New England Wind Takes A Wild Ride: A Wind Powering America Project Volume 1, Issue 4 - May 2008

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A Wind Powering America Project Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008

New England Wind Takes a Wild Ride

The past several months have been full of news on the regional
wind power development front. The Stetson Ridge and Kibby
Mountain Wind Projects in Maine received approvals from
the Land Use Regulation Commission (these projects would
constitute the two largest wind farms in New England). Under
development since 1989, the Maine Mountain wind project was
denied the same approval despite substantially downsizing the
proposed project in an attempt to address objections. While the
Lempster (New Hampshire) Wind Project weathered an appeal
and construction has begun, key permits granted are now under
appeal for the Sheffield (Vermont) and Hoosac (Massachusetts)
wind projects. The Berkshire Wind project (under development
since 1998) got a breath of fresh life as the project was purchased
by a local utility group and two pending lawsuits are expected to
be resolved. The Minerals Management Service issued its long-
awaited draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Cape Wind
project, and a flurry of community-scale and customer-sited wind
turbine projects took significant steps.
Yet just when New England wind development activity is
taking off, a range of external influences, some of which plague
the entire electric power sector, present a continuing source
of friction. Cost increases (driven by global increases in raw
materials and labor costs, and worsening exchange rates) and
wind turbine scarcity (due to skyrocketing global demand) are
overtaking long-term technical progress and cost decline trends,
derailing some projects and slowing others while developers scour
the globe for equipment to move forward. These challenges are
compounded by the uncertainty over whether expiring tax credits
will be extended, freezing turbine orders in the face of uncertain
project economics.
Regional demands for wind power continue to increase. Maine,
New Hampshire, and Connecticut have adopted new or expanded
Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs), and Massachusetts is
considering enhancing its RPS. Regional greenhouse gas regu-
lations that rely on substantial quantities of wind power devel-
opment in setting their targets are being adopted. To meet the
growing demand, state government and stakeholder initiatives
including wind power task forces, commissions, and working
In This Issue
New England Wind Takes a Wild Ride p. 1
Wind Policy Update p. 2
State Policy Updates p. 2
Regional Wind Development Update p. 4
Perspectives p. 8
Technical Challenges p. 10
Small Wind Corner p. 11
Hot Topics p. 11
Cool Links p. 12
Wind Events p. 13
Looking south down the
spine of Mars Hill at a
dozen wind turbines
(and one communications
tower) at UPCs Mars
Hill Wind Power facility.
(Photo credit: Dave Wilby,
2 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
groups are developing effective processes and infrastruc-
ture for enabling wind development while minimizing undue
adverse effects on communities and other natural resources
values and uses. In northern New Hampshire and Maine, plans
are being considered to expand the transmission system to enable
access to much of the regions wind power potential. Yet to
enable such expansions, changes to transmission policies may
be required to accommodate generation projects that do not
have the luxury of choosing to locate where adequate transmis-
sion exists. Meanwhile, ISO-New England, the operator of the
regional electric grid, is initiating a series of studies to understand
and prepare for the potential for rapid wind power expansion
throughout the region.
Many issues affect wind turbine siting, and public acceptance
is central among them. In some cases, issues must be addressed
as the region gains more experience. Some locations are appro-
priate for wind turbines, others are not. When wind projects are
proposed in communities, it is not uncommon for conflicting and
sometimes misleading information to be circulated. The New
England Wind Forum is continually attempting to identify issues
for which an objective source of information would assist commu-
nities in making good decisions. As we do, NEWF will (subject
to available funding) seek to fill the gap by developing Web site
content summarizing objective and balanced information on such
topics and highlight new content in NEWF newsletters. In this
issue, we begin to address misplaced concerns that wind powers
variability will eradicate any expected benefit. In the Technical
Challenges section, we highlight a recent interview with the head
of the largest electric grid operator in the country, addressing
wind farms and their role on the electric grid.
This newsletter will bring readers up to date on all of these
Wind Policy Update
Update on Federal Incentives and Policies for Wind
Production Tax Credit (PTC): The federal PTC is scheduled
to expire on December 31, 2008. While a 1-year PTC exten-
sion worth $5.5 billion was proposed in the Senates economic
stimulus package in mid-February, it did not gather the necessary
votes for passage. With expiration looming, uncertainty among
investors and manufacturers translates immediately into develop-
ment delays for projects scheduled for construction in 2009 and
beyond. This dramatic slow-down will threaten thousands of jobs,
and the boom-bust cycle caused by short-term policy-making
for renewable energy will continue to limit healthy, sustainable
growth in the industry.
Federal RPS: While the U.S. House of Representatives passed
energy legislation in 2007 that included a 15% by 2020 national
Renewable Energy Standard (RES), the Senate failed to follow
suit despite its passage of RES bills in previous years and
majority support for the proposed 15% RES. RES proposals
may meet further delays this year as supporters encounter the
traditional slow-down leading up to the presidential election.
State Policy Updates
Major energy legislation under development: The
Massachusetts legislature is considering major energy legislation,
which could have significant implications for wind energy in
New England. The Massachusetts House of Representatives
unanimously passed HB 4373, An Act Relative to Green
Communities in November 2007, and the Senate passed a
different version of the bill (SB 2468, An Act to Generate
Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now) in January 2008. As of
February 2008, the bill is in joint conference committee, and
while both legislative leaders and the Governor have underscored
the importance of passing a comprehensive energy bill in 2008,
it is not clear when the consolidated legislation will be released.
Key provisions that are similar in both bills include: (1) increasing
the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) target by 1% per year
after 2009 (indefinitely), (2) directing the utilities to establish
a pilot program for long-term contracts with renewable energy
facilities, (3) increasing the net metering thresholds and allowing
aggregate net metering, and (4) creating a Class 2 RPS require-
ment. The bills differ with respect to: (A) which types of hydro-
electric facilities are eligible for the Class 1 RPS, (B) whether the
importation of RPS-qualifying Renewable Energy Certificates
(RECs) from adjacent control areas should be severely limited,
and (C) the extent to which electricity generation and transmission
should be a permitted use in Ocean Sanctuaries. In addition, the
Senate bill would require a portion of the Class 1 RPS require-
ment to come from on-site generation and would allow the utilities
to own up to 50 MW of renewable generation by 2010.
