Laguna Copperplate Inscription
Laguna Copperplate Inscription
Laguna Copperplate Inscription
less than 8x12 inches in size and is inscribed with small writing that had
been hammered into its surface, shows heavy Indian cultural influence (by way
of Srivijaya) present in the Philippines during the era previous to Spanish
colonization in the 16th century
The Code was described to have been "in use in 150 (?) since 1433" and
was codified and enforced by a certain Datu Kalantiao -- later called Datu
Bendahara Kalantiaw -- who ruled in an ancient civilization -- a sakup called
Aklan, with Batan (or Batang) as its center of government.
The fantastic story of the Code of Kalantiao originated from the two-
volume manuscripts called Las Antiguas Leyendas de la Isla de Negros
which, according to Marco, were written by Jose María Pavon. The
manuscripts were actually a product of Marco's fertile imagination.
Wrote Prof. Scott: "The shift of the Code from Negros to Panay
presumably began with [Josue] Soncuya's conclusion that Rajah Kalantiaw --
as he called him -- had written the code for Aklan because of the presence
of two Aklanon, rather than Hiligaynon, words in the text." (Josue Soncuya,
one of the founders of Centro Escolar de Señoritas, was from Banga, Aklan.)
1. You shall not kill, nor steal, nor wound the aged, or you shall be in danger of death. Whoever
shall transgress these laws shall die by being drowned in a river with a stone or in boiling water.
2. You shall comply with all your debts due to the chief by fully paying said obligations. Whosoever
is in default shall be lashed one hundred times for the first offense. If the debt is considerable, the
offender's hand shall be put into boiling water. For the second offense he shall die by being
3. You shall obey by not having wives who are very young or more wives than you can take care of,
nor shall you indulge in excessive lust. Whosoever shall not comply, obey and follow shall be
sentenced to swim for three hours, and for the second offense, he shall die by being beaten with
4. You shall follow and obey: You shall not disturb the peace of the graves; upon passing by them,
you shall respect them in the caves or trees where they may be. Whosoever violates this law
shall be put to death by being exposed to ants or by being beaten with prongs.
5. You shall obey: Barters for food shall always be complied with strictly and to the letter.
Whosoever violates this agreement shall be beaten for one hour. Whosoever shall repeat the
offense shall be exposed to the ants for one day.
6. You shall be obliged to revere sacred places of trees of well known value and other spots.
Whosoever shall not comply shall pay with his labor for one month., in gold or honey; for the
second offense he shall become a slave.
7. The following shall suffer death: Whosoever shall fell trees of venerable aspect; whosoever at
night shoot arrow at the aged and women; whosoever shall enter the chief's dwelling without
permission; whosoever shall kill a shark or strip a crocodile.
8. Whosoever shall kidnap the wives of chiefs shall be reduced to slavery for one year; the same
penalty shall be imposed upon whosoever shall keep dogs that have beaten chiefs and
whosoever burns another's crop.
9. The following shall be beaten for two days: Whosoever shall sing as he travels at night or shall kill
manual birds, or shall tear the documents of the chiefs or who shall tell lies with malice
10. It shall be the duty of every mother to secretly impart sex education to her daughters and prepare
them for womanhood; for men to refrain from being cruel or punishing their wives when caught in
11. The following shall be burned at the stake: Whosoever shall, by force or trickery, baffle or elude
punishment, or shall kill two children, or shall attempt to kidnap the elder's wives.
12. The following shall be drowned: All slaves who resist their superiors or owners or masters;
whosoever shall abuse their lust; whosoever shall kill their idols by breaking or throwing them
13. The following shall be exposed to ants for one half day: Whosoever shall kill cats during the New
Moon, or shall steal things pertaining to the chiefs and elders, however small and inexpensive
they may be.
14. Whosoever, having beautiful daughters, shall not consent to their marriage to the chief's sons or
shall hide them in bad faith, shall be reduced to slavery for life.
15. Concerning beliefs and superstitions: Whosoever shall eat the bad meat of sacred animals, and
herbs that are reputed to be good; whosoever shall kill manual chickens or white monkeys shall
be whipped.
16. Whosoever shall break wooden or clay idols at their altars and places of offerings; or whosoever
shall destroy the spear of priestesses with which to kill pigs, or shall break drinking vessels shall
have their fingers cut off.
17. Whosoever shall profane places where sacred things of idols and chiefs are buried shall be put to
death. Whosoever shall let his bowels moved or urinate on said spots shall be burned at the
18. Whosoever shall fail to execute these mandates, if he be a chief, shall be stoned and crushed to
death, and if he be an elder shall be thrown into a river to be devoured by sharks and crocodiles.
In 1966, Sol Gwekoh wrote in the Sunday Times magazine that Datu
Bendahara Kalantiaw was born in 1410 -- again, without any supporting
Bornean Datus
The account of the voyage of ten datus and their followers from a
foreign land to Panay and their subsequent settlement in this Visayan island
is narrated in a book written in Hiligaynon by Pedro Monteclaro, a native of
In his book, Maragtas kon (historia) sg pulo nga Panay kutub sg iya una
nga pamuluyo tubtub sg pag-abut sg mga taga Borneo nga amo ang
ginhalinan sg mga Bisaya, kag sg pag-abut sg mga Katsila, Monteclaro
narrated that the ten datus came from Borneo where the tyrant Datu
Makatunao ruled. The datus and their wives were Puti and wife Pinangpang,
Sumakwel and wife Kapinangan, Bangkaya and wife Katurong (who settled in
Aklan and whose son Balingsanga could not pronounce the letter r ),
Paiburong and wife Pabulanan, Padohinog and wife Ribongsapaw, Dumangsol
and wife Kabiling, Dumalogdog, Lubay, Balensuela, and Dumangsil.
Code of Maragtas
The datus, who had settled in Panay, divided the whole of Panay among
themselves. Definitely, they had to have some sanctions against polygamy,
adultery, inter-racial marriage, robbery, and other cases contrary to their
customs. So, a "code," later called the Code of Maragtas, (then, still a little
later, called the Code of Sumakwel) was said to have been devised. La-di-
da... Manuel Carreon wrote that the Code of Maragtas antedated the Code of
Kalantiao by over two centuries!
The renowned historian William Henry Scott examined the original Maragtas
book and found out that it was just a creation of a certain Guillermo
Santiago-Cuino, who based his book on the compilation of Monteclaro and
published it in 1938.
Tagbanwa script had been used in the Philippines until the 17th century.
It is believed to have come from the Kawi script of Java, Bali and Sumatra,
which in turn, descended from the Pallava script, one of the southern Indian
scripts derived from Brahmi.
Tagbanwa is a syllabic alphabet in which each consonant has an inherent
vowel /a/. Other vowels are indicated either by separate letters, or by
diacritics. When vowels appear at the beginning of words or one they own,
they are represented by separate letters.Tagbanwa is traditionally written on
bamboo in vertical columns from bottom to top and left to right. Though it is
read from left to right in horizontal lines.