Monday, September 29, 2014 Edition
Monday, September 29, 2014 Edition
Monday, September 29, 2014 Edition
pg 9
pg 6
EBOLA News Extra
VOL 8 NO.687
These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of
the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$85.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1
News Extra - pg.5
pg 6
US Ebola Mobile Clinic;
Air Bridge Getting Into
In the opinion of the panel, the action of the two offcers of the PPCC, Mr. Joseph S. D.
Suah, Sr. and Mr. Anthony P. Tarbah by issuing the No Objection Letter in the form and
manner as they did compromised the independence of the Commission.
Page 2 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
Mae Azango [email protected]/0886545960
Tubmanburg, Bomi County -
esperate for a cure and frustrated at the massive death
toll from Ebola, Dr. Gabriel; Gorbee Logan turned
to a rare unconventional method, trying lamivudine,
a drug used to treat HIV patients on Ebola patients
under his care. The results, according to Dr. Logan, County Health
Offcer, Tubmanburg Hospital, has been impressive.
Word of Dr. Logans method is generating buzz and some
suspicions even as international drug makers race the clock in
search of a drug capable of beating the menacing virus.
To date, the trial drug ZMAPP has been tested on some patients,
but it is still uncertain whether it has been effective in treating
those it was tested on.
Logan is quick to dismiss the belief of many concerned that
Tubmanburg Hospital is using Anti Retrovirus Drugs (ARD) that
is used to treat HIV/AIDS to treat the Ebola survivors.
Says Dr. Logan: There is a particular type tablet that forms part
of ARD referred to as Lamivudine and it is a 150 mg tablets. This
medication has been doing well for some of the patients that I
have treated.
Recovery in 3-5 Days
Dr. Logans recovery rate has been impressive as he cautions
that his method only works if the patients turn themselves in on
time. When the patients come early, and they are put on this
medication, they recover within three to fve days. This medication
is not specifcally for HIV/AIDS, I want this to be clear, but an
Anti Retrovirus agent that is used to treat other virus illnesses like
hepatitis B. It is one of those medications that are combined with
two or three other medications to treat HIV/AIDS, so it should not
really be called an HIV/AIDS drugs, He says.
Dr. Logan explains that he got the idea to trying Lamivudine on
Ebola patients when he read in scientifc journals that HIV and
Ebola replicate inside the body in much the same way. "Ebola is
a brainchild of HIV," he said. "It's a destructive strain of HIV."
Dr. Logan says he frst tried an HIV drug called acyclovir without
success. Later, he said, he tried Lamivudine on a healthcare
worker who had come down with the virus but showed signs of
improvement and survived in only a few days.
CNN reported recently that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases gave thumbs
up to Dr. Logans method because Lamivudine is a nucleocide
analog, and other drugs in this class are being studied to treat
Promise Galakimene, 26, one of thirteen patients who have been
successfully treated by Dr. Logan told FrontPageAfrica that she
owes her life to the doctor after losing a good portion of her entire
My husband and son died from Ebola, and after three days the
bodies were taken for burial. And one week later, my mother died
and then my 1 year four months old baby also died, so there are
four persons who have died from me. I just have to go through
this period because worries cannot solve bring them back or solve
the problem.
Promise, now Ebola free says her case started like malaria. When
her skin was very hot, the Ahmadiya Clinic told her it was typhoid
and three plus malaria. But after a few days, she says it became
It became worse and my sister took my children to Gbarnga. I
was very weak and never had strength to even stand, so I used to
crawl on my knees to come outside, but nobody ever sprayed me
or put chlorine in food to give to me. So I would like to tell people
to stop carrying rumors around, Promise lamented.
Promise, who is said to be one of the frst Ebola survivors in
Bomi, was treated at home with her remaining children before the
Ebola Treatment Unit was built. And when the ETU was build,
three other persons were taken in and treated.
Pointing to a sick child lying outside of the ETU to catch fresh
air, Dr. Logan says the child, 7, and his sister, 10, were brought
in days ago in already in an already-bad state and bleeding, after
their mother had died over a week ago. He says he was not sure
whether the Lamivudine would work at that stage but was hoping
it would.
The hospital can feed us enough and give us medicine. So I
would like to encourage people who feel the symptoms early, to
go to the hospital early to get well, instead of waiting for it to take
over you whole body before you do it. Ebola is real and in Liberia
so nobody should say it is not in Liberia.
Promise who says the hospital has asked her to work there in
order to encourage and motivate other Ebola patients to go for
treatment, says her new position is a means to an end because she
has lost a good portion of her family but still has her remaining
three children to care for, since her husband is dead.
I want to take the children to my family people in Bong County
and then come back to work for the hospital. When I work with
the hospital, it will help other people with Ebola to come to the
hospital and take treatment fast. I want to thank the doctors of
the Bomi hospital for saving my life and they should continue
their good work and do not mind what people are saying. I also
want the government to support the nurses fnancially so that they
cannot stop doing what they are doing.
For Dr. Logan, the success boils down to trial and error prompted
by desperation after seeing so many people die. We are using
several medications to treat our patients here. We have been
trying that medication here on ffteen other patients. And out of
those ffteen persons, we have two classifed as survivors and four
others have done their second test that turned out negative and we
are awaiting the third test result and it is 99.9 percent possible that
the third test result will also be negative. Meaning by next week,
we will have 6 survivors.
Dr. Logan says there are an additional four other persons in the
unit who are on this same medication and doing well. So with
this background, in my opinion as a doctor, this medication is
helping very much.
Dr. Logan says fuid management is also a big part of his method.
When patients come, we have to rehydrate them because they
are vomiting and toileting and are losing lot of fuids, so we are
giving some supplements as well. We are also giving antibiotics,
because one of the things the virus does, is that it is destroying
major organs in the body and in the process of this destruction,
infections step in. In fact one of the things that will frst kill the
patient before the virus, is the infection. So we will also have to
give stronger antibiotics to be able to combat the infection on the
other hand. As you know, in the virus situation, patients will have
fever, so you will have to give anti paretic. So the management
aspect is not only the Lamiphodyne but Lamephodyne plus others
so let us stop calling it HIV drugs.
Logan is mindful that lamivudine can cause liver and other
problems, but he says it's worth the risk since Ebola is so deadly.
"Our people are dying and you're taking about studies?" he said.
"It's a matter of doing all that I can do as a doctor to save some
people's lives."
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 3
Eugene R. Ricks, [email protected], Contributing Writer
A LOT of confusion continues to linger the
disbursement and expenditure of US$5 million
dollars allotted by the Government of Liberia as its
contribution to battling the deadly and menacing
Ebola virus.
THE ISSUE is so delicate and complicated that even
those elected by the people to seek their interest
remain divided over coming to some definite
conclusion over why anyone in their right mind
would tamper with money for sick people.
SUGGESTIONS HAVE been put on the floor of the
Senate and the lower house for the issue of a call for
an audit to be tabled until the Ebola crisis comes to
an end.
IN THE VIEWS of a few elected and appointed
officials, speaking about stealing and unaccounted
funds now would make Liberia look bad in the eyes
of the world.
WE BELIEVE STRONGLY that this is the wrong
approach to take and the wrong message to be sending
to the international community which is doing all it
can to ensure that Liberia and the other countries hit
hard by this deadly epidemic can come out as victors
when this is all over.
TO SAY that the issue of auditing an account set
aside to deal with an outbreak that has killed more
than 1,700 people in Liberia along and 2,800 in total,
suggest that those in authorities are only concerned
about their image and what the world thinks about
them and have no desire to support the recovery and
elimination of Ebola from Liberia.
THE UNCERTAINTY over whether to audit or not
is being compounded startling projections from
two leading public-health agencies about the Ebola
epidemic in West Africa, estimating that the number
of cases could grow exponentially unless measures to
tame the outbreak are implemented on a large scale
BOTH THE U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said that from 550,000 people to as many
as 1.4 million people when underreporting of cases is
taken into account could be infected by mid-January
in Liberia and Sierra Leone, in a worst-case scenario
generated by a computer modeling tool the agency
constructed. Around 21,000 cases would occur by
Sept. 30. "Reported cases in Liberia are doubling
every 15-20 days, and those in Sierra Leone are
doubling every 30-40 days," the CDC said in its
THIS IS WHY it is important that Liberia show the
world that it means business and Ebola or not, anyone
taking advantage of the countrys vulnerability to
steal from sick people will not be given an easy ride.
SUGGESTIONS THAT an audit should be put on
hold sends a message to the world that Liberia is
a country that does care about itself or its citizens
n our quest to ensure full adherence to the rule of law
and promote protection of human rights and dignity, we
shall not sway from advocacies intended to accomplish
our national goals. It is in this light that my attention has
been drawn to the ongoing power play by the Commander-in-
Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia and President of Liberia,
Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf over the report of the Board
of Inquiry set up to investigate the recent scuffe between
personnel of the security forces of Liberia and residents
of the densely populated slump community of West Point.
This piece seeks to delve into the specifcities of the supra
mentioned scenario and critically analyze what has proven to
be a caricature demonstration of a lackadaisical approach by
the President of Liberias intervention into the matter.
In a purpoted attempt to combat the Ebola virus disease in the
densely populated community of West Point, the Commander-
in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and President
of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf authorized that the
community be quarantined by personnel of the security forces
from August 19, 2014. On August 20, 2014, inhabitants of the
area resisted the hasty, poorly calculated and decimally funded
quarantined and in the process, security forces, especially
personnel of the AFL shot live bullets, something that led
to the death of Little Shiaka Kamara and wounded others
as acknowledged by the President of Liberia in her recent
statement on the report of the Board of Inquiry. Thereafter,
a ridiculous and heartbreaking comment emanated from the
oral cavity of the Minister of Defense, Brownie Samukai that
Little Shiaka Kamaras death can be attributed to barb wire.
In the wake of such a bombastic comment from a member of
the Presidential Cabinet, the President of Liberia knowingly
ignored the hard truth that the Minister had rendered
opinion before investigation and proceeded to instruct the
minister to establish a Board of Inquiry into the matter,
thus navigating a path of injustice and total disregard for
human rights and dignity. The Board of Inquiry was made
of representatives from the Liberia National Police (LNP),
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), National
Security Agency (NSA), National Fire Service (NFS) and
two U.S. Military Advisors and an Advisor from ECOWAS.
Record shows that the Board of Inquiry presented its report
to the controversial Minister of Defense on September 15,
2014 and the Minister subsequently presented the report to
the President of Liberia on September 16, 2014.
I wish to express my disgust over the conic action by
the President of Liberia for her failure to disclose the
recommendations in the report, the dramatic and obsequious
silence of the remote controlled Board of Inquiry to voice out
its recommendations to the public and the apple-polishing
Press Conference held by the Chief of Staff of the AFL,
Brigadier General Daniel Ziakhan on September 25, 2014 at
the desecrated Ministry of Defense.
The failure of the President to disclose the recommendations
enshrined in the report undermines transparency, trust,
confdence and accountability in our governance system. It
also speaks volume of how individuals who have midwifed
our civil imbroglio in the past and even at current have been
shielded from justice by the President of Liberia overtime.
President Sirleaf has demonstrated a high degree of
democratic betrayal and there is no free ride for this empress
in new cloth. The empress must be told that she is naked
and that there is a need to dress in proper attire beftting
the empress. It is a mockery to instruct the Chief of Staff
of the AFL to take action in line with the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ) when the recommendations in the
report are not known to the public and even the culprits have
not been revealed. A dignifed legacy must be engendered
by rendering justice to the family of the late Shiaka Kamara
and families of others wounded. This can only be done
when the process is transparent, not an opaque one that we
are observing. The President must reverse her decision to
send the Independent National Human Rights Commission
(INHCR) to conduct another investigation in West Point
because the frst recommendations have not been revealed to
the public. Such decision is a recipe for confict and chaos
and must be immediately reversed.
