suppliers
of products ...................................................................... 21
A 400 Requirements for manufacturers..................................... 21
A 500 Requirements for suppliers of services........................... 21
A 600 Requirements for calibration of equipment .................... 21
A 700 Document approval......................................................... 21
A 800 Survey............................................................................. 21
A 900 Functional testing............................................................ 22
A 1000 Certification of materials, components and systems ...... 22
A 1100 Manufacturing survey arrangement ................................ 23
A 1200 Type approval ................................................................. 23
A 1300 Acceptance of control by national authorities ................ 23
A 1400 Certificate of interim class.............................................. 23
A 1500 Classification certificate ................................................. 23
A 1600 Appendix to the classification certificate ....................... 23
A 1700 Entry in the Register of vessels classed by DNV........ 23
A 1800 Decline of application for classification......................... 23
B. Retention of Class................................................................. 24
B 100 General............................................................................ 24
B 200 Periodical and renewal surveys ...................................... 24
B 300 Survey of damage ........................................................... 24
B 400 Repairs ............................................................................ 24
B 500 Procedures for maintenance............................................ 24
B 600 Conversions and alterations............................................ 24
B 700 Change of ownership ...................................................... 25
B 800 Conditions of class and memoranda............................... 25
B 900 Survey reports and survey status .................................... 25
C. Validity and Issuance of the Classification Certificate......... 25
C 100 Validity of the certificate................................................ 25
C 200 Issuance of certificate ..................................................... 25
D. Suspension and Withdrawal of Class ................................... 25
D 100 General............................................................................ 25
D 200 Suspension of class ......................................................... 26
D 300 Withdrawal of class ........................................................ 26
D 400 Reclassification............................................................... 26
E. Appeals ................................................................................. 26
E 100 Decisions taken by DNV................................................ 26
Sec. 5 Legal Provisions.................................................. 27
A. Liability and Jurisdiction ...................................................... 27
A 100 Limited liability .............................................................. 27
A 200 Governing law ................................................................ 27
A 300 Venue.............................................................................. 27
PROVISIONS..................................................... 29
Sec. 1 Design and Construction Requirements
for 1A1 MOU Main Class .................................. 31
A. General.................................................................................. 31
A 100 Introduction..................................................................... 31
A 200 Technical reference documents ...................................... 31
A 300 General assumptions....................................................... 31
A 400 Documentation................................................................ 31
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement ...................................... 31
B 100 General............................................................................ 31
B 200 Design principles ............................................................ 31
B 300 Arrangement ................................................................... 31
B 400 Escape and evacuation.................................................... 31
B 500 Documentation requirements.......................................... 31
C. Materials ............................................................................... 31
C 100 Technical requirements................................................... 31
C 200 Supplementary classification requirements .................... 32
D. Structural Design .................................................................. 32
D 100 Technical requirements................................................... 32
D 200 Documentation requirements.......................................... 32
E. Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures.................... 32
E 100 Technical requirements................................................... 32
E 200 Documentation requirements.......................................... 32
E 300 Supplementary classification requirements .................... 32
F. Stability and Watertight/Weathertight Integrity ................... 32
F 100 Technical requirements................................................... 32
F 200 Documentation requirements.......................................... 32
G. Mooring and Towing............................................................ 32
G 100 General............................................................................ 32
G 200 Ship-shaped units............................................................ 32
G 300 Column-stabilised units .................................................. 32
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 6 Contents see note on front cover
G 400 Self-elevating units .........................................................32
G 500 Towing ............................................................................33
G 600 Documentation requirements ..........................................33
G 700 Supplementary classification requirements ....................33
H. Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment .................. 33
H 100 Technical requirements ...................................................33
H 200 Documentation requirements ..........................................33
H 300 Supplementary classification requirements ....................33
I. Electrical Systems and Equipment ....................................... 33
I 100 Technical requirements ...................................................33
I 200 Documentation requirements ..........................................33
I 300 Supplementary classification requirements ....................33
J. Instrumentation and Telecommunication Systems............... 33
J 100 Technical requirements ...................................................33
J 200 Documentation requirements ..........................................33
J 300 Supplementary classification requirements ....................33
K. Fire Protection ...................................................................... 34
K 100 Technical requirements ...................................................34
K 200 Documentation requirements ..........................................34
K 300 Supplementary classification requirements ....................34
L. Summary of Technical Reference Standards........................ 34
L 100 General ............................................................................34
Sec. 2 Supplementary Requirements
for Service Notation Drilling Unit .................... 36
A. General.................................................................................. 36
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................36
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement ...................................... 36
B 100 General ............................................................................36
B 200 Arrangement ...................................................................36
B 300 Area classification...........................................................36
B 400 Emergency shutdown......................................................36
B 500 Escape, evacuation and communication .........................36
B 600 Supplementary documentation requirements..................36
C. Structural Design.................................................................. 36
C 100 General ............................................................................36
C 200 Supplementary documentation requirements..................36
D. Instrumentation and Telecommunication Systems............... 36
D 100 Supplementary documentation requirements..................36
E. Fire Protection ...................................................................... 36
E 100 General ............................................................................36
E 200 Supplementary technical requirements ...........................36
E 300 Supplementary documentation requirements..................36
F. Summary of Requirements ................................................... 36
F 100 Documentation requirements ..........................................36
F 200 Technical reference standards.........................................37
F 300 Industrial equipment .......................................................37
G. Preparation for Surveys and Inspections on Location.......... 37
G 100 General ............................................................................37
Sec. 3 Supplementary Requirements for Service
Notation Well Intervention Unit...................... 38
A. General.................................................................................. 38
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................38
B. Requirements for Well Intervention Unit I................... 38
B 100 Equipment .......................................................................38
B 200 Dynamic positioning system...........................................38
C. Requirements for Well Intervention Unit II.................. 38
C 100 General ............................................................................38
C 200 Area classification...........................................................38
C 300 Emergency shutdown......................................................38
C 400 Escape, evacuation and communication .........................38
C 500 Supplementary documentation requirements..................38
D. Fire Protection ...................................................................... 38
D 100 General ............................................................................38
D 200 Supplementary technical requirements ...........................38
D 300 Supplementary documentation requirements..................38
D 400 Supplementary classification requirements ....................38
D 500 Well intervention systems and equipment ......................39
D 600 Dynamic positioning system...........................................39
Sec. 4 Supplementary Requirements for Service
Notation Accommodation Unit ...................... 40
A. General.................................................................................. 40
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................40
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement ...................................... 40
B 100 Arrangement of emergency power..................................40
C. Structural Strength................................................................ 40
C 100 General ............................................................................40
C 200 Design loads....................................................................40
C 300 Containerised modules....................................................40
C 400 Gangways........................................................................40
D. Stability and Watertight Integrity......................................... 40
D 100 General ............................................................................40
E. Electrical Systems and Equipment ....................................... 40
E 100 Emergency source of power and emergency
F. Mooring ................................................................................ 41
F 100 General ............................................................................41
F 200 Documentation and technical requirements....................41
Sec. 5 Supplementary Requirements for Service
Notation Crane Unit .......................................... 42
A. Introduction........................................................................... 42
A 100 Objective .........................................................................42
A 200 Documentation requirements ..........................................42
B. Structural Design .................................................................. 42
B 100 General ............................................................................42
B 200 Technical requirements ...................................................42
C. Stability and Watertight Integrity......................................... 42
C 100 Technical requirements ...................................................42
D. Certification of Materials and Components.......................... 42
D 100 Certification requirements...............................................42
Sec. 6 Design and Construction Requirements for
System and Special Facility Notations.............. 43
A. Introduction........................................................................... 43
A 100 General ............................................................................43
A 200 Technical reference documents.......................................43
A 300 General assumptions .......................................................43
A 400 Documentation ...............................................................43
B. Position Mooring System..................................................... 43
B 100 General ............................................................................43
B 200 Technical requirements ...................................................43
B 300 Documentation requirements ..........................................43
B 400 Certification of materials and components .....................43
C. Dynamic Positioning Systems .............................................. 44
C 100 General ............................................................................44
C 200 Technical requirements ...................................................44
C 300 Documentation requirements ..........................................44
D. Drilling Plant ........................................................................ 44
D 100 General ............................................................................44
D 200 Technical requirements ...................................................44
D 300 Documentation requirements ..........................................44
D 400 Certification of materials and components .....................44
E. Helicopter Decks .................................................................. 44
E 100 General ............................................................................44
E 200 Technical requirements ...................................................44
E 300 Documentation requirements ..........................................44
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Contents Page 7
F. Well Testing Facilities.......................................................... 44
F 100 General............................................................................ 44
F 200 Technical requirements................................................... 44
F 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 44
F 400 Certification of materials and components ..................... 44
G. Temporary Oil Storage Facilities ......................................... 45
G 100 General............................................................................ 45
G 200 Technical requirements................................................... 45
G 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 45
H. Crane Installations ............................................................... 45
H 100 General............................................................................ 45
H 200 Technical requirements................................................... 45
H 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 45
H 400 Certification of materials and components ..................... 45
I. Diving System Installations ................................................. 45
I 100 General............................................................................ 45
I 200 Technical requirements................................................... 45
I 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 45
I 400 Certification of materials and components ..................... 45
J. Additional Fire Protection ................................................... 45
J 100 General............................................................................ 45
J 200 Technical requirements................................................... 46
J 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 46
K. Fire Fighters.......................................................................... 46
K 100 General............................................................................ 46
K 200 Technical requirements................................................... 46
K 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 46
L. Deicing and Anti-icing Systems ........................................... 46
L 100 General............................................................................ 46
L 200 Technical requirements................................................... 46
L 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 46
M. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space........................... 46
M 100 General............................................................................ 46
M 200 Technical requirements................................................... 46
M 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 46
N. Integrated Computer Systems............................................... 46
N 100 General............................................................................ 46
N 200 Technical requirements................................................... 46
N 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 46
O. Hull Monitoring System....................................................... 46
O 100 General............................................................................ 46
O 200 Technical requirements................................................... 47
O 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 47
P. Operation in Ice Conditions.................................................. 47
P 100 General............................................................................ 47
P 200 Technical requirements................................................... 47
P 300 Documentation requirements.......................................... 47
Q. Management of Safety and Environmental Protection......... 47
Q 100 General............................................................................ 47
Q 200 Technical requirements................................................... 47
R. Special Feature Notations..................................................... 47
R 100 General............................................................................ 47
R 200 Special feature notation SUB......................................... 47
R 300 Special feature notation NON-SELFPROPELLED..... 47
R 400 Tailshaft monitoring - TMON........................................ 47
S. Summary of Reference Documents for Additional Class
Notations............................................................................... 48
S 100 General............................................................................ 48
Sec. 1 General Provisions for Periodical Surveys....... 51
A. Introducton............................................................................ 51
A 100 General............................................................................ 51
A 200 Survey pre-planning and record keeping ....................... 51
B. Principles .............................................................................. 51
B 100 General............................................................................ 51
B 200 Due date and survey windows ........................................ 51
B 300 Postponement of periodical surveys ............................... 51
C. Periodical Surveys and Intervals .......................................... 51
C 100 Survey intervals and concurrent surveys ........................ 51
C 200 Annual surveys ............................................................... 53
C 300 Intermediate surveys....................................................... 53
C 400 Renewal surveys ............................................................. 53
C 500 Other periodical surveys ................................................. 54
D. Alternative Survey Arrangements ........................................ 54
D 100 Continuous hull surveys ................................................. 54
D 200 Surveys by the chief engineer or maintenance
supervisor........................................................................ 54
D 300 Survey arrangement based on approved planned
maintenance system (PMS) ............................................ 55
D 400 Survey arrangement based on condition monitoring
system............................................................................. 56
D 500 Surveys of units and installations out of commission .... 56
E. Special Provisions for Hull Surveys ..................................... 56
E 100 General............................................................................ 56
E 200 Access to structures ........................................................ 56
E 300 Equipment for survey ..................................................... 56
F. Requirements for Machinery Surveys .................................. 56
F 100 Maintenance system........................................................ 56
G. Procedures for Class Related Services ................................. 57
G 100 Thickness measurements of hull structures .................... 57
H. Repairs of Structural Damage............................................... 57
H 100 Definition........................................................................ 57
H 200 Repairs ............................................................................ 57
I. Special Provisions for Ageing Units.................................... 57
I 100 General............................................................................ 57
I 200 Column-stabilised units .................................................. 57
I 300 Self-elevating units ......................................................... 58
I 400 Ship-shaped units............................................................ 58
Sec. 2 Periodical Survey Extent for Main Class......... 59
A. General.................................................................................. 59
A 100 Introduction..................................................................... 59
A 200 Extent of hull survey....................................................... 59
B. Annual Survey ...................................................................... 62
B 100 Survey extent .................................................................. 62
B 200 Structure and equipment for ship-shaped units .............. 62
B 300 Structure and equipment for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units ................................................... 62
B 400 Machinery and safety systems for ship-shaped units ..... 63
B 500 Machinery and safety systems for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units ................................................... 63
C. Intermediate Survey.............................................................. 63
C 100 General............................................................................ 63
C 200 Structure and equipment for ship-shaped units .............. 63
C 300 Structures and equipment for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units ................................................... 63
C 400 Machinery and safety systems for ship-shaped units ..... 63
C 500 Machinery and safety systems for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units ................................................... 63
D. Renewal Survey, Structure and Equipment .......................... 64
D 100 Ship-shaped structures .................................................... 64
D 200 Column-stabilised and self-elevating structures ............ 64
D 300 Alternative survey........................................................... 64
E. Renewal Survey, Machinery and Safety Systems ................ 65
E 100 General............................................................................ 65
E 200 Electrical installations..................................................... 65
E 300 Instrumentation and automation ..................................... 65
F. Renewal Survey, Tailshaft Survey ....................................... 66
F 100 Standard requirements .................................................... 66
F 200 Alternative survey........................................................... 67
F 300 Tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrangement....... 67
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 8 Contents see note on front cover
G. Thrusters ............................................................................... 67
G 100 Definitions.......................................................................67
G 200 Condition monitoring approach - extent of survey
and testing .......................................................................67
G 300 Extent of survey and testing without condition
monitoring system...........................................................67
H. Renewal Surveys, Boiler and Steam Heated Steam
Generator .............................................................................. 68
H 100 Renewal survey...............................................................68
I. Thermal Oil Heater Survey................................................... 68
I 100 Renewal survey...............................................................68
J. Survey of the Outside of Unit's Bottom and Related Items. 68
J 100 Schedule .........................................................................68
J 200 Parts to be examined ......................................................68
J 300 Survey planning and record keeping ..............................69
Sec. 3 Periodical Survey Extent for Additional Service
Notations .............................................................. 70
A. General.................................................................................. 70
A 100 Introduction.....................................................................70
B. Drilling Units........................................................................ 70
B 100 Application......................................................................70
B 200 Annual survey .................................................................70
B 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................70
C. Well Intervention Units ........................................................ 70
C 100 Application......................................................................70
C 200 Annual survey .................................................................70
C 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................70
D. Accommodation Unit ........................................................... 71
D 100 Application......................................................................71
D 200 Annual survey .................................................................71
D 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................71
E. Crane Unit............................................................................. 71
E 100 Application......................................................................71
E 200 Annual survey .................................................................71
E 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................71
F. Offshore Support Unit .......................................................... 71
F 100 Survey arrangement ........................................................71
Sec. 4 Periodical Survey Extent for Additional System
and Special Facility Notations............................ 72
A. Introduction .......................................................................... 72
A 100 General ............................................................................72
B. Position Mooring Equipment................................................ 72
B 100 Application......................................................................72
B 200 Annual survey .................................................................72
B 300 Intermediate survey.........................................................72
B 400 Complete periodical survey ............................................72
C. Dynamic Positioning System................................................ 72
C 100 Application......................................................................72
C 200 Complete periodical survey ............................................72
D. Drilling Plant ........................................................................ 72
D 100 Application......................................................................72
D 200 Annual survey .................................................................72
D 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................73
E. Helicopter Deck.................................................................... 73
E 100 Application......................................................................73
E 200 Complete periodical survey ............................................73
F. Well Test............................................................................... 73
F 100 Application......................................................................73
F 200 Surveys............................................................................73
G. Temporary Oil Storage ......................................................... 73
G 100 Application......................................................................73
G 200 Annual survey .................................................................73
G 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................74
H. Crane..................................................................................... 74
H 100 Application......................................................................74
H 200 Annual survey .................................................................74
H 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................74
I. Diving Systems..................................................................... 74
I 100 Application......................................................................74
I 200 Annual survey .................................................................74
I 300 Intermediate survey.........................................................74
I 400 Complete periodical survey ............................................74
J. Deicing or Anti-icing Systems.............................................. 75
J 100 Application......................................................................75
J 200 Annual survey .................................................................75
K. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space and Machinery
Centrally Operated................................................................ 75
K 100 Application......................................................................75
K 200 Annual survey .................................................................75
K 300 Complete periodical survey ............................................75
L. Additional Fire Protection .................................................... 75
L 100 Application......................................................................75
L 200 Complete periodical survey, all F-class notations ..........76
L 300 Complete periodical survey, F-A....................................76
L 400 Complete periodical survey, F-M...................................76
L 500 Complete periodical survey, F-AM................................76
M. Fire Fighters.......................................................................... 76
M 100 Application......................................................................76
M 200 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER I .............76
M 300 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER II ............76
M 400 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER III ...........76
N. Integrated Computer Systems............................................... 76
N 100 Application......................................................................76
N 200 Complete periodical survey ............................................76
O. Hull Monitoring System....................................................... 76
O 100 Application......................................................................76
O 200 General ............................................................................76
O 300 Annual survey .................................................................76
P. Safety and Environmental Protection Management System 77
P 100 Application......................................................................77
P 200 Survey requirements .......................................................77
Q. Special Feature Notations ..................................................... 77
Q 100 Non-self-propelled units .................................................77
R. Tailshaft Monitoring............................................................. 77
R 100 Application......................................................................77
R 200 General ............................................................................77
R 300 Annual survey .................................................................77
R 400 Dismantling of propellers................................................77
App. A Introduction to Offshore Classification ........... 78
A. Introduction........................................................................... 78
A 100 Purpose............................................................................78
B. The Classification System.................................................... 78
B 100 The classification process and its limitations..................78
B 200 Who needs classification?...............................................78
B 300 Recognition of DNV.......................................................78
B 400 Responsibility for safety at sea .......................................78
B 500 Classification of newbuildings........................................78
B 600 Classification in the operational phase............................79
B 700 Owner's duties.................................................................79
C. Remuneration........................................................................ 79
C 100 Fee system.......................................................................79
D. Classification Support........................................................... 79
D 100 General ............................................................................79
D 200 Pre-contract support ........................................................79
D 300 In-service support............................................................79
D 400 Limitations ......................................................................79
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Contents Page 9
App. B Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-docking
Survey 80
A. Introduction .......................................................................... 80
A 100 General............................................................................ 80
B. Conditions............................................................................. 80
B 100 Limitations...................................................................... 80
B 200 Thickness gauging and non-destructive testing.............. 80
B 300 Plans and data ................................................................. 80
B 400 Underwater conditions.................................................... 80
C. Physical Features .................................................................. 80
C 100 General ........................................................................... 80
C 200 Stern bearing................................................................... 80
C 300 Rudder bearings .............................................................. 80
C 400 Sea suctions .................................................................... 80
C 500 Sea valves ....................................................................... 80
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 10 Contents see note on front cover
Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Sec. 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 13
Sec. 2 Classification Principles........................................................................................................... 16
Sec. 3 Classification Scope and Notations.......................................................................................... 18
Sec. 4 Classification Procedure........................................................................................................... 21
Sec. 5 Legal Provisions....................................................................................................................... 27
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.1 Page 13
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This publication, DNV-OSS-101, presents DNVs
Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support
Units, stating the terms and procedures for assigning and
maintaining classification, including listing of the applicable
technical references to be applied for classification.
A 200 Organisation of DNV-OSS-101
201 DNV-OSS-101 is divided into three main chapters as
Chapter 1: providing general information about classifica-
tion principles and procedures
Chapter 2: providing design and construction require-
ments for the newbuilding phase
Chapter 3: providing requirements for maintenance of
class in the operational phase.
A 300 Objects covered
301 DNV-OSS-101 covers classification of offshore units of
the following design types:
ship-shaped units
column-stabilised units
self-elevating units
for the following services:
well intervention
general offshore support.
B. Definitions
B 100 Verbal forms
101 Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be followed
for fulfilment or compliance with the present service specifica-
tion. Deviations are not permitted unless formally and rigor-
ously justified, and accepted by all relevant contracting parties.
102 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is
recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred
but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be applied
subject to agreement.
103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action
permissible within the limits of the service specification.
B 200 Definitions
201 Approval or approved: Denotes acceptance by DNV of
documentation showing design solutions, arrangements and/or
equipment to comply with the rules.
202 Assigning class: Originally signified designation of one
of several classes to a ship based on its condition, ranging from
good to bad. Today only the highest class is assigned, com-
prising the main class, 1A1, and an obligatory additional class
notation, e.g. Drilling Unit, where applicable.
Voluntary additional class notations may also be assigned cov-
ering special service, equipment or systems, e.g. DRILL
denoting a classed drilling plant.
203 The Board: Signifies the Executive Board of DNV
through its Chairman who is the President and CEO of DNV.
204 CIBS: Classification Information Breakdown Structure
(coding system for documentation).
205 Classification: Comprises those services rendered by
DNV in accordance with the rules. Classification of offshore
units is conducted in accordance with the requirements of the
rules and any standards referred to by the rules.
206 Classification certificate: Issued upon assignment or
renewal of class. Its validity is five years subject to successful
completion of annual and intermediate surveys.
207 Client: The party having requested classification or hav-
ing assumed ownership of a classed offshore unit or installa-
tion. In cases where owners have authorised another party to
operate the unit or installation on their behalf, such party is
regarded as the client.
208 Close-up examination: An examination where the
details of structural components are within the close visual
inspection range of the surveyor, i.e. preferably within reach of
209 Contract: The specific agreement between DNV and the
client. It defines the extent of services requested by the client,
and is concerned with:
the classification of offshore units or installations, both
newbuildings and in operation
statutory work carried out on behalf of national maritime
equipment and materials.
210 Det Norske Veritas (DNV): An autonomous and inde-
pendent foundation with the object of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment.
211 Guidance note: Advice which is not mandatory for
assignment of class, but with which DNV, in light of general
experience, advises compliance. The client may decide
whether to apply the note or not.
212 IACS: The International Association of Classification
213 IMO: The International Maritime Organization.
214 International maritime standards: International IMO
conventions, protocols, codes and resolutions, in so far as their
purpose is safety and pollution prevention, excluding articles
and regulations dealing with intergovernmental relations, legal
and formal aspects.
215 LRFD methodology: Load and resistance factor design
216 Mobile offshore unit: A buoyant construction engaged in
offshore operations including drilling, production, storage or
support functions, not intended for service at one particular
offshore location, and which can be relocated without major
dismantling or modification.
217 Offshore installation: A collective term to cover any
construction, buoyant or non-bouyant, designed and built for
installation at a particular offshore location.
218 Overall examination: An examination intended to report
on the overall condition of the structure.
219 Quality audit: A systematic and independent examina-
tion to determine whether established work processes and
quality systems are adhered to.
220 Recognised classification society: A classification soci-
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 14 Ch.1 Sec.1 see note on front cover
ety which is a full or associate member of IACS.
221 The Rules: All rule requirements accepted by the Board
as basis for classification.
222 The Society: Signifies DNV.
223 Statutory certificates: IMO convention certificates
issued on behalf of, or by, national authorities.
224 Supplier or manufacturer: Supplies materials, compo-
nents, equipment and systems to newbuildings to be classed, or
to classed units in operation, whose production is subject to
design approval, surveys and testing in accordance with the
225 Temporary conditions: Design conditions not covered
by operating conditions, e.g. conditions during fabrication,
mating and installation phases, dry transit phases.
226 Tentative rules and standards: Apply to new fields to
which DNV reserves the right to make adjustments during a
period in order to obtain the purpose intended.
227 Transit conditions: All wet unit movements from one
geographical location to another.
228 Vertical contract audit: An IACS audit which assesses
the correct application of the quality system through audit of
the process for a specific contract. The IACS QSCS (Quality
System Certification Scheme) audit team is responsible for
carrying out these audits.
229 WSD methodology: Working stress design methodol-
C. Normative References
C 100 Normative references
101 DNV-OSS-101 includes references to other DNV docu-
ments and recognised codes and standards which shall be used
in conjunction with the requirements given in this document
for assignment of class.
C 200 DNV reference documents
201 The latest revision of the documents listed in Table C1
C 300 Other references
301 The latest revision of the documents in Table C2 applies.
D. Informative References
D 100 DNV informative references
101 The publications listed in Table D1 are referenced in the
text of this document, and may be used as a source of supple-
mentary services and information.
102 The latest revision of the documents listed in Table D1
D 200 Other references
201 The latest version of the documents listed in Table D2
E. Abbreviations
E 100 General
101 The abbreviations given in Table E1 are used in this
Table C1 DNV reference documents
Reference Title
DNV-OS-A101 Safety Principles and Arrangement
DNV-OS-B101 Metallic Materials
DNV-OS-C101 Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General
DNV-OS-C102 Structural Design of Offshore Ships
DNV-OS-C103 Structural Design of Column Stabilised Units
(LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C104 Structural Design of Self Elevating Units (LRFD
DNV-OS-C201 Structural Design of Offshore Units (WSD
DNV-OS-C301 Stability and Watertight Integrity
DNV-OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures
DNV-OS-D101 Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment
DNV-OS-D201 Electrical Installations
DNV-OS-D202 Instrumentation and Telecommunication Sys-
DNV-OS-D301 Fire Protection
DNV-OS-E101 Drilling Plant
DNV-OS-E201 Hydrocarbon Production Plant
DNV-OS-E301 Position Mooring
DNV-OS-E401 Helicopter Decks
DNV-RP-A202 Documentation of Offshore Projects
Rules for Classification of Ships
Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances
Rules for Certification of Diving Systems
Guideline No.17 Definitions of Plan Approval Documentation
Types used in DOCREQ for Ships, High Speed,
Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft and Offshore
Units and or Installations
Table C2 Non-DNV normative references
Reference Title
IACS Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard
Table D1 DNV informative references
Reference Title
DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production
and Storage Units
DNV-OSS-202 Verification for Compliance with UK Shelf
Standard for
Certification 1.2
Type Approval
Note 72.1
Allowable Thickness Diminution for Hull
Table D2 Other references
Reference Title
API RP 8B Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, and Remanufac-
ture of Hoisting Equipment
BS 5430-1 Periodic inspection, testing and maintenance of
transportable gas containers (excluding dissolved
acetylene containers). Specification for seamless
steel containers of water capacity 0.5 litres and
PD 5500
BS 5500)
Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure
Table C1 DNV reference documents (Continued)
Reference Title
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.1 Page 15
Table E1 Abbreviations
Abbreviation In full
API American Petroleum Institute
BS British Standard (issued by British Standard Insti-
DFF Design fatigue factors
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DP dynamic positioning
IC inspection category
IIP in service inspection program
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
LRFD load and resistance factor design
MPI magnetic particle inspection
NDT non-destructive testing
OS Offshore standard
OSS Offshore service specification
RP recommended practice
SCF stress concentration factor
WSD working stress design
Table E1 Abbreviations (Continued)
Abbreviation In full
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 16 Ch.1 Sec.2 see note on front cover
A. The Classification Concept
A 100 Introduction
101 Classification is a comprehensive verification service
providing assurance that a set of requirements laid down in
rules established by DNV are met during design and construc-
tion, and maintained during operation of an offshore unit.
