Becoming A Pediatrician
Becoming A Pediatrician
Becoming A Pediatrician
, will follow as
needed.) Careful documentation promotes patient safety, is
appreciated by your colleagues, and may prevent a post-call
page to you.
Avoid mistakes. For example, when writing an order, especially
a prescription, always double-check it. Focus on the task at
Know when to ask for help. It is normal for this to happen
a lot at first. Seek help from the nurses, from your senior
resident, and from your attending. Remember, they are
there to help you and help the patient. If a patient is getting
worse, notify your team and others who are also responsible
for the patient.
Be ready for a nonstop night! Consider having the following
items in your white coat pocket or readily available: a good
general pediatrics reference, a pediatric drug reference,
your stethoscope, and anything else you may need that may
not be kept in your patients rooms (eg, tongue blades, ear
specula, flashlight, otoscope, ophthalmoscope). Strongly
consider having a snack, gum, and a toothbrush as well!
A snack break or quick freshening up might really help you
reenergize. Finally, have your pediatric advance life support
(PALS) algorithms readily available at all times.
Attend to the basics. Two hours of sleep and a quick shower
make a world of difference when you have to stay sharp the
next day, but you wont always get them. If you end up with
free time, sleep! Also, dont forget to eat!
Keep an open mind. It can be difficult to gracefully accept
feedback in your sleepy post-call stupor. Listen, repeat the
concern, ask how things can be better approached next time,
and thank the person giving your feedback for the advice
(try to leave your ego and a long explanation or excuse
out!). Remember, people who give you feedback are trying
to help you improve you have that as a shared goal.
Think of feedback as formative (helping form you into
the doctor you want to be) rather than summative
(an evaluation of the doctor you are or judgment of your
room for improvement). You dont have to agree with the
feedback being given to use this method of handling feedback!
To really be stellar, follow up with the individual who
provided the advice at a later time to ask if they have seen
Remember, this too, shall pass. Remember, everyone has
experienced a first call night with the same anxiety and
uncertainty. Call nights can be overwhelming, but they get
better! Residency is a marathon, not a sprint!
Thriving During Intern Year
The key word is anticipation. At every phase of care, from
your initial assessment to discharge planning, always try to
think a few steps ahead. This is one of the biggest differences
between being a medical student and being a successful
intern. Try to predict what questions your senior resident
or attending will ask, what problems your patient could
develop, and what treatment needs may arise. Dont get
tunnel vision and forget about follow-up plans, ancillary
therapies, pharmacy issues, and family education. This
applies to both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Reconcile your charts daily. Make sure you are aware of all
standing lab orders, cultures, and medications. Scrutinize
each one to ensure that only necessary and clinically
relevant therapies are employed. Discontinue PRN
medications that are not being used or could potentially
interact with another medicine. Realize that your patients
do not enjoy needle sticks and look for opportunities to
minimize their lab draws.
Scrutinize everything. Take nothing at face value; investigate
everything yourself. When called because a patients status
changes, go to assess the patient even if it is the middle
of the night. If a family is not sure of a medication dose
for a newly admitted child, call the pharmacy or prescribing
physician. Whenever possible, do not rely on hearsay or
supposition. Be your own eyes and ears.
Have a plan. As discussed previously, there is nothing
wrong with asking for help. When an issue arises, identify
and gather data that is relevant to the problem, research
potential answers, and present a proposed course of
action to your supervising resident. For example, dont
simply say, The nurse called me because the patients
blood pressure is low, what should I do? Go to the bedside,
assess the patient, review the flow sheets, gather the blood
pressure readings, anticipate possible questions from your
senior resident (such as checking that an appropriately
sized cuff is used, rechecking the blood pressure personally,
assessing ins/outs, and determining what medications the
patient is on), and make a suggestion (such as
giving a fluid bolus).
Section 14 - Surviving and Thriving During Intern Year
an attending you enjoy working with and ask him or her for
advice and support. Also, senior residents, chief residents,
and program directors are excellent sources of informal
mentoring. Remember, knowledge is power! Being proactive
and asking questions can help reduce a lot of the anxiety
that accompanies all the firsts throughout the intern year.
Practical knowledge from a veteran is sometimes worth
more than anything you read in a book!
Tips for That First Night On Call
Remember, you are not alone! Nurses can share a wealth
of information and can help you prioritize what you need to
do. Whether by phone or in person, you always have backup
from a senior resident or attending as well.
Get a good signout. Ask if there are any patients anyone
is worried about and what they anticipate might be needed.
