Mood-Stabilizing Drugs: Mechanisms of Action: Robert J. Schloesser, Keri Martinowich and Husseini K. Manji
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs: Mechanisms of Action: Robert J. Schloesser, Keri Martinowich and Husseini K. Manji
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs: Mechanisms of Action: Robert J. Schloesser, Keri Martinowich and Husseini K. Manji
(c) CA3CA1 synaptic plasticity
(b) CA1-subicular output
(d) Cellular morphology changes
(e) Hippocampal
CA3 pyramidal cell
CA1 pyramidal cell
Subgranular zone
Dentate granule cell
presynapse postsynapse
CA1 pyramidal
cell dendrite
CA3 pyramidal
cell axon
ithium treatm
cocorticoi d
(d) CA3 pyramidal cell
Progenitor cell
granule cell
Postmitotic Proliferation
ossy fiber pathway
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 1. Roles of the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit in bipolar disorder and therapeutic mechanisms of mood-stabilizer action. (a) The trisynaptic circuit comprises the
dentate gyrus (DG, blue), which is also the site of the subgranular zone (SGZ), one of the two germinal zones of the brain that retains ongoing neurogenesis throughout life.
DG cells (green) are glutamatergic cells whose axons form the mossy fiber pathway, which projects into the CA3 regions. DG cells synapse onto both glutamatergic CA3
pyramidal cells as well as GABAergic interneurons that reside in CA3. CA3 pyramidal cells project axons that form the Schaffer collaterals, synapsing onto CA1 pyramidal
cells. CA1 pyramidal cells provide the major output of the hippocampal circuit, which is to the subiculum. (b) Control of hippocampal output via the subiculum. The main
output of the hippocampus is the subiculum, which in turn sends major projections to both cortical and subcortical targets. Projections to the medial prefrontal cortex
(mPFC), amygdala, striatum and hypothalamus are of primary interest in relation to functional roles of the hippocampus in stress-related disorders and in mood-stabilizer
treatment. (c) Mood stabilizer-induced changes in hippocampal strength and synaptic plasticity. Lithium increases presynaptic excitability as well as synaptic efficiency at
hippocampal CA1 synapses, leading to enhancement of excitatory postsynaptic potentials [3033]. The effects of lithium on synaptic enhancement at CA1 synapses may
arise from its ability to potentiate currents through the AMPA subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors by selectively increasing the probability of channel opening [34].
Lithium and valproate have documented effects on increasing levels of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [4347], which is also implicated in
certain forms of long-term potentiation (LTP) at the CA3CA1 synapse [52]. (d) Cellular remodeling in response to stress and mood-stabilizer treatment. Exposure to stress
and excessive glucocorticoids leads to dendritic retraction and induction of apoptotic cell signaling [91]. Lithium treatment prevents and/or reverses stress-induced
hippocampal dendritic atrophy of hippocampal principal cells [88]. In patients with bipolar disorder, volume is decreased in hippocampal subfields, whereas chronic lithium
treatment leads to an increase [7680]. (e) Effects of mood stabilizers on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and potential roles in therapeutic response. Adult neurogenesis
encompasses the proliferation of progenitor cells as well as their subsequent differentiation, maturation and integration into the existing hippocampal circuitry. Newly born
granule cells project axons into the hilus, where they synapse primarily with interneurons or into the CA3 subfield. Mood stabilizers have documented effects on increasing
rates of adult neurogenesis [5961]. Adult neurogenesis contributes to normal hippocampal function, including the ability of the hippocampus to provide negative feedback
regulation over the HPA axis [6466].
Trends in Neurosciences January 2012, Vol. 35, No. 1
tripartite hippocampal circuit, alterations in synaptic plas-
ticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons could effect changes in
hippocampal and/or subicular modulation of several key
target structures, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC),
amygdala and striatum, as well as hippocampal control
over hypothalamic endocrine regulation (Figure 1a,b). This
is particularly interesting in light of prominent theories
suggesting that dysfunction in the neural circuit linking
the hippocampus, PFCand anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
are tightly linked to the affective and cognitive abnormali-
ties seen in mood disorders [38] (Figure 3).
Direct effects on neural transmission have also been
documented for mood stabilizers classied as anticonvul-
sants. Valproate decreases high-frequency action potential
ring by enhancing inactivation of voltage-gated sodium
channels and indirectly enhances GABAergic function [39].
Lamotrigine blocks both voltage-gated sodium channels
and L-type calciumchannels, which can lead to substantial
effects on baseline neurotransmission [40]. In addition,
both valproate and lamotrigine upregulate excitatory ami-
no acid transporter activity, leading to enhanced gluta-
mate clearance [41,42]. Hence, these mood stabilizers may
indirectly inuence excitatory neurotransmission by mod-
ulating the rate of glutamate uptake.