Also, the failure of those men and women who formed part
of the Board of Inquiry to disclose the recommendations in
the report has casted a dark cloud over their reputation and
undermined the credibility of their various institutions still
struggling to meet up with the demands of the population
. History will surely judge them harshly for drinking with
the political harlot that sits over the throne of Liberia, while
annihilating our people. The failure of the two U.S. Military
Advisors and the Advisor from ECOWAS to demand for the
disclosure of the recommendations undermines the reputation
of their institutions.
Lastly, it is a shame and disgrace to the frst Chief of Staff
of our United States trained AFL to partake in the recent
conspiracy orchestrated and initiated by his stubborn boss,
President Sirleaf. The Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Daniel
Ziakhan in his very press conference since his inception to
the post informed his listening audience that he has set up a
Disciplinary Board of the AFL to take appropriate actions on
the culprits in line with the UCMJ. Sadly and regrettably, the
culprits are yet to be known. The recommendations remain
a ghost! The members of the Disciplinary Board set up by
the Chief of Staff are yet to be made known to the public.
Brigadier General Daniel Ziakhans involvement in the
conspiracy planned by the political harlot has surely reduced
his much publicized prestige.
I am ending on this note. History will surely be unkind to all
of the participants in the high class conspiracy orchestrated
by the Commander-in-Chief of the AFL, President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf.
In the cause of social justice, our inks shall never run dried.
and will offer soft landing for those accused of not
accounting for money intended to deal with Ebola.
sentiments of hurting the feelings of our friends and
loved ones who may be found responsible for not
accounting for Ebola money, the message from the
presidency to the legislative and judiciary branches
must be loud and clear that no one is above reproach
or above the law, the General Auditing Commission in
collaboration with international accounting firms must
be called in to fix this mess.
NEXT DOOR Sierra Leone has the reputable KP&G
auditing its Ebola funds, that sends a message to the
world that it means business, it makes international
partners comfortable to give hard cash and influx of
aid because they believe that those at the bottom of the
pile will be impacted.
LIBERIA CANNOT have its cake and eat it, we cannot
and must not give our hand out for aid and assistance
and not show the world that we are willing to be
transparent and accountable. Something fishy smells
on this US$5 million expenditure which demands an
audit. If those in authorities have nothing to hide, then
they must have no fear. Call for an audit and let the
chips fall where they may.
Page 4 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
Send your letters and comments to:
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The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica
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Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@
The Reader's Page
The scenario doesn't seem to change. The poor hungry sick
African, the benevolent white worker who becomes the center of
international media attention. While we welcome Samaritan Purse,
MSF and the Red Cross, Liberian professionals must be at the
forefront of the fght against Ebola. Dr Jerry Brown and your heroic
team continue your good work! Even in the midst of tragedy you
make Liberia proud.
Martin Kpahn, why do you want Liberian professionals in the
forefront? To sell more buckets? $ 8 per plate of food, what are
they feeding them, flet mignon(steak/beef)?
Liberians need to be protected not from Ebola but from their
leaders. And not only from leaders. From all the weakened people
that surrounding them. All the international aids will be short
because only an insignifcant percentage will reach to the people.
Most of the aids will be sealed by shameless people who suppose
to distribute. Some of them start to advertise their business right
on FPA comments. I never agreed the idea to send UN troupes to
content the outbreak but is seems like is the only solution. One day,
I told to youth leader of Kokoya I want to create an educational and
entertainment center for the children of town. All on my expenses.
He replied me frst I must buy 20 bags of cement for his house.
And he have thousands of rubber threes plantation. How far the
ruthless can reach in this country? I know a lot of good, honest
and well educated people who really want to do something for
Liberia. But they are not accepted into government institutions.
Even the Comiun people don't appreciate them. Because Liberians
appreciate more the reach people than honest ones. I surprised to
hear people who had a job in police or government and they never
stole are considered stupid.
There are many structures in Liberia owned by the government
that could be converted with some outside help quickly for these
patients. Please let us think out of the box, the mere fact that
these people are sick and laying on the ground does not help their
situation. To those stealing the supplies to sell, you will defnitely
feel the wrath of God. and to the Honorable Senator you should
have that person arrested instead of buying the buckets.
Joe Cassell, are you reading this or you are busy looking for
distractions? What happened to the catering contract? Which
one of your friends is charging dying people $8 a plate? WOW,
they even steal from dying people. Joe Cassell, you can't blame
it on government haters. Who has the power to award contracts?
What happened to all the beds donated by the Lebanese and Indian
communities? probable in the senators and government offcials
houses. Buckets donated are being sold and bought by the senators.
Ebola will not fnish if Liberians continue to steal.
Greetings: If the shop owner is stating that "they toilet here" and
sleeping there, is she referring to those who have the Ebola or what.
Did the reporter ask her ok, then who cleaned up the toilet and
other body fuids that she says she fnds in the area where she sells.
Has anyone been tehre from the Ebola response team to ask her
questions? If that is the case, then she is selling in an area, cooking
in an area and providing service in an area that may be already
contaminated? Am I missing something here? Regards Charles E.
King, Former Deputy Director of Police for CID Affairs, RL.
Charles E. King, you might want to go back and review sub-topic
'Rejected' Stones Roam the night' in the article. The frst two
paragraphs might provide you with some answers. Particularly, The
statements from Betty Zarmie and Ma Zara. just as a pointer, the
second paragraph in the suggested topic for review begins as follow:
"As Ebola rescue workers clean feces and vomit from"...........You
will know who clean what, and to whom Zarmie and Zara were
Yes King, you are missing something here: it is obvious that the
shops owners contacted healthcare workers and they came....
The donations are being stolen by these greedy no use people! All
future donations may have to be air lifted and dropped directly into
the disaster centers by American helicopters. The greed of Liberians
in spite of all this disaster is phenomenal and unprecedented!!!
Unscrupulous people have no consciences!
Ambassador Deborah R. Malac
U.S. Embassy, P. O. Box 98
502 Benson Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Madam Ambassador,
write you this letter from Bismarck , North Dakota with a
heavy heart. Firstly please accept my sincere
thanks, on behalf of all well-meaning Liberians for the
assistance the government of the United States has provided
and continue to provide to the people of Liberia in the wake of the
Ebola scourge.
Liberians greatly appreciate the bonds and historical link we share.
It is our hope that this bond will be continuously strengthened.
Currently, the international media is saturated with ominous and
very troubling news coming from my homeland, Liberia. I am
sure you are aware that the current situation is not only dire but
threatens the very existence of our nation. As the Ambassador of
the United States, I understand the power and
infuence you wield both in Liberia and the United States. I am
pleading with you to actively intervene and assist in stemming our
nation's slide into oblivion.
Madam Ambassador, minus Ebola, I am convinced that you are
aware that NOTHING works in Liberia !
It has been nine long years since this government attained political
power and nothing of substance has been achieved. Despite the
international goodwill, our nation lacks electricity, portable water,
healthcare delivery system, needed infrastructures and a credible
justice system. Notwithstanding all of the mentioned shortcomings
much of our arable land and other natural resources have been
auctioned off to
unscrupulous business men and women under dubious transaction
that triggered international outcries. It is obvious that corruption,
incompetence and rising poverty will be the legacy of this
The current facade of governance in Liberia has done nothing
but increased the plight of our people. Presently, the social impact
of the Ebola scourge is being felt and only God knows what the
economic impact will be.
At this critical juncture in our national history, no amount of
fowery rhetoric and fruitless actions
can correct the ills our government's incompetence has placed
upon our nation and people. Liberia needs to change course ! Our
nation and people need to be hopeful again after many years of
wars and
lingering anguish our people need real and result-driven leadership.
The utter ineptitude of this government has engender widespread
and rising poverty for its citizens - now it is culminating in
countless lives being lost these sad events are daily tearing apart
very fabric of our nation and threatens its social cohesion. I am
sure that the current governance framework in Liberia can never
be accepted in any state within the United States.
In conclusion, I know you are aware of the unnecessary shooting
death of a teenager in West Point during an ill-advised and
militarily policed quarantine. The dead teenager has inadvertently
become an icon of our nation's soul and this government is doing
all within its power to ensure its demise. Such
woeful unpreparedness of a national government in the face of
a calamity is unheard of. Couple that with the desire to employ
unnecessary and deadly force on unarmed citizens and you have
the perfect recipe for utter disaster.
I implore you to prevail upon our President to resign and
simultaneously call for an early national
election to be supervised by the vice president in consonance with
our international partners. It is obvious that the Ellen Johnson-
Sirleaf led government has failed the Liberian people miserably
and it needs to go
! Respectfully Yours,
Benjamin Kofa Fyneah
2126 N. Washington St.,
Apt 6
Bismarck, ND 58501
The Editor,
wonder how our government intends to contain this
virulent Ebola disease when person to person contacts are
still ongoing at various entertainment centers and video
clubs around the country. The decision by this government
to allow these public facilities operate especially during night
hours undermines its sincerity and seriousness to crush this killer
disease. This is another way of adding insult to injury.
The chain of Ebola transmission can never be broken when citizens
and non-citizens are meeting every evening in their numbers to
merry-make and enjoy themselves until 11:00pm! What my eyes
saw today was too appalling and if nothing is done by the National
Ebola Task-force to intervene promptly, Liberia stands to fght a
fruitless battle. We must act now to save lives.
How quick could we be to forget that Ebola is rapidly spread
through bodily fuids such as sweat, saliva, urine, and stool? Our
people need to understand that we are currently at war with a
common enemy (Ebola) whose mission is to put an end to our
earthly existence. This is not normal time, as such, we must do
all we can to prevent our communities, constituencies, counties,
country, and continent from falling prey to this plague.
Our people are dying every minute and it makes no sense
to compromise their livelihood for pleasure. Vocational and
Academic Schools are shutdown simply to avoid the further
spread of Ebola. Why must video and night clubs be opened
especially during late hours? I strongly oppose to this unhealthy
practice and call on this regime to reverse its decision because it
contradicts our collective campaign against Ebola.
For once, our leaders need to be realistic, patriotic, and honest to
those they serve by enforcing safety measures during this crisis
period. The preference of all Liberians right now is to defeat this
life-threatening disease that is posing serious threat to our national
survival. You can go ahead and disagree with whatever I have
said, but my conviction to this opinion remains unchanged
Martin K. N. Kollie
[email protected]
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 5
In the opinion of the panel, the action of the two offcers of the PPCC, Mr. Joseph S. D. Suah,
Sr. and Mr. Anthony P. Tarbah by issuing the No Objection Letter in the form and manner as
they did compromised the independence of the Commission.
he Public
and Concession
Commission (PPCC)
one of the few transparency
institutions in Liberia has been
caught in a web of violation
with the Commission violating
the decision by the Complaints,
Appeals and Review Panel
(CARP) established by the
amended 2010 version of the
act creating the commission
to conduct hearings and make
fndings on cases involving
the commission and other
procurement related issues.
As per the PPCA, 2010,
decision by the CARP are
binding and not subject to
changes by the PPCC or other
agencies of Government but
the current leadership of the
commission has ignored this
provision of the act creating
the commission by reversing
a decision made by the CARP
and implemented by the former
head of the commission.
Part II, section 127
10-Complaints, Appeals and
Review Panel of the PPCC Act,
2010 provides that neither the
commissioner nor any agency
of government shall interfere
with the work of the CARP.
The PPCC act Part II, 127
(9) states Neither the
Commissioners nor any agency
of the Government shall
interfere with the complaints,
appeals, review or hearing
functions of the Complaints,
Appeals and Review Panel.
