Does Mexico'S Civil War Reveal America'S Future?: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly

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J U N E 1 4 , 2 0 1 3
Does Mexicos Civil War
Reveal Americas Future?
see MEXICO page 12
European cheerleaders want Holy Roman Empire 4
Are we in the last days? 7
The EPA targeted conservative groups too 7
Americas top spy lied about data mining 8
The terrorists biggest lesson from Benghazi 10
Uuvius ov armed vigilantes took control of the
Mexican town of Tierra Colorado almost three weeks
ago, arresting a dozen local police ocers and setting
up improvised checkpoints. Vigilante forces also opened
re on a car of tourists afer they refused to stop at a road-
block and took the towns ex-security director into custody.
Te reason for this armed takeover was that the vigi-
lante group accused the ex-security director of participat-
ing in the killing
of vigilante leader
Guadalupe Quinones
Carbajal on behalf of
local drug cartels.
Te vigilantes
turned over the ar-
rested ex-security
director and police
ocers to Mexi-
can state prosecu-
tors, who agreed to
investigate their
alleged ties to drug
cartels. Even though
only one person was
conrmed injured
during the takeover,
the incident high-
lights the creation of a third force in the ongoing Mexican
drug war.
Mexicos Three-Way Civil War
Caught in between murderous drug cartels and corrupt
government ocials, the citizens of dozens of Mexican vil-
lages have recently risen up to take the law into their own
hands. In the southern state of Guerrero, armed civilian
militias are now trying to forbid entry to army ocials, fed-
eral police and all strangers. Dozens of people with alleged
drug cartel connections have been imprisoned to await
public trials where local villagers act as judge and jury.
Tough crime has declined in many areas taken over
by civilian militias, concerns have surfaced that vigilantes
may be violating the law and the human rights of people
they detain. In addition to those shot for refusing to stop
at checkpoints, stories have emerged of brutal torture
techniques being used to extract confessions out of people
arrested without
authorities have
also accused at least
one vigilante mili-
tia in the northern
Michoacan state of
being a front for a
drug cartel. Whether
or not this accusa-
tion was true, the
army was sent into
the region in early
March to arrest at
least ,o members of
the vigilante group.
Tis army operation
also freed the six
local police ocers the group had been holding captive to
await public trial.
Last month, the government of Mexican President
Enrique Pea Nieto sent ,ooo soldiers and :,ooo federal
police into the area to combat the Knights Templar drug
cartel and disarm the various vigilante networks. Afer four
members of a self-defense group were arrested by :o gov-
ernment soldiers, :oo villagers took up clubs and surround-
ed the soldiers until two of the detainees were released.

Members of the Mexican Army patrol
Buenavista Tomatlan during an operation to search
for criminals in Michoacan State, Mexico, on May 22.
JUNE 14, 2013
U.S. to Arm Syrian
visiui1 Obama autho-
rized his administration to provide
arms to rebels ghting Syrian Presi-
dent Bashar al Assad, ocials said
Tursday, a major policy shif afer the
White House said it had conrmed
that Damascus used chemical weap-
ons in the countrys civil war.
Te classied order directing the
Central Intelligence Agency to coor-
dinate arming the rebels in concert
with its allies reverses a long-standing
policy that limited the U.S. to provid-
ing nonlethal support.
Te White House declined to com-
ment on the authorization, saying only
that Mr. Obama had decided to ramp
up military support to moderate
rebels both in scope and scale.
U.S. ocials also told Te Wall
Street Journal on Tursday that the U.S.
military proposal for arming the rebels
also calls for a limited no-y zone
inside Syria that would be enforced
by U.S. and allied planes on Jordanian
territory to protect Syrian refugees and
rebels who would train there.
Such a move, if the White House
goes ahead, would represent a
signicantly bigger U.S. engagement
in Syrias civil war.
U.S. ocials said the issue divided
Mr. Obamas national security team
but that the administration faced little
choice other than to step up its support
or risk watching as rebels lose still more
ground to a resurgent Assad regime
backed by Russia, Iran and soldiers
from the militant Hezbollah group.
Ben Rhodes, the White House
Deputy National Security Advisor for
Strategic Communications, said the
U.S. has concluded that forces loyal to
the Syrian regime have used chemical
weapons against rebels, resulting in up
to :,o deaths.
Te U.S. determination came the
same day the United Nations re-
ported that the number of deaths in
the :,-month conict has surpassed
Te plan would create what one
ocial called a no ghting zone
that would stretch up to :, miles into
Syrian territory along the Jordanian
border, preventing Mr. Assads forces
from launching attacks against the
rebels and refugees and protecting
U.S. personnel involved in distributing
weapons and providing training.
Under this plan, the U.S. and its al-
lies would enforce the zone using air-
craf own from Jordanian bases and
ying inside the kingdom, according
to U.S. ocials.
Te U.S. has already moved Patriot
air defense batteries and F-:o ghter
planes to Jordan, which could be inte-
gral to any no-y zone if Mr. Obama
approves the military proposal.
n Spillover violence in Lebanon
Lebanon is feeling the eects of
the ongoing civil war in Syria with
violence having erupted between
the Salasts and Alawites in the
Lebanese city of Tripoli. Te Sunni
majority is once again ghting the
Shiites, with backing on both sides
from outside players. Te Saudis
have been accused of arming the
Salasts in Lebanon in an attempt to
undermine Hezbollahs role in Syria.
Te supporters of the Assad regime
in Lebanon are being nanced and
armed by the Assad government
in neighboring Syria. Iraq is also
experiencing heavy ghting between
Sunni and Shiite groups as a result of
the violence in Syria. Te month of
May was the bloodiest since the U.S.
withdrew its forces, claiming the lives
of :,o, Iraqis and injuring another
:,,,, according to a United Nations
report. Bible prophecy says that both
cvv1, Uuiv Muslim Brotherhood rule, and Tehran are
becoming increasingly close, and their relationship will
be maintained following Irans presidential elections on
Friday, according to experts.
Relations with Egypt are of interest to all candidates
running for elections in Iran, Mohamed Nagi, a political
expert at the al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic
Studies, told Al Arabiya English.
Egypt wouldnt prefer a certain candidate in these elec-
tions, he said, because it knows that Irans foreign aairs
are determined by its supreme leader.
Te Muslim Brotherhood is closer to Tehran than any
other Islamist group, and closer ideologically than any
other Islamist current, Ali Akbar Velayati, adviser to Su-
preme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and former foreign
minister, said earlier this year.