Classification has gained worldwide recognition as represent-
ing an adequate level of safety and quality.
102 Classification implies an activity, in which an offshore
unit is surveyed during construction on the basis of design
approval, tested before being taken into service, and surveyed
regularly during its whole operational life. The aim is to verify
that the required safety standard is built in, observed and main-
103 Having assigned class, DNV will issue a classification
certificate and enter the main particulars and details of class in
the Register of vessels classed with DNV.
A 200 Entering into force and application of rules
201 Rules and amendments accepted by the Board will come
into force when decided by the Board, normally six (6) months
after acceptance.
202 The rules which are in force at the date of the written
request for classification, are the basis for the assignment and
maintenance of class.
Subsequent amendments not made mandatory according to
204 may be applied to objects under construction provided
both builder and owner agree to such application.
203 In exceptional cases, where unacceptable service expe-
rience and/or theoretical findings clearly show that safety haz-
ards may arise in connection with items covered by the existing
rules, DNV may lay down supplementary requirements to
maintain the overall safety standard reflected by the rules.
204 DNV will consider alternatives found to represent an
overall safety standard equivalent to that of the rules.
The alternative solution shall be adequately documented and
will be reviewed for acceptance on the basis of relevant refer-
ences set forth by DNV.
Approval may be revoked if subsequent information indicates
that the chosen alternative is not satisfactory.
205 In cases where detailed requirements are not given in the
rules, specific solutions or decisions approved by DNV and its
surveyors shall be based on the principles of the rules, and shall
give a safety standard equivalent to that of the rules.
206 Exceptionally, if for some reason, it is impossible to
comply with a rule requirement or to find a fully equivalent
solution, then other solutions may be accepted by DNV pro-
vided the parties to the classification contract all agree, and
always provided that overall safety level is not jeopardised.
The alternative solution shall be adequately documented and
will be reviewed for acceptance on the basis of relevant refer-
ences set forth by DNV. The solution shall be recorded in the
"Appendix to the Classification Certificate".
207 In accordance with 204, DNV may consider the use of
reliability methods as a means of documenting compliance to
class requirements.
208 Periodical survey regulations for retaining class shall be
according to the rules in force at the time of survey (given in
Ch.3 of DNV-OSS-101).
A 300 Basis for assignment of class
301 Having assigned a specific class implies that DNV:
has been satisfied that the object meets the rule require-
ments for the particular class
will verify, through a system of surveys, that the require-
ments stipulated for retention of class are complied with.
302 Prior to assigning class to an existing offshore object, it
is in general to undergo all periodical surveys pertaining to the
age and type of object.
303 When assigning class to an offshore unit which has not
been built under supervision of DNV, but by another recog-
nised classification society, DNV may on the basis of an over-
all safety consideration give exemptions from rule
304 When assigning class to offshore units belonging to a
series, where others are under construction to class by another
recognised classification society, DNV may on the basis of an
overall safety consideration give exemptions from DNV rule
requirements, and base the survey on the design approval done
by the other recognised society. The same applies to a design
previously accepted by another recognised society. A note to
this effect may be included in the Appendix to the classifica-
tion certificate.
305 When assigning class to an offshore unit registered in a
flag state that undertakes approval and surveys of items cov-
ered by the rules, DNV may accept their decisions as basis of
assigning class.
306 DNV may also accept decisions by the national author-
ity with jurisdiction over the waters in which the unit or instal-
lation is to operate (shelf state) as basis for assigning class.
A 400 Basis for maintenance of class
401 The requirements for retention of class are found in
Sec.4 B. In addition, classification is based on the following:
Valid statutory certificates
For flagged offshore units the statutory certificates of the
applicable international conventions shall be valid at all times,
and the surveys prescribed in the conventions shall be carried
out within the time windows prescribed.
Maintenance of the unit and its equipment
The unit, machinery installations and equipment shall be main-
tained at a standard complying with the requirements of the
Installed systems or equipment carried on board in excess of
the rule requirements, but otherwise covered by the rules, shall
either be maintained in accordance with the rules, or be
removed or disconnected in such a way as to ensure that the
installed system or equipment cannot be used.
Handling of the unit
The unit, machinery installations and equipment shall be ade-
quately manned and competently handled. Class conditions
regarding the use of the unit shall be observed.
Recording of lightweight and centre of gravity
The data for lightweight and centre of gravity (C.o.G.) shall be
continuously recorded and adjusted by the master for any items
taken onboard or ashore during operation.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.2 Page 17
A 500 Documentation
501 All information which may influence the judgement,
decisions and requirements of DNV for the purpose of classi-
fication, shall be made available to DNV. It is the client's
responsibility to ensure that such information is brought to the
attention of DNV in a timely manner. Information may be
made available by submitting documents or by surveys per-
formed at the clients premises, onboard or at the premises of
the client's sub-contractors.
502 The documentation forming the basis for classification
is, at all times, to reflect the true conditions. Revisions of doc-
uments are therefore to be submitted to DNV to the extent such
revisions may influence decisions and requirements relating to
A 600 Disclosure of information
601 DNV will not disclose any information received or
reports made in connection with classification to any other
than those entitled thereto or those having been given the right
to receive information by legislation, court decision or by writ-
ten permission by the owner.
The supply of information may take place electronically and
on a continual basis, e.g. by on-line access to DNV's databases.
Guidance note:
Table B1 indicates which parties will be entitled to various kinds
of information.
602 DNV will not disclose information that can be consid-
ered as the property of another party except when this party's
permission is given in writing.
603 Internal communication, notes, calculations etc. pro-
duced within DNV in connection with classification will not be
disclosed to other parties.
604 Notwithstanding 601 to 603, authorised representatives
of the national maritime authorities or of the audit team of
IACS performing quality audits, will have access to such infor-
mation. These representatives are to confirm in writing that
they are not in any manner allowed to reproduce or communi-
cate such information to other parties.
605 Notwithstanding 601 and 603 DNV may disclose any
information to a police authority upon a written request by the
A 700 Limitation of DNV's responsibility
701 The classification service is performed on the basic
assumption that other parties involved (building yard, design-
ers, manufacturers, sub-contractors, owners, etc.) fulfil their
individual obligations. The classification service is not per-
formed in substitution of other parties' role or obligations.
Nothing contained herein or in any certificate, report or docu-
ment issued in connection with or pursuant to these rules, shall
relieve any designer, engineer, builder, manufacturer, yard,
seller, supplier, owner, operator or other parties from any obli-
gations or consequences of default whatsoever. In particular,
compliance with the rules does not imply acceptance or com-
missioning of an offshore unit. This is the exclusive responsi-
bility of the owner.
Any document issued by DNV in relation to surveys per-
formed reflects the condition of the unit at the time of survey.
It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the condition
of the unit as required by the rules between surveys.
A 800 Vertical contract audits and audits by national
maritime authorities
801 For the purpose of conducting vertical audits performed
by the audit team of IACS, and audits performed by the
national maritime authorities of the flag state, access shall be
provided to the unit and/or to the premises of manufacturer or
yard, as appropriate.
Table A1 Disclosure of information
Information in question Owner
Flag Administra-
Port State
Company *
Yard or suppliers
a) Approved "as carried out" structure
related drawings
2) 1) 4)
b) Approved "as carried out" system
and component drawings
2) 2) 2)
Units in operation:
a) Class and statutory certificates
issued by DNV
4) 1) 1) 3)
b) Survey and certificate status
including text of conditions of
4) 4) 1) 1)**
c) Survey reports 4) + 1) 1) 2) 3)
Other information:
Correspondence with yard or owner 2) 2) 2) 2)
1) Upon request
2) When accepted by owner or yard and copyright holder as applicable
3) When accepted by owner or through special clause in insurance contract
4) Automatically available
* Insurance company means P&I clubs and hull/structure & machinery underwriters
** Overdue conditions of class, only
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 18 Ch.1 Sec.3 see note on front cover
A. Scope of Classification
A 100 General
101 The rules and referred standards define acceptance crite-
ria for design, construction, survey and testing of offshore
units, their marine and machinery installations, systems and
equipment, applicable to the newbuilding and operational
A 200 Rule parts
201 The present offshore service specification states terms
and procedures for assigning and maintaining class for off-
shore drilling and support units, as well as listing the applica-
ble technical reference documents stipulating technical
requirements for classification. These may be DNV offshore
standards, other DNV standards and internationally recognised
A 300 Rule particulars
301 The rules with reference standards give requirements in
the following areas:
B. Class Notations
B 100 General
101 Classed units will be given a class designation consist-
ing of:
construction symbol
main character of class
basic design notation
service notation
system and special facility notations (as applicable)
special feature notations (as applicable).
B 200 Construction symbols
201 The symbol will be given to units built under the
supervision of DNV.
202 The symbol will be given to units built under the
supervision of a recognised classification society and later
assigned class with DNV.
B 300 Main character of class
301 The notation 1A1 will be given to units with hull and
marine machinery and equipment found to be in compliance
with the basic (common) requirements of the applicable DNV
offshore standards referred to in the rules.
B 400 Basic design notations
401 The basic design notation indicates the type of structure.
The notations currently in use are given in Table B1.
402 For types of units not properly characterised by the listed
notations, the basic notation:
1A1 Mobile Offshore Unit
may be used.
B 500 Service notations
501 Units constructed according to DNV rules for offshore
classification, arranged for a particular service and found to be
in accordance with the relevant requirements for such service,
will be given a corresponding service notation.
502 Service notations currently in use are defined in Table
503 The service notations in Table B2 shall be considered
mandatory for the relevant types of units.
504 Classification services related to hydrocarbon produc-
tion and storage are presented in separate rules, DNV-OSS-
Hull and main structure
materials and welding
corrosion protection
constructional fire protection
weathertight and watertight integrity
stability and floatability
tank arrangement.
Marine and machinery installations and equipment
Machinery installations and equipment, including their related aux-
iliary functions, with respect to strength and performance as applica-
ble to the following main functions:
power generation
propulsion (if applicable)
steering (if applicable)
fire protection, detection and extinction
drainage and bilge pumping
anchoring and mooring
hazardous area categorisation (as applicable).
Other machinery installations, regardless of their contribution to the
main functions stated above, when located in enclosed hull compart-
Other installations stated in the rules.
Table B1 Basic design notations
Basic design notation Description
Ship-shaped Unit
Monohull ship and barge type units
having displacement hulls with or
without propulsion machinery.
Column- stabilised Unit
Unit dependant on the buoyancy of
widely spaced columns for floatation
and stability for all modes of opera-
Self-elevating Unit
Unit with hull of sufficient buoyancy
for safe transport which is raised
above sea surface on legs supported
by the sea bed during operation.
Table B2 Service notations
Notation Description
Drilling Unit with drilling as a main function
Well Intervention
Unit with well intervention as a main
Units primarily used for accommodation
Units primarily used for heavy-lift pur-
Offshore Support
Units intended for offshore support func-
tions (fitted with only parts of equipment
necessary to perform main functions)


Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.3 Page 19
B 600 System and special facility notations
601 Units having special facilities, systems or equipment
found to satisfy specified class requirements will be given a
corresponding class notation. Notations currently in use are
given in Table B3.
602 Ship-shaped units may also be assigned relevant class
notations given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships.
B 700 Special feature notations
701 Special feature notations provide information regarding
special design assumptions, arrangements or equipment which
are not covered by other class notations.
702 Special feature notations currently in use are listed in
Table B4.
B 800 Service restrictions
801 Units not approved for unrestricted service will have rel-
evant service restrictions stated in the Appendix to the classi-
fication certificate. These units will be given the class
notation R to indicate that restrictions apply.
The notation R will be inserted after the main character of
802 Other service restrictions or operational limits included
in the design assumptions of a unit will be stated in the
Appendix to the classification certificate, and/or on special
signboards onboard.
803 Service restrictions and deviations from the rule require-
ments shall be addressed in a memo for owners (MO) inform-
ing them about the assumption for the class notation if the unit
shall be operated outside the geographical areas or other
boundaries agreed in the classification contract.
B 900 Compliance with shelf state legislation
901 When DNV is requested to carry out verification in
accordance with shelf state regulations for the complete unit or
parts of the unit, an additional notation may be assigned to the
relevant class designations, consisting of the relevant shelf
state code and the issue of shelf state regulations used as basis
for verification in brackets, e.g.:
902 Shelf state code notations currently in use, are listed in
Table B5.
Table B3 System and special facility notations
Notation *
CRANE Equipped with crane(s)
Unit equipped with de-icing or anti-icing
DRILL Drilling plant
DSV-I SF Equipped with diving system with opera-
tional limitations
DSV-II SF Equipped with diving system with opera-
tional limitations
DSV-III SF Equipped with diving system without oper-
ational limitations
DYNPOS-AUTS Dynamic positioning system without redun-
DYNPOS-AUT Dynamic positioning system with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up and a position ref-
erence back-up
DYNPOS-AUTR Dynamic positioning system with redun-
dancy in technical design and with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up
DYNPOS-AUTRO Dynamic positioning system with redun-
dancy in technical design and with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up. Plus a back-up
dynamic positioning control system in an
emergency dynamic positioning control
centre, designed with physical separation
for components that provide redundancy
E0 Unit equipped for unattended machinery
ECO Unit equipped for operation of machinery
from centralised control station
F-A Additional fire protection of accommoda-
tion space
F-AM Additional fire protection of accommoda-
tion and machinery space
F-M Additional fire protection of machinery
FIRE FIGHTER I Early stage fire fighting and rescue close to
structure on fire
FIRE FIGHTER II Continuous fire fighting and cooling of
structures on fire
FIRE FIGHTER III As FIRE FIGHTER II, plus larger pumping
capacity and more comprehensive equip-
HELDK Helicopter deck structure
HELDK-S Helicopter deck structure including safety
aspect related to the unit
HELDK-SH Helicopter deck structure including safety
aspect related to the unit and to the helicop-
HMON-1 Provided with basic hull monitoring system
HMON-2 Provided with comprehensive hull monitor-
ing incorporating measurement of environ-
mental conditions
ICE-L Strengthened for ice condition operation
ICE-T Strengthened for ice condition transit
ICS Unit equipped with integrated computer
POSMOOR Passive position mooring system
POSMOOR-V Mooring system designed for positioning in
vicinity of other structures
POSMOOR-TA Thruster assisted mooring system depend-
ent on manual remote thrust control system
POSMOOR-ATA Thruster assisted mooring system depend-
ent on automatic remote thrust control sys-
SBM Unit with implemented management system
TEMPSTORE Temporary storage of oil
WELLTEST Facilities for well testing
*) For ship-shaped units intended to navigate or operate in waters
with ice conditions, the class notations in accordance with
Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.5 Ch.1. may be assigned.
Table B4 Special feature notations
Notation Description
SUB Column-stabilised unit strengthened for oper-
ation when resting on sea bed
A unit for which towing assistance will be
required during transit
TMON Tailshaft condition monitoring arrangement
Table B3 System and special facility notations (Continued)
Notation *
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 20 Ch.1 Sec.3 see note on front cover
903 For further information on procedures and scope of ver-
ification for shelf state requirements, see DNV offshore serv-
ice specifications for shelf state compliance services listed in
Table B5.
B 1000 Combination of notations
1001 Class notations shall be combined as follows:
1A1 <service restriction, if any><basic design
notation> <service notation> Unit
<system and special facility notations> <special fea-
ture notations>
1A1 Column-stabilised Drilling Unit
Table B5 Notations for shelf state verification
Notation Description
Verified for compliance with DNVs
interpretation of relevant Norwegian shelf
state requirements.
Drilling Unit(N)
Well Intervention
UKVS Verified for compliance with DNVs
interpretation of relevant UK shelf state


Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.4 Page 21
A. Assignment of Class
A 100 Request for classification
101 A request for classification shall be submitted in writing
by the client.
A 200 Requirements for workshops and yards
201 Builders shall operate a quality management system
applicable to the scope of their work. The system shall be doc-
umented and contain descriptions and procedures for quality
critical aspects.
202 Builders unknown to DNV shall demonstrate their capa-
bility to carry out fabrication of adequate quality in accordance
with the rules before construction is started.
203 Builders shall maintain a traceable record of non-con-
formities and corrective actions and make this available to
DNV on request.
Guidance note:
Builders are encouraged to obtain ISO 9000 series quality system
certification through DNV accredited quality system certifica-
tion services.
204 Welding of important structures, machinery installations
and equipment shall be carried out by approved welders, with
approved welding consumables and at welding shops accepted
by DNV.
205 During fabrication and construction work, DNV survey-
ors shall have safe access to the works at all reasonable times,
insofar as the work affects classification. The client shall
ensure, through contracts with the parties concerned or other-
wise, that such access is possible, and that DNV is notified as
to when and where the surveyor's attendance is needed.
A 300 Information about subcontractors and suppliers
of products
301 The following documentation from the builder (work-
shop and yard) and from subcontractors shall be submitted to
DNV at the start of a classification project:
list of subcontractors to the building yard
list of suppliers of materials and components, including
subcontractors if applicable.
A 400 Requirements for manufacturers
401 Manufacturers of materials, components and equipment
for main class shall be approved according to criteria estab-
lished by DNV, as applicable.
402 Any required quality control of materials, components
and equipment, shall be traceable and documented in writing.
Further, quality control shall be carried out by qualified per-
sonnel at facilities and with equipment suitable for that control.
A 500 Requirements for suppliers of services
501 Firms providing services on behalf of the owner, such as
measurements, tests and maintenance of safety systems and
equipment, where the results may form the basis for the sur-
veyor's decisions, shall be approved by DNV.
Where surveyors use such services in making decisions affect-
ing statutory certifications, the suppliers are subject to
approval by DNV in cases where DNV is authorised by the rel-
evant administration to do so. For such services DNV may
accept approvals done by the administration, or duly author-
ised organisations acting on behalf of the administration.
A 600 Requirements for calibration of equipment
601 Measuring and test equipment used in services by man-
ufacturers, builders, repairers or owners, where the results may
form the basis for the surveyor's decisions, shall have a docu-
mented calibration status.
A 700 Document approval
701 The builder or manufacturer shall make available to
DNV the following documentation according to documenta-
tion lists supplied by DNV upon receipt of class request, before
production commences:
a) Documentation required for approval. Moreover, DNV
may specify alternative or additional requirements.
b) Corresponding technical descriptions, calculations and
data, including material specifications.
Any documents submitted for re-approval shall be especially
marked to identify the revised parts.
The builder, with which DNV has the classification contract, is
responsible for co-ordinating that drawings and other docu-
ments are submitted, and for distributing any approval com-
ments that may have been given.
702 When a unit, which is not built under supervision of
DNV, shall be classified, the information required in 701 shall,
in general, be submitted for approval. The extent of documen-
tation approval for a unit, which is classed, or which was pre-
viously classed, with another recognised classification society,
will be decided upon in each case.
703 Documentation that has been found to comply with the
rule requirements will be provided with a statement of
approval. Conditions and limitations of the approval will be
stated as agreed in the classification contract.
704 The approval may be revoked at any time if subsequent
information indicates that the design solution was contrary to
the rule requirements or intentions.
705 The English language shall be used in drawings and
specifications submitted for approval. The possibility of using
the local language shall be agreed upon in each case.
706 When drawings and documents are submitted as elec-
tronic files, the format and transfer method shall be agreed
upon in each case.
A 800 Survey
801 When a unit is built under the supervision of DNV, the
following will be verified:
that the construction and dimensions comply with the rule
requirements and the approved documentation, and that
the required materials are used
that the materials, components and systems have been cer-
tified in accordance with the rules
that the work is carried out in compliance with the rules
and with good engineering practices. IACS "Shipbuilding
and Repair Quality Standard - Part A" is regarded as an
example of a standard regarding hull structures describing
such good engineering practices
that satisfactory tests are carried out to the extent and in the
manner prescribed by the rules.
Supervision will be carried out at the building yard and/or the
sub-suppliers at the discretion of DNV, which also decides the
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 22 Ch.1 Sec.4 see note on front cover
extent and method of control.
802 The verification method applied by DNV at the building
yard or at the manufacturers will be based on a combination of
audits of an accepted quality system and visual inspections and
803 When a unit, which has not been built under the supervi-
sion of DNV, shall be classified, DNV will carry out surveys
to confirm:
that the design and dimensions comply with the approved
that the materials, components and systems are in accord-
ance with the rules
that the workmanship is in compliance with the applicable
rules and with good engineering practice.
Functional tests will be carried out as deemed necessary by
804 For units built under the supervision of another recog-
nised society the requirements of 803 will normally be consid-
ered as complied with for the main class.
805 When an existing unit is to be classified, it is in general
to undergo all periodical surveys pertaining to the age and type
of unit.
The extent of surveys will be decided by DNV in each separate
A 900 Functional testing
901 A test programme shall be prepared by the builder. The
programme shall specify systems and components to be tested,
and the testing procedure. The programme shall include sea tri-
als with machinery and equipment installed (as applicable).
902 The tests shall give evidence of satisfactory operation in
accordance with the rules. When testing the control and safety
system, failure modes shall be simulated as realistically as pos-
903 Unless otherwise agreed, the testing required by the
rules shall be carried out in the presence of a surveyor. Data
shall be recorded according to the test programs and as consid-
ered necessary by the surveyor.
A 1000 Certification of materials, components and sys-
1001 The scope of classification includes certification of
materials, components and systems intended for the unit. The
rules define the extent of the certification that is needed for
classification. The objective of the certification is to ensure
that materials, components and systems used in units to be
classed by DNV conform to the rules and referenced standards
within the framework of the rules.
The certification is a conformity assessment normally includ-
ing both design and production assessment.
The production assessment includes inspection and testing
during production and/or of the final product.
1002 The design assessment of the materials, components
and systems shall either be on a case by case basis or follow
the procedure for type approval.
1003 When the case by case procedure is used, documen-
tation of the design shall be submitted for assessment for every
application as required in the rules. A design assessment letter
or design verification report shall be issued by DNV when
compliance with the requirements for the design for the actual
application is confirmed.
1004 When the type approval procedure is used, documenta-
tion of the design and the results of type testing as required in
type approval programmes and the rules, shall be submitted for
assessment. A type approval certificate shall be issued by
DNV when compliance with the requirements for the design is
confirmed. The type approval certificate has a validity of 2 or
4 years depending on type of material, component and system.
1005 The production assessment of materials, components
and systems shall either be on a case by case basis or on the
basis of an agreed Manufacturing Survey Arrangement
1006 When the case by case procedure is used, the survey
and testing shall be performed on the basis of approved design
documentation for the actual application and as required in the
rules. Compliance with the approved design documentation
and the requirements shall be documented through certificates
as required in the rules.
1007 When the production assessment is based on an MSA,
the survey and testing shall be performed on the basis of
approved design documentation and in accordance with
requirements and procedures laid down in the MSA. Compli-
ance with the approved design documentation and the require-
ments shall be documented through certificates as specified in
the MSA or as required in the rules.
1008 Certification of materials, components and systems
shall be documented by the following types of documents:
1) DNV Product certificate (NV):
A document signed by a DNV surveyor stating:
conformity with rules or standard requirements
that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
that tests are made on samples taken from the certified
product itself
that tests are performed in presence of the surveyor or
in accordance with special agreements.
2) Works certificate (W):
A document signed by the manufacturer stating:
conformity with rules or standard requirements
that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
that tests are made on samples taken from the certified
product itself
that tests are witnessed and signed by a qualified
department of the manufacturers.
3) Test report (TR):
A document signed by the manufacturer stating:
conformity with rules or standard requirements
that tests are carried out on samples from the current
The applicable rules or standards will specify which of the
above mentioned documentation will be required.
1009 Where the rules require Works certificate (W) or Test
report (TR), the surveyor may at any time require tests to be
carried out in his presence and/or check elements of the quality
control in operation.
1010 For identification and traceability, certified products
shall be stamped in accordance with the marking given in the
product certificate and as specified by the applicable rules or
1011 For certain components and systems as defined in the
rules, the certification may be based on defined internationally
recognised standards and certification schemes that cover the
overall quality, safety and environmental standard of the rules.
Compliance with the requirements of the standard shall be doc-
umented as required by the standard.
1012 To ensure an efficient, cost effective and correct certi-
fication process, a general certification agreement is normally
to be established with manufacturers delivering NV certified
The general certification agreement may be part of a manufac-
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.4 Page 23
turing survey arrangement (MSA).
The general certification agreement shall include information
on the procedures for design and production assessment and on
transfer of information and experience between the manufac-
turer and DNV.
A 1100 Manufacturing survey arrangement
1101 When the procedures and processes of a building yard's
or a manufacturer's quality system meet the quality, safety and
environmental standard of the rules, a manufacturing survey
arrangement (MSA) may be established with the yard or the
manufacturer as an alternative to the verification and produc-
tion assessment described in the applicable rules.
1102 The agreed MSA shall be described in a document stat-
ing the requirements, scope, acceptance criteria, documenta-
tion and the roles of DNV and the yard or the manufacturer in
connection with the production assessment.
1103 When it is agreed through an MSA that the majority of
the required surveys and tests are being completed without the
presence of a surveyor, it is conditional upon the manufacturer
that he has in operation a quality system certified by an accred-
ited certification body to ISO 9002, or equivalent.
1104 When establishing an MSA, an initial assessment of the
manufacturers ability to control product quality and to comply
with the scope, requirements and criteria laid down in the MSA
shall be performed. The extent and frequency of periodical
assessments of the manufacturer shall be included in the MSA.
1105 An MSA is normally given a validity of 4 years. When
the MSA is based on a certified quality system, the MSA auto-
matically becomes invalid if the quality system certification is
no longer valid.
A 1200 Type approval
1201 Type approval is a procedure for design assessment.
Type approval can be applied to a:
group of products
This procedure should normally be used for design assessment
of standard designs.
1202 The type approval procedure will normally consist of
the following elements:
design approval
type testing
issuance of type approval certificate.
The type approval procedure used by DNV is described in
Standard for Certification 1.2.
1203 For certain products, equipment and systems as
defined in the rules, type approval is sufficient as the assess-
ment needed for conforming product quality, i.e. production
assessment is not required.
1204 For certain products, equipment and systems as
defined in the rules, type approval is a mandatory procedure
for design assessment.
1205 For products, equipment and systems manufactured for
stock, type approval shall be the normal procedure for assess-
ment of design.