The act further provides
that decision of the CARP
is binding and not subject
to review by any agency of
government except a court of
competent jurisdiction.
Part II, section 127 (7) decisions
on Complaints and Appeals of
the Commission states The
decisions of a designated
complaint and appeal panel
of the Complaints, Appeals
and Review Panel are fnal
and binding upon all parties,
subject only to review by a
court of competent jurisdiction.
Any party to the matter decided
may bring an action under the
Administrative Procedure Act
to enforce the decision and
this right includes the right
of a prevailing party to bring
an action against the losing
party to enforce the decision
notwithstanding any defnitions
in the Administrative Procedure
Contrary to the above
provisions of the PPC Act,
an Ad hoc Committee setup
by the Commission has
reversed the decision of the
CARP which investigated and
found two employees of the
Commission for their wrongful
involvement in the fraudulent
contract awarding of contract
to Adelaide Gardner at the
Liberia National Police
Training Academy.
During the tenure of
Commissioner Peggy Varfey
Meres as head of the PPCC, the
two employees Mr. Joseph S.
D. Suah, Sr. and Mr. Anthony
P. Tarbah were investigated
by the CARP and the Panel
found them responsible for
wrongful issuance of Letter of
No Objection in the awarding
of contract to Gardner, which
prompted their dismissal by
The CARP in an opinion after
investigation found Mr. Joseph
S. D. Suah, Sr. and Mr. Anthony
P. Tarbah, Sr. of fraudulent act
by issuing No Objection Letter
on a contract for catering
Services at the LNPTA.
In the opinion of the panel,
the action of the two offcers
of the PPCC, Mr. Joseph S.
D. Suah, Sr. and Mr. Anthony
P. Tarbah by issuing the
No Objection Letter in the
form and manner as they did
compromised the independence
of the Commission. As
the independent arm of
Government responsible to
ensure that all procurement
issues relative government
institutions are monitored
and regulated according to
law, they cannot get directly
involved with procurement
documents on behalf of
government institutions. If
a party to such procurement
process is aggrieved and fles
a complaint to the Commission
that was also involved in the
preparation of such documents,
how will the Commission
fairly handle such case when
its independence has already
been impaired? The actions of
the two men compromised the
integrity and fairness of the
commission, the CARP stated
after investigation.
But the Ad Hoc Committee of
the PPCC a 2-man committee
comprising, Commissioners
Benedict Sannoh - Chairman
and B. Miller Catakaw
Member set up by the Board
of Commissioners to review
and advise the Board on the
suspension and subsequent
dismissals of Messrs Suah and
Tarbah, Directors of Finance
and Administration and
Monitoring and Compliance,
respectively recommended the
reversal of the CARP decision
contrary to the PPCC Act,
According to inside sources,
the Commission has
already implemented the
recommendation of the Ad
hoc Committee undoing the
decision of the CARP and has
reinstated the two employees.
Outgoing PPCC boss
In the wake of the decision
of the Ad hoc Committee to
reverse the decision of the
CARP, the outgoing head of
the Public Procurement and
Concession Commission of
Liberia who resigned a while
ago has hit back strong at a
report produced by the ad hoc
committee of the commission,
cautioning the transparency
body against practices that will
undermine the core business of
the commission.
In a communication dated
September 18 and addressed
to Prof. Willie Belleh, Jr.
Chairman of the PPCC, Peggy
Varfey Meres indicated that
she was alarmed at the extent
the Ad Hoc Special Committee
sought to impugn on her
integrity and the discretion
provided the commission
during her tenure as Executive
She described the fndings
of the Ad Hoc Committee
as one that contains
misinformation, falsehood and
To this end, I fnd myself
compelled to respond to the
misinformation, falsehood and
misrepresentation of the factual
circumstances surrounding the
decision to dismiss the two
individuals as well as to defend
my name and the decision
I made while serving at the
Commission, stated Meres.
In some of the points raised
in her communication and
response to the Ad Hoc
Committee, Meres indicated
that the recommendation by the
committee for two individuals,
Messrs Suah and Tarbeh
Directors of Finance and
Administration and Monitoring
and Compliance respectively to
be reinstated to their previous
positions as a decision that
runs counterproductive to the
principles of the commission
and the civil service agency
standing orders.
Meres expressed The report
outlines several issues and
concludes that both individuals
be reinstated to their previous
positions at the Commission.
I am very disappointed that
the Board of Commissioners
would seek to clandestinely
take actions which run counter
to its core principles by
facilitating individuals found
to have engaged in corrupt
practices which undermined
the integrity of the PPCC.
The former PPC boss noted
that the Ad hoc Committee
was hasty in attempts to cast
doubt on the credibility of the
process employed to review
the actions of the two staff and
thus exposed some of the faws,
complicity, inconsistencies and
contradictions inherent in the
committee, describing as sad
for people who espoused to
certain principles to seeking to
violate the very principles.
It is sad that those who
espoused certain principles
would seek to violate those very
principles in pursuit of personal
satisfaction and objectives.
An elementary principle of
justice and administrative
procedures require that I
would have been consulted
and/or interviewed prior to
the conclusion of the report to
afford me the opportunity to
respond to allegations. The
approach and methodology
adopted by the Ad Hoc Special
Committee ignored this
fundamental principle thereby
imputing motives other than
a desire to contribute towards
the improvement of the
Commission and meting out
justice she argued.
Meres contends that the
failure of the Ad Hoc Special
Committee to respect this
basic principle undermines its
conclusion and hence its report
cannot meet the threshold
of justice and thus deprives
the Liberian People of their
hope to ensure transparency
and fght the one menace that
continues to plague our nation,
Dismiss plan
The former PPC head called
on the current Chairperson of
the body to dismiss any plan to
take actions based on the report
from the Ad Hoc Committee,
saying such will ensure that the
integrity of the commission is
She further stated I wish
to state further that the
Commission being an integrity
institution must not indulge
itself in such practices which
undermine its very mandate
of ensuring transparency,
accountability, integrity and
fairness in Liberias public
procurement and concessions
processes. I therefore caution
that upon a review of the
response attached to this letter,
you kindly dismiss any plan (s)
of action that have been taken
predicated on the report of the
Ad Hoc Special Committee, in
the interest of upholding the
integrity of the commission.
Meres resigned recently after
accordingly disagreement
ensued over a contract for
Catering services for recruits
of the Liberian National Police
which was awarded to a close
confdante to President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, Adelaide
In her letter of resignation,
Meres indicated that it was
a hard decision to make
especially when after several
important reforms at the
commission; there were still
some work to be done.
After considerable thought
and soul-searching, I have
decided to resign from my
position as Chief Executive
Offcer (CEO) of the Public
Procurement and Concessions
Commission (PPCC). I can
assure you it was not an
easy decision to make, she
mentioned in her resignation
During her tenure as head of the
PPCC, Meres spearheaded the
amendment and restatement
of the Public Procurement
and Concessions Act (PPCA)
in October 2010, to allow
for easier implementation
by practitioners, and better
enforcement by the Public
Procurement and Concessions
Commission (PPCC).
The commission also erected
several billboards around
Monrovia and its environs as
part of a rigorous awareness
campaign to enhance the
knowledge of local government
authorities, and the public in
general, on the provisions of
the PPCA and the benefts to be
accrued from strict adherence.
Page 6 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
Wade C. L. Williams, [email protected]
he Ivorian government has authorized the lifting of air
traffc with countries affected by Ebola, after having
suspended them in mid-august to stop the spread of
contagion and will open its ports and airports to American
We envision to start air traffc with our neighbors as early as
next week, announced the Ivorian president Alhassane Outtarra
declared at the UN, in a speech published by the government
newspaper Fraternitematin on Friday.
Binyah Kesselly, Chair of the board of the Liberia Airport
Authority greeted the news with cautious optimism and hoped that
other West African nations will follow suit. We welcome the news
which is a true sign of African solidarity. We always believed that
West Africans will stand together but we hope that our other West
African brothers will follow suit.
Abidjan has also authorized the use of (Ivorian) ports and airports
to receive the American contingent, he said, emphasizing the
constant solidarity of Cote dIvoire with its neighbors. Some
3,000 American military personnel are now being deployed in
Liberia, the country most affected par the epidemic.
The Ivorian government had announced on August 11 the
suspension of all fights coming from countries affected by Ebola.
Ten days later, it decided to close its borders with Guinea and
Liberia, the two countries most affected by Ebola in view of
the reactivation of old cases. On September 1, Cote divoire
announced the opening of humanitarian corridors with its two
affected neighboring countries.
The closing of the air and land borders was strongly criticized by
the countries affected, denouncing the lack of solidarity of their
African neighbors, which put them in a forced isolation.
WHO on many occasions criticized these negative measures that
tend to economically strangle the affected nations.
Ivory Coast has no case of Ebola, notwithstanding its proximity
with the epidemic which killed more than 3,000 since the beginning
of the epidemic according the latest WHO latest report. About 40
people were tested and showed not sign of Ebola.
The United States government has meanwhile commended Cote
d'Ivoire for reinstating air travel to Ebola-affected countries, in
line with the recommendations by the World Health Organization
(WHO) and the International Air Travel Association (IATA).
The US State Department said in a press release Sunday said that
President Alassane Ouattara's decision greatly enhances the ability
of the international community to facilitate and deliver the rapid
and critical response to the Ebola outbreak and helps maintain vital
trade and commercial links to the region.
''The United States welcomes Cote d'Ivoire's timely action and
example and continues to urge everyone in the international
community to do more to stop Ebola and save lives,'' the statement
President Alassane Ouattara said in New York Friday that his
country would lift the suspension of fights to countries stricken by
the Ebola virus to show solidarity with the nations affected by the
disease, which has so far killed over 3,000 people in West Africa.
He said the initial decision to suspend fights was due to uncertainty
about the threat posed by the disease.
Apart from lifting fight suspension, the President said his country
has also opened a "humanitarian corridor" and contributed US$1
million to the international anti-Ebola effort. Cote d'Ivoire's
neighbors Liberia and Guinea are among the three worst-hit
countries by the Ebola virus, which has also decimated Sierra
Families in Liberia are getting frustrated every second of every minute their loved ones stay in Ebola isolation centers. At the Island
Clinic, they get no information about their patients and these families are only left to guess whether their relatives are still alive or dead.
lieuKenneh is
frustrated that he has
not heard from his
24-year-old pregnant
wife, who was brought into the
Island Clinic Ebola Treatment
Unit just when it opened on
Sunday. The last time he had
a conversation with his wife
who is carrying his frst child
and eight months pregnant, was
when she was being transferred
from the Redemption Hospital.
He asked: How are you feeling
She replied reclining in the
Ambulance that was taking her
away: What happened? Then
the Ambulance drove away. She
looked very sick and weak and
he could not take his eyes off her.
Alieu said he got on a motorbike
and followed the Ambulance all
the way to the Island Clinic and
saw his wife, MandouKamara go
in and that was the end of contact
to this moment.
They took her into the building
and since that day I have not
heard anything from her, he
said. Anyone you ask, they say
they don know. I continue to
come here early in the morning.
Alieu has been coming every
day since then, but he just has
heard nothing from the hospital
management about the status
of his wife. He is angry that no
one is telling him anything at all.
He shows a small bag wrapped
around his shoulders flled with
supplies for his wife but while
other people are able to send
stuff inside for their relatives
through people who work there,
he has not been able to do so.
When I come early in the
morning, sometimes I dont
leave from here until 9pm before
I go home. No information up to
now, he said.
I am worried; I dont even
sleep. Ive not slept for the past
four nights. Im even regretting
why I had to accept to bring her
here. If I had know I would have
just kept her to my house and
treat her. Anything God say will
happen will happen.