Ties between Tehran and Cairo have strengthened
since Mohamed Morsi became Egypts president in :o::.
His visit to Iran in August :o:: was the rst by an Egyp-
tian leader in more than three decades. It was followed
by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads visit to Cairo in
February:o:, to attend a conference of the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation.
Iran can be Egypts last alternative if it fails to receive
International Monetary Fund loans and nancial aid from
Gulf countries, said Nagi.
Te Muslim Brotherhood, which Morsi hails from,
pursues an open-door policy towards Iran, unlike Salasts,
who have stricter views concerning bilateral relations with
Tehran, said Nagi.
Egypt Eyes Stronger Ties With Post-Election Iran
AL ARABIYA | June 13
JUNE 14, 2013
Syria and Lebanon will ultimately be
broken from their alliance with Iran.
Iraq, on the other hand, will remain
in the Iranian camp. Read the proph-
ecy for yourself in Psalm8,, where
it speaks of the nations that will be
aligned against Iran. It makes men-
tion of the Hagarenesthe people
who once inhabited the land known
today as Syriaand Gebalthe
Lebanese. For more on this remark-
able prophecy, and how it is a sign
that real peace in the Middle East
will soon be achieved, read A Myste-
rious Prophecy.
.S. Sicvi1.vv of State John Kerry [o]n Monday an-
nounced that he will be returning to Israel and the
Palestinian Authority and Jordan for the fh time since he
was sworn into oce on February :. Tat is an average of
more than one visit a month.
And aside from frequent yer miles, the only thing he
has to show for it is a big black eye from vio chief and Pal-
estinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
When Kerry was here last month he unveiled a stunning
plan to bring s billion in investment funds to the PA. If his
plan actually pans out, its champions claim it will increase
the PAs cuv by a mind-numbing ,o percent in three years
and drop Palestinian unemployment from :: to 8 percent.
Standing before world and regional leaders on May :o,
Kerry said plaintively, Tis will help build the future. Is
this a fantasy: I dont think so.
Abbas and his underlings wasted no time, however, in
demonstrating that indeed, Kerrys plan is fantasy.
[T]he popular Palestinian response to last weeks World
Economic Forum in Jordan was to attack the business-
men who accompanied Abbas to the conference. Teir
crime was meeting with Israeli businessmen who came to
the conference in Peress entourage.
And again, that isnt all. At the vios birthday celebra-
tions this week, Abbas said that the groups :o charter
reects the will of the Palestinian people. Tat charter calls
for the destruction of Israel.
But wait, theres more. Te Palestinian leadership at-
tacked Kerry personally and his plan as an attempt to bribe
them. Tey promised that while they will happily take the
money, billion measly dollars wont convince them to
moderate one iota.
Since he entered oce, Obama has responded to every
defeat by doubling down and radicalizing.
And now, as his Middle East strategy of appeasing
Islamists lies in the ruins of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi
and in the cemeteries interning the Syrians murdered in
sarin gas attacks as Obama shrugged his shoulders, Obama
is again doubling down.
What this means for Israel is we cannot be lured into
complacency by Kerrys buoonery or Obamas apparent
political weakness. Tis is a man who is most dangerous
when attacked. And this is a man who is absolutely com-
mitted to his ideological agenda. We had better be ready,
because if we are not, we wont know what has hit us.
Wounded and Dangerous
Caroline Glick | June 7
Welcome to the
June 7
.1vi. u.s requested to be admit-
ted into the eurozoneto the great
joy of German businesses.
Te Latvian government has
conrmed its intention to introduce
the euro already early next year. Only
one third of the Latvian population is
in favor of this project. But German
businessesfollowing the positive
experience with Estonias introduc-
tion of the eurofully approve of
this step, hoping to prot from lower
costs and new-location-related advan-
tages, according to the German-Baltic
Chamber of Commerce (.ux Balti-
kum). Te Lithuanian government
also seeks to introduce the euroin
early :o:,. Even though the majority
of the Lithuanian population opposes,
the establishment in Vilnius pledges
economic allegiance to the German
chancellor. Asked about the growing
criticism of German austerity dictates,
the Lithuanian prime minister said: I
fully agree with Chancellor Merkels
policy. Recently, Latvia and Lithuania
carried out austerity programs similar
to those in the southern European
countrieswith the social conse-
Both rank among the top four
countries on the list of EU members
with the largest number of residents
at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
Number of Islamists
in Germany Grows
Uvic 1ui past year, Islamist
organizations experienced a surge
in support in Germany according to
an annual report from the Federal
Oce for the Protection of the Con-
stitution . Te report states that the
number of members and supporters
of groups like Milli Grs, the largest
Islamist organization in the country,
or Hezbollah in Germany rose from
,8,o8o in :o:: to :,,,o last year.
Last year, German Interior Minister
Hans-Peter Friedrich of the conserva-
tive Christian Social Union moved to
ban three Salast groups.
JUNE 14, 2013
ui cuiivii.uivs of the European Union like to think
of it as an entirely new phenomenon, born of the horrors
of two world wars. But in fact it closely resembles a forma-
tion that many Europeans thought they had long since
lef to the dustbin of history: the Holy Roman Empire, the
political commonwealth under which the Germans lived
for many hundreds of years.
Some might take that as a compliment; afer all, the
empire lasted for almost a millennium. But they shouldnt.
If anything, todays Europe still has to learn the lessons of
the empires failures.
Te similarities with the Holy Roman Empirewhich at
its greatest extent encompassed almost all of Central Europe
exist at many levels. Todays European Council, at which
the Unions member states gather, reminds one of the old
Reichstag, where the representatives of the German cities and
principalities met to deliberate matters of mutual concern.
And like the European project, which originated in a
determination to banish war afer :,, the modern Holy
Roman Empire, which was reformed by the :o8 Treaty of
Westphalia, was intended to defuse the domestic German
antagonisms that had culminated in the traumatic Tirty
Years War.
But most similarities are less attering. Both the Euro-
pean Union and the empire are characterized by intermi-
nable and inconclusive debate. And like the European
Union, which is rived by tensions between larger and
smaller states, the Holy Roman Empire proved too weak to
contain over-mighty members like Prussia and Austria.
Todays constant round of European summit meetings
and reform initiatives remind one of nothing so much
as the interminable and futile German imperial reform
debate, and they are likely to have a similarly unhappy, if
less spectacular, end.
