Haematology - An Illustrated Colour Text, 4th Edition - 2
Haematology - An Illustrated Colour Text, 4th Edition - 2
Haematology - An Illustrated Colour Text, 4th Edition - 2
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
Content Strategist: Jeremy Bowes
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tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
Martin R Howard
Consultant Haematologist
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Hull York Medical School
York, UK
Peter J Hamilton
MA BM BCh FRCP FRCPath (retired)
Formerly Consultant Haematologist
Royal Victoria Inrmary
Lecturer in Medicine
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Illustrated by Robert Britton and Antbits Ltd.
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
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First edition 1997
Second edition 2002
Third edition 2008
Fourth edition 2013
ISBN 978-0-7020-5139-5
ebook ISBN 978-0-7020-5415-0
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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This edition has been considerably
updated to acknowledge recent
developments in the understanding and
treatment of benign and malignant
diseases of the blood. The addition of a
section addressing Haematology in the
Elderly reects the increasing age of
the population. A number of case
histories have been added to allow the
enthusiastic student to test their
learning. These are intended to be
enjoyed. Although it can seem
complicated, haematology remains a
fascinating specialty which well repays
attempts at understanding.
The principles that guided the rst
edition of this book sixteen years ago
still apply. In the era of whole genome
sequencing and targeted therapies, the
proper clinical management of patients
with blood disorders relies very heavily
on traditional skills: history taking,
clinical examination and careful
selection of laboratory investigations.
Preface to the fourth edition
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
Preface to the rst edition
that the format, with double page
spreads and extensive colour
illustration, will allow information
to be absorbed painlessly and with
enjoyment! The text is designed to be
suitable for medical students, junior
hospital doctors, general practitioners,
biomedical scientists, and nurses
with a special interest in haematology.
Those taking higher medical
examinations should nd it a
useful revision aid.
We have stressed recent advances in
technology in the laboratory and newer
treatment strategies on the ward.
However, if this book has a message it
is that best practice and management
of blood diseases still relies heavily on
traditional skills history taking,
clinical examination, and careful
selection of laboratory investigations.
Blood is a hot, temperate, red humour
whose ofce is to nourish the whole
body to give it strength and colour,
being dispersed by the veins through
every part of it, wrote Richard Burton
in 1628. Studying the red humour can
be hard work. Complex nomenclature
and classications make haematology
seem tedious and unintelligible to the
uninitiated. The object of this book is to
give a basic grounding in the biology
and diseases of the blood. We hope
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
Saunders (Newcastle-upon-Tyne); Mr M
Cullen, Mrs H Dickinson, Dr D Norfolk,
Mrs S Ricketts, Dr A Scarsbrook
(Leeds); Prof D Grimwade, Dr E Letsky,
Dr J Marsh (London); Prof E Preston
(Shefeld); Dr P Bolton-Maggs, Mrs H
Jones (SHOT); Haematology
Laboratories at York Teaching Hospital
and The Royal Victoria Inrmary,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne; the Medical
Illustration Department at York
Teaching Hospital. Thanks to all
involved at Elsevier.
We are grateful to the following
colleagues for their advice and help
with illustrations: Dr A Anderson, Dr L
Bond, Dr A Clarke, Dr I N Reid, Dr R.
Mannion, Dr A Turnbull, Dr H
Wilkinson (York); Dr A Hall, Dr A
Lennard, Dr M Reid, Dr P W G
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1 The bone marrow
detectable precursor cell creates granulocytes, erythrocytes,
monocytes and megakaryocytes and is thus called CFU
HSCs may also be identied and separated from more com-
mitted progenitors by the use of ow cytometry as they have
a characteristic immunophenotype.
HSCs have the capacity for self-renewal as well as differen-
tiation and the system allows enormous amplication. A life-
time of human haematopoiesis with the generation of
incalculable numbers of mature cells may rely on only a few
thousand stem cells present at birth. These cells depend on
their micoenvironment, the niche, for regulation of self-
renewal and differentiation. Both haematopoietic and stromal
stem cells have the capacity to produce cells associated with
other tissues such as bone, liver, lung and muscle. This
concept of plasticity has therapeutic implications as stem
cells are used to repair a variety of damaged tissues.
Regulators of haematopoiesis
Control of haematopoiesis is mediated via regulatory mole-
cules (or growth factors Table 1.1). These are generally
glycoproteins produced by stroma and differentiated blood
cells. They may act on more than one cell lineage and fre-
quently show additive and synergistic interactions with each
In early fetal life, blood is produced in
the mesoderm of the yolk sac. During
the second to seventh months the liver
and spleen take over. Only in the last 2
months of fetal development does the
bone marrow become the predominant
site of blood formation. During child-
hood, marrow in the more peripheral
bones becomes gradually replaced by
fat, so that in adult life over 70% is
located in the pelvis, vertebrae and
sternum (Fig 1.1). This explains the sites
used for bone marrow sampling (see
p. 106).
The structure of the
bone marrow
A trephine biopsy allows a two-
dimensional view of the bone marrow
Fig 1.1 Sites of blood production in the fetus and after birth.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Prenatal (months) Postnatal (years)
Yolk sac
and pelvis
Fig 1.2 Normal bone marrow. Light microscopy of bone marrow
trephine biopsy.
down the light microscope (Fig 1.2). Haematopoietic cells of
varying lineage and maturity are packed between fat spaces
and bony trabeculae. Ultrastructural studies reveal clusters of
haematopoietic cells surrounding vascular sinuses which
allow eventual discharge of mature cells into the blood. Dif-
ferent lineages are compartmentalised; for example, the most
immature myeloid precursors lie deep in the marrow paren-
chyma while more mature forms migrate towards the sinus
wall. Lymphocytes tend to surround small radial arteries
while erythrocytes form islands around the sinus walls.
Blood precursor cells in the marrow exist in close proximity
to stromal cells. Stromal cells are those cells which do not
mature into the three main types of peripheral blood cells
thus they include macrophages, fat cells, endothelial cells and
reticulum cells.
Immature blood cells are attached to these stromal cells by
multiple cellular adhesion molecules (e.g. bronectin and col-
lagen). Adhesive molecules have specic receptors on stromal
and haematopoietic cells. As blood cells mature, the receptors
down-regulate and the cells become less adherent and com-
mence the journey through the sinus wall and into the
Haematopoiesis: the stem cell hierarchy
Haematopoiesis means the formation of blood. A number of
transcription factors (e.g. GATA-1, MLL) are critical both for
stem cell formation and function and lineage-specic
The rst adult haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are gener-
ated in the aorto-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region of the
embryo. The classical hierarchy diagram (Fig 1.3) where all
cells arise in orderly fashion from a HSC is helpful but simpli-
ed; in reality, HSCs are groups of cells with diverse potentials
depending on transcription factors and the local microenvi-
ronment. HSCs are not detectable by microscopic techniques
but their existence can be inferred from cell cultures. Culture
of these early cells on agar generates groups of more mature
and thus recognisable progenitor cells known as colony-
forming units (CFUs). For myeloid development the earliest
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
3 The bone marrow
Fig 1.3 The stem cell hierarchy. LT-HSC, long-term haematopoietic stem cell; ST-HSC, short-term
haematopoietic stem cell; CMP, common myeloid progenitor; CLP, common lymphoid progenitor; MEP,
megakaryocyte/erythroid progenitor; GMP, granulocyte/macrophage progenitor; CFU, colony-forming
unit; BFU, burst-forming unit; G, granulocyte; E, erythroid; M, monocyte; Meg, megakaryocyte.
Pre B Pre-T
stem cells
B-lymphocyte T-lymphocyte
Monocyte Neutrophil Red
Fig 1.4 Schematic view of action of regulator on haematopoietic
cell. Second messengers include protein kinase C and calcium ions.
Cell proliferation
Change in functional
Table 1.1 Key actions of some haematopoietic regulators
Growth factor Key actions
Interleukin-1 Mediates acute phase responses; cofactor for other growth factors
Interleukin-2 Growth factor for activated T-lymphocytes
Interleukin-3 Supports early haematopoiesis by promoting growth of stem cells
c-kit ligand (stem cell factor) Interacts with other factors to stimulate pluripotent stem cells
Erythropoietin Lineage-specic growth factor promoting production of red cells
GM-CSF Growth factor promoting production of neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages,
eosinophils, red cells and megakaryocytes
G-CSF Lineage-specic growth factor promoting production of neutrophils
M-CSF Lineage-specic growth factor promoting monocyte and macrophage production
Thrombopoietin (Mpl ligand) Lineage-specic growth factor promoting platelet production
CSF, colony-stimulating factor; G, granulocyte; M, macrophage.
other. Their actions are multiple, includ-
ing the promotion of proliferation, dif-
ferentiation and maturation, as well as
changing functional activity. Prolifera-
tive regulators alter the behaviour of
cells by interacting with specic recep-
tors on the cell surface (Fig 1.4).
Receptors for haematopoietic regula-
tors have been molecularly cloned and
many are related in structure (haemat-
opoietic receptor superfamily). The
combination of regulator and mem-
brane receptor leads to a structural
change in the receptor and the trigger-
ing of a complex sequence of biochemi-
cal events (signal transduction). The end
result is the generation of intracellular
regulators in the cell cytoplasm which
have the capacity to activate genes,
which in turn encode proteins essential
in cell activation.
Under normal circumstances regula-
tors circulate in the plasma at virtually
unidentiable levels. The activities of
many factors are likely to be localised
and transient so that systemic levels are
of limited signicance. For instance, in
the marrow, regulators acting at the ear-
liest stages of haematopoiesis (e.g. c-kit
ligand) are released from stromal cells
in close proximity to haematopoietic
precursor cells.
The colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)
were originally dened by their ability
to stimulate blood progenitor cells
while the interleukins (ILs) were dened
by their effects on mature lymphocytes.
Subsequent discoveries have rendered
this dual nomenclature unhelpful thus
IL-3 is a key stem cell growth factor. The
term cytokine incorporates all growth
The bone marrow
The bone marrow is the site of blood formation (haematopoiesis)
after birth.
The cells recognisable in the blood are ultimately all derived from
haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) which reside in a bone marrow
Immature blood cells in the marrow are attached to stromal cells
by multiple cellular adhesion molecules. Maturing blood cells are
eventually released through vascular sinus walls into the
Control of haematopoiesis is mediated via transcription factors and
haematopoietic regulators.
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2 Red cells
The mature red cells of the blood transport the respiratory
gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO
). Oxygen is carried
from the lungs to the tissues, where it is exchanged for CO
Red cells are equipped to perform this function for 120 days
during which they make a 300 mile journey around the
Prior to discharge from marrow sinuses into the peripheral
blood, red cells shed their nuclei. This gives the advantages
of reduced weight and transformation into a biconcave disc
with increased deformability compared with the more rigid
spheroidal nucleated precursor (Fig 2.1).
The blood volume comprises the mass of red cells and the
plasma. Plasma volume is regulated by stretch receptors in
the heart and kidney which inuence secretion of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) and aldosterone. Erythropoiesis is regulated
chiey by the growth factor erythropoietin.