Changes proposed to state waterways laws in support of
offshore wind: On December 10, 2007, Governor Patricks
administration proposed changes to the Chapter 91 waterways
protection laws, including declaring as water dependent the
underwater transmission cables used by offshore renewable
energy projects to connect to the wholesale electric grid. This
designation could afford offshore wind projects more favorable
and timely consideration at the Department of Environmental
New wind energy cooperative established: A new entity
called the Massachusetts Municipal Light Department Wind
Energy Cooperative has been established to assist Massachusetts
municipal utilities with the development and financing of
wind energy projects. The cooperative was created by the
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co. (MMWEC)
and the Princeton Municipal Light Department. The coopera-
tives initial success was obtaining $7 million in financing for an
upgrade of the Princeton utilitys 23-year-old wind farm in central
Massachusetts. It is also in the process of acquiring the Berkshire
Wind Project (see the Project Updates section).
Long-term REC contracts under development: In September
2007, the Department of Public Utility Control (DPUC) invited
interested parties to file for status in its examination of electric
3 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
distribution company contracts for RECs (Docket No. 07-06-61).
The DPUC has initiated a multi-step process, commencing with
hearings in early February, to address the requirements estab-
lished by the legislatures creation of this contested case. The
DPUC expects the evaluation of the potential for long-term REC
contracts to be an extended and iterative process. As the first
step in this process, the DPUC received written comments on
issues including the method and timing of the procurement for
RECs to be used to meet renewable portfolio standards, terms
and conditions to be imposed on REC suppliers, and the impact
of long-term REC contracts on price stability, fuel diversity, and
electric costs. Comments were filed by interested parties in late
November 2007, with the utilities and the Office of Consumer
Counsel opposing entry into long-term REC contracts, and wind
developers supporting them. Subsequently, in response to legis-
lation requiring Connecticut utilities to jointly prepare 10-year
integrated resource plans (IRPs), the states investor-owned utili-
ties submitted an IRP to the Connecticut Energy Advisory Board,
which acknowledged the potential role of long-term contracts
with renewables in reducing uncertainty and lowering rates.
Rhode Island
National Grid opens discussion on long-term contracts
for renewable energy: The Rhode Island Public Utilities
Commission (RIPUC) has directed the formation of a stake-
holder working group and the development of a new approach
for National Grid to acquire RECs for the new standard offer
period commencing January 1, 2010. At its January 22, 2008
meeting, the working group discussed draft legislative language
that would direct National Grid to establish a long-term
contracting program for renewable energy that is similar to a
proposal currently under discussion in the Massachusetts legisla-
tive process. Contracts would be financed using National Grids
balance sheet.
Offshore wind stakeholder process concludes: During summer
2007, Governor Carcieri initiated invitation-only stakeholder
discussions on development of wind farms off the shore of
Rhode Island. The stakeholder process consisted of four
meetings between August and October, with attendees including
town and city representatives, environmental organizations,
local economic development organizations, and commercial
fishing interests, as well as other entities contributing tech-
nical information to the process (state government agencies,
U.S. Coast Guard, university representatives, National Grid,
consultants to the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources).
While none of the potential offshore sites were eliminated
from further consideration by the stakeholders group, the
process resulted in identifying some differentiating issues
among the sites being considered. At the conclusion of the
process, all areas still appeared viable if site-specific issues
and concerns could be effectively managed. Recommended
next steps include a thorough alternative site impact analysis,
ongoing public participation, and the initiation of a scoping
process for an Environmental Impact Report. The stakeholders
have indicated their intent to continue collaborating on an
ad hoc basis. For more information, see
Net metering law implemented: The PUC has opened Docket
3904 to implement the new net metering law passed in 2007.
R.I.G.L. 39-26-6(g) mandates an increase in the maximum
allowable generation capacity for eligible net-metered energy
system from 25 kW to 1 MW (and to 1.65 MW for eligible net
metered renewable energy systems owned by cities and towns of
Rhode Island and the Narragansett Bay Commission). In addition,
the new law increases the aggregate amount of net metering
allowed on the system to a minimum of 5 MW and provides that
at least 1 MW be reserved for projects less than 25 kW.
New Hampshire
RPS rulemaking under development: On August 31, 2007, the
New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NHPUC) issued
proposed interim rules for implementing the New Hampshire
Electric Renewable Portfolio Standard (NHPUC DRM 07-089).
The proposed final rules are expected to closely track the interim
rules. The PUC welcomed comments and held public hearings
and technical sessions during January on proposed rules and must
issue rules by May 2008 when interim rules are set to sunset.
NHPUC advocates for transmission study: The NHPUC is
advocating for ISO-New England to conduct a study to integrate
new renewable electric generation (particularly for northern New
Hampshire) and is seeking the support of other New England
regulators. The overall purpose would be to develop a frame-
work to analyze potential transmission upgrades to integrate new
renewable electric generation resources, including the possibility
of increased imports from no- or low-carbon emission generation
resources from outside New England, particularly Qubec and the
provinces of Atlantic Canada.
Wind task force delivers final report to governor: In 2007,
Governor Baldacci created a task force on wind power develop-
ment in Maine, tasked to recommend any regulatory changes
necessary to ensure that Maine has a balanced, efficient, and
appropriate framework for evaluating proposed developments.
After conducting meetings over the past several months, the task
force delivered a final report to Governor Baldacci on February
14, 2008, recommending streamlining of wind regulatory review
in specified locations comprising two-thirds of the state. The
task force also established wind development goals of 2000 MW
by 2015 and 3000 MW by 2020. The final report includes maps
depicting areas of the state proposed for expedited state agency
review to encourage more wind development. In these locations,
visual impacts would only be considered under limited circum-
stances. In other areas, wind development may still be possible but
will not be eligible for expedited review. The task force report is a
consensus document, with support from environmental organiza-
tions, wind power developers, a bipartisan group of legislators,
and representatives from all key state agencies. The major recom-
mendations will be submitted as proposed legislation. For more
information, see
4 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
As part of its work, the task force utilized a community wind
subcommittee, comprised of several task force members interested
in spending additional time to consider issues related to commu-
nity- and individual-scale wind projects. Initial topics of conversa-
tion included developing a model ordinance, establishing a small
wind rebate, and assisting communities in conducting feasibility
studies for community-scale projects.
New RPS tier becomes effective January 2008: Prior to the end
of the 2007 session, state legislators passed and the Governor
signed Bill LD 1920, an Act to Stimulate Demand for Renewable
Energy, which established a requirement for a New Renewable
Resource Portfolio Requirement, adding an additional tier to the
states Eligible Resources Portfolio Standard, in effect since 2000.