Fortunately, there is a solution from history. Te euro-
zone faces the same choice as the Holy Roman Empire of
old: how to overcome discredited forms of confederation.
Rather than digging themselves into a deeper recession and
democratic decit through austerity measures, the states in
the common currency need to form a full and mighty union
on Anglo-American lines. Tey must create a strong execu-
tive presidency elected by popular vote across the eurozone,
a truly empowered house of citizens elected according to
population and a senate representing the regions.
Te existing sovereign debts should be federalized
through a Union Bond, with a strict subsequent debt ceil-
ing for the member state governments. Tere will have to
be a single European military and one language of govern-
ment and politics .
The Ghosts of Europe Past
Brendan Simms, NEW YORK TIMES | June 9
Te Oce for the Protection of the
Constitution, the domestic intel-
ligence agency responsible for moni-
toring extremism, observed varying
trends among far-right groups in the
Major Central
European Floods
uiii viscUi teams scrambled
this week to protect cities in Cen-
tral Europe from some of the worst
ooding in years, farm organizations
are concerned about damage that
could devastate crops for the entire
growing season.
Copa-Cogeca, a pan-Europeanor-
ganizationthat represents farmers and
growers cooperatives, said Tursday
(June o) it was evaluating ood dam-
age in Austria, the Czech Republic,
Germany, Hungary and Slovakia.
Areas along the Danube in south-
ern Germany and Austria, and along
theVltavain the Czech Republic, are
some of the nations most fertile agri-
cultural and wine-producing regions.
In parts of Italy,Copa-Cogecasaid,
wheat, barley and oats have been
affected and maize and sunflower
crops could also suffer.
Amid dramatic photos of oodwa-
ters threatening picturesque towns
and the o:o-year-old Charles Bridge in
central Prague, the impact on farming
has had little attention.But in addi-
tion to overowing streams and soggy
elds, rescue personnel have protected
towns by opening dikes to take pres-
sure o surging rivers, ooding farms
and pastures in the process.
PekkaPesonen, secretary-general
ofCopa-Cogeca, toldEurActivit is
too late in Central Europes season
to replant fields once the floodwaters
Te devastation follows a series of
extreme weather events that have hit
EU farmers in the past year, including
a severe drought in southern Europe
and extreme ooding in the United
As long as food stocks in major
producing and consuming countries
remain low, the risk of price volatil-
ity is amplied, [according to the
Organization for Economic Coopera-
tion and Development]. A widespread
drought such as the one experienced in
:o::, on top of low food stocks, could
raise world prices by :,-o percent.
Deutsche Banks New
Gold Vault
iU1scui B.x is opening a gold
storage vault in Singapore that can
hold up to :oo tonnes of the metal as
it looks to capture surging demand for
bullion in Asia.
Gold prices are near a two-year low
and down :, percent for the year, afer
:: straight years of annual gains. A
sell-o in April released years of pent-
up demand, especially in Asia, stretch-
ing regional supply and pushing spot
premiums to records.
Singapore last year also excluded
gold traded for investment from sales
tax liability, prompting even more
JUNE 14, 2013
interest in buying and storing bullion
in the city-state, Reuters reported.
Tis oering will encourage a sig-
nicant development in a Singapore-
based precious metals market, Ronan
Donohoe, Deutsche Banks global
head of metals and dry bulk trading,
said in a statement.
Deutsche Bank already has precious
metals trading, nancing and physical
distribution operations in Singapore.
Te bank said the new vault would be
one of the largest physical holdings of
gold in the city state.
n German Constitutional Court
threatens euro, again
Germanys Constitutional Court
in Karlsruhe began hearing a court
argument alleging that the European
Central Bank (icn) has exceeded its
mandate as it tries to prevent the eu-
rozone from collapsing. Its expected
to rule on the case afer the German
election, which takes place in Septem-
ber. Last August, when the euro crisis
looked like it could take a turn for
the worst, the icn announced a new
program to help prop up indebted
countries. If an indebted country
rst submitted to the EUs conditions
(really Germanys conditions), the
icn would lend the government an
unlimited amount of money in order
to keep its borrowing costs down. In
order to get around EU rules, its a
little more complicatedit cant buy
the debt from the government directly,
for examplebut thats the gist of its
plan. Quite understandably, a lot of
people in Germany are concerned by
the icns promise to essentially print
money and hand it over to govern-
ments that cant pay their bills. One
of these parties is the Bundesbank,
Germanys central bank, which is
opposing the icn in this court case.
Spiegel quotes a court ocial say-
ing: Te people at the icn are really
afraid of the courts decision. Once
again, the very existence of the euro is
threatened and no one knows how its
going to turn out. As weve pointed
out since the start of the crisis, the
euro was designed to fail in order to
force EU nations to unite. Tis is an
important reminder that the drama in
Europe is far from over.
n Floods give German Army a
chance to shine
Seventy years afer World War ii,
the German Army still has an im-
age problem. Soldiers who wear the
uniforms o base are ofen met with
disapproval. Ten on June ,, Central
Europe, including Germany, was
hit with ooding. Te oods have
continued, and :,ooo German
soldiers have been deployed to help
the victimsthe biggest domes-
tic humanitarian operation in the
armys history. Te army, recently
covered in the news largely for its
failed drone program, is now generat-
ing positive headlines again, writes
Spiegel Online. At the same time, it
is also regaining the trust of a Ger-
man people who have traditionally
been skeptical of the nations armed
forces (June ::). Residents hold ban-
ners with slogans like Tank you,
Bundeswehr! Ive never experienced
such a positive relationship with
the civilian population, said army
spokesman Andr Sabzog. We cant
even eat all the masses of pizza and
cake that people are bringing. Te
publics gratitude for the armys ac-
tions is helping lif the taboo on the
German Armys deployment. Germa-
nys army is becoming more popular,
and Germany is less afraid to use it
around the world.
China Launches Next
Manned Space Mission
BBC | June 11
uvii .s1vo.U1s blasted away
from the Jiuquan base in Inner
Mongolia on a Long March :F rocket
at :,:,8 Beijing time (o:,8 cm1).
Te commander, Nie Haisheng,
and his crew, Zhang Xiaoguang and
Wang Yaping, plan to spend just un-
der two weeks at the orbiting Tian-
gong space lab.
Wang is Chinas second female
astronaut, and she will beam the
countrys rst lesson from space to
students on Earth.