James Kollie brought his mother
into the center on Sunday also
after falling ill after the death of
their father. Unlike Alieu, Kollie
is able to stay in touch with his
mother. He said communication
is poor inside so the family has
been able to sacrifce and send in
his sister who is helping to care
for the mother.
We had to do it, there was no
other way, so my sister had to
go in to care for our mother,
he said holding a plastic bag of
supplies waiting to send it in to
his mother.
Kollie is saddened by what he
sees as the lack of adequate care
that comes as the result of the
Ebola epidemic.
Ive been to my house thinking
that everything is well. The
information that we are getting
from inside say that they have
not started taking treatment yet,
he said.I dont know what is
happening; why are we bringing
our people here? I think it will
be better if we treat our sick
ourselves instead of bringing
them here.
In front of the center everyday
family members cluster waiting
to hear some positive news about
their families but it is just not
coming from inside. The security
at the gate dressed in Personal
Protective Equipment or PPE
say they cannot help answer
the families enquiries because
all they do is stand outside and
receive instructions to let people
in but not messages to bring out
to families.
A weary Alieu said on Saturday
that his wifes situation is
peculiar and that he fears for the
Today one of our friends who
knows my wife well and works
inside the center checked all over
for her, but he said he did not fnd
her, he said on Friday.
Patients turn themselves in
Day by day, minute-by-minute
people who think they are
showing signs and symptoms
of the disease bring themselves
into the center to be checked
and placed in isolation. Many of
them say they have to wait for
people to die or other patients to
be discharged to be let in.
It is pathetic to come and then
see patients lying all on the
ground and nobody to even see
them. It is bad,said Abraham
Sesay, a football coach who
drove himself into the center after
experiencing severe headache
for several days. He is disgusted
that patients are not treated with
the dignity they need when they
come for treatment.
Like this guy in the car, we
came together this morning and
now he has passed (dead), he
said pointing to a car parked with
the mortal remains of a patient
who died in it while waiting to
be let in to the center. We are
still waiting and the security at
the gate made us to understand
that the doctors will have to
discharge some patients before
they allow other people in.
A man only identifed as George
said hes been at the center for
seven hours waiting to be let in.
Im not feeling fne. Im feeling
signs and symptoms of Ebola.
I came by 5pm yesterday and
they said I should come this
morning, he said.
I came by 6am; I was the frst
person here and now its about
7minutes to 1pm. I dont know
whether they will do frst come
frst serve.
Dr. AtaiOmoruto, WHO Ebola
case management consultant
who runs the center admitted
during a news conference that the
facility has been overwhelmed to
the huge number of patients who
have come there for treatment.
Unfortunately, we had to
turn away some patients at the
gate which really breaks my
heart, said the Ugandan doctor.
Simply because we dont have
any more space for them. And
the health workers cannot handle
the higher workload than we
have right now.
Since the center opened there
has been forty to ffty deaths as
of Friday September 26, 2014.
The question now remains how
do families know their relatives
are still alive.
Monrovia -
he Director of the
Liberia National
Police Col. C.
Clarence Massaquoi
says only concerted efforts on
the part of Liberians will lead
to the eradication of the deadly
Ebola virus from the country.
The Police Chief said the issue
of secrecy on the part on those
contacting the virus was greatly
responsible for its rapid spread,
but insists that the only way
Liberians can defeat the virus is
to be open about their condition
and seek help immediately.
Col. Massaquoi said the
outbreak of the virus was
seriously affecting the country
in all aspects, but was quick to
note that with the various move
put into place by the Liberian
Government and its international
partners the defeat of the virus
was certain.
The LNP Boss spoke Friday
when he led a team of top LNP
offcials to re-open the Police
Barracks which was quarantined
as the result of an outbreak of the
Ebola virus.
Col. Massaquoi said he was
delighted that nearly after a
month of quarantine no new case
of the virus was noticed among
offcers and their family living in
the barracks, stressing that early
step to prevent the virus was
responsible for the victory scored
over the virus in the barracks.
He admonished occupants of
the police barracks to continue
practicing the safety measures
and help spread the anti-
ebolamessage to their friends
and family.
The police chief extended
gratitude to the Government of
Liberia, the National Task Force
on Ebola, the Kailondo Group
of Companies, Mrs. Mai Urey,
Dr. Emmanuel Dolo , Putu Iron
Ore Mining Company and others
institutions and individuals for
the help they rendered the police
while the barracks was being
Also speaking the Chief
Executive Offce of the Kailondo
Group of Companies George
Kailondo and Madam Mai
Urey said they were grateful to
identify with the police in their
distressed and called on all
Liberians to join the fght against
the Ebola VIRUS.
The prominent Liberians said
they will continue to play an
active role in the national fght
against the spread of the virus
until the country is totally free of
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 7
ust weeks after Liberian
President Ellen Johnson-
Sirleaf instructed her
controversial Minister
of Public Works to openly
apologize to Mother Oretha
Taylor, the spiritual head of
the Living Prayer Evangelistic
Ministry and her congregation
in the Lakpazee Community,
Sinkor suburb of Monrovia, a
third tier minister who engaged
in a similar act has been given
the pink slip.
According to an Executive
Mansion statement, President
Sirleaf dismissed Krah, the
Assistant Minister for Sectorial
Planning at the Ministry of
Finance and Development
Planning, for assaulting police
offcer Beauty Mulbah.
The Liberian leader described
as unacceptable an assault
on a law enforcement offcer,
particularly a female, by an
offcial of government and trust
that the action will serve as a
deterrent to others in government
who would want to use their
positions to abuse and violate the
rights of others.
Krah was arrested this week
and investigated for publicly
assaulting a female traffc police
offcer when she requested the
documents of the vehicle he
was operating, at which time he
refused on grounds that he was
rushing for a meeting.
The offcer who then requested
that the vehicle be transferred to
the Metro Deport was forcibly
removed from the vehicle at
which time her offcial police
uniform and accessories were
torn off her in the public. The
incident; which occurred at the
intersection of the Board and
Buchanan streets draw several
onlookers as the minister was
heard shouting: Noting will
come out of his action.
While Krah who unsuccessfully
for the Montserrado County
District No. 2 legislative
elections, later expressed regrets
to the Liberia National Police for
his action and pleaded for mercy,
stressing that he was misled by
the devil to fog the offcer. The
minister also agreed to take
responsibility of the damages
incurred by the offcer during the
While the matter was referred to
the courts for proper adjudication
and an emphatic declaration by
LNP authorities that no Liberian
is above the law regardless of
position in the society, Krah,
according to reports have been
Krahs dismissal draws startling
contrast to a similar action
carried out by Antoinette Weeks,
Minister of Public Works who
ran into trouble recently when
she accused a Church next
door to her Lakpazee home
of disturbing the peace of her
residence with its worship.
Minister Weeks reportedly
entered the Living Prayer
Evangelistic Ministry and
disrupted the service by seizing
the pastor's microphone and
smashing it on the foor with a
warning to the congregation to
stop disturbing her. The Minister
also reportedly cautioned the
church to tune down its public
address system used during
worship because it disturbs the
Lakpazee area community.
When the matter came to light,
Weeks, escorted by Rev. Jervis
Witherspoon, spiritual advisor
to the President, was instructed
by the President to meet with the
Council of Churches and offer a
verbal and written apology to be
published in daily newspapers.
The Minister was also reportedly
ordered to visit the church where
she disturbed and apologize to
the congregation.
While that apology has not been
made publicly or published in
any newspaper, Weeks remains
on the job.
The Minister had ordered a
pickup load of Police offcers
from the Liberia National Police
(LNP) led by senior Offcer
Prince David or code-name
117 to warn the Church to stop
disturbing her in its service.
Minister Weeks was seen at the
Airfeld Police Station otherwise
known as Salem, apparently to
get the Police to go to the Church
and implement her orders.
Mother Taylor, the churchs
spiritual leader has shied away
from addressing the issue, but
the church, FrontPageAfrica
recently reported, has since
fled a formal complaint to the
Ministry of Justice.
In 2009, another Sirleafs loyal
aide, then Monrovia City Mayor
Mary Broh ran into trouble with
Muslims during a Task Force
operation near the Benson Street
Mosque, which resulted into
a standoff between residents
of the area, including Muslim
worshippers and a Special
Presidential Task Force set up to
help clean the city.
The incident prompted President
Sirleaf to escort Broh to the
mosque, a few days later to
offer an apology. Madam Broh
went on to express regrets for
the inconveniences worshippers
may have experienced during the
clean up exercise by the Force.
The President told Muslims at the
time that her visit to the Mosque
was intended to reinforce the
message and reconfrm her
Governments commitment to
the promotion of peace and unity
in the country.
Besides her disturbance at the
church, Weeks has been heavily
criticized for delaying a lot of
road projects in the country
amid strained ties with local
contractors. Prior to the Ebola
outbreak, Weeks was under
immense pressure from several
groups calling for resignation
due to the slow pace of road and
development projects across the
Weeks defant posture has often
gone unpunished. The president
recently suspended the minister,
and her deputy for Technical
Services, for one month on the
job for note declaring or re-
declaring income, assets, and
liabilities. They were instructed
to forfeit their salaries and have
been directed to fle their income,
assets, and liabilities within one
In the Executive Mansions
own statement suspending the
minister, it was stated that she
was in clear violation of Part
X-10.1 of the National Code
of Conduct Act states: Every
Public Offcial and Employee of
Government involved in making
decisions affecting contracting,
tendering or procurement, and
issuance of licenses of various
types shall sign performance
or fnancial bonds and shall
in addition, declare his or her
income, assets and liabilities
prior to taking offce and
thereafter at the end of every
three years; on promotion or
progression from one level
to another; upon transfer to
another public offce; and upon
retirement or resignation.
While many see Krahs
dismissal as a commendable
decision, political observers
say, Sirleafs selective decisions
when it comes to actions against
offcials who run afoul the public
and government, eclipses her
sometimes good intentions.
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP)
octors are in short
supply. So are beds
for patients. Six
months after the
Ebola outbreak emerged for the
frst time in an unprepared West
Africa and eventually became
the worst-ever outbreak, the
gap between what has been sent
by other countries and private
groups and what is needed is
Even as countries try to marshal
more resources, those needs
threaten to become much
greater, and possibly even
Fourteen-year-old D.J. Mulbah
was taken by his mother and
grandmother on Saturday in
desperate pursuit of a coveted
bed at the Ebola clinic run by
Doctors Without Borders in
Monrovia, Liberia's capital. Too
weak to stand, he was put into
a taxi with his backpack and a
bucket for vomit. Now he lay
on the dirt beside the worried
"He's been sick for a week with a
runny stomach," said his mother,
wiping the sweat off the boy's
brow with her bare hands. "We
tried calling an ambulance days
ago but nobody ever came."
Beds are flling up as fast as
clinics can be built. Ambulance
sirens blare through standstill
traffc. Often there is nowhere to
take the sick except to "holding
centers" where they await a bed
at an Ebola treatment facility.
By 8 a.m. a dozen people who
likely have Ebola are crouching
and sitting on the ground outside
the padlocked metal gates of a
facility with a capacity of 160
patients. Soon a triage nurse
approaches, her voice muffed
through a surgical mask covered
by a plastic face shield. The
clinic will take the boy. D.J.
manages a faint smile. Seven
of the 30 beds made available
Saturday morning were vacated
by survivors. The rest had died.
Statistics reviewed by The
Associated Press and interviews
with experts and those on the
scene of one of the worst health
disasters in modern history show
how great the needs are and
how little the world has done in
response. Some foreign medical
workers have bravely fought on,
a few even contracting Ebola
themselves as they cared for
patients. Experts warn that the
window of opportunity to snuff
out the dreaded disease may close
unless promises of additional
assistance immediately become
The existing bed capacity for
Ebola patients in Liberia, Sierra
Leone and Guinea and Nigeria
is about 820, well short of the
2,900 beds that are currently
needed, according to the World
Health Organization. Recently
737 beds were pledged by
countries. Yet even after the
promised treatment facilities are
built, they will still be at least
2,100 beds short.