The New Renewable Resource Portfolio Requirement requires
each competitive electricity provider (including standard offer
providers) to supply 10% of their retail electricity sales from new
renewable resources by 2017. The RPS takes effect with a 1%
requirement in 2008, increasing 1% annually to 10% of retail
electricity sales by 2017. Subsequently, the PUC opened a
rulemaking to implement the new RPS tier. In October 2007, the
Maine PUC issued a Final RPS Rule and Order Adopting Rule.
Legislative efforts resume: In the 2008 session, the legislature
has resumed discussion of several issues included in the energy
bill that was vetoed at the end of the last session. During a special
session in summer 2007, the Senate passed S.209, which includes
a statewide property tax of $0.003/kWh for wind generation plants
over 5 MW (town taxes will be negotiated separately), a stream-
lined permitting process for meteorological towers, and increased
state renewable energy goals. It gives the Public Service Board
authority to set prices that utilities must take in contracts with
renewable and high-efficiency CHP generators, increases the net
metering limit to 250 kW for small wind, and allows for group
net metering. The bill passed the House early in the 2008 session
and will now proceed through conference committee to Governor
Douglas, who is expected to sign the bill.
Regional Wind Development Update
On January 3, 2008, Maines
Land Use Regulation
Commission (LURC) voted
unanimously to give final
approval to UPCs second
Maine wind project: a proposed
57-MW installation on Stetson
Ridge in Washington County.
On January 14, 2008, LURC
unanimously approved
rezoning for the 132-MW
Kibby Mountain Wind Project,
proposed by TransCanada
for Kibby Township in the
Boundary Mountains. LURC indicated that the projects devel-
opers had addressed the commissions concerns regarding road
construction and the projects potential impacts on birds and bats.
Once operational, Kibby Mountain will become the largest wind
project in New England. Earlier that day, however, the LURC
voted to reject the application of Maine Mountain Power for
its Black Nubble Wind Project (54 MW), citing the projects
potential visual impacts as its leading reason. The Aroostook
County Wind Project, proposed for several northern Maine
potato farming communities, recently increased the total potential
capacity under consideration from 500 MW to 800 MW. Project
developers Horizon Wind Energy and Linekin Bay Energy have
erected numerous met towers to collect wind data but have not yet
filed for permits to construct the project. Project proponents are
also studying the cost and timing associated with the construction
of a new transmission line to connect the project directly to the
bulk power system operated by ISO New England. Permitting is
expected to begin in 2008, with construction planned over four
phases commencing in 2010.
During fall 2007, newly formed Independence Wind announced
its first development, the Record Hill Wind Project, proposed
for Byron and Roxbury. The proposal includes 25 turbines for
an installed capacity of up to 50 MW. Two met towers are in
place as of September 2007. Independence expects to conduct
permitting in 2008 and hopes to begin construction in 2009.
Separately, LURC has also approved met tower applications for a
second Independence Wind project called Highland Plantation,
as well as a Noble Environmental Power project located at
Passadumkeag Mountain.
Blades and towers for the
Stetson Ridge Wind Project
await installation. (Photo credit:
Dave Wilby, IEPM/PIX15571 at
left, and PIX15572 above)
5 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
Community-scaled wind energy development is also gaining
traction in Maine. In September 2007, the Freedom, Maine
Board of Appeals voted unanimously to deny an appeal of the
building permit issued to Beaver Ridge Wind Project developer
Competitive Energy Services. In addition to its local building
permit, the 4.5-MW project has also received a determination of
no hazard from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and
is planning construction for fall 2008 or summer 2009, depending
on turbine availability. The Swans Island Electric Cooperative
is seeking a statutory change that would allow it to construct 1 to
3 megawatts on this small island, where electric rates are three
times those on the mainland.
The 468-MW Cape Wind Project proposed for Nantucket Sound
has been seeking permits since 2001. Most recently, the Minerals
Management Service (MMS) released its long-anticipated draft
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), concluding that the Cape
Wind project was expected to create only minor impacts on
wildlife, fish, and tourism. The altered ocean view from boats
was the only major impact cited in the analysis. The Alliance
to Protect Nantucket Sound said the report missed the mark
and has now turned its attention toward air navigation and public
safety as a potential means to further delay the project. A link to
the draft EIS can be found on the Cape Wind page [www.eere.
detail.asp?id=15] of the NEWF Web site.
Jay Cashman Inc. subsidiary Patriot Renewables continues to
pursue the 300-MW South Coast Offshore Wind Project located
in Buzzards Bay. While the project intersects an area designated
as marine sanctuary, energy legislation passed in November by the
Massachusetts House of Representatives would clarify the ocean
sanctuary statute by designating generation and transmission facil-
ities for energy production via renewable resources as a permitted
use in any of the commonwealths ocean sanctuaries other than
the Cape Cod ocean sanctuary. The Senate version of the bill,
passed in January, does not include such provisions. Legislative
leaders have vowed to hold hearings on the topic as the bill goes
through conference committee. The project will need to navigate
both state and federal permitting processes. The federal permit-
ting process will not likely begin until after the MMS develops a
formal process for reviewing proposed offshore wind projects.
Despite receiving its wetland permit in May 2004, and having that
permit re-affirmed in 2007, the Hoosac Wind Project remains
the subject of legal appeal. The citizen group that challenged the
Department of Environment Protection (DEP) permit has filed a
lawsuit in Massachusetts Superior Court against the developer
and the DEP. Work continues with local utilities to approve the
transmission and interconnection plan. The project developer,
recently merged PPM Energy and Iberdrola USA, is not expecting
trouble with securing turbines and currently targets commercial
operation in 2009.
Distributed Generation Systems Inc. has negotiated a purchase
and sale agreement for the sale of the Berkshire Wind Project
(in Hancock) to the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric
Company (MMWEC). Financial closing is expected to occur
by June 2008. Leading up to this sale, developer DisGen and
wind project neighbor Silverleaf Resorts settled a trespassing
lawsuit in 2007, and Silverleaf also asked the U.S. District Court
in Springfield to dismiss its public nuisance lawsuit against
the project. MMWEC is expected to complete permitting and
construction by the end of 2009 and install 10 GE 1.5-MW
turbines, for a total capacity of 15 MW.
In Wareham, local cranberry growers have partnered with
Beaufort Windpower to develop the Bog Wind Power Project.
By erecting one or two turbines scattered about several of the
regions oldest cranberry bogs, Beaufort Windpower and the
cranberry growers hope to install a total of 10 to 16 megawatts
of wind turbines as well as generate additional income for the
farmers. The project developer is currently collecting wind data.