Unlike other growth factors, erythropoietin is mainly synthe-
sised by the peritubular endothelial cells of the kidney. Pro-
duction is triggered by tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Cells
can sense hypoxia via mediators such as the transcription
factor HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor). HIF activates genes vital
in the adaptive response to hypoxia including the erythropoi-
etin gene. Erythropoietin molecules bind to specic mem-
brane receptors on primitive erythroid cells in the bone
marrow and induce maturation. The increase in red cells
released into the blood stops when normal oxygen transport
is restored this feedback circuit is illustrated in Figure 2.2.
The mature red cell is around 7.8 m across and 1.7 m thick.
Its biconcave shape allows maximum exibility and an
umbrella shape is adopted to traverse the smallest capillaries
which have diameters of only 5 m. The ability of red cells
to recover from the recurrent stresses of the turbulent circula-
tion hinges on the design of the membrane.
The red cell membrane is composed of a collapsible lattice
of specialised proteins (the cytoskeleton) and an outer lipid
bilayer (Fig 2.3). The protein skeleton is responsible for main-
taining red cell shape while the lipid bilayer provides a hydro-
phobic skin. The main skeletal proteins are spectrin, actin,
proteins 4.1 and 4.2, and ankyrin. Spectrin is the most abun-
dant and consists of alpha and beta chains wound around
each other. Spectrin heterodimers can align at the ends to
form tetramers (i.e. four chains). Spectrin tetramers are joined
together by actin in association with protein 4.1. This exible
skeleton is attached to the rest of the membrane by ankyrin,
which interacts with protein 4.2 to link the spectrin beta chain
to the cytoplasmic end of the transmembrane protein band
3. The lipid bilayer consists mainly of a mixture of phospholi-
pids and cholesterol. Cholesterol molecules are inserted
between phospholipid molecules in such a way that they
stiffen the membrane while still allowing a degree of uidity
between the bilayers.
Defects of both the red cell membrane proteins and
lipids may lead to changes in red cell shape and premature
Fig 2.1 Scanning electron microscope picture of mature red cells
showing clearly the characteristic biconcave shape. (Copyright Dennis
Kunkel Microscopy Inc.)
Fig 2.2 Feedback circuit in production of erythropoietin.
Red cell mass Erythropoietin
Bone marrow
Fig 2.3 The red cell membrane.
Protein 4.1
Protein 4.2
Ankyrin Spectrin Actin
Lipid bilayer
5 Red cells
Red cells require an energy source to
maintain their structure and also a
mechanism for detoxication of oxi-
dants. Energy is provided by the
EmbdenMeyerhof pathway, a sequence
of biochemical reactions in which
glucose is metabolised to lactate with
the generation of two molecules of ade-
nosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP main-
tains the osmotic pressure of the cell by
driving sodium and calcium pumps in
the membrane. It also provides energy
for the cytoskeletal changes needed for
recovery of cell shape. The Embden
Meyerhof pathway does not require
oxygen as a substrate but a small amount
of oxidative glycolysis occurs by the
hexose monophosphate shunt (pentose
phosphate pathway) in which glucose-6-
phosphate is metabolised to generate
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADPH). The hexose
monophosphate shunt plays a vital role
in oxygen detoxication and when oxi-
dised substrates accumulate in the cell
it increases activity several fold. Inher-
ited deciencies of red cell enzymes in
either the EmbdenMeyerhof pathway
(e.g. pyruvate kinase) or the hexose
monophosphate shunt (e.g. glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase) can lead to
shortened red cell survival and haemo-
lytic anaemia (see p. 29).
Haemoglobin and
oxygen transport
The key function of red cells, to carry
oxygen to the tissues and return CO
from the tissues to the lungs, depends
on the specialised protein haemoglobin
which is present in large amounts
in mature cells. The normal adult hae-
moglobin molecule (HbA) contains four
polypeptide chains (globin chains): the
two alpha chains and two beta chains
are often notated as
. Combined
with each of the polypeptide chains is a
haem molecule which contains ferrous
iron (Fe
) and protoporphyrin (Fig 2.4).
The iron combines reversibly with
oxygen and thus haem forms the
oxygen-carrying part of the molecule.
Other globin chains are formed by the
fetus and the change from fetal to adult
haemoglobin occurs in the rst 36
months of life. However, the subunits
designated and persist into later life
and small amounts of fetal haemoglobin
) and HbA
) are found in
Haemoglobin is more than an inert
carrier molecule. The individual globin
chains interact with each other to facili-
tate the ofoading of oxygen at lower
oxygen saturations. The metabolite
2,3-diphosphoglyceride (2,3-DPG) gen-
erated in a side-arm of the Embden
Meyerhof pathway has an important
role in the process, which results in a
sigmoid-shaped oxygen dissociation
curve (Fig 2.5). In anatomical terms hae-
moglobin has a high afnity for oxygen
in the lungs and a much lower afnity
in the tissues. The oxygen dissociation
curve moves to the left when oxygen
afnity increases; this occurs when H
ion concentration is reduced or haemo-
globin F (which cannot bind 2,3-DPG)
raised. The curve moves to the right
when oxygen afnity decreases; for
instance when 2,3-DPG concentration
rises or the abnormal sickle haemo-
globin (HbS) is present. The P
is dened as the partial pressure of
oxygen at which haemoglobin is half
Ageing and death
Beyond 100 days red cells start to show
features of ageing including a declining
rate of glycolysis, reduced levels of ATP
and membrane lipid, and a loss of ex-
ibility. The terminal event is unclear but
effete cells are removed from the circula-
tion by the macrophages of the liver and
Most of the catabolised haemoglobin,
particularly the iron, is reused (see also
p. 24). The protoporphyrin of haem is
metabolised to the yellow pigment
bilirubin which is bound to albumin in
the plasma. Bilirubin is conjugated in
the liver to a water-soluble diglucuro-
nide that is converted to stercobilin and
stercobilinogen and excreted in the
faeces. Some stercobilin and sterco-
bilinogen are reabsorbed from the intes-
tine and excreted in the urine as urobilin
and urobilinogen.
Fig 2.5 The oxygen dissociation curve. The
is 3.6 kPa in normal red cells.
13 3.6
Oxygen tension (kPa)
Saturation (%)
Fig 2.4 The essential elements
of the haemoglobin molecule.
In reality each globin chain has a
complex helical structure. The
chain has 141 amino acids and the
chain 146. The haem molecule
consists of four pyrrole rings
arranged around a ferrous ion.
Red cells
Erythropoiesis (the formation of red
cells) is regulated by the growth factor
Mature red cells have a biconcave disc
shape and no nucleus.
The red cell membrane consists of a
lattice of specialised proteins and an
outer lipid bilayer.
Red cells derive energy principally from
the metabolism of glucose to lactate
(EmbdenMeyerhof pathway).
Red cells contain a specialised protein,
haemoglobin, which allows carriage of
oxygen to the tissues and return of CO
from the tissues to the lungs.
3 Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
and monocytes
actinmyosin assembly in the cell membrane, the latter medi-
ating the movement necessary for locomotion and phagocy-
tosis. Once the cell is at the target site the foreign antigen or
particle is recognised via cell surface receptors and engulfed
within a phagocytic vacuole. There are various methods of
killing; key mechanisms are the generation of nitric oxide and
antimicrobial proteins, and oxidative metabolism in which
antimicrobial oxidants are formed (the respiratory burst).
Cytokines such as G-CSF and GM-CSF (see p. 3) not only
increase neutrophil production but also promote chemotaxis
and phagocytosis.
In clinical practice an increase in neutrophils in the blood
(neutrophil leucocytosis or neutrophilia) is a common
The term white cells or leucocytes refers to the nucleated
cells of the blood the neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes,
eosinophils and basophils. All these cells play a role in defend-
ing the host against infection and other insults. Neutrophils,
monocytes, eosinophils and basophils are phagocytes. They
engulf and destroy foreign material and damaged cells. The
term granulocytes may be used to particularly describe neu-
trophils, eosinophils and basophils.
The blood neutrophil (Fig 3.1a) is the end-product of an
orchestrated sequence of differentiation in the myeloid cells
of the bone marrow. The mature cell has a multi-lobed
nucleus and four different types of granules in the cytoplasm.
Neutrophils have a limited lifespan of around 56 days in the
blood. Approximately half the cells are included in a normal
blood count (the circulating pool), the remainder being in the
marginal pool. The essential function of all these cells is to
enter the tissues and combat infection. This requires both
migration to the site of infection or tissue injury (chemotaxis)
and the destruction of foreign material (phagocytosis). Normal
chemotaxis is dependent on the release of chemotactic factors
generated by bacteria and leucocytes already present at the
infection site. Neutrophils may migrate intravascularly as they
navigate healthy tissues to reach the site of tissue injury.
Neutrophil mobility is imbued both by the presence
of adhesion molecules on the cell surface and by an
Fig 3.1 Leucocytes in the blood. (a) Neutrophils; (b) neutrophil with phagocytosed bacteria; (c) eosinophil; (d) basophil; (e) monocyte.
7 Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes
accompaniment to infection and tissue
injury (Table 3.1). The strain on the neu-
trophil compartment often leads to
younger band forms being discharged
from the marrow into the bloodstream
and the appearance of toxic changes,
including coarsened granulation and
vacuolation. Occasionally, phagocytosed
bacteria are visible (Fig 3.1b).
Reduced neutrophils in the blood
(neutropenia) is seen in a wide range
of inherited and acquired disorders.
Serious infection is not seen regularly
until the count falls below 0.5 10
Neutropenia may be an isolated abnor-
mality or associated with a pancytope-
nia. Some causes of an isolated
neutropenia are listed in Table 3.2. In
general, neutropenia may be caused by
underproduction from the marrow (e.g.
leukaemia), reduced neutrophil lifespan
(e.g. immune neutropenia), or pooling
of neutrophils in a large spleen. It is
important to remember that drugs may
be responsible. The term chronic benign
neutropenia is generally used in patients
who have an isolated moderate neutro-
penia with no clear aetiology and a
benign course. There may be an associ-
ated monocytosis. There is some ethnic
variation in neutrophil counts with
black people having a lower normal ref-
erence range than white people. In the
rare genetic disorder cyclical neutrope-
nia, the neutrophil count falls every
1535 days and recurrent infections
In addition to quantitative abnormali-
ties, neutrophils can be functionally
abnormal. There are several rare inher-
ited diseases characterised by impaired
neutrophil adherence, chemotaxis or
bactericidal activity. In chronic granulo-
matous disease, neutrophils are able to
phagocytose but not kill catalase-positive
microorganisms. Inheritance is auto-
somal or X-linked and patients suffer
recurrent purulent infections and asso-
ciated granuloma formation. Diagnosis
is made in the nitroblue tetrazolium test
where the patients neutrophils fail to
reduce the dye.
Eosinophils (Fig 3.1c) are characterised
by their two-lobed nucleus and red-
orange staining granules. They have sig-
nicant proinammatory and cytotoxic
activity and play a role in the pathogen-
esis of various allergic, parasitic and neo-
plastic disorders. Interleukin 5 is a key
mediator of eosinophil differentiation
and activation.
The most common causes of eosi-
nophilia in the Western world are allergic
disorders such as asthma, eczema and hay
fever. In developing countries, parasitic
infections are frequently implicated.