The shortage of health workers
is also great. WHO has estimated
that 1,000 to 2,000 international
health workers are needed in
West Africa. More than local
200 health workers have died
of Ebola trying to save patients,
complicating recruitment efforts.
Doctors Without Borders,
which has more Ebola clinics
than anyone, currently has 248
foreign aid workers in the region.
President Barack Obama has
ordered up to 3,000 U.S. military
personnel to West Africa to
train health workers and build
more than a dozen 100-bed feld
hospitals, including reserved
sections for infected aid workers
in Liberia.
Among other promises of global
The African Union has said it
will deploy 100 health workers to
assist the West African countries
affected by Ebola. The frst
batch of an AU Ebola taskforce,
totaling 30 people, left for
Liberia on Sept. 18. Taskforce
members are expected to arrive
in Sierra Leone on Oct. 5 and in
Guinea by the end of October.
Britain and France have both
pledged to build feld hospitals in
Sierra Leone and Guinea.
China is sending a 59-person
lab team to Sierra Leone.
Cuba will send 461 health
workers, who will be trained in
biosecurity, and some will go to
Liberia and Guinea.
Dr. Joanne Liu, international
president of Doctors Without
Borders, urged world leaders this
week to take "immediate action."
"The reality on the ground today
is this: The promised surge has
not yet delivered," she said.
MSF and other aid workers are
distributing home-care kits with
gloves and surgical gowns to try
and keep those awaiting hospital
beds from infecting relatives at
home, though only thousands
of kits are being distributed in
Monrovia, a city of 1.6 million.
"We have been working furiously
trying to set up treatment centers
but (incoming patients) have
been outpacing our ability to
set them up," said Dr. Frank
Mahoney, co-lead of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control team
in Liberia.
Unless the situation is put under
control, the outbreak may infect
as many as 1.4 million people
by the end of the year and nearly
half of those people could die, the
CDC estimated this week. More
than 3,000 are currently believed
to have died from Ebola, which
is spread through direct contact
with the bodily fuids of the sick.
If more people get sick than
those who recover or die, the
needs will grow even more
"If this outbreak continues, the
sheer caseload will make it much
more diffcult to contain," said
Dr. Bruce Aylward, assistant-
director general in charge of
emergencies at WHO. "We will
need more health workers to
take care of them, more PPE
(protective suits), more hospitals,
more of everything."
A top priority is sending enough
protective equipment, including
gloves, gowns, masks and
boots. WHO is shipping about
240,000 protective suits a month
in addition to supplies sent by
other agencies. Under-sourced
clinics are reportedly washing
and reusing protective gear that
is meant to be worn once and
"We still do have gaps in
the supply, which are quite
signifcant," said Antonio
Vigilante, the Deputy Special
Representative of the U.N.
Secretary-General in Liberia.
"Nobody expected that the
requirements of protective
gear would go in the order of
millions." Liberia now requires
an estimated 1.3 million
protective suits, Vigilante said.
One of the world's top makers
of the suits, DuPont, says it has
more than doubled production
but would not say who has
placed orders. Offcials are also
looking into whether protective
clothing can be locally produced.
"The situation on the ground is
just disastrous," said Dr. Heinz
Feldmann, chief of virology at
the U.S. National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
who recently returned from
"The idea of having hundreds of
people in tent structures for Ebola
management is unbelievable but
the way this is spreading, we
need to fnd a solution now."
EJS Fires 3rd Tier Minister; Gives 1st Tier Long Rope
Page 8 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
Credit No. IDA 48420-2LR
Project ID: P120660
Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Survillance for Bushrod
National Competitive Bidding (NCB)
1. The Government of Liberia has received additional fnancing from the
World Bank toward the cost of the Liberia Electricity Sector Enhancement
Project (LESEP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments
under the contract for The Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV
Survellance for Bushrod Island.
2. The Liberia Electricity Corporation is the implementing agency
now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply, Delivery and
Installation of CCTV Survillance for Bushrod Island as set out in the
Schedule of Requirements below:
Schedule of Requirements
3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding
procedures as specifed in the World Banks Guidelines: Procurement of
Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA
Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (Procurement Guidelines,
January 2011), and is open to all eligible bidders as defned in the Procurement
Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the
World Banks policy on confict of interest.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Liberia
Electricity Corporation; Attention: IT Director, [email protected] cc:
[email protected] [email protected] abufahmed@yahoo. [email protected], [email protected] and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 09.00 to 17.00 hours,
Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. More information on how to
purchase bidding documents can be obtained by contacting Thelma Saunders
or Alfred Cassel at [email protected] and acassell1194@yahoo.
com respectively.
5. Qualifcation requirements include: :
a) Legal
i. Bidders must provide a Certifcate of Registration;
ii. Bidders must provide Manufacturers Authorization form.
b) Financial Capability
i. Minimum average annual turnover of US$200,000.00, calculated
as total certifed payments received for contracts in progress or completed,
within the last two (2) years;
ii. The Bidder shall also demonstrate that it has access to fnancial means
(evidence of a line of credit), suffcient to meet the cash fow amount of
iii. Bidders must provide audited Financial Reports for the last two (2)
years 2012 and 2013, depending on the fnancial year of the frm.
c) Experience and Technical Capacity
Bidders must have successfully completed at least two (2) similar contracts
done within the last three (3) years, of similar nature and complexity. For
a joint venture partners should collectively meet this specifc experience
provided each Joint venture Partner has had relevant experience in the
component contract it is designated to perform.
A margin of preference for eligible national suppliers shall not be applied.
Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.
6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by
interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the
address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$100.00. The
method of payment will be by Bankers Check in favor of LEC or paid in cash
to the Chief Accountant Offce, 1st Floor, LEC Central Offce. Alternatively, a
direct by payment into Liberia Electricity Corporation Project Account No:
10610000012034, (Swift Code No. ECOCLRLM) held with ECO BANK
LIBERIA LTD and submitting the payment advice as evidence to collect
the Bid Documents. An additional amount will be charged for deliveries by
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below, at or before, 10:00 am
local time on Monday, October 27, 2014. Electronic bidding will not be
permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of
the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at the address at
the end of this IFB at 10:00 am local time on Monday, October 27, 2014, in
the LECs Central Offce Conference Room on the 3rd Floor.
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration in the form
specifed in Section IV of this Bidding Document.
8. The addresses referred to above are:
For obtaining information and bid submission:
Liberia Electricity Corporation
3rd Floor, Conference Room
Water Street, Waterside,
P.O.Box 10-165
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia
For Bid Opening:
Liberia Electricity Corporation
3rd Floor, Conference Room
Water Street, Waterside,
Floor, Conference Room
P.O.Box 10-165
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia
Description of Goods
Quantity Delivery Date
(as per
Supply, Delivery and Installation of
CCTV Survillance for Bushrod Island
Set 3 to 4 weeks
following date of
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 9
The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Education is desirous of hiring
qualifed and professional individuals to assist with the enhancement and decentralization
of the Educational system of the County.
Positions: Three (3)
Rural Teacher Training Institutes
RTTIs Directors
Report to Assistant Minister for Teacher Education
Kakata, Margibi, Webbo, River Gee & Zorzor, Lofa Counties
Deadline for submission October 7, 2014
Address Human Resource Director
3rd Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
Successful candidates will be contacted on their indicated phone numbers respectively.
Electronic application will not be accepted.
Duties/Job Description
1. Supervise the management team of the RTTI
2. Serve as liaison between Minister of Education and RTTI
3. Supervise the development of Operational plans and budgets for the
4. Ensure fnancial accountability and well-being of RTTI fnances
5. Perform any other duties as assigned
Qualifcation Requirements
1. Candidates should possess a minimum of Master Degree or its
equivalent in Education Management with fve (5) years of experience
good moral and professional ethics
2. Possess strong computer skills (MS Offce)
3. Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills
4. Perform other tasks as may be assigned
J. Maxime Bleetahn
Director of Communication
Hon. Etmonia David Tarpeh
Minister of Education
P.O. BOX 10-9012
n Thursday, September 24,
ArcelorMittal Liberia donated two
ambulances to the government of
Liberia to help in the fght against the
deadly Ebola virus disease.
The donations were made on behalf of the company
by Country Manager, Ronnie Addy, who presented
the ambulances and keys to the Minister of Health
and Social Welfare, Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale and
Minister Tolbert Nyeswah, Incident Management
Chair of the Ebola Response Team, in the presence
of other team members.
According to Ronnie Addy, the decision for the
donations was made by ArcelorMittal Liberia's
CEO, Antonio Carlos Maria, to help increase the
government's feet of Ebola response ambulances.
"It is important to support the people of Liberia
during this crisis. There is nothing more important
than human life, and we will continue to assist in
this fght towards ending this situation in Liberia"
said a committed CEO, Antonio Carlos Maria.
The donation forms part of the company's support
to the country. Two weeks ago, the company signed
a memorandum of understanding with AFRICARE
to fund the training of a 150-man Ebola contact
tracing team to help bolster the number of trace
technicians on the ground. Last week the company
also turned over to the Government an Ebola
holding and treatment unit in Ganta, in support of
Nimba County.
According to Marcus Wleh, ArcelorMittal Liberia's
external affairs and corporate responsibility
manager, the donation of the two ambulances will
be a critical addition to Ebola case management in
Montserrado and other counties.
"ArcelorMittal Liberia believes that this
contribution will help to close a critical gap in
case management for the overall Ebola response
in Liberia, especially in highly affected areas. The
donation forms part of other contributions already
made, both at the county and national levels," said
In closing, the Incident Management Chair of the
Ebola Response Team, added, "this donation of
ambulances and other donations by ArcelorMittal
Liberia will go a long way in accelerating the
response rate of the teams on the street extracting
sick people from the communities to the treatment
lexander Cummings, Executive Vice
President and chief administrative offcer
of the Coca-Cola Company as head of a 10
man delegation has paid a solidarity visit
to Liberia holding talks with President Ellen Johnson
Speaking at a news conference upon his arrival Friday
at the companys Liberia head offce in Paynesville,
Cummings said the Company international offce
decided to pay solidarity visit to countries in West
Africa highly hit by the Ebola virus.
Cummings said: We will continue to maintain our
staff; no one will lose their job as a result of a crisis. It
is during the diffcult days that you get to know your
true friends. Coca-Cola as a company sees it necessary
to visit Liberia at this time to show our solidarity to
Sales down by 60%
Cummings who is also a Liberian disclosed that
Coca-Cola sale in Liberia has dropped by 60% as a
result of the Ebola outbreak which according to him
has negatively impacted the company.
We are not laying anyone off as a result of the decline
in our business but the impact has being quite dramatic
that is not where we normally be this time of the year,
Cummings said.
Responding to question as to why Coca-Cola
Liberia facility is relatively small compare to other
African countries including Ghana, and Sierra Leone
Cummings said, the Market in Liberia is relatively
small but promised that Coca-Cola will continue to
invest in Liberia.
He disclosed that the company will by 2015 begin
to install another production line that will be used
to produce Coca-Cola and mineral water which will
cause the company close to fve Million United states
Though he did not disclose the purpose of the meeting
with President Sirleaf, but said the meeting was
intended to show solidarity to the President in the
wake of the ongoing crisis and assist in what every
way to ensure that the Ebola nightmare is addressed.
