Felicisimo Colas Jr. filed a complaint against BCFA Construction Company Inc. and its president Arnel Alvarado for breach of contract and recovery of damages. Colas alleges that he entered into a verbal contract with BCFA to provide plumbing and electrical design and drafting services for its employee housing project for a fee of PHP 1.5 million. Colas fulfilled his obligations by submitting the required designs and plans on March 12, 2018. However, BCFA failed and refused to pay Colas the agreed fee despite demand, causing Colas to suffer actual damages of PHP 497,964.66. Colas is seeking payment of PHP 1.5 million in actual damages, PHP 200,000 in exemplary damages
Felicisimo Colas Jr. filed a complaint against BCFA Construction Company Inc. and its president Arnel Alvarado for breach of contract and recovery of damages. Colas alleges that he entered into a verbal contract with BCFA to provide plumbing and electrical design and drafting services for its employee housing project for a fee of PHP 1.5 million. Colas fulfilled his obligations by submitting the required designs and plans on March 12, 2018. However, BCFA failed and refused to pay Colas the agreed fee despite demand, causing Colas to suffer actual damages of PHP 497,964.66. Colas is seeking payment of PHP 1.5 million in actual damages, PHP 200,000 in exemplary damages
Felicisimo Colas Jr. filed a complaint against BCFA Construction Company Inc. and its president Arnel Alvarado for breach of contract and recovery of damages. Colas alleges that he entered into a verbal contract with BCFA to provide plumbing and electrical design and drafting services for its employee housing project for a fee of PHP 1.5 million. Colas fulfilled his obligations by submitting the required designs and plans on March 12, 2018. However, BCFA failed and refused to pay Colas the agreed fee despite demand, causing Colas to suffer actual damages of PHP 497,964.66. Colas is seeking payment of PHP 1.5 million in actual damages, PHP 200,000 in exemplary damages
Felicisimo Colas Jr. filed a complaint against BCFA Construction Company Inc. and its president Arnel Alvarado for breach of contract and recovery of damages. Colas alleges that he entered into a verbal contract with BCFA to provide plumbing and electrical design and drafting services for its employee housing project for a fee of PHP 1.5 million. Colas fulfilled his obligations by submitting the required designs and plans on March 12, 2018. However, BCFA failed and refused to pay Colas the agreed fee despite demand, causing Colas to suffer actual damages of PHP 497,964.66. Colas is seeking payment of PHP 1.5 million in actual damages, PHP 200,000 in exemplary damages
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Republic of the Philippines
PASAY, BRANCH 12 _______________ Felicisimo R. Colas, Jr. Plaintiff, - versus - CIIL CAS! NO. 2"1#PSY For$ Breac% o& Co'(rac( a') Reco*er+ o& ,ama-es BCFA Co's(r.c(io' Com/a'+, I'c., Ar'el Al*ara)o, Presi)e'( Defendant. x------------------------------------------------x COMPLAINT COMES NOW Plaintiff, by an thru the unersi!ne counsel, unto this "onorable Court, #ost respectfully states that$ %&' Plaintiff is of le!al a!e, sin!le an resiin! at No( )* Na!oya Street, +, "o#es -as Pinas City( .t #ay be serve /ith court processes at the unersi!ne counsel0s aress( 1 %1' 2efenant is a corporation uly or!ani3e an existin! uner an by virtue of the la/s of the Republic of the Philippines /ith principal office aress at Suite )*4, ), Colu#bian +uilin!, No( &4* West 5venue, +r!y( Phil-a#,6ue3on City, /here su##ons an a copy of the co#plaint as /ell as other court processes #ay be serve( .n connection /ith its business concerns, efenant corporation throu!h its presient 5rnel 5lvarao verbally contracte plaintiff, /ho is a license civil en!ineer, for the latter to provie the plu#bin! an electrical esi!n an raftin! re7uire#ents for its propose 2+M E#ployees "ousin! Pro8ect locate at Malacanan! !rouns, Cristobal Street, 9N 5venue, Manila, for a total contract price of P &,:**,***(**( ;he contract price represente plaintiff<s professional fees for his services( %=' So#eti#e on 1> March 1*&), in a strict co#pliance of their a!ree#ent, plaintiff sub#itte to efenant corporation all the plu#bin! an electrical plans pertainin! to the 2+M pro8ect, /hich efenant