Commercial operation is not expected before 2010.
On January 3, the town of Savoy passed a bylaw permitting
wind power projects, removing the largest hurdle to the 12.5-MW
project proposed by Minuteman Wind, LLC. Minuteman is
starting to move forward on securing a special permit from the
town, meeting requirements of the new bylaws, and has entered
discussions with investors and power purchasers. The project has
3 years of wind data and has conducted numerous environmental
assessments. Access road design and turbine availability will
affect project timing.
The Hull Municipal Light Plant is developing its third wind
project. The Hull Offshore Wind Project, a planned four-turbine
project with an expected capacity of 12 to 15 MW, has filed its
Environmental Notification Form (ENF) with the Massachusetts
Environmental Policy Act Office (MEPA). The Secretary of
Energy and Environmental Affairs issued a MEPA Certificate
in February 2007. The Certificate establishes the range of needed
environmental studies and calls for a Technical Working Group to
guide the study process. The project is targeting 2009 installation
and operation. However, the recent boom in onshore wind devel-
opment has caused most wind turbine manufacturers to postpone
development of their offshore turbine models. This development,
combined with continuing increases in the estimated cost of
constructing and maintaining offshore wind, could result in
delays for the Hull project.
The Princeton Municipal Light Department is redeveloping its
1984 wind farm and replacing eight 40-kW machines with two
Fuhrlander 1.5-MW turbines. The 3-MW PMLD Wind Farm
is expected to produce approximately 40% of the towns annual
electricity requirements. The town received final project approvals
in July 2006, and while an official groundbreaking ceremony was
held in late August 2007 and site preparation has commenced,
limited turbine availability has delayed commercial operation
until 2009. PMLD continues to make progress, however, having
worked through the newly formed Massachusetts Municipal Light
Department Wind Energy Cooperative (PMLD and MMWEC
are the founding members) to secure debt financing from
PeoplesBank in Holyoke, MA. The nearly $7 million in financing
includes a $1.5 million down payment to reserve the two turbines
(ensuring an April 2009 delivery date).
6 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
A number of Massachusetts businesses and communities are
actively developing wind power projects consisting of one
or two commercial-scale wind turbine generators. Varian
Semiconductor Equipment Associates received a favorable
vote from the Gloucester City Council regarding its special
permit for the installation of two megawatt-scale turbines at
the companys Gloucester headquarters. Varian subsequently
received its Watershed Overlay District Protection permit and a
building permit from the Town Planning Board. Now that final
approvals are in place, Varian will enter into a turbine supply
arrangement for installation most likely in late 2009 (if turbine
availability permits). After running into complications with
the FAA over the height of a proposed 1.5-MW turbine, Cape
Cod Community College is now evaluating bids received in
October 2007 in response to the colleges RFP for the instal-
lation of a single 250-kW to 900-kW turbine. A number of
other businesses are either in the advanced stages of permitting
and design or are preparing to begin construction. Holy Name
Catholic High School in Worcester and Williams Stone Co.
in East Otis each hope to install a 600-kW Vestas RRB turbine
in 2008. Forbes Park, a mixed residential and commercial use
property in Chelsea, installed a 600-kW wind turbine in March
2008 but is still finalizing the electrical interconnection to the
grid. The Massachusetts Military Reservation (Otis Air Force
Base) has obtained all major permits and is seeking a 1.5- or
1.65-MW turbine. And Country Garden of Hyannis (100 kW),
the City of Medford (100 kW), the Town of Hanover (100
kW), Saint Marys Abbey (100 kW) and Big Apple Farm
(100 kW) in Wrentham, and both Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute (3 MW) and Woods Hole Research Center (100 kW)
in Falmouth are pursuing wind energy projects with funding
from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. The Town
of Chester Municipal Light Plant, which received a Clean
Renewable Energy Bond (CREB) authorization from the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, is planning to install one or two
1.5-MW wind turbines on town-owned land. Expanding on its
initial plans to install a weather station and small wind turbine
demonstration project at a local school, the Templeton Municipal
Light & Water Co. has now completed a feasibility study and
received a $2.16 million CREBs allocation. The municipal utility
plans to install (on district school property) and own a 1.5-MW
turbine by the end of 2009. The turbine will provide electricity
to the municipal utility system, as opposed to being connected
behind the schools meter.
The MTC has received proposals and made recommendations for
funding under its fourth round of the Large On-Site Renewables
Initiative (LORI). Ten wind projects totaling 7.7 MW applied for
design and construction grants and an additional 13 wind projects
applied for feasibility study grants. Funding was recommended
for nine out of the ten design and construction grant applicants
(totaling 6.2 MW). Ten out of the 13 feasibility study applications
were recommended for funding. At the time this newsletter went
to press, not all awardees had been announced. Those projects that
have made public announcements are listed above. Round 5 LORI
applications were due to MTC in late February 2008. For more
information on the LORI program and past wind project awardees,
A number of local community-sponsored projects are in various
stages of feasibility analysis and planning for the construc-
tion of one or more wind turbines on municipal land. Most are
participating in the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust
Community Wind Collaborative (CWC), in which MRET pairs
each community with technical consultants and funds technical,
environmental, and economic feasibility analyses. The majority
of participating municipalities are on Cape Cod. Eastham,
Falmouth, Fairhaven, Lynn, and Orleans have completed their
respective feasibility studies, including the temporary installation
of meteorological towers to measure the wind resource charac-
teristics. In Eastham, the Board of Selectmen has appointed a
committee to develop a wind bylaw. The project is on hold until
the bylaw can be completed and integrated into the remaining
process. The town is considering a four-turbine installation,
although the net metering portion of the pending energy bill
currently may cause the town to rethink the size and location
of the project. The Town of Falmouth has obtained the special
legislation necessary to own and finance a 1.5-MW wind turbine
proposed for its wastewater treatment facility. The town is in the
process of obtaining several permits and completing additional
studies in anticipation of releasing an RFP for project engineering,
procurement, and construction in spring 2008.
In the City of Lynn, the FAA turned down an initial attempt to
install a 1.5-MW turbine at the wastewater treatment plant due
to height issues. The city is now reviewing the economics of a
500- to 600-kW installation, as well as potential transmission
limitations. After more than 4 years of study and deliberation,
the commissioners of the Town of Orleans Water Board decided
not to proceed with a 3.3-MW wind project installation, citing
insufficient financial benefits in the deal structure to justify their
involvement. The town had studied project feasibility supported
by funding from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative,
which had also purchased two Vestas 1.65-MW V-82 turbines
for the project. This outcome gives MTC very little to show for
several years of involvement and more than $5 million in capital
encumbrances, which will ultimately be redirected to other efforts.
