The document describes a methodology for transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) performance capabilities measured on simple test specimens to complex field applications. It discusses using probability of detection (POD) curves generated from passing flaws through NDE procedures on simple specimens. It then proposes using slots of equivalent sizes in both simple and complex specimens to experimentally determine the quantitative NDE response relationship and link NDE performance between the configurations based on equivalent signal response.
The document describes a methodology for transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) performance capabilities measured on simple test specimens to complex field applications. It discusses using probability of detection (POD) curves generated from passing flaws through NDE procedures on simple specimens. It then proposes using slots of equivalent sizes in both simple and complex specimens to experimentally determine the quantitative NDE response relationship and link NDE performance between the configurations based on equivalent signal response.
The document describes a methodology for transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) performance capabilities measured on simple test specimens to complex field applications. It discusses using probability of detection (POD) curves generated from passing flaws through NDE procedures on simple specimens. It then proposes using slots of equivalent sizes in both simple and complex specimens to experimentally determine the quantitative NDE response relationship and link NDE performance between the configurations based on equivalent signal response.
The document describes a methodology for transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) performance capabilities measured on simple test specimens to complex field applications. It discusses using probability of detection (POD) curves generated from passing flaws through NDE procedures on simple specimens. It then proposes using slots of equivalent sizes in both simple and complex specimens to experimentally determine the quantitative NDE response relationship and link NDE performance between the configurations based on equivalent signal response.
Ward D. Rummel D&W Enterprises, LTD 8776 W. Mountainview Lane, Littleton, CO 80125-9406. United States of America I. SUMMARY An experimental procedure is described for transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) procedure performance (probability of detection - POD) capabilities, that have been validated on simple specimens, to complex conligurations found in field applications. Methodologies and logic are discussed. Requirements and cautions in use of the method are discussed. 2. INTRODUCTION Increasing materials knowledge, demand for more efficient structures and systems, and demand for life-extension of aging structures and systems have prompted increasing use of damage tolerance requirements in engineering design, maintenance, rework and life-cycle management. Implementation of damage tolerance methods requires knowledge and supporting data on: (I) materials properties; (2) loads and load distribution; (3) functional operation / service cycles; (4) environment; and (5) inherent flaw sizes, locations orientations and distributions. The requirement for flaw knowledge and data is a signilicant addition to prior practices / art. Flaw detection, flaw sizing, flaw location and orientation must necessarily be nondestructive in nature. The added requirement for quantification of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) measurements presents a significant challenge to the engineering community. Although some NDE capabilities have been assumed in prior designs, the assumptions were often faulty and have been shown to be inadequate by systematic measurement and quantification. Erroneous assumptions have included: (1) no flaws assumed; (2) an incorrect detectable flaw size assumed; (3) assumption that NDE detects all significant flaws; (4) detection assumed to be the calibration flaw size; and (5) detection assumed to be the smallest flaw previously detected. Characterization of specific NDE procedures, NDE technicians and NDE facilities was and is required. The metric that has been developed to quantify NDE capabilities and to provide a method of data exchange is the probability of detection (POD). Generation of a characteristic POD curve (Figure 1) requires: (1) passing a statistically significant number of representative flaws through and NDE procedure; (2) the flaw distribution must be near the expected NDE detection threshold; (3) flaws located in representative materials, geometries and surface conditions; (4) systematic control of NDE procedures; and (5) documentation of the results of application2~3~4. Fatigue cracks in simple test specimens are frequently used as the test artifacts. Fatigue cracks have been determined to be representative of severe detection conditions and are relatively inexpensive to produce. A large data base has been generated for NDE capabilities of relatively simple specimens. Simple test specimen geometries may not be representative of the NDE challenges in a complex structure or system and methodologies for transfer of the measured capability to complex shapes are required. This paper describes such methodology and the rationale used in application. Transfer of measurements is focused on those NDE procedures which produces a quantified, scalar output such as eddy current and ultrasonic methods. The discussions are therefore intended primarily for those methods and applications Figure 1. Typical POD curve 3. PROBABILITY OF DETECTION RATIONALE The capability of an NDE procedure is a direct function of its signal response output from small flaws and its relationship to the background application response that is generated by unflawed areas adjacent to flaw?. The background response is conveniently termed the NOISE response and must not be conmsed with electronic noise that is familiar in electronic instrument analyses. When repetitive measurements of a single flaw are made by an NDE procedure, a distribution of response values from the flaw are generated that are similar to those produced in classical mechanical measurement methods. Simultaneously, a lower level signal (background) response is generated that is characteristic of the surface condition, surface texture, grain structure, stress state, etc. of the test object. This background response is termed NOISE. A typical response from experimental measurements from a single flaw is shown in Figure 2. g A -= 3 L Noise Signal 3 P Signal Response Level Figure 2. Repetitive response from a single flaw Paper presented at the RTO AVT Workshop on Airframe Inspection Reliability under Field/Depot Conditions, held in Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 May 1998, and published in RTO MP-10. 