This document summarizes a master's thesis project that aims to design a robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting sheet metal parts at a factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, palletizing of cut sheet metal parts is done manually, which takes a long time. The project will design a robotic cell with a six degree of freedom robot and linear axis to automate the palletizing process. This is expected to improve productivity and reduce production costs by eliminating expensive tools and minimizing finishing processes. The thesis will cover flexible manufacturing systems, plasma cutting technology, designing sheet metal processes and robotic operations to simulate and analyze the effects of the robotic manufacturing cell.
This document summarizes a master's thesis project that aims to design a robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting sheet metal parts at a factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, palletizing of cut sheet metal parts is done manually, which takes a long time. The project will design a robotic cell with a six degree of freedom robot and linear axis to automate the palletizing process. This is expected to improve productivity and reduce production costs by eliminating expensive tools and minimizing finishing processes. The thesis will cover flexible manufacturing systems, plasma cutting technology, designing sheet metal processes and robotic operations to simulate and analyze the effects of the robotic manufacturing cell.
This document summarizes a master's thesis project that aims to design a robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting sheet metal parts at a factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, palletizing of cut sheet metal parts is done manually, which takes a long time. The project will design a robotic cell with a six degree of freedom robot and linear axis to automate the palletizing process. This is expected to improve productivity and reduce production costs by eliminating expensive tools and minimizing finishing processes. The thesis will cover flexible manufacturing systems, plasma cutting technology, designing sheet metal processes and robotic operations to simulate and analyze the effects of the robotic manufacturing cell.
This document summarizes a master's thesis project that aims to design a robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting sheet metal parts at a factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, palletizing of cut sheet metal parts is done manually, which takes a long time. The project will design a robotic cell with a six degree of freedom robot and linear axis to automate the palletizing process. This is expected to improve productivity and reduce production costs by eliminating expensive tools and minimizing finishing processes. The thesis will cover flexible manufacturing systems, plasma cutting technology, designing sheet metal processes and robotic operations to simulate and analyze the effects of the robotic manufacturing cell.
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University of Banja Luka Bosnian Norwegian
research based innovation
Mechanical faculty Banja Luka for development of new, environmental friendly, competitive robot technology for selected target groups This project is funded by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Afairs The project partners: abrika vijaka d!o!o!, Mrkonjic "rad, Bosnia and #er$egovina %%M &', (rondheim, Norway Master (hesis for )usko *u$icic DE!"N!N" A R#$#T!% MAN&FA%T&R!N" %E'' $AED #N %N% ('AMA %&TT!N" MA%)!NE E*planation: abrika vijaka Mrkonjic "rad produces a wide range of parts using sheet metal and pro+les of various shapes for power distribution systems, one of its basic technological operations being sheet metal cutting! (o cut sheet metal, a ,N, plasma cutting machine is used which is characteri$ed by-
.///01/// mm ma0imum sheet metal dimensions2 Using ,artesian coordinate system 3working 4) dimensions52 .//0.///01///mm cutting table2 Ma0imum cutting thickness all types of steel up to .6mm2 ,N, plasma cutting machine operates in the 4) coordinate system2 (he control unit is a %, computer e7uipped with the appropriate drivers that via serial *'.4. and parallel 3L%(5 interface operated by machines2 Ma0imum weight of parts being cut which are subjected to robot manipulation is 8/ kg2 P a g e | 1 (hree software systems, namely 'olid9orks version '9./8/ '%/!/ 9in1: 3,&)5, 'heet,am (N" 'table version ;6!/!8:! 3,&M5 and Mach4 version *4!/:.!/:/ 3<nterpolator5 provide support to the ,N, plasma cutting machine for sheet metal so that the plasma cutting process takes place in three phases-
By applying 'olid9orks ,&) system, a 4) model is used to generate the re7uired shape of the part, prepared by )= format to enter the programming ,&M system! &n N, code is generated in 'heet,>? system, which speci+es the path using cutting parameters and together with Mach4 interpolator controls the ,N, machine drive! &fter cutting, the parts are picked up from the cutting table and palleti$ed depending on whether they are +nished products or some other technologies still need to be applied such as- bending, welding, assembly, etc! (he application of ,N, plasma machine in the process of cutting has led to some improvements since the reduced cutting time and improved 7uality have been obtained! (his greatly reduces +nishing processes, increases productivity and reduces production costs because it almost eliminates the use of e0pensive tools! %alleti$ing of sheet metal parts is performed manually after the process of natural cooling! (hat makes palleti$ing 7uite a long process, when a great part of time is lost! (he palleti$ing process could be improved by using a robot with si0 degrees of freedom and with an additional linear a0is due to the table length! ,ontents- 8! <ntroduction the study of @e0ible manufacturing systems2 .! %lasma cutting technology2 :! )esigning sheet metal manufacturing processes using plasma technology2 4! Basic theory of robot operation and robotic grippers2 6! )esigning a virtual robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting2 1! 'imulating the operation of a virtual robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting2 A! (he eBects of the application of a robotic manufacturing cell for plasma cutting! CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC P a g e | 2 Mentor- 'ubmentor- %rof 'imo Dokanovic %rof (rygve (homessen University of Banja Luka %%M &' Norway 'ubmentors- %rof Mihailo 'toicic CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC %rof ;id Dovisevic CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC University of Banja Luka P a g e | 3