corporation accepte to its full satisfaction an /ithout any reservation( %)' 5s provie in sai a!ree#ent, efenant corporation /as to pay plaintiff the a#ount of P&,:**,***(** upon plaintiff<s 2 sub#ission an efenant<s acceptance of the re7uire electrical an plu#bin! esi!n an raftin! re7uire#ents( %:' Plaintiff has fulfille his part of the a!ree#ent an in !oo faith perfor#e his obli!ations to co#e up /ith the plu#bin! esi!ns an electrical plans uly custo#i3e for the 2+M "ousin! pro8ect( Plaintiff has to hire services of an architect an electrical en!ineer, such professional services has been avance by the plaintiff( Plaintiff then, incurre the expenses a#ountin! Four Hundred Ninety-seven Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-four Pesos and 66/100 %P)?>,?4)(44'( 5ttache an #ar@e as 5nnex A5B is the brea@o/n of service expenses an #ae an inte!ral part of this co#plaint( %4' Plaintiff, thru counsel, e#ane fro# the efenant in /ritin! the a!ree contract price in the a#ount of ne !illion Five Hundred Pesos, Phili""ine #urren$y %P&,:**,***(**'( 5 copy of the sa#e e#an letter /ith the corresponin! re!istry receipt an return car are attache to for# inte!ral parts of the co#plaint an respectively #ar@e as 5nnex A+,B series( 3 %>' 2espite e#an, efenant faile anCor refuse to rei#burse the plaintiff for the afore#entione a#ount of expenses( %D' +y reason of efenant0s contu#acious refusal to co#ply /ith his 8ust an vali obli!ation an /anton breach of obli!ation, suffere actual a#a!es in the a#ount of Four Hundred Ninety-seven Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-four Pesos and 66/100 Phili""ine #urren$y %P)?>,?4)(44'( %?' 2efenant contracte the a!ree#ent /ith the plaintiff in ba faith an every intention to efrau the latter causin! /illful in8ury upon plaintiff( +y enterin! into the a!ree#ent /ith #alicious intention, efenant faile to act /ith 8ustice, honesty an !oo faith an !ive plaintiff its ue( %&*' ;o serve as an exa#ple for public !oo an to avoi si#ilar incients, efenant shoul be orere to pay plaintiff exe#plary a#a!es in the a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E- ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**' sub8ect to the iscretion of the "onorable Court( %&&' 2ue to the efenant0s un8ust failure anCor refusal to rei#burse plaintiff, the latter is constraine to sue in court an incur 4 aitional expenses in the concept of attorney0s fees an liti!ation expenses in the a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**'( W"ERE,ORE, it is #ost respectfully praye of this "onorable Court that 8u!#ent be renere orerin! the efenant to pay the plaintiff the follo/in!$ ;he a#ount ne !illion Five Hundred Pesos Phili""ine #urren$y %P&,:**,***(**' as actual a#a!esF ;he a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***' for exe#plary a#a!esF ;he a#ount of PESOS ;WEN;E ;"O9S5N2 %P1*,***(**' for an as attorney0s feesF ;he cost of the suitF Such other reliefs an re#eies, 8ust an e7uitable uner the pre#ises, are li@e/ise praye for( Pasay City, 1& Septe#ber 1*&)( JA!MY ILLANU!A Counsel for Plaintiff ?, +ala!tas Royale Mansions "u#ilia Street, Pasay City 5ttorney0s Roll No( &1=): .+P No( )=>)>&C*&-*:-?D P;R No( 41:>*=C*&-*>-*DC Pasay 5 C!RTIFICATION AN, !RIFICATION ., ,elicisi#o R( Colas Gr(,, of le!al a!e, /io/, ,ilipino an a resient of No( )* Na!oya Street, +( ,( "o#es, -as PiHas City, avers uner oath that$ &' . a# the plaintiff in the above entitle caseF . cause the preparation of the fore!oin! co#plaintF an all #aterial alle!ations therein are true of #y o/n @no/le!eF 1' . have not co##ence any action or file any clai# involvin! the sa#e issues in any court, tribunal or 7uasi-8uicial a!ency an to the best of #y @no/le!e, no such other action or clai# is penin! thereinF =' Shoul . hereafter learn that the sa#e or si#ilar action or clai# has been file or is penin! before any court, tribunal or 7uasi-8uicial a!ency, . unerta@e to report sai fact /ithin five %:' ays fro# such @no/le!e to this "onorable Court( ,E-.C.S.MO R( CO-5S GR(, 5ffiant 6 REP9+-.C O, ;"E P".-.PP.NES ' _______, City ' S(S( S9+SCR.+E2 5N2 SWORN to before #e this __ ay of Septe#ber, 1*&) affiant exhibitin! to #e her SSS .(2( No ____________, issue on _________ , at _______ City( NOTARY PUBLIC 2oc No( 0000000 Pa!e No( 0000000 +oo@ No( 0000000 Series of 1*&) 7