9-2 Repetitive response from multiple flaws of equal size results in broadening of the response distribution as shown in Figure 3. This broadening is the results of flaw to flaw variations and are accounted for by using multiple flaws in the generation of a typical POD curve. The spread between the upper limit of the noise and the lower limit (signal and noise) of the flaw response enables repetitive detection and discrimination / identification of flaws of that size without false calls (Type II errors). For small flaws. the signal and noise responses overlap and detection / discrimination are not Noise Signal . . Signal Response Level Figure 3. Repetitive response from multiple flaws of equal size Slots generally used for purposes of set-up and calibration of an NDE system are more readily detected due to their higher signal response. Figure 4 show a typical response when similar measurements of a calibration slot (artifact) are added to the response data from a crack of equal size. c 4 b .cn I Noise Crack Slot Signal Response Level Figure 4. Comparative responses from a crack and a slot of equal size. 4. TRANSFER OF ARTIFACT RESPONSE Most classical measurements are made with the aid of a reference calibration artifact or standard. Calibration standard artifacts are measured by reference to a master standard that is traditionally retained as a as a national resource and commonality is achieved by international agreements to provide a common basis for exchange in commerce. It was therefore logical that a reference slot has evolved as a calibration artifact for most NDE measurements and physical measurement of slot size may be traceable to a national master standard. Slots are economical to produce with available technology and are commonly specified in establishing and applying NDE procedures. Traceability of reference calibration artifacts (slots) are assumed when they are used in validated NDE procedures. Unfortunately, a single slot is often used for reference and set-up and linearity of response of the NDE procedure is assumed. Modem electronic instruments are produced with linear response and periodic validation of the response linearity is performed. Since the electronic instrument constitutes only a part of the NDE system, system capability validation for each specilic application is recommended. Figure 5. illustrates a typical causal model for response to cracks and slots of varying size. For larger flaws, the response is linear. As the size of the slot / crack approaches the size of the transducer / probe element. the response function changes. It is therefore important to validate the functional resoonse for an NDE procedure. particularly when addressing small Noise Actual Artifact Size b Figure 5. Typical causal response from slots and cracks Once a relationship between responses to slots and cracks is established, a continuous function may be plotted in the form shown in Figure 5. This is the same response required in use of the a / & method used in POD generation (Response and actual crack size are plotted as logarithmic function - In/In). After an experimental relationship between the response of cracks of varying size and slots of equivalent varying size are established from test specimens in simple configurations, the capability of an NDE procedure for application to a complex configuration may be linked to the performance on a simple configuration using slots as the transfer artifacts. Since slots of equal physical size and shape can be economically produced in both simple and complex specimen configurations, they may be used as duplicate and traceable artifacts. A quantitative NDE response relationship ma) then be experimentally generated using equivalent size slots in both simple and complex specimen configurations. Care in making measurements must be exercised to link NDE performance capability (POD) based on equivalent signal response (termed equivalent reflectivity by some experimentalists8.9). Rigid control and measurement of both test specimens and data recording are required. Primary considerations include: (I) cracks used for measurements in simple specimens must be representative of the population of cracks that must be detected / measured: (2) slots used for measurements must be geometrically equivalent (size. shape. width, radius sharpness, etc.): (3) signal and noise response distributions measured must be representative of the distributions anticipated in an application; and (4) response measurements must be recorded and included in the validation data for an NDE procedure. The same slots in the complex configuration may then be incorporated into the NDE process control history by periodically determining that the response distributions for slot measurements are repeatable. Figure 6 illustrates typical response distributions for repetitive measurements of two slots of equivalent size and the corresponding noise responses in both simple and complex specimen configurations. I f the process is repeated using two slots of a different size, the same proportional relationship is obtained if the response is linear and continuous. The response relationship may then be assumed to be a constant within the bounds used in the original crack and slot measurements. The predicted causal response for slots in the complex configuration may then be calculated over the range of crack sizes used in development of data for the simple specimen configuration. The noise data is overlaid as an upper bound limit from actual measurements made on the complex test specimen(s). The relationship may thus be expressed as: 14 Slot In Slot a(C) = Response (C ( Slot In Slot a(F) r Response (Fb In ( R~~nse(CO+n>=K In ( Reflse (Fo+n> Figure 7 shows a calculated, continuous response for slots of varying sizes over the test range of the initial data. The corresponding noise response level is shown as an