Other relatively common aetiologies are
drug hypersensitivity, malignancy, various
skin diseases and connective tissue disor-
ders. Hypereosinophilic syndrome is
characterised by a marked sustained eosi-
nophilia and associated tissue damage.
The disorder is very variable with several
subtypes. The myeloproliferative variant
is associated with a FIP1L1-PDGFRA
fusion gene and often responds to imat-
inib (see p. 45).
Basophils are the least numerous of
the blood leucocytes. They are easily
recognised by their abundant dark
purple cytoplasmic granules (Fig 3.1d).
The granules contain mediators of acute
inammation, including heparin and
histamine. Basophils and their tissue
equivalent, mast cells, have receptors for
the Fc portion of IgE. They play a central
role in immediate hypersensitivity reac-
tions. Basophilia is usually associated
with myeloproliferative disorders (e.g.
chronic myeloid leukaemia). However, it
may be reactive to a range of systemic
diseases including inammatory bowel
disease and hypothyroidism. It some-
times occurs during the recovery phase
from acute infection.
Monocytes circulate in the blood
before entering the tissues where they
undergo transformation into macro-
phages. Monocyte colony-stimulating
factor (M-CSF) is vital for monocyte
and macrophage development and acti-
vation. The mononuclear phagocyte
system consisting of monocytes and
macrophages is a potentially confusing
concept as macrophages subserve differ-
ent functions and adopt discrete nomen-
clature in different tissues (e.g. osteoclasts
in bone, Kuppfer cells in liver). Macro-
phages are phagocytic cells but unlike
neutrophils are able to survive the
phagocytic event. They also act as acces-
sory cells in the immune response by
presenting antigens to T-lymphocytes
(see p. 8) and secreting a wide range of
cytokines involved in inammation,
immunity and haematopoiesis.
Blood monocytes typically have a
kidney-shaped nucleus (Fig 3.1e). A
monocytosis in the blood occurs in
chronic bacterial infections such as
tuberculosis and may accompany a wide
range of infective, inammatory and
malignant disorders. Monocytopenia is
less frequently noted but can be severe
in patients receiving corticosteroid
Table 3.1 Causes of a neutrophil
Physiological (e.g. pregnancy)
Bacterial infections
Inammatory diseases (e.g. vasculitis, inammatory
bowel disease)
Acute haemorrhage
Severe metabolic disorders (e.g. diabetic
Myeloproliferative diseases (e.g. chronic myeloid
Iatrogenic (e.g. treatment with growth factors,
Table 3.2 Causes of an isolated
Congenital (Kostmanns syndrome)
Cyclical neutropenia
Autoimmune (sometimes with a connective tissue
Infections (e.g. viral, typhoid, tuberculosis)
Most bone marrow diseases (e.g. leukaemia, aplastic anaemia)
cause a pancytopenia.
Some drugs are well-documented causes (e.g. penicillin,
co-trimoxazole, carbimazole, phenothiazines) but in practice any
agent the patient is taking should be viewed with suspicion.
Neutrophils, eosinophils,
basophils and monocytes
The white cells of the blood (leucocytes) play a key role in defending the host against
infection and other insults.
Neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils are phagocytes.
These phagocytic cells may perform other functions; monocytes act as accessory cells
presenting antigens to T-lymphocytes.
Each cell has a characteristic morphological appearance in the blood lm.
Changes in leucocyte numbers (e.g. neutrophil leucocytosis) are common accompaniments
of various disease states.
4 Lymphocytes
Lymphocytes are found in large numbers in blood, lymph
(the clear uid of the lymphatic vessels) and in lymphoid
organs such as the thymus, lymph nodes and spleen. They
are essential for immunity. B-lymphocytes produce antibody
against a specic antigen (humoral immunity) while
T-lymphocytes are the cells of the cell-mediated response.
Primary lymphoid organs (bone marrow, thymus) are the
sites of lymphoid development. In the secondary lymphoid
organs (lymph nodes, spleen), mature lymphocytes meet anti-
gens and the immune response is triggered.
Most mature lymphocytes appear under the light micro-
scope as cells with round nuclei and a thin rim of agranular
cytoplasm (Fig 4.1). Although B- and T-cells are not distin-
guishable by their morphology, there are major differences in
their mode of maturation and function.
T-cells make up 75% of the lymphocytes of the blood and
form the basis of cell-mediated immunity. They are less auton-
omous than their B-cell companions, needing the cooperation
of antigen-presenting cells expressing self-histocompatibility
molecules (human leucocyte antigens (HLA)) for the recogni-
tion of the antigen by the T-cell receptor (TCR) (Fig 4.2).
T-cells originate in the marrow but many are destroyed in
subsequent processing by the thymus, the objective being to
select the minority of cells which will recognise self-HLA but
not react with self-tissue antigens. The maturation sequence
is characterised by changing patterns of cell surface molecules
(Fig 4.3). Mature T-cells are divisible into two basic types.
About two-thirds of blood T-cells are helper cells expressing
the surface marker CD4, while the remainder express CD8
and are mostly of cytotoxic type.
It appears that helper cells recognise the combination of
antigen and self-HLA class II molecules on the antigen-
presenting cell, and cytotoxic cells bind with antigen in con-
junction with HLA class I molecules on the target cell (Fig
4.2). TCR genes, like Ig genes, are subject to rearrangement
of germ-line DNA. Following triggering of T-cells by specic
antigen reacting with the TCR, the clonal proliferation of
activated T-cells is sustained by the secretion of cytokines.
Interleukin-2 is the main T-cell growth factor.
Fig 4.1 Mature lymphocytes in the blood.
Fig 4.2 Interaction of T-lymphocyte and antigen-presenting cells.
The T-cell receptor complex (TCR) recognises the combination of processed
antigen and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule and the
immune response is initiated.
Ag infected cell
Ag presenting cell
Cell lysis
Class I MHC
Cytotoxic T-cell
Cytotoxic T-cell
T helper cell
Class II MHC
Plasma cell
Antigen (Ag)
Ag processed into
peptides and combined
with MHC molecules
Fig 4.3 Maturation of B- and T-lymphocytes. (a) B-lymphocyte maturation in the bone marrow. (b) T-lymphocyte development in the bone marrow
and thymus.
Pre-B Early Mature Activated
Antigen independent Antigen dependent
First Ig rearrangement (VDJ) Second Ig rearrangement (isotope switch)
Expression of selected CD markers
cyt m
Surface Ig
PC : plasmacytoid Ig : immunoglobulin
Pre-T cell
Rearrangement of TCR genes
TCR : T-cell receptor
Cyt CD3
CD4+8 / CD4 / CD8
Expression of selected CD markers
Thymus Blood,
lymph node,
B-lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity. Fol-
lowing an appropriate antigenic stimulus they transform into
plasma cells and secrete antibody specic to that antigen.
B-cells are derived from the stem cells of the bone marrow.
Unlike T-cells it is not clear whether they are subject to further
9 Lymphocytes
processing at a site outside the marrow
in humans. The various stages of B-cell
maturation are illustrated in Figure 4.3.
Each cell can be dened by its expres-
sion of membrane and cytoplasmic
antigens in addition to the stage of
immunoglobulin gene rearrangement.
Within the lymphoid tissues, such as
the lymph nodes and spleen, mature
unactivated or virgin B-cells can be
stimulated by antigen to undergo a mor-
phological transformation into immu-
noblasts and, ultimately, plasma cells.
Stimulation of a single B-cell by
antigen combining with its cell surface
immunoglobulin variable region leads
to a sequence of proliferation and
differentiation resulting in a clone of
immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells.
This adaptive immune response is
antigen-specic and is facilitated by
helper T-cells and cytokine-secreting
macrophages. Memories of particular
antigens are immortalised by memory
B-cells, allowing a prompt response
to reinfection. The immunoglobulins
secreted by lymphocytes and plasma
cells are heterogeneous proteins, each
designed to interact with a specic
antigen in the defence of the body
against infection (Fig 4.4). There are ve
subclasses of immunoglobulin (Ig),
dependent on the type of heavy chain
(IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and IgE), with some
further division of subclasses (e.g.
). IgM is generally produced as the
initial response to infection, followed by
a more prolonged production of IgG.
IgA is found in secretions, while IgE
plays a role in delayed hypersensitivity
The genes encoding the heavy and
light chains of immunoglobulin are rear-
ranged from their germ-line congura-
tion during early B-cell maturation. The
variable (V), diverse (D), joining (J) and
constant (C) region exons undergo a
complex sequence of DNA splicing, dele-
tions and juxtapositions. The rationale of
this frenetic activity prior to transcrip-
tion is to allow the totality of B-cells to
produce an enormously diverse popula-
tion of immunoglobulins (antibodies)
targeting a vast number of potential anti-
gens. Lymphocytes that can react against
self-molecules are usually functionally
inactivated or deleted so that the adap-
tive immune system normally only
targets foreign antigens (natural immu-
nological tolerance).
Natural killer (NK) cells
NK cells are a subset of lymphocytes
which share many of the characteristics
of cytotoxic T-cells. However, NK cells
do not rearrange or express TCR genes.
They particularly kill target cells that
poorly express class I MHC and are less
able to signal viral infection to cytotoxic
T-cells. NK cells express two classes of
receptors which either activate or inhibit
their killing role. Activating receptors
bind to a variety of ligands on the target
cell whereas the inhibitory receptors
generally bind to HLA class I molecules.
In the blood lm, NK cells appear as
large lymphocytes with abundant cyto-
plasmic granules.
Changes in disease
An increase in lymphocytes in the blood
(lymphocytosis) is generally a reaction
to infection or is part of a malignancy.
A polyclonal T-cell lymphocytosis is a
common response to viral infection,
particularly in childhood. Lymphocytes
may be morphologically abnormal with
variable changes including increased
size and cytoplasmic basophilia. These
heterogeneous atypical lymphocytes are
seen in numerous viral infections but
they are a particular feature of infectious
mononucleosis (see p. 97).
A number of lymphoid malignancies
are associated with lymphocytosis
(Table 4.1). In acute lymphoblastic leu-
kaemia and spill-over of non-Hodgkins
lymphoma cells into the blood, the
malignant lymphocytes are usually mor-
phologically distinctive and confusion
with a reactive lymphocytosis rarely
occurs. In chronic lymphocytic leukae-
mia (CLL), the lymphocytes often appear
unremarkable although the presence of
disrupted forms, termed smear cells, is
Lymphocyte counts are often tran-
siently low after surgery and trauma. A
more chronic lymphopenia is a feature
of ongoing cytotoxic drug treatment and
late HIV infection when CD4 counts fall
to low levels.
Fig 4.4 Basic immunoglobulin structure. The Fab portion is involved
in antigen binding and the Fc portion attaches to macrophages or
lymphocytes expressing the relevant Fc receptor.
V = variable (antibody binding) region
C = constant region
Table 4.1 Common causes of a lymphocytosis
Infections Acute viral infections (e.g. pertussis, infectious mononucleosis,
Chronic infections (e.g. tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis)
Malignancy Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and variants
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma (minority)
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Lymphocytes are essential for normal immunity.
