More Practice For The Final Exam - Adjusting Entries - Key
More Practice For The Final Exam - Adjusting Entries - Key
More Practice For The Final Exam - Adjusting Entries - Key
_____ 1. Accruals occur when cash flows:
A) Occur before expense recognition.
B) Occur after revenue or expense recognition.
C) Are uncertain.
D) Ma be substitute! for goo!s or services.
Answer: B
_____ ". An exa#ple of a contra account is:
A) Depreciation expense.
B) Accounts receivable.
C) $ales revenue.
D) Accu#ulate! !epreciation.
Answer: D
_____ %. &he purpose of closing entries is to transfer:
A) Accounts receivable to retaine! earnings when an account is full pai!.
B) Balances in te#porar accounts to a per#anent account.
C) 'nventor to cost of goo!s sol! when #erchan!ise is sol!.
D) Assets an! liabilities when operations are !iscontinue!.
Answer: B
_____ (. )hich of the following woul! not be use! as an a!*usting entr+
A) ,repai! -ent
-ent expense
B) Cash
.nearne! revenue
C) 'nterest expense
'nterest paable
D) Ba! !ebt expense
Allowance for !oubtful accounts
Answer: B
_____ /. &he a!*usting entr re0uire! when a#ounts previousl recor!e! as unearne!
revenues are earne! inclu!es:
A) A !ebit to a liabilit.
B) A !ebit to an asset.
C) A cre!it to a liabilit.
D) A cre!it to an asset.
Answer: A
_____ 1. Blan! 2oo!s purchase! a two3ear fire an! exten!e! coverage insurance polic
on August 14 "55%4 an! charge! the 6(4"55 pre#iu# to 'nsurance expense.
At its Dece#ber %14 "55%4 ear3en!4 Blan! 2oo!s woul! recor! which of
the following a!*usting entries+
A) 'nsurance expense 78/
,repai! insurance 78/
B) ,repai! insurance 78/
'nsurance expense 78/
C) 'nsurance expense 78/
,repai! insurance %4%"/
'nsurance paable (4"55
D) ,repai! insurance %4%"/
'nsurance expense %4%"/
Answer: D
9ntr on 7:1: 'nsurance expense (4"55
Cash (4"55
.nuse! at 1":%1: 6(4"55 x 1;:"( < 6%4%"/
_____ 8. &he e#ploees of =eat Clothes wor> Mon!a through 2ri!a. 9ver other
2ri!a the co#pan issues paroll chec>s totaling 6%"4555. &he current
pa perio! en!s on 2ri!a4 ?ul %. =eat Clothes is now preparing 0uarterl
financial state#ents for the three #onths en!e! ?une %5. )hat is the
a!*usting entr to recor! accrue! salaries at the en! of ?une+
A) $alaries expense ""4(55
,repai! salaries ;4155
$alaries paable %"4555
B) $alaries expense 14(55
$alaries paable 14(55
C) ,repai! salaries ;4155
$alaries paable ;4155
D) $alaries expense ""4(55
$alaries paable ""4(55
Answer: D
-ationale: A#ount accrue!: 6%"4555 x 8:15 < 6""4(55
_____ 7. On $epte#ber 14 "55%4 &i#e Maga@ine sol! 155 one3ear subscriptions
for 671 each. &he total a#ount receive! was cre!ite! to .nearne!
subscriptions revenue. )hat woul! be the re0uire! a!*usting entr at
Dece#ber %14 "55%+
A) .nearne! subscriptions revenue (74155
$ubscriptions revenue 114"55
,repai! subscriptions %"4(55
B) .nearne! subscriptions revenue 114"55
$ubscriptions revenue 114"55
C) .nearne! subscriptions revenue 114"55
$ubscriptions paable 114"55
D) .nearne! subscriptions revenue %"4(55
$ubscriptions revenue %"4(55
Answer: B
9ntr on ;:1: Cash (74155
.nearne! subscriptions revenue (74155
A#ount earne!: 6(74155 x (:1" < 6114"55
_____ ;. On Dece#ber %14 "55"4 &pical 2ashions ha! balances in its Accounts
receivable an! Allowance for uncollectible accounts of 6(74(55 an! 6;(54
respectivel. During "55%4 &pical 2ashions wrote off 67"5 in Accounts
receivable an! !eter#ine! that there shoul! be an Allowance for
uncollectible accounts of 6141(5 at Dece#ber %14 "55%. Ba! !ebt expense
for "55% woul! be:
A) 6 %"5.
B) 6141(5.
C) 6 7"5.
D) 6145"5.
Answer: D
-ationale: Allowance for .ncollectibles
;(5 1":%1:5" Bal.
)rite3Offs 7"5 + recor! BD
9xp. 141(5 1":%1:5% Bal.
Ba! !ebt expense < 6141(5 A 7"5 3 ;(5 < 6145"5
_____ 15. 2in> 'nsurance collecte! pre#iu#s of 61745554555 fro# its custo#ers !uring
the current ear. &he a!*uste! balance in the .nearne! pre#iu#s account
increase! fro# 61 #illion to 67 #illion !ollars !uring the ear. )hat was
2in>Bs revenues fro# earne! insurance pre#iu#s for the current ear+
A) 61545554555.
B) 61145554555.
C) 61745554555.
D) 6"545554555.
Answer: B
Cash collections 61745554555
De!uct increase in unearne! pre#iu#s "45554555
,re#iu#s earne! 61145554555