1206 For type approved products, where the basis for
approval is the rules, documentation of the product need not be
submitted for approval for each offshore unit unless otherwise
stated as a condition on the type approval certificate. In such
cases only the arrangement or system plans, interface plans
and those plans mentioned on the type approval certificate
shall be submitted for approval.
A 1300 Acceptance of control by national authorities
1301 In cases where the administration of a flag state
reviews plans, carries out type approval, and surveys the unit
and/or its components and equipment in accordance with the
rules requirements, consideration will be given to the accept-
ance of this control as basis for the assignment of class.
A 1400 Certificate of interim class
1401 When the surveyor is of the opinion that the require-
ments corresponding to the class in question have been met, he
will document the completion of the building supervision by
issuing the certificate of interim class, which is valid until the
administration of DNV has confirmed the class and issued the
classification certificate.
1402 At the discretion of the surveyor the building supervi-
sion may be considered to be completed with some minor
items unverified, provided conditions of class are issued to the
effect that the remaining work, surveys or other measures shall
be completed within a specified time. At the same time the sur-
veyor will document the completion of the newbuilding super-
vision by issuing the certificate of interim class as indicated in
1403 In case of classification of an existing unit not built
under the supervision of DNV, or classification of an existing
unit previously classed by DNV, the surveyor will issue the
certificate of interim class when he is satisfied that the applica-
ble requirements have been met.
A 1500 Classification certificate
1501 When the administration of DNV has examined the
surveyor's report and is satisfied that the requirements have
been met, class will be assigned and a classification certificate
will be issued.
Provided the requirements for maintenance of class will be
complied with, and unless the class has been withdrawn in
writing at an earlier stage, the classification certificate will be
valid for 5 years.
A 1600 Appendix to the classification certificate
1601 An Appendix to the classification certificate will be
issued stating assumptions for the assignment of class and con-
ditions regarding the use of the unit, which were established or
assumed at the time of assignment of class.
A 1700 Entry in the Register of vessels classed by DNV
1701 When an offshore unit has been assigned class, its main
particulars and details of class will be entered in the Register.
In addition to the class notations, an appropriate type descrip-
tive note may be entered in the Register.
1702 For units built under the supervision of DNV, the class
is entered with a statement of the year and month from which
the periodical surveys will be dated. For other units a notation
is made of the year and month of completion of the survey
mentioned in 805.
1703 If the unit is not immediately commissioned upon com-
pletion of the building supervision, the unit is subject to a con-
dition survey at the time when it enters service. Provided the
result of this survey is in all respects satisfactory, subsequent
periodical surveys will date from the time of the condition sur-
A 1800 Decline of application for classification
1801 DNV reserves the right to decline an application for
classification or reclassification where the prior history or con-
dition of the unit or prior experience with the owner indicates
this to be appropriate.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 24 Ch.1 Sec.4 see note on front cover
B. Retention of Class
B 100 General
101 In order to retain a units class, the owner shall:
submit complete and correct information on the unit and
its use, which would be of significance to DNV for assess-
ment of the condition of the unit in relation to the rules and
referred standards
submit complete and correct information on the ownership
and management of the unit, addresses and corresponding
administrative information pertinent to the relations with
subject the unit to prescribed periodical and renewal sur-
veys, surveys of damage, repairs, conversions and altera-
subject the unit to unscheduled surveys when deemed nec-
essary by DNV
carry out conditions of class specified by DNV in accord-
ance with the rules within the given time limit
pay all fees and expenses due to DNV. The owner has,
with his or her managers, charterers and operators, a joint
and several liability for any such fees and expenses. If a
request for work is made by any other than the owner, that
party will, in addition to the owner, be responsible for the
payment of the relevant fees.
102 It is the duty of the owner to request surveys from DNV
and to provide the assistance and safe access required to the
extent necessary for completion of the surveys in accordance
with the rules.
103 It is a prerequisite for retention of class that:
the statutory certificates (as applicable) are valid at all
the surveys prescribed in the statutory regulations are car-
ried out within the time frames prescribed
the certificates are issued by DNV when so authorised or
else by the flag administration itself, except for the safety
radio certificate (if a separate certificate) where DNV may
accept the certificate issuance by any organisation author-
ised by the flag administration.
Guidance note:
In case of dually classed units, DNV may accept statutory certi-
fication by the 'dual' class society, upon agreement.
104 In co-operation with port states or shelf state authorities,
a surveyor will attend on board a classed unit when so
requested by a port state or shelf state authority, in order to
assist in the rectification of reported deficiencies or other dis-
crepancies related to classification.
Prior to attendance on board, the surveyor will inform the
owner or owner's representative. Where appropriate, the unit's
flag state will be notified of such attendance and survey.
B 200 Periodical and renewal surveys
201 A unit shall be subjected to surveys with frequency and
extent given in the rules.
Surveys carried out by national authorities of the flag state may
be accepted as basis for the retention of the class.
B 300 Survey of damage
301 If the hull, machinery installations, systems or equip-
ment covered by classification sustain damage of such extent
that it may be presumed to lead to a condition of class, DNV
shall be informed without delay. The unit shall be surveyed as
considered necessary by DNV for ascertaining the amount of
B 400 Repairs
401 When hull, machinery installations, systems or equip-
ment are covered by classification and are to be subjected to
repairs of any significance, then the work shall be carried out
by qualified personnel and in compliance with the applicable
rules, and with good engineering practices under the supervi-
sion of a surveyor.
Guidance note:
IACS "Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard - Part B" is
regarded as an example of a standard concerning hull structures
that describes such good engineering practice. Guidelines for
hull repairs can be found in Classification Note 72.1.
402 If repairs (e.g. during voyage) stipulated in 401 are to be
carried out without the attendance of a surveyor, a repair plan
should be approved by DNV in advance.
Repairs shall only be carried out to an extent and by methods
which at any time do not seriously affect the main functions of
the unit and its watertight and structural integrity.
403 In cases where repairs are carried out without attendance
of a surveyor, documentation with respect to quality of materi-
als used, and the qualification of personnel having carried out
the repairs, shall be available when the surveyor is called for
B 500 Procedures for maintenance
501 When referring to maintenance procedures in the rules,
these are normally meant to be procedures recommended by
the supplier of the relevant equipment or systems or to other
applicable recognised standards for the equipment or system in
B 600 Conversions and alterations
601 If hull, machinery installations, equipment or systems
covered by classification are to be converted or altered, the
changes shall be documented and approved by DNV in
When changes to the unit's displacement exceed 5%, new glo-
bal load and response analyses shall be documented to demon-
strate sufficient structural strength including fatigue capacity.
Required minimum fatigue life for joint details shall normally
be taken as 15 years.
602 Alterations to hull, machinery and equipment made pos-
sible by amendments of the applicable rules may be under-
taken provided the general safety and performance standard
required for retention of class will be maintained.
603 The conversion or the alteration shall take place under
the surveyor's supervision in the same manner as for new con-
604 Units which undergo conversions or alterations shall sat-
isfy the following:
comply with all requirements applicable when the unit was
first built
repairs, alterations and modifications of a major character
and related outfitting shall meet the requirements in force
at the time of conversion as far as DNV deems reasonable
and practicable.
605 By modifications of a major character is to be under-
stood major conversions defined as a conversion of an existing
which substantially alters the dimensions or carrying
capacity of the unit
which changes the service type of the unit
the intent of which in the opinion of DNV is substantially
to prolong its life.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.4 Page 25
606 Repairs, alterations and modifications shall not impair
the safety standard of the unit.
607 Temporary systems and equipment shall comply with
relevant requirements in accordance with the assigned class
notations of the unit.
B 700 Change of ownership
701 A unit retains class when transferred to another owner.
In the case of such transfer the previous owner shall give DNV
a written notice immediately. Until this has been done, com-
munication with binding effect will be sent to the previous
B 800 Conditions of class and memoranda
801 If it is found that the unit's hull, machinery and or equip-
ment have sustained damage, become defective or deficient
relative to the applicable requirements, DNV will issue a writ-
ten statement in the form of a condition.
802 A condition of class (abbreviated CC) will be issued if
the condition is related to requirements set by the rules. A CC
is subject to specified rectification (e.g. repairs) or operation
(e.g. survey) and shall be carried out within a given time limit,
in order that the unit retains class. If the defect or deficiency is
of a nature that requires immediate rectification, then this will
be specifically communicated to the owner or his representa-
803 A condition on behalf of the administration (abbreviated
CA) will be issued if the condition is related to requirements
given by the national authority and is outside the scope of clas-
804 If DNV deems it necessary to carry out examinations in
order to ascertain whether damage defect or insufficiency has
been sustained or is imminent, a condition (CC or CA) will be
805 A Memorandum to owner (abbreviated MO) is informa-
tion related to the unit, its machinery and equipment or to rule
requirements. An MO will be issued in relation to items that
are considered to be of no immediate material significance
regarding safety. An MO may supplement information given
otherwise, e.g. in the "Appendix to the classification certifi-
cate" (see A1500) or the "Register of vessels classed with
DNV" (see A1601).
An MO may, for example, be used in the following cases:
exemptions from rule requirements
limitations on the use of the unit or its equipment
deficient or lack of documentation
defects or deficiencies of no concern to class
technical measurements or examinations required
suspended voluntary class notations
equipment in excess of class requirements taken out of
806 A time limit may be given if an action is required by the
owner under the MO. If the required action is not carried out
within the given time limit, the MO will be replaced by a CC.
807 Conditions and memoranda are given in writing to the
owners. Conditions may be made verbally, provided that the
representative of the owner(s) accepts the condition and the
surveyor ensures that the condition has been rectified before
the survey has been completed.
808 DNV may at any time alter a condition, memorandum or
information if this is considered appropriate.
B 900 Survey reports and survey status
901 The surveyor will prepare and submit to the owner
reports on all surveys which have been carried out and issue
CC and MO, when relevant.
902 DNV will make available survey and certificate status
reports, to owners, via the DNV Internet website. It is the
owners responsibility to obtain this information from the
DNV Internet website. Survey and certificate status reports, on
paper, will be distributed on special request only.
C. Validity and Issuance of the Classification
C 100 Validity of the certificate
101 When the renewal surveys for hull, machinery installa-
tions and equipment have been satisfactorily completed, the
validity of the classification certificate will be extended by the
attending surveyor.
102 When the administration of DNV has examined the sur-
veyor's report and is satisfied that the applicable requirements
have been met, the retention of class will be confirmed by the
issuance of a new classification certificate.
103 The validity of the classification certificate given in 102
will be 5 years, provided that the annual and intermediate sur-
veys are carried out at intervals and within the time windows
required by the rules, and that satisfactory completion of these
surveys have been confirmed by endorsement on the classifi-
cation certificate.
C 200 Issuance of certificate
201 For renewal surveys completed within 3 months before
the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate
will be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the expiry
date of the existing certificate.
202 For renewal surveys completed after the expiry date of
the existing certificate, the new certificate will be valid to a
date not exceeding 5 years from the expiry date of the existing
203 For renewal surveys completed more than 3 months
before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new cer-
tificate will be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the
completion date of the renewal survey.
204 In cases where postponement has been granted, the new
certificate will be valid to a date not exceeding 5 years from the
expiry date of the existing certificate before postponement was
205 In cases where the renewal surveys are carried out con-
currently with major conversions and/or alterations requiring a
long conversion time, the validity of the new certificate will
normally be 5 years from the date of the completion and/or
D. Suspension and Withdrawal of Class
D 100 General
101 DNV may suspend or withdraw class in cases where the
assumptions as the basis for classification, or the provisions for
retention of class, have been violated.
102 The decision to suspend or withdraw class is made by
the administration of DNV. However, in cases of automatic
suspension, no individual decision is made. Suspension or
withdrawal of class may take effect immediately or after a
specified period of time.
103 If the owner's default only affects conditions related to
special notations, the suspension or withdrawal may be limited
to these class notations only.
104 When it is considered that an owners failure to comply
with the rule requirements is sufficiently serious or fraudulent,
the suspension or withdrawal of class may, at the discretion of
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 26 Ch.1 Sec.4 see note on front cover
DNV, be extended to include other units controlled by the
same owner.
D 200 Suspension of class
201 If the renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations
and equipment related to main character of class are not carried
out before the expiry date of the classification certificate, and
if no postponement has been granted, the class will be automat-
ically suspended with immediate effect unless the surveys are
under completion.
202 If the annual or intermediate surveys are not carried out
within 3 months from the anniversary date of the classification
certificate the class is automatically suspended with immediate
203 DNV may further decide to suspend class if the unit is
not submitted to the required periodical surveys also in cases
when this is due to force majeure cases, for instance a major
204 In addition to the conditions laid down in 201, 202 and
203, main class or additional class notations may also be sus-
pended with immediate effect by the administration of DNV in
cases where repair of deficiencies have not been dealt with in
an appropriate manner within the time limits given by the sur-
205 Where a suspension of class has come into effect DNV
notify the owner in writing
notify the proper authorities in the country where the unit
is registered
make an entry to this effect in the Register of vessels
classed with DNV.
D 300 Withdrawal of class
301 The class will be withdrawn at the owner's request.
302 If the outstanding surveys specified in 201, 202 and 203
or required repairs as given in 204 are not carried out within a
specified time after the class suspension, DNV may decide to
withdraw class.
303 If a unit proceeds to sea without having rectified a con-
dition of class which was required to be dealt with before leav-
ing port, the class will be withdrawn with immediate effect.
304 If the outstanding debt owed to DNV is not paid within
a fixed date, DNV may withdraw class with one month's writ-
ten notice. This also applies when the obligation to pay rests
with a yard or with previous owners. In special cases a shorter
notice may be given.
305 If the owner makes a general assignment for the benefit
of his creditors or if any proceedings are commenced in court
or any order or judgement is given by any court for a liquida-
tion, winding up of the owner, DNV may withdraw the class
with immediate effect.
306 Where a withdrawal of class has come into effect DNV
notify the owner in writing
notify the proper authorities in the country where the unit
is registered
make an entry to this effect in the Register of vessels
classed with DNV.
D 400 Reclassification
401 If the outstanding surveys leading to class suspension as
given in 201, 202 and 203 or required repairs as given in 204
are carried out within a specified time and the result of this sur-
vey is such that no condition of class is given and furthermore
that there is no overdue periodical surveys or conditions of
class at that time, the class will be reinstated and the existing
classification certificate retains its validity.
402 In all other cases than that given in 401, and if the cir-
cumstances leading to withdrawal of class no longer exist,
class may only be reinstated based upon a written request from
the owner. The survey extent will in such instances be depend-
ent upon the classification status at the time of suspension or
403 When the surveyor is satisfied that the applicable
requirements given in 402 have been met, he will issue a cer-
tificate of interim class which will remain valid until the
administration of DNV has confirmed the class and issued the
classification certificate.
404 When the class is reinstated, DNV will confirm the rein-
statement in writing to the owners and to the authorities in the
country where the unit is registered and make the information
available to any third party upon request.
E. Appeals
E 100 Decisions taken by DNV
101 The client may request that a decision by DNV is to be
taken up for reconsideration by one or more surveyors spe-
cially appointed. The expenses incurred are to be paid by the
party making the appeal. If the earlier decision is revoked, the
expenses will be covered by DNV.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.5 Page 27
A. Liability and Jurisdiction
A 100 Limited liability
101 If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to
have been caused by any negligent act or omission of DNV,
then DNV shall pay compensation to such person for his
proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation
shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged
for the service in question, provided that the maximum com-
pensation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "DNV " shall mean the Foundation Det Nor-
ske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers,
employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Nor-
ske Veritas.
A 200 Governing law
201 These rules, the classification of the unit and the rela-
tionship between DNV and other parties shall be governed by
Norwegian law.
A 300 Venue
301 Any dispute arising in relation to or as a consequence of
these rules shall only be resolved by the courts of Norway, the
Municipal Court of Oslo being the proper venue.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 28 Ch.1 Sec.5 see note on front cover
Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Sec. 1 Design and Construction Requirements for 1A1 MOU Main Class............................................ 31
Sec. 2 Supplementary Requirements for Service Notation Drilling Unit............................................... 36
Sec. 3 Supplementary Requirements for Service Notation Well Intervention Unit ................................. 38
Sec. 4 Supplementary Requirements for Service Notation Accommodation Unit.................................. 40
Sec. 5 Supplementary Requirements for Service Notation Crane Unit................................................. 42
Sec. 6 Design and Construction Requirements for System and Special Facility Notations ............... 43
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 Page 31
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments common to all types of mobile offshore units. Units
complying with these requirements will be assigned a main
character of class 1A1 followed by a description of the basic
design concept of the unit, e.g. column-stabilised unit.
102 The following discipline areas are covered within main
safety principles and arrangement
hull design and fabrication
emergency and temporary mooring and towing
stability, watertight and weathertight integrity
marine and machinery systems and equipment
electrical systems and equipment
instrumentation and telecommunication systems
fire protection.
103 Systems and structures will be certified or classified
based on the following main activities:
design approval
certification of materials and components
survey during construction and installation
survey during commissioning and start-up.
Further description of activity procedures are given in Ch.1
104 The requirements of this section are given as:
references to standards, codes and rules containing techni-
cal requirements which shall be complied with for assign-
ment of main class
documentation requirements for classification
supplementary requirements which shall be applied in
conjunction with the technical reference documents for
assignment of class
requirements for certification of materials and compo-
A 200 Technical reference documents
201 Technical requirements are given by reference to
DNV offshore standards
DNV recommended practices
other DNV rules and standards
internationally recognised codes and standards.
202 The technical reference documents which shall be
applied are given in the following subsections and are summa-
rised in Table L1.
A 300 General assumptions
301 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the
design codes and standards given as reference documents shall
be documented and approved by DNV.
302 Where referred codes and standards call for the extent of
inspections and tests to be agreed between contractor, manu-
facturer and client, the resulting extent is to be agreed with
DNV may accept alternative solutions found to represent an
overall safety level equivalent to that stated in the requirements
of this document or the referred standards.
A 400 Documentation
401 Documentation required for review and approval is
given by Guideline No.17 and DNV-RP-A202.
402 For assignment of main class 1A1, documents marked
with class notation 1A1 in DNV-RP-A202 shall be submitted.
403 Detailed document requirements for the individual tech-
nical discipline areas are given in the relevant subsections.
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement
B 100 General
101 Safety principles and arrangement include the following
discipline areas:
design principles, including generic accidental loads
arrangement; including segregation of areas and location
of plants and equipment
escape and evacuation.
B 200 Design principles
201 The requirements given in DNV-OS-A101, Sec.1 and
Sec.2, shall be complied with.
B 300 Arrangement
301 Arrangement of the unit shall be in accordance with the
requirements of DNV-OS-A101, Sec.3.
B 400 Escape and evacuation
401 Escape and evacuation shall be in accordance with
DNV-OS-A101, Sec.6.
B 500 Documentation requirements
501 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS (Classification Infor-
mation Breakdown Structure) codes shall be submitted for
20 Hull and structure general
210 Compartments
301 Engine room
350 Accommodation general
380 Vessel safety general
386 Means of escape
388 Evacuation and life-saving.
C. Materials
C 100 Technical requirements
101 Materials for:
rolled steel for structural applications, boilers and pressure
steel tubes, pipes and fittings
steel forgings
steel castings
aluminium alloys


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 32 Ch.2 Sec.1 see note on front cover
shall comply with the requirements given by DNV-OS-B101
unless otherwise stated in the relevant technical reference doc-
C 200 Supplementary classification requirements
201 Certification requirements for materials are given in
DNV-OS-B101, Ch.3.
202 Rolled, forged or cast elements of steel and aluminium
for structural application shall be supplied with DNV's mate-
rial cetificates in compliance with the requirements given in
D. Structural Design
D 100 Technical requirements
101 Structural design shall comply with the following design
codes depending on hull shape and applied design methodol-
102 Ship-shaped structures shall comply with DNV-OS-
103 Column-stabilised structures shall comply with DNV-
OS-C103 when applying the LRFD methodology.
Alternatively the design shall comply with DNV-OS-C201
when applying the WSD methodology.
104 Self-elevating structures shall comply with DNV-OS-
C104 when applying the LRFD methodology.
Alternatively the design shall comply with DNV-OS-C201
when applying the WSD methodology.
105 Earthquake, ice and soil conditions are not included in
class scope of work unless specifically specified.
106 Transit conditions are included in the structural design
scope of work. Temporary conditions are not included unless
specifically specified. See definitions in Ch.1 Sec.1 B.
D 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
221 Ship structural design
222 Column-stabilised unit structural design
223 Self-elevating unit structural design.
E. Fabrication and Testing of Offshore
E 100 Technical requirements
101 Requirements for:
welding procedures and qualification of welders
fabrication and tolerances
corrosion protection systems
shall be in accordance with DNV-OS-C401.
Guidance note:
Application of coating, steel surface preparation with respect to
application of coating and fabrication, installation of sacrificial
anodes and impressed current systems are not included in the
Society's scope of work unless upon special agreement.
E 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documentation listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with
class notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be
submitted for review:
230 Materials.
E 300 Supplementary classification requirements
301 Classification procedures specifically related to fabrica-
tion and testing of offshore structures are given in DNV-OS-
C401, Ch.3.
F. Stability and Watertight/Weathertight
F 100 Technical requirements
101 Requirements for:
intact and damaged stability
watertight integrity
weathertight closing appliances
shall be in accordance with DNV-OS-C301.
F 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
26 Openings and closing appliances
28 Stability and loadline.
G. Mooring and Towing
G 100 General
101 Depending on type of unit, main class stipulates require-
ments for:
temporary mooring
emergency mooring
102 For units with the additional class notation POS-
MOOR, the requirements for emergency and temporary moor-
ing are normally covered within this notation.
103 For units with the additional class notations DYNPOS-
AUTRO for dynamic positioning, the requirements for emer-
gency and temporary mooring given below shall be complied
104 If required by flag administrations, DNV can perform
certification of the complete mooring equipment according to
the POSMOOR notation or the relevant national regulations.
G 200 Ship-shaped units
201 Ship-shaped units shall have an arrangement for tempo-
rary mooring complying with the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.2.
202 Equipment for drilling barges will be considered in each
G 300 Column-stabilised units
301 Column-stabilised units shall have an arrangement for
temporary and emergency mooring complying with DNV-OS-
E301, Ch.3.
G 400 Self-elevating units
401 Self propelled self-elevating units shall have an arrange-
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 Page 33
ment for temporary and emergency mooring complying with
DNV-OS-E301, Ch.3.
G 500 Towing
501 All type of units shall have arrangement and devices for
towing complying with DNV-OS-E301, Ch.2.
G 600 Documentation requirements
601 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
241 Anchoring
242 Mooring
243 Towing.
G 700 Supplementary classification requirements
701 Classification procedures specifically related to moor-
ing and towing are given in DNV-OS-E301, Ch.3.
702 Certification requirements for equipment are given in
DNV-OS-E301, Ch.3.
H. Marine and Machinery Systems
and Equipment
H 100 Technical requirements
101 Requirements for marine and machinery systems and
equipment include:
general piping design, fabrication and testing
pumps, valves and pipe connections
ballast, bilge and drainage systems
air, overflow and sounding pipes
cooling, feed water and condensation systems
lubricating oil, fuel oil and thermal oil systems
hydraulic, steam and pneumatic systems
heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
propulsion and auxiliary machinery including thrusters
boilers, pressure vessels and incinerators
anchoring and mooring equipment
steering, jacking gear and turret machinery
and shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in
accordance with DNV-OS-D101.
Guidance note:
Recognised codes and standards which can be applied for piping
and equipment are listed in DNV-OS-D101.
102 Units not equipped with propulsion and steering
arrangements for independent transit will be given the special
feature notation NON-SELFPROPELLED, and shall comply
with DNV-OS-D101 as applicable for such type of units.
H 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
24 Anchoring, mooring and towing
30 Machinery, marine systems and safety, general
31 Propulsion
32 Steering
34 Machinery systems
36 Marine systems.
H 300 Supplementary classification requirements
301 Classification procedures specifically related to marine
and machinery systems and equipment are given in DNV-OS-
D101, Ch.3.
302 Certification requirements for equipment are given in
DNV-OS-D101, Ch.3.
I. Electrical Systems and Equipment
I 100 Technical requirements
101 Electrical systems and equipment include:
system design
switchgear and control gear assemblies
rotating machinery
static converters
miscellaneous equipment
installation and testing
A.C. supply systems
electric propulsion
and shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in
accordance with DNV-OS-D201.
I 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
33 Electrical power.
I 300 Supplementary classification requirements
301 Classification procedures specifically related to electri-
cal systems and equipment are given in DNV-OS-D201.
302 Certification requirements for equipment are given in
J. Instrumentation and Telecommunication
J 100 Technical requirements
101 Instrumentation and telecommunication systems and
equipment include:
design principles and system design
computer based systems
component design and installation
environmental conditions
user interface
and shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in
accordance with DNV-OS-D202.
J 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
37 Navigation, communication, integrated and special
J 300 Supplementary classification requirements
301 Classification procedures specifically related to instru-
mentation and telecommunication systems are given in DNV-
OS-D202, Ch.3.
Certification requirements for equipment are given in DNV-
OS-D202, Ch.3.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 34 Ch.2 Sec.1 see note on front cover
K. Fire Protection
K 100 Technical requirements
101 Fire protection include:
passive fire protection
active fire protection
fire fighting systems
fire and gas detection systems
and shall be designed, manufactured, tested and installed in
accordance with DNV-OS-D301, Sec.1 to Sec.6.
K 200 Documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation 1A1 under the following CIBS codes shall be submit-
ted for review:
380 Vessel safety general
381 Fire and explosion prevention
382 Fire resistance
383 Fire detection, alarm and automatic actions
385 Fire fighting.
K 300 Supplementary classification requirements
301 Classification procedures specifically related to fire pro-
tection are given in DNV-OS-D301, Ch.3.
302 Certification requirements for equipment are given in
DNV-OS-D301, Ch.3.
L. Summary of Technical Reference Standards
L 100 General
101 Technical standards which shall be applied for assign-
ment of main character of class for mobile offshore units are
summarised in Table L1.
Table L1 Technical reference standards for main character of class (1A1 MOU)
Technical item Reference standard Applicable parts or comments
Design principles
Sec.1: General
Sec.2: Design Principles and Assessment
Arrangement Sec.3: Arrangement
Escape and evacuation Sec.6: Escape and Evacuation
Metallic materials DNV-OS-B101
STRUCTURAL DESIGN (select type as appropriate)
Ship-shape structure DNV-OS-C102
Column-stabilised type structure
DNV-OS-C103 LRFD methodology
DNV-OS-C201 WSD methodology
Self-elevating type structure
DNV-OS-C104 LRFD methodology
DNV-OS-C201 WSD methodology
Fabrication, including welding and NDT DNV-OS-C401 Covers all types of structures
Stability, watertight integrity, freeboard and weathertight
closing appliances
DNV-OS-C301 Covers all types of structures
Temporary mooring, emergency mooring, towing
Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.2
Ship-shaped units
DNV-OS-E301 All other types of units
Piping design, manufacturing and testing; platform piping
systems; machinery piping systems; machinery and
mechanical equipment
DNV-OS-D101 All sections
Electrical systems including switchgear and controlgear
assemblies, rotating machinery, static convertors, cables,
installation, testing, and electric propulsion
DNV-OS-D201 All sections
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 Page 35
Instrumentation systems including design principles, sys-
tem design, computer based systems, component design and
installation, and user interface
DNV-OS-D202 All sections
Fire protection including passive fire protection, active fire
protection, fire fighting systems, fire and gas detection sys-
Sec.1: Introduction
Sec.2: Passive Fire Protection
Sec.3: Active Fire Protection of Specific
Sec.4: Fire Fighting Systems
Sec.5: Fire and Gas Detection Systems
Sec.6: Miscellaneous Items
Table L1 Technical reference standards for main character of class (1A1 MOU) (Continued)
Technical item Reference standard Applicable parts or comments
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 36 Ch.2 Sec.2 see note on front cover
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments for assignment of service notation Drilling Unit.