Orleans decision to forego the project is good news for the Town
of Fairhaven, which is looking at installing a 3-MW, two-turbine
installation at the towns wastewater treatment facility. MTC
has agreed to redirect the two turbines previously dedicated to
Orleans, subject to the project developer CCI Energy securing
financial commitments.
In addition, several CWC communities, including Brewster,
Kingston, New Bedford, Plymouth, Rockport, Scituate,
Wellfleet, Worcester, and Yarmouth currently have technical
and economic feasibility studies under way. Additional informa-
tion on the communities participating in the Community Wind
Collaborative is available at
7 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
New Hampshire
An appeal of the Lempster Wind Project Certificate of Public
Good, issued on June 28, was denied by the Site Evaluation
Committee. All timeframes for appeal have now passed, and the
24-MW project is poised to move forward as New Hampshires
first modern commercial-scale wind farm. Project owner Iberdrola
hopes to complete the project prior to the end of 2008. In New
Hampshires northern Coos County, Noble Environmental Power
has up to 250 MW of prospective projects under study, including
the Granite Reliable Power Windpark, which is expected to
host approximately 100 MW. This project is currently collecting
wind data. Nobles other early-stage projects, as well as the early
stage efforts of other wind and biomass developers in the New
Hampshire North Country, appear to be heavily dependent on
major enhancements to the network transmission system. Project
developers, local economic development entities, state permitting
agencies, the PUC, the legislature, and local utilities are involved
in studying the technical and economic feasibility of expanding
the transmission network in Coos County enough to accommodate
an additional 400 MW of renewable generation.
Rhode Island
The Town of Portsmouth has completed
a state-funded feasibility study and
plans to install a 1.5-MW wind turbine
generator at the Portsmouth high school.
If all approvals and permits are obtained,
project construction costs will be funded
in part from the Towns Clean Renewable
Energy Bond (CREB) authorizations from
the U.S. Treasury. The $2.6 million in
funds associated with the towns CREBs
authorization must be consumed within
5 years. In addition, the RI Renewable
Energy Development Fund (REDF) Board
of Trustees has approved a $400,000 low-
interest loan for the Portsmouth project.
The loan is expected to be re-paid within 11 years. The REDF
Board also approved a wind feasibility study grant request from
the Town of Westerly. The Narragansett Bay Commission
another CREBs awardee is proceeding with the technical
evaluation of a single megawatt-scale turbine. Portsmouth
Abbey School is preparing to celebrate the second anniversary
of its operating 660-kW Vestas wind turbine on March 31, 2008.
In its first operating year, the turbine generated 1,300,000 kWhs
(a net capacity factor of approximately 22.5%) supplying 40%
of the schools electricity needs. During this period, the turbine
displaced almost $130,000 in retail electricity costs for the school
and provided additional revenues from sales of renewable energy
credit and wholesale electricity back to the grid in excess of
$93,000. Meanwhile, paralleling the states Rhode Island Energy
Independence initiative to meet 15% of the states energy from
wind power, Allco Renewable Energy Limited LLC has filed
preliminary applications with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources
Management Council for permits for four meteorological towers
and four offshore wind projects totaling up to 338 turbines (one
south of Block Island, two south of Little Compton, and one east
of Fishers Island).
On August 8, 2007, the Vermont Public Service Board (PSB)
granted a Certificate of Public Good (CPG) to UPC Winds
40-MW Sheffield Wind Project. In October, a local opposition
group called Ridge Protectors filed an appeal of the CPG with the
Vermont Supreme Court, arguing that the PSBs approval was
based on a misapplication of Vermont law and otherwise strayed
from findings of fact in the hearing record. The appeal is still
pending. In addition, in late August, the Army Corps of Engineers
initiated a project review. Due to the Corps jurisdiction over
wetland areas (associated with the access road and electrical inter-
connection), UPC requires the Corps written authorization prior
to commencing construction. Pending resolution of the appeal,
Status and capacity of New England wind projects by state. (Source: Sustainable Energy
Advantage, LLC)
Road construction begins on the Lempster
Wind Project. (Photo credit: Ibedrola Renewable
Energies USA/PIX15574)
8 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
UPC plans to commence construction of project, consisting of 16
2.5-MW Clipper Liberty turbines, in 2009. The Deerfield Wind
Energy Project a proposed expansion of the existing Searsburg
Wind Farm into the Green Mountain National Forest is being
developed through an extensive collaborative process between
PPM Energy (now Iberdrola USA) and the U.S. Forest Service.
Deerfield Wind submitted a permit application to the Vermont
PSB in accordance with Section 248 this past summer. The evalu-
ation of a special use authorization (permit) from the U.S. Forest
Service is being conducted under the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) and, as a result, an Environmental Impact
Statement is being prepared. Final decisions on both processes
are expected by fall 2008. The projects targeted online date is
late in 2009. In December 2007, Noble Environmental Power
received approval from the Public Service Board to install
meteorological towers to measure the wind resource at a site on
the border between West Rutland and Castleton, where Noble
plans to develop up to 50 MW near Grandpas Knob.
In late 2007, the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF)
announced the award of a $49,000 grant to study the technical
and economic feasibility of installing a small wind turbine
generator at the Hartford Hospital facility in Newington. The
grant will contribute to the cost of site and wind resource
evaluations, permitting, and community impact and economic
analyses. In January 2008, the CCEF issued a Small Wind
Turbine Demonstration Program request for proposal (# CCEF-
SWTDP-001). The CCEF is seeking an experienced applicant
with in-depth knowledge of commercially available small wind
technologies and project evaluation and monitoring experience
to establish a Small Wind Turbine Demonstration Program. The
RFP can be reviewed at
Brian Fairbank,
President and CEO,
Jiminy Peak Mountain
For his entire career, Brian
Fairbank has developed
and managed the Jiminy
Peak Mountain Resort
with great enthusiasm and
environmental commitment.
