Complaint Fred

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Republic of the Philippines


Felicisimo R. Colas, Jr.
- versus - CIIL CAS! NO. 2"1#PSY
For$ Breac% o& Co'(rac( a')
Reco*er+ o& ,ama-es
BCFA Co's(r.c(io' Com/a'+, I'c.,
Ar'el Al*ara)o, Presi)e'(
COMES NOW Plaintiff, by an thru the unersi!ne counsel, unto
this "onorable Court, #ost respectfully states that$
%&' Plaintiff is of le!al a!e, sin!le an resiin! at No( )* Na!oya
Street, +, "o#es -as Pinas City( .t #ay be serve /ith court
processes at the unersi!ne counsel0s aress(
%1' 2efenant is a corporation uly or!ani3e an existin! uner
an by virtue of the la/s of the Republic of the Philippines /ith
principal office aress at Suite )*4, ), Colu#bian +uilin!,
No( &4* West 5venue, +r!y( Phil-a#,6ue3on City, /here
su##ons an a copy of the co#plaint as /ell as other court
processes #ay be serve(
.n connection /ith its business concerns, efenant corporation
throu!h its presient 5rnel 5lvarao verbally contracte
plaintiff, /ho is a license civil en!ineer, for the latter to
provie the plu#bin! an electrical esi!n an raftin!
re7uire#ents for its propose 2+M E#ployees "ousin! Pro8ect
locate at Malacanan! !rouns, Cristobal Street, 9N 5venue,
Manila, for a total contract price of P &,:**,***(**( ;he
contract price represente plaintiff<s professional fees for his
%=' So#eti#e on 1> March 1*&), in a strict co#pliance of their
a!ree#ent, plaintiff sub#itte to efenant corporation all the
plu#bin! an electrical plans pertainin! to the 2+M pro8ect,
/hich efenant corporation accepte to its full satisfaction an
/ithout any reservation(
%)' 5s provie in sai a!ree#ent, efenant corporation /as to
pay plaintiff the a#ount of P&,:**,***(** upon plaintiff<s
sub#ission an efenant<s acceptance of the re7uire electrical
an plu#bin! esi!n an raftin! re7uire#ents(
%:' Plaintiff has fulfille his part of the a!ree#ent an in !oo faith
perfor#e his obli!ations to co#e up /ith the plu#bin!
esi!ns an electrical plans uly custo#i3e for the 2+M
"ousin! pro8ect( Plaintiff has to hire services of an architect
an electrical en!ineer, such professional services has been
avance by the plaintiff( Plaintiff then, incurre the expenses
a#ountin! Four Hundred Ninety-seven Thousand Nine
Hundred Sixty-four Pesos and 66/100 %P)?>,?4)(44'( 5ttache
an #ar@e as 5nnex A5B is the brea@o/n of service expenses
an #ae an inte!ral part of this co#plaint(
%4' Plaintiff, thru counsel, e#ane fro# the efenant in /ritin!
the a!ree contract price in the a#ount of ne !illion Five
Hundred Pesos, Phili""ine #urren$y %P&,:**,***(**'( 5 copy
of the sa#e e#an letter /ith the corresponin! re!istry
receipt an return car are attache to for# inte!ral parts of the
co#plaint an respectively #ar@e as 5nnex A+,B series(
%>' 2espite e#an, efenant faile anCor refuse to rei#burse
the plaintiff for the afore#entione a#ount of expenses(
%D' +y reason of efenant0s contu#acious refusal to co#ply /ith
his 8ust an vali obli!ation an /anton breach of obli!ation,
suffere actual a#a!es in the a#ount of Four Hundred
Ninety-seven Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-four Pesos and
66/100 Phili""ine #urren$y %P)?>,?4)(44'(
%?' 2efenant contracte the a!ree#ent /ith the plaintiff in ba
faith an every intention to efrau the latter causin! /illful
in8ury upon plaintiff( +y enterin! into the a!ree#ent /ith
#alicious intention, efenant faile to act /ith 8ustice, honesty
an !oo faith an !ive plaintiff its ue(
%&*' ;o serve as an exa#ple for public !oo an to avoi si#ilar
incients, efenant shoul be orere to pay plaintiff
exe#plary a#a!es in the a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E-
;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**' sub8ect to the iscretion of the
"onorable Court(
%&&' 2ue to the efenant0s un8ust failure anCor refusal to rei#burse
plaintiff, the latter is constraine to sue in court an incur
aitional expenses in the concept of attorney0s fees an
liti!ation expenses in the a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E
;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**'(
W"ERE,ORE, it is #ost respectfully praye of this "onorable Court that
8u!#ent be renere orerin! the efenant to pay the plaintiff the
;he a#ount ne !illion Five Hundred Pesos Phili""ine #urren$y
%P&,:**,***(**' as actual a#a!esF
;he a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***' for exe#plary
;he a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**' for an as
attorney0s feesF
;he cost of the suitF
Such other reliefs an re#eies, 8ust an e7uitable uner the pre#ises, are
li@e/ise praye for(
Pasay City, 1& Septe#ber 1*&)(
Counsel for Plaintiff
?, +ala!tas Royale Mansions
"u#ilia Street, Pasay City
5ttorney0s Roll No( &1=):
.+P No( )=>)>&C*&-*:-?D
P;R No( 41:>*=C*&-*>-*DC Pasay
., ,elicisi#o R( Colas Gr(,, of le!al a!e, /io/, ,ilipino an a resient
of No( )* Na!oya Street, +( ,( "o#es, -as PiHas City, avers uner oath that$
&' . a# the plaintiff in the above entitle caseF . cause the preparation
of the fore!oin! co#plaintF an all #aterial alle!ations therein are true of
#y o/n @no/le!eF
1' . have not co##ence any action or file any clai# involvin! the
sa#e issues in any court, tribunal or 7uasi-8uicial a!ency an to the best of
#y @no/le!e, no such other action or clai# is penin! thereinF
=' Shoul . hereafter learn that the sa#e or si#ilar action or clai# has
been file or is penin! before any court, tribunal or 7uasi-8uicial a!ency, .
unerta@e to report sai fact /ithin five %:' ays fro# such @no/le!e to
this "onorable Court(
,E-.C.S.MO R( CO-5S GR(,
REP9+-.C O, ;"E P".-.PP.NES '
_______, City ' S(S(
S9+SCR.+E2 5N2 SWORN to before #e this __ ay of Septe#ber,
1*&) affiant exhibitin! to #e her SSS .(2( No ____________, issue on
_________ , at _______ City(
2oc No( 0000000
Pa!e No( 0000000
+oo@ No( 0000000
Series of 1*&)

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