Intracellular signaling cascades
Studies over the past 15 years have led to the hypothesis
that mood disorders may not only be attributable to direct
cellular impairments in neural excitability and transmis-
sion, but also to impairments in cellular signaling cascades
that mediate structural and functional changes in neural
and synaptic plasticity. Preclinical studies have pointed to
decits in intracellular signaling cascades associated with
cell survival, growth and metabolism. As such, recent stud-
ies have attempted to identify common effects of chemically
divergent mood stabilizers with the intent of elucidating
functional targets of efcacious treatment response.
Both preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that
lithium exerts neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects,
and recent research has identied specic roles for lithium
inactivating relevant intracellular signaling cascades. Lith-
ium leads to upregulation of the neurotrophin, brain-de-
rived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [4347] as well as the
neuroprotective protein, B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2 (Bcl-
2) [48,49]. It has been suggested that diminished levels of
Bcl-2 contribute to ndings of reduced hippocampal pyra-
midal cell size [50], and decreasedlevels of BDNFhave been
identied in bipolar disorder [51]. In addition to its neuro-
trophic effects, BDNFplays a key role inregulating synaptic
plasticity and, in particular, is required for specic forms of
long-termpotentiation at the CA3CA1 synapse (Figure 1c)
[52]. Enhanced Bcl-2 expression counteracts deleterious
effects of stress on neurons, suggesting that its pharmaco-
logical inductionhas utility incases of compromised cellular
resiliency. In addition to antagonizing cell-death signaling,
Bcl-2 stimulates axonal regeneration following trauma [53].
At the cellular level, Bcl-2 plays a key role in controlling
intracellular calcium dynamics, which is of special interest
because impaired calcium signaling regulation has been
repeatedly recognized as a cellular abnormality in bipolar
disorder [54]. Interestingly, intracellular calcium signaling
alsoplays animportant regulatoryroleinsynaptic plasticity
cascades, including mediating activity-dependent tran-
scription of BDNF [55]. A single nucleotide polymorphism
in the Bcl-2 gene (rs956572) is associated with increased
bipolar disorder risk, and is functionally linked to: (i) re-
duced Bcl-2 expression in human lymphoblasts; and (ii)
decreased gray matter volume in the ventral striatum, an
areaimplicatedinthe neurobiologyof rewardandemotional
processing [56]. Further supporting a role for Bcl-2 function
in bipolar disorder, this polymorphism signicantly affects
intracellular calcium homeostasis via regulation of endo-
plasmic reticulum release in lymphoblasts derived from
patients with bipolar disorder [57,58].
Recent evidence, which may be relevant for the clinical
effects of lithium, showed that it promotes neurite out-
growth and stimulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis in
rodents [5961]. Given that newborn neurons integrate
into the existing circuitry, where they display enhanced
plasticity in behaviorally relevant circuits [62,63], this
could be signicant for hippocampal function in mood
regulation (Figure 1a,e). It has been reported that hippo-
campal neurogenesis contributes to negative feedback reg-
ulation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis
[64,65]. Supporting the view that newborn neurons may be
involved in HPA axis feedback regulation, these cells
contribute to the antidepressant-induced improvement
in stress integration [66]. Thus, in a depressive state,
facilitating hippocampal neurogenesis may restore proper
control over the stress response system. This is particular-
ly interesting because there is robust evidence of HPA axis
abnormalities in bipolar disorder (discussed below).
Several enzymes havebeenshownto bedirectlyinhibited
by lithium at therapeutically relevant concentrations [14].
These include inositol monophosphatase (IMPase); inositol
polyphosphate a-phosphatase; bisphosphate 3
ase; fructose 1,6-bisphophatase; glycogen synthase kinase
3 (GSK3) and phosphoglucomutase [6769]. Evidence from
numerous studies has also implicated protein kinase C
(PKC) inbipolar disorder pathophysiology, andbothlithium
and valproate decrease PKC levels as well as PKC activity.
Lithium interacts with the phosphoinositolPKC pathway
through inhibition of IMPase, which results in decreased
free myo-inositol and production of diacylglycerol. These
actions converge to result in decreased PKC levels and
enzyme activity [70]. Valproate also results in decreased
PKClevels andactivity, but the mechanismby whichit does
so is distinct fromthat of lithium[71]. The reader is directed
to other sources for a more thorough discussion of the
extensive literatures on these topics [13,14].
Pinpointing levels of convergence
Structurefunction alterations in bipolar disorder and
effects of mood stabilizers
In vivo human studies reporting decreased gray matter
volumes in bipolar disorder that are either attenuated
or increased by lithium treatment have provided strong
support for its neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects
[7286] (Figure 2). Although consistent evidence of de-
creased hippocampal volume was identied in major de-
pressive disorder, initial studies suggested no differences
in bipolar disorder [87]. However, using a ne-mapping
Review Trends in Neurosciences January 2012, Vol. 35, No. 1