Earlier in the day, Chinese 1v car-
ried pictures of President Xi Jinping
wishing the crew luck. You have made
Chinese people feel proud of our-
selves, Xi told Nie and his colleagues.
I wish you success and look for-
ward to your triumphant return.
Tis mission, the fh manned ven-
ture by China and scheduled to be the
longest, is designated Shenzhou-:o.
It is the latest step in Chinas plan
to eventually put a permanently
manned station above the Earth.
Beijing hopes to launch its fully-
edged station at the turn of the
Chinas human spaceight program
is conducted largely in isolation to the
iss partners. But this could change in
the next few years.
Europe in particular has opened a
dialogue that could eventually result in
ight opportunities for its astronauts
on the proposed Chinese space station.
We are looking at possibilities to
use this space station, the European
Space Agencys human spaceight
director Tomas Reiter told the nnc
last month.
Te way ahead is that we will
likely see rst an exchange of experi-
ments. And there are now also a few
colleagues at the European Astronaut
Center who have started Chinese
language training.
n Anti-Putin demonstrators rally in
Tousands of Russian opposition
campaigners paraded through Moscow
JUNE 14, 2013
on Wednesday, denouncing President
Vladimir Putins authoritarian rule and
demanding the release of citizens they
call political prisoners. Te protesters
rallied to show support for :, people
arrested afer an anti-Putin demonstra-
tion became rowdy on the eve of the
presidents inauguration over a year
ago. Sixteen of them have remained
incarcerated awaiting trial on accusa-
tions that could send them to prison for
up to :o years. Many of those arrested
were ordinary Russians who had only
joined the anti-Putin protest for the rst
time that night. Several appear to have
been seized at random. Te arrests were
part of Moscows eorts to discourage
Russians from getting involved with
future rallies, and the eorts seem to
be working. Wednesdays protest drew
:o,ooo to :,,ooo peoplejust a fraction
of the :oo,ooo-plus who had rallied
against the president last year. Even
though this weeks demonstration was
smaller and reportedly free of violence,
Putins forces detained nine members of
the Lef Front just before it started. Te
groups leader was already under house
arrest before the protest. Expect the
vigor of Russias opposition movements
to keep declining as Putin tightens his
grip on the nation.
n Russia and China conduct joint
military exercises
Chinese and Russian special forces
started a :o-day joint military exercise
in Beijing on Tuesday. Cooperation
:o:, marks the rst-ever joint training
operation held in China. Forty-six per-
sonnel from Chinas elite anti-terror-
ism Snow Leopard Commandos joined
: Russians from a special task force
unit in domestic security. Te two
forces aim to learn from each other to
improve their counter-terrorism skills
and tactics. Te Cooperation :o:, mili-
tary exercises consist of training cours-
es on shooting, forced entry, hostage
rescue and terrorist camp raids. Russia
and China previously conducted a
joint anti-terrorism drill in Russia in
September :oo,. Watch for these two
countries to continue to strengthen
their military ties. Bible prophecy
indicates these powers will be part of a
huge :oo million-man army.
uis wiix, U.S. ocials considered a Chinese companys
s., billion bid for Smitheld Foods, which if success-
ful would mark the largest-ever takeover of an American
company by a Chinese rm. Te bid, placed last month
by Chinas Shuanghui International, represents the latest
move in Beijings strategy of venturing into the United
States to acquire industry, energy resources, assets, infra-
structure, technical expertise and more. And debt-ridden
America is growing more eager all the time to embrace
these ventures.
China has been making quiet inroads into the U.S. for
decades, but in recent years it has become considerably
more aggressive. In :o::, Chinas acquisition of American
businesses smashed the previous annual record. Tis year,
its on course to break that record.
Unlike the situation in the U.S., the line in China be-
tween government and business is gray at best and ofen to-
tally absent. Even in cases when there is separation in own-
ership, Chinese companies are reluctant to out Beijings
authority. For these reasons, takeovers by Chinese rms
represent a concrete increase in Chinas national power.
Beijing seems most interested in Americas energy
resources, and the Obama administration has reversed
previous U.S. policy by embracing Chinese investment
into those industries. Since :o:o, Chinas two state-owned
oil giants have signed up for joint ventures with U.S. and
Canadian oil projects totaling a worth of around billion.
Before Shuanghui can complete the buyout of Smitheld
Foods, U.S. ocials have to conclude their review and give
it the nod. But in light of the Obama administrations track
record, Shuanghui ocials are optimistic.
Tanks in large part to the U.S.s grotesquely bloated
trade decit with Beijing, the Chinese have cash to spend
trillions of dollars of it. So they are investing all over the
globe, including in America. Washington wants to stay on
good terms with Beijing so that it can maintain its borrow-
ing practices. For most U.S. policymakers, the economic
necessities of Chinese direct investment now trump
national security concerns.
China is only just beginning to really ex its economic
muscle, and trends like the Chinese buyout of U.S. assets
reveal a shif in the global balance of power that is advanc-
ing rapidly. Very soon, American inuence will be not just
frustrated by rising foreign powers, but altogether obliterated
from global politics. Follow Jeremiah Jacques: Twitter
Time to Learn Mandarin?
Absurd Government
ovivmi1 uiviuici in the
United States has reached a level
never seen before.Fify years ago, the
federal government handed out about
:o cents for every dollar that Ameri-
can workers earned. Now, the federal
government hands out about ,, cents
for every dollar that American work-
ers earn.
Yes, there are always poor people
that cannot take care of them-
selves.We never want to see a single
American going hungry or sleeping
in the streets.But we are rapidly ap-
proaching the point where so many
people are jumping on to the safety
JUNE 14, 2013
net that it is going to break.
If you can believe it, more than :oo
million Americans are enrolled in at
least one welfare program, and more
than ,o percent of all spending by the
federal government goes to depen-
dence-creating programs. If we really
are the greatest economy on Earth,
then why is the number of people de-
pendent on the government absolutely
exploding:Of course the truth is that
all of this just shows that we are in the
midst of a long-term economic de-
cline that is rapidly accelerating.Our
economy simply does not produce
enough jobs anymore, and there are a
whole lot of people out there that are
really suering.
It is good to want to help all of the
people that are hurting, but the reality
is that we are spending far more mon-
ey than we can aord to.We have been
borrowing (stealing) more than s:oo
million from our children and our
grandchildren every single hour of ev-
ery single day to pay for all of this.Our
national debt is rapidly approaching
s:, trillion, and if future generations
get the chance, they will look back and
curse us for handing such a mountain
of debt down to them.