102 The requirements in this section are supplementary to
those for main class (1A1) as stated in Sec.1.
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement
B 100 General
101 Service notation Drilling Unit specifies additional
requirements for:
area classification
escape, evacuation and communication.
B 200 Arrangement
201 Drilling units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec.8.
B 300 Area classification
301 Drilling units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec. 4,
and Sec.8.
B 400 Emergency shutdown
401 Drilling units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec. 5.
B 500 Escape, evacuation and communication
501 Drilling units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec.8.
B 600 Supplementary documentation requirements
601 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following CIBS codes shall be sub-
mitted for review:
380 Safety general
387 Emergency operations
70 Drilling general.
C. Structural Design
C 100 General
101 The structural strength shall be as required for the main
class taking into account necessary strengthening of support-
ing structures for equipment applied in and forces introduced
by the drilling operation.
102 When calculating the structural strength of the drill floor
and substructure, relevant loading conditions shall be specified
by the builder. Loadings from drillpipe on setback, tensioning
equipment hook load, rotary table etc. shall be considered.
Local effects of horizontal components of tensioner forces,
drilling torque etc. shall also be considered.
C 200 Supplementary documentation requirements
201 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following CIBS codes shall be sub-
mitted for review:
711 Drillfloor with substructure and foundation
712 Moonpool.
D. Instrumentation and Telecommunication
D 100 Supplementary documentation requirements
101 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following CIBS codes shall be sub-
mitted for review:
372 Communication.
E. Fire Protection
E 100 General
101 Service notation Drilling Unit specifies additional
requirements for:
active fire fighting systems
passive fire protection
gas detection.
E 200 Supplementary technical requirements
201 Drilling units shall comply with DNV-OS-D301, Ch.2
E 300 Supplementary documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following codes shall be submitted for
384 Gas detection and alarm
70 Drilling general.
F. Summary of Requirements
F 100 Documentation requirements
101 All documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with
class notation symbols 1A1 and DRU and shall be submitted
for review for units which are to be assigned service notation
Drilling Unit.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.2 Page 37
F 200 Technical reference standards
201 Technical standards which shall be applied for assign-
ment of service notation Drilling Unit are summarised in
Table F1.
F 300 Industrial equipment
301 Drilling related systems and equipment installed in
enclosed hull compartments shall be included in the scope of
302 The items specified in 301 shall comply with relevant
requirements given in DNV-OS-E101.
G. Preparation for Surveys and Inspections on
G 100 General
101 It is advised that operational survey and inspection
aspects are taken into consideration at the design and construc-
tion stages.
The following matters will be taken into consideration for
acceptance of surveys to be carried out on location:
arrangement for underwater inspection of hull, propellers,
thrusters, rudders and openings affecting seaworthiness
marking of the hull
means for blanking off all openings including side thrust-
use of corrosion resistant materials for shafts
use of glands for propeller and rudder
accessibility of all tanks and spaces for inspection
corrosion protection of hull or structure
maintenance and inspection of thrusters
measurement of wear in the propulsion shaft and rudder
testing facilities of all important machinery.
Guidance note:
The underwater body should be marked in such a way that the
surveyor can identify the location of any damages found. One
acceptable way of preparing ship-shaped hulls for underwater
inspection is described in the following.
Transverse and longitudinal reference lines of minimum length
300 mm and minimum width 25 mm should be applied as mark-
ing. The marks should be made permanent by welding or other-
wise and painted in contrast colour.
Markings should normally be placed as follows:
at flat bottom in way of intersections of tank bulkheads or
watertight floors and girders
at unit's sides in way of the positions of transverse bulkheads
(the marking need not be extended more than 1 m above the
bilge plating)
the intersection between tank top and watertight floors in
way of the unit's sides
all openings for sea suctions and discharges.
Letter/number codes may conveniently be applied on the shell
for identification of tanks, sea suctions and discharges.
Markings should be adequately documented.
Table F1 Summary of technical reference standards for service notation Drilling Unit
Technical item Reference standard Applicable parts or comments
Safety principles and arrangement DNV-OS-A101
Sec.1 to Sec.6. (Sec.4 and Sec.5 supplementary to 1A1)
Sec. 8, Special requirements for drilling units
Materials DNV-OS-B101 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Structural design of ship-shaped units DNV-OS-C102 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Structural design of column-stabilised units
DNV-OS-C103 LRFD methodology (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
DNV-OS-C201 WSD methodology (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Structural design of self-elevating units
DNV-OS-C104 LRFD methodology (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
DNV-OS-C201 WSD methodology (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Structural fabrication DNV-OS-C401 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Stability and watertight integrity DNV-OS-C301 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Mooring and towing
Rules for
Classification of
Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.2
Ship-shaped units (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
DNV-OS-E301 Other units (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Marine and machinery systems and equipment DNV-OS-D101 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Electrical systems and equipment DNV-OS-D201 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Instrumentation and telecommunication systems DNV-OS-D202 (No supplementary requirements to 1A1)
Fire protection DNV-OS-D301
Sec.1 to Sec.6 (1A1 requirements)
Sec.7, Supplementary requirements for drilling units
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 38 Ch.2 Sec.3 see note on front cover
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments for assignment of service notation Well Intervention
102 Well intervention units are units equipped for perform-
wireline intervention (without riser) of subsea wells (cate-
gory I); and/or
coiled tubing of subsea wells (through a riser) (category
103 Units equipped for performing wireline intervention
without introducing well fluids on board will be assigned class
notation Well Intervention Unit I.
104 Units intended and equipped for direct contact with well
fluids will be assigned class notation Well Intervention Unit
105 The requirements in this section are supplementary to
those for main class (1A1).
B. Requirements for Well Intervention Unit I
B 100 Equipment
101 The following well intervention systems and equipment
shall be certified by DNV(as applicable):
wireline unit including power pack
subsea wireline lubricator assembly
BOP wireline shear-ram
grease injection skid for braided line and stuffing box for
line pressure control head
wireline winch
skids or carriers for handling of equipment
umbilicals for subsea controls
downhole tools including depth and weight indicator sys-
102 Well intervention equipment and systems shall meet
technical requirements and be subject to certification as
described in DNV-OS-E101.
103 Documentation listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with
class notation DRILL shall be submitted for review (as appli-
cable for the individual installation).
B 200 Dynamic positioning system
201 Units with the notation Well Intervention Unit - I
shall as a minimum comply with the class notation DYNPOS-
202 Requirements for DYNPOS-AUTR is given in Ch.2
Sec. 6.
C. Requirements for Well Intervention
Unit II
C 100 General
101 Service notation Well Intervention Unit - II specifies
additional requirements for:
area classification
escape, evacuation and communication.
C 200 Area classification
201 Units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec.4, and
Sec.8, as applicable for well intervention units.
C 300 Emergency shutdown
301 Units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec.5, and
Sec.8, as applicable for well intervention units.
C 400 Escape, evacuation and communication
401 Units shall comply with DNV-OS-A101, Sec.8, as
applicable for well intervention units.
C 500 Supplementary documentation requirements
501 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following CIBS codes shall be sub-
mitted for review:
380 Vessel safety general
387 Emergency operations.
D. Fire Protection
D 100 General
101 Service notation Well Intervention Unit - II specifies
additional requirements for:
active fire fighting systems
passive fire protection
gas detection.
D 200 Supplementary technical requirements
201 Units shall comply with DNV-OS-D301, Sec.7, as
applicable for well intervention units.
D 300 Supplementary documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRU under the following codes shall be submitted for
384 Gas detection, alarm and automatic actions.
D 400 Supplementary classification requirements
401 It is assumed that the unit is self-contained during oper-
ation, i.e. there is no need to transfer stores and equipment
from supply vessels.
402 If the unit is equipped with tanks for carriage of liquid
cargo in bulk with flash point below 60C, such as crude oil,
the requirements in the Rules for Classification of Ship Pt.5
Ch.3, shall be complied with.
403 Reception tanks for handling of hydrocarbons shall be
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.3 Page 39
located taking into account the risk of fire and hydrocarbon
404 Due care shall be taken to avoid entrapment of gas due
to a subsea gas leakage.
405 A simplified shutdown hierarchy may be applied if
agreed between the yard and the owner.
406 Means shall be provided for rescue of personnel falling
into the moonpool. The moonpool shall be fitted with a rescue
407 Means, including piping arrangement shall be provided
for the dumping of liquid mud where this is an assumption for
approval of the units stability.
408 Machinery and other equipment necessary for the well
intervention which are to be installed in hazardous areas shall
be suitable for the intended purpose.
409 Internal combustion engines shall not be installed in
hazardous areas.
410 Air intakes for combustion engines shall be taken mini-
mum 3 m from the hazardous areas.
411 Exhaust outlets for internal combustion engines and
boilers shall be fitted with efficient spark arresting devices and
shall discharge outside the hazardous areas.
D 500 Well intervention systems and equipment
501 Service notation Well Intervention Unit - II includes
requirements for the following well intervention systems and
equipment (as applicable):
Coiled tubing
subsea coiled tubing lubricator
BOP coiled tubing shear-ram
coiled tubing reel
injector head
coiled tubing.
Snubbing equipment
guide tube system
circulating swivel.
General systems and equipment
surface flow tree including tension frame
workover riser (mono or dual bore)
lifting tower and well-servicing derrick
lifting equipment
skids or carriers for handling of equipment
high pressure pumping facilities (cement, well stimulation
fluids, nitrogen)
hydrocarbon handling
Emergency Disconnect Package (EDP)
Lower Riser Package (LRP)
umbilicals for subsea controls
downhole tools including depth and weight indicator sys-
502 Well intervention equipment and systems shall meet
technical requirements and be subject to certification as
described in DNV-OS-E101.
503 Documentation listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with
class notation DRILL shall be submitted for review (as appli-
cable for the individual installation).
D 600 Dynamic positioning system
601 Service notation Well Intervention Unit - II shall as a
minimum have the class notation DYNPOS-AUTR.
602 Requirements for DYNPOS-AUTR are given in Sec.6.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 40 Ch.2 Sec.4 see note on front cover
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments for assignment of service notation Accommodation
102 Accommodation units are offshore units primarily
intended for accommodation of offshore personnel.
103 The service notation Accommodation Unit is manda-
tory for classification of units primarily intended for accom-
modation of offshore personnel.
104 The requirements in this section are supplementary to
those for main class as stated in Sec.1.
B. Safety Principles and Arrangement
B 100 Arrangement of emergency power
101 The emergency switchboard shall be installed as near to
the emergency source of power as is practicable.
102 Where the emergency source of power is a generator, the
emergency switchboard shall be located in the same space as
the emergency source of power, unless the operation of the
emergency switchboard would thereby be impaired.
103 No accumulator battery fitted in accordance with E102
shall be installed in the same space as the emergency switch-
C. Structural Strength
C 100 General
101 Service notation Accommodation unit includes
requirements for the following:
structural strength of the accommodation
connection of the accommodation modules to main struc-
C 200 Design loads
201 Structural strength shall be as required for main class
assuming design loads for accommodation deck as for crew
spaces or weather deck whichever is applicable.
C 300 Containerised modules
301 If containerised modules are used for accommodation,
the structural strength of the connections between the modules
and between the modules and the supporting structure shall be
in accordance with the general requirements given for the main
class, assuming forces as given for heavy units in DNV-OS-
C103, Sec.3, E400.
302 For column-stabilised units the horizontal force shall not
be taken less than:
Permissible usage factors are given in DNV-OS-C201, Sec.2
Table E2.
C 400 Gangways
401 Gangways shall be made of slip-proof open grating, be
at least 600 mm wide and have railings at least 1 m high.
402 Environmental conditions (sea, weather, wind etc.) shall
be considered for the design of gangways. Gangways shall be
dimensioned for 4 kN/m
. Allowed bending shall be maximum
1/250 between the points of support.
D. Stability and Watertight Integrity
D 100 General
101 There are no additional requirements to main class as
given in Sec.1.
E. Electrical Systems and Equipment
E 100 Emergency source of power and emergency
101 The emergency power supply and emergency lighting
shall be operable and capable of being used in the damaged
conditions described in DNV-OS-C301.
102 Where the emergency source of power is a generator, a
transitional source of emergency power shall be installed. This
shall be an accumulator battery of sufficient capacity:
to supply emergency lighting continuously for 30 minutes
to close the watertight doors (if electrically operated), but
not necessarily to close them simultaneously
to operate the indicators (if electrically operated) which
show whether power operated, watertight doors are open
or closed
to operate the sound signals (if electrically operated)
which give warning that power operated, watertight doors
are about to close
to operate the fire detection and alarm systems, unless
these systems are supplied by separate batteries.
103 Arrangements shall be such that the transitional source
of emergency power will come into operation automatically in
the event of failure of the main electrical supply.
104 Where the emergency source of power is an accumulator
battery, arrangements shall be such that emergency lighting
will automatically come into operation on failure of the main
lighting supply.
105 An indicator shall be fitted in the control room, prefera-
bly in the main switchboard, to indicate when any accumulator
battery fitted in accordance with this rule is being discharged.
106 The emergency switchboard may be supplied from the
main switchboard during normal operation.
M = mass of unit in t
M (kN) sin =
= angle of heel corresponding to loss of buoyancy of
one column.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.4 Page 41
F. Mooring
F 100 General
101 Accommodation units shall have the class notation
F 200 Documentation and technical requirements
201 Requirements for POSMOOR-V or
DYNPOS-AUTR are given in Sec.6.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 42 Ch.2 Sec.5 see note on front cover
A. Introduction
A 100 Objective
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments for assignment of service notation Crane Unit.
102 Crane units are column-stabilised or self-elevating units
specially intended for lifting purposes.
103 The requirements for main class 1A1, as stated in Sec.1
shall be complied with in addition to the supplementary
requirements for Crane Unit listed in this section.
A 200 Documentation requirements
201 All documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with
class notations 1A1 shall be submitted for review for units
which are to be assigned service notation Crane Unit.
202 Additionally, the following documents giving informa-
tion about the following aspects shall be submitted:
location of crane during operation and in parked position,
with information of forces which will be transferred to the
supporting structures (including pedestal if installed) and
strengthening of deck structure in way of supports
arrangement of rack bar (toothed bar) with details of sup-
devices for locking the parked crane to the hull (unit at sea)
electrical installation of the crane
operating manual with information on the units stability
and floatability in all operating modes
stability and floatability calculations
dynamic load charts for the crane
principal dimensions of the crane and limiting positions of
its movable parts.
B. Structural Design
B 100 General
101 The following is covered by the service notation:
structural details relating to the lifting operations.
Dynamic forces due to lifting operations and motions
characteristics of the unit shall be taken into account
supporting structures for the crane and strengthening of
the deck structure
devices for locking the crane in parked position (unit at
B 200 Technical requirements
201 The hull structural strength shall in general be as
required for main class taking into account necessary strength-
ening for supporting the crane(s). Crane units shall comply
with the requirements of the Rules for Classification of Ships,
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.8.
C. Stability and Watertight Integrity
C 100 Technical requirements
101 The requirements of the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.8, shall be complied with.
D. Certification of Materials and Components
D 100 Certification requirements
101 The crane(s) shall be delivered with certificates in com-
pliance with the Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.6 Page 43
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section identifies design and construction require-
ments for assignment of additional class notations relating to
system, equipment and special facility installations.
102 Units fitted with systems and/or special facilities com-
plying with relevant requirements of this section may be
assigned class notations as described in Table A1.
A 200 Technical reference documents
201 Technical requirements are given by reference to
DNV offshore standards
DNV recommended practices
other DNV rules and standards
internationally recognised codes and standards.
202 The technical reference documents which shall be
applied are given in the following subsections and summarised
in Table S1.
A 300 General assumptions
301 DNV may accept alternative solutions found to repre-
sent an overall safety level equivalent to that stated in the
requirements of this document or referred standards.
302 The requirements stated in this section for additional
class notations shall be regarded as supplementary to those
given for assignment of main class and relevant service nota-
A 400 Documentation
401 Documentation required for review and approval is
stated in Guideline No.17 and DNV-RP-A202.
402 Documentation with the relevant class notation abbrevi-
ation code shall be submitted.
403 Detail document requirements for the individual class
notations are given under the relevant subsections.
B. Position Mooring System
B 100 General
101 POSMOOR notation may be assigned to units fitted
with single or spread point mooring systems in accordance
with the requirements of this section.
102 The notation is complemented with the symbols -V, -TA
or -ATA as described in Table B1.
103 The notations aim to cover the reliability of the mooring
system and equipment, for the purpose of ensuring safe posi-
tion mooring, and covers the following aspects:
environmental conditions and loads
mooring system analysis
thruster assisted mooring
mooring equipment
B 200 Technical requirements
201 The technical requirements of DNV-OS-E301 shall be
complied with for assignment of the POSMOOR notations.
B 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marekd with class
notation POSMOOR and POSMOOR-ATA (as applicable)
shall be submitted for review.
B 400 Certification of materials and components
401 Certification of equipment shall be in accordance with
DNV-OS-E301, Ch.3.
Table A1 Additional system and special facility notations
Notation Description
Unit equipped with position mooring sys-
Unit equipped with dynamic positioning
DRILL Unit equipped with drilling facility
Unit equipped with helicopter deck
WELLTEST Unit equipped with facilities for well testing
TEMPSTORE Unit arranged and equipped for temporary
(in-field) storage of oil
CRANE Unit equipped with crane
Unit equipped with diving system
DEICE or DEICE-C Unit equipped with deicing/anti-icing sys-
E0 Unit equipped for unattended machinery
ECO Unit equipped for operation of machinery
from centralised control station
F-A, F-M or F-AM Unit constructed with additional fire protec-
Unit arranged and equipped for fighting
fires on offshore and onshore structures
ICS Unit equipped with integrated computer
HMON-1 or
Unit equipped with systems for monitoring
hull behaviour
ICE-T or
Units strengthened for ice transit and opera-
SBM Unit with implemented management system
Table B1 POSMOOR class notations
Notation Description
POSMOOR Passive position mooring system
POSMOOR-V Mooring system designed for positioning in
vicinity of other structures
POSMOOR-TA Thruster assisted mooring system depend-
ent on manual remote thrust control system
POSMOOR-ATA Thruster assisted mooring system depend-
ent on automatic remote thrust control sys-
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 44 Ch.2 Sec.6 see note on front cover
C. Dynamic Positioning Systems
C 100 General
101 The following notations may be assigned to units with
dynamic positioning systems: DYNPOS-AUTS, DYNPOS-
extent of requirements applied.
102 The various notations depend on the dynamic position-
ing system layout and configuration as given in Table C1.
103 The dynamic positioning system includes requirements
for the following subsystems, control panels and back-up sys-
tems which are necessary to dynamically position the unit:
power system
measuring system
thruster system
remote thrust control
control panels.
C 200 Technical requirements
201 Technical requirements for the dynamic positioning
notations shall be in accordance with the Rules for Classifica-
tion of Ships Pt.6 Ch.7.
C 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
DYNPOS-AUTR or DYNPOS-AUTRO (as applicable)
shall be submitted for review.
D. Drilling Plant
D 100 General
101 DRILL notation covers design and operational aspects
of offshore drilling facilities which have potential to affect
safety of personnel or pollution of the environment.
102 DRILL include specific requirements relating to:
design principles
drilling systems and equipment
materials and welding
electrical and control systems
instrumentation component design and installation
user interface (optional)
manufacture, workmanship, testing and maintenance.
D 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements for drilling facilities are stated in
D 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation DRILL shall be submitted for review.
D 400 Certification of materials and components
401 Procedures and requirements for classification including
certification of equipment shall be in accordance with DNV-
OS-E101, Ch.3.
E. Helicopter Decks
E 100 General
101 Units fitted with erected landing platforms for helicop-
ters or landing areas arranged directly on decks or top of deck-
houses may be given the class notations HELDK or
102 The various notations are related to the extent of require-
ments as given in Table E1.
E 200 Technical requirements
201 Technical requirements for HELDK shall comply with
DNV-OS-E401, Ch.2, as applicable:
Sec.1 to Sec. 4 for notation HELDK
Sec.1 to Sec. 5 for notation HELDK-S
Sec.1 to Sec. 6 for notation HELDK-SH.
E 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation HELDK, -S and -SH (as applicable) shall be submit-
ted for review.
F. Well Testing Facilities
F 100 General
101 Units equipped with facilities for well testing may be
assigned class notation WELLTEST.
102 WELLTEST is intended for limited testing of wells in
relation to drilling activities, and is applicable for units having
service notation Drilling Unit.
F 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements given in DNV-OS-E101, Ch.2 Sec.5
H, shall be complied with.
F 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation PROD shall be submitted for review (as applicable).
F 400 Certification of materials and components
401 Components subject to certification are given in DNV-
OS-E101, Ch.3.
Table C1 DYNPOS class notations
Notation Description
DYNPOS-AUTS Dynamic positioning system without redun-
DYNPOS-AUT Dynamic positioning system with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up and a position ref-
erence back-up
DYNPOS-AUTR Dynamic positioning system with redun-
dancy in technical design and with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up
DYNPOS-AUTRO Dynamic positioning system with redun-
dancy in technical design and with an inde-
pendent joystick back-up. Plus a back-up
dynamic positioning control system in an
emergency dynamic positioning control
centre, designed with physical separation
for components that provide redundancy
Table E1 HELDK class notations
Notation Description
HELDK Structural strength
HELDK-S Strength and unit safety
HELDK-SH Strength, unit safety and helicopter safety
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.6 Page 45
G. Temporary Oil Storage Facilities
G 100 General
101 Units arranged and equipped with facilities for tempo-
rary storage of oil in relation to drilling or well testing activi-
ties may be assigned class notation TEMPSTORE.
102 The following conditions apply for assignment of
1) The notation applies to units with drilling as main activity;
i.e. the unit is to have service notation Drilling Unit.
2) Well testing and crude storage shall be undertaken
onboard the drilling unit; transfer and storage of well test
crude from another unit is not allowed.
3) Transportation of crude oil is not allowed (defined as car-
riage of oil from port to port or from field to shore with
associated discharging in port).
4) Inter-field voyages between wells can be undertaken.
103 Crude oil tanks may be arranged in pontoons and col-
umns of column-stabilised units upon special consideration.
G 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements given for Storage Units in the fol-
lowing offshore standards shall be complied with as applicable
G 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation PSU shall be submitted for review (as applicable).
H. Crane Installations
H 100 General
101 CRANE notation may be given to units with perma-
nently installed cranes.
102 In addition to certification of the crane, the following is
supporting structure for the crane, (strengthening of deck
structure, pedestal etc.)
devices for locking crane in parked position (unit at sea).
103 For units intended for lifting as main service reference is
also made to the service notation Crane Unit described in
H 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.3, shall be complied with for assignment
of class notation CRANE.
H 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.3 shall be submitted for review.
H 400 Certification of materials and components
401 Cranes shall be delivered as DNV certified in accord-
ance with the Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances.
I. Diving System Installations
I 100 General
101 Units arranged for support of diving operations applying
rope and/or umbilical connection between the submerged bell
and the unit may be given class notations DSV-I SF or DSV-
II SF or DSV-III SF as applicable depending on:
physical size of the chambers
the life support system
control stand
communication system
capacity of the emergency power supply.
102 The various class notations are related to the maximum
operation depth d
and maximum operation time T
given in Table I1.
103 The class notation will cover matters of:
the units position keeping ability during diving operations
hull structural arrangements related to the diving system,
e.g. moonpool
arrangement and installation of the diving system
electrical systems
fire protection, detection and extinction
complete diving system with respect to safety and func-
sanitary systems (where applicable)
stability and floatability.
I 200 Technical requirements
201 Assignment of DSV class notations is based on compli-
ance with the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1
I 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4, shall be submitted for review.
I 400 Certification of materials and components
401 The diving equipment shall be certified according to the
Rules for Certification of Diving Systems.
402 Cranes and other appliances for lifting of diving equip-
ment and systems shall be certified according to the Rules for
Certification of Lifting Appliances.
J. Additional Fire Protection
J 100 General
101 Units with additional fire safety measures in accommo-
dation spaces and machinery spaces may be assigned class
notations F-A, F-M, or F-AM.
102 The various notations are related to areas subjected to
Table I1 DSV class notations
Notation Description
= 125 m, T
= 12 hrs
= 200 m, T
= 48 hrs
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 46 Ch.2 Sec.6 see note on front cover
additional fire protection as given in Table J1.
J 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements as stated in the Rules for Classifica-
tion of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.4, shall be complied with for assignment
of the class notations.
J 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.4, shall be submitted for review.
K. Fire Fighters
K 100 General
101 Units arranged and equipped for fighting fires on off-
shore and onshore structures in accordance with the require-
ments of this sub-section, may be assigned the class notation
FIRE FIGHTER I, II or III. The numbers indicate the level of
capability as given by Table K1.
K 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.5, shall be complied with for assignment
of the class notations.
K 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.5, shall be submitted for review.
L. Deicing and Anti-icing Systems
L 100 General
101 Units with systems for anti-icing and deicing as speci-
fied in L may be assigned class notations DEICE or DEICE-C
as applicable.
102 The notation DEICE is aimed at maintenance of the fol-
lowing functions and properties of the unit and its equipment
under icing conditions:
main functions
crew safety.
103 DEICE-C also includes facilitating of cargo deck han-
dling under icing conditions.
L 200 Technical requirements
201 The requirements given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5, shall be complied with for assignment
of the class notation.
L 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirement listed in the Rules for Classifica-
tion of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5 shall be submitted for review.
M. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space
M 100 General
101 Units where all machinery in the engine room necessary
for performance of main functions have been fitted with instru-
mentation and automation systems in compliance with this
sub-section, may be assigned class notation E0 or ECO.
102 E0 is assigned when machinery alarms are relayed to the
bridge and engineers accommodation, and a central control
system for main propulsion machinery is fitted.
103 ECO is assigned when machinery alarms are initiated in
an attended centralised control station, and a remote control
system for main propulsion machinery from at least this station
is fitted.
M 200 Technical requirements
201 Assignment of class notations E0 and ECO is based on
compliance with the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.6
Ch.3, with qualifications given in 202.