overlay as measured at the upper bound of the measured noise distribution in the complex (shape) specimen. L Signal Slot Slot .!4 n B ii K 1 .F v) . . . . Signal Response Level Figure 6. NDE response distributions for two eouivalent size slots in a flat plate and shape (complex configuration) Actual Artifact Size Figure 7. Calculated slot response for the complex (shape) specimen over the range or slot sizes previously quantitied on flat specimens. In like manner, response of a single crack size may be as shown in Figure 8 and a continuous crack response may be calculated from fhe flat plate crack data and the established slot i slot transfer constant. This relationship may be expressed as: b : . . . . Signal Respor&e [evei l Noise Signal Cracks Slots Figure 8. Calculated NDE response distributions for based on crack and slot equivalency in flat plate and complex (shape) configurations. The response of a cracks of varying sizes in complex specimen configurations may be calculated over the same size range that was used for the flat specimens to produce a continuous response curve. The extrapolated continuous crack response is shown in Figure 9. Extrapolated Crack Cymplex Slot Flat . . . ..~=**~ _.*** -m-* Actual Artifact Size Figure 9. Extrapolated continuous crack response based on slot artifact response transfer The probability of detection (POD) threshold crack size may be adjusted to that crack size which produces an equivalent response in the complex (shape) configuration as shown in Figure IO. A. This method provides and equivalent POD threshold. but does not account for the change in noise, thus the false call rate would be increased. Adjustment to provide an equal false call rate and thus account for the increased noise requires setting the threshold at a point where the signal and noise margin is equal to that provided by the original flat plate data (Figure 10, B value). A new POD curves based on the extrapolated crack responses may be calculated by either the a / 9 or hit / miss methods and plotted as shown in Figure 11. ACWPlL CRACK l&NOT ,,cil, Figure 10. Adjusted POD threshold Figure 11. Recalculated and adjusted POD curve 5. CAUTIONS Rigor is application of the method described is required and documentation of each data acquisition and calculation step is necessary for both process control and for hrture re-validation. Further: (1) cracks and slots must be reproducible and must be representative of the conditions under which the measurement and evaluations are to be applied; (2) physical measurements of slots and cracks must be traceable to established measurement standards; (3) all measurements must be made using the same procedure that is intended for the application; (4) crack to crack variance is not transferred and is assumed to be equal to the variance found in the flat test specimens; and (5) variances in part stress state and crack orientation are not transferred and must be addressed by the mode of application of the NDE procedure. THE METHOD DESCRIBED DOES NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ANY HUMAN FACTORS VARIATIONS IN APPLICATION OR EVALUATION. HUMAN FACTORS HAVE LESS IMPACT ON DISCRIMINATION LEVEL WHEN AUTOMATED ALARMS AND RECORDING ARE USED. HUMAN FACTORS FOR HAND SCANNING MUST BE ADDRESSED SEPARATELY AND INTEGRATED IN THE PROCEDURE QUALIFKATION. 6. SUMMARY Modem .design and life-cycle management require the use of damage tolerance methods and disciplines. Nondestructive detection, measurement and evaluation of both surface connected and internal anomalies is and essential part of damage tolerance methods. Nondestructive evaluation procedures must therefoi be capable, reliable and quantitative in order to support damage tolerance design, acceptance and life-cycle management. Prior to the introduction of damage tolerance methods, nondestructive evaluation procedures had not generally been rigorously characterized to establish their capability and reliability. Assumptions of capabilities were often faulty. The metric developed to quantify NDE capabilities and to provide a method of data exchange is the probability of detection (POD). POD data can be readily developed using flawed test specimens in simple configurations - often flat plates. Flawed test specimens in complex shapes and configurations are, however, difficult to obtain or may not be available or producible for new designs. A method of linking data from simple specimens to more complex applications is required. The logic and methodologies described in this paper provide and approach to transferring nondestructive evaluation (NDE) procedure performance (probability of detection - POD) capabilities from simple test specimens to more complex applications. The methods cannot be applied in a cook book manner. but require a thorough understanding of NDE procedures, procedure characteristics, limitations and boundary conditions for application. The transfer method must therefor be considered to be a tool for use by qualified NDE engineers as a part of damage tolerance design and life-cycle management technology applications. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D&W Enterprises, LTD., 8776 W. Mountainview Lane, Littleton, CO 80125-9406, USA; TEL: (303) 701-1940, FAX: 791-1940 (Automatic switch) A. P. Berens, NDE Reliability Data Analysis. in I&,&& Handbook. 91h Edition, Vol.17. p 689,ASM International. 1989. W.D. Rummel et al, Recommended Practice for a Demonstration of Nondestructive Evaluation Rrliability on Aircraft Production Part, Materials Evaluation. 40. p 922. 1982. W.D. Rummel, G.L. Hardy & T.D. Cooper. Applications of NDE Reliability to Systems, in Metals Handbook. gth Edition. Vol. 17, p 674, ASM International, 1989. NDE Capabilities Data Book. 3d Edition. DB-2. 1997. available through NTIAC, (5 12) 263-2106. Ward D. Rummel, Considerations for Quantiative NDE and NDE Reliability Improvement. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol., 2A. pl9. 1983, Plenum Press, New York. A.P. Berens, op cit. R.H. Burkel, D.J. Sturges, R.S. Gilmore and W.T. Tucker. Effective Reflectivity: POD Methodology for Ultrasonic Inspection, Paper presented to the 1995 Fall Conference of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Dallas, Texas. Olav Forli, et al, Guidelines for replacing NDE techniques with one another, NT Report 300, NORTEST. P.O. Box 116, FIN-02 15 I ESPOO, Finland. 1995.