It is absolutely criminal what we are
doing to future generations.But we
cannot help ourselves.
EPA Targeted
Conservatives Too
ui Cosivv.1ivi Enterprise Insti-
tute [cii] examined voi. [Freedom
of Information Act] requests made
between January :o:: and spring :o:,.
What they found was a pattern. Green
groups including the Natural Re-
sources Defense Council, EarthJustice,
Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility, Te Waterkeeper Alli-
ance, Greenpeace, Southern Environ-
mental Law Center and the Center for
Biological Diversity had fees waived
: percent of the time.
By contrast, voi. requests made by
the Franklin Center or the Institute
for Energy Research were all denied.
Requests made by cii were denied ,
percent of the time. Judicial Watch
and the National Center for Public
Policy Research had their requests
denied ,o percent of the time.
Asked for comment on the situa-
tion, Benjamin Cole of the Institute for
Energy Research said his groups re-
quests for information were met with
indierence, delays, and outright
denials. Cole called it the presidents
bureaucratic blockade.
vi 1o the casual observer, it is
evident this world has withstood a
series of profound crises over the last
decade. Is it any wonder why many
people now believe we are living in the
prophesied i.s1 u.vs of this age:
In his booklet Are We in the Last
Days?, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote,
Time was, when some wild-eyed freak
shouting a doomsday warning was ridiculed as o his
rocker. But today serious world leaders and scientists are say-
ing grave things about the current drif in world conditions.
Added to that, never before in historyuntil this gener-
ationhas it been possible for man to destroy all esh from
the Earth. Tis, in itself, makes it possible for the prophecy
of Matthew :::: to be fullled: And except those days
should be shortened, there should no esh be saved: but for
the elects sake those days shall be shortened.
And yet, many people still deceive themselves into think-
ing there is no special danger right nowthat the world has
always been like this. Of course, this is true in part. From the
very beginning, it was man, under the inuence of Satan,
who introduced this world to selshness, destruction and
death. But : Timothy , tells us that in the latter days, world
events will take a uv.m.1ic turn for the worse. Tis, coupled
with the stark reality that never before has human annihila-
tion been possible as it is today, ought to w.xi Us Uv!
In Matthew :, the disciples came to Christ and asked
Him what would be the sign of His coming and of the end
of the world.
Now notice the rst and most important warning Christ
gave them: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take
heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in
my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many
Tis religious deception is the rst horseman of the
apocalypse! It is not just about deception from false, non-
Christian religions. People are going to be deceived about
Christ and His messageabout what true Christianity
really is.
Christ went on to say, And ye shall hear of wars and
rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these
things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation
shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earth-
quakes, in divers places.
All this is only the beginning, He says in verse 8. Tese
end-time events, Jesus continued, are leading to a woviu
w.v, the likes of which this Earth has never seen (verse::).
Without Gods intervention, mankind would literally de-
stroy itself (verse ::).
But we can thank God that all these self-inicted curses
will culminate in the prophesied return of Jesus Christ to
this Earth (verse ,o). Jesus Christ will set foot on this Earth
for the second time, arriving in the exact same manner
He lef the rst time (Acts ::::). Tis time, however, He
isnt coming to sacrice His life for the sins of a rebellious
mankind. Tis time, He is coming to vovciniv put an end
to human suering and death and to set up the Kingdom of
Godthe royal Family of God that will administer Gods
righteous government over all the Earth!
Follow Stephen Flurry: Twitter
Are We in the Last Days?
JUNE 14, 2013
Tis has been the most closed and
unaccountable government since trans-
parency laws were enacted. And when
the administration does provide an-
swerseither in the form of document
production or ocial statementsthey
are either heavily redacted, intention-
ally misleading, or outright lies.
Te partisan treatment of groups
by the iv. comes at a time when the
administration is already reeling from
the revelation that the ivs had given
extra scrutiny to groups with a conser-
vative outlook. Te administration has
so far claimed that was the result of
bad decision making by low-level em-
ployees. No statement on the partisan
behavior at the iv. has been issued yet.
Britain Better Get
Used to It
GUARDIAN | June 12
o voii1ic.i party or established
political culture is at ease with the
kind of politics we are in at the mo-
ment. Te Tory party hates coalition,
and dreams of reigniting a Tatcherite
revolution if it improbably triumphs
in :o:,. Labor, meanwhile, dreams of
a social democratic Britain of the kind
that eluded successive Labor govern-
ments. And the Liberal Democrats
dream of doubling their number of
M.P.s by :o,o. Honestly, they do.
Te truth, though, is that these are
all largely fantasies. Te reality of Brit-
ish politics is at the interface between
Liam Byrnes infamous theres no
more money remark in :o:o, and the
general decline of the major political
parties that has been so marked over
half a century.
Te central fact about British politics
in :o:, is that we are beginning to get it.
Te economy is not recovering. Is it
pretty: No. Are there alternatives: Cer-
tainly. But they have to be consistent
with looking reality in the eye. Not
only will the :o:, election now be an
austerity election, but the :o:o election
may be one as well. Better get used to it.
uUvsu.v, JUi o, passed without
a great deal of comment from the
mainstream media.
Yet just o years ago, the most cru-
cial of all battles fought for securing the
world from tyranny was joined. Tat
was the date when the invasion of the
European continent by the combined
massive forces of the Western Allies was
launched. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower led the charge.
Many stories of heroism came from that battle, which con-
summated with the Allies reclaiming the Continent in the
interests of freedom and liberty from under the tyrants boot.
Te o years of pax Americana that followed the Allied
victory in World War ii enabled the fulllment of one of
the greatest prophecies of Jesus Christ. It is recorded in the
book of Matthew in your Bible. And this gospel of the king-
dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew :::).
Te hiatus of the Cold War created a certain scenarioa
time of delay in the fulllment of the prophecies leading
to Jesus Christs return (verse ,)which permitted a latter-
day apostle of God to travel the world unfettered as an
ambassador for peace without portfolio, as he came to be
known. In those travels he preached that very gospel of the
Kingdom of God to multiple thousands, even millions in
the printed word and via television, andmost especially
to world leaders at the time. Te name of that apostle was
Herbert W. Armstrong.
It was he who made the prophetic statement, following
World War ii, We have won our last war.
And so we had.
Yet there is still a small band of heroes and heroines who
have vowed to their God to give over their lives to His great
cause. Tey are literally prepared to lay their lives on the
line to get Gods work done in nal preparation for Jesus
Christs promised return to rule this Earth (John :::-,).