During his nearly 40 years
at Jiminy, Brian has grown
the mid-sized ski area into
a successful, year-round resort that accommodates more than
1,800 guests with top-notch customer service. The high water
mark of Fairbanks environmental initiatives came in July 2007
with the installation of a 1.5-MW GE wind turbine generator
(christened Zephyr) on the western slope of this Berkshires
ski area. We spoke with Brian shortly after Zephyrs public
dedication, an interview revealing the determination and sense
of purpose required to complete this project and make Jiminy
Peak Mountain Resort the nations first ski area to install a
wind turbine.
Q. Why did you consider a wind turbine project at Jiminy
Peak, as opposed to other potential sustainability
A. Sustainability initiatives are not new to Jiminy. Weve been
working hard to reduce our electricity consumption over the past
15 years. It started with energy efficiency. Over the past 10 years,
the resort was able to reduce its annualized electricity consump-
tion by 25%, from 9.4 to 7.0 million kWhs.
Most of this savings came from advances and
efficiencies in our snow-making operation;
further savings came from the resort-wide
installation of compact fluorescent light bulbs
and other energy-saving devices. Weve also
saved on fuel consumption via programmable
thermostats and the capture of waste heat to
warm our facilities. After completing these
initiatives, weve captured all the low-hanging
fruit. We thought the next appropriate step was
to consider on-site renewable energy. As we
began to educate ourselves on the options, we
quickly learned that wind-generated electricity
production would be at its greatest during the
November to March period corresponding
exactly to our season of peak electricity
demand. Since our greatest economic benefits
will come from avoiding purchases from
the grid, this convergence of production and
consumption made a wind turbine the right
Distribution of wind turbine sizes in New England projects. (Source: Sustainable Energy
Advantage, LLC)
9 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
Q. Unlike most mountaintop wind farms, which build access
roads, Jiminy used the existing infrastructure. Tell us
about some of the unique challenges that resulted from
this decision.
A. We used an existing ski trail as the access road to the turbine
location. This was attractive from an environmental perspective
because far less clearing was required than for a new road. But
the steep grade of the route reaching an intimidating 27% pitch
at its maximum combined with the unpaved trail presented a
formidable challenge to the equipment used to haul the turbine
components, compared to the 10% or 12% grade more typically
associated with wind turbine project access roads. The tower base
was the first heavy component to attempt the ascent. When the
truck pulling it began to slip, we stopped. A bulldozer was added
for additional power and traction, and then another, and another
on subsequent attempts, until two D8 bulldozers and two D6
bulldozers were assisting the tower base in its climb. The nacelle
provided no less of a challenge the frame of the trailer we had
originally intended to use to haul it up the mountain bent on our
first attempt, requiring us to build a custom trailer better capable
of handling the weight. Once the ascent began, the team of bull-
dozers prevailed. The decision to use a ski trail as the sole route to
the turbine also means that access may be limited by the weather
in general (and equipment cannot access the turbine at all in the
winter). Now that the turbine is installed and operating, we hope
the most difficult logistics are behind us and that time will support
our decision to use existing infrastructure.
Q. Did you encounter any other unexpected challenges?
A. Looking back over the entire project, two additional challenges
included procuring and delivering the turbine components and
interconnecting to the local utility grid. Turbine procurement and
delivery posed some interesting challenges. Originally, Jiminy
put a 750-kW turbine out to bid. This original solicitation failed
due to lack of turbine availability in this size category. Following
this initial attempt, we were fortunate to capture the interest of
General Electric. Since GE only produced a 1.5-MW turbine, we
had to double the project capacity as compared to our original
plan. Keeping up with the logistics of the turbine components was
fascinating the tower came from Quebec, the blades from Brazil,
electronics from Tehachapi (California), and the nacelle from
Europe. With respect to interconnection, the challenges came in
three parts. First, we spent approximately $500,000 reconfiguring
the resorts internal electrical systems to capture the maximum
benefit from turbine production in offsetting on-site electric usage.
Second, we had to bear the cost of several upgrades to the utility
transmission system in order to maintain safety and reliability
Q. How was the public involved in the project, and how did
they react?
A. People often ask us why we did not encounter more local
resistance. Id like to think that the answer is in part because we
sought the input of local community leaders and residents before
the project research and planning ever made it to the press. The
first thing we did was host a coffee hour to discuss our plans and
objectives and ask for our communitys feedback. Ive lived in
this community for 30 years, and I live within one mile of the
turbine. All of the communitys questions were my questions,
and so this part of the process was very important. As a result of
this initial meeting the conversation about Zephyr took the tone
of a local business proposing a project to protect local jobs, be an
environmental leader, and send a positive message to the region.
While public comments ranged from concern to the characteriza-
tion of the turbine as a gorgeous piece of art, the announcement
to our community went more smoothly that we thought it would.
Q. How did your commitment to sustainability impact your
review of the turbines expected environmental and
aesthetic impact?
A. At Jiminy, weve been looking at environmentally preferable
alternatives for 30 years. This history of conservation, recycling,
and efficiency measures made it easier for us to consider the broad
benefits of installing a wind turbine as compared to the specific
site and local impacts. However, this perspective did little to quell
months of anxiety over how the community would react. Shortly
before we invited the community to talk about our plans, hurri-
cane Katrina hit and global warming became consistent front-page
news. In general, the community responded by supporting our
wind project. The regional media response was far more extensive
than we expected, but we are happy to tell our story if it helps
others consider their environmental responsibilities and learn from
our experience.
Q. What led the resort to decide to own the project itself, and
would you make the same decision again?
A. The value of producing the electricity on-site and offset-
ting grid purchases was enough to entice us to want to own the
project. We would not have been able to capture nearly this value
if a third party owned the turbine and sold us the power. For the
power we sell back to the wholesale grid (approximately 50% of
the projects total output of 4.6 million kWhs) we are also able to
make use of the federal Production Tax Credit, which is typically
one of the drivers for third-party ownership. However, convincing
ourselves that we wanted to own the project was easier than
convincing our lenders. I cant overstate the importance of doing
the research necessary to gain the comfort of your banker. From
our banks perspective (and ours for that matter), Jiminy Peak is
not in the energy business, we are in the tourism business, and we
cannot risk over-leveraging that businesses with an energy project.
Our bank required us to roll this project into our long-term capital
expenditures plan and demonstrate that the resort as a whole
was not taking on more debt than it could reasonably repay. The
financial support we received from the Massachusetts Technology
Collaborative was critical in gaining our lenders support partic-
ularly as it related to providing assurance of long-term Renewable
Energy Credit value. All in all, we would look to own the project
again if we had it to do over.
10 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
Q. What advice would you give to other ski areas and
resorts considering wind power?
