This document provides instructions for editing existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions in a drawing using Autodesk Land Desktop. It describes how to:
1. Select points to edit by specifying a number range and updating the edit points list.
2. Unlock a locked point to allow editing its description and coordinates.
3. Change the elevation of points within a specified elevation range and move all selected points up by a given distance.
4. Enable the use of AutoCAD MOVE command to relocate an alignment and points, and then use the CHECKPOINTS command to resolve discrepancies between the drawing and point database.
This document provides instructions for editing existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions in a drawing using Autodesk Land Desktop. It describes how to:
1. Select points to edit by specifying a number range and updating the edit points list.
2. Unlock a locked point to allow editing its description and coordinates.
3. Change the elevation of points within a specified elevation range and move all selected points up by a given distance.
4. Enable the use of AutoCAD MOVE command to relocate an alignment and points, and then use the CHECKPOINTS command to resolve discrepancies between the drawing and point database.
This document provides instructions for editing existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions in a drawing using Autodesk Land Desktop. It describes how to:
1. Select points to edit by specifying a number range and updating the edit points list.
2. Unlock a locked point to allow editing its description and coordinates.
3. Change the elevation of points within a specified elevation range and move all selected points up by a given distance.
4. Enable the use of AutoCAD MOVE command to relocate an alignment and points, and then use the CHECKPOINTS command to resolve discrepancies between the drawing and point database.
This document provides instructions for editing existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions in a drawing using Autodesk Land Desktop. It describes how to:
1. Select points to edit by specifying a number range and updating the edit points list.
2. Unlock a locked point to allow editing its description and coordinates.
3. Change the elevation of points within a specified elevation range and move all selected points up by a given distance.
4. Enable the use of AutoCAD MOVE command to relocate an alignment and points, and then use the CHECKPOINTS command to resolve discrepancies between the drawing and point database.
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LESSON 5: Editing Points
LESSON 5: Editing Points
Use the point editing commands to modify existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions. To work through this lesson follow these steps 1 Start Autodesk Land esktop if you ha!e not already done so. " #n the $ile menu, click #pen to display the #pen rawing% &ro'ect (ased dialog box. The default location folder for pro'ect files is c%)Land &ro'ects "**+. ,f you opted to install these files in another location instead, specify the appropriate pro'ect path. - $rom the &ro'ect .ame list, select TUT#/,AL", from the Select &ro'ect rawing list, select Lesson01.dwg, and then click #2. + #n the &ro'ects menu, click 3enu &alettes to display the 3enu &alette 3anager dialog box. 1 $rom the 3enu list, select Land esktop "**+, and then click Load. 4orking through these lessons will result in alteration of the pro'ect files. (ackup copies of these pro'ect files can be found in the c%)&rogram $iles)Land esktop "**+)Landtut folder. ,f this lesson has been pre!iously run, copy these unaltered pro'ect files to the )Land &ro'ects "**+ folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the se5uence outlined in each lesson can be followed properly. Selecting Points to Edit Specify points to edit by selecting them in the drawing. 1 #n the 6iew menu, click .amed 6iews to display the 6iew dialog box, under .ame, select 1, click Set 7urrent, and then click #2. " #n the &oints menu, click 8dit &oints 8dit &oints to display the 8dit &oints dialog box. - Select the 8nable $iltering option. + 7lick the ,nclude tab. 1 Select the 4ith .umber 3atching check box, and then click the Selection Set in rawing button. + 8nter 4 for the 4indow option and window in points "+9, "+:, and 91:, and then press 8.T8/. 