Prompt the team signing out: Are there any patients
in distress, requiring oxygen (how much?), or who may
have concerns overnight? Any labs that need to be followed
up on? Try to see those patients that the previous team
had concerns about briefly right after checkout to get
a baseline on their clinical status. It may also be helpful
to ask for a separate signout from a nurse manager
on patients he/she is worried about. This may reveal
other potential issues that could arise over night.
Organize. You will have a lot to do, so create a system.
Keep a running list of things to do (ie, things to follow-
up on from admissions and calls you received on patients
during the night) and check them off when they are done.
Communicate with the nursing staff. When talking with
nurses, dont forget to ask about medical conditions, vital
signs, weight, or allergies if you are unclear about how
these could impact your decision-making. Nurses often have
a wealth of information and experienced nurses can often
help you to evaluate how best to proceed. Knowing the
nursing assessment and plan can be quite valuable.
Prioritize. When nurses call with a concern, ask them to
clarify the urgency and whether the matter requires an
immediate in-person assessment. If it is less urgent and you
are in the middle of an admission or attending to something
with higher acuity, be honest about when you will be able to
attend to their concern. Have them page you back as things
change or with further updates. Getting a set of vitals on a
patient over the phone can be reassuring when you are busy
and unable see the patient right away.
Assess all patients whom you are called about! If a nurse
or parent is concerned, you should be, too. Dont just patch
up a symptom. Really think about what could be going on
and what steps you should take. For example, perform a
full physical assessment when a child develops a new fever
instead of just ordering acetaminophen over the telephone.
Document. Because those on the next shift may wonder why
specific interventions were ordered, include your reasons
for interventions in the patients chart. Also document
assessments made during the night. These can be much
abbreviated incident notes or SOAP (subjective/objective/
Section 14 - Surviving and Thriving During Intern Year
Be accountable and responsible for patient care. You are
supervised and will have to report most of the things
you do with senior residents and attendings. Discuss your
diagnosis, differential, and plan for evaluating and treating
the patient. It is fine to be unsure and ask for help, but
start by disclosing what you are thinking. This will allow
your senior residents and attendings to see your thoughtful
investment and give you feedback. If you are concerned
that a patients treatment may not meet the standard of
care, respectfully discuss your concerns and reference
evidence-based medicine guidelines, if they apply. Sharing
your concerns openly will either achieve better care for
your patient or be a great learning opportunity for you (or
both!). Welcome feedback and let yourself be molded into
an amazing pediatrician!
Be ready with a systematic approach when you call on your
senior or attending in the middle of the night. Prior to calling,
have the patient chart and flowchart of vital signs readily
available, assess the patient, and think critically about
what you think is going on, why, and what you would like to
do. Present the concern or question in the SBARR format
(describing the situation, the background information, your
assessment, and your recommended action). Then process
and document their response.
Signout: Be the Key to Your Patients Safety
It is okay to be human at the end of a shift. Before you leave,
let patients and families know its the end of your shift, and you
just have a few minutes but wanted to check on them to see if
there are concerns the oncoming team needs to address. The
residents coming in to replace you will likely be able to tell that
you have been up all night and will have some mercy on you.
This doesnt excuse you from having foresight. Dont leave that
extensive discharge on your chronic patient for the cross-cover
team to complete. Get it ready in advance for the benefit of your
patient and your colleagues. When you leave, ensure a good
signout on your patients -- one that includes trouble shooting
(if this happens, do this) for the on-call team. On the flipside,
when you are cross-covering and on call, ensure that you are
receiving enough information to provide exemplary patient
care in the primary residents absence, because when you are on
call or cross-covering, patient ownership continues. Remember,
all of the patients are your patients! Caring for your
patient requires a team ef for t and good communication.
When you write an order, make sure the appropriate people
know about it (nurse, pharmacist, etc.) and follow up to be sure
it was completed. When it comes to your patient, lead the team!
Good Signs
Nurses know you as someone who is complete, attentive,
competent, dedicated to your patients, and certain to get
things done!
Patients know you as their doctor. When a consultant asks
the family who their physician is, the family will give your
Things are taken care of and everyone is updated when you
leave. The on-call team will not be paged to explain every-
thing to a family because you will have already taken care
of it. Changing of the guard happens for families too. Many
people recommend that families buy a notebook to keep
track of things, or write their major questions on a whiteboard
in the patients room. This can be helpful when different
relatives come and go throughout the day and night.