B-lymphocytes respond to an appropriate antigen by transforming
into plasma cells and secreting specic antibody (humoral
T-lymphocytes cooperate with antigen-presenting cells in the
recognition of antigen; recognition triggers a clonal proliferation of
activated T-cells (cell-mediated immunity).
The genes encoding immunoglobulin chains and the T-cell
receptor are subject to rearrangement of germ-line DNA.
Various disease states lead to an increase in blood lymphocyte
numbers (lymphocytosis): in those over 50 years, chronic
lymphocytic leukaemia is a common cause.
5 The spleen
Although the spleen has been known
of since ancient times, its function
has remained obscure until relatively
recently. Hippocrates thought it was the
source of black bile. Galen suggested it
might be a lter, in view of its spongy
consistency. Our current understanding
of the spleen is dependent on a detailed
appreciation of its vascular supply and
the organisation of its main component
parts: the lymphoid white pulp, the
blood-containing red pulp and the inter-
vening marginal zone.
The spleen is derived from condensa-
tion of the mesoderm in the dorsal
mesogastrium of the embryo. It plays a
modest haematopoietic role in the
middle part of fetal life, but in the adult
haematopoiesis is usually only seen in
pathological states. An average adult
spleen weighs about 150 g and it has to
become enlarged to at least three times
its normal size before becoming palpa-
ble on clinical examination (p. 17).
The splenic artery penetrates the thick
capsule which invests the organ (Fig
5.1). Branches of the splenic artery are
surrounded by a highly organised aggre-
gate of lymphoid tissue which is termed
the white pulp (Fig 5.2). Intimate to the
central arteriole is the periarteriolar
lymphatic sheath an area mainly
populated by T-lymphocytes. Among
these T-lymphocytes are non-phagocytic,
antigen-presenting cells known as inter-
digitating cells. Spaced at intervals in
the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath are
lymphoid follicles (Malpighian bodies).
In an inactive state these follicles are
composed of recirculating B-lymphocytes
intertwined with cytoplasmic processes
of follicular dendritic cells. The latter
cells may play a role in long-term anti-
body production. When contact with
antigen stimulates B-cell activation, a
germinal centre of rapidly dividing cells
forms in the follicle. This is a key area
in the normal B-lymphocyte prolifera-
tive response and development of B-cell
memory (see p. 8 for discussion of
The periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
and B-lymphocyte follicles are separated
from the red pulp by a marginal zone
constituted mainly of non-circulating
B-cells. The marginal zone also contains
specialised macrophages able to take up
Fig 5.1 Structure of the spleen. The white pulp is composed of the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
and lymphatic nodules. The red pulp contains the splenic cords and sinuses and is separated from the
white pulp by the marginal zone. See text for full discussion.
sinuses in
red pulp
Splenic cords
in red pulp
Direct connection
between artery
and sinus
carbohydrate antigens. The red pulp is
composed of two alternating structures:
the splenic sinuses and the splenic cords
(the cords of Billroth). The cords are a
reticular meshwork packed with macro-
phages and antibody-secreting plasma
cells. The sinuses are broad channels
lined with fusiform endothelial cells.
Most of the central arterioles open into
the marginal zone. As alluded to already,
circulating T-lymphocytes move into
the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath and
B-lymphocytes migrate to the follicles.
Other blood cells move slowly through
the complex meshwork of the red pulp,
and cells which are sufciently deforma-
ble and compliant squeeze between the
endothelial cells in the sinus wall into
the lumen of the sinus and back into
the circulation. The organisation of the
spleen into the different compartments is
under the control of various cytokines
and adhesion molecules.
The spleen has two key functions. It
removes older red cells, blood-borne
microorganisms and cellular debris
from the blood. It also plays a vital role
in the bodys response to bacterial and
fungal infections.
It clears unwanted red cells and parti-
cles from the blood in three ways.
Firstly, they can be removed by phago-
cytes. Bacteria, particularly encapsulated
organisms that are not opsonised by
antibodies and complement, are cleared
from the circulation. The spleen is prob-
ably the site of the initial immune
response to these organisms. Phago-
cytic cells in the spleen also remove red
cells coated with IgG antibody.
The second mechanism at work is the
removal of red cells which are not suf-
ciently deformable to pass through
the sinus wall. Pathological states where
red cells lose deformability and are
destroyed prematurely in the spleen
include sickle cell anaemia, hereditary
spherocytosis and malaria.
Finally, the spleen can remove debris
or organisms from within cells. Howell
Jolly bodies (fragments of nucleus) and
malarial parasites are removed when
most of the cell passes through the
inter-endothelial slit with the intracel-
lular particle abandoned on the cord
The spleen has the capacity to mount
complex innate and adaptive immune
responses. Both types of response occur
in the marginal zone, rich in macro-
phages and marginal zone B-cells, while
the white pulp is limited to adaptive
Abnormal splenic states
Asplenism and hyposplenism
Surgical removal of the spleen (splenec-
tomy) may be indicated in a variety of
haematological disorders and following
trauma. The spleen may also be absent
as a congenital anomaly, often associ-
ated with transpositions or malforma-
tions of the great vessels and viscera
(asplenia syndrome). Reduced splenic
function can result from splenic atrophy
in disorders such as sickle cell anaemia,
11 The spleen
adult coeliac disease and essential
thrombocythaemia (Table 5.1).
Hyposplenism leads to characteristic
changes in the blood lm (Fig 5.3).
Changes in red cell appearance include
the presence of HowellJolly bodies,
Pappenheimer (siderotic) granules and
target cells. Other less regular red cell
features are lipid-rich acanthocytes and
circulating nucleated cells. There is
often a moderate rise in the lymphocyte,
monocyte and platelet count. Approxi-
mately one-third of circulating platelets
are pooled in the normal spleen. The
increase in platelets post-splenectomy is
frequently impressive (greater than
1000 10
/L) but the count usually falls
to a lower level in the longer term.
Quantitation of splenic function is not
straightforward. Methods include the
measurement of the percentage of
pitted erythrocytes using interference
phase microscopy, various immunologi-
cal parameters and scintigraphy.
The clinical signicance of an absent
spleen is the associated increased risk of
life-threatening infection. The risk is
greatest in children under 5 years of age
and where there is a serious underlying
medical disorder such as Hodgkins lym-
phoma or thalassaemia. Most infections
occur within 2 years of splenectomy but
fulminating infection can strike at any
stage. In most cases infection is with
encapsulated bacteria, notably Strepto-
coccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus inuen-
zae and Neisseria meningitidis. In
temperate regions more than half of
serious infections are caused by the
pneumococcus, with high mortality.
Splenectomised patients have an
increased susceptibility to severe malaria.
Prophylaxis against such infections is
the best approach and recommenda-
tions for the management of asplenic
patients are shown in Table 5.2.
Fig 5.2 Light microscopy of the spleen clearly showing the
distribution of red and white pulp.
Table 5.1 Causes of hyposplenism
Congenital absence of spleen
Sickle cell anaemia
Coeliac disease
Essential thrombocythaemia
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Inammatory bowel disease
Advanced age
Fig 5.3 The blood lm in hyposplenism. A HowellJolly body is seen
within a red cell. There are target cells and acanthocytes.
The spleen
The spleen is organised into three main components: the white pulp, the red pulp and the
intervening marginal zone.
The spleen acts as a lter, removing unwanted red cells and particles from the blood.
The spleen can mount complex adaptive immune responses.
An absent or poorly functioning spleen leads to characteristic blood changes and an
increased risk of overwhelming infection, including fulminating malaria.
An enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) may cause hypersplenism with reduced cell counts in
the blood.
Table 5.2 Management recommendations
in the asplenic patient
Pneumococcus, Haemophilus
inuenzae type B, group C
meningococcus, inuenza
Oral phenoxymethylpenicillin
or erythromycin
Prompt treatment
of infection
Patients need systemic
antibiotics and urgent
admission to hospital
Medicalert disc or
Detailing asplenic state and
medical contacts
Avoid travel to
high-risk malarial
Where possible at least 2 weeks prior to splenectomy.
Reimmunisation is usually required, the timing determined by
measurement of specic antibody levels.
The duration of antibiotic prophylaxis is controversial but should
generally be lifelong.
Hypersplenism is usually dened as a
depression of one or more of the cell
counts in the blood which can be wholly
attributed to splenic enlargement. Other
criteria such as the presence of a normal
bone marrow, or correction of cytopenia
by splenectomy may be appended.
Although the denition only requires an
isolated anaemia, leucopenia or throm-
bocytopenia, there is frequently a mod-
erate pancytopenia.
Splenomegaly is not always associ-
ated with hypersplenism, and hyper-
splenism can occur irrespective of the
degree of splenic enlargement. Thus, it
may be seen in the modest splenomeg-
aly of liver cirrhosis.
The pancytopenia of hypersplenism is
probably induced by three contributory
integrin) and glycoprotein (GP)
VI which are receptors for collagen
integrin), which is an agonist-induced
receptor for brinogen and vWF
(vWF is discussed in more detail on
p. 74).
In the platelet cytoplasm are organelles
including alpha granules (containing
brinogen, vWF, thrombospondin and
other proteins) and dense granules
(containing small molecules such as
ADP and calcium).
Platelet activation follows stimulation
by agonists such as ADP and thrombox-
ane A
interacting with surface recep-
tors, or by direct contact with the vessel
wall subendothelial matrix. Platelets
convert from a compact disc to a sphere,
surface receptors become activated, and
cytoplasmic granules secrete their con-
tents. The net effect is the mediation and
reinforcement of aggregation and adhe-
sion, and the promotion of further acti-
vation. Other circulating platelets adhere
to the initial layer and a loose platelet
plug is formed.
In addition to the formation of a phys-
ical barrier at the site of injury, platelets
have a procoagulant action. The coagu-
lation sequence described below com-
pletes much more rapidly in the
presence of platelets. Following activa-
tion, platelets rearrange their membrane
phospholipids and shed vesicles from
their surface. The platelet surface and
vesicles reveal binding sites for coagula-
tion proteins leading to the creation of
coagulation complexes (e.g. the pro-
thrombinase complex) which accelerate
formation of factor Xa and thrombin.
Although often loosely used to encom-
pass all aspects of clot formation, the
term coagulation more specically
refers to the mechanism directly leading
to the conversion of the soluble plasma
protein brinogen to the insoluble rigid
polymer brin. The formation of the
stable haemostatic plug composed of
enmeshed brin and platelets is the cul-
mination of a complex biochemical
cascade involving circulating coagulation
factors. This system allows extreme
amplication with a robust thrombus
arising from the initial stimulus of tissue
injury. Most activated coagulation factors
are proteolytic enzymes (serine pro-
teases) which in the presence of cofac-
tors cleave other factors in an ordered
sequence. Thus, prothrombin (factor II),
factor VII, factor IX and factor X are
proenzymes which are converted to
their active enzyme form (denoted by
the letter a) by cleavage of one or two
peptide bonds. Factors V and VIII are
procofactors which are converted to the
active cofactors (Va and VIIIa) also by
cleavage of peptide bonds. The blood
clotting proenzymes prothrombin and
factors VII, IX and X require vitamin K
for their activation (see pp. 76, 77).
The coagulation cascade, leading to
the generation of thrombin and the for-
mation of a brin thrombus, is classi-
cally divided into two parts: the intrinsic
and extrinsic pathways (Table 6.1).