202 References to the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.4
Ch.10 (fire protection) shall be replaced with DNV-OS-D301
for offshore unit application.
M 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation E0 and ECO shall be submitted for review.
N. Integrated Computer Systems
N 100 General
101 Units equipped with computer based systems which are
part of, or serving the main functions of the unit, may be
assigned the class notation ICS.
N 200 Technical requirements
201 Assignment of ICS class notations is based on compli-
ance with the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.5.
N 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.6 Ch.5, shall be submitted for review.
O. Hull Monitoring System
O 100 General
101 Units equipped with instrumentation system for moni-
toring hull behaviour in accordance with the requirements of
O may be assigned class notation HMON-1 or HMON-2 as
given in Table O1.
102 The system will give warning when stress levels and the
frequency and magnitude of accelerations approach levels
Table J1 Class notations for additional fire protection
Notation Description
F-A Accommodation space
F-M Machinery space
F-AM Accommodation and machinery space
Table K1 Fire Fighter class notations
Notation Description
Early stage fire fighting and rescue close to
structure on fire
Continuous fire fighting and cooling of struc-
tures on fire
As FIRE FIGHTER II, plus larger pumping
capacity and more comprehensive equipment
Table O1 HMON class notations
Notation Description
HMON-1 Provided with basic hull monitoring system
Provided with comprehensive hull monitoring
incorporating measurement of environmental
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.6 Page 47
which require corrective action.
O 200 Technical requirements
201 Assignment of HMON-1 and HMON-2 class notations
is based on compliance with the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.6 Ch.11.
O 300 Documentation requirements
301 Documents listed in DNV-RP-A202 marked with class
notation HMON shall be submitted for review.
P. Operation in Ice Conditions
P 100 General
101 Offshore units strengthened for occasional navigation
and operation in waters with light to heavy first year ice condi-
tions in accordance with this sub-section may be assigned class
notations ICE-T or ICE-L as described in Table P1.
102 Column-stabilised units may be given class notations
ICE-T and/or ICE-L, while self-elevating units may be given
the ICE-T notation.
103 Ship-shaped units strengthened for navigation or opera-
tion in waters with ice conditions may be assigned class nota-
tions in accordance with Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.5
P 200 Technical requirements
201 The ice strengthening requirements given in the Rules
for Classification of Ships, Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.3, shall be applied as
far as relevant and practicable.
202 Propeller nozzles and associated shafts and machinery
situated more that 5 m below lowest transit waterline (TWL)
are not considered affected by ice loads.
203 The ice strengthening requirements for ship-shaped
units are given in Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.5 Ch.1.
P 300 Documentation requirements
301 Document requirements listed in the Rules for Classifi-
cation of Ships, Pt.5 Ch.1, shall be submitted for review.
Q. Management of Safety and Environmental
Q 100 General
101 Units which have implemented a management system in
compliance with the provisions of Q may receive a Shipboard
SEP Classification certificate. To receive the Shipboard SEP
Classification certificate, the Company must hold a valid
Company SEP Classification certificate and the unit must
have been successfully audited by DNV. Units classified in
accordance with the provisions of Q will be given the class
notation SBM.
102 SEP classification includes:
assessment of the management system
initial audit of the SEP management system ashore and
periodical audits ashore and onboard for retention of the
SEP certificates
renewal audits ashore and onboard every fifth year.
Q 200 Technical requirements
201 Assignment of SBM class notation is based on compli-
ance with the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.7 Ch.5.
R. Special Feature Notations
R 100 General
101 Special feature notations provide information regarding
special design assumptions, arrangements or equipment which
are not covered by other class notations. Requirements related
to special feature notations currently in use are described in
this sub-section.
R 200 Special feature notation SUB
201 SUB is applicable for column-stabilised units strength-
ened for operation when resting on the seabed.
202 Requirements for air gap, safety against overturning sta-
bility, local reinforcement of bottom of pontoons, etc. will be
especially considered for the resting on seabed condition.
R 300 Special feature notation NON-SELFPRO-
301 Units not fitted with propulsion and steering arrange-
ment for independent transit will be assigned special feature
302 For NON-SELFPROPELLED units the survey scopes
for steering gear, tailshaft and thrusters for propulsion may be
adjusted in accordance with the intended use (e.g. for
DYNPOS-AUTS, POSMOOR, as auxiliary installation, or
not used at all).
R 400 Tailshaft monitoring - TMON
401 When the following design requirements are fulfilled,
the class notation TMON (tailshaft condition monitoring sur-
vey arrangement) may be obtained:
the stern tube bearings are oil lubricated
high temperature alarm is fitted on aft stern tube bearing
(2 sensors or one easily interchangeable sensor located in
the bearing metal near the surface, in way of the area of
highest load, which normally will be the bottom area (5 to
7 o'clock) in the aft third of the bearing)
where one interchangeable sensor is fitted one spare sen-
sor is to be stored on board
the setting of the stern tube high temperature alarm is nor-
mally not to exceed 65C. Higher alarm set point may be
accepted upon special consideration
the sealing rings in the stern tube sealing box must be
replaceable without shaft withdrawal or removal of pro-
arrangement for bearing wear down measurement is fitted
electrical grounding of the shafting is mandatory
the system must allow representative oil samples to be
taken for analysis of oil quality under running conditions.
Location where samples are to be taken shall be clearly
pointed out on system drawing and test cock to be fitted
with signboard. A written procedure for how to take oil
samples shall be submitted.
Guidance note:
See also Classification Note 10.1 Appendix G, Guideline for
Stern Tube Lubrication Oil Analysis.
402 A test kit for monitoring of possible water content in the
stern tube lubricating oil is to be provided on board. The water
Table P1 ICE class notations
Notation Description
ICE-T Strengthened for ice condition transit
ICE-L Strengthened for ice condition operation
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 48 Ch.2 Sec.6 see note on front cover
content is normally not to exceed 2% by volume. If the water-
content above 2% is detected appropriate action shall be taken.
403 Oil lubricated propeller shafts with roller bearings
arranged in the stern tube may be granted TMON. Additional
requirements for such arrangements are:
a) The bearing temperature is to be monitored. Two sensors
(or one sensor easily interchangeable at sea) are to be fit-
ted. Temperature alarm level should normally not exceed
b) Vibration monitoring is required for roller bearings. Hand-
held probes are not accepted; magnetic, glue, screw
mountings or equivalent are compulsory.
c) Vibration signal is to be measured as velocity or accelera-
tion. Integration from acceleration to velocity is allowed.
d) The vibration analysis equipment must be able to detect
fault signatures in the entire frequency range for the mon-
itored bearing. A reference level under clearly defined
operational conditions is to be established. The reference
level shall be used as basis for establishing an alarm level.
e) For podded propulsors (where the propeller shaft is a part
of the electrical motor rotor) all roller bearings for the pro-
peller shafting are to be monitored with both oil tempera-
ture sensors and vibration monitoring.
f) The water contents is normally not to exceed 0.5%.
S. Summary of Reference Documents for
Additional Class Notations
S 100 General
101 Rules and standards which shall be applied for assign-
ment of system and special facility class notations are summa-
rised in Table S1.
Table S1 Summary of reference documents for system and
special facility notations
Notation Description
Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.6 Ch.7
CRANE Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.1
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.1
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.1
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.3
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.4
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.7
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.1
ICS Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.6 Ch.5
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.1
SBM Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.5
Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Sec. 1 General Provisions for Periodical Surveys............................................................................... 51
Sec. 2 Periodical Survey Extent for Main Class ................................................................................. 59
Sec. 3 Periodical Survey Extent for Additional Service Notations..................................................... 70
Sec. 4 Periodical Survey Extent for Additional System and Special Facility Notations .................... 72
App. A Introduction to Offshore Classification.................................................................................... 78
App. B Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-docking Survey........................................................... 80
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.1 Page 51
A. Introducton
A 100 General
101 This section states the periodical survey principles and
requirements for retention of class to units covered by the pro-
visions of DNV-OSS-101. Requirements are applicable to
main class, service notations and additional class notations
unless otherwise stated.
102 The extent of periodical surveying is presented in Sec.2
for main class, Sec.3 for additional service notations and
Sec.4 for additional system and facility notations.
103 Units of ship-shaped structure are generally treated as
ships with respect to survey of hull and equipment. Exceptions
are noted in respective survey requirements in Sec.2.
104 A Memo to Owner (MO) shall be issued stating
approved changes to survey procedures and acceptance crite-
ria, if any. Technical basis for approved changes shall be
105 For column-stabilised and self-elevating units, DNV
will develop and maintain an in-service inspection program
(IIP) which will contain the structural items to be surveyed to
satisfy the requirements of main class, excluding any addi-
tional class notations. The IIP constitutes the formal basis for
surveying structural items under main class and shall be com-
pleted to the satisfaction of attending surveyor before renewal
survey can be credited.
A 200 Survey pre-planning and record keeping
201 A specific survey program for renewal surveys and con-
tinuous surveys must be worked out in advance of the renewal
survey by the owner in cooperation with the classification soci-
ety. The survey program shall be in written format. the iip may
be part of the program.
202 Plans and procedures for dry-docking surveys (or under-
water inspection in lieu of dry-docking survey per Appendix
B) are to be submitted for review in advance of the survey and
made available on board. These should include drawings or
forms for identifying the areas to be surveyed, the extent of
hull cleaning, non-destructive testing locations (including
NDT methods), nomenclature, and for the recording of any
damage or deterioration found. Submitted data, after review by
the Society, will be subject to revision if found to be necessary
in light of experience.
B. Principles
B 100 General
101 In order to maintain class status, all classed units and
installations are required to undergo periodical surveys. The
objective of the surveys is to ascertain that the condition of the
structure, machinery installations, equipment and appliances
meet, and will continue to meet, applicable class requirements.
102 Periodical surveys will in general belong to one of the
following categories:
annual surveys
intermediate surveys
renewal surveys
other complete periodical surveys.
Guidance note:
Surveys related to additional class notations shall generally be
carried out concurrently with the main class surveys as applica-
103 The surveys shall, as a minimum, be carried out in
accordance with the relevant rules and standards. The surveys
aim to verify that hull, machinery, equipment and appliances:
comply with applicable requirements
will remain in satisfactory condition.
104 In cases where the suitability and condition of such
items cannot be satisfactorily confirmed from a standard sur-
vey, more comprehensive examination and/or testing may be
required. This will be at the discretion of the surveyor.
B 200 Due date and survey windows
201 The due date of a periodical survey will depend on the
survey interval, measured from one of the following events,
(whichever is relevant):
date of class assignment
date of commissioning
due date of the previous corresponding survey
date of completion of the previous corresponding survey.
202 A survey window exists around each due date, con-
sisting of a window before (W
) and window after (W
). The
total survey window represents the overall allowable period
within which a survey shall be initiated and completed.
203 Surveying should normally be undertaken during the
survey window. Under certain conditions, however, DNV may
allow surveys to be initiated prior to entering the survey win-
dow (see C).
204 Failing to complete surveys before the end of the survey
window or expiry of allowed postponement will result in warn-
ing and potential suspension of class.
B 300 Postponement of periodical surveys
301 DNV may accept to postpone periodical surveys beyond
the survey window upon consideration in each separate case.
Where postponement is granted, a condition of class (CC) will
be issued stating the time limit for the postponement period.
Annual and intermediate surveys shall normally not be post-
302 Upon the owner's request, an extension of the validity of
the classification certificate by maximum 6 months may be
granted in exceptional cases.
C. Periodical Surveys and Intervals
C 100 Survey intervals and concurrent surveys
101 The due date of a periodical survey will be established
depending upon the survey interval, measured from one of the
following events, whichever is relevant:
date of class assignment
date of commissioning
due date of the previous corresponding survey
date of completion of the previous corresponding survey
date of completion of a major conversion.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 52 Ch.3 Sec.1 see note on front cover
Survey intervals should in general be as given in Table C1. The
detailed intervals are given in Table C2 and C3.
Intervals may be reduced at owner's request i.e. the survey may
be carried out prior to the defined time window. In such a case
the survey's anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly.
Table C1 Survey intervals
Survey type
Time window
see Fig.1
Annual survey 1 3 3
Intermediate survey 5 9 9 First time 2.5 years after delivery.
Complete periodical survey, 2.5 year 2.5 6 6
Complete periodical survey, 5 year 5 3 3
Renewal survey, 5 year 5 3 0
Table C2 Periodical surveys main class. (For survey extent, see Sec.2)
character of
Survey extent and type
(as applicable)
Survey time window,
see Fig.1


Hull, machinery and
Renewal 5 3 0 (See
Annual 1 3 3
2-3 (see
See C300 See C300
Bottom See Sec.2 J
Tailshaft with continuous corrosion
resistant metallic liner or shaft of corro-
sion resistant material or shaft with spe-
cially approved protection arrangement
5 6 6
Tailshaft with approved oil sealing glands 5 6 6
May be extended to 10 years provided that
an intermediate survey is carried out after 5
years with satisfactory result.
May be extended to 15 years provided a
tailshaft condition monitoring survey
arrangement (TMON) has been granted.
Thruster See Sec.2
Auxiliary boiler 2.5 6 6
Steam and steam genera-
2.5 6 6
Thermal oil heaters 2.5 6 6
Table C3 Periodical surveys, additional class. (For survey extent, see Sec.3 and Sec.4)
Additional class
Survey extent and type
Survey time window
see Fig.1
Drilling Unit Drilling unit
Complete periodical
See B300
Well Intervention
Well intervention
Complete periodical
See B300
Complete periodical
See B300
Crane Unit Crane unit
Complete periodical
See B300
Support Unit See relevant class notations See surveys
Position mooring
Complete periodical
See B300
See 300
Dynamic positioning, Complete periodical 2.5 6 6
See 300
DRILL Drilling plant
Complete periodical
See B300
HELDK (-S, -SH) Helicopter deck, Complete periodical 5 3 See B300
WELLTEST Well test facility
Complete periodical
See B300
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.1 Page 53
Figure 1
Survey time windows
C 200 Annual surveys
201 Annual surveys are normally visual examinations to
ascertain the general condition of the unit or relevant item.
A more thorough annual survey may be specified for particular
structures, machinery installations or equipment due to conse-
quences of failure or age.
202 Unless otherwise stated, annual surveys shall be carried
out within a time period 3 months either side of the due date.
203 Where surveys are completed prior to the specified
period, i.e. more than 3 months before due date, the anniver-
sary date on the classification certificate shall be advanced cor-
respondingly, i.e. to a date not more than 3 months later than
the survey completion date.
Subsequent surveys shall be carried out at prescribed intervals
using the new anniversary date.
Expiry date of the classification certificate may remain
unchanged, provided that the prescribed survey intervals are
not exceeded. This may require one or more additional sur-
204 The annual survey shall be carried out concurrently with
any renewal survey which is also due.
205 The satisfactory completion of annual surveys for main
character of class will be endorsed on the classification certif-
C 300 Intermediate surveys
301 Intermediate surveys include visual examinations of hull
structures, machinery, and electrical installations and equip-
ment in order to ascertain that the unit continues to comply
with class requirements. Intermediate survey testing is speci-
fied for particular items as necessary due to consequence of
failure or age.
302 Unless otherwise stated, intermediate surveys shall be
performed at the second or third annual survey after the cred-
ited date of the renewal survey. Those aspects of the interme-
diate survey which are additional to the requirements of the
annual survey may be undertaken either at or between the sec-
ond or third annual survey.
303 Satisfactory completion of intermediate surveys of main
character of class will be endorsed on the classification certif-
C 400 Renewal surveys
401 Renewal surveys are major surveys of hull structures,
machinery installations and equipment. Renewal surveys
include visual examinations, measurements and tests in order
to confirm that the unit or installation complies with the rele-
vant DNV class requirements and is in satisfactorily main-
tained condition to continue the intended service.
402 Renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations and
equipment shall be carried out at 5-yearly intervals for units
and installations with main class 1A1.
403 DNV may accept that renewal surveys for hull, machin-
ery installations and equipment are commenced before due
date, provided that the surveys are completed:
not later than 12 months after the commencement
in any case not later than expiry date of the classification
Temporary storage
of oil
Complete periodical
See B300
Complete periodical
See B300
Diving system
Complete periodical
See B300
See 300
DEICE (-C) Deicing or anti-icing system, Annual 1 3 3
Periodically unat-
tended machinery
Complete periodical
Additional fire protection, Complete periodi-
2.5 6 6
See 300
(-I, -II, -III)
Fire fighter, Complete periodical 2.5 6 6 See 300
Integrated computer system, Complete peri-
2.5 6 6
See 300
HMON-1, HMON-2 Hull monitoring system, Annual 1 2 See B300
Safety and environmental protection
(SEP)management system, Complete periodi-
5 3 See B300
TMON Tailshaft monitoring, annual 1 6 6
Table C3 Periodical surveys, additional class. (For survey extent, see Sec.3 and Sec.4) (Continued)
Additional class
Survey extent and type
Survey time window
see Fig.1
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 54 Ch.3 Sec.1 see note on front cover
certificate including possible postponement granted.
Renewal surveys as stipulated above shall normally not be
commenced before the fourth anniversary date.
404 When considered necessary by the Society the interval
between renewal surveys may be reduced.
405 Renewal survey requirements of units of unusual
design, in lay-up or in unusual circumstances will be deter-
mined on individual basis.
406 Any required repairs identified from survey examina-
tions and tests shall normally be carried out:
before the renewal survey is regarded as complete
not later than the expiry date of the classification certifi-
cate including possible postponement granted.
In certain cases, DNV may accept that minor deficiencies are
rectified within a specified time limit not exceeding 6 months
after expiry date of the classification certificate including pos-
sible postponement as stipulated in B300.
C 500 Other periodical surveys
501 The additional class notation's requirements shall be
adhered to by the owner as conditions for the retention of these
class notations, as applicable.
502 The surveys may be performed as annual surveys, inter-
mediate surveys and or complete periodical surveys, as
detailed in C200-400.
503 A complete periodical survey is a major survey related
to an additional class notation, system or component.
504 Alternative survey arrangements may be accepted as an
option to the applicable periodical surveys for main class, see
505 Surveys completed prior to the specified period, i.e.
more than 3 months before due date, may be accepted. In such
cases the anniversary date on the classification certificate shall
be advanced to correspond to a date not more than 3 months
later than the survey completion date.
Subsequent surveys shall be carried out at prescribed intervals
using the new anniversary date.
Expiry date of the classification certificate may remain
unchanged, in which case one or more surveys may be required
so that the prescribed survey intervals are not exceeded.
D. Alternative Survey Arrangements
D 100 Continuous hull surveys
101 DNV may, upon request from the owner, accept contin-
uous surveys of hull as an alternative to relevant renewal sur-
vey work.
The items are normally to be surveyed at intervals not exceed-
ing 5 years. Surveys carried out 6 months or less before their
due date will be given a correspondingly longer interval during
the next cycle.
102 The requirements given in 100 replace requirements
given for traditional periodical survey intervals carried out by
the Society with a Continuous Inspection Programme (CIP).
The CIP shall specifically describe the survey requirement for
the owner and the Society based on the unit's arrangement,
installed equipment and systems as well as implemented
planned inspection and maintenance system. The CIP shall, as
a minimum, include all the items that are included in the IIP.
The requirement for attendance of the Society for crediting a
survey is equivalent to traditional periodical surveys.
103 Intervals for planned inspections and maintenance
should be decided based on the owner's documented experi-
ence and/or designers, builders and manufacturers recommen-
dations. Intervals for examination of hull structures and
equipment covered by CIP, according to 102 is not to exceed
the intervals given for periodical surveys in C300 and C400,
applicable to intermediate and renewal surveys, respectively.
104 The CIP shall be prepared by the owner, and shall as a
minimum, include a description of the following:
identification of all items included and which periodical
surveys they are part of
inspection and maintenance intervals
inspection and maintenance methods and procedures to be
inspection and maintenance reporting procedures
procedure for corrective actions following reported defi-
105 The CIP is to include records applicable to inspections,
maintenance, damages, defects and corrective actions carried
out. These are to be kept as objective evidence of the condition
of hull structures and equipment and the effective functioning
of the CIP. The records are to be readily accessible to the
attending surveyor.
106 The implementation of CIP requires that descriptive data
related to the structural condition and level of maintenance for
items included are established.
Guidance note:
Relevant data may be obtained based on results from periodical
surveys and/or condition survey and further supported with
information available from classification records.
D 200 Surveys by the chief engineer or maintenance
201 DNV may, upon request from the owner, accept that
continuous machinery surveys, subject to the provisions of
202 to 205, are carried out by the person in charge of the
machinery department (chief engineer or maintenance supervi-
It should be noted, however, that all surveys taking place at
ports where DNV is represented shall be carried out by DNV.
202 The conditions for granting this type of chief engineer or
maintenance supervisor survey arrangement will normally be:
the owner (or managing owner) must confirm the required
qualifications of the chief engineer or maintenance super-
he or she has sailed a minimum of 3 years as chief engineer
or maintenance supervisor with the relevant national cer-
he or she is presently sailing as a chief engineer or mainte-
nance supervisor with the relevant national certificate and
has been employed with the owners (or managing owners)
for at least 3 years
for MOUs where it is not required to have a chief engineer,
other person in charge of the maintenance (maintenance
supervisor) may be accepted on a case by case basis.
The approval is unit specific.
Guidance note:
Chief engineers or maintenance supervisors previously approved
by DNV need not fulfil the third requirement.
203 When a chief engineer has been accepted for surveys on
behalf of DNV, DNV will issue a chief engineer or mainte-
nance supervisor authorisation letter. This authorisation letter
shall be kept available for presentation to DNV surveyors on
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.1 Page 55
204 Half of all items covered by a continuous machinery sur-
vey scheme (of which there are more than one) may be sur-
veyed by the chief engineer or maintenance supervisor (i.e. he
may survey half of all identical items in one five-year survey
205 Auxiliary diesel engines and turbines may wholly be
surveyed by the chief engineer or maintenance supervisor, pro-
vided that a test run including testing of safety functions is per-
formed in the presence of a DNV surveyor. In addition, every
alternate survey of auxiliary diesel engines and turbines shall
be carried out by a DNV surveyor.
206 All surveys carried out under supervision of the chief
engineer or maintenance supervisor shall be recorded in the
engine log book and relevant extracts given the first attending
DNV surveyor. The surveyor may, if he finds it necessary,
require re-survey of the parts in question.
207 Generator parallel operation, generator load test, and
testing of protection devices for generators and switchboards
shall be witnessed by a DNV surveyor (see Sec.3).
D 300 Survey arrangement based on approved planned
maintenance system (PMS)
301 A survey arrangement based on a planned maintenance
system (PMS) is an alternative to the continuous machinery
survey (CMS). Such survey arrangement shall be operated
under the following conditions:
1) The planned maintenance system shall be computer based.
Guidance note:
If the system is centrally operated with the computer ashore, this
can be accepted provided that implementation survey and annual
survey are carried out both at the location from where the system
is operated, and on board.
2) The unit shall be manned by chief engineers or mainte-
nance supervisors who are familiar with the system. A
chief engineer or maintenance supervisor approved by
DNV shall be on board at least 50% of the time.
3) The planned maintenance system shall be approved.
4) The manager or operator shall have established a planned
maintenance system that includes at least all items and
systems that are covered by the continuous machinery sur-
vey (CMS) scheme.
5) Maintenance job descriptions and intervals shall be based
on manufacturers recommendations. Experience may
show that intervals need to be adjusted, in these cases doc-
umentation is required if intervals shall be extended.
6) All components in the CMS scheme shall be clearly iden-
tified with the CMS code in the system.
7) The system shall be able to produce a maintenance history
report of all main overhauls carried out for a specific time
8) The maintenance may be based on calendar or running
hours, or based on monitoring of condition and perform-
9) The job descriptions for the main overhaul for all the com-
ponents in the units CMS scheme shall cover the require-
ments for class survey, and will be credited as a class
survey each time these jobs are carried out. If some main
overhaul intervals are based on running hours and these
intervals normally will exceed 5 years, the items will still
be credited after 5 years based on satisfactory documenta-
tion of regular maintenance records and tests.
10) A system for control of components that are being re-used
in different positions (circulating components, e.g. piston,
cylinder cover) shall be established for all such compo-
nents in the CMS scheme.
Guidance note:
It is not required that this system shall necessarily be an inte-
grated part of the planned maintenance system.
11) The CMS items for sea valves and sanitary valves cannot
be credited by the chief engineer, but shall always be sur-
veyed by a surveyor. The CMS items for parallel opera-
tion, testing of the generators and testing of setting for
main and emergency generator's protection devices and
circuit breaker shall always be carried out in the presence
of a surveyor. These requirements shall be stated in the
instructions in the planned maintenance system.
12) All corrective actions shall be especially identified in the
13) The job descriptions and maintenance history shall be in
14) Backup routines shall be established.
15) Annual survey shall be carried out in order to prolong the
validity of the survey arrangement.
16) Damage to machinery or equipment covered by classifica-
tion shall always be reported to the Society and into the
planned maintenance system as a corrective action. The
corresponding repair shall always be verified by a sur-
17) In case of change of manager or operator leading to signif-
icant changes in the maintenance system, the survey
arrangement shall be re-approved.
The survey arrangement may also include the instrumentation
and automation equipment covered by the rules for the class
notations E0 or ECO. All jobs related to the notations E0 or
ECO have then to be included in the system, clearly identified,
with proper test routines and maintenance descriptions.
The owner may include drilling and production equipment
related to the relevant service notation.
If these conditions are not complied with and the deficiency is
not rectified within a given time, the survey arrangement will
be cancelled. The conditions for ordinary continuous survey
arrangement (CMS) of machinery will be re-introduced and all
CMS items will be given a due date 5 years from the last sur-
vey date.
302 Before a unit may be accepted for alternative survey
under a PMS arrangement, the system shall be based on an
approved PMS program. This program may be type approved
or approved on a case-by-case basis.
Guidance note:
The supplier of the planned maintenance system can obtain type
approval while the system approval can be obtained by the man-
ager or operator.
303 The system approval of the planned maintenance system
is based on a description of the system and the following doc-
1) List of items or systems that are included in the PMS with
the corresponding CMS codes.
2) Examples of maintenance descriptions with corresponding
time intervals and identification of class related compo-
nents (CMS code).
3) Job descriptions for the CMS items for sea valves and san-
itary valves and for parallel operation, testing of the gen-
erators and testing of setting for main and emergency
generator's protection devices and circuit breaker.
4) Example of maintenance history report (class report) for
crediting of CMS components. The report shall at least
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 56 Ch.3 Sec.1 see note on front cover
contain component name, CMS code, interval, carried out
date (running hours if applicable) and job history.
5) Procedures for reporting of maintenance activity (access
control in the system, which are reporting history into the
system etc.).
6) Description of the functionality for handling of postponed
or overdue jobs.
7) Description of the system for control of components that
are being re-used in different positions (circulating com-
ponents, e.g. piston, cylinder cover).
8) A description of the manager's or operator's maintenance
strategy including a chart of responsibility for the unit and
the management.