Tis happy band of people, scattered across the globe
like a pinch of salt scattered across a plate, are behind the
work that produces the Key of David television program
and the Trumpet magazine. Teirs is a sacrice of love
love to God and to fellow man.
Teirs is the greatest of satisfaction that comes from
knowing that they are supporting a work that is increas-
ingly opening the minds of men and women to embrace
their incredible, God-given human potential.
You can nd out more about that work andshould you
of your own free will wish to do sohow to become part of
it, by reading our book Te Incredible Human Potential.
You owe it to yourself to at least check it out. Te book is
completely freewithout purchase price or obligation.
Follow Ron Fraser: Twitter
D-Day, June 6Last of the Heroes?
Americas Top Spy
Lied About Data
Uniic are rarely called
liars these days, even when they lie
blatantly, but the ideological odd cou-
ple of Slates Fred Kaplan and Charles
Cooke of theNational Revieware both
using the L word to call out Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper
for deceiving the public about the ex-
tent of the s.s data gathering. Only
Kaplan calls for Clapper to be red
though othersare not far behindbut
the implication from both writers is
clear: If youre going to be director of
National Intelligence, you should at
least have a better poker face.
It all goes back to an exchange
at a Senate hearing back on
March:: when Sen. Ron Wyden,
Democrat of Oregon, asked Clap-
per (the man charged with over-
seeing Americas entire national
JUNE 14, 2013
securityapparatus)straight up, under
oath, Does the s. collect any type of
data at all on millions or hundreds of
millions of Americans: Clapper said,
No sir not wittingly.
Afer Edward Snowdens leak,
Cooke writes, By dint of a widespread
preference for politeness, human be-
ings tend to trip over themselves to
nd euphemisms for the word ly-
ing. And asKaplan writes, we all
now know, he was lying. We also now
know that Clapperknewhe was lying.
Even moregalling,as Kaplan points
out, is that this was a question that
Wyden already knew the answer to
and Clapper knew that Wyden knew
the answer was Yes.But he said No
anyway, because, as Clapper explained
last weekend, he wanted to give an
answer that was the least untruthful.
Tats a parsing of language only Bill
Clinton or Stephen Colbert could love.
And as Cooke adds, even if Clap-
per believed he was telling truth at
the timethat the s. wasnt actually
doing what everyone now knows they
were doingthen hes an idiot who
has no idea what goes on in the orga-
nizations hes supposed to be leading.
Neither idea is a ringing endorse-
ment for Clappers continued tenure
as the ui. Nor is his ability to joke
about it so cavalierlyin front of ,oo
close friends at an intelligence com-
munity gathering just as the story was
exploding in his face.
n TV shows casual contempt for
fathers, study says
Ninety percent of parents said that 1v
programs and ads misrepresented the
.v s1.1is, especially California and Illinois, have had
severe pension underfunding problems for many years.
However, new actuarial pension rules will nally force
states to admit the problem. Tus, it should not be sur-
prising that talk of technical bankruptcy and service
insolvency is growing.
Here are some pertinent ideas from California on the
Brink: Pension Crisis About to Get Worse [voxBusiness,
June ::]:
Moodys new credit standards for public pensions
would nearly double the unfunded liabilities for state
and local pension plans in California to s,:8.o billion
from s::8., billion.
California has the second-lowest credit rating at
Standard & Poors of all ,o states; Illinois now has the
worst. Moodys new standards would drop the funded
status of these plans to o percent, versus a previous
estimate of 8: percent, the [California Public Policy]
Center said.
By standard accounting methods, some state pen-
sion funds will run out of assets within as little as ve
years .
Meredith Whitney says California is papering over
budget holes with gimmicks .
Te Senate Joint Economic Committee reiterates
what Whitney says. Many states and localities have
regularly skipped or underfunded contributions to
pension plans, the report said. Over the past ve
years, state and local governments have underpaid
actuarially required pension contributions by more
than s,o billion.
Many California cities are in serious trouble, and that
trouble will grow by leaps and bounds as soon as there is a
signicant stock market correction. Pension plans typically
assume ,., percent returns. Tats not going to happen on
a sustained basis with :o-year treasuries yielding close to :
percent. Yet, any signicant rise in bond yields will crush
existing bondholders as well as wreak havoc in equities.
Moodys wants states to assume ,., percent returns, but
even that is far too high. Te stock and bond markets are
now so bloated thanks to Fed bubble-blowing policies that
o-: percent returns for a full decade is a distinct possibil-
ity. And not a single pension plan in the U.S. is remotely
prepared for such an event.
On Brink of Pension Crisis

JUNE 14, 2013
role fathers play in families, according
to a study published by UK web forum
Netmums, published June::. Nearly
half said they could make children be-
lieve that dads were useless. Tis ca-
sual contempt for men is thought to be
most worrying in childrens programs
and books as they fail to give young-
sters good male role modelsbut the
discrimination continues into grown-
up shows, it writes. But the growing
numbers of adverts and programs
showing men as incompetent come
at a time when families have never
needed fathers more. It cites programs
like Peppa Pig, a hugely popular show
aimed at young children, for portraying
fathers as useless. Why does so much
of the entertainment world ridicule
fathers: Read our booklet Conspiracy
Against Fatherhood to nd out.
n London to lose banking oversight?
Te European Union wants to take
regulation of the infamous London
Interbank Oered Rate (iinov) away
from the UK and give it to France,
according to proposals leaked to
theFinancial Timeson June 3. This is
just the latest attack by the EU on the
City of London. iinov was thoroughly
discredited last year when major banks
were caught lying about key informa-
tion to manipulate the rate to their
own ends. Since then, Britain has been
trying to xiinov. But now the EU is
taking the opportunity to continue its
encroachment on Britains nancial
sector. It doesnt trust the reformedii-
nov and wants to regulate it itself. Te
draf regulation would have the Paris-
based European Securities and Mar-
kets Authority regulateiinov. Could
they have done more to annoy Lon-
don: wrote theFinancial TimesBrus-
sels Blog. Probably not, at least in
terms of the governance. No matter
how immoral Britains bankers have
behaved in the past, the fact remains
that Britain is unhealthily reliant on its
banking sector. More than one tenth
ou.v, months later, the suc-
cess of the Benghazi attack is being
compounded by the intense, self-
destructive domestic dispute that it set
o inside America.