In the intrinsic pathway factor XII is
activated by exposed collagen and other
negatively charged components of the
subendothelium. Activation of factor XII
leads to the sequential activation of
factors XI, IX, VIII (as cofactor), X and
prothrombin. In the extrinsic pathway
tissue factor complexes with factor VII
with sequential activation of factors VII,
X and prothrombin. Both intrinsic and
extrinsic pathways terminate in the nal
common pathway where activated factor
X, in association with the cofactor factor
Va in the presence of phospholipid and
calcium, converts prothrombin into
thrombin. Thrombin in turn converts
brinogen to brin by splitting the bri-
nopeptides A and B from the centre
domain to form brin monomers. These
monomers combine spontaneously into
dimers which assemble to form the
brin polymer. Factor XIII crosslinks
the brin polymer to consolidate the
thrombus. The conventional division
into two pathways is useful in the inter-
pretation of in vitro laboratory tests of
haemostasis. The prothrombin time
(PT) is a simple measure of the function
Blood clotting is a critical defence mech-
anism which, in conjunction with
inflammatory and general repair
responses, helps protect the integrity of
the vascular system after injury. The
complex sequence of events described in
detail below is activated within seconds
of tissue damage. It is easiest to divide
the description of normal haemostasis
into a platelet component, with forma-
tion of a loose platelet plug at the site of
injury, and a coagulation component,
where there is generation of a more
robust fibrin scaffold (thrombus)
around the platelets. This approach
facilitates understanding but in practice
the two mechanisms are inextricably
The role of platelets
Following damage to a blood vessel
there is immediate vasoconstriction to
slow blood ow and reduce the risk of
exsanguination. The break in the
endothelial cell barrier leads to the
recruitment of platelets from the circula-
tion to form an occlusive plug. Platelets
interact both with the vessel suben-
dothelial matrix (platelet adhesion) and
with each other (platelet aggregation)
(Fig 6.1). The rst step in this process,
adhesion, does not require platelet met-
abolic activity. It does, however, lead to
the activation of platelets.
Platelets are small disc-shaped parti-
cles produced in megakaryocyte cyto-
plasm which have a lifespan of around
Fig 6.1 Primary platelet adhesion, activation
and aggregation. vWF, von Willebrand factor.
Dense granule
Tethering of
Primary adhesion
and activation
13 Haemostasis
of the extrinsic pathway and the activated partial thrombo-
plastin time (APTT) monitors the intrinsic pathway (p. 20).
However, the physiological pathways at work in vivo are not
so simply dened (see Fig 6.2). It seems that the intrinsic
pathway is rarely relevant to coagulation in vivo patients
with hereditary deciency of factor XII have a prolonged
APTT but no bleeding disorder. The crucial protein in the
initiation of blood coagulation is tissue factor, an integral
membrane protein expressed on non-vascular cells. When a
blood vessel is damaged, circulating factor VII comes into
contact with tissue factor. The tissue factor/factor VIIa complex
activates not only factor X (the extrinsic pathway) but also
factor IX.
Regulation of coagulation
Blood coagulation is modulated by three major inhibitory
It is dull to percussion.
Ribulose 5-P
Examination of the bone marrow is not usually necessary in
the work-up of haemolysis but, where performed, will show an
increased number of immature erythroid cells. Formal demon-
stration of reduced red cell survival by tagging of cells with radio-
active chromium (
Cr) and in vivo surface counting of
radioactivity to identify the site of red cell destruction are other
possible investigations infrequently performed in practice.
Inherited disorders
Disorders of the red cell membrane
Hereditary spherocytosis
This is the most common cause of inherited haemolytic disease
in northern Europeans. The disease is heterogeneous with a
variable mode of inheritance. There are many possible gene
mutations with alterations in spectrin, ankyrin and other mem-
brane proteins. In a blood lm the red cells are spheroidal
(spherocytes) with a reduced diameter and more intense stain-
ing than normal red cells (Fig 14.2). These abnormal red cells are
prone to premature destruction in the microvasculature of the
The severity of haemolysis is variable and the disease may
present at any age. Fluctuating levels of jaundice and palpable
splenomegaly are common features. Occasionally, patients
develop severe anaemia associated with the transient marrow
suppression of a viral infection; this so-called aplastic crisis,
which may intervene in any form of chronic haemolysis, is often
caused by parvovirus B19. Prolonged haemolysis may lead to
bilirubin gallstones.
Diagnosis is facilitated by the presence of a family history. The
combination of general features of haemolysis and spherocytes
in the blood is suggestive of hereditary spherocytosis but not
diagnostic as spherocytes may also be seen in autoimmune
haemolysis. The two haemolytic disorders are distinguished by
the direct antiglobulin test, which is negative in hereditary sphe-
rocytosis and nearly always positive in immune haemolysis.
Useful screening tests for hereditary spherocytosis include
measurement of osmotic fragility (Fig 14.3) and ow cytometric
analysis of eosin-5-maleimide binding. In difcult cases, gel elec-
trophoretic analysis of red cell membranes is helpful.
Haemolytic anaemia I
general features and
inherited disorders
Haemolytic anaemias are caused by abnormal destruction of red
Most inherited haemolytic disorders have a defect within the red
cell while most acquired disorders have the defect outside the cell.
Haemolysis causes characteristic clinical features and laboratory
abnormalities. It may be intra- or extravascular.
Hereditary spherocytosis and hereditary elliptocytosis are
haemolytic disorders caused by a deciency in the red cell
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase are key
enzymes in red cell metabolism; inherited deciency leads to
15 Haemolytic anaemia II Acquired disorders
a frequent examination nding in severe
cases. The most characteristic laboratory
abnormality in warm AIHA is a positive
direct antiglobulin test (DAT) sometimes
known as the Coombs test (p. 83). A
major priority in management is the iden-
tication and treatment of any causative
disorder. It is particularly important to
stop an offending drug cephalosporin
antibiotics are most commonly impli-
cated. Where the haemolysis itself requires
treatment, steroids are normally used (e.g.
prednisolone 12 mg/kg daily). In idio-
pathic AIHA most patients will respond
to steroids with a signicant rise in hae-
moglobin and diminished clinical symp-
toms. However, the disease is usually
controlled rather than cured and relapses
often occur when steroids are reduced or
stopped. Where refractoriness to steroids
develops, splenectomy is usually indi-
cated. Other immunosuppressive drugs
(e.g. azathioprine, ciclosporin), intrave-
nous immunoglobulin, cytotoxic agents
and the monoclonal antibody rituximab
may all be helpful in difcult cases.
Cold autoimmune
haemolytic anaemia
In cold AIHA the antibody is generally of
IgM type with specicity for the I red cell
antigen. It attaches best to red cells in the
peripheral circulation where the blood
temperature is lower. As is seen in Table
15.1, this kind of haemolysis can occur in
the context of a monoclonal (i.e. malig-
nant) proliferation of B-lymphocytes in
the so-called idiopathic cold haemaggluti-
nin syndrome or in a variety of lympho-
mas. The other major cause is infection.
The severity of haemolysis varies and
agglutination (clumping) of red cells (Fig
15.3) may cause circulatory problems
such as acrocyanosis, Raynauds phenom-
enon and ulceration. The haemolysis,
where longstanding, is often worse in the
winter. On occasion red cell destruction is
intravascular due to direct lysis by acti-
vated complement. Where this occurs free
haemoglobin is released into the plasma
(haemoglobinaemia) and may appear in
the urine (haemoglobinuria), giving it a
dark colour. Cold AIHA arising from
infection is usually self-limiting. Where it
is chronic the mainstay of treatment is
keeping the patient warm, particularly in
the extremities. In forms associated with
lymphoproliferative disorders, cytotoxic
drugs (e.g. chlorambucil) or rituximab
may be helpful. Steroids are generally
haemolytic anaemia
Here alloantibodies (isoantibodies) cause
haemolysis as a result of transfusion or
haemolytic anaemia
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
(AIHA) is an example of an acquired form
of haemolysis with a defect arising outside
the red cell. The bone marrow produces
structurally normal red cells and prema-
ture destruction is caused by the pro-
duction of an aberrant autoantibody
targeted against one or more antigens on
the cell membrane. Once an antibody has
attached itself to the red cell, the exact
nature of the haemolysis is determined
by the class of antibody and the density
and distribution of surface antigens.
IgM autoantibodies cause destruction by
agglutination or by direct activation of
serum complement. IgG class antibodies
generally mediate destruction by binding
of the Fc portion of the cell-bound immu-
noglobulin molecule by macrophages in
the spleen and liver. The disparate behav-
iour of different types of autoantibody
provides the explanation for a number of
different clinical syndromes.
Table 15.1 shows a simple approach to the
classication of autoimmune haemolytic
anaemia. The disease can be divided into
warm and cold types depending on
whether the antibody reacts better with
red cells at 37C or 05C. For each of
these two basic types of autoimmune
haemolysis there are a number of possible
causes and these can be incorporated into
the classication. A diagnosis of autoim-
mune haemolysis may precede diagnosis
of the causative underlying disease.
Clinical presentation and
Warm autoimmune
haemolytic anaemia
Warm AIHA (Figs 15.1 and 15.2) is the
most common form of the disease. The
red cells are coated with either IgG alone,
IgG and complement, or complement
alone. Premature destruction of these cells
usually takes place in the reticuloendothe-
lial system. Approximately half of all cases
are idiopathic but in the other half there
is an apparent underlying cause (Table
15.1). The autoantibody is produced by
polyclonal B-cells and is usually non-
specic with reactivity against basic mem-
brane constituents present on virtually all
red cells. Patients present with the clinical
and laboratory features of haemolysis dis-
cussed in the last section. Splenomegaly is
Table 15.1 Classication of the
autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
Warm AIHA (usually IgG)
Primary (idiopathic)
Secondary Lymphoproliferative
Other neoplasms
Connective tissue
Cold AIHA (usually IgM)
Primary (cold
Secondary Lymphoproliferative
Infections (e.g.
Paroxysmal cold
Caused by a biphasic polyclonal IgG antibody
Fig 15.1 Blood lm in warm AIHA.
Spherocytes and polychromasia are present.
Fig 15.2 Increased reticulocytes in warm
AIHA. The reticulocyte ribosomal RNA is stained
supravitally by brilliant cresyl blue.
31 Haemolytic anaemia II Acquired disorders
transfer across the placenta. These anti-
bodies are conventional antibodies spe-
cic for foreign antigens on incompatible
red cells. Haemolytic blood transfusion
reactions are discussed on page 84 and
haemolytic disease of the newborn on
page 90.
haemolytic anaemia
Collectively, microangiopathic haemolytic
anaemia (MAHA) is one of the most fre-
quent causes of haemolysis. The term
describes intravascular destruction of red
cells in the presence of an abnormal
microcirculation. There are many causes
of MAHA (Table 15.2) but common trig-
gers are the presence of disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC), abnor-
mal platelet aggregation and vasculitis.
Characteristic laboratory ndings include
red cell fragmentation in the blood lm
(Fig 15.4) and the coagulation changes
seen in DIC (see p. 79). Two specic syn-
dromes merit brief description.