9) Description of routines for continuous improvement of the
maintenance strategy and intervals on critical components.
Identification and follow-up of unplanned maintenance,
recording of condition before maintenance is carried out,
and recording of all changes in system are important ele-
ments in this context.
Guidance note:
Maintenance strategy is the manager's or operator's description
of how the different machinery items are maintained, that could
be time based maintenance, condition monitoring and corrective
When the owner is granted a system approval of their system,
a system approval certificate will be issued to the owner stating
the system type. A copy of this certificate shall be on board
every unit that intends to apply to the PMS arrangement.
304 A system approval or a type approval is an approval of
the system itself and its functionality, and not an approval of
how it is implemented on board each unit. The owner may use
the approved system on board all the units in his fleet, but an
implementation survey shall be carried out on each unit before
the PMS survey arrangement is granted. For type approved
systems, the documentation in items 1, 2, 7 and 8 in 303 shall
be submitted before the implementation survey is carried out.
305 An implementation survey on board the unit is required
in order to verify that all the conditions listed in 301 are com-
plied with. Provided that the implementation survey is carried
out with a satisfactory result, a certificate for the survey
arrangement will be issued for the unit stating system type and
conditions for the survey arrangement.
D 400 Survey arrangement based on condition monitor-
ing system
401 Machinery equipped with instrumentation enabling the
condition of the machinery components to be ascertained and
monitored may be subject to special approval regarding the
extent and method of the survey.
402 For tailshaft condition monitoring, see Sec.4 Q.
D 500 Surveys of units and installations out of commis-
501 Units shall continue to be subject to annual surveys dur-
ing lay-up.
502 If the lay-up period is more than 12 months, other peri-
odical surveys (excluding the annual survey), may be post-
poned depending on the maintenance and preservative
measures taken during lay-up.
503 Units which have been out of commission (i.e. laid up)
for a period normally of 12 months or more shall be surveyed
and tested before re-entry into service. This will at least
include a sea trial for function testing of the machinery instal-
lation. Remaining surveys and tests will be considered in each
case depending upon the time out of commission, maintenance
and preservative measures taken during lay-up, and extent of
surveys carried out during this time.
E. Special Provisions for Hull Surveys
E 100 General
101 The owner shall provide the necessary facilities for a
safe execution of the survey.
102 Tanks and spaces shall be safe for access, i.e. gas freed,
ventilated, etc.
103 Tanks and spaces shall be sufficiently illuminated, clean
and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues, etc. to reveal sig-
nificant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damage or other
structural deterioration. Cleanliness is particularly important
for areas which are subject to thickness measurement.
E 200 Access to structures
201 For overall examination, means shall be provided to ena-
ble the surveyor to examine the structure in a safe and practical
202 For close-up examination, one or more of the following
means for access, acceptable to the surveyor, shall be pro-
permanent staging and passages through structures
temporary staging and passages through structures
lifts and moveable platforms
boats or rafts
other equivalent means.
E 300 Equipment for survey
301 Thickness measurements shall normally be carried out
by means of ultrasonic test equipment. The accuracy of the
equipment shall be proven to the satisfaction of the surveyor as
302 One or more of the following non-destructive testing
procedures may be required if considered necessary by the sur-
radiographic testing
ultrasonic testing
magnetic particle testing
eddy current testing
dye penetrant testing
other equivalent means.
F. Requirements for Machinery Surveys
F 100 Maintenance system
101 Every unit shall have implemented a maintenance sys-
tem including at least every machinery system subject to class.
The maintenance system shall ensure that:
inspections and maintenance are carried out at defined
records of these activities are maintained.
Guidance note:
The maintenance system may be manual or computerised.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.1 Page 57
G. Procedures for Class Related Services
G 100 Thickness measurements of hull structures
101 Thickness measurements shall be carried out by a quali-
fied company which is certified for such activities by DNV.
102 Thickness measurements shall normally be performed
under the supervision of the surveyor. Alternatively, the sur-
veyor may accept non-DNV supervised thickness measure-
ment provided that provisions are made for the surveyor to re-
check the measurements as deemed necessary to ensure
acceptable accuracy.
103 When thickness measurements are required in connec-
tion with intermediate, renewal or complete periodical survey,
the thickness measurements shall normally be carried out
within 12 months prior to the completion of the survey.
104 Thickness measurements required, if not carried out by
the Society itself, shall be witnessed by a surveyor on board to
the extent necessary to control the process.
105 A thickness measurement report shall be prepared. The
report shall give the location of the measurements, the thick-
ness measured and the corresponding original thickness. Fur-
thermore, the report shall give the date when the measurements
were carried out, type of measurement equipment, names of
personnel and their qualifications. The report shall be signed
by the operator. The surveyor shall verify and countersign the
Guidance note:
The single measurements recorded should represent the average
of multiple measurements.
H. Repairs of Structural Damage
H 100 Definition
101 A prompt and thorough repair is a permanent repair
completed at the time of survey to the satisfaction of the sur-
veyor, therein removing the need for the imposition of any
associated condition of class.
H 200 Repairs
201 Where repairs to hull, legs, columns or other structures,
machinery or equipment, which affect or may affect classifica-
tion, are planned in advance to be carried out, a complete repair
procedure including the extent of the proposed repair and the
need for surveyors attendance is to be submitted to and agreed
upon by the Society in advance. Failure to notify the Society,
in advance of the repairs, may result in suspension of the unit's
classification until such time as the repair is redone or evidence
submitted to satisfy the surveyor that the repair was properly
carried out. This applies also to repairs during voyage or on
202 The above is not intended to include maintenance and
overhaul to hull, other structures, machinery and equipment in
accordance with recommended manufacturers procedures and
established marine practice and which does not require Society
approval; however, any repair as a result of such maintenance
and overhauls which affects or may affect classification is to be
noted in the ships log and submitted to the surveyor.
203 Any damage in association with wastage over the allow-
able limits (including buckling, grooving, detachment or frac-
ture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable limits,
which affects or, in the opinion of the surveyor, will affect the
unit's structural, watertight or weathertight integrity, shall be
promptly and thoroughly repaired.
204 Additionally, when a survey results in the identification
of significant corrosion or structural defects, either of which,
in the opinion of the surveyor, will impair the unit's fitness for
continued service, remedial measures shall be implemented
before the unit continues in service.
I. Special Provisions for Ageing Units
I 100 General
101 Mobile Offshore Units with nominal age equal to or
higher than documented fatigue life shall be subject to evalua-
tion for special provisions.
102 A fatigue utilisation index (FUI) shall be calculated to
characterise units of column-stabilised and self-elevating type.
The FUI is defined as the ratio between the effective opera-
tional time and the documented fatigue life.
103 Calculation of effective operational time shall be based
on recorded operations history. For the purpose of calculating
the FUI, the following may be assumed:
contribution from operation in harsh environment, e.g.
North Sea, North Atlantic and Canada, equals actual oper-
ating time in such environment
contribution from operation in other environments equals
one third of actual operating time in such environments
periods of lay-up and yard stay may be disregarded.
104 Owner shall submit FUI or historical data allowing for
calculation of FUI as part of the planning process prior to
renewal survey when the nominal age exceeds the documented
fatigue life.
105 Operation of the unit may continue when the FUI
exceeds 1.0 provided requirements stipulated in I200 and I300
are complied with.
106 The Society will issue an MO stating the FUI and agreed
compensating measures (see I 200, 300) following each
renewal survey after the nominal age has reached the docu-
mented fatigue life.
107 These special provisions focus on the fatigue and corro-
sion properties of the hull. Degradation mechanisms due to
ageing effects related to other aspects such as marine systems
must also be given due consideration by owner through main-
tenance, and by DNV surveyors through regular surveys.
I 200 Column-stabilised units
201 If no fatigue cracks have been found in a unit prior to the
FUI reaching 1.0, no special provisions will be required until
such cracks are detected.
202 If fatigue cracks have been found in a unit prior to the
FUI reaching 1.0, owner shall assess structural details in spe-
cial areas at latest prior to the renewal survey for the 5-year
period in which the FUI will reach 1.0, with the purpose of
improving the fatigue properties of the structure.
203 Basis for such assessment is documented fatigue lives
for the typical structural details in combination with the docu-
mented as-is condition. A ranking of details starting with the
lowest fatigue lives may conveniently be established.
204 Structural details may be improved by replacement or
grinding. Associated plans and procedures shall be approved
by the Society. The scope of the improvement program will
depend on the initial assessment and owners plans for further
use of the unit.
205 Units which have encountered fatigue cracks prior to the
FUI reaching 1.0, and which have undergone an assessment
and improvement program as outlined in 202 through 204 to
the Societys satisfaction, will not be subject to extended sur-
vey requirements.
206 Units which have encountered fatigue cracks prior to the
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 58 Ch.3 Sec.1 see note on front cover
FUI reaching 1.0, and where satisfactory compensating meas-
ures in the form of structural improvements have not been
implemented, shall be subject to additional NDE at intermedi-
ate surveys corresponding to the extent required for renewal
surveys when the FUI exceeds 1.0.
207 The process outlined in 202 through 206 shall be
repeated prior to each successive renewal survey after the FUI
has reached 1.0.
208 Systematic thickness measurements shall be performed
at renewal surveys when the FUI exceeds 1.0. Owner shall sub-
mit program for such measurements for approval prior to the
renewal survey.
209 Owner shall document that corrosion protection of the
units hull is adequate and in line with conditions assumed in
original design when the FUI exceeds 1.0.
210 When the FUI exceeds 1.0, the unit shall have an
approved leak detection system according to guidelines issued
by the Society.
211 Areas identified for leak detection shall be examined for
leaks at least twice monthly when the FUI exceeds 1.0.
I 300 Self-elevating units
301 If no fatigue cracks have been found in a unit prior to the
FUI reaching 1.0, no special provisions will be required until
such cracks are detected.
302 FUIs may be calculated separately and in detail for var-
ious parts of the unit such as leg nodes, spudcans and deck
structure. The calculations may reflect the various degrees of
bottom restraints and loading pattern resulting from the deck
being fixed at various levels during the operations history of
the unit.
303 In addition to the standard scope of survey outlined in
A200, 5% of the areas with FUI larger than 1.0 shall be subject
to NDE at renewal surveys.
304 The additional areas for NDE shall be selected with
focus on probability of cracking and consequence of possible
305 When operational time (time in operation regardless of
environment excluding periods of lay-up and yard-stay)
exceed documented fatigue life, the scope for survey of jack-
ing gears as outlined in Sec 2 D208 shall increase to comprise
about 20% of jacking gear units but not less than two units per
306 When operational time (see 305) exceeds documented
fatigue life, systematic thickness measurements shall be per-
formed at renewal surveys. Owner shall submit program for
such measurements for approval prior to the renewal survey.
I 400 Ship-shaped units
401 Extended survey requirements for ageing units of ship-
shaped type with service notation Drilling Unit are condition-
based as per Sec 2 D103.
402 No special provisions are enforced for other service
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 59
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section presents the standard extent of surveys for
retention of main class (1A1).
102 The requirements for service notations are given in
Sec.3, and additional system and special facility class nota-
tions are given in Sec.4.
103 For units and installations with special feature notation
NON-SELFPROPELLED the survey scopes for steering
gear, tailshaft and thrusters for propulsion may be adjusted to
be in accordance with the intended use (e.g. for DYNPOS-
AUTS, POSMOOR, as auxiliary installation, or not used).
104 DNVs Total Safety Class does not apply to mobile off-
shore units.
A 200 Extent of hull survey
201 The In-service Inspection Program (IIP) for units of col-
umn-stabilised and self-elevating types (see Sec 1 A105) is
developed on the basis of a general, experience-based scope in
combination with design and fabrication particulars for the
actual unit as well as experience from in-service surveys of
units of similar type.
202 The basic scope for development of IIP for units of col-
umn-stabilised type is given in Table A1.
203 The basic scope for development of IIP for units of self-
elevating type is as given in Table A2.
204 Relevant survey requirements for units of ship-shaped
types additional to those stated in DNV Ship Rules are summa-
rised in Table A3.
Guidance note:
At the 1st annual or intermediate survey after construction, col-
umn-stabilised and self-elevating units may be subject to exami-
nation of major structural components including non-destructive
testing, as deemed necessary by the Society. If the Society deems
such survey to be necessary, the extent should be agreed to by the
Society and the owner or client prior to commencement of the
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 60 Ch.3 Sec.2 see note on front cover
Table A1 Basic scope for development of IIP for column-stabilised units
Column-stabilised units
Special Areas
(SP) connections:
Horizontal bracing connections A A C A
4) 3)
Vertical diagonal bracing connections B A C X
Columns to pontoon and deck connections X X C X A X A C
Upper hull girder/bulkhead connections X X X X A X A X
Special Areas (SP) - attachments of:
Crane/gangway pedestals and top flange A A A X A X A A A A
Anchor windlasses X A X A A A X
Anchor chain fairleads C B C A A C
Helideck support X X X C X A X A C
Other attachment/support connections X X X X X A X A X
Primary Structure
Horizontal bracings A A B A A
Vertical diagonal bracings C X C C A A
Column shell X X C C A A
Upper hull girders/bulkheads X X X X A A
Drill floor with substructure X X A X A X
Crane/gangway pedestal X A A A A A
Lifeboat platforms support A A A X
Helideck support structure X X X A A X A X
Other support structures X X X X A A
A = 100%
B = 50%
C = 25%

X = Spot check 2-5%
V = Visual Inspection including Close Visual Inspection of Special Areas.
NDT= Non-destructive Testing, normally Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and/or Eddy Current (ECI) of selected stress concentrations
and fatigue sensitive details.
1) Special Area (SP) are those sections of Primary Structure which are in way of critical load transfer point, stress concentrations, etc.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
2) Primary Structure (PR) are elements which are essential to the overall structural integrity of the unit.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
3) External NDT may be waived at IS if the unit has an approved leakage detection system according to guidelines issued by the Society.
4) Bracing to Bracing (K-joint).
5) - of the total number of these parts.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 61
Table A2 Basic scope for development of IIP for self-elevating units
Self-elevating units
Special Areas
(SP) connections:
Leg to spudcan A X A A A A
Leg Nodes X A A X
Connections of primary members in Jack
Main Barge girder/bulkhead connections X X X X A A
Special Areas (SP) - attachments of:
Crane/gangway pedestals and top flange A A A X A X A A A A
Support of Drill Floor A A A A
Helideck support X X X C X A X A C
Other attachment/support connections X X X X X A X A X
Primary Structure
Spudcans A A A
Legs X A A X
Jack Houses A A A X
Main Barge girders/bulkheads X X A A
Drill floor with substructure X X A X A X
Crane/gangway pedestal X A A A A A
Lifeboat platforms support A A A X
Helideck support structure X X X A A X A X
Other support structures X X X X A A
A = 100%
B = 50%
C = 25%

X = Spot check 2-5%
V = Visual Inspection including Close Visual Inspection of Special Areas.
NDT= Non-destructive Testing, normally Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and/or Eddy Current (ET) of selected stress concentrations
and fatigue sensitive details.
1) Special Area (SP) are those sections of Primary Structure which are in way of critical load transfer point, stress concentrations, etc.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
2) Primary Structure (PR) are elements which are essential to the overall structural integrity of the unit.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
3) At levels which have been in way of lower guided in operation, upper guides in transit and in way of spudcans.
4) - of the total number of these parts.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 62 Ch.3 Sec.2 see note on front cover
B. Annual Survey
B 100 Survey extent
101 The survey will normally cover systems and parts for:
structure and equipment
machinery and safety systems.
B 200 Structure and equipment for ship-shaped units
201 Survey requirements for ship-shaped structures and
related equipment are given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.7 Ch.2. Sec.2 'Survey Extent - Main Class'.
202 The following items shall, however, be surveyed in
accordance with mobile offshore unit requirements:
stability (recording for lightweight)
tank level measurements
helicopter fuel
external corrosion
bottom surveys
inspection of sea valves
thruster and tailshaft surveys.
B 300 Structure and equipment for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units
301 The survey may be performed on location provided that
the structure, including submerged parts, can be thoroughly
inspected as specified in the in-service inspection programme.
If required, underwater inspection shall be in accordance with
an approved procedure, and using approved personnel and
302 Units with submerged primary structural members
allowing internal access for inspection may be omitted from
external survey, subject to satisfactory results from the internal
303 Primary structural members which are flooded shall be
subject to external survey unless otherwise agreed. The extent
of survey is given in the in-service inspection program, and
will comprise visual inspection of vital parts and may include
non-destructive testing of highly stressed areas.
304 The means for leakage detection of dry bracings shall be
function tested.
305 Internal surfaces in ballast tanks may be subject to sur-
vey, including thickness measurements. The permissible
reduction in thickness is as given for the renewal survey.
306 Accessible and visible parts of the unit's permanent tow-
ing arrangement and temporary and emergency mooring sys-
tem shall be inspected. If the temporary mooring system is part
of the mooring system for position keeping on location, then
accessible and visible parts of the position mooring system
shall also be inspected.
307 Items which are important for the reserve buoyancy in
connection with stability of the unit shall be surveyed. The sur-
vey shall include inspection of external and internal closing
appliances, ventilators, air pipes, side scuttles etc., as well as
an external inspection of scupper valves and sanitary valves.
308 Remote controls and alarm systems for doors and
Table A3 Relevant structural survey requirements for ship-shaped offshore units
Ship-shaped units
Special Areas
(SP) connections:
Moon pool openings C A A A A A
Turret A A A A A A
Special Areas (SP) - attachments of:
Crane/gangway pedestals and top flange A A A X A X A A A A
Anchor windlasses X A X A A A X
Anchor chain fairleads C B C A A C
Helideck support X X X C X A X A C
Other attachment/support connections X X X X X A X A X
Primary Structure
Drill floor with substructure X X A X A X
Crane pedestal X A A A A A
Lifeboat platforms support A A A X
Helideck support structure X X X A A X A X
Other support structures X X X X A A
A = 100%
B = 50%
C = 25%

X = Spot check 2-5%
V = Visual Inspection including Close Visual Inspection of Special Areas.
NDT= Non-destructive Testing, normally Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and/or Eddy Current (ECI) of selected stress concentrations
and fatigue sensitive details.
1) Special Area (SP) are those sections of Primary Structure which are in way of critical load transfer point, stress concentrations, etc.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
2) Primary Structure (PR) are elements which are essential to the overall structural integrity of the unit.
See also DNV-OS-C103 Sec.2, B and DNV-OS-C201 Sec.11, B.
3) - of the total number of these parts.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 63
hatches shall be surveyed and function tested.
309 Guard rails shall be examined.
310 For units subjected to annual load line inspections by
DNV, the requirements in 307 and 309 are considered covered
by this inspection.
311 The Appendix to the classification certificate and the
documents referred to therein, shall be verified as kept availa-
ble on board the unit.
B 400 Machinery and safety systems for ship-shaped
401 Survey requirements for machinery and safety systems
on ship-shaped units are given in the Rules for Classification
of Ships, Pt.7 Ch.2.
402 Tank level measurements and helifuel systems shall,
however, be surveyed in accordance with offshore unit
requirements, see B503 and B507, respectively.
B 500 Machinery and safety systems for column-stabi-
lised and self-elevating units
501 The survey shall include examination of spaces for
machinery, boilers and incinerators, and equipment located
therein, with particular attention to fire and explosion hazards.
As the DNV surveyor deems necessary, running tests and/or
opening of machinery, and tests of safety devices and equip-
ment may be required.
502 Boilers shall be externally surveyed. The general condi-
tion of the boiler including mountings, piping and insulation
shall be ascertained and the surveyor may require opening,
removal of insulation etc. if found necessary. Safety valves,
instrumentation and automation systems shall be tested in
operating condition when found necessary by the surveyor.
503 The bilge and ballasting system and related subsystems,
such as remote valve operation and tank level indications for
column-stabilised units shall be visually surveyed and tested.
504 The brake torques of jacking machinery on self-elevat-
ing units shall be checked. Where provided, the fixation rack
system shall also be checked.
505 For steering gears and/or propulsion thrusters applied
for steering purposes, steering functions and alarms shall be
506 For units granted a survey arrangement based on an
approved planned maintenance system (PMS), an annual sur-
vey of the PMS is required to prolong the validity of the
arrangement. The purpose of this survey is to review and eval-
uate the previous period's maintenance activities and experi-
ence. The annual survey shall consist of the following main
a) The maintenance history will be examined in order to ver-
ify that the PMS has been operated according to the inten-
tions and that the system is kept up to date.
b) Evaluation of the maintenance history for main overhaul
jobs on the components covered by the continuous
machinery survey (CMS) scheme carried out since last
annual survey.
c) Details of corrective actions on components in the CMS
scheme shall be made available.
d) If condition monitoring equipment is in use, function tests
of this equipment and verification of the calibration will be
carried out as far as practicable and reasonable.
If found necessary by the surveyor, opening or testing of
machinery may be required.
507 In hazardous areas the following equipment and systems
shall be surveyed or tested:
ventilation systems shall be function tested. The tests shall
include emergency stop systems and alarms for lost venti-
alarms and shutdown functions for pressurised equipment
shall be function tested
gas detection equipment shall be function tested
electrical equipment shall be visually inspected.
C. Intermediate Survey
C 100 General
101 The survey shall normally be carried out in sheltered
waters. Survey on location may be acceptable provided that the
underwater inspection is performed in accordance with an
approved procedure, and using approved personnel and equip-
102 The survey shall, in general, be carried out as the annual
survey, but with extended visual inspection and non-destruc-
tive testing of the structure as given in relevant rules and in-
service inspection programme (where relevant), see A200.
C 200 Structure and equipment for ship-shaped units
201 Survey requirements for ship-shaped structures and
related equipment are given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.7 Ch.2. Sec.2 'Survey Extent - Main Class'
202 The following items shall, however, be surveyed in
accordance with mobile offshore unit requirements:
stability (recording for lightweight)
external corrosion
bottom surveys
thruster surveys
sea valve inspection.
C 300 Structures and equipment for column-stabilised
and self-elevating units
301 The survey shall, in general, be carried out as the annual
survey, but with extended visual inspection and non-destruc-
tive testing of the structure as given in the in-service inspection
302 The cathodic protection system shall be surveyed by vis-
ual inspection of sacrificial anodes and extent of corrosion.
Corrosion in welds of vital parts which may be subject to
fatigue shall be particularly considered.
303 For column-stabilised units, the survey shall, at mini-
mum, cover accessible areas at light ballast draught.
304 For self-elevating units, survey of the full height of the
legs is normally required. Potential measurements will also be
required if found necessary.
305 If the temporary mooring system is part of the mooring
system for position keeping on location, then the position
mooring system shall also be inspected. The mooring system
shall be function tested during typical anchor handling opera-
C 400 Machinery and safety systems for ship-shaped
401 Survey requirements for machinery and safety systems
on ship-shaped units are given in the Rules for Classification
of Ships, Pt.7 Ch.2.
C 500 Machinery and safety systems for column-stabi-
lised and self-elevating units
501 The survey shall generally be carried out as for the
annual survey.
502 The fire protection arrangement shall be surveyed. For
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 64 Ch.3 Sec.2 see note on front cover
units being inspected by national authorities with respect to
fire protection arrangement, the survey for classification may
normally be considered as covered by this inspection.
D. Renewal Survey, Structure and Equipment
D 100 Ship-shaped structures
101 Survey requirements for ship-shaped structures and
related equipment are given in the Rules for Classification of
Ships, Pt.7 Ch.2. Sec.2 'Survey Extent - Main Class'.
102 The following items shall, however, be surveyed in
accordance with mobile offshore unit requirements:
stability (recording for lightweight)
external corrosion
bottom surveys
thruster surveys
sea valve inspection.
103 Alternative survey arrangements given in 300 may be
applied also for ship-shaped units.
D 200 Column-stabilised and self-elevating structures
201 The renewal survey includes the requirements given in
B and C. The extent of the survey is given in the in-service
inspection programme, and will additionally include the
requirements given in 202 to 216.
202 Survey of pipes, valves, couplings, anodes, equipment
for level indication, etc. inside tanks and spaces.
203 Tanks shall, as a minimum, be internally surveyed in
accordance with Table D1, as far as applicable.
204 Remote level indicating systems for ballast tanks shall
be surveyed and function tested.
205 Remote control system for valves in bilge, ballast and
cooling water systems shall be surveyed and tested.
206 Tank bulkheads and tank decks integral with the unit
structure shall, as a minimum, be hydraulically tested from at
least one side to the maximum pressure they can be subjected
to in service. The number of tanks to be tested shall be in
accordance with Table D1, as far as applicable.
207 Thickness measurements shall be carried out as deemed
necessary by the surveyor. The reduction in thickness is not
normally to exceed 5% of the original thickness. Larger reduc-
tions may be allowed upon special consideration.
208 The jacking systems, including shock pads, shall be
examined. A selected number of jacking gear units (about
10%, but not less than one unit per leg) shall be opened up for
209 For self-elevating units, all parts of the legs shall be
210 The towing and mooring equipment shall be surveyed as
all chain lockers and anchor stowage arrangements shall
be surveyed
the permanent towing arrangement of the unit shall be sur-
the temporary and/or emergency mooring systems shall be
if the temporary and/or emergency mooring systems are
part of the mooring system for position keeping on loca-
tion, the complete mooring system for position keeping
shall be subject to a comprehensive survey. This will
include thorough visual examination and extensive non-
destructive testing of mooring chain or wire rope. This
inspection shall include dismantling and non-destructive
testing of all joining shackles that have been in service for
more than 5 years.
Function testing of the mooring systems shall be per-
211 Sea chests and other sea inlets and discharges (above
and below the waterline) with valves, including sanitary valves
and scupper valves, shall be opened for survey.
Alternative survey methods may be accepted upon special con-
sideration and approved procedures.
212 The unit is to undergo a weight or displacement survey
and the weight record will be checked in order to verify the
current lightweight and centre of gravity. Where the weight
survey indicates a difference from the calculated lightweight in
excess of 1% of the operating displacement, an inclining test
should be conducted. For self-elevating units deviations up to
5% of the operating displacement may be accepted upon spe-
cial considerations. It is a provision that the weight difference
is positioned at the most unfavourable position when calculat-
ing the vertical centre of gravity (VCG).
The above mentioned requirements may be considered com-
plied with where the national authorities enforce similar
requirements. In such cases a copy of the report on the weight
survey, or on the new inclining test, endorsed by the national
authorities, shall be submitted.
213 The presence of required signboards shall be verified.
214 The cathodic protection system of the submerged zone
shall be surveyed. The efficiency of the system for the forth-
coming 5-year period shall be confirmed.
215 The unit shall be dry docked at the third renewal survey
and at each renewal survey thereafter, unless acceptable equiv-
alent alternatives are agreed.
See also 300.
216 Fixation of major appurtenances to the main structure
shall be surveyed. These may typically include crane pedes-
tals, helicopter decks, drilling derricks, lifeboat platforms and
heavy deck modules or skids.