1 As the 8dit &oints dialog box is displayed again, !erify that the three points now appear in the 4ith .umber 3atching box. : 7lick the (uild List button to build the list of points to edit. ; 7lick the 8dit tab. &oint number "+9 is locked and cannot be edited, but the other two points are unlocked and can be edited. (efore you edit the points, you<ll exit the 8dit &oints dialog box and unlock point "+9. pag. 1=+ LESSON 5: Editing Points 1* 7lick #2 to continue. Unlocking Points Unlock point number "+9 and then change its description and easting !alue. 1 #n the &oints menu, click Lock=Unlock &oints Unlock &oints. " 8nter S for the Selection option, select point number "+9, and then press 8.T8/. &oint number "+9 is now unlocked. >ou can now edit the description and easting !alue. - #n the &oints menu, click 8dit &oints 8dit &oints to display 8dit &oints dialog box. The pre!ious list of points is automatically displayed. 7hange the description and easting !alue for point "+9. + #n the 8dit tab, click on the point number "+9 line in the /aw esc column and enter 3#.. 1 7lick on the point number "+9 line in the 8asting column and enter "9+1*1.?++:. ? 7lick #2 to continue. &oint number "+9 now has a new description and is located "* m to the left. 7lick here to see an illustration of mo!ed point number "+9. Editing Point Datum 7hange the ele!ation of points in ele!ation range from 1** m to "** m, and then mo!e all of the points in the selection set up 1** m. 1 #n the 6iew menu, click .amed 6iews to display the 6iew dialog box. Under .ame, select ", click Set 7urrent, and then click #2. " #n the &oints menu, click 8dit &oints atum. - 8nter 1** for the 7hange in ele!ation. + 8nter for the ialog option to display the &oints dialog box. 1 6erify that the 8nable $iltering option is selected. ? 7lick the /eset button near the bottom0left of the dialog box to clear the pre!ious selection. 9 7lick the &oint @roups tab. : $rom the list of point groups, select A>", and then click the (uild List button at the top of the dialog box. >ou want to use only the points in the A>" point group that are between 1** and "** meters. ,n the next steps, use the 8xclude tab to exclude all other points outside of this ele!ation range. ; 7lick the 8xclude tab, select the 4ith 8le!ation 3atching check box, and then type A1**,B"**. This syntax excludes points below 1** meters and abo!e "** meters. pag. "=+ LESSON 5: Editing Points 1* 7lick (uild List to exclude the points from the list. 11 7lick #2 to continue. All of the points in the specified ele!ation range ha!e now been mo!ed up 1** m. Editing Points with AutoCAD Commands >ou cannot use Auto7A commands to edit points, with the exception of 3#68, /#TAT8, and AL,@.. These Auto7A commands only work if you enable their use in the &oint Settings dialog box. 3o!e an alignment and alignment points using the 3#68 command. $irst enable the use of this command in the &oint Settings dialog box. 1 #n the 6iew menu, click .amed 6iews to display the 6iew dialog box. Under .ame, select -, click Set 7urrent, and then click #2. " #n the &oints menu, click &oint Settings to display &oint Settings dialog box. - 7lick the Update tab, and in the Auto7A 3#68 command section, select the Allow &oints to be 3#68<d in rawing and Update &oint atabase After 3#68 7ommand check boxes, and then click #2. Use the following steps to mo!e the alignment and associated points. The other layers in the drawing are locked, making it easy to use a window selection set. + #n the command line, enter 3#68, use a window selection set to select the rust0colored alignment and alignment points, and then press 8.T8/. 1 Use a .ode #snap to select point 1*1 for the (ase point, and then use a .ode #snap to select point 1*" for the Second point of displacement. ? As an Auto7A message dialog box is displayed, click >es to update the points in the pro'ect. The alignment and points are mo!ed, with the new position of each relocated point updated in the point database. 7lick here to see an illustration of the mo!ed alignment and alignment points. Using Check Points Use the Auto7A U.# command to mo!e the alignment and points back to their original position. Cowe!er, this will not update the point database, so use the 7heck &oints command to resol!e the discrepancy between the position of the points in the drawing and the point database. 1 #n the command line, enter U.#, press 8.T8/, and then press 8.T8/ again to restore the alignment and points to their original position. " #n the &oints menu, click 7heck &oints 3odify &ro'ect to display the 3odify &ro'ect atabase &oints from rawing dialog box. - ,n the Scan rawing for section, !erify that 7#@# &oint #b'ects is selected. + ,n the 3odify &ro'ect atabase section, !erify that the 7hange points in pro'ect database check box is selected, and then click #2. pag. -=+ LESSON 5: Editing Points &oint update information is displayed on the command line. This concludes the point editing lesson. ,n the next lesson, you<ll learn about point groups. pag. +=+