Section 14 - Surviving and Thriving During Intern Year
Lead the way. Actively interact with your consultants and
ancillary providers such as respiratory, speech, physical,
and occupational therapists. Use all available resources to
ensure that your patients are receiving the best possible
care. Your job is to be the captain of your patients team, the
person who assimilates and integrates information from all
relevant sources. Keep everyone informed of the patients
condition and promptly employ suggested recommendations.
These steps can help decrease the length of hospital
stay and improve outcomes. When caring for hospitalized
patients, communicate with their primary care pediatricians.
Communicate with the patient and family. There is no rule
that says you are limited to 1 interaction per day. Actually,
you should see your hospitalized patients multiple times
each day. Keep in contact with the family, update them often,
assess their needs, answer their questions, reassure them
when appropriate, and provide them with education. Families
will appreciate the extra time you spend to help guide them
through what is probably a frightening experience. Try to
place yourself in their position and let the insight from that
perspective guide your interactions.
Patient Ownership
When you think about responsibly taking ownership of your
patient, think about the relationship you expect to have with your
Remember to relate. Try to remember the experiences
you or your loved ones have had in the past. Patients are
anxious, feel crummy, and want to know what is wrong with
them and what their medical team is going to do about it.
They want to know the plan before it is executed. No one
enjoys learning that labs are going to be drawn when the
nurse arrives to draw them! They want cost effective care
with minimal, or at least disclosed, side effects. They also
want to be listened to and treated with compassion and
Take ownership of your patients. An attitude of ownership
reflects a philosophy and an attitude about your role and
responsibility to your patients. It takes practice and
commitment. The reward for this commitment is the
satisfaction found in caring for your patients, seeing their
gratitude, and earning the respect of your senior residents
and attendings, which will translate to more autonomy.
Know all there is to know about your patients. You should
know more than all of the consultants and even the primary
attending. It is difficult for interns to balance patient
ownership with work demands and duty hour restrictions, but
this is what your fellow interns, senior residents, attendings,
patients, and families will expect! Have the facts readily on
hand (if not memorized). D etails can save patients
from redundant, invasive, and expensive workups. When
the clinical picture is not making sense, these details may
be the clues that reveal the diagnosis.
Remember that you are the patients primary doctor, not
a messenger or secretary to their attending. You are the
one who coordinates the patients care! In fact, the more
consulting attendings involved, the more the patient needs
you to sort out the potentially conflicting messages. Take
pride in caring for your patients and knowing them better
than anyone else. Consult other physicians wisely. Even when
you consult another service, challenge yourself to figure out
what is going on before the consultant simply gives you the
Keep the family updated. Explain evaluations and treatment
in advance! Ask the family what questions they have and
let them know you are available if they need you. Tell
them about results promptly. After a lumbar puncture, let
them know how it went. Share and explain the CSF findings
right away. If you dont know something, be honest with
them. They will appreciate it. Most patients and families
understand that you are learning. Let them know you will
help them find the answers to their questions so you can
learn together. Teaching directed at families and patients is
at least as important as teaching medical students. If you
bring the medical student with you to talk with families, you
can even teach everyone at once!
Expedite patient care. Dont keep that patient in the
hospital for an extra day and $1,500 more because 1
test is not yet complete. Although difficult to achieve at
first, this is a worthy goal. Anticipate needs, manage, and
coordinate care aggressively. Be the advocate for your
patients and their families. Dont stop short because
information is missing. Pull the old chart from medical
records or have the patients family sign a release from the
other institution. Advocating for your patients, mobilizing
resources for them, and expediting their care may require
a few telephone calls. Be creative and make things happen!
Section 14 - Surviving and Thriving During Intern Year
Discharges go smoothly, patients understand what happened
during their hospital stay, and they can effectively follow
their discharge instructions and relay them to their primary
physician at their follow-up vi sit. Although patient
understanding is important, call your patients primary
outpatient doctors to be sure they know what happened
with their patients under your care and what the plan was at
the time of discharge.
Studying During Intern Year
Read about your patients conditions!
Read journal articles relevant to your rotation and your
Attend conferences and lectures that are designed for you!
These conferences are intended to enhance your learning,
so dont let the work of the day prevent you from attending.
The work will still be there after the conference, so make
sure to attend unless you have acute patient care needs.
Pediatrics in Review is a great publication! As a resident
member of the AAP, you will receive this monthly. The
review articles in this publication are high-yield, concise,
easy to read, and written by content experts. Try to read
every months edition. This is great general learning as
well as board review because the topics of the Pediatrics in
Review articles are based on the American Board of
Pediatrics general pediatric boards content specifications.
In fact, 5 years of Pediatrics in Review covers the content
specifications of the exam.
The AAP publishes PREP