Haemolytic uraemic
syndrome (HUS)
HUS mainly affects infants and children.
The three main features are MAHA, renal
failure and thrombocytopenia. The
disease can occur as seasonal epidemics
caused by Escherichia coli producing vero-
toxin; it is then preceded by bloody diar-
rhoea. Treatment is essentially supportive
with dialysis for renal failure. Mortality
ranges from 5 to 15%.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura (TTP)
This rare congenital or acquired disorder
has many similarities to HUS. It is charac-
terised by MAHA, thrombocytopenia
(often severe), uctuating neurological
symptoms, fever and renal failure. Platelet
microvascular thrombi are mediated
by ultra-large von Willebrand factor
multimers which accumulate due to de-
ciency of a protease (ADAMTS 13). Daily
plasma exchange is the mainstay of treat-
ment; mortality rates are 1020%.
Other acquired
haemolytic anaemias
Haemolysis associated with red cell frag-
mentation may also occur due to the
mechanical effects of defective heart valves
or in long distance runners who effec-
tively stamp repeatedly on a hard surface
(march haemoglobinuria). Certain drugs
(e.g. dapsone and sulfasalazine) can cause
oxidative intravascular haemolysis in
normal people if taken in sufcient
dosage. Many infections can cause haemo-
lysis, either by direct invasion of red cells
or via the circulatory changes already dis-
cussed. The anaemia of malaria often has
a haemolytic component (pp. 9899).
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglob-
inuria (PNH) (Fig 15.5) is a rare example
of acquired haemolysis caused by an
intrinsic red cell defect. In this clonal dis-
order arising from a somatic mutation in
the PIG-A gene in a stem cell, the mature
blood cells have faulty anchoring of
several proteins to membrane glycophos-
pholipids containing phosphatidylinosi-
tol. Clinical features are highly variable
and include intravascular haemolysis,
pancytopenia and recurrent thrombotic
episodes, including portal vein thrombo-
sis. There is coexistent marrow damage
and PNH is often associated with aplastic
anaemia and may even terminate in acute
leukaemia. The traditional diagnostic test
exploited the cells unusual sensitivity to
complement lysis (Ham test). Flow cytom-
etry is now used to show the cells charac-
teristic lack of certain surface proteins
(CD55, CD59) and to quantitate the PNH
clone. Management is largely supportive
with blood transfusion and anticoagula-
tion. More recently, eculizumab, a mono-
clonal antibody blocking activation of
terminal complement, has been given to
reduce haemolysis and the risk of throm-
bosis. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
is the only curative option but is used very
selectively (e.g. in severe marrow failure).
Fig 15.3 Cold agglutination in the blood
lm of a patient with cold autoimmune
haemolytic anaemia.
Fig 15.4 Blood lm in microangiopathic
haemolytic anaemia. Fragmented red cells and
Fig 15.5 Haemosiderinuria caused by
chronic intravascular haemolysis in PNH
(Perls reaction).
Table 15.2 Causes of microangiopathic
haemolytic anaemia
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
Severe infections
Malignant hypertension
Some authorities believe that HUS and TTP are effectively a single
disorder TTP-HUS.
Haemolytic anaemia II
acquired disorders
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) can be divided into warm and cold types
dependent on the temperature at which the antibody reacts optimally with red cells.
For each type of AIHA there are possible underlying causes which must be identied and
The term microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA) describes the intravascular
destruction of red cells in the presence of an abnormal microenvironment. Clinical
syndromes associated with MAHA include haemolytic uraemic syndrome and thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura.
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare example of acquired haemolysis
caused by an intrinsic red cell defect.
16 The thalassaemias
-Thalassaemias are autosomal reces-
sive disorders characterised by reduced
) or absent (
) production of
chains. The heterozygous (trait or
minor) form of the disease is usually
symptomless while homozygosity is
associated with the clinical disease
-thalassaemia major. Homozygous
mild (
) thalassaemia may, however,
lead to a less severe clinical syndrome
termed thalassaemia intermedia. The
-thalassaemias are very heterogeneous
at the molecular level the large major-
ity of mutations are single base substitu-
tions (point mutations) and insertions
or deletions of one to two bases.
Although molecular analysis may be
needed, diagnosis of the major syn-
dromes is normally possible from con-
sideration of the clinical features and
simple laboratory tests. The latter must
include a blood count and blood lm,
and haemoglobin electrophoresis with
quantication of the different types of
haemoglobin (i.e. HbA, HbA
, HbF).
Other structural Hb variants may
coexist with thalassaemias giving rise to
a wide range of clinical disorders. Only
the more common thalassaemia syn-
dromes are discussed here.
Clinical syndromes
Hb-Barts hydrops syndrome ( / )
Here deletion of all four genes leads to
complete absence of -chain synthesis.
As the -globin chain is needed for fetal
haemoglobin (HbF) as well as adult hae-
moglobin (HbA) (see p. 5) the disorder
is incompatible with life and death
occurs in utero (hydrops fetalis).
HbH disease (/ )
This disorder arises from deletion of
three of the four -globin genes and is
found most commonly in South-East
Asia. The clinical features are variable
but there is often a moderate chronic
haemolytic anaemia (Hb 70110 g/L)
with splenomegaly and sometimes
hepatomegaly. Severe bone changes and
growth retardation are unusual. The
blood lm shows hypochromic micro-
cytic red cells with poikilocytosis, poly-
chromasia and target cells. The HbH
molecule is formed of unstable tetram-
ers of unpaired chains (
). It is best
detected by electrophoresis but may be
demonstrated as red cell inclusion
bodies in reticulocyte preparations.
-Thalassaemia traits
Deletion of a single -globin chain leads
only to a slight lowering of red cell
mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and
mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)
and even deletion of two genes usually
only minimally lowers the haemoglobin
with a raised red cell count and
hypochromia and microcytosis. These
carrier states can be difcult to identify
in the routine laboratory as haemo-
globin electrophoresis is normal. Occa-
sional HbH bodies may be detected in
reticulocyte preparations. Denitive
diagnosis requires DNA analysis.
-Thalassaemia major
The characteristic severe anaemia (Hb
less than 70 g/L) is caused by -chain
excess leading to ineffective erythropoi-
esis and haemolysis. Anaemia rst
becomes apparent at 36 months
when production of HbF declines. The
child fails to thrive and develops hepat-
osplenomegaly. Compensatory expan-
sion of the marrow space causes the
typical facies with skull bossing and
maxillary enlargement (Fig 16.1a). The
hair-on-end radiological appearance
of the skull (Fig 16.1b) is due to expan-
sion of bone marrow into cortical bone.
If left untreated further complications
can include repeated infections, bone
fractures and leg ulcers. Red cell mem-
brane abnormalities contribute to
Laboratory testing should precede
blood transfusion. There is a severe
hypochromic microcytic anaemia with
a characteristic blood lm (Fig 16.2)
and Hb electrophoresis demonstrates
absence or near absence of HbA with
small amounts of HbA
and the remain-
der HbF (Fig 16.3).
With intense supportive therapy,
increasing numbers of patients in the
The thalassaemias are a heterogeneous
group of inherited disorders of haemo-
globin synthesis. They are characterised
by a reduction in the rate of synthesis of
either alpha or beta chains and are clas-
sied accordingly (i.e. -thalassaemia,
-thalassaemia). The basic haematologi-
cal abnormality in the thalassaemias is
a hypochromic microcytic anaemia of
variable severity. Unbalanced synthesis
of - and -globin chains can damage
red cells in two ways. Firstly, failure of
and chains to combine leads to
diminished haemoglobinisation of red
cells to levels incompatible with survival.
Even those hypochromic cells released
into the circulation transport oxygen
poorly. The second mechanism for
red cell damage is the aggregation of
unmatched globin chains the inclu-
sion bodies lead to accelerated apoptosis
of erythroid precursors in the bone
marrow (ineffective erythropoiesis) and
destruction of more mature red cells in
the spleen (haemolysis). In general,
the clinical severity of any case of thalas-
saemia is proportionate to the degree of
imbalance of - and -globin chain
Thalassaemias are among the most
common inherited disorders. Gene carri-
ers have some protection from falci-
parum malaria. Cases occur sporadically
in most populations but the highest tha-
lassaemia gene frequency is in a broad
geographical region extending from the
Mediterranean through the Middle East
and India to South-East Asia.
The classication illustrated in Table
16.1 is based on the mode of inheritance
of thalassaemia.
As the -globin chain gene is dupli-
cated on each chromosome there may
be total loss of -globin chain produc-
tion (termed
or /haplotype) or
partial loss of -chain production result-
ing from loss of only one gene (termed
or /haplotype).
The most important clinical syn-
dromes are haemoglobin (Hb)-Barts
hydrops syndrome ( / ), which is
incompatible with life, and Hb H disease
(/ ). At the molecular level the
-thalassaemias result from loss of -
gene function due to gene deletion
or non-deletional mutations; different
types of mutations may be co-inherited.
Table 16.1 Classication of thalassaemia
Type of
Heterozygote Homozygote
( /) Thal. minor Hydrops fetalis
(/) Thal. minor Thal. minor
Thal. minor Thal. major
Thal. minor Thal. major or
Compound heterozygosity ( /) leads to HbH disease.
33 The thalassaemias
developed world survive into adulthood.
Blood transfusion remains the mainstay
of management. Raising the haemo-
globin concentration both reduces tissue
hypoxia and suppresses endogenous
haematopoiesis which is largely ineffec-
tive. There is improved growth and
development and reduced hepat-
osplenomegaly. Transfusion is generally
given to maintain a haemoglobin level
of at least 90100 g/L. Splenectomy can
reduce the transfusion frequency. With
such regular transfusion iron chelation
is necessary to minimise iron overload.
Without chelation, accumulation of iron
damages the liver, endocrine organs and
heart with death in the second or third
decades. The most commonly used
regimen is subcutaneous desferrioxam-
ine given for 57 days per week. Compli-
ance may be problematic (especially in
teenagers) but where good there is a
considerably improved life expectancy.
Oral iron chelators (e.g. deferiprone,
deferasirox) are emerging as an accept-
able alternative. Endocrine disturbances
related to iron overload will require
appropriate therapy.
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
is a serious option. In best risk patients
the probability of survival exceeds 90%.
Experimental therapies include drugs
designed to stimulate fetal haemoglobin
production (e.g. erythropoietin, hydroxy-
carbamide) and gene therapy (see p. 103).
Thalassaemia intermedia
Thalassaemia intermedia is a clinical
syndrome which may result from a
variety of genetic abnormalities (Table
16.2). The clinical features are less severe
than in -thalassaemia major as the /-
globin chain imbalance is less pro-
nounced. Patients usually present later
than is the case for -thalassaemia major
(often at 24 years), and have relatively
high haemoglobin levels (80100 g/L),
moderate bone changes and normal
growth. Transfusion may be required
but requirements are less than in
-thalassaemia major.
-Thalassaemia trait (minor)
Heterozygotes for
are usually
asymptomatic with hypochromic micro-
cytic red cells and slightly reduced hae-
moglobin levels. The red cell count is
elevated. The key diagnostic feature is a
raised HbA
level (47%). The disorder
may be confused with iron deciency
leading to unnecessary investigations. If
both parents have -thalassaemia trait
there is a 25% chance of a child having
-thalassaemia major.