Cummings further said as chief administrative offcer
his role is to consolidate key global corporate functions
in purposeful approach to effectively support the
business operations of Coca-Cola Company. Some
of the key global corporate functions of Cummings
include reporting to the CAO on legal issues, people
function, Global community connections, strategy
planning, information Technology, sustainability,
strategy security and Aviation.
According to Cummings he was born in Liberia and
joined the Coca-Cola Company in 1997 as region
Manger for Nigeria. He was named President of
the Companys North and West Africa Division. He
also became President and chief operating Offcer
of the Africa Group, responsible for the companys
operations in Africa. He holds a BSc degree in Finance
and Economics from Northern Illinois University and
MBA in fnance from Atlanta University.
Members of his delegation included; Alfonso Libano,
Alfonso Bosch, Sergi Codonyer and Kim Collell.
Others include; Curt Ferguson and Geert Bross.
Henry karmo (0886522495) [email protected]
Page 10 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
Harare (AFP) -
he Zimbabwe
students union on
Friday demanded
the resignation of
authorities at the country's
top university after it awarded
a "miraculous" doctorate to
President Robert Mugabes
The PhD was granted to Grace
Mugabe, a 49-year-old former
typist in the president's offce,
two weeks ago -- just months
after she enrolled for the
Mugabe's wife -- who was
capped by Mugabe along
with other graduates -- was
awarded the degree soon
after she was endorsed to lead
the ruling ZANU-PF party's
women's wing.
ill and Hillary
Clinton welcomed
the birth of their
Charlotte in a statement
Saturday, saying they're
"blessed, grateful and so happy
to be the grandparents of a
beautiful girl."
Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky
was born Friday evening
to the Clintons' daughter,
Chelsea, and her husband Marc
Chelsea Clinton, 34, announced
the birth on Twitter, writing
that she and her husband "are
full of love, awe, and gratitude
as we celebrate the birth of our
Dominican Republic (AP)
n excruciating
illness that
arrived less than
a year ago in the Americas
is raging across the region,
leaping from the Caribbean
to the Central and South
American mainland, and
infecting more than 1 million
people. Some cases already
have emerged in the United
While the disease, called
chikungunya, usually is
not fatal, the epidemic has
overwhelmed hospitals, cut
economic productivity and
caused its sufferers days of
pain and misery. And the
count of victims is soaring.
Monrovia (AFP) -
he International
Monetary Fund fast-
tracked $130 million
(102.5 million euros)
in aid to fght the Ebola epidemic
after the governments of the
worst-hit countries in west
Africa said they were desperately
counting on promises of global
aid to be backed up with cash.
The IMF's executive board said
it wanted to help Guinea, Liberia
and Sierra Leone respond to the
rapidly spreading outbreak that
has killed some 3,000 people
since December.
US President Barack Obama
said west Africa had been
"overwhelmed" by the crisis.
"Public health systems are near
collapse," Obama told a global
health summit at the White
He warned that the disease was
causing economic growth to
slow in the region and putting
huge strain on governments.
The president called on the
world to do more to prevent such
"We have got to make sure we
never see a tragedy on this scale
again," he said.
Obama this week led calls at the
United Nations for faster global
action to confront Ebola.
The UN has estimated that
nearly one billion dollars will
be required to effectively fght
the disease and funding has been
slow to materialise.
The government of Liberia, the
hardest-hit nation with almost
1,700 deaths, welcomed pledges
of help from world leaders
gathered at the UN but warned
it was losing the trust of its own
people as the crisis escalated.
"We are happy to hear that the
entire world now understands
the urgency of the reaction to
the threat of Ebola," Liberian
Information Minister Lewis
Brown told AFP, speaking before
the IMF funding decision.
"We hope that the commitment
will be quickly followed by
action because, if this drags
for long, the populations of the
various countries will begin to
lose patience and they will blame
our governments."
IMF managing director Christine
Lagarde in a statement that the
Ebola outbreak has already cost
too many lives.
"The IMF is working hard with
the authorities of the affected
countries and their development
partners to ensure that the
outbreak is quickly brought
under control and to assist the
economic rebuilding effort that
must follow," she said.
The IMF fnancing, requested
by the three governments, will
be made available immediately:
Guinea, $41 million; Liberia,
$49 million; and Sierra Leone,
$40 million.
- Vaccines next year -
Sierra Leone took the drastic step
on Thursday of putting another
three of its 14 districts under
quarantine, meaning that more
than a third of the population of
six million can no longer move
Health systems in Sierra Leone,
and in Liberia and Guinea, are
in dire need of doctors, nurses,
medical equipment and supplies.
The World Health Organization
said urgently awaited vaccines
could be ready early next year.
"If everything goes well, we may
be able to begin using some of
these vaccines in some of the
affected countries at the very
beginning of next year," WHO
assistant director general Marie-
Paule Kieny said.
Currently, there is no licensed
treatment or vaccine against
the virus, and the UN health
agency has endorsed rushing
experimental prototypes through
WHO is focusing on two
vaccines: one made by British
company GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK), and the other by US
group NewLink Genetics. It is
working with both companies to
accelerate clinical trials, Kieny
told reporters in Geneva.
Another experimental vaccine by
US company Johnson & Johnson
had not been ruled out, but "they
are clearly behind by a few
months," she said.
Some clinical trials of the GSK
vaccine have begun in the United
States and Britain, and other
trials are expected to begin in
Mali next week.
Trials of the NewLink vaccine
are also set to start "imminently"
in the United States.
If shown to be safe, thousands
of doses of both experimental
vaccines should be available by
WHO is also trying to accelerate
the development of around half
a dozen treatments for Ebola,
including the prototype ZMapp
drug already given to US and
Spanish aid workers with
promising results.
Supplies of the drug have been
Following Obama's call to
action, offcials could not
provide an immediate tally of
the total pledges made at the UN
meeting but the organisation's
coordinator for Ebola, David
Nabarro, said countries had
"responded with generosity".
Canada announced a contribution
of $27 million (21 million euros)
while France said it had set aside
70 million euros.
Lagos (AFP) -
ocial and economic
development has long
been touted as the way
to revive the fortunes of
Nigeria's impoverished north and
prevent legions of disaffected
young men turning to radical
But Boko Haram violence has
scuppered progress, particularly
from one potentially lucrative
source of revenue -- the oil found
under the Lake Chad Basin in the
country's far northeast.
Nigeria struck black gold in the
Kukawa area of Borno state in
2012, with estimates that 100
billion cubic metres of deposits
lie beneath the lake and its arid
The discovery raised hopes
not just because of its potential
to transform the region
economically but to also help
boost Nigeria's oil reserves by
three billion barrels to 40 billion
But the former head of the state-
run Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC), Andrew
Yakubu, said in March that plans
to start production had been put
on hold because of the confict.
Geologists, engineers and other
technical staff quit while the
country's main oil unions warned
workers to stay away, putting
paid to extraction and further
"We have advised our members
to avoid the northeast because
we don't want them to be
killed by the lawless group,"
said Babatunde Oke of the
white-collar oil workers union
A senior NNPC offcial said
efforts were ongoing to make
the region safe for oil workers,
against a backdrop of militant
gains of towns and villages
across the states of Yobe, Borno
and Adamawa.
"For now, the plan is on hold
because of the Boko Haram
unrest," he told AFP.
"But the GMD (group managing
director) Joseph Dawha is in
talks with (the) Nigeria airforce
to ensure safe exploration in the
Chad Basin."
- No blood and oil -
Five years of relentless violence
in northeast Nigeria has claimed
thousands of lives and made
hundreds of thousands of others
The former governor of the
Central Bank of Nigeria, Lamido
Sanusi, now the Muslim emir
of Kano, said this month that
investment in the north was key
to preventing radicalisation.
For Mustapha Ibrahim, a political
scientist at Yobe State University,
oil in particular could help
reduce poverty, unemployment
and lack of education which fuel
radical recruitment.
"We need to address this social
malaise to effectively tackle
Boko Haram and this can be
achieved with the judicious use
of money from oil in the Chad
Basin when oil production
fnally starts," he said.
"The oil money will facilitate
job and employment generation,
mass education opportunities
and other social and economic
programmes which will in the
long run do away with the factors
responsible for the Boko Haram
violence raging now."
Boko Haram wants to carve out a
hardline Islamic state in Nigeria
but there have been no serious
suggestions that its insurgency is
driven by oil.
"There is no evidence that Boko
Haram or their associates are
motivated by a desire for control
of oil," said Andrew Noakes,
coordinator of the Nigeria
Security Network of analysts.
"The insurgency is driven
primarily by ideological,
religious, and socio-economic
grievances rather than pursuit of
fnancial gain."
- Avoid the resource curse -
Nevertheless, in the maelstrom
of rumours that is Nigerian
politics, there have been claims
that some northern leaders have
been fuelling the rebellion for
personal economic gain.
One theory is that no oil
extraction can be carried out
as long as there is instability
in Nigeria's northeast, giving
neighbouring Chad free rein to
pump out crude from the shared
basins in the region from its side
of the border.
If and when the confict ends,
analysts say it will be vital to
learn from the mistakes made
in the Niger Delta region, where
most of the country's oil is
currently produced.
The Delta has been wracked
by violence while decades of
corruption and mismanagement
have done little to improve
the lives of ordinary people,
despite the billions the industry
"Everything must be done
to avoid the resource curse,"
said Debo Adeniran, from the
Coalition Against Corrupt
Leaders, a pressure group. "Oil
should be a blessing rather than
a curse."
Only good governance and
accountability will bring the
insurgency to an end, according
to Ibrahim, warning that the
stakes are high for Africa's
biggest oil producer.
"If that is not done Boko Haram
may never end," he said.
"The present crop may be
defeated now but in a few
years another disgruntled group
may rise under different cover
because the factors that breed
such criminal groups are still
with us".
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 11
he on-loan Bianconerri
striker wants to play
at the highest level as
he looks set to emulate
the big African strikers like
Drogba and Etoo
Atalanta forward Richmond
Boakye-Yiadom has said his
ultimate aim is to reach the level
of top African strikers such as
Didier Drogba and Samuel Etoo.
The Ghanaian, who is partially
owned by Juventus, is eyeing
a return to Turin and fght for a
spot since he believes the Old
Lady can give him the platform
to achieve such heights.
The 21-year-old, who is also
co-owned by Genoa, is on a
season-long loan at Atalanta.
He revealed toTuttosport that
he wants a permanent stay with
the Bianconerri in a bid to taste
Champions League football.
an City had
been strongly
linked with a
genuine interest
in the 20 year old but the
Toffees 50m price-tag is
said to have scared off the
Etihad Stadium side, which
takes some doing given the
sums the Premier League title
holders are usually happy to
fork out.
Now Chelsea are said to be
leading the race to snap up the
England international and the
Blues are said to have a good
rapport with the Goodison
Park side having recently
done business in relation to
the sale of Romelu Lukaku to
the Merseyside outft as well
as the loaning of Christian
illian scored
perhaps the
funniest goal
goal of last season, and
on Saturday he found his
way onto the scoresheet for
the first time during this
campaign. Sure, it was a tap-
in after Diego Costa did all the
work, but they all count the
same, and he did get the assist
onOscar's winner as well.
Having broken his duck, he
obviously wants more:
I scored and now I have more
confidence to play and I need
to score more goals. I am
happy to score and to give an
assist but the most important
for me is that the team win,
and the team played very well.
We played confidently and we
had the possession.
he Liga side have
refused to discuss
the possibility of the
29-year-old returning
to Old Trafford next summer,
while the player is not willing
to give up Champions League
By Duncan Castles
Real Madrid have made it clear
to Cristiano Ronaldo that they
have no intention of allowing
him to return to Manchester
United this summer, Goal
New Old Trafford manager
Louis van Gaal publicly stated
an interest in signing the
29-year-old last week, but the
Champions League holders
have ruled out the possibility of
Ronaldo leaving the Bernabeu
at the end of the season and have
refused to discuss a price for the
Ronaldo, who has endured
an ambivalent relationship
with Madrid despite record
breaking achievements in his
fve years there, has regularly
expressed his love for United,
encouraging hope of an Old
Trafford return.