A. First, make sure you get the right consultant to be your
advocate and guide you through the process. This person should
be able to perform some initial environmental assessments and
understand the grid interconnection issues and project economics
in order to get your financers on board early in the process. Next,
determine whether you have internal support from your resorts
management team. Assuming you have critical mass, identify
a project champion to shepherd the project, not only during the
development and construction phases but throughout the turbines
operating life. Finally, dont plan your access route up a 27%
grade. We did it, but we also got more than we bargained for.
Q. With this initial success behind you, would you consider
constructing another turbine at Jiminy?
A. Jiminy doubled its long-term debt obligations installing this
turbine. As we pay down this debt over time, we may consider
installing another turbine. Changes in net metering rules over time
could accelerate this process, but in either case, I think we need
to take the next 4 to 5 years to fully integrate and optimize this
initial undertaking. We are extremely proud of our turbine and
have no regrets. While we spend most of our time talking about
the projects environmental merits, it is important to realize that
the decision to construct was based first on the economics. This is
a financially sound investment and overall one of the best things
Jiminy has done in its history.
For more information, please see
Technical Challenges
Wind power is by its nature variable, and as a result, it differs
from the majority of generation supplying the electric grid.
Aspects of this variability are often cited as shortcomings. For
instance, the fact that wind power will not be as regularly and
reliably available at system peak times as most other generators
is sometimes used to argue that wind power requires additional
backup resources by other generation on a one-to-one basis. And
winds relatively low capacity factor (a ratio of the total energy
output relative to the theoretical sustained peak output) is some-
times used to characterize wind generators as inefficient. Its been
stated that other generation will have to be operated in such an
inefficient manner to react to wind that it will not reduce fossil
fuel usage or emissions. Here we address concerns that wind
powers variability will eradicate any expected benefit.
It is critical to understand two aspects of the electricity grid and
the generation mix connected to is. First, the grid operates on a
basis of shared reserves. The quantity of capacity or operating
reserves needed is determined by the grid operators on an aggre-
gate basis, based on the variability of load and the scale and
characteristics of resources on the grid. Rules for operating the
electricity market compensate generators for the benefits they
bring and ensure that enough reserves exist to keep the lights on.
Second, the electric generation resources in the region contribute
in different ways to cost minimization and reliability, as well as
resource diversity and environmental factors. They also have a
wide range of capacity factors. Baseload generators (coal, nuclear)
have capacity factors of more than 80%; at the opposite extreme,
peaking generators (diesel generators and gas turbines) throughout
the region are prepared to support the rest of the grid, but at an
extremely high cost. Some of these may operate only a few hours
per year (capacity factors from 0%-10%). Other intermediate
generators provide spinning operating reserves, ramping up and
down quickly to balance load and generation, reacting to the
variability of load and stepping up in the event of unscheduled
generation outages. In fact, the average capacity factor of all
generation in the New England Power Pool in 2006 was approxi-
mately 43%
. In comparison, wind generators average capacity
factor falls in the 20% to 40% range depending primarily on their
location. Every generator connected to the New England Power
Pool grid receives a different combination of revenues for contrib-
uting energy, capacity, and ancillary services (which includes
operating reserves). Baseload generators will receive substantial
revenues for energy and capacity, but many provide no operating
reserves. Peaking generators may receive most of their revenues
in capacity and ancillary service markets and little for energy
Seen in this light, wind generation is not inefficient, as some-
times argued, just because it has a lower capacity factor than
baseload generators. By that standard, the grid as a whole would
be deemed inefficient. Rather, like other resource-limited genera-
tion (such as the run-of-river hydroelectric generators that have
contributed to the regional supply mix for nearly a century), wind
contributes less to meeting peak demand. The critical question as
to the economic efficiency of any generation plant is how much
value it contributes relative to what it costs. Wind is primarily an
energy resource, getting paid for the energy it contributes to the
grid which does not need to be generated by fossil fuel combus-
tion; wind also receives modest capacity value recognizing its
statistical contribution to reliability. In practice, wind displaces
fossil fuel usage whenever the wind blows in exchange for a very
small increase in system operating costs. Studies of the actual or
potential impact of wind at high penetrations have shown that this
increase in system operating costs which may include a slight
increase in quantity of generation idling in the system at less
than its optimal efficiency constitute a very small fraction of
fossil fuel displaced. Greater use of wind forecasting will allow
system operators to have greater confidence about when wind will
generate and will further minimize generating idling.
A recent interview with Karl Pfirrmann of the PJM
Interconnection (the entity charged with operating the largest
electric operating system in the country) provides an excellent,
detailed, objective, and accurate point-by-point explanation of
the role of wind on the electric grid. The description provided

Calculated from data in the NEPOOL 2007-2016 Forecast Report of
Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission (April 20007).
11 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
in the interview is applicable in general to the New England
grid, although the fossil generation displaced by wind will vary
depending on where a wind plant is located (in PJM it is mostly
coal that is displaced; in New England, its mostly natural gas).
The interview addresses many of the most common topics of
inaccurate information regarding wind powers contribution to
the electric system. Click here to read the interview:
Small Wind Corner
Boston Mayor considers rooftop turbine for City Hall: During
fall 2007, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino proposed the addition of
a wind turbine to City Hall Plaza. The mayor originally intended
for the construction of a free-standing turbine; however, an
independent engineer concluded that the wind is too unpredictable
and the gusts potentially too strong for the safe operation of a
large-scale turbine. Instead, the mayor is now pursuing the instal-
lation of a residential-scale turbine on the roof of City Hall.
Studies underway for wind turbines at six Boston schools:
Bostons mayor also announced in January that six city schools
are studying the installation of wind turbines for both electricity-
generating and educational purposes. The mayor stressed that
there will be extensive community meetings before any turbine
installations are approved. Government and school officials
hope the turbines can demonstrate the opportunities available
for students who pursue careers related to developing and
implementing renewable energy technologies.
Saco, Maine adds another turbine: The Town of Saco recently
installed its second municipally owned wind turbine, a 50-kW
turbine at the local train station. This first turbine (1.8 kW) is
installed at the waste treatment facility.
Wind for Schools resources now available: The Wind for
Schools Program, a Wind Powering America Project, has released
the following list of resources for teachers, administrators,
students, parents, and communities interested in exploring wind
power for their schools.
