How To Increase Low Sperm Count and Perfect Solution For Low Sperm Count by DR

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How to Increase Low Sperm Count and Perfect Solution for Low Sperm

Count By Dr. Lee Mikal

The foremost cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Others might be low sperm
motility, bad excellence sperm, and lack of semen.
In general, most cases of male infertility are due to low sperm count.
There are a lot of biologic and ecological factors that can lead to low sperm count. Here
is a list if circumstances that may cause low sperm count in men.
Male Infertility Factor accountable in ! " of infertile couple, and adding to this
additional #! "there is causal male factor.
There are se$eral compensation when the man and the women treated at the same time,
pre$ents more operating cost behind unnecessary in$estigation and sa$es time.
Causes of Low Sperm Count
%. &roblems with sperm manufacture ' such e$ils can be genetic (for example
)linefelter*s syndrome+ or based on a hormonal disorder
#. Testicular in,ury and illness ' in,uries that affect the testicles may affect sperm
manufacture and cause low sperm count
. Malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies ' lack of some nutrients (for example -inc,
.elenium, $itamin /, etc.+ may also lead to low sperm count
0. O$erheating ' extreme heat from saunas, hot tubs, etc. may decrease sperm
manufacture and lower sperm count
1. .moking ' smoke cigarettes may damage male fertility since it is known to reduce
sperm count and sperm lifespan
Low Sperm Count Symptoms
%. The inability to imagine a child
#. &roblems with sexual purpose 2 for example, low sex dri$e or difficulty
maintaining an erection (3/+
. &ain, swelling or a bump in the testicle area
0. 4ecreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosome or hormone
Treatment of Low Sperm Count
The treatment for low sperm count depends, to a great extent, on what accurately it is that
is cause the low sperm count.
.ome of the most familiar causes of a low sperm count can contain genetic causes, stress,
$aricoceles, nutritional deficiencies, infections, obesity, the use of instruction or illicit
drugs, and smoking.
3$en exposure to hea$y metals is thought, in some cases, to lead to a low sperm count.
Benefits of Increasing Sperm olume
One of the reason men want to increase sperm $olume is to increase fertility. 5oth sperm
count and sperm situation are of large weight in order to fertili6e an egg.
Howe$er, there are many exterior factors that can ad$ersely affect your semen. Increasing
the sperm assemble enhances your fertility by upward the number of sperm in your
7hen you increase your sperm $olume you also add to the power of your orgasms.
4uring e$ery e,aculation, the penis pumps sperm and e,aculate, which is pleasing for
many men and women.
Home !emedies to Increase Sperm Count
%. .tay away from cigarettes and alcohol
#. &ractice yoga and consideration to be stress free
. Try to exercise repeatedly
0. Try to maintain a three day gap between two successi$e e,aculations to remain fertile
1. 8$oid bitter, spicy and acidic foods
9. 8$oid tight underpants to pro$ide an ambient climate for the testicles
:. Ha$e a good knead therapy with herbal oils to look up blood circulation
;. <oose excess weight
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