D 300 Alternative survey
301 Renewal surveys may be carried out on location without
interrupting the function of the unit, provided that they are
based on approved procedures outlined in a maintenance sys-
tem and survey arrangement.
Table D1 Tank survey and pressure testing
1), 2)
Tank Age of unit in years
0-5 5-10 10-15 above 15
Sea water
all all all all
Fresh water one one all all
Fuel and sludge one one two half
Lubricating oil none none one half
1) Tanks of integral type
Guidance note:
Integral tanks form a part of the units hull and are influenced in the
same manner and by the same loads that stress the adjacent hull struc-
Independent tanks within machinery spaces (non-integral, self-support-
ing tanks which do not form part of the unit's hull) are normally sur-
veyed as part of the renewal survey for machinery, see E.
2) If a selection of tanks are accepted to be surveyed, then different tanks
shall, as far as practicable, be surveyed at each survey, on a rotational
3) Tanks used as bilge water holding tanks, shall be examined as required
for sea water tanks.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 65
See also Ch.2 Sec.2 G for matters that will be taken into con-
sideration for acceptance of surveys on location.
302 Provisions regarding fatigue safety factors and corrosion
protection shall be in accordance with the following require-
DNV-OS-C102 Appendix A for ship-shaped units
DNV-OS-C103 Appendix A for column-stabilised units
DNV-OS-C104 Appendix A for self-elevating units.
E. Renewal Survey, Machinery and
Safety Systems
E 100 General
101 The survey shall include the items given in Table E1 as
far as applicable.
102 Automated machinery plant shall be surveyed to the
extent required for E0 or ECO survey, as far as applicable.
103 By completion of the 5-year CMS cycle, all items shall
have been credited. Items maintained according to running
hours or condition monitoring criteria, without a main over-
haul carried out in the cycle, may be credited based on satis-
factory maintenance or condition monitoring records, clearly
indicating that the maintenance is not calendar based.
E 200 Electrical installations
201 Ship-shaped units
Survey requirements for electrical systems on ship-shaped
units are given in the Rules for Classification of Ships, Pt.7
202 Column-stabilised and self-elevating units
The survey shall comprise examination of the electrical instal-
lations with regard to fire and explosion hazards and injury
from accidental touching. The survey is also to include testing
of correct functioning of equipment covered by class require-
203 The insulation resistance of the complete installation
shall be measured, and the results presented to the DNV sur-
204 As far as practicable, the following equipment shall be
examined for satisfactory condition:
main and emergency switchboards
distribution boards
motor starters
electrical motors
converters (e.g. transformers, rectifiers, chargers)
cable installations
enclosures for electrical equipment
lighting equipment
heating equipment
battery installations.
205 The following tests shall be carried out to the extent
deemed necessary by the surveyor to ascertain the proper func-
tioning of the equipment:
generator full load test
generator parallel operation
generator protection relays including non-important load
trip, if fitted
generator remote speed control
generator synchronising equipment
power plant interlocking systems
insulation resistance indicating device
emergency generator including switchboards
battery chargers
mechanical ventilation of battery rooms and lockers
navigation lights, with controllers including alarms
electrical motors for essential and important use, e.g. for
jacking system at full load
interlocking and/or alarms for pressurised rooms and
E 300 Instrumentation and automation
301 Correct functioning of the various parts of the following
systems shall, as far as applicable, be verified to the satisfac-
tion of the attending surveyor:
each alarm and safety system
fire alarm system
manual control of machinery
remote control of propulsion machinery. It will normally
be required that the following manoeuvres are effected:
from stop to head
from ahead to astern
from stop to astern
stop by operating the emergency device.
302 It shall be verified that the remote control can be trans-
ferred to stand-by manual control in the engine room in case of
power supply failure to the remote control system.
303 When cancelling of automatic load reduction and/or
automatic stop of engine are provided, these functions shall be
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the surveyor.
304 Remote shutdown for fuel-oil transfer service pumps
and ventilating equipment, together with oil tank outlet valves
where required to be capable of being remotely closed, are to
be proved satisfactory. Emergency switch(s) for all electrical
equipment including main and emergency generators, except
alarm and communication systems and lighting in vital areas
such as escape routes and landing platforms, are to be proved
satisfactory (by a combination of testing and review of main-
tenance records).
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 66 Ch.3 Sec.2 see note on front cover
F. Renewal Survey, Tailshaft Survey
F 100 Standard requirements
101 For renewal survey, the tailshaft shall be withdrawn and
the following parts examined, where relevant:
propeller nut and threaded end of tailshaft
cone, key and keyway, including examination of the part
of the taper and keyway by magnetic particle inspection
tailshaft bearing areas
stern tube bushes or bearings. Clearance measurements
shall be included
shaft sealing arrangement, including lubricating oil sys-
Table E1 Machinery surveys
Item or system Survey method
Propulsion machinery
Diesel engines
Evaporators and condensers with ejectors
Electrical main motors
Thrust- and intermediate shaft bearings
Machinery foundations
1 and 2
1 and 2
Shafts with pinions, gear wheels, couplings and bearings 1
Auxiliary machinery
Diesel engine
Prime movers for auxiliary thrusters
2) 3)

Machinery foundations
1 and 2
1 and 2
Piston pumps
Screw pumps, gear pumps
Centrifugal pumps for sea water, bilge and ballast
Other centrifugal pumps and ejectors
Pipes, valves, independent
tanks, etc.
10) 11) 13)
Lubricating oil
Fuel oil
Bilge and ballast

Cooling water
High pressure mud system
Steam with temperature below 450C
Steam pipes of copper
Feed water
Compressed air
Hydraulic oil
Electrical installations
Distribution boards
Electrical equipment
Cable installation
Navigation light controllers
Mechanical ventilation of battery lockers and rooms
Gas compressors
Air compressors
Emergency compressors
Compressed air receivers
Heat exchangers
Incinerator arrangement
Inert arrangement for units without notation INERT (see also Rules for Classi-
fication of ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 H)
Instrumentation and automation for units without notation E0 or ECO.
1 and 2
1 and 2
1 and 2
1) The survey methods given are defined as follows:
Survey method No. 1: Visual inspection by opening up fully or partly as deemed necessary by the surveyor. Pressure testing to be carried out when rel-
evant and found necessary by the surveyor.
Survey method No. 2: External survey and performance test to be carried out. Alarm- and safety functions shall be tested if found necessary by the sur-
veyor. Opening up and/or pressure testing may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. Last overhaul shall be verified.
2) For definition and survey extent, see G.
3) Selected bearings shall be examined. Gears and roller bearings may as far as practicable be inspected without dismantling complicated assemblies.
4) Prime movers and starters shall be surveyed together with pumps and units. Non-metallic flexible expansion pieces in the main salt water circulating
system are to be examined internally and externally.
5) Strainers shall be opened. Selected pipes and engine system tanks, if any, shall be surveyed for sludge.
6) Valves, cocks and strainers shall be opened.
7) Crack and/or thickness examination may be required. Selected pipes shall be pressure tested to 1.5 times working pressure.
8) Shall be pressure tested to 2 times working pressure.
9) Shall be pressure tested to 1.2 times working pressure if internal survey is not possible.
10) Sea valves shall be opened (including scuppers and sanitary discharges).
11) For piping systems outside machinery spaces, see Sec.4.
12) Settling tanks and daily service tanks for both heavy fuel and diesel oil to be surveyed for sludge. If inspection and cleaning of above tanks have been
carried out by the crew during the last 12 months and relevant log extracts provided and confirmed, this may be accepted as survey at the surveyor's
13) Valves where function in the piping system is not evident are to be checked for adequate and readable marking for identification.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 67
F 200 Alternative survey
201 The following alternative requirements do not apply to
tailshafts covered by additional class notations DYNPOS-
202 Subject to 201, an alternative tailshaft survey may be
accepted for oil lubricated tailshafts with approved sealing
arrangement, provided that the number of service hours
encountered is relatively low, e.g. less than 5000 hours since
the last tailshaft survey.
203 At the first renewal survey, the lubricating oil for each of
the stern tubes shall be analysed and the results forwarded to
DNV. Acceptable analysis results, together with satisfactory
survey of accessible parts of the shafts including clearance
measurements, will normally be considered sufficient.
204 In addition to 202 and 203, the second and third renewal
surveys shall also include removal of key fitted propellers and
survey of the tailshaft cone including key and keyway.
205 At the second renewal survey, 50% of all similar
tailshafts shall be surveyed, with the remaining 50% of the
tailshafts to be surveyed at the third renewal survey. Magnetic
particle inspection shall be used.
206 From the fourth renewal survey and onwards, a com-
plete tailshaft survey shall be carried out.
F 300 Tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrange-
301 See Sec.4 Q.
G. Thrusters
G 100 Definitions
101 Thrusters for propulsion are defined as thrusters which
are intended for propulsion or propulsion and steering of the
unit during sea voyage.
102 Thrusters installed to achieve redundant main propul-
sion systems are to be regarded as thrusters for propulsion, e.g.
for the class notation EPR.
103 Thrusters for dynamic positioning are thrusters incorpo-
rated in systems for dynamic positioning of offshore units,
where the unit has been granted the additional class notation
DYNPOS-AUTS, -AUT, -AUTR or -AUTRO, see Sec.4 C.
104 Thrusters for position mooring are thrusters incorpo-
rated in systems for thruster assisted position mooring of off-
shore units, where the unit has been granted the additional
class notation POSMOOR-TA or POSMOOR-ATA, see
Sec.4 B.
105 Thrusters for heading control are to be regarded as
thrusters for position mooring.
106 Thrusters for other purposes than specified in 101 to 104
(e.g. non-self-propelled units) are defined as auxiliary thrust-
G 200 Condition monitoring approach - extent of survey
and testing
201 The owners shall propose a plan for the monitoring of
the thrusters, where the following are to be considered:
condition monitoring (what can be picked up and what
vibration analysis (what can be picked up and what can-
oil sample results (of each oil system involved in the
sparking across the oil film
cathodic protection
consequence of failure of the thruster system and time
needed to remedy the failure
failure of the ancillary systems which may degrade the
functionality of the thruster (e.g. azimuth system, raising
or lowering system for the thruster).
FMEA of the thruster system may be a useful tool in this
202 It is recognised that most of these external surveys will
take place with an ROV. So the focus of the inspection will be
for obvious signs of oil leakage and gross damage.
The electro-motor shall be surveyed for damage to the housing
and to the rotor itself.
G 300 Extent of survey and testing without condition
monitoring system
301 Thrusters for propulsion shall be surveyed as per Table
G1 as applicable.
302 Thrusters for dynamic positioning and position mooring
shall be surveyed as per Table G1 as far as applicable.
303 Thrusters not defined as propulsion thrusters or incorpo-
rated in systems for the dynamic positioning (class notation
DYNPOS-AUTS, -AUT, -AUTR or -AUTRO) shall be sur-
veyed as auxiliary thrusters as per Table G2, as far as applica-
Guidance note:
Azimuth thrusters providing the main steering function are to be
surveyed and tested annually as part of the annual survey.
Table G1 Extent of surveys and tests of propulsion thrusters and dynamic positioning thrusters
Survey and tests
Survey interval
2.5 years 5 years
1. Intermediate survey
includes survey of internals through inspection openings, also in underwater housing.
2. Complete internal survey
includes visual inspection of relevant parts, and NDT when necessary
3. Function testing
3.1 Sealing arrangement
3.2 Lubricating and hydraulic oil system X X
3.3 Test of thruster unit including alarm system X X
1) The survey interval may be extended by 2.5 years provided running hours since last complete survey is less than 15 000 hours and an
intermediate survey is carried out.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 68 Ch.3 Sec.2 see note on front cover
H. Renewal Surveys, Boiler and Steam Heated
Steam Generator
H 100 Renewal survey
101 The survey shall normally include:
internal and external examination of the boilers, super-
heaters, economisers and air preheaters or steam heated
steam generator, including drums, stays, pipes, insulation,
internal examination of all mountings
setting of safety valves including remote operation of
same, except that for exhaust gas boilers where the safety
valves may be set by the chief engineer or maintenance
supervisor and the results reported to DNV
examination and testing of instrumentation and automa-
tion equipment
examination and testing of attached fuel oil burning equip-
102 If found necessary, the surveyor may require hydraulic
test, thickness measurements and/or crack detection test of any
part of the installation.
I. Thermal Oil Heater Survey
I 100 Renewal survey
101 The survey shall normally include:
tightness test of the installation with special attention to
flange connections and valve and pump packings
external examination of coils in the oil fired furnace
testing of thermal oil-flow and pressure drop across the
heater including comparison with reference data from the
heater as new. Significant increase in flow resistance
across the furnace coils will require internal cleaning of
the coils
examination and testing of plant instrumentation including
regulation and safety systems
examination and setting of liquid relief valves
examination of fuel oil equipment including burners with
examination of fire extinguishing system with release
arrangements for the thermal oil installation including fur-
analysis of thermal oil samples from the system in order to
establish safe operating temperature and state of deteriora-
function test of plant with special attention to stability of
automatic regulating systems.
J. Survey of the Outside of Unit's Bottom and
Related Items
J 100 Schedule
101 The outside of the unit's bottom and related items are to
be examined two times in any five (5) year period, with an
interval not exceeding three (3) years between examinations.
For units operating in salt water for less than six (6) months
each year, the survey interval may be increased by the Society.
102 Consideration may be given at the discretion of the Soci-
ety, to any special circumstances justifying an extension of the
103 Proposals for alternative means of examining the unit's
bottom and related items while afloat may be considered, pro-
vided they are in general agreement with Appendix B.
J 200 Parts to be examined
201 Ship-shaped Units (ship or barge type units)
External surfaces of the hull, keel, stem, stern frame, rudder,
nozzles, and sea strainers are to be selectively cleaned to the
satisfaction of the attending surveyor and examined together
with appendages, the propeller, exposed parts of stern bearing
assembly, rudder pintle and gudgeon securing arrangements,
sea chest and strainers, and their fastenings.
Propeller shaft bearing, rudder bearing, and steering nozzle
clearances are to be ascertained and reported upon.
202 Self-elevating Units
External surfaces of the upper hull or platform, spudcans, mat,
underwater areas of legs, together with their connections as
applicable, are to be selectively cleaned to the satisfaction of
the attending surveyor and examined.
At each dry-docking survey or equivalent, after renewal survey
No. 2, the surveyor is to be satisfied with the condition of the
internal structure of the mat or spudcans. Leg connections to
Table G2 Extent of surveys and tests of position mooring thrusters and auxiliary thrusters
Survey and tests
Survey interval
2.5 years 5 years
1. Survey extent
1.1 Oil analysis of gear house oil and oil for the CP mechanism
1.2 Survey of gear and bearings through inspection openings or by other means (if possible) X
1.3 External survey of gear housing, propeller blades, bolts locking and other fastening arrangements X X
1.4 Survey of external piping systems X X
2. Function testing
2.1 Sealing arrangements
2.2 Lubrication and hydraulic oil system X X
2.3 CP mechanism X X
2.4 Test of thruster unit including alarm system X X
3. Internal survey
Bearings, gear and shafts and other relevant parts
1) It is advised to take oil analysis prior to docking for (bottom) survey in order to ensure that there is no need for opening of the thruster
(e.g. water in the oil).
2) Only if any indications of abnormalities are observed. Satisfactory maintenance according to manufacturer recommendations to be doc-
umented and considered as a base for extent of possible opening.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.2 Page 69
mat and spudcans are to be examined at each dry-dock survey
or equivalent. Non-destructive testing may be required of areas
considered to be critical by the Society or found to be suspect
by the surveyor.
203 Column-stabilised Units
External surfaces of the upper hull or platform, footings, pon-
toons or lower hulls, underwater areas of columns, bracing and
their connections, sea chests, and propulsion units as applica-
ble, are to be selectively cleaned and examined to the satisfac-
tion of the attending surveyor. Non-destructive testing may be
required of areas considered to be critical by the Society or
found to be suspect by the surveyor.
J 300 Survey planning and record keeping
301 Plans and procedures for dry-docking surveys (or under-
water inspection in lieu of dry-docking survey per Appendix
B) shall be submitted for review in advance of the survey and
made available on board. These should include drawings or
forms for identifying the areas to be surveyed, the extent of
hull cleaning, non-destructive testing locations (including
NDT methods), nomenclature, and for the recording of any
damage or deterioration found. Submitted data, after review by
the Society, will be subject to revision if found to be necessary
in light of experience.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 70 Ch.3 Sec.3 see note on front cover
A. General
A 100 Introduction
101 This section presents the standard extent of surveys for
retention of additional service notations applicable to offshore
drilling and support units. The requirements shall be applied in
addition to those for main class notation presented in Sec.2.
B. Drilling Units
B 100 Application
101 The requirements in B apply to units with class notation:
Drilling Unit.
B 200 Annual survey
201 The requirements given shall be regarded as supplemen-
tary to those given for the main class.
202 The drill floor and substructure shall be surveyed with
emphasis on structural integrity and supporting structure for
equipment applied in drilling operations.
203 Where cross connections between piping system for
drilling or well testing operation and safe piping system exist,
the means for avoiding possible contamination of the safe sys-
tem with the hazardous medium shall be surveyed.
204 In hazardous area the following equipment and systems
shall be surveyed and tested:
ventilation including overpressure or flow and alarms
self-closing gastight doors and airlocks including other
openings or accesses
alarms or shutdown of pressurised equipment
electrical equipment and cables
devices for monitoring of insulation resistance or earth
leak monitoring including alarms
protection devices for combustion engines
emergency shutdown facilities.
205 The following systems shall be surveyed and tested for
correct functioning if found necessary by the surveyor:
fire detection system
gas detection system, both flammable and toxic
alarms for abnormal drilling condition
general alarm system and communication between control
206 The apparatus for breathing protection and gas measur-
ing devices shall be surveyed.
207 Owners are required to operate a system for planned
inspection and maintenance of highly pressurised equipment
related to the drilling plant. The surveyor shall verify the satis-
factory implementation of this system.
B 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply with the additional
amendments given in 302 to 305.
302 Function test of instrumentation and safety devices for
equipment and system in 205 shall be carried out.
303 It shall be verified that required signboards are in order.
304 The drainage system of hazardous area shall be sur-
305 Industrial equipment included in class according to Ch.2
Sec.2 F shall be surveyed. Attention is to be paid to fire and
other hazards. Thickness checking of pipe work shall be car-
ried out and records reviewed by the surveyor, as applicable.
Hydrostatic testing may be requested by the surveyor.
C. Well Intervention Units
C 100 Application
101 The requirements in C apply to units with the class nota-
Well Intervention Unit.
C 200 Annual survey
201 The requirements given are to be regarded as supple-
mentary to those given for the main class.
202 Supporting structures are to be surveyed with emphasis
on structural integrity.
203 Where cross connections between piping system for
well intervention operation and safe piping system exist, the
means for avoiding possible contamination of the safe system
with the hazardous medium are to be surveyed.
204 In hazardous area the following equipment and systems
are to be surveyed and tested, as applicable:
ventilation including overpressure or flow and alarms
self-closing gastight doors and airlocks including other
openings or access
alarms or shutdown of pressurized equipment
electrical equipment and cables
devices for monitoring of insulation resistance or earth
leak monitoring including alarms
protection devices for combustion engines
emergency shutdown facilities.
205 The following systems to be surveyed and tested for cor-
rect functioning if found necessary by the surveyor:
fire detection system
gas detection system, both flammable and toxic
alarms for abnormal condition
general alarm system and communication between control
C 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements stipulated in 200 apply with the addi-
tional amendments as given in 302 to 305.
302 Function test of instrumentation and safety devices for
equipment and system in 205 shall be carried out.
303 It shall be verified that required signboards are in order.
304 The drainage system of hazardous area shall be sur-
305 System and equipment related to well intervention shall
be surveyed. For units being inspected by national authorities
with respect to such items, the survey for classification may
normally be considered as covered by this inspection. State-
ment of survey by national authorities shall be available to the
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.3 Page 71
D. Accommodation Unit
D 100 Application
101 The requirements in D apply to units with class notation:
Accommodation Unit.
D 200 Annual survey
201 The requirements shall be regarded as supplementary to
those given for the main class.
202 The accommodation shall be surveyed with attention to
structural strength. The connections of accommodation mod-
ules between the modules and to the main supporting structure
shall be surveyed.
203 Where the emergency source of power is a generator, the
temporary source of emergency power shall be surveyed and
supply of consumers tested. The automatic operation shall be
204 Gangways intended for transfer of personnel to/from
other installations which are permanently fitted to the unit shall
be surveyed with respect to structural integrity and proper
D 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements in 200 apply.
E. Crane Unit
E 100 Application
101 The requirements in E apply to units with class notation:
Crane Unit.
E 200 Annual survey
201 The requirements shall be regarded as supplementary to
those given for the main class.
202 An overall survey shall be carried out with particular
emphasis on structural integrity, including examination of:
wire ropes and end attachments
blocks and sheaves
hooks with accessories
bearings of boom heel and eyebolt connections
securing arrangement for crane during passages
support structure.
203 The slewing system (slewing bearing or hook rollers)
including tightness of bolts shall be examined as required by
the surveyor.
204 Examination and functional testing of the following
shall be performed as found necessary by the surveyor:
correct adjustment of brakes
resistance measurement of electrical systems
leakages in hydraulic system
safety devices
emergency stop function
fire extinguisher.
205 The load charts, marking and components certificates
shall be verified as available and in order.
E 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply, with the additions
in 302 to 305.
302 Structural parts shall undergo thickness measurements
as deemed necessary by the surveyor.
303 The following components shall be dismantled (opened
up) and/or checked by MPI (magnetic particle inspection):
boom heel bearings
fixed sheaves
axle pin and housing
eyebolt connections
hooks, ring and balls.
The slewing ring shall be opened up, and internal fillets, race-
way and bolts shall be subjected to MPI.
slewing bearings may be subject to relevant accepted non-
destructive examination in order to check for defects in fil-
lets and raceways
crane with approved securing device (retainer) fitted,
opening up is not required
at least 50% of the holding down bolts shall be drawn and
subjected to MPI.
304 Flatness and condition of bearing mounting flanges shall
be checked.
305 Load testing shall be performed as outlined on Form No.
CG 2 in the Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances.
F. Offshore Support Unit
F 100 Survey arrangement
101 Main class requirements as given in Sec.2 shall be com-
plied with.
102 Requirements to surveys for applicable additional nota-
tions are given in Sec.4.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 72 Ch.3 Sec.4 see note on front cover
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section presents the standard extent of surveys for
retention of additional system and special facility class nota-
tions applicable to drilling and offshore support units.
B. Position Mooring Equipment
B 100 Application
101 The requirements in B apply to units with class nota-
B 200 Annual survey
201 Accessible and visible parts of the unit's mooring system
for position keeping on location shall be inspected.
202 Thruster operation shall be function tested for units with
system notation letters: POSMOOR-TA or POSMOOR-
B 300 Intermediate survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply with the additions
given in 302 to 303.
302 The mooring system for position keeping on location
shall be inspected.
The mooring system, including static and dynamic brakes, dur-
ing typical anchor handling operations shall be function tested.
303 Units with system notation letters POSMOOR-ATA
are to be surveyed as given in C as far as is applicable.
B 400 Complete periodical survey
401 The requirements given in 200 and 300 apply with the
additions given in 402 and 403.
402 The complete mooring system for position keeping on
location shall be subject to comprehensive survey, including
opening up and NDT of selected parts of windlasses and
winches and fairleads. Critical parts of all mooring chains or
wires and accessories shall be thoroughly visually examined
and subjected to extensive NDT.
403 Windlasses and winches and fairleads, including brake
torques, shall be function tested.
C. Dynamic Positioning System
C 100 Application
101 The requirements in C apply to units with class notations
C 200 Complete periodical survey
201 All sensors, peripheral equipment and reference systems
shall be tested to verify correct operation and adequate accu-
racy as compared to previous calibration or specifications.
202 Failures of sensors shall be simulated to check the alarm
system and the switching logic.
Acoustic reference systems shall be tested with thrusters in
Switch-over between reference systems acting as input to con-
troller shall be performed to assure that warnings, alarms and
information to operator are satisfactory. Off-location alarm
shall be demonstrated.
203 Each thruster shall be tested with a range of pitches or
speed, and the indicating instruments for speed, pitch and azi-
muth are to be observed and verified to be of adequate accu-
The different modes of thruster control shall be tested for:
manual control of pitch or speed and azimuth
remote thrust control
controller (automatic) control
transfer of control.
The remote thrust control system shall be tested with the refer-
ence system in operation.
The system shall be capable of keeping the unit in position (not
exceeding position boundaries, off-location alarm).
204 Survey of the thruster unit shall be carried out as for
thrusters for propulsion.
205 The electrical installation serving the dynamic position-
ing system shall be examined.
206 The automatic reconnection system for generators and
consumers connected to the bus bar system(s) shall be tested
(simulated test may be accepted).
Power failure to the different sub-systems shall be simulated to
verify the intended functioning.
207 The complete dynamic positioning system shall nor-
mally be tested in all operational modes, with simulation of
different failure conditions to enable test of switching of
modes, back-up systems, and the alarm system.
Manual override shall be demonstrated during both normal
operation and failure conditions.
D. Drilling Plant
D 100 Application
101 The requirements in D apply to units with class notation:
102 Well test systems covered by DRILL shall be surveyed
according to the requirements given in F.
D 200 Annual survey
201 Drilling related equipment, structures and systems shall
be surveyed, with particular attention to the structural integ-
rity, fire or explosion hazards and personnel protection. Run-
ning tests, NDT and/or opening of equipment shall be
performed as considered necessary by the surveyor.
202 Overhead drilling equipment and lifting appliances for
drilling and associated operations shall be surveyed, with par-
ticular emphasis on structural integrity. Examination and func-
tional testing shall be carried out as found necessary by the
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.4 Page 73
surveyor, for example safety devices and emergency stop func-
tion. The marking (SWL) shall be verified as acceptable.
203 Wire ropes (including end attachments) and sheaves of
the tensioning drilling and associated systems shall be sur-
veyed. If deemed necessary by the surveyor, checking by NDT
shall be carried out.
204 Pressure vessels shall be externally surveyed. The gen-
eral condition of the pressure vessel including mountings, pip-
ing and possible insulation shall be ascertained. The surveyor
may require opening or internal survey or thickness measure-
ments and/or crack detection test, if found necessary.
Safety valves, instrumentation and automation systems shall
be surveyed and tested in operating condition as required by
the surveyor. Liquid level controls on tanks or separators shall
also be tested.
205 Piping systems including flexible pipes shall be sur-
veyed. Thickness measurements shall be carried out as
deemed necessary by the surveyor. Safety valves shall be sur-
veyed and tested as deemed necessary by the surveyor.
206 The mud and cement system shall be surveyed. Pumps
shall be externally surveyed and function tested.
207 Marine riser joints (as far as accessible) and diverter sys-
tem shall be visually surveyed and inspected for corrosion,
cracks and wear. Thickness measurements may be required by
the surveyor.
208 The blowout preventers shall be surveyed and pressure
tested according to a recognised code or, if not accessible, a
review of records or test log shall be performed.