Prenatal diagnosis
This depends on early identication of
couples at risk and sensitive counselling.
Adequate amounts of fetal DNA can be
obtained around the 10th week of gesta-
tion by chorionic villus sampling.
Current technologies allow reliable
identication of single point mutations
from very small DNA samples. Tech-
niques are being developed to analyse
fetal DNA obtained from maternal
plasma or peripheral blood.
Fig 16.1 -Thalassaemia major. (a) Typical facies; (b) skull X-ray showing hair-on-end appearance.
(a) (b)
Fig 16.2 Blood lm in -thalassaemia major.
Fig 16.3 Haemoglobin electrophoresis (cellulose acetate, pH 8.5). The patterns obtained in
normality and some common thalassaemia syndromes are shown. Other screening methods include
high-performance liquid chromatography and isoelectric focusing.
Normal b thal trait b thal major HbH disease
Hb type
Table 16.2 Possible causes of thalassaemia
Mild defects of -globin chain production, e.g.
homozygous mild
Homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for
severe -thalassaemia with co-inheritance of
-thalassaemia or genetic factors enhancing -chain
Heterozygous -thalassaemia with co-inheritance of
additional -globin gene
-thalassaemia and hereditary persistence of fetal
HbH disease
The thalassaemias
The thalassaemias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders where there is a
reduction in the rate of synthesis of haemoglobin chains (-thalassaemia) or chains
There may be both ineffective erythropoiesis and haemolysis. The basic haematological
abnormality is a hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
There are several clinical syndromes. In general the severity is proportionate to the degree
of imbalance of - and -globin chains.
-Thalassaemia major leads to severe anaemia requiring regular blood transfusion and iron
Thalassaemia trait is a symptomless clinical disorder which should not be confused with
iron deciency. Genetic counselling is required in selected cases.
17 Sickle cell syndromes
Vascular-occlusive crises
Acute, episodic, painful crises are a
potentially disabling feature of sickle
cell anaemia. They may be triggered by
infection or cold. Patients complain of
musculoskeletal pain which may be
severe and require hospital admission.
Hips, shoulders and vertebrae are most
affected. Attacks are generally self-
limiting but infarction of bone can occur
and must be distinguished from salmo-
nella osteomyelitis. Avascular necrosis
of the femoral head is a crippling com-
plication. Other organs are vulnerable to
infarction; most serious is neurological
damage which may manifest as seizures,
transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) and
strokes. Vaso-occlusion in infancy is
responsible for the handfoot syn-
drome, a type of dactylitis damaging the
small bones of hands and feet (Fig 17.3).
Sequestration crises
These arise from sickling and infarction
within particular organs. Specic syn-
dromes include acute chest syndrome
with occlusion of the pulmonary vascu-
lature, girdle sequestration caused by
occlusion of the mesenteric blood
supply, and hepatic and splenic
Other complications
These are multiple, usually caused by
vascular stasis and local ischaemia.
gene with a normal -chain gene (
causes the innocuous sickle cell trait
(Fig 17.1).
The abnormal
gene has a high inci-
dence in tropical and subtropical regions
as the abnormal haemoglobin produced
(HbS) gives some protection against fal-
ciparum malaria. HbS differs from
normal haemoglobin (HbA) in that
glutamic acid has been replaced by
valine at the sixth amino acid from the
N-terminus of the -globin chain. The
clinical features of sickle cell anaemia
arise from the propensity of red cells
containing haemoglobin S to undergo
sickling. In the deoxygenated state HbS
undergoes a conformational change
leading to the creation of haemoglobin
tetramers which aggregate to produce
large polymers. The red cell loses its
normal deformability and becomes
characteristically sickle-shaped (Fig 17.2).
Damage to the membrane leads to
increased rigidity and the ultimate
sequestration of the red cell in the retic-
uloendothelial system causing haemo-
lytic anaemia. The inexible sickle cells
also become lodged in the microcircula-
tion causing stasis and obstruction.
Clinical syndromes
Sickle cell anaemia (HbSS)
This classic form of sickle cell syndrome
is enormously variable in severity.
Haemolytic anaemia
The haemoglobin is generally in the
range 60100 g/L. Because HbS releases
oxygen more readily than HbA, the
symptoms of anaemia are often surpris-
ingly mild. Intercurrent infection with
parvovirus or folate deciency can block
erythropoiesis and cause a sudden fall
in haemoglobin the aplastic crisis.
Fig 17.1 Inheritance of sickle cell syndromes. Two pedigrees showing inheritance of sickle cell
syndromes. In the rst family one child is unaffected, one has sickle cell trait and one has sickle cell
anaemia. In the second family one child has inherited the abnormal sickle gene and the HbC gene; this
double heterozygosity leads to haemoglobin SC disease.
1. Both parents have sickle trait 2. One parent has sickle trait and the other
is heterozygous for HbC
Sickle trait
Sickle cell
anaemia (SS)
SC disease
Fig 17.2 Blood lm in sickle cell anaemia.
Fig 17.3 Dactylitis in sickle cell anaemia.
(Reproduced with permission from Linch D C,
Yates A P 1996 Colour Guide Haematology
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.)
35 Sickle cell syndromes
General. Patients need support in the
community and easy access to centres
experienced in the management of
sickle cell anaemia. Prophylaxis is
important. Patients should avoid factors
known to precipitate crises, take folate
supplements (because of chronic
haemolysis) and be prescribed penicillin
and pneumococcal vaccine (because of
hyposplenism caused by infarction).
Infections require prompt treatment.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
can identify children at high risk of
stroke. Annual retinal screening is
Painful vascular-occlusive crises.
First-line treatment is rest, increased
uids and adequate oral analgesia. Con-
stitutional upset or pain not relieved by
oral analgesia necessitates hospital
admission with continued rest, warmth,
intravenous uids and opiate analgesia.
Psychological support is vital.
Blood transfusion. Acute or chronic
simple red cell transfusion may be given
to relieve severe anaemia and to reduce
the amount of circulating sickle haemo-
globin. Chronic transfusions are the
most effective intervention to prevent
recurrent cerebrovascular events. Other
indications for transfusion include com-
plications such as chest syndrome and
priapism. Blood transfusion is not
usually required for episodes of pain.
Exchange transfusion is preferred to
simple transfusion for rapid reduction
of HbS levels or where simple transfu-
sion would cause hyperviscosity or cir-
culatory overload. Blood is phenotypically
matched to reduce the chance of alloim-
munisation. Iron chelation may be
Pregnancy and surgery. Transfu-
sion is not routinely indicated in an
uncomplicated pregnancy but may be
needed for severe anaemia or other
sickle-cell-related complications. During
surgery it is important to avoid hypoxia
and dehydration. Preoperative simple
transfusion or even exchange transfu-
sion may be appropriate for high-risk
Hydroxycarbamide. Increasing the
level of fetal haemoglobin in red cells
with the antimetabolite hydroxycar-
bamide can reduce the severity of the
disease. Clinical trials have been encour-
aging with signicant reductions in
painful crises, major complications,
blood transfusion, hospital admissions
and mortality rates. It is important to
ensure compliance as clinical benet
may not be immediate. There are con-
cerns regarding the leukaemogenic and
teratogenic effects of hydroxycarbamide
but with cautious use and patient educa-
tion (e.g. appropriate contraception) the
risks appear to be low.
Stem cell transplantation. Alloge-
neic stem cell transplantation offers the
possibility of a cure in selected high risk
patients but it will not be more widely
applicable until the toxicity is reduced
(see p. 56).
Gene therapy. Gene therapy has the
potential to provide a cure without the
risks of allogeneic stem cell transplanta-
tion (see p. 103).
The risk of early death is inversely
related to fetal haemoglobin levels. The
most common causes of death are infec-
tion in infancy, cerebrovascular acci-
dents in childhood and adolescence and
respiratory complications in adult life.
Doubly heterozygous sickling
Here patients inherit the
gene and
another abnormal gene usually HbC
or -thalassaemia. HbSC disease is
similar to HbSS but there is a tendency
for fewer painful crises and a higher
incidence of proliferative retinopathy
and avascular necrosis. The severity of
sickle cell/-thalassaemia depends on
whether patients have the
type. The less common HbS/
form has
a similar clinical picture to HbSS.
Sickle cell trait (HbAS)
Sickle cell trait normally causes no clini-
cal problems as there is enough HbA in
red cells (approximately 60%) to prevent
sickling. However, haematuria occasion-
ally occurs as a result of renal papillary
necrosis and additional care is required
during pregnancy and anaesthesia. Diag-
nosis is by a sickling test and Hb elec-
trophoresis (see Fig 17.4). Life expectancy
is normal although there may be a
slightly increased risk of sudden death
during intense exercise in young adults.
Counselling and
prenatal diagnosis
Genetic counselling is needed by those
affected with either the homozygous
disease, compound heterozygosity or
the trait. Prenatal diagnosis is possible
using mutation analysis on PCR-
amplied DNA from chorionic villi (see
p. 100).
Screening strategies
Screening of all newborn babies for
sickle cell syndromes is recommended
to reduce the risk of early death from
infection. Preconception testing and
antenatal testing of pregnant women is
performed depending on individual risk
and the local prevalence of sickle cell
disease. A similar approach is adopted
prior to surgery.
Fig 17.4 Cellulose acetate electrophoresis to separate
haemoglobins A, F, S and C. Lane 4, control sample; Lanes 2, 3, 6, 7,
normal; Lane 1, sickle cell anaemia; Lane 5, sickle cell trait.
Sickle cell syndromes
The sickle cell syndromes are a group of haemoglobinopathies
which primarily affect people of African origin.
Inheritance of two
genes leads to the serious clinical disorder
sickle cell anaemia (HbSS).
Clinical problems in sickle cell anaemia include chronic haemolytic
anaemia, vascular-occlusive crises, sequestration crises and
susceptibility to infection.
Routine management of sickle cell anaemia entails prophylactic
measures, supportive care during vascular-occlusive crises and the
selective use of blood transfusion and hydroxycarbamide.
Sickle cell trait (HbAS) is an innocuous clinical disorder but genetic
counselling is often needed.
18 Anaemia of chronic disease
questions remain. Key factors in aetiol-
ogy are summarised in Figure 18.2.
Inammatory cytokines such as tissue
necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1
and -6 are implicated in all of these
There is a modest shortening of red
cell lifespan which leads to an increased
demand for bone marrow production.
The marrow struggles to respond ade-
quately as there is blunting of the
expected increase in erythropoietin
secretion and also diminished respon-
siveness of erythroid precursor cells to
erythropoietin. Hepcidin, a peptide
hormone, appears to be an important
mediator of ACD. This acute phase reac-
tant protein is released from the liver
following stimulation by interleukin-6.
Actions of hepcidin include inhibition of
microbial infection, macrophage iron
recycling and intestinal iron absorption.
Its role in iron balance and transport is
mediated via binding to ferroportin, the
major cellular iron efux protein.
Patients with inammation and anaemia
have elevated serum and urine levels of
hepcidin. Abnormalities of iron metabo-
lism are well documented in ACD.