Extensive efforts were made to
put together a deal to re-sign
the forward in 2013 before his
contract renewal with Madrid
and the subject has been
foated again this year, with
United having already spent
an unprecedented sum of over
257 million on transfer fees
Any deal for Ronaldo would
require a further record spend.
Madrid paid United 102m
for him in 2009 and consider
aptain Paul
McGinley's side
led 10-6 going into
the fnal day and
reached the 14 needed to win
the Cup outright when Welsh
rookie Jamie Donaldson beat
Keegan Bradley 4&3.
Rory McIlroy struck frst with
a 5&4 win against Rickie
Fowler before fellow Northern
Irishman Graeme McDowell
came back from three down to
beat Jordan Spieth 2&1.
Martin Kaymer chipped in on
16 to defeat Bubba Watson
4&2 and Justin Rose scrapped
back from four down against
Hunter Mahan to grab a half
on the last and take Europe to
within half a point.
The 38-year-old Donaldson,
playing in the 10th match,
sealed the win against Bradley
with a stunning approach to the
15th green to spark scenes of
euphoria in the Perthshire hills.
McGinley said: "I'm very
proud of every one of these
players. I couldn't have asked
for an ounce more from them.
I've been involved in so many
Ryder Cups and seen mistakes
we've made.
"I've changed things a bit,
bringing in the ffth vice-captain
has been a factor in helping to
prepare the guys, especially in
the afternoon sessions, but we
have had 12 players who have
been awesome."
Europe have now won eight of
the last 10 Ryder Cups, while
the US have not won an away
match since 1993.
Europe's singles winners
Graeme McDowell beat Jordan
Spieth 2&1
Rory McIlroy beat Rickie
Fowler 5&4
Martin Kaymer beat Bubba
Watson 4&2
Sergio Garcia beat Jim Furyk
Jamie Donaldson beat Keegan
Bradley 4&3
"I can't say enough about our
captain," said world number
one McIlroy. "Paul McGinley
has been immense. I'm so glad
it's worked out for him."
US captain Tom Watson
was seeking redemption for
Medinah two years ago when
Europe came back from 10-6
down to win 14-13 on the
fnal day, but his side were
unable to create their own
sensation in Scotland.
"They have a wonderful team,
but we came in here thinking
we could beat them," said
Watson, 65. "Turns out we
America's singles winners
Patrick Reed beat Henrik
Stenson 1UP
Phil Mickelson beat Stephen
Gallacher 3&1
Matt Kuchar beat Thomas
Bjorn 4&3
Jimmy Walker beat Lee
Westwood 3&2
Henrik Stenson earlier missed
a short putt on the last that
would have given him a half
against Patrick Reed, while
Stephen Gallacher lost 3&1 to
Phil Mickelson and Thomas
Bjorn went down 4&3 to Matt
After Donaldson had ensured
Europe's win, Sergio Garcia
beat Jim Furyk one up, Ian
Poulter halved with Webb
Simpson, Lee Westwood lost
3&2 to Jimmy Walker and
Victor Dubuisson halved with
Zach Johnson.
Europe lost Friday morning's
fourballs 2-1 but dominated
the foursomes to lead 5-3 going
into Saturday.
McGinley's side dominated
Saturday afternoon's foursomes
3- - a 7-1 foursomes tally
overall - to move to within four
points of retaining the trophy.
Europe never looked in too
much danger of squandering
their lead and won the singles
session 6-5 on a triumphant
afternoon at Gleneagles.
Halved singles matches
(Europe frst)
Justin Rose v Hunter Mahan
Ian Poulter v Webb Simpson
Victor Dubuisson v Zach
Manchester United move is not happening
the forward so valuable - both
as a player and a generator of
commercial revenue - that they
have refused to even discuss
a fee for the 29-year-old. The
fve-season contract agreed
with Ronaldo last September
re-established him as the
game's best-paid individual on
a guaranteed 21m (16.4m) a
year, after tax.
It has been suggested that
Ronaldo would accept a cut on
his basic pay to facilitate a return
to United. The player, however,
regards his status as football's
top earner as a badge of honour.
At current exchange and tax
rates, just matching his current
terms would require United to
fund a gross weekly wage of
760,000 before bonuses.
Madrid's refusal to sell and
Ronaldo's fnancial terms are
not the only factors working
against United. The club's
worst ever start to a Premier
League season coupled with
Van Gaal's concession that
his ideas are maybe too
much for his new charges
at present have increased the
possibility of the club missing
out on Champions League
participation and revenue for a
second consecutive season.
Twice a winner of the
competition and its leading
scorer for the last two
campaigns, the idea of giving up
Champions League football has
no appeal to Ronaldo.
Earlier this year, United warned
investors that a failure to return
to the Champions League
would negatively affect our
ability to attract and retain
talented players and coaching
staff, as well as supporters,
sponsors and other commercial
The club has forecast an overall
revenue drop of between
48.9m and 61.7m for the
coming fnancial year, based
on a third-placed fnish this
season. Income from a record
97m-a-year kit deal with
Adidas will automatically fall to
67.2m in the event of a second
season away from Europe's top
United's decision to switch kit
suppliers from Nike to Adidas
has also complicated their
approach to Ronaldo, whose
personal sponsorship deal
remains with the American
company. No player in football
has greater commercial potential
than Ronaldo. With 30.1m
Twitter followers and 98.8m on
Facebook his social media reach
comfortably exceeds that of
both United and Madrid, a point
not lost on his current employer.
"It's all speculation, speaking
about my future, said Ronaldo
last week. My future is Madrid.
I'm happy. The season is going
well and I'm not talking about
my future, it doesn't make
Page 12 |
Monday, September 29, 2014
eports emanating from Nimba County indicate that
District Commissioners, City Mayors and youth groups
from the County have endorsed the recent decision
taken by the plenary of the House of Representatives to
declare vote of no confdence in Nimba County Superintendent,
Fong G. Zuagele and his assistant, Teeko T. Yorlay.
The lawmakers decision against the pair was a result of
accusations made against the county offcials by the county
legislative caucus some of which include violation of the budget
law and gross disrespect to members of the Legislature.
According to sources, Superintendent Zuagele and his Assistant
upon their return to the County following the decision by the
House of Representatives on Tuesday, arranged a meeting with
commissioners and mayors of the county with an intend to
stage manage a resolution pledging their support to them to be
subsequently submitted to the president during her pending visit
to the county.
The meeting, which was accordingly intended to be held behind
closed doors, was later opened to public due to youths demand,
one source disclosed.
The meeting held in Seclapea on Saturday, September 27,
2014 according to our sources ended in deadlock due to the
commissioners and mayors disagreement in signing a resolution
supporting the superintendent and his Assistant.
The mayors and commissioners are said to have refused to sign
any resolution that will contradict the decision of their lawmakers.
Sources furthered that instead of signing a resolution to support
the two local county offcials, the citizens rather endorsed the
recent decision reached by the House of Representatives through
a resolution.
All efforts by the superintendent and his assistant in convincing
the commissioners and mayors to sign a resolution of complete
confdence in the Zuageles leadership failed said, stated one
According to our source some youth groupings in support of
Zuagele and Yorlay caused commotion in the meeting because
the commissioners and mayors were not in line with their plan
to protect the superintendent and his Assistant by signing the
Some chiefs and elders of the county have expressed
disappointment in way and manner the county is being managed.
They are calling on the President to appoint a superintendent that
will work collaboratively with the county legislative caucus, the
source disclosed.
At the same time, a group calling itself concerned Nimbaians
under the leadership of Saye Mussah has also endorsed the Houses
decision on the vote of no confdence. The group chairman, Saye
Mussah in a telephone interview said Superintendent Zuagele and
his Assistant Yorlay are stepping on development of the county.
He said over the past fve to six months, marketers, university
students and youths have been arrested and detained under the
directive of Superintendent Zuagele.
Mussah revealed that the people of Nimba are in total support of
the Houses decision. He said, young people of Nimba including
the chiefs and elders have resolved to have Superintendent
Zuagele and his Assistant out of leadership in order to allow
smooth development in the county.
Mussah said: the county cannot count on any tangible
implemented projects under the leadership of Zuagele. The
administration of Zuagele has brought more confusion in the
county as compare to past superintendents. His administration is
the worse the county has ever experienced.
On last Tuesday, the plenary of the House of Representatives
overwhelmingly voted declaring that they cannot continue to
work with Superintendent Zuagele and his Assistant Yorlay for
gross disrespect to members of the Legislature violation of the
budget law.
The Houses decision was based on a communication of complaint
from Nimba County district#9 Representative, R. Matenokay
Suakoko, Bong County-
s thousands of
United States dollars
in private donations
keep pouring into
Bong County, it is becoming
more apparent that money
may not necessarily solve the
Ebola crisis in the county, in an
ever increasingly chaotic and
uncoordinated environment.
There is serious confusion as to
the powers, roles and functions
of several individuals, who
continue to get in each others
way, as the county struggles to
tackle the common enemy
Some says the presidential Ebola
Task Force established in the 15
counties a few months ago by
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
does not have clear terms of
reference, yet there is the false
impression that it is responsible
for setting out and coordinating
the practical actions, measures
and rules of engagement for all
the Ebola activities.
The Bong County Health Team
and its beleaguered head Dr.
Sampson Arzuakoi on the other
hand, has reportedly lost the
confdence of the health workers
in the county.
Since the death of six nurses
from the Ebola virus two months
ago, there is now deep suspicion
about the sincerity and capability
of those running the county
Ebola task force headed by the
As one nurse wrote on social
media few days ago; Were
asking ourselves what was done
for the nurses who died from
Ebola. Why should we continue
fghting for people if were not
sure our leaders would fght for
us when we need them? All these
questions are being asked by
us nurses. We dont want to be
dead heroes today and forgotten
heroes tomorrow. Who would
take care of our kids or our old
parents when we die? Were
feeling now like no one has our
There seems to be real fear and
panic among doctors and nurses
in the county. Almost all of the
15 administrative districts in the
county have established what is
known as the Ebola Emergency
Task Force.
But the latest report by the
County Health Team on the 25
suspected Ebola deaths paints a
very grim reality on the ground
in the county, suggesting that
despite the presence of health
and humanitarian institutions
in the county, Ebola is far from
being controlled.
Recently the head of the Task
Force said on a local radio
station in Gbarnga that the total
number of cumulative confrmed
deaths now stands at 20, with the
cumulative number of confrmed
cases topping Sanoyea District.
Yet amid this grim statistics,
it is very easy to ignore the
heart warming fact that four
patients have so far survived the
Ebola Virus and subsequently
discharged from Ebola Treatment
Center in the county.
The cumulative number of
probable cases is 25 and probable
deaths 20, while the total
cumulative number of suspected
cases is 58 and suspected deaths
is 8 all adding to a frustrating
and worrying time for the people
of the county.
There is something very
troubling about the chaotic and
disjointed approach to managing
the Ebola crisis in the county.
And that is the allegation of
rivalry among some of the local
leaders working on the ground.
The Assistant Superintendent
of Development in the county,
Anthony Sheriff and County
Inspector William Kollie are
claiming of being abandoned
by the Superintendent Polson-
But there are serious questions
as to where leadership, authority,
control and direction lie, in this
chaotic fght against Ebola in the
Is Superintendent Selena
Polson-Mappy? Is the
Assistant Superintendent for
Development? Is the County
Inspector in Charge? Who is in
charge of the overall coordination
and direction of the Ebola war in
Bong County, no one knows.