209 The well testing system shall be surveyed.
D 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply, with the additions
given in 302 to 308.
302 Derrick and flare boom installations shall be examined,
with emphasis on the structural condition of bracings and with
respect to deformation and slack or loose bolts (if of bolted
design). Thickness measurements and/or NDTof main struc-
tural components and checking of bolts after dismantling may
be required as deemed necessary by the surveyor.
303 Main loading parts of overhead drilling equipment shall
be checked by MPI (magnetic particle inspection). Structural
parts shall undergo thickness measurements deemed necessary
by the surveyor.
API RP 8B may be used as guidance.
Thickness measurements and NDT for main structural parts of
the lifting appliances shall be carried out as deemed necessary
by the surveyor. Lifting appliances (except overhead drilling
equipment and BOP handling equipment) shall be load tested,
as stated in the Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances.
304 Pressure vessels shall be surveyed internally. If internal
survey is not practical, thickness measurements shall be taken.
Pressure vessel related equipment, such as valves, pipes, etc.,
shall be examined. The correct setting and any remote opera-
tion of safety valves shall be examined. Pressure testing to the
maximum allowable working pressure shall be performed.
305 Mud and cement pump fluid ends shall be surveyed and
checked for cracks in critical areas.
306 The marine riser system, including diverter system and
choke and kill lines, shall be surveyed. Liquid penetrants or
MPI methods shall be used to investigate critical areas for
cracks. Thickness measurements may be required if found nec-
essary by the surveyor. Choke and kill lines shall be pressure
tested to the maximum allowable working pressure.
307 The blow-out preventer system shall be subject to com-
plete performance test, including pressure testing to the maxi-
mum allowable working pressure. Records of overhaul shall be
For class notation DRILL(N) there shall be complete overhaul
and test of the BOP at intervals of 5 years.
308 Piping systems including flexible pipes shall be pressure
tested to the working pressure.
E. Helicopter Deck
E 100 Application
101 The requirements in E apply to units with class notation:
E 200 Complete periodical survey
201 All surveys of the helicopter deck arrangement shall be
concurrent with the complete periodical survey of the hull.
202 An overall survey shall be carried out with particular
emphasis on the structural integrity of the deck with supporting
structure, and is normally to include examination of the fol-
lowing components and arrangements:
drainage arrangements
surface protection on wooden decks
safety net
lashing arrangements for the helicopter
arrangements for the prevention of sliding
helicopter deck including support
fire safety installation (S, SH)
communication equipment (S, SH)
obstacles and marking (SH).
F. Well Test
F 100 Application
101 The requirements in F apply to units with class notation:
F 200 Surveys
201 Survey requirements given for class notation PROD in
DNV-OSS-102 shall be applied, as applicable.
G. Temporary Oil Storage
G 100 Application
101 The requirements in G apply to units with class notation:
G 200 Annual survey
201 The surveys required in 202 and 203 shall be carried out
concurrently with the annual survey for main class.
202 The survey shall include a general examination of:
pumping and piping systems
ventilation system
bulkheads with respect to tightness
electrical equipment in gas dangerous zones
inert gas arrangement, if installed.
203 The following components and systems shall be sur-
veyed and tested for correct functioning:
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 74 Ch.3 Sec.4 see note on front cover
pressure/vacuum relief valves
emergency stop of pumps
quick release of transfer hose
tank high level alarms.
204 Insulation resistance of electrical cables shall be meas-
ured. The measurement may be omitted provided a record of
testing is available showing that measurements have been
taken during the last 12 months with satisfactory results.
G 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements in 200 apply with the additions given
in 302 to 305.
302 All storage tanks shall be internally examined. The tanks
shall be hydrostatically, hydropneumatically or otherwise
pressure tested to their MARVS (Maximum allowable relief
valve setting).
303 If fitted, heating coils, anodes, tank cleaning apparatus
and other equipment in cargo tanks and cofferdams shall be
surveyed. Heating coils shall normally be pressure tested.
304 Cargo pumps, pipes, valves, inert gas arrangement, etc.
together with the pumps prime movers shall be surveyed as
specified in Sec.2.
305 Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous zones shall be
surveyed and insulation resistance checked.
H. Crane
H 100 Application
101 The requirements in H apply to units with class nota-
H 200 Annual survey
201 The following survey requirements shall be carried out
concurrently with the annual survey for main class.
202 An overall survey shall be carried out with particular
emphasis on structural integrity, including examination of:
wire ropes and end attachments
blocks and sheaves
hooks with accessories
bearings of boom heel and eyebolt connections
securing arrangement for crane during passages
support structure.
203 The slewing system (slewing bearing or hook rollers)
including tightness of bolts shall be examined as required by
the surveyor.
204 Examination and functional testing of the following
shall be performed as found necessary by the surveyor:
correct adjustment of brakes
resistance measurement of electrical systems
leakages in hydraulic system
safety devices
emergency stop function
fire extinguisher.
205 The load charts, marking and components certificates
shall be verified as available and in order.
H 300 Complete periodical survey
301 Structural parts shall undergo thickness measurements
as deemed necessary by the surveyor.
302 The following components are to be dismantled (opened
up) and/or checked by MPI (magnetic particle inspection):
boom heel bearings
fixed sheaves
axle pin and housing
eyebolt connections
hooks, ring and balls.
The slewing ring shall be opened up, and internal fillets, race-
way and bolts shall be subjected to MPI.
slewing bearings may be subject to relevant accepted NDT
in order to check for defects in fillets and raceways
crane with approved securing device (retainer) fitted,
opening up is not required
at least 50% of the holding down bolts shall be drawn and
subjected to MPI.
303 Flatness and condition of bearing mounting flanges shall
be checked.
304 Load testing shall be performed as outlined in Form No.
CG 2 in the Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances.
I. Diving Systems
I 100 Application
101 The requirements in I apply to units with class notations:
I 200 Annual survey
201 The survey shall normally include:
calibration of essential instrumentation (depth gauges, gas
analysers etc.)
switching from main to emergency electrical power sup-
emergency systems including bell emergencies (buoyancy
if applicable)
function test of the handling system
partly dismounting of heat protection and penetrators on
the bell may be required.
Detailed specification of test requirements are given in the rel-
evant sections of the Rules for Certification of Diving Sys-
I 300 Intermediate survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply subject to the fol-
lowing addition:
The following tests are to be carried out:
gas leak tests
testing of safety valves
functional test of fire detection-, alarm- and extinction sys-
functional tests of life support systems
functional tests of alarm systems
functional tests of mechanical and electrical systems.
I 400 Complete periodical survey
401 The requirements given in 200 and 300 apply with the
additions given in 402 to 407.
402 Bell buoyancy materials, heat protection, penetrators,
windows and attached members shall be dismounted for
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.4 Page 75
inspection for possible corrosion and deterioration.
403 Pressure tests and inspections shall be carried out
according to Table H1. The test pressure shall be as stamped
on the pressure vessels.
The pressure tests and inspections of gas containers shall be
carried out according to an approved test program.
Guidance note:
Hydro-test covers thorough visual inspection, internally and
For decompression chambers and diving bells, provided a satis-
factory internal inspection is carried out, the first interval may be
extended to 10 years following a 1.1 x maximum working pres-
sure pneumatic pressure test adopting the safety precautions in
PD 5500, Note that there may be a fire risk with air at
high pressure.
For gas storage cylinders, provided the internal inspection
reveals no corrosion, the interval may be prolonged to 10 years.
See BS 5430, Part 1.
Acoustic emission testing in lieu of hydrostatic testing of gas
storage tubes may normally not be accepted.
Procedures for testing along with qualifications etc. should be
submitted well in advance for review.
404 The working mass of the bell shall be checked.
405 Diving bell handling systems shall be subject to static
load testing.
406 If applicable, the bell's releasable ballast system with
attachments shall be structurally tested with a static load of 1.5
times the mass of the ballast in air.
407 Viewports, 10 years old or more, shall be replaced.
J. Deicing or Anti-icing Systems
J 100 Application
101 The requirements in J apply to units with class notations:
J 200 Annual survey
201 Visual inspection of anti-icing and deicing switchboards
and confirm heating load on each circuit according to marking
on the switchboards.
202 Examination of equipment for deicing and anti-icing
equipment for manual deicing
radar equipment
heating coils
steam tracing lines.
K. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space
and Machinery Centrally Operated
K 100 Application
101 The requirements in K apply to units with class nota-
K 200 Annual survey
201 The surveyor shall verify that systematic maintenance
and functional testing of instrumentation has been performed
and documented.
The general condition of the following shall be to the satisfac-
tion of the surveyor:
installation of instrumentation equipment with regard to
electrical and mechanical condition, labels, signboards
control panels
local indicating instruments.
202 Correct functioning of the following systems shall be
alarm systems
safety systems
remote control systems
automatic control systems
emergency lighting systems in engine room
communication systems
fire alarm and fire protection systems.
K 300 Complete periodical survey
301 The requirements given in 200 apply, subject to the
additions given in 302 to 305.
302 Correct functioning of the various parts of the following
systems shall be verified to the satisfaction of the surveyor:
each alarm system
each safety system
each fire detector
automatic control loops
manual control of machinery.
303 The following manoeuvres shall be undertaken for sur-
vey of remote control of propulsion machinery:
from stop to ahead
from ahead to astern
from stop to astern
stop by operating the emergency device.
304 The surveyor shall verify effective transfer from remote
control to stand-by manual control in the engine room in case
of power supply failure to the remote control system.
305 Where provided, cancelling of automatic load reduction
and/or automatic stop of engine functions shall be demon-
strated to the satisfaction of the surveyor.
L. Additional Fire Protection
L 100 Application
101 The requirements in L apply to units with class nota-
Table H1 Pressure tests
Component Maximum interval between
each inspection and pressure testing
Gas containers
Bell, chambers
5 or 10

5 or 10
1) Interval for hydraulic pressure testing of gas containers may be
extended to 10 years if the internal inspection reveals no corrosion.
2) Interval for hydraulic pressure testing of bell and chambers may be
extended to 10 years if a pneumatic leakage test to 1.1 times the maxi-
mum working pressure is carried out at the complete periodical survey.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 76 Ch.3 Sec.4 see note on front cover
L 200 Complete periodical survey, all F-class notations
201 Fire pumps including emergency fire pump and prime
movers shall be surveyed and tested.
202 Fireman's outfit and compressors for charging the air
bottles, shall be surveyed.
L 300 Complete periodical survey, F-A
301 The requirements in 200 apply, with the following addi-
fire retarding partitions in the accommodation shall be sur-
hose stations, together with their equipment, in the accom-
modation, shall be surveyed
automatic fire-detecting and alarm systems including
release arrangement for self-closing doors in passage-
ways, stairways and machinery casings shall be surveyed
and tested.
L 400 Complete periodical survey, F-M
401 The requirements in 200 apply with the following addi-
main and local extinguishing systems in engine and boiler
rooms including detection and alarm arrangements shall
be surveyed and tested. The quantity of extinguishing
medium shall be checked
portable dry powder fire extinguishers, and spare charges
shall be checked
hose stations in the engine and boiler rooms together with
their equipment shall be surveyed.
L 500 Complete periodical survey, F-AM
501 The requirements in 300 to 400 apply.
M. Fire Fighters
M 100 Application
101 The requirements in M apply to units with class nota-
M 200 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER I
201 Water spray plant for self protection, including pumps,
pipes and nozzles, shall be surveyed and tested.
202 Pumps for water monitors including their prime movers
shall be surveyed and tested at maximum capacity. Remote
control of monitors including valve operation shall be tested.
203 Hoses with their equipment shall be surveyed and tested.
204 Fireman's outfit and compressors for charging the air
bottles shall be surveyed.
205 Floodlights shall be tested.
206 It shall be verified that the required operation manual is
in order.
M 300 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER II
301 In addition to the requirements in 200, the mobile gener-
ator for foam production with its equipment shall be surveyed.
M 400 Complete periodical survey FIRE FIGHTER III
401 In addition to the requirements given in 300, the fixed
foam monitors with foam production equipment and remote
control shall be surveyed.
N. Integrated Computer Systems
N 100 Application
101 The requirements in N apply to units with class notation:
N 200 Complete periodical survey
201 All surveys of integrated computer systems shall be con-
current with the survey of instrumentation and automation sys-
tems for class notation E0.
202 The installation shall be visually examined, and the sys-
tems shall be tested as follows:
at workstations, relevant pages shall be called onto the
screen. The pages shall be checked for relevance and com-
pared to the instruction material
active control and manipulation of a selection of parame-
ters shall be demonstrated from two or more workstations
protection of systems against interference from unauthor-
ised personnel shall be demonstrated.
O. Hull Monitoring System
O 100 Application
101 The requirements in O apply to units with class nota-
O 200 General
201 The purpose of the survey is to ensure the maintenance
of the hull monitoring system as specified for the class nota-
202 The operation manual shall be available to the attending
surveyor during periodical surveys. In addition to the manual
the following documents shall be available:
arrangement and layout
test program for software
in-service test program
maintenance procedures.
O 300 Annual survey
301 The operation of the hull monitoring system shall be ver-
ified by a DNV surveyor:
to ensure that the value of the stress as defined is compat-
ible with the output of the loading instrument for the cur-
rent condition
by examination of the recorded data for compliance with
the requirements.
302 The monitoring system shall be calibrated annually. The
calibration shall be verified by a DNV surveyor.
303 It shall be verified that the following items are available
and in order:
calibration certificates and recommendations for all rele-
vant components of the monitoring system
operations manual.
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.4 Page 77
P. Safety and Environmental Protection
Management System
P 100 Application
101 The requirements in P apply to units with class notation:
P 200 Survey requirements
201 Surveys shall be in compliance with the Rules for Clas-
sification of Ships, Pt.7 Ch.5.
Q. Special Feature Notations
Q 100 Non-self-propelled units
101 The requirements in Q100 apply to units with special
feature notation NON-SELF PROPELLED.
102 Extent of surveys of the following items will be
restricted to the main safety facets:
motors and other equipment for propulsion
steering gear.
103 For these items the scope of classification is to ensure
that the equipment does not pose a threat to the unit by its pres-
ence onboard when in use. This means the watertightness
should be considered and the safety of the equipment for peo-
ple working in the vicinity must be taken care of. The operation
of the equipment is of secondary importance.
R. Tailshaft Monitoring
R 100 Application
101 The requirements in Q apply to units with class notation:
Tailshaft monitoring (TMON).
R 200 General
201 For oil lubricated tailshafts that are monitored to ascer-
tain the condition of the tailshaft system during operation, and
that fulfils the design requirements in Ch.2 Sec.6 R400 the
Society will not require any specific time interval between
complete tailshaft surveys.
In such cases a tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrange-
ment (class notation TMON) will be granted.
202 The class notation is applicable to conventional, podded
and thruster propulsion systems. Other arrangements will be
subject to special consideration.
203 Units with more than 3 years since the last tailshaft with-
drawal are normally to carry out a complete tailshaft survey in
connection with the initial TMON implementation survey.
Guidance note:
The requirement for a complete survey at TMON implementa-
tion may be waived provided the following:
a) Complete records are presented to the Society containing
relevant measurements concerning TMON for a period cov-
ering the last 3 years, showing satisfactory results.
b) Such records shall at least include monthly measurements of
stern tube bearing temperatures with corresponding sea
water temperatures, oil consumption, water content in oil,
and in case of roller bearing, recordings of vibration or
shock pulse measurements or trend analysis.
c) Where fluid film bearings are applied, bearing clearances
from last dry docking and wear down measurements taken
since last shaft withdrawal shall be presented.
R 300 Annual survey
301 The following conditions for TMON operation must be
verified during annual survey:
a) On board oil analysis for checking of water content in the
stern tube oil shall be performed monthly and recorded in
the TMON record file by the chief engineer.
b) At least two oil samples per year shall be submitted to a
recognized laboratory for analysis testing of water content,
iron, chromium, copper, tin, silicon, natrium and magne-
c) The documentation of the laboratory analysis shall be kept
on board, and shall contain a conclusion regarding the con-
dition of the oil and its suitability for further use.
d) The report from the oil analysis presented to the surveyor
at annual surveys shall be less than three months old.
R 400 Dismantling of propellers
401 Dismantling of keyed propellers will be required at
intervals of maximum 5 years, and keyless propellers every 15
years. The following parts shall be surveyed as applicable:
propeller nut
tailshaft threaded end
key and cone including examination of the keyway and the
fore part of the taper by an approved crack detection
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 78 Ch.3 App.A see note on front cover
A. Introduction
A 100 Purpose
101 This appendix is informative and should not be under-
stood as rule requirements. The appendix explains the system
of classification, how it works, conditions of validity, and its
interaction with statutory control. This information is to a large
extent implied by the rules, but a brief clarification of the
essential points in one place is considered useful.
B. The Classification System
B 100 The classification process and its limitations
101 Classification is a system for safeguarding life and prop-
erty at sea, and the environment due to operational conse-
quences. It implies a process of verifying offshore objects
against a set of requirements. The requirements are laid down
in the rules and standards established by DNV. Classification
has gained worldwide recognition as an adequate level of
safety and quality.
102 Classification implies an activity, in which an offshore
unit is surveyed during construction based on design approval,
tested before being taken into service, and surveyed regularly
during its whole operational life until it is scrapped. The aim is
to verify that the required rule standard is built in, observed and
103 Classification is not performed as a substitute for the cli-
ent's own quality and safety control and related duties, or the
client's obligations to third parties, nor to relieve the client of
any consequences of default. Classification implies that rule
requirements are verified at regular intervals. It is the owner's
responsibility to maintain the unit so as to comply with the
rules at all times.
104 DNV keeps complete files on all classed ships and off-
shore units covering the documentation required by the rules.
Reports will not be disclosed to any party, apart from the
national authorities involved, without the owner's consent.
DNV also undertakes all reporting to national authorities
required in connection with the safety certificates.
B 200 Who needs classification?
201 Classification serves as verification system for a number
of parties who have special interest in the safety and quality of
offshore units, such as:
National authorities, who accept units for registry, or let
units into their territorial waters, need assurance that they
are safe and represent a minimum hazard to their sur-
Insurance underwriters require offshore units to be classed
in order to give insurance.
Owners, who need the technical standard of the rules as
basis for building contracts and to document the unit's
standard when seeking insurance or financing, or when
hiring out or selling the unit.
Building yards and sub-contractors use the rules as a tool
for design and construction, as required by their client.
Finance institutions use classification as a documented
indicator of the unit's value.
Charterers require confirmation of the unit's standard
before hire.
B 300 Recognition of DNV
301 DNV is recognised as an international classification
society by virtue of its position in the marine industry, founded
on the following criteria:
By classing a substantial share of the world fleet and
through high equity and financial independence, the eco-
nomic basis for independent decisions in classification
matters is ensured.
High technical competence
Extensive research and development in class related fields
sustain a process where the rules and standards are contin-
uously extended and improved in pace with new technol-
ogy and experience gained. Research and development
also contributes to a high level of staff competence.
Continuous monitoring of a large classed fleet ensures val-
uable feedback from casualties, damage incidents and
operational experience in general. Analyses of these data
are one important source of improvements of the rules.
DNV runs a scheme for training and qualification of its
technical personnel to ensure correct, uniform quality of
approval and survey work throughout the organisation.
Worldwide survey station network
DNV operates survey stations all over the world. Efficient
reporting and information systems support the operations,
and provide service to clients and national authorities.
B 400 Responsibility for safety at sea
401 National law institutes national authorities' responsibil-
ity for the total safety control of offshore units flying the
national flag. Classification cannot in any way relieve the
national authorities of that responsibility.
402 National authorities may use the classification system
and DNV's worldwide survey station network as their execu-
tive branch for safety control. The convenience of this arrange-
ment is proved by the fact that DNV has been delegated
extensive authorisation to work and certify on behalf of the
majority of the maritime nations of the world.
403 The classification system applied to delegated, statutory
work offers the national authorities regular monitoring of sur-
vey and certificate status of offshore units flying their flag.
Verification of DNV's work process and quality systems may
also be carried out. In this way, national control is retained at
the discretion of the authority involved.
B 500 Classification of newbuildings
501 The builder initiates the process by submitting a request
for classification to DNV. In response to a list of documenta-
tion issued by DNV for the specific class notations requested,
the builder and sub-suppliers submit drawings, specifications,
related technical descriptions and data, including specification
of materials as required by class, for approval.
After examining the above documents, DNV informs the
builder and sub-supplier whether the design and arrangement
of structure, machinery and equipment is acceptable. If not,
DNV may propose modifications needed to meet the classifi-
cation requirements
502 During the building period DNV carries out surveys at
the building yard and its suppliers. The method and extent of
survey will be decided by DNV based on the acceptance of
Amended October 2006 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003
see note on front cover Ch.3 App.A Page 79
their quality system.
The purpose of the surveys is to verify that the construction,
components and equipment satisfy the rule requirements and
are in accordance with the approved plans, that required mate-
rials are used, and that functional tests are carried out as pre-
scribed by the rules.
503 When DNV is satisfied that the requirements specified
for the offshore unit in question have been met, the appropriate
class notation will be assigned and confirmed by the issuance
of a classification certificate. Provided the requirements for
retention of class are complied with, the certificate will nor-
mally have a validity of five years.
B 600 Classification in the operational phase
601 Compliance with the rule requirements in the opera-
tional phase is verified by DNV through a system of periodical
surveys. The most comprehensive survey is the one carried out
in connection with the renewal of the five-yearly classification
certificate. During the five year period the unit undergoes
annual and intermediate surveys covering various parts, equip-
ment and systems, depending on the class assigned.
602 In order to confirm retained validity of class, DNV eval-
uates the extent of possible sustained damage and verifies
ensuing repairs. Deferred repairs may be accepted by DNV,
but always associated with a maximum time limit.
603 The rules allow periodical surveys to contain an element
of sampling. This sampling must be sufficient to enable the
surveyor to obtain a proper assessment of the condition of the
unit. This assessment is based amongst other things on type,
age and technical history of the unit.
604 Results of the surveys are reported to the owners and to
DNV's central office for updating records. Special findings are
also recorded and used as basis for updating and development
of the rules.
605 "The register of vessels classed with DNV" is available
for supplying information on ship's and offshore unit's main
particulars and details of their classification.
B 700 Owner's duties
701 In order to maintain valid class the classification system
specifies the following to be observed by the owner:
The unit has to be competently handled in accordance with
the rules.
The unit has to be maintained to rule standard at all times.
Any conditions of class have to be carried out as specified.
The unit has to undergo prescribed periodical and renewal
surveys, as well as surveys of damage, repairs, conver-
sions and alterations.
DNV must be furnished with all information that may
influence its decisions in connection with classification.
Failure to meet any of these requirements may lead to termina-
tion of valid class and withdrawal of all class and statutory cer-
702 To assist the owner in this regard DNV supplies regular
status reports on certificates, surveys carried out and becoming
due, and possible conditions of class.
C. Remuneration
C 100 Fee system
101 Remuneration is normally based on a fee system, in
which DNV invoices each type of survey according to a basic
scale of fees. The basic scale of fees is developed by taking
into consideration the amount of work needed to execute, proc-
ess and follow up the survey in question, as well as the items
surveyed. The fees also cover investment and development
costs of the rules as well as maintenance of a worldwide survey
network, central service support system, etc. Price level and
costs vary from country to country and are therefore reflected
in the fees charged.
D. Classification Support
D 100 General
101 The staff of DNV represents a significant accumulation
of knowledge and practical experience in offshore-related
technical fields. This is an asset often drawn on by the industry
in matters related to classification.
102 The expertise of DNV is available to the owner at any
time when needed in connection with operating problems,
damage and casualties.
D 200 Pre-contract support
201 Co-operation with DNV early in the design stage, before
classification is requested and any contract is signed, is usually
very beneficial to both yard and owner. Different technical
solutions may be evaluated, thus contributing to a more effi-
cient unit, and ensuring that all safety aspects as specified by
the rules are taken care of. In this way, expensive changes late
in a project may be avoided.
D 300 In-service support
301 Similar services are given in connection with units in
operation. Alternative ways of repairs may be indicated,
acceptable distributions of crude cargo and ballast to alleviate
overstressing may be computed in case of damage, stability
may be investigated, etc. These are typical examples.
D 400 Limitations
401 Two main restrictions prevail on DNV when undertak-
ing classification support work:
DNV does not carry out complete, conceptual design of
offshore units. In cases where DNV has been involved in
design support, the plans and calculations must still be
independently evaluated by DNV before being accepted
for classification purposes.
Information received from clients in connection with
assignment of class is not disclosed and used in classifica-
tion support work.
Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-101, October 2003 Amended October 2006
Page 80 Ch.3 App.B see note on front cover
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 Following are the procedures and conditions under
which a properly conducted underwater inspection may be
credited as equivalent to a dry-docking survey.
B. Conditions
B 100 Limitations
101 Underwater testing inspection in lieu of dry-docking
survey may not be acceptable where there is record of abnor-
mal deterioration or damage to the underwater structure; or
where damage affecting the fitness of the unit is found during
the course of the survey.
B 200 Thickness gauging and non-destructive testing
201 Underwater testing of internal thickness gaugings of
suspect areas may be required in conjunction with the under-
water inspection. Means for underwater non-destructive test-
ing may also be required for fracture detection.
B 300 Plans and data
301 Plans and procedures for the dry-docking survey (under-
water inspection) are to be submitted for review in advance of
the survey and made available on board. These should include
drawings or forms for identifying the areas to be surveyed, the
extent of underwater cleaning, non-destructive testing loca-
tions (including NDT methods), nomenclature, and for the
recording of any damage or deterioration found.
B 400 Underwater conditions
401 The areas to be surveyed are to be sufficiently clean and
the sea water clear enough to permit meaningful examination
and photograph (if necessary) by diver. Overall or spot clean-
ing may be required.
C. Physical Features
C 100 General
101 The following physical features are to be incorporated
into the unit's design in order to facilitate the underwater
inspection. When verified they will be noted in the unit's clas-
sification for reference at subsequent surveys.
C 200 Stern bearing
201 For self-propelled units, means are to be provided for
ascertaining that the seal assembly on oil lubricated bearings is
intact and for verifying that the clearance or wear-down of the
stern bearing is not excessive. For use of the wear-down
gauges, up-to-date records of the base depths are to be main-
tained on board. Whenever the stainless-steel seal sleeve is
renewed or machined, the base readings for the wear-down
gauge are to be re-established and noted in the vessel's records
and in the survey report.
C 300 Rudder bearings
301 For self-propelled units with rudders, means and access
are to be provided for determining the condition and clearance
of the rudder bearings, and for verifying that all parts of the
pintle and gudgeon assemblies are intact secure. This may
require bolted access plates and a measuring arrangement.
C 400 Sea suctions
401 Means are to be provided to enable the diver to confirm
that the sea suction openings are clear. Hinged sea suction
grids would facilitate this operation.
C 500 Sea valves
501 For the dry-docking survey (underwater inspection)
associated with the renewal survey, means must be provided to
examine any sea valve.

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