These include:
-microglobulin Low High
Cytogenetics del 13q14 del 11q22, trisomy 12, del 17p13
Mutation IgV
genes Yes No
ZAP-70 expression No Yes
Factors not included in Binet staging system.
Complete remission.
p53 mutation/deletion.
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
CLL is the commonest form of leukaemia in the Western world. It is a disease of the elderly.
There is a clonal proliferation of B-lymphocytes.
Symptoms/signs include anaemia, recurrent infections, weight loss, lymphadenopathy and
The clinical course is often indolent but it can be more aggressive in advanced stages.
Chemotherapy is often not immediately needed in early CLL.
The combination of udarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) is the initial
treatment of choice in most cases.
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
24 Other leukaemias
of lymphoid cells with blood-lled
spaces lined by hairy cells (the pathog-
nomonic pseudosinuses of HCL).
There is no specic karyotypic
A minority of patients (perhaps 10%)
are asymptomatic and in the rst
instance may require no intervention.
Treatment options are as follows.
Nucleoside analogues
Purine analogues are highly effective
treatment, producing a more complete
and durable response than other thera-
pies (Fig 24.3). Both cladribine and
pentostatin give excellent long-term sur-
vivals (9095% at 10 years) and death
from HCL is rare.
Interferon alfa
Although less effective than nucleosides,
interferon alfa may still be used in
patients with severe cytopenia or where
the myelosuppressive effects of nucleo-
sides are unacceptable. In the latter
patients, G-CSF may also be helpful.
Major side-effects of interferon alfa
include systemic symptoms such as
pyrexia, lethargy and depression. Fol-
lowing cessation, the disease normally
slowly relapses but it will often respond
to reintroduction of the drug.
This produces improvement in symp-
toms and cytopenia but responses are
not particularly durable and it is now
less used than previously.
Prolymphocytic leukaemia (PLL) may
be connected with chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia (p. 46), but it more often
presents de novo and is best regarded as
a distinct disease. The malignant cell is
usually of B-lineage and is more mature
than the B-CLL cell. Thus, in addition to
characteristic B-cell antigens, the cells
show a high density of surface immu-
noglobulin and clonal rearrangements
of both heavy and light chain immu-
noglobulin genes. TP53 mutations are
commonly found. Approximately 20%
of cases are of T-cell lineage.
Clinical features and diagnosis
PLL is very much a disease of the elderly
with a maximum incidence in the eighth
decade of life. The most common clini-
cal presentation of B-PLL is massive
splenomegaly. Lymphadenopathy is
usually not conspicuous. In T-PLL,
involvement of lymph nodes and other
tissues including liver and skin is more
common. The characteristic PLL blood
abnormality is a marked lymphocytosis
(normally greater than 100 10
Anaemia is normal but platelet numbers
are often well preserved. Prolym-
phocytes are large cells recognised by
their condensed nucleus with a single
prominent nucleolus surrounded by
abundant cytoplasm. B- and T-cell types
are not distinguishable by routine
PLL has a poorer prognosis than chronic
lymphocytic leukaemia. The disease is
usually aggressive and the median sur-
vival is 3 years with an even bleaker
outlook in the T-cell variant. Most
patients are elderly and the disease is
frequently refractory to conventional
chemotherapy. Palliative options include
splenic irradiation, splenectomy and
leucapheresis to control the high white
cell count. Survival in B-PLL may be
improved by use of udarabine and
rituximab while alemtuzumab (anti-
CD52 monoclonal antibody) is emerg-
ing as rst-line treatment for T-PLL.
T-cell large granular
lymphocyte leukaemia
T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukae-
mia (T-LGL) is a clonal disorder
Hairy cell leukaemia
Hairy cell leukaemia (HCL) is a rare
chronic B-cell leukaemia characterised
by distinctive biological features and
unusual sensitivity to treatment. The
name of the disease is a reference to the
distinctive appearance of the malignant
cell (Figs 24.1 and 24.2).
Clinical features
Patients often have non-specic symp-
toms including fatigue and weight loss.
Infection, the main cause of morbidity
and mortality, and bleeding are other
possible presentations. The spleen is the
probable site of origin of the malignant
clone and splenomegaly is found in over
80% of cases. This may be massive and
is usually not accompanied by lymphad-
enopathy. The liver is enlarged in 50% of
Most cases of HCL have a pancytopenia
and there may be circulating hairy cells
in the blood lm. Neutropenia and
monocytopenia are often particularly
marked, accounting for the frequency of
infection. Hairy cells strongly express
the markers of mature activated B-cells:
CD19, CD11c, CD20, CD22 and CD25
and CD103. The bone marrow is nor-
mally difcult to aspirate because of
increased brosis; the trephine will
show a variable number of inltrating
hairy cells. Where splenectomy is per-
formed, the sinuses and cords are seen
to be inltrated by a uniform population
Fig 24.1 Normal lymphocyte and hairy cell.
Fig 24.2 Hairy cells seen with electron
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49 Other leukaemias
of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. It is often
associated with autoimmune disorders
such as rheumatoid arthritis. The most
common blood manifestation is severe
chronic neutropenia although anaemia
and thrombocytopenia may also occur.
Patients can suffer from recurrent infec-
tions, B symptoms such as fever and
weight loss, and hepatosplenomegaly.
Although the disorder is unequivocally
a leukaemia rather than a reactive
process, it is generally indolent with
responses to immunosuppressive
Adult T-cell
leukaemia lymphoma
Adult T-cell leukaemia lymphoma
(ATLL) is a malignant disorder of rela-
tively mature T-lymphocytes. It is rare
but of great interest as it is conclusively
caused by a virus. The majority of
patients with ATLL have antibodies to
HTLV-1 and denitive evidence for the
aetiological role of this retrovirus has
come from studies showing monoclonal
integration of proviral DNA in the leu-
kaemic cells.
The disease is mostly seen in areas
endemic for HTLV-1, notably in parts of
Japan and in the islands of the Carib-
bean. There is a long latent period from
infection to overt disease and less than
5% of infected people actually develop
ATLL. Patients most commonly present
in the fth decade and, as its name sug-
gests, ATLL may behave as a leukaemia
or a lymphoma. In the most acute form
presentation is with a frank leukaemia.
The malignant cells in the blood are
pleomorphic but often have very irregu-
lar polylobulated nuclei. Even within the
leukaemic group there is great heteroge-
neity with chronic and smouldering
forms. In 25% of cases the disease is
better described as a lymphoma as there
is no demonstrable blood involvement.
Despite the variability of the pathology
there are well-dened clinical and labo-
ratory features which should prompt
consideration of the diagnosis, particu-
larly in a person from an HTLV-1
endemic area (Table 24.1). In practice,
lymphoma-type ATLL may be confused
with other forms of T-non-Hodgkins
lymphoma. Leukaemic ATLL must be
distinguished from Sezary syndrome,
a lymphoproliferative disorder with
circulating T-cells and skin changes
including erythroderma and exfoliative
This requires morphological examina-
tion and immunophenotyping of blood
lymphocytes or a lymph node biopsy.
HTLV-1 positivity is established by sero-
logical testing and by DNA analysis of
affected tissue where available. Chromo-
some abnormalities are found in up to
90% of cases but are not specic for
Therapy is offered to patients with
acute, lymphomatous or unfavourable
prognosis chronic type ATLL while
patients with typical chronic or smoul-
dering disease are normally rst
observed. Treatment is unsatisfactory
and the median survival in aggressive
disease is less than 1 year. The lym-
phoma type of ATLL has a slightly better
outlook than the leukaemia type. Acute
forms are frequently resistant to conven-
tional lymphoma chemotherapy proto-
cols (e.g. CHOP) and more intensive
regimens with central nervous system
prophylaxis are generally recom-
mended. The combination of interferon
alfa and the antiviral agent zidovudine
may give responses where chemother-
apy has failed. Allogeneic stem cell
transplantation can be considered in
younger patients with a suitable donor.
The chronic and smouldering leukae-
mia forms can run a protracted course
but eventually transform to an acute
phase. Skin lesions may be helped by
extracorporeal photochemotherapy.
Fig 24.3 Response of hairy cell leukaemia to treatment with cladribine (2-CDA). Bone marrow
examinations 1 and 2 showed numerous hairy cells, and bone marrow 3 a remission.
White cells
(X 10
Total count
Hairy cells
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(x 10
Bone marrow
Months from diagnosis
Interferon 2-CDA
1 2 3
Table 24.1 Common clinical and
laboratory features in ATLL
Skin lesions
Pulmonary lesions
High white cell count
Other leukaemias
Hairy cell leukaemia (HCL) is a malignant proliferation of B-cells with a characteristic hairy
appearance. Pancytopenia and splenomegaly are common. Nucleoside analogue drugs are
usual rst-line treatment and the prognosis is good.
Prolymphocytic leukaemia is a B-cell (or less often a T-cell) malignancy typied by
presentation in the elderly, a high white cell count, splenomegaly and a poor prognosis.
T-cell LGL leukaemia most commonly manifests as chronic severe neutropenia.
Adult T-cell leukaemia lymphoma is a malignant disorder of T-lymphocytes associated with
infection by the HTLV-1 virus. It may present as leukaemia or lymphoma.
tahir99-VRG & vip.persianss.ir
25 The myelodysplastic syndromes
common in the subtypes with increased blast cells. CMML,
like the acute monocytic leukaemias, has specic features
including splenomegaly (rare in other forms of MDS), skin
inltration and serous effusions.
The diagnosis of MDS depends on careful morphological
examination of the blood lm and bone marrow aspirate and
trephine specimens (Fig 25.2). Common abnormalities
1525% increase
red cell mass
40% increase
plasma volume
Factors VII, VIII, X
(late pregnancy)
Normal pregnancy Fe
89 Pregnancy
from intracranial bleeding in those
affected is less than 1%. All manage-
ment decisions must thus acknowledge
that fetal thrombocytopenia is uncom-
mon and fetal mortality very rare. In
this context, aggressive treatment of all
mothers with ITP with corticosteroids
and/or intravenous immunoglobulin
and routine delivery by caesarean
section are not justied. The fetal plate-
let count is not routinely measured.
A conservative approach with normal
delivery and an immediate neonatal
cord blood platelet count is gaining
support. If the babys count is low or
falling, intravenous immunoglobulin
can be given. In more severe thrombo-
cytopenia, transcranial ultrasound can
be performed to exclude intracranial
haemorrhage. Because of its low inci-
dence of side-effects, intravenous
immunoglobulin is probably the treat-
ment of choice for severe maternal
abnormalities in
Thromboembolism and
anticoagulant therapy
Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a
major cause of maternal death. Approxi-
mately half of fatal PEs occur antepar-
tum and half postpartum, the majority
of the latter in the rst 2 weeks of the
puerperium. About 70% of women who
develop venous thromboembolism in
pregnancy and the puerperium have
major risk factors. These include increas-
ing age, caesarean section, obesity, previ-
ous thrombotic problems and familial
thrombophilia. Hereditary throm-
bophilia (see p. 78) has also been linked
with recurrent fetal loss, intrauterine
growth restriction, pre-eclampsia and
placental abruption.
Both the anticoagulants commonly
used in clinical practice, heparin and
warfarin, require special consideration
in pregnancy.