Ever the opportunist, al Qaeda (and
all of Americas enemies) can draw
two conclusions from Benghazi. First,
Americas appetite for strong, decisive
military action, even in uivisi of its assets, has signi-
cantly diminished. In the wake of Benghazi, its clear the
parameters of the war have changed: America, is unwilling
to retaliate with force! As signicant as this rst lesson is,
the second is more important and profound.
What happened in Benghazi on Sept. ::, :o::, and
especially inside America following the attack, exposed a
gaping and unprecedented weakness in U.S. foreign policy:
Benghazi revealed that even when attacked by a foreign
enemy Americas leaders will engage in immoral, lawless
behaviorniu.viov 1u.1 oiv iviic1s vUv1uiv u.m-
.ci o pursuit of personal ambition and
their radical agenda.
No doubt youve heard how the White House and State
Department deliberately refused to dispatch military as-
sistance upon hearing the fearful shrieks of American
ocials violently ambushed the night of Sept. ::, :o::. How
high-ranking government ocials then edited intelligence
documents, removing terms and phrases that identied al
Qaedas central role in the attacks. How Susan Rice, Amer-
icas ambassador to the United Nations, uttered between
the Sunday news shows blaming the attack on a YouTube
video few had ever heard of.
Consider the damage inicted on America by all the lies
and deceit.
For going on nine months now, key gures at the high-
est level of governmentin the White House, the State
Department, the ci. and vnihave devoted both time and
resources to what happened in Benghazi. Tousands of
man-hours, not to mention valuable government resources,
have been invested in spinning the narrative, mitigating
the damage, and alleviating the political and legal fallout.
All this work comes at a cost.
Al Qaeda might have murdered only four Americans in
Benghazi last September, but, think on the damage caused
by the resulting scandal.
Te damage inicted on the Ui1v within Americas
government and its institutions.
Te damage inicted on the iivii ov 1vUs1 the Ameri-
can people have in their government and its institutions.
Te damage inicted on the coviuici of personnel
within the government and its institutions.
Te damage inicted on the soiiu.vi1v between the
institutions created to defend America.
Te damage inicted on Americas vivU1.1io
throughout the world.
Although the Benghazi scandal grew out of an al Qaeda
attack, its important to note: .i Q.iu. w.s1 visvosi-
nii vov 1ui uis1vUc1io. What happened
in Benghazi and the subsequent ruinous scandal was the
result of American leaders and ocials placing self-inter-
estspecically the reelection of Barack Obamaahead of
national interest, and what was morally and legally right.
Te Benghazi scandal happened because high-ranking U.S.
ocials engaged in lies and deception.
Te post-Benghazi catastrophe was a uivic1 vUc1io
ov 1ui cUi1Uvi ov immov.ii1v .u i.wiississ 1u.1
vivv.uis Amivic.s ii.uivsuiv.
Benghazi marks a tragic and historic moment in U.S.
history: Americas enemies can now consider the U.S.
governmentthanks to its immoral character and lawless
behavior, manifested in its propensity for lies and deceit
an indirect ally. Follow Brad Macdonald: Twitter
The Valuable Lesson From Benghazi
JUNE 14, 2013
of the governments income comes
fromtaxes on the nancial sector. It is
just about the only industry in Britain
that sells more to the rest of the world
than it imports. If the EU undermines
that sector, it weakens Britains whole
economy, and the nation will suer.
n The shrinking U.S. Navy
Te U.S. Navy, under budget con-
straints, prepares to downsize its eet
yet again. Te Navy faces a shortfall
of s billion in :o:, but if lawmakers
do not remove the sequestration cuts,
the shortfall would grow to s:, bil-
lion. Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
Jonathan Greenert said the cuts would
potentially trim the Navys eet of
warships from just over :8o to around
:,o, the lowest since before World War
i. Equally troubling, the Navy is not
only shrinking in number of ships, but
also the size of the ships. Te Navys
recent ship-building report to Con-
gress outlined how it was the cruisers
and destroyersthe support ships for
Americas carrier groupsthat would
be most lacking. Budget cuts are put-
ting the U.S. military in a precarious
position. Without the necessary power,
Americas ability to defend itself and its
interests abroad becomes increasingly
n May jobs report shows the
economy isnt improving
Last Friday, the Department of Labor
released its May jobs
report, which showed that
:,,,ooo new jobs were
created last monththats
:o,ooo more than some
analysts were expect-
ing. Although more jobs
are being produced, they
are not the types that
are going to improve the
economy. Te rst thing
to notice in the report is
the kind of jobs that arent
being created: the goods-
producing jobs. In May,
the U.S. lost :,ooo of these
jobs. Te other thing to
take notice of is the kinds of jobs that
are being created: the vast majority
were low-paying service-providing jobs.
Over half the jobs created last month
were limited to the restaurant sector,
the retail trade and temporary employ-
ment. Te report also showed that the
unemployment rate isnt improving. In
May, the unemployment rate rose by o.:
percent to ,.o percent.
ow ivoic is that: We wanted a president that listens
to all Americansnow we have one.
Tat wasJay Lenos takeon the Obama administrations
expanding s. spying scandal, which has gone beyond
Verizon phone records to include Google, Facebook, Yahoo
and just about all the other major tech companiesexcept,
apparently, for Twitter.
Te s. spying scandal goes deep, and the Obama
administrations only upside is that the furor over its pok-
ing into Americans private business on a wholesale basis
will distract people from the furor over theuse of the ivs
and other federal agencies to target political enemiesand
even donors to Republican causesand the furor over
the Benghazi screw-up and subsequent lies (scapegoated
lmmakerNakoula is still in jail), the furor over the Fast
And Furious gunrunning scandal that lef literallyscores
of Mexicans dead, the scandal over the uo,s poking into
phone records of journalists (and their parents), uus
Secretary Kathleen Sebeliussshakedown of companiesshe
regulates for donations to pay for ObamaCare imple-
mentation that Congress has refused to fund, thePigford
scandalwhere the Treasury Departments Judgment Fund
appears to have been raided for political purposeswell,
its getting to where you need ascorecard to keep up.
But, in fact, theres a common theme in all of these
scandals: Abuse of power. It all comes down to trust.
Te justication for giving the government a lot of snoop-
ing power hangs on two key arguments: that snooping will
make us safer and that the snooping power wont be abused.
