More Practice For The Final Exam - Adjusting Entries - Key

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The key takeaways from the passages are adjusting entries, closing entries, accruals, and how to account for unearned and prepaid revenues and expenses.

The purpose of closing entries is to transfer balances in temporary accounts to a permanent account.

An example of an adjusting entry that would not be used is cash to unearned revenue.

More Practice for the Final Exam Adjusting Entries

_____ 1. Accruals occur when cash flows:
A) Occur before expense recognition.
B) Occur after revenue or expense recognition.
C) Are uncertain.
D) Ma be substitute! for goo!s or services.
Answer: B
_____ ". An exa#ple of a contra account is:
A) Depreciation expense.
B) Accounts receivable.
C) $ales revenue.
D) Accu#ulate! !epreciation.
Answer: D
_____ %. &he purpose of closing entries is to transfer:
A) Accounts receivable to retaine! earnings when an account is full pai!.
B) Balances in te#porar accounts to a per#anent account.
C) 'nventor to cost of goo!s sol! when #erchan!ise is sol!.
D) Assets an! liabilities when operations are !iscontinue!.
Answer: B

_____ (. )hich of the following woul! not be use! as an a!*usting entr+
A) ,repai! -ent
-ent expense
B) Cash
.nearne! revenue
C) 'nterest expense
'nterest paable
D) Ba! !ebt expense
Allowance for !oubtful accounts
Answer: B
_____ /. &he a!*usting entr re0uire! when a#ounts previousl recor!e! as unearne!
revenues are earne! inclu!es:
A) A !ebit to a liabilit.
B) A !ebit to an asset.
C) A cre!it to a liabilit.
D) A cre!it to an asset.
Answer: A
_____ 1. Blan! 2oo!s purchase! a two3ear fire an! exten!e! coverage insurance polic
on August 14 "55%4 an! charge! the 6(4"55 pre#iu# to 'nsurance expense.
At its Dece#ber %14 "55%4 ear3en!4 Blan! 2oo!s woul! recor! which of
the following a!*usting entries+
A) 'nsurance expense 78/
,repai! insurance 78/
B) ,repai! insurance 78/
'nsurance expense 78/
C) 'nsurance expense 78/
,repai! insurance %4%"/
'nsurance paable (4"55
D) ,repai! insurance %4%"/
'nsurance expense %4%"/
Answer: D
9ntr on 7:1: 'nsurance expense (4"55
Cash (4"55
.nuse! at 1":%1: 6(4"55 x 1;:"( < 6%4%"/
_____ 8. &he e#ploees of =eat Clothes wor> Mon!a through 2ri!a. 9ver other
2ri!a the co#pan issues paroll chec>s totaling 6%"4555. &he current
pa perio! en!s on 2ri!a4 ?ul %. =eat Clothes is now preparing 0uarterl
financial state#ents for the three #onths en!e! ?une %5. )hat is the
a!*usting entr to recor! accrue! salaries at the en! of ?une+
A) $alaries expense ""4(55
,repai! salaries ;4155
$alaries paable %"4555
B) $alaries expense 14(55
$alaries paable 14(55
C) ,repai! salaries ;4155
$alaries paable ;4155
D) $alaries expense ""4(55
$alaries paable ""4(55
Answer: D
-ationale: A#ount accrue!: 6%"4555 x 8:15 < 6""4(55
_____ 7. On $epte#ber 14 "55%4 &i#e Maga@ine sol! 155 one3ear subscriptions
for 671 each. &he total a#ount receive! was cre!ite! to .nearne!
subscriptions revenue. )hat woul! be the re0uire! a!*usting entr at
Dece#ber %14 "55%+
A) .nearne! subscriptions revenue (74155
$ubscriptions revenue 114"55
,repai! subscriptions %"4(55
B) .nearne! subscriptions revenue 114"55
$ubscriptions revenue 114"55
C) .nearne! subscriptions revenue 114"55
$ubscriptions paable 114"55
D) .nearne! subscriptions revenue %"4(55
$ubscriptions revenue %"4(55
Answer: B
9ntr on ;:1: Cash (74155
.nearne! subscriptions revenue (74155
A#ount earne!: 6(74155 x (:1" < 6114"55
_____ ;. On Dece#ber %14 "55"4 &pical 2ashions ha! balances in its Accounts
receivable an! Allowance for uncollectible accounts of 6(74(55 an! 6;(54
respectivel. During "55%4 &pical 2ashions wrote off 67"5 in Accounts
receivable an! !eter#ine! that there shoul! be an Allowance for
uncollectible accounts of 6141(5 at Dece#ber %14 "55%. Ba! !ebt expense
for "55% woul! be:
A) 6 %"5.
B) 6141(5.
C) 6 7"5.
D) 6145"5.
Answer: D
-ationale: Allowance for .ncollectibles
;(5 1":%1:5" Bal.
)rite3Offs 7"5 + recor! BD
9xp. 141(5 1":%1:5% Bal.
Ba! !ebt expense < 6141(5 A 7"5 3 ;(5 < 6145"5
_____ 15. 2in> 'nsurance collecte! pre#iu#s of 61745554555 fro# its custo#ers !uring
the current ear. &he a!*uste! balance in the .nearne! pre#iu#s account
increase! fro# 61 #illion to 67 #illion !ollars !uring the ear. )hat was
2in>Bs revenues fro# earne! insurance pre#iu#s for the current ear+
A) 61545554555.
B) 61145554555.
C) 61745554555.
D) 6"545554555.
Answer: B
Cash collections 61745554555
De!uct increase in unearne! pre#iu#s "45554555
,re#iu#s earne! 61145554555

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