Commissioners, Mayors accordingly
Endorse Lawmakers Decision
Selma Lomax, [email protected]
Henry Karmo (0886522495) [email protected]
Henry Karmo (0886522495) [email protected]
he ELWA junction
which serves as the
main entrance to
Monrovia from the
Roberts International Airport
was Saturday morning a scene
of protest, as residents woke up
early morning to the discovery of
the dead body of an unidentifed
Residents accused offcers of
the Liberian National police of
murdering the man especially
with the body lying near the
area where police offcers served
Fridays night security shift.
According to some residents the
decease whose name and identity
remain unknown was a money
changer and was beaten to death
by offcers of the Police for
breaking the 11:00 Pm curfew.
Eyewitnesses who spoke to
FrontPageAfrica said, the
decease ran and threw stones at a
police vehicle that chased him in
an attempt to apprehend him for
staying out after the curfew hour.
I am a car loader and this is
where we sleep, I was in my
corner when I saw the man
running from the police they
chased him and beat him with
sticks and guns. We were seeing
them but we couldnt do anything
if we come out they will arrest us
and say curfew so we could not
do anything so we decided to
set road blocks this morning to
claim governments attention,
one eye witness said.
The deceased body was pickup
by the National Ebola Task Force
burial team as many believed
that he would be cremated and
treated as an Ebola victim.
In an interview with reporters,
Police Commissioner Gregory
Coleman said, the police
is conducting investigation
in the wake of claims and
counterclaims from residents of
the area.
Coleman said: They were
rioting because of this body.
They are making claims that
this person was killed by police
offcers but I cannot say anything
about it right now in the absent
of investigation.
Commissioner Coleman also
disclosed that that as a result
of the riot two police vehicles
were damaged with two offcers
wounded and a police depot
vandalized by the protesters. He
warned against mob violence
and promised that government
will not tolerate any act of mob
Monday, September 29, 2014 Page 13
Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale
Wade C. L. Williams, [email protected]
Stephen D. Kollie, [email protected] 0776329124
Buchanan, Grand Bassa County-
S troop currently in Liberia to provide support to the
Liberian government in combating the deadly Ebola virus are
collaborating with the Ministry of Defense (MOD) through
the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and the Grand Bassa
County Ebola Task Force to shortly construct an Ebola Treatment Center
in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
Making the disclosure during a Press Conference at the Countys
administration building on Friday, information offcer, Eddie Williams
said the county Ebola Task force has agreed that a contingent from the US
troop in Liberia will work with the AFL to erect the prefabricated Ebola
Treatment Center.
He said the land for the facility is being cleared by the county adding that
the engineering team from the MOD and the US Troop will start working
Although Mr. Williams did not mention the capacity of the proposed
treatment center, he assured that the project will be under the watchful
eyes of the US Troops.
The Voice of America, last week reported that 3,000 US troop have
arrived in Liberia and will build 17 new health care facilities across West
Africa with 100 beds each and at the same time train 500 health workers
per week.
Recently, the Chair of the county legislative caucus, Senator Nyonblee
Kangar-Lawrence disclosed that the county was considering setting up its
own ETU but lacks the technical know-how so it was consulting experts
before venturing into it.
With this news already welcomed by many people in the county, they are
hoping that the US troops will leave a massive impact on the countys
poor health care sector.
According to the Mr. Williams, Arcelor Mittal has setup three Ebola
Treatment Units and turned them over to the Task Force and is working
on the construction of 10 more. The Liberian government hospital in
Buchanan, the county task force and the county administration have all
agreed that once the 10 units are completed they will turn them over to
the Bassa County Health Team (BCHT), while the current Ebola holding
unit at the government hospital will be turned into a mini Ebola treatment
Meanwhile, UNMIL has approved the amount of US$22,965.00 for the
County Ebola Taskforce to complement the Grand Bassas anti-Ebola
campaign. The Information Offcer disclosed that 80% (USD$18,370.00)
of the fund was given, some in cash and others in kind, while the remaining
US$7,150.00 was given to the Taskforce to carryout community
awareness in various districts in the county.
At the same time, Williams disclosed that Grand Bassa County has
entered an MOU with a USAID sponsored project, Global Community,
to take over all burial of Ebla dead bodies in the county. According to
the MOU, Global Community will now handle all aspects of Ebola
burial in the county for three months and will be reviewed monthly. The
NGO will solely handle the compensation of the burial teams and their
transportation, with this mandate, Global Community has brought in the
county eight vehicles to start its operation.
On Friday, September 26, the county administration also clarifed that the
Ministry of Health has given LD$9.5 Million to augment other fnancial
support given to the county, ending speculation over the amount of cash
the MOH has provided for the county Ebola Force.
The taskforce, now headed by the county health offcer, Dr. Joseph
Kekula has failed to explain to the local media how the money is being
spent, prompting increase speculations amongst Bassonians (people Of
Bassa) that the funds are being misappropriated.
Finance offcer, Sylvester Taylor giving a breakdown of fnancial
assistance said the county has received some anti-Ebola campaign
between August 20 and September 13 and also said the county is adhering
to all public fnancial guidelines during the disbursement of money for
the Ebola crisis.
Responding to question about the recent procurement of two used pickups
for the Ebola Task force, he said the fnance offce followed the Public
Procurement law despite the emergency situation in the country, claiming
that there were three vendors that applied to supply the vehicles and after
a procurement meeting chaired by the county superintendent the best
vendor was selected.
Meanwhile, The task force has announced that six out of the seven health
district have been affected by the Ebola virus putting the current number
of cumulative cases at 73 (36 males and 31 females) and 44 out of this
number has been tested positive.
The county health Services administrator, Joyce Garblah told reporters
since the outbreak there have been a total of 36 deaths (15 male, 11
female) while 11 patients are in Monrovia at the ETU and a total of 11
survivals have been reintegrated into the society since the outbreak.
The health administrator further clarifed that there were several deaths
in District one in early August but the task force was unable to gather the
specimen for testing because the dead were being buried before the news
reached the team, however; due to the circumstances of the deaths it can
be attributed to the Ebola virus although those who died have not been
included in the total fgure of Ebola deaths in the county.
s part of the United
States Agency
for International
Development (USAID)
50,000 household protection kits,
the frst batch of 9,000 has arrived
in Liberia to be distributed in the
most Ebola affected communities
in Monrovia, Information Minister
Lewis Brown disclosed Thursday.
Brown said the Ebola virus
transmission continues to be one of
person to person and it has become
diffcult for families to watch their
love ones vomit on themselves
while they await the health team
to arrive thus; the government has
requested the provision of what he
called medical basic kit.
According to Minister Brown,
the protection kits were presented
to the now quarantined Liberias
Chief Medical Offcer Dr. Bernice
Dahn. He is warning Liberians to
refrain from selling any of the kits
and other protection materials.
Said Minister Brown: This
consignment will include gloves
and other much needed items.
One of the things we continue
to experience is the diffculty of
watching a relative die. As we
ALPHA DAFFAE SENPENI, [email protected]
he United States military has already began to show
footprints in the sand in Liberia. On Saturday, the United
States Embassy organized a tour guide of the facility
under construction by the Operation United Assistance
of the US army.
During the tour Major Jason Brown, Joint Task Force Command
Operation United Assistance, showed journalists around and
explained the groundbreaking for the building of the 25-bed
mobile clinic for health-workers who are afficted by the deadly
Ebola virus.
This is the area that was selected and approved by President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for the 25-bed hospital for the health
workers. As you can see, today we are actually breaking ground
for the construction and construction is beginning, said Maj.
Brown who is the public Affairs Offcer for the Joint Task Force
Command, Operation United Assistance.
We are hoping to get it up and running very soon. We have planes
landing every single day bringing in more and more materials. We
looked at a number of sites and we selected the best siteand the
president approved it.
A seemingly upbeat Maj. Brown expressed optimism that the
construction of the facilities including the clinic and the air bridge
will be ready in the shortest possible time.
Honestly, I dont think Ive ever seen the US military members
this motivated to get a mission done. I dont think Ive seen this
much energy put into an operation in a long time, he said.
Ive been in the army for over seventeen years this is the frst
humanitarian mission that Ive been a part of. They are excited to
be here; they want to make an impact and are truly motivated to
get things done as soon as possible. Im very proud to be a part of
Operations United Assistance.
He said local contractors and members of the Armed Forces of
Liberia will also lend assistance to the construction of Ebola
treatment Units expected to be constructed using American tax
payers money in Liberia.
We are using local contractors in some of our efforts, were also
going to have US forces involved in some of the construction
efforts, he said.
We are partnering with the Armed Forces of Liberia, to do some
of the construction themselves. We have folks all throughout
Liberia right now checking out other sites for some of the other
construction projects.
Maj. Brown said the efforts are going to be ramped up as the days
and weeks go by to put up these structures that will in turn help to
mitigate the Ebola crisis. He said the people of the United States
are doing all to help the people of Liberia fght the deadly disease
that has cost almost two thousand lives.
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133 is doing the work and
there are ffteen personnel for the Construction Battalion. The
biggest concern the team has now is the issue of drainage.
The US Air Bridge will accelerate the movement of cargo out
of the airport. Col. Brad Johnson Joint Task Force Port Opening
Commander said the runway at the RIA is old and therefore some
challenges with it. He said the airport is going to see more traffc
more than it has seen in a while as the Ebola aid comes in. Col.
Johnson said Malaria is a challenge in the area and they will do
everything possible to help soldiers stay safe.
President Barack Obama some time ago announced that the US
would send 3,000 troops to Liberia to help with the Ebola response
and since then, US military personnel have been trickling in.
US Ebola Mobile Clinic; Air Bridge Getting Into Shape
fght this virus, as we invite and
gratefully receive international
support and assistance we must
continue to position ourselves
to build the capacity of our
indigenous institutions. We will
continue to ask for assistance as
these assistances come on line,
we will use it to increase our own
capacity, rebuilding our public
health system.
The Liberian Information Minister
noted that communities that are
showing increased incidence
of the Ebola will be targeted as
benefciaries of the medical kits
which the United States Agency
for International Development
(USAID) has agreed to provide
about ffty thousand.
One thing that is common to us
will be the gloves. So that even
if you have to help your relations
you will do so in a safe way, you
dont get up contracting the virus,
he said.
Brown also expressed the need
for more trained and professional
medical practitioners to take on
responsibilities in the countrys
challenging health sector.
Spot News
arcelona forward Lionel Messi
says he "never imagined"
scoring over 400 goals in his
remarkable career.
The four-time world player of the year, 27,
passed the landmark with a brace in the
Spanish side's 6-0 home win over Granada
on Saturday.
The Argentina captain headed in his 400th
goal for club and country and then stroked
in his 401st late on.
"It's like Messi was touched by a magic
wand," said Barcelona coach Luis Enrique.
"I don't think if we added together the
goals we have scored on the playground it
would reach 400," Enrique told journalists
in his post-match news conference.
Messi has scored 359 goals for Barcelona
since making his debut in 2004, plus
42 strikes for Argentina, in 506 career
He is already widely considered as one of
the all-time greatest players after being
instrumental in helping Barcelona win 21
trophies, including six La Ligas and three
Champions Leagues, in the past decade.
He has also won a host of individual
honours including four consecutive Ballon
d'Ors, the trophy given to the world's best
player, between 2009 and 2012.
"I never imagined I could achieve anything
like this in my career," said Messi on his
offcial Facebook page.
"I'll continue working hard to reach more
Messi also helped set up three goals against
Granada as unbeaten Barca, who fnished
as runners-up last season, moved top of La
Liga after six matches.