Wind for Schools: A Wind Powering America Project
Wind for Schools: Power Systems Brief
Wind for Schools: State by State Activities
Hot Topics
Expanding network transmission: Due to the location of
windy land, land use patterns, and population density of
the region, many new renewable energy projects (wind and
biomass) have been proposed for the northern portions of New
Hampshire and Maine, areas lacking transmission infrastruc-
ture. This trend has created a need to enhance the network
transmission system in these areas. Yet to enable such expan-
sions, policy changes may be required for allocating the cost
of new transmission upgrades to interconnect future genera-
tion projects that wish to come online at similar grid locations.
These policies also preclude building transmission in anticipa-
tion of projects, a process that leads to delay because wind
projects take less time to build than the required transmission.
As a result, the permitting process and cost allocation for new
transmission is a topic of conversation in both New Hampshire
and Maine. ISO New England will be working with the New
England states and industry stakeholders to implement new
provisions of its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)
that call for economic needs studies that will help to
assess the value of adding remote renewable resources
to the regions electricity supply mix. The ISO expects the
New England states to request studies of this nature for Maine
and New Hampshire as well as offshore wind capability in
New England.
ISO New England gears up for anticipated regional wind
power boom: ISO New England, the operator of the regional
electric grid, is initiating a series of steps to understand and
prepare for the potential for rapid expansion of wind power
throughout the region. In spring 2007, the New ISOs Power
Supply Planning Committee (PSPC) commissioned Levitan
& Associates to conduct a Phase I Wind Study. This study
identified a maximum theoretical potential for New England
wind resources (approximately 60,000 MW onshore, 33,000
MW offshore). In fall 2007, the PSPC reviewed Levitans
proposed scope for Phase II study. The proposed Phase II
Wind Study would concentrate on specific locations with the
greatest wind energy potential in order to identify the highest
energy-producing 15,000 MW of onshore resources and the
highest energy-producing 15,000 MW of offshore resources.
This analysis is intended primarily to better inform ISO-NE
planning staff of wind potential locations to support a more
informed assessment of where and how the transmission
system might be expanded to integrate a significant quantity
of wind generation.
The ISO also recently announced the hiring of a new manager
of renewable resource integration, whose job will include
ensuring that the substantial volume of wind power under
development can be smoothly accommodated in the control
room. The ISO is planning to initiate a wind integration study,
similar to studies done in other regions, in the late 2008/early
2009 time frame.
12 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
Proposed wind power siting guidelines posted to New
Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Web site: For more
information, see
New Connecticut Wind Working Groups Kicks Into
Action; Maine plans to launch WWG and anemometer
loan program in 2008: State Wind Working Groups (WWGs)
provide a forum where government, academic institutions,
utilities, energy marketers, developers, and community
stakeholders can collaborate to promote smart and successful
wind energy development in the state; identify barriers and
opportunities related to wind development; develops plans to
overcome barriers to siting good wind projects; promote public
understanding of wind power, its benefits, and impacts; and
foster job creation and economic development. The University
of Massachusetts Renewable Energy Research Lab has
successfully organized the Massachusetts WWG since March
2005. The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and Yale University
held the inaugural meeting of the new Connecticut Wind
Working Group ( on December 10, 2007,
at Yale. The 25 attendees representing a broad range of
stakeholders established three working groups focusing
on wind resource, infrastructure, and community interests
to serve as a catalyst for understanding and utilizing wind
resources and developing a balanced renewable energy
infrastructure for the state. In response to significant stake-
holder interest in concert with Governor Baldaccis Wind
Power Task Force, Efficiency Maine, a Program of the Maine
Public Utilities Commission, plans to begin a WWG as soon
as funding is arranged and will also launch an anemometer
loan program in March. For more information, visit the New
England Wind forum at
windpoweringamerica/newengland.asp and click on Quick
Links to your state.
Members named to FACA committee to address wildlife
impacts of wind turbines. The Secretary of the Interior has
named 22 individuals to a special Wind Turbine Guidelines
Advisory Committee, formed under the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. Committee members include representa-
tives from several federal and state government agencies,
wildlife conservation groups, and wind energy developers.
The members will advise the Secretary and the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service on measures to avoid or minimize impacts
to wildlife and their habitats from land-based wind energy
facilities. To learn more about the Interior Departments wind
initiatives, please see
Wind economics pages updated. As noted in the lead article,
a range of factors including raw materials costs, shifting
exchange rates, and high demand have led to increasing costs
for installing wind turbines and other power generation equip-
ment worldwide. As a result, weve updated the content of the
NEWF Web sites Economics page at
Cool Links
Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort (featured in this issues
Perspectives interview):
Wind Activity in Vermont:
Wind Energy Curriculum (K-12) for Educators: www.need.
Forbes Park Wind Installation Slide Show: This former
industrial site is being redeveloped with a sustainable-design
focus and a new wind turbine as its prominent symbol of our
commitment to the environment. See the wind turbine instal-
lation slide show at
A panoramic view of the nacelle for a 600-kW wind turbine being lifted atop the tower at Forbes Park in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Inset: The
installation is complete! (Photo credit: Boreal Renewable Energy Development/PIX15573)
13 New England Wind Forum Volume 1, Issue 4 May 2008
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy
by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a DOE National Laboratory
A Strong Energy Portfolio for a Strong America
Energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy will mean a stronger economy,
a cleaner environment, and greater energy independence for America. Working
with a wide array of state, community, industry, and university partners, the
U.S. Department of Energys Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
invests in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies.
For more information contact:
EERE Information Center
1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463)

DOE/GO-102008-2609 May 2008
Wind Events
The New England Wind Forum Web site maintains an up-to-date
calendar of wind-related events, from conferences and workshops
to siting hearings, in all six New England states. Check the calendar
frequently for the latest opportunities to attend industry and commu-
nity forums and be involved in the wind energy dialogue. Check
the NEWF Events Web site at
ne_calendar.asp for more information as it becomes available.
Upcoming Events include:
Connecticuts newly formed WWG will hold its next meeting
in early spring (location and time TBA; see for
Maine is also forming a WWG, and subject to funding will
announce an inaugural meeting soon.
Vermont Renewable Energy Conference and Trade Show:
October 15, 2008, Burlington, VT
Vermont Distributed Energy Conference: May 15, 2008,
Stratton, VT
New England Wind Forum
The Newsletter
Produced by Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC
under contract to the Wind Powering America
Program of the National Renewable Energy
Editor: Robert C. Grace
Authors: Robert C. Grace and Jason Gifford
Subscribe at
Send news ideas, events, notices, and updates to Jason
Gifford at [email protected]

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