Has it made us safer: [A]ll that snooping didnt catch the
Tsarnaev brothers before they bombed the Boston Mara-
thoneven though they made extensive use of e-mail and
the Internet, and even though Russian security ocials had
warned us that they were a threat. Te snooping didnt catch
Maj. Nidal Hasan before he perpetrated the Fort Hood Mas-
sacre, though he should have been spotted easily enough. It
didnt, apparently, warn us of the Benghazi attacks .
As for abuse, well, is it plausible to believe that a gov-
ernment that would abuse the powers of the ivs to attack
political enemies, go afer journalists who publish unat-
tering material or scapegoat a lmmaker in the hopes of
providing political cover to an election-season claim that al
Qaeda was nished would have any qualms about misusing
the massive power of government-run snooping and Big
Data: What weve seen here is a pattern of abuse.
Sooner or later, power granted tends to become power
Most Americans generally think that politicians are
untrustworthy. So why trust them with so much power: Te
evidence to date strongly suggests that they arent worthy of it.
Power Grab
USA TODAY | June 10
Related: America Under Attack
Jesus Christ only gives one message to His Church to
deliver in this end time: the key of David message. The
key of David is one of the deepest truths in the entire
Biblethe more you understand it, the more it stirs your
imagination and your inspiration for Gods Word.
The Key of David (2013)
This week
on television
Check local listings or visit
JUNE 14, 2013
Americas Civil Unrest
While the murder and civil pandemonium of Mexico may
seem remote to many Americans, the fact is the exact
same drug cartels causing so much carnage south of the
border are operating in the United States. According to a
Fox News report, Mexican drug cartels are now dispatch-
ing some of their most trusted agents to work deep inside
the U.S.a strategy designed to tighten their grip on the
worlds most lucrative narcotics market.
According to Jack Riley, head of the Drug Enforcement
Administrations Chicago oce, Its probably the most seri-
ous threat the United States has faced from organized crime.
Te U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has esti-
mated that Mexican drug tracking organizations now op-
erate in :,:8o American cities. Most of these operations are
conducted via alliances with Americas major street gangs.
Considering that there are approximately :. million active
gang members in America, the Mexican cartels are tapping
into a demographic force as large as the U.S. military.
In Chicago alone, there are about :oo,ooo criminal gang
members, estimated by the vni to be responsible for 8o
percent of the citys shootings and murders. Tese statistics
become even more disturbing when you consider that these
drug cartels and street gangs are not only cooperating with
each other, but also receiving logistical support from Hez-
bollah and the Iranian Quds Force.
Tis unholy alliance between Islamic terrorists, Mexican
cartel agents and American street gangs represents Ameri-
cas most serious domestic security threat!
Using a similar reasoning process to the vigilante
militias in Mexico, American citizens are buying weapons
and personal rearms at a historically high rate. In the four
years since Barack Obama was rst elected president, an
estimated o, million rearms have been purchased in the
United Statesmore than were purchased in almost seven
years before his rst election. According to a New Yorker
magazine article from last year, there are now nearly ,oo
million privately owned rearms in the U.S.
As the economy in Detroit deteriorates and crime
skyrockets, the city is already experiencing an upsurge
in American vigilantism. A high-ranking Wayne County
ocial told Te Daily last year that a rise in justiable
homicides and vigilante justice has taken hold in the city as
an overloaded court system turns a blind eye.
Its like the militiamen who stepped up way back when,
said James Jackson, a o,-year-old retired Detroit police of-
cer who has personally patrolled the Jeerson-Chalmers
neighborhood on the citys southeast side for years. Teyre
ready to ght. We [rarely] see police anymore.
Some Detroit neighborhoods, such as East Indian Vil-
lage and Boston-Edison, have even hired private security
rms to send out armed patrols in neighborhoods where
ocial police patrols are notoriously behind schedule.
With this being the case, how much longer will it be
until American cities start seeing Mexican-style civilian
defense militias:
Te American government is apparently seriously
considering the threat of such civil unrest and has already
made moves toward establishing a military-backed, feder-
alized police force. Te U.S. Department of Homeland Se-
curity (uus) is currently in the process of stockpiling more
than :.o billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, along
with ,,ooo fully-automatic .1o personal defense weapons
plus a huge stash of ,o-round, high-capacity magazines.
To cap these purchases o, the uus, through the U.S.
Army Forces Command, recently purchased and retrotted
:,,:, Mine-Resistant Armored Protection vehicles formerly
used for counterinsurgency in Iraq. Tese are speci-
cally designed to protect occupants from ambush attacks,
incorporating bullet-proof windows designed to withstand
small-arms re, such as that from .::,-caliber ries.
Why would a federal law enforcement agency need such
military hardware, unless the government was anticipating
massive civil unrest: Is this the type of force then presi-
dential candidate Obama referred to in his :oo8 campaign
remarks: During these remarks, he said, We cannot
continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve
national security objectives weve set. Weve got to have a
civilian national security force thats just as powerful, just
as strong, just as well funded.
Te arms race between Americas street gangs, Ameri-
cas citizens and Americas government certainly does re-
semble the three-way civil war currently raging in Mexico.
Is America headed for massive civil unrest: Current condi-
tions make it easy to imagine frightened citizens taking
up arms against the organized crime syndicates operating
with impunity across the nation. If this happened, would
the American government take a note from the Mexican
playbook, sending federalized police to declare martial law
and disarm citizens:
Ezekiels Prophecy
Tis whole horric situation is a perfect example of the
natural consequences that come from breaking Gods law.
In the rst chapter of Isaiah and the fh chapter of Eze-
kiel, God reveals that the cities of end-time Israel will burn
with re, pestilence and widespread violence as a conse-
quence of the peoples rebellion against Gods law. Ezekiels
account adds even more detail, explaining that one third of
the population will be killed in violent looting and riot-
ing just before the country is invaded by the modern-day
descendents of the ancient Chaldeans.
Te current tension between American street gangs,
American citizens and American government is leading
to the ultimate fulllment of this prophecy. Be sure to read
both editor in chief Gerald Flurrys new booklet America
Under Attack and the fourth chapter of Ezekiel: Te End-
Time Prophet to understand how events will unfold in the
United States and British Commonwealth nations.
While other scriptures foretell of a soon-coming time of
peace and prosperity for the biblical nations of Israel (and
the rest of the planet), the sad truth is that humanity is go-
ing to have to go through a time of intense suering before
it is willing to accept Gods rule on Earth.
Follow Andrew Miiller: Twitter
MEXICO from page 1

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